Formal sheet. Correspondence for teapots or phrases can be written in business sheets. Causes of the sheet that vvіchlivé goodbye

Good time, friends.

If you are listing with your future partner from Ireland, one of me knows living the words and phrases like herebyі acknowledge receipt of with their messengers. In the order of zniyakovіv, if the stench streaked in Russia, and John (that was the name of his partner) fired (more delicately) from his zayvogo officialdom. Further, splintering led to the fact that the businesslike style of my acquaintance became more natural, and John became more understanding of the different meanings of Russian obscene language.

Today, I’m happy to tell you about those how to correctly fold a business sheet on English language. You learn both about the basic principles and the rules of business listing, and about some nuances. Let's analyze the main types of leaves, cover all the structure, and often get used to some types of phrases. Possibly, after reading this article, you will not become an ace at the folding of business messages, but move your own rіven for sure.


Our hour is properly designed, competently prompted and kindly picked up, the style of a business sheet can be even more important. Since you are doing business listing, your partner is going to impression about your professionalism and about the solidity of the company, as you show.
Be aware of the specific features of the preparation of such messages.

Main types of business leaves

  • Welcome -
  • Proposition -- push your potential business partner with your minds and propositions about spivpratsyu.
  • About hiring -- let you know that you have been hired.
  • Application -- revenge your resume and proposition to yourself as a practitioner.
  • Vidmova -- A business "view-gate-turn" to your statement or proposition.
  • Skarga -- to revenge the scarg of chi claims on the yak_st of the goods attached to the chi nadanih services.
  • Sheet-packed -- Tse vіdpovіd on leaf-scarga.
  • Sheet ask -- to correct, if it is necessary to take away information about the service or the goods.
  • List-request for inquiry -- At a new, powerful and mischievous information was supplied.
  • Podyaka leaf- Here, zdaєtsya, all zrozumilo.

Іsnuє sche impersonal vidіv i pіdvidіv business message ( Order, Response to Order, Invoice, Statement etc.), and more than one article is needed to give more respect.

kind regards — an official and serious help from a foreign author, fakhivtsya z komunikatsiy, kak picked up in this book his own that someone else's report of conducting a business listing in English language. There you will know the impersonal living examples of that joy.

Business listing in English mine - The book is so popular. There are a lot of insights here, even more cliched clichés, and also a few good recommendations from authors. As it seems, turn on and zastosovite!

cool online business English course Vіd Lingualeo - proyshovshi yoga, you can get into vpevnennosti like in listuvanni, so in roses on business topics. Before the speech, before the rituals of yoga, you can skushtuvati without cost.

Global principles

Graphic design may be consistent with this:

  1. All propositions start in the same vertical line.
  2. The text is subdivided into paragraphs without black rows.
  3. To simplify the spellings, the text is divided into blocks approximately equal to the size of the meaning.
  4. More space can equally sharpen the text. Do not place one or two rows of text on the top of the sheet, as the sheet is small. Do not play to the lower edge of the arch, and do not sound the field, like a messenger of riches - it’s better to beat a friend’s side.

For style:

  1. Do not sing at the listing of the roses of the short-term - we write You are the deputy of You”re too thin.
  2. Do not write two problems in one sheet at the same time - it is better to write two sheets.
  3. Vyznachtesya, which tone will be more appropriate - we’ll cut the official one.
  4. It is necessary to protect those rules, which are the same in our country, and to give more specific meaning to them, national and territorial features.

Warehouse parts

And at the same time, we will sort out, so the titles, the skeleton of a leaf, the yogo structure and the layout of the elements:

  • header(hat):
    a) The addresses of the chief executive officer are at the upper left corner. If the form is firm, then the addresses are already affixed.
    B) Addresses of the manager - levoruch, below for the address of the manager. Format: from small to large (Im'ya, №budinku, street, place, index, country).
    in) Date - three rows below the address of the possessor or at the upper right corner. Format: day / month / day. Komi do not vikoristovuyutsya.
  • Vitannia(zvernennya), otherwise, like a leaf.
  • Golovna thought(The main text of the message) - at the central part of the sheet.
  • Closing phrase(Viraz podyaki and filthy namіrіv).
  • The final formula of voluptuousness; signature; Im'ya.
  • Insert- talk about those that the sheet has contributed additional materials (advertising booklet or brochure).
  • You can take revenge P.S., іnіtsіali vykonavtsya.

The axis of the letter of the business sheet-zapitu with the translation of the Russian language:

John Stewart
1304 Sherman Ave.
Madison, Wisconsin

Lemann & Sons
3597 43rd Street
New York, NY 12008

Based on your information in the Business Weekly Journal, you can find out more about me and more detailed descriptions of our monitors.
I would also like to know about the discounts that you provide.

yours faithfully,


View: John Stewart, 1304 Sherman Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin
To: Lehmann and Blue Company, 3597 43rd Street, New York, NY 12008
May 24, 2015

Shanovni panov,

Thank you for your slander from a business tyzhnevik
could you send me more report description your monitors.
I also want to know about the discounts, so you hope.

With respect,
John Stewart
sales manager

Now let's talk about the elements

Zvernennya or privitannya may look like this:
Dear Sirs, Dear Sir or Madam- Why don't you know I'm an obsessive
Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms[nickname] - how do you know the name of the addressee
Dear Frank, - Yakshcho people you know
Dear sales manager- as if there was less than a settlement (at to this particular type sales manager)

The formula for affiliation before the signature may look like this:

kind regards, - With respect ...

Yours faithfully, - Shiro is yours (as the name of the addressee is not known to you)

Yours sincerely, - Shiro is yours (as I see you)

Now you can have a big announcement about those, how to write messages to business partners and other companies.

Standard virazi

Axis for butt deakі type phrases:

It is very kind of you to- more kindly from your side

We apologize for- We ask for a vibachennya for

Please let me know- Be kind to me

According to- Vіdpovіdno until

In case- In times

As you requested- According to your prohanku

until now- Dosi

With reference to your...- How about your...

unfortunately- Sorry

We enclose- Mi dodaemo

We are sorry- We speak

How to finish a business sheet? Three more phrases of indulgence:

Be kind, schob vіdpovisti on me- Such, that they noticed my proposition

We look forward to hearing from you soon- Let's take your opinion from the nearest future

І prikintsі before the signature:

With best regards- With the best blessings

With respect- With respect

Thank you for your cooperation– Іz vdyachnistyu for spіvpratsyu

With best wishes- With the best blessings

Still not tired of the theory? Todі trishki practice!

How many times is a sheet of vіdmova (such a sheet of obv'yazkovo can be worn in a correct and delicate style):

Mr Robert Brown
general manager
KLM Co Ltd
32 Wood Lane
Great Britain WC37TP

John Stewart
1304 Sherman Ave.
Madison, Wisconsin

Thank you for sending us your resume.
We are sorry to inform you that your candidature cannot pay us.
kind regards,

translation(translate address and date independently):

Shanowny Mr. Stewart

Thank you for sending us a resume.
We are sorry to inform you that your candidacy is not suitable for us.

With respect,

Robert Brown

general director

Who else does not know EnglishDom, I recommend signing up for a free trial! There you will be selected an ideal candidate for you - such a person, who would match your special likenesses, for the purposes of your life style.

You will learn to understand business English, speak it and write beautiful business leaves, as if to strike at the ears of your partners and colleagues.

You see about it, don't you?

And for my guests, that reader is especially proposition - 2 lessons with a gift when paying for 10 lessons . To withdraw a gift, you need to enter a special promo code Partner2 when paying.

Electronic sheets

Loved by all e-mail notifications to become close to 80% of business turnover. In view of the splendid listing, it looks like more specificity and style. Overworldly long phrases are smeared there avoid In addition, zastosovuyut acronyms (phrases, formed after the first letters of the phrase), like IMHO. For electronic listing, it is typical not only for special details, but also for extensions (if you want to use the BCC field, if you need to protect confidentiality). Well, the main vіdminnіst - tse those that are in the transmission confidential information by electronic mail greater will will be subdued.

Zvichayno, in the era of "OK, Google!" you can not shukati important ways and just insert typesetting text into online translations. You, who are better for everything, will be understood, but you are unlikely to reach a friendly hostility. Remember, the quality of your business listing is an indicator of the quality of the work of your company.

Dyakuyu, who have read my article to the end. Please friends to honor її in social measures! Who knows, maybe someone needs this information here and now!

Subscribe to new portions of English movies.
All the best! Take care of yourself!

The business of listing in English is often part of the working shoes. That food "How to write a sheet of English?" Relevant for the rich.

Ale navіt okrіm splkuvannya s іnоteremnymi partners іsnuє tsіla low zhittєvih situatsіy, if we need to write a sheet to a foreigner: tse mozhe buti sheet to the university, to the zakordonnoy shop chi to inform about the vacancy.

As a rule, the possessor of our leaf does not know anything about us, so he forms his own first objection to that, as we leaf. And that means that there is no shortest way to turn a spymaster to yourself, no more competently than a sheet is written.

In this article, I will explain how the business sheets will be correctly, I will give examples of phrases that are often scored, and I will share the messages on the resources, where you can know the words.

How to write a business sheet in English?

Zrozumіlo, the leather leafing is unique, and the leaves are fresh. However, the overall structure of the sheet in English is approximately the same: the main part and the final phrase are logically motivated.

Let's take a look at the report.

Respect: Do you want to fix your bar'er and speak English? Find out from Moscow, as our students begin to speak in 1 month!

1. Hospitality

Welcoming at the business’s list is always beginning with the words " Dear Dali put a rank (official name, pov'yazane z qualification or service camp), yakscho won є ( Dr. - "doctor", Judge- "judge" Professor- "Professor"). If there is no yoga, then we write Mr. or Ms. ("mister" or "mis/misis"). Just a few words about the name of our addressee:

Dear Mr. Jones

Dear Mr. and Ms. Smith

Dear Professor McDowell

! At British English the hospital will end coma:

Dear Dr. brown,
Dear Dr. Brown,

Dear Judge Cornwall,
Dear Judge Cornwall,

! At American English who win less special leaves. Have a business listing dvokrapka:

Dear Dr. Brown:
Dear Dr. Brown:

Dear Judge Cornwall:
Dear Judge Cornwall:

Buvaє th so, scho we do not know to whom specifically we are writing. For example, we force a resume for a new job and we didn’t get to say the name of the manager to the staff. In such a time, the name of the nickname can be given a landing:

Dear Personnel Director
Dear director of recruitment

If it’s impossible to find a place for a potential reader, you can win phrases:

To Whom It May Concern
To the one whom you can cherish

Dear Sir or Madame
Dear Ser chi Madame

2. Main part

Then we start a new row and proceed to the worst.

The main part of the sheet should be divided into three parts:

  • In the first place, we immediately formulate, for which reason we write. At the request for an announcement about the work, to supply power and ask for some information, to confirm the date and time of the day.
  • At the other, we give all the details and additional information. For example, as if writing a roboticist, I myself briefly describe my qualifications here; If you want to put a power supply, then to whom we divided it, we will explain the situation in detail.
  • In the third mi, it is briefly written summarily and invitingly invoking the addressee to the need for us. For example, we force you to work up to a resume attached to the sheet, or we ask you to send us some more information, or we will leave your contacts for a quick feed.

Let's take a look at the skin from these points.

2.1. Part of perch - "prehistory" of the sheet

The meta of the first paragraph is to once again give the addressee an understanding about what our sheet will be. As a matter of fact, I may "prehistory": for example, before deafening, phone call, another sheet, just follow the language and clarify for additional help. with reference to"("hundreds of ..."), " with regard to"(" shodo ... ") or " in response to"("At the sight of…"):

3 credits for your ad for ___ positions published in ___.
How about your gossip about the landing of ___, which was published in ___.

With reference to your inquiry...
For your inquiry...

With reference to our meeting...
About [those that were discussed on] our zustrіch ...

With reference to our phone conversation yesterday...
About [those discussed on] our telephone line...

In response to your letter of December 13th...
At vіdpovіd on your sheet vіd 13 chest.

With regard to your question o...
Chodo of your food pro…

With regard to your last e-mail...
Schodo of your remaining sheet ...

Well, if the same time ahead of us, if you don’t tie you to the addressee, then you can immediately proceed to the right and clearly recognize the sheet’s mark.

Father, are you writing now? Do you agree to ask? Applying for a job? Can you confirm the date? Can you clarify the details? Your sheet can be once again about tse. Vickory the phrase " I am writing to"("I'm writing, sob ..."), to name your meta. For example:

I am writing to inquire about...
I am writing to sleep about ...

I am writing to request further information about...
I am writing to ask for more information about...

I am writing to confirm that...
I am writing to confirm that...

I am writing to apply for...
I am writing to apply for...

This paragraph and the rehistory of the sheet should be spent up to one paragraph, and often up to one proposition! So, our sheet can start something like this:

We sent to your phone call yesterday, I am writing to confirm those that your reminder was sent.
After your last phone call, I am writing to confirm that your promise has been sent.

3 reference to your enquiry I close the documents you"ve requested.
Schodo your prohannya, I'll add the documents, yaki You asked.

I am writing with reference to your advertisement on to apply for a position of...
I am writing from the drive of your goloshennya on to apply for a landing ....

I am writing to inquire about job vacancies at your company.
I am writing to ask about vacancies at your company.

I am writing to request a copy of my medical record.
I am writing to ask for a copy of my medical record.

2.2. Part of a friend - sheet details

The next (other) paragraph is the whole "m'yaso" of the sheet. Here you yourself lay out the whole point, correct it, with the same amount of detail, as you need.

Remember, scho, like in Russian language, a business leaf can be on the street vіchlivy tone!

Whenever you choose to ask the addressee about it, use it in different forms, like this:

Could you...
Could you…

Would you please...
Wee could not, be kind ...

I would be grateful if you could...
I'm buve b vydachny, yakby V could ...

If you are good for your addressee's prohannya, beat the phrase " I would be delighted to"("I'm buv b radiy"):

I would be delighted to attend the meeting.
I buv bi duzhe radiy vіdvіdati tsyu zustrich.

I would be delighted to provide more information.
I would like to give more information.

For an emphatically speaking, obov'yazkovo, it is required to speak for the proposition:

Thank you for your invitation, ale...
Dyakuyu for the request, ale ...

If it is necessary to add to the list of additional documents, quote the following phrases:

Please find enclosed...
Be kind, know at the inserts ...

Enclosed is a...
Dodatkah to take revenge ...

Enclosed are...
Dodatkah to be spared...

I'm enclosing...
I report...

2.3. Part three - call to di

The remaining (third) paragraph is used to briefly formulate the metaphor for the need to click the reader to the sub-bags of the sheet: for example, read your resume or look at the business proposition.

We hope that you"ll be accepted in our conference on May 5, 2018.
We hope you can take part in our conference on the fifth May 2018.

Please refund my $500 deposit and accept my apologies.
Kindly refund my $500 deposit and accept my refund.

Please, send me the documents as soon as possible.
Be kind, send me these documents yaknaishvidshe.

If the sheet is more informative in nature, then in the cinema you can simply get rid of the hell out of contacting you, so that you can ask the addressee for food:

In case you have questions, feel free to contact me.
Like you have food, be kind, contact me.

If you can be energized, I can't contact me.
If you have food, you can't get in touch with me.

Please, contact us again, if we can be of assistance.
Be kind, contact us, if you need help.

Nareshti, if you want to give an understanding that you check your reader’s sheet of paper, you can spell out the following phrases:

I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
With impatience I check your vіdpovіdі.

I hope to hear from you soon.
I can easily take your opinion.

3. Visnovok

Now, if we called out more headily, it was no longer enough to complete the list of one of the traditional phrases:

Shiro is yours,

respectfully yours,
With respect,

Kind regards, / Best regards, / Regards,
With the best blessings,

After this new row, we write our own name and name - and the sheet is finished.

Apply English business sheets

Attach a sheet of English you can know on the next sites.

Russian resources with translation:



English resources (without translation):



Friends, now you know the basic rules for writing business letters. Golovnya, do not forget about the vvіchlivіst to your addressee! Save your day and your hour - write briefly, at the right, use "drive". Success!

We live at the age of information technology, so all our life is so connected with computer technology, the Internet. For example, it is unlikely that there will be a firm that would not conduct electronic listing with other organizations. If your company has partners abroad, then practitioners are responsible for the rules of writing a business list (native to me and foreign), to include not only a variety of specific vocabulary, style, but also a song format, such as a trace to take.

Otzhe, let's wonder how to write a business sheet ( business letter ). As a rule, three blocks are seen in the official list:


This part of the sheet has a metaphorical writing.

Main part leaves/ body of the letter

The middle one has two or two paragraphs, in which the author of the sheet informs the oberzhuvach, to put a question on the observance, which should be placed in the front sheet.

Final part /Conclusion

At this part of the sheet, there is information about the onset of an obsession, proponed by the official, information about future contacts.


The text is sent from the address to the addressee.

The manager can know im'ya otrimuvacha sheet, in which view you can look like this:

Dear Mr. robinson,

Dear Mrs. seefob,

Dear Ms. Ching,

Dear Prof. Chensky,

After the name of the possessor, a coma is put.

Yakscho wi do not know im'ya otrimuvacha, repair the sheet with one of the following phrases:

To whom it may concern,

Dear Sir,

Dear madam,

Dear Sir/Madam,

In this vipadka, a coma is also put.

Like your addressee - collective person, then the animal looks like this:

Dear all,

Dear Colleagues,

Dear Marketing Team,


A part of the sheet is founded, it can include elements of the official style ( formal style), stylistically neutral vocabulary and professional vocabulary. Likewise, follow the respect for the clichés, as they traditionally win at the business listing.

It is more important to remember what is in the official lists abbreviations are not allowed type:

Don't- do not, isn't - is not won't - will not haven't - have not and etc.


Introductory paragraph beforehand insertion of the written sheet , a new one may also have a voucher for taking away an earlier sheet, or be it the addressee. You can speed up such clichés:

I am writing to ...

I am writing to confirm…

Thank you for contacting us…- We owe you for those who wrote to us ...

Thank you for your letter dated…- I give you a sheet of vіd (date) ...

With reference to your e-mail…- I have a reply to your email list ...

This is to confirm that…


If you need to remind the addressee of some positive information, hurry up with the following phrases:

We are delighted to confirm…- We are already welcome to confirm ...

We are pleased to tell you ... - We are welcome to tell you ...
You will be happy to know…


Information of a negative nature should be entered as correctly as possible:

We regret to inform you…

I am sorry, but…

I am sorry to say that…

I am afraid that we will not be able to…- I'm afraid we can't...


If you need specific information about the addressee, you can request it in the following way:

We would appreciate it, if you could…- We would bless you, yakby V could ...
Could you…? - Could you...?

Please let us know ... - Be kind, help us ...


In certain vipadkahs, you have to pronounce to help the addressee. For whom you can speed up such clichés:

We would be happy to help you with…- We would be happy to help you with ...
Would you like us to…? – Chi wouldn’t want Vi, schob…?


In singing situations, the head of the sheet should be told to say:

We must apologize for…

We deeply regret that…

We apologize for any inconvenience…- We vibache for being unhanded ...
Please accept my sincere apologies for…- Be kind, take my best compliments for ...


Dilova's correspondence is transmitted not only in the direction of the sheet itself, but also in the text files of other files, which are attached to the sheet, about the next note in the text of the sheet:

Please find attached files…- Files are added lower ... Marvel at the addendum ...

I am attaching the following files…- I’m giving you files ..., What can I get ...


Having provided all the necessary information, you are obliged to go to the final part of the sheet, formulating further contacts with the addressee:

Do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further…— It’s not good to contact us, as if you need more…

As far as you can be sure, please check without a cost at contact us ...“How do you have food, be kind, come before us.

Thank you for your help. - I'm sorry to help you.

I look forward to hearing from you.- With impatience, I check for your reconciliation.

We look forward to seeing/meeting you.– We are impatiently checking for zustrich with you.


Sign the text of the sheet, state your name, bazhano yogo in the same form. It is also necessary to indicate the location and contact information. The phrase Yours sincerely (Sincerely) should be written in the same way, as you indicated the name of the addressee on the cob of the sheet.

In other ways, the choice of a clichéd phrase depends on the nature of your messages with the addressee. The table has three groups of clichés - from official style to formal and informal:






3 gratitude,

kindest regards,


Thank you



yours truly,


yours respectfully,

Wishing you well



best wishes,

take care,

until next time,

Below the phrase you have chosen, it is written in the name of that chief executive. For example,


Angela Dooning
Administrative Assistant

The axis of the buttstock of an official sheet, written in a clear way to the top of the official sheet:

For the sake of statistics, you know about the styles of business leaves, their structure, competently designed, and fitting such kind of leaves.

In addition, you can use the original clichés and apply business leaves, as well as write important hints, which will help you at the right moment.

Writing a business list in English language can confuse many people to survive with the drive (and without the drive) of their skills and the meagerness of the vocabulary for business listing.

Business sheet structure

The format of business sheets is a sequence of the following elements:

  • Name and address of Recipient(I'm holding that address).
  • Date(The date).
  • reference(sent).
  • Salutation(Hello).
  • Body(Head part).
  • Closing(Visnovok).
  • Signature(Signature).
  • Typist initials(Initsiali of the chief executive).
  • Enclosures(Appendixes).

General rules for writing a business sheet

  • Vykoristovyte the correct format that privіtannya.

Establish new standards for the design of business papers in English language, if they are accepted (for example, between European and American official papers in English language).

It is necessary to do a good job on the edge of the cob of your leaf. Vikoristovyte vіdpovіdne vіtannya.

If necessary, if the formal sheet is not in electronic form, indicate the address and name of the addressee at the upper right corner. And then start writing the text.

Obov'yazkovo perekonaytes, scho іm'ya that prizvische people are written correctly. Vick "Dear Sir/Madam" as you don't know to whom the sheet is addressed.

Dear Sir/Madam- Shanovny pane (pani).
Dear Mr. Smith- Shawn Mr. Smith.
Dear Ms. - Shanovna lady.
Dear Jack Johnson- Shanovny Jack Johnson.
Dear customer- Shanovny shopper.
Gentlemen- Panov.

And apply the axis of introductory phrases to the business sheet (for writing, send it to the front of the correspondence; to show that you knew about the possessor; to explain the reason for writing the sheet thinly):

Business sheets, as a rule, must be formal in nature, and the tone of the sheet is always to blame, but it is important.

At inquiries start victorious modal dієslova schob zapit buv maximally vvіchlivim.

For example, it is incorrect to write: "I want you to come to our office on Wednesday". Natomist varto write: “Can you be in our office on Wednesday?”

Leaves-scargs guilty buti are also important and not overly emotional.

For example, if the delivery was not timely and it was blocking the rows of production, then it would be correct to write: "The delivery was six days late and that caused severe disruption to our production."

How do you help bad news or bring vibachennya, it is necessary to indicate the cause of the problem in a tactful manner.

You can vikoristovuvati virazi: "I regret to inform you", "Unfortunately" or "I'm afraid that".

  • Enter your meta.

It is necessary to indicate the mark of your English in the business list in the first paragraph, and then write the main idea.

Mayzhe in the skin with offensive propositions in the buttocks є 3 similarities:

  • Gosh explain the gist of it. The skin says to the nutrition: “What is it?”.
  • The stench is laconic and not rude.
  • Don’t avenge positive words: “like you”, “be kind”, “glad”, “vdyachny”, “dakuemo”, “flying”, “successful”, “praise” meagerly:
Like for our telephone ring ...
Protyazh our telephone line
I am writing for the information you requested.
I force you to ask for information.
It's a busy hour because you're here for the conference/conference on the rest of Monday.
Bulo radiy chatting with you at the gatherings / conferences last Monday.
Be it for writing to us about your stay with our center.
We owe you for those who wrote to us about their good fortune with our last center last week.
I am happy to write to confirm our agreement of summer workshop.
Please write about the confirmation of ours in you please any summer master.
Thank you so much for contributing to our auction.
Thank you very much for those who raised your contribution to our auction.
I'm applying for graduate schools in marine biology, and I'm sorry, but I'll accept that you choose to take the statute off me.
I am applying to graduate school for the specialty "biology of the marine environment", and I'm buv bi vdyachny, yakbi V wrote a recommendation sheet for me.
Be kind, write, signify, take part in conferences in Baltimore. I wish I could approve your request.
I thank you for the sheet from the drive of the conference at Baltimore. Hotіv b praise your request. Unfortunately...
Please accept my apology for missing the meeting yesterday. I am very sorry that I was unable to attend.
Take my vibachennya for missing a lesson. I’m afraid that I didn’t know how to be present.
Congratulations on successfully passing your bar exam. You are now officially an attorney!
We love you successful buildings sleep. Now you are officially an uplifted special!
I'm new to the world, but it's been used in Business Analyst III positions, and it's worth it for the new one.
I will reiterate my opinion on the business analyst of the III category, or I will turn them over, and I am able to file an application for this tenure.

10 types of business lists

  • Commercial sheet. Sales letter.

Such lists include calls, a report description of the correspondence for the reader, the sequence of visits, as well as telephone numbers or messages sent to the site.

  • Sheet-commitment (leaf-zamovlennya). order letter.

Leaves-zamovlennya nassilayutsya by the help of a picker, a seller or a wholesaler for the purchase of goods and services.

The English official sheet is responsible for the information about the model number, the name of the product, the size of the bag and the estimated price.

Payment information is also sometimes included before the sheet.

  • Leaf-skarga (complaint). Complaint letter.

Be direct, but tactful, and always win a professional tone, as you wish, so that the ceramics will smell you.

  • Sheet shodo vreguluvannya superchek. Adjustment letter.

Such a sheet should sound like a verdict on a claim or a skarga. If the situation may be in its own order on the client’s greed, then repair the sheet with the news.

Even so, keep up the factual tone, keeping your empathy. Let the client know that you understand yoga scarg.

  • Request sheet. Inquiry letter.

Leaves from the request set the food with the method of removing information from the owner. When folding this type of sheet, keep it clear and short - reshuffle only the most necessary for you.

Obov'yazkovo provide contact information, so that it was easy to read.

  • Sheet-invention. Follow Up Letter.

You can also make a sale, which is a businessman, who looks at the results of the survey, as a client for filling out an application, or a person who asks for work, as he asks about the status of his application.

Most often, such sheets are a combination of subtitles and a commercial sheet.

  • Recommendation sheet. Letter of recommendation.

Potential roboticists often ask candidates for such lists, first hire them.

This type of sheet should be called as an indication of the forward roboticist (or a spokesman) about the applicant from the professional point of view.

  • Confirmation sheet. Acknowledgment letter.

Sheets-confirmation will be like official receipts. The companies enforce them to vindicate the obedzhuvach, that they took away the stench in advance with information, documents and other materials, previously attained households, namirami meagerly.

Sheet-confirmation is a sign of deep respect and respect for obedzhuvach, prote itself diya can be vzhit or not vzhit.

  • Support sheet. cover letter.

So the lists sound accompanying the package of documents, calling for other goods. The stench vikoristovuyutsya for a description of what is included in the parcel, navіscho, and that (for consumption) the robiti oberzhuvach is to blame.

Supporting sheets, as a rule, are short and concise.

  • Application for an exemption. Letter of Resignation.

If the worker plans to finish his work, the sheet about the appointment sounds like it’s overpowered to the direct manager, telling him about the rest of the day roboti.

In most cases, the interviewer also explains in detail the reason for leaving the company.

Tips on how to write a business sheet

  • When writing your sheet cherish simplicityі purposefulness sob sense of your sheet buv zrozumіli.
  • Vykorist simple and stylized words to replace the rooted.
  • Best way to open a sheet put a mark on the cob itself. It is called a direct approach and sets the tone for the offensive text of the sheet, hooting the interest of the reader.
  • However, when your sheet is delivered bad news, straight pidkhid. Natomist vikoristovyte indirect , showing bad news in another or third paragraph of the sheet.
  • Attachment to a business leaf, that part of the leaf may be important. Always give respect to the Zusillas and the chitchas.
  • After entering, it is necessary to indicate the details of the problem.
  • Provide the necessary information about the problem and the variant of the variant.
  • Tell the reader about the reasons for the decision taken.
  • Finish the single spacing and fill in the gaps between the paragraphs, turn off your sheet along the left edge (block style - turn off the rows to the end to the left). Keep short speeches and clear paragraphs.
  • Be at the doorі respect the hour your reader: your reader is on the right, so go straight to the right without “drive”.
  • Varicose the fonts "Arial", "Times New Roman", "Courier New" or "Verdana". The size of the font is 10 or 12. Margins 2.5 cm or 1 inch on all sides.
  • Be sure to set the advantages of readers in front of their own. Instead, if you talk about those that you judge them for yourself, say those that you can propagate to them.
  • Be amuletsі respect z im'yam that I will name the company obedzhuvach.
  • Let's expand our tone, ale professional; don't be overly formal.
  • unique jargon, self-confidence, arrogance and swagger.
  • At the leafy vikoristovyte a diisna outpost and special borrowers.
  • Complete the sheet by request for a day.
  • Leave the empty row after the shelter before the final part. A subway passage between the rest of the proposition and the end of the sheet.
  • For consumption, fill in 4 or 5 entries for handwritten signature.
  • Business papers are to be blamed on white paper in A4 format, and not on color or on special stationery papers.
  • Finish the sheet in the same professional way.

I once again do not forget review the sheet again for pardons (I want to do it 2 times).

Email transfers

Fill out an electronic business sheet where it is quicker and simpler than the original one. However, the deeds of remembrance may not come out, and the price is minus.

If you want to be assured of the delivery of your shipment, then do not forget to control the process and check the box for return notifications.

Depending on the person to whom you are writing, and now, you may need to send a sheet with a living signature, certified by documents with a seal (if you do not want to scan a copy of a copy). Todi, obviously, the choice is obvious.

But remember that e-mail is saving pennies (it’s important that you don’t have to pay, so you are responsible for paying for the delivery (and that brand) of a great business sheet) that savings dovkilla, On the vіdmіnu vіd lіvі, yakі vimagayut spozhivannya paper. Remember the trees!

And don't forget on our special course " English business”, de vie you can clarify all the nuances that you didn’t understand about formal English directly from the confirmed vikladach. Accept your changes and be smart!

Completion of the business sheet

In the rest of the paragraph of your vitvor of mysticism it is necessary to write:

Please feel free to contact us in case you have any questions.
Turn around at the times of the winery, be it food.

Otherwise, come forward, if you add additional documents, photographs:

« I am enclosing…” or “ Please find the enclosed/attached …»

The completion of the sheet must be deposited in front of your texts from the addressee. Tick ​​" Yours faithfully", because you don't know the people, to the extent that you are beastly, and" Yours sincerely- for addressees who you know well. I do not confuse! So how is your breadth for to an unknown person you can show up to dosit pіdozriloy i viklikati zbentezhennya.

For smaller official lists, you can quote: “ best regards» or « kind regards". For the example of the sheet, it is necessary to put (your signature) a name for that settlement.

Let's think about the need to re-verify the list for pardons before the amendment!

Apply virazione like a business sheet:

Sincerely yours(Schiro is yours);
Regards(With respect);
best(of all the best);
Best regards(With respect);
kind regards(With the best blessings);
Yours truly(Schiro is yours);
Most sincerely(Cordially);
Respectfully(With respect);
Respectfully yours(Z naiglibshoy poshanoy);
thank you(To you);
Thank you for your consideration(I thank you for your respect).

Then put it to whom, and write your data in the new paragraph:

Email address
phone number

If you inform your colleague about the status of an in-line project, then the formal visnovok will not be called secondary (if someone wants to, just prescribe yoga for abbreviations); and if you, for example, enter into a struggle with the method of pushing through caravans, then it will be insanely necessary.

No "Later", "Thanks", "TTYL", "Warmly", "Cheers" and similar words! You will not be understood.

Apply phrases to complete the business sheet

If you need to be further informed, I can contact me at any time. / It is your responsibility to know if there is any further information, please do not contact me at any time. / If you can, be-yakі іnshі nutrition, be weasel, I can not contact me.
If you need additional information, get back at any hour.
I look forward to your reply. / I look forward to hearing from you.
I'm looking forward to your opinion.
I look forward to seeing you.
With impatience, I check for you.
Please advise as necessary.
Blame your recommendations for consumption.
We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.
We have been successful in helping you with the future.
After that, how to apologise for be-like super-echoness.
Once again I ask for a vibachennya for be-yakі neruchnostі.
We hope that we may continue to rely on your valued custom.
We hope that we can secure on your prices.
I am guilty of demonstrating your uninterrupted respect for all matter.
I buv bi vdyachny for your unconditional respect to tsoy food.
I await your reply with interest.
I'm checking for your evidence of congestion.
We look forward to building a strong business relationship in the future.
Mi nalashtovani on pbudovu mіtsnih business vіdnosin іz іz уоu fоr future.
I look forward to our work on 7th October.
I am impatiently checking our zustrich on the 7th of July.
So, for your over-the-top friendly interest to your matir.
Dyakuєmo for your supra-visual respect for your food.
Respect your respect, understand the hour.
Once again, thank you for your respect, look at that hour.
It's always a pleasure doing business with you.
With you, send the mother on the right.
Fabrics against the selection of your dosvіdu in tsoma matіr.
Once again, for the exchange of dosvіdom with whom food.
I am looking forward in order to get your entrance to the food chain.
With impatience, I check the possibility of growing your deposit at the chain.

Cliché of business leaves

Due to the special format of the articles, the descriptions of your intervals between paragraphs are not completed. Spodіvaєmosya, you will work out the nuance for us.

  • The tribute of a new spivrobitnik. Introduction of a new colleague.

I want to take this opportunity to inform you that will soon be joining us as the in the . will be taking over from and will begin work on .

You will live on rocky and we will be spared the one that you have built your company at any stage of our development.

This person and I can't really be caused by all aspects of our work.

I respect that you will all work, that you will work, that you will work, that you will be put up until a new month.

Sincerely yours,

  • First guessing about non-payment. First pomіchnik about the hatred introduction.

I am writing to remind you that we haven't yet received payment for invoice for , due on . I am enclosing a full statement of your account as of and a copy of the invoice.

We’re sure that this is oversight on your part, and would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. If your payment is by e-mail, it may be possible to return the sheet.

You are the mother's fault, be it food about your rahunok, be kind, I can't contact me.

Attach a business sheet in English

Step two stocks are separated at the caps of the leaves. It is reasonable that companies may be allowed to make small changes to the format for their own sake. Offending options are considered acceptable.

First example.

Company letterhead

Students Of The Future Co.
610 Fountain Ave
Burlington, NJ 08016

June 6, 2018
Burlington Township Student
street address
City, State Zip

Tweak this template to help guide you through this course. I can purposely set up spacing and content to make it easier for you to delete existing text and replace it with the content that you need to use. Please be sure to use all the tools provided to you, so that you are more efficient with your work.

Be sure to copy down the Text boxes I have provided, stinks can be helpful when you need to compose different types of business letters. Kindly click on this document like: Letter Template.

Business Ed. teacher

*Enclosure* (if needed)

Another example.

Organization Letterhead

March 16, 2016

Mr. Ernie English

1234 Writing Lab Lane

Write City, IN 12345

Dear Mr. English:

The first drawing of a typical business letter is drawn in the state center. Begin with a friendly opening; є swedish movements for the purpose of your letter. For the help of a few guards for the purpose, but do not go to detail until the next paragraph.

An ear with two paragraphs, a power that emphasizes details to justify your purpose. Qi can take the form of information, statistics, or the first-country rachunkiv. Two short articles over the telephone, to reaffirm your resonance.

For example, in the closing paragraph, briefly restate your purpose and why it is important. If we see your sheet and we will link it to your zanyatty, look at the line behind your material with your information about the relationship and sides, so you don’t rush to the reminder. However, if the purpose is informational, think about closing with gratitude for the reader’s time.

Lucy Letter


Axis you know! Now you can try to be in power in various foreign companies, beautifully declaring about yourself and your newcomers, namiri and access to the official English official list. And good luck to smile at you!

Do you write business papers in English today? Why do you only learn the basics of official listing in business English courses? Our dobirka brown phrases I will teach you how to fold the correct English sheets and to help you improve your language.

Zavdyaki business etiquette zagalnovidomo, that the clients need to take a cob of a leaf and say goodbye to them. Problems start when folding the main part of the sheet? How, for example, tell the deputies that the vantage is being trimmed, why pull it up, what would it be indecent to take a penny for the assignment of services? About everything you can competently tell, so that you can beat the right "preparations" to different situations. With such blanks for folding leaves, we will forgive and accept tasks.

The cob of a leaf is like a rozpochati leafing in English

On the cob of a leather business sheet, just after the bath, you need to explain why you are writing everything. It is possible, if you want to clarify, take away additional information, or, for example, ask for your services. Use the following phrases for everything:

  • We are writing - We write, schob ...
  • To confirm ...
    - to request ... - ask ...
    - to inform you that ... - inform you that ...
    - to enquire about ...

  • I am contacting you for the following reason...
  • I would be interested in (receiving/getting information)

Establishment of contacts or, as you say, to the spymaster, you know about the new

Once in a while tell a business partner if and how you got up and talked about your practice. Possibly, a few months ago, they already wrote a business paper on this topic, or, perhaps, they attended a conference that day, and at the same time they began to negotiate.

  • Thank you for your letter regarding ... - Thank you for your sheet on the topic ....
  • Thank you for your letter of May 30.
  • In reply to your request, ...
  • Thank you for contacting us. - Dyakuyu, scho wrote to us.
  • With reference to our conversation on Tuesday...
  • In reference with your recent letter - What is the cost of a recently cut sheet ...
  • Win for the rest of the day in New York. - It would be nice to meet you in New York last week.
  • I would like to confirm the main points, which we have already discussed.

Viraz prohannya or how to tactfully ask an English speaker

At the business lists, sometimes it is reported about asking partners. Sometimes you need a line, sometimes you need additional details for the material. For the expression of everything, business English has its own tired phrases.

  • We would appreciate it if you would ...
  • Could you please send me/ tell us/ let us...
  • It would be helpful if you could send us...
  • I am guilty of demonstrating your uninterrupted respect for all matter. - I will be your indispensable guide for your food.
  • We would be grateful if you could ...

Skargi English or how to give an understanding that you are not satisfied

It's a pity, it often happens that we didn't like it. But when folding business leaves, we can’t give free rein to our senses and say with a direct test what we think about the company and services. It is necessary to speak English fluently and carefully express your dissatisfaction. So we can save a business partner and let a couple out. Standard phrases of business listing, to help anyone:

  • I am writing to complain about ...
  • I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with ...
  • I am afraid there may be a misunderstanding…
  • I understand it is not your fault, but…
  • We wish to draw your attention to ... . - We want to return your respect to

How to tell the filthy or the good news from the English business sheets

In business listings, it often happens that we have to embarrass customers. Warto zrobity tse thinned out, so as not to annoy the partner even more.

Bad news

  • I am afraid that I must inform you that ...
  • Unfortunately we cannot / we are unable to ...
  • We regret to inform you that ...
  • "I'm afraid it won't be possible..."
  • After a serious look, we blew ...- After a serious look, we blew that ...

Garni news

Fortunately, sometimes everything goes far away, and we can please our customers with good news.

  • We are pleased to announce that ...
  • It is our pleasure to announce that ...
  • I am delighted to inform you that ..
  • You will be pleased to learn that ...

Vibachennya chi yak not anger the client even more

Well, business often has slips. І for them to bring vibachatisya to you. Be good-natured, see a spy at the camp. Remember that it is better to win a sprat once, to spend a valuable client less.

  • I regret any inconvenience caused by...
  • Please accept our sincere apologies. - Be kind, accept our wide vibes.
  • I would like to apologize for the delay /inconvenience...
  • Once again, please accept my apologies for...

Pennies or how to show your partner that the time has come to pay

Some people want to write in plain text that the time has come to pay. Ale, in business listings, you can’t fix it like that. Natom_st be brought to live in soft constructions, for which there are all the same zhorstka food.

  • According to our records ... - According to our records ...
  • Your records show that we have not yet taken payment for ...
  • Be safe, as your account will speed up for the next few days. - We will be vdyachni, as you will grow up in the nearest sprinkling of days.
  • Please send payment as soon as possible/ promptly - Please send us the payment as soon as possible.

Vvіchlіvіst іn listuvannі аbо аbо pull nіvі zustrіchі

It’s not enough to say goodbye to business partners with business partners. Navit after the completion of the project, you better save the blue for the coming prayers.

Until the sound

For example, business leaves in English will often be verbally between rows of slandering partners, if you ever check the type of information.

  • I look forward to seeing you next week. - I check our zustrich of the coming season
  • Looking forward to receiving your comments, - I look forward to your comments.
  • I look forward to meeting you on the (date). - I check our zustrich (date) with you.
  • An early reply would be appreciated. - I'll vouch for your shvidka vіdpovіd

Until the new season

After a distant prayer, write to the deputy a small sheet of English, which tells about those who do not mind a new project with him.

  • I would be happy to have an opportunity to work with our firm again. - I will be glad to work with your company again.
  • We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future. - We will be happy for the sake of successful working relationships with the future.
  • We would be pleased to do business with your company. – We are glad to have business with your company.

Obviously, businesslike English - don't be easy. Luckily, our selection of business phrases can make your task easier. Now you have less than an hour to fold the sheet. Also, pick out the necessary phrases, add your own information and please the boss with beautiful business sheets in English.

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