Write human accepting words. Confirmation in the kohanna of the lad in my own words.

How good to be alone with you

Texts of love confessions for a kohan lad


Є hypothesis, scho kokhannya is a grandiose project of the all-worldly mind, some kind of launchings under the hour of creation of the world and building up dosi. One of its results was the birth of life on the planet and the appearance of people. Father, we have created insults in order to love. And I realize that my confession is to love you yourself, love!


I love you with skin seconds, hvilins, years, days and nights. Weeks, months, fates and centuries ... We knew one of one middle of a million, and now we are two halves of one great heart. If you don’t care so much, then I can’t live any longer, because my heart can’t beat more than half.


I can't live without you, you need me like this again. Without you, I'm just a man in this world, and with you I'm happy in this sky. If you are in order, I see what you need so much, like you do. Don't think that if you don't have order, I don't think about you. If you are far away, I love you a hundred thousand times more. I constantly think about you and love you.


A drop of wood fell on your face and froze on your lips. I TOBISH, ShO HTOS IT - NOT, affectionate ... Goldenia of the Klenovy leaf, twisting the Ostannoye Valsі і nіbi inadvertently sticking out your pins, the huts stinking with a warm temper ... I will look at your eyes. wood, and leaf fall ... Because I kohay you ...


My dear baby, my affectionate yangolatko, I want to give you more dearly, that in me I have the power to make you happy! So, my licorice, I want to give you all my tenderness and affection, spend unforgettable days and nights with you, whisper to you in your ear "I love you, koshenya" and mur-r-chati in the form of satisfaction!


The whole sense of my life is Tse ti! I fall asleep and think about you! I roll and think about you! I sleep at night and laugh, because I think about you. I am ready to shout everywhere that I love you. I can't show myself without your smile, without your eyes, without your kisses, without your hands. You are my happiness! I love you!


In the rest of the hour, I began to feel even more wondrous, I became more rosy, constantly flying in the dark and I can’t concentrate on anything. Do you know, dear, what caused everything? Through you, I became like this, to that I can’t think about anything else around my most beloved, most beautiful and most beautiful person. It takes so much time for all my thoughts, I just don’t understand more about what to think about. I don’t care about everything, I’m just happy, because only in the order of you I can feel such a sincere rejoicing, even more happy that joy, like never before. I love you more, my love, and I’m ready to repeat the same warmly beautiful words of the day only in order to shake your miracle in the world with a smile. Thank you, kohaniy, for those who made me so happy.


In the midst of thousands of vipadkovy passers-by at the majestic NATO, my eyes stared at yours, and I realized that I had disappeared forever. That deepness, beauty and sensibility, like I danced at your look, took me in full and didn’t let me in anymore. My love, I'm happy that I could look at you myself, and you couldn't get past me. Let our history of kohanny develop more and more richly, It seems that they become more precious day by day, but that fire, which shines in the eyes, does not go out. I constantly want to go wild alone, I will look at you, hold on to your hand and marvel at your own stars. Without a doubt, there are no such words, as if those who I know before you could have been able to contain in themselves, I’ll just say again that I love you more. Among the thousand eyes of yours, among the thousand of your hands are warm, and among the thousand of people - the only one to whom I give my heart for the sake of it.


I will assign you warm rows, I will tell you about you at the skin lesson. Tsya memory I never die, I won't be in my heart dosі alive. Life is just like it used to be, because I love you only one more!


If in order I have a fire in the middle, I need it warmly and those, like in me, are warming. I am quiet with you if you embrace me. Your kisses, licorice and lower ones, and ruin the soft ones and the summons. You are my little world, which cannot be replaced by the whole world. I love you, and it's all said.


Dear, lower your dear look, for me, in this world, nothing can be. For those who are yours strong hands forever hugged me, I'm ready to see everything in the world. I don’t know how I lived before, if I didn’t know you, even now you have become a sense of life for me. If you don’t have order for me, you just don’t want to go wild. I want you and me to be forever lost at once, even if I love you more! ...

Welcome to the kohanom lad: At the top | SMS

Cholovik! Well, so simple and sensible, and at the same time, I am not corrupted in my thoughts and feelings. Vіn do not set them up for show. Don't talk about them. Ale, having discovered the mystery of yoga thoughts, the woman is simply beaten by a storm of passions, which panow at yoga souls. And even behind the firm possessions of masculinity, that strength is most often hovering over subtle and romantic natures. As you already know that your brother is like that, you know, you will be more than happy to see the lowest emotions from your side. At the first stages, everything can be seen. One of the best ways to live is prose about kokhannya. Lower and sensible phrases, more than for you, to lift your heart. Aje, yak, I didn’t have any lads, in the middle of the new leader, there was a thing of sumnivu from the drive, the setting up to the new one was worthy of the ladies. Develop your sumniv and give examination in the kohanna of people. The drive could be National Day, which is more sacred.

Just as your heart and thoughts are shifting in excess of emotions, but if you don’t speak words, the authors of the wonderful site scribbled about those, so be it a woman would pick up rows here that would fit the very її order. Without special zusil you will know the best way to cherish the verses and prose. Believe me, there is no representative of the strong half of the people in the world, who would not accept such a show of respect. If your subject doesn't know about your feelings yet, this way will be ideal for your first move. Forever remembering your charms, if hearing your voice, you will feel the warmth of that prejudiced knowledge at your address.

Prose kohanoma

What is love? Nіzhnіst, predilection, mrії, tyazhіnnya, bazhannya buti at once, bazhannya marvel at one beat ... All the same, I look up to you. I want to be with you, I dream about you, I manage, I think, I’m jealous, I demand for you, God’s will, I’m worried, every day I tell you anew, I groan, I check, I want, I respect ... It means only one thing - I love you!

Close, single, hopeful and necessary person in the world! I will hurry up to you, to open the still little corners of the soul, for there is no strength left to move. I am glad that such a person is right with me - a good, kind and wise one. I love you! I believe that it’s mutual for good.

I always tell you a lot, because my thoughts are only about you! Ale, I know that I can always talk about my kohanna. I know you care for better, so that I didn’t say “I love you” - you always read in my eyes, if at once, I entrusted one with one. Know! I love you with all my heart! Worldless... important... and I am convinced that you will try to make me try to live in happiness, having passed the decision of my life with you, kohaniy!

You are everything for me: my life, my happiness, sometimes my troubles. Ale, my dear, I am dear to you for the price. I don't know how to put my feelings into words. Change my emotions, I always want to be entrusted, indulge your perfume, stick around for you, do not let me in the whine. Singing, tse i є love. I wish that these emotions did not go away, I support our bazhannya in this way.

Choose beautiful SMS, written by your own, in simple words. If only it were possible for you to convey in one short note of your kohanny man all that din of feelings, as you yourself see. Might as well be low nudga, but maybe even. On your choice!

Ale, important moments. If you want, if the person who swears after you rightly nudguvav, then it’s not a good idea to “bomb” with a bunch of SMS. One or two is enough.

Short SMS to a friend of a person. "Sumuyu", in your own words

  • De ti at once, my bazhany? Tse yours Juliet, how nudguy beat vikna for her Romeo.
  • Don’t calm me down on a winter day, if you don’t have order. I guess!
  • Without you, kohaniy, and merry darkness. I guess, like a migratory bird beyond the native land!

➡ You can correct your kohan man, whatever you can. Youmu befits you will be in captivity!

  • Today, in which there is no order for you, for me it’s like a katuvannya. I guess I love it!
  • At the same time, lle dosch, and vin me naganya tight after you. When do we speak? I can't help it!
  • If you are not in order with me, then tears will roll on your eyes. I’ll do my best for my dearest heart Lyudina!
  • I will wash my skin at the separation with you for me to help you. I can't help but think!
  • I think about you, wondering how happy we were together. I sum and check for zustrich!
  • You give so much time to your robots, and I ceremoniously, but I can’t influence anything with my feelings - I definitely know!

You are far away, and I am not up to fun,

All the body is near the hangover,

My love, for you I will so sum up,

What skin caress I care about!

  • Your biased kiss at parting is to burn me down. I sum, I check and all my thoughts are only about you!
  • Let me give you a short SMS to give you my power "total"!
  • I will listen to the skin crack for the door, even though I wildly missed my boy!
  • I missed you so much that I'm ready to fly nazustrich to my crazy man!
  • I’m stumped, that I’m chatting at the separation, you’re the same way, like me, my half of my heart!
  • I will try again to opine at your motherly arms.
  • The skin is lived through, the thinness brings me closer to you. Kokhaniy, I unbearably sum up, perebuvayuchi in discord!
  • Missed your voice. Can you call?
  • I’m already summarily and spontaneously. Don't silence anything if you don't have order. I dare you!
  • Today I had a dream, but at the same time. Now I can do more!
  • I forget about my pride, if you don’t have an order, and I’m ready to drink for my love to the end of the world. I guess!
  • As the Earth checks for awakening after winter, so I am our husband. Missed the motor!
  • Where do I take the strength to survive the separation from you? I'm bored!
  • My love for you is so strong that I'll be crazy if I don't give you a good deal!
  • Ty for me is like the sun for a flower. I love the sum!
  • I sum up to tears, my beloved man!

If you turn to our world of love, demi be so happy? I sum and check!

  • Rozluka with you tear my soul into pieces! It hurts and hurts!
  • From that hour, when we were fighting the rise, winter came to my soul. I sum and check for spring!
  • I'm without you, like a glass case without sea wind. I sum so much!
  • I sum up! I joke your licorice laughter, ale, sorry!
  • Without you, I'm like an angel without wings. I don't know how to live without you.
  • Nudguyu and I want to see your innocence on my own.
  • Dear! The more you stand with us, the more I will manage for you.
  • Let this SMS be an invisible thread that will eat us at the separation. I sum up and feel selfish in the world!
  • So I love it and I know it! Your little one.
  • My tightness for you cannot be developed by a living healer - I’m terribly confused!
  • For me there is no day, no night, if order is not for you. When will we care?

Beautiful SMS chatting man. "Sum and love"

Sob to convey your message around, I will feel your love and caress and your lower nudga, just the other two SMS from different distributions of statistics. And that “raiduga” is sensible, as if you were aware of it yourself, obov'yazkovo reach your person.

  • Seeing love for you in my veins is a holon of blood, so prepare your rings!
  • My love for you cannot be expanded and I feel like forever!
  • I have a share that you sent me to you.
  • You made me the most beautiful woman in the world! I love you to the blues in my stomach!
  • I love you to skin my life!
  • Love! You are the valve of my heart! You are the apple of my eyes! You are the blood in my veins!
  • Teach you, I have a sense of life. Dakuyu you, what's the order, kohaniy!
  • I’m with you like a hiccup, warm, calm, calm and I want to love with my heart!
  • I love you, and don't let me get all fucked up!
  • Nareshti, I understood the reason for my hasty heartbeat - all love is up to you!
  • Your kind smile to rob me of the most generous, and love you, like a broad under the gloom!
  • The most beautiful little bit settled in my heart of that day, if I fooled you, my lady!
  • With you I recognized, where I know the sky and how to taste the kohannya!
  • I think about you obscenely often, and your name sounds less in my head, kokhany!
  • My heart is burning with hot half-lights from the cohanna, and I want to give you a miracle today!
  • I can no longer suffer and I want to say the same words - I love you!
  • Leather wool, carried out by you, for less heavenly malt. I love you all!
  • You praise my knowledge, and I understand that I don’t have any chances for freedom - my heart is in your fullness!
  • I don't believe in the vipadicity - I love you and you are my share!
  • If I got to know you, the world of dovkol shone with various farbs and tse kokhannya!
  • I am the best in the world, because I love you and enjoy life!
  • Tee for me, like jeans from Diesel, such a kohanie!)
  • I became a fallow land... like love before you! I agree, it's mutual.

You are the whole world for me!

І navit more, lower idol.

I love you so much

And my feeling is one hundred percent stable!

  • You see, I succumbed to the one who reads SMS at once)
  • Today I dreamed of my dream, as if it had moved into reality. Її vibіr falling on you)
  • My zbentezheny glance seems to be about one thing - I love you!
  • My love is exhausted to you, if all the oceans dry up on the Earth.
  • Even though I can’t fall asleep without you in order, kohany!
  • Finding a small little piece of my soul saves the name of a kohano people and the price of you - the one about whom all dreams and dreams!
  • Perebuvaya order with you, I do not watch the earth under my feet, more than I cry love to you!
  • My power of love can melt the ice of hell before you, and I’m even more happy that I’m experiencing such a day like this!
  • This is my only swan, for which I have checked all my life, and now we will swim together along the river of kohannya!

I lie down to sleep and wake up, that this year I will dream of my kohannya. Will you come to me, see you dream?)

  • At my world of kokhannya, the doors are only for you alone!
  • Today, I threw myself into the vantage in the face of the clatter of a woodpecker, but then I realized that my heart beats in the form of love for you!
  • Cupid's arrow pointed me at you, and I don't mind such a choice!
  • Love for you shines brightly in my eyes, and I'm very happy about it!
  • Ty is the King (Prince) at my castle of Love, at the walls of which the enchanting melodies of the most beautiful feeling on Earth lull.

Nareshti ended garni and short SMS on the topic “I love you so much”, which were written in your own words, my simple specially for your requests, dear girls and women.

On the site there are more rich SMS and Statuses. So we are not ruined and we choose.

Do not bore everyone and garni moods!

If I slapped you, behind my back the majestic krill grew so inconspicuously, and if I knew you better, I was struck by the twinkle of a kohanna. I was spinning in a hurricane of crazy emotions, everything was mixed up, and my life was no longer great. Everything in it became brighter, slicker, louder. I all tse zavdyaki you. Dear you, my dear, for kohannya, for respect, for tenderness. I love you.

My dear, having lost the place at the dark place, the divine ruh was ringing, and I wanted to write you about my kohannya. Today I will tell you at the door: I love you. I know for sure! You are too important for me. You zoom in on me from the first look, from the first zoom. And now my soul is forsaken to you. I don’t need anything, I’ll help you, because I don’t have anyone better for you!

How dear to me are your eyes, your smile, smile, your voice, your words, that is your soul. In all my dreams, I am looking forward to your image, in all my dreams, I am looking forward to you. Without you, my life was empty and self-sustaining, fresh and single-minded. Ale, the flowers of a generous share have appeared, and my light has been rozfarbuvavsya with thousands of colors and colors. You became my joy, my lower self, my appearance, my life and my happiness.

The light has spread from nig to the head of that day, if I first shot you on my way. From that hour, as I shook your eyes, I cannot forget my deepness and virility. Now I’m dreaming and praying to heaven only for one thing - I want all my life to be in order with you, to be kohanoy and bazhanoy. I want to give you all to myself without excess, even if I love you so much, like I don’t love anyone.

My kohaniy, my single, my dear person. Without you, it’s not just important for me to be dihat, it’s impossible for me to be dihat without you now that you, having become my impression, my sourness. Without you, now it’s a little dark, for you have become my sun, the light of my sky. Less than my hand is at your hand, all that is necessary for me in the share. Less your eyes, like to marvel at mine. Hiba am I asking for a lot?

Kokhaniy, I am so happy seeing that everything is serious with you, everything is right. Without falsehood, without nonsense, without cold zrad. I love you so much, like the sky to love its stars, I love you, like a bird to love the will. It’s important for me to fall asleep, because you don’t have order. I only quarrel with them, that if I fill my eyes, my thoughts will be like you. I drink you at my dreams and renew my cohabitation.

My family and the most beloved person on the net, I am convinced that our zustrіch zovsіm was not a vipadkovy zbіg. We were judged one by one by heaven for a long time. І axis, nareshti, the share called our ways, buy more, and I succumbed to you. We were people one for one, and my heart looked like it, in the same place, if ours looked mad. I love you, aje tse so inevitable!

I really want you this year to tell about the reason, because I have been flying over the earth for a long time, because right wings have grown behind me. I want to tell you about the reason why I am ready to drink with you to the end of the world. About the reason, through the yaku me no more important woods, frosts, and problems. This is the reason - my love is up to you, my love, my kind, my dear and united!

I love you, my beloved person with my soul. I love you, regardless of those who check us in front of you. I know that today I am dear to you, and tomorrow be what you will be. I love you and for "shish" and take care of everything. I believe every day, I support and I check on you. I save, I tremblingly take your image from my head. I whirl my love like a little child, in tenderness and turbot, in light and kindness. And I see how much growth is in me.

I love you and I won’t let you in and I won’t let anyone in, you know that! All that I pragnu before you I will use my soul. You became my zmist, my guide, my life. For you, I fight with myself, with my waters, with my waters. Bo I want you to be good with me, so that you will have a happy order with me. I love you and I'm afraid to waste you!

I have long been drowning in the viri of our love, but in me there is no bazhanya to stand up for the new, to that this vir is licorice, the vir is like heaven. I've known you for a long time at your full, at the klitz, but I'm glad that I don't have to be happy. Aje, I live by you alone and I love you, my good one. Do you know what I'm dreaming about? Get in order with you!

I so want to hug you strongly, squeeze you close to me and never, and don’t let you in anywhere. I want to warm you with my warmth, share my energy with you, I’m ready to give you everything! I want not to sleep with you at night without interruption, scorching about your passionate half-moon lips, hearing your stories, talking about your dreams. Like I'm good with you, like it's easy. I love you so much, my dear.

My love is impossible for you, except to die. To that she is unworldly, she is unstoppable and all-mighty. My kohannya is like a small universe with dozens of galaxies, with thousands of planets and millions of bright stars. I know that you believe me, even you see my kohannya, you bachish yoga in my eyes today. Happily, it’s impossible to grab, it’s always squirming in the name.

My lower, dear kitty, I love you already very much, and always love you. You are dumb for me, the promise of the sun, the building zіgrіti, whether in disgrace with your light, your warmth, your lower and turbo. I'm good to go through the fire with you, through the water. At once we are able to do everything, at once we have the right force, as it is impossible to destroy. I will forever be with you, forever I will be for you.

My cholovik is the best in the world, i tse ti, cohanies. Like I love you. How I love your hands, stink like a wind in the summertime, it is welcome to nurse me, screaming goosebumps all over my body. Destroy yours, my evening, which fills the place with a semi-smoky light of millions of fires. I don’t know with you, what are such worries, what are such images of welding, what are such doubts. With you, I entrusted that kohana. Thank you for the price.

You nibi viyshov from my dream, ale hiba so bova? Adzhe all dovkola repeat that there are no ideal people, but there are ideal for everyone. You are garniy, you are high, you are strong and good, you are kind, dbailivy and lower. You are more intelligent, patient, romantic, purposeful and addicted. These are the inspirations of ideas, that energy is bright. You can make me happy my day, that is my life. Hiba tse not ideal?

At once, the best in the world, I want to see your hot palms. I want to feel its warmness and warmth. This is a phenomenon for me, as they can be so great, so masculine strong hands be so lagid, so lower, mute feast, so dbaylivim. Yak like this Suvora Lyudina how can you transform into the hired and romantic, the brightest and the most coppery? I love you.

I would give my soul to the devil, so that you would give me the opportunity to be in order with you, all your life to enjoy your love. But I can’t, even if my soul doesn’t lie down on me anymore, it’s over to lie down on you alone, relentlessly and irrevocably. To that I trust you in your hands and my share, even if you lie down, I will be happy.

If you fed me about the mess, I couldn’t tell, but I don’t want to know what I can’t feel. All out of the blue. I already love you for that, even though I blurted out, they changed me a little, and I didn’t. But now I want to say those two words: I love you, I love you. And I’m already grateful for those that she gave me to you, my beloved person.

I am ready to live my life for your skin look, for your skin smile, for your skin turn of your head. I'm grateful for your laughter, for your words, for our feelings, for those who are contagious with us. Tse unreasonably, Tse Nemov Chari, like a Cossack. I love you so much that I don't believe myself.
Vibach | sumuyu | Romantic | On dobranich | good morning

Be it for a person it will be acceptable, if the yogo kokhan at the sign of his feelings and whimsicalness came to a love message, then these words will be written in the telephone. Receive the words of the lads, saying in their own words, garne sms-information to deliver to you a piece of receiving credits when reading that help to understand each other.

  • Zavdyaki tobi, kohaniy, in my soul, be there any hour of the place, it will be spring. That's why I can not think about the filthy weather chi cold wind, even if your kohannya zavzhd me zigrіє i will give first proliski.
  • Dear I want go with you and marvel at yaskravі zіrki, like they shine not only in the night sky, but in your eyes.
  • You have changed my life I have a romantic fairy tale, in which I became a princess, and you appeared as a garniest face. I want the fairy tale to last forever.
  • Dear yours lower words And the kisses thrash the strings of my heart and make the beautiful music of our love in someone else.
  • our kohannya forged us with a golden lance, linking our hearts at once with that life. If something, God forbid, roses of lances, then my heart will scatter like a clear glass of a porcelian, or rose by the fire like soft gold.
  • My happiness- be in order with you, my mind - love you, my joy - marvel at your loving eyes and your voice.

Tsikavo! More often, romantic nicknames are heard, like giving girls to their cohanim, - these words are the same as the changing and motley names of creatures: “bunny”, “cat”, “Vedmezha”, more like - more male names: “tiger”, “lion” thinly. bud.

Receive the words in your own words lads in prose

Skin maiden dream about kokhannya, about good luck that nіzhnist, їy їy їy їy їє її obranetsya. To him, kindly, garni and lower words, savage to his kokhan, help to hang on to his mustache, which has accumulated in the heart in the soul, remember with him:

Not so hard to see accept words clapping with my own words. Garne SMS, privetannya, compliments in prose about obov'yazkovy are appropriate for people, if they know that the kohana girl wrote them.
  • You are the most beautiful lower man in the whole wide world. You are my soul mate, I knew how you were and without that I now can’t breathe, say that life. I remember your affectionate hugs, your joyous smile and your beautiful eyes - without which I simply cannot live now.
  • I'm crazy about you, I want to be with you forever, hug and kiss the chonochs and scatter around the lie, knowing that you are here. I became a dreamy romantic, which always smiles at the happiness of that love before you.
  • Our zustrіch has become our happy lot, and now I want to know that I can not live far away from you and your hot love. I check for zustrich, come...

Accept the words of the boys in your own words. Garne vіtannya

Vetannya until National Day:

Garne cooking in your own words
(At the top)
Accept the words of the lads
(in prose)
I will dedicate to my kohanom verse,
Happy Valentine's Day.
I thank you for your faithful and good friends,
Success in career and joy in life.
I wish more smiles and sleepy days,
I will be together in the mountains, and in happiness!
Dear my! I sing to you Happy National Day. I tell you to weave a whiff of optimism and irony, and to unicate inaccuracies or accept them with a laugh.

I want you to believe in your own world and create it, being left with a faithful friend and cohanim me.

Our kokhannya will help us to stand up to be-yakim negarazda and bring a lot of happiness.

Welcome to the new settlement:

  • I hope that your new settlement has become a point of direction on the road to the new caravan heights. For a leather working day, we are happy and breathtaking on new projects and even brighter solutions. Good luck to you, bitch!
  • Dear! I wish you to become the Great Boss, I believe that you will win and that is your aspiration. Bring your lover of busyness bring you success and a high salary.

Take the words to your lads for nothing

Today's psychologists make our people happy and let our couples die, tell partners more about your coven. Especially such words are unappreciated at night, so that the person fell asleep with a harmonious mood, and the vrants, having turned around, we’ll calm down, we’ll improve and improve, with new forces, like you need to be in a robot and created mood for the whole day.

Important to know! Receive words spoken in your own words by a girlish kohan lad in the evening before going to bed, help create a harmonious lyrical mood, call for good dreams.

Let's apply such indulgences:

  • My love Let you dream of our nights of our love, our speculation of summer, as we spent together. I check for you forever, and I will come to you when you dream in reality, if you call me.
  • On the dobranich, love! I wish you to have a good time, sip licorice warm dreams, and tomorrow you will roll over and see a new day with luck in success.
  • Sleep, my cat! I think about you and I will forever remember our kisses and the joy of being with you at once. Tomorrow will come a new day, which I dream to spend with you and your love.
  • Dear I want today we will dream of you, so that we will never be separated, inspire more dreams. Tomorrow will be a new day, and we will renew. I love you.

Take the words in your own words on the topic: “Good morning!”

Accept the words spoken by the lads in their own words, garnet and warm welcome with the advent of a new day - to help create from an early wound a sincere and radiant atmosphere in a booth and a chick.

Nayvdalishi and naypriёmnishі phrases for kohanoi people on the cob of a new day:

  • Dear, Let this day's morning before you come good luck, so you can't lie down in the mood of the boss and the weather is good. Let your soul sow a summer sun and wake up our kohannya, as if it will be with you.
  • Dobry early, my fluffy bunny! Let's ring the wind at once and we'll spend the whole day less than two. I want to show you all the fabulous beauty of nature, that my hot heart, like to love you and bless us with eternal happiness.
  • loves, which wound I send to you my bird of luck, which swings with enchanting wings and burns all your problems, protect you from bad and inaccuracies, bring success and rich positive energy. Tsey bird - my love is up to you!
  • Good morning, kokhany! I want to tell you in my own words how much I love you. So that my love with a sleepy light shone on your sky, brought a miraculous holy day and penetrated into your heart at once with those beautiful receiving words, as I say to you. You are my lad, I check for zustrіch with you.
  • My dear! I wish you a spring and a sleepy mood for a whole day, and as a board, don’t let wine drop by drop to remind you of joy, and blisskavka - to charge you with happiness, let the sky brighten up with a bright cheerful fun that sun, like hanging our day. .

Respect! A skinned man (and you won’t be young if you’re young), throwing yourself a lie under the bottom words and kissing a kohanoi, say, “Tse be a good day in the distance!”

Receive the words of the lad to the army

Leaves of a kohanoi maiden, like a check on your kohaniy, like to serve in the army:

  • Your photo is creaking with me, out to walk with me to the institute, write laboratory tasks, control. You will entrust me with all these months, so that I will check on you from the army. I love you that dream to spend all your life with you.
  • loves. If it will be hard for you there - guess about me, I will keep you alive and in the end I support you. I'll check on you, I need some skils, even if our love at separation has become even more mіtsnіsh and hot. I kiss you, I check ...
  • Warm hello to my half! I sum up and spodіvayus on close zustrіch іz you. I hung a calendar on the wall and spent all the days spent without you there. Your "demobilization" mustache is closer and closer, I dream, as we walk along the night streets and weed the winds at once, as if we were going to swim in the river and go down in the sun. Like you hug and kiss me. Turn around soon, I love you, kiss you... your soul mate.

Get the best compliments guys in your own words: top best

Whether it’s a compliment or a praise, make a person feel better about himself, raise his self-esteem and self-advancement, think about exalting lofty goals and accomplishing small feats.

It is important to remember! Compliments that accept the words said by the boys in their own words, the garne is more hotly concocted by the hoarseness of yoga with the reach of the kohanny and tell the people about those, how the girl is choking on him and valuing yoga.

Viraz the right sense of hoarding and value for kohanoi:

  • You are handsome, especially if you wear the whole suit (light, jacket, etc.), you look aristocratic, masculine and sexy.
  • I always guessed that you had golden hands. I believe in you and your vibrancy.
  • I am writing to you, I love you dearly, and I always support you with everything. Your creative mind will help you to see new ideas and solutions.
  • You have a deep and penetrating voice. Your hands are so strong and lower, the stench will always protect me from my mouth. Entrust me with you calmly and calmly.
  • You are more chuy and respectful to me, I value your thought and I know the rational decisions themselves folding food in any situation.
  • I did not realize that such a romantic. Our zustrіchі is a fairy tale, filled with love and merry goodies.
  • You have a talent, which allows you to turn your busyness into a hoary start.
  • I want our children to be like you. You will be the best dad.

Receive the words, spoken in your own words by the maiden to your kohan lad, compliments and praises, garnets and lower grafts from the saint, leaf to the protector of the patrimony with words that sings about those who love and cherish, - all this love is proof of your love.

Like stverdzhuyut sing: compliments - tse balm for kokhannya.

Ts_kavі video-rollers about the reception of shelter for the lad, the person and the person

Receive the words and compliments to the kohan man, lads:

Beautiful and accept the words of the boy in your own words:

One more set of beautiful phrases for the lad, as if you are in a rozlutsi:

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