Article in. Living the articles the, a, an in English. Classifying, stating the numerical value of an unmarked article

At English language- in the Russian language - special words - articles - are widely used. The article and the rules of yoga in the English language are presented below in the butts, to make it easier to understand necessary material. In English language, two articles are distinguished - song the that omissions a (an) . The article is more important to put less before names. The non-insignificance article zastosovuetsya all the way up to the names that are counted. alone, and the sung article can be zastosovuvat to different names in one and many, regardless of the number of stinks counted.

No article

For the cob, remember, in some cases the article does not get used. The article does not get used, as it stands before the name (one, two, six, etc), it is appropriate (this, that, my, our etc.), otherwise the name is in the name of the relative (my father's, Mary's etc), or the list "no" (not not!). Apply:

  • My room is not big, but comfortable - My room is small, but comfortable.
  • There are two boys in the yard - there are two boys in the yard.
  • I have no brother - I don't have a brother.

Google shortcode

Note: as a name for a person assigned to a victor, the function of an applicator, the use of the article is possible, for example: Paul is a man's name (human name). Paula is a woman's name(zhіnoche im'ya). It's a children's bicycle(child bike).

The article does not get used to indefinite nouns, which mean an unknown amount of speech, but an abstract understanding:

  • I don't like tea, I prefer coffee. - I don't like tea, I see the difference between coffee ( kava tea- Zagalom)
  • Nature is one of the most important thoughts in my life. - Friendship is one of the most important speeches in my life (friendship is an abstract understanding)

With the names of sports, the article does not get used:

  • I am fond of football, and my sister prefers badminton. - I love football, and my sister is ahead of badminton.

Also, the article does not get used to powerful names (crime of some geographic names, language about yaks below).

The insignificance of the article "a"

Non-significant article - tse "a". "an" is not an independent article, but a form of an unmarked one, as it gets used to names, as they begin with a voice sound: an apple, an orange.

  • Form a і an - tse remnants of an old English word that means "one", to omissions, the article is victorious only with names in one.

The non-insignificance article takes root in such situations:

  • At the first guess of the subject. For example, I live in a house.
  • With the knowledge of the profession chi to take. For example, She is a teacher. My friend is a student.
  • Letter: This is, That is, It is, There is. For example, This is a computer. There is a rose in the vase.
  • As an example, the scribe gets used to the name, which characterizes yoga, in such situations the article is placed before the scribe. Stock: This is a flower. This is a red flower.
  • Remember to live unmarked article in speeches of the offensive type

- What a beautiful color!
- What a tasty cake!
- What a good girl!

Singing article "the"

The sung article is used in such situations:

  • We are talking about a singing subject or objects (as in one, so many), we have already spoken about it, but according to the context it is understandable, about what the language is. For example, Yesterday I saw a film. The film was not interesting. / I know all the people in this photo.
  • With objects that are the same in their kind - Thesun, thewind, themoon,theearth
  • Pіslya. For example, There is a cat in front of the monitor.
  • C - the smallest - the smallest, the quickest - the most seen
  • З, for example: the first book, the fifth floor (ALE: as an ordinal number means a number, the article is not put: Lesson 7, Bus 15, page 45)
  • Three sides of the world: In the north; in the south; in the east; in the west
  • With a nickname - how to go about the whole family - the Ivanovs - Ivanovi, the Smiths - Smith
  • In stable phrases: In the morning; in the evening; in the afternoon; to the cinema/ theatre; to the shop/market; at the cinema/the theatre; at the shop/ the market

Note: the song article the can also be used with indefinite names, so that there is a lot of speech about the song:

  • Drinking water from the hose. It is not fresh. - Viliy water from the glek, it’s stale (singy water is the one that the glech has).

Singing article from geographic names

The sung article must be used with such geographic names:

  • morіv - the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea
  • ocean - the Pacific ocean
  • river - the Voilga, the Nile
  • kanalіv — the English Channel
  • inflow, channel - the Gulf of Mexico, the Bosphorus Straits
  • archipelagos - the Seichelles
  • Kestel - Sahara, Gobi
  • gіrskih lantsyugіv — the Alps
  • country, as in the name of the word Republic, Federation, Kingdom, stand at a plurality (t he Netherlands) or shortened to an abbreviation (the USA, the UK)

With the names of countries, lakes, mountains (peaks), islands, towns, continents, streets, squares, airports, the article is not victorious. Vinyatki:

  • theGambia- Gambia,
  • the Hague - The Hague

The chant article is also written with the names of hotels, cinemas, theatres, newspapers and magazines.

We have established the basic rules for the use of the article. There are a lot of nuances and the framework of one article does not allow you to guess everything. Alemy prepared one more video lesson about the deacons of folding in the life of the article.

At bagatioh foreign languageє such a part of the movie, like the article (The Article). Tse service part move and speak out as a signatory of the name. Russian language does not have such a part of the language, for those Russian people, who begin to learn the English language, it is easy to get used to the articles in the language.

How do articles get used to English language?

But if we don’t live it, we can blame the difficulties in dealing with the English, so that you will be unreasonable, about the subject itself, it’s possible to talk about something else. In order to avoid problems in communication, just to learn how to speak correctly, it is important and necessary to use the articles in the English language and the way they live.

Today we will talk about such an important topic as the introduction of articles into the English language, and also we will look at the negatives, if it is necessary to use the articles.

There are two types of articles in English language:

  • Definite Article (singing article)
  • Indefinite Article (indefinite article)

THE- sung article abo Definite Article, and imovlyaєtsya vіn [ ðǝ ]. ðɪ ], if the name starts from the voice. For example: the [ ðǝ ] school, the [ ðɪ ]apple.
A or AN- Indefinite Article. If the name-bearer starts with the season, we say " a banana", albeit with a voice, then " an orange".

To better understand why there is a difference between the sing and the non-significant article in the English language, we will point the butt of the Russian one:

When to put articles in English

Vipadki vzhivannya articles in English mine

Here it is important to remember, how to learn the rules of living the articles in the English language:

  • The article vikoristovuєtsya in front of the leather burnt name.
  • We don’t live the same article, if there is an appropriate borrower in front of the name, another name for the relative, a kіlkysny numeric chi listed no (not not!).

This is a girl. - Tse girl.
My sister is an Engineer. - My sister is an engineer.
I see the girls jumping the rope. - I'm chasing girls, like they're stribayut on jump ropes.

As a rule, the non-indefinite article (Indefinite Article) in the English language gets used only if the subject goes upstairs, and also, as if nothing is known about the subject. The chant article (Definite Article) is there, de about the subject, it’s already visible, or the wine will be guessed in a new way. Let's just put it on a few stocks. Give respect:

He has got a computer.- The new one has a computer (what kind of computer, what is with it, what kind of brand is it) we don’t know.
The computer is new. - The computer is new (Now there is some information about the computer - new).
This is a tree. - This tree (unreasoned, like a tree, nothing is known about the new one).
The tree is green. - The tree is green (it’s already been seen, the tree is covered with green leaves).

What are the articles and if they are victorious in English language?
  • Indefinite Article a, an you can get used to the hail speeches that start from these words what: What a surprise! - What a surprise! What a beautiful day! - What a hell of a day!
  • Insignificance article a, an in the English language there are only names with names: This is a book. - Tse book. I see a boy. - I'm running a boy.
  • Definite Article gets used both with counting names and with counting names: The book I read is very interesting. - A book, I read like a cicava. The meat you've bought is fresh. - M'yaso, having bought it, it's fresher.
  • Indefinite Article gets used to the scribe, as if there was a name behind him: We have a large family. - We have a great family. I read an interesting book. - I'm reading a book.
  • The non-insignificance article can be used in the speech of the meaning of the word “one, one, one”: My father has three children, 2 sons and a daughter. - My father has three children - two blues and one daughter. Today I bought a copy-book and 2 pens. - Today I bought one zoshit and two pens.
  • Definite Article Celebrating the Wonderful World of Applicants: Pink Street is the largest street in that town. - Rozheva street - the largest in this city.
  • The chant article victorious with geographic names, that is, before the names of rivers, canals, seas, gir, oceans, inlets, channels, archipelagos. Ale does not get used to the names of lakes, lands, continents. Vinyatki: United States of America, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Netherlands, Ukraine, Congo, Crimea.

And now, friends, savage respect, in some kind of stable word-findings of the English tradition, there is a sung article:

  • in the south
  • North
  • On the way
  • in the west
  • to the south
  • north
  • until what day
  • to the west
  • What's the use?
  • To the cinema
  • Up theater
  • To the store
  • To the market
  • At the cinema
  • at the theater
  • At the shop
  • To the market.

Okremih vipadkіv vzhivannya articles in English shche rich. Let's take a closer look at the articles, albeit okremo assigned to the chant article and okremo to the unmarked article.

The situation with articles in the English language is rather serious. It’s necessary and can get used to the language, without them it’s just not possible, otherwise we ourselves can get lost and get lost by our interpreter in the information that is shown. And if you don’t stray, like the articles themselves and if you live them, just start the vipadki. And you sing, like you are small, but if you need a part of the service, bring clarity to your rozmova, and your language will be beautiful like that! So let the little ones the, a and an become your helpers at your English language!

See you soon, friends!

Sound the Russian mine articles do not translate. Prote in okremih vipadkas, the context changes the translation of the unmarked article into words be like, be like, one h), and singing - the same one) or tsey (himself):

She murmured a name and name was not John. - Vaughn whispered yakes im'ya, і im'ya tse it wasn't John.

Let's look at three vipadki: if the insignificance of the song article gets used before the name, and if the wine does not get used.

Insignificance article

Insignificance article a (an) look like a numerical one (one) so you get used to it only with names in one.

When one is changed by a plurality, the article is omitted, and if it is possible to take away the number of deaks, then instead of the article, a borrower is put some:

Give me a book. - Give me books.
Give me an apple. - Give me some apples.

Non-insignificance article maє variant a, to stand in front of the name-bearer, to repent for the good: as student; that option an- Before the name, which starts from the voice: an a pple.

A name with a non-significant article is the name of the subject, rather than the name of a particular subject. For example a student yelling about a student about a student, that is about a higher education initial mortgage, but not about a singing person.

The meaning of the unmarked article can be used in Russian with such words as one, one, yak, yak, yak, skin, skin, skin.

Living Rules

If in front of the name for a change you can submit yakis, be-like, one w:

There is a pen on the table. - On the table lie (as if invisible) a pen (one of the class of pens).
Child can understand it. - (Be it) a child can understand;

When the value is taken one:

Wait a minute! - Check for one quibble!

Non-significance article gets used to counting names in one. Many do not get used to, sometimes they are replaced by unimportant borrowers some (sprat) any (be it, skin).

If before the name є vyznachennya, then the article is placed before zim vyznachennyam: a story(reply) an interesting story(cicava rozpovid).

Denomination of the article

The sung article has a single form the i look like vkazivny borrower that(Toy). Wins get used to names, like in one, so in many.

Article the move in two ways:

  • [ðǝ] in front of names, as if they repent from a voice letter: the student[ðǝˊstju:dǝntJ;
  • [ðɪ] in front of the names, as they begin with the voice: the evening[ðɪˊɪ: vnɪη].

The chant article is victorious:

If you can put in front of the name for the zmist tsey(himself) or toy(himself):

Tse є budinok, scho Jack will be. - The axis of that booth, which evoked Jack.

Before the names, united by their kind:

the sun - the sun;
the moon - Moon.

Before prikmetnik miraculous:

the cleverest boy - the smartest boy;
the most difficult question - the most important food.

The presence of the article

The non-insignificance article is not victorious: before names many: an article - articles.

Speech names, indisputable: water (water), salt (sil), tea (tea)- Names of yaki cannot be spoiled, for example it is impossible to say: three leads.

The article is not put in front of the name, if it gets used in the abstract:

Man is the head but woman is the nec. - A man's head, a woman's head.

Therefore, abstract and speech nouns are most often used without the article. And just as the names get used to the singing specific meaning (like a part of the speech, like the sound of a sight), then the stench gets used to the singing or the unmarked article, according to the rules of wisdom:

It was bright to pass into the deaf kut at the end of the day. - Light penetrated the stars near the room.
soon he saw a light in the distance. - Nezabar wine waving far away. yakis light.
The light letters faint and uncertain. - Tsey the light was weak and invisible.
You can buy butter and bread in the store. — You can buy olive oil and bread from be-whom score.
The butter letter bought in a nearby shop. - Tse the oil was bought from the nearest store.
A coffee without a backbone may not be necessary to serve as breakfast. - Be-yaky kava without bread cannot be a snack.

Navіt vlasnі _names according to the rules:

Is that the John I knew many times for that? - Nevzhe tse the same Jonah, who did I know so many times?
Florence will never, never, never be a Dombey. - Florence will never one of Dombi.

Living articles with other scribes

Non-insignificance article gets used after the word such- Such rather- Sip, quite- Zovsim, as- yak, and also post what(in local speeches) that half- half:

What a nice day! - What a wonderful day!
It's rather a long way to the village. - It's a long way to reach the village.

The chant article is victorious:


  • borrowers both- Offended i all- all:

All capitals were clogged. — Mustache rozpovіdі buli cіkavі.

  • word formation most of- Bіlshіst, some of- Deyaki , rich of- Bagato , none of- None from:

Most of the gentlemen looked angry. Most of the gentlemen looked angry.

Before in words: the same- the same one wrong- not the one right- Toy, very- the same one only- single, next- Advance, last- Rest:

You are already a person I wanted. - You are the same person who needs me.

What is the word next get used to the meaning possible, a last - minulium, then the stench vikoristovuyutsya without articles and priymennikov.


What is the next question? - How will you be eating?
- I'll come to the coming fate.

Get respect!

With other arbitrators - such as assigned and good-looking borrowers, as well as the listing no articles do not get used:

Tse not book on the table. - There are no books on the table.
She puts on her hat and coat. - She puts on a droplet and a coat.

Living articles with powerful names

The names of the sovereign victorious are either with the singable article, or without the article. Look at the next table:

Semantic field

With the article the

Without article

Water space

Rivers, seas, oceans, channels, inlets - The Thames, The Atlantic Ocean, The Black Sea, The English Channel

Lakes - Lake Ontario

Hydrosystems - The Urals

Okremi Peaks - Everest

Group of Islands - The Bermudas

Surround the islands - Sumatra.

Name the continents, parts of the world, regions - Eurasia, Europe, Cape Horn


Name the powers that have words in the warehouse, which mean sovereignty - Union, State, Republic, Kingdom:

The United States Of America,

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,

The Republic of France

Name the unnamed powers sovereign arrangement America, Great Britain, France

Other knowledge

Seen in the English lands -

Seen in all other countries - Moscow News

Whole family -

The Smiths - Smith. The Petrovs - Petrovi

One man - Smith, Petrov


Goteliv, ships, litakiv - The Metropol,

Name the street, square, city -

Trafalgar Square,

Vinyatki: The Hague - The Hague, The Netherlands - Netherlands, The Crimea - Crimea, The Ukraine - Ukraine, The Caucasus - the Caucasus, The Congo - Congo, The Strand - Stand (a street in London).

Rules for the use of articles a, an and the in English language

Let's take a look at once and fix the rules of living articles in English.

Insignificance article

The non-insignificance article is victorious before the name, if you only name the object, classify it as a representative of a singing kind of objects, but you don’t see it specifically.

a table - a stіl (the same stіl, not a stilts) a chair - a stilts.

When the subject is guessed, the individual is up

That's a pretty girl. - Beautiful girl.

For the most important meaning: a name with an insignificant article in its meaning means: be-someone.

A cow gives milk. - A cow (be it) gives milk.

With professions:

My Dad is a Doctor. - My tato is a doctor.
She's an architect. - Vaughn is an architect.

With deakim viraz kіlkostі:

a pair - a pair, a little - not rich, a few - sprat.

In oklichnyh rechennyah: before counting the name in one, what should be after the word what (what).

What a beautiful day! - What a wonderful day!
What a pity! - Yak Skoda!

Introduction of the chant article

The sung article is put in that way, as the subject is either a person, about the way the language is going, in the house and the promotion, and to the one who hears (from the context, it’s just too sharp, otherwise it was previously guessed in the Danish language).

It is a chair
The chair is at the table

Try to put the word scho before the name. If the change of the hanging does not change, then put the sung article before the name, and if it changes, then before the name in one (as it is counted) the non-insignificance article is put, and before the name in the plural - do not be put in front.

Re-casting, If it’s clear from the front text, about what the language is:

The girl buv beautiful. - (Qia) The girl was beautiful.

Clear situation, if you see, what / who can be on the spot:

The lesson is over. - The lesson is over.

The one who can be individually appointed, that is appointed, that you see a person or an object from a number of similar ones.

  • Appointment, n azival sign:

Tse є budinok, scho Jack will be. - Axis of booths, like a call to Jack

  • Virazhene prikmetnik in miraculous form

This is the shortest way to the river - Tse shortest way to the river

  • Virazhene ordinal numerical

He missed the first lecture. - Vin missed the first lecture

  • Vznachennya, vrazhene vlasnym im'yam

the Bristol road - the road to Bristol.

  • Appointed, expressed in words:

The next stop is ours. - Our bug is coming.

Before the names unite with your family:

the sun - sun
the moon - month
the Earth
the floor - subloga (one at the room)
the sea - the sea

In front of the pranksters and diprikmetniks, who pretended to be names, with multiplier values:

the strong - strong, the old - old, the young - young,

Vіdsutnіst article (zero article)

Yakscho in front of the name є borrower or names in a private office.

My room is large - My big room.

The name gets used without an article in a plurality in quiet situations: When alone in front of him standing bi insignificance article:

I saw a letter on the table. - I rolled the sheet on the table.
I saw letters on the table. - I swayed the leaves on the table.

Numerous speech names.


Numerical abstract names (abstract concepts).

weather weather, music music, power of Power, knowledge of knowledge, mysticism of science, history of history, mathematics, mathematics, light of light, love of love, life of life, hour to hour
I like music - I love music.

But with the help of an insignificant article, abstract denominations can get used, which express a variety of qualities, I will become.

He got a good education. Vin got good lighting.

In English language, names may be preceded by a plural article, the borrower some (any) or the abbreviator may be daily.

Like before the Russian name you can put one of the words behind the silver: sprat, sprat, yakіs, yakі-nebud in front of the official name of English propositions cost borrower some (any).
Just as it is not possible to put the same words in front of the Russian name, then before the official name in the English language, the day's sign.

I bought some apples yesterday - I bought an apple vchora ( sprat, sprat of apples)

The theme of articles in English language is one of the most common for Russian people. This lesson is supplemented by the development of 99% of the folds with the use of articles.

Basic rules

Insignificance article

A/an vikoristovuetsya in that vein, if "we don't know which one of them", to that rich man:

  • one of the bags.
    He's an artist.(= artists in a lot, in one of them)

  • not unique.
    I"ve just bought a Ferrari.

  • did not guess before.
    There was a New student in class today.

Denomination of the article

The vykoristovuetsya in that vein, if "we know what kind of them", to that rich man:

  • unique (or unique in this context).
    The Australian Prime Minister(= Vіn such one)
    I looked inside- the engine was in a terrible state.(In this case, there is only one engine)

  • guessed earlier.
    The man gave me a ticket. I looked at it and saw that the ticket was a single.

  • signified by a phrase, as if following him.
    What's the New student's name?

Ні article / Zero article

Articles are not venerated, if we are talking about in the infamous:

  • vikoristovuyuchi nezlichennі іmennі аboі іmnіniki і nіzhinі.
    Do you like sport?

  • with the names of people that place, ale є rich vinyatkiv (div. below)
    a book by Professor Jones

Fixed phrases

Іsnuє impersonal fixed phrases, yakі vykoristovuyutsya for the article that without it. You just need to remember it. For example:
at home, at work, at the beginning, at the end, go to bed, go to the cinema/shops/station, in the world, once a week, sixty kilometers an hour, the other day, the same etc.

Can fix problems

Robot (Who has a lot of problems with her? :)

How to use a lot of people, how to win the song of a robot, win a/an

My husband is an architect.(= Arkhіtektoriv rich, vіn one of them)

And yet, as a robot, it is typical only for one person, victorious the .

He is having talks with the French foreign minister.(= Vіn such one)

Zagalom here everything follows the basic rules.

Miracle foot

The vikoristovuetsya for prikmetnikov at the miraculous step.

She's the best person for the job.

last and next

Tsі prikmetniki can buti vykoristanі yak with the article the , and without a new one, but with a difference in the meaning.

I saw James last night.(= nothing before tsієї night, before)
It's the last night of our holiday.(= stay empty)
I'll see you next week. (= offensive for the stream)

Institutions: school, college, university, church, budinok, likarnya

Three words school, prison, university, church, home, hospital, etc., the article is not victorious, if we think about them as if they were established, recognized for singing (Learn, rejoice, etc.)

My sister mav buti at hospital overnight.

However, as we think about the waking life, as about a physical object, the article is written the .

Our flat is opposite the hospital.

Singing articles with signs for the hour of that month

Appointment to the hour

The win at

The date: the 25th of December / December the 25th
Parts of the day: in the afternoon, in the evening, in the morning(ale at night, at lunchtime)
Tens / Centuries: the 1980, the 21st century

Other signs of the hour are victorious without the article.

Rocky / Seasons: in 2002, in summer
Months / Days: in August, on Friday, see you tomorrow

Name the place

    Name the countries, continents, islands, states, provinces, places without articles.
    to Asia, to Sydney, to Texas, to Turkey

    the czech republic, the Netherlands, the uk, the arab world, the USA

    Yakshcho talk about yakus region, vikoristovuvati article not necessary.
    Northwest India, Northern Europe

    in the east of the country, in the south of Italy the coast

  1. More names of roads, streets, parks, bridges, shops and restaurants not vikoristovuyut articles.
    Central Park, Harrods, Oxford Street, Tower Bridge

  2. The names of theaters, cinemas, hotels, galleries and museums have an article the .
    the hermitage, the National Theatre, the Odeon, the Ritz

  3. Name the rare mountains and lakes without article.
    Lake Victoria, Mount Everest

  4. Hydro systems, rivers, seas and canals wink after the article the .
    the atlantic, the(River) Danube, the Himalayah, the Panama Canal

Dodatkovo is recommended to take lessons 76-78 of the second part of the grammar of the English language (as most of all, they didn’t break it).

And now we will check your Global knowledge".

Texts of the lesson not rise to the category of "Pochatkіvtsі", because you are blamed for the folding of their vicons, then you can become obsessed with less theory than the lesson, zastosovuchi її to the texts of your equal.

Right 1. Complete the General Knowledge test by entering the correct articles.

Right 2. Insert the correct articles to replace the passages.

Check your scores for the correct answers in % (there were 50 answers in total). If it is less than 80%, then you have not mastered the topic of articles. Consult the theoretical part of the lesson when learning the English language, and if you feel it, turn around until you are right again.

Right 3. Correct pardons, as it is in speeches (the whole proposition is not necessary to rewrite).

Vіn buv vstanovleny in order to be a skin day.

In the rest of the hour, he became a minister in a new order.

A: What make is your computer? B: It's Mac.

I found myself talking to George Clooney! Not George Clooney, go, but deaky z tim'yam.

I didn't even know Clara was looped into art until I heard that she owns Van Gogh.

I "ve been offered the position of Director of Personnel.

We're going on holiday with Nielsens.

He's really keen on athletics. He likes to think of himself as the Usain Bolt.

The article is one of the names of the name and is placed before the name or before the words that are appointed to the new.

Insignificance article a(an - before the words that start from the voice) to resemble the numerical one i means one of the rich, like, be like.

I am a student. I am a student (one of the rich).
Tse є apple. Tse - apple (yakes one s bagatioh).

If there is an insignificant article in front of the name in one, then it is omitted in many wines.

This is a book. Qi є books.

In this rank, the article a(an) can only get used to names before names in one.

singal article the to look like a vkazivny borrower, scho. Often translated by the words tsey, tsya, tse, tsi. Get used to names like in one, so in many.

The chant article is victorious:

If there is a thing about a special person or a subject.
Where is the pen? Where is the pen? (visit us)

In front of the name, as if you were given a mark at the miraculous step, or an ordinal number.
What is the longest river in the world? He was the first to come.

Before geographic names (names of oceans, seas, rivers, mountain ranges, parts of the world).
Indian ocean, Baltic sea, North, Thames, Alps.

Before the name-bearers, united by their kind.
What is the highest mountain in the world?

In a number of viruses, such as
in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon, etc.

If you think about some object more firmly, use the article a (an). The next time, when zgadtsі this subject, podomlennі details, vikoristovyte the.

I have a dog.
The dog is black and has white ears.

Zero article. Articles are not venerable:

As if the name-bearer gets used to the most complicated meaning.
Crime is a probem in most big cities. Malice is like that, but chi is not more specific than evil.
Life has changed lot in the remaining two years. Life is like that, vzagali.

Before powerful names (names of countries, towns, states, provinces, lakes, mountain peaks; vinyatka become a union of states or a plurality in the name, for example, The United States, The Netherlands):
England, Russia, London, Mr. Johnson, Tuscany.

Prote, in front of nicknames, living in a plurality for the recognition of members of one and the same family, the chant article is sung.
The Johnsons. Sim'ya Johnson.

Before the names of times of fate, months and days of Monday.
He always goes the South in summer. English classes are on Monday.

At vipadki, if you go about the reception of the house, the transport, and also, how to go about the place (for example: a house, a robot, a likarnya, a university, a church, a church, then)

I go home by bus.
I go to school. (I am a student)
We have dinner at 2 o'clock.

At the front butt - I go to school, the article does not get used, the shards are on the way, so I am a student, after all, I go to school at my own self - navchannya.

But such a situation is possible. I go to the school. At the same time means that the meta visit to school is different. For example, I go to the school, because I want to see the head master.

My mother is in hospital now. (She's ill.)
Every day I go to the hospital to see her.

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