Zoryan coordinate system. Coordinate systems of astronomy. Basic positions of the celestial sphere

In astronomy, there are a few systems of coordinates: horizontal, first equatorial, other equatorial.

They wake up one kind of one, that they will be on their way to different kil of the celestial sphere. The celestial coordinates are wound by the arcs of the great kil or by the central vertices, which suffocate the qi of the arc.

2. Give a description of the horizontal and equatorial coordinate systems. What coordinates are found in these systems?

The horizontal coordinate system is victorious with astronomical warnings of the position of the luminaries hundred hundred and fifty to the horizon. This system has coordinates of height $h$ and azimuth $A$.

The first equatorial system of coordinates is set up for timing, and the other equatorial system is necessary for compiling dawn maps, atlases and catalogues. In the first equatorial system, the vicorous $\delta$ and the year's sun $t$ are observed, and in the other - $\delta$ and the direct convergence of $\alpha$.

3. Why are there different coordinate systems in astronomy?

Relative coordinates will be fixed for the completion of rescheduled appointments.

4. Assign the height of the pole above the horizon for your locality

Kutova height of the pole of light above the horizon

$ h_p $ - Head height of the pole;
$φ$ - Geographical latitude of the city.

5. What kind of stars are called vishіdnim and zahіdnim, neshіdnim and nezahіdnim?

At the descent, the vision of the cross-windows shines like a shidnoy part of the horizon, and at sunset - the western part of the horizon. In the middle latitudes, for example, the Republic of Belarus, there are guarded by the stars of the near-polar narrows, as if the horizon were to sink. The stench is called unforgiving. Zirki, roztashovanі bіla Pіvdennogo Pole svіtu, nіkola do not sigh with us. They are called inconsistent.

1 Basic positions of the celestial sphere

For the designation of the visible camp of celestial bodies, that the growth of their roo in astronomy is introduced understand celestial sphere. The sphere may be enough expanded prevіlny center. At її the center at the point Pro a poster is placed, and the wrapping of the sphere repeats the wrapping of the heavenly crypt. Straight ZOZ′ means vertical line for posterigach, de b vin not buv. Upper point above the head of the posterigach Z called Zenith, And opposite її point Z'- called Nadir. Great Kolo SWNE perpendiculars straight line called right horizon or mathematical obriy. Mathematical obriy divide the sphere into two halves , apparentlyі invisible for posterigach. Line RR'- called the whole world about the axis of the wrapping celestial sphere. flat ЕQWQ′ perpendicular to axis of the world called celestial equator. Vіn dіlіt celestial sphere on two pivkuli - pivnichneі pivdenne. The great circle of the heavenly sphere PZQSP′Z′Q′N called heavenly meridian. Celestial meridian divide the celestial sphere into Skhidneі Zahidne pivkul. Line NOS called pivdenny line.

The positions of the main elements of the celestial sphere can be found one by one in geographic latitude. posterigach's place. Under the hood up to the plane of the mathematical horizon, the whole world is spreadRR′. The position of the stars in the sky varies according to the distance to the main planes and connected with them by lines and dots celestial sphere and are expressed in two quantities ( central kuts or arcs of great keels) are called celestial coordinates.

2 Horizontal coordinate system

main area horizontal systems coordinates є mathematical obriyNWSE, and the sound is conducted in Z zenith ta vіd odnієї z point of the mathematical horizon. One coordinate є zenitna vіdstanz( Zenitna stand up to day zv = φ - δ; before pіvnochi zн = 180 - φ - δ) or the height shone over the obrієm h. high h luminaries M called the height of the vertical stake mM view mathematical horizon before luminary, abo central kut mOM between the flat mathematical horizon and straight to light M. Heights are adjusted from 0 to 90 to zenithі від 0 to -90 to nadіru. The zenith of the star is called the arc of the vertical stake ZM from the light to zenith. z + h = 90(1). The position of the most vertical stake is indicated by an arc coordinate - azimuth A. Azimuth A called an arc mathematical horizon sm type of specks dayS up to a vertical stake, to pass the crisis light. Azimuth get wrapped up in a bik wrap celestial sphere, then. on the westward view of the pivdnya point, in the range of the viewpoint 0 to 360. The coordinate system is fixed for the non-intermediate positions of the visible positions of the luminaries for additional cutting tools.

3 First equatorial coordinate system

Cob vіdlіku - celestial equator pointQ. One coordinate є vіdminyuvannya. Schilyannyam called an arc mm vart stake PMmP′ from the celestial equator to the sun. Winding up from 0 to +90 to the pivnіchny pole and vіd 0 to -90 to pivdenny. p + = 90. The position of the vart stake varies year's kutt. Vartovim kutom luminaries M called the arc of heaven equatorQm top view Q celestial equator to vart stake PMmP′, pass through the light. Hours kuti wind up at the beck of the additional animal of the celestial sphere, on the way to Q in the range from 0 to 360 or from 0 to 24 years. The system of coordinates has been chosen in practical astronomy for the determination of the exact hour and the additional wrapping of the day. It signifies the good rush of the Son, the Moon of those other luminaries.

4 Other equatorial coordinate system

One coordinate є vіdminyuvannya, іnsh straight convergenceα . Straight convergence α luminaries M called the arc of the celestial equator ♈ m type of specks spring day ♈ to the vart stake to pass through the light. Wrapping up at the same time for the additional wrapping in the ranges from 0 to 360 or from 0 to 24 years. The system of victories for the designation of dawn coordinates and the folding of catalogues. It signifies the rіchniy rukh of the Sun and other luminaries.

5 The height of the pole of light above the horizon, the height of the light at the meridian

The height of the pole of the world above the horizon is always the most beautiful astronomical latitude of the month of the posterigach:

  1. Yakshcho vіdminyuvannya svіtila less geographical latitude, then it will culminate on the day of the zenith on z = φ - δ but on high h = 90 - φ + δ
  2. Yakshcho vіdminyuvannya svіtila dorіvnyuє geographic latitude, then it will culminate in the zenith that z = 0 , a h = + 90
  3. Yakshcho vіdminyuvannya svіtila more geographic latitude, then it will culminate on pivnich in the zenith on z = c - φ but on high h = 90 + φ - h

6 Wash the sun for the sunset

unfortunate luminaries.

the culmination of the luminary.

top climax , like the bottom - lower climax.

For posterigach at the poles will be less unfortunate luminaries.

The appearance of the peretina is called the light of the heavenly meridian the culmination of the luminary.

Yakshko shіtilo peretinaє the upper part of the meridian - now top climax, like the bottom - lower climax.

Equatorial coordinate system- One of the systems of celestial coordinates. In this system, the main plane is the plane of the celestial equator. One of the coordinates with tsmu є vіdminyuvannyaδ (before - polar vision p).

Another coordinate can be:

  • year's kut t(At the first equatorial coordinate system)
  • straight convergence(for other equatorial coordinate system)

First equatorial coordinate system

  • Schilyannyam δ the luminary is called the arc of the celestial meridian from the celestial equator to the luminary, but it is cut between the plane of the celestial equator and directly to the luminary.

Vіdmіnyuvannya vіmіryuyut at the boundary vіd 0 ° to 90 ° at the bіk pіvnіchny pole of light and vіd 0 ° to −90 ° vіk vіdny pole of the world.

  • Polar vision p the luminary is called the arc of the stake from the pivnichny pole of the luminary to the luminary;

Polar vіdstanі vіmіryuyut at the border vіd 0 ° to 180 ° in a straight line from the pivnіchny pole light to pivdenny.

  • Vartovim kutom t the luminary is called the arc of the celestial equator from the upper point of the celestial equator (that is, the point of the crossbar of the celestial equator with the celestial meridian) to the stake of the luminary, or the two-faced kut between the plane of the celestial meridian and the celestial meridian.

Varto kuti winds up near the side of the extra wrapping of the celestial sphere, then at the sunset from the upper point of the celestial equator, in the ranges from 0 ° to 360 ° (in degrees world) or from 0 to 24 years (in the clock world). In some years, the cuts vanish at the borders from 0° to 180° (from 0 to 12 years) on the westward and from 0° to −180° (from 0 to −12 years) at the exit.

Another equatorial coordinate system

In this system, like in the first equatorial, the main plane is the plane of the celestial equator, and one of the coordinates is vіdminyuvannya(δ) (more like - polar vision p). Ale friend coordinate - straight convergence(α) - the arc of the celestial equator from the point of the spring equal to the stake of the luminary, or directly between the point of the spring equivalence and the plane of the stake of the luminary. In this order, the ear of the ear is at the point, de Sun crosses the celestial equator of the hinge (the point of the spring equator). Tsej kut vіmіryuєtsya on skhіd vіd vіd vіd vіd svіdny sovіdnі sіtsі іrі, yоu іn іt, protіlezhі dоbоm wrapper celestial sphere, vzdovzh celestial equator i nabuє vіd vіd 0о to 360оо (near the degree world) аbо іt 0 year to 24 year (one-year world)) .

hot characteristics

  • Schiliannia measured in degrees, minutes and seconds of arc. A positive direction - on the pivnich view of the celestial equator, a negative one - on the pivden. When entering the following, indicate the sign.
  • Object on the celestial equator may be observed 0 °
  • Inspection of the pivnіchny pole of the celestial sphere +90°
  • Schiliannia pivdenny pole dorіvnyuє -90 °
  • Observation of a celestial object, which is to pass through the zenith, to reach the latitude of the posterigach.

At Pivnіchnіy pivkulі of the Earth for a given latitude:

  • Heavenly objects with δ>90°-φ do not go beyond the horizon.
  • Yakshcho vіdminyuvannya object δ<φ-90 °, то такой объект не будет наблюдаться на этой широте.

The shards of the expansion of the plane of the celestial equator after the precession step by step change, then for the equatorial coordinate system, you must specify the epoch, as you designate the day of the expansion of the main plane and, apparently, directly to the point of the spring equal.


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Marvel at the same "Equatorial coordinate system" in other dictionaries:

    Celestial coordinate system. Separate 1 and 2 equatorial coordinate system. In the 1st system, the coordinates of any luminary are indicated by the year's kut, which winds up at the point of the equator's crossroads with the zero celestial meridian at the directly visible ...

    EQUATORIAL COORDINATE SYSTEM, astronomical coordinate system, in which the plane of the HEAVENLY EQUATOR is inverted. Two coordinates enter before it: vіdminyuvannya and direct convergence (annual kut). Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    Coordinate system, the main stakes are the celestial equator and the posterigach meridian. In my system, t. The equatorial coordinates of the luminaries will be: the yearly corner of the luminary and the observation of the luminary. Samoilov K.I. Marine dictionary. M. L .: ... ... Marine vocabulary

    The horizontal coordinate system: 40, and the horizontal coordinate system: 30 is the system of celestial coordinates, for which the main plane is the plane of the mathematical horizon, and the zenith poles are above. Vaughn zastosovuєtsya with caution ... Wikipedia Wikipedia

    Vikoristovuetsya in astronomy to describe the position of the stars in the sky or a point on the manifest celestial sphere. The coordinates of the luminaries or points are given by two apex values ​​(or arcs), which unambiguously indicate the position of objects on the celestial sphere.

    They are used in astronomy to describe the position of the luminaries in the sky or a point on the manifest celestial sphere. The coordinates of the luminaries or points are given by two apex values ​​(or arcs), which unambiguously indicate the position of objects on the celestial sphere.

Horizontal coordinate system. The main planes of these are the coordinates of this system, the meridian of the posterigach and the plane of the true horizon. To the horizontal coordinate system, add the height of the luminary h and azimuth A.

The height of the light h call kut (KOo) between the plane of the true horizon and straight from the center of the celestial sphere to the center of the luminary (Fig. 73). The height of the luminary is reduced by an arc vertical in the direction of the right horizon to the center of the luminary (K) no more than in the direction of Pro up to 90 °. Heights are assigned a plus sign, as if the light was above the horizon, and a minus sign, as it was placed under the horizon. At times, the height is called low.

Rice. 73.

Instead of heights, they are sometimes corrosive with a zenithal height z, as well as adding heights up to 90 °, so z = 90 ° -h; it will bend to the arc vertical from the zenith to the center of the luminary no more than from 0 to 180°.

To designate the moon, it is necessary to designate the position of the vertical, which should pass through it. The position of the vertical determines the azimuth.

Azimuth- ce spherical kut at the zenith, positions between the meridian of the posterigach and the vertical of the light; vymіryuєtsya by an arc of the right horizon from one point of the meridian of the posterigach. The point of the meridian of the posterigach is chosen according to the practical necessity and efficiency in the calculations. In maritime astronomy, three systems of azimuth accounting are adopted: circular, napіvcircular and quarter.

With a circular angle, the azimuth is aligned with the arc of the true horizon from the point N at the bik O st to the vertical of the light at the boundaries of the vіd 360 ° and recorded as follows: A \u003d 120 ° (arc NO st K, Fig. 73).

When pіvkrukovomu rakhunku azimuth vіmіryuyut arc іnnogo horizon vіd pіvnochі meridian poserіgаcha y bіk immediately аbо setting up to the vertical of the luminary in the range vіd 0 to 180 °.

The circular azimuth is recorded: A = N120°O st (arc NO st K) . The first letter is always the same as the latitude; Another letter is designated as the place of the camp of the luminary at a similar chi zahіdniy pіvsferi.

Rice. 74.

At the fourth angle, the azimuth is measured by the arc of the true horizon from the point of pivnochi N or from the point of pivdnya S at the bik immediately, or at the approach to the vertical of the sun in the range of 0 to 90 ° and write down A \u003d 60 ° S (arc SK).

As a result of the wrapping of the Earth, the height and azimuth of the light are constantly changing.

On ships, the height of the luminary is measured with a sextant, and the azimuth can be assigned to a compass or calculations to formulas of spherical trigonometry.

Equatorial coordinate system. There are two systems of equatorial coordinates. The main planes of the first equatorial system, the meridian, mark the plane of the celestial equator. Coordinates in this system will be year t and date 6.

Vartovim kutom call the spherical kut at the elevated pole, laying between the midday part of the meridian of the posterigach and the stake of the light (QPNK, Fig. 74). Adopted two systems rahunka vartovyh kutiv.

The arch of the celestial equator vіd vіdny part of the meridian of the posterigach near the sunset to the stake of the vіdminyuvannya of the luminary in the range of 0 to 360 °. On fig. 74 arc QWQ" O st Up to t ~ 310 °.

The practical kut of the year is surrounded by an arc of the celestial equator in the pivdenny part of the meridian of the posterigach at the bik sunset, or right away to the stake of the vіdminyuvannya of the luminary in the range of views 0 to 180 ° (arc QK). The practical annual kuti is always assigned the name Ost or W, for example, t ~ 50 ° O st.

Shilyannym shvitila b call the cut between the plane of the celestial equator and directly from the center of the celestial sphere to the center of the luminary KOo.

Vіdmіnyuvannya vymіryuyut arc stake vіdmіnyuvannya in the celestial equator to the center of the world in the range of 0 to 90 °. The letter N is attributed to Skhilian, as the light was found in the pivnіchnіy pivsferi, and S, as in the pivdennіy: for example, b \u003d 40 ° N (div. Fig. 74).

When calculating vіdmіnyuvannya, a plus sign is assigned, as it is the same as the latitude, and a minus sign, so it is different. The deputy of vіdmіnyuvannya іnоdі look at polar vision And, what is the addition of water to 90 °, then A \u003d 90 ° -b. The polar stand is mitigated by an arc stake in the direction of the elevated pole to the center of the world in the ranges from 0 to 180 °.

With the wrapping of the Earth, the stretching of the doby remains unchanged, and the annual kut changes.

Bring to another coordinate system straight convergence a i vіdminyuvannya b (otherwise the polarity is A).

On the celestial equator, there is a mentally unruly point, which is called the point of Aries T. It is directly convergent and mimics the arc of the celestial equator from the point of Aries T to the stake of the light in the beak, the reverse of the splendid kutivs, in the boundaries of the views from 0 to 360 °.

Understanding about the observation of the polar opposite and that of the first equatorial coordinate system. The wrapper of the Earth does not require changes in the magnitude of direct convergence and observation, so the coordinates serve to fold star charts and catalogs of stars (addition 6).

vіdminyuvannya that year's kut (or straight convergence) of the heavenly body.

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Horizontal coordinates


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