The most beautiful anniversaries of the USSR. The best anniversary of the Radian era

The SRSR had a rich work of speeches, and a good butt - the godinnikov industry of the country of the Rada. Even more chronometers and for fineness, and definitely did not compromise the Swiss mechanisms. Without a loan of functionality and not at a disadvantage to everyone's character, Hundreds of annual stamps were issued for the sake of the eye, and dozens of them were eagerly minted behind the cordon. In short, write to Us є chim і about this year's language. To your respect, the best anniversary of the Radian era.

Rocket 3031

In the middle of the 70s of the last century, at the firm store "Leningrad" appeared the most recent anniversary of the brand "Rocket" in the Petrodvorets Godinny Plant - "Rocket 3031". Well, the stench became the most beautiful anniversary of the Radian anniversaries, and they began to be called one of the most beautiful anniversaries in the Radianskaya anniversaries of the industry.

30-millimeter caliber mechanism on 33 ruby ​​stones, stainless steel case, promenade dial under a tovstim fold, anti-shock attachment, hanging calendar, alarm clock and automatic factory! At that time, the entire manufacturing world was greeted with a chronometer from Radiansk.

Ale and the art of "Rocket 3031" for those worlds was simply zahmarnaya - 150 rubles, which is more expensive for a golden year, and the proletariat was left with no more grace than an exhibit through the glass window. To bring your own such a noble accessory was awarded to less than a member of the party and a small number of other athletes. At the factory, this fact was taken to heart, and in 1980 the “Rocket” with the mechanism 3031 was released especially for the participants of the Olympiad in Moscow. Three more years later, "Rocket 3031" was reprinted with a circulation of 2000 copies, which in our time has increased the qi wrist year bazhanimi for collectors in the whole world.

Today, in honor of the Winter Olympiad 2014 in Sochi, Petrodvorets Godinnikovy Plant (the only annual factory that has supported the collapse of the SRSR until today) has released a series of anniversary "Rocket" with the design of this bracelet. Moreover, in our days, the super-model of the “Rocket” year of 1974 was taken by another super-model, Natalia Vodyanova, as inspiration for the development of a new line of Russian chronographs, presented at Baselworld.


The brand of radyansk anniversaries "Skhid-Amphibia" first spun light from the Chistopol annual plant in 1967 for the appointment of the Viyskovo-Navy Fleet of the SRSR. At that time, water resistance up to a 200-meter deep, a hard anti-shock mechanism that shows the pressure of the 200-meter-long tovshchі itself, as well as anti-magnetic power, created this year of cult and feast for millions of people.

"Amphibia" became one of the most airtight anniversaries in the SRSR. After a successful experiment with victories of anniversaries on the underwater channels of the Pivnichny Fleet of the SRSR, the accessory became regularly operated by submariners (at that time, it was more important than the military ones) and other naturalists. In addition, the “Komsomol Gadget” is capable of naming resistance to sudden temperature changes, which in 1975 allowed the Radyansk cosmonauts to take the “Amphibia” yearbook with them into orbit!

Hush, until 2012, until the Chistopolsky plant has announced its bankruptcy, its prototype of the anniversary was released in a limited circulation and I will call it. The characteristics of the chronometer are the same, which led to the fact that the design has become modern, and the price axis has become practically “radian” – 7500 rubles. In 2007, in honor of the 40th anniversary of the production of "Amphibians", the Chistopol plant released a batch of exact copies of the year 1967 to the year of release, the number of copies in 1967 pieces.

"Commander's" Skhid

Without an annual "Komandirskі-Skhіd" from the same Chistopol plant, looking at the coolest chronometers in the Radyansk doby will be inaccurate. This history began in 1965 with the proposals of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR for the great party of the high anniversary. "Commanders" of their hour rewarded officers, as they were appointed in the vіdvagoi and kmіtlivistyu, and such a gift came into his own chi not on top of the head from the side of the state. The officers (commanders) bestowed the same on their best soldiers. You can buy such a yearbook from the hands. Often at unsatisfactory workers of the plant.

Formy-“Commander” Former Vonistya Vidpovlydav, his own water-to-industry, the estate opposition of the mechanism, the accurate year of Kalibr for 17 Kamenye, and the dust of the dwelling of the UNIKALICAL REMOTAS. The arrows that glow in the dark, and the 45-second stopwatch (for some models) further enhanced the exclusivity of the brand. At that time, "Komandirska" was on the cob of the leather, military, technical and scientific era. Whenever a joke comes up, nibi in "Komandirskie" with 12 arrows will show the right hour, and the decision to call to introduce a potential enemy into Oman.

Although it’s paradoxical, but at the time of the collapse of the Soviet Socialist Republic, the Komandirsky anniversary brand became more cult in foreign countries, lower in post-traditional Russia, and the history of the commander’s accessories began to appear. So, in the American souvenir shops, the prototype of the “Komandirskie” became known from the images on the dials of Stalin and Hitler, and in the Zahidniy Nymechchyna, the nibito production of the Chistopol plant was seen as an exclusive model for the agents of the KDB. On the dial, they didn’t write on the dial, put “KDB SRSR”.

The Radyansk Union did not have a bunch of good year-old factories. After the revolution, the mustaches of the year-old factories abandoned the country, so the production of the old chronographs did not go into longevity. Diplomats negotiated with Swiss factories, but the problem was only helped by the purchase of two years, which had gone bankrupt, from the United States in 1929. After this anniversary, the backwaters appeared at the SRSR.

In 1930, there were two year old backwaters in Moscow, they were called Backwaters of the Precise Technical Stone, or TTK. TTK-1 was engaged in the production of a wrist year and a stone for the year's trade, and TTK-2 was engaged in the production of an electric year for the trade and alarm clocks.

Under the Great Hour Vytchiznyanoi war the annual was the subject of first importance for the security of combat operations. In Tatarstan, in an emergency order, the annual factory "Chistopol" was opened, which was a special anniversary for the military.

After the victory over Nimechchina, Godinnikov's promiscuity was given special respect. The release of the special mechanical yearbook K-26 "Peremoga". The first models of the anniversary, among them "Peremogu", were especially hardened by Stalin. For "Peremoga" wines looked at and praised the design and technical characteristics.

Anniversary year

After a long time until the release of the annual holiday, timed to coincide with the victory at the war, the Radyansk yearly backwaters began to work special birthdays after the birthdays. For example, other models on a space theme, such as “Shturmansky-Gagarin”, were built in honor of the first flight into space, “Strela” - the whole year of life on the hands of Oleksiy Leonov and vitrimali perebuvannya at the open space. The reputation of the year-old "Polit" is even better, as it worked especially for the pilots.

Singing models of anniversaries were carried out in a strictly limited circulation: "Strela" was produced only in the command warehouse of the radian summer battalions.

Features of the mechanism

This is the name of the Radian divers' yearbooks - this is a popular fake. Year-old to struggle with broken technologies, the stench breaks under the water. In some modern cases, you can get an updated registration certificate of 70-80.

Yakіst radyanskih anniversaries were grounded on special technologies. For example, forged bearings on trunnions, as if they sounded to sway with metal and that they wear it fast, they were prepared with victorious rubies at the radyansky year-olds. Stones are practically not erased, so such a year old is especially remarkable for long years. The more rubies were in the mechanism of the year, the more the stench was practised. Deyakі zі old godinnikіv miraculously walk dosi. The most expensive mechanisms were available for up to 30 rubles.

The record for vimiryuvannya the exact hour to lay down the atomic year. Such outbuildings have an hour in the cesium atom. For 1000 years, robots can have mercy for only one second. Find out more about mechanical years in the Tag Heuer Carrera Caliber 360.

The most accurate year, regardless of whether it is a wrist vine, a real one or a table, is an atomic year. Atomic outbuildings are dying for an hour for the help of high-quality colivans, tied with processes that stand on the atomic level.

Yearbook and cesium-133

For example, in the 1960s, the international system of units SI was adopted as a second. One second - ce vіdrіzok o'clock, with a stretch of some sort the transition of the atom of cesium-133 from one superthin state to another. This period includes 9, 192, 631, 770 periods of electromagnetic cessation. That is why at the same time a globally accepted standard at the world's hour is the anniversary, which works on cesium-133.

The first atomic wrist year in the world

Previously, the atomic year was the flooring of bulky accessories that occupied the whole laboratory. So it was until 2013, when John Patterson on the Kickstarter portal announced a miniature atomic wrist year called Bathys Cesium 133. Tim is no less, just a good atomic year, which works on cesium-133. The accuracy of this move is such that in a thousand rocks the Bathys Cesium 133 can move forward, or it may take only one second.

The Bathys Cesium 133 is still at the prototype stage. Patterson went on to sell only a dozen copies of the accessory via the Internet. Dodatkova unruliness is created by those who need a battery of Bathys Cesium 133 to change the skin for 36 years. In addition, the anniversary is 90 g and the cost is 6,000 dollars.

The most accurate mechanical yearbook

Let's take a closer look at the most famous wristwatches of the Tag Heuer Carrera Caliber 360. It is produced by the Swiss company Tag Heuer. The model was created for car racers and is the only one in the world with an annual mechanism that shows the hour with an accuracy of one hundredth of a second. Tag Heuer Carrera Caliber 360 doesn't have a quartz movement - it smells like a mechanical one.

Such a unique accuracy is attainable for the balance wheel of a special design, as it vibrates with a frequency of 360 thousand beats per year. Tse at 100 times higher, lower at any other mechanical yearbook. The chronometry has two independent ones, one type of one high current mechanism. The price for the anniversary of the Carrera Caliber line starts from 6000 dollars.

Everything, scho for an hour, is of little importance to the SRSR. Zokrema, a good year on your wrist, having worked from a great engineer, a doctor, an object, a woman’s respect. Well, what else do you see? All clothes are about the same, credits are within the acceptable standard, wages are within the acceptable tariff rate. And like "Promin", "Rocket" and "Elektronika" spoke about financial possibilities, and about character.

After the Great Zhovtnevoi Revolution, the Belarusians got even a small “recession” in the sphere of the Wart right. Until 1919, the Godin Agency, which was the structural subdivision of Vishchoi for the Sake of the People's Government (VRNG), was engaged in annual celebrations in the country.

In the year 1920, on the basis of the Agency, the Head Office of Precision Mechanics was created, which brought together a large number of Platov’s factories and Reinova’s manufacturing wall year(which appeared at that time zupinenim), more maisterna G. Moser, as well as warehouses of blanks, which were saved, and handicraft maisterna.

At the trials, it’s good to have the cooperation of the Radian diplomats to conduct March negotiations with the Swiss retailers. The first time in 1929, the purchase of two bankrupt military enterprises of America allowed the opening of Russian factories that specialize in the production of real and wrist year-olds.

So, purchases of enterprises become the basis for the creation of the 1st and 2nd Sovereign Godinnikov Plants, which began work in Moscow already in the 1930s. And the “First State Factory of Precision Technical Stones” (TTK-1), creations near Peterhof on the basis of a stone-cutting factory in 1931, started the production of stones without intermediary for the annual industry. As a result, the First Year's Factory produces wrist and intestinal year's day, and the Other Year's Works produces alarm clocks and electric years for businesses.

In 1936, the roci radyansky order laid out for the sake of the French annual company "Lip" from the purchase of annual mechanisms and parts, and then the production of technological lines, and in the chest in 1938, the product of the international brand "Financial handbook" appeared for sale. They killed them at the 3rd State Plant, and the day before, all the models of annuals that were held here, took away the new name "Zirka".

Zustrichaetsya even richly fluffy anniversaries of quiet rock, reshaped at the wrist. Bazhayuchi brought in the repair year of the mains in all the regions of the intestines (or just pennies), the maisters welded the bows to the intestines of the cases. In the same place, wrist cases were prepared for the zamovlennya, sometimes with silver and gold, maisterna rob and dials - as a result, the year appeared even more similar to the factory one.

From the cob of the Great Vitchiznyanoy war, the creation of one more annual plant "Chistopol", produced in the Republic of Tatarstan on an emergency basis, was tied up. Since the summer of 1942, this plant has been actively working to provide for the needs of the Russian industry, and since then it has become one of the leading plants in the USSR, which produces annuals of the brands “Peremoga”, “Svit”, “Skhid”, “Cosmos”, as well as automobiles street. yearbook.

And since 1965, the year "Chistopol" has become an official postal worker for the Ministry of Defense of the SRSR. Having opened the plant until 2010, the protege was declared a bankrupt, and the production of the anniversary was transferred to the Chistopol subsidiaries.

A month before the ensign of Peremoga was erected over the Reichstag, in April 1945, a special mission was laid on the anniversary: ​​preparations began for the release of the new K-26 “Peremoga” yearbook. The serial issue of Peremoga began in 1946. The name, design and technical data of the anniversary were specially approved by I.V. Stalin and let out stench until 1953.

In 1949, specially for the UPU, the manufacture of Shturmansky years was mastered, and they were not included in trade. April 12, 1961 this year's anniversary was spent near the cosmos.

The skin epoch collects its iconic models of the year. On the cob of the 60s, they were “Shturmansky-Gagariny”, and then the cult “Strela”, as if cosmonaut Oleksiy Leonov wore on his hands, wandering around the sky. Tsey fact maw great value under the hour of the cold winter and that super-night from Sunset. Movlyav, it was not your "Omega" that went into space, but our "Strela" of the production of the First Godinnikov Plant.

Such "Streli" were issued only to the command warehouse of the UPU. The stench crept up to the sleeve of the suit. The mechanism is equipped with a stopwatch and a 45-minute chronograph dial.

Before the speech, for those who do not know what the number of stones means ( to this particular type 23 stone), and why do you need the stink. At the children’s food, about the fireplaces in the year, the grown-ups sounded zhartuly, that in the year of the year, not a single stone is raised. Put on one, and burn the rest.

Indeed, the number of stones pointed to the number of ruby ​​stones, as if they were victorious, like forged bearings on pinion pins.

All details of the anniversary are in Russian. I yakby there buv metal, vin bi shvidko erased. A rubin is not erased for centuries. The more stones, the more longevity of the annual mechanism. That is why ruby ​​stones do not wear themselves and may not wear all gears. Good and reliable mechanisms fought on 30 stones.

The most popular gift for women! Yearbook "Promin". At the rich, singly, they have lost their dosi practice.

The largest wrist yearbook that has ever happened to us is our Radian diving yearbook.

Trochs about modern copies of a diving yearbook. The Chelyabinsk Anniversary Plant at the post-workover hour released a lot of souvenir anniversaries, decorated in the same building as the New Year's Eve of the ZChZ. However, the technology was destroyed - instead of steel, they put chrome-plated brass, and they forgot about the water heater. As a result, newborns leak, break, climb around.

It is not included that this year to do it, so that the sale of yoga is still richer. Literally, the skin crib on the Arbat River is a “Radyansk New Year’s Eve”, which is really no more than a fake. Such a year for a small price is popular among tourists, and they began to work with a chronograph and an alarm clock (it was necessary to think about it, and how would a diver feel it ???). Before the anniversary, there is often also a new set of documents dating back to 1970-1980.

A brand new achievement of the 70s is the electronic yearbook of the Elektronika brand. The stench shone, squeaked, and it was against everyone with its modern chrome design. For a moment, everyone was chasing after those who beckon with their graphic figures.

Also, the whole year is being released for children.
The most popular fox.

Childish and youthful anniversary of the SRSR.

A year of steel dear for gold?! Rocket 3031. Case made of stainless steel, in the middle of the mechanism on 33 stones with the functions of a hanging calendar, automatic winding and an alarm clock! The yearbook was sold for 150 rubles. Only ... stinks were not for sale. There was no need to buy a steel year for such pennies - having made a gold coin cheaper, you could buy a great Rocket for a house. And the gold - stink for sure cool!

In the SRSR, the golden year was also vibrated.

Leonid Brezhnev wearing the “Rocket” golden anniversary, the design of which was broken up in the 60s.

Today, a lot of anniversaries, released by the radyansky rocks, turn the respect of collectors, as well as simple lovers of stylish and sophisticated speeches. For example, the annual “70 years of the KDB of Belarus” was sold at the auction “Gelos” for a tidy sum.

The bagatiohs have a very strong vinikne diet: "What is the most expensive wrist year of absolutions in the SRSR"?
One of the most expensive anniversaries is the chronicle of the war of Kirov. Too beautiful.

Duzhe rіdkіsny super thin polit. If it’s here and spitting, then it will be sloppy.

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