How to translate English texts correctly, or How to translate thoughts into words. How to translate English texts How to translate English words correctly

It is very important to practice with a dictionary, especially if you go about reading that translation of texts. More learners for the hour of learning with an unknown word to learn a dictionary, to know word given in the vocabulary, it is surrounded by the first meanings. Those same learn to shy away with a skin offensive unknown word. At the result, the replacement of a sensible translation comes out of the headless abracadabra. How to get away?

  • Designation of the main form
  • Before us, it is important to note once again the main form of the word, as it is also called the dictionary itself to the one that such a looker gives the word to the dictionary. Let's say you say the word letting. If you try to know yoga from the dictionary, you will know failure - there is no such word in the sky. Do not follow, prote, think that the pardon has been granted to the dictionary. You just didn't respect the fact that the word letting ends with -ing. And you know that -ing is a participle suffix and that gerund. Get out lett. But you also know that before -ing, the letter іnоdі is subdued. Having given a friend t, we will take the word let let, which is not important to know from the dictionary.

    It is also necessary to remember that in the text there are a lot of names that may be completed multiply, and the words are the end of the 3rd individual alone, tobto. -(e)s. The dictionary qi zakіnchennya is not included, let’s say, the word (he) plays needs to be shukati under the word play, and the names of processes are under the word process.

    Below it is suggested to change the spelling of the words when adding suffixes and endings, as they will help you with the work with a dictionary.

    body - bodies
    Plural the number of names: the next time you change into i.

    Easy - easier - easiest
    Steps of prikmetnikіv and prikmetnіvnіv: after you go to i

    to try - he tries - he tried
    Die-word: before the endings -es, -ed the letter y changes into i.

    easy - easily
    Those same when illuminating the clerks from the suffix -1u.

    Diyeslovo: iemenuetsya to y.

    hope - hoping
    "Nimiy" does not fall before -ing.

    to put - putting
    to run-begged

    Kіntseva is in tune with the same root voice before -ing, -ed, -er, -est.

    Knowing the spelling features will help you quickly know the word from the dictionary.

  • Vrahuvannya affiliation of the word to tієї chi іnshoyї part of the mov
  • For an illustration of the coming moment, take an example:

    Hope is eternal (Hope is eternal).
    I hope to see you tomorrow (I'm going to look after you tomorrow).

    The first hope is the name of “hope”; the whole proposition means a poetic thought about the eternity of hope. Other hope - the word "spodіvatisya". Therefore, it is necessary to clarify what part of the language is the word, and to marvel at its meaning in the vodpovidny division of the word nest (statti). For this, it is necessary to firmly know the mental significance of parts of the promotion.

    The most common living terms are as follows:

    n (noun) – name
    pron (pronoun) - borrower
    a (adjective)
    v (verb) - English
    adv (adverb) - adverb
    prp (preposition) - receiver
    cj (conjunction) - union
    pl (plural) - multiplier
    p.p. (past participle) - communion of the past hour
    attr. (attributive) - attributive living (tobto living as a sign)

  • Dobrir adequate value
  • The greatest folding is to establish the meaning of the word, you know, the most words are rich in meaning. It's so easy to take Russian word, like ide, and take a look at yoga in propositions:

    1) vin ide to the place; 2) dosh ide; 3) why pay you go; 4) what is the theater like today?; 5) to negotiate; 6) in the presence of a soldier.

    In six words, the word go maє shіst different values. At the translation of these propositions, we had a chance to win six rіznih slіv that phrase. So are the rich-meaning words of other languages, zokrema and English.

    Let's take one more example:
    Putting two and two together we got the right answer.

    Let's say that you know only the words two and two, we two and two mi. When other words are found in the dictionary, it is necessary to spirate those words, yakі vіdomі.

    By analogy with the word letting, it is clear to you that putting is necessary to joke about the vocabulary of put. Rozkrivaєmo vocabulary and go to a deaf kut: before the speech put is given a style of meaning that they occupy three columns of a fine font. Trying to separate the parts of the movie will know the failures: put - it’s only a word. Otzhe, putting - tse or participle with the meanings of "treasure" or "putting", or gerunds of the type "folding, laying".

    At our rechenni pіdlyagaє without a doubt є we mi, the shards of which borrower stand in the nazivny vіdminka. Therefore, for putting, the most important translation is “put”, to the fact that the other two options do not fit with the one that shove. Come out "putting two and two, mi ...", to make us think: "adding two and two, mi ...". However, we still don’t have any feelings.

    Let's change what it means more. We know from the dictionary that this word means "at once". Let's try vikoristovuvati yogo. Come out every day: "putting two and two at a time." It does not sound Russian, but a sense of intelligence. Otzhe guessed our letter is correct, and it is written down: “adding two and two, mi ...”.

    The next word is got. Shukaєmo yoga in the dictionary and bachimo not the meaning of the word, but referring to the English word to get, so the forms of non-standard dialects are included in the dictionary with reference to the Persian main form. We know by such a rank that got is the form of the past hour, or the second type of dialect to get. The word get is whispered and it comes to the majestic nest - may be three steps of the bold font!

    If we don't know the right answer, it's important to choose the appropriate meaning of the word get. Let us marvel at the beginning of the word the right answer. The presence of the article shows that it is the name of them. Which same? Oskіlki prikmetnik sound stand in front of the name, you can vvazhat that the name of the other is the name, tobto. answer. Yogo is known to the vocabulary under the sign n (noun - name). The meaning of "vіdpovіd" comes from the sweeping zmіst proposition: "Adding two and two ... vіdpovіd".

    The word right is even more meaningful. We begin to read the nest in the nest, picking up the meaning, which will go along with the word "vіdpovіd" - we know it may be on the very cob of the nest: "right, correct, upper, the most viable". The proposition takes on a form: “Adding two and two, we ... the answer is correct.” Sense of mindfulness, which we turn to the word get is no longer necessary for re-verifying one’s admission and is set before the meaning of get “deliver, take away”.

    At our rechenni, the past hour has passed - got. The proposition, in this order, is translated: "Adding two and two, we took away the correct answer."

  • Search for phraseological phrases
  • Ale, if you surround your work with a dictionary with such a translation, you can create the author’s thought. On the right in the fact that the vocabulary for the main meanings of the word is given wording. When the words are given, we are given the following tsikh dієslіv іz priymennymi i priymennymi, and after the sign to go verbatim intranslating phraseological poєdnannya, zagalny zmіst such often may not be connected with the main meanings of the word. Let's turn to the word put, let's know put together and read it again, what is said about the new one: to put together our propositions, we specify our translation: "the bells and whistles of the facts, we did the right way". In a literary review, propositions can take on such a look: “Based on the facts, we have come up with the correct visnovka.”

    According to the above words, we can create visnovoks, which is necessary for the correct use of the dictionary:

    1. Know the rules for changing the writing of words.

    2. Memories of the mind's understanding of parts of the movie.

    3. When choosing the meaning of the word, it spires to the deep meaning of the speech and to us in front of the same word, that phrase.

    4. Finish reading the skin of the dictionary article (“nist”) is enough.

    Reading the basics of translating

    Most modern techniques do not transfer the right to translation. Basically, all tasks of the day are aimed at developing the language itself, and not at those, like translating English. This is more than a rational pidkhіd until the extermination of foreign languages. Tim is no less, and the good old days I will translate the texts to my own unparalleled perevagi. It is especially important to take care of translating for those who are planning to take up their profession with English.

    At this article, we proponuєmo marvel, how mischief can be brought by the translation of texts from one mov to another and how to translate it correctly.

    Options for translation rights

    1. Pіdbury kind assistant
      Find a yakіsny help book with English Russian language. As a rule, such primary materials are rewritten by different rights for translation from Russian into English and foreign languages. With such helpers of a task, a healthy one, transferring to the practice of various grammatical constructions, and, by engaging regularly, you can bring the learning of more of them to automatism. You can find a friend from the paper version, or you can search right online.
    2. Usny and written translation
      Adjust like in a spoken translation, so in a written one. Offenses have the right to suffer their own feelings. So, by translating the text orally, you can practice your language and practice your language again. At that hour, as with a written translation, you have to write the spelling.
    3. Translate the dictation
      It is recommended to try out synchronous translation. Ask someone to dictate to you a text in Russian, and immediately write down the English version of that text. So it’s busy to allow learning to know the language of speech as quickly as possible, to develop the speed of thought, and also to allow you to practice vikoristovuvaty improved vocabulary and grammar. In this manner, you will take the transition from the passive word stock to the active one, for which reason it will be easier to guess the time of the conversation.
    4. Read and translate
      Find my English article on the Internet, so that I can confirm your knowledge. Try to translate її. Remember that when translating the most important - convey the meaning of what the author said, to that, as if in the text there will be close to 10% of unknown vocabulary - do not hurry to translate it, just try to understand the meaning of unknown words from the context. Vіdmіnno bude, yakscho tsya article already є at the professional translation. In such a rank, you can compare your work with her and distort it, as well as you are good in English language.
    5. From Russian to English
      Find a clumsy text in Russian and try to translate it in English. Ideally, for such a vikonannya, children should be able to explain chi statti from simple vocabulary. Write down your version of the translation, and after a certain hour, I will rewrite it for mercy. You can ask someone you know, who is kinder to the English, or else he could revise your text and match it with the translation. So, as if among your friends there is a person, like, like you, who speak English, you can instruct me to translate that very translation, and then we will correct your translation options. You are moving, as you can translate one text in a different way.
    6. Match yourself with a professional translator
      Take a book in English and try to translate a few paragraphs from it in Russian. Obviously, it’s necessary to choose a book, so that it will confirm your jealousy. For example, on the equals below the average - translate the childish fairy tales and explanations with simple vocabulary, on the middle equal, try to translate from modern literature, prote beastly respect, so that they don’t have a lot of slang. You can thoroughly master your knowledge and translate the classics. If the vikonannya has the right to translate his own version of the translation with the professional. Marvel at how you victorized the words, to convey the zmist of what was written, and how you victoristed the translations. It’s not only a wise method of developing one’s knowledge, but the ability of a devil to discover wealth for himself, both Russian and English.

    Rack of permutations to the right

    The communicative technique, for which students are trained in most modern schools, is rightfully respected as the most efficient. The protesters of vikladachi are not happy to learn about the practice of translating texts from Russian into English and foreign languages. Let's find out why.

    1. Practice
      Translating the text, you are practicing words and grammatical constructions in practice. With this new vocabulary, you should practice vikoristovuvat in the context. Until then, it’s a miracle way to popovnit the stock of words. So, if you don’t know how to translate those other words, you happen to look at the vocabulary, and if you correctly spell it, then you’re right. Roblyachi literal translation, you also remember how to spell those other words correctly.
    2. You learn to pick the right words
      It would have been better if you needed to translate, because there is a large number of online translators: you enter the phrase you need - and in a second the translation is already ready. Tim is not smaller, the automatic program is less than a program, as you do not understand the subtleties of the language, and often translate the texts rather clumsily. Practically, the skin word in English has a small meaning, and the words-synonyms are not mutually interchangeable, but the syllabic words are stable phrases, which cannot be translated literally.
    3. Work on grammar
      You can understand better, as different grammatical constructions are victorious in practice. Correct the grammar of Russian and English language. For example, in English language more than an hour, lower in Russian. However, often in Russian language, in order to give what is said that chi of the other word, which in English is transferred to the hearts of the victorious hours, we will vikoristovuvat different prefixes and suffixes. Crossbars are right to help you better understand the difference between the hours english movie And you will definitely stop straying in them.
    4. You stop translating everything literally
      It’s not always possible to translate English phrases verbatim, so that the language is connected, and that’s not a pun. By translating, you can better understand the English language and learn to establish the language of speech, and not transcribe the skin word okremo. You understand that in the translation of the smut the word is not skin-friendly, but the meaning of what has been said. Before the speech, tse vіdminna has the right to the development of the mind, how to teach you to think more broadly and expand your horizons.
    5. You will learn the propositions correctly
      To improve the fact that in Russian language there are no sing-song rules in the order of words in the speech, sometimes the speech of the English language is difficult. Under the hour you are right to translate, you will learn to read English propositions competently, and why you correctly speak time and under the hour of comprehension. And on the slipped out equals, you can practice and at the victorious stylistic inversion.
    6. You learn to think in English
      You can get away, so that you have the right to translate at the same time to call out to think of your Russian mother. Prote, adjusting at the translation, you will read your thoughts, put together propositions in English, to think English phrases, but not Russian ones.
      Yak bachish, the permutations of the right can accept the effective translation of the English language. The stench allows you to better understand the language, to expand in її subtleties and to practice taking away knowledge in practice. Especially brown will be so busy for those who have only stepped on the path of the English language.

    The right to translate is really more creative than busy, as you will need to think broadly and creatively. To know, how to translate the English language respectfully, even if you develop a little bit of language and help to improve the knowledge of language.

    you need

    • In principle, the passing of a diploma is not a problem. You can learn how to translate, knowing the basics of translating, and being busy translating quickly, tobto. need practice.
    • It is important to spell out good, distorted dictionaries, for example Lingvo. For professional translations, varto vikoristovuvat dictionaries of special vocabulary.


    Deyakі pomilkovo razumіyut like a simple introduction of the word words in the text of their translation of the dictionary. Sound such a "translation" similar, not too snarky text, seen by systems-translations like Prompt. The problem I will translate from English or English is that in English there are more rich meanings, lower. That's too rich to lie in the context of that sphere of living the word.

    Translate the first one, it is necessary to read it obov'yazkovo, in order to comprehend it. With the last translation of parts of the proposition, you can create a change. Longer propositions are more likely to break up the next hour, I will translate them into more short ones.

    Slid the memory of the rule by those ta remi pіd an hour I will translate. The topic is already known information, the rheme is new. To that, sound, the topic is changed on the cob of the proposition, and the rheme is for example.

    For a successful translation, it is necessary to know the socio-cultural realities of the country, my way of writing the text that is being translated. It is worth translating on different topics, as well as on business and other topics. Obviously, we can’t know well the socio-cultural realities of the country, we don’t live in such moments, but the moments, as if they are created by others, should be reversed, for example, for the help of English-English dictionaries (dictionaries with definitions of words).

    A good translation of maє buti orientations to the otrimuvach. To that first shift, think about it, to whom do you assign the translation of the text by you - people, who are well aware of this topic, what is the inhabitant? Tse maє great value, the translation for the great oberzhuvach may be simpler and clearer, perhaps, with comments, the translation at wine glasses.

    The translation from the arcus is a ceremonial type of the last translation, if it is necessary to read a small passage to the text to yourself (sound the phrase chi paragraph), quickly translate it and voice yoga. Ideally, while promoting the text, the translation is to be done by reviewing the coming lines. Tse require singing skills. To that I will translate from the arch, as I will translate it to all other types, it is necessary to read it. People, what a blessing my foreign, which can be kindly translated.

    Translation from a sheet of vikoristovuetsya often dosit. State your situation, if your boss gives you a contract (sheet, annotation, instructions, then) in English language and ask to tell me what is written there. You don’t have time to think, you don’t have the ability to speed up with a dictionary. The axis is here and I need to transfer the newbies from the arch. Also, the translation from the victorious list is made at the stage of preparation of various conferences, negotiations and discussions.

    Ale blame especially for the difficulties, for crying out for the lack of my dear mother, for the inability to correctly express my thoughts, as well as for the strong influx of English language, which in translation often brings to literalism that destruction of the stylistic norms of Russian language. Translators-pochatkivtsi often interpret the text literally, without perebudovuchi yoga and not vrakhovuyuchi peculiarities of the English language. For the translation, an unknown text is propagated, moreover, the hour for preparation is not known, and we hope that it is not rich. The text needs to be translated clearly, at a good pace and in good Russian language.

    For whom it is necessary to be good with all the richness of Russian language, to follow the grip of the British text, not to become attached to the words, but to understand the text. If you translate words, but if not thoughts, then the result will be a clumsy and unintelligent text. So translating is necessary to develop the skill of understanding, so that you can think about the meaning of the word and word formation, as it is not known, but understand from the context that it calls out the songs of association. It is also necessary to be able to greet us with the types of translational transformations.

    When translating from the arch, it is also important to correctly get used to the titles of attributive subdivision, which are so rich in English language. Translating is also necessary for translating non-equivalent vocabulary and names.

    See lexical transformations

    1. Addition

      In translating unacceptable meanings, adding words to the text, but breaking the norms of Russian.

      He watched the young man out of the room. - Vіn posterіg after tim, yak young people viyshov from kіmnati.

    2. Omission

      Translating may have the right to work on deeds of non-admission, so that the violation of the norms of Russian language is lost. However, as a rule, it is impossible to be evil, and the overflow can be true.

      So, for example, with the introduction of boyish synonyms, characteristic of English language, it is necessary to omit one of them.

      There was utter and complete darkness in the room. - At the kіmnati bulo eloquently dark. (At the kіmnati bula impenetrable dark).

    3. Replace

      The peculiarities of the context sometimes confuse the translation in the translation due to the stosuvannya navit variant appearance, without seeming already about the equivalent appearance.

      In such a time, the translation has a variant of the translation, which is suitable for this particular translation. Such a translation option is called a contextual replacement.

      Її the nature of the fall due to the peculiarities of the context; There are no general rules for creating contextual changes. However, there are a number of translational devices, which are used to create contextual changes.

      • Acceptance of concretization

        Concretization - tse zamina of the word of the vidnoї movi with the broadest meanings, I will translate the word with the highest meanings.

        He took me into the house to show me the picture he was at work on when I came. - Vin requesting to me in a booth and showing a picture, over which I worked, if I arrived.

      • Acceptance of generalization

        Replacing a word that has a higher meaning with a word with a wider meaning.

        The dog sniffed every inch of the ground. - dog sniffing all around.

      • Acceptance of an antonymous translation

        Replacing a solid structure with a negative one.

        If you want to cross the street remember to look at traffic lights first. - If you want to turn over the street, Do not forget back to staring at the svetlofor.

        I especially respect the varto to turn the construction over until. A negative English proposition is better translated than a solid one, so that in a Russian English proposition in a negative form it sounds clumsy.

        I did not believe it until I saw it with my own eyes. - I believing in someone else, if you danced on the vlasnі ochі.

        Widened in the English language litote - podvіyne zaperechennya. You don’t have to rely on a literal translation, because in Russian language people run for the sound of a translation not and negative prefix not-. At this time, they go into an antonymic translation.

        your name is not unknown before me. - Your name is me we know.

      • Acceptance of a semantic development

        The meaning of the development when translating is based on the fact that the word or phrase is victorious, the meaning of which is a logical development of the meaning of the unit that is translated. Tse means vіdhіd vіd direct slovnikovої vіdpovіdnostі. On the vіdmіnu vіd priyomіv concretization and generalization, the meanings of the developments are always introduced not to one perfectly taken word, but to the wording or the meaning group.

        Often there is a change caused by the last change, which does not damage the adequacy of the translation.

        And he noticed with sour disfavor that June had left her wine-glass full of wine(J. Galsworthy, The Man of Property). - І vin z rozdratuvannyam commemorating that June didn't touch the wine(Translated by M. Lurie).

        In addition to his widow, Pratt is survived by a young daughter. - Posted by Pratt lost that daughter's squad.

      • Acceptance of a whole rethinking

        This is one of the most important methods of transformational translation, which is mainly used when translating phraseological units.

        Help yourself - help yourself

        Sleep on it - the early evening of the wise

    Translation of attributive phrases

    Attributive phrases go up to the proper phrases and are subdivided mainly into two groups:

    • prikmetnik (communion) + іmennik;
    • name + name.

    If in the Russian language, in the role of a name, sound without intermediary characterization of the next name after him, naming one of the names, then in the English language, the person can characterize the name next after him in the middle, naming not his name, but the name of the name or the apparitions.

    Supersonic spending - showcase the life of supersonic aircraft(and not supersonic vitrati)

    Arab anger - anger of Arabs(not Arabic anger)

    European peace - peace in Europe(and not the European world)

    Anti-war GIs - soldiers who stand up against the war

    Labor conditions - wash your hands

    Labor party - Labor Party

    Far from all English attributive groups can be transferred to the Russian idiom + name. The appointment can vary the different circumstances in the blue: month, hour, reason - chi in the role of indirect addition.

    Jet wedding - fun on board a jet liner

    Xmas roads

    Deer tragedy - deer - blame for the tragedy

    In the English language, it's wider rich attribute groups, in some way, krіm zv'yazkіv z іmennikom, іsnuyut іvsnі smyslovі zv'yazki іzh okremimi vyznachennyami.

    Douglas Plane Plant Strike Talks Continue

    When translating the meaning of a multi-membered attributive group, it is necessary to take the offensive sequence into consideration.

    1. Translate the basic word of the group, that is the name, that you should ring out to stand in the end of the group (here - talk).
    2. Analyze the meanings of the link between the members of the word-collection and install, as the meanings of the group appear in the middle. Why should such an analysis be carried out angry to the right, then from the first member of the phrase (here the meanings of the group Douglas Plant, Plane Plant, Plant Strike, Strike Talks).
    3. Expand the link between the okremi smyslovye groups and translate all the wording, starting from the key word - the name - and sequentially shifting the skin to the smyslovy group to the right.

    Douglas Plant

    Plane Plant - aircraft plant

    Plant Strike - strike at the plant

    Strike Talks - talk to the participants of the strike

    Now we transfer the whole group: “Negotiate the administration of the Douglas Aircraft Plant with the participants to strike. (Talk with the strikers at the Douglas Aircraft Plant are continuing)".

    Translating words that do not have lexical features in Russian language

    To such words lie neologisms, realities, few names and names.

    Useful methods of transmission of such words:

    • transliteration and transcription;
    • descriptive translation;
    • calculation.

    Transliteration- tse transmission of letters English word for the help of the letters of the Russian alphabet.

    Transcription- tse transmission of English sounds with additional letters of the Russian alphabet. The transcription method often goes hand in hand with the transliteration one.

    New York - New York

    Wall Street - Wall Street

    Description translation- a translation, which is victorious in that moment, as it is not possible to choose an equivalent or an analogue, and transliteration and transcription would cause a sensation to the point of obscuring.

    Jet lag - problems in the body due to change of time zones

    Calculation- the creation of a new word chi wording in a way of a literal translation.

    Sky-scraper - hmarochos

    It is necessary for a mother to be on the lookout, that all the refurbished more transformations and translations are rarely made into a pure look and isolated. Translations are most often brought to victorious combinations, see and accept transformations.

    Nasamkinets want to guess the thought of professional translators, such as P.R. Palazhchenko and O.P. A foreigner, like a reconciliation in the fact that the more beautifully the translations can transform the text, then the translation will come out more beautifully.

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    An article about those, how best to translate texts and propositions.

    Hello friends! How often do you translate English? Abo from English to Russian? What do you think is the shortest option? At this article, I want to tell you about it from my point of view.

    Well, persh for everything, if you don’t rob the right to translate, then I recommend it. Qi have the right to be more correct and develop thoughts well. In the article, I already said that it’s important to learn how to think in English, so that you can speak without problems. So the axis, translating texts, or simply incoherent propositions, develops the building of English thinking. I will tell you about the important moments and how to translate them effectively. I dorimuvavsya їх on the cob of vyvchennya and quickly remembering polypshennya.

    For example, move it more quickly.

    If you do not plan to show your life in the English-Russian translation, then I will not rajah to you at a late late hour. Crazy, tse corisno, but have the right to translate from the English vіdmіnno develop your vocabulary stock. Otherwise, the stench can be curly, as if you have carefully twisted it like a grammatical rule and you want to fix it. And if you think English, then the stink is not much more developed. And then you see the end of the English proposition and just try to translate it to your native language.

    But if we speak English, thoughts come to us like a bunch of Russian ones, right? To that, I respect, what is more effective is to translate from Russian into English correctly. The new one has three advantages:

    1) You are accustomed to think in English, to the one you are guilty of translating the proposition to my own.

    2) You joke the most clear words and phrases, by the same time refreshing in your memory, or learn new words, as necessary. As a last resort, develop your vocabulary.

    3) Others trap like class propositions, like you can remember like a template and beat them up in your promo.

    Crazy, all-powerful translation of the text from English into Russian. Ale, I still respect that I’ll translate more from the Russian coriste. I accepted the truth, having noted on the cob of the cob. Insanely, such a translation is foldable, but still effective. Take care of yourself.

    Ale, in a be-like vipadka, for which language on yaku you did not shift є kіlka wild rules more efficient:

    1) Try to translate the texts, as if they match your equal. Do not waste your time and nerves on a folding bed.

    2) To fight the right to fix the quiet rules, as you have passed recently. The axis of your assistant, for example, miracles, has the right to translate the skin division of grammar. Better raju take care of him. That and vzagali, I have already said more than once that I respect this book as the best assistant in the grammar of English language.

    3) It’s not good to know the texts of these topics, like you cіkava.

    4) In front of the words of the dictionary, try to guess the word you need yourself. If you have learned a new word or phrase, then add two or three more propositions independently, victoriously.

    5) Try to remember the words for rozmovy propositions and phrases like patterns. First of all, wink at your promo.

    At the end, I’ll say that it’s right for the translation to be more curly. Do not forget about them and work regularly. Do not shift from English to Russian too much. One right to English-Russian translation count two and three right for translating from Russian into English.

    Continue to read English and take care of yourself!

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