What will be, how will Lenin be buried. But the mother earth does not receive the body, but the heavens give the soul - when will Lenin be buried? V. Lenin is an absolute record holder, champion of the world for the number of installed monuments on the planet. And street Lenina - not enough in the skin

V.I. Lenin pishov vіd us 21 September 1924. Ale dosido not hear the sorrows of Russian politicians and all sorts of different devils about the body of the founder of the ninth Russian state, as it took legal recession in the SRSR: axis, moving, let's say yoga, as it seems, "in a human way" - axis stingy cholovіcha tears of the minister of culture Medinsky:

“I like having respected, so I respect that the body can be on the earth. I would finish the necessary rituals. Oskelki tsya vishcha posadov's person, as if such a decision would be accepted, may be buried with usma grand sovereign rituals, poshanoy, military salute, on a guide mission "

Axis and religion priming, in the form of a new one:
"For the sake of stupidity, the pagan-necrophilic mission we have on Chervoniy Square", - respect Medinsky.

Pivot axis Vitaliy Tretyakov (2005)
“It’s worse, it’s not normal that Lenin’s body was not seen after the death of the earth, how to lie behind the Russian Orthodox tradition. "

Axis, having healed tsim bol, Russian nationalists created the organizing committee "For the guilt of Lenin!"

Diyshlo i before liberals - I. Begtin, a member of the “Committee of Gromadyansky іnіtsiаtiv” A. Kudrin, speaking with the initiative “To blame Lenin for the Mausoleum and pohovati”. This committee of Kudrinsky has the whole “colour” of orange anti-Sovietism: see M. Svanidze and E. Yasina do I. Yurgens and Y. Gontmakher and D. Oreshkin and L. Gozman to the governor of the Kirov region M. Bilikh.

I liberals and sov. "Conservatives" - anti-radiologists declare the need to honor de Lenin "like a human being" as the foundation of their joys.
It appears that stinks can sleep peacefully - they are afraid of not being true, why is this evidence material . Yakiy and giving below .

According to the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation S.P. Obukhov

Bullshit pers.

The main propagandistic blow is concentrated on inspiring the public opinion of the ideas of Lenin's honor. And here is an obvious rozrahunok - like a normal person zaperechuvateme against the burial of the remains of the deceased? I want to talk with Lenin about resurrection.

It was given, it was obvious to everyone rich - Lenin's blessings. Yak zasnovnik Russian Federation that SRSR Volodymyr Illich Lenin was consecrated with the greatest sovereign honors on September 27, 1924.

Before the speech, and the co-workers did not have small sumnivivs about those that Lenin was honored with. Newspaper articles and notes of September-Birch 1924 illuminated the rock with headlines: "Lenin's Grave", "Beyond the Hill's Grave", "At Lenin's Grave" thinly.

The 1st form of pohovannya was designated by the largest organ of the vlady of the country - the 2nd All-Union Star of the Rada - near the earth, on the depth of three meters near the crypt, above which is the Mausoleum. Before the speech, the delegate of the day, Lenin's widow Nadiya Kostyantinivna Krupska, also voted for the decision.

Navіt looking at the honor of V.I. the crypt and the Mausoleum over it are now complying with the current laws of the Russian Federation.The embalmed body of Lenin rests at the sarcophagus on the depths of three meters under the ground, which complies with the norms federal law“About the burial of that funeral on the right” from 12.01.1996 p. Article 3 of the law says: “The burial may be buried by the way of the transfer of the body (remains) of the dead earth (buried in the grave, crypt)”. And the body of Lenin, guessing once again, was buried in a crypt (a crypt of a tomb buried in the ground).

I need to understand the “repentance” and “recovering” from the massed informational potoci to the great hulk, remember it importantly:even a high level of directing - all the stately ZMIs, including TV broadcasting, navit "independence" news agencies and liberal oppositional views write only about "holy", resolutely prihovayuchi pіdmіnu understand.

The political initiators of resurrection are no longer able to face the appearances of enormity in looking grave diggers. Zvіdsi th nonsense about the need for pohovannya, which is not known.

Friend's bullshit.

"Lenin's body is put on the lookout, resting not in a Christian way, the earth is not seen."
Guess what, Mr. Ilarion (Alfєєv) and Medinsky public statement to the native niece of Lenin Olga Dmitrivna Ulyanova: “I have repeatedly stated that I repeat once again that I am categorically against the resurrection of Volodymyr Illich Lenin. There are no everyday opportunities for anyone. Navіt religious. The sarcophagus, in which wine lies, is located three meters below the level of the earth, which confirms the honors of the Russian zvichaєm, and the Orthodox canon ".

Olga Dmitrivna more than once gave clues to grave diggers, as if they were saying that Lenin’s commemorations are not clear until folk traditions, beyond the borders of the Orthodox cultural tradition.

In addition, the body was not given to the earth, the evidence was given already in violation of the provisions of the Federal Law “On the burial of that funeral on the right”: burial at the crypt and the form of burial near the earth.

And now, from the drive, I look around the buried body. Why is there already a vinnyatkovy vapadok in the practice of burying the great, glorified people in the lands from a strong Christian cultural tradition?

Finding the best butt of the sarcophagus of the great Russian surgeon Mikoli Pirogova near Vinnitsa.

The sarcophagus from the string of the great vchenogo vcheny near the crypt, which is one of the forms of burial near the earth and the axis has already been put on the lookout for more than 130 rokiv.As it is written by the signatory of the Holy Synod in St. Petersburg, “to teach and prodovzhuvachi noble and charitable rights of the servant of God N.I. Pirogov could have created this bright image.

And the axis of the knights from the head of the commission of the Central Exhibition Commission to the Union of the RSR for the funeral of V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) F. Dzerzhinsky: “ In order to honor the wide zeal of the Union of the RCP and other lands, look at the late leader, commission for the funeral of V.I. Ulyanova (Lenina) made it possible to live in, as if in the order of modern science, for the possible preservation of the body.

Chim in to this particular type decisions of a sovereign body Russian Empire, yakim buv Holy Synod, that having allowed "buchity a bright look" of the late venerable Pirogov to the teachers and shanuvalniks, one is surprised by such a decision of the great body state power in particular Z'izdu Rad and Central Exhibition Complex of the SRSR? Nothing? So why is everything calm from the first drive, and from the other there is all-world hubbub?

Like a bachimo, at the time of the noise, the form of Lenin's pohovannya in the obviousness of political cunning, cover it up with some kind of pseudo-religious incantations.

nothing more in the case of Pirogov, no more than in the case of Lenin, I do not destroy the food about copying the practice of setting up the relics of saints, canonized by the Church.No one stalked Pirogov and Lenin in the countryside for worship by believers, as if to rob the Church with the relics of saints, not to carry. Nothing is applied to the embalmed bodies of the late great people. It dawned on everyone that their intransigence is the recognition of their merits before people (power, supremacy, different splendours). Less than the bulky, like shanuyut such great sovereign and scientific deacons, entering the crypt, take away the possibility of "bearing a bright look."

Before the speech, in such a fury of the Catholic land, a similar pіdkhіd boov at the funeral of the “chief of the state”, the father-founder of the Other Commonwealth Marshal Pilsudsky, at some kind of blue from the official church, the boules were so far from being clumsy

. I'm going from Catholicism to Protestantism, then I'm going back to Catholicism. That traditional coup of 1926 to the fate, vlashtovatsya by the co-founder of the state, was also crooked. That one among the collaborators of the concentration camps Pilsudskyi was well known. Ale ... the head of the state. Wanting to build a Catholic church, it was engaged in burying the remains of the remains in the Wawel crypts, which provoked a conflict between the bishops and President Mostitsky.

Let's guess, Pilsudsky Bulo was buried in 1935 at the Wawel Castle, at the crypt at the cursed grave. Ale's balm treatment turned out to be ineffective. The result was more than a small end, like a ninth started.

Third lie.

Continue to work and try to inspire the welfare that

"it is necessary to vikonate the will of Lenin" nibito " commanding you to have peace with your mother at the Volkovo cemeteryAt Leningrad. It’s a lie to walk around the world from quiet fir, like її voicing for the first time at one of the meetings of the Z’izda of people’s deputies of the SRSR, which was broadcast live on air, htos Karyakin. Potim nebilitsu pidhopiv yakys Anatoly Sobchak.

From application Olga Dmitrivna Ulyanova clearly clear:
“Try to bring what you know about those who were buried in Volkov’s Tsvintary, impromptu. There is no such document, and it could not be, our homeland also did not have any ideas on this topic. Volodymyr Illich died to finish young vice- 53 fates, and obviously, thinking more about life, less about death. Until then, vrakhovuychi historical epoch, in which Lenin is alive, his nature, the character of a right revolutionary, is inspired, without becoming writing a command on this topic. Volodymyr Illich used to be a modest person, as if he were the least talking about himself. Shvidshe for everything, having left the wines to the country, to the people, as if they were going to thoroughly power.

Vcheny that publicist A.S. Abramov, The head of the board of the Blagodіynoi hromada organization (fund) for saving the Mausoleum of V.I. Yeltsin with the drive of Lenin's order.

In the official letter to President Yeltsin, it was said that “there is no document of Lenin the rest of the will Let's commemorate Lenin on the singing Russian zvintar".

May ration A.S. Abramov, a kind of stverdzhu, scho navit from a life point of view to prove about Volkovy tsvintar rabidly false. Aja Lenin is already resting a charge from the widow, Nadiya Krupskaya, and sister Mary Ulyanova, the ashes of which are being transferred from the necropolis of the Kremlin wall.

Lies fourth.

"It is necessary to clean up the Mausoleum and the Necropolis of Heroes radianska dobi, so likeit is impossible to turn Chervona Square into zvintar.The historical illiteracy of the authors of this argument is obvious. Territory of the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed, or "Cathedral of the Intercession, which is on the ditch" - is also the most ancient tsvintar.

Chervona square in the ninth look - tse molded in the URSR and the SRSR place of power. Here we see symbols of the past historical epochs - from Moscow Russia (the role of the city of power here was played by Lobne Misce) to the SRSR (the sovereign tribune and honorary father of the successor of the Ninish Russian Federation and the heroes of the Radiansk Doby). The ninth rulers of the Russian Federation, organizing a parade to honor the Day of the Victory of the SRSR in another world war, actually recognize the status of Chervonoy Square.

* * *
De sche similarly shake the people of their great state deacons

Interment of Moscow sovereigns at the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin

This is how the tomb of Kozmi Minin looked backwards near Nizhny Novgorod

Tomb of Emperor Napoleon near Republican France

Pantheon at Rome. Starting from the epoch of the Renaissance, yoga was victorious like a tomb. The middle is quiet, who is buried here, such great people, like Rafael and Carracci, the composer Corelli, the architect of Peruzzi and the two kings of Italy - Victor Emmanuel II and Umberto I

NY. USA. Triumph of Pivnoch over Pivdny. Mausoleum of American President Ulysses Grant (1897) near Manhattan's Riverside Park. Photograph of the hours of the First Holy War: the Grant mausoleum was sent to weep the warships.

Mausoleum of the father-founder of the current Turkish Republic of Ataturk
* * *

For the sake of the future, the food about the share of the body is brokenVolodymyr Illich Ulyanov (Lenin). Yogo, apparently, in 1924 the rock was mummified with the method of public display in the mausoleum, built on the Red Square, a new tsvintar radianska vlady...

The mummification of Lenin does not hold anything in himself that there would be no traces of history. Academicians were engaged in embalming the body of LeninV. P. Vorobyovі B.I. Zbarskiy, yakі have developed the recipe for "balsamic rind", in the yak the remains of Lenin are buriedskin 18 months. About this side of history and the miracle of an interview with Academician Illya Zbarsky, the son of the founder of the laboratory at the Mausoleum, how the leader’s body is taken care of ( http://www.xenoid.ru/materials/materials_chem/history/lenin.php)...

The scientific literature accurately characterizes the method of embalming, zastosovaniya radianskim vchenimi, as "exploring the light equal to that value." The very continuation of the experiment, the control over the savings of the body continues to bring the correctness of the found method to that scientific feasibility.

other sidethe preservation of Lenin in the Mausoleum, about how to say warto, the preservation of historical truth, as if it were the creation of the necropolis on Chervoniy Square in the era of the epoch. Navit vіdmova that condemnation of this period of history does not give the right to disturb the graves of the dead and change the place of their peace. Passers-by on Chervoniy Ploschі, spending here an hour and a half hour of festive mass visits (practically on the graves of their ancestors), we confirm the simple truth that the creation on head square the lands of the graves did not convey peace of mind, but the eternal presence of the buried here at the shovels of theatrical shows. Those who, having accepted the decision about the funeral, zvichayno, admitted that the mass celebrations that are holy on the square will be practically holy on the graves ... This ideology accepted and allowed.

The thought about the need to transfer the land of Volodymyr Lenin, for the sake of Christianity (warto guess that the Christian tradition does not transfer mummification), is also not possible. The impossibility of turboti about the Christian innocence is based on the fact that Lenin was admitted to the church and anathematized. 1970 rock Russian orthodox church Zakordon anathematized Lenina and what about him. In 2010, the roci of the church council is the metropolitan. Anthony (Orlova) was also anathematized by Lenin and Stalin.

church lawconsiders the anathema as a form of punishment for seeing the relief of “rights and blessings, as if they are rebuking the vinyatkovo order of the Church”, which is less likely to stop before the members of the church. The transfer of land in the Orthodox tradition is an element of preparation for eternal life, and the funeral itself is a church rite. There is no time for such a rosy mind of Lenin's body. Navіt z glancing at yoga atheistic look that svetoglyad not varto traditional rosіyskogo suspіlstva transferred to the traditional communist ideology, where they died as a supracultural, ideological phenomenon. I bring an assessment of the anathema of Lenin as a genietic political declaration, as a deacon Andriy Kuraev diak_kuraev at the post Anathema to Lenin do not shy away from the decision adopted by the church and the pulpit: "To Volodymyr Lenin and the other persecutors of Christ's Church, the impious apostates, who raised their hands on the Anointed of God, to drive in the clergy, to trample on the saints, destroy the churches of God, katuy our brothers.

There are three reasons to deprive the body of Volodymyr Ulyanov (Lenin) there, de voon to lie at once - at the Mausoleum.

V.I. Lenin pishov vіd us 21 September 1924. Ale dosido not hear the sorrows of Russian politicians and all sorts of different devils about the body of the founder of the ninth Russian state, as it took legal recession in the SRSR: axis, moving, let's say yoga, as it seems, "in a human way" - axis stingy cholovіcha tears of the minister of culture Medinsky:

“I like having respected, so I respect that the body can be on the earth. I would finish the necessary rituals. Oskelki tsya vishcha posadov's person, as if such a decision would be accepted, may be buried with usma grand sovereign rituals, poshanoy, military salute, on a guide mission "

Axis and religion priming, in the form of a new one:
"For the sake of stupidity, the pagan-necrophilic mission we have on Chervoniy Square", - respect Medinsky.

Pivot axis Vitaliy Tretyakov (2005)
“It’s worse, it’s not normal that Lenin’s body was not seen after the death of the earth, how to lie behind the Russian Orthodox tradition. "

Axis, having healed tsim bol, Russian nationalists created the organizing committee "For the guilt of Lenin!"

Diyshlo i before liberals - I. Begtin, a member of the “Committee of Gromadyansky іnіtsiаtiv” A. Kudrin, speaking with the initiative “To blame Lenin for the Mausoleum and pohovati”. This committee of Kudrinsky has the whole “colour” of orange anti-Sovietism: see M. Svanidze and E. Yasina do I. Yurgens and Y. Gontmakher and D. Oreshkin and L. Gozman to the governor of the Kirov region M. Bilikh.

I liberals and sov. "Conservatives" - anti-radiologists declare the need to honor de Lenin "like a human being" as the foundation of their joys.
It appears that stinks can sleep peacefully - they are afraid of not being true, why is this evidence material . Yakiy and giving below .

According to the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation S.P. Obukhov

Bullshit pers.

The main propagandistic blow is concentrated on inspiring the public opinion of the ideas of Lenin's honor. And here is an obvious rozrahunok - like a normal person zaperechuvateme against the burial of the remains of the deceased? I want to talk with Lenin about resurrection.

It was given, it was obvious to everyone rich - Lenin's blessings. As the founder of the Russian Federation and the SRSR, Volodymyr Illich Lenin was consecrated with the greatest sovereign honors on September 27, 1924.

Before the speech, and the co-workers did not have small sumnivivs about those that Lenin was honored with. Newspaper articles and notes of September-Birch 1924 illuminated the rock with headlines: "Lenin's Grave", "Beyond the Hill's Grave", "At Lenin's Grave" thinly.

The 1st form of pohovannya was designated by the largest organ of the vlady of the country - the 2nd All-Union Star of the Rada - near the earth, on the depth of three meters near the crypt, above which is the Mausoleum. Before the speech, the delegate of the day, Lenin's widow Nadiya Kostyantinivna Krupska, also voted for the decision.

Navіt looking at the honor of V.I. the crypt and the Mausoleum over it are now complying with the current laws of the Russian Federation.The embalmed body of Lenin rests in a sarcophagus on a depth of three meters below the ground, which complies with the norms of the Federal Law “On the burial of that funeral right” dated 12.01.1996. Article 3 of the law says: “The burial can be buried by the way of the transfer of the body (remains) of the dead earth (buried in the grave, crypt)”. And the body of Lenin, guessing once again, was buried in a crypt (a crypt of a tomb buried in the ground).

I need to understand the “repentance” and “recovering” from the massed informational potoci to the great hulk, remember it importantly:even a high level of directing - all the stately ZMIs, including TV broadcasting, navit "independence" news agencies and liberal oppositional views write only about "holy", resolutely prihovayuchi pіdmіnu understand.

The political initiators of resurrection are no longer able to face the appearances of enormity in looking grave diggers. Zvіdsi th nonsense about the need for pohovannya, which is not known.

Friend's bullshit.

"Lenin's body is put on the lookout, resting not in a Christian way, the earth is not seen."
Guess what, Mr. Ilarion (Alfєєv) and Medinsky public statement to the native niece of Lenin Olga Dmitrivna Ulyanova: “I have repeatedly stated that I repeat once again that I am categorically against the resurrection of Volodymyr Illich Lenin. There are no everyday opportunities for anyone. Navіt religious. The sarcophagus, in which wine lies, is located three meters below the level of the earth, which confirms the honors of the Russian zvichaєm, and the Orthodox canon ".

Olga Dmitrivna repeatedly gave clues to grave diggers, as if they were stupefying that Lenin’s honors are not similar to folk traditions, poses between Orthodox cultural traditions.

In addition, the body was not given to the earth, the evidence was given already in violation of the provisions of the Federal Law “On the burial of that funeral on the right”: burial at the crypt and the form of burial near the earth.

And now, from the drive, I look around the buried body. Why is there already a vinnyatkovy vapadok in the practice of burying the great, glorified people in the lands from a strong Christian cultural tradition?

Finding the best butt of the sarcophagus of the great Russian surgeon Mikoli Pirogova near Vinnitsa.

The sarcophagus from the string of the great vchenogo vcheny near the crypt, which is one of the forms of burial near the earth and the axis has already been put on the lookout for more than 130 rokiv.As it is written by the signatory of the Holy Synod in St. Petersburg, “to teach and prodovzhuvachi noble and charitable rights of the servant of God N.I. Pirogov could have created this bright image.

And the axis of the knights from the head of the commission of the Central Exhibition Commission to the Union of the RSR for the funeral of V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) F. Dzerzhinsky: “ In order to honor the wide zeal of the Union of the RCP and other lands, look at the late leader, commission for the funeral of V.I. Ulyanova (Lenina) made it possible to live in, as if in the order of modern science, for the possible preservation of the body.

Chim at tsomu vpadku decision of the sovereign body of the Russian Empire, yakim bulo Holy Synod, that having allowed "a good light look" of the late venerable Pirogov to the teachers and shanuvalniks, is it in the face of such a decision of the supreme body of the state power in the person of the Z'izdu Rada and the Central Exhibition Commission of the SRSR? Nothing? So why is everything calm from the first drive, and from the other there is all-world hubbub?

Like a bachimo, at the time of the noise, the form of Lenin's pohovannya in the obviousness of political cunning, cover it up with some kind of pseudo-religious incantations.

nothing more in the case of Pirogov, no more than in the case of Lenin, I do not destroy the food about copying the practice of setting up the relics of saints, canonized by the Church.No one stalked Pirogov and Lenin in the countryside for worship by believers, as if to rob the Church with the relics of saints, not to carry. Nothing is applied to the embalmed bodies of the late great people. It dawned on everyone that their intransigence is the recognition of their merits before people (power, supremacy, different splendours). Less than the bulky, like shanuyut such great sovereign and scientific deacons, entering the crypt, take away the possibility of "bearing a bright look."

Before the speech, in such a fury of the Catholic land, a similar pіdkhіd boov at the funeral of the “chief of the state”, the father-founder of the Other Commonwealth Marshal Pilsudsky, at some kind of blue from the official church, the boules were so far from being clumsy

. I'm going from Catholicism to Protestantism, then I'm going back to Catholicism. That traditional coup of 1926 to the fate, vlashtovatsya by the co-founder of the state, was also crooked. That one among the collaborators of the concentration camps Pilsudskyi was well known. Ale ... the head of the state. Wanting to build a Catholic church, it was engaged in burying the remains of the remains in the Wawel crypts, which provoked a conflict between the bishops and President Mostitsky.

Let's guess, Pilsudsky Bulo was buried in 1935 at the Wawel Castle, at the crypt at the cursed grave. Ale's balm treatment turned out to be ineffective. The result was more than a small end, like a ninth started.

Third lie.

Continue to work and try to inspire the welfare that

"it is necessary to vikonate the will of Lenin" nibito " commanding you to have peace with your mother at the Volkovo cemeteryAt Leningrad. It’s a lie to walk around the world from quiet fir, like її voicing for the first time at one of the meetings of the Z’izda of people’s deputies of the SRSR, which was broadcast live on air, htos Karyakin. Potim nebilitsu pidhopiv yakys Anatoly Sobchak.

From application Olga Dmitrivna Ulyanova clearly clear:
“Try to bring what you know about those who were buried in Volkov’s Tsvintary, impromptu. There is no such document, and it could not be, our homeland also did not have any ideas on this topic. Volodymyr Illich died at the age of 53 years, and, naturally, thinking more about life, less about death. Until then, vrakhovuychi historical epoch, in which Lenin is alive, his nature, the character of a right revolutionary, is inspired, without becoming writing a command on this topic. Volodymyr Illich used to be a modest person, as if he were the least talking about himself. Shvidshe for everything, having left the wines to the country, to the people, as if they were going to thoroughly power.

Vcheny that publicist A.S. Abramov, The head of the board of the Blagodіynoi hromada organization (fund) for saving the Mausoleum of V.I. Yeltsin with the drive of Lenin's order.

In an official letter to President Yeltsin, it was said that “there is no document of Lenin’s, his close relatives and relatives to the rest of Lenin’s will, but we will commemorate the song of Russia”.

May ration A.S. Abramov, a kind of stverdzhu, scho navit from a life point of view to prove about Volkovy tsvintar rabidly false. Aja Lenin is already resting a charge from the widow, Nadiya Krupskaya, and sister Mary Ulyanova, the ashes of which are being transferred from the necropolis of the Kremlin wall.

Lies fourth.

"It is necessary to tidy up the Mausoleum and the Necropolis of the heroes of the Radyansk doby, oskelkiit is impossible to turn Chervona Square into zvintar.The historical illiteracy of the authors of this argument is obvious. Territory of the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed, or "Cathedral of the Intercession, which is on the ditch" - is also the most ancient tsvintar.

Chervona square in the ninth look - tse molded in the URSR and the SRSR place of power. Here we see symbols of the past historical epochs - from Moscow Russia (the role of the city of power here was played by Lobne Misce) to the SRSR (the sovereign tribune and honorary father of the successor of the Ninish Russian Federation and the heroes of the Radiansk Doby). The ninth rulers of the Russian Federation, organizing a parade to honor the Day of the Victory of the SRSR in another world war, actually recognize the status of Chervonoy Square.

* * *
De sche similarly shake the people of their great state deacons

Interment of Moscow sovereigns at the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin

This is how the tomb of Kozmi Minin looked backwards near Nizhny Novgorod

Tomb of Emperor Napoleon near Republican France

Pantheon at Rome. Starting from the epoch of the Renaissance, yoga was victorious like a tomb. The middle is quiet, who is buried here, such great people, like Rafael and Carracci, the composer Corelli, the architect of Peruzzi and the two kings of Italy - Victor Emmanuel II and Umberto I

NY. USA. Triumph of Pivnoch over Pivdny. Mausoleum of American President Ulysses Grant (1897) near Manhattan's Riverside Park. Photograph of the hours of the First Holy War: the Grant mausoleum was sent to weep the warships.

Mausoleum of the father-founder of the current Turkish Republic of Ataturk
* * *

Original taken from

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