Words that Russians speak most often. Clever words for conversation - mysticism of roaming

In the first class, the average statistical schoolboy knows about two thousand words and read up to ten words a day at school. In this order, after the completion of our analysis, the average statistical citizen knows tens of thousands of words. At the same time, we sing in the middle five thousand words, as if they add up a constant stock of words.


Korisno know the sensible words and their meaning for the development of other people. Bagata mova helps to gain respect for oneself, to make people look better, to express thoughts clearly, to cherish the thoughts of a speaker, and that gives a lot of other receiving bonuses. You can know and quietly, who will use reasonable words and their meaning for the humiliation of the opponent and the loss of a sense of pride. However, such a motivation is not ideal, although a dictionary of reasonable words can effectively help you feel better and make you feel superior to those who are not lucky with such words.

If you talk about function, if you carry sensible words for common sense, then there is a lot of language, knowledge of the values ​​of those values ​​\u200b\u200btwist respect. The mind of the speaker is accentuated on atypical virazas for everyday speech. Therefore, respectful hearing will start you. As a result, your words are more likely to be remembered, and you become a clique, a guest of mine, a sympathizer, with whom you are welcome to speak.

Krіm tsgogo, knowing the list of sensible words is a status norm for people who mingle with intellectuals, indulge in creativity and victorious rozum's practice. If you are spilkuetesya in this gallery, then you are to blame for your mother in the past. Among those, it is important to learn to speak argumentatively and to the point, to speak with your voice in accents and tones, which the words can help you reach.


A priori. Chi does not need evidence, understand and so, otrimane by the last path.

Biennale. On the back of the mystetsky exhibition, in our hour they call it that and just a get-together, tied to the mystic. Special feature - two skin tests.

Vesicular. A common medical term that can be applied to the vesicle that is found in the legends.

Gesheft. The German word, at a glance, is brought to the market, and then it will be victorious at once in a similar meaning, or it may be zastosovuvat and in a different, figurative sense.

Dissonance. Quite a musical term, which is to say about the non-harmonious sub-sounds. Now it’s often necessary to do it often, for that number of people have cognitive dissonance, and they all want to call one. An example of a victoria: “Your non-written use of reasonable words to bring dissonance to the language.”

Endova. Utensils for drinking and drinking, but also under a rozzholobkom, you can wash your own zholob between two skhilas of a dahu. Even though the cover has a foldable structure, then there, where two differently straightened slopes merge, a rose-cut is established. Do not often get used to modern language.

Jamevu. A term close to psychiatry, antonym of deja vu. When you are stunned, you are familiar with the primal situation or the surroundings, in which more than once you were boules, but you know, you stumbled here more firmly.

Build up. For understanding, just associate word given with the word ґruntuєtsya.

indulgence. Previously, in the Catholic Church they sold a document for peace of mind, for retail, wholesale and for money. Such goods are called indulgence. Now vikoristovuєtsya in a figurative meaning.

Case. Lately, the Latin word can be seen quite often in jurisprudence recently. On the whole, indicative of a marvelous situation, sbig conditions, which can not lie in the face of diyovih osib, may be positive, and negative value. Do not remember to step into the kalyuzha - an incident, but to see a good friend is an incident.

Liquidity. An economical term, but now it is victorious and in everyday life. Pointing to the possibility of converting assets or private power from pennies.

Mankuvannya. An unimportant posture. For example: “On the robot, Ivan mankuvav with his straight bindings.”

Neologism. In literal translation from Latin - "new word". Maybe we will create a new word, or a word, as if victorious in a new meaning. An example from the Internet: Like is an absolutely new neologism.

Orthodox. Greek word, antonym of the heretic. In the primary meaning - a person, a virna vchennyu, not entering into cob postulates. None of them can win in a different context.

Puritanism. Having looked at the behavior of society, it’s a kind of rozuminnya of cleanliness. Characteristic rices are pomіrnіst, conservatism glancing, minimalization of satisfaction, domogan, consumables.

Radicalism. Extremely dotrimannya glancing, vikoristanny rude methods before the creation of changes, often in social ambushes.

Sentence. Povchalne chi wiser vislovlyuvannya. For example, “After all, Ivan sang all evening with a company of friends with deep maxims about how to wiggle.”

Interpretation. Such a word is interpretation. There is a lot of talk about some comments, explanations, a look at the singing phenomenon. For example, "yogo interpretation of the film by Lars von Trier is considered to be arrogant".

Union. The form of association is more complicated. A reverse political and economic term, but it can also be used in other contexts.

Frustration. Almost if you want to take the bazhane, but you can’t reach meti.

hypocrisy. The creation of a positive image of specialness, navmisno navmisno negatively set to free glances, flaunted goodness, modesty (and some kind of religion). Wanting to be truly hypocritical is a distant view of ideals that are declared out loud.

Time trouble. Marriage time.

swagger. Zarozumile and unimportant staging. For example, "Chief, even though he kept a distance, he was not arrogant, he could easily catch up and fire."

Chauvinism. Lie back to nationalism and є yogo radical form. The chauvinists respected the power of the vinyatkovoy nation and the best. The term can be twisted in a different context, but the sense of brilliance is taken away.

Retelnist. Dotrimannya to skin "trisky". Behavior complies with the standards, or set up to the extent of retelnistyu and suvoristu.

Etymology. The area of ​​knowledge about the journey and the meaning of words. To popovnyuvaty vlasny vocabulary stock, korisno vyvchati etymology itself.

jurisdiction. The spectrum is renewed, yakim volodіє sovereign organ chi structure.

Yagdtash. Mislivska bag. Now the term vikoristovuetsya as the name of a stylish handbag.

Now, if you know the deyakі sensible Russian words of that їhnє meaning, next to give an additional joy. It is not varto to live in terms everywhere, as for different situations they wear different clothes, so for different furnishings, vicory, appropriate styles of mixing.

Otherwise, you look stupidly, using terms everywhere and inserting them indiscriminately in all phrases. The beauty of the movie lies in the fact that it harmonically combines words, merging the vizierunok with its sound and sensation.

To master the art of literate interrogation for work in a difficult warehouse. However, it will be no less important to give respect to such aspects, as the diction is correct, the voice of the voice and the voice of the voice of the other words are correct.

Buvayut situations, if simply zastosuvannya sensible words and terms is not enough, especially if they live in a familiar way and not the topic. In order to get away without stupidity, try to turn the respect of the svіvrozmovnik into nothing more than inserts of sensible words, obov'yazkovo varto vchchit not more than the meaning of these words, but their synonyms and antonyms, the correct setting of the voice, vіdminyuvannya and rd. For example, with a wider pardon, the use of the word "kava" in the middle gender is important, or try to turn the word "coat" into a multiplier.

One more opportunity to show yourself as a literate interpreter, for the sake of uniqueness of the banal, beaten and “zazhdzhenikh” virazivs. Deputy "good" you can say "gloomy", as if talking about a colleague or colleague as a specialist, deputy "beautiful" - "effective", "smart", so you discuss the name of someone who would not be there, even if you know, you want celebrity. For the help of a dictionary, you can practically pick up a synonym for a skin word, at once understand the mind and at one hour reach the unseen. Such a pidkhid, bezperechno, I will give you respect for the hour of arguing.

saver of red writing

Clever words, behind other words, calling out to amaze with the intellect of the one who speaks or writes. And if you want to know the words for interpreting those meanings, you can also just search for them on the Internet and sing in simple language. It's time to compile a dictionary of the most intelligible words in Russian language and their meanings and remember them! Where can I help you? For example, in reviews of new films, performances of books, in rozmovs with colleagues, in talk shows on TV and the blogosphere, blinking here and there with an important look of "insight", "excess", "existential" and, obviously, superfashionable "cognitive "dissonance". And you don’t understand a word, even if nobody wants to feel “near-minded” or uninformed.

Do you remember the saying “The word is not a hobo, to fly is not evil”? New list the most sensible words in the world, as it is possible to spell for rozmovi, and their meanings, obviously, it is not possible to bring, but it is possible to respect your respect.

Reasonable names

The most wise words with meanings, which is to blame for the nobility of the skin, the very names, even the stench is the basis of our language. All these are sensible words, on kshtalt, "insight", "collaboration", "frustration" ... Otzhe, let's popovnyuєmo stock of vocabulary with long sensible words, like you need to know by heart.


The English word addiction characterizes the staleness, the death of the name, the way of uniqueness of reality. Addictions are not only alcoholism, gambling, drug addiction, smoking. Psychologists sing: a similar mechanism of stagnation in quiet, who is moving, lives and burns on a robot, loves extreme sports, spends days on the Internet, loves that creativity ... dies. In addition, the forms of addiction are addicted to suspense, like the same workaholism and stupor, and unacceptable, like a transcendental craving for alcohol.


Amphibolicity is the ambiguity of whether there is some kind of understanding, some super-clear clouding. As a rule, the whole word rarely gets used - in dissertations, on hearing from judges in biochemical robots. Alezovsim nefariously understand, if you want to say “it’s amphibolically” or “the amphibolism of whose understanding is to put me in a deaf kut, even if I finish strictly one line”, but you’ll understand that I’m all the more talking about the ambiguity of understanding, you will discuss it.


The “Frenchman” vis-a-vis in Russian language can be both a clerk (“sit in vis-a-vis”, that’s just one of the same), and a name, moreover, of a human and a woman’s family (“my wise vis-a-vis”, “your beautiful vis-a-vis”). You have the right to name the one who is opposite you, with whom you are sitting all-to-all.


What is it about Shtirlitz, if you say: “I have an idiosyncrasy before Rimi”? Those who win a get-pure concessions to the poetic gift. Being modest, splendidly ... The word with old Greek roots (idos - “okremium, special”; synkrasis - “miscarriage”) for a long time was known only to physicians, but it went into wide use as a synonym for the words “allergy”, “unacceptable”: “That in the new idiosyncrasy to everything new!”, “I have idiosyncrasy on an empty roam”.


In translation from English, insight (insight) literally means touching, penetrating. It is clear that philosophy and psychology are victorious, in order to convey insight into the essence, a clear understanding of what is possible, so as not to be seen from the past. So let’s say: “And then it dawned on me!” - and htos proudly declare: "I have an insight!"


The association of a number of equal, independent participants for achieving common goals in fashion, science, business, science and education is called (in the form of an English collaboration - spivprac). For example, for example, in honor of the 50th fantastic franchise "Dawn Way", the cosmetics company MAS voted about the release of the Star Trek beauty collection. Make-up options will be similar to the movie characters of the franchise and in addition to 25 limited lip treatments, eyes and eyes. The start of sales is at the start of 2016.


The Yavische, who has a spiritual mind, is fed, wanting a miraculous yogo Chuv. Why wine? It seems to me that a person has to work for the sake of chi pіdsvіdomo, more than an hour for the mother to formulate vіdpovіdі. Won (abo їхні colleagues) dosі sperchayutsya, yakim є pohodzhennya words. So many people have shown yoga to the American politician John Kerry, who, like 2015, didn’t seem to be able to look at the nutrition of the Russian schoolboy and having overfed the yoga sprat. If you want to call you at the request of a confession, give you a confession, but no more, lower kerralism, and it will take you a couple of seconds to formulate a confession.


Remember: "Don't chip me, old woman, I'm in trouble." Speaking not Ivan the Terrible, but a lipofrenic. As a reporter, then a lipophrenic is a human being, like a witness of inexhaustible turmoil, tight and I don’t know the reasons why I will become. Lipophrenia, which is also called apathy, depression, tightness, sounds like trivial perturbation on its own, like routine activity, or lack of activity (which is important for today's youth), and also about non-stationary positive emotions. If you don’t want to wear the proud name of “lipophrenic”, often take care of your favorite right, virtual communication volіte live, walk more on the fresh air.


Did stones strike you at the sight of the heart and the tomato from the nose? If so, then you are on pіvdorozі until the word "natiform" is recognized. But here there is more okremy vipadok, even more natiform - all natural light, which guesses the contours of the woman's body or part of it. Maybe a tree, on a yak you marveled at the singing kutom and swayed your shoulders, chest, waist, quilt ... But the stone near the rock looks so chimerical that they guessed your extravagance. Tse all natiformi.


They rushed after deakim people, why do they repeat one word or phrase or not in the skin language? If not, you were lucky, but if you were chattering about cym, instill your friend: I’m sorry. It is not contagious, but absolutely unacceptable, if in the skin speech you will be told “sovereign-sir” or “and I have shown that ...”. I so on the stake. At the result, if you don’t feel any other words, spend the essence of roses and, in turn, spend whatever interest you have.


If you name the word, sound out this arithmetic "formula": 1 + 1 = 3. Old Greek synergeia is translated as "spіvpratsya, spіvdruzhnіst". Tse means a marvelous effect, which is to blame for the interaction of dekilkoh subjects or objects. This subsuming effect transcends the appearance of the skin participant in the okremo process. An example of synergy: you have mastered some of the secrets of applying concealer, and your friend knows all the subtleties about mascaras. Having shared life hacks, and offended, without wasting a lot of information, you will find out new ones, so you will grow up with the art of visage.


Philosophical currents in Ancient Greece, the followers of which were famous for their cunningly wise conduct of super sciences, gave a name to verbal assertions, based on false facts, simplifications, and broken logics. The second sophist (from the ancient Greek sophia - “mastery, vminnya, cunning wisdom, cunning, wisdom, knowledge”), brightly building to bring obvious stupidity: Like equal halves, it means equal wholes. Otzhe, empty є those same, scho th outside. To that sophistry in a figurative sensi is called whether it is a language, as if it was inspired on the hobnih visnovkas, but it masks itself as correct, logical.


The word “touché” (touchér in French - dotik) is more in position in the sports sphere, posing a risk of singing superechtsi, if one of the spivrezmovniks is right, the other side of the virishal proof of a verbal injection - rapt you did not know those, but in goodness? Touche, the argument of insurance, how fencing pricks are protected, or throws on the back of the wrestlers, who follow all the rules.


Fall at the camp of frustration (Latin frustratio - deceit, failure, marne ochіkuvannya) - means to experience a whole range of negative feelings through the impossibility of reaching the bazhany. For example, you were planning to go to the sea, you already took a bag, and the authorities with a batog and a gingerbread to transfer your resignation for a month later through an important project, in which you can’t do without you. Naturally, you feel anger, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, frustration, and restlessness ... Often experienced in such situations, psychologists recognize, psuy character, strike by self-esteem.


His namesake is his centric (from the Latin words ego - "I" - i centrum - "center"), all the same, not similar to him. His center of concern for the damp inner world, the point of dawn, his own interests, the needs, and do not neglect others, but the building "pouch", help the restless, feel them, as if to ask for a podtrimka. His centrism is the same as the other world, attached to the skin. He is trying to pursue other people's interests, but navmisno ignoring them, opposing himself to others, forever putting his person in the first place.


Latin excessus means "out of sight". The Russian sounding "process" word can have two meanings. First - extremely manifested chogos: "This is not literature, but graphomaniac excess!" Another - over the top of the podia, disrupting the normal overrun of the podia: "Її tiles called out the right excess of the collective."


Zuhvala, shocking, provocative, svavіlna vіvіvіk in the gusto of Salvador Dali, Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus, for example, rotten sedentary on the capelus or cloth from gray meat, - tse i є escapada. The French word escapade and another meaning - a trip with benefits - is not necessary for our language.

Intelligent prikmetniki

At the very hour of the name day, chime in the dictionary of sensible people on the skin of that day, even if the very presence of your language people can tease you among other people of wisdom. Embellish your language with little sensible words, believe me: it will help you in all spheres of life. Such unknown intelligent words (and their meanings) will help raise your status among friends, and among colleagues.


Approved for English prikmetnik upscale - "high class, first class, exclusive". It characterizes the absolute instillation of power of power in any object, object: upscale design of the interior, upscale sound, upscale image.


Before a tree with fluffy brunki, the prikmetnik can’t, but the axis to our mov is more likely to wind. Latin verbum is translated as a "word", to that "verbal" is a word, word. For example, verbal thought, verbal intelligence, verbal method. Іsnuє i prikmetnik "non-verbal" - not maє verbal expression: non-verbal speech, non-verbal signals.


Well, what can you think about, if you talk about deviant behavior? The French word deviation characterizes the deviation from the norm, the position of the compass needle, the course of the ship, and the peculiarity of the human psyche. In other words, the deviant behavior of the ruinous specialty and health of the one who sees the superiority of the asocial way of life, as well as the cause of the moral and material misfortunes, is overwhelming.


In translation from Latin, cognitio - tse knowledge, knowledge. The “cognitive” applicator describes the building of a person to acquire knowledge, to know navkolishniy svit and yourself. This psychological term is not so popular without its companion, the “Frenchman”: dissonance means “discord, disharmony, inconvenience”.

It’s a kind of situation “my yours is not wise”, if you know enough, already accumulated knowledge, they enter into super-accuracy from new information, new surroundings. Your head has two protracted notices about the same. It is acceptable, your knower, to confirm that you also value punctuality, you should be, and at the same time you don’t remember your sustrichi, if you don’t zapiznivsya. So, make it punctual, organize it, keep it to the word, and correct your behavior with your behavior? The need to choose one, evaluate and interpret the picture again becomes a cause of spiritual discomfort.

A synonym for "cognitive dissonance" can be called one more phrase, the meaning of which is not known to everyone. Tse "exploring the template." It’s more understandable, but the essence is the same: in your head there was a scheme of a human being, an understanding, a phenomenon, and immediately the scheme collapses through new knowledge. It appears, two by two, do not start the chotiri. Yak tse?..


From the English word "smart" is translated as "reasonable", "smart". The very same meaning of the word "smart" at the same time wins out in Russia. It’s impossible to say what it’s got into the minds of Russians, but you still don’t know what is a “smart year” or a “smart TV broadcast”, and there is more “smartphone”, rubbish and shame on you. To put it simply, the prefix (or part of the word) “smart” means “smart”: smartphone = smart phone, smart year = smart year, etc. As you may have remembered, the word "smart" gets used to itself with high-tech objects, so you should follow the context.


An apprentice with English roots (transparent - a visionary) among politicians, bloggers and cosmetologists. The first ones lay down transparent favors and voice transparent positions without secrets and inconsistencies, others swear by oath to be as open as possible, wide with the audience. And it is transparent, so transparent powder, does not look like a mask on the face and with it miraculous matu. So, don’t take the strength to grab the shortcomings of the shkir, but there’s another topic for rozmovi.


Better understand the word "uncorrupted." And if you want to give promos an intellectual depth with a philosophical debate, then they use the Latin “transcendental” (transcendentis) for these very meanings. І axis already speaking chi writing that її the audience accepts shukati and discusses transcendental sensi, zv'yazka, almost ...


Banal, tedious, primal, primitive, primal - the axis of the number of synonyms in the example "trivial". Vono may be a French genus, and in the common language trivial means the same - it is transverse. Less to you spіvrozmovnіkiv iz trivial thoughts and anecdotes, theatrical performances and film premieres іz trivial plot!


One more philosophical understanding, pov'yazane іz buttyam, life of a person. The Latin word existentia is translated like this - “isnuvannya”. What is rich in our days, but the introduction of the epithet "existential" adds to the "agents in a splash" of light scale. Existential problems, crises, doslidi - tse phenomena that are understood in the basis of the world, that manifest themselves in reality and often do not follow the will of a person.


Vzagali, as if not all new words could sink into the head, rabidly put together a vocabulary of collapsible intellectual words for roaming, which few people know, from their meanings, it became clear, and most often vikoristovuvati їх - at listings, at the records of the rozshchovіnі. Just so you won’t become a marvelous information, you will forget about it, having closed this side. I to the speech: don't think that it's shamefully done. It is not shameful to joke and memorize wise words with signs, so that you are reasonable. Aje ask " folding words with explanations for sensible people” is often heard on the Runet. Respect, for the already "reasonable people", fools do not fool around like that.

Whatever jokes on the Internet would make for you, then there are only reasonable words for the status of a girl, as no one knows. If you don’t know anyone, why write about their status? Before speech, there is still a list with more sensible synonyms to simple words, as it is necessary to know, to shine at the roses, but about it as if at another time.

ambivalence- the duality of experience, manifests itself in tsomu, that one object calls out to people at the same time two stretches almost.

Ambigrama- graphically depicted words and phrases - reversed, tobto. reading from two sides. A simple butt, rіk - 1961 (like a single without serifs). Skladnі A. - the words of a foldable symmetrical calligraphic viser.

Anagram- the word chi word-finding was adopted by a rearrangement of letters chi warehouse parts, for example, “orange” and “spaniel”.

Aneurysm- Expansion. In medicine - local expansion, for example, blood-bearing judge.

Apology- irrepressible vakhvalyannya, pre-emptive, unreasonable position due to the special focus of the phenomenon, the subject of its specialness.

Authenticity- Correction.

Outsourcing- transfer to one organization of certain business processes and functions of other organizations. For example, accounting, technical maintenance, transport services, etc.

Bulimia- nevgamovny fast hunger, sickly camp, it’s often the cause of obesity.

Burime - tvіr vіrshіv on the task of rimi, chi navit gra in rimi.

Validity- higher compliance with the current standards and compliance with the result of the assignment to the tasks.

Virality- the effect of "viral" expansion of information by the persons themselves, to which the information was assigned.

Grooming- Keep an eye on domestic creatures. At the same time, it is more important to win for the description of a cosmetic watch over dogs and intestines.

Downshifting- dobrovіlna vіdmova vіd benefits tsivіlіzatsії on the melancholy of a simple and free life. For example, the transition from mіskogo zhittya to silskogo.

deja vu- considering what is experienced at once, it was already seen earlier.

Decoupage- Decorative technique in the design of the design: visualization of any kind of visor from flat materials (shkira, fabric, wood) and sticking on the surface that is being decorated.

dumping- skidannya tovar_v chi services for a low price, like a competitive struggle.

Divergence- rozbіzhnіst be-yak signs and yakost in the results of processes chi zovnіshnіh factors.

Identification- Vstanovlennya vіdpovіdnostі for a number of direct and indirect signs, ototozhnennya or samoototochnennia.

Imponuvati- cope positively with the enemy, instill fear, podbatisya.

Indifference- Baiduzhist, Baiduzhist.

insurgent- Rebel.

hypochondria- Painfully oppressive camp, painful distrust.

carving- artist's painting sounds on vegetables and fruits. Do the same at the perforation - the perm finished.

Customization- Orієntacіya on spozhivacha, dotrimannya bezposerednіh zapitіv purchase, pіd hour of virobnictva goods chi nadannі services.

Quintessence- Naygolovnіshe, the essence.

Cognitiveness- the building of information until the adoption of information and її її svoєnnya.

Komilfo- it’s worthy, what fits in with the infamous norms.

Convergence- Approximation and similarity to the low sign of the back of various systems.

Congeniality- similarity to the spirit, similar to the course of thoughts.

conglomeration- zadnannya raznoridnyh ob'ektiv one goal for the conservation of cob power and sign.

Consensus- a year of good nutrition, reached by successive close positions.

Constant- constant value, constant parameter.

Credo- life principles, light-gathering perekonannya.

Lability- Nestіykіst, minlivіst.

Latency- Skhilnіst, neyaskravy showing clear signs.

Leasing- Dovgostrokova lease is established only if the wine order is progressively paid yogo vartist, cym, buying the lease.

Marginal- what to know on the boundary or beyond the boundaries of the main one. Protylezhnist to the establishment.

Misalliance- a nervous school with a special lower camp, an alliance with a nervous partner.

Memorandum- Dovіdkovy document, which fixes the deeds of facts, arrange it otherwise.

commercialism- drіb'yazkovіst, dotrimannya cocky interests.

Metabolism- the exchange of speeches, as well as directly in architecture, which is characterized by dynamic minuscule: dovgostrokovi sporudy join with timchasovymi.

mise-en-scene- roztashuvannya actors on stage. In a wide meaning - the placement of diyovih osib.

Mysophobia- fear of brud, obtrusive fear of brooding.

Moveton- filthy tone, nevihovanist.

Niktophobia- fear of nothing and sleeplessness.

Oxymoron- Pojdnannya nepodednuvannogo. It is stylistic to post - similar to the opposite meaning, for example, "hot snow". Abo Rozmovne: “Do you want some tea?” "So, no, maybe..."

Ontogenesis- Individual development of the body.

Offer- proposition to please.

Paradigm- the basic conceptual scheme, typical for a certain period of time, which underlies the designation of that assessment of problems, that їх virishennya, a complex of panіvnyh currents in science.

Perturbation- that raptov's change was not supported by walking under the problematic bik.

Perfectionism- Pragnennya to perfection, dotrimannya zavshchenyh іdealіv, pіdvishena vomoglіvіst to itself that otochuyuchih. You can look like positive rice special, but it can also be accepted as a pathological form of neurotic discord.

Pleonasm- Vzhivannya in movі or tekstі zayvih sіv, yakі do not add sensation, but they help promote promotion, for example, "way-road".

Pluralism- different plurality, like in the mundane, and in the philosophical context. Monism - if navpaki - schos one. Dualism knows only duality.

Postulate- The truth is accepted without proof.

Preamble- introductory part of this great text, which obguruntov yoga.

Presumption- pripuschennya, which is grounded on imovirnosti. In the legal context - the knowledge of the fact is reliable, the docks have not been brought to light. For example, the presumption of innocence, navpaki, guilt.

Prerogative- perevaga, including the right by virtue of the camp, the right of the first cherga.

Prolongation- prodovzhennya termіnu dії to the contract on transfers.

prostration- exuberance, lack of strength, which accompanies baiduzhistyu to dovkil.

reduction- transition from folding to simple, weakened chogos.

Resonance- the physicists have an increase in the amplitude of the chirp when zbіgu іz zvnіshnіmi harmonіnymi vpliva. Have zagalnomu sensi reaction to the yakes yishche, vіdlunnya chogos. Resonate - rebuy at the station to resonance.

Reincarnation- Rebirth of the soul.

raiding- "Vilne polyuvannya", dії z metoyu zahoplennya, and іnоdі i iznischennya, someone else's authority.

Reparation- vydshkoduvannya peremozhenoy side of material zabitkiv vnaslіdok vіyskovyh dіy peremozhtsyu.

Representativeness- Presentation, showiness.

Retardation - compositional technique, which is used by the zatrimtsі opovіdannya for additional steps, mirroring, spacious descriptions, introductory scenes. Also pіznіsha bookmark the organ and upovіlneniy yogo development.

Reference- Characteristics or advice about someone or about schos.

Reflection- Think about your inner state, introspection.

Simulacrum- Image or explanation of what is not real in reality. A copy, as I don't mind the original.

Synopsis- Viklad singing those in a very sloppy and ugly look.

Sociopathy- Antisocial discord of specialty. Psychic vigilance, which is characterized by ignorance (impossibility to do so) of social norms, aggressiveness, inadequate behavior in public.

status quo- Stan is right, scho sklavya behind the fact.

Sublimation- development of affective energy through creativity and active community. diyalnist.

Substance- Objective reality: matter or spirit, vibir.

tautology- the same number of words close to each other (for example, “olive oil”), and to win over the clouded understanding of the verbal forms of this understanding (for example, “astronomer - teachings, teaching astronomy”).

Tactile- dotik.

Transliteration- Recording words of one alphabet, letters of another. For example, "for example". For the transfer of Russian words to the Latin alphabet, there are different standards.

transcendental- as much as possible zagalneniy, a handful of power to the mind, ale s nabutiy.

trend- Actual trend, "flowers of the season."

Trolling- Provocative behavior in the Internet-splitkuvannі spramovanie to change those rozmovi that rozpaluvannya conflicts. The term is actively involved in real life. A troll is a person who makes provocative actions.

utility- Vinyatkova practicality.

fetish- the subject of a blind, uninformed worship.

Physiognomy- vchennya about the appearance of the figure of an individual that looks like a person, character and thoughts. In a broad sense, the descriptions are attached to the internal characteristics behind the ovnishnim look.

Filigree- Professionalism, accuracy in the dribnitsa.

franchise(franchising) - commercial concession, tobto. the right to win one side of the possibilities and the resources of the other side, for the simplest and the most infamous sense - the trademark lease.

Frapiruvati- Unacceptable surprise.

Frustration- The camp of oppression, anxiety, which is blamed on the results of the accident, on the impossibility of achieving goals.

Hipster- a representative of today's youth subculture with a characteristic elitist ostentatious behavior and encouraged by intellectual predilections in cinema, music, and image-making art.

Hepening- like an action, like a vitvir of art.

Cheating, cheater- Zovsіm fresher position z english movie, What does it mean to deviate from the violation of the rules. Apparently, cheating is a process, cheater is fixing yoga.

Euthanasia- Navmisne mortification of the unviolently ill with the method of suffering yoga.

heuristics- the sphere of knowledge, what I do to create activity.

euphemism- decent and acceptable expression of the rude or obscene.

egalitarianism- the concept of total zvіvnyalnosti in the economy, economy, etc. - "Zahalna rivnist", zrivnyalivka. Contrary to the basic laws of nature.

Exaltation- zbudzheny camp, ailment activity.

Excess- an extreme form of manifesting chogos, vihіd the process between yogo normal flow.

Empathy- In the meantime, put yourself in the place of another person, understanding another person “through yourself”.

Epicureanism- Pragnennya to the satisfaction of chuttєvih іnstinktіv, easy life and wealth (div. Hedonism).

Escapism- Pragnennya shovatsya in the event of action in the vigadan world.

  • Mercantile - rosky (corrosive, drib'yazkovy).
    Reprisal - punishment (punishment, violence).
    Legitimny - legal.
    Corsair is a pirate.
    Goalkeeper - goalkeeper.
    Incident - podiya (vipadok).
    Preventive - peredzhuvalny.
    Tactile - dotik.
    Apogee - the highest point (culmination, boundary).

    Scrupulous - scrupulous (pedantic).
    Charisma - eccentricity (privablivist, privablivist).
    Pochesnik - shanuvalnik, who looks at the girl (shanuvalnik).
    Basurman is a foreigner and a newcomer.
    Aberation - resurrection of the truth, pardon (creation).
    Perdіmonokl - povna nіsenіtnitsa, the devil knows.
    Transcendental - unknowing (irrational, unbowed).
    Ostracism - vignannya (etching).
    Parity - equality (equivalence, equality, equality).
    Try - try out.
    Applicant - the one who claims to join up to the initial pledge.
    Invariant - unambiguous.
    Klevret is a helper (accomplice, helper).
    Destructive - ruinous.
    Anexia - a rapist's arrival.
    Matrimonial - lover (friend).
    Trendy - fashionable.
    Proforma is a formality.
    Apologist - prikhilnik (khilnik) of exaltations - zakhopleniy (zbudzheny, nathnenny) synopsis - looking around.

    First, if you are to blame, you should try less to get used to beating that word, as if you were victorious in your own way. For example, a banal set of words such as “good”, “beautiful”, “reasonable” can also be replaced by less common, alternative options, even to the dermal one, you can use at least a dozen synonyms for the help of a cloudy vocabulary.

    For example, the word "beautiful" depending on the situation can be replaced by "heavy", "wonderful", "roarish", "invisible", "wonderful", "wonderful". "Korisny" in a young rose can be vikoristovuvat like "vigidniy", "plіdniy", "docile", "practical", "consumptive". Navit to simple word"Reasonable" is the meaningless synonyms. Follow the memory and appeal to them as needed. The axis of action is from them: "hot", "guilty", "kmіtlivy", "way", "wise", "troublesome".

    So you can’t make the most sensible words of that їx meaning, so you can create the necessary effect on the otochyuyuchy:

    Idiosyncrasy - intolerance.

    Transcendental - abstract, manifest, theoretical.

    Esoteric - mystical vchennya.

    A truism is a deep-seated fact, a false thought.

    Euphemism is a replacement for harsh, rude words and viraziv, more pleasant and soft.

    Sophistry - vminnya to lead superechku, vmilo juggling with words.

    Eclecticism is a collection of various types of theories, having looked at speeches.

    Homogeneous - uniform.

    Invective - like, obscene like.

    Decadence - zanepad.

    Hyperbole - overkill.

    Frustration - disappointment.

    Discourse - Rozmova, Rozmova.

    The first hour, vikoristovuyuchi sensible words for splkuvannya, you can see the deak’s lack of handiness at the rose, your language will be filled and stumbled about “novі vyslovlyuvannya”. It’s not scary, a new shape is new, like a new pair of shoes of the next difference. After a certain hour, you, without hesitation, pick up more synonyms in the distance, to hang your thought.

    Let's say to you without equivocations: vchennya is light. It’s not a maxim, it’s just that we don’t want you to be caught up by deprivation and frustration! Didn't you understand anything of the above? It’s not scary, we’ll tell you 46 words, living like in your own promotion, you look more solid and wiser. Take care of ataraxia, we will arrange an excursion!

    1. Addiction - staleness of a person, object, process.

    2. Ataraxia - calm, tranquility, calmness, phlegmatism.

    3. Voluntarism is a political method, which is based on the adoption of sufficient decisions in addition to a healthy eye and furnishing.

    4. Hapophobia - fear of strangers' dots.

    5. Gynecomastia - enlargement of human breasts.

    6. Hyperbole - overkill. For example, “Katka is 100 times more important for me!”

    7. Glossary - a list of highly specialized words with translations and explanations of skin words.

    8. Glossophobia - fear of public speaking. 9. Gnoseology is a philosophical theory that develops between human knowledge.

    10. Homogeneous - uniform, however.

    11. Deviant behavior - as it does not comply with the norms established by the court.

    12. Deprivation - a little dissatisfied.

    13. Defenestration - the process of widowing a person from a vikna (a term for ties with podia, which happened in Prague in 1419 and 1618).

    14. Dіsanіya - camp, when it is important to get up vrantsі z lizhka. Often watch out for Mondays.

    15. Idiosyncrasy - intolerance of everything that is always possible - from people's point of view.

    16. Invective - a pamphlet, which vismіyuє chi group osіb.

    17. Interrobang

    18. Cognitive dissonance - new information that reflects a conflict with previously accumulated knowledge.

    19. Kolіvubl - the sound of a hungry whale in the stomach. Abo is just a bitch.

    20. Congruence - honesty, honesty.

    21. Lemniskata - a curve of algebra, looking like an inverted vіsіmka or a sign of inconsistency.

    22. Lunula - a synonym for the word "hole", the area was on the cob of nails.

    23. A metrosexual is a young person, who dedicates a lot of time to watching over himself, to follow the remaining tendencies of fashion, and to put himself up to his old look.

    24. Mondegrin - a smile, for example, the words in the songs, as it is impossible to disassemble without reading the text.

    25. Natiform - stone, burn, skelі, trees, the form of such a shape predicts a woman's figure.

    26. Obelus - a dash between a two-fold, a sign of a rose.

    28. Paresthesia - if you raise your leg and arm.

    29. Petrikor

    30. Punt - the bottom of the wine dance.

    32. Scholasticism - philosophic stretch V-XV century.

    33. Sivtsev's table - a table for rechecking the dawn. SBMNK.

    34. Textrovert - a hanger-on of a friend's mind.

    35. A truism is an axiom. Those who have been seen for a long time skrіz that all.

    36. Ubіkvіsti - living things, zustrіti yakikh possible in any little corner of the earth's backwoods.

    37. Ferrul - a metal part at the sight of the ringlet, which is coming back. For example, the base of the olive is that gumka.

    38. Fetish - an object of worship, an idol.

    39. Filtrum - a dimple between the nose and the upper lip.

    40. Phospheni - "blizzards", "quotes" and other sights, like you bachite after closing your eyes.

    41. Freeson

    42. Frustration - turmoil, rosemary, depression, anger.

    43. Euphemism - a word that is replaced by another word, like more rudely or to bring matyuki.

    44. Eglet - plastic tip of the lace. So you can buti metalevim and gumovim.

    45. His centric is a man, it’s not possible to accept a stranger point of view, hisist.

    46. ​​Ekivoki - tensions. From i all! 5 hvilin reading, and you are already a miracle minder!

    2. Equivoki - double-valued tensions, twists.
    3. Deviant - a person who does not follow the norm.
    4. Catharsis - change of witness through strong experiences.
    5. Ataraxia - peace of mind, calmness, lack of turbotness, wisdom.
    6. Deprivation - due to lack of satisfaction of needs.
    7. Amok
    8. Frustration - a period of renewed rozcharuvannya in life.
    9. Palinphrasia - pathologically frequent repetition of sung words or phrases in a movie (for example, "milnets", "yak bi", "truly").
    10. Antimony - balakanina, empty roses (spread antimony).
    11. Haptophobia - fear of dotics of other people.
    12. Mojo - an African magical amulet (amulet) for good luck, modern crops the word began to mean a positive camp, schos on kshtalt charіvnoї charisma, like, before speech, you can spend it.
    13. Fetish - an object of blind, uninformed worship.
    14. Distiniya - humiliation, hard mood.
    15. Gestalt is a form and image, as a whole of enlightenment and the first basis of the psyche.
    16. Freak - a person who looks bright, invisible, extravagant with a sultry look and behavior that calls out, as well as Volodya's extraordinary light-gazer, as a result of social stereotypes.
    17. Zugzwang checker's party, that the engraving camp is dying, like a sprout of yogo. In a broad sense: the situation, for which, be-yak
    18. Frison - goosebumps.
    19. Textrovert - for those who find it easier to tell about their feelings in a text message, it’s easier.
    20. Glosophobia - fear of speaking in public.

    Words for competent movement. 11 ways to learn English literately

    A literate language is beautiful - it is a show of illumination, a guarantee that you will be correctly understood. That is why the phrase “who is blessed with a word - is blessed with light” is relevant in our hour. Adzhe literacy and imagery of the movie - tse characteristic of rice light leaders, diplomats and other specialties. If you can correctly and clearly convey that idea to others, then a professional career will be safe for you.

    What is such a competent move

    Competent garna mov helps us to earn a full-fledged speech from a philologist. And the staging of the movie with a great number of stylistic pardons is wrong, for example, when arguing with the head of the chi conflict situations in the motherland.

    In addition, literacy is insane with lazy virazes, so to inspire a person who looks good, wins a like at his promotion, then you won’t become a cultured intellectual. That’s why language is good and verbal like and mate are insane.

    Moreover, literacy - it’s important to express your thoughts accurately and clearly, and speak to the right so that everyone understands everything.

    Trying to improve your rozmov literate, give respect not only to your vocabulary, but also to culture. For whom, say, vrakhovuchi rules and norms of punctuation, as well as the style of Russian language.

    Literacy - tse dotrimannya rules rozmіshchennya voice, vminnya at the right time to raise or lower the tone, trim the intonation, learn to play the pause.

    Criteria that determine language literacy

    Movna culture:

    • dorechnost;
    • literacy of information that is being voiced;
    • availability of speech;
    • quotation of epithets, metaphor and phraseological units;
    • rіznomanіtnіst mov without tautology;
    • aesthetics.

    The poverty of the vocabulary stock and the illiteracy of the language of the speaker and the rhetoric. If you allow yourself to be inconsiderate at home, then it’s small, if you correctly conduct a business conversation and when you talk with your boss, you can competently speak. And in the meantime, if you have children, the stench will take over unwritten words from you.

    How to improve language

    For an hour, take a good tone and change the intonation appropriately according to the situation. To improve the tonality and intonation richer, read with viraz.

    How to correctly expand language

    A crossword puzzle will become a helper at the promotion. For yoga help you memorize new words. Play in the company of friends or with your children, vikoristovuyuchi spelling vocabulary in the form of words. Sensation of the heart lies in the fact that the presenter reads out the description, and the reshti is left to guess word by description.

    Tim, for whom literacy is necessary for professional growth, without specialized literature does not fit. In your opinion, win the work of Radislav Gandapas and the help of I. Golub and D. Rosenthal "Secrets of Stylistics".

    Assistance of professionals

    If you need a teacher, then a highly qualified teacher will put you literate speech. Ale de yoga know? Return to your school teacher, or a well-known philologist, and if you are able to take lessons from a vikladach, who specializes in rhetoric, then varto zim quicken.

    It’s not better to grow literate language, to lose weight, but to achieve it, it’s necessary to want less.

    Spread your prayers to the rich
    In short, we’re here… We thought, what would you need to say about your language… more red-blooded type. Also, read for the sake of the school's maverick oratory and the mastery of Felix Kirsanov’s speech - and even more, I can’t call you less expensive.

    Splashing your mouth, splitting your eyes
    Reading aloud with viraz at a romatic pace if you want ten khvilin a day - one right for the development of mov, oskіlki, krіm zbіlshennya vocabulary stock, tsim method can be used to understand intonation, diction, form grammatical correctness and other elements of the mov”, - seems to be Felix. Ale not varto lyakati susіdіv pristrasnyam reading warehouse osvіzhuvacha povіtrya. Vikoristovuy literature, rich in victorious turnovers and vishukan vocabulary (such books with tears of rhetoric in your eyes recommend whether you are a librarian). Having read a piece of books, pick up the one that was most worthy of you, and only deal with it - such repetition allows you to better remember how to read the words, so turn the number of words. And do not hack-work, clearly convey the intonation of the text and the words move to a higher voice - just so you have more organs to feel (sir, hearing and language) and remember that more and more, lower yakby reading to yourself. “Regularly reading aloud allows you to straighten out the ugliness of the language - it allows for the inadequacy and coherent virazivs, improves the current style and makes the language beautiful,” - with a penetrating glance, Felix steadfastly.

    Tsya is right to fix the effect of reading out loud. Retelling the read, try to get used to the very words, as if they were victorious in the original text. “This method allows you to activate the passive vocabulary stock. Tse tі words that vyslovlyuvannya, yakі mi, in principle, we know, but in mov it is not victorious. "Obridla konov'yaz", for example. Shards of the passive stock are most often outweighed by the active one, regularly working to add a lot of new words to your language.

    Copy and Paste
    Get a file or something, as if it were more convenient, a computer file, children choose us tsіkavi zvoti, dotepnі virazi, non-standard word formation and okremi words, like zustrіnesh in texts or you will feel other people. "Tsyu collection should be periodically re-read, bazhano in a voice," - for the sake of Felix. As soon as the stink lingers in your memory, try to more often stalk them with people.

    Leapfrog of synonyms
    At first glance, the vocabulary of synonyms for Russian language is not so hoarsely readable, like, for example, a detective, for that it means seriousness. Truly right, even a cicava, to the one that allows you to paint comedy verbal vizierunks. “You need to correct it like this: take some text (your own or someone else's - it doesn’t matter) and replace all the words with synonyms, so that the text does not suffer.”

    Words to embellish the lexicon. Updating the vocabulary from the seen hour

    The next busyness will help to increase the vocabulary stock.

    • Reading. Reading is the most valuable information. Books, newspapers, Internet media, magazines - you can easily find an inexhaustible stock of vocabulary replenishment. Bazhano can be seen by the year for a day on the same hoarsely busy. Sometimes it’s good to promote words out loud.
    • Vivchennya foreign movie. Do not surround the stock of words with Russian knowledge alone. Other vivchati is also corian. The more a person improves his language, the more quickly the links will be safer and the easier it is to call out words from memory.
    • Games. Іsnuyut cіkavy zahoplyuyuchi linguistic games: charades, puzzles too. If they are guessing, they will casually chirp with the words of that zmist.
    • Schodenik. One more busy- Vedennya schodenika. If it’s impossible to go around foreign language, write your own. Tse garniy way polypshiti lexicon, shards of scribbled records, formulate thoughts that are in the emotional and spontaneous spheres.
    • Memorization. Remembering to rob can bring new words to the active stock. And this is served by the way of retelling the sensed, memorizing verses and terms. Vіn є one of the most found methods of acquiring new knowledge.
  • Wealthy and mighty Russian language, and this wealth is constantly growing. Moreover, often new words come from other words. Today we tell you about the most common words of the English journey in Russian language. You know what you already know more than a hundred words in English, learn not to learn them on purpose.

    Let's wonder how it is understood how the names of the objects of clothes and the world of fashion came to us from the English language.

    Russian wordEnglish wordValue
    ivoryivory - elephant brushColor of elephant brush.
    bodya body - bodyMaybe, the word looks like the one that wears the same kind of clothes on the same body.
    windproofa wind - wind; proof - non-penetratingWindproof clothes, sound jacket.
    jeansjeans - trousers, sewn from chіlnoї bavovnyаnої fabric (denim)If you were dressed in gold-shukachiv clothes, and today you know the place at the wardrobe of a practically skinned person.
    clutchto clutch - shopiti, squeeze, squeezesmall handbag squeeze in hands.
    leginsi / leginsileggings - leggings, leggings; a leg - legFashionable glamorous leggings are immediately called legins :-)
    longsleevelong - long; a sleeveT-shirt with long sleeves
    lightto sweat - drinkIn the light of truth, it’s speculative, and the same words are quite logical.
    tuxedoa smoking jacket - “jacket, in which to smoke”Tse word tsіkave pozhennya. Previously, jackets, in which they smoked at home. If the gentleman is going to smoke, he puts on a smart jacket (a smoking jacket), which mav protect his clothes in the smell of smoke and sing when you fall. Before speech, an English tuxedo is a tuxedo or a dinner jacket, and smoking is a chicken.
    stretchto stretch - stretchThis is the name of elastic fabrics, as it is good to stretch. The Russian language has a wide and incorrect vim word - stretch.
    hіlіsia heelSneakers with a collar on the heel.
    hoodiea hood - hoodHooded sweatshirt.
    shortyshort - shortPositioned in English short trousers (short trousers).
    shoesyshoes - vzuttyaSo in slang they call it outrageously.

    The cuisine of the Anglo people is hundreds of savory and savory, so our lords of the country are also preparing the strengths of the foreign countries. With such words, the Russian language was enriched with English words:

    Russian wordEnglish wordValue
    jamto jam - squeeze, squeezeAn analogue of our brew, just squeeze fruit, zmishuet, so that the grass has a small jelly-like consistency.
    crumbleto crumble - krishitiPirіg, the basis of which is made up of oil-borosh krichti.
    crackerto crack - lamatiHrumka pechivo, yak easily lamaetsya.
    pancakea pan - frying pan; a cake - cake, shortbread, mlynetsAmerican version of our mlints.
    roast beefroast - greased; beef - yalovichinaA piece of yalovichi meat, sing, cooked on the grill.
    Hot Doghot - hot; a dog - dogLet's take a look at why the beloved bagatma grass was named so wonderfully. On the right, hot dogs came to the USA from Nіmechchini, they were called Dachshund sandwiches (sandwich tax). Qiu’s name was fluently fluffy and її was replaced by hot dogs. But why in Nimechchyna the grass was tied with dogs? There is a version, as there are a lot of historians, about those who in Nimechi until the middle of the 20th century often added meat to the dog in sausages, that dog sausages began to be called dachshunds.
    chipsychips - potato crisp is lubricatedThe same word cіkave tim, which in American English chips - tse chips, and in British - tse potato fri, yak in American English is called French fries.
    shortbreadshort - trendy; bread - breadThis is what they call rozsipchaste pіsochne pechivo. The word short is used in the meaning of "tenditny, soft" for varieties from the test, for those who have a high spіvvіdnoshnennia olії to boroshn.

    English is an international language, as it is most often victorious at business negotiations of a high equal. The terminology of the world of business will be based on the words of the English adventure, as you practice in the field of economics, management, marketing and finance, you already know hundreds English words. Let's imagine most living with them:

    Russian wordEnglish wordValue
    outsourcingoutsourcing - obtaining resources from outside sourcesThe transfer of songs on a contractual basis works to third-party facsimiles.
    branda brand - brand nameThe brand of the product, which is worthy of great popularity among buyers.
    brokera broker - intermediary, agentPhysically or legal person, like acting as an intermediary for the hour of laying the favors of the exchange, and navit dіє for the instructions of your clients.
    deadlinea deadlineThe rest term of the task of the robot.
    defaultdefault - non-payment, non-balance, non-dollarNezdatnіst vykonat goitre yazannya shkodo pozikovyh koshtіv or pay vodsotkіv for valuable papers.
    diversificationdiverse - different, differentThe development of new (resource) types of activities under the enterprise. And also rozpodіl іnvestitsіy mіzh different objects.
    dealera dealer - seller, sales agentThe company, which is engaged in the wholesale purchase of goods and the sale of goods to customers. He is also a professional participant in the paper market.
    distributorto distribute - distributeRepresentative of a company-maker, who buys goods in it and sells them to retailers and dealers, or I will buy without intermediary.
    investoran investorA particular or organization that invests money in the project, in order to increase its capital.
    crowdfundinga crowd - NATO; funding - financeFinancing new ideas with penny coins and other resources for a great number of people in volunteer ambushes, call out through the Internet.
    leasingto lease - rentForm of crediting for the acquisition of fixed assets of the enterprise, for example, for a dowgostrokov lease with the right of redemption.
    marketingmarketing - pushing on the market, market activityOrganization of production and promotion of goods/services, which is based on the needs of the market. Fahivets marketing is called a marketer or a marketer.
    managementmanagement - managementManagement of social and economic organizations.
    networkinga net - merezha; work - robotEstablishment of business contacts, the creation of a number of brown to robotic acquaintances.
    know-howto know - know; how - yakTechnology, the secret of manufacturing, which allows you to create a product / service with a unique rank.
    PRpublic relations - communication with the communityThe activity of the creation of a familiar image of someone / someone, among them for the help of ZMI.
    prime timeprime - the most beautiful part; time - hourThe hour, if the screens are white, and the radio is picking up the largest audience
    Price lista price - price; a list - a listPrice list, list of prices for goods and services of the singing company.
    promoterto promote - push throughA person who is engaged in selling goods / services to the market.
    releaseto release - release, publishSeeing a new product, for example, a movie, a music album, a book, software, etc.
    retailerretail - sales distributionA legal person who purchases goods in bulk and sells them from retailers.
    realtorrealty - unrulinessSpecialist in the sale of non-robustness, intermediary between the buyer and the seller.
    startupto start up - start the projectRecently, a company that will develop its own business based on innovative ideas or technologies.
    freelancera freelancer - a self-employed spivrobitnik who gives his services to various companiesLyudina vikonu timchasova robot (robot for prayer).
    holdingto hold - trim, vodityThe company, like volodya controlling stakes in the shares of a number of enterprises, and for the sake of which one controls them.

    The vocabulary of sports lovers may be more and more composed of English words, so it can be said that the players learn not only sports terms, but also expand their stock of English language vocabulary. Marvel at the words of the world of sport that the English gave us.

    Russian wordEnglish wordValue
    arm wrestlingan arm - hand; wrestling - wrestlingHand fight.
    basketball, volleyball, football, baseball, handballa ball - ball; a basket - cat; a volley - strike from the ball, receiving the ball on the fly; a foot - leg; a base - base; a hand - handSports with a ball.
    bodybuildinga body - body; to build - will bePhysically right with simulators and important projectiles for building up m'yazovoi masi.
    scuba divingto dive - pirnati; scuba (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) - scubaScuba diving.
    dopingdope - drugZaboroneni zasobi, yakі pіdbadyoryuyut organism for a short period of time.
    curlingto curl - twistGra, in such a way it is necessary to use a stone, which is forged on ice, to the goal. When this stone is round, the shape is spinning.
    kickboxinga kick - stusan; to box - boxingA variation of boxing, in which kicks are allowed.
    crossto cross - retinatiBig abo race crossed mistevistyu.
    penaltiesa penalty - punishment, finePenalty kick on goal supernik.
    rope jumpinga rope - skein; to jump - stribatiHaircuts from alpinistsky motuzka from height.
    surfingsurfKatannya hvil on doshtsi.
    skateboardto skate - ride; a boardRoller boards.
    sportsport - sportThe word spochatku is like disport, which means “rozvaga, vіdvolіkannya vіd robo”.
    startstart - redirection, startThe beginning of something.
    halftime - hour, termThe period of sports gri.
    fitnessfitness - vitality, physical culture, formHealthy way of life, which includes physically right for reaching garnoi form.
    forwarda forward - the one who goes ahead of othersAttacker.

    In the IT-sphere mayzhe all words are taken from English. We’ll mostly chime in here, and you can read about others in the articles of our speakers “Ok, Google, otherwise Everything about gadgets and devices in English my language” and “Computer basics or how to survive in cyberspace”. Basic computer understanding of English.

    Russian wordEnglish wordValue
    browserto browse - look overA program for searching and reviewing Internet resources.
    viralviral - viralThe popular one is spreading on the Internet, like a virus.
    gamera gameLyudina is filled with computer games.
    displaya display - demonstration, displayAttachment of visual display of information.
    driverto drive - keruvati, leadA program that ensures interoperability between the computer's operating system and its hardware components.
    clicka click - clatterClick on the mouse button, click on the button or send it to the site.
    communitya community - spіlnotaA group of people with similar interests.
    loginto log in - log in to the systemName for authorization.
    notebooka notebook - notebook, notebookPortable computer.
    fastto post - publish informationAdvice from the blog or on the forum.
    providerto provide - send, don't careThe company provides access to the Internet, mobile phone calls.
    traffictraffic - traffic, flow of informationObsyag data, what to pass through the server
    hackerto hack - zlamuvati, rubatiLyudina, how to understand well on computers and can slander different systems.
    usera user - koristuvachKoristuvach computer.

    Obviously, it is important to include in one article all the words that we took from the English language. Below we will guide some of the broadest positions to understand. I think that once in a lifetime a skin person got used to the words.

    Russian wordEnglish wordValue
    animationan animal - creatureThe genre of art, in which images of creatures are victorious. You can often feel an "animal print" about a blouse with leopard prints.
    outsideroutsider - side, extremeNefahivets be-yakіy galuzі or not nevdaha, as well as a team or an athlete, they practically have no chance to win.
    bestsellerbest - the best; a seller - a hot item that is for saleThe item that sells the best.
    blenderto blend - mixAttachment for detailing and mixing products.
    blockbustera block - quarter; to bust - driveA popular film, which copes with the effect of the bomb that swelled.
    boilerto boil - boilAppliance heating water.
    briefingbrief - shortShort conference.
    backing vocalsbacking - support; vocal - vocalsSpivaki, yakі pіdspіvuyut vykonavtsyu.
    glamorglamor - charm, charmDemonstrative luxury.
    granta grant - gift, subsidy, subsidyKoshti, who directs himself to the support of art, science, etc.
    destructiveto destroy - ruinuvatiWasteful, inexperienced, ruinous.
    image makerimage - image; to make - robitiLyudina, as I create an image, an ovni image.
    impeachmentimpeachment - nedovira, condemnationVіdmova vladi the head of the state in the aftermath of any violation of the law.
    campinga camp - tabirThe base is equipped for tourists with baptisms and small houses.
    cloveclever - smart, spritny, giftedFor deakim danim, the slang word tezh may have an English root.
    clowna clown - uncouth lad, blaze, clownLover of children at the circus (circus comedian).
    crosswordcross - cross; a word - a wordThe puzzle is loved by all, de words blend into one another.
    loserto lose - spend, promote, showNevdaha.
    mainstreamthe mainstream - main line, main straightThe most important thing is directly from the be-yakіy region.
    parking lotto park - park, parkParking for cars.
    Puzzlea puzzleA puzzle that is made up of faceless pieces.
    playlistto play - play; a list - a listA change of compositions for creation.
    pressingto press - squeezeTick, tick. Often vikoristovuєtsya at the meaning of "psychological vice".
    ratingto rate - evaluateEstimate chogos, steps of popularity.
    remakea remakeUpdated version of the old product.
    reportageto report - remindInformation from the press about the future.
    summita summitChoose the heads of powers or set up on the most important level.
    soundtracka sound - sound; a track - trackSound track, as a rule, music from the film.
    second handsecond - another; a hand - handWere at the vzhivannі speech.
    securitysecurity - security, protectionSecurity service, guard.
    selfieself - self-Self-portrait of creations behind the help of a camera.
    squarea square - areaPlanted garden near the city.
    speakerto speak - speakThe one who speaks at conferences, webinars, narada too.
    Test Drivetest - trial; a drive - more expensiveThe test is more expensive for assessing the vehicle's capacity.
    talk showto talk - speak; a show - vistavaShow, for an hour, the participants hang their thoughts on whatever food.
    trama tram - wagon; a way - wayReview of public transport.
    thrillera thrill - nervous thrillArtistic TV, which shakes you, you can see the nervous trembling that goosebumps that run down your back.
    trolley busa trolley - roller strumoznimach; a bus - bus, omnibusThe name came to the one who used to have small roller streakers before trolleybuses.
    tuningtuning - tuning, tuningRefurbishment, improvement of the car.
    handmadea hand - hand; made - crushedSpeeches are broken by hands.
    shampooa shampoo - head mittZasib for the mitt of the head.
    escalationto escalate - rise, greetZrostannya, posilennya chogos. For example, an escalation of a conflict is a sharpening of a conflict.

    It is also recommended that you look at the video about the words that came to Russian from English.

    The axis of such words of the English campaign in Russian language is often won over in its promotion. Now you know your trip, and also understand your reference. However, there are more similar ones than English in Russian. Do you know any words that came to us from English? Share your cautions in the comments.

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