Exit. Shemot (Vikhid), the biblical book of the Pentateuch of Moses, the result of reading

Book of Wihid

Another book of Moses in the Holy Letter is called cob words Elle Shemot- “These are the names”, so the names of the Israelite blues, like under Josip, moved to Egypt. Gretskaya called the chapter of the book - “Vikhid”, oskolki won out, the head rank, about the farther result of the Israelis from Egypt for the prophet Moses. The credibility of this evidence is confirmed by old evidence and new evidence and evidence in Egypt. The period of an hour, about which the Book of Vihіd confirms, is counted by hundreds of fates from the death of Josip before the birth of Moses. Moses brought the Israeli people out of Egypt for 80 years of his life. After the advancing fate, the Skin of the Consecration (namet, which served as a portable temple) was vowed upon him, with which the Book of Vihid will end. Here it is worth mentioning some historical data that the books of the Wihid are standing in. Josip buv sold his brothers to Egypt, if the dynasty of Giksiv reigned there, or shepherds (about 2000 BC). Egypt is at a high level of prosperity and power. Pharaoh todi buv, mabut, Apophis. Vіn pіdnіs Josip, who vryatuvav the Egyptians in famine, and pressed the temple like that of his homeland. Ale, the calm Egyptian princes united at Thebes and gradually drove out Giksi. Then the kingdom was entered by the XVIII dynasty of the pharaohs - Amosis I, the new rulers changed the order to the Jews. The ducks began to spring up, which then crossed over into heavy bondage. The new pharaohs, having reluctantly evreїv and tame them, like slaves, being a place, at one time were afraid that the jews would unite with the cordon nomadic tribes and seize power in Egypt. The result of the Jews in Egypt during the period 1500–1600 BC. Ymovirno, then panuvav Pharaoh Thotmes IV. The Book of Vihіd was written by Moses in the Arabian Wilderness (Sinai Pivostrіv) following the acceptance of religious and civil laws by God. It was written out for the otriman Moses of the Divine blood.

The book Vihid maє two parts - historical and lawmaker.

In the historical part, the suffering of God's people in Egyptian slavery is described (Which. 1 head.).

Then let's talk about the ways of God's Providence in the life of Moses, called by the Lord for the salvation of the Jewish people. (Vikh. 2-4 heads.).

They gave the Book of Vihіd rozpovіdaє about those, like the Lord prepared the Jews to the end of slavery (Vikh. 5-11 heads.), rozpovida about the departure of the Jews from Egypt, about my mandrivka emptied to the Mount Sinai. (Vikh. 12–18 goals).

At the legislator part, the Sinai legislation is being vigorously established (Vikh. 19 goal.), given the link of religious and civil laws, bonds with the entry of Jews at the commandment (union) Z God (Which. 20-25 head.).

Irrespective of the past thousand hours of that hour, the religious and moral laws of the Book of the Dead and the Dos have not wasted their strength. Navpaki, the Lord Jesus Christ at His Nahirnіy sermon taught us to understand them better and better. Ritual and Civil Laws (Dii. 15 Goal.).

У книзі Вихід викладається історія єврейського народу «від тієї хвилини, коли євреї під тиском фараонів починають відчувати взаємну солідарність, зближуються все тісніше і тісніше почуттям загальної небезпеки і чудесами, що супроводжували Вихід з країни поневолення - до обдарування закону на Синаї, до отримання повного національного life, the heart of the main sanctuary - Skins.

The arrangements at the qi frame of the zmist of the book Vihid can be divided into three parts:

  1. First after a short introduction (Vikh. 1:1-7 ), what is the explanation of the Book of Wihid sButtya book, rozpovіdaє about zvіlnennya jewish people from єgiptiskogo slavery (Vikh. 1:8 - 13:16 );
  2. The friend made history dearer to the Jews to Mount Sinai (Vikh. 13:17 - 18:27 )
  3. The third rozpovida about the way in which the Covenant of God with the chosen people (Vikh. 19:1 - 40:38 ).

Book authorship

The author of the book Vihіd, apparently from її zmіstu, є Moses. So, after the victory over the Amalekites, I will take away the Lord’s command to write down my soul:"Write tse for memory in a book" ( Vikh. 17:14 ). The same order was given to Moses after the reaffirmation of the commandment broken by Israel:"I said the Lord before Moses: Write your own words." ( Vikh. 34:27 ). So, before the urochist, we will clear the Covenant after the Sinai legislation Moses, having told the people all the words of the Lord and all the laws,"Moses wrote the words of the Lord" ( Vikh. 24:4 ).

The hour that the book was written

How many can be judged from the visionary mission of the book Vihid (Vikh. 17:14 ; Vikh. 24:4 ; Vikh. 34:27 ), it was written not in one hour, but in the world of that, like Moses having taken the view of God from different laws. The rest of the edition of the book falls on the end of the fortieth mandruvanny empty - for an hour of rebuking the Jews at Jordan:“Blue Israelites or manna forty rocks, the docks did not come to the ground, lingering; Or stink the manna, the docks did not come as far as the land of Canaan.” ( Vikh. 16:35 ).

Reciprocate Moshe and the people (chapters 16-17)

Scargs of the Israelis for famine and sprague and numerical manifestation of Divine Providence, which are the way of the Israelis until they arrive in Sinai, split 15 (22–27), at split 16, and the stinks are interrupted by orders about the end of Saturday (16:23–26), and in splits 17.

Itro inspection (section 18)

Rozpovіd, cited in chapter 18, about seeing his three son-in-law Moshe and yogo (as a power to govern the people in order to “quench God” and hardships not only before Moshi), on the thought of some exegetes, destroying the aftermath of the viklady. Asking the head rank on verses 12 and 20, the stench vvazhayut that in the wake of the Іtro was already after the revelation on Mount Sinai.

Sinaisky Consecration (chapters 19-20)

Fifty days after the fact that the Jews left Egypt, there were given inscriptions, ten basic laws, given by God himself to Moshe on Mount Sinai at the looking stone tables - the Tablets of the Testament.

The variant that is to be avenged in the Book of Vihid, on the first, broken tablets, and the variant of Repetition of the Law - on others. Sinai, standing at the fire, thick with smoke, the earth tremtila, grim_ grim, shone bright, and in the noise of the elements, it raged, croaking yoga, mooning the voice of God, proclaiming the commandments.

Zani (chapters 21-24)

The grandeur of civil and criminal laws, social and ethical principles and cult ascriptions, which ends with a blessing for their dotrimannia (chapters 21-23), the tradition is considered as a continuation of the Ten Commandments. Tse crypt, maybe, and establish the “Book of the Covenant” (mentally named by the Bible scholars “The Great Book of the Covenant” on the text of 34:11–26), Yaku, zgidno 24:7, Moses wrote and read to the people the first hour of the ceremony which is reportedly described in Section 24.

Order about the purge of the tabernacle (chapters 25-29)

Chapters 25–31 are devoted to detailed statements about the everyday life of the tabernacle, the preparation of the stuffing, the priestly robes, the preparation of the olive anointed and the incense of the incense, a description of the order of the cult in the sanctuary, the consecration of Aaron and the holy clergy.

Sin of the golden calf (chapters 32-34)

For example, in chapter 31, the inscription about the subota is repeated, and the reminder that God gave Moshe two Tablets of the Covenant serve as a transition to the offensive in sections 32–34, where the creation of the golden tilt and the worship of Yom are described; the anger of Moshe, who breaks the tablets (which means the breaking of the union with God); turning the golden calf into gunpowder, which Moshe punishes the rise of water and giving to drink to the people (which, according to the orders about the prodigal squad, it was cited in the Talmud as a test, which vikrivaє is quiet, who is guilty); mortification at the command of Moses near three thousand wicked sinami of the Colin of Levi; with the blessings of Moshe the wrath of God and Yogo, threaten to blame the people for being guilty; re-descent of Moshe to Mount Sinai, de vin again to spend “forty days and forty nights”, preparing a new pair of tablets and writing down the mind of the renewed Covenant, the smist of which (importantly part, written in the division 23) is repeated in the deschoo modification of the form about 34:11 - 26 (This is the name of the "Small Book of the Covenant").

Pobudova Skins (chapters 35–40)

The visnovok of the book starts with an inscription about the completion of Saturday (repeated six times in the book), followed by a description of the sabbatical skin, the preparation of the stuffing, the priestly robes and other fittings for the cult, the consecration of the sanctuary that is covered with the glory of the Lord, the visible sign is like a semi-dahmar I am at night.

Podіl books on tizhnevі distribution

  1. Vaera (6:2-9:35)
  2. Bo (10:1-13:16)
  3. Beshalah (13:17-17:16)
  4. Itro (18:1-20:26)
  5. Mishpatim (21:1-24:18)
  6. Truma (25:1-27:19)
  7. Tetsave (27:20-30:10)
  8. Tisza (30:11-34:35)
  9. Vayakhel (35:1-38:20)
  10. Pkudey (38:21-40:38)

Book Shmot yak literary tvir

Literary features of the book Vihіd put it in a number of works of the epic genre, in some kind of opus about the legendary subdivision of soldering and transforming the visionary idea. The form of the book Vihіd, like an epic, was completed before the її writing fixation. Tsey epic is grandiose for the scale of that greatness of thought. Yogo head hero- God Himself. The epic includes the most recent hymns, the poetic pinnacle of which is Shirat ha-Yam.

Book travel

Book authorship

The author of the book Vihіd, apparently from її zmіstu, є Moshe. So, after winning over the Amalekites, I will take away the Lord’s command to write down my podia: “ write tse for memory in a book"(Vikh.) And after the revelation in Sinai" writing to Moshe all the words of the Lord"(Vikh.). The same order was given to Moshe after the re-establishment of the commandment broken by Israel: “ I said the Lord before Moses: Write your own words."(Vikh.).

Bible criticism

On the contrary to these observations, negative criticism is given by the traditional version of the exodus of the book Vihid, to crush її zmіst sparse parts, to see the exodus of the skin until the right hour.

Parts of repetition (especially commemorations in cult arrangements), deacons of inconsistency and inconsistency in the language, conceptual differences and linguistic peculiarities point to the diversity of the word as an opposing and legislative material.

According to the thought of some contributors (S. R. Driver’s zokrem), about half of the divisions of the book Vihid include at the same time materials from two or three main sources of the biblical text - Yakhvestsky, Elohistsky and Priestly (J, E, P obviously), then the other half go to one of the dzherel - J, E or R. In some details, there is an influx of Egyptian and Mesopotamian cultures (for example, in the name of Moshe, in rozpovidi about those, like wines were buried in chagars, in some legislative parts, similar to the code of Hammurabi). Inclusion before the book Vihіd bagatioh cult orders, which in fact do not lie before the Vikhod, was clearly dictated by the exercises to give them the same great significance in the ritual rituals of the people, which became the very signification of the people in slavery.

Behind the words of one of the representatives of the "hypothesis of the records" - Evald, the most recent part of the Exodus and the song of Moses (15:1-18); rokiv after 100 days after Moshe Bulo kimos is written "Moshe's life"; in Rest of the Rocks Suddiv z'appeared "the book of commandment" (Vikh 20-23 ch.), for Solomon "the book of soil", to which the greater part of the zmist of the book of Vihid is included; the rest is the redaction її falls on the hour of Joatham, the companion of the prophet Isaї.

Looking like this, Reiss (“the book of the commandment” is brought up until the hour of Yosafat), Delich (the greatness of the Exodus stood in front of the Babylonian full) and іn.

Spilling criticism

The prote thought about the occasional change of the book of Vihid is not grounded in any way. The absence of details without sumniviv confirms the fact that the author of the book is a co-worker and an eyewitness of what is being described. So, before the book Vihіd became Egypt itself as such, as it appears and during the modern epoch of Moses to the Egyptian monuments, zvsіm vіdmіnny vіd pіznіshy camp I would like, for example, for Solomon.

Departure of the soul- death, vіdkhіd zі svіtu:

  • "I check my hedgehog for the result" I check my exit from life(For this evening, for the Lord, call the stichera of repentance, tone 5)


The author of the book Vihіd, as it is clear to us before іz її zmistu, was Moses the God-seeing. So, after the victory over the Amalekites, I will take away the Lord’s command to write down my soul: "Write tse for memory in a book"(Vich. 17:14). The same order was given to Moses after the reaffirmation of the commandment broken by Israel: "I said the Lord before Moses: Write your own words."(Vich. 34:27). So, before we clean the rules of the order of the law of Sinai, Moses, retelling the people all the words of the Lord and all the laws, “writing Moses these words of the Lord” (Vech. 24:4). About Moses, as the author of the book Vihіd, testify and Jesus Christ in the words to the Sadducees: “About the dead, stink to rise again, they didn’t read you in the Moses book, like God at the cup said to you…”.(Mark 12:26). The revelation of the manifestation of God to Moses at the time of the purchase is avenged in the book of Vihid, and there, after the words of the Savior, the book of Moses. Obviously, the vislav “book of Moses” can mean: the book, as it is important to talk about Moses, otherwise it is called by the name of Moses. Ale, like a rozuminnya, cannot be a mother of a place, shards in the book Vihid Moses do not occupy the head place and in the name of a yoga name, a Jew does not guess. Viraz "the book of Moses" has only one meaning: the book written by Moses (Por. 5:45-47).


Contrary to these evidences, negative criticism is given to Moiseev about the book of the Vihid, to crush it into sprats of parts, to see the skin of them until the right hour. So, behind the words of one of the representatives of the “hypothesis of the records” - Evald, the most recent part of the Exodus is the song of Moses (15:1-18); rokіv 100 days after Moses, it was written “the life of Moses”; in the rest of the fates of the judges, a “book of commandment” appeared (Vikh 20 - 23 ch.), at Solomon’s dobu “the book of soil”, which covered most of the zmist of the book of Vihid; the rest is the redaction її falls on the hour of Joatham, the companion of the prophet Isaї. Approximately similar glances are observed by Reuss (“the book of commandment” should lie until the hour of Yosaphat), Delich (the greater number of Vikhodu stood before the Babylonian crowd) and others.

Spilling criticism

Ale thought about the occasional trip to change the book of the Wihid can’t be imagined for myself. Ignore the details that are mentioned in it, to speak without a list for those that the author of the book is a co-worker and an eyewitness of the descriptions of the approaches. So, before the book Vihid became Egypt itself, as it is, it appears and behind the modern epochs of Moses, Egyptian reminders, familiar with the sight of the dead camp, for example, at the capital of Solomon. Zokrema, a riddle about the deacons of the Egyptian places - Pliopolis, Ramesses, Pifom (I) and Etam (Veh. 13:20), without an introduction to their camp, passing on the acquaintance of the reader and the author himself with them. So the very eyewitness of the next moment recounts such exact reports about the hour of their departure, as if it were more expensive than the wilderness of Sur from the Black Sea to Mary (Veh. 15:22); arriving in the wilderness of Sin on the 15th day of the next month after leaving Egypt (Jeh. 16:1); bestowing the coming day of manni; roztashuvannya with a camp on the first day of the third month after the departure from Egypt (Wich 19:1); a manifestation of the glory of God on the third day after the departure of Moses from Sinai (Jeh. 19:16) and so on. not from any other material, for example, oak or cedar, which would have been better in the mouth of a famous writer - a resident of Palestine; guess about the shkir of “tahagi” to unknown Old Testament writers, for which one of the covers of the tabernacle was shattered. Nareshti, before laying down the deed laws of respect: “if the Lord your God brought you into the land of Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Eveev” (Deut 13:5 (Deut 23:23 and further) (Deut 34:11 and further) do not deprive the desired sum in the fact that the Book of Vihid was written in a desert, before the entry of the Jews to Palestine.

The hour that the book was written

You can judge how much you can judge from the visionary mission of the book Vihіd (Vuh 17:14; Vuh 24:4; Vuh 34:27), it was not written in one hour, but in the world of that, like Moses having taken away the sight of God of different laws. The rest of the edition of the book falls on the end of the fortieth mandrivka empty - for an hour, the Jewish people were changed by Jordan “Blue Israel, go to 35 st. 16 goals, or forty years of manna, the docks did not come to the land of life; Or stink the manna, the docks did not come as far as the land of Canaan.”

Book writing meta

The closest meta of the writing of the book Vihіd polagaє in order to give to the Jewish people and increase in memory the religious-moral and civil laws (Veh 13:5, 13:8–11; Vih 34:11 and further); more time to start before the vkazіvka vykonannya given to the forefathers of the people of the Jewish community (5:2-8).

The period that was embraced by the book of Vihid, that gave it to me

The Book of Vihіd covers the period of an hour from the beginning of Hebrew captivity in Egypt by the pharaoh, “who did not know Josip” (Veh. 1:8), until the first month of another fate after their departure from Egypt (Veh. 40:17), then. with more than 400 rokiv (about the trivality of the Jews being changed from Egypt div. in clarification of 49 st. 12 ch.).

Її зміст викладає історію народу ізраїльського «від тієї хвилини, коли євреї під тиском фараонів починають відчувати взаємну солідарність, зближуються все тісніше й тісніше почуттям загальної небезпеки та чудесами, що супроводжували походження з країни поневолення - до обдарування закону на Синаї, до отримання повного національного життя , with the heart of the main sanctuary - the tabernacle. The arrangements at the center of the frame, the entirety of the book Vihid can be subdivided into three parts:

  • the first after a short introduction (1:1–7), which will tell the story of the book of Destruction with the book of Butt, telling about the message to the people from the Egyptian slavery (1:8 – 13:16);
  • a friend made history dear to the Jews to Mount Sinai (13:17–18:27);
  • the third rozpovidaє about the order of that renewal of the covenant of God with the chosen people (19:1–40:38).

Wikoristan materials

  • Tlumach's Bible Lopukhin
  • Sedakova O.A. Glossary of important words from the liturgy: Church-Slovak Russian-Russian Paronims. - M: Greek-Latin Cabinet Yu.A. Shichalina, 2008, p. 153

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