Scientific facts - the identity of people and women. Why are women dead for people

The truth is that it's not just scars, but real powers in human and female circulatory systems. Women save body temperature more quickly, instinctively saving heat for the potential fetus in the mother. And the people give the warmth of the body, without smirking.

Woman's body is easier to absorb heat

Women's hormones, lesser body changes, increased metabolism - all these factors contribute to the consumption of heat. Women have less m'yazovoi mass, as if they could vibrate warmly. It becomes cold and before menstruation.

The fact that a woman's body in extreme situations keeps us warm in the womb, means that we warmly fill her skin with that tip.

Cold temperature is stronger for women

The women are blatantly sensitive. We often spend time, especially when it comes to menopause, we suffer from depression and superworldly at the same time.

According to statistics, women 9 times more often suffer from Raynaud's disease, a diseased disorder of blood circulation.

The temperature of the woman is changed by the length of the cycle

Just before the month, the woman's body temperature drops, as if the temperature in the body is low. It reduces the number of red bloody bodies, which cause heat to be consumed by the body.

Chicken sips on blood circulation

The chicken sharply perturbs the arteries and disrupts the blood circulation. As a result, there is a risk of heart attack and illness, as well as cancer.

The other causes of bad blood circulation can be blood diabetes and hypofunction of the thyroid gland. Because your hands and feet are constantly cold, you turn to the doctor.

Eternal problem - the man is too hot, the woman is too cold . Science knew a simple explanation of this phenomenon - women for their nature colder lower people.

The team of survivors on the choir with the doctor Kim Khan revealed that the hands of the average statistical women Mayzhe 3 degrees colder lower for a person. The reason for this is that the female organism vibrates more than the heat of the life of important organs and less heat of the life of less important ones. Women's hands and feet are of their own kind with "beech pipes", which show how warm they are in the "booth", and if their hands women are cold, Otzhe froze and їy cold skrіz.

The temperature difference is just one more peculiarity, as it makes the people and the women breathless. Professor Mark Newton of the University of Portsmouth considers the main cause of the temperature difference to be the main cause. Letting wine go, I can see the temperature of the internal organs for the protection from frost in the state organs, as well as the protection of children, such stinks of wine. Such a peculiarity of the woman's body is due to the fact that women have less fat and less fat, as men have the function of protection from the cold. Tom, to the female organism be brought to life with the additional warmth of the life of important organs.

Also, prove that women lower tolerance to cold. Almost all women love it, it was warm at the apartment, so if people try to loosen the scorched troch for the sake of economy, the stench stumbles on the woman standing, in which it is natural to warm up. But women want warmth not for the one who needs it, but for the one that nature has ordered so and not through the power of scandal. Katherine Sandberg, director of the Georgetown University Center for the Study of Articles of Excellence, argues that women are more sensitive to temperature discomfort. It’s pointing out to the follow-up, in which people and women were told to dip their hands into the cold water, that Trimati is more. In a pouch women Significantly, the hands pulled out of the cold water, lower people.

Increased sensitivity to cold can also be a symptom of an ailment. For example, anemia and reduced function of the thyroid gland, like in women with the most widespread ailments, can raise sensitivity to cold . That doctor is recommended to go through obstezhennia, as you note that you get cold more often than not earlier.

If you become cold at night, it may be the result of a low amount of cortisol in the body - a hormone that is responsible for thermoregulation in the body. Most of the hormone viroblyayetsya lie, and over the evening of yogo becomes richer less. In this case, you don’t need to be a doctor, but a mother of two hot men under a carpet is enough, as if they would play you from both sides.

The skin of us is very cold. Prote all mi differently react to them. So, for example, people endure the cold kindly, but feel great discomfort, if it’s stinging, and on the other hand, they feel badly at high temperatures, and at low temperatures, they feel worse in no place: physical and rozum activity decreases, drowsiness becomes worse, get worse.

Krіm tsgogo, є zagaloviznanny i, zagal, scientific bringing the fact - especially spriyyatlivі to the cold zhіnki, and even stench - to freeze stronger. To whom, a whole logical explanation. On the right, in the fact that the body of a woman, due to the equal distribution of fat, saves heat more quickly. Zavdyaki tsomu blood fast to reach the internal organs and subtrim their temperature, and the axis to the ends (legs and arms) does not rise. In this rank, regardless of those who are warmer in the heat of the women, the stink of the cold is stronger. Chantly, a lot of people can confirm that they are bumping woman's hands and realize that she is literally a krizhana.

In addition, the fallow during the phases of the menstrual cycle, spriynyattya before the cold in women changes: in different periods, the temperature of the internal organs varies in the ranges of plus or minus one degree, for example, it rises in time after ovulation, etc. Apparently, after an hour of sleep, the temperature of the skin of a person decreases, and then - in women, this process is more pronounced. Well, and then to rob people more gracious to the cold. It was clear that women are less vibrated, both in physical and emotional terms, so the stench starts to freeze earlier, lower people.

Krіm is a sign of the state, the supra-mundane gidota is powerful as well as people from the zayvoi vaga. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya z ієї w causes pіdtrimki postіynoї temperature vіshnіhіh organіv (tsomu spiyaє ball pіdshkіrnogo fat), as a result, the blood is filthy to come up to kintsіvok. And the axis is those people who lead active image life, do not lose weight, go in for sports - freeze less richly for others.

Not only that, our spontaneity to the cold is embodied in the coldness of life. For example, unbalanced eating leads to bad circulation of blood, that person feels cold. And the axis is people who eat properly (vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, etc. live in the diet) - richly vibrate in the minds of low temperatures.

Freeze people and in the form of selfishness. Seemingly indispensable to no one, the stench of the cold winds up if it's warm. Still, through the weak circulation of the blood, the people of the frail age are more cold.

It is also rich to lie down in the name of the star and the way of life. People who live near a cold apartment chirp to the point that the cold temperature is not to blame for being high. Before speech, the power of such a sound, when changing the place of residence - for a warm apartment, you can bring it to nervous stress.

Cicavo, scho cold - zmushu people with distrust are put to otochyuchiyh! And the axis, seeing the warmth, now - to rob us with kindness and kindness. How do you think, we can do the same, here, for example, in important negotiations, if we can’t make a decision in the salons for a long time, if the purchase is going to faint, should we so nonchalantly offer a cup of warm cavi chi tea?

Nasamkinets, I would like to turn once more to the fact that representatives of a weak state are more responsive to the cold, and turn to men - warm up your wives: with words, with warm kava! Share warmth with them, and more importantly, don’t give them any reason to feel selfish and to care about your life.

1. Most people have a sexual relationship from 4 - 6 girls before they appear serious vіdnosin. Also, they tell stories about the turbulent bachelor life - no more, no guesswork.

2. For the greater half of the people, the beautiful appearance of the woman is more important for the ugly figure.

3. Tretina people do not see the numbers many girls schob bulo komus zatelefonuvati, if you want to wit your soul or have sex.

4. Most bachelors live up to 27 years under the father's wings.

5. Everyone knows that people are afraid of becoming impotent. In another mist, no wonder, fear of shedding.

6. 96% of people think about the girl not to smoke.

7. The average person has 3 kg of lipstick for all his life. From woman's lips, well.

8. 80% of people on the floor are afraid to go to the doctors, which means they visit the rest.

9. In 30% of people, who were on the canopies of their squads, they had problems with erection, they had problems for two months to a few years.

11. Average body temperature in people, lower in women. Since it is cold in your apartment, it is recommended to sleep in one bed with a person. Cholovіki - tse portable obіgrіvachі, yakі, schopravda, croak.

12. As a person, having prepared an insult for you and more than three storekeepers in a salad, take into account that the new one has a serious mind.

13. It’s not easy to grow up like a man, not having tied up your masculinity. Phrases "Get in" and "I don't want you more bachiti" can sound like a wick. If you really think that a person will wake up, try to say to you: “I love you .... I want a marriage for you .... I want a mother with children for you.” Sometimes the stench fills the smoke trail on the parquet.

14. Men forget their mustaches, just like women don’t forget anything. For the same time, the broadcasting of sports events is often shown again.

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