Transcription, vimova and English translation online. Hear texts in English my online Little evidence of English audio

Use anonymous resources for listening to texts on English language:,, and many others. Our site promotes the right to be heard in a different format, but we follow the very scientific principles that determine the resources. So, we pragnemo help you to help the authorities, that it’s not good to go out with us.

How to hear correctly

It is necessary to start hearing materials and texts in English online, depending on your level of preparation. With whom you will be assisted by tests, divided by our fahivtsy. Let's take a look at the orders, which are violated when listening to texts at the level of clarity, which you can.

Otzhe, you have zero rіven, and you didn’t study English, and you don’t know about sounds. Axis of a kіlka recommendations about those, how to correctly hear the texts in English:

  • Learn from understanding "speling" and learn to independently write down the known and unknown words that the announcer learns by letters, and repeat them, for example, t-a-b-l-e. Spelling in English language is simply necessary; English people can be so hot: “Only we, having written Manchester, read Liverpool.” Indeed, without knowing the English language, no one can guess that the word "choir" means "kwaye" and not otherwise. It is especially important to listen to the English texts for pochatkivtsiv, remembering the vim and the articulation (the rhetoric of such organs is mov, yak mov, kill, teeth, pidnebіnnya at the moment of promoting the sound). Even better, so called, spelling dictations - if the skin word after the completion of the drilling is recorded by ear behind the letters (k-i-t-e; b-l-a-c-k; d-r-i-v-e and so on).
  • Step by step, the time has come, if English happens to be heard online today. Listening to audiobooks is a miracle option. Mine on your own, you already know the alphabet, and the transcription, and your lexicon is rich on the floor, so you can not only fold, but just a little and at once understand the propositions in simple hours (simple current, simple past and simple future). English my time to sound like Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple. Texts from different topics can be short, simple, sensible and clique, but al tse obov'yazkovo may but mov m o v mov, so that the skin nuance of mov and zam'yatovuvavsya, and yakі immediately otrimuvali navki priynyattya authentic text.

The axis is an example of such a text on our website:

Hey Jerry. - Hey Lima!
Can you answer my questions?
Yes, of course.
Do you have many friends? - Yes, I have a lot of friends.
Do you like coffee? -Yes, I do.
How many cups of coffee do you drink?
I drink too much coffee. About six cups a day.
Do you eat many fruits?
I eat a lot of fruit.
And I also eat many cookies and sweets.
Let's go get coffee with cookies.
Let's go.

Hear text

Hi Jerry! - Hello, Limo!
Can you give me feedback? - So loud.
Do you have a lot of friends? - So I have a lot of friends.
Do you like kava? - So.
How many cups of coffee do you drink?
I drink nadto rich kawi. About six cups a day.
Are you rich in fruits?
I eat a lot of fruits.
I am also richly baked and zucerok.
Let's drink some kava with a stove.
Let's go.

Also, you can transcribe parallel texts for a thorough understanding of English language writing.

If you understand that you understand practically everything, you change your mind about listening to English language for online chats - it’s not only corny, but even more hospitable. Our character Lima will always be ready to help you, and we are convinced that you will love yoga and become good friends with it. Good luck with your jokes brown rights the one among the most popular in the world of foreign language.

Let's start teaching the English language to encourage the yakomog to read and hear more English. The placement of texts here is more simple, more ridiculous and stupid, all stinks are accompanied by audio with the right creation, all sounds are more well heard.

How to read and hear English

Qi small texts can be read at once, heard and repeated aloud. To work every day a little time for a day, as if you have the right, to help you in the independent mastering of the language without a salary. Maybe your wimow doesn't suit you on the cob. It's okay, it's a normal thing, continue, try to copy the announcer more and more.

Vimov’s voice allows you to fix your current apparatus with your new mine. How do little children speak language? The stinks repeat after the grown-ups. It’s bad to go into them, but I’m happy to hear their sounds, pidbadyoryuemo їx, we try to know that it’s similar to the word that we move. The more children repeat, the better the stench comes out.

So it is with the grown-ups - repeat, do not lament. Repeat irreverently to those who have long understood the entire text, and you have managed to come across to you. You can learn English language for the first time and make it easier for you to read and hear English. otherwise simple. Seek automatism, translate your language into English language.

1. The Flag

Tracey marveled at the ensign. Ensign red, white and blue. New 50 stars. A white star on a blue square. Prapor six white smug. On the new sіm red smog. Mustaches are horizontal. The stench is not vertical. Smugi not go uphill and down. Go angry to the right. Tracey love your ensign. Tse prapor її kraїni. Tse garny ensign. The next ensign cannot be 50 stars. The next ensign cannot be 13 smug.

2. A piece of Paper.

Jimmy threw the arkush paper to the pidlog. Vіn nahlivsya and pіdnyav yogo. Vіn zignuv arkush navpіl paper. Vin put yoga on the table. Vіn uzyav olіvets. Vin by writing the phone number on arkush paper. Vin put the olive on the table. Vіn uzyav knives. Vіn pіdnyav arkush papera. Vіn rozrіzav arkush paper navpіl. Vіn putting half of the arkush paper on the table. Vіn poklav his friend half the number of the phone until the swarming of his shirts. Vin put the knives on the table.

3. Storm.

Laura wondered at the window. The storm is coming. The sky became darker. The wind has begun to blow. The deyakі tree withered. The leaves flew in every direction. It became cold. Vaughn mended the walls. Vaughn looked over the top. Її car buv on the street. Vaughn repaired the windows on her car. Vaughn locked the car. Vaughn turned back to her house. Vaughn clicked on the TV. Vona wanted to hear the news about the storm. The announcer lyudina said that it was a great storm. Vіn having said that it is a strong board. Win telling people to stay at home.

4. Cold weather.

Thomas didn't feel stingy. Youmu didn't feel warm either. Youmu was cold. The weather was not squalid. The weather was also not warm. The weather was cold. Thomas doesn't like being cold. Vin rummaged through his jacket. Vin knows his jacket. Vin put on his jacket. Ale youmu was cold. Vіn glancing at vikna. Chi all vikna were started? That stench was started. Mustaches were started. The day after the vicon was not made. Win looked at the door. The doors were not opened. Vaughn was started. Youmu, like before, it was cold. Vіn poshukav warmer jacket.

5. A thin man.

Richard is an easy drinker. Vin is not rich. Vіn nenazhera. There is a light meal, a light offense and a light supper. Richard is not tovst. Wine is thin. Wine will always be thin, because wine is an easy drinker. Have a bowl of porridge for snacks. Win a bowl of porridge with milk. Vіn їst sandwich for obіd. Sometimes a fish sandwich. Win love fish. Wine is rice and vegetables for supper. All you have for supper is rice and vegetables. Vіn_koli will not be tovstim.

6. In love.

Donna loved her man. Її man loves Donna. The stench of the buli succumbed one to one. Vona wanted to give you a gift for National Day. Youmu will be 40 years of coming winter. You want to know what to give youmu. Can you give you a birthday present? Can you give light to youmu? Can you give him a new guitar? What to give youmu? Vaughn slept yoga, sob vin hotiv on the day of the people. Vin said that I don’t want anything for my people’s day. “Oh, you are guilty of wanting!” Vaughn said. "You're making a walkie", saying vin. "I want your eternal kohanna."

7. Chereviki.

Liza loves to go shopping. Tomorrow she will be picked up by five shops. Їy need a new pair vzuttya. You want to buy a pair of red shoes. Vaughn thinks that the red shoes are garni. Won to buy a couple of sutty's shopping center. Lisa calls to start shopping at the shopping center. The shopping center is only a mile away from the booth. Won just walk pishki to the shopping center. Tse borrows less than 20 quilin. Tomorrow I'll go out to some of the best shops in the world. Tomorrow is Saturday. At the shopping center, start sales on Saturday. If the sale price is guaranteed, Lisa can buy two bets on the spot.

8. To Buy a New Car.

Linda wants to buy a new car. Might be an old car. The old car was a Honda. Linda wants to buy a new Honda Vaughn wants to buy a new red Honda. Vaughn saved up $1,000. Vaughn won $1,000 to buy a new car. Vaughn will give $1,000 to the Honda dealer. The Honda dealer will sign the contract. For a contract, you pay $400 per month for seven years. Її new red Honda koshtuvatime Linda a lot of pennies. But it's okay, because Linda earns a lot of pennies.

9. Washing Hands

Fay went to the bath. Vaughn poured in the cold water. Vaughn turned on the hot water. Warm water came from the tap. Vaughn offered her hands to the warm water. Vaughn rubbed her hands. Vaughn took a piece of white honey. Vaughn rubbed the cute with her hands. Vaughn laid back nicely. Vaughn is dear to the hands of pivkhvilin. Then she washed her hands with water. Vaughn sipped the hot water. Vaughn sipped the cold water. Vaughn wiped her hands with a towel.

10. Water and an Apple

Susan loves to eat apples. Won to love їsti great red apples. Vaughn love to wear a blue cap. Vaughn wears a great blue cap on her head. Vaughn wear drops and eat an apple. Vaughn drinking water from a white cup. Susan drink water that is apple. Vaughn is no less than an apple with a knife. Nizh is a guest. Vaughn just eats an apple. Vaughn holds an apple in her hand. Vaughn eats an apple with her teeth. Vaughn lick your lips. Won p'є more for water. Vaughn wipes her mouth with her hand.

Even a large collection of similar texts (only without translations) can be read and heard in English on the site

Vyvchennya movi will quickly give good results, as it approaches her differently, developing all the necessary skills in parallel, one alone. One lesson to dedicate grammar, friend vocabulary and reading, third speaking, and fourth, speaking the language by ear. Moreover, all beginners can be trained by stretching one lesson, which is greatly supported by English audio books for beginners. With them, learn new vocabulary, practice grammar practice, adopt an English accent and perfect your language. With this material, we will bring a few of the best English books for beginners.

Books are a good method of learning English, but after that you need to practice correctly.

It is highly respected that we recommend that beginners vicoristovate less adapted versions of English works. So, everyone wants to learn how to understand the text of my original, but there are no miracles. Hoping for folded explanations, you get lost in grammar and the great obsession of new vocabulary, and as a result you throw such an important right, as if you were adopting an English language.

Adapted English audiobooks for beginners are written with the simplest grammatical constructions, and the whole plot is developed for the help of hundreds of active basic vocabulary. The exact number of words to lay down depends on the level of training: for beginners it is about 200-300, for volunteers with basic knowledge 300-600, for the average course it is over 1000 and so on.

Learning English movies for books consists of a number of stages:

  • listening to an audio recording;
  • reading text;
  • work with vocabulary and translation;
  • listening repeat.

First, you take the English language by ear, then you correct the little-understandable moments of reading, write down and learn new words. And on the coming day, you will fix all the recorded material with repeated listening to the audio recording.

Ski race (by Eleanor Jupp)

Dynamic rozpovid about the magic at the ski resort and the will of the participants to win. Sport is not only strength and excitement, but also the accessibility of superniks. Chi go to the heroes to win the baton?


Tell me about the little girl Alice, how much she loves to read and read. Vaughn is practical, kind, reasonable, honest and accommodating. However, few in to the current world worth such a quality, our heroine will have to go through a lot of inaccuracies and goodies. What building stench is rooted in a dope maiden її exercise of goodness and knowledge? Recognize in the kіntsi opovіdannya!

Sara says no (by Norman Whitney)

And this audiobook tells the story about the girl Sarah, helping her father. Trade on the market - on the right, it’s a bit of a pributkov, but don’t be honest. Childish innocence and faith in goodness and justice are clearly not the place here. But, sometimes, the diva trapleyatsya and the light becomes more beautiful, right?

Riven Beginner

Books will be sent to those who are engaged in my promotion for many months. Create safely with glossaries and small tasks.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (by Mark Twain)

The most famous child's book, like, according to the author's assertions, was written just for grown-ups. With the hooligan and restless Tom, you will get into the hoary world of fun and goodies. Do not miss the opportunity to be recognized in the original with a classic creation, which has earned good fame throughout the world.

Sherlock Holmes. The Blue Diamond (By Arthur Conan Doyle)

Another classic, the hero of creation, who is known to the whole world. How about hearing and reading this book? Elementary, Watson. A detective story from a famous master of the pen is suitable not only for those who appreciate the genre, but for those who first want to learn about the deductive method of Sir Sherlock Holmes.

Riven Elementary


Classical tvir - hoarse summish gothic novel with science fiction. Talanovitiy vcheniy touches itself scary mystery buttya and vikoristovuє tsey secret for holding vlasnyh doslidіv. As a result, without even knowing it, the wine will be born miraculously, as if on a long-term fate, it will become a curse. Let the creator overcome his creation, become a victim of it, become less visible at the development of history.

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