Basic rules for the introduction of articles in English. Non-significant article A\AN in English language. Living articles in English language

Memo #1 - vikoristovuyuchi when knowing numerals from 13 to 20, 20 -100 at the cob stage of learning. It can be vikoristan when fixed or repeated numerical at the cob and middle stages of training (for example, when working with children, which are weakly grasped)




Memo #2 - win at the middle stage



1. Vyznachte, tse "stіyke" viraz chi nі.

How to write yoga correctly, how not to write it down

    Vznachte, chi tse word є vlasnym іm'yam.

Do not forget, the article before the names

not put.


Article "the» get used to, like:

a) naming the sides of the world

b) the name of the seas, rivers, oceans, canals

c) the name of the Girsky langyugs

d) the name of the planets, stars

e) names of some countries (federation, states, kingdom, republic, the Netherlands)

f) names of certain historical establishments (The Kremlin, British Museum, Tower of London, Houses of Parliament, National Gallery)

f) the call of the multitude

If it’s not good for him, mark the next point.

3. Appreciate, chi є tse word as an apprentice at the miraculous step.

The article is miraculously placed before prikmetniks.the»

4.Viznachte, chi tse word numerical.

Ordinal numbers are preceded by an articlethe» If not, hit the next point.

5. Like a borrower in front of the name, the articles are not venerated.

6. Vznachte, chi є tse word as an indistinguishable name.

Nezlichuvane imeninik ("the», « - »)

a) the article "a" / "an" is not put.

b)) You think you can put “the” here. Otherwise, put "-".

As a tsemennik, mark the next point.

7. As soon as you counted the name, count the number.

Multiply. ("the», « - »)

a) The article "a" / "an" is not victorious.

b) Choose whether you can put “the” here. Otherwise, put "-".

One. ("a/ an», « the, « - »)

a) Guess the rule, if you put "a" / "an" and "the" and fill in the gaps by putting "a / an", "the" or "-".

Memo #4 "Porіvnyalnі konstruktsії іz prikmetnikami" vykoristovuєtsya at the middle and senior stages of training.

Porіvnyalnі konstruktsії z prikmetnikami


the same yak

not so

not so yak


to finish / to finish off………….

not ............enough

Few …………………


much.........-er than

much more ............ than

far.........-er than

far more........... than



twice .............-er than

half .........................

vdvіchi ………

three times

three times .........-er than

vtrichi ……………chim


a little..............

the more/-er...........the more/-er

chim tim………………

Memo #5 - for students of post and middle school on the topic "Many Names".


1. Read and translate the word.

2. Guess what word is a wink.

3. If the word is winyatok, write the yogo form of the multiplier.

If the word is not a vinnyatkom, vykonu p.4.

4. Significantly, the whole word is taken up to “counting” or to “non-numerical” names.

5. As a number of names, write yoga without change.

As a price maker, which is counted, count point 6.

6. Guess the rules for writing words that end in “o, y (afterwards), f (e), hissing, whistling voices” and write down the word for the plural. If the word does not fit up to point 6, check point 7.

7. Write the word without change, adding "s" to the new ending.

Memo #6 - for students with intermediate level studies on the topic “The structure of the proposition. Negative Propositions".

Negative sentences.

    As for the award, there are words “to be (am, is, are, was, were), to have (have, has, had), shall, will, would, should, must, can, could, may”, write down the speech, having put the following words negative part"not".

Yakshcho nі, wonder p.4.

Memo #7

(for the understanding of "self-sufficient language" toil on the recognition of the language "to be (am, is, are, was, were), to have (have, has, had), shall, will, would, should, must, can, could, may")

T ag questions »

    Read and try to translate the proposition.

    Vznachte, chi є proposition is solid or negative (so negatively sing p. 3 and p. 4, so stverzhuvalno p.

Negative proposition.

    Like the proposition is negative, to know the word, like to stand with the negative part of “not” and write it down after the Komi without “not”.

Stverjuvalne rechennya.

    Vznachte, chi є at the rechennі samostiyne dієslovo. (If not, follow item 6 and item 7, if not, go to item 8).

    As if the speech is self-sufficient, write it after Komi with a negative part of “not”.

    Put a borrower after the word before the one who sings.

    Designate an hour at the river (now or minuly).

    Like the hour of the day, put after the Komi “do” or “does”. Once an hour has passed, put "did".

    Write a small part of "not".

11. Put the borrower after the word before the date

Memo #8 - for students with intermediate level studies on the topic “The structure of the proposition. Nutritional speech".

common questions .

    Read and translate the proposition.

    Vyznach award from the rechenni.

3. As a bonus, є “to be (am, is, are, was, were), to have (have, has, had), shall, will, would, should, must, can, could, may”, write down the request proposition, putting the whole word in front of him who sings.

There is no such word, div. four.

4. Appoint an hour at the river (now or minuly).

5. It’s a good hour, putting an additional diword “do” or “does” before pіdlyagaє (Do not forget! does + Vs). Once an hour has passed, write down the additional German word "did". (Don't forget! did + V2).

6. Write down the entire proposition.

- the whole word, as if to say about the name of the song information. The article є in all European language. The Russian mov article is the same day, and the theme “Article” is the most collapsible way of the English mov.

Total in English language two articles:
a(an)- Omissions;
the- Pevny.


  • Article a(an) look like the word "one" (one) and maє sense one, be it, be it.
  • Article the resemble the words "this/these" (cei, qi) and maє sens tsey, qi, specific (i).
  1. a table ( - one style
  2. an apple (od.h, before voice) - one apple
  3. the table (single part) - tsey style
  4. the tables (pl.) - qі tables

Article in English language (rules for postcards)

Basic rules for the use of the article:

Rule 1 (Strong)

  • Article a(an - before the voice) put only before the name in alone, yakscho vono guess for the first time.
  • Article the put in front of a name at any number , yakscho vono guess other and more times at the meaning "Tsey".
  • I see a girl. The girl is nice. - I'm running a girl. (Tsya) the girl is cute.
  • I see boys. The boys are tall. - I'm running the boys. (Ci) lads are high.

COMMEHTAPION: If there is a marker before the name, the article is placed before it.

  • a story
  • an interesting story

COMMEHTAPI: Article a(an) DO NOT precede the name many, and the article the be put.

  • an apple - apples (one apple - apple)
  • the apple- the apples (tse apple - qi apple)

Rule 2 The positive article is NOT put, as if standing in front of the name:

  1. numerical - two cats (two intestines);
  2. borrower - my cat (my gut);
  3. name of the relative the boy's cat (boy's whale);
  4. smart borrowers this, that- this one;
  5. negative part NO: I have no cat(I don't have any guts).

Rule 3. Article a(an) FREQUENTLY put in stable constructions:

  1. It is a... + noun (od.h.) - Do not shift,
  2. This is a... + noun (od.h.) - Tse є ...
  3. There is a... + noun (od.h.) - There є ...
  1. It is a table. It is a big table.
  2. This is a cat. It is a clever cat.
  3. There is a bird in the bush, There is a Little bird in the bush.

RULE 4. Article the put before:

  1. name-bearer united by this situation: the floor (sublog), the sun (sun)
  2. often before to the names that shove: The book is …
  3. before ordinal numeral: the first (the second, the third) ... - First, other, third, etc.
  4. before prikmetnik at the wonder world: the best (the worst) - the worst, the worst, etc.

Kozhen z batkіv hoche, schob yogo child zdobula povnotsіnnu osvіtu i bula fahivtsem in rich areas, especially, as it is worth foreign language. Trying to give as much as possible, we often forget that sometimes it is important for little ones to understand the peculiarities of language, having not previously stumbled with such wines. One of such folding on the way to the full knowledge of the articles is recognized. The stench is a sounding part, which vikoristovuyutsya with namemen, and help more precisely to signify that it is small on your own. Unfortunately, an array of information about the correctness of the zastosuvannya zalutuє uchnіv, and to that you win for the ruling court.

Let's take a look at the articles in the English language for the rules for children, so that we can figure out what the main shifts are. Vіdpovіdno to traditіynoї form іsnuє 3 klasi articles:

  • non-appointments(a and an),
  • singing(the)
  • і zero.

Otzhe, let's take a look at the report of the sphere of their victoria.

Article "a" and "an"

Insignificant articles were transformed by the year from the word “one” and differed among themselves, that “a” was placed before the voices, and “an” was written instructed from the voiced accompaniment of euphony.

Vipadki, if you need to live:

  • Can rebuvat bіla counting names, giving at alone from a class similar to them: We saw a flower yesterday. - We received the ticket yesterday.
  • Yakscho about shchos say before: I had a new friend yesterday - A new friend appeared in me.
  • Yakshcho under the word mi rozumієmo meaning like a skin chi be it, talking like about facts: I'm writing with a pen in my notebook. - I write with a zoshiti pen.
  • Mayuchi on the word "one": I'll call you in an hour. - I'll get you a year.
  • When we talk about the goal item class(For example, about the class of creatures, roslin, etc.): Rose is a very beautiful flower. - Troyandy - more than a garna of a flower.
  • In quiet situations, if language comes in about small particles Chogos: I would eat a piece of bread. - I'd like a piece of bread.

We were already wondering about those who are English language on the back - it’s easy to milk. To that here є furnish, for any inconsistencies, the article can be stagnant and in multiples. So, it is necessary to establish the staunch words, the stench will become you in good fortune in the future:

  • To be in a hurry
  • To be at a loss
  • To have a head/toothache
  • in a loud voice
  • In a whisper
  • It's a pleasure.

You can make rules in the format of a fairy tale, de articles will be two brothers, who violated the habits, and know your friends along the way (additional situations of living).

Article "the"

Look like the words "those" [ðəʊz] - ti and "this" [ðɪs] - tsey. Vikoristovuetsya with names of single and plural numbers.

Rules for embedding the article "the":

  • As we know, about what to go, to those who used to think about it earlier, but we guess: He wants to drive. Stink go to the cars. - You want to drive. Stink go to the cars.
  • The explanation is about the unique item: The sun rises in the east. - Sun to go to the gathering.
  • Poruch from the name, which means the type, genre, variety of chogos: The apple tree grows everywhere. - The apple tree is growing everywhere.
  • Vinyatok: the word "man" has a biological meaning.
  • In context, with the words "last" and "next": The next summer promises to be warm. - Let's warm up the upcoming summer.
  • With examples in names: The strong must help the weak. - The strong can help the weak.
  • It’s like being on the verge of a hospital, about like a skin care (liquor store, store just): The hospital is on my street. The clinic is located on my street.
  • Middle instruments of music: My hobby is playing the guitar. – My hobby is to play the guitar.
  • Before different nationalities: The Russians are very cheerful people. - Russians are already living-radio people.

Zero article

For its sutty, the zero article conveys the essence of yoga in principle. Axis of spiking points, if wines are needed:

  • With undefined and abstract names: Happiness is something you can't buy. - Happiness - tse those that you can not buy.
  • With counting multiplier names: She brought apricots. Vaughn brought apricots.
  • With good names: Eva is the smartest girl. - Eva is a smart girl.
  • How to stand in front of a vkazіvny i prisvіyny borrower:
  • I liked this album. - I was honored with the whole album.
  • I reminded my friend about business. -I told my friend about the home task.

Learning English articles for the rules for children will be a tedious task, think about how to make the process smarter. Possibly, there will be riddles, competitions. Ask the children to paint, apply quiet vipadkіv, if one of the articles is alive.

Let's take a look at what is needed insignificance article in English language and look at it, apply the article a, an in English mine.

The non-significant articles a, an in English mean the quantity - one. In many, in high names (im'ya, name of the place ...), with indefinite names, the article a, an does not get used. The article is called irrelevant to the fact that the subject is not specific.


A boy - Boy.
Since we have one lad and we are not talking about a specific lad, we put an article in front of the word of inconsistency, knowing ourselves that there is only one lad.

An apple - Apple.
Same. Since we have one apple and we are not talking about a specific apple, then the article an is put in a non-trivial way, which means that we have one apple.

Apply the victoria of the unmarked article a, an in sentences.

I saw a boy. He was happy. - I'm a bachelor boy. Vin boo is happy.
So, like a boy bachiv alone, the article a is put, which means that the boy is alone.

I ate an Apple. - I'm eating an apple.
The situation is absolutely the same, like a boy. Apple z'їv alone, they put the article.

When the non-insignificance article a is placed, if the article an is non-significant

The non-significant article a in the English language is put, as the word starts from the letter.


a boy oy

a p en - pen.

a l aptop - laptop.

a h headphones - headphones.

The non-significant article an in the English language is put, as the word starts from the voice letter.


an i Phone - iPhone.

an o range - orange (n.) / orange (add.)

an e ngineer - engineer.

an i ron - prask.

How to differentiate voices and voices in English language?

English language to take revenge on oneself 6 voices - a, e, i, o, u, y. All other letters should be voiced.

Seemingly simpler, the voice letters “sing” on the sound: aaaaa, eeeeee, iiiiii...

How to explain to the child, what is the article and what is needed? and taking away the best vіdpovіd

Vidpovid vіd Aatyan[guru]
The article is necessary for the designation of the family and the introduction of the name. So explain. If the child is still small, then don’t explain it better, let me learn it better, then we’ll understand.

Vidpovid vіd 2 types[guru]

Vitannia! Axis dobirka tim іz vіdpіdіmіm іn іdіvіdіnі zapіdnі: How can u explain іtіnі, wіth thаt іt іѕ thе article аnd nаvіshо іn need?

Vidpovid vіd Yergey[guru]
Is there a necessary article? Does Russian yoga have no?
The typical article for names in English language.
Pevniy – THE
Omissions - A/AN
More titles ZERO article. If the article is known, it does not get used for other reasons.
On the back of the head, we can recognize the NON-SIGNIFICANT “A/AN”.
A - live in front of the names, as if they repent from the voice (a plate, a house, a door)
AN - live in front of namesakes, as if they begin with voice (an umbrella, an apple, an armchair).
Now about vipadki vzhivannya
A / AN indicate one object (it’s not for nothing that one looks like a numerical one - one), which is spoken of in the first.
The stench mayut budinok in the rest.
Give me a book, please.
When you go about professions
You know .my best friend is a teacher of English.
I wonder, is he a banker?
Such virazas have:
A couple of…
A pair of…
A few
A little
A lot of
I decided to buy a pair of new shoes.
We've got a lot of free time today.
What a wonderful weather today!
What a stupid guy he is!
What a terrible hat she is wearing!
There should be a descriptive note in front of the name), about indicating the quality of that which is another object or person)
He is such a clever person
It's a nice weather today!
Have a good time!
APPOINTMENTS the article THE get used to such vipadkah:
As we say, about a songful object, but about those that were guessed earlier
friend of mine is a reliable person.
They've built a house.
The house is rather modern and huge.
All rivers, oceans, newspapers, magazines, steamboats, etc. (and in May, on the basis of their names) signify the sing article
I am fond of reading "THE TIMES"
My friend made up his mind to stay in the “GRAND hotel”.
Last summer I had a rest at the BLACK SEA coast.
As we are talking about speeches, united in one's own family.
Deyakі kraїni that power.
We live the zero article:
The names of places, the names of people and the names of creatures
London is the capital of The United Kingdom.
Peter bv eager to have a new family.
If we are talking about the subject of which is a manifestation of yogo, the global meaning
Summer/spring/winter/autumn is coming!
Lion is an animal
Mi nіkoli do not live the DESIGNATIONS of the article with the names of the plural!

Vidpovid vіd Vuliya Julia[Newbie]
And for the cob, tell the children, so that they helped you with your food

Vidpovid vіd Culturolog[Newbie]
Pevny - a man, Non-significance - a woman: otherwise, if you take The Passport.

Vidpovid vіd Mikhailo[guru]
an - type, ce type
the - specifically. specifically
and the jokes of the new Russian were called articles like that ...

Vidpovid vіd Evgen Tkalenko[guru]
I memorized like this:
"A" = "ANY". Bring me A chair \u003d Bring me a BE-YAKI chair (for example, in order to screw in a light bulb).
"The" = "THAT". Bring me THE chair \u003d Bring me THIS (THIS SELF) steward (so we are offended about how the steward goes).
For a child, it will be better (I think so).

Vidpovid vіd Basilisk[guru]
More often than not, tell about chicks and queens

Vidpovid vіd Nadia Egorova[guru]
Articles are just words. The article A (AN) means be-like, THE means not be-like, but the axis of which I indicate.

Vidpovid vіd Volodymyr[guru]
How do you yourself do not know, how can you explain to your child? 🙂

Vidpovid vіd Olga Tishineva[guru]
I explain like this:
1. Counting names in one cannot get used without the article - the (tse for a gentleman a bed) - i -a (an) - tse "metelik").
2. A (an) - tse vіd Old English - one- that can't get used to the multiplicity.
3. And give... your "little tricks"...:-)

Vidpovid vіd Vuliya[active]
it can be said that the articles are so called paws, for the help of which one word can be used for something else. but if not all creatures have paws, then slavs do not always have articles.)) but it’s similar))

Vidpovid vіd Ganna Konoplyana[guru]
She doesn’t need to talk about vodminki or anything else. Especially the one who is small. Let me memorize like that, then we will understand. If you are talking about English, then here you need to study, because the articles (singing and insignificance) are one of the most complicated topics. Don’t snip the German, there are articles for the same thing, for which we have an end. You can tell the eldest, don’t be arrogant about the young, you don’t understand, but only get sick, as everything is in order (if you want axial folding, I think, no). Success!

Vidpovid vіd ASYA[guru]
We need to understand for ourselves what articles are like. In bagatioh movah, the articles became:
misunderstandings - like the word "ONE"
singing - like the word "TSEY / TOY"
It seems to be Russian, "I have one girlfriend ..." "I have one book here" (not in sensi, scho 1, not two ... but simply insert the word in roses). which means insignificance.
Potim no longer seems like "one friend" or "one book". The offensive proposition would be "This friend ...", "This book" ... In fact, the words "one" and "tsey" play the role of the article. Just Russian can do without them. And in deyakih mov they called out to sing with these words, which is already wrong without them.
Apply articles:
German - ein/eine (neopr), ein = one
das/der/die (def) , dieses/dieser/diese = tsey/tsya
das/der/die also "yaky/kotriy/yaka"
Spanish - un/una (neopr), un = one
el/la (def.) – from lat. ille/illa = "that/that"
French - un / une (neopr), un = one
le/la (definition)
English - the (opr) - disputed this / that (tsey / that)
and etc.

Vidpovid vіd 2 types[guru]

Vitannia! Axis sche those zі similar nutrition.

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