Egyptian secrets. The mystery of the Egyptian pyramids. Signature of Queen Nefertiti


Egypt - the name of the country is Kim, which in translation means "mystery", "mystery". Throw in a mystery all that is tied to the ancient country. A lot of Egyptologists spent the remaining two hundred years trying to solve the numerical riddles of Egypt. We torknemos less quiet riddles, tied to the names of Tutankhamun.

What was known about Tutankhamun before the discovery of his tomb? In the most recent histories of Egypt, they added a few more than two or three paragraphs to Egypt, but if they were separated by an even more mysterious name. I'm not surprised. Until the beginning of the 20th century, little was known about Tutankhamun, little traces of his reign (1351-1342 BC) were saved only a few amulets from the images of the king and written on one of the old Egyptian steles. the cult of the supreme god of the land of Amon, on yakіy іm'ya yogo was replaced by the іm'yam of Pharaoh Horemheb, who ruled after him: a sculptural group, de vin of images together with this god (and Tutankhamun's head was hit) and a sprat of objects from yogo іm'yam the axis of everything that happened in the nineteenth kingdom of Tutankhamen, who, having ascended the throne as a child, died at the age of 18-19. That number of seethings is so rich, why for us, with obscure podias, the fates of his king did not save the memory of the new one, even more so, that for whom it was necessary to live in the new arrivals. If a thousand years have been described, for example, the IV century BC. the priest Manetho, who was primly vivchiv in the past of his fatherland, writing his history, not having guessed Tutankhamun into the vladik.

But now this pharaoh is no less powerful, the lower most famous rulers of Egypt - the alarmists of the pyramids, the great conquerors, the reformers of religion. Glory came to Tutankhamun more than 3,300 years after death, after a happy fall - opening the tomb. It is a pity that until today there were no litopisi, no chronicles that would tell about the approach of that hour. From vipadkovyh and nepovnyh dzherel, like from the okremіh kamenіv ushkodzhenoї mozaїki, znachnuyu koї hopelessly spent, yakі zavzhda vdaєstyu again restore the picture of the podіy. And yet, in the hidden rice, it is known about Tutankhamun and the 1st hour - even if more less is set, you can win over the house, take it away as a result of the opening of the 1st tomb, and all those new things that have accumulated over the past more than 10 years of the year.

The history of the ancient Egyptian state, which settled at the turn of the 4th and 3rd millennium BC, is rich in podia. There were hours of a great cultural and political pidmomu, but there were also hours of snowfall. Dvichі at XXIII-XXI Art. BC that in the XVIII-XVI centuries. BC the despotic power of the pharaohs fell apart, and centralized state had to re-create. Apparently, until now, the three great epochs of the Egyptian state, divided by periods in the fall, are called the Ancient, Middle and New Kingdom of Egypt. Tutankhamun to lie down to the New Kingdom, to the XVIII-th dynasty of the Egyptian pharaohs, for some reason the wild tribes of the Hyksos were driven out, who invaded Egypt in troubled hours, the greatest pidyom of the Egyptian power (from the XVI-XIII century BC), began, now became the worldly empire of the ancient world.

The struggle of the tsar's power against the border regions of the country was seen by the ancient history of Egypt. 3 hours before and before the rest of the dynasty great value mav periodically holy "sid" - holy to the royal throne and the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt. Kozhen pіdyom tsarist dynastії buv povyazaniya z vіynoyu. From the hoarding of the susіdіv of material values, we've got the thinness of gold. Viyskovy vidobutok becomes the most important official in the development of the Egyptian economy. Kindly see the number of military marches of Pharaoh Thutmose III, who commemorated his exploits on the walls of the Karnak temple. At the beginning of the 18th dynasty, the city of Thevi gained special significance as the capital of Egypt, and the god Amon became the head god of the Egyptian pantheon. In a wide stream, gold, ivory brush, blue wood, turquoise, and blackite flowed from Thevi. At Thebes, the best works of art of the analyzed period were created, the most famous architectural memos. Grandiose temples, pishnі palatsii and boudinki suddenly changed the look of Thebes, transforming them into the richest and most beautiful of the Egyptian places, the glory of which was saved by the stretching of riches for a century, and after a century, “Fivi tables” were christened by the homer of a foreign land

"Fivi of the Egyptians,
City, de wealth without koshtoris in the cloisters of the bulk of the people is saved,
City, in which a hundred thieves, and from them from the skin in two
Warriors are seen at the chariots on swedish horses.

Dosi to stand grandiose colonnades and colonies, hostile to all who come to Fivy. The majestic place, on which the place was roztashovuvalysya, still picks up traces of great glory.

The pharaohs, successors of Thutmose III (Amenhotep II and Thutmose IV) continued the military policy of the pharaohs of the XVIII dynasty and significantly raised the international prestige of Egypt. The king's magnificence was earlier tied up with yoga deification. Now the king, moreover, acting like a hero and like a strong man, like performing supernatural feats. Such were the legends about the special goodness and strength of Amenhotep II. When new to Egypt, a lot of foreign territories were brought. And yet, during the hours of Amenhotep, III Egypt changes its policy - diplomatic blues are established with the rulers, and the signs of peace are laid with the Egyptian pharaohs with foreign princesses. The leaves of the rich rulers of the dry lands, especially the ancient princedoms, the spovnenie ulylivnosti and self-humiliation - so great is the power and might of Egypt, such is the fallowness of the vassals.

The remaining ten years of the reign of the XVIII Dynasty were the spovneniy of boisterous podia. Pharaoh Amenhotep IV put on the cob when he ascended the throne. Grabіzhnitski wars, which were seen earlier, outrageously enriched the nobility and the priesthood, especially the priests of the head sanctuary of Egypt - the temple of Amun at Thebes. Itself at that hour to go viraz "gold - the meat of the gods." Volodarna rabovlasnitskaya upper-class and priesthood taєmnno and clearly set themselves against the king's power. And for Amenhotep IV, becoming a conflict: under the guise of religious reform, the pharaoh tried to carry out great social and political reforms.

This was one of the most striking peculiarities in the history of the world. They respect him and a wonderful father and man, they call him a great philosopher and a poet of science, they call him a poet and mentally ill, they call him a dictator like Mao, Hitler and Stalin, they call him a filthy politician and, obviously, they call him a reformer. Surround the life and death of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, more known to him under the name of Akhenaten, to melt in your own rich enigmatic і, better for everything, if they are not sufficiently clarified. Akhenaten, the tenth pharaoh of the XVIII dynasty, who ruled in the XIV century BC, was the first religious reformer in the world. Практично за півтори тисячі років до виникнення християнства він проголосив ЄДИНОБОЖДЯ і, на думку відомих єгиптологів, його реформи є «найдивовижнішою подією єгипетської давнини, яка торкнулася чи не всіх сторін тодішньої єгипетської дійсності: суспільство, держава, побут, вірування мова". Але що спонукало yogo for the whole time, until it is not clear - in the future, I will not let anyone go.

Some people think that Akhenaten was the son of the mighty Amenhotep Shta Tії. Having made friends with the king and the sovereign woman, the pharaoh fought against the Egyptian stars, yak vimagali, so that the king's daughter was the queen. And Tiya fell as a daughter to the royal nobleman and was alone in the bag of the royal harem. The deyakі sledniki, judging by the portraits that they saved, they admit that she is not a purebred Egyptian: in rice її disguise and disguise її sin, at budovі їkh figures vbachayut signs, authorities in the natives of the greater pivdenny regions of Africa.

Possibly the presence of someone else's blood made Amenhotep IV unpopular among the priests of that nobility. Ale smut thought that the right to the throne of wines, svidshe for everything, not mav. The fall of the throne of the pharaohs followed the woman's line. The ruler of the moment was only the son of the eldest daughter of the pharaoh. Amenhotep Sh mav accepted three donoks, and one of them could take the throne. And the future reformer, as it seems, no friendship with Nefertiti, a trip like that with a sufficient degree of certainty, has not been established.

Tim is no less, having become Amenhotep IV himself the king of Egypt for unknowing circumstances, and you can speak with confidence about those who got the throne to you not without a struggle, but in the eyes of the priestly camp that Egyptian nobility of wines, singsongly, looking like a usurper. Possibly, the very same became the head post until the policy was carried out, directed against the mighty victims, as they jealously guarded for the literal violation of the laws of succession to the throne in Egypt, and in the eyes of the young pharaoh they became a head threat to the yoga camp.

On one of the stelae of the hours of Ekhnaton, he wrote in a vague way, in which they muffledly think about the great inacceptability, as if they fell on the lot of the remaining three pharaohs, obviously Amenhotep II, Thutmose IV and Amenhotep Sh. Prote can let it go. The priests in Egypt will always have a strong power. Ale behind the grandfather of Amenhotep III, the famous conqueror Thutmose III, the capital of such a bully Thebe, the cult of the Theban deity Amon was especially magnified. On this honor, the pharaoh gave all new new lands, and the temples of Amon took away non-bachen gifts, moreover, the amount of donated gold was sometimes counted in tons. It is not for nothing that many of Thutmose's blessings were named after Amenhotep, tobto. "Amon of satisfaction".

Step by step, the priests of Amon strengthened their political power. The stench began to stand against the lords of the pharaohs and started to straighten them out. Maybe the fall of Thutmose was born into the whole world. Not without reason, before Ikhnaton, they tried to try to set up Amon another deity.

Amon was the god of Sontsya, so solar deities could become superheroes. At that number, the Aton appeared most suitable - a special image of the God-son of Ra, like a sony disk. Yogo cult of wine in Egypt is still for the father of the future reformer, and perhaps even earlier. Apparently, the promenade ship of Queen Tії, in which she sailed at a specially built for her headquarters, was called “Syaivo Aton”, and in the texts found in one of the tombs of Amenhotep III, the title “Keeping with the Aton’s palace” is mentioned.

Pragnochi uphold the authority of the priesthood, which leaned on the stumps of the ancient gods, the pharaoh, having hung a new vchennya, voicing the sleepy disk under the name of the god Aton as the only true deity. The temples of the old gods were closed, their images were destroyed, the temples were confiscated.

Akhenaten to transfer the capital from Thebes to the newly awakened place of Akhetaton, the place, "as before, none of the gods belonged" and it is not enough to become the grandiose sanctuary of the single god of the Egyptians. The life of the capital has become a new word for the development of Egyptian art, as it has reached the greatest rose in the world - so the titles of the Amarn period (for the name of the modern Arab settlement of El-Amarna). At the ceremony of the foundation of the place, Akhenaten arrived, like a sleepy god, on a golden chariot. At his promo in front of the nobles and officials, who prostrated themselves on their faces, declaring that, having felt the voice of Aton, his father, Aton himself was thirsty, so that they would make a place for him, which he himself manages. Pharaoh deyav dosit in serious ways. Worship of the old gods has been blocked, on cult objects and spores the name of the god Amon is energetically engraved. The word "gods" is missing from the plural. On the shanuvalniks of the old gods there was a coin of suvor punishment. For example, on the walls of one of the tombs, one can read the following words: “Hateful leather (spend) on the chopping block... vіn fall under the sword, fire devours yoga flesh... Zvertaє vin (Yekhenaten) opposes his strength against quiet, who ignores yoga, mercy its quiet, who knows yoga.

Before the pharaoh-reformer, no one thought about the creation of all the gods. Pragnili lished application of the cult of Amon. Akhenaten, on the other hand, vindicated the faith of the one God, which for spiritual evidence of that period seems to be unimaginable. Chi bula thought about the ONE GOD PIDKAZAN young prince? Chi himself vin dіyshov before her by way of long thoughts? Chi, already being in power, understand, why try to apply the meaning of Amon not to give results and need a radical come in? Is it possible, tse buv vpliv єvreїv, for a long time they lived in Egypt and prayed to one God? Ancient stones save Movchannya. Ninі on qi supply no one can tell. Zate zagalom v_domo, like a devil pharaoh.

Amenhotep IV gave an insight to the mind that, behind the butt of the father and dida, I saw the dream of the sonny god of the peninsula provinces of Ra. According to tradition, the ritual coronation of the new pharaoh was small in Ipet-Isup (modern Karnak) - a complex of temples for the sovereign capital of Egypt, Thebes. Ale Amenhotep IV, having given the priority to the most ancient center of the shanuvanni Ra, the place of Onu, the largest in the house beyond the Greek name Heliopolis. Here, not far from the first capital of Egypt, Memphis, under the rule of Amenhotep III, there was a small temple of the Aten, which respected the special inspirations of Ra. In this rank, the new pharaoh, entrusted with the support of the strong Helopol priesthood, having robbed the first crock before the Aten's shanuvanny. In the first years of ruling in Ipet-Isut, chotiri temples to the Aton were created, the total number of victims they had reached 6800 osib, which, singly, was adopted by Amon's followers yak viklik.

Nezabar Amenhotep IV voted as the only true god of the Aten, and Yogo sin. Vin becomes Akhenaten, tobto. "Let us please (Korisnim) the Aten". In the names of the queen and the children of the pharaoh, the prefix Aton is also used.

In the reforms, the pharaoh relied, let's think, on the "new people", more like those of an ignoble adventure. Imovirno, yoga was supported by the army, as well as representatives of the old nobility, who were dissatisfied with their camp for a great rule. Tse, however, did not make him tired after the death of the pharaoh, it was easy to see it in the yogo vchennya and turn to the old religious zvichaїv. It seems that, for example, the life of Ekhnaton Thevi, having recently appointed the young ruler Smenkhkare as pharaoh Yogo. In one of the Theban temples there are images of the sacrifice of Amun.

The authority of the pharaoh has fallen immeasurably. Usі zusilla Akhenaten zozrediv on reforms. The presence of strong respect for the problems of modern politics, which were more important than the Asian Volodya to Egypt, led to the loss of their part. The Egyptians called to the Zagarbnitsky wars, they were actively led by Thutmose IV and Amenhotep III, and they wrote with peremoga. Zrostav pouring in the great Khetian kingdom, yak jumped to the feet of the Egyptian vassals. The pharaoh did not add to them, chiming out the dissatisfaction of all the creeds of the conscience.

Akhenaten died near his capital around 1351 BC (there are 38 years in the capital). Є pripuschennya, yogo was cut off. At every time, on one of the frescoes there is an image of a swing at the pharaoh. Prote vbivstvo dosi not brought.

The death of Ekhnaton untied the hands of his adversaries, and the country turned to a great extent. The centuries-old traditions could not have come into being in a short span of an hour, moreover, because the reforms of the tsar did not give anything to the people. It is not surprising that in the decree of one of the descendants of Ekhnaton, Tutankhamun, it was glaringly affirmed that the cult of the Aton brought hardship to the land, and that the temples of the old gods propitiated and brought prosperity to Egypt.

The fates of the reign of Ekhnaton and the three yogis who were associated with the cult of the Aten, in official chronicles began to be attributed to the fates of the reign of Pharaoh Haremheb. And as it was necessary to call out riddles in the name of the reformer, he was called "the enemy of Akhetaton."

And yet, regardless of those that the share of reforms could not have been formed otherwise, they continue to praise the minds, as if trying to give their own explanation of the reasons for what happened, for an hour to finish the original, but not confirmed by archaeological evidence. In the rest of the hour, there were a few articles about those that the great influx on the whim of Ekhnaton to the sleepy disk, like the only god, gave rise to the eruption of the volcano Santorin near the Mediterranean Sea, which was inspired by the stretch of many rocks and ended in a catastrophic volcanic swell of the volcano. In the course of the moon, these pods were prominent throughout the entire Mediterranean and, singly, even strongly manifested themselves in Egypt.

Dehto vvazha, that one of tsikh vyverzhen could zmusit sche Amenhotep S pripinit military walks, in the wake of which and the beginning of his reigning period friendly friends from the neighboring lands, and to domestic policy the hour of religious tolerance has come. Others affirm that the first eruptions reached Egypt the first fate of the reign of Akhenaten. The taut tsunami has settled here, the gloomy haze has grown dark, as if the sky has been closed for a long time. The lingering boards began. Hail, threaten thunder and flashes with strained gurkot. The country raptom spent somnolent warmth and light. Zvichayno, the people sprinyav tse yak terribly famously, a tragedy. The priests of Amon and those other gods tried to turn in dashingly, and the prayers of that sacrifice were alchemy.

In the rest of the hour, the deacons, the authors vvazhayut that the very same biblical “Egyptian temryava” was written at the link with the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt. As if according to the Bible, in order to reconcile the pharaoh, to slay his people, Moses sent the so-called “Egyptian strata” to Egypt: for three days of wine, having sunk the country into a dark temryavu, hitting people with unforgiving ailments, sending unforgiving and transforming hordes of water on blood streams and in.

Modern times explain the miracles that occurred on the territory of Egypt, natural changes, as they became a legacy of a volcano erupting. So the American historian Benet, having hung a theory about those who, after the eruption of the volcano over Egypt, hid the gloomy gloom, which carry the sirchist that zalizist spoluki. A large ball of tsikh hmar having occupied a majestic space and blocked the access of the sony light to the territory of the country. The precipitation of cold components turned the Nile into the homeland of brown color, which fully confirms the statement about the "rivers" of blood.

It is not excluded that a podia of such magnitude could sharply infiltrate the religious thought of the Egyptian people. Prote dzherel vcheni zishtovkhnulis with a paradoxical fact: whether there are specific riddles about the Santorin catastrophe in Egyptian writings today (if you want to stink in other peoples). More than anything, the Egyptians have sealed up the tragedy that has become. It’s quite possible that there was a kind of taboo on the mind about the “God of wrath”, but it’s also imovirnist, which was the reason for the fence on the hanging of the activity of the pharaoh-reformer.

Pharaoh and the Egyptian people as a whole could show that the Sun was angry with Egypt through lack of respect for the new one and that the Egyptians worship the wrong gods and the need to pray to the Sun himself. The axis of Akhenaten and rozpochav his reforms, and the priests of the old gods could not overstep him. Splashes of their activation are explained by repeated eruptions. And through a lot of rocks, if a new generation grew up, for which everything that was trapilos was kazka, the servants of the old gods began to raise their heads. Amon, for the persecution of the Egyptians, who helped the pharaohs in the conquest of new lands, buv images. The axis of Egypt and having spent its lands, to that the name of the pharaoh-reformer was cursed, and Egypt turned to the rich god.

No less mysteries are attached to the history of the reign of Ehnaton's decline. In the okremi vypadkas, the pardon hangs, which after the new one on the throne was the bula Nefertiti, as if she had taken the name of Smenkhkare. And, with a great support for those, vvazhayut spіvpravitel, and then pharaoh, Vіdomogo pіd tsim іm'yam, Amenhotep's son, III, from one of the other row squads. The most plausible hypothesis is that Smenkhkare is the son of Akhenaten in the other retinue of Kії or the brother of Tutankhamun. And in the last period of history, Mathias called him a man, the eldest daughter of Ehnaton, Meritaton, who, for accepting bloody hats from the pharaohs, did not exclude these options. I throne, behind the Egyptian understandings, wines, in such a rank, having taken on a whole legal basis.

Prote lived Simenkhkar zovsim unhappy and reigned three more than three fates. Information about the death of which pharaoh, that death of Meritaton is daily. The stench just znikayut from the field to the dawn of historians for the day of the day, whether they are given. Smenkhkare has fallen into youth Tutankhamun, a man of one of the daughters (third) of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, Ankhesenpaaten. Vin also died very young at the age of 18-19, perhaps not his own death. X-ray signs of the mummy show an unusual thinning of the skull bones in the region of the ear. Tse give an idea that on the head of the pharaoh it was hit by a blow, be it a hard object. A lot of vchenih zіyshlis on dumtsі that the pharaoh was beaten. About those who drove in yoga and why, they hung out at different times. Perhaps the successors of Ekhnaton thrashed for revenge, or try to change the roztashuvannya of strength to your own selfishness. It is allowed to turn back to the old cults of the Thebans without turning the young pharaoh out of hatred of the priests or the courtiers. Tutankhamun woke up in Akhetaton, the capital of the heretic cult. The role of the restorer of the cult of Amon, as if in passing engraved, could power him. In this vipadka, youmu was simply not allowed to stand by one heretic pharaoh. Prote everything is not confirmed by any reliable tributes.

Some of the most popular for the public are the riddles connected with the mummies of Akhenaten, as well as the queen Tії (mother of Akhenaten), Nefertіtі, and other warriors of Kії and Smenkhkare. A link with knowledge in Egypt constantly circulates a mustache that generates sensational statements. And less deyakі z them mayut pіd themselves real ґrunt. In order to add to the neohainity of some scholars, as if they see the bazhans for a dijsne, then the riddles tied to the names of Ekhnaton and that of the closest sharpening, not only do not know the solution, but become more and more confused. I would like to understand, it’s too early for science to still be able to shed light, wanting to be part of them.

After Smenkhkare, the Egyptian throne is occupied by Tutankhamen, who, having taken the throne of his retinue, Ankhesenpaaten. It is said that Smenkhkare and Tutankhamun were the sons of Akhenaten in the other row squad of Tії. Akhenaten did not check Nefertitis blue. The daughter of Meritaton did not give birth to you son, as for a deaky hour she became his squad and as a young man you saw the zamіzh for Smenkhkare. There are also versions that Smenkhkare and Tutankhamun were the best brothers of Ekhnaton. Tutankhamun and Ansehenpaaten became friends practically in a childish way. We know about tse zavdyaki dosledzhennyam prominent archaeologist Howard Carter.

Youmu himself was happy in 1922, but by a miracle, the tomb was not plundered, which Tutankhamun should lie down. She had revealed truly indestructible belongings. One mummy was embellished with 143 gold objects, but the mummy itself was taken into three anthropoid sarcophagi inserted one into one, the rest with a vag of 110 kg and a dove of 1.85 m of crushed solid gold. In addition, the royal throne was found at the tomb, embellishments with relief images, statues of the king and his squad, faceless ritual vessels, koshtovnosti, armor, robes and nareshti, miracles of gold, the funeral mask of Tutankhamun, which accurately conveys the image of the beautiful young fari. Zagalom Carter revealed over 5,000 thousand priceless objects. Deyakі z tsikh miraculous znahіdok, miraculous creations of mysticism, you can sing at once at the Exhibition Pavilion of Bonn. There are also presented 70 objects from the tombs of the other pharaohs of the XVIII dynasty, buried at the famous Valley of the Kings.

The rozkіshna and bagata of the tomb of Tutankhamen with a singing world confused Egyptologists, shards in it were not found alike papyrus, there were daily documents that shed light on seriously ill succession to the throne and the ascension of Tutankhamun to the straight line of the royal homeland. I didn't understand why
“treasury”, de buli zіbranі objects tied with the ritual, in a special string were taken gold statuette of Amenhotep III and the hairy queen Tiї. It’s impossible to see what kind of world for the young Tutankhamun the ties of Poland with the mighty powers of those epochs were trying, their nasklki were embracing Egypt. Tutankhamun died, unable to show himself as a ruler, having passed through the midst of the glorification of the pharaohs of the XVIII dynasty, and the hour of his reign was important and restless.

Tutankhamun did not manage to prepare his tomb for his life. Like G. Carter, the paintings at the funeral home were viconated after they were installed at the new sarcophagus with the king's mummy. They depict the new pharaoh Eyy with the same royal title, which is a magical ceremony tied to the funeral.

Ale at the court kolakh was restless. The widow of Tutankhamun, Queen Ankhesenamun, the sister of the one who married the Babylonian prince, after the death of a man, turned from an unprecedented journey to the Hittite king, from the journey of sending his son to Egypt, who became a man and king of Egypt. But the queen's bazhannya didn't work. The Hittite tsar did not believe the hell, and if the Hittite prince came to Egypt, then the killings were at a high cost by the Egyptian mercenaries. Evidently, the old Yei made friends with the young widow, otherwise he could not become the king of Egypt. For tribute, Hey, the father of Queen Nefertit, tobto. bowing down to Tutankhamen's ouds. There is also a version that Hey was a man-year-old Nefertiti.

The new Pharaoh Yey, who lives at the court of Ekhnaton, having spent a short time on the throne, perhaps, without taking off his guile. Yogo changed the energetic, prominent commander Haremheb, who came from a noble, ale from the royal family. So from the middle of the XIV century BC. the reigning period of the 19th dynasty rose, which continued the traditions of the pharaohs of the previous dynasty by expanding the cordons in the Egyptian state and the spheres of the її infusion.

Items from the tomb of Tutankhamen, who was buried close to 1342. BC, to acquaint us with the culture of that miraculous mysticism of Ancient Egypt in the first half of the XIV century BC. The political significance of Egypt has weakened in time, and the art has lost its towering height. Already in the hour of Ekhnaton a new style was being developed in the art, which would increase the vyshukanist, subtlety and realism. And Carter's axis, most striking in its time, was the savage vine of already withered hairs, which, obviously, was laid by the young widow of Tutankhamen's knot.

Maybe there was no such great European newspaper or magazine, they would not add respect to the marvelous sight in the Valley of the Kings. Ale yakі nevdovzі in svіtovіy pressіdomlennya about the sensational vіdkrittya centenary in the field of єgyptologiії yaky zavzhd were reliable. A lot of “fahivtsiv” published all the legends and their visnovkas from tsієї those, right up to the fact that “Tutankhamun became the pharaoh himself, with which the result was Jewish from Egypt”. Inventories of the Cossack treasures, revealed by Carter at the tomb, were also made. However, unexpectedly, the buried statues were replaced by disturbing sensational recollections, in which the mystical and enigmatic phrase “the curse of the pharaoh” appeared ... Vaughn roared the mind and chilled the blood of the ominous inhabitants.

And everything began from two writings, revealed by Carter during the hour of excavations. The first, found in the front room of the tomb, was an inconspicuous clay tablet with a short hieroglyphic note: “Death with swedish croques punishes the one who destroys the peace of the pharaoh.” Tsyu tablet Carter prihovav, schob not nalyakat robіtnikіv. Another intimidating text was revealed on the amulet, wrought in the bandages of the mummy. Vin saying: “I am the one who, with a call, empties the beasts of defiling graves. I am the one who stands on the wall of Tutankhamun's tomb."

Dali buli under the name of the name. Having spent a few days at Luxor together from Carter, Lord Cornarvon, an associate of the archaeologist and a philanthropist (concessionaire) of the expedition, turned unsteadily to Cahir. Striky vіd'їzd buv similar to panic: the lord was tightly wrapped around the state with the tomb. It seems that Carter wrote in a non-judgmental way: “No one wanted to make a signet. The doors opened up, we saw ourselves as impenetrable guests.

On the back, Lord Cornarvon felt a little unwell, then the temperature jumped, the fever was accompanied by a strong chill. For the treatment of sickness to death, Cornarvon began to get sick. Vin constantly naming the name of Tutankhamen. In the rest of my life, the miraculous lord, turning to the squad, saying: Well, from now on, everything is over. I felt a call, whack me. That was the last phrase.

Zatyat mandrivnik, sportsman, physical man, 57-year-old Lord Cornarvon died a few days after the opening of the tomb. The doctors' diagnosis sounded implausible: a mosquito bite. Today, in other versions, for example, the lord, suffering from asthma, had long enjoyed the dry climate of Egypt, and the vipari of the tomb negatively pushed into him.

Lord Kornarvon became the first victim of the pharaoh, but not the rest. After a few months, one by one, two more participants died in the opening of the grave (Arthur Mays and George Jay-Gold). Archaeologist Mace Carter asking to open the tomb. Mace himself, destroying the remaining stone, which covered the entrance to the head chamber. Not long after the death of Lord Cornarvon, I quarreled at that supra-wich. More and more often, there were grave signs of weakness and apathy, then the loss of evidence, as I did not turn around until the next. Mace died at the Continental, at the same hotel, de proving his own rest days Lord Cornarvon.

After hearing the news about the death of an old friend Lord Cornarvon, the American multimillionaire and addicted amateur archeologist George Jay-Gold, blatantly violating at Luxor. Taking Carter as a conductor, vin relatively the rest of the headstock Tutankhamen. All the revealed knowledges have been in yoga hands. Moreover, the guest of incompetence contrived to vikonate the robot in just one day. Until the night, already in the hotel, yoga called raptov chills. Vіn znepritomnіv i died until the evening of the coming day.

The radiologist Archibald Douglas Reed was entrusted with cutting the bandages to make the mummy of the pharaoh. Vіn robiv i roentgenoscopy. The vikonana of the robot took away the most important ratings of fahivtsiv. Stepping on native land, Douglas Read did not dare to stifle the attack of the vomit that had accumulated. Mitteva weakness, confusion, death.

In such a rank, 22 individuals died among the lichens, the deacons of them
"Fear has swept over England," wrote one newspaper after the death of Douglas Reid. Panic ensued. Day after day, and on the sides of the press were the names of new victims. Destruction nazdoganyala v_domih at the rocks of archeologists and likarіv, іstorikov i lіngvіstіv, yak-ot Fokart, La Flor, Winlock, Estory, Callender. Kozhen having died one by one, but death was the same for all - not bugged that shvidkoy.

In 1929, the widow of Lord Carnarvon died, at the same time, Richard Batell, Howard Carter's secretary, a young man who was in good health, died early in the age. Another message about the death of Batell traveled from Cairo to London, my father, Lord Westbury, rushed over from the sky above the hotel.

At Kahiri, Lord Carnarvon's brother and his watcher died. Death, which has come to the booth, nazdogala skin, who laughed in those days when he saw the sick.

Through a sprinkling of rocks from quiet people, as if they had clung to the tomb anyway, Howard Carter was left alive. Vin died in 1939 for 66 years. But before his death, the archaeologist repeatedly suffered from the attacks of weakness, frequent headaches, hallucinations, and a new set of symptoms to ward off the dewy journey. Vvazhayut, scho vіn having escaped the curse of the pharaoh to those who practically did not flood the Valley of the Kings from the first day of excavations. Day after day, having taken your dose of wine, take it off until the body has broken down a strong immunity.

35 years have passed since the day of the death of Lord Carnarvon, if the doctor of the hospital in Pivdenniy Africa, Joffrey Dean, revealed that the symptoms of a wondrous ailment would already tell the doctors of the liver ailment. Її spread microscopic fungi. Vіn vysloviv pripuschennya, scho і, hto first zrivav a signet, inhaled їх and infected others.

In parallel with Joffrey Dean, a medical biologist from Kahirsky University Ekhzeddin Taha was conducted. I spent a lot of money for many months in search of archaeologists and supporters for the museum in Kahiri. In the organisms of their skin, Takha revealed a fungus, which provoked a fever and a strong inflammation of the wild ways. The fungi themselves were a collection of disease-causing agents that linger in mummies, pyramids and crypts. At one of the press conferences, Taha sang in attendance that all these sweating rites are no longer scary, but with a lot of antibiotics.

Undoubtedly, after an hour of research, they would come up with more specific outlines, yakby is not one furnishing. A few days later, after that memorable conference, Professor Taha himself became a victim of the curse that he had cursed. On the way to Suets, the car, which was familiar at that moment, for unreasonable reasons, sharply turned to the left and crashed into the side of the limousine, rushing forward. Death was a mitteva.

It should be noted that the Egyptians were great masters in the study of poisonous toxins from the organisms of creatures and roslin. Those who are rich, leaning against the middle, close to the minds of their sonorous living, save their deadly qualities as if forever long - the hour has no power over them.

Є shove, scho d_yut v_d lung dotik before them. To finish the fabric with them, or, for example, smear the wall, as if dried up without a stink, the stench does not waste its yaskas stretching for a thousand. For a long time it didn’t matter to see a sign on the tomb that they brought death.

The Italian archaeologist Belzoni, writing in the past century, is a human being, as if he had experienced the Pharaoh’s curse on his own in the world: “There is no place on earth, greater than the damned, below the Valley of the Kings. Too rich, my colleagues showed up not under the power of pratsyuvati in the crypts. People constantly spend svodomist, legends do not show vanity, breathe in suffocating vipars. The Egyptians, as a rule, tightly walled up their tombs. The odors of rot accumulated and thickened for an hour, but did not evaporate. Opening the doors of the funeral chamber, the robbers literally descended into the grave. Indeed, there is no better pasture, the tomb is walled up below.

But there was another terrible force, as if it was stealing away the mummy and everything that was with her in the burial chamber. To simplify the philosophical beliefs of the ancient Egyptians about their "I", we can say that it was brought up to three essences of a person - Hut, or physical; Ba - spiritual; Ka-dnannya Khat i Ba.

Ka - the projection of human nature is alive, that in the smallest details instills skin individuality. The body is more energetic, protected by a rich aura. One of its purposes is to unite spiritually and physically plant. Ka-power can. Overlapping the dead body, As a slippery, it becomes unceremonious and unsafe. Zvіdsi rites of offering to the dead, funeral prayers, prayers to my address. Among the Egyptians were enchanters, they let loose the greedy energy of Ka and purposefully victorious її like a “hired beater”. And if you provide it with a set of odorous smells, then the pharaoh’s calmness does not have any chances for a good order. Ka, outside of hatred, flour and spread, concentrated in the underground crypt and vryatuvatisya in yoga unstriking fury was impossible for a mere mortal.

Ale is still far from unraveling the magic version, modern science. Then, in the press, time and time again, there are just the same "sensational reports", in which it was asserted that Carter's discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamen was no more than a falsification. And none of the items found at the burial place were prepared by Egyptian craftsmen in order. Carter only made a “voice” and filled the cells of Tutankhamen with gifts. Less than a small part of Tutankhamun's treasures is saved in Kahiri, and the greater part of it was sold at the most important museum of the world, bringing millions to Egypt. And in order to add a lot of tourists to the banks of the Nile, littered the tomb of Tutankhamun, then Carter's "scam" as a whole could become a super-vigilant investment for capital. Axis and evidence for food, why the participants of the expedition perished, and Carter having lived longer for others - the forger could be punished, and the wines were taken away from their world. Axis yak can swindle honest people and vchenogo!

In parallel with these absolutely neimovirnym assertions (it is important to admit that the preparation of such a number of objects - over 5000 copies - was left with unmarked facsimiles), there are also other versions. Now already from the side of the vchenih-atomic workers. So, Professor Luis Bulgarin, having confessed, that the ancient Egyptians, perhaps, victorious for the defense of the sacred rites of radioactive materials. Vin stating: “It is possible that the Egyptians victorious atomic radiation for the protection of their holy places. The stench could have covered the graves with uranium or covered the graves with radioactive stone.”

All similar proofs, as if they were obvious, are so real, it’s not enough to add riddles to the “greatest vіdkrittya of the XX century”, which allows you to grow only one non-overlapping wisps: the tomb of Tutankhamun left us and our caps with no less mysteries (among them the tragic rulers), but who reigned during the hours of the greatest world civilization.

Egypt is the country, as if it was all filled with the sounds of the moons of its rich past, which has a thousand thousand years of history. This land of bright beauty and whimpering farb is a sky-blaky sea and a desert, a desert, a desert.

Egypt is rightfully respected by the colossus of civilization. Today, this country is respected by the treasury of ruins and monuments of culture, the fatherland’s impersonal myths and legends, the ancient proclonal pyramids and the immeasurable riches of the pharaohs, as well as the impersonal mysteries of the pharaohs.

The skin, hto, is like there, do not just lie down on the warm picon of the sea, but finish off to the Bagato cultural resin of the Country, Pili Vidovannya Grischiki I Pirіd to be souled by the nyariznomanishi - htos spantlers, htes of the g likelihood of a large one. , but there is no one who would be left alone.

Egyptian pyramids

The Egyptian pyramids are one of the seven wonders of the world, mysteries, mysteries, and the unseen healing power of honoring those who lived in the earth. One of the main mysteries of Egypt is the mystery of seven of the last pyramids that have reached us (3 pyramids on the Giza plateau, Chervona and Laman pyramid and Medum pyramid), the existence of which was accepted until the reign of the fourth dynasty.

Zapyaki, in 1799 Rotsi, archaeologists Bulo knowed the rosetian Kamin, єgiptologists of Zmamili Roschifruvati, Davnoihipetskiy alphabet, read all those, stuck in their own lanters at the numeric arkhtyniki, Bagato's books, Vazakh tasi, Vazakh Tasi Taku, Tasi Tasi Tasu Tau Svygo. The axis of only the most mysterious Great Pyramids, the technology of creating such rozburhuy minds of budvelniks, dosledniks and egyptologists, for more than one hundred years, did not deprive us of the annual message - on the walls of the day they are inscribed.

But you can drink in a different way and try to marvel more respectfully at stone shavings, from which great pyramids are formed, and those who do not greet the upholstered look with the ease of looking at a professional alarm clock, or an architect - the miraculous likeness of the workmanship and knowledge of the stonework vaga, navіt sovіt svіtі іsnuє svogo kіlka pіdёmnih knіv, yakі could bіdnyati so shaved, scho important not one ton on such a height, tse tоdі went to the Egyptians?

With tsioma, the divin's head is not in tsiomu. So one of the first pyramids was seen by him, in which we called them bachiti accepted, vvazhat that, as instigated by Pharaoh Djoser, and why did the masonry technology, materials, which are stagnant, and so the most ardent architectural project, in principle, all in I confirm tim. I know that it is equal to the development of prosperity at that hour, if it was out. And yet, after a hundred years, the Great Pyramid was built on the Giza Plateau, which, according to the official version, was under the grave of Pharaoh Cheops. The first axis here is the first food, as from the cost of a hundred years it was possible to call such a price for the quality and folding of the pyramid?

The Pyramid of Cheops is not only hostile with its expansions, but and those technologies, as if they were guilty of being stagnant at everyday life, they were guilty of being called by the authorities, as they could be at that hour from the Egyptians - massively taking over, like Krіm of that grinding went under an ideally viviren kut, that it is unrealistic to wind the instruments on our hands today, but what about those who were in Ancient Egypt.

Asking for just one wisp for those hundred years that passed between the reigns of Pharaoh Djoser before the reign of Pharaoh Cheops, in Egypt becoming a technological haircut, though stuck in the life of the pyramids, without bumping into the solution of all spheres of life. Moreover, this knowledge of that time was passed on by buddies and architects during the last reign of the fourth dynasty of the pharaohs, in spite of the fact that the dynasty of the Egyptian kings changed the throne on their thrones, and there was a surplus of technology. First, all ingenious alarm clocks appeared, they forgot all knowledge and went to hell in the future, more than a near dynasty that reigned, in Ancient Egypt there was nothing so monumental and hostile to the technology of everyday life. Pyramids, like they were created in the past, were built from the most famous small stones, or red unburned cauliflowers, and suspenstvo could call them at the principle and in the early stage of development - for the everyday life of the great people, there was no need for stone, sand

Historians, as if, as it seems, are trying to reach the official version of the development of the civilizations of the United States, they are trying to explain all the inaccuracies and differences that they blame for the mystery and mysteries of Egypt. So small pyramids, which are similar to those found in Egypt and dated during the reign of the fourth dynasty, let me explain that the stench was built for members of the royal family, tobto. In parallel with the life of the Great Pyramids, the pharaoh will make enough money for his squads and mothers, even though the stench of the floors did not like and respect them. Another riddle is those who do not have any information about the life of these mementos in more than one written journal. So to get a lot of information, you can know about the military exploits and failures of the pharaohs, about those who came before them from other lands to build a palace for the ruling pharaoh, and the axis is about those who live in the life of giants, builders glorify the rulers of the same word.

Long-standing civilization of the gods in Egypt and її follow

A stele was found in Egypt, the deciphering of the records on which it was discovered, about those that the King of the Fourth Dynasty Cheops is engaged in the reconstruction of the great Sphinx, which is protecting Great Pyramid what to lay the goddess Іsіdі, but the shards behind the official version of Cheops were the pyramid, and not having repaired already, the stela was recognized by historians as a pіdrobka.

Even if you try to put together all the clues, to lie on a uvaz, then one will ask for a visnovok, The Great Pyramids were not pharaohs of any dynasties, their links must be carried for a thousand years before the end of the state of Egypt. Egyptologists are convinced that the old Egyptian civilization of the pharaohs, vinicla on the ruins of a larger older and higher civilization, for some reason arose from the face of the earth.

A number of facts and traces of such a civilization, as you can know today in the entire territory of Egypt, oppose your own population.

So majestic statues and ears, like archaeologists know the hour after hour, and as they are dated to the rulers of that other dynasty, speak for themselves, those technologies Egypt and that river of knowledge, yakim little those suspіlstvo. Moreover, a lot of these statues are made of quartzite, one of the hardest materials on the planet, and for additional primitive tools, such processing and polishing is hardly possible. So it’s not the only food that evokes the fact that the rich statues have no disguise, but it’s been seen, moreover, the one who stubbornly, having reported a lot, zusil that hour for that.

Another mystery is the majestic sarcophagi, which are made from hard materials - granite, quartzite, basalt. Prepare such monolithic boxes with clear lines, ideal cuts and embed with special chamfers, which are recognized for the fact that during transportation they didn’t bother to finish the cuts, it’s important to embed at our current factory with the remaining technological expansions in this gallery. In addition, if the sarcophagus is richer than a human body, and if the lid is closed, then it is possible to open it only for the help of non-human zusils, so for whom the stench was assigned, it is unlikely for the magnificent body or to call the pharaoh.

KRIM Nazhomilikh of the riddles of the reversed technologies at the Budyvnitvi is the Old Materials of the ancient єgiptyans abyliyzai, the nadovye lived for them, they were unzipro with the nestris, the yoke of the snot, So, for example, the Zodiac of Osiris or the Dendera Zodiac, manifestations on the stele of one of the Egyptian drops near Dendera. This unique zodiacal calendar vibrates all the cyclical processes of our planet. Krim vіdomih usіm 12 zodiacal suzir'їv, there you can shake our entire sleepy system, at once from the earth, which collapses for about a sun.

Historians and archaeologists throughout the entire territory of Egypt continue to know truly marvelous knowledge and work against the hostile modern people, so less than 70 roki were revealed systems of tunnels and catacombs under the Giza plateau, yakі viv.

On the 4th leaf fall of 1922, archaeologists discovered the tomb of Tutankhamen. The history of this funeral is overgrown with mysterious sensitivities and excuses. About the tomb of the youngest pharaoh and about other mysteries of ancient Egypt, which praise the mind, peace be with you today

The tomb of Tutankhamen - maybe, the most archeological evidence of the XX century, super-chicks about the importance of which you can’t smell and today! Howard Carter, an archaeologist, who revealed the honor, saying: “For the lowest of our knowledge, we can only say one thing with confidence: the only remarkable sign of this life was those who died and were honored.” Tutankhamun, at the time of his death, was less than 19 years old, so the pharaoh was really young, so that in the hour of his reign he would make great efforts.

And yet, through such a small age of the Egyptian ruler, after the fact that the tomb was found, the story about him acquired a bit of majestic kilkistyu, allow for those different mystifications. I would like to start from the fact that the young age of the pharaoh pointed to the obvious unnaturalness of this death. Tse allowed to vibuduvati impersonally let about the palace intrigues of Ancient Egypt. Well, herself mystical history tied to the curses of the tomb. In addition, as in 1923, the late Lord George Carnarvon, who financed the excavation, died at his hotel room in Kahiri due to the burning of legends, and on the eve of his death, it may have been a little bit bitter. Versions hung out in different ways, right up to the “bite of the taemnichi mosquito”. The press, obviously, from the satisfaction of this version, procrastinated and strongly supported that, as a result, the great myth about the “curse of the pharaoh” grew, and the number of “victims of the curse” became already close to 22 osіb, as if it were so close to the rose of the tomb.

The Egyptian pyramids are the main memory of the country. Pyramid of Cheops and one of the seven wonders of the world. Until the TSOO, not Rozgadano, a yachki rifle Zvedeni Tsi Monumental Gianti, I, Zvienno, through the marriage of the knowledge, Istorіya about the Budіvnitroy of the old Piriyn, the illegitimate of the non -people Reference recognition of giants - links with other cultures.

The Great Sphinx is the oldest monumental sculpture that has been preserved on Earth. Until recently, the name of the Great Sphinx has become a mystery for historians. The word “sphinx” came up - a Greek adventure. Vidpovidno to mythology Ancient Greece, the cost of a woman’s statue, a strangler with a body of intestines and a woman’s head. Ale, according to the version of the clergy, individuals of the Egyptian sphinxes represent the ruling monarchs, the Great Sphinx - Pharaoh Khafre, the pyramid of which the order is known. Truthfully, this version of the tezh bula piddan doubts.

Abu Simbel is a legendary skelya on the western birch of the Nile. It has two ancient Egyptian temples, which, according to the version of historians, are evidence of the victory of Ramses II over the Khets and his majestic love for his single squad - Queen Nefertari. Zavdyaks to the exact roses of the girls on the river - on the day of the birth of Ramses, 21 birch, and on the day of the 1st coronation, 21 spring, exactly about the 5th year , hanging on the left shoulder of the statues of Amon-Ra and Ramses II. Let's sweat, for a sprig of whilin, the change of light will be lit up on the face of the statue of the pharaoh, and we will blame it, that the wine will smile.

The Luxor Temple is one of the most important and most beautiful places in the world. In the first place, the wines simply oppose with their Veletenian expansions: these walls could easily accommodate the entire settlement. Vіn buv promptings in the 14th century BC, like a danina povagi to the supreme Egyptian deity Amon. For a long time at the walls of the temple, they found the rites of Ancient Egypt. Until this very day, someone honors this great temple as one of the main sacred places of the Earth, and thousands of pilgrims from the rest of the world come here to discover the mysteries of ancient civilization.

Ancient Egypt. Do we all know about this country, about this country, about this history? Let's marvel at this antiquity, from the other side. From the first hour of the photographs that appeared, as if they really looked like old times at that hour, even the Sphinx was still up to its head in the sand. We marvel at the remnants of "Hellenistic culture" at the sight of "Fayum portraits" and the "Rosette Stone", if Egypt was under the rule of ancient Rome. Napoleon conquered the whole culture, at the same time from the cultural recession of the Mamluks and their own power. Also, we try to find out who is so hyxos and why the Jewish people have the word yansk haplogroup R1A.

If the first photographs appeared, the world of science, zatsіkavleniya at rozkritti rich mystery ancient Egypt, hastened to imagine on the signs, sensational at that time the ancient great monuments. Expeditions were ordered one by one, but as a leader of these historical events, Napoleon's journey to Egypt. What was the most important for this, the downfall of the Mamluk dynasty and the downfall of their power, the downfall of unhandled artifacts for other reasons, we are left with little more guesswork.

Zvichayno well Egypt spovneniy be-such mysteries, the axis for example, below in the photographs, what, electric lighting? Vcheni tried to create old-fashioned illuminating devices, and wonderfully, everything was done, not for nothing that the majestic undergrounds have no boiling water in the form of tar-skip and candles.

If the first photographs of Egypt appeared, the ancient monuments stood before us not in the shortest appearance, glimpsing the ruins. Therefore, after the restoration, we are merciful with the technologies of the ancients and groaning with their achievements, but for the time being we marveled, as if the stench looked at the cob.

If the tombs were revealed, the wives tried to take a picture of the sensation on the photograph, the axis is one of the tombs from Tutankhamen's burials and ancient treasures.

Statues of the pharaoh that guard the sealed doors between them. At the right side there is a great funeral bouquet. In the foreground, right-handed is a screen, on the skeletal part of the krishtsa, there are paintings from the images of the lion on the water, the walls are embellished with battle scenes of the pharaoh's wars against the African and Asian gates. In the middle are the robes of Tutankhamen. At the dovgastom box there is the whiteness of the king. Hathor, the cow goddess, is one of the sides of the royal ceremonial sofa.

In the foreground, the right hand is the pharaoh's stele, made of solid ebony, inlaid with ivory brush and gold. The legs of the leggings are bent at the sight of the heads of the jock, and the seats are covered with a skin of creatures. In the background there is a large wooden screen, and under it is the throne of the pharaoh, covered with gold and silver, inlaid with precious stones. On the back of the throne, there is a tablet with the names of the pharaoh and his team. Near the left part there are parts of some royal chariots. There is the name of Tutankhamun and the cartouche of the Yogo squad of Ankhsenamun.

On the skin side of the vase there are images of lotuses and attached papyrus, on which symbols are applied, which mean one hundred thousand fates. Qi suvoi means unity of "Two lands" - Upper and Lower Egypt. Hot ointments were spent at the tomb of Tutankhamen for 3300 years, the stench preserved the aroma.

The wooden statue is covered with black resin. A headdress, a commissar, armlets, bracelets, cloth, a gilded mace, and gold-plated sandals. On the forehead is a cobra, inlaid with bronze and gold. Eyes and eyebrows of gold, eyes of aragonite.

In ancient Egypt, mummification was given as people, and creatures.

The lovers of the rich Egyptians, especially the nobles and the pharaohs, were embarrassed to serve the rulers of the world. Sacred creatures for the status were to be present in the afterlife of people. Creatures and yoga parts, recognized for hedgehogs, became the first category.

Domestic lovers were killed in a non-traumatic way - X-rays showed the presence of traces of violence in their mummies. Reshta simply "ishli pid nizh". Ancient Egyptians embalmed thousands of creatures of different roses with a zagal, from geese to bugas. It’s clear that the butts of “hackwork” are used by the buried, if the mummifiers did not pack the pieces of meat for their high-ranking deputies.

On the basis of the knowledge of artifacts in Egypt, the whole science of science emerged. Naytsіkavіshim bulo for vchenih, deciphering the Egyptian sign sheet, which has not been deciphered in any way. The first axis suddenly appeared hopeful for those who would find the Egyptian leaf to be read. On 15 March 1799, an officer of the French troops, P. Bouchard, found a stone with inscriptions, which took away the name Rozetsky, to the fort near the Arab town of Rosetta, which was rotting in the western part of the Nile Delta.

Tsej kamіn buv v_dpravleniya to the Institute of Egypt in Kahiri. So, the yak of the Frenchman Buv Buv’s navigations by the English fleet of the PID commands of Admiral Nelson, Vnaslіdok of Chogo Branded the navigation napoleon, the French command, the Knowyda, who was nobility, Remaining at their quarters, they were finished off by Napoleon - they finished off the remnants of the Egyptian nobility, the Mamluks.

The rosette stone is 114.4 cm high, and the hem is 72.3 cm. It is a fragment of a high stele. There are three inscriptions on the face surface of the stone: near the upper part - a hieroglyphic text, in the middle - a demotic text, at the bottom - a text of ancient Greek language. Basically, 32 rows of demotic text were saved. From the hieroglyphic text, only the remaining fourteen rows were saved, and the stink of the vodkalot was all fourteen from the right side, twelve - angry. Ієroglyphic inscriptions on stones go right-handed in bulk, so that the heads of people and creatures marvel right-handed. Thus, the completion of two rows (the thirteenth and the fourteenth) have been left up to our time in a fixed look, which made it possible to decipher the old Egyptian hieroglyphic writing.

In 2005, the Macedonian works of T. Boshevsky and A. Tentov were presented to the international scientific community as a result of research carried out within the framework of the project "Deciphering the middle text of the Roset Stone", which was the result of research for the support of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Mysticism. In 2003, roci, proceeding to the end, the Macedonian vcheni were vpevnenі, that the language of the middle text of the Rozetsky stone, which stench was chosen to be completed, is clearly the mother's fault for the characteristics of the words of the Jansk language. The Macedonian vcheni vyrishili, that if ancient Egypt was ruled by the old Slavic dynasty of Ptolemeys for a long time, the fatherland of such a long-standing Macedonian bula, then the deciphering of demotic writing is necessary to be done on the basis of the words of the Yan language.

This hypothesis was confirmed, and as a result of the investigations, up to which time came, it became the identification of that sound ototoznennya strong graphemes of the middle text of the Rozetsky stone, which means 27 voices and 5 voices. The language of the middle text of the Rozetsky stone is Praslov'yanska.

Modern science is developing a theory about those that two writings - ieroglyphic and demotic, were victorious for writing a sovereign act on the Rozetsky stone alone - an old Egyptian language. So when writing the middle text and the text at the upper part of the Rozetsky stone, there was one language. Macedonian vcheni T. Boshevsky and A. Tentov brought that when writing the middle text of the Rozetsky stone, one of the old words of the Yan language was written. Also, when deciphering a hieroglyphic text, it is also necessary to zastosuvat one word of the Yang language. The translation of the text is given below, but it is necessary to vrakhovuvaty, deakі records vіdkolotі on the stone on the right and zlіva.

Axis yak sounding translation:

1. We can and should be wounded by the archers, get on your feet.
2. The very moment of the Father and Sin has passed. No praise for Toby. Shanuemo the sun with the gods. We worship and wounded us early, but in the day ...
3. I live for the Sun God in His exchanges. Thank you for the hungry. We ourselves are intercepted by these praises, tearing up our souls. Like our warriors ...
4. 3000 shnuє tsikh, and mi vstromimo, schob zmiti i vіgnati. Let us pierce, not in You, heal: for the sake of the chasm, we are pierced. Live Sin ї! Yogo Im'ya v_dzhenya spawned by Satan, sob with Him ...
5. Preserve mi shanuvannya Її, cherish vislovlyuvannya Її in writings. Antichrist breshe himself. Someone else cares about the creature. Go down її! I myself don’t let myself drink qiu otrutu, i - the axis of mi p’emo її!
6. Stinks are not snakes, it was about yaks. Aje ti do not lie down. Yours, King, Yakiy calling її Sun, Bachimo lively faces! Yours, Yakiy calling її Lamb.
7. Three hundred new gods. Ours is Dviyka. Shanuemo Dvoїtsu, shanuєmo, valued, reverently, majestically, being God's fishermen. Tell everyone, tell them. Zatsіkavi people, talk about your stranger: "Mi - the blue of the Tsar, Yaky calling її Sun" ...
8. The child is alien to us. Don't shy away from new gods, even if they stink. Remember the commandments. What can you be afraid of, even if your own? "Someone else stinks you. Bachimo, what can we do, we can do it," - to tell you ...
9. Thinks: "Love, Ruthenians." Ale bachu: don’t let your own language go - another shanovana ... And then we can see, and then we see vіddanіst. Sob tsya sim'ya її was tormented by the spirits of anger, - resentment. Night dark...
10. "There's not a hay, but a rage. Our ruler runs behind him. From my veins behind him, - rozpovidaєmo. - And yourself, zhartoma, - bow down. Silence, weeping is done in gamut. Rus then boo...
11. ... Її Niva. Already by the words of the other gods. Upper Rome, your gods are alien spirits, not kings in Father Blue. Dієslova vust їх nіhto not chuє. O Lower Rome, zhah-ty! I in the new, near Rome...
12. ... Calling Її the Sun, invisible sight. Vshanuyemo, podyakuyemo, appraise for the resurrection of a thousand blue. They did not resurrect themselves. We are less in niy gods. Defy our faith in others. Bachimo and still care for me її. I mi, i wars...
13. "... Mi bachimo in the sun. Give it to him. The axis of the stench, like a saint, already for life. I command you to give it to the retinue of yogo. Mi bachimo shanuvannya tsikh two. ...
14. Live, Zhinko... The kings have already proclaimed: the whole king is behind her. To you, the Resurrected, glorify out. Aje tsi gods new and alien. To you, the King, Yakiy calling її Sun, Bachimo.

Like Bachimo, this is the hour of "ancient Rome", like the stench is still dissatisfied. The Roman power in Egypt has lost its trace of Hellenism, which is what the Fayum portraits are called.

Hellenism was formed following the campaigns of Oleksandr the Great on Skhid. The Greek powers, which settled down after the first campaign, created the soil for the culture of the conquerors and the myst peoples. The axis of the summation of ancient traditions with the traditions of ancient Egypt, Persia, etc., and Hellenism. The Roman Empire, having conquered more Hellenistic lands, also entered the cultural area of ​​Hellenism. By this soil, the synthesis of the old and the old traditions of vinyl, the Byzantine culture was great.

Her kind of sensation was a znahidka in Egypt half-plundered graves during the Roman panuvannya. In 1887, mummies were revealed near the Fayum oasis, old look some of them seemed to be quiet, which they knew before. Traditionally, Egyptian mummies lay near the case or sarcophagi, as if they were embellished with masks, which represent the figure of the deceased. But there were no masks at the Fayum burials, instead of them, there were pictorial portraits of the dead. These portraits had an unforgettable effect on the cultural public of the end of the 19th century. The stench continues to fight dosі.

Most of the artifacts were found in the region of the Fayum oasis, behind them the name "Fayum portraits" stuck. Although later similar paintings were shown in other regions of Egypt: near Memphis, Antinopol, Ahmimi and Thebes.

Over 900 portraits have been found in secret for today. Hour of creation of these portraits in the І-ІІІ centuries for R.Kh. - An hour, if Egypt is conquered by the Romans. For a hundred years in Egypt, the rule of the Greek dynasty of Ptolemies was the tip of one of the associates of Alexander the Great. The ruling elite, I realized, so were the Greeks. It is not surprising that at the same time with the traditional Egyptian mysticism, the mysticism of the Greek conquerors arose, and the synthesis of the mysticism of Hellenism, which absorbed the insults of tradition.

It touched all aspects of the cultural and religious life of the ancient Egyptians of the designated period, including funeral rites. Before us, there were applied funeral images, iconic like in the old, ancient Egyptian traditions (relief funeral masks), and in the new - Greco-Roman (funeral portraits).

Zahalnovidomo, like the great significance of the ancient Egyptians, they added sweat. The first funeral images were one of the most important aspects of life behind the string. The ancient Egyptians thought that after the death of a person, his mystical twin - Ka - is water-cremated from the body, but you can move in with the image of the dead and in such a rite take on a new life. For whom the Egyptians themselves prepared images of the dead. Even more importantly, if the artist reaches the maximum similarity of the image, we will die, otherwise You may not recognize your portrait and there will be denunciations for miscarriage.

Fayum's portraits were not just images of people, not just "photographs", as if Yogo mittevy looked at them. The stench depicted a person "from the look of eternity", the artists tried to depict not just the dead look of the dead, but also the eternal soul (want, obviously, the word "soul" in to this particular type varto get used to the singing step of caution, even if it was announced about her in the old Egyptian religion, it’s not even possible to Christian faith). So che іnakshe, the Fayum portrait, tse image of eternal, in sensi - immortal specialness.

The very furnishing and making a Fayum portrait from an icon. I, as the Hellenic philosophers are sometimes called "Christians before Christ", ancient philosophy prepared the ground for that, on which theology grew, so the Fayum portrait can, in the singing sensei, be called "icon to icon painting".

In the rest of the hour, there was a lot of literature on the bookshelves, which hangs Jewish food. The Jewish people are indistinctly connected with the history of ancient Egypt, a lot of time has been given to the people of the Bible. They write a lot about their character, tsili, svetoglyad, pouring into the culture of other peoples, the economy too much. Ale post a food, why are they discussing the Jewish food itself, and not the Ukrainian, Georgian, Tatar, whether it be some other nationality? What do Jews think about other nations? Those who stink are powdered, ale tsigani wander all over the world by themselves. Ale tsigansk food doesn’t hurt anyone. In order to understand the hvilyuyuche rich food, savage to pershogerel, they gave b_dpov_dі qi for food:

De, if the Jews appeared like that? For the time being, the Torah (Pyatiknizhzha Moses - the Old Commandment) is the only dzherelom. "Slavery and Vihid". Apparently, the Jews wanted to leave Egypt, but the pharaoh resisted, and God sent ten strata to the Egyptian people for punishment. Before the tenth stratum, on the month of the departure of the Jews from Egypt, the Lord said to Moses: "Let this month be the cob of your months" (Departure, 12:2). That is the point for the cob of calculation of the Jewish people. But why not earlier? Why the axis. "As it was established by science. Jews were never in Egypt" (V.Kandiba

"Emotional hypnosis" page 42). What do you think, the Jews left Egypt? - Yes, Wiishli.

What about the stench there? - Ni. In order to confirm the qi two power, which are mutually switched off, you need to look into the glib of the history of Egypt. 1700 BC Aryan warriors on horseback and chariots from the territory of the native Ukraine, Russia Pivnichny Caucasus they demolished for a day and easily reproached Egypt. Russovolosі and blakytnookі Gіksosi (that's how the Egyptians called them) settled the Nile Delta and established their capital Avaris. The rulers of Pvdenny Egypt recognized the power of the Hyksos. Hyksosi asked the Egyptian writing, helped to create the alphabetic writing. Part of the hyksosiv smishalas with the mіstsevim populations - the mestizos appeared. Tsі mestisi y utvoryuyut Semitskі tribes.

Ale giksosi succumbed to one great pardon, for which they paid in the future - they did not put the priestly camp of Egypt. The priests of Egypt had little great knowledge, they were like the masters of the earth, and biology, astrology, sociology and anatomy. (V. Prus "Pharaoh"). For the help of Ahmose I in 1550 BC. the priests liquidated the power of the Hyksosiv, and they became a task; what do they do with them?

The Egyptian priests of the cult of Amon followed the analysis of the international situation and made it clear that Palestine was the main transit hub of the current caravan and sea routes near the Mediterranean. Fivi and Memphis, which stood on the sidelines of trade routes and associated information flows, became unmanageable for the management of the Mediterranean-Zahdno-Asia civilization as a whole.

For the ієrarchіv zhirtsіv Amon, yakі zrobili swing on the light panuvannya, it was dotsіlno zavodіtі head іnformatsіy vuz. Ale, remembering the military failures in the wars of Egypt with Canaan, the hierarchy of Amon's quackery was the first in history to develop the concept of a cold war for the light of the panuvannya by the method of "cultural" spіvrobіnitstva, in a kind of psychological training and an opponent, social group, who gets used as an instrument of aggression, who goes beyond the borders of their light of understanding, pershochergus over the comprehensible greatness of warfare against the sonorous lucid word, as a result of the destruction of the foundations of life of the suspension of people. Crossing over to war with intangible means, raising aggression invisible for її victims on rich capital.

After that, as the tsili were appointed, it was forfeited for small. Where to take tsyu social group?

For the good of the Egyptian priests, this "instrument" leaned under their arm. In Egypt, at the same time, lived as pure hyksos, and mestizos. It dawned on me that it is easier to process metisives, lower pure hydroxides. Conducted rozpodіl tsikh etnіchnyh groups.

Pure hyksos migrate to the upper Nile, and mestizos to the lower ones. After the operation is carried out, the comrades of the Metis will see the priests Moses and Aron. It’s important for NATO to self-organize, necessary pastor. After the singing hour, after the ideological processing of the metisives, they left Egypt (around 1443-1350 BC). So that clean hyksosi did not stray under their feet during the hour of the Sinai hiking trip, they swept through 100 more rocks, and then they corrected them beyond the borders of Egypt. There were about 200 years of hyxos in Egypt, archeological records about them are anonymous.

For the Bible, the Jews lived in Egypt for about 400 years from the time Josip came to Vikhod. Ale marvelous, archaeologists don’t get tired, they don’t know about them in Egypt, and don’t know, so they don’t poke a nіssenіtnitsa.

Now let's look at the freedom from slavery, that forty-year march at Sinai.

Under the hour of experimentation of the Jews: "Why did Moses, having led your ancestors 40 years, become empty, as if for roses, he reached the Crimean Pivostrov?" Vidpovid zavzhdi bula of such a character: "Schob to beat the spirit of slavery."

"Well, let's do it" - "And if Nebuchadnezzar sacked the Jewish state and 70 years of trimming the Jews near the crowd, why didn't they send a waste to the Yakus?" At the top of the head is shouldered.

Let us turn to slavery that Vihoda. Before leaving, Moses turned to "the blue of Israel, so that the stinks of their stink and great thinness" (Death, 12:32), "for the skin of their neighbor and the skin of their neighbor asked for the speeches of silver and the speeches of gold that shat" (Death, 11 :2). "I gave stinks (the Egyptians) to you (the people of Israel), and took the wines of the Egyptians" (Vihid, 12:34).

That about such slavery is possible less than a dream. About those who "blue Israel" did not even want to deprive Egypt, and "slavery" ruled them, the Bible mentions more than once.

"Why didn't they tell me to you in Egypt, saying: Oblish us, let us go to the Egyptians?" (Departure, 14:12).

"It is not enough for you to bring us out of the earth, in a flow of milk and honey, to destroy us in the wilderness" (Numbers, 16:13).

"Oh, yakbi, we died by the hand of the Lord in the Egyptian land, if we were sitting on the cauldrons with meat, if we were getting bread!" (Departure, 16:3).

"We remember riba, yaku in Egypt, or for nothing, stumps and dines, and cybula, and ripchasta, and a watchmaker" (Numbers, 11:5). Tobto. vysnovok one asks. A bunch of people were circled around the finger and lured to an empty place, and then you already know.

Why do the Jews have the haplogroup R1A, even if it comes down to words'yano-ariy?

It is clear from the fact that in the illuminated Khazar Khaganate Khazar words and Turks adopted Judaism. In the wake of the words of the Khazars, the great tribe of the Jews settled down, like the Ashkenazis. Sephardi, tse yudei, yak came there from Persia and Babylon, and in between them there is a small part of the word "Yan" haplogroup "I". Haplogroup "J" in Jews, the largest, ale scho tsikavo.

If the Jewish people show up, we are well aware of the Bible, which historians, archaeologists, and now geneticists are eager to see. Tim immediately subdivided haplogroup J into two groups for DNA genealogy hardening, becoming close to ten thousand years ago (10,000!), Tobto. if jevreїv i was not close. Otzhe, one of the two haplogroups: J1 or J2 the same world cannot be ancestral to the Jewish people. And then offend the group. Therefore, haplogroups J1 and J2 (as a result of the largest representative publication of DNA data (Hammer, 2009) J2 prevails over J1) in Europe, there is a high number of people, which may cause haplogroups (in the world to fall) E (Hitler haplogroup, G, R1b), G, R1b, R1a and navіt siberian Q.

To that base haplogroup єvreїv can be-yak with a number of listings (J1, J2, E; іnshі zі list with less ymovіrnіstyu). Ale scientific publications obfuscated this picture of the frequency of haplogroups in Jews, zvodyachi all either up to J1 + J2, or up to one J1. Reshta haplogroup is simply not marked. Spritnist hands, nothing else like the manipulation of DNA data is important.

DNA analyzes of tests in Levitiv tezh were found to be inconsistent. Only 10% of Jewish-Ashkenazim had one of the haplogroup J, and the Reshta Volodymyr were Indo-European R1a (half of all Ashkenazi Levites), Western European (behind AB - the Semito-Hurrian haplogroup of Pelasgiv) R1a, and Sevred-Levshad. : close to 40% haplogroup J, then minuscule R1a. Like a bachite, marvelously in the genealogy of the Jews, even rich, the traditional science cannot give a different explanation. And also the science does not like to think about the rise of the Jews after the ruination of the kingdom of Israel by ancient Rome.

Well, our haplogroup R was found in Pivdenny Siberia. Vaughn hid behind her father's haplogroup P, and there (maybe) she hid herself as a "brother", haplogroup Q. To that їx genomes, but also similar. Haplogroup Q came to America with a significant world (or commemorative) and became American Indians. Haplogroup R continued to develop new low haplogroups - R1, R1a, R1b, as a significant world came to Europe a thousand years ago (R1a came to Europe 8-10 thousand years ago, R1b - about 5 thousand years ago), R is marked, The Caucasus, that vzagali may be spread along the entire migratory route from Pivdennogo Sibir, like haplogroups R1a and R1b, as dosі zustrіchayutsya and in Siberia, and middle Uighurs, and middle Turks, and all over the way right up to Europe , i, obviously, from Europe, de R1a occupies half of Northern Europe, and R1b - more than half of Western Europe. In other words, the haplogroups R and Q spread in diametrically opposite sides, while the alma cles were even closer to each other.

And what kind of mine could the Hyksosi say, like not the Praslovian one? The deciphering of the writings on the Rozetsky stone tezh showed the turns of the proto-Slovak mov. The Egyptian sorcerers needed maybe 500 rokіv, to smoothly translate their podopіchnyh from proto-Slavic into Hebrew. Ale, the traces are gone. In order to take the truth about the Hebrew about the right trip, the authors of the Bible, the priests of the cult of Amon once in the "sacred" book do not think about the hyxos, even if the hour of the panuvannya of the hyksos in Egypt and the "Egyptian full" is avoided. And from the plot of the Butt, it appears that the "Jews" did not remember, that 150 fates of the stink were taken from the Hyksos at the same time by the Egyptians. So Bulo sho prihovuvati.

Rozpovsyudzhennya haplogroup mid-Jewish for FTDNA information.


J1c3d - 17.3%, more at the moment of molding.
- E1b1b1 - 18.2%, old haplogroup and different subclades could have been removed at different times. Imovirno more after leaving Egypt.
- J2a4 - 16.3%;
- R1b - 14.9%, cannot be established with certainty, but it is possible at the cob molding stage, and part is already in Europe.
- I - 3.9%;

Q1b - 3.6%

J2b – 4.2%, haplogroups J1 and J2 are not exclusively Jewish. Different world stench manifested among the wealthy Caucasian peoples, which even in no way know about the Jewish Jewishness, watch out among the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, those who came from the Near Skhod, chimalo її th in India.
- G (G1, G2a, G2c) - 7.5%, cannot be reliably installed, but it can be done at the cob molding stage.
- R2 - 1.6%, mostly from the middle European Gypsies in the Middle East.
- R1a1 - 7.9%
T1 - 3.1%
- E1(xE1b1b1) – 1.4%.

At the same time, globalization spans seven miles across the planet, everything goes so far as to inspire a new society on the whole Earth, with a single religion and a single government. I know like a song: "mi old world ruynuєmo, but then ... ", but with one correction. Those who were prescribed on their foreheads, what the stench was, it was their responsibility to bring this new light on the "plate with a black oblyamіvkoy" tim, who did and who did the herd, and themselves "recovered" go to the slaughter. Not just artefacts are being destroyed, history is being rewritten, libraries are burning, museums are being robbed, like in Egypt (Kahir), but the old ones are falling into disrepair, like in Syria.

Egypt is a country with a unique past, like dosі zmushuє most minds to think about yoga mystery. The ancient Egyptians have deprived themselves of their majestic landscape, culture, glimmering memoirs of architecture and faceless mysteries.

1. How were pyramids built?

It seems that the pyramids served as graves for, everything is close to seventy pyramids. For the largest pyramids, then the historians of the past cannot understand how the ancient Egyptians could inspire an architectural controversy of such a scale? How did they go to the top of the majestic stones shaved with a vag over 2 tons? One of the most humbling theories can be called a parole that they were brought in to help alien civilizations. More than that can be utterly absurd, prote dosi mystery about those, how the pyramids were awakened, is left unresolved.

2. Shepherds at the pyramid of Khafre.

In 1984, an incident occurred, which gave rise to another mystery among Egyptologists. A group of wives broke to the tomb, and if the stench vibrated from it into the world, people babbled, that all the participants of the expedition vibrated from the pyramid, gasping, coughing greedily, their bodies and eyes were red. With all of them, the doctors did not show any signs of damage in their bodies. Bіlshіst navіyala sobі about the "curse of the Pharaoh's tomb", nachebto be someone who sees the sacred halls - you'll be beaten by curses. Є pripuschennya, that there was pasta in the pyramid, crushed by the priests against the robbers, and having risen to it, the women launched її, so that they let out the blast gas. However, it is still impossible to say exactly about it.

3. Mystery of the tomb of Mikerin.

There is a legend that there is miraculous power. Walking in the middle of the pyramid, a person can wander around deadly ailments less than a kіlka a year. Ale the pyramid can also be driven in, there were fluctuations, if those who entered before it, after a few years of rebuking, they began to feel bad, and the deacons were allowed to live.

4. Jahi at the pyramid of Cheops.

A lot of famous people were slandering the secrets of the greatest of the pyramids, but it ended with them, that a lot of them were degraded to the state of their health, and they were deprived of it. One of the scientists tried to test it on himself, talking, not believing sensitively. Everything ended in a deplorable way, if Yogo knew in, Vіn buv unobtrusive. If you believe in yogo words, then you are guilty of ignorance, after that, like an invisible zhah. Well pobachiv teachings? Tsya taєmnitsya so and not revealed.

5. Mystery of the tomb of Tutankhamen.

One of the most important archaeological finds in the world is the tomb of the pharaoh of the New Kingdom. After the rosette of the pyramid, all the participants of the expedition, as the first to go to the tomb, died of an unknown illness. Doctors didn’t say that what had mowed down the doslidniks was walking around a bit about the “curse of Tutankhamun”, as if to say: “Whoever dares to bump into sacred objects - die like a curse.”

6. Did the mummy fill the Titanic?

Lord Canterville transporting the mummy of an Egyptian priestess, which was well preserved, on the Titan's view, with a sign, on which there was a warning: "Whoever disturbs a mummy - die", and the majestic ship wasted on one single iceberg near the clear ocean. And the version is that the mummy is cursed with everything.

7. Yakim є recognition of the pyramids?

Vcheni dosі cannot say exactly why the stench was induced, they support such versions:

  • pyramids served as astronomical observatories;
  • Boulli such zrazkami arhіtekturii;
  • served as fences for food drills;
  • boules mooring for;
  • boules were the temple of Egyptian wisdom.

However, the most stench served as tombs for the greatest pharaohs, but it’s impossible to say exactly about it, although there is no confirmation of this fact.

8. Riddle of the Sphinx.

Dosi nevidomo for what zvodila tsya even "non-standard" spore. Є admission, that the Sphinx is guilty of protecting the calm pharaohs and protecting the tombs from the robbers. I know it all the same - it’s only a lowering, but the truth of the statue with a woman’s head, a lion’s body, an eagle’s wings and a beak’s tail was not guessed.

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