Great Shakhove Opposition: Anatoliy Karpov-Garry Kasparov. Why was the Karpov-Kasparov match not finished to the end? Shakhova party 24 koropiv kaspariv 1985

    Match for the title of champion of the world shakhiv 2012- The match for the title of world champion in 2012 was held between the world champion Vishvanatan Anand (India) and the contender Boris Gelfand (Israel) from 10 to 30 May in the Engineering Corps of the State Tretyakov Gallery. At 2 ... Wikipedia

    Match for the title of champion of the world shakhiv 1975- Match for the title of champion of the world with Shakhiv 1975, there was no match for the title of champion of the world with Shakhiv Robert Fischer and Anatoly Karpov, champion of the world champion tournament. Match ... ... Wikipedia

    Match for the title of champion of the world shakhiv 1972- Between Boris Spassky and Robert Fischer, they met near the capital of Iceland, Reykjavik. The match was accompanied by scandals and psychological warfare between the participants and ended with a score of 12.5: 8.5 for Fischer's greed. Whose match, I’ve fallen into a rage ... ... Wikipedia

    Match for the title of champion of the world shakhiv 2006- Match for the title of champion of the world shakhiv 2006 between the Bulgarian Veselin Topalov and the Russian Volodymyr Kramnik, passing in Elista from 23 April to 13 July 2006.

    Match for the title of champion of the world shakhiv 1972- the fate of Boris Spassky and Robert Fisher was near the capital of Iceland, Reyk'yavik. The match was accompanied by scandals and a psychological war between the participants and ended with a rakhunka 12½: 8½ to Fischer's greed. Tsey match, I have in ... ... Wikipedia

    Match for the title of champion of the world shakhiv 1910 (Lasker - Schlechter)- The match for the first place of the world against Shakhiv between Emanuel Lasker and Karl Schlechter, taking place from September 7 to February 10, 1910 near Vienna and Berlin. It was decided to hold the match for the most out of 30 games, moreover, Schlechter to win ... Wikipedia

    Match for the title of champion of the world shakhiv 1984-1985- The match for the first place of the world against the champion of the world Anatoly Karpov and the champion of the world, Garry Kasparov (offended by the SRSR), taking place from 9 spring 1984 to 8 fierce 1985 in Moscow. The match was held according to the regulations, ... Wikipedia

    Match for the title of champion of the world shakhiv 1910 (Lasker - Yanovsky)- The match for the first place of the world against Shakhiv between Emanuel Lasker and David Yanovskiy, taking place from 8 leaf fall to 8 December 1910 near Berlin. Match grav to 8 wins. Lasker succeeded in reconciliation with a rachunk 8:0 (with 3 draws) and the call was saved ... ... Wikipedia

    Match for the title of champion of the world shakhiv 1890-1891- Match between Wilhelm Steinitz and Isidor Gunsberg, the third official match for the title of champion of the world. We passed from 9 December 1890 to 22 September 1891 in New York. Gravity match for the most out of 20 games. Match table No. Participants 1 2 ... ... Wikipedia

    Match for the title of champion of the world shakhiv 1896-1897- The rematch between Emanuel Lasker and Wilhelm Steinitz was the sixth official match for the title of champion of the world. Vіn passing from 7 leaf fall 1896 to 11 Sichnya 1897 near Moscow. Match gravity to 10 wins. Match table No. Participants 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... ... Wikipedia

Garry Kasparov is a man, who forever wrote himself into light history shakhiv, 13th champion of the world. Like only yoga, they didn’t call it: a computer with a soul, a great and zhahlivy, a ruiner, a bіshovik. Such a difference in recognition of the character of Kasparov's special character, such as crime, good vidomy and in other spheres of life.

According to the estimates of rich fahivtsiv, Kasparov is the greatest shakhist in the world today. The number of cities and titles is majestic for the sake of this. Only Chess "Oscars" in his collection 11. For unofficial tributes, he won nearly five hundred in tournaments of different balance, and also eight times champion of Chess Olympiads.

In 1989, Garry Kasparov, the first on the planet, topped the threshold at 2800 points in the Elo rating, and for example in the 90s, after many times he won in supertournaments of the highest category, with 2851 singles. Tse reach far exceeded the 2012 roci (2861). Stretching 21 years (1985 - 2006), Kasprov practically unreservedly dominated the checker's Olympia, not allowing anyone to lose himself from the first month. At the moment of leaving shakhіv yogo, the rating became 2812 ones.

Childhood and youth

Garry Kimovich Kasparov (born Weinshein) was born on April 13, 1963 near Baku. Batki Garik - father Kim Moiseiovich Weinstein (Jew for nationalism) and mother Klara Shagenivna Kasparova (virmenka) were engineers. Until the 11th birthday, Harry, bearing the title of a father, a protégé mother, having grown angry with anti-Semitic attitudes, that they collected wraps, tried to give him her nickname.

Behind deakim vіdomosti, the fathers revealed the unabashed talent of the sin, if the wines of 5 rokіv added the father's virіshiti shakhoviy etude. Following the Radian tradition, the boy was sent to the section at the Pioneer's booth. After the death of the father, who died in sarcoma, the mother sprung from NDI, and she consecrated the car of the future champion to herself.

Ignoring the child’s dreams about the profession of a doctor (so I wanted to vryatuvaty nevily ailing father), the first serious successes came to the shahs – in 9 years Kasparov was the first-ranking officer, and in 10 years already the CCM. Nezabarom vіde on navchannya to the school of Botvinnik, where he spent for the recommendation of his future mentor Oleksandr Nikitin.

Already at the same time, the maestro announced the overarching analytical vibes of Baku. "That's a vinyatkovy checker's talent, which Alokhin guesses, but is even more subjective and quicker in his decisions," Botvinnik says about his teaching.

1980 was marked for the future checker king by being awarded the title of grandmaster (in 17 years) and graduating from school with a gold medal. The widest prospects were opened before the young man, but Harry joined the Baku Pedagogical Institute. foreign language, which successfully completed.

Garry Kasparov with his mother, Klara Shegenivna

Fighting "two K"

One of the most important sides of the biography of the great shahist is dedicated to the standing of the principal superman, the 12th champion of the world. The first match for the checker's crown rose at the spring of 1984. Just a few people already remembered, even in 1975, at a session of a one-hour play against Karpov, junior Garry zoomed in on reaching an equal position, but through a pardon, I played (div. party lower, at the “Pidbirka of parties” section).

After the ninth game, Karpov won 4:0 (6 wins were needed to win the championship), after which Kasparov changed his tactics and ended up playing for a draw. It's no wonder that we've had 17 games without a win, then we'll win Karpov again. Still not knowing that the unprecedented chess marathon will take 48 games and end with the decisions of the current FIDE President Florencio Campomanes, finish the match prematurely. At that hour, Karpov v_v at the rahunka 5:3. Despite the fact that both sides continued the duel, the decision was not changed.

At FIDE, which followed the CI Congress, changes were made to the regulations for the fight for the title of champion of the world. Narazі vіn folded out of 24 parties for pіdbags of yakіh and deafeningly overcome. In times of equivalence, a crown was won by a champion.

On the 3rd of spring 1985 the second match was born. For the first time, the intrigue was saved to the end. Super players went ahead by chance, Karpov after 4th, and Kasparov after 16th game. Tse turned out to be a turning point. Having won one more game, Kasparov has not lost his hand. At the pіdbag 13:11 to the applicant's greed. Not yet reaching 23 years, Garry Kasparov became the youngest world champion in history. If there are three more matches (1986, 1987, 1990), Kasparov will be the strongest in the field.

Even though no one knew that the standing of the “two Ks” would go far beyond the borders of the shakhivnitsy and join the struggle of the hero (Kasparov) and the official lord (Karpov) are the same.

Literary creativity

Garry Kimovich made few publications as a writer and journalist. Among the most prominent and resonant robots, there is an autobiography of a shahist, seen earlier on English language 1987 rock under the name "Child of change". Later, the book was Russified and changed its name to "Unlimited duel". Beginning in 2003 with the co-authorship of the journalist Dmitry Plisetsky, I create the literary cycle “My great champions”, describe in detail the biography, as well as the creative novelties of the shah champions of the greater early period. In addition, five volumes of presentations analyze the most famous games for their participation.

In 2007, they released the robot “Shahati as a model of life”, and they decided to call it an autobiography. Here the author rozmіrkovuє about vpliv shakhіv on occupied by politics and pіdpriєmnitstvom. During this period, one more work of the grandmaster “Debut Revolution of the 70s” was produced, de presentations of reports, analysis of cardinal changes, which appeared in the theory of debuts.


More like the 80s. Harry Kimovich, having entered the baked battle against the all-powerful FIDE. Todi wines initiating the emergence of the world of the International Association of Grandmasters. Pіznіshe, categorically unsuitable for the policy of the all-world shah organization, at the same time with N. Short stunned in 1993 the rotation about the match one against one under the newly created Professіynoї shahovoї sotsіatsії. Tse brought the FIDE-rated grandmaster to the team-hours exclusion, de yogo was promptly vindicated. After the dissolution of the PCA, Kasparov took part in the creation of a new opposition structure for the sake of the All-World Shah.

Fights against the computer

Kasparov, standing up to fight against the people against the artificial intelligence. First of all, I reconciled with the forces of the computer back in 1989. If the shahs weren’t perfect, then the great shakhist didn’t take chances in the car, easily winning over two games. In 1996, the American company IBM prepared for the world champion the light of a terrible supercomputer in the "Deep Blue" supercomputer. The match, which took place near Philadelphia, ended with Kasparov 4:2. Even then, a marvelous fact was recorded - the prog champion of the car in the classic format shakhiv. However, the whole world of advancing rock shocked the news about the victory of piece intelligence. Regardless of the tense struggle, Kasparov gave up his rachunk 2.5:3.5.

From that hour, a lot of the strongest checks were played by the players with the computer and often played, like, for example, at the memorable match against Deep Fritz. Garry Kimovich's words about those who have no chance at the computer against people in classical checks did not appear to be prophetic. Today, on the best tablets, there are impersonal additions that play on the equals of a grandmaster, and most of all hard programs Mayut force gri, scho transfer 3000 units behind the Elo system.

For example, in the 1990s, Kasparov was inspired by the idea of ​​​​producing shakhivs at the All-World Merazh, organizing the thematic portal "Kasparov's Club". In 1999, a team under the auspices of the Microsoft company will hold an incredible match against the whole world and win it.

Watch for sports

Kasparov pishov from professional shakhiv at 41 rivers, if the kar'єra bula was fired, and there were few prospects in front. As explained by the champion himself, for a new skin party, it’s not just a path to victory, but it’s possible to change. At that time, I didn’t see my own strength until similar changes, having spent a lot of drive.

Political career and scandals

In 2005, having left professional shahs, Garry Kimovich dropped his head from politics, becoming one of the most critical critics of the nation's government. Ale first crocodile on my field of wines having grown richly earlier. Back in 1990, Kasparov was respectful until the advent of the Democratic Party, and after 3 years he actively supported the political project of the government “Vybir Rosії”. From the beginning of the 2000s, wines are being transformed into the camp of the irreconcilable opposition. Kasparov took a part in the activity of a whole group of low protest organizations - Solidarity, the National Assembly of the Russian Federation, the All-Russian Gromadyansky Congress and others. Also, I changed my wine at the coordination radio of the Russian opposition.

Zatrimannya Kasparov bіlya budіvlі Khamovnitskiy court of Moscow in serpni 2012. Harry Kimovich came to support the Pussy Riot group that desecrated the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The police called Kasparov to the fact that he had tasted one of the spivrobitniks for the first time.

Having moved to the USA in 2013, I continue to resist the government. In 2014, the resource was officially blocked in favor of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. Why should I sue Krim to come to Russia, having declared that I have the right to lie in Ukraine.

In 2014, Kasparov elected the FIDE President Kirsana Ilyumzhinova, later declaring that the international organization had turned into a structure, pretending to disguise the vigor of the Russian special services. Unfortunately, the story didn't end. Back in September 2014, American reporters told about the contract, which Kasparov stole from the head of the Shakhovo Federation of Singapore, Ignatius Leongos. As a result of the contract, Kasparov will pay 1 million dollars to Singapore, as if to give him a universal support in the election of the FIDE President.

It became clear that there was no more project for the contract. In the rest of the land, swag of veils, pennies were transferred "to support the development of shahs in the country." As a result, Kasparov not only defeated Ilyumzhinov, but improved his reputation. The delicacy of the situation suggested that the fight against corruption was like an air conditioner. After this incident, Kasparov was stuck with the name "Brudny Harry".

Businessman's career

In the first half of the 90s. Kasparov added a large block of shares in the popular radio station Ekho Moskvy, and then apparently sold it to Volodymyr Gusinsky. At the same time, having become the founder of the Kasparov-consulting company, she was engaged in charter venture transportation and consulting for foreign investors. In 1996, in partnership with the American Maxim Dlugy, Harry fell asleep the RGF investment fund, which bought a controlling stake in the magnesium plant in Solikamsk.

In 1999, for the support of Israeli businessmen, I created a company that was engaged in the development and promotion of paid online services for the training of gris in checks. However, the resource was not promoted with a proper rank, and after three years it was liquidated. Also, for the participation of the world champion, three shah simulators were seen, like victorious at the name of his name. In 2001, Kasparov, having decided to terminate his business activities in Russia, transferred his active assets abroad.

Life Specialist

The peculiarity of Kasparov is characterized by an extraordinary clarity in all manifestations and family life did not become a culprit. Vіn trichі buv podruzhenі i kozhen slub without becoming childless. The first retinue of shahist Maria Arapova is small for philological enlightenment, I get well at Moscow University. Її fine manners, that vіdmіnne nіnnіnnyа мов have acted out of anger at Klara Shahenіvna, having listened to the blue forever. However, not respecting the people of Donka Polina, the family fell apart for the river of the next.

Kasparov from the first retinue Mary Arapova

The other squad of Kasparov was a student Yuliya Vovk, like the ice has reached the full height, with some kind of guilt, she got to know each other in Riza at the Tal memorial. Vіd tskogo shlyubu, yaky trivav 9 rokіv, nyogo lost a friend of a child - son Vadim.

After a few months after another separation, Harry Kimovich became friends again. For the first time, Dar'ya Tarasova, a native of St. Petersburg, became a companion of life, as she overtook the people with two children - the daughter of Aida, that son of Mikoli.

On the other side, in the middle of the 80s. the new one had a close relationship with the famous actress Marina Neyolova, who was 16 years older than Kasparov. In one of his books, the shahist explained that the whole union was the result of apparently mutual blame. During the whole period of life, a daughter, Nika, was born to Neyolova, but Harry Kimovich hastened to resurrect in the spirit of his fatherhood.

  • The date of February 15, 1985, if the decisions of Campomanes interrupted his duel with Anatoly Karpov, Kasparov called the cob of his political career.
  • Based on the experience of the British company Creators Synectics, Harry has reached the list of one hundred light geniuses, having contributed 25 months. Tsіkavo, there are only three Russians and two checkers in this translation (Krim Kasparov).
  • Once, while speaking in Toronto on the topic of hard balls for the development of the intellect, Kasparov hung out so brilliantly, that he had changed all the present profound things to an old-fashioned grey, for which he had put in shoes, like a new star of the new dancers. Now vzuttya is taken away from the museum.
  • At the end of his career, 2004, Kasparov played two games against Magnus Carlsen, who at that time was 13 years old. In one of the games, de Carlsen engraved big, it was even more difficult for Kasparov to overcome the blows. Judging from the video below, Magnus has little to no mental problems - he looks more calm, which cannot be said about Kasparov.

Dobrirka parties

The first game played by Kasparov against Karpov

Leningrad, 1975

This is the first party, like Garry Kasparov from Anatoly Karpov, having saved his life.

On the 9th of spring 1984, the match for the title of champion of the world with Shakhiv between two Radyansk grandmasters was held at the Columned back of Budinka Soyuziv near Moscow Anatoly Karpovі Harry Kasparov. This match, which was unique in itself, showed a great confrontation between the two "Ks", which went beyond the limits of the best shah. The very opposition of Karpov and Kasparov allowed the shahs to reach their peak of popularity among the world.

In 1972, the roci radyansky champion of the world shakhiv, having played the match for the American Bobby Fischer, having spent the light shah's crown

For the Radyansky Union, which shakhisti won the title for a quarter of a century, it was an important blow. Moreover, the crown did not sway, but to the main opponent - Successful States.

The image of the bula was strong, which I knew to inspire in creativity Volodymyr Visotsky at the sight of the song "The Honor of the Shah's Crown", the hero was sent to inspire prestige in the match with "Slate".

The right to compete with Fischer for the title of champion of the world was won by the young grandmaster Anatoly Karpov from Radyansk. In the final match of the contenders, they beat the confirmed Viktor Korchnoi.

The match between Karpov and Fischer, however, never happened. An American grandmaster, who won the glory of a man with prims, having lived for a long time, died and died, and as a result, he was inspired by the match. So in 1975 Anatoly Karpov became the champion of the world without gris. Tsey fact to youmu nagaduvatimut protyazh usієї kar'єri.

Karpov, however, brought his champion's strength to the right, having gained victory in the largest international tournaments. Before speech, Karpov, who took the 1st place more lower in 150 tournaments, є absolute record holder in the history of shakhiv for this show.

In 1978 and 1981 Karpov dvіchi defended the title of champion of the world in matches with Viktor Korchny. The matches took on a sharp political character - rіch u tіm, scho Korchniy at that time became a “infidel” and did not stream himself in slander, slander and radiansky mode, radiansky checks, and especially Karpov.

Unlimited folklore

Lose the champion's crown Korchnoi was worse for Fischer. Karpov, however, did not miss, for what and buv awards are low in the ranks of the awards and special praise in the form of a radian leader Leonida Brezhnev.

In the light of predilections of 1978 and 1981, the match of 1984 did not show such tension, two radian shahists fought for the title of champion of the world - the mastitiy Karpov and the star of the world shakhiv Garry Kasparov.

At that time, matches for the title of champion of the world were held in an unlimited format - up to six wins of one of the superniks. Without letting anyone in, what a similar scheme could wind up at the first marathon.

That cob of the match without leaving sumnіvіv — after nine games Karpov povіv v rahunkom 4:0. The Kasparov team was in a panic at that moment. The prote was found out - the contender for the world's crown undertook to churn out nothing, which was why Karpov's guards stole, who didn't hurry anywhere.

The players, and the SRSR in that period, were “shakhivnitsy”, which they respectfully guarded for the overrun of the duel, began to victoriously - a series of no results in the beginning reached five, then 10 games, and as a result, zupinilas on the number "17". After all, Karpov finally won the devil's win and hit the rahunka 5:0.

However, the situation has changed - Kasparov panicked, while Karpov began to grow aware of it. After a couple of matches Kasparov won his first game at the match. After that, the super players again went to “no one to whom”, for the first time they were drawn to 14 games.

At that hour, the match itself, and the other participants pretended to be heroes of folklore. Kasparov, after scoring the title "Dovgogoryuchy progravach", humorous magazines drew caricatures from images of bearded killers, as if they began to poster for the match in early youth. Professional satirists jarred: "The 300th game of the match between Shakhists Krabov and Kalmarov ended in a match through the fog, which the blame is on the heads of the superniks."

People's humorists "played" the match in their own way: "Karpov and Kasparov are playing the devil's game. Karpov, having grown tired of walking, went to work until the end and slew the dog.

Tsikavo, whose? - Ask Karpov.

Nothing,” Kasparov thought thoughtfully.

It's good, - Karpov guessed, and the supermen squeeze one hand to one.

Non-limit duel

The match has long broken all records of three times, if Kasparov unbeatenly won two games of the past - the 47th and the 48th, raising the score 5:3.

I here FIDE President Florencio Campomanes having voted about pinning the match without voicing, it was possible to motivate "to get in touch with the forces of the participants and the organizers."

Karpov and Kasparov opposed such a decision, although the first one supported, the other did not sign the relevant documents.

Later, Garry Kasparov declared that February 15, 1985, the day of the match, became the cob of yoga political career. The only reason is that at that moment, if a new player had a real chance to win the match, the officials got involved, they played Karpov on the boats, they let Kasparov win.

Objectively, apparently, until the fierce 1985 match between Karpov and Kasparov, it really went beyond the reasonable. However, those who thrashed yoga after two Kasparov overcame, in fact, richly thrived.

Other patrons of the "lone hero"

Farther on, the standoff between Karpov and Kasparov took place on the aphids of the raging changes near the Radyansk community. Zavdyaki numerous interviews with Kasparov's books, which are presented as a struggle of the Radian nomenklatura, as Karpov supported, with the same hero, who threw a cry to the system.

One of the first books by Garry Kasparov is small with the title "Child of Change" - it did not leave doubts in the one on whose side the truth is.

In qiu the legend was then believed by someone else, and the deacons are ready to believe it now. However, it is true that Kasparov is not a true “hero-same” Kasparov, and the support of the new bula is solid.

From that very moment, as a young talent from Baku, Garry Kasparov, having become the first success in the all-Union slogans, took the leader of Radyansky to Azerbaijan, and in the future, the president of independent Azerbaijan. Heydar Aliyev. Aliyev's speech, which included his own infusion into the field, more than once helped Kasparov to get out of difficult situations. For example, the match from Karpovim was not immediately called after the fact that in 1983 the Rotary Radianian delegation moved from the political circles to hold the pivfinal match of the contenders Kasparov - Korchnoi in the USA. Kasparov for the first time in the match (the decision about the yoke, it’s true, the “mountain” was accepted) was disqualified, and Aliyev was more than handed over, yak, he changed the Politburo to actions Going into the “check power”, turned the grandmaster at the gr.

I broke up the opposition to Karpov, if the "democrat" Kasparov tavruvav the opponent of those radyansky shakhovy functionaries in the rest of the words, yogo til Oleksandr Yakovlev- Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU for ideology and " right hand» Mikhail Gorbachova.

In the sixth match, having caused a split

The tale of a genius, which the radian system was supposed to develop, is no more, no more, a myth. However, the next thing to know is that the myth of celebrating the “revealing” of new matches between Karpov and Kasparov.

Not only the country, but the entire world split into “Karpivtsiv” and “Kasparivtsiv”. In the autumn of 1985, the fate of the second match, the valor of such a boulder was once surrounded by 24 games, Garry Kasparov won the victory, becoming the youngest champion of the world in the history of shahs. Later in 1986, Kasparov won a rematch.

1987 saw the fourth match for the title of champion of the world between Kasparov and Karpov - perhaps the most dramatic. In the 23rd pre-departed game, Anatoly Karpov won and won ahead. In order to turn the crown, it was enough for you to win vnіchiu at the 24th game. Prote Kasparov won the victory and won the title of champion.

1990 Kasparov won over Karpov in the fifth match for the title of champion of the world. It turned out richly, that the intrigue began to fade away, the young Kasparov's shards at that hour became significantly stronger for the sworn superman.

However, in 1994 Karpov shook the world at the tournament in Linares - one of the strongest world shahs in the entire history - taking 1 place with a marvelous result of 11 points out of 13 possible. Kasparov scored two and a half points, which the shahs had a right score.

They started talking about those who played the sixth match at the same time, but it turned out to be impossible. On the right, in the black contender's cycle, Anatoly Karpov gave up the right to a match with Kasparov from the British. Nigel Short. Kasparov, on the other hand, voicing his calm superman, voicing about his departure from FIDE and the creation of an alternative professional chess association. Under її egidoy and the match for the title of champion of the world between Kasparov and Short was played. FIDE, having cursed the "rozkolniks", organized its own match between Karpov and the Dutchman Jan Timman, what ex-champion of the world was won

Champion of the world Anatoly Karpov (left-handed) exchanges hands with ex-champion Garry Kasparov (right-handed) before the cob of the black game in the match for the first of the world against checks at the theater Lope de Vega near Seville. Photo: RIA Novini

Type of reforms before transfers

As a result, the world of Shakhiv took off two champions and a mess to add. The whole system of drawing the title of champion of the world broke in tartarari, and about some new match between Karpov and Kasparov could not be moved, even though the world of Shakhovy wanted to.

Garri Kimovich Kasparov, the famous shakhist, appeared as a greedy organizer and reformer. The professional shah's association punished long life after three years of creation, dividing the share of more great projects of Kasparov.

It can be said that Kasparov, who by his matches with Karpov raised the checks to the sky, while he himself “poohovat” them in the 1990s, was overwhelmed by politics.

Anatoly Karpov, in 1998, he won the title of world champion of FIDE in the match with an Indian Viswanathan Anand, step by step in the performances in serious tournaments Garry Kasparov in 2000 played the match for the title of champion of the world Volodymyr Kramnik. Lacking one of the strongest checkers in the world, you can’t turn back the title of champion of wines - it’s rich in what through chaos and swindle in the checker’s world, the reason for such letters is Kasparov himself.

In 2005, Garry Kasparov, voicing about the call for shakhiv, might have consecrated the life of politics away.

The political activity of Kasparov gave the world one more anecdotal episode for the participation of two great "Ks": if Garry Kimovich was caught at one of the Moscow rallies and having recognized the administrative arrest, Anatoly Yevgenovich brought the transfer.

In the meantime, the autumn of the great shah patriarchs is only a pale tenth of the era of their great resistance, which began three dozen years ago ...

Karpov, having occupied a high place at the system of radian shahs, ruled like a king. Another pack: turning the country's prestige, after the fact that, like in 1972, it was in Reyk'yavika, Boris Spassky, having recognized the blows of Robert Fisher, the first shahist, who was far away to win the title of champion of the world at the time of war.

Guess: Botvinnik, Smisliv, Tal, Petrosyan, Spassky, the SRSR won over light checks until Fischer interrupted his triumphal move. The defeat of Spassky was a great blow, even more so, because it was caused by an American and called out a majestic resonance in the whole world.

After Reyk'yavik, the shah's clerks of the SRSR rang at the traveler, and the grand masters at the self-confidence. There were a lot of other zakidiv and mutual calls, it was recognized that there was a need for more serious staging to right that hard discipline. The idea was formed that the famous shakhisti had spent their big fight, leading only an international struggle, and that they needed the confidence to finish the foreign tournaments.

The main bet was raised on Karpov, who made a quick progress, turning the corners after the trivalo interrupted the title of champion of the light of the middle youth. I the young favorite by raptom having shown that all doors are easily opened in front of him and you want to be allowed to take part in prestigious foreign tournaments. The new nadії radyansk shakhiv did not lead to anything!

Do not forget that in times of failure, not only the checks themselves, but the officials who curry them can suffer. Fischer's victories created problems for the shah's rich functionaries, but it was thought that there were serious mistakes in the training of athletes. No one wants to recognize the simple truth that the reason for all our indecencies is the genius of Fischer.

Coming to you in front of a shock, shouted by the shock of Spasky, the shah’s curiosity immediately spurred a number of wins on the leading role of the young champion from the Urals. Karpov inspired hope for a successful fight against Fischer. In addition, it dawned on me that the head of the disciplines, the high school worker, slender to the point of conformism, would not “become chivalrous” at the sight of Spasky. In the meantime, the Shakhovi officials tied their share with the share of the visionary star. Before the speech, for the great cosmonaut Vitaliy Sevastyanov, Karpov appeared as such a companion, which put him into a new orbit - the head of the Shakhovo Federation of the SRSR.

Karpov quickly proved the truth of the burden on the new hope, having won a little tournament for the cordon, de vin niby filling the empty bag, overfilled by Fischer, that he was self-carrying. In 1973, the team won at the same time from the Korchniy interzonal tournament against Leningrad, and then successively won the candidates' matches of Polugaevsky, Spassky and Korchnoi. Now win the match against Fischer.

But the match didn’t come up – the champion of the world didn’t think it was accepted. Although, regardless of how much the opponents of our federation knew, the chances of them being accepted were great: FIDE's supranational congress, calls at the birth of 1975, having confirmed the Fischer formula of an unlimited match up to ten wins, his call was voted out by 35 votes against 32 (with three utrimanih).

Seeing that I can win and the challenger: Aje Youmu, to become the champion of the world, had a chance to win two points with the best of luck (like Alokhin at Capablanca in his time, but in matches up to six wins).

“... My summation is absolutely pure, having written Karpov in his late life at his book “At the distant Bagio” (Moscow, 1981), I have grown my mustache, so that the match has been played, and having waited on all my mind, dictated by the International Shakhivnitsa. And the Fischer axis was moving... Global sports forecasts were unfriendly for me. Fischer is guilty of peremogti - it was almost an axiom. Ale, I was guessing that there are no bad chances for winning in me. I’ve been busy with my skin day, I’m trying to increase my chances. ”

Having set up a historic day for the super-nicks in the match for the first time, accept FIDE and the rest of Fischer's mind? It's doubtful. I on the right are not only in Fischer's self-report. “Now there is no sensation to be unnerved by declaring nevdozі ​​after the Karpov congress. You can brag if the supra-national congress has not yet been heard, and I can imagine that all the powers of Fischer will be accepted there. It happened to Yakby, then I just don’t have the moral right to play a match. But if I realized that the congress of proishs did not follow Fischer's dictation, I calmly calm down. It became clear to me: otherwise there will be a match, otherwise I will be the champion of the world.”

Another reference to the book by A. Karpov and O. Roshal “The Nine Verticals” (Moscow, 1978): “It's too bad that the match didn't go well. However, I can’t blame myself for that, because I can establish principles that I can’t enter into. And Fischer - who already has a whole bunch of wine, having appeared such a person, as if he didn’t get hung up with frequent trappings, let me beat me for sharpness, inviting you to simply “sit on your head.” Up to what? Aje youmu and so already richly for what they forfeited. Unbeknownst to you, yakbi were still able to hang bi, yakbi yoma and continued to go nazustrich until the end.

The next day in history is April 24, 1975, when FIDE President Max Euwe crowned Karpov with the laurel of the champion of the world. The ceremony passed in a natural way: Colonny hall of Budinka unions and re-enactments, the scene was stomped in squares, the blazes of the blitz were superb with the glare of the crystal chandeliers, vital promos poured in an endless stream.

At the press conference, which we later discussed, the new champion of the world wins for food about the possibility of a duel with Fischer: “The ex-champion’s right to a rematch has long been denied ". Ale, having declared that, as before, he was ready to play with Fischer unofficially and on other minds (thirteen years later, in an interview with the foreign magazine Spiegel, Karpov would say: 40 vs. 60... Then I won the low number of the tournament.

As a result, Karpov did not follow the doshka from the “checker's legend” in any way. Prote champion's title, well-being in such a rank, did not bring satisfaction to either you or the Shahs' champions in our country. Karpov has a zv'yazku іz tsim vinik navit sing complex. Why should I take part in such a majestic number of international tournaments, the biggest, the least champion: Karpov, demonstrating his right to wear the crown. Portorož, Ljubljana and Milan in 1975, Skopje, Amsterdam and Montilla in 1976, Bad Lauterberg, Las Palmas, London and Tilburg in 1977. Such a triumphal walk in the face of victory until the victory of the checker's world without knowing the hours of Alokhin ...

Hour pochav pratsyuvati on Karpov. The system, yaka brought to the absolute everything that adopted the approval of ideological fetishes (including in sports), it was perfect. At that time, the pet of the vaga shakhіv in the politicization of sports began to grow. The English grandmaster Michael Steen said: “It is not important to understand the wide popularity of Karpov among the Radyansk Union. Vin is similar to a person with a mass, and for that mass it is easy to identify with her. Karpov was Jewish, yak Botvinnik and Tal, chi vіrmenin, yak Petrosyan. Vіn buv rosіyskoy z glibinki. Karpov himself seeks support for his own proletarian adventure. Mustache zіgralo, mabut, virishalnu role created by yogo cult.

Garry Kasparov became Karpov's new super hero in the fight for the checker's crown, who appeared more firmly on the checkerboard arena in 1973 - engraved at the warehouse of the team of Azerbaijan on the top of boys up to 14 years old (though it was less than ten years old) at the All-Union Youth Games near Vilnius. The official registration of the master title came after the phenomenal victory of Kasparov at the Sokolsky Memorial (Minsk, 1978), de vin ahead of the closest competitor (all participants in the tournament were masters!) by 3.5 points. In the same year, after winning the All-Union Election Tournament in Daugavpils, Kasparov became the youngest player in the history of the Shahs to take part in the highest league championship of the USSR. In two more years, the 18-year-old young man became the champion of the most powerful shah's power in the world! This achievement was so lost to no one that could not be accomplished.

One omrіyana meta was left in front - winning the title of champion of the world, and Kasparov began a goal-directed preparation to reach the head of the goal. In the first cycle world championship (1982-1983), Kasparov took part in the first round, won the last stage - the interzonal tournament (Moscow, 1982, 1st month), won in the matches of the candidates over Oleksandr Bilyavsky, Vasil Smislov and Viktor Korchny and taking away the right to a match for world power

The cob of the match Karpov - Kasparov was appointed on the 10th of spring. A few more days before the first turn was broken, a psychological attack began on Kasparov. Campomanes stating that Kasparov can put a signature under the new rules of the match, otherwise he can vote so that he won without playing. Kasparov does not want to give in to such a pressure. Vіn buv is not suitable for this, because the rules, recognized for the new, court cycle, will play the first world, to be introduced already in this match, which completes the old, trinity cycle. Youmu was unaware of what they were up to. One of the points of the new rules gave Campomanes, as the President of FIDE, an override to the match...

Kasparov, having started to grie, did not know the necessary spiritual zeal. Moreover, knowing that it was necessary to repair the majestic steps, I was even more nervous. At the singing sensi Kasparov, it was easy to win over his front opponents. Now, if in any case the tension of all forces was needed, I wouldn’t be ready for anything - a dumb boxer, who always won a knockout in the first rounds, and in a black fight of zmusheniya to carry out all five fifteen in the ring. Kasparov is also well aware of Karpov's style, as well as the same time to learn this style, and the ability to connect to the analysis of the strongest radyansky grandmasters.

Before the match, Kasparov had no doubt that he was winning against the champion. It’s a pity, because of the need for self-singing, “like” it didn’t come out, the struggle dragged on for a long time. The match was unlimited, but without allowing anyone to sue for the unlimited literally.

On the 10th of spring Karpov moved his king's pawn from e2 to e4, and the biggest match in the history of shahs began. The city of this year, becoming the Colonny Hall of the Budinka Union, the very same, de nine years ago, Max Euwe voted Karpov the champion of the world.

The match was developing according to the scenario, but it was not possible to bring some kind of bulk to the force, maybe, Kassandra himself. Gravtsі rozpochali match without rozvіdki, be-scho pragnuchi zahopit іgrovu іnіtіativu. Kasparov, having obtained a sprinkling of rude pardons, especially in the 2nd party, called Kin “one of the most infamous and the most infamous” of the mustaches. Vinikla position, like Kasparov sounded vibrating, but, after the words of Kіn, "there was a blackout on Kasparov." For example, since Karpov was in time trouble, he won the game, Kasparov is already a radiant one, because he has returned to the eternal check.

In the 3rd game, Kasparov caught a tricky novelty at the opening, and then, trying to solve the problem, we winicked, sacrificing a pishak incorrectly. Karpov vikoristovuvav tsі pardons with surgical accuracy, first giving the cold of his scalpel. On the 27th move in the 6th game, Kasparov had a miraculous chance to achieve success, and then there was a moment of intrusions, and, as one commentator said, "the excess of the game turned into a tortoise for the whites."

And at the 7th party Karpov nanis bang from the defense of Tarrasch, in truth, she served Kasparov in the candidates' matches. Nayprikrіshe, scho Kasparov played the whole game in a bad way, but in the end he made an absolutely unmistakable mistake. Damn black out! The very same Vaganyan said: “Kasparov b'є, b'є, attack, and as a result, he takes the frontier positions, in the shortest time - nothing. Thus the complex can be established. And Kin peredrik, that the match was three times no more than 12 games: “Kasparov’s brilliant career did not give him bad luck, he can hardly be overcome by psychological shock due to uninterrupted blows.”

After the defeat of the 9th party, it seemed that Kin was close to the truth. On the 46th move, Kasparov rudely pardoned - either through a change, or through a non-balance, or else there was no rahunok there, becoming 4:0. It was a disaster! There is nothing to marvel at, that everyone already praised Kasparov. “We and Kin hurried to the middle of the match, but, it seems, they came to the end, calling the English Spilman. Carpov zavzhdi good engraving, albeit so, I didn’t finish it. And Kasparov, maybe, got nervous. Youth yet. Nervi garazd. I didn’t lose my will.”

Lost, as it seems, zagornut that pack the enemy. But here Karpov, having come to pardon, having broken the law of fighting, the enemy needed to be finished off. Vіn virіshiv, scho Kasparov himself suspects and falls. Zvichayno, the reason for tsomu buv - chotiri points of perevagi are not hot, instantly and fall. I Karpov weakening the onslaught. Yakby Karpov, having continued the game, as if on the cob of the match, everything would have ended before the game of the 20th. Perhaps, with the help of the wine and having played a couple of games, it didn’t show up on the results of the fight. In an interview given after the match by TARS correspondents, Karpov found out: “Because Chotiri has some points in reserve, I didn’t break the pitch. It’s possible, my pardon was celibate, it’s necessary to take a bite, while it’s still hot.

The lightness with which Karpov managed to achieve superior advantage already in the first games was negatively marked by his fighting spirit. Maybe, at the very moment, Karpov was drunk with success, setting before himself the task: win with a dry rahunka and finally bring out the trouble of a troubled competitor. And later, Roshal rose, that a similar thought was born earlier: “Povіvshi in the rachunka 2:0, Karpov virishiv, that you can win with the rachunka 6:0 and only so. So I don’t want to risk anymore. It was important not only to win, but to finish the match with a score of 6:0. All the same, it was not only Kasparov, but also Fischer, who won the candidates' matches against Taimanov and Larsen with such a flurry of time.

The 15th game became a turning point. Won tryval 93 go, but Karpov didn’t manage to realize the zayvogo pishak. Kasparov poached his viraz yoga guise and realized that he saw a superman ... His own record was broken, 17 no sleeps were broken! Tse, obviously, is not the record you can write about. Until that moment, interest before the match reached its apogee. Irrespective of the snow and cold, hundreds of people hung around in the hall opposite the Hall of Columns, trying to get tickets.

Irrespective of the colossal internal pressure, the match itself passed, as they wrote, in a winy friendly atmosphere. "Karpov and Kasparov behave like a right gentleman," denoting one looker. And the playwright Leonid Zorin commented on the question, like the same thing about the atmosphere of the match, saying: “More optimistic. I’ve been confused for a long time that the light of Shakhiv has grown impeccably and hostility between partners creates the image of that person’s art. Tim is more satisfied with the game, like Karpov and Kasparov to carry out after the party a comprehensive analysis. You can clearly see that Shakhova’s truth is more dear to him.” The gravity of the truth after the skin part was analyzed right on the stage. The coaches pleased Kasparov not to be timid, the shards in such comprehensive analyzes of wines, allowing the learned Karpov to penetrate his thoughts. Toy vidpoviv: "I can't!" Kasparov didn't want the first job to be indifferent.

The London Times wrote in those days: “Translating the gaze from the white columns and gleaming chandeliers to the stage, hung with a red kilim, de superniks were caught at the shah’s table, you can bachiti, like a nimiy tongue їх tіl vyslovlyu became the spirit of the champion and the contender.

Karpov, blond and husky, sit quietly, eyes shine; sometimes vines spiral on clasped hands or, turning around and glancing at the public without a turbo, discovering behind the lashtunkas, mayzhe like an illusionist. In opposition to you, Kasparov sit firmly and straight; Yogo athletic, mіtsno skroєna to stand looking bezporadny at іy wrestle nerves. Vіn is uncompromisingly surprised at the doshka and for a long time fainted his walk.

On the completion of the 27th game, Karpov left a dreadful stump, before sleeping on the cob. An escort car came ahead. On Leningradsky Prospekt, the column broke into two cars, as if they were driving directly. Between the metro stations "Dynamo" and "Bigova", where the road made a sharp turn, the car skidded into the western smuga. It was fortunate that the road was empty - the cars stood at the red signal of the light. Karpov's car smashed three wraps around itself and crashed into the pavement curb. The stream of cars rushed by, the waters turned their heads in a rush. We stood hvilinu, took a breath. I made the game Karpov win and turn at the rahunka 5:0.

The program of the 27th game interrupted a long series of draws, and Kasparov leaned on the edge of the break. Ale, with a marvelous rank, I felt relieved: the match was played, it was nothing, it was necessary to keep up until the end. The only thing that Kasparov wanted to bring to the Shah's world, what did you win.

Tim, for an hour, the unacceptable side of the bula is vpevnena, that he has already won in the gut. The magazine "64 Shakhoviy Oglyad" appeared to have tensions that Kasparov had access to all his previous successes and that young people had more talent for the new one. Behind the vipadkovy zbіg, the editor-in-chief of this magazine is Karpov, and his intercessor is Roshal, whose main job is to serve as the mouthpiece of the black favorite of the State Committee for Sport and sing his praise.

The climax is small to come in the 31st game. So it was planned. Karpov put on a new suit out of the first drive. All yoga honor tezh bula is dressed in a Christmas way. The Shakhov Federation of the SRSR prepared laurel wreath. For half the game, Karpov's grave is miraculous all day long. Winning a great positional victory and winning a pishak without a hitch. Ale here was trapilos overhead. Vin just panicked. Seemingly, panicking Mav Kasparov, ale vin bov yakraz zowsim calm. "Navit having taken off your jacket for fidelity."

Karpov buv on the border of "dry" victory. The position from the zayvim pishak was up to the typical category. Ale didn’t dare to force it, but check that Kasparov would program himself. Ale felt worse. Kasparov has a chance to launch a counterattack without spending any of it. Perevaga Karpov woke up quickly.

If Karpov was blamed for difficulties for an hour, Kasparov uttered a draw, and it was accepted. Behind the words of the eyewitnesses, Karpov's hands trembled, and the wines gave way, having waited for nothing for some wondrous relief. The psychological initiative of the match moved to Kasparov's book.

It's not surprising that I'll start the game by winning Kasparov. This was the first time to win the match in 94 days and the first time in life to win over Karpov, starting from the game at the session, like Kasparov against Karpov as a schoolboy, ten years ago.

Here, an additional time-out was set up, which gave Karpov the opportunity to come to you (a session of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR was held at the Column Hall, which was far ahead of time for both participants). Ale to wake up Karpov is no longer zooming. Explanations of some oglyadachiv, nibis continued the children of the forces of inertia, suitable for anyone, just not for such an experienced match fight, like Karpov. I’m guilty of the first understanding that on the right it’s not in inertia and not only in the other, but in the fact that Kasparov is playing stronger and stronger. For a successful completion of the match, Karpov already needed a lot of strength. Moreover, in the skin party, and not in the same one. Tsgogo Karpov was not killed in an instant.

Let's have another time-out, like a three-by-one day. The Hall of Columns was needed for panakhidi: here a string was placed with the body of Marshal D.F.Ustinov. Tightening the match, starting to create one problem after another. On the right, not only in the fact that the hall is needed for other visits, part of these bula is planned for this. Kasparov from Karpov missed the Olympics near Thessaloniki. We merged the terms vіz i vіdryadzhen for osіb, yakі small vіdnoshennia before the match. Someone who was separated, who was troubling, called out family problems. Started out. Navit coaches were small to take part in tournaments. Kasparov, having taken Dorfman for a month, until he wins the grave at the first line.

Vitrati for the match grew up. They squeezed on the gravel, despite the rescheduling of the match to the hotel "Sport", stashed far away from the center of Moscow. On the cob of the cob, a sheet was written on the head of the organizing committee of the match, P.N. Ale reached only Timchas's line. The main role of the player is still not a sheet, but the special guarantee of Karpov will finish the match before the end of the month.

On the 29th of September near Moscow, at the Polytechnic Museum, a lecture was planned about the tickets for the championship of the world, and Kasparov insisted that he should take tickets for the lecture. But if on September 30 at the 47th party Kasparov, having won his friend, it was stunned that the transfer to the Sport hotel would still be possible.

Kin wrote about the 47th game: “Karpov's gravitate was weak and until the end of the game he became a chervonim - a sign of his close defeat. Rakhunok 5:2 takes insane leadership behind him, but for two months he has not won a single time, and, perhaps, he will now, like in Bagio 1978, the fate Not only Karpov could guess Bagio - Campomanes, Sevastyanov and Baturinsky tezh were there.

The very same thing in their heads, maybe, the idea of ​​interrupting the match was won. After the defeat of Karpov, having taken away the whole day for the renewal, he is absolutely inaccessible to Kasparov on the cob of the match, if he so demanded a repunch, and, however, in the 48th game, Karpov will replay! From this moment to the 15th fierce, there was one more time out for the next day.

They began to say that before the end of the match the party's strength had already decreased, which made it clear that the champion of the world, perhaps, was unhealthy, and Kasparov's wins were the result of luck. This idea is not supported by a real analysis. Obviously, Count Karpova was far from being perfect, but it’s unlikely that there would be a risk of hardening, which, like the match, pardoned more often, lower Kasparov on the cob.

The people of Karpov's sharpness did not understand what was going on. Their leader of the floor easily defeated Kasparov in the opening games, which left him with only one thing left to do: yogo program of victors of the unhealthy. For them, Karpov, what program is the Karpov's ailments, which means that it is necessary to protect him. I myself an infection. Shakhovi kerіvniki uncontrollably stooped in front of the lakayuchoy prospect, but they could not stink. The doshka and figurkas were cleaned up. The stench was already up to nothing. The term was announced as "spread mobilization" - Campomanes arrived to Moscow.

Schos little statisya!

Thoroughly analyzing the situation that developed after the 48th party, Botvinnik:
“There are three options for ending the match:

First option, least option
- Karpov still wins his single game and becomes a champion.
Another option
- Kasparov won three more stars, win - champion, and tse imovirnishche, lower first.
I come, third option
- the match will be pinned.
The third option is the most popular, because the other one is more important, lower than the first.

Botvinnik mav ration.

On September 31, the next day, after becoming 5:2, the head of the Sports Committee Gramov hung up, after the words of Campomanes, storming the camp of healthy participants and asking them to know how to fix the match. On the same day, there was a rest of the information about moving the match from Column Hall to the Sport Hotel.

1 fierce chergov, 48 party was not seen: Kasparov was told in a letter about the postponement to 4 fierce. The technical time-out was explained by the organizers to the unpreparedness of the hall. Ale, as it became known, there were no annual visits to this preparation. At night against 2 fierce Campomanes tried to organize the meeting of the participants in the match, and the delegation’s leader Mamedov tried to get Kasparov before these negotiations. Prote Campomanes is on the brink, on the night of that night, a narada was held, on which there were attendees of the delegations of the participants, the head arbiter of the match Gligorich and the head of the Appeal Committee of Kinzel.

The proposition of Campomanes was offensive: “Far away from continuing the match in eight games; if in an hour the result is not reached by the regulation, then the match ends, Karpov becomes the champion, and in the spring of the same fate a new match with a score of 0:0 begins. For a few years, Campomanes flew away from Dubai, depriving Kintsel of negotiating.

From this proposition, Kasparov would have to wait a minute - to navit a child, this absurdity is obvious! For a successful completion of the duel, Kasparov had to win a match for a friend's match (and despite the fact that in the previous 47 scoring games there was a total of seven). At the same time, Karpov z for a moment of instant rizikuvati is absolutely safe! Kasparov, putting natural food in this situation: “If the rules change anyway, do we still need additional parties?”

These words were used for years in FIDE documents and in Karpov's statements as a confirmation of Kasparov's initiative to make a match. And then the stench was victorious for the blackout of the party. 4 fierce Gligorich passing Kasparov the mind of Karpov:

1) Kasparov knows he can beat the match;

2) a new match will open at Versnі z rahunka 0:0. As a result, Kasparov wins with an advantage of three points or less, and becomes the champion of the world until September 1, 1986, without winning the victory over Karpov for the sum of two matches. Then the title turns to Karpov, and Kasparov wins in the candidates' matches;

3) if Kasparov wins the match with the advantage of winning points and more points, then he becomes the champion of the world and wins in 1986 to defend his title in the match-tournament of three (against Karpov and win the candidate cycle).

Piece created interruption destroyed the break of the struggle. 6 of the fierce Karpov, having taken a time-out, may have been insufficiently repaired. Kasparov zmusheny buv zvernutisya z sheet to Demichov.

Candidate at a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union,

Minister of Culture of the SRSR,

Goals for the Organizing Committee of the match

to the pershіst svіtu z shahiv

Comrade DEMICHEV P. M.

Shanovny to Petre Nilovich!

September 31, 1985 after the 47th game of the match, which was played ahead of the day in the Column Hall of the Budinka of the Unions, I was told in a letter about those that were beaten, starting from 1 fierce c. r., the match will be held at the conference hall of the hotel "Sport". I gave a year, wanting earlier in the list to you on September 6, 1985. offended by the participants of the match, they slandered the authorities of their occupied minors.

Prote organizers did not tell me about the preparation of the hall at the hotel "Sport" for the holding of the 48th game and the 31st of September, they put me before the fact that it was postponed to the 4th fierce.

At the result of the match, a break was created piece by piece, as if by a singing rank I destroyed the break in sports wrestling.

It's all to make me think that the organizers of the match should give the world champion the opportunity to recover after the defeat of the 47th game. About tse note and taking Anatoliy Karpov time-out 6 fierce.

I would like to remind you that after the 47th game, the President of FIDE, Pan F. Campomanes and his encouragement, Pan Kinzel (West Berlin), were propagated by the match, which was unacceptable to me.

Turning up to you from this list, I ask for your help from a set of normal minds in a match held in accordance with the fundamental Rules.

With a wide troop


In two days, Kasparov saw telephone on Rozmov from Demichovym. Bulo said that the camp was healthy, the participants in the match called for anxiety and that the interruption was about to take the trouble. Then Demichov added that it was necessary to conduct the group honestly and that it was impossible to “finish off a lying down” Karpov. Such a turn was unbearable - even at that time Kasparov lost with a 2:5 score.

Nareshti on the 8th fierce, after the interruption of the day, the 48th party played, as they played in the conference hall of the Sport hotel. Kasparov viyshov on the group is internally calm, the game was canceled, and the next day, when it was finished, it was fixed one third of the win! Obviously, this party brought opponents to Kasparov's bidding. Win win її in garnom style, and it made an impossible argument about those who offended supermen were tired in order to win good checks.

Arriving in Moscow, Campomanes immediately, on the night before the 12th of the fierce, having handed over new propositions to Kasparov's delegation's clerk, in some news it was necessary to house the number of matches - 60 times. Mamedov vіdpovіv, that Kasparov will not be turbulent until the end of the 49th game, more so, that in the new propositions, in fact, all the amount of Karpov's vimogi is saved.

On the 13th of a fierce, early day, if the party was small, Kasparov was told that the time-out had been known once ... the president !!! No official explanations were given, but Mammadov Campomanes said that he voted for a break for the Radyansk Federation, in order to know the best way to fix the match. The MOV about 60 parties was gone!!

Shakhov Federation of the SRSR


A. Karpovim and G. Kasparov, who played three games for over 5 months and in which 48 games were already played (tobto two new matches according to the old rules), Shakhova Federation of the SRSR, and the stability of health I am a participant, ask to vote for a three-month break for the matches.

As you can see, in order to please about the unlimited match Fischer - Karpov (1976) there was a break after four months. This provision was included on the basis of the thoughts of fahіvtsіv health protection. And the match, as it has already been appointed, Karpov - Kasparov will continue until now.

It is also significant that the proposition about the break does not supersede the FIDE Statute and the rules of the match and, vvazhaemo, will be satisfied with the light shakhivnitsa.

Your positive decision is acceptable to the interests of the development of shah's creativity.

With respect

head of the Shakhovo Federation of the SRSR,

dvіchi Hero of the Radyansk Union,

pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR


The intercessor of the head of the federation, Baturinskiy, was the guardian of Karpov's team, the official representative of the press was Roshal. You don't need to say that no one has fed Kasparov on such a list and that he no longer has good health (Sevastyanov himself once during the entire match did not talk to him). Kasparov was seen after the fact, moreover, foreigners!

Kasparov, having said that he doesn’t respect Sevastyanov, is competent to give visnovo about the state of health, and stating with confidence that there are only two ways to finish the match:

1) Karpov starts the match, because he is not in a position to play;
2) Grativate up to a possible limit, at a higher level up to official rules.

On tse Campomanes, saying that there is a third option: "I myself praise the decision!"
What did the president's words mean, Kasparov recognized that evening, if Mamedov's pivnochi was close, and official notifications that the match would be pinned. The FIDE President's decision will be announced tomorrow at the press conference.

Why was the Karpov-Kasparov match not finished to the end?

Campomanes: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, representatives of the press, television and radio. Tsiogorіchny match for the first time in the world, becoming an extraordinary stunner, as if it created unimaginable problems, as it will require special solutions. Shards, in accordance with the FIDE Statute, President of the approval to take a decision on the promotion between congresses and shards, for the regulation of the match, the President of the Special Official Approval for the entire match that the match ended without showing the result. A new match will open from the rahunka 0:0 on 1st spring 1985.

Inquiry: Whose hell are you?

Campomanes: For the sake of both participants. The coming FIDE congress will tell you more about this match - you will be the champion of the world for 1985/86. For respect.

Nutrition: I want to ask a little more about those that have already been discussed here. In the rest of the hour, more specific information appeared in the press - that Pan Karpov was in the middle of a psychological catastrophe (Campomanes smiles and gets up), that I saw each other again and so far. What would you have said - wine, at the liquorice?

At about one o'clock Karpov appeared at the hall. As soon as it was announced, the champion was sitting by the car and listening to the speech of the FIDE President on the radiotelephone. Those who felt vin, yogo struck, and hurried to the hall.

Part of the audience greeted Yogo with a loud voice. It was a little bit, as if they were going to the new one with food, until they were walking through: “How do you feel, Mr. Karpov? Dobre? Tse good."

The champion of the world climbed onto the stage, sat down at the presidium and took the microphone.

I am obliged to say, voicing Karpov, as if I were my Russian, sensitive about my death, they were despoiled. I respect that we can and can continue the match, because the proposition to do yoga is not in my power for the most part on equal minds. I respect that we can talk about Monday... so don't talk, but continue our match. I think that Kasparov supports these propositions and similar problems for no reason. I think we should ask Kasparov here (with a hard hand).

Hall vіdpovіv splashed on the words.

Kasparov: I want to give the president one food: what is the whole show for, mister president? you came and voiced that, regardless of our bajannya grati, you interrupt the match. What is it for? Tell us what me, do you accept?

Campomanes: I especially believe that those I work for are in the best interests. Ale superniki - only part of the situation that has developed. At once, however ... I'm already far away. As if offended supermen want to grow up to the end (smіch in the hall), I’ll talk with them about the camp alone, shards I’ve come across such a situation for a long time, but I can’t reach it: it’s not Pan Karpov, it’s not Kasparov, I’m trying get in touch with them. Now the moment has come. I want to talk to you (applause). We go for ten minutes.

Kasparov: I want to make my statement. Let those who drag out the match, win for the price. The match is guilty of trivati, and I mean two things like that - no time-outs, no breaks. And yet the match was recognizable and recognizable, and it dawned on me that with the skinny chance of the champion of the world to win one game, they grow, and mine changes (applause).

Campomanes: Break for ten minutes.

The break lasted 1 year 38 minutes, and for a long time, foreign journalism was at the scruff, which we passed on to our editors.

Campomanes, Karpov, Rusak, Gavrilin, Kintsel, Sevastyanov and Mamedov went to the room. Uvіyshovshi to the kіmnati, where the narada was held, Kasparov was quick to understand, what had already been seen! Navit Karpov, who made a strong stand at the hall, if you want to continue the match, now I’ll lose the rematch more than once. Sevastyanov immediately supported Karpov's might, without quarreling with Campomanes. Food about the continuation of the match was not seen! Kasparov confirmed his thought: if Karpov doesn't win the match, be it as if he had to fight, it's against the rules. Campomanes said that Kasparov would be given the right to declare his position at the FIDE congress.

Then the participants were asked to sign an official document, in which the stink of the president's decisions was called out. Over the course of the year, Kasparov was hacked into signing his papers, they spoke to him rudely, raggedly. And yet I didn’t put my signature under the “historical” document of wine!

It was clear that Karpov didn’t really want to sign papirs, having only said so much after that, like Sevastyanov, slapping him on the shoulder, saying: “Come on, Tolya, sign. Tse garniy papir".

After the second year, Campomanes decided to vote the rest of the decision.

Campomanes: The champion of the world will wait for the decisions of the president, and the challenger will follow the decision of the president. Under the hour of judging, I recognized the correctness of the champion of the world, which I stumbled upon, which deserves - and may have the right - to the rematch after a new match. I’m crying in front of both participants to remind the congress and, I add to myself, not only to the congress, but to the support of all 122 federations, that I should enter FIDE, that, having waited for these decisions (for the champion of the world) , the stench hung up everything, what to think from this food. For respect.

What is the right of Campomanes to take such a special decision? Chi without perevishchiv vin svoїh vnovozhen? No, I didn't overdo it! It is enough to look at the rules of the match, confirmed in 1983 in Manila, from the speechless praise of the representatives of the SRSR - Sevastyanov, Krogius, and Karpov himself, so that he could change his mind.

Paragraph 6.11 says in black and white:

"President of FIDE (...) hopes to take the remaining decisions on the balance of meals related to the match."

The axis of wines and praising the residual solution ...

In such a rank, the match, which was three times over five months, was annulled, and the shah's world, in fact, appeared

On the 10th of spring, 1984, the founding and most scandalous duel in the history of Shakhiv between Anatoly Karpov and Gari Kasparov was born. Superniki fought for the title of the World Championship.

Until the end of the match, Karpov and Kasparov played all three games together, and ended in a draw. However, as a result, their opposition became the most significant in the history of shahs.

To win a duel, it is necessary for the first to win 6 games. Such regulations were introduced in the fierce year of 1977 and, as usual, there were two matches between Anatoly Karpov and Viktor Korchny.

Already after the ninth game, Karpov won 4:0, and in the offensive games, Kasparov changed his tactics: he won the game for a draw in the skin game and zmushuvat Karpov, play a different color against his favorite schemes. I started a series of seventeen draws, and won the twenty-sixth game again by winning Karpov, who now had one point to win in the match. Kasparov "soaked" the rahunki of thirty other parties. In the forty-first game, Karpov was close to winning, but after spending yoga, and Kasparov won in the forty-eight and forty-eight games.

On February 15, 1985, FIDE President Florencio Campomanes, at a press conference, announced about the pinning of the match, motivating the depletion of physical and mental resources of the participants, and the second match between them and super teams in 1985. With this, Karpov and Kasparov were ready to continue the match. At the same press conference, Kasparov, a contender for the light check crown, called Campomanes, who won the match more than once, if Kasparov has a chance of winning.

Kolishnіy chief of the Department of Shahіv Derzhkomsportu SRSR, grandmaster Mykola Krogіus at the memoir book “Shakhati. Grata ta zhittya” showing that the match was interrupted due to the statement of Heydar Aliyev, a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Such a rank, standing up to shahists, became the mother of a serious political spectacle. Moreover, people who didn’t understand anything in checks, in the SRSR spoke to Kasparov, like people who went against the system. Most of the conservatively laced part of the Suspіlstva sympathized with Karpov.

New rules were approved at the FIDE congress: the matches for the title of champion of the world were played for the most out of 24 games, for the rahunka 12:12 the champion won the title. In the fate of 1985, Kasparov gave a great interview to the foreign magazine Spiegel, in which he called Shakhov's federation of the SRSR at Karpov's supporter, be it with anti-Semitism and doubting that a new match would be. Three days before the start of the match, there were few meetings of the federation, on which a decision was planned to disqualify Kasparov. Kasparov vryatuvav new head of propaganda of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Oleksandr Yakovlev, who changed the country's architecture in the fact that the match can be played.

The new match between Karpov and Kasparov took place on the 1st of spring 1985 near Moscow. Kasparov, having won the first game, having played a large, small-scale continuation of Nimzowitsch's defense. Karpov Viyshov was ahead of the game in the fourth and fifth games, the next five ended in victory. In the eleventh game, Kasparov played the rahuka rahuka to the rough “pozihu” of the super player.

The sixteenth game became a turning point, in which Kasparov played a black game against the Sicilian defender and gained an effective victory. Nezabar Kasparov won one more game. The champion of the world quickly rose to the minimum in twenty other parties. The rest of the game ended in a match, and in the rest, in the same Karpova ruled less than a win, as she allowed the stars to rise and save the title of champion, Kasparov turned out to be the strongest.

The match ended on November 10, 1985 with a 13:11 kick to the contender's greed. At 22 years, Kasparov became the youngest champion of the world in the history of shakhivs, having defeated Mikhail Tal himself, having won the title of Champion of the world from Mikhail Botvinnik at 23 years.

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