The bottom words of a man's prose. Accept no leaves. Accept the words of a person

The world of today's young people of the zdebіlhogo zoseredzheny in socialist areas. It became a filthy tone for Nina to get to know real life. The Internet will ask the girls and the lads of life. Even so, being worthy of a representative of the opposite status, come home, know your side in the VK, twisting everything is necessary and not necessary about your burden, it’s possible to add it to your friends, and then, as it seems, there is a stupor. Especially tse vіdbuvaєtsya zі weak statyu, іvchatа more nerіshuchi іn nіtnаnі znayomstva.

We were taught from childhood: a lad can be the first to show initiative. You, obviously, you can and far away remember the profile of the lad, which sunk into the soul, or you can gain courage and write people, as if you will become your share, a sprat of simple ones, but in the distance you have picked up words. Yak tse robiti, let's sort it out below.

How to write a parubkovi, what would be worthy of you?

It is necessary to separate the back of the head for yourself, that the words addressed to the lads, such as Bachish first and then behind the profile in VK, and people, with which you had earlier stosunki, will be different.

Let's begin with the lad, whom they did not know before:

  • First word, like you write a young man, say everything about you and maybe nothing. It's just banal: in the course of time, the lad took a nap in his memory, as if he had planted yoga on the cob. However, the most important head word is stale, so we can give you a clue. If you want, you’ll definitely say hello, write hello or hello, putting a smiley far away. Zvichayno, you can become famous for the original and ask the boy for a month in the career, be it food, what should be the photo on the profile picture in the social media, be it of any interest. Just don't forget about the words welcome. People are more conscious of clarity, logic and a healthy mind.
  • Write first, but do not be intrusive. People love enterprising ladies. On the back you will make a light light balachka “about those, about tse”, most often vicorous positive formulation, embellished with a healthy warmth.
  • Remember: few people love skiglіїv. I don’t want to write once to the people, who are appropriate, about the tragic death of their beloved poodle and injecting this death into your mood. If you want to bring this information with humor, then you can write. Just remember that while you are not tied as a boy, and you do not spend your time on your own person.
  • With a stretch, cheer up for those who yourself can splinter your splinter. Like playing football, you can criticize the game of such a grave chiro (!) To be overwhelmed by the thunder of your beloved team - it’s more vikliche for the lad, that bazhannya, to discuss with you. Golovna, and here the nobility of the world and do not see the young man in his sight.
  • With a categorical pardon, in the first days, the listing of the words “kitty”, “zaya”, “malyuk”, to the one who so crosses the intimacy between his spivrozmovnik. These words are blamed on the leafing of people who died one by one, in a natural way, moreover, they are, as a rule, abundantly. Tobі varto less pokat, if the lad, who is fit, become yours. Then you can bathe at the sea of ​​lows.

Exchange of text messages, sheets, VK reminders and other social media, to avenge different receptions of words, you can pretend to be a crow's cry. You will read the checks on the back of the note to your kohan, and the vin - to you.

Why do people require garnih slav?

Deyakі dіvchata perekonanі, shcholovіki vyyavlyat іnіtsіativi іnіtsіativi і stosunki, stіyno spying on their kohanih i robiti їm gifts, stinks do not especially indulge their faces with special signs of respect. This thought is fundamentally wrong, even if it’s strong, it’s even more important to feel it, which choke Yogo Kokhana, but we’ll sharpen it with turbo and warmth, and also constantly raise your self-esteem for the reception of words, sayings.

It didn’t sound like a bi hissistically, ale garni words bring grudge to both partners. People get the necessary incentive, you don’t need to make money for this woman, you don’t value yoga. Praise zmusit yogo feel vpevneno and in the new one appear pragnennya reach new heights, even if it’s for the sake of someone else. Chi varto say accept the words to the kohanom? Absolutely, yes!

We write lads, accept words at Contact (vk, vk)

About those that you can write to an unfamiliar guy in contact, we looked more. Now let's think about how the words of the varto are chosen for a person, with what you know in real life for the help of social security. At the same time, under the hour of trival listing, people at the same time open up more and more, exposing the corners of their souls for an hour.

What is the best thing to write to a beloved lad, whom you know during a tribal period? The axis of the already long period of correspondence with the lad at VK, you are now in a period of mutual exchange of lowers and receptions, and you do not need to spend such a garne splkuvannya. This period is truly one of the most important, even if it’s more like a fault on your side with a lad.

How can you get away with it?

  1. Write about everything;
  2. You yourself in the social media can write young people directly about your feelings. You can’t go wrong with formulas like “How glad I am that you appeared in my life” and even more, “For you, that you are less sensible.”
  3. Become patient and don’t start rozmovu from phrases like “Who are you?”

We write cholovіkovі priєmnі words vranci

Now you start chatting with the lad and you want it, so early in the morning you started from your SMS - reminder, so you live for the time being, but your SMS - dove knows your addressee on the robot, so you already live together.

What varto write lies?

  • “Good morning, my good. to you, but if it’s good, then veiledly yak, that they rushed at once.
  • Pick up the words-zachipki, as if you are stunning the cohanim of the trival period, do not hesitate to write to you the lower words: “Dear, my pillow smells like you. Shvidshe turn back home.
  • Psychologists stverdzhuyut, scho garnoy zachipkoy є vіrshi svogo tvorchoє. Golovnya, vikoristovuy tsey priyom, as if the right talent is up to rhyming. No, hurry up with cool ready-made verses from the Internet. Vershi original, lower leaves in prose.

Reception of lower leaves

Leaves to lie on the ground in your stosunkiv. If there was less than a sprat in you with a person, it would be wrong to write “I would immediately fall in order with you”, “I won’t fall asleep without you.” Why? The lads do not know a similar phrase like a romantic halo, the stench takes the same signal to intimacy.

If you are your lad at the trivaly mіtsnih centose and for some reason you spend the night out of the blue, do not forget to write: “I want to fall asleep on your shoulder.” The people are more gentle on such lower and more shocking formulations.

If you don’t know much about the lad, you can fire up and write: “ On the dobranich and let me dream of you.” Here I’m starting to transfer the respect of the lad, who is appropriate, to his beloved person. Likewise, a hateful virshik will become a harbinger of an idea, every hour the boys are sent to the board before going to bed.

Receive SMS for a kokhan - the whole mysticism

SMS - just a short reminder, as you can turn the respect of the lad more, lower the listing at the social media. write garne sms, schob zatsіkaviti cheloveka-tsіle mystetstvo. How much can you send SMS?

  1. Duzhe-duzhe-duzhe ridiculous heat. Taku, schob regotav not only a young man, but a yogo mother. You must know that God is screaming at the sense of humor. Be alive and warm. Spontaneous fever to promote a young person, as it suits you, mood for the whole day in advance.
  2. I know the verses of my creation. Your young man is known that he instructed him to know a creative girl, creative writing is no less than a message from prose. You can brag about the top of your sweetheart in front of your relatives, colleagues and close friends, to promote you, insanely, mood that self-esteem. Aje, for the sake of a new one, go to navit for the future of virshiv! Such a pidkhіd khіba is not worthy of such callous and down-to-earth people. Here, don’t overdo it and correct it once in a while.
  3. Praise words. Your lad will be only radiant, as you more often swear to you, what kind of wine you have is good, sweet, handsome, kind, the best in the world.
  4. Feed more often with the lad, be it for the sake of it. How do you know which store? Better refuel in your area or else. Such a particularly kind pidkhid, as you know, the boy has been recently called.
  5. Send you a request for any kind of zahid. Must love unsustainable surprises. Stay for the lad daddy Santa. Mostly rejoice be-like unsatisfactory requests be-kudi.

As soon as your conversation begins to develop, the tone is better to choose neutral, it’s not necessary to make a lad, but you don’t suspect anything, you know it with familiar words. Let me sooner vin first to reveal more initiatives - it’s a corny blaze for the development of your stosunkiv.

Why write not varto chi typical pardons for girls?

  • Don't write for mercy. If the lad, who is like you, does not have insufferable literacy, do not stoop to that. Be an authority for the new one, if you want to feed the spelling that knowledge of native language.
  • Never for a month in the kar'єr do not vimage your advanced respect. The lad does not show you a trivial period? Meaning wine or employment, or having spent your interest. And with food for the kshtalt “Are you missing?”, “Check me, I’m checking,” you won’t turn your respect back to yourself, but you’ll wind up a person in front of yourself. Zasіkavleni lads know the hour to write. Check and be patient, you will pay off later.
  • If you don’t want to write to someone, don’t think of blackmailing them with SMS notifications like “I don’t say yes, I’m out of the window” and other similar formulations. You won’t turn the lad like that, but in such a rank you’ll lose more than the bad things.
  • It’s not varto among the listings to belittle the lad. Yogo can be beaten up in the world, keep over it, but remember that all the people of his life, and, as if you had strongly hooked a little-known little-known young person, you will forcibly turn your receptions of hostility, like a bunch of words about you.

We write soldiers - terminology accept words

One of the most relevant nutritional listings of a girl with a young person, as she carries military service. Write to him a spread of leaves, about those who check for new and sumuesh. Golovnya, don’t be a sentimental zave, even if your lad doesn’t have malice to be separated from you. Vividly describe everything that happens in your city, on your streets near your homeland, and your sleeping acquaintances. The truth is not transverse in what the heart loves to know clear words How important it was not for them to pick up and write to the kohan lad. Be smart. Dare!

Accept the words of a person

Sometimes it is necessary to leave aside the weight of your butt’s bugs, turbot about children and pay respect for that person, for whom you were called by fate. Tell him that wine is dear to you. Below are some phrases that allow you to express your feelings.

  • From that hour, as if you had escaped into my life, I appeared calm in my soul, and happy in my heart;
  • You yourself the best man be your retinue - ce majestic happiness !;
  • I will guess that day, if we, two parts of one of the same, come together. I pray that we will never be separated;
  • I am a happy woman. What are you asking? To that I got the best man!;
  • You are my dear koshenia (bunny). I need your kohanna so much;
  • Stilki rokіv mi z you zadnani ties slubu, and dosi pozbavlyaєsh me razum.

Send your personal information, if you are in the service, at home or at the worker. Axis pobachit, come home to the wine in a miraculous mood.

Psychologists make girls happy, but they are virtuous, kind-hearted, sweet at the time of the lad, at the listing and remembrance, so that you don’t get hung up on like a person, or cause specialness to decay. After some attempts to make a person look like yourself, put it on and transfer your respect to someone else.

Often the girls are also wondering about other foods to look after young people. They stink, for example, how to turn the trust of a person, with which you parted through the leafing. There is also a departure. Try to get such a love with your own number, as if you had a cob acquaintance at dawn. Please, write about your acquaintances, your interests, about those who once united you. Golovne, don't be stubborn.

School of Yuri Okunov

Hello, shanovni readers! In order to please your kohan with accepting words, we don’t call for a written mother, but we have more poetic talent. Aje, you can speak your thoughts, feel like yourself in simple words, and in view of that, the significance of the antrohi does not change.

Do you still have doubts about what you should dare to milk beautifully and romantically? Especially for you, I have written about those, how to write sms in my own words to kohaniy people.

Blessing of a good wound

The day, rozpochaty z prominchika goodness, taken by SMS from the ladies of the heart, it is possible, and will not be the most successful and productive, but it will definitely be more radiant. Today you can make new prayers. The stench can be attached to quiet problems and problems, like your lad can spend the day. And you can just take it easy kind words, call pіdtremati, give a charge of goodness and optimism Otzhe, we start from quiet two vital words, and other options can be, for example, like this:

  • Let this day be a great vision for the boss, and you will find a way to win, like a rich robish for your company.
  • Let you chime in a little less than three good man so that we can make your day good.
  • I believe that this year the sore rose in you, and it proudly went, taking a temperature with itself, an ache in the body, a pain in the throat that’s why!
  • This day you will become one of the most successful and most successful of all this day! Why? So, it’s just that I want it that way, and the woman’s bazhanya is the law!
  • I asked the sleepy bunnies to fly up to you at the windows, wake you up and give me lower kisses and warm moods. The stench already vikonal my order?
  • Axis mi th became one day closer one to one. With impatience I check for your arrival, dear!


Inviting good dreams from SMS to a kohan lad, not only for a warm sleep, but for a good awakening, that distant new day. So it goes, just like in the previous version, you can write about something in advance. Golovna - show that a young person is dear to you, important and necessary.

  • Let nothing take away with you all the negativity of today's day, and lie ahead of you, we will rejoice, we will renovate, we will prepare for new beasts.
  • I wonder at once for a month. Look at the window and also marvel at her. Are you watching? Now we are bound by the primary light.
  • Another 10 of the same nights and we will hear! I’m looking forward to this enchanting moment, my dear!
  • You know, now I’ll hurry up in the evening until bedtime, even if I sleep, it’s only one place at a time, we can be in order. Mriya, so that the stench was better zdіysnilis!
  • She asked Ole Lukoil for a win, giving you fabulous dreams. Before it, like lie down, dress yourself warmer. I wished that you were Aladdin, and I am Jasmine. At night, it will be cold on the kilim-letaka, so that the warm light cannot be brought on.

Sheets about those who know and check

Dosvіd pokazyvaє, scho trival razlucheni hoch і bring a lot of croup, prote є tim vyprobuvannyam, yak pіd force in a right way zakohani couples. Therefore, do not fall into the vіdchay and just patiently check the zapovitnoe moment zustrіchі!

It seems that it’s not easier and simpler to call at once to write verses. And if you don’t know how to pull, then boldly write sms to the prose of a dreadful person. Meni zdaєtsya, better vyslovlyuvat your feelings in simple words, lower pentameter iambic.

  • Today is exactly the 2nd of the month, as if you had gone, but it’s okay that you have passed the river. It's marvelous, how fast it is to live an hour, if it's in order. And how painfully long it will drag on your mind.
  • I’m sure that the separation itself allowed us to understand, the feelings are stronger. Aje, call a person, start in a right way to understand and appreciate those words, which are inaccessible. Also, in our separation, it appears, there was great wisdom. Dyakuyu їy for the price ...
  • I didn’t think about what I’m going to do over my wild cups, which you always leave at the sink. Behind the mutterings of the dreams and the deep songs of the soul. Like your bristles are like my cheeks. It's wonderful, how much you are truly dear. Chi do not make your own positive rice, A whole lot more!

Appetite booster

Well, I'm saying that I could bring a little more for reference. Why not include here. Zreshtoy, priyom zhі є important warehouse of our day order. And if the hedgehog brought more joy, we won’t forget to savor it not only with spices, but with light smells.

  • I spodіvayus, you are worthy of those that I prepared for you. Let the porridge give strength, fruit life energy, and the cake will please my beloved lasun.
  • Recently I confessed that cooked with love for fat on the belly does not transform. So їzh іz happy!
  • At the stew / borscht / pie, this year I added such caresses according to the zhmeni nizhnosti, seasoned everything with kind words with praises addressed to you, and generously sipped the kohanny to the beast. I'm guessing, you're delicious.

About your hopes, sleepy future

If you know your “prince”, the woman will not hesitate to start thinking about those with whom she would like to bachit stosunki in an hour. She puts on her shoulder the image of a lad, then named, and there she already begins to think, as if we were writing an SMS about a man and a father of her children ... You can do it all at once, and discussing such things is not unimaginable. then you can boldly share your thoughts with a partner.

  • Shvidshe I check the moment, if we live together. I think about those with some kind of love prepared for you, check with work, talk about you. Stay in good order - it's wonderful, even my friend's half!
  • This day I went home through the park, the shoes of the dead parachok were shot. I’ll wake up and dream about those, so that it’s not enough for us to walk around the weekend, trembling by the hands. And then we would, breathing fresh air, would go home, we would have dinner and marvel at the film.
  • Meni should be in you skin risochka revealing that character. Let our children invariably take the best for you. Sweet smile, bright green eyes, inner enchantment and kindness, as if they were afraid to love you.
  • With your presence in my life, I thought in a right way about those who I want to care for my donkey, my family. Earlier, there were less timid youthful dreams, as if this year, the rice of a real mature life is growing, where I myself am a squad and mother. Even worse, ale and it’s welcome at once!

Just about your feelings

  • Only in order with you I feel properly stolen, only in order with you I can be weak, indolent, trusting. That is, if you don’t have any order, it’s even more important that it’s summative. Let's try to do everything possible at once, to keep order.
  • The smell of your cologne is on the pillow, on the table is a cup of unfinished caviar, and in the bathroom there is a tube of toothpaste, which you have not twisted again. J You know, dribnitsa shy away from me neymovirno happy, and even stink to talk about those that I'm not selfish! Dyakuyu, lyuby, what are you in me! You are my happiness, my joy is that great value!
  • The axis immediately hugged you mіtsno-mіtsno, kissed you lower-lower! I love!
  • I just want to say that you are dear to me. Thank you for the turbo, respect, affection! You for me myself the best man in the light! Come shvidshe, mi s cat on you checkaєmo.
  • Vibach, who was staring at you yesterday. I was wrong! You are not guilty of anything, it’s just that I was unacceptable on the robot, as if I were zipping moods. Do not be angry ... I love you!
  • For a long time, people could not endure, for they tried to call me their own. It seemed to me that the stench would encircle my freedom, they wanted to attract me like a rich river. But now I realized that I simply did not love them. That is why today is a thought about those that I am YOUR warm my soul!
  • Vibach, why haven’t you written for a long time. There were problems at work and at home. I know that it’s not true, but all the same ... Dyakuyu, scho nadislav those miraculous lives! Bouquet dosі cost and hush me! Let's chat at the weekend, as if it's time for you. I'm bored, I want to pamper you.
  • And I was preparing a little surprise for you… Please come back from work, I'm checking on you!
  • Axis baked such a pie for you (you will need to attach a photo), check you until evening. Don't get hung up, otherwise it's all right! Kiss!
  • Dyakuyu, scho having filled me with snidanok, love! Bulo miraculously savory and namovіrno welcome! You are the most beautiful and most romantic in the world!!! Have you opened your portfolio yet? If not, then it’s the very hour to grow, so that that relish didn’t sip, as I laid down on you! Bachish, like everything is mutual with us.

To help you better understand, how to be happy with a partner by yourself. Even more simple, more zhіnocha, about the most important food, vіdpovіdі on yakі often signify the quality of life. I recommend it to my readers!

Well, I'm on my side preparing opinions on whether or not your questions on the topic of the article. If so, you have it - feel free to share them in the comments!

All for today. Don't miss out on new publications. The function of repaying the news to the site is better for you. Until the new zustrіches and all the best! Yours Yuri Okunev.

How can people say about their feelings to the new? What words can a person say?

Accept words to the kohan and the single person:
1. My lower fluff! I can't live without you for one second.... Navit a millisecond without you is a great eternity. Come on, hurry up, kohaniy, I'm already checking on you!
2. Look to look .... Lip to lips. Please, stay in order. I won't tell you anything else! As it is necessary - I fight. I want to be with you forever. Aje I look for your image everywhere. I dare you to say so!
3. Opened, smartly, a handbag. I knew that she had her telephone number of loves. I spent an hour on jokes. Ale, on the phone screen is your photo! I can't help but marvel at you. You yourself handsome man. I love loving you...
4. Words kokhannya in prose. - Are there stars in your legs? Yakby won in numbers, I just beat myself up. Kokhaniy, you are driving me to hell! I promise that I will cry for you ourselves ....
5. You are less small in your eyes. I am also a bad artist. That is why I, with the strength of love, that warmth, also “make”, thoughts, your imposing portrait. Do you want some yoga? Dream of me, be kind, love the night.
6. Words kokhannya in prose. - The best, kokhany, united! I give you all my kohannya. And you take її styles, skilki you want. All Kokhannya is yours. All kohannya are tobi. Dispose of it in such a way as it pleases. Tilki…. Do not drive її, good!
7. What words do people say? - Fill your grіє my soul .... Dear, beloved, that dear .... Yakby knowing how much I love you ....
8. It is not necessary to cry, neither with your eyes, nor with your soul. I won’t leave it, but I’ll always be with you. I will be, if you like, your angel. I, in the darkness, kohai, we will fly at once!
9. I am your new side in life. Don't tear me up, I won't burn it. I allow you to burn only half-witted kohannya and passions. In such a half-moon, believe me, I will burn with great satisfaction!
10. Words kokhannya in prose. - I love…. I love…. I love…. I love…. How many times, for you, repeat the words you receive, so that you are in them, without any doubt, having believed? I can write off all the pid'izd, all the roads and all the good, as you want. It’s possible to get tired of everything in my handwriting, but I won’t get tired, in any case, to change you in what I love without memory.
11. Accept the words of a kohanom cholovikov. - Lyuby, I missed you so much that I can't work normally. Mustache thoughts, literally, filled with you. I don't want to call such "downtroddenness". It is acceptable for me to think about you, attaching to my skin my thoughts. Catch my acceptance!
12. You are a prince. I am all the same, that in you there is no horse, no palaces, no overseas riches! You are the prince of my heart. You rule in the new kingdom of our kokhanny. And the kohannya, carry me, on your wings, at the edge of heaven, guess about those that you care for me more, and that I need you more - more ....
13. Warm and affectionate words to the cohanom of the people. - I’ll call, don’t let me in. You need me. I will die without you... Be in order, yaknaydovshe, I ask you more! I'll drown in your arms. I feel so good to stomp in them. Your and your eyes are the most beautiful oceans on the earth's edge!
14. Give me your hand. See, how does my hand reach out to yours? I tyazhinnya - inevitably. So, let's not uniquely їх! Let's go to hell! I want to feel heavy feelings….
15. Only yours…. I don’t want to but I’m reading, I’m crying for you! With others - it's bad, it's boring. With you - fun, comfortable and positive. Dyakuyu, that you yourself are with me, and not someone else!
16. Words kokhannya in prose. - Dyakuyu your love for the ocean .... For the sake of it, you give me so generously. Thank the earth, what are you on it. The earth will perish without you. And, at the same time, from her, and I ....
17. My loves! Ti is a miracle gift for my National Day! I don't need another gift. You appeared in my life, and I appreciate my appearance. Dyakuyu, dear, why are you with me!
18. Ty is a hero! You are the first one, who is the best, without practice, and the top, and the depth of my heart, to love. Take it, it's yours! New style has a kohanna .... Vaughn, before the speech, so is yours. I will lie with you. I love you shaleno that prisstrasno!
19. My angel…. You gave me your wings. And I’m flying without them: look like a kohannya! Vibach, why did I hurry up, and didn’t say: “I’m up to you, catch!”. Words to me, press down, have your arms around me! I want to drown in them, fall, resurrect. I kiss. Adzhe, again, I want to understand, how great it is, kohannya, in you, joke ....
20. I respect the second to fast…. A few more seconds flew by quickly, guessing about ochіkuvannya. Oh, how it hurts! I can't check! Ale, arrows in the year, turn, even if it’s in order, I can’t: the stench doesn’t support me. I don’t need me, what’s the order! I really want your kohanny .... See, share, give!
21. Press before me. You are so warm and welcoming. You are my favorite pillow. Chi is not formed, right? I love the blues on your breasts so much, under the beat of your dead heart. Your heartbeat is tse koliskova. Let it sound forever! Live because I live by you.
22. What should I do for you, if you believe in the eternity of my love? I will destroy everything you want: I will come to your dream, I will become a moon or a sun, I will wake up and I will appear, I will turn the side of my life, I will say (or I will shout), be a confession ... Tell me .... Just one word of yours….I can grow up, with a drop of a laugh, in your guise…. Yake I love.
23.Give me a ring - I, without prejudice, will say, to you, so. If you don’t give it - I’m ready to check on you all eternity. Ti - life, ti - the continuation of the line at my share. I am ready for goodness, so that you will be deprived of mine and with me. Are you fit?
24. Words kokhannya in prose. - Thousands of "vibach" and thousands of "I love." Everything is you. I can say more. You are light. Tee - sigh. Ty - whispers of yourselves lower lines in the world You are my luck. Ti - the cob of the soil. You are the only person, for the sake of someone, as if it were necessary, I will zumiyu say goodbye to my single life!
25. Your im'ya rush through me to the receiving sounds. Your name is Burshtin's light in the intoxication of self-sufficiency. I love your name: it will protect me. Vono is my talisman. I will not tell you to anyone! No one and no one, kohany.
26. Forget all the trash and gloom. Let's leave everything light and bright. Let's remake, our lives, zavdyaki one to one, for a sleepy fun .... I want you to be alive on earth so shamelessly and happily that all the angels, as if marveling at us from the dark, slapped us with a “white” slap. We, together, can and zazdrіst refarbivat in the district walls.

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