Eco children with a look at occultism. Like the soul of a child to come to our world, that robs the fathers. Vagity and curtains

Є people who did not sue the mother of children. The topic of the people is one of the most important. I will take on myself the courage to stand firm, that magic knows more about this topic, less medicine than religion. Why do new people die, stink without sin? Why can't moral, enlightened, healthy and beautiful people be mothers of children? And sluts, bastards, alcoholics, and drug addicts breed after mushrooms after doschu? A man and a woman live at the same time for ten years and become childless, then they separate, and they will become a people in the name of another woman, and they will start a child of another woman. They couldn’t do it all at once, but obviously it happened, why is it so? Chi perevannya vagіtnostі є zlochinom? Reasonable magic knows the power supply.

Medicine teaches us, whoever you want, but you can’t give birth to a child of different methods. Extracorporeal filling, surrogate motherhood - no chance! Practically safe, because the law allows couples to be born in the presence of a “defective” newborn, which may be congenital ill. And the risk of such an illness is even greater.

According to the head pediatrician of the Russian Federation, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Oleksandr Baranov, 75 children from the test tube are disabled. You can, honestly, increase your chances of success, plan ahead for twins, so that you want to take one healthy child, and put the "defective" into a child's booth. Navіt yakscho do not take to respect the moral bill of nutrition, it is even an important moment. Vіn polagє in what people are, there are not a few of them. Possibly, if people started, but if it were other things, endowed human bodies? What do children have with test tubes of the soul?

Mine is an hour, stink to give birth to offspring. What will be the soul of their children? Chi do not see so how to get away great numberіndivіduumіv, there are not a few of them. The stench was blamed with a hacker way, not legally, but ominayuchi. Ale, nature has very strong principles of self-regulation, and early on, a part of the population will need to go somewhere.

I am against "test-tube children". If you look at the ECD (extracorporeal flooding), then the mother's body should be given even more hormonal therapy. The consequences of the therapy can be even more negative for the health of both the mother and the future child. Іsnuyut richly "human" approaches, with which people have been koristuyutsya for a long time. On the basis of these approaches, a method has been created that gives miraculous results.

I implement this method together with my colleague, talented parapsychologist Alice Moskvina. If a woman is not without a child, then she is born in the principle of the generation of offspring, and if the people are born, then she can be helped. Doctors diagnose as functional discord, or they seem: "Go ahead and people." Ale chogo I don’t see. In such situations, magic can help you!

Іrіnі (we call the heroine of my roєї rozpovidі herself so) there were 38 years, two years ago, she came to help the authorities to special life. I have done the necessary work, a man has appeared in my life, we are called with him serious stoks. And now she wanted to have people. The doctors diagnosed her with "advancing prolactin", she had an incorrect diagnosis of hypophysis. To that, in my mind, she could not win. For concern, I was prescribed hormonal preparations. These drugs effectively lowered prolactin, but there were also no side effects (all hormonal drugs may have the same effects). Irina was afraid to accept them, because she did not want to take care of her health.

Our method is composed of several stages.

At the first stage, diagnostics are carried out, її zavdannya polagaє in order to know the deep causes, through which a person cannot be born. Once the cause has been found, it can be eliminated. On the vіdmіnu vіd medіnskogo pіdhodі not іdetsya about the creation of any new causal-inheritance zv'yazkіv, not vtruchannya in genetics, life resources of other people are not exploited (as in surrogate motherhood). Shorter seeming, there is no hacking. The magic is engaged in the renewal of the fluttering links, the wholeness is restored. Itself in this field is another stage, I will not describe the nuances of any.

The third stage is prophylactic and recommendatory. Salary features of the life programs of people are given for the sake of eating that way of life. As a rule, this stage is realized by Alice Moskvina. I will not stop playing the role of the fact that it is easier to discuss the low speeches of a woman not with a man, but with a woman. Within the framework of which stage, the most away hour for conception. It was necessary to look after Irina, she summarily followed all the recommendations.

After that, as it starts to conceive, the fourth stage begins. Vіn polagaє suprovodi vagіtnostі. The female woman is anxious. It is especially important to be quiet, who comes before us. God, women who come to the magician for help, respect (and rightly so) what is their remaining chance. Promoted respect from the side of doctors sometimes becomes a drive for stress. It is even more important that emotional anxiety did not pass to the physical plane, did not become a drive for ailment. So, for example, once Irina telephoned Alice Moskviniy and strong pain across.

- I can’t sleep, I feel really bad, even though I didn’t dream of anything important. I was calm, there were no stressful situations, the term is small, less than 16 days, - continued Irina, - at the woman's consultation, they told me that the vaginal flow is normal! What's the reason?

After the diagnostics, it turned out that Irina recognized the negative effects of strong zadrost at her address. The woman guessed that for a few days that she had spent time at the door of her house from the succubus. Susidka marveled at Irina's life, and then, laughing crookedly, she began to cry about those who she was glad of, and didn’t look at anything, and if Irina caught it. . Across the pain has ceased, sleep has revived.

In the life of a skin person, there are unacceptable periods. Relying on knowledge of life programs, you can be ahead of such periods. You can tell on specific topics in that sphere of life, the stars follow the “hit”. "Perededzheny means ozbroєny."

At the link with the cym, the story of another patient, called Elvira, is guessed. It was recommended for the period of pregnancy to change the place of residence. It was more than reasonable that for a long time, for many months, it’s like falling on the vaginess, it’s nasty to feel, perebubayuchi at home. Elvira did not rise up on her back to tsiєї for the sake of respect. And then I turned back with the scargs to my camp, it was bad. At the meal, as if she felt like she was there, during that period, while she was staying with her mother, the woman said zdivovanno that everything was fine there. And if she turned back home, then she became mortified again. I guessed that a few months ahead of that, that it would be bad at home. Now the joy has been taken, a man has rented a booth for her outside the place. The stench has crossed over, Elvir's camp has become more beautiful.

At some stage, a special magical defense against the negative influxes of the family, the health improvement, is to fight.

As far as Irina, then at the planning of the term, she gave birth to a healthy girl.

Prepared by: Olena Obukhova

Leaf fall 2016

The reincarnation-regression was carried out from the submission of readers to the Helen project, like a cicavo, it was hard to periodically put me a feed about the YBC. I certainly wouldn't go into that sort of thing myself.

I mav yakіs ochіkuvannya vіd probable process. Too richly lushpinnya in this topic - in the form of total negativity to some fantastic space laboratories. I didn’t know anything about EKO and I decided to find out after the channeling, for the sake of interest.

Two people worked in a sweat - Olena and Natalya, taking away information at once, as if they didn’t guess. I otrimuval "profarbovanisha" and in pictures. Natalia has been more textual and technological explanations.

We live with my colleague Natalia different lands on the great vіdstanі and navіt in different time zones. Ale tse does not care for us good interplay with the information field and energy flows.


I could see the path of the trajectory ... Let's hurry up, the whirlwind - and flew in. Change all the colors… I’m straight, like on a skewers, they’ve cleaned it… I’m trying to make an analogy to pick up… best of all - I went through the reformatting of that format.

We drank to the quiet, who hopes to clarify this topic. Along the way, I remembered what was there on that river, it came to my senses that I was already there, I know the place.

Type of curators: what you wanted to recognize - recognize.

Olena: I wanted to find out about the source of food - to wonder, how and why did I allow my Soul to go to the instillation through EKO? I want to bachiti that expanse, to be like that. Kim tsі program nadіslanі? What kind of worlds? With what method? What is true for the help of new technologies - did it help women? What are the special lights that “in such a way” bring “their” Souls to? Why is it true, as it seems, that these people do not have Souls? What are their souls? I would like to see them in a special way on the screen, or at the sight of special considerations.

Natalya helped me to spy on those vibrations, that which didn’t work out in me… Channeling really needed to be remembered.

Raptom I clearly saw the shtovhannya not my thoughts:

It is necessary to clarify the request.

Good, - I say to "Ym", - I want to talk, as if the agreement of the Souls on the podium - extracorporeal filling. What did it take? Kim tse bulo done? Where on what plans does it work - contract, agree? Do you know Vishchi Powers about you?

Why do people act like such a wondrous rank? Why does a woman distort other ways of natural conception? New needs for laboratory medical supplies, protocols?

I know what is the bet that you are going through: work tse chi not work? Have you read the stench of various things, including those that eco-children have no Souls?

Natali already started spinning cartoons on the inner screen:

Great, already great screen. The curators urged to wonder about the process: how to see it. Tse bulbashki, similar to miles. These capsules are for the people of the future children... Let's sit down now, or drop a droplet... I'll show you the process, which is already being experienced by women.

Vidpovid meni I’ve been checking again… Prostіr movchav. Everything was closed for me, I didn’t check anything. The screen is stretched with a “shelnoy veil”, I figured out that there are those who can shock me as a minimum, as a maximum shock. I'm closing it to the clients as well, because of the lack of support.

I gave my life a chance to work without pretensions and that super little mustache to show. Unexpectedly, I sang the “movie” clearly, I received information so flow, I gasped!

Causes of...

Olena: They show me directly that women, like in this life, mothers of children and guilty people cannot conceive in this way - in past lives, the stench was a man, on a kshtalt kativ, like they performed at the sight of the tortur over the women, looked over their women's genitals.

I will be shown by the ovens of the middle ages, zastinkas, forged pritosuvannya, unprotected sacrifices, lancers…

My head started spinning a lot.

Olena: Yaky zhakh. Show me, like a palisade of metal rods. Numbers of people rolled women through women's doors. If there was no rise in medicine, it would have been similar to some of the Buzuvir medical achievements.

Information about the centenary of the Middle Ages has been sent. Previously, in other civilizations, this was not done.

Those souls in the spirits of people have taken the decision to take such a notice. Let's sweat the sprat in time to sleep on the bula karmic fence of the Vishchis for the generation of their offspring. The stench drank at those rodovі gіlki, yakі small prodovzhennia Rod. And in every moment of the day, we are “forgiven” and allowed, given a chance. The stench can, in a similar way, go through such an inner hell to see on the woman's plane, the earthly equal - and nothing to bring joy to others, to lead the infirmity through one's body through such a way.

I had a tіlka, my hands clenched.

Women's organs will show me ***…. like a gate, tse yak zgoda zhіnki - on a thin plan, it will be good to go through. For her, there is no chance of any peace of mind. There is a downfall - and then the people, but also through the same mechanical procedure.

(I was immediately aware of a long-standing phrase, that a man has done karma, and a woman has done it. to this particular type, from the position of reincarnation, then everyone falls into their own place and explains the channeling).

Yaki Souls?

Natalya(Assign food to curators) : What is the proof of such flooding on other planets? Chi do not є tsі Souls like a similarity - quiet people chi quiet istot, yakі so themselves chi similar rank zaplіdnyuvalis?

Olena: They will show me what to which portal ... Souls enter ... .. (scanning) Tse souls of people. The stinks are giving me such .... even more wondrous... I read them like a young soul, like a fit. Among them, as if a part of you could be sick: me, like a fool of great heads, show.

I scan that Souls, as if overwhelmed, from a high vibration, are no longer fit to go through this journey. Ale, if it didn’t happen there, if it were some time, such a person would have a true Soul.

I am running the shell of the Earth at once. I am not yet on the level of other planets. For the time being, I will show you that I requested specific requests.

They show me: people go low - Souls, like they will be people - like a row. Portals, how will they be through ECO?

Doctors are...

Olena(Wake down): Who are those doctors, who are on the Earth to shy away? Yakі zadnuyut at the laboratory that everything is broken? How do I fall on the thought of doing it?

I receive such information from the field that these people, who work as physicians in their mortgages, stench in the Thin Plan of the World of Souls, they are engaged in themselves.

Natalya: Olena! I got the information.

Olena: It's amazing not to know, obviously, about what the souls are doing there, at Spiritual world. Here the stench nibi “finish” more often there. Tse osoblivi people who vmіyut tse robiti. I don’t know anything about the price, about EKO, I didn’t stick. Ale at once show me. If you stink like Souls at your medical laboratories - stink there to collect such blanks - rosy forms - and then they fall in ...

I would like to draw an analogy with the Asian llamas, who are known for such signs ... So here, in this situation, they know, take them. Not all doctors in the building master the sacrament. To whom you can and can learn, but if you are a special clan of doctors, you can really understand deeply.

Show me how you feel about them thin body. On the subtle plane.

As an example, to suggest an analogy to me: you can copy the topic of the diploma, rewrite it, retell it. Ale that who is the author himself, who, having written it, can close ochima without hesitation, rozpovisti that explain s be-any mist. Tse vbudovaniya dosvid u їkh complete set. If you try to learn how to read, then people come in, the topic of which is alien to them, they are not barred.

Tse such a whole world!

I feed at the same time, why should I know my Souls about this, who should be confronted with a fact? What are already recognized on Earth?

Tse contract Souls unambiguously, not vipadkovo, me to come.

Who is mami?

Natalya: Chi є women, how to conduct their own EKZ, - experimental?

Olena: Tse їхні osobisti vіdpratsyuvannya. Show me that the Soul itself asks for this dosvіd. Show me the place I know about life planning.

The soul has already gone through the experience of childlessness, perhaps more than one incarnation, but at the same time you can ask for this proof as a chance for a mother child in this life. The soul knows about such a possibility to ask the list for admission.

Bad luck - why?

Olena: I want to ask, why don't you get help from the first time? І go out not at all? Isn't it allowed? Sometimes not spratsovuє? Why?

It seems to me that this is spiritual creativity. And on Earth, the tragedy "did not take root!"

Indeed, there are empty spaces, there is a living space, try to go. There are no guarantees that it will be for sure. Tse yak chance yak option.


Natalya(Reading): This is an experiment, a kind of planning on another planet. Ale at once spend an hour on planet Earth. The situation has changed due to the fact that in the technical nutrition there was a lot of improvement, and at the same time a successful result at the exit. Ale tse type of quiet woman, yakі fit the experiment. І Souls of quiet children, like the weather - the stench is also experimental. The technical process is still being developed.

Olena: How can Soul be experimental? Show me Souls of young Souls. Meni їх, like new ones, show. You say that the Soul is experimental, but I work on the Soul as a new one. Maybe, in this case, here is the same thing.

Natalya: Ale chi tse earthly souls?

I’m going to see “no, not earthly”.

Olena: Menі so ide vіdpovіd "nі". They show me, like ... three wonderful souls.

(And yet I marveled at the Soul in the zanurennya rіznih, ale tsi ??)

I can clearly show the human Soul, but it’s like another (I still can’t figure out what the mind is about?? I definitely translate that it’s not the skin’s soul that can wait to go through such a mechanism.

(when I read the information, I can feel pain in the uterine cavity)

Don’t give me information about other planets, I’m closed, I can’t get through, I don’t allow it, and my mind is getting in.

Ale in my map of the world is knowledge about other Earths (we have a few planets Earth in the so-called different worlds). I cherish about such an experience of flooding on the Earth. They seem to me: don’t shy away at the quiet, lower, equal ones. Only on our Earth.

I have such vibrations that my head hurts a lot. I keep in my eyes pictures from the average women's cakes. Take a poke - vzagali! The stretched-out woman and a man hovering over her... Dosvidi with women, as in the era of inquisitions, people didn’t care about them, but to shatter the Soul.

I could always let it go, but only not the information that came.

Natalya: I have such information that an experimental group of women, like it was lucky to go to the planet Earth, the axis of the experimental evidence of the birth of children from the capsule. It is more important for children to come as new Souls. Tse experimental people, experimental souls. The price of innovation, as it came from the other planet, and for a long time to pass until the experiment on Earth. I got such information, but it’s also overshadowed by yours.

Olena: Yes, we are talking in different words, but about one and the same. Like synonyms.

Natalya: You talk about the Middle Ages. And I’m working on those processes, as they seem to be with my topics. More pictures, I take away the information in a different way, I broadcast my voice more, no matter what.

Olena: The soul may vibir - or be childless, or try to take part in this program. I'm running, how can my Soul stand and don't ask: So, I'm good, I want to win this chance.

Natalya: Information that souls still can’t think of the possibilities to get involved. If they uttered it to them, the stench came in handy. At the same time, women come to Earth for the passage of this experiment.

Olena: So, here the synchronism went. We nibi marvel at the same from different angles.

Planning such lives...

Olena: I'll ask right now. How are such lives planned? What is the purpose of life? Chi for what else?

Natalya:(additional) Why stink people for what else? Since the stench came in such an invisible way.

Olena: Meni come images that razuminnya. what a stink - like an absolutely empty vessel, like absorbing all the information, absorbing all the relevant information like a sponge. The stench comes with a zero code.

(what phrase came to me?)

They have no information about the programs. The stench come for be-yakim dosvid, for be-yakim. I'm running, stink like an empty vessel. which is necessary to fill in the information. Dosvіd Dushі - like a bagatosharova sіtka. And here..

So, ce young new-created souls. Not children of Indigo from the body of knowledge.

They will show me, before the speech, the souls are already drunk. The stench came as soon as they arrived. And the stench is good for everything, for everything. І to take this dosvіd usіma in possible ways, without parsing. They have a mustache of "spiritual pores" vіdkritі - they take from themselves, like a sponge, good and bad.

I'm running around with pictures - the axis of the cocoon is like an empty vessel, yogo zavdannya-maximum - gain life ...

Natalya: Gain maximum energy. Dosvid is the price of energy, which is necessary to fill up, like a ship, for a further evolution. I was given a chance.

All for the sake of the kohanny ...

Olena: Your close ones can stick to them, like plasticine. The stench is unstoppable. Do not steal. The stench is not in that status, shobi rob. Vіd їhnіh relatives already lie down. Ale, ring out - they will show me like that - you should love them. You are grieved with love by mothers, grandmothers, and even help them.

The people on Earth, obviously, do not know what kind of Souls stink to take part in such an experiment. And let me show you that the fathers are cool to help such a child. They give too much.

Such people (children), like settlements dosvіd, pass. A long time is being created for a woman, to reach such a roast, so that she could energetically put that child not 30% of the available energy, but like three lives in one - such a bookmark!

Їm on Earth already help. Show like a true empty judge. Ale, I can’t see how negative the topic is, robots, the negative is just what is being broadcast by other masters (from channelers and reincarnators to rozstanovniki). There is no information that this is evil. There is already a lot of energy there. Such is invisible. I really didn’t realize that there was such information.

Natalya: The stench of creation from the task of "learning to love." Learn to love yourself and learn to love others - quiet women, through which and to which the stench came, exclaimed it was dzherelo.

Olena: So, it’s true, I’ll also show you about the kohannya. There mustache. I don’t take risks. Great. I finally got everything I wanted.

Dear readers, I will ask you to discuss I check your hostility and thoughts on this topic.

Children, curtains, extracorporeal flooding, family karma, Childlessness, Abortion, Soul in the body

Extracorporeal filling:

Operator: є so understandable: extracorporeal filling. Cho Okhoronets can you tell us about it? Kim was given technology?

Me: the technology was given ... not for evil (but as one of the additional tools). We, as a civilization endowed with full freedom of choice, as it was learned, came here for a message without a call (isolated from the Divine zv'azkiv), we were guilty ourselves to learn to resurrect (with our heart) the filth of the good, the good.

And, obviously, we were given different technologies, and how quickly we got it - it’s our choice (with a sign, plus or minus, my tool is behind). In fact, extracorporeal flooding is a chance for such families, even if they want to, but they can’t have children in the traditional way. Oskelki on Earth more and more often became the cause of problems with children and it was adopted Solution….

Operator: why did they blame such difficulties for children?

Me: I’m so understanding that just a lot of karmic problems have accumulated, which will require treatment. For the life that we have lived, guarding all our wars, especially the rest, the most important Holy Wars, deyshlo blaming millions of people.

Peaceful meshkans and middle-class people - children, women, women in their midst - were in a zhahlivy rank. Let us sweat for the sake of it, it was necessary to give (correct your pardon) to these Souls, as if they were implicitly counted to the point of guilt. Impossibility to children, with the onset of piecemeal floods, one of the rich other tools (for the choice of the Soul itself in front of the instillations) in the practice of karmic pardons.

The only thing is, there are folding technologies "in the future" to go. In the wake of the Soul (in the body of a child), I am so wise, it was difficult for me. Suto technical. It wasn’t right there (from the point of view of the dawn of harmony) it was bulo, but then we corrected it.

Operator: and why is it signified on the next offspring on the Souls, karmic?

Me: naturally, to that ... (here I got lost in the streams of information) I don’t understand ...

Operator: chi himself tsey dosvid generate karma?

Me: no, as if to understand karma as punishment. As soon as possible, as a new achievement (new recognition for the Soul).

Operator: I don't say that karma - tse punishment, just, є pevni priyazki up to what.
(Karma is simply є, won't be positive or negative for its own sutty)

Me: so, bindings, you will need to correct it, ... I don’t understand exactly ... as if the correction can be ....

Operator: can you specify the details, what is the correction?

Me: I am globally conscious (began to show even more beautiful “pictures” with energies that stream, like they shimmered with all the colors of the palette). Mabut, there (when the Soul is connected with the body of a child) there are blocks (talking) that you will need to stretch your mind, proroblyat (decompose), sob raise your svіdomіst to the Light.

Operator: so they have their own kind of energetic inconsistency?

Me: so, the stench can go through it, because you don’t feel. The very moment of conception is even more important! Because there is not only physics, there are emotions to go, there is father and mother ... if you are in Lyubov, then there is a call for other energies to pass - Divine! The stench cannot be compared with anything. Tse duzhe important! The stench seems to be less important (wonderful Divine energy for a child, like a package with a priceless gift, like a nadal was beneficially injected into a new stretch of a mustache life). Emotions… energy, just majestic to go! The souls themselves need to be generated by the order of theirs in order to remember the presence of these energies. Shvidshe for everything, the axis is not enough on the street, if it was about blocks.

Operator: It's such a horror story that less than 40% of such children will then become childless themselves.

Me: behind the numbers, it’s not exactly accurate. Tse mozhe buti, ale yakraz and є one of the inflowing blocks.

Operator: so they can stink themselves, in principle?

Me: so, stink can be rebuffed. If the stench opens the divine streams, then everything will be good ....

Operator: shodo " caesarean rosette"- why do you pour into the plaid?

I: tse ... your task at the child (Soul). There schos tezh pov'yazane s passage. Somehow, deakim do not need to go through the birth paths. If a child passes through the birth path, she may have microtraumas (birth traumas. Most often, traumas of the neck ridges). Those who are born through "caesar" do not need it, the stench is guilty of dying. To that, naskіlki it is possible, їх (Souls) to be carried out through the same people. For some souls, the COP is dulled anger to rob less warriors.

Operator: such technology did not exist before, let's say, in the middle ages?

Me: it didn't. Ale richly died children. Give it to the hour, give it to you. The skin epoch has its own agenda. We are living at once in the era of advanced technologies and we are greedy for sim. Our task is to learn how to grow with technologies in conjunction with spiritual development, spiritual energies. Therefore, it is possible for us to synthesize as one goal.

Here (at the session) I did not omit Zberigach's explanation of the reason why it is so important to deal with shallow injuries in New Children. New Children (their miracles, even stronger Souls) come to our world, bringing New Energy from them, calling to help our world to change. It is also important for him to preserve in integrity the entire ridge stovp, including the neck ridges (my respect was especially turned on them. I was tied with a cone-like vine), so as not to condone the streams of the high vibrations yakі stench through itself.

Operator: abortion, how are they indicated for karma?

I: abortions are signified, as if a person were to rob a goal straightened out and not dependent on the year. Kayannya, it’s not worth the trouble, to the one that such a situation is given as a perfect remedy. It is not enough for a person to go through this experience, through these emotions, through testing. Vіn mav vіdchuti tse everything, and the Soul of a child, in a different way - a helper. So the Soul itself, fixed in the body of an unpopular child, such a certificate is necessary.

(Zhintsі, the Virobuvannya went through, the rod, the Boroshna of the Council, it is important to cease to be inexplicably, Zvinuvachuvati, iesalessly Proby the very teddy sulfur, he was not tuned to us. , less we ourselves call to ourselves, having accepted and learned our pardons, we ourselves are approaching the power of evolution to the Light).

As if there is no repentance, as if the person does not see the tragedy of the forlorn, then, nadali, yogo checks the karmic “prophet” (in order for the Soul of the person to grow up until the sound of love and love, which, perhaps, she could not work in this way).

Zahid souls in the body, people:

Operator: I have a lot of thoughts about those, from which time the Soul comes into the body of a child.

Me: and the Soul… is free to choose, if you come in at the body.

Operator: Can we come in on the first day, maybe on the rest?

I: so, you can wake up being present until the conception of a child, guarding the lives of fathers, fates for two, for three. Їm (To the souls, as if they are getting ready to sleep) tse tsikavo. But you can “vbudovuvatisya” (in the body) ... so, be it like a mitigation of the fetus, if you yourself want to. Moreover, you can “come in” and “come out”.

Operator: tobto, "reconcile the suit."

Me: so, revise, chi all harazd i, at once, be at the posture (tila), I’m still new, in sim’ї…. Ale, you already entrusted (start with the body), you can’t re-create it anymore.

Operator: and if she “came in” and had an abortion at the same time, how is it indicated?

Me: better for everything, The child's soul was already ready for what, so she knew about the adoption of such a decision. Tsezh, your kind, opratsyuvannya, zdobuttya dosvіdu. If it were to be known to the Greater Light, it would be namingly valuable, to him everything that comes to mind can be taken. Wanting, for the Soul of a child, such a decision of a mother can be ... out (Soul) sumu, ... out of trouble. Ale, she’s wise, she won’t judge….

(It is necessary to be vipadkіv, if such a decision is taken spontaneously and it was not maddened by the “karmic pleasing” of two Souls (mother and child).

Operator: on what level do you think? Soul razumіє everything, chi tse yak dream for her?

Me: no, there is a lot of evidence.

Operator: from the very people?

Me: if there is no time in the world, there are two warehouses in the new presence, until I am completely “mounted”. Tse rozum (human brain), which only develops and svіdomist (Soul). So from, svіdomіst, it’s more than clear, it’s more of a good mind, what is seen (not only in the physical world, but in the subtle one). And the physical brain of a child, obviously, is just being formed, it does not convince itself.

Figuratively, apparently, the Soul, until it was completely angry with the body, takes on itself a hundred and fifty bodies like “I” and “Vono”. Only once in a while, in the world, the “maturation” of all processes becomes more and more “angry” and blames itself as one whole under the single purpose of the “I”.


How to take it globally, from the look of an ethical setting before Life - they gave birth to yoga, how they did not dare to give the opportunity to manifest and a distant development? Here the law of Assurance of the Creator's viability is applied. If this law is ignored, as a result, there will be death;

In people, breeziness is up to condoms, down to shmatkiv of aborted meat, and women are in pain, both physically and spiritually.

The soul can begin to enter into the embryo from that period, if it develops circulatory system- little heart that judge. This is approximately 2.5 months of intrauterine development. The soul of my son has gone ahead of itself in this term. Before that, there was no one. :) You can use other terms, tse lie down in the light of the plans of the soul itself.

That is why early abortions are considered more safe, both for souls and for the bodies of mothers who didn’t wake up.

And the other terms… Axis is a quote from one explanation: “One of my acquaintances, as she told the story of her appearance on Earth. The first test bula was interrupted by an abortion on in other terms, Another test with the same fathers was successful after 2 years. As it seems, the soul is stubborn. Well, then, if you come, or if you are instructed (about the experiences of the soul), the specialty of going into separation looks like rosemary, in a flash - schizophrenia.

But you don’t need to forget that the soul hasn’t yet technically gone into the bud, and there were clear plans for growing, then at once with the fathers we will experience all the ups and downs of the decision about abortion. I want to, I’m still lucrative in the nature of the soul to lay, її authorities and vibrational plan.

Everyone is aware of the consequences of the woman’s body. I respect myself that my expanse, including the expanse of the body. Tom was young antiseptic tablets And then I decided to stop biting myself and switched to condoms. There were no abortions. The people of the children were aware of the decisions.

Showcases from talk

TETYANA: The number of children is spelled out in the contract for ventilation, but for special initiatives and other moments of mind, the contract can be already rewritten in the process of ventilation?

ASHTAR (through Nadiya): Surely, in the process of instillation, you can rewrite not only a number of children, but be it another part of your life. Tse ideally, for whom it is necessary to learn to cleanse your brain in the form of any illusions, on the kshtalt tієї, that "everything is insane", that it is the fundamental moments that you destroy in the singing vector, etc.

THEA: Yes. I'm good again.

TETYANA: Why is there such a principle that the father always has a spiritual child, but she herself? I suspect that this is the case, then all the same, there are no personal blames. :)

ASHTAR (through Nadiya): No, there is no such principle, everything should be deposited exclusively in the wake of the fathers. At the same time, it is not obligatory to be high and low spiritual, nourishment is sooner in some basic moments, like a stink laying in the development of a child. Most often, the fathers are chosen for equal spirituality, playing the same role for the hour of choosing fathers.

TEA: So, there can be different options. The main role is played by the scenario plan "share".

TETYANA: What happens with ECD (extracorporeal plaque)? Chi can we zazdalegіd forward? What kind of injection can such a way of conceiving a child on the soul itself?

ASHTAR (via Nadiya): I don't know what the YBC is about. I know that such a method of conception does not flow into the soul itself. And that such a method can be rebuffed, as one of the options (scenario).

THEA: I'll wait a little longer, but theoretically, I can't get it.

TETYANA: What happens with surrogate motherhood? Chi do not zmіshuyutsya there usі code and matrices? From whose energies is the body, specialty formed?

Ashtar (via Nadia): In surrogate motherhood, the codes and matrices are confused. The body of that specialty is formed from the energy of all the specialties, the backs of surrogate motherhood. Which energies will be the backbone of a greater and lesser world, to lie in specific features, in all individually, to lie in the form (forces) of energy.

THEA: Definitely!

TETYANA: Why is this particular soul needed? Aje soul picks up specific fathers, does anyone know “there” that the child will be handed over? Singingly, the zmіshannya of all these energies is not even more psychologically motivated by such a child. Tse zagali humanely something new?

THEA: The food is already properly supplied. I’ll tell you right away that I don’t particularly praise anyone THERE. Stink there mustache all from a different angle, lower here, sitting on the Earth. I think you yourself will guess which version is still true. :) This is one of the basic reasons - the lack of analysis and the need to delve into the nuances of the lower gaps, through which there are a few "inadequacies".

TETYANA: Just now I really realized in a right way (revealed) that the actual situation can be seen more clearly in the middle. Tse yak at that example about the plant. Just like the boss just sits in the office, and if you don’t look into the workshops, then you can’t understand the needs of the workers. Adzhe is not for nothing, make more coriste in the hands of pracivniki, who went to the "upper" from the "lower". Zvіdsi vysnovok - since it was known that it was possible for you, TEM, to “punch” into the body :), then it’s possible for our “tops” to be robbed, from i they would go down and marvel at everything in their eyes. Wanting, rozumіyu, scho, better for everything, here there are a bunch of nuances and the stink just doesn’t show the strength.

TEA: They just lap their gustini. Did you want to live in a ditch, but also because of the change of faith through the loss of integrity (subject to aspects)? On me, "friends burn" to marvel, like on a divine. Often it is so kind to feed - well, how is it, in 3D, how do you see it? I laugh, nothing, I say, it’s okay, you can live, come visit, I’ll cover up, like that. :) And there are thoughts in them - well, tsі "zaslantsі z mezh" to create what you want, well, well, we wonder how to finish your experiment with a black specimen (in my individual).

TETYANA: A chula about those who are born as twins to those souls, who, even if richly, cannot reconcile and go through their lessons, and in this way they know how to get closer to each other. What kind of information do you have?

ASHTAR (through Nadiya): If the souls themselves made it possible to pass such a distance, then it is possible to work. Ale is the rule, but the choice of specific souls. Truly, it’s different, millioni other options.

TETYANA: I don’t understand, now there are millions of different options and the twins themselves - what can be in the same meta?

TEA: Millions of non-twin options are small on the uvaz, for the production of the same veins. Keep on talking about the Siamese twins, there's nowhere to go. I think that the topic here is not obov'azkovo po'yazana z vіdpratsyuvannyami. Functionally impersonal options. Twins, or else clone, for example, it is a prototype of a collective witness, if one is aware of another, like oneself. Such a team is one. Technically. But the proportion of twins can be angered to the point of complete restitution.

TETYANA: Like “you bend it, for example”? What is the language about?

THEA: So about the clones of the zvichayn. There are still creatures on Earth cloning. And in other races they have already admonished that now the fresh genius material is being joked around the whole world, they are not aware of it, they have reached it ...

TETYANA: Like a person, with a protracted life, it is possible to develop, to grow more and more with his soul, a soul can come to her (at a looking child), more, so to speak, equal, lower did it plan to sleep?

ASHTAR (through Nadiya): Whatever you want, if you want it so… You can ask. Tse svidshe should be informed about the change of the contract. You can think about everything, you need to remember to drink correctly, accept that you understand all the evidence, as it is already great. Because in such a rank you change the matrix codes of rich people, not only your own, for that hour you need knowledge.

THEA: It's more accurate.

TETYANA: No, I don't want to. I just still know that the fathers of 3D witnessed, ruined by bodies and special features, well, purely physically, I can’t accept the soul of a “greater equal”, it’s written in the contract. Well, I don’t know, I can describe it on a banal butt, a sizable yard gut, a light-hearted first call, and the same yard whale cannot give birth to a thoroughbred cat ... Well, it seemed to be so, I’m still talking with people, with fathers more - I don’t sleep with souls and children often become more aware of what. If you want, I’ll guess your words, TEM, about your matir, that she’s more like a phantom.

THEA: You know what's the problem with your microscopy? You become attached to the body, the parameters of physics. Ale, the soul of a child is not narodzhuyut body batkiv. The stench of people is less than a black body, a physical vessel for the soul. That is why there is no meaning here, what a rіven svіdomosti batkіv pri principі. This factor is more important at the time of the "vihovannya" of the child, until it instills and lies. Now you understand, why did my help to the fathers, with the help of my father, was not delivered to my inner world? For this, the butt of the gut - the same butt of the physical parameters - the breed. Vin fit here. And you know about those that doors often become opulently smart and lively, lower thoroughbred individuals. The beauty and plumpness of the shkiri in the nourishment of spiritual progress cannot be significant. :) Zvichayno, the vibration of the closeness of the child and the father made life easier for everyone. Ale, in the "Strategists" mission, there are other plans for the entire planet.

TETYANA: In my mind, effectively make a connection between physics and physics. How can I give up, well, I can’t help but put an absolutely greedy injection on the body. Adja it seems that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Among the little ones, like people at once, there is a majestic number of such people, on whom you want to marvel and be merciful, and your eyes - there are layers of depth, wisdom, such a bowl!

THEA: The soul pours into the body, so it’s the same body into the soul, but already in the process of it sleepy life. And we spoke at the context of the arrival of the soul to the risen fathers. Tse - different moments.

TETYANA: Then I don’t understand, now people, like they are engaged in self-development, constantly increase the vibrations of their bodies? It’s easier to eat, drink alcohol and cigarettes, do yoga hard, hard.

THEA: What's unreasonable? The body does not care about a healthy life, navpaki. And from the ailing tіlі no longer will be to spirituality. Wanting here is the fashion to bring oneself to the grave, and then we see back at the zazyati fight back, calling me a spiritual robot. From my position, spirituality is far from understanding, it is easy to fall and do not bring yourself to the floor of exile. Razznenny deyak. :)

TETYANA: And how can a high-bred soul lift a bell from a low-breasted body? It is acceptable, if earlier there were fewer souls, quiet, which at once are called “new”, it is possible that more bodies came, but for new souls and bodies they were killed there, I read here more strands of DNA are activated.

I don’t know, well, in my mind I can see that my body, for example, may be able to see the greatness. Well, the axis of the same butt zheyu - me all the children were simply forcibly, with all the energy, I wanted to row the water and at the same time I marvel that all the mothers often joke for the sake of, that work - the child is encouraged to feed ... or maybe the child is already on pranoidine? Like sores there, I didn’t have like all children, but always with some kind of tricks, so doctors often just stood in a deaf corner, only guessing, or maybe like that, or maybe like that. Well, thank God, I didn't get sick that often. :) Well, I don’t know, I’ve got into the wind in the wind, it’s like lightness, lack of space, why not everything is so rotten. :))

Zagalom, I may be stronger than ever, that well, you can’t go all out in the face of inconvenience - physics in one direction, and the soul in another.

As if the soul plans to be effective here (if you want, obviously, you can be effective in a different way) - it needs the cleanest, healthiest body, so that the specialty does not roam, so that the soul can break through and be honored. So I just can’t understand, why did the high-brat soul have a low-brat body, lay on the sofa? Chi walked on the tires? :)

THEA: So it’s not the same to walk around with taverns, you don’t know what it is. And the birth programs, which are passed down from genetics, ruffle the soul in the tіlі vіdchuvati all the negative sounds. Ce and є basic at the time of the new connection. Plus money for life, plus the money that the soul has gathered and pulls with it from the breath to the breath. Karma, so be motion. :)

TETYANA: So the axis and nutrition - is it necessary for the souls of the soul to collect themselves with such programs?

THEA: The soul is tempted to choose from the range of propositions that are already in the minds of the Earth. And how people live, you yourself know. Until then, for the soul, it’s more aggravated, raise the level of energy gently, enter into it, so it’s possible to specialize in the practice of “taking the heights”, if it’s spiritually flooded materially and vibrating. Zagalom, mystic games. :)

TETYANA: They blame all the food through the test, as if they were more or less systematized. It’s important for me to understand, if there are no daily rules of fire, and everything can always be fired up like it’s always. Suitable, someone can have it like that, but not everyone here. Obviously, these are the principles, gradations - otherwise it wouldn’t be those who were a mess, but it would have been absurdly vіdbuvalosa.

THEA: Really, it sounds like this - it's not true. To this very thing, everything that you are trying to understand at once - why here (on Earth) there are no quiet rules, like your native world lives?

TETYANA: We can interrupt the woman’s vagity, but we’ll plan it later ... for the passage of a new lesson (no matter how marveling, we have only lessons here, yak it’s more likely to produce a hell of a lot). It’s important that I saw a chain of food for myself ...

ASHTAR (via Nadia): You can use old programs. I'm sure that these programs will change without a hitch.

THEA: I'm coming!

TETYANA: It is impossible for a woman to take care of the natural way in her life. Axis of a real example: A woman has little opportunity to marvel at her past life and know the moments, she robbed abortions. Vaughan seems to say: “So, tse bulo. Ale, I calmed down. It wasn't me who was the one who did it.” I feed: "And who?" So, specialty is different, but it is formed by the energy of our soul. Wouldn’t it be better to say: “So, I worked so hard, I realized my pardons, I don’t want to work like this anymore and I won’t, and in this life I’m already ready to help my soul to get comfortable?”

ASHTAR (through Nadia): So, it would be logical to move like that, as you say. Not just to say, but to take advantage of the moment on energy levels. It is already necessary to work with new and old programs. Yakby won’t understand that she can throw off the burden of the past, having taken on herself the responsibility for the new one, letting it pass through her heart, then ask to take care of it and give it to the energy, take away the positive reality, take away the positive reality, bend the reality to whom the world is for his benefit, then in it everything could have turned out differently. Ale tse pratsyuє for quiet, who is really wise. And she will act according to her knowledge, do not accept yoga, already practice in old programs, work not with a thought, but with a deed.

TEA: So, the very awareness of that active inclusion in its share does not reach people. I am the reason for the lack of energy of the soul in life, її weak functioning. I don’t nazdoganyatimy negativity, but blame the natural nourishment - and where did the energy go? :)))

TETYANA: Is this the reason for all of her specifically? It’s just that for everyone, then what about for everyone who is a people, the floors are already the back of the energy of the soul?

Thea: The energy of the soul is severely blocked practically in the entire population. Just skin to take on your "chip". The woman’s wife, who is more like her soul, so and especially, the topic of child abortions is spinning, the other women have hundreds of variations, the third have pennies (wealth), the fourth have health, the five have unrealized ambitions (power), and among the shostichs all at once at once and alternately.

TETYANA: You're on the run, why do all the energy go to the experience of chi pragnennya?

THEA: Same!

TETYANA: Are contracts written under the skin of the eye? Chi odrazu on all vtіlennya, well, chi on the next cycle vtіlen іz zagalnym zavdannyam?

Thea: Tse yak wood. On the skin, the instillation is okremo. Ale cey specific agreement becomes a clause of a larger contract. Possibly, there are more variations, while I can’t speak for all, but I prefer this theme.



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For wealthy childless couples, the extracorporeal filling procedure is the only opportunity to become fathers. The people tried to create the YBC for over 40 years, but the first successful result was achieved only in the recent 1978 year. From that hour, hundreds and thousands of children, conceived in the minds of the laboratory, are being born. Test-tube babies are a huge breakthrough in medicine. Science has created that instilled into life the dream of becoming a mother for women, as if they could not for that physical ability.

About those who are the people of YBC children and the traces in the future for them are topical topics for discussion. Superchki are conducted by doninі. Among the clergy, doctors, priests that wonderful people, it is not enough to understand the essence of medical manipulations, two camps have taken shape: addicts and opponents.

The group, as if speaking out against additional reproductive technologies, is aware that children of the YBC are born in such a way that they are more often ill, may be mentally and psychologically rehabilitated, develop more rapidly and cannot bear their offspring. It seems that the stench in the sample is contrary to nature and that is not good for God. Pribichnik extracorporeal zaplіdnenya sprostovoyut qi proof. It seems like there is no way for such people to speak up.

Riziki for "ekoshnyh" children at the hour of wine-making

The extracorporeal filling procedure includes a number of steps. In front of the woman and the person are obstezhuyutsya on the subject of possible pathologies and infections of the paths. This point is important and arguable, the shards for the obvious infection of the embryo may not take root, or interrupt its development earlier for the introduction of the term.

The fathers of children, conceived by a natural path, pass in front of the obstezhennya like a zavzhd. And I want to be honest - call not to undergo any diagnostics. This raises the risk of possible problems during the hour of pregnancy. Zvіdsi it is possible to give a nevtіshny vysnovku, scho “ekoshni” children are protected from the possible negative influx of internal officials.

And all the same, just look at the vaginess that has been observed with the use of additional reproductive technologies, there are so many more risks, less natural conception. This hypothesis is explained by the readiness of the mother's organism to winemaking in the rest of the year and the same in the first day. Before the main risks, which can be blamed for the hour of "ekoshnoy" vagity, lie down:

  • hyperstimulation of the ovaries (in times of embryo transfer, the term is misunderstood, and the woman is exuberant);
  • promotion arterial vice(I threaten the front canopies and placentas);
  • infection (it may take a while to transfer embryos to the uterus and push them into their development);
  • the need for reduction, so that the “reduction” of “near” embryos (this procedure threatens the death of all, to bring in “good” embryos that have taken root);
  • ineffectiveness of the procedure (transferred embryos may simply not take root);
  • stuttering of intrauterine development. And if you are young and healthy, then your reproductive organs will work better. And not the youngest and healthiest women complain about IVF;
  • asphyxia (suffocation) with people. To the very same, doctors will volіyut caesariti "koshnits";
  • low vaga with the people.

Most often, the children of YBC wake up in the presence of great tims, who are born in pairs. Under the hour of manipulation, it is necessary to add 2-3 embryos in a row, which will increase the risk of a successful result. If everything takes root, then twins and triplets will be born. Judging by the opinions of the Batkiv, such children think less than that, they are “the same” children. If the woman has no hormonal changes, then there is a risk of recurrence by protracting the pregnancy.

What do the children of ECO look like

It is not possible to revise a child conceived for the help of additional reproductive technologies. Children have the same eyes, nis, parts of the body and body systems. It is impossible to know obvious details. Until then, follow the memory that the skin of a person is individual and may have its own particularity. Those, like children, are born after the EKZ, lie down in the middle of the fathers. Babies develop a genetic set of species mami and tata, which is similar to them. As donor material is won, it is inevitable to make your own contribution to the genotype and phenotype of a possible child.

The children of ІKSІ are also not disturbed by anything. I have a thought that children, conceived in such a way, are more mature, intelligent and can have a high intellect, so for their creation the best states of the fathers are selected.

The method of ІСІ transmission is not just filling the sample. The procedure for transferring the best sperm and introducing yoga into the egg under a microscope.

Is it true that they often have genetic disorders and serious illnesses

I think that children with ECD may have more chances for the development of intrauterine pathologies and the development of congenital defects. Bring podkrіplyuyutsya doslіdzhennyami, yakі showed the following:

  • the risk of molding the dog's paschi in children conceived with a piece path, higher in 2.4 times;
  • Imovirnіst vyniknennya cardiac pathologies in such malukіv udvіchі more (defects and interdural septum and atrium are formed);
  • Approximately 4.5 times more often children after ECD are diagnosed with atresia of the stravohod and 3.7 times more often in atresia of the rectum;
  • about a third of such children have problems out of the blue;
  • children with ECD often develop neurological pathologies;
  • children's deacons grow up in physical and mental development in the form of their one-year-olds.

Fearful statistics on how healthy children are to learn from their dopovіdі 2009 year, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Oleksandr Baranov - at that time the leading pediatrician of Russia. Vtіm, EKO's hoarders shvidko "thrown Yogo with hats" - they brought other statistics to the EKO's greed. I called the official at the twisted facts of the method of changing the state finance to programs of additional reproductive technologies.

It is not surprising that such data lyakayut future fathers, like bazhayut vdatisya to the method of reproductive technologies. Prote doslіdzhennya, scho nibito confirm high risk vіdhilen, really do not show serious criticism. And yet there are a lot of children, who took the fate of the older ones (and there are more than a dozen of them), a little, so that such a global visnovka could work. Most of these meetings were held in the 90s of the last century, and since that time medicine has gone far ahead. Modern science is simple speculation and the arguments of the opponents of the YBC.

Doctors, as if they are right now, to the right of piece-by-piece floods, it seems that new technologies have been introduced recently. On this day, it is impossible to talk about the same statistics. To talk about the legacy of extracorporeal flooding from the side of genetics, it is necessary to sprout a generation.

As soon as the fathers of the future child are ill, if they are ill, which are transmitted from recessions, then the risk of their savings in the future baby is forever. Ale tse rizik be any kind of conception, navit natural.

To promote the success of the successful result of the woman, a sprat of embryos is added. The risk of rich vaginess is in all types of depression, including those with natural conception. I have a thought that with such a growth, one embryo develops for the other. It is impossible to call this hypothesis unsupported. Prote statistics show that test tubes are more likely to cause different syndromes. Everything that pathologies are manifested at the stage of processing at the sample. The sickness of the germs of a woman simply does not work.

In order to develop the myth about genetic childbirth in YBC children, one can say: the genetic material of the father and mother is taken for breeding, the difference is that the mother and father are less likely to be conceived in the locality - in the sample.

It's true that they stink more often

It is impossible to speak about those who, as a result of piece flooding, are suffering from children's ailments. The skin of the embryo before the transplantation is resolutely twisted and overhauled by any congenital pathologies. Such a kind of re-verification allows minimizing the risk of disability for children after the people.

The health of children, as if they were still in the womb, is closely monitored for the help of regular obstetrics by mothers: tasks of analysis, ultrasound monitoring. Medical practice shows that after the development of additional reproductive technologies, it is more common to carry out canopies for additional caesarean surgery. If you turn to statistics, you can recognize that children, people of the natural path, may have a weak immunity. However, there are no more impudent officials. The main role is played by the way of life, the style of eating and watching the little one in the first place. Sims, in which twins and triplets were born, as a rule, stick more with childish ailments, shards of one gradually infect the other. However, in view of the fact that in this period the method of additional reproductive technologies was victorious, part of the cold did not lie.

“Children after EKZ are the same, like children, conceived in a great way,” respect the gynecologist-reproductologist (Chelyabinsk clinic “Repromed”). — Often the stench develops and grows faster, because it takes more respect, especially as the ECO + IKSI program was carried out only for the human factor. Prote z looking at the sickness of the fathers, if it is necessary to make the IVF and the need for a hormonal boost of vaginess to the point of necessity, one can think about the disease of the greater risk of low illness in the child (to be followed up). Ale may be forever compensated for by your turbo and respect, like the fathers add such a long-term child. From the drive of immunity: vagіtnіst, otrimana and wine "superech" of nature (immunological factor, genetic damage in fathers), it is possible to bring a weak opirnosti to the level of zvnіshnіh factors of a child.

Children after EBC, like babies, conceived in a natural way, endure colds, viruses and bacterial ailments. This process is inevitable and absolutely normal, even if the contact with the alarm clock forms a child's immunity.

The version that the little ones after the EKZ often suffer from pathologies of the herbal tract, also the vshchent broke up. Smilnist to a similar ailment can only be in that depression, as if she was despondent from one of the fathers. Without a doubt, є pathologies, yakі z'appeared in the child's protyazh life. Most often, the reason for this is improper eating, filthy ecology and poor sounds. There is no insurance against such ailments.

“My girl was conceived by a sampler,” Irina, the 39th river, told the site. - Under the people, the won was 2700, the nationality scored two marks on the Abgar scale. They signed us up for five doba, like a loan for the ward.

In the first month, we have small childish problems - colic, gaziki, teeth ... She grew well, added to the vase, went to the river, and spoke at once. Neurologists (like, vtim, other doctors) did not reduce the daily claims to us. The child is normal. Zi znayomih, not dedicated to our family, inquire, no one guessed that our little girl is a “cat”.

Ninі їy already sim. Check with the ophthalmologist, maybe, she went to me (I have pagan zir). Engage in singing, love buti at the center of respect and rush to the stage. Learn English, get ready for school. I do not show my life without our girl.

Read the detailed history of Irina, її man and donka, in our exclusive material about.

It's true that children, people after the YBC, are free

The couple, who have gone astray to advanced reproductive technologies, will always be afraid that the children of the YBC are childless. This myth is sown in the head of patients, as they cannot conceive a child in a natural way. The stench is worried that such a share is checks for their future children. Fearing that their offspring will be condemned to a life without a life, women are often led to extracorporeal pollution, and there is a great pardon.

The most important indications for the EKZ procedure are more tubeless. For some reason, the fallopian tubes are not passing, or for the most part of the day, the woman cannot be sure. This particularity is not congenital and is not transmitted from the recessions. Therefore, to think that a future daughter cannot mother her children through the mother's trumpet infertility is stupid.

Decreased fertility in a person, as one of the signs for ІKSІ, is not a recession. I have a thought that the fathers with a filthy spermogram develop blue, as they may reduce the friability of spermatozoa. Tsya thought is not scientifically confirmed, but may have the right to substantiate.

Children from the test tubes will be free of pregnancy, as the presence of pregnancy in Viklikana's father is genetic factors. Being transmitted from the fall, the stench can become the reason why people who are people for the help of the YBC cannot mother their offspring.

The first newborns, conceived for the help of additional reproductive technologies, have a chance at natural conception. For example, the first "ekoshna" girl - Louise Brown - became the mother of the queen for 28 years, two years after the winter. Luiza was conceived for the help of the YBC in 1977, she became the first child, born for the help of extracorporeal flooding. The fathers could not conceive a baby with a stretch of 9 years;

Psychological insights

The singing prosharkas of the Suspіlstva had a thought that the children of the YBC were without a soul. The church is the largest in this hypothesis. Zgіdno with faith, spirituality emerges at the moment of anger of two state gametes: human and female. At this moment, the embryo is introduced not by a set of cells, but by a human being. It would have been given, there was nothing wrong with that, and the church would be small to accept that recognition new possibilities medicine, but not everything is so simple.

As soon as you delve into the church charter, you can recognize that in 2000 the concept was adopted, from a certain Orthodox point of view, it becomes morally impermissible, whether it be manipulations with prepared embryos: conservation, decline, destruction. It appears that even at an early stage of embryonic development, future children are called to the Lord for the help of their fathers and doctors.

The Church cares that women, like God does not give a child, another share is punished. The main life of the leader of the bezplodnoi polagaє in another. However, a woman in pursuit of her bazhann destroys those that are written in the family. Zdiisnyuyuchi great malice, it is not enough to resist the share, and I spur the physicians to the demise of their children.

As the statistics show, the majority of childless women, who go as far as the EBC procedure, were outraged and squandered the faith, even if the number of blessings for the gift of a child were not small.

And if you get lost in the essence of the problem, then it becomes unreasonable, de that line, as if it is “permissible” to provide medical assistance in the form of “sinful”. For example, Orthodox priests are not opposed to the fact that my mother performed the operation for the renewal of the passage fallopian tubes. The stench does not zaperechuyut hormonal liquids with no pregnancy. Then why is it that the folded likuvannya is not respected by God’s promise, and EKO is included in the list of sins?

The Church is talking about those who do not give up all the embryos, part of the “bio-material” (and, in fact, unborn children) doctors “dispose of” (in fact, drive in). However, modern technologies allow the growth of the necessary, and not the overworld number of embryos.

The peculiarities of the development of children, born after the YBC, do not differ from the spiritual plan in their single years. The main role of this process is graє sіm'ya: її religion, faith, honesty and dotrimannya zvichaїv. Children who have appeared in the world for the help of conception in the test, can go through the traditional rite of christening and take communion, see the church. Farther away, the spiritual share of that psychological state of the child lies exclusively in vihovannya.

Louise Brown - the first girl, born in the ECO, survived the attacks from the side of her peers and grown-up people. In childhood, she recognized serious psychological trauma, describing her experiences in an autobiographical book. Behind Luziza's words, the same-year-olds sang її obvious intellects in them. Sim'ya girls recognized the threat and tskuvannya. In great happiness, in to the current world trapleyaetsya not often. At the same time, there are a lot of children and close relatives not to know that the woman underwent the procedure of extracorporeal flooding in order to become happy motherhood.

Therefore, it is not possible to say unequivocally that during the procedures of the EKZ, children are less likely to be sick or healthy. The statistics are too small, so it is clear that there is evidence for food. Numerically apply the people of the beautiful mothers of the little ones. І є apply, if the YBC procedure led to the nationalization of a disabled person. Sorry, stovіdsotkovoї garantії can not be. Vtіm, absolutely the same can be said about the natural conception.

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