What does Dmitro Anokhin do. Aiza anokhina, man. Childhood and youthful fates

Consulting bagatioh z pitan modi ta style. Also, the girl became famous for being friends with the popular rapper Oleksiy Dolmatov (GUF). For the rest of the hour, a few things appeared, that great changes had come to її special life. Is it really true that she was separated from Oleksiy and went abroad to another? Who is the new man Aizi Anokhina? Rich will be a cikava її biography.


Aizi's childishness

Aiza was born in 1984 in the Chechen Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Grozny became the fatherland. Batko Aizi is an FSB general. Wherever the nationality of the girl is, there are super girls: there are some uplifts, there is a pure-blooded Chechen, there are some, hospitable to the Russian prizvische (Vagapov’s maiden prizvische), upbringings from the splendid blood. She herself won’t like to comment on food.

Aiza really loved little ones. In the second class, she created her first sketch, to become a designer.

Aiza Anokhina in childhood and at once

In childhood and youth, Aiza was navigable. Vaughn called out that all the bajans were drawn into life. As if, together with his friends, he flowed across the cordon to Finland. Well, it’s good that it was good for the fathers.

Later, I moved to Moscow, imovirno, through the military events that were played in the 90s. After graduating from school, Aiza entered the university at the Faculty of Economics and Law.

Business Aizi

From childhood, Aiza dreamed of becoming a designer clothes, she also wanted to decorate with her own hands. Її mrіya zbulas for rich fates. The girl, together with her friend, learned how to work miracle jewelry. The stinks have done a lot of work, to sell products to customers.

Aiza creates jewelry under her own brand

You want to dabble in what you can reach, in її plans - the creation of a great virobnitstv. Aiza advises women and girls on the Internet, maintains a blog, publishes fashion news, and gives style.

Life Specialist Aizi

Specialist of the life of Aizi tsіkavit bagatioh. Vaughn became famous for him, who sang from the leading rapper Oleksiy Dovlatov, mostly known under the pseudonym Guf. Young people were small of one sleeping acquaintance, and, as they often trapleyaetsya, nevdovzі zastrіli that suffocated one of the first whilini.

Mayday the couple spent a lot of time at the katana on snowboards. Guf could not ride and asked Aiza to help youma. The girl was just right. Parts of the trees have grown larger.

Aiza and Oleksiy Dolmatov

Guf virіshiv robiti Aiza was a gift and recorded rap on її honor under the name "Ice baby". Then, after a deaky hour, Oleksiy got into trouble and asked Aiza for a romantic date. There, the stinks were seen one by one in the kohanna. Nezabar the hour has come to get to know the fathers. Oskіlki father Aizi є FSB general, Oleksiy fearing zustrichi with him.

Ale yak vyyavilosya, yogo fears buli marni - Guf s father maidens had a good comradeship. So, Aiza had a good mind with the grandmother of her kokhan. Oleksiy prikhovuvav his addiction to narcotics in the form of Kokhanov, but not knowing in his own strength to know his future squad. Aiza set herself up for battles, but all the same she did not try to ruin a hundred years with him, but to help him with a lieutenant in the fallow land. So she got excited, and after all the fun, she always encouraged yoga in the form of narcotics.

Aiza with his first man and son

ale family life did not appear smooth - Aiza found a man with another woman. Guf zі tears vibachavsya and vowed not to hurt anymore. Aiza blew it all the way, because she loved yoga and wanted to enjoy life with the girl.

Nezabar yogo province was forgotten, it’s more, that in this world happiness appeared - having born a son on the name of Sim. Ale, unconcerned about the appearance of a child, Guf rekindled the retinue. Tse was repeated more and more often, and without a hitch Oleksiy forgot about Aiza. The maiden realized that nothing could be done anymore and went to the extremes - in 2013, the separation began.

Aiza was friends with Olena Vodoneva

In order to get out of the stress after separation, Aiza at once with her best friend Olena Vodonaeva broke at the road to Sri Lanka. The girls always cheered on one another, but suddenly their friendship ended. Aiza and Olena got married - what caused such a serious welder to become invisible.

After the separation, Aiza seriously took up the job. In 2013, the girl showed up at the TV show, at the show "Neformat Chartu" - there she was the host. Then Aiza tried herself as an actress, starring in the film "Gasholder". Let's see the first musical report of the designer - she recorded a song with the rapper Kravets.

Aiza got to know another person Dmitry for an hour of repair in Bali

2015 rock Aiza knew her new look. The future man is Dmitro Anokhin, a businessman, six years older than his kohana. Ale, unimpressed by the small price at the vіtsi, the couple looked happy.

Maybutne buddy sang in Bali. The stink of a little wildly suffocated - busy surfing. Aiza did not comment for a long time on the hundred and tried not to show up at once from Dmitri, but the unfortunate stunners realized that Dmitro would become a new man. A few hours later, the couple made out a bulky hat and got married. The celebration of the spring sanctuary took place near Las Vegas, and then the young people moved to Bali, where they lost their lives. Aiza took the nickname of the man Anokhin.

In 2016, Aiza left the USA and straightened up to Russia to participate in the show "Panyanka-selyanka". The maiden changed places with her magnificent Orenburg beauty and sold milk on the market.

Aiza and Dmitro Anokhin at the wedding celebration

Nezabar, Aiza shared with her pre-payers a radio novelty - she won something else! Vagіtnіst passed normally, but on a significant term she had a sickness of the vessels. So Anokhina suffered from panic attacks, like a nasty injection into her health. In the autumn of 2017, a new person will become a father.

Aiza Anokhina with her children

The canopies at Aiza did not go smoothly - the essences of the boulders were already 20 years old, and they were constantly filmed on the paparazzi cameras! Vaughn could not bring people along the natural path, and they destroyed cesarean rosetin. The child was born healthy and healthy. Zhitima is a young homeland in Bali.


The girl from Chechnya for her life had to endure already a lot of joyful and sumptuous moments. Tse buv and moving from a native place to Moscow and a hard work to achieve success, the goal was to fight against the narcotic fallacy of the kohan people, the separation of that zamіzhzhya.

But the girl could do everything. At once, she became calm and knew her kohanna. Vaughn is happy from a man and two blues. Aiza does not like to think about her recent past, de boulli bіl, rozcharuvannya that zrada of a kohan man.

Deputy for rapper

Having moved with the fathers to Moscow Aiza tried to create her dream to become a designer. Step by step, the maiden began to come and go, the regular clients appeared. Some of them were people, as if they were the rank of show business. With these kind of clients, Aiza was tied up by friendly stosunki.

The girl was young and without a turbo, also loved by the stars of the zustrichi with friends were the night clubs of the capital. So, under an hour of a black visit to the club, the girl got to know her as a handsome young man. The stinks just stared and laughed.

Pіznіshe Aiza, through her friends, found out that the rapper-pochatkіvets zі stage names Guf. So, as the stench of small friends was, it didn’t matter to the lad to recognize the maiden’s phone and ask for help. Aiza willingly accepted the request and from the first moment her life became like a fairy tale.

Spivak filled with її kvіtami and gave gifts, consecrated їy verse and song. Vіn u direct rozіmnі wearing її in his arms. For a deaky hour, they realized that they wanted to be together. A lad without fear asking dad Aizi for the hand of a yoga daughter. Vesіllya molodi played in 2008 roles.

Problems of family life

This rapper and designer were respected as the most beautiful and the most famous among the rapper's parties. The girl is small and has a vibukhov character, so in this occasional welds, but always ended in light.

Traplyalos, scho virishuvala live for a good hour. Aiza chose her speeches and dreamed of living to her fathers, but it didn’t feel good. Literally for a couple of years, Guf came for a kohanoy and brought it home.

And for two fates after the wedding, the parish had a son. Yogo named rіdkіsnim іm'yam Sem. The man just didn’t spodіvsya with his child and was ready to win over, be it like a primhi. At social measures the rapper has written more than once, what is the best song for the newest head in life and the greatest kohannya.

Cicavi notes:

Idiliyu was broken by the rapper's addiction to important drugs. About tse Aiza was recognized for the rock of the rock after the wedding in the musician's friends. For her, it was worth the failure to acknowledge. Vaughn tried to help people get out of drug addiction. Ale, no inspiration, no threats did not help in the fight against addiction.

Todi Aiza was called to the most important rock. Vaughn locked the man in the room for the day and did not let go of the yogo docks. P_znіshe vіn navіt podjakuє druzhinі for such vchinok.

But even though young people could at once fix their drug addiction, then Aiza could not succumb to the disease. Vaughn didn't want to flatten her eyes at the intrigues of the kokhan's model. Once a garniy kaztsi came to a halt. Aiza took away her speech, and her son went out of her sleeping apartment.

Nove kokhannya

Aiza was very upset by the separation. Sob, as if voicing, she completely threw herself into the work. Now she was no less engaged in the design of clothes, and she tried out for herself the role of a wire transfer.

Sob, even if it was in the wake of summary thoughts, Aiza went to the paradise island of Bali. There, I saw a dolenosna zustrіch maiden from її a future man. Yogo's name was Dmitr; The young person spent most of the hour living in Bali, leading her own business.

Isa calls the ninth person Dmitry Anokhin Chuvі. Aiza confessed that the young man was worthy of her rejoicing, but for a long time she could not understand that she felt like a wine before her. Vaughn characterizes Dmitri as a closed person, as if he carefully let people into his life.

In my feelings, Ayse would know only after eight months after acquaintance, wanting to suffocate at her at first glance. The couple tried not to advertise their pictures. Aiza, in response to the questioning of journalists, told for a long time that she could not love publicity.

In 2015, the rotation of the couple turned up. This ceremony took place in America. Only the closest friends and relatives were present on it. After my wedding, I decided to move to live in Bali.

The news about the replenishment in the family did not cause long-term checks. The maiden, without delay, after the wedding, voiced that without delay she would give a child to a child. About her vaginess in the most important details, the girl was shared in social networks. Navit themselves canopies filmed a video camera and broadcast live.

The boy, whom they called Elvis, was born mіtsnim and is healthy, and by the appearance of the light, a sprig of millions of people were guarded.

At the same time, Aiza Anokhina knew that peace. She will see the children and enjoy the lives. There is little more than a little information about the scandal from my participation. It is important to be worthy big man girls.

Guf write a dis on the person of Aizi, you will see it with an aggressive clip. Trohi nіyakovo, scho how much to make friends vіddaє outweigh welding in public. But, perhaps, soon Aiza and Guf will be able to reconcile for the sake of a sleeping child, and then there will be total harmony in the life of a girl.

Aisy Anokhino’s rapper Guf, don’t go from її life after separation - they appear as a child, son of Sami, yak father is called Sem. Aiza’s popularity is due to a large person, but she herself is a young woman who deserves respect. In my time, I spent two years studying at the Moscow School of Health No. 1941, and then I took a diploma about Vishchiy illuminating for the specialty "economy and law" after graduation from the Moscow Linguistic University. At the same time, Aiza Anokhina Volodya, a member of the beauty salons Ai Lab, a barbershop and a tattoo parlor Thug Life Moscow, made a statement about herself, as if she had a dream about a designer.

In the photo - Aiza ta Guf.

With her big man, she got to know each other in a night club, de Goof gained respect for a pretty girl on the dance floor. Having got to know each other, the stench of the sprat once tinkered with the sleeping companies. Then we started chatting, and then the girl was running around in a new familiar little friend, with whom we spent an hour, the docks did not realize that she was suffocating. Their romance could not be called calm - the stench periodically blatantly boiled, then reconciled, protested against legitimizing their wines. In 2008, there was a lot of fun, and after two years, Aiza brought her man, who was pregnant. It was a real shock for her that Guf was living drugs, but Aiza did not give up and did not try once to get in the face of a person, but helped him to get a bad sound.

In the photo - Aiza and Dmitro Anokhini.

Having lived with the rapper for five years, she still broke up with him, and two years later, after the separation, she suddenly fell apart. Aiza Anokhin's new man Dmitro Anokhin started her proposition after six months of holidays, and then had fun in Las Vegas, in the church, at the wedding of a lot of Hollywood celebrities and the last days of show business. After the wedding, Aiza took the nickname of a man. The new woman feels richly happy, lower the first one, and the maiden spoke about her more than once in social measures, in which she is crowned with majestic popularity. At once from a person who professionally engages in surfing, she moved to Bali, and suddenly suddenly became a mother, having given birth to her son Elvis. Another person, Aizi Anokhinoi, behind these words, the person is closed and tries to fence around her intercourse. Dmitro - serious and reading, may naturally feel humorous, and with him Aiza feels more happy.

Behind її words, a man is miraculously ready, garnily serving style and miraculously mingling with Sem. Those that Dmitro is happy with his son, and that one, at his side, can reach for the new one, calling out the jealously big man Aizi Anokhinoi, who sometimes comes before them as a guest. Once, the price was the cause of a small scandal of a huge friendship, which flared up in the yard, de Guf attacked Anokhin, and Aiza kidnapped Yogo, it seems that everything is miraculous in their family, and її new man - mature, loving and turbofuel people, zdatna take someone else's child. like his own. Dmitro, having taken on himself all the duties of the morning squad of that її senior son, і tse, insanely, rob you of honor.

Aiza invariably trusts her new person, and in її sіm'ї at once there are no weldings and scandals, as it was often trapped by the first love. great value for her and the fact that Dmitri was kindly received by his fathers, that they knew him well spilnu mova And out of joy, they adopted the novelty that I would be a man of my daughter, wanting, after the words of Aizi, to love him on the floor, which in any case would not be entrusted to him.

After the separation of Aiza and Guf, they continue to intervene exclusively for the sake of the sleepy son of Sem. The boy lives with his mother and її man Dmitry Anokhinim in Bali. Batko comes until the next day for the holidays, for the hour of such wines, spend time with the child. It is not surprising that Aizi's new recruit, having become even closer to the little one, even if he lives with him today, is busy, playing, watching yoga. Zagal vykonuє povyakdenni obov'yazki tata.

On the eve of the Chergovskaya admission of Guf in Bali, Aiza published a family photo, on which she poses at the same time from an ex-person, as well as a new person and little Sem. Such an idyll called out to the shanuvalniki the stars of the best light, the stench pleased for the wisdom that love of all members of this family.

However, the visibility of happiness was revealed in the rest of Guf's post, which he published on Instagram after returning home. The rapper, having pulled on those who are the new recruits of the big squad, as soon as they give birth to a child to a friend, shows aggressiveness in behavior.

“I see with my breast in my throat. I am absolutely not in control of those who are there. God forbid, that the bula would be happy with him, but I'm worried about the sin. I didn’t understand, I didn’t look. I have lain in the coward this day, not leaving the house, and understanding that I am there. At that time, having thought, I succeeded, once in a while, - writing Guf in an authoritative manner. - Garazd, time show. Ale fight the Lord, feel me what my son is depicting.

reaction a lot of squads the rapper didn’t bother with figurative words. Vaughn published an emotional commentary on Guf on her side on Instagram. Aiza rose up, how rich it is for little Sem to rob Dmitro, and how to love one alone with a child. And so it went, that the right father of the little one did not attach proper respect to him and did not spend more than a few days with him. Anokhin admits that Guf’s criticism of the address of the new man is viklikan with jealousy to the little one, who gravitates towards Dmitr, the shards of that one are gradually entrusted to him.

“Vchora, when we and Dima came to say goodbye to the lads, everything was wonderful, everyone laughed and shrugged, but there was one minus, Sem engraved from Dima, liz to a new one, and Dima was blown away by Sem, so as not to embarrass Lekha, but the reaction went! Zealous father to another person, to a person who does not pretend to be a father for Sem, but love me, and know that my sin is my all-world. And otzhe, and yogo tezh! - Isa Gufu wrote. - Mіy cholovіk matured, lyublyacha і turbotlivy people, zdatna accept like your own, completely someone else's child! І zamіst podjaki yoma, ty yogo is ringing here! Not in disguise, but here! Do not anger God! Don't suggest."

    Dmitro Anokhin is the price man of Aiza, the big Dolmatova. Previously, she was friends with the leading rapper Guf, now with Dima, a businessman.

    Judging by Aizi Anokhina's Instagram, it's not good for him to live.

    І h Guf not to be welded, confirmation axis:

    Aiza Dolmatova is visiting Bali from Dmirtiev Anokhinim.

    Dozra, that the couple has already become friends, and now spend the honeymoon together.

    About Aizi’s training, it’s clear that I’m 36 years old businessman. And the axis, like a child, is engaged in surfing.

    Romantic photo on vіdpochinku.

    Dmitro Anokhin - 36 years old, businessman.

    Get serious about surfing.

    Chantingly gaining his popularity through Aiza Dolmatova, whose new boyfriend is Vіn є.

    At the same time, a couple at once from the synom of Aizi went to Bali.

    Dmitro Anokhin and another person Aiza Dolmatova. Yomu thirty six years. Poz own business wines zahoplyuetsya surfing, jazz, boxing. And besides, the cream of the mustache is overprotected, yogo cries for sex, as you know in one recent interview with Dmitro.

    After that, as I was guilty of following Aiza here from the pivroku, we were offended to legalize our girls on June 10, 2015 in Las Vegas.

    Dmitro Anokhin is the ninth person of the Internet-viewer Aiza Dolmatova. Made friends with friends in 2015 roci 10 zhovtnya. It seems that Vin is engaged in surfing and Dmitro loves doing it. Win my own business.

    Until the speech, I’ll become a happy father without a bar, the shards of the yogo squad are rebuying on the remaining terms of pregnancy. Dmitro shche vukhovuє six-fold son of Aizi in the first slubu.

    Dmitro Anokhin - the price of the new talents of Aiza Dolmatova, who cheered on the cob of this fate. About Dmitri, those who are a businessman are engaged in surfing, for thirty-six years. Aiza got to know him unhappily after being separated from the rapper Guf, the retinue of such a bull. Axis here you can find out more about the development of their stosunkiv. And the axis here is about the fun at Las Vegas.

    Dmitro Anokhin is a businessman, and also a person of Aiza Dolmatova, at the moment he is already 37 years old, he is both an amateur and a professional surfer. Not long ago in Bali with a couple of friends good repair from the synom of Aizi Dolmatova

    The 37-year-old businessman surfer Dmitro Anokhin became another person in the house of Aiza Dolmatova, who lost his blue in the first boat.

    The wedding was in the other half of 2015.

    Unfortunately, there is little information about Dmitry in the region, the relics of the people's wines are not particularly public.

    Dmitro Anokhin is a businessman who is engaged in surfing. Youmu 37 years. Becoming a friend after that, as if becoming a chatter, and having become friends with Aiza Dolmatova, the ex-squad of the rapper Guf.

    Aiza maє sina vіd first slubu. It's time to get to know Dmitri in Bali.

    The axis of the photo is from the city, as it was supposed to be in the American city of Las Vegas:

    Recently, it became clear that Aiza Dolmatova was dating her new boyfriend, Dmitry Anokhinim. Apparently, there are 36 years for you.

    Dmitro is a businessman, but he dabbles in surfing. The new one has its own privilege - Chuva.

    The 36-year-old successful businessman Dmitro Anokhin appeared as the name of the large squad of rapper Guf, and the successful man of the large squad of Guf Aizi Dolmatova. Youmu 36 years. Aiza knows that the yogo roztashuvannya has done it for a long time, and that the person is guilty of її dream.

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