Chi you can say the correct Russian mine. How to speak correctly and put your voice up. Why do you need new norms

saver of red writing

Himself Gramar-Nats

Sob to be inspired by your rightness and to carry light knowledge and culture in the masses, more often happen to yourself - clean up the “blemishes” of your voice. Our editorial staff took the first step for everything, take on the voices, and we have our own rating of 30 words, with which the “shock” difficulties are most often blamed. The axis of wines in alphabetical order and with a hint of the correct voice:

pamper, pamper, pamper



water pipeline, gas pipeline, smіtєprovіd, naftoprovіd, ale: electric wire

contract (and contracts)






cooking and cooking ( offensive options equal)




new peoples


feel better

throw out

Loop (loop - Dorechno in everyday movement)

phone, call, call



dancer, dancer

sir i tvir ( offensive options equal)







What is written in pen...

The accessibility of the rules of those lists is for those who do not stink in their heads: after reading - forgetting. Є kіlka ways to lose in memory Corresponding information, at times - words with correct voices.

#I'll sing right now. It’s more convenient for you to speak aloud, loudly, clearly, a few times (you can sing) and ... with certificates. Let your friends or colleagues support you and come to your shock flash mob with their problematic words (“Venice is more beautiful than Paris, more beautiful, more beautiful, more beautiful than Paris”, “call me, call me”, “my lad bartender, bartender, bartender, bartender. Such є our psychology: those who are not alone are better remembered.

#wonderful moment. Tim, who has a guilty mind, it’s easier to get it to the right memory, whether it’s information of association and image, tied to it. Axis, for example, Korisny ovoch beet, and sells yogo rum'yana grandmother Fekla. And the expert in marketing knows everything about those, how to trim the brand!

#graphomania. Remember, like at school, vivchayuchi foreign language, we put together dialogues and roses with new words, picked them up rimi chi guessed comedy verses? The principle is practical and for the great and powerful, it is necessary to give free rein to fantasy! A lot of ready-made cheat sheets walking on the Internet, take note: “For a long time if you had cakes - you didn’t get shorts”, “You don’t bring curtains for us, we’re looking for blinds”, “FenOmen call on Wednesdays, having accepted an agreement on rock”, “Dzvіn u dzvіnok, so that you remember it right now!”.

І, of course, always read dictionaries and dovіdniki: spelling, pronunciation dictionary (in the translation of the old Greek “orthoepie” means the correct vimova”), a dictionary of voices. Don’t tell and online resources: portals (look at the “Zapam’yatki” section for general language) and, Yandex.Slovniki,, the ubiquitous Internet. Let's talk loud!

The Sound Word service makes it easy to recognize transcription, vimova and English translation online.

For yoga, it is necessary to enter the word and press "Poshuk". After a short pause, I see the transcription of the English word, and the translation. For clarity, two options are suggested: British and American. You can also listen to wimovie options online.

What is transcription?

Phonetic transcription - a graphic recording of the sound of a word; may be on the basis of an accurate graphic recording of vimovi. A leather-like sound can only be fixed in the recording. Phonetic transcription is written in square arms, special phonetic symbols are used for recording.

Do you need transcription of English words?

nobility English transcription corisno. It gives you the ability to easily read and correctly understand an unknown English word independently, without third-party help. It is enough to look at the dictionary or use online services. It is clear to everyone that reading English words is a process of completing specific, grounding not on the “folding” of words from letters, but rather on the transformation of letters in the combination of sounds. Zrozumіlo, learn the rules of reading, as it is necessary to know and zastosovuvat. Ale, if you don’t follow these rules, it’s more rich. Here and come to the aid of transcription, which allows you to find out about the correct English word, and, obviously, and yogo reading.

Why do people say the wrong words

Just as we can only feel the wust “your phone should ring”, “lie down on the table”, “then the dress is more beautiful”, then we ask ourselves: why do people say it wrong? Adzhe, when they all started at the school, they raised their voices in words and lingered at them in the correct voice.

All right in the fact that in Russian language there is no single rule for the voice of words, for example, for example, in Spanish, there are only two rules for language.

From different regions, new words come to us from the wrong voice. For example, at the pvdenny govіrtsі rosіyskoїї є taki vimovi: meansA, zrozumіv, pіdnyav.

So majestic spitting on the language may be our lands from Belarus and Ukraine. Movies are close, that will often be eaten. It is especially noteworthy in areas where you are between each other. In the wake of this, in our movement, new variants of the language are being popularized.

As soon as we feel the sound of the word forever, we begin to doubt ourselves: “And why am I speaking the words correctly?” Sob not to introduce yourself into Oman, we chose 30 most tricky words from the wrong vim. In them we most often pardon ourselves.

Reverse words in Russian language

The promos have a great number of reverse words. Tim for an hour, at the skin of the mov є pevni the rules of vimovi, yakі it is necessary to vrakhovuvati.

French words

A great number of the words of our movi were taken from France. The stench of the flooring has gone down to the Russian language, which sometimes we take them for common words.

Ale stinks do not waste their roots and are also intertwined with native links. At French movieє sing the rules of the words. Most of the voices fall on their own to the rest of the warehouse.

  • dispensary;
  • apostrophe;
  • partner;
  • blinds.

Irrespective of those who in the most vehemently voice fall on the rest of the warehouse, the movi є blame:

  • creams;
  • phenomenon.

English words

Our language is constantly growing English words. Naiprostezhuvanisha trend tsієї movi - voice on the cob of the word. And point below the butt to help you change into tsoma:

  • marketing;
  • Armenian (bar).

At English language, Like and in any other way, є rules of inclusion:

  • pullover (pull over);
  • login (login).

German words

Words from Nіmechchini came to the Russian language in a lot of ways. At bagato folding lines, zapozachenih z іnshih mov and utvennyh z two or more roots. That is why the skin is moving alone may have a powerful voice.

  • quarter. Look like the German word qartal, and it looks like the Latin quartus;
  • shoe. Positions from the German language tyffel;
  • Kitchen. At my German the whole word was out of position with the Latin;
  • scarf. Walk like a German scharpe.

native words

The Russian language has a shaky voice. It is simply impossible for him to distort Vimov's words for one rule. Here it is important to remember a few simple rules:

  1. In the words of a Buryak and new peoples, the voice sound “Ї” is always stressed.
  2. Pestiti, call, take it easy - in these words, remember the smut, that in the words in no way does the voice fall on the first warehouse. So, in words, like a group of children, they stop at the end, the rest of the warehouse falls into a voice.
  3. Optovy, torti, vicherpati - these are words with an unshakable voice, in all norms of the word, the voice falls on that very voice.
  4. Bochkove (barrel), kitchen (kitchen) - they speak with the same voice as in the name.
  5. Sorrel, maisteren, belt - vimovi tsikh slіv need to be remembered.
  6. Dance - according to the rules of the suffix imenniki after the year "C" is written under the voice "O".
  7. Slivovy - at the word zavzhdi, the voice falls on the first warehouse. Tse is assigned to all orthoepic dictionaries of Russian.
  8. Zasobi. Word in alone, the voice falls on the first warehouse.

People better remember the image

Write down the words on the stickers, see the shock voice in bold type and paste them all over the booth, so don't forget.

Paint clearly not the words, but the object itself. For example, the word "Barman". It should be noted that you came to the bar, and the bartender's badge does not have a name, but the word bartender with a bold letter "A".


Fold rimi to slіv, for some you stray with vim:

  • call - vibachit, tapping, hardening;
  • torti - still life, erase, erase;
  • creams - chrysanthemums, schemes.

On the Internet, there are a lot of verses about the right words to the right voice. Read vіrshiki-remembrancers - tse you do not have mercy at vimovі:

Vіdletіla vіd bagattya

I went out quickly

If it's wrong, then a spark,

Exactly right - Iskra!

Chat with friends

Go to the library, come to the bookstore spelling guide, marvel at the electronic guides, blame the food well.

Otzhe, remember:




new peoples






An important warehouse of your image literate language. Vaughn to become a quarter of the outrageous anger about the people. The first thing that once falls into the vіchі is the correctness and beauty of your language, then the voice and diction are already on the riddle.

Navit as your colloquium is more familiar, knowing about those, how to build your promo correctly, vryatuyut in any situation. You turn more respect, remember more quickly and start listening to your thoughts. You will become popular with a working team, a literate language will help you win the respect of the authorities and the team, push through service gatherings. Tse be a miraculous help on some ledges and just in a special life. You will become a wonderful companion, with whom you can spend an hour.

It is correct, correct language to create for you the image of a sensible and illuminated person. Listen to your promo, everything is in your hands!

Video lessons

Cleverly speak competently, not only in lexical coincidence of words and correct placement of voices. It is necessary to learn to see the smut from the great obligation of information.

Reveal that the TV series is marveling, about which your friends told you so hoarsely. After the tenth episode, the naytsіkavishe begins, and the producer, to spite, stretches out the moment and attaches the climax behind a bunch of inappropriate details. After the end of a few episodes, you will cast a review and switch to a larger informative film.

So with the promo. Opponents do not care to hear the story with the most anonymous details. Rozpovid may be concise, logically related. The tediousness of spivrozmovniki and driving in interest.

Krok No. 2. Increase your vocabulary

Vіdmovtesya vіd vіvannya tih sіv, the meaning of which you do not understand. Expand the area of ​​​​knowledge in the plan of the Russian language to help the gloomy dictionary. As if the meaning of foreign words is unknown, to turn to the All-World's Spider. Similar dії not only help to be versed in different ways, but also to infuse infusion in different populations. After a month of regular practice, you will know spilnu mova with teachers, dancers and professors. Take for the star to recognize the value of 3-4 words for the extraction. It is important to remember, understand and remember the aspects.

Turn off the words, yakі do not think of a good zmіstovogo navantazhennya. Before them lie "not a month of grass." Traven - tse singing period, names of the month. Vіn can not be a rock for a year. Also, with wider butts, as if they do not represent a lot of information, it is customary to use “step back”, “lift uphill” and in.

Krok No. 4. Tell the otriman the information

Psychologists are happy to stand in front of a looking glass and to express their thoughts. Insanely, try this technique є sens. And there is another way that allows people to learn literacy. Once a day, choose friends at once (minimum 4-5 osib) and tell them to withdraw before they know. Were you surprised by the film? See the essence and try to retell the plot in a simple, concise manner, without preludes.

Follow the reaction of the public. As if hearing, they sigh, lower their eyes and put food, as if they are hung up on those who are bored. You have є 2 options for such a mindset: independently analyze what you yourself have done wrong, otherwise you can turn to your opponents without any help. Frequent pardon newly minted “informants” and supra-world living of borrowers in the place of naming heroes by names.

Krok No. 5. Unique tautologies

The figure of a movie is called a tatology if the speaker is close to the meanings or the same root words. Similar wording makes it easier to understand, so it is necessary to unique them. As an example of a tautology, one can use “oil oil” or “analogous analogue”. Remember, tse rule - the main competent promo.

To learn how to pick up the native words, you can follow the announcers on the radio or TV, after which you analyze their mistakes. People who can do the main job, varto pridivitsya to the far-reaching activity of writing articles. Copywriting is different for the vim words.

Krok No. 6. read books

Classical literature is rightfully respected by the viewers of the artistic movement. Uninformed, you will remember to borrow from books the words and virazi, which are ideally suited to the singing situation. Do not varto rozrakhovuvati on those who can’t read 15 years ago to break up your promo with a literate one. This process needs to be seen at least 2-4 years in the extraction.

After a month, you read the information to let yourself know, and you will stop being difficult when adding words and inspirational words. People who learn from watching the mastery of artistic literature are called erudite. These are the reasons why a person starts to talk if with twisted words, acquired only on a equal footing.

Krok No. 7. Follow the promo

The Russian language has a lot of slang, which are recognized for specific situations. In an official situation and at the hour of a public appearance in front of the greater versions of the population, it is necessary to master the professional vocabulary. Among friends and “simple” people, varto overcame youth slang. Shchodo expressive jargon, vіdmovtesya vіd ny zovsіm. The words "hut", "baxi", "wheelbarrow" do not mix with my literate language.

Video: how to learn how to speak correctly

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