My voice is artistic. Meni voice bv. Verse test

1. History of creation. Versh "My voice is boo" was written by A. Akhmatova in 1917. It went up to the collection of "Bila Guard".

2. Genre verse- Civil lyric.

3. Main idea create - patriotism. In one of the most important periods in the history of Russia, the Russian intelligentsia faced a difficult food: why live in this unfortunate land, maybe for a second you can sleep cool. A lot of people did not show off the stingy tension and flooded Russia. Akhmatova was sharply negatively rated to quiet, who cowardly threw the country into the water. The emigrants called out to her in dismay. Poetes was lost from Russia. Vaughn couldn't do it any other way.

The look of the poetess was clearly written at the top. The secret "voice" that calls out to deprive the country, symbolizes all those frivolous and fearful things that are in the soul of the skin people. Whose voice zakolisuє, zmushuє unikati riziku that insecurity with the method of self-saving. Thousands of Russian people listened to Yogo, they flowed over the cordon. Emigration was the only way out.

It should be noted that only an insignificant part of Russian emigrants could find a place in a foreign country. An important number of bizhentsiv became zhenkami, vipadkovy earners, who survive. For Akhmatova, reconciliation "vote" є "my unworthy". There’s a mind, if you listen carefully to something new, think about the leak, then I’ll make a thought of it, I’ll svіdomistu. To that poetesa rіshuche "closed the ear." Vaughn was left behind in the Batkivshchyna and at the same time she recognized all the namingly important trials and denials.

4. Composition. Dobutok can be mentally divided into two parts. The first one describes the voice that calls to emigration, and yogo, they are right and fair, prove it. The other part (stay chotirivirsh) - the husband's decision to sing not to give meaning to a calm language.

5. Expand your creativity- Chotiriokhstopny iambic with cross-rhyme.

6. Look out for yourself. Poohmuru atmosphere in revolutionary Russia Akhmatova pіdkreslyuє epithets: "deaf and sinful", "black", "mournful". The metaphor looks even more effective: "From the heart of the viim, black rubbish." The verse is written in the urochist form, which recites an ode.

7. Golovna thought create - you can’t succumb to the voice of calm, that you call out for the sake of your own Fatherland. Obviously, most of the intelligentsia did not take part in the fighting and did not give real help to the white army. Qi people often became innocent victims. The protesters of Russia symbolized the ensign of the inveterate support of the new power.

With their butt they brought the stench, that in any situation, they see their blood connection from the Batkivshchyna. Nothing and nothing can hurt a right patriot badly. A lot of emigrants (to achieve success beyond the cordon) until the end of their lives realized their fault before Russia and dreamed of turning back. Akhmatova foreshadowed the whole of 1917, she saw that there was some kind of pressure on the possibility of vikhati.

"My voice boo" Akhmatova

Versh "My voice is boo", written in 1917, uvіyshov to the collection of "Bila Guard". In one of the most beautiful works of this period of Akhmatov, looking forward to the revolution of 1917, he raised the theme of the Fatherland, which was new for himself.

The main theme of the verse- love to Batkivshchyna. With all the rejection of the poetic revolution, one should follow spiritual masculinity and patriotism. At this verse, Akhmatova sang like a hulk-singer, prejudicedly hovering the voice of that part of the intelligentsia, as if she raised her head vibe: she lost her country at once. Be a singer and create, in the mind of Akhmatova, you can only do it in the Fatherland. The very thought of emigration at an important hour for the country is imaginative for her. Irrespective of the number of koshtіv for іsnuvannya and the presence of a five-year-old son on her hands, Akhmatova virіshila vyshilitsya in Russia. Versh "My voice is boo" contained all the spiritual anguish of poetry, put before life itself in front of the most important choice - fight from Russia for the cordon, or share a tragic fate with your homeland. Tver, having become a clear manifesto, directing against those who, having left chi, were going to leave Russia.

Composition verse includes two meaning parts. In the first part, an innocent, sweet voice calls out the lyrical heroine to leave her "deaf and sinful" land of sayings. A striking motif of calmness is created for a rahunok of a non-quapable intonation, the implantation of conscription animals (“come here”) and repeating (“leave your own land”, “leave Russia”). The voice says that the “black rubbish” is in the soul of a person, that she threw the fatherland, easily passed through the year, like a little guilty; adzhe smut - vtekti vіd negarazdіv in Іnshe, prosperous and comfortable life.

The culmination of the verse stands at the other part. heroine rob moral choice, having taken the decision to distribute all the tractors and tests in their own country. Akhmatova, like a heroine, does not defend herself in Russia. Vaughn gives merciless advice to that inner voice, do not think of your life without the fatherland.

Versh spellings with chotyristopic iambic z pirrikhієm. Akhmatova vikoristovuvala at New cross rome with drawings of people and women. Feeling bitterness and confusion, deep psychologism, the verse was reinforced for the help of epithets “deaf”, “evil”, “black” (litter).

Versh "My voice is booming" echoes Pushkin's ode "Vilnist". The very urochist rhythm of the chotyristopic iambic, victorious for Pushkin's poetry, gives the verse a single intonation. In the first stanza of Akhmatov, I inaccurately repeat Pushkin's stanza, in the other, I turn back to Pushkin's supporting image "rag". It is easy to see the drawings of Pushkin's prophet in this lyrical heroine.

Like Pushkin’s prophet, Akhmatova conveys the hard tragic share of the country and her own share of power, but does not protect her conscience and does not show her fatherland.


Virsh A. A. Akhmatova “My voice buv. Vіn klikav vtіshno” was written in the fate of 1917, which was so severe for Russia. At this hour, in the era of fundamental political and social podias, before rich intellectuals there was a life of great importance: “How to stand before the revolution? Lost in Russia, is it possible to hang out for the cordon and not risk? Deyak part of the vchenih, mitzvah zrobila vibir on the melancholy of the rest of the decision. Ale reshta іnteligentsіy took the husband's decision to get rid of Russia from the rocky suvori vyprobuvan. In addition, the bula A. A. Akhmatova. On this topic it is written її verse “My voice is buv. Vіn click vtіshno":

Win saying: “Come here,

Zalish your land deaf and sinful,

Leave Russia forever...

The way, the passage of poetry to the first verse, is the whole way of the step-by-step and subsequent steps in the isolation of the spiritual world. The deepness, the richness of spiritual life, the seriousness, the height of moral strength, led A. Akhmatova on the path of sublime interests. In this verse, one can see that the thematic framework of Akhmatova's lyrics has gradually expanded. The scope of specific female lyrics became too narrow for her.

The theme of Russia will come to the top of the first plan. The crisis of the peripetia of the lyrical heroine's resemblance is unbearable for us to marvel at the era - all of the XX century with yogo protirichchi. Virsh “My voice buv. Vіn clicking vtіshno. Let's clear the manifesto, direct against the quiet, who in the rocks of the suvori tried to try to leave Russia. Significant virsh at rich vіdnoshennyah. Vono, firstly, held a cordon between A. Akhmatovatova and "evil" emigrants, as if they effectively deprived Russia. And so, the poetry of the "internal" emigrants, for some reason did not come, but the fortune-tellers of Russia, who entered the next path of development.

Golovna, my glance, which vindicated A. Akhmatova as emigrants, is almost like patriotism. Poetesa deeply sued hromada war Like be-yak-yaku vіynu zagalі, tim more, that it was conducted among the spivvіtchizniks. Ale Akhmatova realized that a new light was born at the crucible of torment, that a new century had dawned with a re-evaluation of values ​​and creations of new creations.

Akhmatova was inspired by the division of spivvitchizniks into “red” and “white”. Vaughn wept and thought deeply for them and others. At the verse “My voice is buv. Vіn klikav vtіshno” Akhmatova first appeared like a prejudiced gromadyansky sings a deep patriotic sound. Compositionally, the verses are divided into parts, as if spivvіdnosya among themselves according to the principle of antithesis. In the first significant part of the unknown licorice voice cry the lyrical heroine to leave her land. Here are the ideas of the “deaf” and the “sinful”, empty, zanedbanim, denounced. Whose voice, to beckon in another, prosperous life, calm people's summation, it seems that you will not be guilty of rubbish during the year, you will form a new life, sumnіvi, spiritual peace. Understand the honor, borg you can see. Golovne - to drink, to flow out of negativity in another, better life. In the first part, the motive of calm down, calm down, sounds distinctly. The whole atmosphere is created by an insipid, insinuating intonation, inviting beasts, repetitions: “clicking in the air”, “come here”, “leave your own land”, “leave Russia”. Whose terrible voice cheats the lyrical heroine, changes her mind from the fatherland:

I am the blood of your hands,

From the heart of viimu black rubbish,

I will novim im'yam cover

That image was shocking...

Vocabulary of the first semantic part of the bagat on the inner circle. Insinuating, non-quapliry intonations are susidy with understanding of blood, litter. To deprive the fatherland means to drown it in blood. At the soul of a person it is impossible not to settle "black rubbish". Ale, a calm voice, it seems that yoga can be easily extinguished. Whose voice, which is vicious, hisistic thoughts, to my thought, symbolizes cowardice, spiritually empty is quiet, who, having left his country, succumbing to weakness and calmness. Whose voice is not suitable for the choice of a lyrical heroine, but it does not lead to yoga charms:

Ale baiduzhe that calmly

I covered my ears with my hands

Sob tsієyu my unworthy

Not defiled mournful spirit.

The culmination of the verse. The lyrical heroine has a firm spiritual position, she has enough masculinity, so that she can share terrible experiences together in her own country. She won’t live in the face of support for Russia, she won’t defend herself in the face of it. I want new Russia take away in her a man and a son, bring a lot of suffering, Akhmatova to rob a strong moral vibir. Vaughn to rob the husband's vchinok, and tsim krok won not be able not to cry out to yourself and zahoplenya.

The lyrical heroine is overwhelmed with a baiduzh and calm to the demonic voice, she does not shuffle light ways. The “wild spirit”, worrying about Russia does not allow the dark forces to get the mountain, take a new victim. It's crazy, who's rich the best people that hour, that and our co-workers, believed the "indecent promotions", took the path of the flow, special comfort and well-being at the expense of their conscience, their fatherland. Suvor, the biblical form of the virsha zmushu was given to tell the prophets-preachers.

Virsh “My voice buv. Vіn klikav vtіshno ... "- one of the most beautiful works of Akhmatova's period of the revolution. No one has a good word about the revolution, no one can accept it. Ale, in the new, the voice of those intelligentsia sounded strangely and hoarsely, as if she went through torments, had mercy, hesitated, joked, vodkidala, joked. In the midst of this circle of circles, she broke her head vibir: she was deprived at once of her country, of her people. Such a choice was made by Akhmatova. Vaughn lost herself in Russia, saved her fidelity. Pochutta obov'yazku, vіdpovіdalnostі for rіdniy krai boulo sing taman like no one else. A. Blok already loved this song and knew it in memory. For the words of Chukovsky, he sings as if saying: “Akhmatova is right. This is not a good promotion. To flow into the Russian revolution is slander.

Virsh “My voice buv. Vіn klikav vtіshno…” was written by A.A. Akhmatova at 1917 roci. Revolutionary cataclysms became the poet's important tests, a strong side of the history of the country. For her, there were no options for her - she would be deprived of emigration in the Batkivshchyna. This topic is dedicated to Versh.

The main yoga theme is the theme of Russia. Vono lie down to the bulky, patriotic lyrics. The virsh of inducements in the form of the lyrical spirit of the heroine, may deyakі draw the genre of one.

Vіrsh v_dkrivaєtsya with the motive of calm:

Win saying: “Come here,

Zalish your land, deaf and sinful,

Zalish Russia forever.

The successors repeatedly slandered the connection of this verse with Pushkin's "The Prophet", the polarity of these two plots. Just as in Pushkin the voice of God reveals to the hero "eternal values", endows him with omniscience and omniscience, points to his mission - life for people, then Akhmatova's voice of the demon-saccomplice calms the heroine with temporal and summative values ​​for her, prosperity: special, calmness. In front of the heroine there is a vuzko-historical, secular, philistine world. However, I dare to stand before calmness:

Ale baiduzhe and calmly With my hands I closed the hearing,

Sob tsієyu my unworthy Not defiled mournful spirit.

The heroine is strong, husband, tolerant person. Tse ascetic, ready to share with the Batkivshchyna її a difficult share: shelter on her hands, “that image was astounding.” “The basis of the spirit of virility is Christian humility, as one does not mourn and does not listen to the fortune-telling slanders ... In such a rite, the patriotic idea takes over here the entire Christian world. The whole verse is adopted by Christian symbolism: the riddles of the suffering of the homeland, "pain of defeat and the image" are not connected with the characteristics of an unjust social order, but with the world about the rebellion "senseless and merciless." "The land is deaf and sinful".

Compositionally, we can see two parts at the top. The first part is a story about the spocus of the lyrical heroine. The other part is the hardening of its position.

Versh writings with chotyristopic iambic. He sings vicarist's variety of artistic vibrancy: epithet ("deaf and sinful land", "sorrowful spirit", "black rubbish"), metaphor ("From the heart of guilt black rubbish"), anaphora ("Zalish your land, deaf and sinful, Zalish Russia forever”), inversion (“I am the blood of your hands”).

Tver stands at a number of lyrical thoughts of the poet about the dramatic fate of Russia - verses “I’m not with them, who threw the earth ...”, “Everything is stolen, stolen, sold ...”, “Don’t let us live ...”, “ native land”, Sing “Requiem”.

They joked here:

  • change voice
  • Meni voice buv vin clicking vtishno
  • Meni voice boo

If in the ace of self-destruction
The people of the guests of the German checks,
I spirit of suvory byzantium
Vіd russian church vіdlіtav,

When the capital was born,
Forgetting your greatness
How the harlot slept
I didn’t know who I was taking її, -

I am the blood of your hands,
From the heart of viimu black rubbish,
I will novim im'yam cover
That image was a shock.”

Ale baiduzhe that calmly
I covered my ears with my hands
Sob tsієyu my unworthy
Not defiled mournful spirit.

Analysis of the verse by Akhmatova “My voice” Vіn clicking vtіshno ... »

The revolution of 1917 forever changed the life of Anna Akhmatova. At that moment, she was already finishing her own poetry and was preparing her third literary collection for publication. However, it was raptom raptom that it was no longer necessary for anyone, and all the special guards that small congression of the fathers turned into pills. First, Ganna Akhmatova, in her arms like a 5-year-old son, learned that you could just die of hunger, becoming one innocent victim of red terror. True, they practically stopped publishing, and there were no koshtiv on the basis. If a person, the poet Mikoli Gumilyov, is worthy, then at this moment, having visited France, there was nothing he could do to help them, wanting and uttering Akhmatov to squawk about those who could stop the rebellions of the hungry, rebelling that Russia.

Itself in this folding period of life, if all the primary light fell on the eyes. At the beginning of a kartkovy budinochok, Ganna Akhmatova wrote the verse “My voice is a buv. Vіn clicking vtishno ... ". In this short work, all the inner experiences and mental anguish of the poetess were accommodated, as she faced an uneasy choice - to flow from the broken Russia for the cordon, or to separate at once from the fatherland її is not easy, I will tragically share that sum.

The confession of Akhmatova turned out to be unstoppable and inoffensive. Vaughn did not give in to her inner voice, as if whispering: “The land of yours is deaf and sinful. Zalish Russia forever. Instead, to pack bags in hope for those who would be more settled and free beyond the cordon of life, Akhmatova virishila left out the “black rubbish” in her heart, which she looked at, marveling at those who would live long. Vona zumila arranged the separation from Gumilyov and already for a few months she came to the zamіzh for the great Volodymyr Shileyk, for whom she could live in the best prosperity in the most clear and most tragic fates, which led to the formation of the Radian power.

The biographies of Akhmatova's dossi are intertwined with the reason why this love was founded, and come to the museum, what the poet did with your best feelings for the sake of being able to get enough in Russia and not perish from hunger. In fact, she made friends for the sake of what її little son would live, and what їsti. Having settled into a new and so alien world for her, the poetess filed for separation and tied her life with another person. However, until her death, she once did not slander about those who gave their hour mercilessly to their inner voice, “so that the mournful sensitive does not slander the promo’s worthless”.

It is important to say how Akhmatova knew about those who check on her in front. Prote, ignoring the new government, she was deprived of the right patriot of her country, dividing her share for not more than an hour of the revolution, and in the period of the Great Vytchiznyanoi war, part of the time spent at the besieged Leningrad Її successful girlfriends have long ruled over the special life in Europe, watching from the side for him, as if in the eyes of changing Russia is so loved by them. Akhmatova, however, leaned in the very thick of the ground and was a witness to these difficult changes, which were painful at the heart. Tim is no less, the poetess knew that she felt better for herself, the yakbi leaned down on the next barricade, becoming a third-party poster of the rich historical backgrounds. And in these words there was no irony; Anna Akhmatova widely respected that life is inextricably connected with Russia, to inspire, for the sake of it, to endure misbehavior, form, form, slander that deceit, and also put a cross on your literary career, which you dearly cherish.

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