Lines of life of people who died beforehand. The line of life behind the rocks. What does a short line of life mean on the right hand

If the life of a person will be long and successful, or short and tragic, the palmist can tell, looking at the line of life. However, it is impossible to name a self-respecting professional in this gallery exact date death. There is simply no such information on the valley.

Lines on the hands can tell about the camp of a healthy life, as often a long time people are sick. On the valleys there can also be signs that symbolize a threat to life or an early death. But stench is less likely to forestall the people about the possibility, about the singing turn at the share, which can be, but not fatal, that obov'yazkovim. You need to say that the middle of the dead is rich in early age Mali vіdmіnne roztashuvannya linіy z vіdsutnistyu be-any signs that point to early death.

Short life line

As if the line of life is shortened, shaved sharply, it can be considered a sign of early death, but at times, if such a “little one” is present on two palms and is confirmed by other signs and lines.

Deyakі palmistry stverdzhuyut, scho shortened line of life to tell only about schilnіst to apoplexy. And the axis is well christened white of the foundation and progressively thinned to a new line - upper sign death after thrive and crippling ailments.

Rosirvana line of life

You can sharpen the valleys, on which the lines are shaved, and then continue again. As a rule, tse 1 rozriv, more like 2-3 vіdrіzka, scho break the line of life into a sprat of okremih parts. Such a situation, as a rule, speaks of the possibility of a serious illness in the life of a person. Її trivality and degree of severity are determined by the size of the growth. The greater the wine, the more folding and the more ill. Ale, the shards after the opening of the line of life are renewed, but they are not respected by the sign of death, but, on the contrary, they are dressed up.

Pogani signs on rutsі and їх decoding

About what to say dots, groups and islands on the line of life

I'll sum up the symbolism and make dots. There is a large number of people on this line ahead of the Vlasnik about the possibility of sleeping, hanging ailments and wasting time. One big deep-seated point is to talk about Raptov's rapist's death.

A small colo at the sight of a ring on the line of life symbolizes the loss of one eye.

Dovgi islands along the line also tell people about ailments, but ailments are not catastrophic and important, like in times of rozriviv. Chim trivaly, having reached and clear the island, Tim is serious and trivae more. You can evaluate the cob and the end of the period of illness by repairing the stitching of the figures with dots, which are the same for the singing of the hour.

Ostrіvets on the line of life


The line of life behind the fates is determined to do it mentally. Alemy, we'll try to get to know each other. Tim is bigger, with the knowledge of you, you already bezpomilkovo vyznatimete fates on the line of life.


Below I will draw a diagram, as signified, in which case it is necessary to check on the bottom, as it is marked on the line of life.

Line of life - 15-17 years. Draw a straight line through the middle of the pointed finger. Peretin tsієї vyavnoї linії z іnієyu zhittya vіdpovіdaє vіkom 15-17 roіv.

Line of life - 22-25 years. Lower a straight line in the direction of the month between the pointed and middle fingers to the line of life. Peretin and bude vіdpovidati tsomu vіku.

Line of life 30-35 years. Through the center of the middle finger, draw a clear straight line to life.

Line of life 40-45 years. Continue the front line down, and see the base thumb Draw a cross line. There, de tsia line peretne the line of life, there will be a period of 45 years.

Line of life 55-60 years. It is necessary to change the airbags from A to B, and to add 2 airbags to AB.

It's important to say yes according to other lines on the ruts, and only in the complex, you can determine the fluctuation period.

Bring all the fatalities - according to the line of life, you can hardly tell if a person dies. You can do more if you are healthy, if you are emotionally weak. You can bark our medicine for a long time. And yet she brought our lives to the supra-worldly dozhina of life, like the first.

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As soon as you went to this side, you know the people well. With great honor I am put to the quiet, who jokes, engages in self-knowledge. And you didn’t try to learn physiognomy? Before the speech, for reading the hands are needed, so that they gave you your hand for the wedding.

And the axis of physiognomy in this plan is richly beautiful!


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In front of us is another pair of human hands, yak lived to a frail age.

For the purpose of arranging the wild frivolity of life, we failed a simple rule, as it is called the “axis test”. There are only two dolon axes - the head of that friend. Zastosovuvat this day to a friend all you can not consume. The axis test can be easily carried out with the help of Arkush Paperu.
Take a sheet of A4, fold its edge parallel to the radial edge of the valium from the side of the oscillating finger and collapse in front of the thumb in a straight line, the head axis is drawn, like a straight line from the center of the fold, .-2).

If the edge of the archway and all the time are falling, the cordon of the paper or the line of life will be transferred, or it will be bumped, or between the air and the line of life there will be a gap.
As the edge of the arch of the dvіchi crosses the line of life, it is read by the first one nearby, like 95 fates of life, which may be on the right hand in our butt.
Leo hand showing a smaller value. The edge of the arkush paper, but all the main lines of life are hovering, which are about 80 years. Such a change is sometimes called an open period, so that a person can drink if it is between 80 and 95.

In case of forecasts, one or the other spirals at the average value between two indicators: (80 + 95): 2 = 87.5 years. Tse do not start practicing. In our opinion, a person died a month before her 91st day of birth.

On the application of tsikh vіdbitkіv we can see more sprats of neobov'yazkovyh parametrіv - pokaznikіv, yakі contrary to tradition, do not live to rush through the trivality of life, but to learn to interrupt yoga.

One of the unfavorable factors for the trivality of life is the tradition dotik line of health and line of life. As soon as the line of health enters at the line of life with both hands, then, according to tradition, the whiskers will fight, that the person will move to the next world at this century, as the line of health and that line of life will be marked. In our butt, the line of health goes up to the line of life on both hands: on the right hand - on the vіtsі 37 and 54, on the left - 42.5 and 65 (Fig. 4, the line of health is red, the line of life is green) .

An hour for the flow of life to finish with a cunning rank, for that there was a sprinkling of ancient points. Let's not say today about the method of counting these points - vines are cumbersome, let's just say that it is traditional for such a sign to die in one of the age groups: in 37, 42.5, 54, 65.

As we know, in our mind, without regard for the “try” line of health and life, the person died richly late. In this rank, the sign is not obov'yazykovim chi virishalnym parameter.

Why is it so, let's say a little bit worse, we can look at once one more sign, for which they tried to predict longevity
Tse dozhina little finger. Like a little finger for a long time and yagaє the life of a ring finger, tse give 100 years of life. Like a little finger, slouched to the ring finger (in other models, you just need to turn the little finger parallel to the ring finger), go beyond the first interphalangeal fold of the nigth phalanx of the ring finger by 2-5 mm - predict 95 years of life. As soon as there are folds - 70 years, not reaching the fold - 60 years.

True, a lot of long-lived people are afraid of such a sign. Two pariahs of the hands of long-lived people, like we were waving at the front materials, demonstrate to finish the old little finger on both hands.
But in our example, it is not so. If you close your little finger to the ring finger, then on the left hand, and on the right hand of the wine, the first fold of the ring finger does not stand, so a person could live to be less than 60.
It does not mean that the version of the tradition is entirely unreliable because of the pardon. Here you can say that you need to add signs to other parameters, to look at the wealth of data.

For example, if the line of health "attacks" the line of life, then the diagnostic superficiality is growing, as if the space is low, the quality of three lines (heart, head, life): explore, sharpness, change the mіstsya.

Perhaps the main factor that allows you to overcome the "deadly" infusion of the health line is the development of medicine.
Likuvalna on the right went far ahead, as I would become, in which it would change, if this show was announced.
Later, the axis test is still overwhelmed by the long-term prognosis, and the short little fingers and the aggressive line of health do not obov'yazkovo punish their Vlasniks to die early.

Vlasnik of this year's vidbitkіv having lived a hard life, tried more (the death of a father in Gromadyansk, the entry of a house and lane in Vitchiznyan, the transfer of the fire of the cherevin, it did not freeze a little in Siberia and other times), but the wine was steadfast and patient. The basis of life, zavzyatist, the robot is insured and continues the term.

Reading with the lines of the hand is one of the widest ways to recognize the future. When tsmu їх roztashuvannya, dozhina that form is different on the right and left sides. It is important that the lines on the left hand show on the cross the people's share of the people, її recession. A right-handed person can judge the life of a person by surviving all possible problems, experiencing, and ailments.

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The line of life is spread around the hillock of Venus, which is known to be the base of the great toe. Її the cob is known under the pointed finger, the tip is the white of the wrist. A lot of people are strong enough to harden, so short line life promises to your sergeant such a most non-trivial hour of rebuking in this world, but such a whistle is not known to be true.

    Short life line

    Lack of a long line of life, which always points to a short term of life, visions of people. It would be more correct to say that її dovzhina is small, indicating a small supply of life forces and possible problems for the health of the vlasnik. For good guardianship behind the camp of his health, I lived a long life.

    The result of reading with lines on the bottom is rich in why lie in their natural characteristics. A good sign of goodness is christened with an erysipelas-colored line of life, which smoothly illuminates the hillock of Venus. On the whole, for the most part, they are not guilty of developing and other defects, shards, most of the time, such signs convey difficulties, as if they threaten people on this vіdrіzka. way of life.

    In order to understand what a short line of life means, it is necessary to equalize it on both hands. A lot of tlumachivs stverdzhuyut, that even on both valleys there is approximately the same picture, then for a person it’s a trival and an easy life. Financial dobrobut support like in youth, so in a more mature age. Ale iznuє risik selfness through the natural intelligence of people. Slid to look at your setting to the pointy.

    If the line of life on the right valley is short for the one that is known on the left, then we will respect his master of warto more to his health. Tse neobov'yazkovo means an early death, but may give a change in the primal way of life. To that one, as if on the left hand, the line of life is short, lower on the right, a good sign for a person. Yogo zhittєva energy z vіkom posilyuєєєєєє vіn live dosit long.

    The next thing to remember is that the energy of the Vlasnik of the short line of life is weakened. It is necessary to give more respect to your physical state and uniqueness of stressful situations.

    Vіdgaluzhennya and razrivi

    With a strong influx, get out of the darkness to give a variety of roses and vigilance. Particularly, pay attention to the short line of life, which is interrupted. Zdebіlhogo razrivi signify the stresses of the period of the vіdpovіdny stage of life way. As soon as I continue to grow rice, I continue to go evenly and clearly, then the next transfer will be without special expenses and everything is safe.

    Rozryv on the right hand signals about the future turning points in life. So podії є unacceptable, but may be more important for people. Tse mozhe buti is strong and thrived ailments that death is one of the people you love. Rozriv on the left hand to talk about the situation, scho scho in childhood, she lost memory of the mind on the psyche of the person.

    Fallen off the rozgaluzhen chitannya dolі vіdrіznyaєtsya. The most extended options:

    • Considering the basis of the line of life, straight down, to tell about the presence of a serious psychological problem like an illness, as if retracing the mustache life path.
    • As if the sprat of other vodkaluzhen is closer to the wrist, then on their sack check financial well-being. Ale picture zammaryuє postіyna nayavnіst zadrіsnih vorogіv. People need to learn not to tell people about their plans, as they did not deserve full trust.
    • The line of life, which splits in two, signifies the duplicity of the vlasnik. Seems negative rice may be. For example, it is not uncommon for people with such a sign to have two homelands and they cannot choose between them.
    • As if the line of life will end with rotting, similar to a fork, її vlasnik vіdchuvaє pulls up to everything new. Vіn pragne vrazhen i pragne more expensive. Through your haste, such a person is able to miss even more important things and not remember the people you need.
    • If the line of life is similar to a bun, then ring out a good sign. Especially for the mind of straightness її high on the mountain. If it stinks to go down, then the person shows interest in rich people on the straight lines, and does not care about reaching the result in one of the areas.

    Sometimes it’s not enough, but it’s still clear to talk about the leadership’s frailty of their sackmaster. Tse hard people, yak not tolerate vruchannya at її do it. Vіn nezalezhny, a little bit stuck in, through which you can see the difficulties in conjugation.

  • Cross. Unfriendly sign. Significant folding is checked on the new one.
  • Zirka. Vkazuє on the risk of taking away the injury in the wake of an unfortunate fall.
  • Kropinki. Meaning sickness to the last ailments of a person.
  • Grati. To be in the hands of people, as if aimlessly marying one's life, not to think about the future.
  • Trikutniks. Roztashovani on a short line of life of the left hand, the stench characterizes his sergeant as endowed with diplomatic vigor and special talents. Perebuvayuchi on the right hand, which sign conveys to Yogo Volodar the great vigrash or raptian recession.
  • Square. Good sign. Neutralize the threat that resembles the opening of those other filthy symbols. Gives confidence in the hem of the reshkod.

Knowing about the meaning of these signs, a person with a short line of life can go through trials, as if he had a share. You can turn off the baptized problems of your health, or, in other words, help you, so take signs to respect and carefully follow your self-confidence.

If the palmists begin their decipherment along the line, then we will begin to pay respect to the thread of life. Tse one of the main lines, de i laid all by itself important information about telling fortunes. Basically, the main rice passes through some damage (islands, speckles, pererivannya), from the short life line of the rich restlessness. Let's talk more about what you really need to be afraid of.

For the right-handed, left-handed, not active, to that you have given respect, that the line of life on the left hand is short, then there are no reasons for concern. To turn respect on the right hand, like a thread of dovga, then everything is super.

Note. A short rice life, showing only the day of physical training and life of love.

How to interpret correctly, how short is the line of life on the hands?

First, it is necessary to lie, if it is read, these additional signs and other lines:

  1. Ostrіv. Seeing an unacceptable surprise in life is not an easy period.

  1. Rozriv. Transfer heavy ailment. If the thread of life is renewed, then everything will pass and the organism will be renewed.

  1. Roads overlap. Show on the life of the change, as if you yourself show additional signs.

  1. Cross. A difficult period for my future life. Ale tsei sign do not zavzhd maє negative meaning, below we will describe the meaning of the cross.

  1. Lantsyuzhki. Depressive period.

  1. Short lines to change the line of life. Talk about a shock at the life of a village.

  1. Grat on the road. A windy nature, a person has no singing goals.

  1. A square, a friendly sign, especially as wines are found on the line of development. Tse successful completion of a folding situation.

  1. What does trikutnik mean? Tse to speak about a reasonable, diplomatic nature. The value of laying and growing the ribs of trikutnik. In some cases, you can tell about the period of the birth of the Borg.

  1. Zirka. Trauma, accident, bad luck.

What does a short life line on the right hand mean?

For the right-handed, zrozumilo, she is right and respects the active. On it, all the steps that have been with people and will be at all stages of life are seen.

It is even more important to correctly analyze the rotting of the life thread:

  • Close prihilnіst up to the finger. Talk about the innocence of people in themselves.
  • It's too big a waste. Spawning his life energy, the master of the hand miraculously copes with life's problems.
  • I have an ear of cob stitching already high. You are ambitious and energetic.
  • The line of life on the right hand is short and wide. Characterizes the life of the change: separation, raptov ill and relocation. As soon as the line is opened, then the problems of timchasov.

Yakі vіdgaluzhennya traplyayutsya, photo-dobrka

Beyond deciphering the lines of life: what is really true, and what is not!

As it was said above, the life and form of the life thread speak about the life potential, and this building is resistant to negative surprises. Explore a different kind, the signs are ahead of the songs of the life of the change.

Different options with a photo-feedback (cheat sheet for a beginner)

  1. The line of life is short in both hands and faintly visible. Vkazuє on weak energy, tenditne body and filthy immunity.
  2. Tovsta, short, clear line of life. Pointing to the specialty, as it runs into sickly attacks and is ready to withstand all life's difficulties.
  3. The thread comes out of the vkazіvny finger. Pragnennya keruvati, rich ambitions.
  4. The road starts from the middle of the mind. Rationality, optimism, reasoning. Below the line of reason, a waste of self-control.
  5. The thread in the end splits and one day it goes and snarls on the hillock M_syatsya.
  6. Gilka enters the cob of the thread of life, speaks about the end of the recession.
  7. Gilka go straight up to the vkazіvny finger (Hump of Jupiter). All life is a struggle.

It's a miracle, a successful life, the road to a state of health. Internal positive energy helps people to reach all goals.

Give respect. Yakscho є small red sawn, ce to talk about ruthlessness. Sometimes, for the sake of your master, such a line follows everything.

Tse noble and happy individuals, dosit energy. It is difficult to bring such people out of oneself. Ring out your secret character and do not appear before the first zustrіch.

Thin and weak rice is about a weak state of health. Such people are not prepared physically, often get sick, but live to old age. As if they are afraid of being threaded, we can boldly say about the special features that the melancholic wine is. Depressive state becomes the norm, a couple of people are afraid of recovery on a mental level.

To talk about the ease of life, that kindness in the material sphere. Most of the time, people are self-motivated and enlightened.

Vkazuє on the folding twigs with trival clothes. It can also mean in the taєmne of life, as if relatively attracted to relatives and relatives.

Before you is a carrier. On the new check the success in any project, check on the progress and pracity. What is worth it for this, then such people need to be dependent on a partner, who can make their dreams come true.

Even with the correct form and without cutting, then the price is garna life cycle. Characterizes the famous Sim'yanin and the miraculous practitioner. Such people are absolutely not emotional and even down to earth: a robot-budinok, a booth-robot. Nature is not creative, it is the fullness of the soul. Know yourself of the same mind, similar in character.

Great arc to reach the middle of the valley. Such a rice makes an intelligent, communicative and a common person. Before you is a receptionist who can reach success in the political sphere and commerce. In a word, such people have a special gift - to make housekeeping.

I go in the sight of a vkazіvny finger. People are invigorated by the bright mellowness and enviable scent. Zavdyaki such characteristics may have great success in the protilege state.

People are in a mood, often change the place of work and that place of living.

The peculiarity is inspired by a great temperament, like a partner, for an hour you can’t smell the voice of reason. Private, enigmatic and diplomatic.

Vkazuє on people with rich emotional lives. A sticky kohanets, which can give a partner an addiction that feels like, they don’t forget. Such people do not forgive for the sake of it, fortune-telling is less likely to be strengthened. Such people are dominated by extremes.

A stretch on the reach of the kar'єri military service. The number of additional threads to tell about the number of love links.

The peculiarity is spovnіch і through tse і suffering, that schouchyuchi yogo is often not understood. Youmu often have to take the defensive, in a year you can spread out on aphids psychological trauma of the ailment. At times, people start to take out their anger at their loved ones and can become socially unsafe.

The person is really sick.

The sign "straight cut" indicates incompetence for the pen. Here it can be interpreted as follows: the life of the one who tells fortunes will become an unfortunate fall, which will end happily.

Don't get hung up on pereskods. Rather, listen to your health and that to yourself. In other words, "Take care of and love yourself and think about problems less."

Stay ahead of it and beware of thoughtless vchinkiv. Do not indulge in adventures, shards and signs are ahead of the low court processes.

The one who tells fortunes has a well-placed intuition, a person often assigns himself to the supremacy of the right. As a matter of fact, people can easily cope with any kind of folding problem.

Such a combination is about rozsіyanіst and pragnennya not real. Through their illusions, all projects know a fiasco. For such people, it is a joy: it is necessary to focus on one right and bring it to its logical conclusion. Inodi simply do not be happy. But here you need to learn a lesson for yourself: learn to scold yourself, to show cold-bloodedness and arrogance.

These people are powerful, they are not able to separate them in any way. Postiyna pull up to independence and freedom, lovers of flirting and more expensive. Priorities in life, the whole change of hostility.

Such a valley rises to the mrіylivih particularities, as if they are awakened by a strained mind and a miraculous vibe. Ale, it’s a pity that such people have little initiative and can’t work with folding minds. In order for the stinks to realize their ideas in life, it is necessary to create all the minds. For the least failure, they lost heart.

In your own vipadka, crosses carry a positive meaning. Vlasniki are such a rich bunch of people and can't even add their partner. Really evaluate your own work and make it easy to implement your plans. Important life values: friendship, family, justice.

To tell fortunes, die your natural, normal death, as the completion of a long, good life.

A sign of success and wealth, looking for a caring career, inspiring people to become patrons of the arts in certain situations.

Before you is a pessimist, who did not believe in anything, but the best, that specialism has instilled faith in itself. Putting yourself in a position of life to harm your health and yourself and sound, you can lead to a nervous discord.

Myths about short lines of life

The most terrible pardon of wealthy people is the firmness that a short and straight line of life is a reminder of the inconvenience of life. People with such a little one are guilty of nobility, that rice is read so by itself, like dovga.

If the line of life on the hands is short, what does it mean? And it means about the existence of energy and life potential. Її, like a long thread, it is necessary to read with other signs and lines. A simple short thread changes the area of ​​the hillock of Venus after its dimensions, which lowers the indicator of life energy.

If the line of life is short, then a cold-blooded person is sitting in front of you, as if those emotional likenesses were spared. The stench simply does not rejoice in the special life-love and super-worldly optimism.

Another thought. For a long time, the knowledge of palmistry attached great respect to the humpback of Venus. Aje same won't tell you for the kohannya and the children. As the hillock is not active, the dreams of such partners did not fit.

A small hump felt childlessness and coldness of specialness. Zvіdsi y it came that a small hillock and a short line of life are talking about baiduzhe setting up partners, which lowers the life cycle.

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