What is the top climax of the spring eve | Dawn hour. Mean Eliptic and Mean Equatorial Sun

The dawn doba is called the interval of an hour between the two last upper climaxes of the point of Aries on the same meridian.

The dawning hour S is called the interval between the hour and the moment of the upper climax of the point of Aries on a given meridian until this moment.

Ale to turn the point ¡ in the midday part of the meridian of the posterigach (Fig. 3.15.) - the annual kut of Aries *, that dawning hour, which passed in the direction of the upper climax of the point of Aries, numerically older than the west kutu of the tsієї point, tobto. ¡.

If t or S is hovering in the moon meridian, then we will take the moon

zirkovy hour S m = t m ¡, as in the case of the Greenwich, it is necessary to take the Greenwich dawning hour S gr = t gr ¡.

Great intervals of the hour in the dawn do not turn around, that the starry hour cannot be given, and if S or t¡ is to move the 24th year (360 °), then this period is foreseen, for example, S = 375 ° 20¢, 0 = 15 ° 20¢ 0.

The basic formula of the hour. On fig. 3.15 shows the image of the sphere on the equatorial plane, prompted as if the sphere were being rolled from the side P N . The earth in the center at the same time with the meridian P N E and the straight line ZO is vvazhaemom unruly, and the sphere is wrapped around from E to W; the pivnіchna part of the posterigach meridian (P N Q) is depicted by a wagging line. The annual end of the point ¡ is depicted as ÈE¡, the moon's end year of the light C is ÈED, and the direct convergence is È¡D. From the little one you can see that

tobto. the starry hour at some moment and the vestibule of the annual kutka shone plus yoga direct convergence.

Equality (*), called the basic formula for the hour, is valid for any luminary and point of the sphere, for example:

Three formulas (*) can be used to designate the sun year

To the right part of the evenness (*) it is possible to add 360° if necessary (24 years). Z urahuvannyam which formula will be seen in the future

de t * \u003d 360 ° - a * - zіrkove dopovnennya, as it is respected from ¡ to the meridian

light to W.

The formula (*) zastosovuetsya until the rosary of the annual cutivs of stars, moreover, t * і S are chosen from the Schorichnik. Formulas allow you to change a number of days for an hour. For example, for private positions of the light: at the top climax t = 0 and S = a; at the bottom t = 180 ° і S = 180 ° + a. For the upper culmination it is necessary: ​​S = 0 і t = t * .

The starry hour is good when the objects of the dawn sky are guarded, and when the astronomical tasks are completed, but not adventitious for stasis in everyday life. Tse Tim, that the ear of the dawn doby sits at a different hour of the day and night, tobto. sleepy doby.

Right sleepy doba is called an hour between two consecutive climaxes of the same day to the center of the visible disk of the Sun on the same meridian.

For an ear of spravzhnyoї doby, you take spravzhnya opivnochі, tobto. the lower climax of the Son.

The right sleepy hour is called the gap between the hour at the lower culmination of the center of the visible disk of the Sun until this moment, the turns at the parts of the sleepy doby. The difference in sleepiness is 12¢.8, or 51 s.2; collection of the right doba dosha, and for example, the letter is short. It is obvious that the change of loneliness is not handy. In life, that technique needs a constant unit, for which you can take the average value of a sony doby.

Zoryane Breshemo i, s – year's cut of the spring equal point. Zoryane Breshemo I am challenged by astronomers to determine where to point the telescope next to find the required object.
Designate star hour taken as the point of the spring equal day. An hour between two last upper climaxes of the spring eve point on the same meridian is called the dawn doba. The moment of the upper culminating point of the spring eve is taken as an ear of dawn on this meridian (Fig. 3.1). The dawning hour is beaten by the annual kut of the spring eve point. At the moment of early dawn, the point of spring eve is at the upper climax, and that’s why the year’s cool is old 0. Since the Earth is constantly wrapping around its axis, then the hour of the year will be bigger and more likely, we can judge by the hour. Such a rank, the dawning hour S, is called the last year's end of the spring eve point. Otzhe, the dawning hour on this meridian, whether it be numerically older than the annual kutu, the point of the spring equal day.

Looking at the dawning hour, following the memory, that the point of the spring equal day is in an infinitely great age and that the Earth's orbit does not change the visible camp in the heavenly sphere. The period of the wrapping of the Earth, when the point of the spring equal day, remains unchanged. To that, the dawn of doba may be post_ynu trivality. The dawning hour is widely zastosovuєtsya in aviation astronomy. For the Greenwich meridian, it is given in the herb for the skin hour of the date. Corystuvatisya dawning hour unhanded, shards of vines are tied with the Sun, so that the order of life of people will be.

At the same time, the camp of the Sontsya and the points of the spring equal to the stretch of rock are constantly changing. Collapsing with the ecliptic, the Sun for good is shifting towards the point of the spring equal mayzhe by 1 ° (Fig. 3.2). As a result of this dawn, the doba is short for sleepy hours at 3 hv 56 with that cob of stretching rock falls at a different hour of the day that night. 3 fig. 3.2 it can be seen that the Sun is once more on the river culminating at once from the point of the spring eve of the day zero of the dawn hour. Tse buvaє todі, if the Sun passes through the point of the spring equal day, i.e., if it is directly similar to 0.

Rice. 3.1. Starlight hour

Rice. 3.3. The fallow land between the dawning hour, the annual kut and the direct convergence of the luminaries

Rice. 3.2. Zvyazok mizh zіrkovoy and sonyachny doba

After one star doba, the spring equal point will change again at the upper climax, and the Sun climax will come about 4 minutes later, the shards for one star doba will shift to the spring equal point by about 1 °. Even after one star doba, the culmination of the Sun will come already, approximately 8 minutes after the ear of the star doby.

In this order, the hour of the culmination of the Sun is constantly growing. For a month, the star hour of the culmination increases by about 2 years, and for a river - by 24 years. Henceforth, zero years of the dawn hour falls on the dawn hour of the sleepy doby, which makes the morning hour easier for everyday life.

The fallow land between the dawning hour, the year's kut, that direct convergence shone.

It is impossible to remember the year of the spring equal point, or to remember the moment of passage through the meridian of the posterigach is impossible, the shards are obvious and are not visible on the celestial sphere. Henceforth, it is impossible to mark the dawning hour beyond the point of the spring equal day. For this, the ear of the dawn is practically intended to achieve that dawn hour at some point, they vibrate for some kind of star, which is directly similar (Fig. 3.3.). Knowing the direct convergence of the stars and wimming the її kut, you can mark the dawning hour. 3 fig. 3.3 it can be seen that between the dawn hour, the year of the year and the direct convergence of the luminary, the fallow is obvious, and through the coordinates of the star you can record at the sight

From tsієї zalezhnosti vyplivaє, scho dawning hour at some moment before the sum of a year's kuta zirka and її direct convergence. Ring in the astronomical observatories, the dawning year is revered according to the culminating star. Shards at this moment of the year's sky are equal to zero, then the hour of dawn will show a direct convergence of the star's sky, so S = a.

3 fig. 3.3 you can add one more fallow, as it is widely zastosovuєtsya in the practice of aviation astronomy, the designation of the annual kutіv zіrok: t=S-a. On the basis of the formulas, a survey of the anniversary cuts of navigational stars for the dawn hour and direct convergence, taken from the grass, is carried out. Tsei rozrahunok asks the folding of MAE and changes it.

Doba, according to tradition, is subdivided for the 24th year, the year - for the 60th century, the whilina - for the 60th. Oscilki mi miryuєmo direct convergence in years, hvilins and seconds, then the moment of the hour according to the dawn year is determined by the direct convergence of the star, as at a given moment the climax. See what follows star hour the points of the spring equal day (Fig. 19) are vimiryuetsya by the annual kut (Fig. 19) similarly to the fact that we determine the hour according to the kutas of the turn of the year and the hvilinnaya arrows. Indeed, for the appointed year, the points of the spring equal to zero at the moment when the dawning hour reaches zero. The hourly hood changes evenly, the shards of the celestial sphere also wrap around evenly, so that, having made the year’s hood in the year’s world, the hour will come out, for the yak celestial sphere turned around.

The dawning hour is more difficult for astronomers. Knowing yoga, you can be fooled, like the stars are guarded at the right moment. Just yoga ta viznachi. Obviously, exactly (up to ten or hundreds of seconds) yoga can be installed only with the help of special tools. Ale z tochnistyu to dekіlkoh hvilin astronomer vyznaє yogo one glance.

Zoryana doba- the intermission of an hour between two last upper climaxes, be it a star. It is customary to take for the ear of the dawn the moment of the climax of the spring eve.

Images (photo, little ones)

On this side of the material behind the topics:

Dawning Hour

A way to balance the hour, the foundations on a variable interval between the two last passages, like a singing star, which is taken as a fixed celestial point above a point on the surface of the Earth. With the stretch of one such movement, the orbital displacement of the Sun becomes approximately 1o, then the rotation of the point of the Earth to the colossal station should be accompanied by an additional displacement of 1o of the arc, chi 4 hvilini hour. In this way, the skin calendar gives a broad net increase in 1o, which is the basis of all systems of progress. The dawning hour (ST) at the present moment is the apex of the ecliptic at 0o Aries, the point of the spring eve, to the meridian of the given month of the day of the given day, expressed in years, whilins and seconds. The straight convergence of the meridian is similar to the apex along the equator, it is expressed in arc degrees and quilins. The hour, if the point of the spring equal is on the meridian of the posterigach, is the zero of ST. If the point shifts by 15o, it will be 1 year ST. In this order, the hour necessary for moving the degree of equal time forward at the same position becomes the value that signifies the position. In order to recognize the dawning hour at a given moment in a given month, we know for the ephemeris ST on this date and we introduce corrections, and for ourselves: as if the ephemeris was called for, be it a meridian, the Crimea of ​​the Greenwich, check it out, adding or having chosen, choosing the measure of the day not from Greenwich; also add or add the 12th year, as if you were winding up your hourly interval at night. Amendments-additions to the ST for the month on the way to the meridian are expressed in degrees, in which the average sleepy hour is translated (chotiri hvilini per degree); to take the value of the distance, add 0.657 sec per skin degree, so that corrections can be made in the dawn hour. Year's Day zbіlshuєtsya z urakhuvannyam past hour, oskolki 0:00 also need to turn into the same proportions. Approximate hour, if a leather sign is shown, is given in the tables for 41 degrees la. To determine the hour of convergence of the skin sign, add 2 minutes 30 s per skin degree of pivdennoy latitude and visibly - per skin degree of pivnichnoy. Take away the hour of the first day of the month. Vіdnіmaєmo 4 min on the skin coming day. In order to move from the standard hour to the right local hour, add 4 min per skin degree to the exit from the nearest standard meridian and add 4 min per skin degree to the west. The standard meridian is a multiple of 15. So, in America, the Meridian is 75o, the Central one is 90o, the Hirsky is 105o, the Pacific is 120o meridian. Denmark's rozrahunok - approximations, giving the possibility to vanish to calculate, necessary for exact appointments.

Astrological Encyclopedia. Nicholas Devor. 1947

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    Dawning Hour

    Starlight hour- an hour to fight for the camp of stars. Mіstseviy dawning hour at the be-yakіy point to the year-old kutu of the point of the spring eve; on the Greenwich meridian it is called the Greenwich dawn. Retail between the right sidereal and the middle dawn ... ... Dictionary of the year

    Starlight hour- stasis in astronomy at the hour, in which the valor of doby is accepted by the equal period of the wrapping of the Earth along the axis of the system of unruly stars. 24 starry years equal 23 years 56 min 4.091 from the average sleepy hour. Astronomical dictionary

    star hour- žvaigždinis laikas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Astronominis laikas, pagrįstas žvaigždine para - laiko tarpu tarp dviejų gretimų vienavardžių pavasario lygiadieo. Matavimo… … Penkiakalbis aiskinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

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    HOUR OF DAWNING- (Sideral time) the hour that the annual kut of the spring equal point wins. VZ dorovnyuє odinnikovoy kutku be-such a luminary plus yoga direct similarity (S = t + a). Tsya staleness is called the basic formula of the hour. Samoilov K.I. Marine dictionary.

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Alone in the hour in astronomy doba- a gap of an hour, with the stretch of which the Earth robs a new wrapper around its axis, like a point in the sky. Fallow vіd tsієї points vіdlіku differ zirkova doba- an hour between the last two culminations of the spring eve point, that good sleepy doba- An hour between the last two climaxes of the same day to the center of the Sun. Sonyachna Doba is about 4 hvilini dosha for the dawn, the Sun’s oskolka collapses in the middle of the night at the bіk wrapping of the Earth, and in order to overtake it, the Earth needs to grow more than one turn. For the vimir of the great interludes in the hour of victory tropical river- An hour between two last passages to the center of the Sun through the point of the spring equal day.

For vimiryuvannya hour, you can vicorate like a dawn, so I can do a sleepy doba. As if victorious, the zirkova doba is called, the hour of victory is called star hour and as a rule, sonyachna doba - then good sleepy hour. However, it does not mean that we are vimiryuemo two are independent one in one hour. In fact, there are two different lines to win the hour. So, between places you can talk for kilometers, and for miles. The situation with the death of the hour is the same.

The moment of the upper climax of the spring eve is taken for the ear of the dawn on this geographic meridian. Starlight hour- an hour that passes from the moment of the upper culmination point of the spring eve to any other position, expressed in parts of the mirror doby (starry year, hvilini that second). In this rank, the big hour s one after the size of the annual kut of the point of the spring equal day, or the sum of the annual kut was like a light O that yoga of direct convergence (div. fig. 17):

Zvіdsi, zokrema, whimper, scho at the moment of the upper climax, be-like a star O the star hour is exactly the same as direct convergence.

9.2. Good sleep hour

The moment of the lower climax to the center of the Sontsya is taken as an ear of right sleepy doby. The right sleepy hour is the hour that passed from the moment of the lower climax to the center of the Sun until the next position, expressed in parts of the right sony doby (right sleepy year, hvilini that second). Also, the right sleepy hour is older than the annual kut in the center of Sontsya, plus 12 years:

It’s a pity, the triviality of the right sleepy one is done by the stretch of fate, to that:

1) The sun collapses behind the celestial equator, but, according to the poor old ecliptic, tobto. change of the direct convergence of the Sun in one day near the sun is greater, lower is near the equal day. Therefore, between the lower climaxes of the Sun, near the solstice and on the same day, three times a day will pass.

2) The sun and the ecliptic are collapsing unevenly through the ellipticity of the Earth's orbit.

For three reasons, for example, the right sleepy day is on the 22nd of the chest for about 50 seconds before the 23rd of the spring. I realized that the victoria of the right sleepy hour is not handy, and the middle sleepy hour is called for.

9.3. Average sleepy hour

Two fictitious points were introduced - middle elliptic sunі mid equatorial sun. The middle elliptical Sun step by step collapses the ecliptic and breaks with the true hour of the passage of the perihelion by the Earth. The middle equatorial sun is collapsing step by step along the equator medium swedishness true Sun and at one hour from the middle eliptic Sun to pass the point of the spring equal day.

Average sleepy doba- an hour between the last two lower climaxes of the middle equatorial Sun on the same geographic meridian. For an ear of sleepy doby, the lower culmination of the middle equatorial Sun is taken, that middle sleepy hour T M one

de t M- Anniversary kut of the middle equatorial Sun.

I realized that the middle sleepy hour cannot be directly killed by astronomical guards, it can be more than counted. The connection between the true sleepy hour and the middle sleepy hour is expressed through equal to the hour:

Respectfully, that equal to the hour can be distinguished as a difference between the average and right sleepy hours, and navpak, as a difference between the true and average sleepy hours. In the Astronomical Schorichnik, a friend is appointed, ale mi, for Vorontsov-Velyaminov, we will victorize first. The value changes as +14 m(close to 11 fierce) to -16 m(nearly 3 leaf fall), and the th value of the day is given in the Astronomical Bookkeeper (div. also Fig. 18).

Rice. 18. Change equal to the hour of stretching fate

9.4. Ephemeris hour

Caution showed that the average good is not a constant value. The reason is the uneven wrapping of the Earth on its own axis. Іsnuє century uplifting wrapping of the Earth through the tide, rubbing, seasonal changes, caused by the redistribution of the winds and watery masses on the surface of the Earth. Irregular, stribkopodіbnі changes in the density of the Earth were revealed, the reason for them is unknown. The difference between these irregularities is thousandths of a second.

To this Bulo was introduced equal ephemeris hour, which signifies the moon of the planets. Have 1956 r. The International Committee for Peace and Teresiv, having adopted the ephemeris hour as the basis ephemeris second 1/31 556 925.9747 part of tropical rock for 12 years of the ephemeris hour 0 Sep 1900.

In this hour, the ephemeris hour is replaced by a dynamic earthly hour, which approximately resembles the ephemeris hour.

9.5. Atomic hour

The development of science has led to a situation, if by technical means it is possible to secure the time with greater accuracy, lower astronomical warnings. In 1964 The International Committee came and went as soon as it took the atomic cesium year.

At the heart of the atomic clock lie atomic second, Like a gap of an hour, for which 9192631771 the electromagnet wave is broken, like a vibrating cesium atom during the transition from one fixed energy level to another.

The atomic second is three times less than the ephemeris, and the difference between the atomic and ephemeris hours is 0.9 seconds. To that Mayzhe Shoroku translate the atomic year to 1 second ago. The signals of the exact hour, which are transmitted by radio, correspond to the atomic clock. Qi signals are transmitted as six second pulses, and the ear of the remaining signal means the end of the year. Dekilka radio station of the world is able to conduct uninterrupted transmission of signals at the exact hour.

9.6. Rahunku time system

Mіstseviy hour- this hour, vymіryany on this geographic meridian.

The difference of whether there are monthly hours on two meridians at that very physical moment

All-Light Hour UT- Monthly middle sleepy hour of the Greenwich (=0) meridian. As long as you have a good time on the Earth to hang out in the world of the year and to respect positively on the departure from Greenwich, may the city of such peace:

Explain the hours. In 1884 p. zaprovadzheno I will explain the system of the rahunka of the middle hour. p align="justify"> The timing is conducted only on the 24 main geographic meridians, one type of one according to the length of time is exactly 15 o starting from the zero meridian. Between the belts stand, as a rule, in the direction of the main meridian. Belt numbers N 0 to 23 T n, like this, there is a timetable for the whole territory, which is in a given time zone. The explanatory hour of the announcements from the all-world through the number of the time zone:

Decree hour. In 1930 by decree of the order of the SRSR, the arrows of the year were translated 1 year ahead according to the zone hour:

This hour is called the maternity hour.

Summer hour. 1981 r. in the Soviet Socialist Republic, for the butt of the greater krai svіtu, a new summer hour was introduced, which for the 1st year is decrementary. The summer hour is introduced from the rest of the week of the month to the rest of the week of the day:

In this way, that hour, which we call Moscow, is the daylight hour of another time zone, and it is the all-world hour of UT for 3 years. To become 4 years old on the vіdmіnu vіd GMT hour.

The best way is to cross from the dawn to the middle hour through the tropical river. Yogo trivality in the dawning dobir is equal to one more dob, lower trivality in the average sonyachny dobі. It is connected with this, that by stretching the fate of the Sun, to rob a new turn in the celestial sphere at the same bek, at the same time, the Earth wraps around. To that protyazh rock the Earth to rob the Sun one turn is less, lower it is possible to star.

Tropical river is healthy 365.2422 average sony kill and 366.2422 star kill. That link between the middle sleepy hour and the dawn hour is created through equality: 365.2422 equal doba = 366.2422 dob. Abo

Reshta one hour spivvіdnosya each with one through tsі koefіtsіentsi, tobto. 1 time year = 1.002738 stars years, etc., tobto.


For the sake of clarity, the calculation of the dawn hour for that hour, the appointments for the middle sleepy hour, in the Astronomical Bookkeeper, the value of the dawn hour for the middle green night pivnich is given S 0 . For the average sleepy doba value S 0 is increased by 3 m 56 s.555, because zіrkova doba is short for the middle itself by a qiu value.

Knowing S 0 you can calculate the star hour s 0 in the middle of the night on this meridian. So, as on the other meridian, it was earlier, lower at Greenwich, then the value s 0 will be troch less, lower S 0:

For Kazan () s 0 =S 0 - 32 s .

butt. It is necessary to know the dawning hour near Kazan at the moment 3 h average sleepy hour. For whom it is necessary to know the dawning hour at the misty middle of the night s 0 i add to the next hour in the middle 3 h, Translations at the interval of the dawn hour:

9.8. Calendar

The calendar is the whole system of rahunka trivaly intervals of the hour.

Nature gave us 3 natural periodic processes: change of day and night, change of monthly phases, change of fate. At different times among different peoples, the basis of the calendar was different processes, that was the basis of sleepy, monthly, monthly-sleepy calendars. At the heart of sleepy calendars lies the trivality of tropical rock, at the heart of monthly calendars- monthly month, monthly-drowsy calendars will be offended by the period.

We live by the sleepy calendar. From practical mirroring, the calendar is guilty of satisfying such minds:

1) Calendar rіk maє mіstiti tsіlu kіlkіst dіb.

2) The trivality of calendar rock can be closer to the trivality of tropical rock.

9.8.1. Julian calendar

As we already know, the tropical river will take revenge 365.2422 sleepy nights or 365 d 5 h 48 m 46 s 365 d 6 h. On the basis of this fact, the Oleksandrian astronomer Sozіgen developed, and the Roman emperor Julius Caesar at 46 p. before our time, vvіv calendar, which nі name Julian. The essence of yoga lies in the offensive. The trivality of a simple calendar rock is restored at 365 d. At the same time, for 4 rocks, a retail price of 1 mine is accumulated, and the leather is the fourth river to avenge 366 d and is called a leap year. Consider leap years, the numbers of which are divided by 4 without excess (for example, 2004).

Yulianskiy rіk increased for tropic by 0 d.0078 that for 128 years of distribution begins to become 1 loot. Around the 16th century was written by the Julian calendar, and in one hour a price of 10 decibels was accumulated. Tse led to deceit at the appointed dates of church saints.

For example, for the rules christian church Holy Great Day of May will come at the first week after the first day after the day of the spring equal day. At 325 r. the day of the spring eve fell on the 21st birch, and in 1582 p. - on 11 birch, which led to difficulties at the appointed date of the Great Day.

9.8.2. Gregorian calendar

The reform of the Julian calendar became necessary in 1582. the bula was held by the Roman Pope Gregory XIII, to which the new calendar can be called Gregorian. The project of the new calendar was divided by the Italian mathematician and the doctor Lilio and directing towards the approximation of the average trivality of the calendar rock to the trivality of the tropical rock. The essence of the reform is in the offensive.

1) The rozbіzhnіst was taken, which had accumulated, in 10 dіb of the Julian calendar with the rokіnkom of tropical rocіv (following the 4th anniversary they praised the 15th anniversary).

2) In the Julian calendar for 400 years, the difference from a real hour is equal to 3 dobi. Therefore, in the Gregorian calendar, it is customary not to use leap years to celebrate, for which numbers do not dilate without excess by 400. For example, 2000 is a leap year, and 1900 is not.

At the result of the average for 400 years, the trivality of the calendar year for the Gregorian calendar becomes 365 d.2425, total 0 d.0003, which will give you a chance to get 1 more after 3300 years.

In Russia, the Gregorian calendar was less successful in 1918 than in 1918 (after the 1st of the fierce, they praised the date of the 14th of the fierce), and orthodox church dosi koristuetsya Julian.

The Gregorian calendar is called the new style, and the Julian calendar is the old style.

The ear of the calendar fate (1 day), the ear of the rahunka of the fates (on the occasion of the Nativity of Christ), served the fate for 12 months and days for 7 days - this is intelligence, accepted for good, tradition.

9.9. Change date line

For the fluff of calendar days, it is necessary to make a home, on which meridian a new doba is born. For the sake of international favor, such a meridian is a meridian, which is 180 o . Change date line, in the ocean pass by the meridian, and go out of the islands. So change the date line to pass the waters of the ocean everywhere.

On the way out of the line, change the dates, as they are also called the demarcation line, the number of the month, start by one more, lower on the way out of it (for example, on the way out, to Chukotka, 15 April, and on the way, to Alassnia, 14), moreover, it is necessary to change the demarcation lines. When you change the line from the exit to the exit, you need to change the number of the month by one, and immediately to the exit - add. On sea vessels, such a change should be carried out at the nearest pivnich after the change of the line of change of dates. Vessels sailing to the east (from China to California) both respect one and the same date (after 15 April it is again 15 September), and sailing to the west (from California to China) - skip one date (after 14 April once again respect 16) spring). Obviously what New river that new month is also based on the date change line.

9.10. Julian days

In astronomy, one often blames the date of the appointment of the number of days that passed between two far distant dates (watching out for comets, changing stars, spalahs of New and New stars).

For the sake of clarity, the rozv'azannya tsgogo zavdannya in the XVI century A.D. Scaliger uvіv understand Julian period dozhina 7980 rokiv, zaproponuvati rahuvati for yoga cob 1 Sichnya 4713 BC and conduct an uninterrupted schedule of days, titles Julian days JD pochinayuchi z tsієї dates. The beginning of the Julian day is considered to be the average Greenwich noon. The Julian dates of the days of streaming rock are given in astronomical calendars and to the Astronomical Watcher. For example, 0 year 1 September 2000 p. in Greenwich ce JD 2451544.5. Often the first two digits of the Julian date are reduced.

The period and days are named by Scaliger of Julian in honor of Father Julius, and can not be called until Julius Caesar.


35. (269) Star of the Lesser Vedic Medicine () was watching at the lower climax, moreover, the star of the year showed 3 h 39 m 33 s. What is the correction of the anniversary?

Solution: The amendment of the annual is called the difference between the correct hour and the indication of the year . At the moment of the lower climax, it is clear to the formula () dawning hour is 3 h 20 m 49 s, also a correction .

36. (228) In Orly according to the years, what to go for the Kiev dawn hour, about 4 h 48 m the upper climax of the Capeli () was feared. What is the price of dovgot tsikh two places?

Solution: Retail for two points in a healthy retail for two be-any mass hours, to this particular type stars. In Orl, the dawning hour is closer to the direct convergence of the star at the moment of the upper climax, which is about to become.

37. (233) Darkening of the month of April 2, 1950 started at 19 h 03 m after the all-worldly hour. If it started in Alma-Ati (V time zone) after we explain, on maternity and mіstsevim sleepy hours?

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