Viraznі zasobi lexicon and phraseology. Virazno-viraznі voprosy lexicon


Glossary of terms

(Cheat sheet-helper to learn about the hour of preparation before the ODE and ЄDI)

Skupova Irina Oleksandrivna,

Teacher of Russian Movies and Literature

Educational-Viraznі zasobi movi mentallycan be subdivided into two great groups: lexicalthat syntactical note.

Lexical notes

Antonimi - different words, which can be seen to one part of rehі, аle protilezhnі for meanings(kind - evil, mighty - powerlessness). Opposition of antonyms in movementwe’re going to use the dzherel of the modern expression, what can we doemotion of the movie:Win is weak in body, but strong in spirit.

Contextual (or contextual) antonyms - cewords that are not used in the language for the meanings of і єonly antonyms are used in the text:Rose and heart - led i pla Men is the axis of the main thing, which cheered up the hero.

Hyperbole - figuratively viraz, which overwhelmed be-like a diyu, an object, a manifestation. Victory with the method of strengthartistic expression:Snow fell from the sky in pounds

Individually-author's your neologismsnovelty is allowed to create songs mystetskyEffectively, express the author's view on the topic of the problem:... as if we ourselves would be spanking, so that our rights would not be expanded for the rights of others? (A. Solzhenitsyn)

Victory of literary images help the authorbetter explainjakes a camp, a manifestation, another image:Gregory bov, maybe, brother Illyushi Oblomov.

Synonyms - tse words, scho stosuyutsyabefore one part of the movie, viagainst the samethen Well, understand, but at the same time, squabblehints of meaning:zakohanist - dude, buddy - friend.

Contextual (abo contextual) synonyms - the words,є only synonyms in this text:Lomonosiv - genius - loved by the child of nature. (V. Belinsky).

Stylistic synonyms - are inspired by stylisticzabarvlennyam, the sphere of living:chuckle - chuckle - per laughing - neighed.

Syntactic synonyms - Parallel syntacticthese constructions, which can make a difference, but avoidfor its meaning:start preparing lessons - proceed before lesson preparation.

Metaphor - prihovane povnyannya, based on similaritybetween distant manifestations and objects. At the basis of any metaphor lies the unnamed alignment of some objects with othersmi, scho mayut zagalnu sign.

In the artistic language, the author has a victorious metaphor forstrengthening the diversity of the movie, for the creation of that assessment of the picturelife, to transfer the inner world of heroes and the point of dawnconfirmation of the same author.

In metaphor, the author creates an image - an artistic statement about objects, phenomena, how they describe, and a reader has a mind, on which very similarity the meaning is foundedlink between portable and direct meanings of the word:kind there will be more people in the world, є i, I am, there will be more, less filthy and evil, otherwise disharmony would come in the world squinting b ... spilling over and sinking.

Metonymy - transfer value (rename) after sumawn of the apparitions. The most coexisting experiences of transferring:

a)z people on yoga be-yakі zovnіshnі signs:Chi soon obid? - having slept the lodger, zvertayuchis up to the fucking vest;

b)install on yoga bags:The whole boarding house recognized Perevaga D.I.Pisareva;

in)name of the author on your creation (book, picture, music,sculpture):Wonderful Michelangelo! (About yoga sculpture)orReading Belinsky.

Oxymoron - substitution of contrasting words for meanings, which create new understanding or manifestation. Tse z'ednannyait is logical for the crazy to understand what to sharply superspeak onsense and mutually include one another. Tsey reception onallow the reader to spy on super friendly, foldable creatureslaziness, not infrequently - the struggle of protylezhnosti. Mostly okthe humor conveys the author's statement to the subject of the appearance:Sumni merry trivaly...

Separate - one of the types of metaphor, if transferredsigns are transferred from a living object to a non-living one. With separate descriptions, the subject of the call is likened toLovek:The tree, having grown thin before me, stretched out its thin arms. More often, inanimate objects are attributed to di, accessible only to people:Dash sloppy barefoot the lower paths of the garden.

Estimated vocabulary - direct author's assessment,phenomena, objects:Pushkin - tse marvel.

paraphrase - vikoristannya I will describe the deputy of vlasnogoname chi name; opisovy viraz, my turnaround, forsmall word. Vikoristovuetsya to embellish the movie, replace byfriend:The place on the Neva stifled Gogol.

Prisliv'ya іorders, vikoristovuvanі the author, shymov figurative, vluchnoy, viraznoy.

Porivnyannia - one of the reasons for the diversity of the language,what can the author show his point of view, create goalsartistic pictures, giving descriptions of objects. At the port-

not a single sight is shown and judged by the path of alignmentlazy yoga with another manifestation. Porivnyannya ring out to comesplitshow exactly and so on.many descriptions of the most manipulative signs of objects, yakostey,diy. For example, the alignment helps to give an accurate description of the color:Like nothing, black eyes.

Often there is a form of corruption, expressed by the name of the gunnery:Anxiety has risen into our heart.

Buvayut porіvnyannya, yakі are transmitted by the form of porіvnyachfoot stepEgoism buvaє ho longer dzherela; The earth below lay down before him.

Є porіvnyannya, yakі be included in the proposition zmiss slivsimilar, similar, guessing: ... panicles are similar to tickets.

Por_vnyannya can represent a sprinkling of propositions,pov'yazanih for zmіst and grammatically. There are two such varieties:

1) roar, rozgaluzhene povnyannya-image, at yakMainly, visually, it is concretized by a number of others:The stars went up to the sky. Thousands of eyes stench shake rushing to the earth, with thousands of fireflies they lit the night.

2) roaring parallelism (another part of such divisionsring out with the word like this):The church trembled. So stupid guє zahopleny znenatska people, so doe quivering zrivaetsya from the month, still not understanding what happened, but already knowing you are unsafe.

Phraseology - tse mayzhe zavzhdi yaskravі, figurative virіnya. To that stink - an important expressive zasіb movi,vikoristovuvane by writers as a ready figurative designation, equalization, as an emotional and figurative characteristicsheroes, useful action, etc.:Such people have like my hero, is the spark of God.

Quotations from other works help the author to bringwhether the thesis, the provisions of the article, show it like thatіnteresi robyt language more emotional, viraznoy:A.S. Pushkin, "like a first kohannya", do not forget like "Russia's heart", and the culture of the world.

epithet - a word that you see in objects or things likedeyaki yogo power, as a sign of chi. to be called an epithetartistic design, tobto barviste, figurative,like yokesupreme authority. Any knowledge can serve as an epithetthe most common word, as if it speaks like an artist, figurativelydated to the next:

    name:female magpie.

    prikmetnik:fatal anniversary.

    prislіvnik i dієprislіvnik:greedily surprised; hearing dead; but most of all, the epithets turn for helpgalnih, living in a figurative meaning:look at the logs sleepy, lower, sleepy.

Vikoristovuyuchi epithet, the author sees those signs of powerthe image he has shown, where you want to win the respect of the reader. For additional epithet, the author concretizes the manifestations of their power.

Alegory - Understand the abstract in specific artistic images: a fox - cunning, a hare - fearfulness, a donkey - foolishness, etc. Literature also has allegorical nicknames: Molchalin, Lyapkin-Tyapkin.

Synecdoche - A variety of metonymy, in yakіy 1) the deputy of a multiplicity of victorious unity.I was a little bit on a sweatshirt, like a triumphant Frenchman . (M. Lermontov), ​​2) The replacement of the whole is called a part and a part.Come for new winds / All the ensigns will be guests before us. (A.S. Pushkin).

Litota - Application of any kind of yakost.The sun was a great lichtar to him, which lighted up the fire for him, and the miraculous night of the fire was like a glare of a great scorched rich firewood. (V.G.Belinsky).

irony - Like a metaphor, one hour at a time it calls out and utrimuє at the same time two meanings of the word abo virazu (directly figuratively), which creates the effect of gluzuvannya.Sounds, reasonable, breshesh ty, head ? (I.A. Krilov "The Fox and the Donkey").

Paradox - firmness, whistling, to super-speak, at first glance, to a healthy eye, but to have more deep meaning in oneself, lower than that banal whistling, which serves as a subject of irony in paradoxes.Chi do not put on tomorrow those who can work the day after tomorrow. (O. Wilde).

Syntactic notes

Author's punctuation - tse setting of different signsnya, not peredbachena punctuation rules. AuthorThese signs are passed on to additional funds, contributions from them by the author. Most often, as the author's symbols, a dash is used, as an underscore, or as an affix:Peoples n bullshit - can't tell or especially see a friend forfollowing the sign of the part:Love - nagolovnіshe. Author's marks to the call to serve as a means of expressing the radius or otherwisejealous feeling, attitude.

Anaphora, orone-on-one - tse repetition okremikhslіv ​​аboturnover the beginning of propositions. Victory for everyonelaziness of a thought, an image, a manifestation: Like a roseabout beautiful sky? How can I tell you about the feeling that the soul is being changed into what moment?

Antithesis - stylistic device, Scho polagaє in cutwho is opposed to understand, character, image, createthe effect of a sharp rosemary. She helps to convey it better,depict a protirichchya, oppose the appearances. Serveway of expressing the author's look at the description of the phenomenonnya, image, etc.

Chastki hail - way of expressing emotionsthe author’s mood, the reception of the creation of emotional pathostext:Oh, how beautiful, my land! And how garni your fields!

Wiggooks express emotionssetting the author to the described (anger, irony, pity, joy, suffocation):Conciliatory setting! How can you not save happiness! Wiggooks hang like thatsponukannya to diї:Let's save our soul like a shrine!

gradation - a stylistic figure that looks liketo the next inflated abo, navpak, weakenedні, images, epithets, metaphor and other typescontributed artistic language:For the sake of your child, for the sake of your family, for the sake of the people, for the sake of the people - save the world!

inversion - Return order words of the word. Atin a direct order to pass the award,the bath is appointed to stand in front of the initial word, inconvenient - after a new one, additional - after a grave layerva, furnishing the way dії - before the dієslovom:Today's youth quickly realized the arrogance of the truth. And when inverted, the words are sorted out in a different order, lower pricetanovleno grammatical rules. This is a strong visual zasib that gets used to emotional, shyness rechi:Batkivshchyna, my dear land, why don't you take care of it!

composition stick - ce repetition on the cob of a newwords words chi words from the previous speech sound finish yoga:Everything was ruined for me by Batkivshchyna. Vitchizna she wielded me, wielded me, gave me a ticket to life. Life, whale I'm typing.

Bagatosyuznіst - rhetorical figurem repeated creations for a logical and emotional vision of translation to understand:I grim not gryan vul, and the sky did not fall on the earth, and the rivers did not spill into whom grief!

Parceling - reception of dismemberment of a phrase into parts of a chi okremі words. Її meta - give speech intonationexpressive way її urivchast voice:Sings raptovo standing up . Zblid.

repetition - svіdome vzhivannya odnієї th ієї w words chi poednannya slіv іz a single method to enhance the meaning of this image,Understanding, etc.:Pushkin was a martyr, a martyr in the open mind which word.

Appliance constructions - Pobudova text,When a part of the skin comes on, continuing pershu,well, it’s like a truncated pause, like it’s signifieda dot, sometimes a trioma with specks or a dash. Tsey zasib to createno emotional pathos to the text:Belorussky railway station near Peremogi Day. I natovp sharp. I cry. I girkota vtrat.

Rhetorical nutrition and rhetorical viguki - especiallyzasіb creation of the emotionality of the movie, the expression of the authorOrsk position.

Who has not cursed the station guards, who has not barked at them? Who, in the midst of anger, did not see the fatal book in them, so that he could write his marne scarga on the mark in qiu nya, rudeness and injustice? Who does not shake them with nonhumans of the human race, equal to the deceased clerk, or, accept peace, Murom robbers?

What a summer, what a summer! That tse is just chaklunstvo!

Syntax Parallelism - howeverve, pobudova kіlkohnext to the spread of propositions, I will help you

the author pragne vidility, podkresliti vyslovlenu thought:matir - tse cob of all soils. matir - tse wonder of the earth. matir

- this word is holy.

Pojdnannya short simple and long folding casesaggravated by various turns of propositions shodoyou can convey the pathos of the article, the emotional mood of the author,

"Binoculars. Binoculars. People want to be closer to Giocondi. Look at the pores, її shkіri, vії. Glare of the eyes. stink nibi look after Moni Lizi. Stinks, like Vasara, they realize that “Giocondi’s eyes have that glimmer and that moisture, as if you can see it in a living person, and in a buried one respectful look, you can beat the pulse ... I stink and smell. I'm not surprised. Such mastery of Leonardo»

“1855 rec. The zenith of glory Delacroix. Paris. Palace of Vitonchenih art... At the central hall of the exposition - thirty five paintings of the great romantic.

One-word, inconsistent propositionslanguage is more expressive, emotional, strengthen emotionspathos to the text:Gioconda. Lepetinnya human. Whispers. Sho roch cloth. Quiet crumbs. ... the same smear, - i can hear the words

- No strokes. Yak is alive.

Epiphora - the same ending of a number of propositions,what can I do to understand the meaning of this image, understand it simply:I am all life is up to you. I have lived all my life with you. I love everything beat you.

Hypophora food-remark, in the context of a monologue move, what is more rhetorical food and feedback on the new. And what is the current mysticism in literature? Tse "Viy". (Z Zaligin)

Zeugmathe turnover of the movie, if it’s a word, most often an award, if it can be repeated two or more times, put it once, and in other places messing around. I will deafen the allies, so that the stench will take up the armor and what next to wage war.

Predicativity - the goal is to change the speech to the point of being effective, expressing it with the help of language (the form of the method, the hour of the speech, the intonation, the part) tobto. an indicator of the reality of this fact, yoga bazhanist chi mozhlivist.holidays ! (Predicative sign of real ї dії).Vacation b ! (Predicative sign of the unreal, bazhany diї)

Imaginatively viraznі zasobi movi allow you not only to convey information, but also to convey thoughts in a clear and concise manner. Lexical ability to express the Russian language of emotion and brilliance. Vyaznі stylіstіchі zasobi zastosovuyt, if nebhіdniy emotsiyny vplіv on svіlіchіv chi chitachiv. It is impossible to make a presentation to yourself, to a product, to a firm without special features of the movement.

The word is the basis of image-creating promotional language. A lot of words are often played with a direct lexical meaning. The characteristics of the creatures should be transferred to the description of the nature of the behavior of a person - an unassailable, like a witch, a fearful, like a hare. Polysemy (polysemy) - embedding the word in different values.

Homonyms are a group of words in Russian language, which can sound the same, but with which they carry different meanings, serve to create a sound effect in the language.

See homonyms:

  • homography - the words are written the same way, they change the sense of the fallow in the voice of the voice (castle - castle);
  • homophony - when written, words sound the same or dekilcom letters, but they are heard the same way (plіd - plіt);
  • omoformi - words that sound the same, but at the same time they can reach different parts of the mov (I fly in the air - I fly the undead).

Puns - zastosovuyt for the promotion of a humorous, satirical meaning, kindly inject sarcasm. The stench is based on the sound similarity of words or their richness.

Synonyms - describe one and the same understanding from different sides, may have different meanings and stylistic zabarvlennia. Without synonyms, it is impossible to induce a figurative phrase, the language will be overwhelmed by tautology.

See synonyms:

  • top - totozhnі for zmіst, vikoristovuyutsya in the same situations;
  • semantic (meanings) - call to give sounds to words (rozmov-rozmov);
  • stylistic - may have the same meaning, but when it comes to different styles of the movie (finger-finger);
  • semantic-stylistic - may have different meanings, can be seen to different styles of the movie (robiti - zvarganity);
  • contextual (author's) - live in a modern context for a barvy and richly faceted description of a person chi under.

Antonimi - words have a different lexical meaning, can be seen to one part of the mov. Allows you to create scribbles and expressive phrases.

Stitches are words in Russian language, like vikoristovuyut in a figurative meaning. The stench is given to images and creations of figurativeness, virtuosity, calling to convey emotions, to vividly create a picture.

Appointment stitch

Alegory Allegorical words that virazi, yaki convey the essence and main signs of a particular image. Often vikoristovuyut have bikes.
Hyperbole Artistic alteration. Allowing you to clearly describe the power, podії, signs.
Grotesque Priyom vikoristovuyut for a satirical description of vad suspіlstva.
irony Stitches, yakі poklikanі prihovat spravzhnіy zmіst virazu with a path of easy gluzuvannya.
Litota Protilezhnist hyperbole - the power and intensity of the subject svіdomo change.
Separate Priyom, in which inanimate objects are attributed the quality of living things.
Oxymoron Poednannya in one speech nepoednuvanyh understand (dead souls).
paraphrase Description of the item. Name the person without the exact name.
Synecdoche Describing the whole through the part. The image of a person is created with a way to describe clothes, zvnіshnostі.
Porivnyannia On the vіdmіnu vіd metaphor – є і those who equalize, and those with whom equalize. Porivnians often have unions - nachebto.
epithet Most often figuratively appointed. Do not wait for the epithetiv vikoristovuyut prikmetniks.

The metaphor is the bondage of the commemoration, the implantation of the names and the figurative meanings. They have the day-to-day subject of parity, but also those for whom they parish. There are short and roaring metaphors. The metaphor is directly related to the similarity of the objects of various manifestations.

Metonymy is the attachment of a pair of objects with internal similarities. Tse vіdrіznyає tsey way vіd metaphor.

Syntactical features of viraznosti

Stylistic (rhetorical) - post-momentary calls to cheer up the promotional character of the movie and artistic creations.

See stylistic figures

The name of the syntactic prompt Description
Anaphora Vykoristannya of the same syntactic constructions on the cob of judgmental speech. Allows you to logically see part of the text of the speech.
Epiphora Zastosuvannya of the same words and viraziv for example susidnіh words. Such figures of the movie add emotion to the text, allow you to clearly convey intonation.
Parallism Pobudova susіdnіh speech in the same form. Often vikoristovuyut to strengthen the rhetorical wiguku chi food.
Elipsis Svіdome exclusion of a member of the proposition, which is on the verge. Rob language alive.
gradation The skin comes on, the word at the speech is stronger than the meaning of the previous one.
inversion The roztashuvannya of the words of the rechenni is not in the direct order. The reception allows the strength of the promotion of the movie. Give phrases of a new sound.
Umovchannya Svіdoma indifference in the text. Poklikane wake up in the reader deeply, you will feel that thought.
Rhetorically savage Reincarnation of the animal to the human chi inanimate objects.
Rhetorical nutrition Nutrition, I can’t seem to be on the vіdpovіdі, yogo task is to turn the respect of the reader and the listener.
Rhetorical Wiguk Particularly the figures of the movement, the transmission of the expression, the intensity of the promotion. Robbing emotional text. Screw the respect of the reader and the listener.
Bagatosyuznіst Bagatorazov repetition of the same splits of strengthening the diversity of promo.
Bezspіlka Namirniy pass splits. Such a technique gives rise to dynamism.
Antithesis Rіzke contrasting images, to understand. Accept vikoristovuyut for creation of contrast, vіn vіrazhє stavlennâ author to opisuvanої podії.

Stitches, figures moving, stylistic viraznі zasobi, phraseological expressions to slacken the promo with a shifty and bright one. Such results are indispensable in public speeches, campaigns, rallies, presentations. In scientific publications and official-dealing speeches, similar concerns are unremarkable - accuracy and inconsistency in these types of events are important for emotions.

*TROPE- tsemovny zvorot, for whom the word chi viraz is implanted in a figurative meaning. At the heart of the stitches lies the task of understanding two, which seem to be close to us in any case.


EPITET - figuratively (artistic designation of the subject; metaphorical prikmetnik, which is laid in the same sign of equalization ( swan snow - white snow, soft and light, like swan fluff). Vidpovidaє nutrition: yaka (oh, th), yaky? :

And the wind of the sea summable they fought with a roar about a stone. (M.G.);

Mіzh gloomily and by the sea proudly(nar.) rіє Burevіsnik. (M.G.);

Freezing- voivode(n.) to patrol one's own life. (N.);

... accept me yours farewell paint. (P.);

On the fence high and long

Zaiwich trojand to us zvisayut kvity.

A. Blok

Folk poetic creativity has victorious epithets: stovpova's road, blue sea, red maiden, good fellow, scat pearls, mother earth, field is clean, gloomy black.

One role of the epithet is played by the epithet borrowers, who will turn the miraculous steps of the future:

Vaughn Tarquinia with a swing Dzvіnіla music in the garden

Give a blunder, so, so! With such invisible grief.

Luska, ta yaku! A. Akhmatova

A. Pushkin, "Count Nulin"

PORIVNYANNYA - an image of one manifestation behind the help of the other.

Porivnyann has 2 components:

1) those who are equal;

2) those with whom you look up.

The line turns for help yak, exactly, dumb otherwise you can show similarity ( similar to...) :

Anchar, yak grіzny vartovy, stand - one for the whole world. (P.)

Snow saw stovpom stand by the door.

Tee all dear, dear dear, Russian, loamy, hard earth.

Under him Kazbek, yak edge to a diamond, with eternal snows. (L.)

Її love to sina bula similar to divine.(M.G.)

Combing the shaft, spreading the ship's keel, guessing krill of a giant bird. (A. Green)

On the eyes of the protective gut Todі I demonіv pokachiv black pіy,

Similar your eyes. similar far away cotton wool with ants

A. Akhmatova A. Pushkin

Wet humpbacked

Buzkova Gilka!

B. Pasternak

I’m not insignificant, that I’ll turn the miraculous steps:

And if the moon shines at night,

When to shine... the devil knows!

I walk with my head hanging

Provulcom at the known taverns.

S. Yesenin

Porivnyannya can be torn up. A new splint reveals a sign of one phenomenon and a characteristic of a whole group of manifestations:

“The men here, like a creak, were two slender: one thin, which all entwined like a woman; some of them were of such a kind that you could hardly tease them in the looks of St. Petersburg, they were so well thought out and with gusto combed sideburns, or simply beautiful, even smoothly wavy oval osіb, so it was not enough to go to the ladies, so they themselves said to the French woman and made the woman laugh just like in Petersburg. The second group of people were folded by comrades, or the same way, like Chichikov, that’s not so, schob too comradely, but not thin. (R.)

Russian folklore and yogo literary stylizations, old Russian literature often have negative connotations:

That is not the wind to heal the gil,

Do not make noise, -

That my heart is on fire,

Yak autumn leaf shake…

(S.M. Stromilov)

METAPHOR - 1) this word is chi viraz, which gets used to the figurative meaning of urahuvannym similarity in the case of two objects that appear; 2) this is a prihovane porіvnyannya, who has less of those, from whom they porіvnyuyut. Those who are equal, are less likely to be fooled. The metaphor in various forms is in the skin poetic stitch. Our pobutov language is explained by metaphors: vіn vtrativ head, trade merezha, confuse in the head, go ahead. The poetic metaphor is reminiscent of the butt, which has become familiar, with its freshness and novelty. The mind of the reader is influenced by the mind and understanding of the creation of the image:

Hang over the grandmother's hut loaf of bread. (month);

Bjola Z cells wax to fly beyond the far field. (P.) (cell - "vulik");

You reconciled, mine spring writing dreams. (P.) (spring - "youth");

Tamed creatures, people were engaged in less than dawn human culture. (Prishv.) (Zorya - "cob").

If a metaphorical verse is broken by the stretching of the great wind of a whole verse, then such a metaphor is called a broken metaphor. By the way, M. Lermontov’s stasis at the verse “The Cup of Life” was taken as a basis for the move, mayzhe butov’s metaphor “drink the cup of life”:

Mi p'emo from the bowl of buttya

Close your eyes,

Wet golden edges

With their own tears;

If before death s eyes

The tie falls,

And everything that calmed us,

Іz zavyazkoy know -

Todi mi bachimo, scho is empty

Bula gold bowl,

What in nіy napіy buv - Mriya

Why won't it be ours!

Takі vyslovlyuvannya, yak " zalizny virsh”, “early gray”, “shovkovі vії” one hour win the role of epithets and metaphors and are called metaphorical epithets. In metaphor, it is not possible to recognize the meaning of the chosen word: the sense is known.

Personification - the transfer of the power of a person to creatures, inanimate objects, natural phenomena and abstract concepts: I'll whistle, and it's heard before me, timidly vpovze crooked villainy, i hand will meni lick, i in eyes wonder in them is a sign of my reading of the will. (P.); get in silent sadness, and chewing be happy…(P.)

Separation - a special kind of metaphor:

Sleepy smiled birch trees,

They ripped the seams of the braids.

S. Yesenin

METONYMIYA - the whole word chi viraz, which gets used to the figurative meaning of urahuvannya zvnіshny chi internal connection between two objects and manifestations. Zvyazok tsey can buti:

1) mіzh vіstom i vengeance: I three plates z'iv. (Cr.);

Reading willingly Apuleia ,

BUT Cicero without reading.

A. Pushkin

3) between dієyu and znaryaddyam tsієї dії: Їхні villages and cornfields for the exuberant accumulation of natural wines swords that burn. (P.);

4) between the subject and the material, which is the subject of preparation: Not won sriblo- On the gold id. (Gr.);

5) between the place and the people who are in this place: All field gasped. (P.)

Metonymy is considered as a metaphor, that the metaphor is paraphrased as a parallel for the help of auxiliary words “like bi”, “nachebto”, “similar”, etc. With the metonymy of which it is impossible to grow.

SYNECDOCHE is a ceremonial type of metonymy, foundations for replacing the greater with less or, navpak, the lesser with more. Ring out at the synecdosi vikoristovuetsya:

1) one number instead of a multiplier: All sleep - i people, і zvir, і bird.(G.); Zvidsi will threaten us to the Swede…(P.);

that ruble

did not pile up the rows.

V. Mayakovsky

2)multiple substitute for one: We all marvel at Napoleoni. (P.);

3) part of the replacement of the whole: “What do you think I need?” - "AT dahu for my motherland." (Hertz.);

Schob bіla nіg vy patted Say: soon chi Warsaw(tobto Poland)

Uniform, і spurs, і vusa! Write down your proud law?

M. Lermontov A. Pushkin

4) generic name of the species name: Well, sit down luminary. (M.; zamіst sun);

5) species name instead of generic name: Take care of the most a copy. (R.; deputy pennies).

ІRONІYA - tse introduction of the word chi to the sensi, to the reverse literal (direct), with the method of slurring: Vidkoli, reasonable, marish tee, head? - The fox, huddled with the Donkey, yogo was sleeping. (Cr.)

The protilezhny zmіst can be given to a meaningful context, as well as to the whole creation, like in M. Lermontov’s “Podyak”:

For everything, for all you I am:

For the taєmnі flour addictions,

For the bitterness of tears, I'll tear a kiss,

For the place of the enemies and the hardening of the friends;

For the heat of the soul, stained at empty spaces,

For all the foolishness of my life...

Rule less so, so that you can see

Not long ago I dyakuvav.

SARKASM is a particularly poignant irony.

About words, zauvazhennya toscho. , and also about the disguise, look, chuckle toscho. :

Ironic - what to take revenge on my own, what to express subtlety, I attach a smile;

Sarcastic - what to take revenge on yourself. scho vrazhaє otruynu, evil gluzuvannya;

Sardonichny - meaningfully mocking, evil-smiling.

ALEGORIA - allegorical depiction of an abstract concept behind the help of a concrete life image: vag - justice, cross - faith, yakir - hope, heart - kokhannya. Allegory is often played in fairy tales and fairy tales, demonstrating the power of people to be creatures, objects, natural phenomena: cunning - a fox, greed and anger - vovk, accessibility - a snake, fearfulness - hare.

"eight. Listen, my son, your father's instruction, and do not heed the command of your mother, 9. more beautiful wreath for your head embellishment for yours”.

(Book of parables of Solomon).

Beautiful Tsarskosilsky garden,

De left(Tobto Sweden) striking, resting eagle Russia

In the bosom of the world and in the air.

A. Pushkin

The allegory is expanded in the figurative art: a woman with a blindfold on her eyes and with a vagami in her hands - justice.


Hyperbole - figuratively viraz, to avenge the irrepressible change of world, strength, meaning, etc. be-something: At one hundred and forty sons zahid sontsa palav. (M.);

A rare bird to fly to the middle of the Dnipro. (R.)

Sit ledar bіlya vorіt,

Widely opened mouth,

I can’t figure out anyone

De brahma, and de mouth.

Come on - let the sun shine! I'm bachiv, how to mow out:

To marvel - I will give you a karbovanets! Cho swing - those are ready to copy.

N. Nekrasov

LITTLE - 1) prolongation of hyperbole, or inverted hyperbole, to avenge the irrepressible application of size, strength, meaning, etc. be-something: Below for a thin bilinka needing the head of the healty ... (N.); in Russian folklore - Krykhitka-Havroshechka, Boy-z-finger.

The other meaning of the letter is 2) the designation of any understanding of the subject by the way of the passage of the protile: Not expensive I value a lot of rights, since they are not the only one to get confused in the head. (P.); vin without stupidity (replacement of vin wise).

An example of a one-hour victoria of hyperbole and litoty: Our light is marvelously powerful ... That maє miraculous cook, ale, sorry, such a small mouth, you can't miss more than two small; next May mouth zavbіlshki in the arch of the Headquarters but, unfortunately, I am guilty of being satisfied with the German insult with potatoes. (R.)

In literary creations, hyperbole and litota can convey high pathos or serve as a source of satire and humor:

“... At such words, the guest turned all around in the ear: the ear of the її sighed by itself, it rose, it was not possible to sit and not tremble on the sofa, and, without regard for those who were often vakuvata, raptom became tone, became similar to light fluff , which axis is so and fly at the edge of the air.” (N. Gogol)

PERIPHRASE (abo PERIPHRASE) - this is a turnover, which, in the replacement, name the words and word-finding, describe the current turnover, in which the signs of a directly named object or individual are assigned. : author of "The Hero of Our Hour" (Deputy M.Yu. Lermontov); tsar zvirіv (zamіst lion); creator of Macbeth (Shakespeare); spivak of Lithuania (Mickiewicz); spivak Giaura ta Juana (Byron).

Aliteration - repetition of vocal sounds.

Boo G risti bere G ah, blah G receive power Gі,

O, G ri z G distributions, G de G riє yu G I G nyat,

O, G radio, G de tor Gі, G de moz G circle sconce Gі...

M. Lomonosov

One of the elementary types of aliteration is sound-sounding, for example, in V. Inber's poem "Pulkovo Meridian" (garbage of fascist litaks over the taxation of Leningrad):

Vgorі R can smell it R manski moto R s:

- Mi fu rr e R and pookie R no R abi,

Mi p Rєв R protect it rr ode to g rr oby,

Mi - smі R th ... You won't be soon rr about.

ASSONANCE - 1) repetition of voiced chi groups of voiced:

Scoring charge I'm in n at shk at t at th

I e at Malium: at goshch at i in at ha!

M. Lermontov

2) the inconsistency of rome, based on the sameness (individually inconsistent) less than the percussion voices with the diversity of the resonant sounds:

I want to go home, majesty

Apartments, what to direct turmoil.

I will see, I will take off my coat, shamenus ,

Street lights I settle down.

B. Pasternak

We guarded for a long time sun call ,

Susidiv our keys angry.

To the old piano musician

Schilyav your bags sivini.

B. Akhmadulina

*STYLISTIC FIGURES- especially pobudova mov, scho poslyuє promotional art of the word. On the vіdmіnu vіd tropіv, yakі zagаchuuyut dumku new figurative zmіstom, stylistic positions vplyvayut on chichacha zvezdyak special ways of syntactical organization of the movie.

ANAPHORA (or single) - the repetition of the same words or turns on the cob of the urivkiv, from which vyslovlyuvannya is formed.

Lexical anaphora:

I swear I am creative on the first day,

I swear yoga for the rest of the day,

I swear wickedness

I eternal truth triumph ...

M. Lermontov

Syntactic anaphora (repetition of the same type of syntactic constructions):

I am standing white of high doors,

I lying behind your work.

M. Svitlov

Strophic anaphora:


Vіd vologa snіgovoy

She's still fresh.

Vaughn blows herself

I dihaє, like deja.


Won to live, live

Thousand miles ahead.

A lark flutters over her

I sleep about her.

A. Tvardovsky

EPIFORAH (or kіntsіvka) - tse repetition of words or virazіv for example summіzhny urivkіv (propositions), vіrshovannyh ryadkіv: I would like to know why I titular guardian? Why same titular guardian?(G.);

Dear friend, and in tsomu quiet booth

Lihomanka b'є me,

Don't know my place in quiet booth

Bіlya peaceful fire!

A. Blok

KILCE - tse framing, repetition in the kіnci be-any elements of yoga on the cob:

I will give I am a shawl for Horosan

I kilim Shiraz I will give.

S. Yesenin

The ring of the whole verse is sometimes called the ring composition: in the verse of A.S. Pushkin "Take care of me, my talisman ..." the rest of the row literally repeats the first one.

PARALLELISM - the same syntactic nature of the reasoning of the speech of the chi vіdrіzkіv mov: We are young with our road, we are old with us Shana. (V. Lebedev-Kumach);

If the horses die - breathe,

If the herbs die - dry,

If the sun is dying - the stench will go out,

When people die, they sing songs.

V. Khlebnikov

Parallelism can be compositional, if in novels, stories develop in parallel storylines

ANTITHESIS - this is a turn, in which the opposites of understanding are sharply contrasted: De style buv naidkiv, there string cost. (G. Derzhavin). Often the antithesis will be on antonyms: Bagatiy i in weekdays banquet, and weekday i in holy scold. (Last);

Pokokhav richno matter ,

Pokokhav opinionsbad ,

Pokokhav rum'yaniybleed ,

Pokokhav garnishkidlivu :

Goldenmidnu polushka.

M. Tsvetaeva

The antithesis is the basis of the wealth of the greatest creations, which is seen in that name: "War and Peace" by L. Tolstoy; "Zlochin i Kara"

F. Dostoyevsky, “accessibility and coaxing” by F. Schiller.

OXYMORON (or OXYMORON) - the following contrasting words for the meanings, which create a new understanding of the manifestation: dry wine; honest villain; free slaves; girka joy; the ring is quiet; promoter movchannya; "Living Corpse" (L.T.); "Optimistic tragedy" (Nd. Vishnevsky);

A. Pushkin Toy sum radio that I'm stuck alive.

An hour of wine zakohuyetsya prejudicedly S. Yesenin

In my oshat sum.

M. Lermontov

Look, yy have fun sumuvati ,

Such thoroughly naked.

A. Akhmatova

GRADATION - such a rallying of those close to the meaning of words in the order of advancement of the lowering of their semantic and emotional significance, which leads to an increase (weakened) hostility, like a stench vibrating.

Vishidna gradation: The autumns of the kovilny steppe absolutely change and take away their special, self-contained, not similar to anything else looking. (S. Aksakov); Arriving at home, Laevsky and Nadiya Fedorivna went to their dark, suffocating, boring rooms. (A. Chekhov)

Similar gradation:

I swear to Leningrad wounds,

The first ruynovannym middles:

I don’t break, I don’t shudder, I don’t get tired ,

I won’t cry out to the enemies.

O. Bergholz

INVERSION - the construction of members of the proposition in a special order, which destroys the normal, so the titles of the direct order. The inversion of the meaning of the meaning of the propositional members and the translation of the expression from the neutral plan to the expressive-emotional plan: Z zhakhom I thought, what is it all about! I with vidchaєm recognized the dominion of yoga over my soul. (P.); They brought the horses. Not worthy stink me. (I. Turgenev).

ELLIPSIS - omission of any member of the proposition, which may be on the verge: Mi villages - at drunk, hail - at gunpowder, at swords - sickles and plows. (V. Zhukovsky); The place of bread is a stone, the place of bread is kalatalo. (S.-SH.) Vikoristannya elіpsis is given to dynamism, intonation of lively movement, artistic vibrance.

UMOVCHANNYA - this is a turnaround, which is based on the fact that the author does not think until the end, nadayuchi chitachev (or hearing) himself guessing about the ignorance: No, I want ... maybe, you ... I thought, What an hour to die for the baron. (P.); What did you think, what did you both think? Who knows? Who say? And so mit in life, so pochuttya ... On them you can say less - and pass more than me. (T.).

RHETORICAL ZVERNENNYA - podkreslene zvernennya to someone or someone else: Kviti, kokhannya, village, ledarstvo, field! I give you my soul. (P.); About tee, Whose leaves are rich, rich in my birch portfolio. (N.); hush, promotions! your word, Comrade Mauser. (M.).

Rhetorical nutrition - food should not be put on the basis of a new opinion, but in order to turn the respect of the reader (or listener) to that other manifestation, in order to hang firmness in the form of food: Do you know what is Ukrainian? (G.); How can we meet new people from Europe? Chi rosiyska vіd vymog vіdvikla? (P.); How can a Russian not love a Swedish ride? (R.).

BAGATOSPILKA - such a common phrase, when all or may be all the same members of the speech are related by one and the same union (often by the union "i"). For the help of richness of union, the purpose of directing and unity are added: Thin board shining і on the fox, і to the fields і on the wide Dnipro. (G.); Before ochima walking the ocean, і swaying, і make-up, і syayav, і zgasav, і glowing, і ishov kudis u skіnchennіst. (V. Korolenka).

The same with the repetition of the union between the parts of the folding proposition: Budinki burned at night, і blowing wind, і in the wind the black bodies on the shibenitsyah were going, і crows were crying over them. (A. Kuprin).

A great variety is growing in a row, de entrusted with a wealthy union to stagnate in the opposite direction:

buv tif, і lead, і hunger, і blockade.

Everything was gone: cartridges, vugillya, bread.

God's place turned into a crypt,

De Lunco heard the cannonade.

G. Shengeli

BEZSPILKA - the last pass of happy splits between members of the speech and between propositions: the presence of splits is supposed to be connected with strimkost, the number of enemies in the midst of the wild picture; the language is filled with great constriction, compactness: Swede, Russian - kole, rubaє, rіzhe, drum beat, clicks, skregіt, Grim garmat, tupіt, іrzhannya, stogіn ... (P.) Bezspіlkove pererahuvannya of subject names can be vikoristane for the creation of the enemy's swedish change of paintings: Booths, women, cottonmen, shops, likhtars, palaces, gardens, monasteries, bukharts, sleighs, towns, merchants, shacks, peasants, boulevards, vezhs, cossacks, pharmacies, modi shops, balconies, lefts at the gates ... (P. ).

It is impossible for the union of the same members to talk about the incompetence, incompetence of a series that is resurrected. Joining the same members of the Union, which is repeated і The idea about the non-discrepancy of the transcribed series is more naive. lonely union і, which connects the two remaining homogeneous members, giving the character of termination.

Є mova. Why do you have wealth, strength, beauty and vibrance?

As you can see, the artist transfers spiritual and material light to the canvas for additional color, farb and line. The musician reproduces the harmony of the world with sounds. The sculptor for the creation of his masterpieces is covered with gypsum, clay and stone. Movi mozhlivosti, vikoristovuvano by writers and poets, bezmezhnі. Yogo zastosuvannya allows you to transmit the sound, the colors, and the bindings. Accessible to you and psychological depth.

Vіdmіnnoy rice of artistic literature є zdatnіst painting words. With whom the poets and writers vikoristovuyutsya special words, moves, epithets, metaphors and other priyomi. All tse - image-creating-viraznі zasobi mov. The stench is super important. In rich language, various image-creating personalities are used. The table, in which the names of such special devices are named, can give a clear indication of the beauty and strength of the Russian language.


If you are aware of the image-creating art - tse farbi, colors and lines, then in the literature before them it is necessary to use the word. Tse is the main yak є the most important element Viznіst movi, sampered pov'yazuyut zі word. Lexical stock of Russian greatness. Vіn allows you to name any song object, yoga de ta signs without special zusil. When you can but the difference in the difference in the meaning and the assessment is shown to talk about the subject of the movie.

Words are the main image-creating-variety features. Apply can buti niriznomanіtnіshі. So, the master can be called a smart man or a virtuoso, a master or an artist, an ace or a fahiv.


Vocabulary words may not be only in their direct meaning. The main element of the movie is often zastosovuyut in a figurative meaning. For example, the direct lexical meaning of the word "vittya" means "a drawn-out cry of singing creatures".

The secondary chi is portable instead of the word nadaє zastosuvannya їх from a different perspective. For example, wind up the wind. In figurative meanings, it is often vicorist to name creatures. So, a hare is called a passenger without a ticket, and a coward is called a hare. If a person is not robbery, then she will be compared with an elephant or a bear, if she is cunning, then with a fox, and if she is bad, then with a ram.

The wealth of words has a natural existence, as it means the possibility of their living in different meanings. Such power is called polysemy (rich meaning). For writers, such words are like dzherel, bright and very emotional zhvavost mov. In creations, a richly significant element can be repeated more than once, but at the same time it can appear in different meanings. So, for example, the word "gold". If you win yoga in direct meaning, then you can describe embellishment from expensive metal. Prote rich faceted meaning allows you to stop the word to describe the color and value of the subject. Varto say that the zavdyaks to those who differ in figurative sensibilities, such a device creates figurativeness. When given, the words are called stitches.


The figuratively-variety features of the Russian language are not surrounded by richly meaningful words. Іsnuє i nevna group of homonyms. Words are brought before them, which are analogous to soundings and with which there can be different lexical meanings. For example, the word "key" can mean "dzherelo" or "witness".

Omonyms are figurative-variety features of the Russian language, as they are used on different types. Among them are homographs, homophony and homoforms. Use the stench with rich dzherels of the variety of promo. So let's make it sound gri.


The imagery-variety of Russian features can be used to create humorous directness. The most sound similarity of various words is that it is rich in meaning to know the puns. For example: ishov snig and two girls.


Imaginatively viraznі zasobi movi can be strengthened for the help of living synonyms. Words lie before such movable elements, as they mean one thing. With whom synonyms are distinguished between themselves by stylistic zabarvlennyam or meaningful words. The role of the image-creating and virtuosity features plays a role in the creation of beauty and virtuosity of the movie. Lyudina, as Volodya is synonymous with the richness of the language, is impossible to inspire a figurative and figurative phrase. The lexicon often leads to the fact that the same words themselves are repeated in the language, and blame tautologies.

Russian language has a great arsenal, which includes a variety of personalities, compositions and receptions. It is simply unthinkable to describe the rich palette of farb of living movement, as well as its richness. For whom, krim vznachen, you need to transfer from the ear of the hearer and all the merry experience that feels, like a hoarse opovіdach.

For example, kin. You can call її a horse, a nag, a kobilenko, a pegasus, etc. Anonymous synonyms may and the word "penny". You can say: lemons and grandmas, bills and things.

Obrazovo-vyraznі zasobi obov'yazkovo moyut buti in the arsenal of people. When it is necessary to be free of mysticism, it allows you to freely use synonyms. Whether a cultural individual should be known, if you say "dog", and if you say "dog" then.

Types of synonyms

Words that mean themselves to those who understand themselves are subdivided into chotiri groups. Before the first one, there are more and more synonyms. For example: spelling - spelling, philology - linguistics.

Another group includes the meanings of synonyms. For example: syayvo, syayvo, blisk (the style is the same;

The stylistic type of synonyms is included up to the third group. For example: muzzle, face, mug, muzzle, rilo.

The 1st remaining group is semantic-stylistic synonyms. These words can change the sphere of living. For example, please, mind, negotiate, pact, contract.

Synonyms - tse image-creating-variety of the Russian language, yakі zastosovuyutsya in mov, schob niknut repetitions, and іnоdі d for staging. With any stink, I can give you the ability to subtly distinguish the essential sights. For example: not to sit, but to sit.


Words can be heard before them, like proliferant lexical meanings. Qi image-creating-virraznі zasobi movi є odnієyu i ієyu w part of the mov. For example, hate - love, dry - wet. However, the Russians have such words that it is impossible to pick up such an antonym.

The presence of opposition allows you to express your language in a bright and expressive way. At whom there is a sharp increase in emotion.


In Russian language, one sees figurative-virtuous features, like figurative meaning in a figurative meaning based on their likeness. For example, snіg, like a lie on the tree trunks, a writer can be compared with a fluffy white casing.

The history of the emergence of metaphors began from a long time ago, if a person explained unawareness to this phenomenon of the world, relying on the power of experience and feeling. Vіn porivnyuvav sun z living istotoyu, saying that it rises in lieu and go through the day through the sky. Dawn saved for ancient people. I didn’t want half a mind when I wanted to. The stars marveled from the sky, as if they were eyes. In other words, a person in his power transferred to a lot of inanimate objects. At the same time, I call it a metaphor. In translation, in Greek, understand means “transferred”. Tsі imaginative facilitators of mov blame the stars of the creative minds of people. For example, arkush paperu, green juveniles, the road that snakes, deputy follow, plaza.

The way of thinking for the help of metaphors developed and fully developed over the course of a significant historical period. Іsnuє vin and ninі, mіtsno uvіyshovshi to our mov. In other words, we don’t mention it, sometimes it’s often mimicry figuratively, called metaphors. Numerical expressions and words, which seem to show similarity to a song, be it an object or a being, have already spent their cob freshness. Tse became in the їkhny trivial and fast living.

The butt of metaphors, which are most familiar, can serve as such virazi, like krill of milk, forge an image, a sour laugh, teeth drank and so on.

The enlightenment of metaphors follows the principle of isolation. Tsі image-creating facilitators of the mov are the most close to povnyan. Transferred meanings of words and words, repeated many times, become clichés, expending their freshness and privatility. Tse know maistri words, creating impersonal new metaphors. With whom, the stench nicely corries with the richness of our language. In literary creations, one can sing like that, like beads to fog, the smell of happiness is thin.

In artistic creativity, there are also metamorphic images. For example: zіv'yaliy bush of my head.

Metaphors - tse figuratively-virtual help, like to infuse people into reality and zmushuyut її experience a little, the author's contribution to his tvir.


This is one of the most recent stitches. This is the essence of Polagai in endowing an inanimate object with diami and faculties, powerful people. Specialization is one of the various metaphors. Viniklo out on the basis of religious beliefs, having contributed a great deal to folklore and mythology. In these creations, the manifestations of that nature are endowed not with the power of the building of vision and thought, but also with the gift of movement. In some cases, the isolation zastosovuetsya to zoological characters bilin, fairy tales and legends.

What kind of image-creating-virazny zasіb vikoryatsiy at the phrase: "Sweet surf to cherish the wife of the shore"? Well, it's special.


Before the image-creating ability of the language, words are introduced into the figurative meaning. Tse runtuyetsya on sumіzhnostі. In metonymy, the object of which is a manifestation to help others understand. However, at the same time, links are inevitably taken, which are signs that bring these phenomena closer. For example, having heard a song about an accordion, that one should wander about the street on one's own, it is reasonable that a person should walk with it.

Zastosuvannya metonymy transferring the name of one object, which replaces the name of another. At the same time, the connection between them can be different. So, instead, name the object, maybe the names of the material, from which the preparations were made (wine on gold). The sound can be both in the same place and in the place. For example: take another plate. Zbroya can be called the very dієyu. For example: a poet's feather, I'm going to die. Metonymy conveys a connection between the creator and author himself. Example: read Pushkin. Metonymy can be named and transferred to the name of the organ on yoga sickness. For example: the head has passed. Sometimes, seemingly "shelter" chi "cavity", we may be on the street "dim". It is also metonymy. Such an image-creating-virazny zasіb can signify the whole through the first part. As if on the doors of the viscous fence, enter into the accommodation of third-party persons, all the people should fuss.


In order of metaphor, more often than not, in artistic creations, one can use a different kind of image-creating technique. Go about the epithet. This purpose of promotion is a figurative element that can be especially expressive and conveys almost the author to the subject that is depicted by him. Ring out, epithet є prikmetnik, scho get used to the figurative meaning. For example: black tight, cheerful wind, yaskravy hist. Chi is not a skin appointment, but it can be brought to epithets. So, the same sense of meaning and emotional urgency carried in itself the viraz "sickness of the nerves." However, it is not necessary to use the phrase “cold lightly”.

Sometimes the epithet is expressed by a name (a wind-tramp), an adjective (marveled eagerly), a dichotomy, a diabolical or a numerical one. In folklore there are songs of songs For example, a beautiful girl, as well as a good fellow, etc. Must stink with epithets.


Among the image-creating elements of the movie, one sees artistic permutation. They are called hyperbole. To such zabіv vdayutsya in quiet moods, if you want to do even stronger damage to the reader or the ear. Such a method afflicts the creations, created by the oral folk art. It is worth mentioning about the cause of hyperbole in a distant hour. For example, among the Cossacks and Bilins, the bogatyr gallops on his horse lower for the gloom, more for the forest, and the whistle of the building's scaling up to the earth can be trees. In such creations, everything grows to significant expansions, which is to say about mercy by the power of the people. Hyperbole copes strongly with hearing loss. Vikoristovuєtsya out and at the same time. Often, in our promotions, we say that the sea is knee-deep for us, or about those who know the news already all over the place.


It is also respectful to see the imaginative work of the language, and the table of their refurbishments obliges to acquaint us with artistic applications. The whole path is the full extent of hyperbole. As a butt, we can all see a little man with a nigtik, as well as a lad with a finger.


Before a new one, you can bring a stitch, for whom, having named the apparitions, the people of the subject are replaced by yoga characteristic mark. The periphrase allows the strength of the image-creation of the movie. For example, the lion can be called the king of the beasts, and England - the Foggy Albion. Viniknennya okremih paraphrases related to their own taboos (fence Vimov chyogos name). So, myslivtsі mayut povіr'ya, zgіdno z yakim, in order to hide the zestrich z vedmedem, it is not possible to name the creature's name out loud. To this very fact, the phrase "lord of the taiga" was blamed.


Among the image-creating sobіv movі іsnuіє spetіalny priyom, zastanovlennі zіstavnі dvoh yavishch. With this wine, I allow you to explain one manifestation through another. Most often, this kind of zasib movie is made out in the form enriched with splits sho, nibi, for sure, dumbі yak. For example: like an apple, to sit on a mountain of snow.

The transfer of por_vnyannya can be done in other ways. For example, the name of a gunnery officer with a diabolical. For example: to crimson bagats lying down in the sun. For a povіvnyannya, it is possible to zastosovan poednannya іmennik with the poіvnyalny form of the prikmetnik - the truth, more expensive, lower gold.


As a figurative-virazny zasіb movi, it is not uncommon for the repetition of the singal turnovers, or the words, to be put on the cob, the speech of which is folded. For example, a leather row of a verse can begin with the words “I swear”, “I love” just the same.


Let's widen the stitch - an allegory. Zastosovuyut yoga for inconsistency to call speeches by their own names. They go into different allegories, shortcomings and tensions. In other words, to the Aesopian movie. Allegory is even more characteristic of fairy tales and tales, in some natural phenomena, objects and creatures are endowed with the power of a person. For example, accessibility symbolizes a snake, and cunning - a fox.


This is one of the tropes, yakі є singable form of recitation. Virazi or words, like victorious in ironic ways, mayut a sublime zmist. For whom, the truth is crying over the direct meaning of phrases, and for them, for the opposite sense. For example, in the case of a beast to the sky, it seems to have a mind of its own.


Tse figurative-virazny zasіb, scho transferring the phrases in the wrong order, in which it is established by the rules of grammar. Most often, inversion is known to be stagnant at the mental and emotional movement. Zrazok: bad summer nights.

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Topic: "Image-Viraznі zasobi movi"

Vikonav: 1st year student

Zhang Oleksandr Vasylovych


Starostina Ganna Sofronova

Yakutsk 2016


Russian language is seen among other people in the world with superb wealth, marvelous beauty and vignette vibrancy.

The impersonal great Russian writers graciously celebrated all the wealth of Russian language in their works. Yak wrote A.I. Kuprin, "Russian language in smart hands and in informed voices - garniy, sleepy, virazny, gnuchky, hearing, spritny and mystic".

But in the rest of the hour, unfortunately, that beauty, the richness of Russian language, may tend to decrease. Z.V. Savkov writes in his book “The Art of the Orator”: “The flow of foreign words, which is rushing, dry, cold, without intonation, unvirazed, nedbala, uncultured, untrue swidka, dissonant mova driving in all the accumulated richness of the uniquely beautiful Russian sonorous word.” beautifully, victorious with all the possibilities of our movie? Why should we save everything that is different, that uniqueness of our movie?

It’s all right to lie in the middle of it, as we put ourselves up to the native language, what we love, what the cicava is out to us. Knowing how to create images and expressiveness of the language will help you get closer to the language, to understand how Russian language is so inspired by others. Even the worldly popularity of Russian literature has gained the very heart of its own language.

“Mova is the history of the people. Mova is the goal of civilization and culture. For this very reason, we won’t let the hoarded into nothing work, but impudent necessity.” (A. I. Kuprin) Russian language variability epithet metaphor

Viznі zasobi movie

The lexical system of the movie is collapsible and bagatolika. Possibility of constant renewal in the language of principles, methods, a sign of association no more than a whole text of words, learners from different groups, to acquire the ability to update the language of diversity, and types.

The different possibilities of the word are emphasized and supported by the associativity of the figurative thought of the reader, as it is rich in what to lie in front of the front of the life experience and the psychological features of the work of the thought and the light of the tongue.

By the way, language is called such peculiarities of its structure, as it emphasizes the respect and interest of the listener (reader). Povna typology of diversity of linguistics is not divided, the shards are small to show all the varied gamut of human feelings and yoga. Ale, you can speak exactly about the mind, with the help of others, you will be vivacious:

First - the self-sufficiency of thought, the witness and the activity of the author of the movie. Another - yogo Іnteres before, about scho vin to say chi write. The third is a garne of knowledge of the different possibilities of the movie. Fourth - systematically aware of the training of my new skills.

The main core of the strength of vibrancy is vocabulary, which gives a number of special features: epithets, metaphors, equivalence, metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole, litothy, isolation, periphrasis, allegory, irony. , antithesis, bezspіlka, gradation, inversion (reversible order of slіv), rich conjunction, oxymoron, parallelism, rhetorical nourishment, rhetorical animal, abstruse, elіpsis, epіfor.

Lexical make a move that exemplifies its versatility, called stitches in linguistics (like Greek tropos - the word or viraz, which takes on a figurative meaning). Most of the stitches are made by the authors of artistic creations in the descriptions of nature, the image of heroes.

Cі image-creating ability to bear the author's character and signify the self-sufficiency of the writer of the poet, to help him to develop an individual style. However, there are also zagalnomovnі stitches, which winickly like the author’s, and then later became zvichnym, fixed in the language: “the hour of joy”, “battle for the birth”, “viysk’s thunderstorm”, “conscience spoke”, “turn around”, “like two nettles drive."

They have direct meaning words are erased, but sometimes they are used up. Їхнє living in movі not narodzhuє in our appearance artistic image. A stitch can turn into a new stamp, which is why it's too often. Equalize the differences that assign the value of resources for the additional figurative meaning of the word "gold", - "better gold" (bavovna), "black gold" (naphtha), "m'yake gold" (tricky) and so on.

Epithets(Greek epitheton - addendum - a dream of love, foggy moon) artistically designate the subject abo diyu and can be expressed in a short way, a name and a clerk: (A.S. Pushkin)

“There is troublesome, like leaves, there, like a harp, richly stringed ...” (A.K. Tolstoy) . ... "(S. Yesenin). Epithets are classified as follows:

1) postiyni (characteristic of traditional folk art) - "good fellow", "red girl", "green grass", "blue sea", "dense fox" "mother earth";

2) image-creators (they paint objects at random, give them the opportunity to make them look like they are the author) - “natovp is a brightly wooled gut” (V. Mayakovsky), “grass is filled with clear tears” (A. Blok);

3) emotions (to convey a little, the mood of the author) - "Vechir black eyebrows frowned" - "The blakitny frowned..." beautifully, proudly” (A. Pushkin).

Porіvnyannya - tse setting (parallelism) or staging (negative parallelism) of two objects for one or dekіlkom with overhead signs: “Your mind is deep, like the sea. Your spirit is high, why burn ”(V. Bryusov) -“ The wind does not fly over the forest, the strings did not fall from the gir - Frost of the voevoda bypasses its own volodinnya with patrol ”(N. Nekrasov). Por_vnyannya give a description of especially sharpness, figurativeness. This stitch on the vіdmіnu vіd іnshih dvuhchny dvuhchlennіh - nоmu nazvjayutsya vіdvі objektiv, scho z_stavlyaetsya аbo otstavlyayutsya. 2 Three essential essential elements are seen in the pair - the subject of pairing, the image of pairing and the sign of similarity.

For example, at the row of M. Lermontov “Biliy, lower the snow, go to the back of the gloom”, the subject of the fire is gloom, the image of the fire is the fire of the snow, the sign of similarity is the whiteness of the snow – The fire can be seen:

1) by a regular turnover with the spells “yak”, “nibi”, “nibi”, “nibi”, “exactly”, “chim-tim”: “God’s fates blew out the merrily less importantly, like a vague hangover,” Ale, like wine - troubles of the past days In my soul, the older, the stronger” (A. Pushkin);

2) by the equal step of the apprentice and the clerk: “there is no more terrible guts of the beast”;

3) the name of the gunnery officer: “Drifting was a snake rushing across the earth ...” (S. Marshak);

"Dear hands - a pair of swans - in golden hair to feast my hair ..." (S. Yesenin);

“I marveled at her, like children marvel…” (V. Visotsky);

“For me, don’t forget anything, you’ll fade away with death again.

And stars were falling from the sky like a noiseless plank” (V. Visotsky).

“Zirok tsikh at the sky - like ribi in stakes ...” (V. Visotsky).

“Like an eternal fire, the top is covered with emerald ice during the day”

Metaphor(Vid Greek metaphora) means the transfer of the name of the object (dії, yakosti) to the substantiation of similarity, the meaning of word formation, which can semantics of the attached porіvnyannia. If an epithet is not a word in a dictionary, but a word in a mov, then it is more true than a statement: a metaphor is not a word in a dictionary, but a word in a mov. You can drive flowers near the wall. You can drive thoughts into your head ~ vikaє metaphor, rude, ale virazna.

The metaphor has three elements: information about those who are equal; information about those with whom you are being matched; information about pidstav pіvnyannya, that's about the sign, zagalnu in pіvnyuvannyh subjects (java).

Moving actualization of the semantics of metaphor and explaining the need for such a review. And what more susile the metaphor has to do with the fact that the knowledge has changed the bonding of the match on the vіdkrit, it is more different, obviously, the metaphor itself. On the vіdmіnu vіd binomial parіvnyannya, in yakom those who are parried, and those who are parried, the metaphor to avenge only another component. Tse i nada imagery compact stitches.

Metaphor is one of the widest paths, shards of similarity between objects and things can be founded on the most intriguing rices: color, shape, rosemary, recognition.

Metaphor, possibly, simple, roaring and lexical (dead, erased, skam'yanilo). A simple metaphor was inspired on close objects and phenomena for one, whether it was a sacred sign - “dawn fell”, “gomin hvil”, “dawn of the sun of life”. The burnt metaphor was inspired by various associations for similarity: “The axis hoots the wind around the wind, throwing it in a wild fury on the rock, smashing into the saws and breezes of the emerald mass” (M. Gorky).

Lexical metaphor- The word, in which the transfer is no longer accepted in the cob - "steel feather", "arrow of the year", "door handle", "arkush paper". Metonymy is close to metaphor (from Greek metonymia - rename) - in the life, name one object instead of naming another on the basis of the call of the internal link between them. Zv'yazok can buti

1) between the object and the material, for which the object is broken: “Burshtin at the mouth of the yogo dimivsya” (A. Pushkin);

3) mіzh dієyu ta znaryaddyam tsієї dії: “The feather of yoga will help me to breathe” (A. Tolstoy);

between the place and the people who change their minds in the same place: “The theater is more like spawnings, the boxes are shining” (A. Pushkin).

A variety of metonymy є synecdoche (like Greek. synekdoche - spіvrozumіnnya) - transferring the meaning from one to the other for the sign of the kolkіsny vіzhnennia between them:

1) part of the deputy of the whole: "Usі prapori will be guests before us" (A. Pushkin); 2) the generic name of the deputy of the species: “Well, why, sit down, light!” (V. Mayakovsky);

3) specific name of the generic name: “Take care of the penny as much as possible” (N. Gogol);

4) one deputy of the multiple: “I was a little bit up to the sweatshirt, like a triumphant Frenchman” (M. Lermontov);

5) a plurality of substitutes for the one: “Don’t fly until the next day, and don’t leave the world” (A. Pushkin).

The essence of isolation lies in the ascribed to inanimate objects and abstract concepts of the semblances of living things - “I’m hanging, and it’s heard before me, timidly crooked villainy, and my hand is lizatim, and in my eyes I marvel, in them a sign of mine, reading my will” (A. Pushkin ); “I heart is ready to the top of the weave from the breasts...” (V. Visotsky).

Hyperbole - (ex. wreck. hyperbole - rebіlshennya) - stylistic posting, as if rebuying in figurative rebіlshennі - “they made a haystack more gloomy”, “wine flowed like a river” (I. Krylov), “One hundred and forty sons zahid the son of palav” (V. Mayakovsky) , “The whole world is on the valley ...” (V. Visotsky). Like and other stitches, hyperbole can be author's and cryptic. In everyday movement, it is often victorious that there are such haunting hyperbole - a hundred times bachiv (chuv), "flicker to death", "strangle in arms", "dance until you drop", "repeat twenty times" and so on. Protractile hyperbole stylistic device- Litota (from walnut. Litotes - simplicity, thinness) - a stylistic figure, as if it were applied to an armchair, humiliation, restlessness: “a boy with a finger”, “Lower thin grass of the night requires a head of chilitity” (N. Nekrasov).

Meiosis - (from the Greek meiosis - change, decay) - a stitch, which is used in the application of the intensity of power (sign) of objects, phenomena, processes: “nothing to do”, “zіyde”, “decent *, “tolerant” (about good), “Unimportant”, “hardly adventitious”, “what is the best thing to do” (about the trash). In these cases, meiosis is an alternate version of the ethically unacceptable direct name: povn. " old woman"-" a woman of the Balzacian age", "not the first youth"; "ugly man" - "it is important to call him red." Hyperbola and lightness characterize the mind in that chi іnshiy bіk kіlkіsnoї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ії а subject аѕ thе mоvі саn poєdnuvatіs, nadayuchi їіy іy dodatkovu vyraznіst. In the hot Russian song “Dunya the thin spinner” it is sung about those who “Dunya has been spinning a tutu for three years, has strained three threads”, and the threads are “thin for a knee, tovstish for a field”. Krіm author's іsnuyut і zagalomovnі litoti - "whale crying", "with a hand of hand", "don't stomp away the wet nose".

Paraphrase - (in Greek periphrasis- in dovkola i say) a descriptive virase is called, a substitute for that other word (“another row” substitute for “I”), or a stitch, which is used to replace the name of the individual, the subject, or the appearance of the description of їх suttvih sign but by pointing at them characteristic rice(“the king of the beasts is a lion”, “foggy Albion” - England, “Pivnichna Venice” - St. Petersburg, “the sun of Russian poetry” - A. Pushkin).

Alegory- (Vіd grechallegoria - allegory) is used in an allegorical image of an abstract concept for the help of a concrete, everyday image. In literature, allegories appear in the middle ages and their journeys to old people, cultural traditions and folklore. Golovne dzherelo allegory - fairy tales about creatures, some foxes have an allegory of cunning, vovk - anger and greed, a ram - stupidity, a lion - power, a snake - wisdom is thin. Since ancient times and up to our time, allegories are most often written in tales, parables, and other humorous and satirical creations. In the Russian classical literature, M.Є. Saltikov-Shchedrin, A.S. Griboyedov, N.V. Gogol, I. A. Krilov, V.V. Mayakovsky.

irony(Vіd wreck. eironeia - vdavannya) - a stitch, which is used in the name of the native, or as a whole, in an indirect sense, directly opposite the direct, which is transferred by contrast, by polarity. Most often, irony gets used to the words, in order to avenge a positive assessment, like a promoter (writer) sees. “Zvіdki, sensible, marish ti, head?” - Ask the hero of one of the tales of I.A. Krylov at the Donkey. Ironically, praise can also be given to the form of condemnation (divine discourse by A.P. Chekhov “Chameleon”, characteristics of a dog).

Anaphora- (Greek: anaphora - ana new + phoros bearing) - single-pointed, repetition of sounds, morphemes, slubs, phrases, rhythmic and verbal constructions on the cob of parallel syntactic periods or reverse rows.

(A.S. Pushkin) (repeated sounds) Black-eyed girl, black-maned horse! (M.Yu. Lermontov) (repetition of morphemes)

No wonder the winds blew, no wonder the storm passed. (S.A. Yesenin) (repetition of words) I swear by a couple and unpaired, I swear by a sword and a right battle. (A.S. Pushkin)


In this abstract, the main features of the variability of the language were considered. Viznі zasobi mov іnоdі zvodіt to so ranks vіrazno-imaginative, that stitch and figures, but viznіst can posilyuvati single movі all її rivnіv - pochinayuchi zі zіvіv і zakіnchuuchi syntax і styles.

At the end of this work, I would like to recognize those who have different personalities, stylistic positions, to swear our language with a different, different, and nobility even more cowardly. The word, the language is an indicator of the sacred culture of the people, of the intellect, of the yoga of the modern culture. Axis to why volodinnya culture mov, її vdoskonalennya especially nі so necessary to the ninth generation. Leather from us goitre to grow in our own shanobliv, trembling and dbailing to the level of native language, and leather from us is guilty of vvazhat its obligations to make its contribution to the protection of the Russian nation, language, culture.

List of victorious literature

1. Zagorovska O.V. Grigorenko O.V. Russian language. Get ready to go. Chastina Z. [Electronic resource] / Vidavnitstvo "Education". Moscow. - Access mode:

2. Pleshchenko T.P., Fedotova N.V. Cheche R.G. The style and culture of the movie. [Electronic resource] / Russian Humanitarian Internet University. Moscow.

3. Russian language for everyone. Quotes about Russian language. [Electronic resource]/Dovidkovo-information portal GRAMOTA.RU. Moscow. - Access mode:

4. Savkova Z. The orator's art. [Electronic resource] / University of Rhetoric and Oratory Mastery. Moscow. - Access mode:

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