Names with a non-significant zero article. Zero article. Appearance of other appointees

At English language, krim of the sung and the unmarked article, it also understands the same, like the zero article. The article at times does not get used and navit is omitted.

We omit the article, for example:

1. Tse multiplier im. name-list.

Yesterday I saw lions at the zoo.
Yesterday I bachiv levіv at the zoo.

Wolves are dangerous animals.
Vovki are rather unsafe creatures.

2. Tsemenniki in the form of animals.

Good morning captain!
Good morning, captain!

3. Numerous names in the global sense.

For example:

Abstract names: knowledge, love, music, history, time, beauty and etc.

Knowledge is the key.
Knowledge is the key.

Speech names: meat, grass, sugar, wood, milk.

My sister eats a lot of sugar.
My sister eats rich tsukru.

And if we concretize the object, then the chant article is written.

Grass is too long.
Tsya grass is long overdue.

The Music Beethoven is better than any other kind of music.
Beethoven's music is the best, but be-yaka іnsha music.

4. There are such vassals, like unimportant borrowers, assigned, vkazіvnі, catering borrowers, names of relatives.

My cat is very clever.
My gut is already reasonable.

I love her stories.
I love your history.

5. These are unique authoritative names, which do not require clarification.

I saw Lucky boof fighting at the ring.
I bachiv Lucky boxing in the ring.

6. Kіlkіsne іmennik stand in front of the іnіnnik.

Three workers contributed to the factory.
Three workers went to the factory.

7. The context has two closely related objects and objects.

The look like mother and son.
The stench looks like a mother and a child.

8. Є statement on the same unit recognized for planting or planting.

Theodore Roosevelt became president in 1933.
Theodore Roosevelt was elected president in 1933.

9. These titles, the title of that title, as follows after them:

Mister Johnson
Minister Brown

10. The chain group of sliv, yak mi mentally called “Family and School” “Sim'ya that School”

Budinok that school: college, church, home
Members of this family: mother, father, aunt, uncle, sister, brother, cousin, grandmother, grandfather
Acceptance: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Any sport: football, basketball, hockey, baseball
Be it a sickness: flu, angina, pneumonia (pneumonia), etc.
Holy: Christmas, Easter

I play basketball.
I play basketball.

Why go to church?
Need to go to church?

11. The name in its meaning is more pronounced to the point, and not to the subject.

You don't have the right person to admit your fault.
You are insufficiently masculine, to exonerate your fault.

12. With some geographical names.

bengal bay
bengalska zatoka

lakes, as they stand for the word "lake":

Lake Tahoe
Lake Tahoe


Victoria Falls
Waterfalls of Victoria





Croatia, Brazil
Croatia, Brazil

okremikh gіr (on vіdmіnu vіd lantsyugіv):



Europe, Asia
Europe, Asia

Paris, Moscow
Paris, Moscow

Use of the article in persistent virases:

at breakfast/dinner/lunchfor a snack / dinner / supper
at home- at home
in case of- in times
by mistake- by mercy
at night- at night
at sunset/sunriseat sunset
in sight- in the field
secret- At the secret
by accident- vipadkovo
by air/water/sea/landby air/water/sea/land
by chance- Vipadkovo
by heart- Reminder
by train/ship/busby train/boat/bus
in time- pid hour
vіd hour to hourhour to hour
in fact- as a matter of fact
at war/peaceat the camp of war / light
on demand- on request
that in.

Stylishly omitted articles in the English language.

- At the headlines of newspapers.

Young man buv caught in the center of the place.
A young man spymany at the center of the city.

- In scripts and telegrams.

Daily rate given to poor children in Africa.
A day's norm was given to poor children in Africa.

Lamps on stand near cupboard.
The lamps on the stage can be passed over to the shafi.

- In vocabulary articles, notes and wines:

See page 18
side 18
Table 7
Plate 7

Now the third of the possible options is if the article is not necessary in the beginning. In English, it is also called the zero article (zero article). Let's see, in some kind of moods it seems.

I guess, the non-insignificance article is victorious in order to signify that the object is not yet unknown to the conspiracy theorist; sing - sob, navpak, show that the spivrezmovnik can be in the know about Rozmov. The zero article is victorious, as if there were some abstract speeches, or about the “fueled”, “fueled”. The axis of the pair of appliqués of names with the zero article і for contrast - with the sing article.

Guns don't kill people, people do. You don't drive in armor, but people (the slogan of those who wear free armor). Toil on the uvazi zbroya vzagali, and not specific "trunks", that is the zero article.
You did take care of the shotguns, didn't you? You podbav about stovburi, right? (Film Lock. Stock, Two smoking barrels). And here we will talk about some specific two shirts, which will not leave the role of the film.

Krіm tsgogo, є tsіliy series of vipadkіv, if the zero article is victorious just to that which happened so. Popularity Axis:

Hello, watchers of our site! I bet you have a wonderful mood in order to look at the peculiarities of the non-violent article in the English language. Such a phenomenon English grammar called Zero Article. The zero article in the English language is a tricky and clever thing, which is why the introduction of the zero article in the English language has to be done well. Let's take a look at the main and widest of them today.

If the article is not celebrated in English language?

Vipadki vzhivannya English zero article

Also, it’s better from the head - we’ll change the main fluctuations, if the article doesn’t get used:

1) in speeches with abstract names, as if they could make a big difference.
For example:

  • friendship is all you need. - Friendship is all you need.
  • Silence is very precious nowadays. - Movchannya is more valuable in our days.

2) with the names of the country, city, with the names of firms, companies, trademarks, with names, nicknames, etc.

3) in stable word combinations

  • Have breakfast
  • Have lunch
  • Have dinner - supper
  • Have supper - supper

For example:

  • I have lunch at twelve o'clock. - I'm offended about the twelfth year.
  • John has supper at home. - John supper at home.

4) in the upcoming persistent phrases:

  • At school - at school
  • At home - at home
  • At work - on robots

For example:

  • I left my bag at school. — I left my bag at the school.
  • My mother is at home today. - My mother is at home today.
  • We are at work every day. — My day on the robot.

5) before words: church - church, bed - soft, work - robot, school - school; and also in the upcoming phrases:

  • Go to bed - lie down to sleep
  • Go to work - go to work
  • Go to school - go to school
  • Go to church - go to church

For example:

  • Vin goes to bed early. - She goes to bed early.
  • Tom goes to work with pleasure. - Tom go to work out of satisfaction.
  • They go to school together. - Go to school all at once.
  • Sho goes to church every Sunday. - Won walk to the church shonedily.

6) Also, the article does not get used to such words, like:

  • At half past five - about piv on the road
  • To go home - go home
  • To come home - turn around (come) home

For example:

  • I come home at half past five. - I turn around at home about the piv on the highway.

7) before the names of the months and days of the day. For example:

  • We finished our task in March. - We finished our work at the birch.
  • Tom comes to me on Sunday. - Tom will come to me in a week.

8) The article does not get used to the names of sciences, primary subjects and mov. For example:

  • We study chemistry. - We learn chemistry.
  • We have history twice a week. — The story is ours for the day.
  • I like English. - I love English language).

9) with the names of sports and games:

  • To play football/tennis/badminton/hockey/basketball/volleyball,etc. - Play football, tennis, badminton, etc.
  • I like play badminton with my friends. — I love playing badminton with my friends.

10) with the names of the fate of the rock, as if there is no name on the street, as a specific time of the rock, I think I will. For example:

  • We are virushaemoly on holidays.
    ALE: Do you remember summer we were in Moscow? — Do you remember those summers when we were near Moscow?

11) The introduction of the zero article between the borrower and the name of the borrower. For example:

  • My mother - my mother
  • your friend - your friend
  • our house - our booth, etc.

Well, the axis and all friends, ce buli were the main nayvagomish types of the zero article or Zero Article in the English language. Be respectful of the basic rules of using the zero article in English language, try to remember them and in any case do not pardon your English language.

Dyakuyu for respect and until new zustrіchi!

  • borrowers somekіlka, deakі, anyyak-nebud, yakі-nebud, skilki-never, nonone, none, none, none, eachleather (okremo), everyskin, be it,
  • nourishing words whosewhose, what, whatsho, yak, yak, yak, whichwho, who, who,
  • kіlkіsnі numerals,
  • as before the name-bearer, there should be another name-bearer at the relative's office.
  • Apply:My mother is reading Henry James. - My mother reads Henry James. ( borrower my),
    That man is my father. - This man is my father. (good-for-nothing borrower that),
    Whose book is this? - Whose book is it? (Supply whose),
    There are no bananas in the fridge. - There are no bananas in the fridge. (Negative Borrower no),
    I have five books. – I have five books. (kіlkіsna numeric five),
    That is Jack's car. - That's Jack's car. (The name of the relatives Jack's car).

    2. The personal name gets used without the article in multiple yakscho alone in front of him mav bi stand inconsistency article.

    Apply:Girls yak shop. - The girls love to go shopping.
    friends are the family you choose yourself. - Friends - tse family, as we take ourselves.

    3. The article is not put before indistinguishable speech names, then. in front of the names, they indicate the name of the speeches, as if to go about the speech in the infamous sensi.

    Apply: sand - sand,
    glass - slope,
    water - water,
    calcium - calcium,
    milk - milk is thin.

    Ale, how to go about specific, singing parts as a speech, the name gets used to.

    Apply: I like milk. - I love milk.
    The milk is warm. - The milk is warm.
    Calciumє mineral that is an essential part of bones and teeth. – Calcium is a mineral, which is an invisible part of brushes and teeth.
    The calcium should be put into milk, which is brown for stones. - Calcium, which is found in milk, brown for brushes.

    4. The article is not placed before indistinguishable abstract names.

    Apply: silence - silence,
    music - music,
    heat - speck,
    light - light,
    knowledge - knowledge,
    information - information,
    love - kohannya toscho.

    Ale, yakscho abstract name of maє intermediate appointment to clarify the situation, stand in front of him.

    Apply: I like music. - I like music.
    I like the Music of this rock group. - I like the music of that rock band.

    Like in front of an abstract name, there is a description of the designation, like a turn of the camp, a sense, a different kind of quality, even put.

    Apply: It was beautiful music video. - It was a wonderful musical video.

    5. Article vіdsutnya in front of the names of sports, days of tyzhnya, months, tickets (vіdtіnkіv), I’ll call the movie(as it is not followed by a word language), name academic disciplines.

    Apply: My favorite sports are tennis and skiing. – My favorite sport is the value of this sport.
    It's Friday today. - Today's Friday.
    My mother was born in July. – My mother was born near Lipnya.
    June is my favorite month. - My love month is a worm.
    I like green. - I like green colors.
    Do you like to study English? - Do you like to read English?
    He is studying history. – Vіvchaє іstorіyu.

    6. Article vіdsutnya with the names of the country, city, street, bridges, parks, stations, airports, castles, mountains, islands, lakes(like a victorious word lake).

    Apply:France is a very large country. - France is a great country.
    Londonє capital of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. – London is the capital of the Prosperous Kingdom of Great Britain and Pivnichnoy Ireland.
    Lara lives in crown street. - Lara lives on Crown Street.
    Where is tower bridge, please? - Can you tell me where you know Tower City?
    Hyde Park It is one of the great parks in the center of London. – Hyde Park is one of the largest parks near the center of London.
    I need to get to Kennedy Airport. - I need to get to Kennedy Airport.
    Cyprus is divided into 6 administrative regions. – Cyprus is divided into 6 administrative regions.
    Lake Michigan has more than 1,600 miles of shoreline. – The Dovezhina to the shore of Lake Michigan should be over 1,600 miles.

    7. The article does not get used before by the names of the Lord.

    Apply:Tom is my best friend. - Tom is my best friend.
    Andrew went to find his brother Simon. - Endryu pishov, to know his brother Sayman.

    8. The article should not be placed after words homehut, mother/fathermom tato if you can find out about your own houses or others.

    Apply:Father is at home. - Tato is at home.
    Home is my favorite place. - Budynok is my favorite place.

    9. The article is not put with the names of ailments.

    Apply: He's got chicken pox. - At the new windmill.
    flu and the flu - flu,
    measles and the measles - kіr,
    mumps and the mumps are mumps.

    10. The article is often not used, for style, in the names of newspaper/magazine headlines, in voiceovers and etc.

    Apply:"English Through Communication" - "English language in communication" (headline of a magazine article)

    11. The article does not get used rich in stable word combinations.

    Apply: at night - at night,
    by train - by train,
    to go to bed - lie down to sleep,
    by mistake - pardon, etc.

    Sound the Russian mine articles do not translate. Prote in okremih vipadkas, the context changes the translation of the unmarked article into words be like, be like, one h), and singing - the same one) or tsey (himself):

    She murmured a name and name was not John. - Vaughn whispered yakes im'ya, і im'ya tse it wasn't John.

    Let's look at three vipadki: if the insignificance of the song article gets used before the name, and if the wine does not get used.

    Insignificance article

    Insignificance article a (an) look like a numerical one (one) so you get used to it only with names in one.

    When changing one to a multiplicity, the article is omitted, and if it is possible to take away the number of deaks, then instead of the article, a borrower is put some:

    Give me a book. - Give me books.
    Give me an apple. - Give me some apples.

    Non-insignificance article maє variant a, to stand in front of the name-bearer, to repent for the good: as student; that option an- Before the name, which starts from the voice: an a pple.

    Name z insignificant articleє the name of the subject is taken, and chi is not the name of a specific subject. For example a student yelling about a student about a student, that is about a higher education initial mortgage, but not about a singing person.

    The meaning of the unmarked article can be used in Russian with such words as one, one, yak, yak, yak, skin, skin, skin.

    Living Rules

    If in front of the name for a change you can submit yakis, be-like, one h:

    There is a pen on the table. - On the table lie (as if invisible) a pen (one of the class of pens).
    Child can understand it. - (Be it) a child can understand;

    When the value is taken one:

    Wait a minute! - Check for one quibble!

    Non-significance article gets used to counting names in one. Many do not get used to, sometimes they are replaced by unimportant borrowers some (sprat) any (be it, skin).

    If before the name є vyznachennya, then the article is placed before zim vyznachennyam: a story(reply) an interesting story(cicava rozpovid).

    Denomination of the article

    The sung article has a single form the and look like a vkazivny borrower that(Toy). Wins get used to names, like in one, so in many.

    Article the move in two ways:

    • [ðǝ] in front of names, as if they repent from a voice letter: the student[ðǝˊstju:dǝntJ;
    • [ðɪ] in front of the names, as they begin with the voice: the evening[ðɪˊɪ:vnɪη].

    The chant article is victorious:

    If you can put in front of the name for the zmist tsey(himself) or toy(himself):

    Tse є budinok, scho Jack will be. - The axis of that booth, which evoked Jack.

    Before the names, united by their kind:

    the sun - the sun;
    the moon - Moon.

    Before prikmetnik miraculous:

    the cleverest boy - the smartest boy;
    the most difficult question - the most important food.

    The presence of the article

    The non-insignificance article is not victorious: before names many: an article - articles.

    Speech names, indisputable: water (water), salt (sil), tea (tea)- Names of yaki cannot be spoiled, for example it is impossible to say: three leads.

    The article is not put in front of the name, if it gets used in the abstract:

    Man is the head but woman is the nec. - A man's head, a woman's head.

    Therefore, abstract and speech nouns are most often used without the article. And just as the namemen get used to the singing concrete meaning (like a part of the speech, like the sound of a thing), then the stench gets used to the sing or non-significant article, according to the rules of wisdom:

    It was bright to pass into the deaf kut at the end of the day. - Light penetrated the stars near the room.
    soon he saw a light in the distance. - Nezabar wine waving far away. yakis light.
    The light letters faint and uncertain. - Tsey the light was weak and invisible.
    You can buy butter and bread in the store. — You can buy olive oil and bread from be-whom score.
    The butter letter bought in a nearby shop. - Tse the oil was bought from the nearest store.
    A coffee without a backbone may not be necessary to serve as breakfast. - Be-yaky kava without bread cannot be a snack.

    Navіt vlasnі _names according to the rules:

    Is that the John I knew many times for that? - Nevzhe tse the same Jonah, who did I know so many times?
    Florence will never, never, never be a Dombey. - Florence will never one of Dombi.

    Living articles with other scribes

    Non-insignificance article gets used after the word such- Such rather- Sip, quite- Zovsim, as- yak, and also post what(in local speeches) that half- half:

    What a nice day! - What a wonderful day!
    It's rather a long way to the village. - It's a long way to reach the village.

    The chant article is victorious:


    • borrowers both- Offended i all- all:

    All capitals were clogged. — Mustache rozpovіdі buli cіkavі.

    • word formation most of- Bіlshіst, some of- Deyaki , rich of- Bagato , none of- None from:

    Most of the gentlemen looked angry. Most of the gentlemen looked angry.

    Before in words: the same- the same one wrong- not the one right- Toy, very- the same one only- single, next- Advance, last- Rest:

    You are already a person I wanted. - You are the same person who needs me.

    What is the word next get used to the meaning possible, a last - minulium, then the stench vikoristovuyutsya without articles and priymennikov.


    What is the next question? - How will you be eating?
    - I'll come to the coming fate.

    Get respect!

    With other arbitrators - such as assigned and good-looking borrowers, as well as the listing no articles do not get used:

    Tse not book on the table. - There are no books on the table.
    She puts on her hat and coat. - She puts on a droplet and a coat.

    Living articles with powerful names

    The names of the sovereign victorious are either with the singable article, or without the article. Look at the next table:

    Semantic field

    With the article the

    Without article

    Water space

    Rivers, seas, oceans, channels, inlets - The Thames, The Atlantic Ocean, The Black Sea, The English Channel

    Lakes - Lake Ontario

    Hydrosystems - The Urals

    Okremi Peaks - Everest

    Group of Islands - The Bermudas

    Surround the islands - Sumatra.

    Name the continents, parts of the world, regions - Eurasia, Europe, Cape Horn


    Name the powers that have words in the warehouse, which mean sovereignty - Union, State, Republic, Kingdom:

    The United States Of America,

    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,

    The Republic of France

    Name the unnamed powers sovereign arrangement America, Great Britain, France

    Other knowledge

    Seen in the English lands -

    Seen in all other countries - Moscow News

    Whole family -

    The Smiths - Smith. The Petrovs - Petrovi

    One man - Smith, Petrov


    Goteliv, ships, litakiv - The Metropol,

    Name the street, square, city -

    Trafalgar Square,

    Vinyatki: The Hague - The Hague, The Netherlands - Netherlands, The Crimea - Crimea, The Ukraine - Ukraine, The Caucasus - the Caucasus, The Congo - Congo, The Strand - Stand (a street in London).

    Rules for the use of articles a, an and the in English language

    Let's take a look at once and fix the rules of living articles in English.

    Insignificance article

    The non-insignificance article is victorious before the name, if you only name the object, classify it as a representative of a singing kind of objects, but you don’t see it specifically.

    a table - a stіl (the same stіl, not a stilts) a chair - a stilts.

    When the subject is guessed, the individual is up

    That's a pretty girl. - Beautiful girl.

    For the most important meaning: a name with an insignificant article in its meaning means: be-someone.

    A cow gives milk. - A cow (be it) gives milk.

    With professions:

    My Dad is a Doctor. - My tato is a doctor.
    She's an architect. - Vaughn is an architect.

    With deakim viraz kіlkostі:

    a pair - a pair, a little - not rich, a few - sprat.

    In oklichnyh rechennyah: before counting the name in one, what should be after the word what (what).

    What a beautiful day! - What a wonderful day!
    What a pity! - Yak Skoda!

    Introduction of the chant article

    The sung article is put in that way, as the subject is either a person, about the way the language is going, in the house and the promotion, and to the one who hears (from the context, it’s just too sharp, otherwise it was previously guessed in the Danish language).

    It is a chair
    The chair is at the table

    Try to put the word scho before the name. If the change of the hanging is not changed, then the sing article is required before the name, and if it is changed, then the non-significant article is put before the name in one (as it is counted), and the article is not put in front of the name in the plural.

    Re-casting, If it’s clear from the front text, about what the language is:

    The girl buv beautiful. - (Qia) The girl was beautiful.

    Clear situation, if you see, what / who can be on the spot:

    The lesson is over. - The lesson is over.

    The one who can be individually appointed, that is appointed, that you see a person or an object from a number of similar ones.

    • Appointment, n azival sign:

    Tse є budinok, scho Jack will be. - Axis of booths, like a call to Jack

    • Virazhene prikmetnik in miraculous form

    This is the shortest way to the river - Tse shortest way to the river

    • Virazhene ordinal numerical

    He missed the first lecture. - Vin missed the first lecture

    • Vznachennya, vrazhene vlasnym im'yam

    the Bristol road - the road to Bristol.

    • Appointed, expressed in words:

    The next stop is ours. - Our bug is coming.

    Before the names unite with your family:

    the sun - sun
    the moon - month
    the Earth
    the floor - subloga (one at the room)
    the sea - the sea

    In front of the pranksters and diprikmetniks, who pretended to be names, with multiplier values:

    the strong - strong, the old - old, the young - young,

    Vіdsutnіst article (zero article)

    Yakscho in front of the name є borrower or names in a private office.

    My room is large - My big room.

    The name gets used without an article in a plurality in quiet situations: When alone in front of him standing bi insignificance article:

    I saw a letter on the table. - I rolled the sheet on the table.
    I saw letters on the table. - I swayed the leaves on the table.

    Numerous speech names.


    Numerical abstract names (abstract concepts).

    weather weather, music music, power of Power, knowledge of knowledge, mysticism of science, history of history, mathematics, mathematics, light of light, love of love, life of life, hour to hour
    I like music - I love music.

    But with the help of an insignificant article, abstract denominators can get used, which express a variety of qualities, I will become.

    He got a good education. Vin got good lighting.

    In English language, names may be preceded by a plural article, the borrower some (any), or the abbreviator may be daily.

    Like before the Russian name you can put one of the words behind the silver: sprat, sprat, yakіs, yakі-nebud in front of the official name of English propositions cost borrower some (any).
    Just as it is not possible to put a day of these words before the Russian name, then before the main name in the English language, the day's sign.

    I bought some apples yesterday - I bought an apple vchora ( sprat, sprat of apples)

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