Fundamental research. Gender Aspects of State Education and Development

The education of preschoolers is appropriately up to the current state and actual tasks of pedagogical work. The status of the roles of people and women changed among the spouses. This is due to the physical manifestation of this confusion.

The term "gender" was introduced to science with a method of separation of biological and social characteristics stati (in translation from English gender - "рід").

The concept of "gender" reflects the socially intelligent nature of the human and female and accentuates respect for the fact that the social qualities of a person and a woman are responsible for the natural production of biological powers, and the influence of social officials.

Uzagalnyuyuchi understanding, promoted by different authors, you can recognize gender as a social become, state-of-the-art as a product of culture; socially determined roles, identity of that sphere of activity of people and women, which lie not in the form of biological state powers, but in the form of social organization of society.

On the thought of L.V. Gradusova, in the children's state (gender) roles are based on ready-made, powerful, grown-up looks, and are formed for the next hour of socialization. As a way to show the knowledge, the pedagogy, as a way of not harming the psychological characteristics of the boys and girls, is not able to effectively fulfill the task of the state socialization of the young generation, training to the victorious state of their social roles.

Gender variation is considered as a complex psychophysical problem, which includes biological, psychological and social aspects.

The hour of unwelcome and help to the woman in the household has changed. At the same time, inspire the girls to the guilt of the taman, show not only softness, femininity, dbayly setting up to unusual, so traditionally femininity, but also brilliance, initiative, mindfulness of your reach. And for the lads, such qualities have also become very important, the crime of traditionally human beings (strength, virility, goodness), like patience, the ability to give all possible help, turbota, chuynist.

As we appointed more, in the old state, the sex of the children was easily and naturally: the girl was spent most of the time with the mother, and the children were raised from the three rokiv by the father. Children nursed their fathers, talked with them, and in them, as a result, stereotypes of behavior were formed, which are typical for people and women with their sims. And just like a lad, then wine will be instilled in will, strength, vitrivality.

The main idea of ​​the state-role shifting in the gender field is in the fact that, for example, do not start all the boys can be strong, smart, spritny, cute, and that as a result of being weak physically and even more easily, the boys can recognize the traumatic spleen and they have a low self-esteem squandering confidence in oneself and one's abilities. The girl is not forever, but can be less than housekeepers, keepers of the pit. From a long time ago, the sex-role vihovannya was created in a natural way. The need for a modern gender approach to the development of morality among preschool children is great, today’s suspense is more broadly visible to people and women, including the possibility, that they are less than a set of advantages behind their state sign. Suspіlstvo wants to see people demonstrate not only an unshakable will and slander, but a hundred and fifty people, honored to their relatives. And the women were able to show themselves, to know the work, to develop a career, but not to waste their femininity and softness.

The method of such an approach in pedagogy is the education of girls and boys, though building up to self-realization. Cim and vіdіznyaєtsya gender role vihovannya vіd ґgender.

Also, the implementation of the gender approach comes out of the first plan for the moral education of preschoolers.

The peculiarities of the development of boys and girls are determined by that spriynyattya material, zrazkiv behavior, speed and depth of assimilation of moral and ethical norms. That is why it is necessary to vihovuvat and learn them in a different way.

The camp of a psychophysically healthy growing generation is connected with the problems of yoga loss, as it progresses, it is necessary to set important tasks for the search for new methods of yoga protection. In connection with this, of great interest is the gender bias in primary and secondary practice as a way of possible prevention of the phenomenon of increasing rosacea and physical dysfunction in children of different age.

The lads that girl is already from the people of the different, the stench develops in a different way, toil the different strong and weak sides, and the high school education of the retail is not safe.

The fathers on the state of intelligibility in the mentality of children react to different attitudes before them. In special reports, it is shown that “batki often bark lads and caresses with girls, making children seem to have more than two fates. І nadali from the beasts to the lads overwhelm the commanding style: "Kill those, don't shy away". Maybe, the grown-ups “fight the “zayva” of the frivolity of the lads and the shukov’s activity is expressed (they climb, they try to lam and psuet)””.

The author of the work is Yerєmєєva V.D. and Khrizman T.P. signify that in the “recognition of the human status, evolution led to dobir on kmіtlivіst, vinіhіlіvіst, vinіkhіlіvіst. Zhіnochіy statі it's important to live, and vіdbіr ishov to adapt, vihovnіst. That is why, for unfriendly minds, for example, if our pedagogical infusions do not support the individual characteristics of the child’s psyche, the girl will take a task that is not powerful for him, I’ll force him to grow up, and better to cope with the tasks better than the singing world. The lads in such a situation are forced to follow the control of the grown-up, do not succumb to you. Because to adapt to the powerless ones, seeing the activity of the lad is very important.”

Vіdmіnіst vіdmіnіst іvіvlenа vіdzhe vіdmєєvoyu V.D. and Khrizman T.P. The one with a choirirical age has a girl who reacts more to the reception, and the boys - to the rejection. In this case, “the boys react briefly, but brightly and vibratingly to the emotional factor .., and in the girls, there is a sharp increase in active activity, the emotional tone of measles in the brain rises. The brain of the girls, as it were, is getting ready to be ready to be unacceptable, to support all the structures of the brain in the state of readiness, so that, be it for a second, it will react to the influx, which will come from any side. Obviously, the maximum orientation is reached female organism for vigilance. Well, the people sound loudly, they know the emotional strain and the feeling of the experience is reminiscent of productive activity» .

The study of the peculiarities of the rich lads and girls also showed their vibrancy: for example, right-handed, with the right conductive eye and air, the lads may have an average level of anxiety, and the girl vzagali untroubled; lads of a mixed type (right-handed, with a right-handed eye and a leant ear) are movchaznі, vedі, whiny, and the girl is balakuchi, not litter, irritable and unpretentious.
To illustrate the importance of recognition in the process of matching the father-child, this article highlights the results of two observations, matching the author’s signature.

First follow-up based on the experimental results of the thesis work of M. Schaefer "The establishment of fathers to daughters in the fall due to their satisfaction with the school and the special child-father's certificate", victorious under the author's diploma at the Moscow Humanitarian University in 2008.
Other follow-up dedicated to the analysis of the results of testing the fathers of the pidlіtkіv, yakі vіdvіduli TSPMZZ "Vіdkritiy Svіt" in 2007-2008 to the primary rotation.
The first one has got it analyzing the link between the appointment of a person to the squad and the daughter, who has grown up, with a childish certificate of mating with a mother. Yak viprobuvanih bulo 30 Batkіv dіvchat dіvchat podlіtkovogo yunatskogo vіku.

The names of a man and his retinue were appointed for an additional test of satisfaction with a hat, for the signing of a daughter - the father's family, and the character of the father's sons - a test of N. Matushevskaya's favor.
The results of the “Satisfaction with the hat” test showed that 90 % of the last ones are more than satisfied with the suit, 87% є modern fathers, for some kind of talking about children, that turbota about them is the speech of the most normal and natural.
10% fathers traditional, tobto. it is not enough to represent the interests of this in the intercourse with the "exalted world" and the remaining authority in the nourishment of children. Such a father is Suvorian to the singing world; great value nadaє disciplines and vimagaє in the form of children vykonannya their shoes. Children sound up to the father strimano, oskelki vodchuvayut, that you don’t know enough good about your needs.

3% tried by the fathers, stormed by the family of the well-to-do, stink to give the rest of the freedom of the squads to the food of the children, tk. vvazhayut, scho stink however can not replace the squad. The stench is constantly occupied by the robot, but to wake up at the right time not to start talking with the children, then in a day’s time the children will be put to a new start.
An analysis of the nature of the affability of fathers to daughters showing that 60 % do not have a unique relationship with a daughter, but 40 % - unique, looming extreme equal anxiety.
To re-verify the visibility of the calls between the parameters of the vicorist, correlation analysis and the value of the correlation coefficient is not less than 0.4 (the middle of the interval of the dead call).
The presence of significant correlational links was shown by the reason for the connection between the positions to the daughter and the satisfaction with the team from the retinue, which is good for life's realities.

Zrozumіlo, if a person is satisfied with the stounki with a retinue, then with the father of the wines є dbaylivim, podtremuyuchim that respect, take the fate of the wounded child. Well, if the person’s slub himself doesn’t go far, or the slub has problems, then it’s cold to the child’s wines, and the daughter’s vihovanya is transferred to the squad. Under the hour of separation, the fathers will vvazhayut: if a daughter is left behind by her mother, nothing will change for her.

Analysis of the correlations of the results of the tests of "Father's Family" and "Priv'yazanist" showed that the most important characteristics of the "Father's Family" breeding grounds are not less important the appointment of the father to his daughter with a childish dosvіdom.

To carry out a similar analysis of the link between the “Father of the Family” and “Prihilnist” tests, the test “Father of the Family” was divided into three mental groups:
1) Visible blue father-daughter
2) Vidnosini man-team
3) Visible mother-daughter

An analysis of only strong correlations (correlation coefficient is not less than 0.7) showing that the alarms are divided proportionally to the number of the three seen groups, the uniqueness is more connected with the friends, the girl, the lady. In such a rank, one can say that women from the retinue do not always transfer to their daughter. From practice, it has been seen that often milking warm babies with a daughter is compensation for cold babies from a squad.

At the end of the day, it was revealed that the person’s appointment was superbly close to the daughter’s departure. From one side, the person does not deny it, if the team is involved in the process of vihovanni and does not pretend to those that the father’s role is important for the mother’s, from the other side, there is a lot of hard work to show for the realization of the father’s role.
In the past, there was no evidence of strong ties between the hundred sons and the matir and the father's position of power. At the same time, there is a great amount of talking about the significance of the mother's figure, the lack of pride in her daughter and the distance between her daughter and her daughter.

In this way, the analysis of the links between the “Priv’yazanist” and the “Father of the Family” hospitals confirms the superb eloquence of the sons of a son with a mother, a man with a team, and a father with a daughter. In stosunki with a mother, there is a fear of wasting love in times of inconsistency with maternal glasses, and, perhaps, this fear is transferred to stosunki with a retinue of that daughter, who is brought to a distance from the mustache of the trioma.

Others have agreed 12 fathers and mothers and 16 girls and lads were tested. Metoyu the following was the signing of the satisfaction of the fathers and children about the nature of their interrelationships: however, the fathers and the children understand such words as “acceptance”, “authority”, “strictness”, “control”, “closeness”, “goodness” just.
Together, the fathers and children were taken care of for the help of the nurse I. Markovskaya "Vzaimodiya father-child", and the use - for the help of correlational analysis.

It is reasonable to one-way ANOVA analysis of the findings about the relationship between fathers and daughters differ in reliability α = 0.01 at Femp = 3.62> Fcr = 2.04.
The nature of the connection between the statements about the relationship between fathers and daughters showed that the father "accepted" no less than averagely explained by practical understanding about the relationship between daughters. In this rank, if a father takes on a daughter, she is ready to take care of him and take control of him. It means that a strict father has more authority with his daughter-adept than the one who accepts.

Batko, at some kind of statement about the year with his daughter they run away, they don’t have authority. That is, what the father will do for his daughter is not an authority. With the help of a protiritchya, one can explain the super-fluid slur of the old age. Obviously, for fathers, like taking an active part in vihovanni, it is characteristic to be either strict, or else, who accepts (a strong direct connection between father’s strictness and the characteristic “authority” of the daughter” and a negative connection with the characteristic “ priyyattyam "daddy).
The dad’s deliberately dad is a good -fed -up daughter in the fate of the pre -senienni soreklivіstya, the fiber roli: with one side, the deed of wire - not to the pragins to the sizes. , anіzh z matіr'yu” of the first follow-up).

Regardless of the superfluousness of the roles of the father-daughter, the results will be taken away to show the harn of favor in the statements about the relationship, the blame is the consequence of that authority (weak correlation links), as well as good luck (negative correlation link). Vtіm, bazhannya superechity and nehtuvat authorities tsіlkom vіdpovіdaє normі pіdlіtkovogo vіku.
Yak Bulo is shown more, with a good deal of comfort in the relationship between the father and the daughter of the deyak, the characteristics of the stench are different.
In the first place, the fears of a grown-up person about the possibility of losing maternal love were revealed in the first place, otherwise, insufficiency can be connected with a lack of mutual understanding between them.

Surprisingly, there is a good understanding of the cooperation between mothers and sons, vicorist, like a father and daughters, the method of "Vzaimodiya father-child".
According to the data of one-way ANOVA, the reports of interrelationship between mothers and sons are ranked according to the reliability of α = 0.01 at Femp = 4.24> Fcr = 2.04.
In order to establish the nature of these powers and the re-verification of the possibility of links between them, the correlation links between the results of mothers and blues of the parent "Vzaemodiya father-child" were insured.

The results showed that the mother's "happy" is not less peacefully connected with the usual concepts about the relationship of the son, moreover, the strongest links (correlation coefficient 0.81-0.96) with such concepts of the son are "closeness", "acceptance ”,“ spіvrobіtnitstvo ”that authority.
So understanding, like "acceptance" and "spіvrobіtnіstvo" poov'yazanі weakly, probably, mothers and blues in qі іntelligence put a different zmіst, scho indicative of the difference between them in their views on the divine situation in sim'ї.
Respectfully, this fact, perhaps, explains the manifestations in the first case in a mature person, the lack of innocence in the mother's daughter, or the fear of spending it, which leads to a distance between women, like a mother, and a daughter.
The most significant characteristic of the relationship between mothers and synom is maternal "good" (r = 0.96), that is. schob sin vydchuvav himself adopted by the mother, it’s her fault to wait for him.

Otrimani results show: the more often the mother is welcome from the son, the more the son feels accepted, the more ready to spivpratsi and the greater authority for the new mother.
Suvoriste and control of mother blue - podlitki rozumіyut directly protilezhno, on scho show the presence of negative correlative links between them. Significantly, the fact that the pairing of mothers - sons and daughters - father shows that the differences between their statements about the nature of the relationship between different characteristics: the first pariah has sovereignty and control, while the other has spivpratsya, fortune and authority

In this rank, you can prove that the boys are the most sensitive to the level of control, and the girl - to the authoritative help. The results are taken away from the data, instructed by the work for older preschoolers and young schoolchildren. Sounds like gender specifics, like those that lads react more strongly to respect, and girls react to praise, become more relevant and more relevant to the older person.

Paired data on the incidence of the relationship between fathers and children in the table, de % in % savage number given a number of significant (not less than average) correlation links between the characteristics of the father-child bet.
Zbіg yavlen about vzaєmodіyu between fathers and children

As can be seen from the table, for garnoi vzaimodії mothers with their sons, they should respect such a characteristic as “good”, and fathers with daughters - like “adopted”.
The analysis of the dispersion of the results of the “Vzaemodiya batko – ditya” survey between mothers and sons and fathers and daughters showed that the difference between father and child couples may have a different character, moreover, the difference between mothers and sons is greater, lower between fathers and sons.
In this way, for the success of the relationship between the father and child, the gender aspects of the child-father's marriages and the gender specificity of the characteristics of the relationship are protected.

The basis of the connection to a partner in the connection is laid in the father's family, in which case the father's offense plays an important role, which is once again inserted in the result of this investigation.
It was clear that a man, who has a friendly character, does not doubt that the squad of that daughter will need wine. In that mood, if the mother was up to the baiduzha boy, we’ll be afraid to leave the buti, or we think that we need to earn it and decide to transfer the motherland to the power.
The same can be said about the daughter’s relationship with her father: the daughter’s distant, zhorst, authoritarian father forms a negative attitude towards all people, as it manifests itself in fear and distrust towards them. Так і відбувається трансляція недовіри між статями, виявлена ​​​​у відомому дослідженні Здравомислової О. та М.Арутюнян «Російське суспільство: дві гомосексуальні субкультури» у книзі «Російська сім'я на європейському тлі», підготовленою за результатами міжнародного соціологічного дослідження в Інституті соціально -economic problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1998.

However, in order to bring the obvious facts to light, there are even more differences in the characteristics of the interplay between the fathers and the children, as they add to the understanding of the nature of the relationship between the child and the father. As it was established, the differences between mothers and sons in interbreeding are not only the same, but between fathers and sons, but they are related to different characteristics.
So the success of the relationship between the father and the daughter of the great world is attributed to the father's "adoptives": if the father accepts a daughter, she is ready to work with him and learn to take control of him, regardless of his centric features of the child's age. From the other side, like a father often waits for his daughter and accepts everything, he does not have authority. Tsya super-sharpness is zoomed in like the peculiarities of the podlitkovy vіku. Fathers from the point of view of daughters - pіdlіtkіv buvay either strict or authoritative, or such that they accept and not authoritative.

The fathers of the singing world understand the importance of such characteristics of mutual modality, as if accepting donka, then we show the significance of the speech “Chim stronger kohanna to my daughter, it’s easier її vykhovuvati” of the nursery “Father of the Family”.
Суперечливість ставлення дочки до батька добре узгоджується з виявленою в першому дослідженні суперечливістю прийняття батьківської ролі: з одного боку, деяка відстороненість – нехай мати виховує, а з іншого – прагнення до її реалізації (значимість висловлювання «Деякі дочки вважають за краще проводити свій час швидше з father, chim іz matіr'yu” of the first report).

Irrespective of the difference between the roles of the father and the daughter, the evidence about the relationship between the fathers and the donkeys is greater, the mothers and the blues are lower. Razbіzhnosti vyavlennyah about vzaєmodіyu mіzh mаіr′yu and synomypavlyaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє єєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє єДєєієєєєєєєєєі єієєєієєієі іn the first fears of the older man's fears about the possible loss of mother's love, or about її insufficiency.
The success of the interplay of heterogender couples of the father-child is determined by different characteristics of the father's behavior. As if the father, when it is better, does not respect the authority of his daughter, then the blue ones - navpaki: more often the mother accepts the propositions of the son, tobto. The more it is good for him, the more wine you feel accepted and the greater authority for the new mother.
Obviously, such a look at the father from the side of the daughter is tied up with stereotyped statements about the traditionally authoritative and stern father-patriarch, the son's appointment to the mother - so is the traditional look at the relationship between a man and a woman, if the woman borrows a hundred-year-old position.
This situation is entirely due to the observations of Gurko T. A. and Karpushova A. P. love trends , de 20% of couples, yakі podruzhuyutsya є "traditional" tobto. focusing on complementarity of friendly roles.

As you can see, the fathers give the children a butt of vihovannya. It is a beastly respect for the role of a father in a vihovannі probable mother and possible options for interrelationships with a warm blue. If the girl has a father, then her interplay with her son, imovirno, mother takes on a character and until the age of old, there is a chance of being successful. At the old vіtsі, like the mother is not safe, but for the son “adopted” it’s good for him, the relationship may appear not so successful, like her father, without respect for її diligence. Like a mother’s suvori and an authoritarian father, and like when a son’s son is beaten, a father is inherited, then she’s more likely to sing a son of a fool, and become an authority for him.
It also means that people underestimate their role in the process of vihovannya and shifting the viability for vihovannya to the matir. The underestimation of the role of the father in the family system leads to the formation of "unhappy" family scenarios in young people in both articles. In girls, it manifests itself in an unimportant attitude to a person, and in young people - not only to a squad, but to oneself. A person's disdain for himself is often manifested in pragnia to drunkenness. "Do you respect me?" - supply of one item to another, which is often set.

People, like children, do not like and do not show their feelings of weakness in front of other people, including those close to them, respect that they may be authorities for their daughters, and do not show weakness, meanwhile, without including emotional warmth and podtrimki. In principle, such a pidkhіd tsіlkom vіdpіdaє ochіkuvannyam donki.
For a lad to accept a mother, it is necessary to have an adequate development, but in order to have a synergy, what to accept, it is necessary to take care of it and wait, if possible, in quiet moods, if possible. In view of which, maternal authority is less likely to win. When a mother is baited to a child, or frequent criticism, a lad forms a statement about those who need to earn love, and you can do it in some way, or get excited about a hopeless enterprise.

Like vyplyvaє z vyschevikladennogo, shaping the roles of the father and mother lie down in the vіd both batkіv and broadcast to the coming generations.
The duality of the father’s and the child’s positions was revealed in the researched and fully consistent with the results of the work. Smirnova O.O. that Bikova M.V. they established three main features of the setting of fathers to children - preschoolers: the duality of the father's position, which includes two protilezhnі cobs - special (insane) and subjective (intelligent); in the world of grown-up children, the subject cob begins to override the specialty, which determines the style of development and assessment of the child. Obviously, before the age of the child, the subject cob began to dominate the Batkiv's position before the children - the children.

List of references

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The state of vyhovannya is a process of directing to the development of egos, rice, power, as well as installations of specialness, which signify the necessary status of a person to be a representative of another state. That is why the sphere of statutory training includes not only such specific views between representatives of human and female status, like friends, but also be-yakі іnshі: in life, practice, work, etc.

The way of the state's vihovannia at school lays the foundations of future harmonies of friends - an important clerk of total family, high practicality and activity in the social plan, a warm mood. Schoolchildren are responsible for their mother's statement about the main age-related features of their body, adequately respond to the anatomical and physiological changes that occur during the state of maturation.

Підліткам мають бути властиві розуміння та свідоме ставлення до специфічних особливостей однолітків протилежної статі, здатність враховувати та поважати ці особливості, організовувати свою спільну діяльність на основі взаєморозуміння та взаємної поваги, оцінювати свій душевний та фізичний стан, природу та характер змін, що відбуваються в ньому, correctly placed before them. Nebhіdno, schob pіdlіtki learned to understand the essence of the spiritual and physical beauty of the people and svіvіdnоsti tsі two elementi s vimogami to vlasnoї behavior and behavior of other people. The crime of which next is considered to be of interest, directed to a special status. Schoolchildren are guilty of mother's education until their grades special features object of your own interest, bazhannyam rozіbratisya at their own discretion, not giving in to the first prompting. It is necessary that love was accepted more importantly as an ethical and aesthetic manifestation that develops on the basis of spiritual intercourse.

Information about the article can be verbal and (or) more similar to the form: a special butt, a singing situation, in a child it is a special one or a poster. That information appears to be effective in the spiritual mind, as it is left on a par with memorization, and it starts with an emotional, ethical sphere of specialness.

Before zabіv vyhovnogo infusion in case of state vyhovannі vіdnosya:

A timely reaction of grown-ups to the peculiarities of the behavior of the children, their mutual synergy from the same age of the opposite status, emotional assessment of these peculiarities; an adequate reaction of those chi or more to show the sexual development of the child, is based on solid knowledge that the development is normal, that - the development of the normal.

Apply correct vіdnoshennia matured to representatives of other status. You can also look at it as a special method of statutory swinging - swinging on positive butts. Apply can be taken also from the works of artistic literature, cinema, too;

To inform the students in a singing rank of oriented information, as well as to help them on their supply, so for their own initiative, individually, or at the sight of specially organized conversations, take it easy, and also information, which is included up to zmist. primary subjects. This information can be conveyed as well as according to the article, so it is well for boys and girls, young girls and girls. It is important to control the literature, discuss, and make recommendations.

It seems that for the fixation of the singing whistleblowers, the vitality of the vihouvannye is necessary. The specificity of the status shift is in the fact that a person in any kind of activity cannot act like a true posture of a statue. On the one hand, it means that for a statuesque vyhovannya can be victorious whether or not you can see the fidelity, on the other hand, it is important to know how especially diyalnist, how to organize it in a special way, or stimulate the melancholy of a state vikhovannia. Therefore, whether there is any kind of activity of scientists - a robot, intelligence, knowledge - may be in the interests of a status education. The main principles of the state swing are:

The principle of a single approach to the statutory training from the side of the fathers, teachers and medical practitioners, which is manifested in the community by looking at the need for statutory training, yoga, clean, method and change methods in a fallow way;

The principle of differentiation and phased character of state development, which conveys the appearance of the state of children, their age, the stage of psychological and moral preparation as children, and fathers, their intellectual level;

the principle of truthfulness, which is based on the reliability of information, how children are taken away (this and the approaching principle is closely related to each other and the greater world is about the sexual enlightenment of children);

The principle of an individual approach, which is manifested in the "address nature of information," as it can be adapted for a specific child with the improvement of the principle of differentiation and the phased nature of the article;

The principle of improving the moral atmosphere and hygienic minds (it is impossible to wiggle in a child as a masculinity, or as a woman, as a child, in such a living child, and in such a way, honing is not recognizable);

The principle of requesting and volunteering to receive information about the problems of the state. By following this principle, it is impossible to conduct lessons, which are the same for the entire primary team, classes can be conducted optionally for the sake of the father and with the improvement of the interests of the students trained by teachers of biology and class kerivniks.

The serpent of the Statny Vikhovannya є Zhitty, the ditin, mutually aimed by people with people, the rations of the Tsihov -Ingod, the specialty of people at the sires, spheres of the Systems of the Specific, the minds of the Vikhovan, the Vihi -Virali Virali. The statutory review includes the following questions:

1) physiological, psychological, pedagogical peculiarities of the child, related to state belonging; the significance of these features for mutual relations with other people in all spheres of human activities;

2) sіm'ya that vzaєmini at nіy;

3) the people and the vihovannia of children, the onset of generations.

When differentiating the status of the younger and older children, the following steps should be taken:

1) riven zagalnogo vyhovanih development, zdatnіst їх to priynyattya, svіdomlennya, analysis of information іnformatsiї razny step foldedness;

2) ob'ektivnu and sub'ektivnu zatsіkavlenіnіst otrimanny singії іnformatsії, both verbally expressed, and in scientifically similar form;

3) the nature of the vihovuvanih, as well as the peculiarities of their behavior and mutual relations with representatives of their opposite status;

4) the age of "biological" maturity, the nature of physiological changes in the organism;

5) general patterns of forming a class team, and navit specific features of the class;

6) the peculiarities of the mutual relations between the sіm'ї and її vpliv on vikhovuvanih.

At the statuary vihovanni vikorivuyutsya charitable principles spiritual work Vono maє buti warehouse first and secondary visits, which take place in this school, are carried out with the improvement of the status, age, stage of preparation of children, as well as with the advancement of advancement in the process of development. Obov'yazkova Umova Yogo Effektivnosti - the only pіdkhіd batkіv, medical practitioners and teachers.

  • 5. Contribution by A.V. Zaporizhzhya that yogo scientific school at the development of pedagogical psychology.
  • 6. Methods of pedagogical psychology.
  • 7.Experiment in pedagogical psychology. The place of the shaping experiment in the system of methods in pedagogical psychology.
  • 8. Navchannya and development. Look at the HP Vigotsky the same. Piazhe on spіvvіdshennya navchannya that development. Vchennya K.S. Vigotsky about the zone of the closest development.
  • 9. Development of education in the military lighting system.
  • 10. The characteristic is to understand "navchannya", "navchannya", "navchannya".
  • 11. Teaching, yogo tipi ta see. Basic theories of education.
  • 12. Learning in a child's age and early age.
  • 13. Teaching and learning from preschool children. Formation of rethinks of the initial activity.
  • 14. Psychological planting of sensory development in preschool children.
  • 15. A child of experimentation with teachers and preschoolers.
  • 16. Formation of psychological readiness before school. The role of a teacher-psychologist in pre-school education to school education.
  • 17. Primary activity as a specific type of activity. The structure of the chief duty of the d.b. Elkonin.
  • 18.Navchannya how important is the characteristic of the subjects of the initial activity.
  • 19. Teaching and learning from preschool children. Formation of rethinks of the initial activity.
  • 20. A young schoolboy as a subject of primary activity.
  • 21. Pіdlіtok as a subject of primary activity.
  • 22. Senior schoolboy as a subject of primary activity.
  • 23. Student as a subject of primary activity.
  • 24. Psychology of pedagogical assessment. Criteria for effective pedagogical evaluation.
  • 25. Types of unsuccessful students and the nadannya їm psychological and pedagogical assistance.
  • 26. Differentiation and individualization of education.
  • 27. The beginning is an important characteristic of the subjects of the initial activity. The problem of vaccinated bezporadnosti.
  • 27. Motivation and initial motives. Motivation for achieving success is that motivation for unique failures.
  • 28.Individually-typological power of the nervous system of a child and difficult development.
  • 26. Differentialization and individualization of education.
  • 29. Understanding about the psychology of development. The subject of this task is the division of pedagogical psychology.
  • 34Peculiarities of fostering and training children in early childhood.
  • 36. Interplay of that її role in the spiritual-illumination process.
  • 40. Psychological health of children. Ways of saving and improvement of psychological health in the minds of preschoolers.
  • 41. Injecting a teacher into the development of a child's creativity.
  • 42. Psychological aspects of statutory vihovannia. Investigation of gender identity in the educational and lighting process in preschool education.
  • 48. Development of the special characteristics of children with equal success in young schoolchildren.
  • 49. Becoming the nature of the problem of the transitional age.
  • 50. Features of self-improvement in the junior and youthful years.
  • 52. Vihovannya schoolchildren with deviant behavior.
  • 53.Psychological problems of education of gifted and talented children.
  • 55. Psychology of the specialty of the teacher. Subjective characteristics of the teacher.
  • 56. Specifics of pedagogical activity. The structure of pedagogical activity.
  • 57. The main professional functions of a fosterer of a preschool mortgage.
  • 58.Professіyno-pedagogіchnі vminnya ta shlyakhi їх perfection.
  • 59. Show your individual style of pedagogical activity and yoga among teachers of preschool education.
  • 60. Psychological characteristics of pedagogical traits.
  • 61. Professional psychological health of a teacher.
  • 66. Pedagogical directness, її structure.
  • 67. Pedagogical interaction. Yoga functions and structure.
  • 68. Self-shielding and self-illumination in the system of uninterrupted illumination.
  • 69. Socio-psychological climate in the pedagogical team and yogo influencing the productivity of the teacher's activity, yogo satisfaction with the practice.
  • 70. The role of a teacher of preschool education in promoting the effectiveness of the practice of members of the pedagogical team.
  • 42. Psychological aspects of statutory vihovannia. Investigation of gender identity in the educational and lighting process in preschool education.

    The actuality of those points to the fact that the country's pedagogy turned out to be “stateless”, focused on an abstract child without improving such most important characteristics, as a state of psychological peculiarities. Vidpovidno to ignorance of these peculiarities of the whirlwind process of directing to the development of "average value".

    The study of psychological and pedagogical literature made it possible to determine the understanding of gender.

    Gender (type of English. gender - Rid, become)- a socio-biological characteristic, for the help of which people give the designation “man” and “woman”.

    sense understanding "gender" Polegaє, first for everything, in the idea of ​​social modeling and representation of the state in different situations of mutual modality. BUT gender identity– the whole appearance of the socio-biological characteristics of the article in the spiritual and lighting process, the basis of the gender approach is the differentiation behind the sign of the article. Under the differentiation of learning and learning G.M.

    The problem of the development of children with the improvement of the state of their powers, which allows the specificity of pedagogical work with children of the preschool age, for the significance of this relevance, there are no analogues. The search for a turn in the spirituality of the people, which will become the greatest deficit of the year, will inevitably lead to a cultural and historical past, anchored in the traditions of different peoples, oriented towards the differentiation of children of different status.

    Gender aspects of the development and education of children turn the respect of the fahivtsiv of different galuzi - neurophysiologists, neuropsychologists, psychologists, illuminators. According to the data of neurophysiologists and neuropsychologists, the very details in the structure and work of the brain indicate the peculiarities of the development of children in various articles. In boys and girls, the brain develops at a different pace, in a different sequence and in a different term. In girls earlier, lower in lads, the areas of the left povkul are formed, in the case of movement, rational and logical thought. The lads have a logical liva pivkulya more developed and nibi troshki are seen. After all, the lads have a dominant figuratively sensitive sphere until the singing age.

    So, it is necessary to vihovuvat and train boys and girls in a different way, because one and the same activity in them is organized for the participation of different structures of the brain.

    The scientific literature states the following facts between boys and girls:

    in the basis of the recognition of knowledge strategies and ways of forming cognitive functions, rates, methods of processing and assimilation of information;

    organization of respect;

    in forms of activation of emotions;

    motivation of activity and assessment of achievement;

    at behavior.

    Vidminnosti rozumovіy diyalnostі girls and lads.

    girl :

    more hoarding new material;

    it is easier to master algorithms and rules;

    love the task of repeating;

    often vicorist the near sir;

    take on the details, think more concretely and pragmatically;

    more shortly, they begin sequentially - "from simple to folding";

    new information is analyzed for the help of the left pivkul;


    it is better to win folding (bagatoetapnі) hand-me-downs of grown-ups;

    It is important for them to understand the principle, the sense of zavdannya and it is more important to accept the explanation “from simple to folding”;

    it’s better to win a task for kmіtlivist;

    do not tolerate single-mindedness;

    it’s better to conjure a task at a bright light

    A lad and a girl in any given time cannot be wooed at the same time. Because they stink in a different way, they sing, they hear and smell, they speak and mutter in a different way, they experience it. To that we grow up, so that the children are smarter than they are, it is necessary to improve upon the individuality of the child, heal її, dotrimuvatsya logic її development, to understand the ability of thought. It's a pity that today there are no special programs that can be developed to optimize gender identity and shape gender identity. I propon low recommendations for teachers, fosterers and fathers, as they can be used for the development of the psychosexual sphere of children.


    Status education, a system of medical and pedagogical approaches, directing children to education, encouraging young people of a sensible, healthy setting to nutrition status and status life. The task of state development is to accept the harmonious development of the growing generation, to fully shape the state behavior and child-bearing functions, to adopt the understanding of the physiological and moral foundations of the family of that family. Povnotsіnne stateeve vyhovannya transfer yogo cob back to the entry of children in the period of state maturation. Mentally, the process of stating the state can be subdivided into a few steps. Children of the preschool age need to be taught elementary hygienic habits and rules of conduct. Importantly, the importance of zagartovannya to the child's body, the shards of the correct articles of development of letters from the deep physical. It is even more important to ensure a healthy atmosphere in the family, passed on by mutual respect and love. In preschool years, children step by step form their belonging to the singing status and as a legacy natural process knowledge of the world of science is blamed on the beginnings of interest to the power of the state.

    A man in a lad and a woman in a girl were born after early childhood. Otherwise, for the molding of their special features, it may be inevitable that they make a difference in life. O. P. Nagel developed a model of the competence of the educator for the implementation of the gender approach in the educated preschoolers:

    Theoretical competence: the teacher's knowledge of the psychological status of boys and girls, the dynamics of the state-role development of children in preschool children; knowledge of forms and methods of molding the soil of masculinity and femininity in preschoolers.

    Diagnostic competence: readiness to establish diagnostic methods and follow up the process of state-role socialization.

    Special competence: understanding of the power of special features, gender stereotypes, identity, realization of gender roles; self-recognition of special features

    Technological competence: the readiness of the teacher to organize gender education with the organization of the main activities of preschool children.

    Implementation of the gender identity among students and preschoolers is allowed in the following cases:

    · Diagnosing the rіven of the state-role development of preschool children;

    · To create a model of the subject-developmental environment with the improvement of the gender characteristics of children;

    · Analyzing the relevant illuminating programs and technologies from a gender perspective;

    · To develop more methodically and didactically the process of state-roll training (take notes, scenarios of development, didactic games);

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