Height shone at the top climax. The height shone at the climax. Riddles in literature

The celestial sphere is clearly spherical on the surface of a certain radius, at the center there is a posterigach. Celestial bodies are projected on celestial sphere.

Through small expansions of the Earth, in povnyannі z vіdstanami to zirok, posterigachіv, roztashovannyh in different parts of the earth's surface, you can enter such that you are in center of the celestial sphere. In fact, there is no material sphere that leaves the Earth, nature does not have. The heavenly bodies are collapsing in the vast expanse of light on different windows overlooking the Earth. Numbers are namingly great, our mind is not able to evaluate them, to that people all heavenly bodies are however far away.

With a stretch of fate, the Sun describes a great colo on the aphids of the dawn sky. The River Way of Sontsya heavenly sphere called the ecliptic. Moving around ecliptic. The sun at the equal points of the dvіchі crosses the celestial equator. Tse buvaє 21 birch and 23 spring.

A speck of the celestial sphere, as if it is overwhelmed by the unbreakable hour of the wind, is mentally called the pivnichny pole of the world. The opposite point of the celestial sphere is called the top pole of the world. Residents of the pivnichnoy pivkulі yogo do not sip, shards of vines are under the horizon. The vertical line, which passes through the posterigach, crosses the sky above the head at the zenith point and at the diametrically opposite point, as it is called a nadir.

All the visible wrapping of the celestial sphere, which is behind the poles of the world and passes through the posterigach, naming the whole world. On the horizon under the pivnichny pole of the world lie pivnochi point, diametrically opposite point - pivdnya point. Krapki right off the bat lie on the line of the horizon and stand at 90 ° at the point of pivnochi and pivdnya.

The area that passes through the center of the sphere perpendicular to the axis of the world, satisfies celestial equator, parallel to the plane earth's equator. The area of ​​the celestial meridian passes through the poles of the world, the points of pivnochi and pivdnya, the zenith and nadir.

Celestial coordinates

The coordinate system, in which the view is located in the plane of the equator, is called equatorial. Kutova vіdstan svitila vіd the celestial equator is called, as it changes from -90 ° to +90 °. Schiliannia vvazhaetsya positive on pivnich view of the equator and negative on pivden. vimiryuetsya kutom between the flats of the great keels, one of which passes through the poles of the world and this light, the other through the poles of the world and the point spring day that lie on the equator.

Horizontal coordinates

Kutovoy vіdstannya is called vіdstan mizh objects in the sky, scho vymiruєєєєє kutom, kak utvoreniya exchanges, scho to go to the object from the point of caution. The height of the light over the horizon is called the height of the light above the horizon. The position of the light on the sides of the horizon is called the azimuth. Vidlik is carried out every day for the year's arrow. Azimuth and the height of the luminary over the obre is vindicated with a theodolite. At the top of the loneliness, they look like they see between celestial objects, and they look at the objects themselves. The apex of the pole of the world in the horizon of the geographical latitude of the territory.

Height shone at the climax

The manifestations of the passage of the luminaries through the heavenly meridian are called climaxes. The lower culmination is called the passage of the luminaries through the pivnichnu half of the celestial meridian. The phenomenon of passage by the light of the pivdenny half of the celestial meridian is called the upper climax. The moment of the upper climax to the center of the Sun is called the right afternoon, and the moment of the lower climax is the right day. Interlude between climaxes - pivdobi.

At non-sighted luminaries above the horizon one can see insulting climaxes, at lower climax vіdbuvaєtsya under the horizon, lower vіd vіd pіvnochі point. Skin mirror climax at the same moon, start at the same and the same height above the horizon, so that you can’t change the vertex of the pole of the world and the celestial equator. The sun and moon change the height, on
what a stink climax.

The visible camp shone and whether any points on the celestial sphere signify two spherical coordinates. In astronomy, there are a few different systems of celestial coordinates. The choice of the other coordinate system is determined by the zm_stom of the plant, which is chosen. Prote the principle of encouraging all systems of spherical coordinates to be unified.

On the celestial sphere, a great number is selected, as if taken for main colo coordinate systems. The same name specifies the name of the coordinate system. Two diametrically prolonging points of the celestial sphere, in the distance from the main points of the main stake, are called poles which stake.

One coordinate is drawn up from the main stake at the first chosen point, as it is called zero - point coordinate systems. Another coordinate is in the direction of the main stake in a perpendicular straight line, vzdovzh great stake, scho to pass through the poles of the main stake.

Let's take a look at the most victorious systems of celestial coordinates.

Horizontal coordinate system. For the main colo is accepted mathematical obriy. Yogo poles are zenith points ( Z) that nadira ( Na). Zero-point in the horizontal coordinate system є pivdnya point S on the horizon (Fig. 2.1).

The position of the celestial body in the horizontal system is determined by two coordinates - azimuth A, which changes between 0° and 360°, height h Accepts values ​​from 0° to ±90°.

Azimuth BUT vіdrakhovuєtsya vzdovzh mathematical horizon vіd pivdnya S straight ahead. Azimuth of the main points to the horizon:

Rice. 2.1. Horizontal coordinate system

Another coordinate is height h- Vіdrakhovuєtsya vzdovzh vertical stake vіd mathematical horizon to the light. Above the horizon, the height of the light is positive, below the horizon it is negative. Mustache points on the horizon have a height of 0°, zenith - 90°, nadir - -90°.

In practice, watchfulness often vimiryuyut not height h, and the zenith is visible, so that the distance shone from the point of the zenith to the luminary of the vertical stake. It is obvious that the link between the height and the zenith distance is indicated by the formula:

. (2.1)

The zenith is always positive and changes in the boundaries of the views (point Z) before ( Na). All points that lie on the same almucantarata, may have the same height and zenith view.

With an additional wrapping of the celestial sphere, the horizontal coordinates of the luminaries change without interruption, taking in different moments and hours of the song different values. This allows you to calculate the horizontal coordinates of the celestial bodies and determine their visibility in a given moment and hour. But for folding star charts, lists and catalogs of celestial objects, the horizontal coordinate system is not attached. For tsієї meti, such a coordinate system is needed, in which the wrapping of the celestial sphere did not add to the values ​​of both coordinates of the luminary.

Equatorial coordinate systems. For the immutability of spherical coordinates, it is necessary that the coordinate grid wrap around the celestial sphere at once. The best accessories for these purposes equatorial coordinate systems. They take a lot for the main celestial equator, the poles of which є pivnіchny and pivdenny poles of the world.

The first equatorial coordinate system. For the zero-point at the first equatorial system is accepted pivdenna point of the celestial equator, which does not change its position in the sky along the horizon with an additional wrapping of the sky . The coordinate annual cut t(Figure 2.2). Hours of kuti vanish in the clock world and between their meanings: from to. Other coordinate - d. This is the name of the arc of the stake from the celestial equator to the luminary. Vіdmіnyuvannya vymіryuєtsya in the degree world and changes in the boundaries: vіd 0 0 to . In pivnіchnіy pіvkulі pіdnebіnnyа vіdmіnyuvannya positively, and in pіvdenniy negatively.

One of the deputies in charge of victoriousness is so called polar vision, that the arc of the stake vіdmіnyuvannya vіd pіvnіchnogo pole svіt svіtil. The polar is always positive and changes in the boundaries of the vіd (dot) to (). The polar vіdstan' pov'azana zі vіdmіnyuvannyam shіtіl such svіvіdnoshennya:

. (2.2)

All points of the celestial sphere, which lie on the same celestial parallel, may have the same observation. With the additional wrapping of the celestial sphere, whether the light is collapsing, describing the colo, the bridle of the celestial parallel, it does not change at its own sight. However, the other coordinate - the year's hood of light - with the additional wrapping of the day is constantly changing. It is not possible to link to the list of stars using the first equatorial coordinate system when folding star charts.

Rice. 2.2. Equatorial coordinate systems

Sound the first system of equatorial coordinates victorious in the process of astronomical guards when pointing the telescope at the light.

Another equatorial system of celestial coordinates. In this coordinate system, the main column is the celestial equator, and the zero point is the spring equal point on the new one. Vaughn at once from the mouth with the points of the celestial equator takes the fate of the additional wrapping of the celestial sphere.

In another equatorial coordinate system, the position of the luminary on the celestial sphere also has two coordinates (Fig. 2.2). One of them, like before, vіdminyuvannya δ. Which is called direct convergence and signify .

Direct convergence the arc of the celestial equator is called from the point of the spring equator ^ to the point of the ceiling of the celestial equator with the stake of the luminary. Direct convergence is always positive, strikes directly against the additional wrapping of the celestial sphere, so that from entering the exit, wins at timchas loneliness and changes in the boundaries of the 0 h up to 24 h .

The coordinates of the luminary in another equatorial system do not change due to the additional wrapping of the celestial sphere. That same won't win in star maps and atlases, in catalogs and lists of celestial objects.

From little 2.2, it is clear that the sum of the annual kut is that direct convergence for any luminary numerically older than the annual kut of the spring equal point: . Tsey Kut is accepted to be called good morning dawning hour.

Indeed, other systems of celestial coordinates are victorious. For example, when rotting the body of the sony system, the system begins to sound cory elliptical coordinate grid, de yak as the main ring of the ecliptic. The next structure of our Galaxy is most conveniently carried out in galactic system celestial coordinates, in which the main stake is the galactic equator .

Equatorial coordinates (direct convergence and observation) are a sign that their camp is designated on the celestial sphere along the celestial equator, do not lie in the position of the posterigach on the earth's surface. At the same time, the view of the celestial sphere itself, so that the expansion of the її elements along the true horizon, lies exclusively in the geographical latitude of the place of caution, in order to know its reflection in the theorem about the height of the veins pole of the world above the horizon. Let's guess, її formulary: the height of the pivnіchny pole of the world above the horizon is numerically superior to the geographic latitude of the city of watchfulness.

Therefore, changing the height and azimuth of the celestial body with an additional wrapping of the celestial sphere and mind of its visibility in different parts of the Earth lies not only in the presence of the luminary, but also in the geographical latitude of the moon on the earth's surface.

Rice. 2.3. The culmination of the light

As we know, with the additional wrapping of the celestial sphere, the celestial parallels will collapse lightly. At the same time, the celestial meridian is twisted for good. Moments of the cross the luminary of the heavenly meridian are called climaxes. There are two culminations of the luminary - the upper one and the lower one. Upper climax If the height of the luminary is maximum, it is seen in the pivden side of the sky, above the pivdnya point on the horizon (Fig. 2.3.). At the moment lower climax, which is seen near the point of pivnoch on the horizon, the height of the luminary may least value. The height of the light at the top and bottom culminations can be developed using the formulas

, (2.3)
. (2.4)

At the skin place of the earth's surface, with a singing geographical latitude, the visibility of the heavenly bodies lies in the presence of their observation and latitude. In the fallow, in the light of this spіvvіdnoshennia, one of the luminaries is indispensable for this region of the Earth, others are not inconsiderable, and the third ones are trying to come in. Moreover, the trivality of the first rebuffing over the horizon has been achieved by stretching and the position of the point of the first one at once and at the approach again lies in the form of spiving (Fig. 2.4). Wash away the visibility of the luminaries from the formulas that determine their height at the upper and lower climax.

Rice. 2.4. Regions of invisible and invisible luminaries

The luminaries, like navit at the moment of the lower climax, do not go under the obriy, to which they are called unfortunate. On the basis of which appointment you can write mindfulness:

The luminaries, the upper climax of which rise above the horizon, and the lower one under the horizon, are called vishіdnimiі zahіdnimi. Umova visionaryі zahіdnostі may look:

. (2.7)

Spivvіdnoshennya mіzh i vyznaє so roztashuvannya shone like a zenith at the moment of the upper climax:

at the top climax, the light looked like a day at the zenith;

at the moment of the upper climax, the light passed through the zenith point;

at the top of the culmination, the luminary glimmered at the pivnich from the zenith.

Therefore, when calculating the zenithal line or the height of the light at the upper climax, beating the numerical result, it is necessary to put down the letters S or N(Pivden or pivnich), which directly indicates the upper climax. In addition, the shards of height shone either positive or negative, before the numerical її znіd obov'yazkovo put an indicative sign.

Для визначення умов видимості небесних світил у південній півкулі Землі потрібно пам'ятати, що там над істинним горизонтом знаходиться південний полюс світу, більшість видимих ​​​​небесних світил належить південній небесній півсфері та має негативне відмінювання (), причому у нижній кульмінації світила проходять через небесний meridian. chi under her. Therefore, when looking at it, it’s easier to take into account the geographical latitude of the points of the Earth’s pivdenny pivkulі and the observation of the celestial bodies of the pvdenny celestial pivsphere as positive, and to attribute the residual result to the protracted straight line ( N deputy S i navpak). When counting, the following obov'yazkovo vykonuvati kolennya, yakі give a clear indication of the tasks that are being violated, and guard against possible pardons.

Seen before the mind, the visibility of the luminaries is shown at night models of the celestial sphere. Keeping in mind that the altitude of the pole of the world is fixed, you can set the model of the celestial sphere to the same geographical latitude i, changing the nozzles-luminaries at different points of the model (at points with varying vіdmіnyuvannyam), when wrapping the model of the other, adding more flats of the luminaries the area of ​​the true horizon under the same kut.

; ) allows you to see the dawn sky in latitudes.
  • The climax (astronomy) is the passage of the center of the world through the celestial meridian at the process of yogo precooking. Otherwise - the passage by the center of the luminary of the point of the crossbar of the additional parallel of the luminary of that celestial meridian.

    With a stretch, achieve the light of the dvіchі to overshadow the heavenly meridian. Distinguish the upper and lower climaxes of the light. At the upper climax, the height of the light was the greatest, and the lower one was the least. For the unfortunate luminaries, insults culminate over the turn. For the sky and the sunset, the upper climax rises above the horizon, and the lower one under the horizon. In the invisible luminaries, insults culminate under the horizon and are inaccessible to guards.

    They also distinguish the upper climax on the pivnich and on the pivnіch in the zenith. If it culminated on midday from the zenith, then at the moment of its climax the astronomical azimuth reached 0°, and as the light culminated on the afternoon from the zenith, its azimuth at the moment of climax reached 180°.

    Knowing the observation of the luminary and the breadth of the month of caution, you can calculate the zenith of the luminary at the moment of climax:

    Hн = 180º - (φ + δ);

    Hv; s.z = φ - δ;

    Hv; s.z \u003d δ - φ. In a similar way, watching the star at the upper and lower climaxes, you can determine the breadth of the watchfulness. As the upper climax of the star rises on the afternoon from the zenith, then

    δ = 90 ° - (hn + hv; southwest) / 2;

    φ \u003d 90 ° - (hn-hv; southwest) / 2; and as for pivnich in the zenith, then

    δ \u003d 90 ° - (hn-hv; southwest) / 2;

    φ \u003d 90 ° - (hn + hv; southwest) / 2.

Po'yazanі understanding

Skhid - the moment of the appearance of the upper edge of the sun above the horizon. Understanding the skhіd can also be seen before the whole process of crossing the horizon with a visible disk of the luminary.

Zahid chi zahid Sontsya - the moment of the appearance of the upper edge of the sun under the horizon. Understanding the setting of the sun can be put in the same way until the whole process of crossing the horizon with a visible disk of light.

Heliakіchniy (heliakalny) skhіd (ancient Greek ἡλιακός - sleepy) - the first after the last period of invisibility the skhіd of the celestial body (star or planet) immediately before the descent of the Sun: "skhіd at the exchange of the ranking dawn".

Days - the interval of an hour, for a stretch of which the Sun is under the horizon, and the natural illumination on the Earth is protected by the fermentation of the sleepy light from the upper spheres of the atmosphere and the superfluous luminescent lights of the atmosphere itself,

The ruins of the Sun and the planets in the celestial sphere seem less visible than the ruins that are given to the earthly posterity. Under any circumstance, the roar shone with the celestial sphere, not tied to the earth's additional wrappings, the shards remain in the wrappings of the celestial sphere itself.

Riddles in literature

In the skin of a concrete mass, the skin star marks its culmination permanently on the same height above the horizon. This is why it is explained that її kutova vіdstan vіd the poles of the light of the celestial equator is filled with immensity. Tse do not stand for the Sun, or the Moon - height, as they fix it as a climax, zavzhdi price. Interval between the climaxes of the Sun on 4 min. above, below, between the climaxes of stars. For one revolution of the celestial sphere, for good, the Sun shifts according to the date until dawn and immediately to the vіdstan approximately 1 ° (the arithmetic is simple: the next rotation becomes 360 °, vіdbuvaetsya for 24 years, which means that for 1 year 4 hvilini - 1°). The month culminates in the 50th century, the oscillators of youmu for one turn of the nasustrich wrapping of the sky are needed for about a month.

2. If you stay in one place for a long time and wait for Orion, you remember that the wine is rightly rising, and then we will fall again. Together with him, all others may rise stars, reach their greatest point - climax, then descend again. Get off the stench at the exit, reach the most points on pivdni, and enter at the entrance - like the Sun.

A million fates because the cosmic city has reached its climax. Everything - from stone to pischinok - flew to the Earth. For a stretch of 1-2 million years, hundreds of times more meteorites fell on the planet, lower sounds. For a long tenth period, the atmosphere was covered with a thick curtain of a saw, which roared at the sky. For the time being, let's take a look at how important it has been to the Earth's climate. Imovirno, it caused a global cooling. The deyakі regions of the planet have turned into inanimate empty space.

Promise understanding (continuation)

Nich - a gap in the hour, stretching for a singing point on the surface of the celestial body (planet, її satellite just) the central light (the Sun, the star) is lower than the line of the horizon.

The zodiacal light is a weak light, which is guarded by a delay after sunset, or before the Sun’s descent (as soon as it ends, or without a middle before the cob of astronomical days). Names so through the constant visibility of the zodiac suzirs.

Opposition (opposition) - this is the position of the celestial body of the Sonyach system, in which the difference between the ecliptic days of yoga and the Sun is 180 °. In this order, it was possible to be located approximately on the prolongation line of the Sun - the Earth and it is visible from the Earth approximately in the adjacent Sun directly. The resistance is only possible for the upper planets and other bodies, which are far away from the Sun, lower Earth.

The first fourth (lat. Luna crescens dimidiata) is the phase of the Moon, when exactly half of the visible part is illuminated, moreover, at a glance in the remaining quarter, a part of the illuminated part at the same moment is brightened (so the moon is young). At this phase, the Moon is located at the skhіdnіy quadrature, so that the apex of the Moon is in the Sun 90 °. At the same time, the Moon is located on the side of the Sun and the western part of the visible side of the Moon is illuminated.

Great Dog (lat. Canis Major) - suzir'ya pivdennoї pіvkulі sky, the largest yaskrava zirka- Sirius, may shine -1,46m. Best mind visibility in chest-sichni. Roztashovane on the pivdenniy skhіd vіd Orion (“under the right foot”); often lie at the Chumatsky Shlyakh. On the territory of Russia, it is mostly observed near the pivdennyh and central regions, and often - near the pivnichnyh.

The horizontal coordinate system: 40, and the horizontal coordinate system: 30 is the same system of celestial coordinates, in which the main plane is the plane of the mathematical horizon, and the poles are the zenith and above. It will stop at the watchful sights and the roar of the celestial bodies of the Sonyach system on the moon with an unbroken eye, with binoculars or a telescope with an azimuth setting: 85. The horizontal coordinates of not only the planets and Sontsya, but the th star are constantly changing by stretching the doby through the dobove wrap.

Direct convergence (α, R. A. - English right ascension) - the length of the arc of the celestial equator from the point of the spring equal to the stake of the luminary. Direct convergence - one of the coordinates of another equatorial system Another coordinate is vіdminyuvannya.

Medium Coeli, Mc, The Midheaven in astrology is the point of the ecliptic line with the celestial meridian on the pivden side. This is the point of the upper climax, in the same Sun, there are nights for the miserable sleepy (we can’t explain) hour. Resist with the point of the lower climax є Ic.

Square - in astronomy, such a configuration of the Moon or the upper planet (tobto planets, more distant from the Sun, lower Earth) like the Earth and the Sun, if the planet-Earth-Sun reaches 90 °. Yakshto shone at the same time to be known on the side of the Sun, the configuration is called a similar square, on the back - a side square. At the lower quadrature of the ecliptic days of the Sun, that light became -90 °, at the back - +90 °.

The length of the day is the interval of an hour between the gathering of the Sun and the sunset, stretching out like a part of the sony disk is above the horizon.

Cassiopeia (lat. Cassiopeia) - the narrower of the sky. The most beautiful stars of Cassiopeia (vіd 2.2 to 3.4 dawn size) make a figure, I look like the letter "M" or "W". Suzir'ya occupies an area of ​​598.4 square degrees in the sky and revenges close to 90 stars more than 6m (which is visible to the invisible eye). More suzir'ya lie at the smuse of Chumatskogo Shlyakhu and avenge richly pink dawn mischief.

Analem (Greek ανάλημμα, “base, foundation”) is a curve that connects a series of the last positions of the central star of the planetary system (in our case - Sontsya) on the sky of one of the planets of the system in the same hour to reach fate.

Pivdenna Riba (lat. Piscis Austrinus, PsA) - narrower pivdennoi pivkuly sky. Occupies an area of ​​245.4 square degrees in the sky, avenging 43 stars, visible with an indefinable eye. Nayaskravisha zirka - Fomalhaut.

The celestial sphere is a visible sphere of a sufficient radius, on which celestial bodies are projected: to serve for the accomplishment of various astrometric tasks. For the center of the celestial sphere, take the eye of the watcher; with which posterigach you can be on the surface of the Earth, so in other points of space (for example, you can be sighted to the center of the Earth). For a ground-based poster, the wrapping of the celestial sphere creates a kind of wind in the sky.

Equity - astronomical being if the center of the Sun has its visible Russian ecliptic changing the celestial equator.

Pivdenny tropic, or the tropic of Capricorn, - the most latitude, on the same sun, you can rise to the zenith; one of the five main parallels that appear on the maps of the Earth. Roztashovan at 23°26′16″ on the first day of the equator. It should be at the moment of the winter solstice, if there is a fall of sleepy changes on the surface of the Pivdenny pivkul, which is changed by the stretch of rock through the nahilennaya axis of the Earth near the Sun, є maximum.

Monthly obscuration - obscuration, as it comes, if Month enters at the cone of darkness from the Earth. The diameter of the fires of the Earth's silence on the surface is 363,000 km (the minimum distance of the Moon on the Earth) becomes close to 2.6 diameter of the Moon, so the Moon can be shaded with a cycle. In the skin, the moment of darkening of the steps covering the disk The moon is manifested by the darkening phase. Phase expansion Φ varies from the distance θ from the center of the moon to the center of darkness. In astronomical calendars, the values ​​of Φ and θ are indicated for various moments of darkness.

Sleepy darkening is an astronomical phenomenon, as if it were a reflection of the fact that the Moon is closing (zammaryuє) again, or often the Sun is seen as a signpost on the Earth. Sleepy darkening is only possible in the young, if the side of the Moon, turned to the Earth, is not illuminated, and the Moon itself is not visible. It is possible, only as a youngster, to see near one of two monthly nodes (the crossing point of the visible orbits of the Month and the Sun), did not give about 12 degrees below one of them.

The heavens beyond the earth are a view of the cosmos from the surface of the cosmic body, the dominant view of the Earth. Whose species can grow up in the future from the Earth - for a variety of reasons. The most important official is the atmosphere of the cosmic body chi yogo vіdsutnіst. The color of the sky lie in the sky chemical warehouse atmosphere. Hmari can be present or daily, they can worry about color. The other factors may be astronomical objects visible from the surface, such as stars, satellites, planets and planets.

Sails (rіdshe - Sail) (lat. Vela) - suzir'ya pіvdennoї pіvkuі sky. Yogo pivdenny cordon to pass through the richest areas of the Chumatsky Shlyakh. Occupies an area of ​​499.6 square degrees in the sky, avenging 195 stars visible to the unobstructed eye.

The system of celestial coordinates is used in astronomy to describe the position of the stars in the sky or points on the apparent celestial sphere. The coordinates of the luminaries or the point are given by two apex values ​​(or arcs), which unambiguously determine the position of the objects in the celestial sphere. In this rank, the system of celestial coordinates is a spherical coordinate system, for which the third coordinate - vіdstan - is often invisible and does not play a role.

Midday, back to back - the moment of the hour in the middle of the day, between the descent and sunset of the sun (half of the day), the moment of the upper climax of the Sun - sleepy noon.

Sonyachna doba - a gap of an hour, for some heavenly body zdijsnyu 1 turn towards its axis to the center of the Sun.

The vuzol of the orbit is one of two diametrically opposite points of the celestial sphere, in which the orbit of any celestial body intertwines with a kind of mental plane, as if it were a system of observation, and the projection of this point onto the celestial sphere is also geocentric. Such a plane of the planets of the Sonyachnaya system and the Moon is the plane of the ecliptic. To view the SCZ, sound the vicorist equatorial coordinate system i, apparently, the plane of the celestial equator.

Indian (lat. Indus) - dovge, ale darkness narrowed the pivdennoy pivkulі sky, roztashovane on the pivden in the view of the Microscope and the Crane right up to Octant. At the entrance between the Toucan, at the exit - with the Telescope, at the entrance - with Peacock. Occupies an area of ​​294 square degrees in the sky, avenging 38 stars visible to the indefinable eye. On the pivnі Russia (on pіvdnі vіd latitude 44° 30′) the extreme part of the prіvnіchna narrower rises low above the horizon, like summer and the ear of autumn. To the pivdni of Dagestan for friendly minds ...

Configuration is a mutually characteristic setting of the Sun, planets, and other celestial bodies of the Sonyach system in the celestial sphere.

Phoenix (lat. Phoenix, Phe) - suzir'ya pivdennoy pivkuly sky. Occupies an area of ​​469.3 square degrees in the sky, avenging 68 stars, visible to the unobstructed eye.

Pivnіchny tropik, or the tropic of Cancer, - the most latitude, on the same Sun you can rise to the zenith; one of the five main parallels that appear on the maps of the Earth. At the given hour, it is rolled out at 23 ° 26 '16 "on the equator's pier.

Sonyachny year - an attachment for the appointment of an hour to change the time of the day in the form of a gnomon and її ruhu on the dial. The appearance of this anniversary is connected with the moment, if the person has seen the relationship between the days and the positions of the sleepy shade in the presence of other objects and the positions of the Sun in the sky.

Supermіstse - tse astronomical phenomenon that occurs when the new moon is born, or youngsters from the perigee - the moment of the closest approach of the Moon and the Earth. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya naslidok elіptichnoї orbіti, kakoy M_syats roam around our planet. Zavdyaki to this manifestation from the Earth you can sing a larger volume of the monthly disk, sound lower.

Polar night - the period when the Sun is over 24 years old (to do more) does not appear through the horizon. The shortest polar night (mayzhe two dobi) is observed at a latitude of ≈ 67°24′ Mon. latitude, as the latitude of the Pivnichny polar stake is ≈ 66°34′ Mon. latitude, to which the radius of the sunny disk is added (about 15′) and the value of atmospheric refraction (on the sea level in the average 35′); found - on Pivdenny Pole three less than six months. Polar nothing is the least sickly axis of the Earth's wrapping.

The more (retrograde) turn of the planets is the turn of the planets, which is posterized from the Earth on the aphids in the heavenly sphere from the descent to the sunset, that is straight ahead, to the opposite turn of the Sontsya (river) and M_syatsya.

The phases of the Moon are a periodic change in the mind of the part of the Moon illuminated by the Sun on the earthly sky. The phases of the month progressively and cyclically change over the period of the synodic month (close to 29.5306 average sleepy dobi), like the orbital position of the month and the hour of the rush around the Earth and the rush of the Earth around the Sun.

Centaurus or Centaurus (lat. Centaurus) - the narrower of the sky. Vono roztashovane along the line of Great Vedic Medicine - Diva on the day of the celestial equator at 40-50 °.

The dawning sky is a collection of luminaries visible at night on the heavenly vault. Good luck. With an indefinable eye, you can make stars up to 5-6 stars in size. For good minds watchfulness (on the bezkhmarny sky) you can fight up to 800 stars up to 5th star size and up to 2.5 thousand stars up to 6th star size, our Galaxy is moving...

Earthen gills (地支 dìzhī) are cyclical signs of the twelvefold cycle, which are found in China and other lands of similar Asia for literal numbers, as well as conceptual operators in the family of sciences of classical Chinese metaphysics.

Green Promin is an optical sight, sleeping green light at the moment when a sony disk appears over the horizon (sound like a sea) or yogo through the horizon.

Selenographic coordinates - numbers that indicate the position of a point on the surface of the Moon. The ear of the monthly coordinates is located behind the small crater Mesting A, which is located near the center of the visible pivkul. The coordinates of the crater are taken as follows: 3 ° 12'43 "LL 5°12′39" Mon. Long. 3.212000 ° L. 5.211000° W/-3.212000; -5.211000.

Sleepy maximum is the period of the greatest sleepy activity in the sleepy cycle. Under the hour of sleepy maximum, the most sleepy beaches are observed on its surface.

Z'ednannya (in astronomy) - such a configuration of celestial bodies, if their ecliptic longevity is equal. Some people victorious and understand it for direct convergence, and not for eclipticism. In this order, at the hour of the meeting of two bodies of stench, they are perceptibly close one to one in the heavenly sphere (although the moment of the day is not obligated to match the moment of maximum convergence). In astrology, you can win the term conjunctia.

Zamarennya - an astronomical situation, if one celestial body intervenes light in the presence of another celestial body.

The Arctic Circle is a clear line on the surface of the planet, a parallel, higher than the latitude of which (there is a distance from the equator) there is a polar day and a polar night.

Sizіgіya (from the Greek σύ-ζῠγος, “succeeding, z'ednannya”) - the observation of three or more astronomical bodies at the boundaries of the Sonyachnaya system on one straight line.

With its additional wrapping around the axis of the world, the maidens shone on the celestial meridian for the good. The phenomenon of passage by the light of the heavenly meridian is called climax.

Distinguish the upper and lower climaxes. At upper climax luminous in prebovoi rusi to be found at the greatest point above the horizon, closest to the zenith. Krapka lower climax the luminary is more distant from the zenith point, the lower point is the upper climax, the lower climax comes halfway after the upper climax.

The cross point of the additional parallel of the luminary with a similar part of the true horizon is called straight away shone, and the crossing point from the western part of the true horizon - the point of entry of the luminary.

Unseen stars can be seen at the top (\(M_(2)\), \(M_(3)\)) and bottom (\((M)"_(2)\), \((M)"_(3) )) climaxes. In the east and west horizons, the lower culmination (\((M)"_(1)\)) passes under the horizon. \) invisible, so they are under the horizon.

We know the abundance between geographic and celestial coordinates.

So, as the culmination of the luminaries appears at the crossroads of the celestial meridian, then the plane rises from the plane of the celestial meridian. Additional paths of the stars are depicted as vertices parallel to the celestial equator \(Q(Q)"\). Nehay viskhіdna and zahіdna zіrka are located at the upper climax \(M_(1)\). \(\angle QOS\) back \(90° - \varphi\) and is the span of the celestial equator to the plane of the horizon Arc \(M_(1)S\) (otherwise \(\angle M_(1)OS\) ) - the height of the light above the horizon. This arc is formed by the sum of two arcs: \(M_(1)S = SQ + QM_(1)\) , is defined by the value \(90° - \varphi\), and the arc \(QM_(1)\) denotes the apex of the star in the celestial equator and is defined by the value of the value \(\delta\), we take the formula for defining the height of the star in the upper її climax: \

For an unobstructed star, the lower culmination \((M_(2))"\) is reduced by an arc \((M_(2))"N\) or by the central edge (\(\angle (M_(2))"ON\)) Indications kut dorovnyuє raznitsi \(\angle (M_(2))"O(Q)"\) і \(\angle NO(Q)"\), de \(\angle (M_(2))"OQ = \ delta\) - the apex of the sun in the celestial equator, and \(\angle NO(Q)" = 90 ° - \varphi\) - the celestial equator's sickness to the plane of the horizon. Otzhe, the height of the star at the lower climax is more beautiful: \

If the insults climax of the unseen star are from one side to the zenith (for example, \(M_(3)\) і \((M_(3))"\)), then the upper climax is from the sp_v_(B) \u003d 180 ° - [(90 ° - \varphi) + \delta]\), or after the omission: \

\(h_(B) = (90° - \varphi) + \delta\), \(h_(Н) = \delta - (90° - \varphi)\) and \(h_(B) = 90° + \ Varphi - \ Delta \) show the geographic latitude with the height and the observation of the stars at the hour of their climax. It is significant that the azimuth of the star at the upper climax \(M_(1)\) and \(M_(2)\) reaches 0°, and the azimuth of the star at the lower climax \((M_(1))"\) and \((M_(1))"\) M_(2))"\) move 180°. The azimuth of the star (M_(3)) at the upper and lower climaxes reaches 180°.

Figure 3.1 The height of the luminaries at the climax

Of particular interest to become the height of light was the hour of climax. The highest altitude (90) will be at the upper climax of the luminaries that pass through the zenith, that is. at d = c. How can you guess from the little one 3.1, the upper climax of the luminary< ц будет происходить к югу от зенита (при д < ц - 90 - под горизонтом), и их высота в этот момент составит h = 90 - ц+ д. Светила с д >ts at the moment of the upper culmination will be roztashovani on pivnich in the zenith at height h = ts + p = 90 + ts - d. Through the nadir (h = - 90) pass the luminaries h d = - c. Vidpovidno, the lower climax of the light from d< -ц произойдет к югу от надира (и зенита) на высоте h = - ц- 180o+ p = - ц- д - 90, а для д >-ts - on the pіvnіch vіd nadir (zenith) on the heights h = с-p = с + d - 90.

Knowing that the height of the pole of the world is more important to the latitude of the city, it is enough to understand how the good wind of the luminaries changes at different latitudes. So, with an increase in latitude (with Russia on pіvnіch), the pivnіch pole of the world rises more and more above the horizon, and the celestial equator and the celestial equator add parallels to yogo pіd daedal with a smaller kut. Clearly, the zones of invisible and invisible luminaries are getting bigger.

At the pinnacle geographic pole, ts = 90, the pinnacle pole of the world rises from the zenith, and the celestial equator - from the mathematical horizon. Therefore, the additional parallels do not overlap with the horizon, all the luminaries of the celestial pivnіchny pіvkulі є indistinct, and pіvdenny - not shinny. Visota svetil dorivnyuє їх vіdmіnyuvannyu and protyazh doby do not change (the language is still going about the luminary, unruly like the heavenly sphere), that luminary does not culminate. Until the speech, the anniversary of t at the pivnіchnoy geographic pole is not assigned, the shards of the understanding of the celestial meridian there are sensible (pіvdn z svіh sokіv, and іnshі svіtu svіtu vіdsutnі). Z tієї Well, the reasons were not assigned and the azimuth of the light (because of the fault of the non-nadium magnetic). The axis is such a miraculous point, a geographic pole. The direct convergence of the luminaries was tied to a point on the celestial sphere, and not on the horizon, to that at the geographic pole it signifies the same way, as in any other point on the surface of the Earth. However, if you still fix a point on the horizon (for example, directly the zero meridian, or the position of the point of the spring equal to the singing cob moment of the hour), everything is taken care of. Kut mizh tsієyu point and stake vіdmin (vertical) light will change in proportion to the hour (by 360 for mining), the shards of this kut will be an analogue of the annual kuta (azimuth).

With a change in latitude (ruh per day), a reversal picture is created - the height of the pivnichny pole of light above the horizon changes, and the celestial equator and additional parallels change with a greater kutom. Clearly, the zones of invisible and invisible luminaries are changing.

At the equator, ts = 0, the pivnіchny pole of the world rises from the pіvnоchі point, the pivdenny pole - from the pivnіch point, the celestial equator passes through the zenith, the other parallels are perpendicular to the horizon and diverge from it. Zones of invisible and invisible luminaries during the day - whether it was shining on the equator, half of it should be above the horizon, half - below it.

With farther Russia on pivden, the picture is similar to that described for the pivnich roc, but only with a little difference, in pivdenny pivkul, the upper point of the crossbar of the celestial equator and the celestial meridian is drawn on the pivnich in the zenith, and not on the pivden.

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