What to write lads, like wine. What can you write lads, which one is appropriate: joking for good words. Yakshcho your addressee - kohany lad

, whether . The text can be positive and warm.

In order to write your words, the lad smiled, it is necessary to write a special phrase for him away hour. So you can raise the mood of the kohan and mark your stosunki.

Apply phrases for the lad's joke

The phrase can avenge a sexual or everyday character.

You can send a message on a working day, or on a trip, if the lad is the least checkable on a new one.

  • Vicky humor:“Darling, do you know that in order to smile, people need to eat close to seventy m'yaziv? I'm telling you to pump them up right now!
  • Increase the emphasis on those that are bad for you without it:“I’ll sum up for you and your rankovy kava. Dyakuyu for a chic ear of the day! abo "Shvidshe turn back home and lean in your warm hands ...".
  • Intrigue the person, embarrass them with impatience for a check on a bachelorette:“This year in the evening you have not only a tasty supper, but also a nightly program. Turn around shvidshe, and I'm in the shower ... ".
  • Guess what you are turbulent for the kohan and always support yoga:"Good morning! Come on all day long, be rich, and I'll be fine, I'm fine."
  • Collect people's original compliment:“I love your dimples when you laugh. Smile right now, well!”.

You can win and laugh at pictures, videos, but for whom it is important to know about the relish and almost the humor of your person.

SMS to the lad

Young girls at the beginning stages of acquaintances are arguing for food about how to increase the interest of the lad.

For whom it is possible to win phrases, and to hesitate to take over almost to you:

  • "You know, in our past, I've learned a little about you, it turns out you're not the one you think you are." With such reminders, you should think a lot about you.
  • “Vitannya! You don’t get excited at the school number… maybe you know from…? I’ve been joking around for a long time.
  • “I have a gift for you, which makes you happy this winter. Do you want to know which one?
  • “I need your help in terms of terms! Can you help me with the choice of cloth for the evening? I’ll give you options right now.” It’s worth giving a smart option for girls, but in this way you will increase the self-esteem of the boys, even if the other people’s thoughts are important to you.
  • “Can’t you tell which gym you go to? You look deafeningly!”. Boys love compliments on their figures.
  • "Vitannya! I remembered you yesterday, don't boast, I won't tell anyone."

Receive SMS lad, which one is appropriate

The beautiful half can zastosuvat cunning and embarrassment of a person, who, having been vouchsafed, smiles at the mind.

You will become for the new dzherel of positive emotions, such wines will always be pragmatic.

Have sms

  • “Loves (im'ya lad)! I want to thank you for those who gave you so little respect for the rest of the hour. I promise you to get better and prepare a little surprise for you this evening.” You can send a message, as in the rest of the hour you were already busy at work.
  • “I want to bless you good luck today! Bring you success everywhere.”
  • “Soloty dreams!

At Merezhi Vkontakte

  • "Remember, you are not less than the first on the list of my best friends, and you occupy a special place in my heart."
  • “A second without you is eternity. Come shvidshe before me, I missed you so much!
  • “What a smile you have in your profile photo! I’ll zazdry myself and I don’t believe in my happiness.”

On nothing

  • “You are guilty of the fact that I still cannot fall asleep. In your thoughts, just tell me about our zustrich and kissing.
  • "At night, as if you really want to opine in your arms, my smut bajannya - so that I squeeze you less and don't let you in anywhere."
  • “You are so sweet, that your dreams today may be less succulent.”

What to write to an unknown lad, to make him smile?

In the case of strangers, it is important to give up to the unobtrusive and to make it easier to communicate.

Do not varto get used to changing-motley virazivs, so that you don’t slyakat lads, which you are worthy of.

  • You can add a neutral emoticon and look at the reaction. Like a lad, he gave a chuckle to the old man, followed by a rozmov.
  • Get a compliment:“Tsikavo, what are the handsome lads and the cіkavy svіvrozmovniks?”.
  • “I care that our T-shirts on the photos at the profile miraculously come together! What do you think?"
  • "Vitannya! My friend said how can there be a handsome lad, who doesn’t mind squirming. Guess who's out of the picture?
  • You can correct your garn photograph in disguise, but without bare parts of the body. After speeding up with the standard “Oh, vibach, had mercy on the number,” she marveled at the reaction.
  • You can honestly write that vodcrito:“Vitannya! I don’t even want to ask you, but I don’t get new people and acquaintances in life at the same time.

What to write after a long time ago, like a person who has greatly shaped

It is important for wealthy women to talk about their problems and experiences.

But people often do not understand the reasons for the image, as if you appreciate your own blue, build the first crochet of nasustrich and correct it a romantic message:

  1. Catch the lads on those who are going to blast:“I want to hit you and forever forget this stupid furnishing. A little welding can make the big ones weaker.”
  2. Try to explain your situation to people without speaking:"I'm going to do it, it's wrong - raise your voice to the kohana girl in the presence of other people."
  3. Show how you felt these emotions at the moment of welding:“I felt even more sore that it was unacceptable to hear your words. Look, I’ve been streaming tears.”
  4. Respect what image you put on your blues:“We began to fuss a little. I no longer see those predilections between us, which were out before.
  5. Vin, like before, dear to you:“Having taught me a lot of things, I am grateful to you for that turbota. I am happy to order from you.
  6. In kіntsі say cholovіkovі for reading the sheet and write the words kokhannya:“What kind of you, having read an important sheet for me. I love you".

Why not varto work at the listing with claps

It is necessary to remember what it is impossible to work in listing with a lad, who has become worthy.

Adzhe with close phrases you can evoke a rich vision of blue:

  1. Chi do not impose. For the quickness of yoga, you and yourselves develop a dialogue, you yourself will understand everything. Do not spend the hour for darma, there are a lot of good people in the world.
  2. Do not sing rude words and obscene words. It is necessary to create that soft image of a woman, which one wants to protect.
  3. Do not give a special reminder. Khloptsіv fighting won pride.

Video: What should people write?

Individuals are expected to be enterprising women, build the first hour of the first hour of acquaintance, or after welding. Try to choose the right hour and send a sweet reminder to your kohan. I wrote about you with a laugh, that love.

More than that, the leaves were in fact the only source of information for people who tried one kind of one at a time. Today, the classics actually died, having sacrificed the power of electronic messages, notifications from the messenger, sms. Ale, all the same, people did not stop writing one to one.

The girls often roar, to write to the boy, to make him happy, or to make him happy, to gain respect for himself and call out the reaction of the lad.

Establish songs of the rules of listing, such as varto dotrimuvatsya, as your meta - to be worthy of a boy, and not to be evil that vіdshtovkhnuti.

What to write a lad and how to spell it correctly?

Not all girls can competently win the listing with the lad, in order to create even more interest in themselves. I for nothing, adzhe tse pressing tool the birth of that pіdtrimki vіdnosin.

1. Why is it so important to write to the boys at the reception?

Too many girls don't bother to write to the boys first. And remember if the stosunki as a whole zmіtsnіli, їm, like before, it is important to see for yourself like a reception, humorous and erotic words.

The reasons why it is important for young girls to have the courage to write their young people are many:

  • concealment of character, which allows you to demonstrate your feelings;
  • suvore vihovannya batkіv, yakі vchili, that the girl is not guilty of hanging on her lad;
  • fear of being vismiyanoy and unreasonable;
  • always beautifully formulate your thoughts;
  • not far from the front sights thinly.

Whatever your reason, it’s important to overcome yourself and know those that suit you. If you’re not a complete idiot (but do you need an idiot?), then your initiative will be supported by language.

Ira spoke with Mikola already in the spring. The lad often wrote his miles of sms. Irina, for sure, reprimanded them with the banal: “Dyakuyu” chi “It’s quite acceptable.”
I figured out that I was to blame for my child’s work, but I couldn’t overcome myself, I even remembered my friend’s not far away. Big lad girlfriends after rozrivu with her vyklav on your vkontaktivsky side їkhnє erotic listing. Napivniver tody savored the details and laughed at her friend.
Write to your lads at the reception Ira got into trouble on the day of the first people. Virishila did not fold folding reminders, but those who are in her heart: “Happy birthday. I prepared a gift for you, but I don’t look up to this gift, which is the share that I have made: I’ll eat from you. I do not stop dyakuvati їy for tse. I love you".
Kolya buv at the capture, the barri fell and lovingly listing became mutual.

It is important to tell yourself rozpochati. Step by step it’s easier and easier to formulate your thoughts and for those who write to my lads, you don’t need a lot of time.

2. What to write lads - the basic rules of listing ...

The epistolary genre is, obviously, not a foldable technical attachment; detailed instructions do not reach that point. But all the same, a number of rules should be followed, so as not to make yourself laugh.

If you have dared to write to the lads, if you receive me, or zuhvale, remember that:

    Literacy is important.

    If you write illiterately, like a first-grader, then the lad is unlikely to be in the grip of your stupidity and ignorance. Heba scho wine and he himself is like that, write like that, as you know - you knew one.

    Beautiful words are not guilty of replacing the breadth of feelings.

    You can know in the measure of impersonal beautiful words, but it’s no better to say those who you really see. If you want to formulate your thoughts better, lower yourself, you, the one who is divine in the sight of your lad.

    Classics for good spratsovuє.

    Modern merezhevі platitudes do not go in the same way with the wisdom of the classics. Shukayte appropriate words in order to write a boy, at the top and on the sheets of people.

    It is important not to twist your message.

    Remember that a lad is a special person of a person’s status, and not an unstated creation, it’s better for him to buy a changeful-colorful words that animal like “my little dog”.

    This is why the rich girls call out a vomit reflex. What can you say about people?

    You can only open your heart to the one you trust.

    If you want to know the lads who don’t know about your feelings, think about it, so you don’t talk about it all right, so that you can laugh at you.

    On the erotic listing, it is necessary to swear only by this young man, whose orderliness is inspiring.

Є a number of pardons, which girls are more likely to have a list of listing with lads:

  • zayva vіdkritіst - so pannochki tell sexual maniacs;
  • in the door a demonstration of their feelings to the little-known lads - well, not Tetyana and Larina, so you can go to the kohanna to be examined;
  • intrusiveness - you don’t see it, but you all bomb it and bomb it with sheets;
  • stupid food, like: “Hey, are you there?”, “Have you taken away my information?”, “Why don’t you?”, as if talking about a little-known lad, and not about your boyfriend;
  • there is a large number of emoticons, rozdilovyh signs and evil capslock.

Remember that the word is still not a humpbacked man. And as soon as your message is delivered, you can order it to your discretion. And the reaction of a new one to your words may not be the same, as you yourself thought.

What can you write lads for, if it is not banal?

Slіv, yakі will be priєmnі for any lad, іsnuє dosit rich. It’s a golovne to appoint what you want to write with the same method you want to write.

1) What can I write to my lad?

Receive a lot of words. Thinking about what to write to the boy, it is necessary to indicate what, let's say, to please your boyfriend, you want to achieve with your messages.

Among the features, how can you write guys, the highest rating can be:


    You can praise everything - zovnіshnіst, intelligence, manners, talents, vdachu. Yunakov, no matter how smart, will receive your compliments.

    Podyak words.

    You can speak for it more specifically, for example, I will help you at any time, or you can say “dark” simply for those who are guilty of your life.


    For example: " Liquorice night”, “Good day”, “Good luck with your problems”, “Apitement” too.

    Erotic message.

    If you have been talking for a long time, then you can even more inflame your rich passions, leafing through the reminders of an erotic zmist. Golovna, that it was true erotica, not pornography.

    Just like you, and your lad - people with a good sense of humor and do not show your life without heat, then why not write some humorous sms to you, to raise your spirits?

Explore other options for what you can write to your sweetheart. If it’s not the first day at once, then you sing-songly know that you yourself will be accepted, and it’s better to hide some of them, so as not to squeeze on the callus on the ailment.

It’s better to stand in front of the girls, if you want to write to me not to your boyfriend, but to the boys, which you can imagine to other hearts.

Here the next step is more accurate:

  1. Compliments may be light but hateful. For example: “Bula for the rest of the match. You are a miracle grave” or “I looked at your playlist on the side. You have a wonderful taste in music."
  2. You can sing along to an unfamiliar lad, embellishing it with hotness and a compliment at once. For example: Tse zі me ty yesterday zіtknuvsya in the corridor. Dyakuyu, scho not driving. It would be a shame to die at the rozkvitі rokіv, hi and zіtknennya with such a handsome lad. ☺".
  3. As an option - start acquaintance with the phrase from the proposition: “I have a ticket for the rest of the “Dawn Wars”. And I know that you are a fan of that film. Don't you want to keep me company?"

As if a young man did not react to your message, did not respect for the need to write to you, do not impose yourself on you. We look at Skoda and only zip your reputation.

2) What to write the lads - apply receiving reminders ...

Not all girls are able to beautifully formulate their thoughts. Dekou needs additional help, otherwise you can apply it, so you can beat it.

It’s not rajah to be evil with the hype of Internet memes, otherwise the lad can swear, so you have freed up your fantasies, but garni words, which you trapleyayutsya in books or merezhі, you can write in a small notebook, so we can write it down when you have a need.

The axis of the kіlka is applied, yakі can become in good fortune.





- You will have dimples on your cheeks if you laugh.
- You have a shalen muscular post.
- You are so strong and masculine, that next to you I feel in absolute safety.
- I love it if you play the guitar. You are such a talent.
- Nova zachіska just a glimpse and so on.


Podyaky words

- Dakkuyu toby for those who bov entrusted the twisted quill. I wouldn't have made it without you.
- I don’t know how to help you for help. The only thing that helped me was to keep up.
- Dyakuyu for those that I may. The most beloved, the most beloved, the most beloved of the world.


Erotic message

- Your ruin so licorice. I can't reach out if I can kiss them again.
- I want to be alone with you and a little whisper of your lips, as if lightly sticking around in that shi.
- Your hands that destroy to create a miracle with my body.
- I want you to kiss me inexorably ... so that I dreamed of today with the majestic All-World, with the whole world, where else yesterday I felt so summarily and spontaneously.
- Only a few thoughts about you and tell me about the other day, my breath is more frequent, and my heart beats faster. I can't get a new seed.



- Hello, love I want! I already want! I want crazy! You don’t say what I want! I want, I want, I want to smile at you at once!
- Shanovny subscriber! Your fence is stocking 100 shots, be kind, turn around!
- Hot mi insults are not gifts, but at the same time a miracle couple.
- Do not be empty and do not indulge. You deserve a kiss!
- Love, get out of my thoughts;) Zavazhaєsh pratsyuvati.


Other accepted words

- A couple of boring. Ryatyuyu less mrії about you. I guess it's greedy.
- The earth has only a sky, the night has less sleep, the kohanny has less krill, I have only you ...
- Zhakhily bag for you tsієї nights and mriyu fall asleep again on your shoulders.
- I love you very, very much. I sum up. I check my teeth. Catch in advance a sprat of kisses (and a couple of emoticons that kiss).
- My darling, I want to live with you, and don’t let me in anywhere, love, want and kiss!

Navit as you take ready-made phrases, try to add your own to them. If you want a gentle animal, it will definitely suit your kohan.

Virtual meeting with young people.

How to correspond with a lad correctly?
Secrets SMS povіdomlen.

What to write a lad, shchob yogo hooked to life?

Don’t wait for the girls to vvazhayut for the need to write a person, including with a method to please him. Buvayut other motives: cheer in your own words, slander about the scoine, find out the fault.

I’m sorry, as if you want to cheer up the lad, to that you can’t tell the word, you can understand it more often, as you can, for the sake of it, beat it in a positive way.

Otzhe, write to the lad, so that Yogo is hooked, you can take this reminder:

Navіt if you want to cheep the lad, you don’t need to write to you:

  • at the unsteady stand;
  • matyuki;
  • zlі fry, like "You will soon become a tatom";
  • throw in the fact that the wines of the filthy kohanets;
  • visualize;
  • threaten to end your life with self-destruction through those who left you;
  • zlіsnі vismiyuvannya yogo physical nedolіkіv.

Thinking about what to write lads, take care of the goodness of your heart, but don’t turn on your heart.

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Original food:

  • I have a special program, that counts the phone numbers of the most famous lads. Guess whose number is first on the list?
  • I want to tell you, but I need to know more about how your mood is.
  • Vcheni brought that people, if they don’t have a special life, trim the phone at right hand. And you in yakіy?
  • Today, I realized that it is similar to a raccoon: forever cola under my eyes, why is it sweet, but I can taste it. Do you look like a yak creature?
  • I check for a lot. I can't eat and sleep! And you also check the finale of Game of Thrones (Mesnikiv, Nadprirodny Toshcho).

Prodovzhennya original meals marvel.

Funny sms lad:

  • You have 3 seconds to see if I can help you... Oops, I didn't get it!
  • I want to feel sticky and savory on my lips... can't you buy a chocolate bar?
  • I’m all burning with impatience: I can’t eat, sleep and practice… Are you still checking for the Game of Thrones final (Football Championship, what else is a movie/series/sports and cultural event)?
  • Oskіlki I recently took away the rights of water, my obov'yazok ahead of you about the new trouble on the roads. Tell me, you live, and I will try my best to be protective of kerm. I don't blame Ale.

Flirting tips:

  • Do you want us to tell you a secret? I am beautiful, and you - no!
  • I dreamed of a lad who looked like you today. Well, the truth is, the new one has a white kin, the crown is the sword. Maybe your handsome prince?
  • You look amazing. How do you know?
  • What is your priority: intelligence is beauty?
  • What do you say at the kokhannya on the Internet?

What to write to the lads, what to write to them on SMS. Apply


  • Those that I dreamed of during the night, were like godsvilles! І ti bov near the center!
  • I have a serious problem ... I want to write to you, but I don’t know what to do myself.
  • Today I missed my gut, so you don’t give me advice on this. Murka played Viskas, why would a creature be left without evening?

About evening:

  • True, what do people give priority to the whites?
  • Yakby ty zustrіv і alien, scho sleeping with the new one?
  • Chob ti vibrav: a quiet little house behind the city center of the metropolis?
  • Do you want to spend all your life only with one person?
  • Reveal, tomorrow there will be the end of the Light. How would you like to spend the rest of the day?

With compliments:

  • You have darker eyes in the photo, but so sumny. Do you want me to cheer?
  • I got your photo (on Vkontakte, Instagram, Facebook) and figured out what the phrase “Attracts with a look, like a magnet” means.
  • I want to revise the original, like a yoga photo. Let's chat?
  • Upevnena, tsya chuckle alive looking more beautiful. How can you look so wonderfully?

With prohannyami:

  • I am writing an article on the topic: What to write to a boy, what to write to him on SMS. Can you help me?
  • Can you help me choose a laptop? I'm not familiar with technology.
  • I pressed a button on the keyboard like a button, and now there’s nothing to vantage. What work?
  • How to pass 6 rіven at the "Name of Gri" (Call of Duty, Tomb Raider then)? Nothing to come out. Won't you help me?

If you don’t know him (pokrokov’s instruction for pochatkivtsiv, apply):

  1. Get out of the banal vіtannya! If you want to clean up the banality - write "hello" and put a cute emoticon after the words.
  2. Vitrimay pause, schob vіn tobі vіdpovіv. And vin vidpovist, as if not busy, not embarrassed and know the screen of your laptop.
  3. Nayimovіrnіshe, vіn write tоbі similar privіtannya. You, well, you can “throw” the question: “How are you doing?” otherwise, “I don’t tell you?”, but it’s something to be trite to read. Write, for example, such a question: “did you take my notice away?”. I will pause again.
  4. Lad chi cholovik vіdpovіst like this: "and you zvіdki?", "Who are you?". Do not laugh at yoga banality! The lads and the people swear by the original “on the cob” splurge. Їх lakaє zhіnocha іnіtsіativnіst і zatsіkavlenіst na kobkovogo skolkuvannya!
  5. Variants of opinions on this (or similar) reminder of a man of a lad: I am your reflection at that mirror, as if I were at your front door! And zvіdki I myself guess! Look respectfully at my profile, so that you can tell yourself about food! I (write im'ya right). I s (write your reference to your own research). Let's cheer far away - let's all rozpovim! I am your share! Don't beat me. I didn’t pick up anything nasty work for you (I don’t pick up).
  6. If you start rozmov about choking (if you start asking more about those who choke you) - write everything you need. Ale reported with humor. Tell me, what did your own chi іnshe zahoplennya grabbing you.
  7. Tell me why you are similar and add what else suits you. You pіdtremuy rozmovu, pіlyayuchis for the skin word.
  8. Show on yoga not only with emoticons, but also with “whispering” and anecdotes in the mind.

For the gradual improvement of writing:

  1. Get ahead, if you want to have a good friend-friend you come out of the computer. Do not explain the reason for the exit, as the clerk himself does not want to specify її.
  2. Stitch for the correct writing of words. Lad chi cholovik evaluate your literacy and respect! You will be n_yakovo, to that vin (it is possible) to appear not so literate as you. Vіn hung z thogo drive, but do not belittle yoga, but lift it up. Tell me, what is not a special role for you. Sing yogo in the fact that yogo th so badly understands.
  3. Domovlyayuchisya about an hour offline online, don't be late. If you are late - ask again. Explain why you hesitated. І swear that you know everything, so that such a thing has not been repeated more.
  4. Show the photograph, as if I had promised to show you, having already asked you to tell me.
  5. Get in touch with him, if you ask for wine about zustrich. You can recognize that hour yourself. Whose crochet is worthy of the lads!

How do you know yoga on the Internet, how well do you know yoga?

Є і for whom the instruction is small:

  1. Hang with him just like that, as if you were doing the right thing. So it’s clear that you are the ones, and not others, “additions”.
  2. Tsіkavisya, how do you do it, how do you spend your day, how do you plan for the next days.
  3. Tell me about your plans (in the details, what “sings” with mine). Reply to all questions.
  4. Do not think about it for a long time over him, what and how to tell you. Von don't like checks for advice!
  5. Start that topic, as if you would be a crow for a guy. Remember: you can pick up that topic, in a way you don’t swim, but competent.
  6. Call yoga by name often. Tse youmu is more appropriate. Call on im'ya - matimesh distant success with roses!
  7. Don't interrupt yoga! Navіt at the letter form tse robiti indifferently! Such “invisibility” of wines is definitely not to be praised.

What to write, what to do with mobile notifications:

  • Vіrshi

Start with a cool verse. Cool, it’s like there will be a future of your own creation!

  • cool little joke

Such a joke, for which practically all people would laugh! Shorter! Cool safely!

  • Words of encouragement chi praise

The lads and the people themselves don’t get such words! Do not mess up, be kind, such words. You know for sure what stench you need in that second.

  • Request for holy chi on tsikaviy zahid

You definitely won’t be advised and come, so you can zatsikaviti verbally.

Signs that the lad is chi cholovik you are hooked:

  1. Vіdpovіd on povіdomlennya.
  2. A sea of ​​dodatkovyh food to your address.
  3. Vikoristannya lagidnih sliv(Sonechko, bunny, cutie, cat, kitty).
  4. Weekly listing.
  5. Dzvinok.
  6. Compliment to your address.
  7. Rozmov about zustrich.
  8. Conducting active listing.

Words and phrases:

  1. "I'm with you already tsikavo."
  2. "I check you in merezhі".
  3. "When will we care?"
  4. “Thank you very much for your information, for your understanding…”.
  5. "I am schiro radium, scho have known me."
  6. "You're so cool!"
  7. "You're so cool!"
  8. "Dakuyu scho you with me."

You can write to the guy of the electronic sheet. Tilki specify the exact address, so that she didn’t reach another addressee! What to write? Everything that has piled up in your soul is in your heart! Pony (heart and soul) will tell you what to write better.

Do not hurry to talk about kohanny so once. Check it out! Hurry up… and you’ll know you’re getting bogged down and it’ll be easier to “reach out” to the next future.

Why can't you work?


  • Nav'yazuvatisya

Yakshcho bachish, scho you spit on you - get out of the way! Do not cry and do not spend an hour on a new one. Є th іnshі lads and cholovіki.

  • be rude

And who deserves rudeness? There's only a way to get people out of other people's house!

  • Exaggerate and belittle

Leave qi "unacceptable" for be-someone else! Ale is not for the lad of a man, whom you so pragnesh to conquer.

  • Long time to say goodbye

Don't like boys and boys! Stink and I’ll stop giving you respect for the night, as the motherhood is above the world!

  • threaten

Do not tell (do not write) to him such phrases: “If you don’t talk to me, I’ll die, I’ll destroy myself!”, “I can’t live without you!”, “If you don’t talk to me, I will die!”. You definitely won’t reach anything good for you.

Prodovzhennya. . .

You deserve a person who deserves you. You write yoma, ale vin movchit. What now? To whom it is possible to give up an insignificant moment, but in the first few days, it may still be significant. In such a state of mind in your head, you can often have food about those who write lads, since you don’t write wine yourself. Well, people read these subtle situations and feel like you value yourself, and you give them a priority.

The textual remarks changed the romantic interplay between a man and a woman. Flirt viyshov on new rіven sruchnosti, even if it became possible to communicate at any hour of the day that night. The problem is that the additional accessibility has given us additional data (and a further rethinking), which did not exist before.

Before the appearance of SMS, even though for a whole day they didn’t receive a new call, everything was fine. Now everyone is in panic. Tse gave a new way to sip a picture, even if it’s constant and supernaturally swooning human behavior at the listing.

Otzhe, 5 speeches, how to work wisely for a woman in a situation, if a person does not respond to this information:

1. Do not panic and do not think that you will get interested

The most safe, what can be in this situation, tse those that women once begin to take on more. Ale cholovik can not be bothered by robots. Yogo phone is instantly discharged. It turned out that yogo fate was at stake.

Remember, there are many, many reasons, through the likes of wines you don’t see, and more of them can’t have absolutely no regard for you.

2. Don't work everyday

You can’t seem to stir up a little panic in your head, or you can let your emotions go, don’t let it translate negative thoughts into someone else.

Do not feed more, chi vin having taken away your remembrance. Don't call you anymore. And for the everyday environment, don’t force yourself on the pokhіdnі vіd: “Why don’t you tell? Am I no longer like you?!

Hi the shortest way ruine the romance that is being born, lower the people to turn to the phone and speak there rudely, condescendingly or obscenely, if they legitimately called out to you unspoofedly at the jakus zustrich.

3. Remember your value

If the lad does not tell us, then it is easy to see that we are programmable. Emotional calmness - fight to turn її, first win the prize, and we were able to overcome, like the axis-axis of the mustache.

Learn to think and remember the cost of navit as if you are interested, that is why you are spending. If you think about all the value, you bring it into your life: energy, passion, praise, if you care, the picture looks balanced - and you see yourself richer better.

Tse does not mean that you will not be disappointed, as if you will give up. It simply means that it is also a waste. If you are inspired, there are many other people who are worthy of those that you propagate.

Take the 48-year-old rebar, first contact him again.
Rewrite the text messages. It is possible that some of your friends will read it.

4. Ask yourself: what is the advice?

How to say “So”, spend two or three dobies, first work a little further, try the call. As if the new one still has an interest in you, he will stretch out this period of time, and I will grow up to you. You showed you what you can do on your own, so check until you come to you.

As this is the interest of the surroundings, it also gives you space for your growth. As you can see that your text obviously does not seem to be valid, you can again bump into those in 24 years.

5. Make yourself happy at the same time

To do everything that is necessary, to become happy and to be happy in the future. Walk with your friends. Go to the cinema, spend an hour with your family. Give respect to yourself, and not to your partner, who does not deserve any credit.

The axis is still a spice of food, how to torment the girls in such a situation:

“What, what was it like for youmu to cicavo, and then it became baiduzh? Hiba, I can’t just write, sob zatsikaviti yogo?

Yakshto vin tsіkavleniy, do not call for three days without contacting you. If a person wants to talk to you, then you know how to write. Allow the youmu to come to you himself.

"What, if you said that you would write to me, but did not write?"

Having said that, if you write to you, then it’s better to recieve. Let a man be a man, so be moving. Since 24 years have passed and you haven’t taken anything away, think about those who would correct the flirtatious text.

“What, what is it like asking me for help, what is it like? I need to know that I work, that other people will ask about my plans.

Next SMS and calls are needed here.

The less wine I have discussed with you about the trouble, the more Imovirnist, what will happen, and I just got caught. As if the two of you spoke of that day about those who would return this evening to the party, but, let’s say, if they didn’t respond to your notice, as if confirming the hour of departure, you can send another notice.

Ask someone directly about the hour and tell them ahead of time, what to promot, if you don’t check yoga and go to your right. Lyudina, as we value you and your hour, you will surely know the way to help, to make your plans for the evening change, so that you don’t exactly sacrifice your plans through this.

Textual comprehensions can come from an innocent rhyme, but later, as it appears, they play an important role in the conversation with the person. Do not make pardons in ochіkuvanni vіdpovidіdі vіd new shanuvalnik, schob not zіpsuvati yogo thought about you.

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