Intelligent sign of the zodiac. Rating of the smartest signs of the zodiac! Most important signs of the zodiac

Yakshcho viriti astrologers, qi 3 signs of the zodiac - the most intelligent representatives of humanity! Let's wonder, chi wi spent up to the rating?

12th month - Aries

On the 12th day of the month, the Aries get away, not for stupidity: first, the author still wants to live, but in a different way - it’s still not true. Aries are not bad at all. Aries simply cherish the principle “Think less required! And understand more!”. At every time, stink so it seems. From the side we are given that Aries, in principle, do not think in front of him, like a child, but on a positive result, it’s not surprising, we don’t spill. Well, as if by rapt the sky fell to the ground and thoughtless thoughts of Aries led to the wrong conclusions - Aries just let it go, that's how it was intended. I in this yoma equal, before the speech, no.

11th place - Ribi

Rib has a chamber, but he does not need it. That’s why it’s too hard to think shkidly: in the wake of your intuition, you start trouble, Sahasrara will look and mentally remind you to the Heavenly Chancellery, it will be better for Russia to govern. Under what circumstances do Ribkas manage to become famous for not being geniuses, which, vtim, is not far from the truth: did you try to replace the mind with intuition? Axis yourself. The only food, in which Rybka's great intuition is not trusted, is the food of finance. Obviously, looking at Ribka herself, as if trying to multiply her capital, the immortal “Koshti is born with us. We don’t have a mind” ©

10th month - Taurus

Well, as it seems, we were all so reasonable at once, like Taurus - then. That is why Taurus is concretely stricken by the very back of the mind: the axis of Taurus was far behind, it was known that we should all die ourselves - not those that you, fools. Evils at the moment shy of repentance and mischief, that they did not hear the wise Taurus. I really didn’t say anything, but the little ones sat and diligently made folded borscht. It’s worth talking at once, and for everything, the new one is ready for a solution and a wise pleasure, as well as plan A, plan B and a plan for writing the letter of the alphabet. Ale! Like Taurus, as a way to drink, or, let’s say, as if to nalyakate, to be more understanding for Capricorn and Divi at once, and to hoar off all the rich gifts of your own worldly wisdom. Why Taurus does not want to start working until the local apocalypse, and not after - we do not know for sure. Better for everything, Taurus believe, what bad people read - only psuvati.

9th place - Cancer

Cancer is a natural conservative: the mind needs to exercise all life, meaning - what? So, trainable. And the axis about those that the methods of training can be changed - nothing was said about it. The one that was taught in schools and institutes - that is to be learned. On tsomu, vlasne, you can add up to retirement. And the dayless mind, seen by the dear Svetobudova, for every foolish woman you don’t need stained glass - it’s not enough, it’s more to be skinned. The mind is needed, so that you can talk with a reasonable person. Іz by itself, tobto.

8th place - Scorpio

Genius and villainy - two speeches are insane, having said Oleksandr Sergiyovich Nashe Vse, but we think that Scorpio is the reason for this. More sleepy! Do you ask why Scorpio is not in the first month, and why in the horoscope do you have a dossi є xtos, Crimea Scorpions? With such a mind, you can call on all the world and by a high intergalactic decree, just take and say all the other signs, right? Ni. Can't. To that Scorpio, not less than a rose, they were generously given, and they gave him a rich emotional light. So, Scorpio, without having caught up to the tune, did not comprehend and fainted, whether the situation was unreasonable, already galloping on a goat along the hippodrome, roaring the button accordion on the go. But the traces of their emotional patterns, as a rule, are liquidated with reason, but it’s true.

7th place - Terezi

Teresa gets a lot of space, at once from a garne medal and a diploma “Buridan’s donkey of the highest category”: if the distribution of roses began in the Heavenly Chancellery, Teresa took their rather big part in the order of the crown, and the axis of the instruction was torn up, taken away jeans, which were poured vipadkovo with red wine, etc). And now it’s not clear to me, where is the button for rational thought, and how does this devil’s pendulum move between “Maybe you don’t need it?” and "Require Fedya, require." From the other side, if on the heavenly counters they threw out, nareshti, a scarce scent for the harmony of the superfluous world and the inner space, Terezi was haunted "You were not standing here!" Tim, keep it up, and roar.

6th place - Capricorn

More centrally, the place goes to Capricorns, who have a sense of style, so you can organize a favorable action on the central square of the place and banish those bad things from the voluntary-primus order. No, honestly: yakbi Capricorns shared a small part of their mind with people who are suffering, it would have already encouraged communism in the next galaxy. Just because Capricorn knows everything. That's all. Among those - how to awaken communism in the outer galaxy. The only thing that Capricorn does not know is how to live, uncle Mitya? Because the function of "life wisdom" in Capricorns atrophied. Like an atavism.

5th place - Leo

P'yate place is taken by Levi - a gift to zazdrisnym astrologers, who are so confused by the left's star card, that the stench can't even eat: from Lvov everything is better, lower in others! De, eat, justice? Obviously: justice is out in the fact that Levi is crazy, more reasonable. Save everything for a good time, be able to pump intellect up to 80 levels on the right, stare without straining, and save your mind until deep old age (so, stink and live long). But all the treasures of his mighty mind Levi spend not on helping the venerable people, not on the great vіdkrittya, and not on the richness of himself, the kokhan. The stench will just be the plans of the Napoleons. Wait. The axis is straight from the wound, having placed your beautiful ass on the sanitary ware throne, thinking and beginning to be. And vtіlyuvati tse everything in life, the river is clear, not the king's right.

4th place - Aquarius

Trochs did not reach the trio of leaders in the minds of Aquarius, but at once, wisely, they appeared: the stench was sing-songly roared for the 12th month, and even more shortly - for the category of posture with a bright room. “La-la-la, I’m a motherfucker” - like Aquarius seems to us and actively demonstrates the steps of truly visible cretinism in the simplest life situations. You will not say anything - it is reasonable. But you won’t fool us, and we know: Aquarius is just pretending and gaining his hospitable mind, so that all sorts of tedious problems didn’t yell at him, the eggs of what he saw didn’t work. Finish the flowers already with microscopes, really!

3rd place – Bliznyuki

A dream of reason, as it seems, people are a miracle, and for the truth of which, every reasonable person is suitable blessed people. Till the quiet feast, until you want to see with one vіchkom, WHAT and WHOM the building will give birth to the strange mind of Bliznyukіv. The whole secret here is not only in the sharp mind of those prominent analytical insights, but also in the familiar unstriking fantasies of Bliznyukiv. For tse mi we see a gold medal and we immediately pick it back. The one who needs less cunning, right. And for the sake of granny, you don’t need to freeze the vuha.

2nd place - Diva

A silver medal rightfully goes to Diva - people who have a computer at their head, and earlier, before computers, there was more than a selection of volumes of the national library, and even earlier there was "Burn the witch!", and before that - "Oh , great shaman, tell me if the gods will grant us a board? Zagal, the mind of the Divs was always an order of magnitude larger, lower than the average in the population, so the Divs often have great heights and geniuses of deduction. True, if the stench of its host and sterile, like a scalpel, with logic, crawl into the unblemished nadra of human souls, come out like a droplet. At sensi - grief to go out. View of mind.

1st place - Strilec

Ta-damm! The 1st axis of wines is the most intelligent mind in a horoscope! The Striltsiv from the right have perfect harmony: intelligence, Zhittєva wisdom, zdatnіst і, scho brilliant, bazhannya all life read and know new, warmness, krasnomovstvo, zdіbnostі to all sciences all at once - zagalom, the Striltsiv have just a fantastic mind!

Next, indicate what you need two types of intelligence:analytical and emotional.

Analytical intelligence is assigned to help with IQ tests, and emotional intelligence is referred to as emotional and intuitive.

They have three signs of the Zodiac tsі two types of intelligence born by the present world.

It does not mean that people who are born under other signs of the zodiac are less gifted, but only to say about those who the planet's deacons may have a greater impact on the songs of specialness.

What signs of the Zodiac are the most intelligent?

1. Aquarius

The sign of the Zodiac Aquarius is known under the cherubs of Uranus - the planet of freedom, change, building, and new opportunities.

Aquarius should never follow the NATO, but the sovereignty of the independence of the nadikha їх on new, original ideas. They already have guilty mind, and the stench of the building on the name of the building is near the galuzi. Your purposefulness helps them reach success.

Your enthusiasm charges others, and if the stench is choked, then you are ready to report all your strength to reach what you want. Oh my gosh trouble - building thinking outside the box.

Views of Aquarius:

Galileo Galilei, Bob Marley, Thomas Edison, A.P. Chekhov, Jules Verne, Amadeus Mozart

2. Scorpio

Scorpios are often underestimated, the shards of their taєmnicha specialty can attract their rightfulness. If you want to believe that you love, the stench can completely destroy the subject of your interest. If you want the stench of the building to take irrational decisions, the stench is ready to turn on the right path.

Cream of addition, stink strong sensitivity and intuition, which promotes the level of their emotional intelligence.

Scorpios are charismatic and gracious, which allows them to become a butt for other people and read them through their own lives. The stench is friendly, more penetrating, and їх it is practically impossible to fool.

Seeing Scorpions:

Maria Sklodowska-Curie, Bill Gates, Christopher Columbus, Pablo Picasso, Grace Kelly

3. Twins

The twins, who are known to the rulers of the planet of conjugation - Mercury, may have the beautiful vigor of a speaker and thinker.

Tse dotepnі, merry and comrade people. stink quickly shrug whether or not the topic is rescinded logical thoughts .

The stench of buildings in rich galuzahs, starting from the development of new language to the completion of mathematical tasks.

Twins can explain the most common understanding in the simplest way.

Views of the Twins:

Arthur Conan Doyle, Paul McCartney, Clint Eastwood, Peter I, Johnny Depp, Natalia Portman

Obviously, all the signs of the Zodiac are unique and it would be unfair to pass over others. Skin of their rozvineniya svіy type of intellect.

Intuitive intelligence - Fire element: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Fire up the signs to get the opportunity and the building to go to the risk. The stench knows the spirit, the impulsive and the inspired. The stench is not pіdut to please, how to cause yakіs to spend. If the stench chimes around, then get ready to give all your energy to the right.


Representatives of the sign Aries are more trusting and simple for their nature. The stinks trust their instincts and intuition, cherish addiction, have an optimistic outlook on life and self-confidence.

a lion

By the intellect of Leva, he realizes his innocence and courage. Rishuchist help them to overcome some kind of fear of failure, and even as the stench set a mark, stink to reach. The bar is high, to set a stench, motivating them and helping to move forward, relying on their intuitive intellect.


The archers are already spiritually and intellectually separated. The stench may have a high level of intellect and wisdom, if they realize their potential. From Striltsiv come out better readers, and in the soul stench - philosophers.

Practical intelligence - Earth element: Taurus, Diva, Capricorn

The signs of this element are more mundane and level in the whole Zodiac. It is necessary to take into account specific results and shukati scientific explanation, but the shards are not so blameless. You can trust it to be a practical problem, for sure the stench will come in.


The intellect of Taurus spirals on earthiness. The stench is calm, disciplined and well aware of your well-being. The stench is neimovirno vіddanі people, yakim ruhaє zavzyatіst that predilection for knowledge.


Divi even more practical and may well razvinene logical thought. Your thoughts are now in order, that you endow your building with peace and rationality.

"Subtlety is so necessary to the mind, like thinness - to the body," said the ancient one. All people, zahalom, so chi іnakshe, mayut іtelekt, nurture is less in what kind of world the stink of the building of the yogo will develop and manifest. ELLE is about the intelligence of the signs of the Zodiac.

Crayfish. 7 out of 10

Cancers can be conveniently called intellectuals, and even stink, just like Taurus, it’s better not to boast. Then, if you feed the stink, stink for those who know, but know the stench is rich. And the axis of viraz “fuzzy mind” does not reach Rakіv: in order to praise the decision, or to grow like a whisker, it is necessary for them to call everything. Hurry up and threaten with serious pardons.

Ribi. 7 out of 10

Capricorn. 8 out of 10

Developing your intellect with more effort - nothing is given to you just like that. Navkolishhnі can vvazhat Capricorn nerd, but youmu baiduzhe. Golovnya - a robot over himself, that constant struggle with internal lines, sumnivs and innocence. The problem of Capricorns, who have reached heights in the intellectual sphere, is in their supra-world fallows of authorities. More self-sufficiency in the mind, and everything will be better than ever.

Terezi. 8 out of 10

So to go out, that Tereziv's intellect is more strained, as a rule - not to know the stale congestion. The stench could burn with such a mind, but life is so folded that the whole mind wins at the shortest moment in pivsili. Then, Terezi's robotic position is realized at all beauty, without being overly fond of hoarding or. I axis there їhnіy іntelekt sіє i shine.

Diva. 8 out of 10

Diva is a hard worker, especially since 25. In her early youth, Divi has a lot of reading, but information and wisdom are not hindered by them, but the stench develops emotionally. You don’t want to learn the stench, but, having crossed the 25th milestone, you become addicted to work. And as for the need for knowledge, the stench of them swells, as it is necessary to improve on the intellect, to shy away. Osyannya - not about Div.

Aries. 8 out of 10

The sound is more important than the inner one, and the shape is cooler than the other. Axis principle, which is often followed by Aries. Stosuetsya tse i і і іntelektualії sferi - y sensi, scho Aries shy, but not efficiency. For all that, shyness to the point of posturing does not account for the fact that Aries is a natural wise man, who thinks accurately and deeply. Iomu would be less self-admiring that verbiage, and everything will be just miraculous.

A lion. 8 out of 10

The lion is basically similar to Aries - the same posturing and bajannya give yourself cooler, lower is true. Out of Lvov, miraculous confederates and tribunes come out - they stink of gleaming volodyat speakers, to celebrate a garne of hostility and building charms. If you dig deeper, then the troch is more folding. Leo knows a lot, subtly worries everything, and she takes the lessons from what is happening with him. Ale, I respect my right mind for the better to catch the bliss of the best effects.

Aquarius. 9 out of 10

Aquarius knows what will be on the financial markets tomorrow, you can write a song for the first year and design a “reasonable house” on the knee, but you can’t pay for the rahunkami. It seems otherwise, the mind of Aquarius is not applied, it is not possible to work on current, life of fools. Tse means that without the one who entrusted, Aquarius cannot manage.

Sagittarius. 9 out of 10

The Striltsy are people of intellectuals. Neobov'yazkovo stench can be but vchenimi chi bookish chrobakami, їhnіy іntelektі rozsuetsya all spheres of life. It’s just smarter people, it’s right to marvel at life and know it, like a child. Alone, for an hour you don’t see the ugliness and the sumniviv, the sumniv and the necessary sometimes.

Scorpio. 9 out of 10

This is a practical sign, vague knowledge is given to you stupid. And it’s true, now it’s time to fill your head with them, that you won’t become a good man in good time, everyday life? At the same time, Scorpio building zahopitisya chimos exotic and lay down everything for yourself. And then we are given an overwhelming wonder, like a person, who is able to stand on his feet, a mitzna with an everyday mind and not in the dark, appears to be a sign of African poetry, and also the language of the original.

Twins. 9 out of 10

Order is not about the Twins. Stosuetsya ce of what is in the head. Life and other knowledge of Bliznyukiv chaotic and division. Ale, fallow in the situation, Bliznyuk vikoristova newbies, like the most needed at the moment. The twins will pass the test for erudovanіst bliskuchche, whether it be like a vipadku. Golovna - set specific tasks for them. And the real estate of the representatives of this sign is the ability to win the information and make the right decisions.

Tilets. 9 out of 10

Taurus is not quiet, who tries to cope with the intellect. At the first dawn, the representatives of this sign risk not being too sensible, but only an illusion. One of the advantages of Taurus is that you don’t try to get better, lower, and, then, don’t marry for the better effects. So that you will be welcomed, having shown that Taurus, which is the most obvious in appearance, is truly the most intelligent speciality.

12 place
In the rest of the city of Aries, but not to the one who stinks bad. The stench just sounded like more children and less thinking. Obviously, sometimes it seems that Aries did not think in front of the demons, but we don’t think so - in fact, in the process, they still analyze the situation. And if it’s not so, it means that it’s so conceived.

11 place
Ribi, obviously, more sensible, but it’s important to think that it’s sloppy to think, because it’s badly indicated by intuition. And it’s miraculous to come out of them to replace the mind with intuition, even if it’s more correct with rich promises. Only the axis on the material book, check my intuition why not expand.

10 places
Best of all, Taurus works out the very back of mind - stink to know exactly how it is necessary to do it in any situation, but I’m already wondering if it’s ruined on the right. And yet another hour of crisis, or in the camp of alcoholic sp'yaninnya, Taurus begins to develop a rich genius, no matter what. What do you want to do, it’s unknown.

9 place
Cancers are more conservative. And if you want to stink, that the mind needs to exercise all life, it’s more important to stink of yogo in order to talk to yourself. Bo hіba є razumnіsha lyudina, nizh won herself?

8 place
In people of this sign, genius and dashing skillfully come together. The problem is that they have a rather wide emotional range, which makes them take an interest in some respectful leader, and indignantly bring to inexpressible nasledkiv, like correcting the stench, it is necessary to say, it is more reasonable.

7 place
It turns out that if Terezi took away the light of their svetobudovy yaskravy and without middle mind, they forgot to see your instructions. And now the stinks are constantly fighting between two absolutely opposite solutions, not in the cold to analyze the situation. Then there is a miracle in them, like їх i ryatuє.

6 place
Capricorns were generously endowed with a mind, and they didn’t forget about making a fuss about it. It's good to know everything and remember. The only one, what is the reason for marriage, is wisdom on the right side of the right.

5 places
a lion
Lvіv іѕ аrе аrеаrаvіѕ аnd strong rеаmе, аnd thе stink ѕhvidko іѕ learned і tο know thаt moments їm tο pump thаt bе good. The problem is that they often plan, but less often - on the vіdmіnu vіd Ovniv, for example.

4 places
People of this sign love to put a pill in their eyes, and go in, stench is no more reasonable. And to slacken the stench so that they don’t have all sorts of unscrupulous things done to them, you don’t even want to deal with them.

3 places
A hospitable analytical mind and an absolutely non-gammon fantasy of Bliznyukiv's building will give birth to great and greedy speeches. And yet the stench is given with a marvelous cunning, why it’s impossible for them to catch on chomus - the people of the building circle around the finger to wind Scorpio, if you want to, it would be possible, there are no equals in accessibility.

2 places
At the head of these people is the most powerful computer, and the stench themselves can make a fool of logic, as if to kill evil geniuses from them. Problems are blamed on the Devils, if the stinks are trying to wake up the right people's feet. For there, where that emotion is almost ruled, there is no room for cold analysis.

1 room
Striltsі in the intellectual plan can be completely in harmony. They have a hospitable mind, a deranged intuition, stench is quick and easy to learn, warm, promoter and inspire that very bitter life wisdom that Capricorns do not see so much. And the axis of why the stench is often called not to want to speed up is a great mystery.

Namely facts

The skin sign of the Zodiac has its own strengths, but if we are talking about intelligence, then the representatives of the Zodiac are seen in the middle.

Next, indicate what you needtwo types of intelligence : analytical and emotional .

Analytical intelligence is assigned to help with IQ tests, and emotional intelligence is referred to as emotional and intuitive.

They have three signs of the Zodiactsі two types of intelligence born by the present world .

It does not mean that people who are born under other signs of the zodiac are less gifted, but only to say about those who the planet's deacons may have a greater impact on the songs of specialness.

What signs of the Zodiac are the most intelligent?

1. Aquarius

The sign of the Zodiac Aquarius is known under the cherubs of Uranus - the planet of freedom, change, buildings and new opportunities.

Aquarius should never follow the NATO, but the sovereignty of the independence of the nadikha їх on new, original ideas. They already have guilty mind, and the stench of the building on the name of the building is near the galuzi. Your purposefulness helps them reach success.

Your enthusiasm charges others, and if the stench is choked, then you are ready to report all your strength to reach what you want. Oh, what a headache - building thinking outside the box.

Views of Aquarius:

Galileo Galilei, Bob Marley, Thomas Edison, A.P. Chekhov, Jules Verne, Amadeus Mozart

2. Scorpio

Scorpios are often underestimated, the shards of their taєmnicha specialty can attract their rightfulness. If you want to believe that you love, the stench can completely destroy the subject of your interest. If you want the stench of the building to take irrational decisions, the stench is ready to turn on the right path.

Cream of addition, stink strong sensitivity and intuition, which promotes the level of their emotional intelligence.

Scorpios are charismatic and gracious, which allows them to become a butt for other people and read them through their own lives. The stench is friendly, more penetrating, and їх it is practically impossible to fool.

Seeing Scorpions:

Maria Sklodowska-Curie, Bill Gates, Christopher Columbus, Pablo Picasso, Grace Kelly

3. Twins

The twins, who are known to the rulers of the planet of conjugation - Mercury, may have the beautiful vigor of a speaker and thinker.

Tse dotepnі, merry and comrade people. stink quickly shrugging off the topic, that vіdrіznyayutsya rozvinenim logical myslennia.

The stench of buildings in rich galuzahs, starting from the development of new language to the completion of mathematical tasks.

Twins can explain the most common understanding in the simplest way.

Views of the Twins:

Arthur Conan Doyle, Paul McCartney, Clint Eastwood, Peter I, Johnny Depp, Natalia Portman

Obviously, all the signs of the Zodiac are unique and it would be unfair to pass over others. Skin of their rozvineniya svіy type of intellect.

Intuitive intelligence - Fire element: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Fire up the signs to get the opportunity and the building to go to the risk. The stench knows the spirit, the impulsive and the inspired. The stench is not pіdut to please, how to cause yakіs to spend. If the stench chimes around, then get ready to give all your energy to the right.


Representatives of the sign Aries are more trusting and simple for their nature. The stinks trust their instincts and intuition, cherish addiction, have an optimistic outlook on life and self-confidence.

a lion

By the intellect of Leva, he realizes his innocence and courage. Rishuchist help them to overcome some kind of fear of failure, and even as the stench set a mark, stink to reach. The bar is high, to set a stench, motivating them and helping to move forward, relying on their intuitive intellect.


The archers are already spiritually and intellectually separated. The stench may have a high level of intellect and wisdom, if they realize their potential. From Striltsiv come out better readers, and in the soul stench - philosophers.

Practical intelligence - Earth element: Taurus, Diva, Caperro G

The signs of this element are more mundane and level in the whole Zodiac. It is necessary to take into account specific results and shukati scientific explanation, but the shards are not so blameless. You can trust it to be a practical problem, for sure the stench will come in.


The intellect of Taurus spirals on earthiness. The stench is calm, disciplined and well aware of your well-being. The stench is neimovirno vіddanі people, yakim ruhaє zavzyatіst that predilection for knowledge.


Divi even more practical and may well razvinene logical thought. Your thoughts are now in order, that you endow your building with peace and rationality.

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