Lines on the Mount of Apollo. The meaning of the hump is Apollo on the valley of the people. A short happy thread between the line of the Share of that Son

Pagorb Sontsya, otherwise, how else do they call Apollo's pagorb - the most beautiful and most bright pagorb on the valley. With good development, strong hands endowing a person with love to creativity, self-expression, giftedness and talent.

The normal development of this hallucination and the presence of negative signs and lines indicative of a happy life, such a person is able to take satisfaction from life.

Mabut, the only hillock on the rutsi, which is stronger than the blame, it is more friendly, that, over the guilt of this hillock, it is friendly, to the sight of other hillocks.

The area of ​​​​Sontsya is deformed - it shows strong problems in the reach of success and life of self-realization of such a person, on the way to the reach of it, it is constantly stikkatimetsya with problems and difficulties, as if experiencing hard to endure.

On the hump of the sun, sound the line of success to end, obviously the line can end earlier, but it takes all its strength out of the hump. To that, when describing the description, it is necessary to take it to respect, as if it were an excuse for the son of the son.

The hump of Apollo sometimes pours out the characteristics of happiness and success in life - obviously, there are specific signs that clearly mark similar speeches, but the region itself is viewed by the past in two ways - from a glance of creativity and a glance of success and life happiness.

It’s important to say to yourself that insults and understanding are not one of the same and one’s fault to be looked at at once - just a successful person cannot be baiduzhoy to the creativity of the arts, and її, not vilnen energy, often know vihіd in special self-creativity.

Tse i to rob a happy and successful person - if it’s for the sake of life and value the joy of other people, bachachi її. So, give respect to different signs, as they can be planted on the hill of Sontsya, for example, the hill of Apollo.

Signs on the Hill of Apollo

1. Grati on the ramparts of Apollo: sign of zaboboniv. Shalena pride, sometimes divine, that schilnist to reckless vchinkiv on the soil of Marnoslavism. Nervous suffering chi godevilla. The person is rushing forward, victorious with all his energy. Marnoslavism. Nervous vision at try reach glory. Pragnennya become famous. A wide net is a need for fame, a thin one is a mental illness.

2. Zirka on the Mount of Apollo: financial success, wealth, fame and good reputation. Achieving a prominent position in life, rapt wealth, good health. Noble happy slyub. The talent to vibrate on stage. Blisk, fame and luck, it is possible in the acting profession. Gromadske vyznannya, high camp, success can come over it pizno and get away at a dear price. Indulgence in the life of plans, for the daytime lines of the Sun - does not give satisfaction. Nebezpeka v_d fire and fire

zbroї. Fixing the meaning of the high camp and wealth, the suppleness of recognition. Once in a while, success can come over here, and get away at a high price.

3. Cross on the Hill of Apollo: a sign of temporal financial difficulties, a person from the near world respects you. Shilnist to religiousness. People reach glory and wealth. The blockage on the right and the complexity of the implementation of projects without the protectorate of third parties. Rozcharuvannya vіd

impossibility to reach success. Rozcharuvannya that grief.

4. Kolo on the Mount of Apollo: one of the most important signs. Gives popularity and popularity, schilnist to engage in art. Glory. Dobrobut will be reached by a careless one, but do not lead a careless practice.

5. Trikutnik on the hill of Apollo: mark of mysticists and historians. Children's recognition to given types of practice. Success in science, scientific warehouse of reason. Life of self-realization in the profession of a scientist. Promoting self-preservation of people. Great talent for painting and art. Bringing a Suvoro scientific basis to creativity and mysticism. There is a big check for a person in the gallery of the science and science. Good luck and good luck. That calm person is blessed with a deep sense of beauty. Practically volodinnya mystetstvom that calm setting up to fame, success in life is not possible for such people. Healthy save money, regardless of the daily pressure. With a short great and expressive fingers - mercy, religion, help. Vіdmіnne razumіnnya mystekstva, іnteres to literature.

6. Square on the hillside of Apollo: financial success. In the distance, zbіg conditions, building buildings are not over gifted popular people, not reporting great zusil, that success is within reach. Zakhist vіd vtrat ta rozcharuvan. Zakhist overlooking the glory tower.

tagPlaceholder Tags: witchcraft, palmistry, signs, pagorb, apollo

The ring finger on the hand is called the finger of Apollo. Palmistry rozpovida, scho vіn vіdpovidaє for those, like a person self-expresses, privertov to himself respect with a manner of dressing up, gusto, talents thinly.

According to the lines on the hands, you can find out about your chances for a moment

Directly under the ring finger is the hillock of Apollo, which is also called the hillock of Sontsya. According to the new one, one can easily determine what a person's chance of achieving success in life is.

Palmistry, it seems, that the overworld development of the pagorba is an unfriendly sign. Ale is not in the right mood. Chim wine is more beautiful than repentance, Tim is more beautiful. This pagorb endows the master with talent, enthusiasm, such people have a strong desire for self-expression. Also, wine shows a special talent to a person, as I can feel the beauty.

The size of the hump

It is respectful to raise your hand, її lines, to turn your respect to the hump of Apollo.

No expressions of the hump

A person does not cackle to the knowledge of the world, we wait until we see, culture, art, in no way show initiative. Vіn can't show. Vіn upevneniya, scho painting - tse "daub", and poetry - more like "rhyming". Tse realist iz practical approach to life. Youmu often has to win over a mechanical robot, as a way of vimaging rozumovyh zbіbnosti. Sometimes the appearance of the hump of Apollo speaks of heartlessness and zhorstokіst.

Palmistry is attached great value pagorbam - small heights on the hands

No more regrets, but more remembrance

Before you is a clear, kind-hearted, kind-hearted person. Vіn umіє spіvperezhivati, odrazu razumіє іnshih people. Sound at the new good intuition. Vin often has a rich inner light, building on a strong pretense. Such people love to work with their own hands, maistruvat, and so groan with their right, that they don’t have to do anything.

So the stench from the hoards will obshtuyut your booths. On the walls of their dwelling there are paintings made by one's own hands, embroideries, budinok embellish sculptures and stones. However, in the life of self-realization, the new one may have problems, reaching success is important. The stench and do not pragnit pіdkoriti svіt, but simply enjoy their creativity, іz zahoplennyami occupied their right. Tse "bezsribniki", which do not squawk pennies.


In front of you is a man, like to love the art, sneer before the beauty. I have a lot of imagination. Such people dream about fame. A springy and high hump can be swayed in the hands of people of creative professions, as they could achieve great success. It is also a symbol of the mind, rose of intuition. Ring in the minds of people with the risen mound of Apollo's houses, the splendors of luxury. They have a garni, peaceful character, the stench is accommodating and can be like sympathizers, often garni, with good manners.

Pagorb is too great

Tse shocking people, as if they want to be in the center of respect, pragmatic publicity. For him, all life is sacred. However, we can be proud of it, push it, love a mustache to overdo it. If the humpback of the Son is seen on the hands, then the new one has great love up to pennies. Vіn mozhe buti motom, do not just want popularity, praise, but wait for it, like nobody else.

Roztashuvannya pagorba

Palmistry gives respect not only to old look pagorba, lines on the new, ale and beast of respect for the yogo misfortune. Do not start the hump of the Son to be found there, de may buti, sometimes vins may scuttle the troch of the killer.

Roztashovaniya on rutsі closer to the hump of Saturn

If the hillock of the Sun has moved up to the hillock of Saturn, then this person is buried by philosophy and psychology. A writer from such a sign obov'yazkovo engages in psychoanalysis, a composer writes such music, as if to think about it.

An artist also creates unimaginable pictures that cause a storm of feelings. Win vvazha for better folding, and not to perform on stage. So this person is patient and calm, not to like tiles and those dashing ones, then it is acceptable to spend an hour with the company of children and creatures. Vіndany friend.

Roztashovaniya on rutsі closer to the hillock of Mercury

Such is the place of Apollo's hump to talk about those people who are not worth a penny. Vіn navіt mystetstvo spriymaє like a treasure of pennies. You love to be in public and you want popularity. On the new check, there is a lot of success in the sphere of science. Likewise, people do not like the obmezhennya of their freedom, including special ones. If the hump of Mercury and Apollo are angry, then this person has directed all her creativity towards increasing capital.

Signs on the hill

Reading the signs on the hands, deciphering the lines, varto respectfully privititsya to the hillock of Apollo, as if to add to the share of the lord of the valley.

  • Cross. Yakshcho on the hillock of the Sun, you can clearly see the cross, tsі liniї to talk about how serious the transition is, how important the professional activity is. Might as well be a serious pardon on the right, or it’s a wrong decision, like a shift to a career growth. This sign can appear in an hour, as a person can bring harmony to his thoughts, gain inner harmony. It is also worth witnessing that wine itself complicates one's own life with the wrong vouchers.

    Cross on the mound of the Son of the Cross

  • Trikutnik. Like the lines are folded into the sign of the tricutnik, it’s good for the valley. Tse people vmіє poddnuvati not poєdnana - science and mystetstvo. Not included, if you want to make a big win scientific opinion. Successfully check on the new one in whether it be a kind of activity, to that in the new one you will have a smart mind, love for people and investment in character. In a new way, you can recognize a calm person with a mild character, who has a simple zdіbnostі to science.

    Trikutnik and square on the Sontsya pagorbi

  • Square. If the lines make a square (div. photo higher), then the hands of the sack check the financial success. Set yourself up for yoga melancholy, wine, without reporting special zusil, you can reach success and glory. So the square of the curve of the character is straightness and clarity. Tse more orderly and energetic people, like against hypocrisy and tiles.
  • Trident. Sometimes the lines on the palms swell into the shape of a trident. This is also a friendly sign, which indicates the good luck of a person and that building earns great pennies. Tse do not vimagatime in the new yearly zusil, wealth itself falls into the hands of youmu. Such people have an analytical warehouse of reason, they are ready to engage in the exact sciences.

    Trident and a star on the mound of the Sun are friendly signs

  • Zirka. As small lines cross at one point, it’s a sign of a star (divine photo above). On the hump, the Son of wine means good luck, glory and prestige, as a person I create a profession. Until then, it will cost a lot of pennies. Vіn can be more open at the sight of the art, like vibere. Deyakі chiromanti vvazhayut, scho іz zіrkoy on tsomu hump it's necessary to go on stage - at the theater of cinema, to the fact that these people have the ability to enchant everyone, vicorist with their miraculous voice. Such people are unique, sometimes soft, and independent. So stinks can manage their pennies. This is a sign of success and wealth.
  • Sun. Sometimes on the valley there is a sign of the Son, which speaks of those that this person will not only become popular, but light popularity is on her. Tse talanovita that practical specialty, as if rich enough to reach, without respect for bad luck, that foe.

    Sign of the Sun to talk about great talent

  • Grati. Like the lines on the hillock of Apollo, they approve the rati, pointing to the crazy pride of the people, through the yak, the reputation is filthy on the new check. Tse mozhe will end and god-villas. They can be difficult in a special life, for that you may have a lot of chances, you will risk spending all of them and you will be deprived of one.

The ring finger on the hand is called the finger of Apollo. Palmistry rozpovida, scho vіn vіdpovidaє for those, like a person self-expresses, privertov to himself respect with a manner of dressing up, gusto, talents thinly.

According to the lines on the hands, you can find out about your chances for a moment

Directly under the ring finger is the hillock of Apollo, which is also called the hillock of Sontsya. According to the new one, one can easily determine what a person's chance of achieving success in life is.

Palmistry, it seems, that the overworld development of the pagorba is an unfriendly sign. Ale is not in the right mood. Chim wine is more beautiful than repentance, Tim is more beautiful. This pagorb endows the master with talent, enthusiasm, such people have a strong desire for self-expression. Also, wine shows a special talent to a person, as I can feel the beauty.

It is respectful to raise your hand, її lines, to turn your respect to the hump of Apollo.

No expressions of the hump

A person does not cackle to the knowledge of the world, we wait until we see, culture, art, in no way show initiative. Vіn can't show. Vіn upevneniya, scho painting - tse "daub", and poetry - more like "rhyming". Tse realist iz practical approach to life. Youmu often has to win over a mechanical robot, as a way of vimaging rozumovyh zbіbnosti. Sometimes the appearance of the hump of Apollo speaks of heartlessness and zhorstokіst.

Palmistry attaches great importance to pagorbs - small heights on the hands.

No more regrets, but more remembrance

Before you is a clear, kind-hearted, kind-hearted person. Vіn umіє spіvperezhivati, odrazu razumіє іnshih people. Sound at the new good intuition. Vin often has a rich inner light, building on a strong pretense. Such people love to work with their own hands, maistruvat, and so groan with their right, that they don’t have to do anything.

So the stench from the hoards will obshtuyut your booths. On the walls of their dwelling there are paintings made by one's own hands, embroideries, budinok embellish sculptures and stones. However, in the life of self-realization, the new one may have problems, reaching success is important. The stench and do not pragnit pіdkoriti svіt, but simply enjoy their creativity, іz zahoplennyami occupied their right. Tse "bezsribniki", which do not squawk pennies.


In front of you is a man, like to love the art, sneer before the beauty. I have a lot of imagination. Such people dream about fame. A springy and high hump can be swayed in the hands of people of creative professions, as they could achieve great success. It is also a symbol of the mind, rose of intuition. Ring in the minds of people with the risen mound of Apollo's houses, the splendors of luxury. They have a garni, peaceful character, the stench is accommodating and can be like sympathizers, often garni, with good manners.

Pagorb is too great

Tse shocking people, as if they want to be in the center of respect, pragmatic publicity. For him, all life is sacred. However, we can be proud of it, push it, love a mustache to overdo it. If the humpback of the Son is seen on the hands, then the new one has great love up to pennies. Vіn mozhe buti motom, do not just want popularity, praise, but wait for it, like nobody else.

Roztashuvannya pagorba

Palmistry gives respect like a splendid look of a humpback, a line to a new one, and an animal respect for a yogo place of roztashuvannya. Do not start the hump of the Son to be found there, de may buti, sometimes vins may scuttle the troch of the killer.

Roztashovaniya on rutsі closer to the hump of Saturn

If the hillock of the Sun has moved up to the hillock of Saturn, then this person is buried by philosophy and psychology. A writer from such a sign obov'yazkovo engages in psychoanalysis, a composer writes such music, as if to think about it.
An artist also creates unimaginable pictures that cause a storm of feelings. Win vvazha for better folding, and not to perform on stage. So this person is patient and calm, not to like tiles and those dashing ones, then it is acceptable to spend an hour with the company of children and creatures. Vіndany friend.

Roztashovaniya on rutsі closer to the hillock of Mercury

Such is the place of Apollo's hump to talk about those people who are not worth a penny. Vіn navіt mystetstvo spriymaє like a treasure of pennies. You love to be in public and you want popularity. On the new check, there is a lot of success in the sphere of science. Likewise, people do not like the obmezhennya of their freedom, including special ones. If the hump of Mercury and Apollo are angry, then this person has directed all her creativity towards increasing capital.

Signs on the hill

Reading the signs on the hands, deciphering the lines, varto respectfully privititsya to the hillock of Apollo, as if to add to the share of the lord of the valley.

Cross. Yakshcho on the hillock of the Sun, you can clearly see the cross, tsі liniї to talk about how serious the transition is, how important the professional activity is. Might as well be a serious pardon on the right, or it’s a wrong decision, like a shift to a career growth. This sign can appear in an hour, as a person can bring harmony to his thoughts, gain inner harmony. It is also worth witnessing that wine itself complicates one's own life with the wrong vouchers.

Cross on the mound of the Son of the Cross

Trikutnik. Like the lines are folded into the sign of the tricutnik, it’s good for the valley. Tse people vmіє poddnuvati not poєdnana - science and mystetstvo. It is not included, if you want to build a great scientific knowledge. Successfully check on the new one in whether it be a kind of activity, to that in the new one you will have a smart mind, love for people and investment in character. In a new way, you can recognize a calm person with a mild character, who has a simple zdіbnostі to science.

Trikutnik and square on the Sontsya pagorbi

Square. If the lines make a square (div. photo higher), then the hands of the sack check the financial success. Set yourself up for yoga melancholy, wine, without reporting special zusil, you can reach success and glory. So the square of the curve of the character is straightness and clarity. Tse more orderly and energetic people, like against hypocrisy and tiles.

Trident. Sometimes the lines on the palms swell into the shape of a trident. This is also a friendly sign, which indicates the good luck of a person and that building earns great pennies. Tse do not vimagatime in the new yearly zusil, wealth itself falls into the hands of youmu. Such people have an analytical warehouse of reason, they are ready to engage in the exact sciences.

Trident and a star on the mound of the Sun are friendly signs

Zirka. As small lines cross at one point, it’s a sign of a star (divine photo above). On the hump, the Son of wine means good luck, glory and prestige, as a person I create a profession. Until then, it will cost a lot of pennies. Vіn can be more open at the sight of the art, like vibere. Deyakі chiromanti vvazhayut, scho іz zіrkoy on tsomu hump it's necessary to go on stage - at the theater of cinema, to the fact that these people have the ability to enchant everyone, vicorist with their miraculous voice. Such people are unique, sometimes soft, and independent. So stinks can manage their pennies. This is a sign of success and wealth.

Sometimes on the valley there is a sign of the Son, which speaks of those that this person will not only become popular, but light popularity is on her. Tse talanovita that practical specialty, as if rich enough to reach, without respect for bad luck, that foe.

Sign of the Sun to talk about great talent

Grati. Like the lines on the hillock of Apollo, they approve the rati, pointing to the crazy pride of the people, through the yak, the reputation is filthy on the new check. Tse mozhe will end and god-villas. They can be difficult in a special life, for that you may have a lot of chances, you will risk spending all of them and you will be deprived of one.

Like the line of the Sun on the hand, it means that the person is marked by the very share. The thread of the sun wins for the reach of glory, prosperous that penny success. Ale rich to lay aside the behavior, roztashuvannya that symbols on it.

Like all the other lines on the hand, the road to success is interpreted with the improvement of car'eri and robotic people and is read in the same way with symbols and threads. Why talk about those that the line manifests itself in singing period And if you run out of money, then it doesn’t mean that you should tell fortune with a rapt of wealth.

The sleepy line is for those who will become successful in their business and become better for their competitors.

About the continuation of the pleasant period, other signs of that line are suggested.

Life on the cob, life interpretation

Possible vіdrivu points - the heart of life, Mіsyatsya mound, Mars, the heart thread of that line of reason:

  1. The road to success in life with an aristocratic type of hand is to dedicate all life to oneself the mysticism of what is beautiful.
  2. Apollo and the thread of life start from the same point - a servant of the mystic, who is at the reach of success at this gallery.
  3. From the hillock of Mіsyatsya - I succeeded to lie down without a middle in the face of a huge thought and infusion. Well, the line of Doli comes to the center of the point, people in the life of the mother of shanuvalnikov.
  4. Palmistry, the line of the sun to enter the river of Mars is a constant struggle, to end with the victory of that great success. Long-term thread, which came, just to help the situation, people are more likely to be transported to carts and on robots.
  5. As the cob goes into the thread of the head, no success can be added to the outer aspects.

Such people develop a dull intellect, always know what they want, and achieve success until the middle of life.

  1. The start from the heart thread is about the talent to the art and the growing abundance of both life and the financial sector.

If so, if the share of the trocha is reduced to an eye-catching finger, then authority will come to success.

The line of the sun on the valleys and all the forms that are sharpened in practice

Obviously, in the ideal case, the thread of the sun is stitched on the bottom correctly, and it can be shaped without any frills. Such a trapleyaetsya rarely.

Such a model is to tell the sergeant-major that he should go through his life under the intercession of strong and powerful people. The person will always be in the center of respect, she is honed by chanuvals.

Reading and equal thread to success

Like such a little one, it thrives on a human valley, it can be hardened that a person already appreciates beauty in the opposite field, lagnost and bezzahisnist.

For sleepy life A man’s squad is needed, as if it would be fast in the dark and all the hour he was crying with his man.

The devil is straight and short

Vlasniki the little one is a delicate nature, to sing with music and painting. To love to vibrate thoughts is correct, it is clear that it is clear.

Such is the nature of praising everything that is given, loving the riches and being careful about penny meals.

The shape looks fine

In front of you is a pleasant and elegant person, as if you have won over the art and nature.

Irrespective of one's highness, such individuality is slender to the point of pessimism. For the whole hour, I have been going through almost anxieties, because if you don’t overcome all your strengths, you can become an irrevocable bore.

Too short thread

Vlasniki are not the least accepting of characteristics: mediocrity, burning to the point of being exiled for whatever price and zazdrіst at advancing.

Vlasnik is trying to find his way into the arts, but with all his talents, he doesn’t have talent. When you get stuck with problems, you start to get angry, so that it’s unfortunate to rob you.

Rice at the sight of dying, scho hitting two pagorbi

The model looks like such a strength, like patience and lightness of character. For their nature, people are not important and they can easily bring satisfaction.

Vlasnik pіdіyde navіt more foldable and important partner, with a rose nervous system. Calm and evocative of such a line of the Sun is building health.

Cob from the hillock M_syatsya

Such a sign of the sun (palmistry) seems to be on a person, as they adore forests and love buti in the center of respect.

If it doesn’t fit with a thought, then a person will bring up impersonal arguments for reconsideration and still lose the right.

The thread comes out of the kohanny hillock

Such a combination is evidence of a self-sufficient specialty. A person's life cannot be ruined and ruled well.

When choosing a partner, it is very fastidious, it is important for you to be fit. As a rule, for their nature, there are single people.

High line Sontsya

Such a little one seems to have a strong specialty, like to love life and act as a patron.

Such people simply love, if they are hooted and valued. At different times, galm can transform into a tyrant and despot.

A small wreath that weaves the thread of the head

For people, like a kohanna, so it is in a robot, it’s important to understand, like unity and spivpratsya.

Giving all the strength, such people gain success, love and talent.

strong vigin

Such a little one is allowed to be brought to the booth dobrobut that nadіynіst. Such people are necessary for spivpratsi.

Ruhatimut uncomfortably to your own mind, one “ale”, the price of your own.

What does the star on the line of the Son mean?

Such a little one can be brought up to the age of science, which will prove success to him directly.

Such individuals do not rely on others and often ignore their own feelings, which can lead to depression and mental illness.

The value of the square on the threads Sontsya

Such a little one signifies obvious luck in life. It seems that such people tend to be on the right, to be brought to the end.

The character is independent, decisions are praised zhorstko. Such people do not stick around, but live like they are.

Island on the line of the sun

If you knew such a little one in your valley, you must be an incorrigible idealist. If such a person is resting, then put on the pedestal his dress and dress.

The problem lies in the fact that the one who tells fortunes should not be fooled by his own ideal. Then the illusions can break up and the person gets stuck with reality, which can serve as a mail for separation. For palmistry, the dots on the hump of the sun are vile glory.

Lines in lines

Baby, de winder, go up to the hillock of Mercury. Vlasnik does not like being left in the dark.

Such people are not more turbulent tomorrow, do not like lazy and dribbling people.

Videlka in kіnci threads

As if the humpback of the sun (chiromancy) is passing a fork, then we have a person in front of us, like to love praise that zakhoplennya.

Such people take only positive information, do not like to really marvel at a lot of speeches. Decals are wide to believe in nonsense and marvel at the light of the crystal erysipelas prism.

Crosswise wagging line

What is on the valley is revealed in such a way, it clearly indicates the sharpness of the mind. People indulge in peace and drink, wine and help others to know their place in life. The person is mrіyliva, but even more quickly descends to the ground, if necessary.

Palmistry, signs on the hillock of the sun at the sight of the risks

Malyunok z short lines pointing to a trustworthy person. Vіn vіn vіrіt to believe everything that people tell you.

Advance. Do not stray professionally from friendship. And then one miraculous day can be left without a penny.

Dekilka of holidays

The number of threads of this little one depends on the possibility, as it will be a share for the implementation.

Other signs of that line indicate that the region itself hopes to implement plans.

Thin long woods near the looking tree

Tse individuals, like calmly vporayutsya, sprat sprat right at once.

With such a layout, sometimes they are not completed, what to put pressure on. The person is constantly busy and does not feel a free individuality.

Threads in the line of Apollo, what to go down

Such a little one speaks about uncommon ties. Lyudina can’t seem to sing in the face of the ballast of contacts, how to play it.

Sprat of parallel lines that are interrupted

Two doubling threads with alterations to get ahead of the sackcloth to quit spending money. A person with ease says goodbye to a penny earned.

Porada. For such an arrangement of undertaking, you can already know a fiasco.

For example, between impersonal threads at the sight of strokes

Such people are strangers to such a feeling, like a lower pretentiousness, but they can rightly feign yogo.

Tse people are more friendly, they turn on all their vmіnnya at that moment, if they need support, defend chi finance. In two words, not safe companions.

Line in the line of the Sun at the beak of Jupiter

Spravzhnі leaders vіd priroda i zavzhd pragnit tsgogo. Fallow, like a wild baby on the valley, they can be snarky and sadistic.

Often choose yourself from your partner, and the partner can calm down, otherwise blame the whole hour.

Reading a gilka, which is straight to the hump of Saturn

Before you is an optimist, who loves to be at the center of respect. It lets you know how warm it is to love people, it lets you know how smart it is.

In the professional sphere, there is activity and love to be first-rate in business.

Tse hand of the idealist, who is inspired by the militant character and becomes addicted. For his nature, a person is viddana and appreciates the thought of otochyuchih.

Vlasnik of the valley vіdrіznjaєєtsya nizhnіstyu and vіrnіstyu only by appointment to the partner. Yakostі not zavazhayut youmu razrivat zvyazki, scho yogo pull down.

Hilka, why go to the hillock for a month

Stosovno partner is more romantic and sentimental. You feel robbed of such a person, so that a person who loves himself takes on the role of a turbo-fueled “daddy” or “mommy”.

The thread goes up to the hillock of Venery

If you have such a little one, then you see a successful person with a financial plan.

To love oneself with rozkishshyu and garnimy speeches, to love comfort. Earned finances are not only for the security of your family, but also for saving deaks.

Interconnection of the thread of success with the lines of the mind, the heart of that share

A short piece of rice sticks into the path of the mind. Before you is a sovereign nature, which exudes not less energy, but quarrelsomeness.

Tse duzhe self-singing type, ale є nedolіk, at times of his own defeats go over to shouting and scandal.

Thread Sontsya short and vpiraetsya at the heart of the road

Such a nature resonates with grace, generosity and generosity. They are more trusting and often have mercy on choosing their partner.

Yogo impulsive camp often fights with a partner that can lead to bursting of the eyes.

The thread of the Son goes from the bottom and ends on the line of the soul

For his vdacheyu - tsehistichny type of lofty thoughts about himself. At first glance, you will see that the person is kind and sincere.

Truly, a man is chained behind a mask, as if to marvel at all the tops from below.

The line of success is connected with the thread of Doli

Before you is a specialty, as if God had endowed him with impersonal talents. Tse good vihovani people, even streamers and gentry.

Respond themselves the best capacities. But if difficulties are troubling, those who are not able to deal with them independently. Often get help from the side.

A short happy thread between the line of the Share of that Son

Such a little one shows success in business. The person rejoices with a special talent: to foresee the sprat of krokiv ahead of time.

Trade is the most important conic, especially successful in the sphere of sale of paintings and works of art.

Pagorb Sontsya na rutsi - the most bright and positive. Vіn vіdpovіdaє for the development of talent, creative zdіbnosti people.

Palmistry vvazha, scho garniy rozvitok pagorba obіtsya yogo Volodar glory, success that recognition. Rostashovaniya hump beat the base of the ring finger. Vin can move to other hillocks, mothers on their surface lines and signs.

Pagorba rosette

In the skin of a person, the hump of the Sun is on the valley of resentment in a different way. Let's talk a little more, as the size of the hump injects the character, the strength and power of the yogo lord, how to turn the proportions out of your way.

Pagorbu Sontsya on the valley is dumb

Mayzhe is an incomprehensible flat hump to lie down for people without notice. Don't stink at mysticism, don't understand yoga. Your mind is practical and pragmatic.

Vlasniki of a flat hump choose professions that engage in mechanical work, which do not require intellectual skills. The stench is good vikonavtsi, but without initiative. Often they are zhorstok and aggressive.

Weak pagorba development

Such people are kind, smart, able to experience peace. The stench is trustworthy, inkoli naїvnі. To love creative people, to paint, to shy away for themselves, to splurge on photos, folk art. From zahoplenyami obshtuyut your budinok, bathe the garni of speech, objects of art.

They can’t realize themselves in a creative profession, the stench is unstoppable, it’s not enough for them to cough up pennies. The Vlasniki of the weakly shaped, almond-colored hillock of the Sontsya are altruistic, bright people, like they are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others.

Goodbye sorry pagorb

The normal development of the hillock of the Sun on the ruci is a sign of a person with a developed fantasy.

Vіn love the art, the new talent has talent in this chi іnshіy galuzі. Often people become artists, musicians, writers. The stench is fond of luxury, a lot of respect is added to the value of objects of art. Often they reach glory and success. The character of the stench is peaceful, kind, in otchoyuchy exclaim sympathy.

Overworldly resentment of the hump

There is also a great sleepy mound on the valley - a sign of a brightly outrageous specialness. Such people are always ready to be in the center of respect, to be praised, sensitive to forests.

Life for them is sacred, the theater, for which they play the main role. The main meta is to reach fame and glory. Nebaiduzhi up to pennies, to direct his creative zdibnosti in a channel that brings good income.

Roztashuvannya pagorba Sontsya

The position of the hillock of the Sons on the hands does not start the same. Vіn mozhe zmіschuvatisya at that chi іnshiy bik. Most of the faults to the sudidnіh humps:

  • Pagorbu Saturn
  • Pagorba Mercury.

Placed at the bіk knoll of Saturn on the vale to witness about the inundation of psychology, psychoanalysis, philosophy. If tsі іnteresi zbіgayutsya z creative zdіbnosti, come marvelous sumіsh. Scribes create blibokі for zmіst vytvori, composers write psychedelic music, and artists paint non-violent pictures. Behind the character of these people are calm, do not like intrigue and conflicts. The stench of nadіyni, vіrnі druzі, tsіnuyut sim'yu and stable stosunki.

If the hump of Apollo is on the hand of displacement at the bik pagorba of Mercury, people love pennies. Vіn creativity can be important, because it won't bring income. A freelance artist, a wandering musician, a bezsribnik, is not his profession. Such people achieve success in rich areas, stink to fame, love to shine in public. Value the sovereignty of independence and do not recognize the daily boundaries.

Lines on the Mount of Apollo

On the hillock of the Sun, you can start or finish different rice. Stink neabiyak spit on your vlasnik. For example, the completion of the line of the share on the hill of Sontsya is a sign of talent, a guide to success and creative realization. Lines can go from different directions. Axis of their main views:

  • Pahorb of Mercury
  • Mount of Mars
  • Mount Veneri
  • Hill of Jupiter
  • Hump ​​of Saturn
  • Line of life
  • Line of reason
  • Heart line.

The presence of a sprat of small risks on the hump is a sign of insignificance. Such people take on a project, throw yoga, start a new right. The stench is changing hobbies, hobbies and professions. How to spare, you can know the robot, how to bring pennies and satisfaction. Ale, such an overbig is more likely to change, less regularity.

Pahorb of Mercury

As rice goes from the hillock of Sontsya to the hillock of Mercury, it means that there are successes in the region, which bring income. The stench is to rob the professions of journalists, musicians, dancers, and alle obov'yazkovo from good earnings.

Hillock of upper Marsu

Warrior Mars gives his Volodar strength, zeal, energy. People with rice, who go from the Sun to the Martian hillock, achieve success in business, slacken their own careers in other areas. The stench always roar on itself, on the way to success, aggressive, stubborn, not to be afraid to go "over the corpses."

Mount Veneri

Goddess Venus promises the Volodar such a great valley. The line, which went from the Sun to Venus, should be especially sensitive, emotional and creative. For her, special features are important, such people often suffocate, docks do not know their right half.

Hump ​​of Jupiter

As rice goes from the hillock of Sontsya to the hillock of Jupiter, it means that the Volodar of the valley checks for success in science. Vin is serious, napoleglivy, guilty. Showing the creative mind at the accomplishment of important food. Fair, do not like to weave intrigues that attract people.

Hillock of Saturn

The ending of the line on the hillocks of Saturn is a sign of a hard-nosed, slightly conservative person. Yogo creative zdіbnostі vyyavlyayutsya in zdіysnі large-scale, strategic projects. Quite often wines reach success in business, in stone plantings. Price family blue, all life is left with a true man, good father chi matir.

Line of life

If the rice, which goes through the hump of the Son, rests on the line of life, this is a good sign. It means that in the singing period, life will have light and that radius of light. It is possible to designate one hour by dividing life between 15 plots. Leather from them vіdpovіdaє pyati rokam.

head line

If the line of the mind and the hump of Apollo show a little picture, then there is a sign of reproach. The same people are cherished by the mind with proofs, wisely stained zusilla. Such a behavior allows you to achieve success in any sphere.

Heart line

Rice, which rests on the heart line, is a sign of a person's high spiritual development. Often these people become spiritual leaders, religious leaders. The stinks are doing good sіm'ї, їхні children grow universally rozvinenimi, at the booth panuє spokoіy that pleasant atmosphere.

Signs and symbols

Signs on the Sontsya pagorby are the most common sight. The stinkers endow their vodari with other rices to their character, correct their share. They are most likely to chime in:

  • Cross
  • Trikutnik
  • Zirka
  • Square
  • trident
  • sun
  • Grati.


One cross on the hump of Apollo is an unfriendly sign. Vіn svіdchit pro shkoda, zіko zaknetsya zіtknetsya people on the way to reach meti, the realization of his talent. Buvay, scho know the cross, if you know the way out of the twisted camp, Yogo Volodar gains spiritual harmony.

Palmistry - pagorb of the Son of Apollo, lines, signs and inflows (part 12)

Palmistry, fortune-telling along the hand, a line on the hand: signs on the hill of Apollo.


The symbol of the star on the pagorbi Sontsya Bring your Volodar to success. Such people sit on the stage, become singers, musicians, movie actors. The stench can strike people, win the hearts of chanuvals. They earn badly, prudently arrange a penny. That's why they check for success not only in creativity, but also in financial rights.


An even square on the hillock of the Sun is characteristic of people who are open and straight, stink honestly, can not stand intrigue and hypocrisy. For the life of the Volodar square, they are lucky, they support success in the financial right. The stench without special zusil realize their creative plans.


Like the lines on the mound of Apollo, they make a trident, which means that the person is happy with everything. Pennies get to you easily, wins wins in lotteries, don't fall into recession, or don't disgrace additional earnings. Such people may have an analytical warehouse of reason, as they often engage in scientific activity.


Zirka, taken in a colo, is the sign of the Son. The deputy of the star at the center of the church can be a birthmark. Yakshcho vin z'yavlyaєtsya on the mound of Apollo, it means that the Volodar has a check of neimovirny success and worldly glory. On the way youma can be led by thugs and unkind ones. Ale zavdyaki praciovitostі and napolglivostі vіn podolaє all pereshkodi.


The sign of the lattice, or the lines are intertwined on the hands - a symbol of filth. Vіn to speak about pride, how you conquer life. Such people often spend close friends and chanuvals, who cannot cope with their marnoslavism, arrogance. Gordinya can put a cross on your car'er.

Palmistry is no longer signifying trends in the share of people, rozpovida, as if symbolic signs are injected into it. Ale skin can change your life, spiraling on the power of zusilla. Often unfriendly signs appear in people, as if they were smart enough to fix it on their own, or for the help of close friends.

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