How to become a vulgar girl. Yak buti milim, sexy lad, it is impossible to stand in front of yakim. Father, who is this - "good girl"

The peculiarities of filthy girls, or sooner than the sung and well-worn women, like a man for the joy of drinking bi and in you

Mother deyaki draw filthy girls - does not mean being a filthy girl. Until then, most of all, a person wants to, so that you were not just such a lower kohana, but also your best friend, as if you were building on a godly vchinka, so that you could grow your life tsіkavіshim. Women are suitable for men with a sense of humor and “peppercorn”. So if you want to kill the filthy girl at least once, you definitely deserve it.

Otzhe, 8 features of the filthy girls, or rather, the more sung and well-worn women, like a man for the joy of dancing bi and in you:

  1. Non-transferability. Most people hate everyday routine, which they often do family life. Why is that adventurous woman necessary for them, for which I want to meet for happiness. Promote your spontaneous trip to the sea for a place, figure out how to make your everyday life more attractive.
  2. Confidence in oneself. It's no secret that women are more like women who know what they want. Win, obviously, to help you make important decisions, but turbulate through yoga, just to those who don’t know what to turn to you - fight.
  3. Unhearing. People are obsessed with sex - it's true. And stinks sometimes want to work fenced speeches, zocrema and in public. The stench is to love women, like the names are more correct, but in the bedroom they can be unbelievably godly and go beyond.
  4. Love yourself. You are guilty of remembering your consumption and your satisfaction. If you work only for someone else, you can’t evaluate wine. Then chіlovіkam podobayutsya zhіnki, yakі lkom sіlkom іnіnі, yakі can live on their own і і rely less on yоurself, аlе raptly chоbіr thе choice tо live with іt. For the new one, it is necessary to ascertain that the wine is not just a spivmeshkanets, which helps in the state, but a cohabiting person. Tse means that in a lie you can say to you, what is right for you, so that you can take satisfaction. So, stink tse love.
  5. Directness. Ring out, woman if you want, so that the person, having guessed what they want, but the stench can’t resist. A person wants to know exactly what you want and what you can do for what you want to grow. Zreshtoy, in the sight of your happiness.
  6. Dominance. Razdіl sіm'ї - a man, without a trace. But sometimes you want to be under your control. Don’t wait, but at some point you can command and win by not playing roles by changing roles.
  7. Passion. Add a pinch of pepper to your skin kisses. A leather man wants a woman, like a leather dotik and adore a leather yogo. Predilection plays a great role in vidnosinakh. Zavdyaki їy kozhen kiss, which you rob nibito for proforma - with zestrichi or goodbye, - rozpaluvatim your inner bagattya.
  8. Insolence. It helps, if the wines cannot praise the decision and hesitate. I cholovіk іnоdі want to feel it sharply and impudently - tse yogo sigh. You can tell me what to do to you yoga sumnіvi, even if you want to work everything perfectly - it’s nachebto and insolently, but sigh.

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"Bad" lads never end their lives in a bad way. The image of a typical "nasty" lad is painted awkwardly, most of the time there are a few embellishments. Let's add sexuality, work kindness, shards of right sexuality, go for goodness. If you want to turn the respect of the girl, as you like it, troch zusil that, having shown splendour, will help you with whom. A sly smile that, having shown sexuality, crushes its right.


part 1

Reveal the weirdness

    Be kind to everyone. Better for everything, it doesn’t matter to you to show kindness to a person, as you should, don’t be separated only by your needs, show kindness to all people. You will show that your motives are broader, and, better for everything, so you can cope with the garne of hostility to the girl, as you should.

    • Appreciate friends and close people of the girl, as you like. The stench is dear to my heart. Therefore, try to love them, be a supporter for them, as this person is really dear to you.
    • Show kindness to the unknown. Don't judge people you don't know. Joke the ability to show kindness to the unknown. Reveal turbota about the people who hate you.
  1. Try to understand the people. Skin people have their own emotional and physical needs. People and women suffer from hormonal decay. Rozumiyuchi, it will be easier for you to deal with the girl.

    • For example, changing the hormonal background at the hour of the period of menstruation can change the mood of the woman.
    • Remember, the woman's brain is shrinking at the hour of pregnancy!
  2. Just listen, not giving any of your pleasures. In some kinds of moods, people need it, so they just listened. Give the girls the opportunity to tell about your problems. Do not give in to calmly face these problems. Just listen and sing along.

    Find out about the capture of a girl, as you should. From whom you can and tell. The skin of a person is about to choke. Find out from the girl what suits her, and then try to find more information about her. People are supposed to talk about their zakhoplennya, so you can support Rozmov and win your respect. You can put the following request:

    • What is your hobby?
    • Why should you do cym?
    • Can you teach me what?
  3. Give respect to the mood of the girl. If you need more space, if you need special space, give it to me. Take a vivikuvalnu position, and it will obov'yazkovo pull up to you again. If you see something that will require your special respect, be prepared to give it. Be a guarantor, if necessary.

part 2

Be accommodating

    Look after yourself. If you are dissatisfied with your calling, you can work hard to look good. Dress nicely and follow the rules of special hygiene. Stand up to yourself with respect, and other people will be put up to you like that.

    Robіt emphasis on their positive rice character. Privacy is a physical beauty. Without a doubt, physical beauty can have an important meaning. Tim is not less, inner strength is just as important. Think about your positive character and focus on them. Self-confidence is not sexy.

    • Possibly, you have a better sense of style, give you a seat at your own dress. Dress fashionably, naked on tsoma.
    • Why are you talented? Let others know about it. Play for the girl, as you deserve your beloved song. Write receiving a message my people. Paint a picture, de vi you can hang your feelings before it.
  1. Develop a little humor. Smile brings people closer. To laugh at the people close to you, and you will become closer one to one. You can see that it's easy and comfortable for you.

    Do not show the girls how important you are. Such a behavior does not mean anything in common with strangeness. Like you deserve a girl, do not be fooled by a similar rank. The girl may know that you are serious about choosing a partner, you were chosen for a reason.

part 3

Get її to yourself

    Set food. Show the girls that you are caught in it. Show a broader interest before what is shared with you. Under the hour її rozpovіdі stavte їy richly ask. Zavdyaki tsyomu wi will become close. Put the following nutrition:

    • How do you feel yourself?
    • How can I help you?
  1. Maintain healthy contact. If you don’t take care of the healthy contact, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get close to the blue. Marvel at the maiden, not brutally respecting strangers at the room. So marvel at yourself at the vіchі, but not at other parts of the body.

What image do you show if you smell “good girl”? And why do you fall into a thought, if it seems like “a filthy girl”? Until recently, it was important that the girl is good - the one who, according to the understanding, is “correct”. Chi is right for whom? For mami, tata, teachers, bosses, people? What is true?

Behave decently, don't drink, don't smoke, don't bark obscenities, and don't swear at the Young Pioneers. And the filthy girl is “wrong”, the one who smokes and swears and behaves obscenely. І cholovіkіv won't admit close to once.

Narazі qіrії hopelessly outdated - the clock is no longer the same. Writer, psychologist for the Center for Positive Psychology SMART WAY Yuliya Sviyash I propagate to look at the whole sight more glibshe.

I, as a psychologist, put a “diagnosis” on working women - the “good girl” syndrome. What is it? Vіn to fall in vіku vіku, the complex "Garnoi dіvchinki" ills and young girls, and mature women.

Tse, basically, “mother’s recession”, as if in childhood and youth, it’s possible, and the bula is relevant, but in the world, growing up has turned into an important burden, it’s important to burden, but it’s scary to throw it off.

Father, who is such a “good girl”?

Її smut bazhannya - like otochyuchimi. Tse bajannya won, more for everything, you don’t see, but you yourself are ordered to life. A good girl can win a positive assessment of the otochyuchih. Vzagali, the good girl is rich in wine.

She hears everyone, the crime itself (batkiv and authoritative people). Your inner voice is the voice of conscience (and also your mother's voice).

For her, you need a smut.

She’s even more guilty of a guilty litter, she’s smart enough to take into account the cause of all the misfortune that traps around.

At hundred-sunkas from a man - a good girl is a good one to advise ten times, and then we'll wait. Encourage you not to what you don’t want, but they didn’t respect you for being light.

Vaughn is afraid of someone to pretend to be unreasonable.

Well, all the same, she got out of herself, and then we’ll do it anyway.

Yakshcho їy unacceptable chiya behavior chi vchinki, won't show it.

Vaughn rushes to help for the first call.

The word “hisist” for her is lailive.

As if there was a choice for a mother, it’s better to be good, but for someone close, it’s safe to raise a vibir for the melancholy of a close person.

It’s created for self-sacrifice, it’s not wise to inspire, it’s for the sake of it.

She tries not to give the drive for tiles to herself.

Good girl, so what else, sit at the skin of a woman. Marvel at your life: how do you show yourself? Why don't you care to live like this, how do you want to reach your goals with a robot, a car, a hundred years from a man, a sim?

Possibly, they don’t tag you at the collective, don’t raise your salary, don’t push through car’er gatherings, but you sit modestly in a hut and are afraid to give a voice? Is it possible, do you notice the tension, if you appear in public? Do you feel like wine if you drive it without a drive?

Then I may give you a proposition. Is it not an hour to try being a "nasty girl"? Don't fight, I don't tell you to be rude to passers-by, attack people, sway rights to robots and slander with alcohol. "Bad girl" - we don't know what you think.

Who is this "nasty girl"?

Її credo - live for yourself, kokhanіy.

She is not guilty of anything to anyone and to rob those who want and those who care for their needs.

Vaughn can be like. Їy, zvichayno, nebayduzhі the judgment of the otochyuchy, ale behind the great rahunka, the head thought - tse ЇЇ. And in it about yourself to finish the garna dumka.

Vaughn is not afraid to be bright, commemorative.

At the center of your life, stand alone, and not someone else.

She may not want mothers with children.

You will never be a mother and housekeeper to your own person.

A smut for her - be yourself, that’s the first thing for everything, ask yourself: what do I want?

Vaughn can allow yourself not to drive into robots.

You can take pennies and gifts from people (not obov'yazkovo looking at them as if they were good).

Vaughan vvazha, scho varta best in this life.

When you make a decision, you will always be happy with your inner voice.

Vaughan vvazhaє: better vispatisya and look kinder, lower sleep, but catch everyone.

If you feel criticism at your address, then do not be irritated, but begin to seriously rozmirkovuvat.

Vaughn knows her shortcomings, but fight them without fanaticism.

Won build it up, it’s necessary, it’s not worth it to anyone.

What is the job of a “good girl”?

No, don’t think that you need a term to go with everything hard and then you will become happy. Ale, yakscho at the devil for luck - stay, don’t stand there for the raja. Tse filthy mist.

Learn, nareshti, that you devote more of your life to that, to be like others. Possibly, if you were inspired: to live for yourself is bad. But they said that it’s useless to be hisist, and it’s such a frequent thing to live for someone, be a harnoy. Possibly, you took the butt of your own someone else more authoritative.

If you want - virt tsim nastanov, if you want - no. Golovna - how can you live with such a philosophy? Only honestly. And how to live uncomfortable (and people cannot be comfortable in someone else's life) - think about it.

You can start living not only by other people's interests, but by your own. Don't worry about other people's pardons, but work on your own. Aje robiti vlasnі pardon hoch і more rizikovano, ale tsikavіshe. In whatever way. Wee, obviously, you can see a lot of objective furnishing, so that you don’t start to work.

Or you can choose another choice. I know the top ten old ones, like going to the care. Grandma, yakі vyrishili pіti on aerobics courses. Mom, how to go to the disco with your daughters - not with a method of control, but with a method of dancing. I know girls who have grown old to their full age.

You can start to sing to yourself, when you smoked once. So, tse same place, you thought about yake.

To kill those whom they could not possibly kill, but dreamed about it (because it’s bad ...)

Remember: to please everyone - tse stupidity and hopeless wind, as you can take as a life guide.

Thursday 13th 2015 3519

5 krokіv vіd soldering to "nasty girl"

Don’t think too hard to be a “good girl” - that’s wonderful. How do you do pragnesh us dogodjati and try your best to earn the praise of the otochyuyuchih - you need a good coward!

Really, it’s bad for everyone. Tsіlki in kaztsі lagіdna and good Popelyushka falls in the arms of the prince; Thumbelina, who pecks at a grain a day, clicks on the nose of a mole and pretends to be a princess, and the little stepmother is snubbed by her stepmother, White is already seven, like a peasant. In fact, if you try not to go into conflict, you will change into a draft horse, which you want and practice the most in the collective farm, but without becoming your head. To sit on your thin neck and start filthy with a batog (forget about zukor), and with whom you endure and think: “What good am I taking?”

The world has made 5 kroki for good boys, to help them become “filthy” and stop living for others.

Krok 1

And for the sake of whom we are in front, stop frantically slandering strangers. You don’t Chip and call Dale, don’t hurry to help those who don’t ask for it. Your friends and relatives can independently voice their needs and, in times of need, ask for help. Your bezvіdmovnіst zgod becomes the norm, and it becomes overwhelming like a given. Do not be surprised that for your good deeds, close people will lazily present you for a kiss - good as a shock. Then, your wife’s wife will take on a deadly image, otherwise you’ll spit on your back.

Recommendation: Take the arkush paper and write down your message. As soon as you look at the empty A4 format for an hour, take it in, you made the first cut on the path of insight: you have long ceased to work for yourself.

Croc 2. Poor girl: praise yourself, praise yourself for real

Start working today, loudly, with a special viraz. You can show yourself Leninim, who speaks in front of the workers and the villagers. Get up, take a look, smooth your beard and sound out loud wanting to b three points, why are you young today. Stop being a drug addict, stale in the face of someone else's kind word or a condescending nod.

In one day, you won’t forget the sounds of alarmingly wrapping up on the thoughts of the otochyuyuchih, then until their “assessments” add your power. And there it is not so far to the vlasnoy thought! Axis out - so small, sirenka and sleep all hour!

Krok 3. Breaking the program

Now it is necessary for you to rule the day of inaudibility. Tse does not mean that you will turn on the film "Krasunya" and under the new z'їzh a box of zucchini and a frying pan with zucchini pancakes. Vtim, and for such a “good girl” for a long time to take up self-flagellation.

Life hack in the form of a "nasty girl": I hate robiti manicure myself, I don’t hate yoga. I trust the worker to the professional. Well, you figured it out, right? 😉

Stop acting like a hearing child, continuing to follow the program laid down in the child's program. Do you really think that on Saturday you don’t take care of the general cleaning - the world is called? Otherwise, if you don’t prepare for the day of insults from three fears, then love you, apparently well, for what? Fighting with water is necessary delicately, ale rіshuche. Guess I'm right, as you are especially hated - and just forget about her. If you don’t want to clean the kilim in the cat’s outside, don’t clean it at the outside. All the same, it doesn’t become less, it’s especially distorted. Let's ignore one more important right. The end of the world will not come, you will do it yourself!

Krok 4. Tell the truth "nі!"

Even though you are still a good boy, then, singly, you can’t clearly say “ne”. Virazno - tse means residually and irrevocably, and not mumbling under the nose, kupu vipravdan, vibachen and as a result, everything is the same. If you encourage someone, your brain has a self-flagellation mechanism: Why did you form a boyar?

Immediately, an unacceptable inner voice joins in, which prompts you to discuss on the topic “maybe I got hot?”. You start your thoughts to tell the truth to yourself, repent and as a result you spend a lot of spiritual strength on the same lines, so suddenly you say “so” in a foolish way. Abi, stop mentally “eating” yourself.

Recommendation: start thinking to yourself, if you see thoughts about asking for the truth for your chergovy "nі". Take care of important law, read a book with your head, or read a statute. Golovna - strangle the inner voice of the fetus. With skin new “nі” life of rosefarbovuvatymetsya with you new farbs and you understand that it’s not so easy to work.

Krok 5

Obviously, it’s not obov'yazkovo to get lost in the kimos of conflict. And if you have become a “nasty girl”, then before the conflict you need to be at least ready. Sounding all the lives of virishuvati spiry situations with light, volition, so that they formed you yourself, up to 40 years you risk becoming paranoid with your hands, what to tremtyat. І your salary is paid not on new jobs, but on calm preparations.

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How to become a filthy girl and why is it better

How to become a filthy girl

Continuing the theme of good and nasty girls. A good girl, as if it were z'yasuvalosya, but not so badly, as if you were thinking about it. And the filth is quite acceptable. But what about working for these girls, like all lives have been trying to be kind for everyone, forgetting about yourself, your needs, bazhannya, pochuttya? Isn't it impossible to change?

Continued history of Tetyana.

Ozhe, we said goodbye to her at that moment, if it was brighter than it was not nicer through those that she was constantly trying to make everyone happy, but they simply didn’t notice. More than that, they took this turbota as a gift, without any pressure on it. Auntie developed depression. If, through sleeplessness, that chronically, it was almost impossible for her to get up a lie, to take children to school and prepare people for children, she realized that she needed work. I went to a psychotherapist. So I said to youmu in zustrіchі, speaking, to work with me now, so that the children would not forget the briefcases, and the person would not go hungry. The psychotherapist appears to be uncompromising, and understands її rozpovidi, who has a problem. І tse bov first crochet on dark bik"bad girls". Because Tetyana first realized that she also has the right to solve problems. Not less than її mother, person, children, judges, friends, that boss. Hello, there she is. Psychotherapy appeared to be entirely successful. Zovsim soon Tetyana pretended to be yaskrava, sung in herself, cheerful, cіkava zhіnka. І scho naytsіkavіshe - otochuyuchi vіd tsgogo anіtrohi did not suffer! Її children became independent. The person shook, and the judges themselves started talking about their vikhovants. Everyone became happy.

Become a "nasty girl" - tse zovsіm does not mean the stature of immoral, unprincipled, bad ... Tse means - to pin it down to be worthy of everyone. I start to become like yourself. How tse robiti?

In the first place, you need to be known, that you have the right to the power of life, and at the same time - to the power of problems, pardons, shortcomings, filthy moods, filthy gusto and other speech, like they called out in your stick like a rubbish. There are no ideal people. Є tі, who loves himself and wants to become better, to love himself even more strongly, and ti - who does not love himself, but that cannot be better.

The next step, after that, if you allow yourself to be imperfect - you should look around and understand, for whom you now want to be garnoy. What do you remember? What do you value? Dyakuyut? I can ask you, scho give a hint on qi supply: no, no, no more times no. The stench rang out to the point that you are pulling everything on yourself. І tse really їm mischief! Because with such a rank you allow your ability to show yourself.

To that, the coming crock is a gra of bezporadnist. Let yourself get sick. It's hard. So, so that it would be necessary to look after you, but you yourself could not turn your finger. If you want to see if you don’t know, why, more, wear and rob the whiskers - you didn’t achieve anything with your “goodness” for all the rocks. And in an hour, the sick people learned how to deal with their own problems on their own. And don’t think of turning to the role of a “rjativnik”, don’t let yourself piss about yourself in the world of your abilities.

Learn to take satisfaction from life. For whom it is necessary to allow yourself to spend an hour on yourself, respect that pennies. It’s more foldable, maybe, it’s one of the most foldable cuts for a “good girl”, but it’s just necessary to work. Just so you truly learn to love yourself. We saw for the cob wanting to spend the first year on the day of happiness (for example, relax in the fragrant bath), and step by step bring this hour to the second year, spending yoga on reading books, manicures, reviewing the series - all the same, for some kind of busyness. Golovna, what befits you. Whatever you can reach, be your success!

Another difficult task is to learn to tell people the truth. Tell the truth, as if you don't seem to feel anything else, but your interests are sticking around. If you don't want to walk a Susidian dog - tell me about Susidci. You were told to say something in the store - get respect. Learn to choose your rights. Don’t fight to give in to the “filthy”, indifferent - don’t hesitate to blame yourself for your troubles.

Well, stop - let yourself live your right a little. Allow yourself to be angry if you were angry. You want to break a plate - break it! I want to send them all to the devil's mother - zrobi tse! Crying, if the eyes are filled with tears, laugh, as if it were funny to you, to bring on as if all were serious. It is necessary to stop littering with your nibito "non-religious" feelings. Some of us may have the right to feel. І on full-time life. Know that someone cares that a good girl has no right to her.

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