Wasteland. Scary stories and mystical stories Scary stories about truth

My name is Masha and me 26 years. I work in the office at the city. I love to walk in the air, in the noise and in the road to the bosom of nature. Luckily, I'm building a bungalow near the village, a kind of rotting right on the edge of the forest. As I love, choosing a place to spend the weekend at my little booth.

On the right was a bula of the past summer. After an important day on the robot, I needed a favor, so I vyrishila in some places. I packed the speeches, I got into the car and went. If I arrived to the village, it was already evening and I was exhausted from the long journey. I climbed on another top to the bedroom, immediately went to bed and instantly fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, I jumped at the sound of car alarms. I looked at the window, but there was no one there. At the darkness, I smeared the keys to the car, pressed the button to turn on the alarm. If the noise stumbled, I lay back and tried to fall asleep. Raptom znovu zapratsyuvala signalka. I didn’t want to get up, so I just grabbed the keys and pressed the button again.

Five minutes later, the signalization worked three times. One chi dvіchі could be vipadkovistu, but now I was bluo tsіkavo, scho vіdbuvaєstyu. Can someone play with me at night? I reluctantly got up and pressed the button to turn on the siren, but once again I had to watch out for him, what was going on. I took communion in the white of the night and began to marvel at the gloomy strong night.

Through a sprat of quills, I bobbed, as it were during the light of the month. Tіnі vіdkusіv appeared and volіlі began to collapse to the car. Tin raptovo nabula form. The whole thing was high, thin and black. The figure stretched its thin arms and hit the car. The signalization waved and immediately stood up quickly, kicked back at the bushes.

Then I didn’t understand what was going on, and I began to tremtiti in fear. Oskіlki I continued to marvel and turned off the signal. It blew out of the bush again and noiselessly scrambled to the brink, stuck an iron hand through the fence and started a shovel, sho trimming the gate. I was in pasture. Thousands of thoughts raced around my head and I began to panic.

What was it? What do you want to see me? What did they give to work?

Tremtinnya struck me from the top to the toes. My heart was beating like crazy. I stood with clenched teeth and was afraid of the madness.

A few hours later I came to you and ran down the stairs as fast as I could. I needed to know about it, in order to protect myself. However, first of all, I tried to smear vimikach and brighten up, my glance, falling on the window, and making me maddened me to look at the mist.

Black to post stood white vikna. Її the guise was tucked down to the fold, she wondered, looking around at the little things, schobachit, chi є htos at home. Here I realized that all these focuses and signaling were needed in order to call me.

I could not see a conniving guise. Shkіra bula singed in color and cocrete with wrinkle and folds. The eyes were small, like godziki and zovsim black. Dira zamіst nose. There were no happy lips on the face, only two rows of gostrikh, yellow teeth. His breath was important and hoarse on the floor, which forever blocked the calls.

I just knew that there was no way to go. Having stood there for a long time, I felt a whirlwind, and realized that it had come to the front doors. I tried to put my fingers through the crack under the door like a wine. The handle began to move up and down. I just saw a sound that chilled the soul ... vіn not like a voice. This is a nasty evil sound, with a kind of disintegration, the dog tears the brush.

I knew that if I smelled it, then I could find a way to get into the hut. I just hid behind the sofa, near the darkness and vaguely trying hard not to see the desired sound. Tears began to flow on my person, even though I tried to smear them. I could barely have a pulse, I shook like an aspen leaf and just prayed that it would be over.

I don't know how long I sat there staring. Mabut, I switched on. If I came to you and marveled at the door, the truth dawned. The doors were boulevarded, like before, in the city everything was gone. I have never been so happy with my life. I ran to the other over and looked at the window. The bells were already bright and there were no signs of a wondrous monster.

I figured out that the axis of the wines was my chance for a good order, I grabbed the keys and, without hesitation, to pick up the speech, I ran to the car. I cut the middle, blocked the doors and gave gas to get out of the village of Yaknaishvidshe. On the road, I never once zupinyalas, until I got a place.

When I turned back to my apartment, I turned on the radio and the announcer in the news, saying that in the village near my house at night the bodies of two girls were revealed. The stinks were dead and thrown off by the swamp. I admit that the truth knew those who were joking.

Author: Eldar Seidaliev
The sky was gloomy and felt fall. Nemovby vіdbivayuchis vіd asphalt, out to the very horizon was bіrim. I hav an old bus, like a bus, between the old ones, wooden houses and bare, dry trees, wandered zabutih, lonely teeth and dead plants. Along the crooked, broken roads, which are teeming with cracks and pits, the wheels of the bus were so often trampled on the yak, and they shook it so that it seemed to me: the axle-axle and the wines fell apart. At the saloon there was an intolerable smell of alcohol and alcohol. The blame for these smorid was two people who were sitting opposite. Dressed in old and already rozirvani lahmittya, the stench of inanimate faces and dark eyes saw off the gloomy edge of the window. Kіlka razіv I robbed zusillya, schobіsti і іnshe miѕtse, albeit intrusive thought about those who could supposedly represent them, humiliated me. Having become the warrior of my insensitivity, I often turned my head back, to breathe in more cleanly, and then looked at the twisted old woman with a great gray bag of pastries, as if through a strong shaking the seats fell on the breeze or the legs wandered. Lifting with nervous hands, it looked like a murky kolobok, she blew a sprat on them, rubbing it against the edge of her black jacket, and put the bag back at her. Seeing the wild picture made me unbearably sad. Neither the music in my programmer, nor thought about the good could develop my turmoil or erase my ugly reality. And now the evil began to grieve me - and my heart sank, and my body went limp, instead they put an invisible shell on him, under the traction of which I vanished and felt myself deeply humiliated and beaten. At this moment, in the distance, the spire of the well-known chapel appeared, yak (like I vvazhav) and was one of the main causes of my mental illness. Putting my hand into the intestines, I saw the coldness of the cold, which, with the help of the guard, blew up the waters. Pishov doshch. And in front of it was a long way to the chapel through the wasteland. A vuzka led up to the new one, an unremarkable stitch. There was no dear chi pokazhchikiv, but the place was like a dermal place. Among the inhabitants of the city, it called out to the most incompetent and grave ones. Bagato who bypassed yoga and did not show up here for no reason. Ale, early in the morning, the stench came: the deacons of the will of the sovereignty - more from the primus, one for every hour - more forever. I also hate yoga and (how important it is not to know) afraid. Ale so blew a share, scho buv here today. There were no chiroslin trees in the wasteland. Ale "vacant" is not called like this: a stitch of a krіz dune of a butt stitch and everyday materials, which led to the old zvintar, on which I worked. And at once I speeded up the crock and wrapped myself in a cloak more beautifully, so that I began to permeate the cold of the midst and calls: the bulb was tied with nerves or the filthy weather (the devil take it! )- I don't know. They told a lot of tales about this wasteland, but I didn’t believe them ... Crimea alone. Waste maw became the base for repair - and all the front workpieces were crushed. But if everyday life began - for some unknown reasons - it would burn out after a few months of work. Perhaps a financier, having recognized better for the gloomy climate of the month, best place for a turban? Ale, the fact is overridden by the fact: let the bulo bagato, ale right reason the flow of budіvelnikіv from the wasteland until now was filled with a riddle. I have seen and looked at the majestic sir tiles - those same budmaterials that have been lost to a riddle in the face of unfinished life. Great, cold, gray slabs - the stench told me kam'yanі truni, where the veletins could be buried. For a long time there was an inexhaustible collection of old clothes, torn books, broken carriages, goydal chairs, bare tires, bent sofas, rusty pipes and washstands. By the way, I was so often trampled by the disabled lyalki, which lay breathlessly on the stony pagorbs, cars without wheels, torn soft bears and bryazkalets. The passers-by lifted, pouring down on me a stream of quiet childish spogadiv that enmity, for them it became n_yakovo. A cold breeze began to speak out on my forehead. More from childhood, I am agile and alert, putting myself up to lyalok. That was my phobia and, obviously, a great mystery in the community of people. І axis at once, marveling at everything, leave the undertaking, I admit that the main thing is the recognition of speeches from people in the one who is guilty of lying, so that the mother is worthy; Well, people, now, lie down be it for someone - you are consuming freedom. Chi is not freedom - the main value for the new? People, like speeches, become antagonistic and undesirable. Those who were buried alive, the nibis asked me to come and give them a little bit of respect, what a stench if they were sharpened. Ale I ishov - and ishov only forward, hastening my little ones, and rapt wisely, that I’m running. Zustrіchny wind zіrvav mіy scarf and ponіs yogo to smіtєvih humpbacks. Tsey scarf buv the last gift my mothers, and for me wines meaning more richly, lower just a piece of linen cloth. I hesitated, but it took me three hours to gather all my will into a fist and turn around after him. And the gloomy continued to cry on my head. On my zhah, there was no scarf anywhere - it meant that I had to climb all the hills to know yoga. In order to broaden my horizons, I have chosen to find a girka of evil toys. Crying out that it will be easier to know yoga from her. Swaying and falling, rising and again crushing the heads of flies, I climbed on the hump; and Vіn mustache grew up until that moment, until he had torn him to the waist. Raptom I saw a terrible pain at the nose. Shchos fell into it and pierced through it. With a flicker, I began to click for help. Ale navіt yakscho htos i passing, it’s unlikely that you could feel less, even if I saw the stitches for fifty meters, and the loud noise sounded like a mustache all around. Having grown a couple of zusils, to virvati s full and vibrate yourself, but nothing happened - and (as it was given to me) with skin rush more and more zanuryuvavsya in the hall. In the face of pain and fear, it became nasty for me - and I am uneasy. I don't know how long it took, but when I got to you, it was dark and gray. Mabut, I fell right into the center of the cієї girka, and daylight come here badly. And from my mouth, water flowed on me so that it became important to go wild, and I again began to call for help. If I was already hoarse and inwardly ceasing to think to myself, I stuttered and began to cry. Crying, scarlet at the head, scrolling through all the possible options for your death. As soon as you pass a stitch, then you will be either relatives, or you will carry a string on the zvintar, or you will be a string, as if you turn or go to work. The third option could be a smіtєvoz car, like coming here once a day, to make the city even bigger. She just looks like a live bait - and nobody knows about my death, until the smell of my body, which she spreads, does not become unbearable, it’s possible, it’s possible, and called out to the police, which is still not mistaken for the corpse of a stray dog. The beating of my heart, becoming visible, and the moon resounding at the vukhah. Now, be some kind of rush, bringing me a stilki of torment, that I, throwing a mustache, try to see the stars independently. I shuddered all over and started to freeze. I started to pull to sleep. Until that very dream, the kind of which you can not slip through. How many years have I spent here? Not dreaming of an expected manifestation about an hour, I began thinking to say goodbye to the mustache whom I love. I list of these people with a wondrous rank appeared bigger, lower I allowed. Clinging to the reception, help me, I didn’t remember, as if falling asleep. If I have flattened my eyes, then (on my heels) I understand that I have not died. And then I jumped in the sight of the fact that a glass of water from the upper rows of the toy store and the body of a childish samoskid was like a miraculous drowning zabob. I understand that if I don’t die from hypothermia, I’ll just drown in the water. Maybe, I fell through to the district slab with a large diameter. Having smeared її one beat, it turned out to be oval to me. Having reconciled іz tsim, niby an irreconcilable fact, I began to smear with my hands as a river. It seemed that with a miraculous rank you could help me. Sticking and swaying and swaying around the corner, as if it squeezed me from my sides, I sharply felt the phrase “My life for you”. A spark that chilled the soul ran through the whole body. If the giblets have begun to stir, I have begun to listen. Only the noise of the sound - and nothing, the other similar sounds of the day. It is possible that there are rumors of hallucinations, even if it is possible, that I happened to spend more than one day in these catacombs. I tried again to call for help, but, maybe, already raising my voice, and the fever at the tili is evidence of those that I fell ill. І shvidshe for all angina. As soon as a person walks for five meters in the direction of the city, then all the same you will not feel me. More than an hour passed. The sounds of the board stuck. It dawned on me that I didn’t have long. I just realized at once that I spent the whole hour bleeding: my leg was pierced deeply and seriously, and already I didn’t feel it. I pishov frowned upon my thoughts, trying to ironize that the burial ground was hailed with live bait at the purchase of toys. Hiba tse not the irony of the share? I am truly and diligently digging graves for people, knowing short life they deceived the sellers of butcher shops, repair services, tax offices, doctors and policemen. For this, the rest of my service was mine: to make a hole deep and wide, so that I want to be in the rest right in this world, everything was honestly and beautifully. And I was zealous for conscience, but often for those who didn’t want to, so that the souls of the dead sweat would see me in that world. In the wake of my thoughts, I turned in a childish voice, which could not be heard from the other world. Then we felt another voice less distinctly: human and hoarse, such a voice is heard either among the colonels at the officers, or at the boatswains on the ship.
- Jessica! Stay! Don't go there!
Ale, a childish smile, becoming everything. I am aware that the child behaves like a fiend, does not hear. The voice was even closer, and here I realized that this is my remaining chance to break out of this crypt, and I can’t have another like it. I started screaming, but my voices were lit up, and the torment didn’t break any sound. Then, in panitsi, having begun to beat on the walls with fists, as if by raptom once more I felt the word My life for you. I stretched the body of the flooring, the flooring of the floor in a moment, and put the smeared object on the floor. Having continued the beat in that beat, the stars filled the sound: one and the same word to the schoraz “My life for you”. Stop what I felt, tse bov childish cry:
-Didus there htos є!
... I flattened my eyes at the white chamber. They put a cast on my leg, and pierced my hands with nettles. On the table, entrusted with a vase of dried-up flowers, sat an ore-haired lyalka with great black eyes in horn cloth in one little lace. Every now and then, a familiar sound appeared. And just a little in the sleepy silence of the medical ward, I understood the words of the battery, which said: “I love you!”.

My respect turned the ice commemorative wind over the window, and I casually cast a glance at Yogo Bik.

Between the birch trees that stood behind the window, the moonlight oozed, as it practically penetrated the room without a break and kicked with a soft silver kilim. There was a whirlwind of wind that blew through the deserted streets like a self-sustaining dog, and the rustle of dry leaves, which glimpsed from the bushes of trees and fly near the infinite invincibility. Everything would be nothing, but it was really strange: just a shadow fell on the wall of the adjacent booth. Crooked and thin, instead of a tree, prote in times more and more.

I didn’t realize in a moment that I was running there, behind my bare fingers. It was empty in my head, but it was still unprimed, but I was still tormented by anxiety. I am aware that there are no more stars to come. Chomus didn’t growl at me, but now - posing as if skeptical and perhaps without emotion, there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary here.

I shifted a glance at the interior of my room: a floor lamp that hangs in the working space, a small light from a green curtain, a massive dark wardrobe that covered the entrance to the room that pair of armchairs, on which they lay everyday clothes- nachebto all yak zavzhdi. The room itself was illuminated only by the same floor lamp, so it was dark beyond the boundaries of my small monastery. The apartment was a two-room apartment, but I practically spent the whole hour less in tsіy - at the kіmnati z great vіknom, scho vіdkrivає miraculous edge view of the street and viklikає like a child, feel better - bachiti all y usіh.

After ten minutes, I lay down lightly with the hope of falling into the world of dreams. Being weary of the restless everyday life, I have found a moment to allow myself to be taken care of. Fortunately, leave for those needs. However, I didn’t get to sleep. Thoughts about the ignorance of the shadows were spat upon in me, and the need to know the truth. It's marvelous, but imagine, with which I instantly equaled the qiu tin, but I did not fall into a thought. It seemed that the stench was hidden in the inexhaustible labyrinth of guesses, and the attempt to know them is equal to the attempt to know the head in the copy of the son. A thought came to me: "Why don't you look at the respectful shadow?"

There was no silence.
I immediately rubbed my eyes, trying to change my mind, but I didn’t succeed. The boulder was less than an empty concrete wall with a dozen dark windows. Everyday shadows.
Verishivshi, that the anomaly had given up on me, I didn’t feel schizophrenic anymore with restless thoughts.

Raptom prolunav blow on the scull.
I shrugged my shoulders and tried to look around. My head was spinning at a sharp pidyoma, but I stood up on my feet. My heart thumped sharply in my chest and beat, then it was stunned with madness. It was getting warmer near the sweatshirt, and the fingers on the hands and feet were numb.
The blow was repeated.
I'm a bear on a pidlog, vіdmovlyayuchis viriti at a bachelor.

A black smuga ran across the balcony doors, as if it were brought up and beat against the window with a dull thud. It could have happened to Zbok, what a long club. Ale khіba tsіpok can my mother live for five days in the country?

With a cry, I rushed to the sudnyoї kіmnati - to the hall, spodіyuchis crossed the nightmare. The heart continued to beat wildly, penetrating the hostile bіl through the back. Well, I didn’t hear the voice - for the price, I contrived to hit on the door and throw it off outer garment in front. Povitrya was advised to go to the legeny, I was on the border to spend my remembrance.

Prolunav dzvіn Ulamkіv broken vіkna. The cold blew down my legs, and the winter freshness penetrated to the apartment. I fell. Unconvinced, I became calm. Silence came, coldness and weakness in the whole world began to zanuruvat me in a trance, creating a kind of home calm. Although, in the wake of the navkolishnogo otochennya, like before, it was brightly divine, I wanted to just lie down and fall asleep, spitting on all the problems that situation, in which I stumbled.

The doors to the hall were left behind, and I distinctly felt the quiet blunders that were torn by hoarse breaths. I don’t know why, but I laughed out loud. Rozum, being persuaded to see the wrongness of what is being said, having completely left me.

There was no light, it was less than a month, which weakly illuminated the hall.
Behind the horn of the door opening, there was a moment. I don’t know how to describe it: black, like pitch, the skin covered the whole muzzle - there were no eyes, no nose. The mouth is a wide smog, so that I may raise my head horizontally. The head went from side to side, bent like plasticine. I don’t know, yak, but it marveled at me. I saw a penetrating glance, which I looked up to quickly check. So, it obviously ochіkuvalo chogos.

All the cells of my body shouted about the lack of safety, what to look like. My rozum vimalovuvav picture, as if sharply thrown from the month and popovzya otstaetsya my guise. And istota continued checks. Mabut, I wanted to shake my marny and try to turn around.

It was warm, I did not bend my fingers in a moment. The soul was filled with almost inexhaustible self-sufficiency and strangeness in the presence of a superfluous world, almost like a fall in an empty.

Raptom, through the door slits of the yogo, a cliché floated. Disproportionately long, with a rewarding five years at the end of the day, the won died in three months and smeared a charge for a meter in front of me. Axis here me nibi strum smyknula. Tsya is wrong and greedily, the old song set fire to the depths of my mind, the ruined life. With a wild cry, I moved from the pidlogs and rushed at the beak vikna. And farther - less than a fall down.

I am alive. Navit I don’t know, to please me, why do I hurt? Now I don't leave me with a touch of fear. People began to be put before me, as if paranoid, but I don’t call them. Lost in the darkness, the winds of the creature's zhakhu that ochіkuvannya are accumulating on me. Chase what? - Ask you. I know it's hard to turn around, cry out to tsyu. To that, in the evening, I was sitting on the street, hooting in the night sky, covered with stars, instead of a beaded tablecloth. And I’m lovable tsim doti, the docks did not sway the spider-like body, which is enough to move along the wall of my richly superficial.

Tsyu іstorіyu me rozpovіv my old znayomy, which has long been known from obriyu and it is not clear what happened to him. We call the well-known Sergius. Let's study the history of young classes. It was winter. Sergiy turned around after lessons at home. Yogo's path, having run through the wastelands covered with snow, on which the life of a panel two-top spore was rotting.

Siri walls, squares of vicons, which are empty, reinforcing bars, concrete pipes and panels, spreading around the neighborhood - who doesn’t know about such objects? Sergius, having walked on that day of life, it was fitting for him to climb the zanedbany day, pick up electric beams, similar to Bengal fires, play in pershovidkrivach - a wild childish fun.

So it was winter. Wait for a sleepy day, snow sparkle, ahead of the whole day. Sergiy yakraz thrashed that same wasteland, if the wind blew. The right khurtovin began, having opened wines. Zagalom, no wonder, even if you see the open spaces of the sky to all winds. At the window, the snow swirled, the sky blew. Sergiy added to the move, marveling at such a sharp change in the weather. Passers-by wake up, suddenly whistling in the wind with a raptom, sensing a sound similar to the quiet trill of a Chinese wind chime. Sergius did not immediately swear to his confession, that I did not feel the sound of you, prote wine, that there was a call to him in the middle. Nachebto qi poured into words, yakі call to come closer. Sergiy, giving in to the interest and zaishov in the middle. Behind yoga words, I didn’t take my thoughts seriously, but simply turned it over, so that the melody of the wind will be a little bit better. The first axis is marvelous: the wind died down, and the trills of the twinkles were no longer there. Lunali stench nibi near the bridge, not calling, like a song, like you scroll from memory in your head. The concrete box kept silence.

“Everything was wonderful,” Sergius spoke up. - I didn’t invent this sound myself. Yakbi wanted to, then drove bi yogo from the head. And wine is not good. Navpaki, if I have soiled the first surface of everyday life, I have begun to change the density, then calmly, then calm down. It wasn’t scary that there was a swishing cіkavo - like things you can wikidat svіdomіst. And if the bula was not awake, then what was the life of this music at the head? Well, I turned to the sound. It appeared that the best wines were coming down, that they would lead to another overhead. I began to rise to it, and the melody grew, nibi shovhala forward and praised my choice. However, if I overturned the passage and stepped on the foot of another on top, everything clicked together, and there was a right silence. It didn’t seem like a bit of wind, only suddenly open the husky in the middle of the snow. The other one did not represent anything special on top, the wine was empty, only support beams stood here and there. Having looked kindly, I once shook like a dark compartment of the white wall, about twenty meters away from me.

I pishov marvel at what lies there - perhaps, a hundred ruberoid chi ganchir'ya. As soon as they came closer, they became clearer in describing the human posture in dark clothing, to sit with their backs to the wall right on the snow. Fifteen meters were lost to her, if the post began to break. I zupinivsya, pricked up, ready to give a tear in case of nebezpetsі. The person lifted up properly, and if I failed, I didn’t feel like creaking and rattling її driftwood. Vіn the beginning of the day at such a position, after sitting. Chi, maybe more old. Ale, what did you work on everyday life? There were no homeless people in our city, I, vvazhay, not knowing about such a thing, just standing and marveling, raising my mouth. Lyudina was wrapped in a black sackcloth with dirkas, a white body could be seen through the crystal. If you stood on the top, then it appeared that the frills were not less than two meters. So you stood for an hour, marveling in front of you and shaking your head with entangled black hair, now to the left, then to the right, nibbling your neck. I was already not on my own, but in the future I allowed to posteriate that I was given to work. And gave the wines to me. The hands of the new one were relieved of smoothness, smikants, like those of a sick person with cerebral palsy, they sharply smirked their shoulders and head, lifting their legs and thinking for a long time where to step with it. It looked unnatural and was completely relieved of the comicality of the sizable clumsy person - they approached me with a clearly unkind method. Now I clearly feel the crackle of snow, an ogidny sound. And then I rejoiced at yoga guise.

Following the words of Sergius, he let himself go so that he did not see the earth under him. Three haircuts have reached the descents, having flown by the descents, and the axis of the vines is already called. Turning around, realizing that they won’t repeat it, but not calming down and taking a breath already at home. Well, that wasteland of wines bypassed that hour on the tenth road. Retelling this story, I didn’t laugh at once - it’s clear that it’s unacceptable to guess about you. However, I felt like it was too much, that it was not so with the appearances of that unknown person. Tom, having gone over a little tact, I dared to put a chain on you. Sergius marveled at me, lowered his head, murmured, and then said only:

I more than nothing.

Mystical facts - ce real stories about mystical facts from the lives of our readers. Terrible stories of people, as if they were dreaming on the vlasnі eyes of different mythical things.

In the course of our history, people believed and wrote about numerical mystical facts. Legendary monsters and supernatural monsters. Chi іsnuyut stench vzagalі? Chi tse chiys chigadka chi Skoda ailing fantasy ?! We think that there are mystical facts. Because they themselves read thousands of stories and confirmation of their real reason.

Our world is not so neshkidlivy. Even here, by the darkness, in the isolated views of the eyes of the forests, and by the deep waters, mysterious mystical things live. The stench z'yavlyayutsya znenatska i so znenatska znikayut. Perelyakanі vodki appear as soft and ringing. Ale є eyewitnesses, yakі bachili їх on the vlasnі eyesі. And dehto navіt contrived to take a picture on the camera or take a picture. Let them know more and more neumovirnі, nizh іnshі, ale virishuvati, chi є stink really - bring the skin itself ... .

In a number of vipadkivs, the stench appears at the age of a person like shkіdniki. Ale bova, give us inestimable services. The stench is not a myth, but such is reality itself, like myself. Yakshcho mi їх not bachimo, tse means only those that mi їх still not bachimo. Ale zustrіch can be like a miti. Until then, we need to cook.
Establish thousands of examples of people's contacts with reasonable forms of life of an unfamiliar journey. At the spacious ranks " evil spirit»with mystical meanings.

Mystical facts - Tse rozpovidi eyewitnesses. Quiet, who had mercy on the eyes of the mystical istot, as if they were respected by the kazkovy. Stories about birds with giant snakes and flying people. Veletnya, brownies, mermaids, that bagatma with other wondrous things. Viyavlyaєєєєєєєєєєєєєє іstoti zustrіchayutsya no less in fairy tales, legends, books and films. Wow really іsnuyut!

At the impenetrable huts, forest dwellers dwell, the fireboxes of the swamp are the abode of the kikimor. And mermaids are splashing at the waters, they can easily pull down to the bottom of the swimmer, which they call. Rivers, lakes and sea monsters are not a myth - proof of history.

For decades they have been talking about those who are snow people. The authors of these stories do not hesitate to whom. Andzhe deyakі from them especially bachiled the taєmnichichoy yetі or follow yogo perebuvannya.

Mi zvikli are placed before them like the heroes of myths and legends, and films have less of them. First of all, the fantastical nature is not the product of human fantasy. The stench is real. It's just that the stench rarely gets on people's eyes. And all the same zustrіchі hour vіdvіdbuyutsya. І proof in these stories.

Mystical facts - there are also legends about mythical things. Myths and retellings about the Kazakh and mythological origins of our planet.
Statti tsієї headings, about taєmnichi and rіdkіsnі іstoti, will not only help you better understand the mysteries of nature, but also expand the knowledge, which I will occupy with my hands.

Marvelous mythological and folklore creatures. Napіvlyudi-napіvіrі, people-birds and people-serpents, spirits of all earthly elements. The stench help us learn more about the ancient roots of people. Otzhe, better understand yourself and the vlasny way.

History of life Legends Myths Horror stories

All about mystic nature

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