Montsegur: The Remaining Shrine of the Holy Grail. Secrets of civilization. Katari and the secret of Montsegur Castle Montsegur Castle on the map of France

This is a story about intolerance and indestructible faith. Behind the peninsula castle of Montsegur, people's orders sang the name - "Cursed is the place on the holy mountain." The castle itself is located on the high ground, which is located on the front of France. The inducements of the wines on the sanctuary's mіstsі, like it was in the pre-Christian hours. The visochina itself was small, but the steep slopes were small, so the castle was impregnable ( in the ancient dialect, the name Montsegur sounds like Montsur - Nadiya Gora).

From the other side of the world there are legends and stories about the face of Parsifal, about the Holy Grail and, of course, about the enchanting castle of Montsegur. The outskirts of Montsegur oppose their mystery and mysticism. Z Montsegur po'yazanі and tragic historical podії

1944 to the fate of the allies, under the hour of bloody battles, vdaetsya vdbiti near the Germans the castle of Montsegur. The fort was occupied by the relics of the 10th German army. Opіr nіmtsі repaired zapekliy - oblogs to the castle by the allies of Trival 4 months. Only a few bombardings and the landing of a forced landing allowed the Allies to take over the castle. Cicavia fact: if the allies approached Mogsegyur, a majestic ensign was erected on one of the ages, on which one of the pagan symbols was depicted - the Celtic cross. It is clear from ancient chronicles that such a ritual was carried out at that moment, if the bula needed additional help from the greater forces - but the castle did not help them when it fell.

Also, 850 years ago, the castle of Montsegur became the center of dramatic podias, which left its mark in European history. The French army, under the Inquisition of the Holy See, took the castle under cover. Tsiliy rіk khrestonostsі namagalis zahopiti Montsegur, which was abducted by two heretics-catharivs. At the zahisniks of the castle, buv vibir - drink with light, but the stench vvazhali for the better to go to the bagattya, having brought prestige to their own faith.

It is necessary to say that no one can say with certainty that the Cathars have penetrated to Pivdennoy France.

The essence of the cathars’ belief: “There is no god, there are two, as they dispute panuvannya over the world. Tse god of good that god of evil. The immortal spirit of humanity straightens itself to the god of goodness, but the thorny yogo shell stretches to the dark god. The earthly light is honored by the kingdom of Evil, and the light of heaven, where the souls of people linger, is open space, in which Good triumphs.

The Kathars carried their vchennya in their hands with all their hearts - all the roads of France walked people in stately sheepskin coats and spoke about the main laws of their faith. Deyakі z katarіv savage z kolishnіm zhitti, gave asceticism cloister, inspired in the lane, finishing the fences of the wind, - they were called "perfect" and їm it was revealed all the secrets of the wedding. Those who often read the commandments of faith were called "profane". Numerical persons of that nobility became the followers of the new world. They did not recognize the Catholic faith, vvazhayuchi її born of evil.

The Catholics could not help denouncing the heretics of war. Vidkrit and crooked lines appeared in 1208 rotations. Catholic bishops organized crossroads, the cry of which the words became: “Katari are geeky heretics! We need fire to vipality so that we don’t lose our souls…”. If one of the Catholic warriors asked, as if to shake up the Cathars in the respectable masses, the papal legate vіdpovіv: "Kill everyone: God knows his own!".

The Christ-bearers devastated the swirling land, the Cathars were virulent with large places. Until 1243, only the castle of Montsegur became a stronghold of the Cathars. For 11 months, the numerous garrison of the Montsegur castle was attacked by 10,000 cross-bearers. Fortress guards have become a symbol of masculinity and resilience. Ale and mysticism came out! Bishop Bertrand Marty, who had organized the defense of Montsegur, having removed two top people from the fort, as if they were smart enough to bring the treasures of the Cathars out of the castle. Until this hour, no one has found the koshtovnosti, wanting to say that the belongings are being exchanged at one of the grottoes of the county of Foix. The day before the building of the castle, four “thorough” descended on motuzkas from the height of 1200 meters and took the pack from the castle. Trying the cross-bearers and the cross-bearers of the merciful did not have little success. It is unlikely that there was gold in this package, and it was silver - risking life through the price of nothing without becoming. Otzhe, the vryatovaniya belongings of the Cathars were bulo zovsіm іnshої yakostі.

The “commissions” have always honored Montsegur Castle with a holy mass. The castle itself was inspired by their armchairs. Here the Cathars performed rituals and saved their sacred relics.

In 1964, on one of the walls of the castle, there were incrustations, badges and armchairs. Yak z'yasuvalosya, tse buv plan for the underground passage, scho ishov under the castle that went to the gorge. Skeletons with halberds, objects with Cathar symbols applied to them were found near the underground. A lead plate was found, folded with a penny. P'yatikutnik vvazhavshis symbol "thorough". The Katari adored the pyatikutnik, respecting it as a symbol of the sawing of matter, a symbol of the rise of that human body. Vcheni vvazhayut, that in Montsegur "the key was laid before the rites - a mystery, as they" completed "they took with them to the grave."

Until tsikh pіr masa enthusiasts try to know in the outskirts of Montsegur the cost and gold of the Cathars. But the greatest interest was called by the shrine, yak was vryatuly chotiri smilivtsi.

Є pripuschennya, scho "finished" the Holy Grail. Dosi in the Pyrenees you can feel the legend: “If the walls of Montsegur were still standing, the boats protected the Holy Grail. Ale Montsegur buv at heaven. The armies of Lucifer were worn out under yoga murami. We will use the letter Grail, so that I will put Yogo in the crown of his Volodar again, for whom sinful angel buv tumble down from heaven to earth. At the moment of the greatest danger for Montsegur, a blue sky appeared from the sky and split Mount Tabor with its dzhobom. The Keeper of the Grail threw a valuable relic at the top of the mountain. The mountain closed, and the Grail was broken.

What is the famous Grail? Some vvazhayut, scho tse vessel, in which the shelter of Christ is known, and others - scho tse Grass of the Last Supper, the third vvazhayut її as if with a horn of prosperity. Behind the legends, the Grail may magical powers- you can bring out the secret knowledge, turn the ailment out. It is important that the Grail can only be beaten by a person who is pure in heart and soul. Yogo Volodar nabuvav holiness.

The second version is that the Cathars knew little about the earthly life of Christ, about his squad and children, like after the rose of Jesus, they were secretly vivezen on the feast of Gaul. It is admitted that Evangelical Magdalene herself was the retinue of Jesus. The Savior's caps gave birth to the Merroving dynasty (the line of the Holy Grail).

It is clear that the Grail from Montsegur was transferred to the castle of Montreal-de-Saux, and then delivered to one of the cathedrals of Aragon, or it was transferred to the Vatican. Ale, unfortunately, there are no other documentary confirmations for them.

It is not included that the Grail is available from Monsegur. Adzhe not without reason Hitler, what a dream to cheer the whole world, having organized the search for the Grail in the Pyrenees. German agents, under the watchful eye of the clergy, reached all the monasteries, castles, mountain stoves and churches near the castle of Montsegur. Hitler, thinking that with the help of the Grail, you can break your own self-interest. The only thing the fascist leader did not lie about is that the wicked defenders of the Grail, be quiet, who is evil, God's wrath is healed.

Behind the peninsula castle of Montsegur, people's orders sang the name - "Cursed is the place on the holy mountain." The castle itself is located on the high ground, which is located on the front of France. The inducements of the wines on the sanctuary's mіstsі, like it was in the pre-Christian hours. The visochina itself was not large, but the steep slopes were small, so the castle was impregnable (in the old dialect, the name Monsegur sounds like Monsur - Nadiya Gora).

From the other side of the world there are legends and stories about the face of Parsifal, about the Holy Grail and, of course, about the enchanting castle of Montsegur. The outskirts of Montsegur oppose their mystery and mysticism. From Monsegur po'yazanі and tragic historical podії.

1944 to the fate of the allies, under the hour of bloody battles, vdaetsya vdbiti near the Germans the castle of Montsegur. The fort was occupied by the relics of the 10th German army. Opіr nіmtsі repaired zapekliy - oblogs of the castle by the allies for 4 months. Only a few bombardings and the landing of a forced landing allowed the Allies to take over the castle. Tsіkaviy fact: if the allies approached Mogsegyur, on one of them a majestic flag was erected, on which one of the pagan symbols was depicted - the Celtic cross. It is clear from ancient chronicles that such a ritual was carried out at that moment, if the bula needed additional help from greater forces - but the castle did not help the Germans when it fell.

Also, 850 years ago, Montsegur Castle became the center of dramatic podias, which left its mark in European history. The French army, under the Inquisition of the Holy See, took the castle under cover. Tsiliy rіk khrestonostsі namagalis zahopiti Montsegur, which was abducted by two heretics-catharivs. At the zahisniks of the castle, buv vibir - drink with light, but the stench vvozdali for the better to go to the bagattya, having brought the pretentiousness to their vіri.

It is necessary to say that no one can say with certainty that the Cathars have penetrated to Pivdennoy France. The essence of the cathars’ belief: “There is no god, there are two, as they dispute panuvannya over the world. Tse god of good that god of evil. The immortal spirit of humanity straightens itself to the god of goodness, but the thorny yogo shell stretches to the dark god. The earthly light is honored by the kingdom of Evil, and the light of heaven, where the souls of people linger, is open space, in which the Good triumphs. The Cathars carried their vchennya in their hands with all their hearts - people in stately sheepskin coats walked all the roads of France and spoke about the main laws of their faith. Deyakі z katarіv fought with kolishnih life, gave asceticism an abode, inspired in the lane, finishing the old fences of the vіri, - they were called "thorough" and they called out all the taєmnitsy vchennya. Those who often read the commandments of faith were called "profanes". Numerical persons of that nobility became the followers of the new world. They did not recognize the Catholic faith, vvazhayuchi її born of evil.

The Catholics could not help denouncing the heretics of war. Vidkrit and crooked lines appeared in 1208 rotations. The Catholic bishops organized a Christian funeral, the cry of which became the words: “Katari are gibberish heretics! We need fire to vipality so that we don’t lose our souls…”. If one of the Catholic warriors asked, as if to shake up the Cathars in the respectable masses, the papal legate vіdpovіv: "Kill everyone: God knows his own!".

The Christ-bearers devastated the swirling land, the Cathars were virulent with large places. Until 1243, only the castle of Montsegur became a stronghold of the Cathars. For 11 months, the numerous garrison of the Montsegur castle was attacked by 10,000 cross-bearers. Fortress guards have become a symbol of masculinity and resilience. Ale and mysticism came out! Bishop Bertrand Marty, who had organized the defense of Montsegur, having removed two top people from the fort, as if they were smart enough to bring the treasures of the Cathars out of the castle. Until this hour, no one has found the koshtovnosti, wanting to say that the belongings are being exchanged at one of the grottoes of the county of Foix. The day before the building of the castle, four “thorough” descended on motuzkas from the height of 1200 meters and took the pack from the castle. Trying the cross-bearers and the cross-bearers of the merciful did not have little success. It’s unlikely that gold and silver were in some bag - risking life through the price of nothing without becoming bi. Otzhe, the vryatovaniya belongings of the Cathars were bulo zovsіm іnshої yakostі.

The “commissions” have always honored Montsegur Castle with a holy mass. The castle itself was inspired by their armchairs. Here the Cathars performed rituals and saved their sacred relics.

In 1964, on one of the walls of the castle, there were incrustations, badges and armchairs. Yak z'yasuvalosya, tse buv plan for the underground passage, scho ishov under the castle that went to the gorge. Skeletons with halberds, objects with Cathar symbols applied to them were found near the underground. A lead plate was found, folded with a penny. P'yatikutnik vvazhavshis symbol "thorough". The Katari adorned the pyatikutnik, respecting it as a symbol of the sawing of matter, a symbol of the rise of that human body. Vcheni vvazhayut, that at Monsegur "the key was laid before the rites - a mystery, as if" completed "they took away from the grave."

Until tsikh pіr masa enthusiasts try to know in the outskirts of Montsegur the cost and gold of the Cathars. But the greatest interest was called by the shrine, yak was vryatuly chotiri smilivtsi.

Є pripuschennya, scho "finished" the Holy Grail. Dosi near the Pyrenees you can feel the legend: “If the walls of Montsegur were still standing, the Cathars protected the Holy Grail. Ale Montsegur buv at heaven. The armies of Lucifer were worn out under yoga murami. We will use the letter Grail, so that I will again put Yogo in the crown of his Volodar, for example, vipav, if the angel fell from heaven to earth. At the moment of the greatest danger for Montsegur, a blue sky appeared from the sky and split Mount Tabor with its dzhobom. The Keeper of the Grail threw a valuable relic at the top of the mountain. The mountain closed, and the Grail was broken.

What is the famous Grail? Some respect that this is a vessel, in which the blood of Christ is known, others - that it is the last supper, others respect it as if it were a horn of prosperity. Behind the legends, the Grail has magical power - it can bring out the secret knowledge, turn the ailment. It is important that the Grail can only be beaten by a person who is pure in heart and soul. Yogo Volodar nabuvav holiness.

The second version is that the Cathars knew little about the earthly life of Christ, about his squad and children, like after the rose of Jesus, they were secretly vivezen on the feast of Gaul. It is admitted that Evangelical Magdalene herself was the retinue of Jesus. The Savior's caps gave birth to the Merroving dynasty (the line of the Holy Grail).

It is clear that the Grail from Montsegur was transferred to the castle of Montreal-de-Saux, and then delivered to one of the cathedrals of Aragon, or it was transferred to the Vatican. Ale, unfortunately, there are no other documentary confirmations for them.

It is not included that the Grail is available from Monsegur. Adzhe not without reason Hitler, what a dream to cheer the whole world, having organized the search for the Grail in the Pyrenees. German agents, under the watchful eye of the clergy, reached all the monasteries, castles, mountain stoves and churches near the castle of Montsegur. Hitler, thinking that with the help of the Grail, you can break your own self-interest. The only thing the fascist leader did not lie about is that the wicked defenders of the Grail, be quiet, who is evil, God's wrath is healed.

"Cursed be the place on the holy mountain," - so it seems the folk retellings about p'yatikutne castle of Montsegur. The dawn of France, de vine of roztashovaniya, - the land of miracles flared up, as if shining with majestic ruins, legends and warnings about the “person of honor” Parsifal, the cup of the Holy Grail and, of course, the enchanting Monsegur. For its mysticism and enigmaticity, it is possible to equal the world with the German one. Broken. What tragic podia does Montsegur win with his glory?

“Then I’ll tell you,” moving the hermit. - The one who is recognized to sit in this misery, not yet conceived and not narodzheniya, but not the last fate, as if the conceptions of that one, which Death borrowed, and the Holy Grail will come to you.

Thomas Melory. Death of Arthur

In 1944, the allies occupied positions in front of the Germans. Especially a lot of French and English soldiers perished on the strategically important heights of Monte Cassino, trying to block the castle of Mosegur, de occupied the remnants of the 10th German army. The cover of the castle was trival 4 months. Zreshtoy after mass bombardment and landings, the Allies went on a vicious assault.

The castle buv zruynovaniy is practically vshchent. Prote nіmtsі continued to repair the opіr, even though the share was already victorious. If the Allied soldiers approached the walls of Montsegur, it became unreasonable. On one occasion, a great ensign was erected with an old pagan symbol - the Celtic cross.

Before this ancient ritual, they only went into the sound once, if the bula needed the help of greater forces. Ale, everything was going well, and the guards could not help anymore.

This vipadok is far from being the only one in the old and new mystical mysteries of the history of the castle. And it began again at the VI century, if on Mount Cassino, as it was respected by the sacred mass from the pre-Christian hours, St. Benedict founded a monastery in 1529. Cassino was not taller and more like a hill, but the slopes were steeped in steepness - impregnable castles were laid on such mountains in the old hours. It is not for nothing that in the classical French dialect of Montsegur it sounds like Montsur - Nadiya Gora.

850 years ago, one of the most dramatic episodes of European history was played in the castle of Montsegur. The Inquisition of the Holy See and the army of the French King Louis IX and Mayzhe Rik led the castle. Ale їm so i didn’t get far enough to run into two hundred heretic Cathars, who sown with him. The defenders of the castle could repent and drink in the light, but they would respect the natomist for the better to voluntarily go to the bagattya, by the same stench they saved their mysterious faith in purity.

To this day, there is no unequivocal evidence for food: the stars have penetrated Pivdenny France Qatari bullshit? The first її traces appeared at these edges in the XI century. At that hour, a part of the country, which was part of the Languedoc county, stretching from Aquitaine to Provence and from the Pyrenees to Cres, was practically independent.

Ruled over the great territory by Raymond VI, Count of Toulouse. Nominally vin vvazhavsya vassal of the French and Aragonese kings, as well as the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, but for nobility, wealth, that power did not compromise the right of his suzerains.

At that hour, Catholicism was panting in the beer nights of France, and the unsafe Cathar heresy was spreading more and more widely in the volodynias of the Toulouse counts. According to the thought of some historians, it penetrated there from Italy, so, in its own circle, it posited religious beliefs from the Bulgarian Bogomils, and those from the Manichaeans of Asia Minor and Syria. The number of quiet people, whom we later called Cathars (Greek - “clean”), multiplied like mushrooms after the board.

“There is not one god, there are two, as if they would reckon panuvannya over the world. Tse god of good that god of evil. The immortal spirit of the people of straightening up to the god of goodness, but the long yogo shell stretches to the dark god, ”the Katari said. With this, our earthly light was venerated by the stench for the kingdom of Evil, and the light of heaven, where the souls of people linger, - with space, in a kind of triumph of Good. Therefore, the Cathars were easily separated from life, for the sake of the transition of their souls at the Volodinnia of Goodness and Light.

On the sawy roads of France, wondrous people traveled in Gostrokintsev’s kovpak of Chaldean stars, wearing a robe with a cloak - Cathars preached their wedding everywhere. They took such an honorable mission with the title of "finished" - the ascetics of faith, gave asceticism an abode. The stinks were more likely to break with the colossal lives, they were inspired by the lane, they finished eating grubs and ritual fences. Natomist їm bulo revealed all the secrets of vchennya.

Before another group of Cathars, the ranks of the profane lay like that, to the ranks of the successors. The stench lived a wonderful life, merry and loud, sinned, like a mustache people, but with whom they reverently read quiet poor commandments, which they taught them “perfectly”.

The new faith was especially welcomed by the persons of the nobility. Most of the noble families near Toulouse, Languedoc, Gascony, Rusilyon became sorcerers. The stinks did not recognize the Catholic Church, vvazhayuchi її progeny of the devil. Such a confrontation could have ended in less bloodshed.

The first time Catholics were struck with heretics was on September 14, 1208, fate on the Roni birch, if one hour, cross one of Raymond VI's battle-bearers with a blow from the write-off, mortally injuring the papal nuncio. Vmirayuyu, the priest whispered to his vbivtsi: "May the Lord forgive you, as I forgive." But the Catholic Church didn't let anything through. Before that, on the Touluzka river, the county had long been seen by the French monarchs: Philip II, Louis VIII dreamed of taking the richest lands to their own hands.

The Count of Toulouse was denounced as a heretic and a follower of Satan. The Catholic Bishops shouted: “The Kathars are wicked heretics! Let’s fire the vipality of them, that way, so that the day is not lost ... ”For whom the holy inquisition was created, like the pope ordered the order of dominicans - tsim dogs pannim (Dominicanus - domini canus - pansky psi).

So the chrestovy pokhіd was stunned, which was stronger than straightening, not so against the innovations, as against the Christian lands. The pope’s legate Arnold and Sato said: “Kill everyone: God knows his own!”

The Christ-bearers devastated the swarming pivdenny land. In one little town of Beziers, having driven the inhabitants to the church of St. Nazarius, the stench killed 20 thousand people. Qatar was viewed by many places. The lands of Raymond VI of Toulouse were selected.

In 1243, the only stronghold of the Cathars was left with nothing more than the old Montsegur - its sanctuary, turned into a Viysk citadel. Here practically all the “finished” were picked up. The stench mali have the right to wear armor, the shards are evidently up to their heights, they were respected as a direct symbol of evil.

Prote cei small (two people) undefeated garrison mayzhe 11 months, defeating the attacks of 10,000-strong war-bearers! About those who dreamed of a crying little spot on the top of the mountain, it began to be known for sure that drinks were saved, that they saved the castle. The stink of melting in your own marvelous history of masculinity and the resilience of the Cathars, as if they were hostile to the sight of historians. That mysticism is among them.

Bishop Bertrand Marty, who organized the defense of the castle, well understood that this building is inevitable. To that, before the Holiday of 1243, he had built two senior servants from the fortress, as if they carried on themselves the treasures of the Cathars. It seems that it was buried in one of the numerous grottoes near the county of Foix.

On February 2, 1244, when the camp of taxation became unbearable, the bishop began to negotiate with the Christians. I didn’t pick up the fort, but you still need a line. І він її having won. For two tizhnі perepochinku imposed vdaetsya vtyagnut on critical skelny maidanchik important catapult. And the day before the building of the castle, a new name is given to the castle.

At night, four “thorough” descend on motorbikes from the fire of the frills of 1200 meters and pick up the pack. The cross-bearers ordered the chase quickly, but the vtkachi nibi broke up in line. Nezabar, two of them showed up at Cremona. The stench with pride roared about the distant result of their mission, but they were far away to vryatuvati, unknown dosі.
It’s unlikely that Cathars, fanatics and mystics, who were doomed to death, began to risk their lives for the sake of gold and silver. That kind of tractor could be carried by four of the best “thorough”? Mean "scarb" of the Cathars buv іnshої akostі.

Monsegur zavzhdi buv for the "thorough" holy mass. All the stench rang out on the top of the mountain, the Pyatikutny castle, asking the colossal ruler, his fellow believer Ramon de Pirelli, to allow him to rest the fort behind his armchairs. Here, near the deep crypt, the Cathars practiced their rituals, took away sacred relics.

The walls and embrasures of Montsegur were strictly orientated by the lands of the world like Stonehenge, the days of the solstice could be “finished” for that. The architecture of the castle copes marvelously. The middle fortifications seem to be the same as you are on the ship: a low square vezha on one end, a long wall that encloses a narrow expanse in the middle, and a blunt nose that predicts a caravel stem.

In the early 1964 year, speleologists on one of the walls showed signs like badges, and armchairs. Vіn vyyavivsya plan podzemnogo move, scho yde vіd pіdnіzhzhya stіni to the gorge. Potim boulo vіdkritо and he went himself, who knew the skeletons with halberds. A new riddle: did kim buli and people, did they perish near the underground? Under the foundation of the wall, the doslidniki revealed a sprinkling of different objects from the Qatari symbols applied to them.

Bjola was depicted on buckles and hudziks. For the "perfect" won symbolize the mystery of flooding without physical contact. It was also found a wondrous lead plate, 40 centimeters long, folded with a penny, which was respected by the eminent sign of the apostles "perfect". The Cathars did not recognize the Latin cross and adored the pyatikutnik - a symbol of the rose, the powder of matter, the human body (axis, pevne, stars of Montsegur's marvelous architecture).

Analyzing її, a prominent fahivets from the Cathars, Fernand Niel, blatantly stated that in the castle itself “the key to the rites was laid - a mystery, like a “finished” was taken with them to the grave.

Before these feasts there were few enthusiasts, as if they were whispering on the outskirts and on the very mountain of Kassino burying treasures, gold and cataracts. Ale, the greatest number of doslidniks to sing that shrine, yak vryatulyalis out of the blue four mercenaries. Somebody admits that they "finished" the famous Grail. Adzhe not without reason and at the same time in the Pyrenees you can feel the following legend:

“If the walls of Montsegur were still standing, the boats protected the Holy Grail. Ale Montsegur buv at heaven. The armies of Lucifer were worn out under yoga murami. We will use the letter Grail, so that I will again put Yogo in the crown of his Volodar, for example, vipav, if the angel fell from heaven to earth. At the moment of the greatest danger for Montsegur, a blue sky appeared from the sky and split Mount Tabor with its dzhobom. The Keeper of the Grail threw a valuable relic at the top of the mountain. The mountain closed, and the Grail was broken.

For some, the Grail is a vessel, like Josip of Arimathea, having taken the blood of Christ, for others, the Grail of the Last Supper, for others, it is on the horn of prosperity. And in the legend about Montsegur, he stands at the sight of the golden image of Noah's ark. Behind orders, the Grail of magical power: a moment to forge people from important ailments, to reveal secret knowledge before them. The Holy Grail could only be beaten with a pure soul and heart, and on the wicked wines they brought down great bidi.

Secret of Montsegur Castle

1244 rec. Viysko khrestonostsiv roztashuvalosya white walls of the castle. Bezlich bagat visvitlyuval tabir valorous faces. Suvori outlined the ancient monastery, which looms in the midst of the night sky, contrasted itself with the lightened and noisy camp of faces-chrest-bearers. I missed the signal. Thousands of warriors rushed to storm the fort, which served as a stronghold of the wicked - im'ya yakim Katari. The castle has been taken. The faces went away, having left the corpses on fire for themselves. The Albigensian Jesse was ended.

1944 rec. After allied battles, the troops took positions from the Germans. Vantazhivki, importantly krektuyuchi, climbed to the height of Monte Cassino. The great howitzers were small to help the surpluses of the 10th German army, as it was defending the strategically important height and Montsegur castle. A lot of English and French soldiers were killed here, poking around with the castle. On September 17-18, the allies, after massive bombardment and landings, went on a grand assault. The forces were not equal and the share of the German army was destroyed ... If the soldiers approached the walls of the castle, vshchent ruynovanogo English aviation, then for one day the great ensign with ancient pagan symbols was raised ... but for the businessman

What a riddle to hide the castle of Montsegur in oneself, the distribution of Pivdni France in the province of Aquitaine? Why did wine become the remaining stronghold both for the pagans of the Cathars, and for the Germans?
Priest of chernets at the western world of St. Benedict does not like to sit with his hands clasped. Wines of roses all over Europe, founding monasteries in the cities, they were considered sacred for the pagans. The most famous monastery was founded on Mount Cassino (Monte Cassino), which was especially swaying in pre-Christian times. St. Benedict died at 544 years, 700 years before the resurrection of the Cathars at Montsegur, and 1400 years before the fanatical defense of Monte Cassino by the Hitlerite army.
After the death of St. Benedict, an order was founded, which, until the year 1100, took under its protection mayzhe all the holy places of the Catholic world. It has been established that, in their duties, the Benedictines often went to the knowledge of "cursed pagans", as if they mercilessly despised the Catholic Church. Number of members of the order can be found in rich local associations, including the Masonic lodge of Frederick the Great (and Hitler among children, who led the Benedictine school). It seems that the fathers of the order were promoted to the “sacred geography” (roztashuvannya monastiriv) one of the reasons for the mental ordering of their own peoples. Zim pov'yazane and Volodinnya with subtle energies, like the Holy Grail ringing allegorically.

The Volodinnya Grail was the sacred world of all orders. Ale, all the jokes were marnimi. The Holy Grail nadikhav also not alien mystits nazis. One of them, under the infusion of Parzival and old legends, violating Yogo's jokes. Yogo's name was Otto Rahn. Doslidnik stverdzhuvav, scho having revealed the place, de save the Holy Grail! On the other hand, the fort of Montsegur in the French Pyrenees.
In 1931, roci vin virushiv before the expedition to France. Zgidno with an old legend, in the night before the grand storm of the papal faces, having taken away their relics, three heretics-Cathars came without a trace. With a risk for their life, the stench saved magical objects and a cup, which was respected by the Holy Grail. Otto thoroughly embroidered the castle's skin meter and revealed the hidden rooms, in some, for yogo firmness, the treasures of the vіkіv. In 1933, roci vin published their book about knowledge in the castle - "Christ's march against the Grail".
Far below, they are bursting with marvelous swish! Vin turns to Berlin and starts working in Ahnenerbe, in 1936 he is given the title of Unterscharführer, and the 2nd book, “The Servants of Lucifer”, will soon be published. Zgidno with deaky tributes in 1937 handed over his Montsegur's knowledge to Himmler. In the book of the French historian Angeber Zh.M. "Hitler and the tradition of the Cathars" is confirmed, that there is a boo and Syaty. Grail! Angeber also recounts that the vessel was also transported to Wewelsburg, de vin escaping on a marmur pedestal. In 1945, before the capitulation of Niemachchin, the cup came out of the castle.
Otto Ran of the titles of a great successor ... exactly after 2 years of guilt, he ended his life with self-destruction. In 1939 the Ahnenerbe launched a second expedition to Montsegur. All known there to be transported to the Reich.

A long-standing German legend to say - Skin 700 rokiv on the surface of the treasures of belongings. The Nazis were in the middle of a connection with the Grail. At 544 p. died St. Benedict, the glorious King Arthur died in the same fate. In 1244 p. there were houses of Cathars in Montsegur. In 1944 also marking a turning point. The Third Reich was full of adjectives, but in the horizon the creation of a new terrible atomic bomb was seen. In 1944 there was a grandiose battle at Monte Cassino.
An old castle of transformations on the ruins. The allies took Montsegur less than 4 months of bloody battles. At the day of the bloody essence, there is a lot of someone who has given respect to those who have raised the majestic ensign from the Celtic cross above the castle. Before this ancient Germanic ritual, they went into it only if the bula needed the help of greater forces. Ale was already pizno.

Holy Grail

For the transfer of the chalice by Josip of Arimathea, the blood of Christ was taken, shed by the Redeemer on Golgotha. To that very same wooden cup (as many legends say), that immortality was respected as a life-guard. Among the faceless legends about the Grail, one, like a cicava.
It’s made a goblet, twisted from an emerald, which drank from Lucifer’s chol at the hour of the fall, and poured water from the Stiks - the rivers of the dead, water, which can have a special magical power ...
Mustaches about the Grail are apocryphal, tobto. ignorance of the official church. Zhodin, a church historian, did not mention the holy chalice, although in the current Gospels it is said about the rich man Josip from the city of Arimathea, who appeared before the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate, to ask for the body of the crucified Christ. Then Yosip, the secret disciple of Jesus himself, wrapping the body of his Master in a shroud and laying yoga at his tomb, hung in the skele, where there are no orders.
Before what has been said, the Christian writers add that Josip, having taken the cup, drank the Savior of his last evening, took the shelter of the body of the Lord from her and walked with the light of relics, preaching Christianity. Zreshtoy Josip reached Britain, having fallen asleep the first monastery of Glastonbury. A new man saved his belongings - the Grail, which became for people the instillation of God's grace, the world of human honesty.
Behind the legend, Josip of Arimathea, having created a brotherhood, a monastic-litsarsky order, whose members were called Templars. The stinks were the first guardians of the Chalice, and the stinks, not caring for the most important opera, performed by them in the V-VI centuries for the zagarbniks of Britain-Saxons, zmusheni were to transport the shrine to Sarras, the stars of the out... Follow them in history to be ruined. Where did you know Sarras?

For one version of the cup of the old fates of Volodymyr the Teutonic Order, and one won was spent in 1242 in the battle on Lake Peipus from Viysky Oleksandr Nevsky. Inshoyu - the cup was given to the cathars. This version is similar to the legend of King Arthur. At her, the holy Chalice turned to the sparkle of goodness and mercifulness of the glorified Percival. Vіn zumіv zruynuvati (not without the help of the good enchanter Merlin) evil spells and cunning steps of the evil chaklun Klіngsor, and safely reach the Grail. Vidteper vin is a self-confessed warrior, who has given a life of service to good, protecting belongings at the impregnable castle of Montsegur.

Albigoysky wars - rest days Montsegur.

Avignon - a small fort between Ville-franche-de-Lorage and Castelnaudary, commanded by Raymond VII, Count of Toulouse, entrusted to Raymond d'Alfart, an Aragonese nobleman. son-in-law ... There, at the 1242nd roci, there was a story that marked the end of Montsegur.
Only Raymond d'Al'far knows about the Swiss visit of the Inquisitors, he immediately, through a virtuous messenger, ahead of P'ier-Roger de Mirpois, who commanded Montsegur at the same time with Raymond de Persia, and arrived in Avignon with his corral. This is the first time the inquisitors have become victims. .
History has preserved their names. Inquisitor, Guillaume Arnault and his colleague-Franciscan Etienne de Saint-Tiberi at the escort of two dominicants under Guillaume Arnaud, Garcias d'0ra from the Diocese of Commenge and Bernard de Roquefort, Franciscan Raymond Carbone at Etienne de Sensky, Tuluzkop, representing nareshti, Raymond Kostyran, archdeacon of Leza. I was assisted by the clergyman on the name of Bernard, the notary, who added the protocols of supplements, two servants and, nareshti, I was P'er Arnaud, perhaps, a relative of Guillaume Arnaud, - the result, the strength of those in zhahu, scho calling them.

Inquisitors with their retinue arrived in Avignon ahead of Ascension Day. Raymond d "Alfar, having received them with honors and placed at the boudinka of Count Tuluzsky, a kind of rotting of the rose-bearing rose of mischief.
A resident of Avignon, Raymond Golarin, at the same time flooded the place and was called by three persons from Montsegur, like the escort of numerous sergeants, who were attacked by sokers, stood behind the place. The stench made great guards, so as not to turn anything. Then the stench with the sergeants went to the walls of Avignon, and then turned to the place one Golaren, to find out what to slander the inquisitors. Golaren kіlka once going back and forth, the docks of the nareshti did not tell that the inquisitors violated sleep after the evening meal. These nuts and sergeants with thugs went up to the city gates, made by the inhabitants. In the middle of the stench, Raymond d "Alfar and a small sting were killed. With the blows of the stench, the stench knocked down the doors of the castle hall and hacked to death the inquisitors, who left their retinue under the "Salve Regina" for the murderers.
If the haidaks littered the place to join their comrades-in-arms, they stood on the bell, Raymond d'Alfar called the people to the brink, giving a signal to the rebellion. cure on the choli of their parfiyans. As for me, it’s not about the last act of revenge, but about the advance of the preparation of the zmovu. Perhaps, Raymond VII, having tried to secure the active participation of the people from Montsegur, for the sake of total innocence, that with him the infection and all those who stink, it’s not the act of payment, that guides us through the lands paid off by the enemy.
Significantly, the honor of the inquisitors is also significant. Qi ruthless people knew what they were criticizing. If it’s possible to be true to their behavior, then only the power of the one who called for a mortal battle is powerful, and the readiness to die for their faith is no less, lower for those whom the stench sent to riches. On the lands of the Count of Toulouse, the stench was inflicted on the permanent insecurity, and then the nasustrich went out again. Who is the least in this history, so cowardly. The inhabitants of Montsegur also knew that in times of stench it was expensive to pay for a meal in Avignon. So all look at the boules before Raymond VII, apparently it was lying, to pretend like a tragedy on the crooked dawn of freedom.

Raymond VII, Count of Toulouse, from 1240 to 1242, vindicated the idea of ​​a coalition against the French king. of Castile, the English King, Count de La Marche and the Emperor Frederick II. It was attacked to attack the Capetians' Volodymyr at once from the left side: from midnight, right away. Ale the Count of Toulouse fell ill at Penn d'Agen, and Hugh of Lusignan, Comte de La Marche, having begun the attack, not checking yoga. St. Ludovik gave bliskavichnu vіdsіch.
In two days, 20 and 22 limes, 1242, at Sainte and Taybour, the French king defeated the king of England and the Comte de La Marche. Henry III ducked at Bligh, then at Bordeaux, and on the right, it was already run out, regardless of the new possible move on Pivdnі, and the attack on the beaten in Avignon. Raymond VII did not have another chance to lay down with the King of France on July 30, 1240. peace with Lorra. On the back of the original letter, which was preserved in the National Archives, you can read the following words, written in the font of the XIII century. The Count acted in favor of the Queen of the forts of Bram and Saverden and voluntarily abandoned Loraghe. Vіdteper left the fort of Montsegur, and їy did not bother to avenge the rіzanina in Avignon. On the back they tried vicorists for Raymond VII himself, who, for example, had a chance to sharpen the fort in 1242. The Count of Toulouse did not only miss the brothers Montsegur, but, on the contrary, he passed the tax on the prohannya to protrimatis until Rizdva, because you can help them. In this situation, the sineschal of Carcassonne, Hugo des Arcis, called himself the fortress.
The herb has 1243 wines going to Montsegur. Oskіlki did not think about taking the fort by attack, Gougo des Arci, having surrounded himself with the castle's otochennyam, to starve him to hunger. But similarly, the blockade turned out to be ineffective: the autumn boards allowed the taxation to stock up on water to complete the three-term term. They didn’t risk the stench and be left without food, for those who have accumulated food for a long time, fear the taxes forever. Although hundreds of people were in the middle of this ruined mountain peak, they had everything they needed, that link from the ethereal world did not break at all. At night, people gradually climbed up to Montsegur, coming to the castle. The army would not have been so hard, that it did not swear, it could not have crossed over if it wanted to be the one that was working at the fortune-telling country. The speech of the entire city population was on the side of the taxation. The blockade appeared little by little the fort was taken.
A direct attack, having been left on the right, is superbly important. Zagin, who, having stormed with the most accessible skill, having attacked buti, we will kill the shooter from the fort. It was possible to climb up to it only with a steep, narrow ridge, to which the mountain stitches led, only to the local population.
The very death of Monsegur came. Possibly, one of the meshkans in the region, having saved his own people and opened the way for the French, which could reach the uninterrupted steps to the fort. To the Basque mountaineers, let us recruit Hugo des Arsi for cієї met, far away climb to the very top and drink the barbican, wake up from the other side for the defense of the castle. Tse happened here on the feast day of 1243 fate.
The cover was worn out with a lot of tizhniv. The stinkers were smart enough to take the famous belongings of Montsegur along the way, like a bula richer than the richly slaughtered by the French under the hour of the assault on the barbican. I was helped in this by the spilniks of the military, which was a burden, partly which was formed from the local inhabitants. Treasures were buried in the caves of Sabarti, and the rest of the Cathars were hidden later. From quiet pіr tі karbi called out the tsіkavіst of the flooring and stronger, like and to no avail. You follow so no one knows. Possibly, some deacons about them were misunderstood in quiet texts, which we so reject the teaching of the doctrine of the Cathars. I think it was about the significant sums taken by the Cathars in Montsegur for the front rock. From the fall of the fort, it was important to save the church, more pennies were assigned. In the evidence of Ember de Sala before the Inquisition, there is about pecuniam infinitam, the great number of coins.

The days of Montsegur were cancelled. Bishop Albi Durand, a great man, is supposed to be a great engineer, having placed a catapult on the church of a ruined barbican, as if he had laid a foundation for unbearable taxation. It didn’t help even if it was prompted by Bertrand de la Baccalaria, engineer of the Cathars. Pier-Roger de Mirpois, a resident of Avignon, reported that he had succeeded in driving the French out of the barbican and burning my car. Ale, the garrison came up with great expenses, and they swore at the attack, they climbed the Maidanchik in front of the castle, and went away with great difficulties to fight.
On the attacking wound, on the last day of the fierce 1244, the horns on the walls of Montsegur were lit up: the garrison was ready for the talks. Everything is wonderful about this death of Montsegur. It is not surprising that people, as if heroically adored by the stretch of nine months, recognized the great losses and did not hesitate any more, after the generosity of Raymond VII, for some extra help, they asked for a truce from the battle. The stench was so blamed, of course, for the good of Good People, and especially Bishop Bertrand Marty, the right commandant of the fort.
It is marvelous otherwise - those who were able to, as if they were taken in a tax, came in handy at the negotiations and did not demand a new and unguarded capitulation. Tse explain to the exiles of the old blockades themselves, that they are bound to the end. Explanation seems to me I don’t need to reconsider. Montsegur buv admonitions і, zvichayno, did not zmіg b repair a new attack. Ale zmіshane vіysko, scho dіє near the fortune-telling land, looming in the body of such a sovereign, like Raymond VII, without a doubt, could not allow himself a merciless occasion to overcome. You can admit that St. Louis, starting the tactics of rapprochement, has become a new policy, giving instructions to his Seneschal of the Carcass.

Wipe the capitulations vymagali in the sight of the Good People of the revival of heresy and speech before the inquisitors under the threat of the rich. The natomist defenders of Montsegur were waived for all their past pardons, including the beatings in Avignon, and, more suspect, they were recognized for the right to preserve the fort for two days of capitulation, but they saw the guards. Tse nechuvana mercy, and applications similar to it, we do not know. You can ask for what you gave, but still tsіkavіshe, they asked for something on a basis. Seeing the hardened historians themselves, one can re-experience with the help of these two deep pacifications, following the thunder of the battle and before the sacrifice of the Good People.
Bo, even if they stink, they turned off the minds of capitulation. In order to gain forgiveness, he needed to be told the faith of his own foundation. None of the Good People and without thinking about it. Not only that, in an overarching atmosphere, which panuvala in Montsegur with two urochist-voiced tizhnivs, a lot of praises and sergeants to ask and take away Vіkha, they themselves sue themselves for riches. Obviously, the bishop and yogo clergy encouraged the rise of saints to celebrate together with those who believe, with whom death will soon be separated, Great Day, one of the greatest saints of the Cathars. Good people and friends, sentenced to riches, for those who have so twice protected them, divide between them, what is left.

If you read on the right side of the Inquisition about the simple ceremonies and actions of the Cathars, you cannot help but realize the grandeur of their religion. Similar pardons caused martyrdom. Ale, before some kind of martyrdom, they had not prepared for so long, as before, the Cathars in Montsegur were recognized on February 16, 1244. as spiritual mentors of life in exchange for a word. Worry even more, if possible, otherwise.
In the night of the 16th birch, if the whole plain was filled with sour dim, which rose like a bagattya, P'ir-Roger de Mirpois ruled over the already built fortets and chotirma. kind people, "Because the church of the heretics did not waste its treasures, buried by the forests: even the vtikaci knew the skhovanka ... "The stench is named in Hugo, Am'el, Ekar and Klamen, and you can believe that the stench was not voluntarily sent at the price. At the vipadku, yakby tі, hto trimov at the flanks, commemorated, P'er-Roger rizikuvav rozriv agreement about capitulation and life of the entire garrison. could їх i dshukati... Possibly, there were two belongings: one - only material, yoga was taken away, the other, more spiritual, saved up to the end in Montsegur, and yoga was vryatuly only in I'll leave the hvilina. All sorts of hypotheses were hung up, and, as I understood, they were not backed up by any evidence. They reached the point that Montsegur is the Monsalvanche of the legends about the Grail, and spiritual belongings, vryatovanny under the cover of night - nothing else, like the Grail cup.

Imovirno, the main mystery of Monsegur will never be revealed, even though systematic whispers in the mountains and caves, it is possible to shed light on the day. No better than we know about those who, like 16 birch, were rehabilitated quietly, who were destined to die on bagatti, like others. Possibly, Good Cholovіki and Druzhiny were humbled about others and themselves were known to the inquisitors, the brothers Ferrier and Durant, as if they were proclaiming the beast to the Catholic faith. There were the most sumptuous scenes of raising family ties. In the midst of the condemnation was Bula Korba, the squad of Raymond de Persia, one of the commandants of the fort. Vaughn forfeited her man, two zamіzhnіh daughters, son and onukіv and the coin of death, only at the last moment, 14 birch, having taken consolamentum. Korba was going to die at once with her mother, Marchesia, and her sick daughter, also "clothed". This heroic woman moved into the world of the living, having brought the convict to justice.
And then Dobrykh Cholovikiv and Zhin, over two hundred, French sergeants rudely pulled on a steep slope, which, having seen the Montsegur castle overlooking the fields, they called it the Spalenih Field from a quiet feast. Earlier, in Lavori, the Holocaust would be more terrible. However folk tradition and the story is good for him, who "Monsegur's bagattya" turns everything else around for meaning, since the victims were not lifted by her with such readiness. They didn’t argue with Yogo, like Lavori, Minervi chi Le-Cassie, with a rough sleep overcoming. Two truces in the past turned yoga into a symbol, both for the persecutors, and for the persecutors.

The castle of Montsegur became such a symbol, so marvelous behind the architecture, that it was sooner building a sanctuary, lower a fort. Stretching the rich rocks of the mountains above the Pivden, like a biblical ark, in the silence of the mountain peaks, the Cathar church continued its worship of the spirit of that truth. Now, if the high-ranking Bishop Bertrand Marty and all the clergy, men and women, healed the fire, it was done, that, wanting the spiritual and speech belongings of the Church of vryatovaniya, suvore syayvo, that the opir of Pivdnya sank, went out from the rest of the fire.
How many times am I fit with P'er Belperron, who, speaking about the fall of Montsegur, write: "The capture of Montsegur was no more than a police operation of a great scale. some of Montsegur's buvs. In this fort, they were masters, they could safely climb, radiate, take care of their archives and belongings.

Jacque Madol. Albigensian drama that part of France


From the year 1956, - ​​Fernand Costa, the head of the Aryan speleological association, told us, - we began to finish Montsegur. We fought from the excavation of flowers, clay pots, various fillings, sashes of sashes. But not the ones that we needed. We didn’t swindle our belongings, although the villagers wanted to respect us with swindlers of belongings.
On the torish day of 1964, speleologists revealed six natural skids to the rock of the Aryans. In one of them, 80 meters away from the fortress, it was found the remains of a metal machine and a stone, brought to the mountain from the valley. Clearing the blockage, the survivors with a podiv showed badges on the outer side of the wall, like an armchair. Vіn vyyavivsya chernovym plan ... underground move, scho go through the pіdnіzhzhya wall to the gorge. Mabut, at the hour of resting the castle, the alarm clocks were waking up to the armchairs. And then we saw the underground passage, skeletons with halberds and a new riddle: who died when people left the underground?
One of the ancient fortifications, roaring under the foundation of the wall, pulling out the low number of objects from the Qatari symbols applied to them. So, on the buckles and hudziks, bdzholo was engraved, for the Vchineny, it symbolized the mystery of flooding without physical contact. The middle of the znahidok was a bula and a lead plate of the headdress 40 centimeters, folded with a pen. P'yatikutnik - the main symbol of Manicheism - used as a symbol of the apostles Doskonalikh. It seems that the Cathars crossed the Latin cross and adored the penny, which for them is a symbol of eternal diffusion - the rise, the rise of matter, the human body. These experts have once again confirmed the advent of the Cathars and the philosophy of Manicheism and pointed out to the now amazingness of the construction of the peninsular castle.

The ruins of Montsegur were also known in the person of Fernand Niel, who was familiar with the introduction of a French mathematician, Niel, knowing the history of the region, knowing about the Qatari problems, and special literature. (At once Fernand Niel is respected in France by one of the greatest recognitions of historians of Catharism.)
The overarching planning of the castle turned Niel's respect. Navischo Vchineni asked the ruler of the castle to wake up yoga for their own armchairs? Chi in order to hang in the design of the fortress the symbol of your wondrous faith - the p'yatikutnik?
- At Monsegur, - Fernand Niel, - everywhere there is mystery, first for everything, in the very construction of the castle - the most surprising dispute, as if you had a dream. Without a doubt, the key to the rites was laid in the new one itself - a mystery, they took the yak Doskonali with them to the grave.
Tue, - Niel asks, - let's 21 or 22 worms, on the day of the summer solstice, we are going to Montsegur peak. What do we remember when we climb to the top? Nasampered - the p'yatikutnik of the castle is twisted: diagonally - 54 meters, hem - 13 meters. Such hostility that the alarm clocks didn’t know about the castle’s mark, the shards of the Maidanchik, on which the fort is built, the fortress of the beautiful citadel. Judging by the technique of everyday life and construction, the architects could not help noticing the prorahunka in the dreadful husks of the fortress, the stench could not. So, the first plan here came out more.
Now let's go down to the citadel, let's open the inner door and let's go up to the porch. Do not forget that today is the day of the summer solstice! The axis is one of the bases for the archer - you can sit on the be-yak of them. We didn’t choose an embrasure like that, it’s exactly the same for the opposite wall. The sun is going down... At the narrow opening of the loopholes, the edge of the fiery luminary appears. You might think that it’s out of here for a poached in a songful year ... You yourself can watch through the embrasures of the vehicular façade; for which there is enough sіsti on the support of the protilezhnyh stіyok for the archers.
In this rank, I’m watching, - continue Fernand Niel, - I have created an ensemble of several points for watching over the descent of the sun on the day of the summer solstice. Obviously, it might be more than once on the river ... Seeing that for the Cathars the sun was a symbol of Good, I affirm: Montsegur is a sleepy temple! Otherwise, why are these walls, doors, windows and embrasures oriented towards the sun?

On the pivnіchno-shіdnіy wall of the Niel castle, having marked one detail. A wall with a height of 53 meters makes a cut of 176 degrees, although nothing matters about being absolutely straight. On the outer side of the kut, on the rocky hoard, vcheniy pokachiv deep vertical notch. A straight line descended from the top to a third of the wall and was shaved off. New? Yaku won the role? And here the last one was helped by another great specialty - an engineer-mathematician. Yogo cіkavili architectural proportions, numerical values, dimensions, degrees, like the design of the castle. The revivals, carried out by Fernand Niel, allowed you to create sensational visnovoks: the castle of Montsegur taїv in its design cіkavі authority - a way of just one watchfulness on the day of the summer solstice, here you can build a moon and a day come and go.
In a word, it's its own calendar and astronomical tool, unique in its kind. By stretching seven and a half hundred wines without wasting their majestic scientific value, they have turned for the successors of the unknown side of history development human knowledge that thought.

Gennadiy Eryomin, "Tekhnika - Molodі" 1.69

The Riddle of the P'yatikut Castle


In the XII-XIII centuries - Languedoc is an independent power, which stretches from Aquitaine to Provence, from Quercy, to the Pyrenees, which may be on the way to Tripoli. The Volodarians of Languedoc - the dynasty of the counts of Raimunds - the floorings can, which for an hour they call "Kings of Pivnoch", on the authority of the "Queens of Pivnoch", which panows in France the Plantagenet dynasty. In the old days, the Languedocian civilization rises in the night, and the pale in front of it. Near the capital of the Languedoc, Toulouse, there are ideas, philosophies, beliefs and religions that came from the Usy Mediterranean.

"Pivdenno-French" - simpler seeming, Provençal - the nation did not lose its mind at the middle of the middle "principal development", but instead stood on the top of the European rose. Vaughn virobila, the first of the new nations, literary language. The poetry of all the Roman peoples, and to inspire the Germans and the English, served as an unattainable sign... in trade, that trade won antrohi was given to the Italians. Vaughn not only unleashed “one phase of the middle-class butt” in the “glamorous look”, but resurrected the middle of the deep middle-class vision of ancient Hellenism,” Engels wrote in his hour, evaluating the significance of Provencal culture.

But the most important day is the Day of Pivnoch in the sphere of religion - all the inhabitants of Languedoc have come to the new world. Name the successors Cathars(in Greek "clean", "complete") or Albigenses(in the center of the road, Albi place) *

“There is not one god, there are two, as if they would reckon panuvannya over the world. God of Good and God of Evil. Behind the spirit, adding up yoga greatness, a person lies down to the first, according to the slender body, one is ordered to another ... "

Tsya marvelous at that hour, philosophy penetrated with secret paths from the distant Descent to France, ale, it is similar to pivdnya, de, like in the arena, the sun and the shadow are clearly distinguished.

The social barriers of the Languedoc are less intrusive. In the galaslivyh and poignant places of Pivdnya, yak trade with the Arab Descent, seigneurs gain power and take city dwellers to the municipalities. Zhіnki vіlnі shanovani, on їх honor are formed balads, songs, rozkіtaє the famous poetry of troubadours. High development of school and university education, development of medicine, mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, expansion of Arabic language and acquaintance with Greek and Roman authors, poetry of troubadours and literature of national Provencal language " OK"- all the same spriyaє storage on the pivdnі France svoєridnoї i high culture, similar to that nowhere else in Europe can not be known.

The successors of the Albigensian scientific thought affirm that the legendary Persian named after Mani was the leader of their thought. “This Persian prophet,” explains the French historian Carmen Enesh, “trying to fuse the Christian doctrines, the religion of Zoroastrianism and Buddhism, into one whole. Zvіvshi in the principle of dualism, vin vyznavav spokonvichne іsnuvannya dvoh kobkov: Good, which is symbolized by the light, and Evil, embedded in dark and dark matter. This religious trend - manicheism - was wide-spread in the Roman Empire on the cob of the III century of the new era, it was horribly re-examined in the early christian church and woke up to the X century.

And in the 10th-12th centuries, the whole of Europe may appear stunned by dozens of new heresies: Cathars, Waldensians, Bogomils appeared. The doctrine of Manicheism brought the greatest influx on them. Cathars appear at Pivdenniy France at the X century.

In this hour, historians may have at their disposal only three dzherel of the Albigensian faith, which drooped like the saw eye of the Holy Inquisition, and so did the archives of the Vatican. Tsіlka vtsilіlih dzherel sparingly sparingly narrate about the history of the Cathars, their light-gazer, organization, taemnichi rites.

“The light is eternal, the wine does not grow on the cob, nor the end ... The earth could not be created by God, because it would mean that God created viciously ... Christ was by no means a people, not alive and not dying on earth, more evangelical rozpovid about Christ є katolitskie popіv... Baptism is marno, more it is carried out over nemovlyaty, yakі do not mind, and in no way protect the people from coming sins... The cross is not a symbol of faith, but a sign of tortur, in Rome people were crucified on a new one ..."

The axis of what to start the people, wearing a cloak, dressed in black, with tall, similar end caps, the roads of Languedoc, which surf unobtrusively. Qatari divided into two categories: Finished and convinced. They led a life of asceticism to the fullest, they were completely ignorant and negligent, they spent an hour in prayers and fasting. To hang on to the Believers, the stench lived in extraordinary lives, took the blues, gave birth to children, or else they heard and read the commandments, which they learned to complete.

And the Doskonali - the apostles of the Cathars - were right-wing scholars: all astronomers and astrologers, philosophers and doctors, mathematicians and alarmists. Seniors, yakі pragnut knowledge, the stench told about Plato and Aristotle, about the philosophy and history of Ancient Egypt, Persia, Palestine; children of poor stench learned letters from the schools they themselves created; the villagers were helped by the stench at the floor robots, and then they gave lectures at the Toulouse University. Under the auspices of the consecrated counts of Toulouse, the place of old, lower Rome, these people dreamed of creating a skeleton of civilization in the midst of the sea of ​​barbarism and the middle.

Sovіsheni spovneni pragnennya, prote stingy on vіdvertіst. What are their rites? De stinks to correct their worship and chi zdіysnyuyut stinks їх? Whom nobody knows... Here is the rule: "Jura, perjura, secretum prodere noli!" - Swear and false witnesses, but do not reveal secrets!

- Cathars - gidkі heretics, - to make up Catholic bishops. Vote to sound so loudly that the preachers lunayut mayzhe at the most powerful churches.

- Call me! - Recount Doskonali. - We are right Christians. We are filled with the law of love and kindness, just like the Roman church has loaded in luxury and waste!


On the whole Pivdni, the law of love is panned, and cathars, like preaching love to the saint, troubadours sing by moonlight, that they sing the love of the world. From the Count of Toulouse to a simple villager of leather new vіrі. Ale, in Languedoc, a tata's watcher appears - the Spanish monk Dominik, who by this time has become "Saint Dominik." Vіn namagaєtsya peremogti Vchinenih їhnoy zbroєyu - the purity of vdach and the strength of arguments. Unfortunately, the word of God is no longer believed by Languedoc! Not having reached success, we’ll reconcile the wines, so that we have completed the sacrifice by force. So blame - for the special order of the papi - the order of the Dominicans, which, having christened the new child of the Roman Church - the Holy Inquisition.

Pope Innocent III and King of France Phillip II August - two zaliznі characters, they stink children together: for one it is necessary to root out unsafe nonsense, which shoveled pіv-Europe, for the other - to come to the royal domain of the wealthy of Languedoc. The Christian campaign against the heretics has been deafened! At the end of 1209 in Languedoc, there was a direct “rozbіynitsky zbrod of the wicked” - an army of believers of approximately 50,000 people.

This is one of the most terrible and baked bitter wars in the history of France. Two thiefs and three kings, as if they change one another, expend their strength according to their will. Osipayayuschie proklony cursed heretics, the stench is not enough to stun the "total mobilization" of the entire Christian army, as it was during the campaigns on Skhid. Languedoc, rooted, rise again and again, remake it again, and again raise the ensign of the rebellion. Nareshti, after 60 fates of struggle, the country should not be put on guards. Enraptured by the hardy Simon de Montfort and the no less hardy papal legate Arnold of Sito, the army of the crossbearers plunders and ravages, burns and beats. The chronicle of the rozpovida, after the capture of one of the Cathar fortifications, was taken from the guards of the cross-bearers, who, having choked on the crooked cut, inflicted by the soldiers of Montfort, turned to the ambassador of the pope with food:

Holy Father, how do you make the Cathars look like good Catholics?

The conclusion of the papal legate has gone down to history:

Drive them all in: God knows his own!

700 sacks, including women and children, were driven into the streets. The place burned for three days. At night, you can shine and light up with the famous muri of ancient Carcassonne, where the battle became a friend.

Kathari... Kathari come to the mountains. Here the stink of the date of the rest of the battle was lost, in their hands there was only one nest of support, an eagle's nest, which threw a cry of the majestic army of interventions. Montsegur!

FIELD bedroom

Montsegur zavzhdi buv for the Holy Mass.

The whole stench rang out on the top of the mountain, the five-pointed castle, asking the great ruler, one of the rulers of Ramon Pirella, to rest the fort behind their armchairs. Here, at the deep crypt, the Cathars performed their rites (prinaimnі so at their hour they vowed vcheni). Now the stinks hopelessly chimed for him.

In the spring of 1243, Monsegur was taken as a coffin-bearer, where the remains were enshrined in honor of the old Cathar bishop Bertrand d'An Mart. In the midst of the fortifications, there were less than 100 professional warriors. Others - philosophers, philologists, physicians and astronomers - as if they could not inspire the spirits of the enemy. More than that, the Apostles of Vchineni did not diminish the right to wear yogo, shards of armor, venerated katari, it was a direct symbol of evil ... And then no less than 10 thousand cross-bearers are dumb at the river, and, not marveling at their numerical superiority, all attacks are successfully beaten. Tsiliy rіk trims Montsegur...

As if, under the cover of night, the cross-bearers dared to install an important catapult on a small ledge of the rock, buried at the battlefield under Carcassonne. Majestic stone blocks the fort... At the birch tree 1244 Montsegur fell. Fortress defenders were condemned to life, as if the stench was uttering its own faith. And so that the Cathars could not fool the Christian bearers, true to their principle “Swear and false witness, but do not reveal secrets!”, The stench urged the Cathars to go through the trial. Skin from them maw slit the dog's throat in order to destroy the basic principle of the Cathar war - not shedding the blood of an innocent nature. Full of one-flock vіdmova vіdmova: rather be burned, lower vіdmovitysya!

On the evening of the 16th mattress of 1244, the procession descended into a small valley where the sun was burning, and a great bagattya was prepared for the heretics. Two and a half dozen people, people and women, old children, who survived the tax, calmly and calmly settled down on the bagattya. Tse mistse and donina ring out The fields of the bedrooms.

Potreskuchi, burning down at night majestic riches - auto-da-fe for virovidstupniki. Movchanní has ​​a majestic punishment for the “warriors of Christ”. The stench overcame: the remaining stronghold of the heretics fell!

Behind their backs, not marked by anyone, chotir noiseless shadows forged down the skele of Monsegur like a skele. The stench ran out of the castle, carrying an important pack with them. Reference historical fact. The commandant of the fort Arnaud-Roger de Mirpois told the holy tribunal about the chain of torturs. Records were saved ... Vin said: “Quiet, scho begly, called Hugo, Am'el, Ekar and Klamen. There were four Doskonalikhs. I organized the flow myself, the stench took our belongings with them. All the taєmnitsі of the Cathars were plunging into this bag.”


From the year 1956, - ​​Fernand Costa, the head of the Aryan speleological association, told us, - we began to finish Montsegur. We fought from the excavation of flowers, clay pots, various fillings, sashes of sashes. But not the ones that we needed. We didn’t swindle our belongings, although the villagers wanted to respect us with swindlers of belongings.

On the torish day of 1964, speleologists revealed six natural skids to the rock of the Aryans. In the new one, 80 meters away from the fort, they found the remains of a metal machine and bought stones brought to the mountain from the valley. Clearing the blockage, the survivors with a podiv showed badges on the outer side of the wall, like an armchair. Vіn vyyavivsya chernovym plan ... underground move, scho go through the pіdnіzhzhya wall to the gorge. Maybe, at the break of the castle, alarm clocks were cherished at the chairs. And then we saw the underground passage, skeletons with halberds and a new riddle: who died when people left the underground?

One of the ancient fortifications, roaring under the foundation of the wall, pulling out the low number of objects from the Qatari symbols applied to them. So, on the buckles and horns, bdzholo was engraved, for the Vchineny, it symbolized the flood without physical contact. The middle of the signs was bula and a lead plate of dozhins 40 centimeters long, folded with a pen. P'yatikutnik - the main symbol of Manicheism - used as a symbol of the apostles Doskonalikh. It seems that the Cathars crossed the Latin cross and adored the penny, which for them is a symbol of eternal diffusion - the rise, the rise of matter, the human body. These experts have once again confirmed the advent of the Cathars and ideas and philosophy of Manicheism and have now shown the amazingness of the construction of the peninsular castle.

The ruins of Montsegur were also known to be Schliemann’s right hand in the person of Fernand Niel, who was a French engineer-mathematician. Niel knowing the history of the region, knowing from the sidelines about the Cathar problems, from the special literature, (At once Fernand Niel is respected in France as one of the greatest recognitions of the historians of Catharism.)

The unexpected planning of the castle turned Niel's respect. Navіscho Vchinenі asked the ruler of the castle to wake up Yogo for their powerful touches? Chi in order to hang in the design of the fortress the symbol of your wondrous faith - the p'yatikutnik?

At Monsegur, - like Fernand Niel, - there is mystery everywhere, first for everything, in the very construction of the castle - all the most surprising dispute, as if you had a dream. Without a doubt, the key to the rites was laid in the new one itself - a mystery, they took the yak Doskonali with them to the grave.

Tue, - let's wait for Niel, - let's 21 or 22 worms, on the day of the summer solstice, we are going to Montsegur peak. What do we remember when we climb to the top? Nasampered - the p'yatikutnik of the castle is twisted: diagonally - 54 meters, hem - 13 meters. Such hostility that the alarm clocks didn’t know about the castle’s mark, the shards of the Maidanchik, on which the fort is built, the fortress of the beautiful citadel. Judging by the technique of everyday life and construction, the architects could not help noticing the prorahunka in the dreadful husks of the fortress, the stench could not. So, the first plan here came out more.

Now let's go down to the citadel, let's open the inner door and let's go up to the porch. Do not forget that today is the day of the summer solstice! The axis is one of the bases for the archer - you can sit on the be-yak of them. We didn’t choose an embrasure like that, it’s exactly the same for the opposite wall. The sun is going down... At the narrow opening of the loopholes, the edge of the fiery luminary appears. You might think that it’s out of here for a poached in a songful year ... You yourself can watch through the embrasure of the pivnichny facade of the vezh; for which there is enough sіsti on the support of the protilezhnyh stіyok for the archers.

In this rank, I’m watching, - continue Fernand Niel, - I have created an ensemble of several points for watching over the descent of the sun on the day of the summer solstice. Obviously, it might be more than once on the river ... Seeing that for the Cathars the sun was a symbol of Good, I affirm: Montsegur is a sleepy temple! Otherwise, why are these walls, doors, windows and embrasures oriented towards the sun?

On the pivnіchno-shіdnіy wall of the Niel castle, having marked one detail. A wall with a height of 53 meters makes a cut of 176 degrees, although nothing matters about being absolutely straight. On the outer side of the kut, on the rocky hoard, vcheniy pokachiv deep vertical notch. A straight line descended from the top to a third of the wall and was shaved off. New? Yaku won the role? And here the last one was helped by another great specialty - an engineer-mathematician. Yogo cіkavili architectural proportions, numerical values, dimensions, degrees, like the design of the castle. The revivals, carried out by Fernand Niel, allowed you to create sensational visnovoks: the castle of Montsegur taїv in its design cіkavі authority - a way of just one watchfulness on the day of the summer solstice, here you can build a moon and a day come and go. In a word, it's its own calendar and astronomical tool, unique in its kind. By stretching seven and a half a century of wines without wasting their majestic scientific value, they opened up for the legacy of the unknown side of the history of human knowledge and thought.


We can say the same about them. Nayimovіrnіshe, tse buli htos іz Doskonalykh, yakі flowed from the castle into the birch tree on the night of 1244. Fernand Niel comments on the chronicle in the following way:

I think that the belongings, the vryatovaniya of this tragic night, cannot be gold, nor expensive stones, so the treasures of the primary meaning of the word. From the chronicle, it is clear that all the values ​​of the taxation before the arrival of the Christian bearers were transferred to the Yuson castle near the Spanish cordon. Bezperechno, tse buv religious belongings Doskonalikh. Holy books? Expensive relics? Symbols? Unseen. There is only one thing: it was buried in one of the grottoes of the city, and there are thousands of grottoes in this city...

In the opinion of other scholars, the belongings of the Qatars - nothing else, like a Kazkov "unearthly relic", like they dreamed of in the Middle Ages. Tse Holy Grail.

Legendary Holy Grail! The middle-class chroniclers asserted that this relic was not endowed with a wealth of magical powers. Hanging from a whole emerald, she made a charm of light and endowed her guardians with immortality and eternal youth. Nіbito vona was buried at the fort of Monsalvat under the protection of the best and purest person - Parsifal, father of Lohengrin. After the death of Parsifal, "an unearthly relic" was brought to heaven...

Fahіvtsі sreddnіvіchnі ї literatury vystanovіl, yakі spravzhnі facts could give rise to tsyu legend. As a result of a detailed analysis of the materials of the chronicles of the stench, the winery was added, that the legend about the enchanting Grail of the vinicla, perhaps, from the confusion of similar and Christian elements here in Spain, or on the French france on the cob of the XII century (my "ok" bowl sounds like a bowl "ok" yak) . It is quite possible that the enchanting castle of Montsalvat (which means “drowsy”, “drowning in the exchange of light”) and Montsegur are one and the same. Until the speech, the composer Wagner came to Montsegur in his own time, if he wrote music before his Parsifal.

Possibly, at the ancient land of the French speleologists, the remains of the legendary Grail Varti were rightly discovered, as if they were hiding the eyes of their comrades. And maybe, “an unearthly relic”, did not “bear” to heaven, but lie here on the pivnіchnyh slopes of the Pyrenees, hopefully buried in the greedy hands of the Christ-bearers? We are not absolutely convinced, we cannot but know. sho tse hvilyuyuchi zbіgi. As he said, he sings, here “the legend is woven into history ...” Ale, in today's Languedoc, no one is more surprised at the mysteries, the gains, and perhaps one of the greatest successes of Doskonalikh.

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