How to call for help spirits-pomіchnіv: for the sake of experts. Viklik spirits Viklik spirit pomіchnik

The skin of a person may want one zahisnik and mentor, who is on the outer perimeter of the yogo biofield. Who is such an astral helper and how can you establish contact with him?

Who is this astral helper?

Values ​​that do not fit into the material body, linger on the astral plane without a face of obov'yazkiv and tasks, like they need to be completed. One or a few of such istots can act as your spiritual guide for an hour, or for the whole hour.

Sob the astral helper, becoming your friend, is not obov'yazkovo mother of arrogance.

This technique was given to the vikliku of his astral friend, that helper, who will always be with you. We will become your part, your invisible and faithful companion, we are always preparing to defend, encourage her to come to the rescue.

You will always be on the wall on the outer perimeter of your auri.

How to summon an astral guardian?

Wiping technique:

1. It is necessary to destroy the forest, to the Galyavin, de there are no people that third-party Galas.

2. Lie down, loosen up and relax.

3. Shut your eyes and “fuck” chiu galyavin on your own.

4. See for example the galyavini as a corridor.

5. For a long time to wonder at the end of the corridor and checks.

6. After a deaky hour, before the eyes, blink, and Vin will appear. Vin can be similar to a creature (a wolf, a bear, a dog).

7. Behind him, it is obov'yazkovo required to be welcomed and introduced to you. Then you can ask yogo to tell you about yourself.

8. If Rozmov comes to an end, it is necessary to ask Yogo to be your helper and be sure to be with you, but not too soon to call.

9. In the city, say goodbye to him and go out of the forest.

Now your astral helper and friend will always be with you. If you need to ask about yoga, just name your thoughts on it and ask about the service. So don't forget to just talk with him on equal footing.

Notes and thematic articles for more in-depth understanding of the material

¹ The astral plane is understood in occultism, esotericism, philosophy, in the enlightenment of dreams, which means the visual form of the material connection (ball) of light (nature) (

In order to create a spirit-pomіchnik, next come yakіsny precious stone. The stone is picked up fallow according to the method of creation of the spirit-keeper. As you plan to conquer the elements of fire, take a ruby, a red tourmaline, a red overcoat. In a word, be a stone of a red color, a cream of a pomegranate.

The faceting of the stone does not matter. This stone will be, literally, the body of your helper and yoga material input. Please tell me about the setting of your stone. The frame can be made from three kinds of metal: silver, gold and midi. Let's take the next most important moment: homeownership with a jeweler. Obviously, if you yourself are a master of jewelry, you won’t have any problems, but if you don’t have such skills, you’ll know a good craftsman, a good worker for your little one and for your metal victories. The jeweler is also responsible for keeping up with your work schedule: the process will need to be completed on the next day.

Dukhovna warehouse

Selecting materials, take care of the creations of the spiritual warehouse. Shards are your spirit-pomіchnik, then everything can be laid up only in front of you. Think, fantasize, imagine, create sketches. You can win spiritual practices: meditation and mantic. Once in a while, the spirit to come to its future master is simply a dream, and a person, having thrown himself, draws a clear sketch of his future creation.

Enlist the blessings of the greatest forces. Choose a day. If there are stones about the fiery spirit, then it is necessary to choose a day to go to the tsієї stії, as well as to the sublog of your future pomіchnik. Create a helper for the protilege from yourself, to make it easier to communicate that first contact. Like you are a woman, choose a week, like you are a person, choose four.

Prepare a ritual: to christen a magic club from a new magic zahist. Do not forget, that you practice on your own, stock up on all the necessary items in order not to leave the magic stake. Pick up the yaksni, consecrated ingredients. Rituals should be carried out in the next sequence: firstly cleansed, then consecrated with the elements.

Tell the Rulers of the Elements about those that you want to create a memorial, give them an image of the spirit and ask for encouragement. If someone is left with less to take away from the jeweler the “body” of his memorial service, then wait for the hour of the storm. For pozhvavlennya, it is necessary to check the storm, drink in the її epicenter, put an expensive virus there, huddle and check, hit the docks in the stone with a bliskavka. After which process of creation of the spirit-keeper can be completed.

How can you independently call out to yourself the demon of the Guardian, the spirit of the Guardian. Always and for all hours there were people good and evil, believing and n. All the world, we have a different look at life, at the present world, we have a different relish of that likeness. I started myself from the philosophical those vikliku of my demon of defense, only in order to correctly understand that topic, as I want to get stuck. We often hear information about spirits, demons, the Devil. But rarely does anyone know, now the stench bleeds on the ground, how to fight with them, how to know them spilnu mova and how to convey my behavior. Ale, well, now people know her in common language. For a long time, people were afraid of demons and tried to do everything to get rid of them. And today, people, for now, want to get to know her. The number of reasons for which people are different.

The spirits of the guardians are the personal protection of the skin people. Behind the deakim thoughts, a person is hopeful save the spirit from the people. Vіn yogo protects, protects and helps. At that moment, when bad luck is trapping, it seems that for a certain moment it turned back and did not dare to protect us. If we, on the other hand, are lucky, it seems that the spirit has tried to protect itself. But there is another thought, how to talk about those that the spirits of the guardians are coming from the people of the people. But for life, a person leads his own life, and an angel conducts his own. After death, the stench stinks. And the axis of the ancient people, vzagaly vvazhali, that the spirit of the saver of a person can be taken for life. The stench joked about the spirits of the beneficiaries for help in knowing, from whom it was not enough to know their spirits.

Other spirit saver buv uvі snі

And until recently, in order to know the spirit of protection, they began to conduct rituals. Rituals have become part of our life. It is clear that it is not a skin and a skin day to carry out rituals. Ale to reach them with promotions of interest, and bring hundreds of sites dedicated to the very nourishment of black magic and rituals.
I would like to say at once that I did not in vain start rozmovu from the spirits of okhorontsiv. Buvayut situations, if the stench is simply powerless, they can not protect their ruler. This situation is blamed for the same hour of rituals, especially quiet, which is associated with the cry of a demon, or a devil.

The spirits of the beneficiaries simply cannot fight the dark forces, the shards are representatives of the forces of light. Even more often in the struggle between good and evil, evil takes over the top of our new forces to correct this situation. Here we can be helped by black magic, with її rituals and spells. Independently, maybe, and you don’t get in trouble. Ale є tі, who will crush it without special zusil. Only shukati of such people is required retelnіshe.

Ale yak viklikati demon okhorontsa know not leather

In order to call out the demon of the saver for the cob, it is necessary to designate exactly for yourself, it is necessary to be diffident. then let's go back to fakhіvtsya, black magician, for advice. Only wines can tell you why the pluses and minuses of such a ritual. Pid hour vikliku demon zberigach don't make everything look like it was meant to be. So, like a black magician, you know miraculously, how you can lead a demon in your own situation, direct the process of building need a channel. It is also a varto of the nobility, who feels the fear of the familiar skin people. Under the hour of the call of the demon of the savior, often under the kerіvnitstvom fear, the person indulges and forgets everything that she wanted to grow.

I’m giving up your respect less to the one who is violating for you a lot, don’t spend an hour on the magician’s jokes before the new one, and the wake of the demon of the pomіchnik in the home minds. It's too risky. Ale doubt, scho you zagali vdastsya vyklikati demon pomіchnik. Such a ritual will require precise execution. Wines are held at the singing hour, at the singing city, moreover, the necessary attributes. And it’s also worth noting that the demon-pomіchnik is not alone. Yakshcho vy virishili viklikati demon, varto nobility. Whom black magicians can help. The theme of demons is good at home and not a bit.

Demoni savers our mind has representatives of dark power, black magic is also important dark side our world. Ale, the people forever turned to magic for help. She herself helped him to achieve what he wanted so much. I will sign a part of my life by dedicating the event to demonology. Tse true tsіkava science. And they are engaged like black magic, they are reluctantly taught by teachers-historians, philosophers, physicists too.

But all the same, the ritual of vikliku of the demon zberigach is not safe.

Without a doubt, everyone is talking about the guardian angel. We have our own guardian angel, which protects us from the dark forces. Ale, dark forces are in the person of the devil, the demon is also not left out of the way. Someone who feeds less is rich, like a viklikati of the demon of zahisnik. Few people know who is such a demon-guardian. We miraculously understand who is such a demon and who is so guarded. It would have been b, qi the two facts are not summed up. And then there are people who take the beating of the dark forces and even the dark forces repair them to protect them from the forces of light. If a person stands on the edge of dark forces, then she has the ability to change her life dramatically. The demon zahisnik is ready to give the people a lot, abi vin vykonuvav yogo zabaganki. Ale in black mages stverdzhuyut, scho sberigachem demon can be "friends." To win this power and energy for your purposes.

To the very same people and tsіkavlyatsya like calling the demon zahisnik.

This ritual of vikliku of your demon zahisnik is carried out forever at the dark time of the day, the shards of the demon appear only when the light comes. Under the hour of the ritual, it’s not the fault of a lot of people, for the fact that the demon zberigachev has no clue. Behind him, it is necessary to intercede with him and work for my yoga. The language of the demon is foldable and richly unreasonable. Ale black magicians, through their knowledge, miraculously collide with the new. The presence of any kind of light to inspire candles can override the magic ritual for an independent call of your demon zahisnik. Therefore, it is best to do yoga at the top of the darkness. You can show how problematic it is.
Ale black magicians knew how to get out of this situation. The stench is sure to save the hour when the sun goes down and carry out this ritual at the hour of the day. All of the above can be said about those who, on their own, cannot perform the ritual of an independent vikliku of the demon of zahisnik. Youmu for whom do not learn knowledge. As you have already done, you have changed your life in such a rite, go seriously to the meal.

But this information is not guilty of being accessible to everyone. Andje її can be read by children and children. People often in anger take bad things and divine decisions. If you virish independently call the demon of the keeper in the minds of your home, then you can be sure. It is not guilty to be angry with anger, I hate others with feelings. Well, and most importantly, the rite of calling your demon to save may pass under the suvorim control of the chaklun. Consultation with a magician is also an important point before him, as you consult with a demon.

Watch the video about the Guardian

It’s even richer to ask me from their sheets of roses, as if for their work to summon a spirit-keeper. To the spirit of the helper, the sorcerer is guilty only of being in an extreme depression, the shards of a foldable and serious robot. Viklik is heard from no one at Ivan Kupala from the fox on its own. Stronger for the spirit-keeper can be less than a tsvintar, that is the dead one, whom they praised for the rest of the day. If you go near the forest viklikati spirit-pomіchnik, put on a black robe. As a helper needed for good work, then nothing can be quiet and clear. If a helper is needed for the care of those other suvorih rights, nothing is needed for a gloomy day, so that the enemies shed tears. If you don’t run into anything with evildoers, then it’s better not to go around - you won’t be dirty. Go out of the forest without looking back, but go in backwards. Like, calling out to the spirit, zіb'єtesya in words, blunt your foot and say loudly (like in your hearts) such a special conjuration spell:

Ishov bi spirit home,

And I'll stomp my stitch!

I immediately go home. And if you hear someone in a high way, move, go higher, more, maybe, it’s not transient, but if you call out the spirit ahead of you, you’ll get ahead of yourself, so you’ll just ask and wash the word.

Grandma told me such a temper. One її tovarka went in the middle of the night on Ivan Kupala to the forest for the spirit-keeper. She worked everything up like a need, she knew the trouble on her, she forgot the need for a word, and that's it. In order to correct oneself in spirit, there, as if to lie down, blunted her right foot. Viguknula vіdsilannya - and bіgom to the village. Bach, nazustrich їy live a daughter, kudlata, in a pink sweater and hair: “Mom, a man beat me!” The sorceress chirped and, not thinking that it was not her daughter, but a yelling spirit, that, having taken on the look of a donka, yelled: “If you have wine, you bastard, have you arrived, have you fallen into a place?!” And here on її happily ever after, my grandmother entered the forest, wondered what had happened, she immediately said what the need was, everything, blaming God, and it happened. So, as you come at night to Ivan Kupala in the forest, stand with your back to the tree, lean on the new one and call incantations:

I call out and I call out, I punish:

Come to me with the fifth wheel,

Dev'yatim, we curse you with your psalm.

Mayuchi chotiri lapi, come to me on two legs,

Mayuchi chotiri lapi,

Hold the black candle in two hands.

I call you, I call,

I order, I order

Come to me, like a virny dog,

Boss, ty on lansyug.

I call you, I call:

Come! Before me. Come!

Go a little. Come and go big.

Zijdis my word generic.

For my word, for my move,

For my witch family.

Key, lock, language.

Amen. Amen.


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Viklik mystical nature in the realm of the physical world must be achieved by a folding and unsafe magical process. Prote neobkhіdny shvidkoї realіzatsії nippotaєmnіshih bazhan.

From childish fates we know scary tales and stories about vikliki spirits, trolls, peak ladies and other sweating essences. And, like psychics are stverdzhuyut, everything is not a child of guesswork, but real speeches. In the life of the skin magician, the moment comes early, when the essence of the astral plane is thrown into the realm of the physical world. Practically start the spirit-pomіchnik transforming into the patron of special happiness, whom you begin to trust more, lower yourself. Experts agree on thoughts that call them to help the mystical protector under the strength of the skin of a person. Golovne know the basic rules of the ritual.

Magical helpers of the astral world

Spirit-keeper, zgіdno іz srednіvіchnyh zahіdnymi povіr'yami, it is customary to call familiars. The essence of the astral type, the mythical nature, to come into contact with chacloons, witches and other people, as they practice magic. The stench can begin to serve you, as if in good will, so in primus. Experts on the site can see three main categories of astral helpers, which can call people to themselves:

1. Willy familiar. These spirits, as if they help you with good will. They often inhabit their own creatures: birds, intestines, dogs, rabbits, arachnids, horses, amphibians, and so on. This energy is not seen in the camp of creatures and people. The will of such spirits-helpers is free, the stench can deprive the world after the completion of their work.

2. Good luck familiar. It rises in the sight of a free team, that a man of strength calls yoga to himself. It's unsafe. The spirit of your mother can give you more strength, lower vi. I know the risk that I can help you to correct your will.

3. Mirror familiar. Such helpers create people independently. The ability of his spirit is directly proportional to the ability of the person who calls. The astral day mirrors the strength, vibrancy and energy of its owner. Sound such perfumes until the end of the song in a short term.

Viklikanі dobrovіlnі spirits-pomіchniki help and protect the people. The stinks can become patrons and protectors, having recognized you as their ruler. However, the victorious servant of the astral guardian may have its price and may be paid obov'yazkovo. That is why it is necessary to know well that you have a spirit and that you can pay for it. In a different situation, you risk teasing others, which you threaten with stingy pods.

How to correctly call the spirit-pomіchnik

The call of the astral daily life in the world of the living is a foldable and energy-efficient process, which is necessary to be put on the basis of seriousness. The viklikati spirit is defended for the sake of rozvagi chi tsіkavosti, as it is not possible to disobey the basic rules of the ritual.

You can voice the price for the work of the spirit-keeper yourself. For whom, it is immediately necessary to indicate that you yourself want to ask him to pay you back. Astral helpers live with the energy of light, love and prosperity, so as payment for yoga I can help you to act, whether it be an object that brings you strong energy. The river will be strongly charged, the sheets will be more efficient and your bazhannya will be built.

To the aid of the astral day-to-day life, one goes into hopeless situations, if there are no available possibilities to vikonate one's life. Near-sighted esotericists swear at a terrible pardon, turning to familiars for useless bastards. Such a behavior of a person can irritate the spirit. What is more unacceptable and attracts ruinous streams from your life that cause misfortune.

Preparing for the magic ritual I will call

The first thing you need to do is to consecrate the place in which you plan to conduct a ritual. Holy water to clear the houses from the accumulated negative. Let's get to ourselves. Improve morally with meditation, for the help of which you can get rid of your thoughts and concentrate on your dreams.

Think more about your mrіyu, showing how she has already zbulas. A lot of esotericists, as if they performed a similar rite, to delight a few days before the magical days, to tremble like a shkidly їzhi, alcohol and tyutyun.

It is necessary to call the spirit-keeper in the proud self. At the time of the ceremony, you are not guilty of anything. It is your fault to follow the process, not reacting to the foreign imitations. Viklikati astral pomіchnik can be at home absolutely in any room.

Ritual for vikonannya hidden bazhan

Z kіmnati, in yakіy you carry out a ritual, following the speech of a white color. To be dressed next to the Syrian or black clothes. You need two chairs with backs, so you put them in the center of the room, with your back one to one. Between them pull on a red skein. Naygolovnіshe, so that the thread did not sag. Spread tsukerki (licorice) on a thread, skin s for any kind of support to your dreams. Get along without fanaticism, for the cob it is best to see 10 of the worst bajans. Turn on the light and draw the curtains on windows. Having sunk the room in a dark place, light three candles and wash five times:

"Spirit, astral light, see the physical world, feel me. I call to your help and your presence.”

After reading, stand with your back to the stilts, do not look around, the docks do not see the spirit. Yogo presence can be seen sharudinnya wrappers. If the rustling is moving, you can turn around. If you broke the tsukerki, then the astral day is suitable for your mind. If not, then carry out a similar ceremony in three days, calling for the replacement of tsukerok more seriously, for example, a special speech, which you often coryste.

In most cases, astral beings have no place in our world, and the stench is not due to blunder without sight. As you have done, call to yourself the spirit-keeper, be a man and stand up for the new one. Remember that perfumes do not have sensible variations, and working with them is far from a twist. You pay for pardons and the price is too expensive for them. We thank you for the victory of all bazhan. Take care of yourself and do not forget to press the buttons

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