Sacred is the river de Christ Jesus. "Jordan is not here." They truly baptized Jesus Christ. Three calm satani

One of the most popular winter tours, especially in the other half of the country, is more expensive to the Jordan River. This natural flow is taken in by a natural cordon between two nearby lands. Jordan and Israel are proud of their ability to receive tourists and pious pilgrims, earning such a rank on their historical and religious monuments. At this article, we can see how to eat there, what obov'yazkovo talk about and see, and also how to find a place on the River Jordan.

Misce rotashuvannya

This potik is practically guessed in all the sacred books of Judaism and Christianity. Here, behind the legends, there were numerical miracles. The river was crossed by the prophets without a ford, mute dry land. If the Jewish military leader Jesus Navin was sent from the Israeli army and the Ark of the Covenant, the leaders parted before him to let them through. But the best place is to see that here, as it seems, the gospels, having accepted the baptism of Christ. It’s unlikely that you can know a person, if you don’t know where the river Jordan is located. Ale, even though geographically accurate, the flow flows from Mount Hermon (the so-called Golan heights), passing Lake Kinneret (the totality of the Tiberias Sea). Three rivers - Khatsbani, Baniasi and Dan. Sweat, passing over two hundred and fifty kilometers from pivnoch to pivday, we fall into the Dead Sea.

River Jordan. Holy Cross of Jesus Christ

Potіk tsey nayvіdomіshiy tim, scho here it became so called the Epiphany. So it seems three synoptic gospels, as well as the Scripture of St. John about those, de same on Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit at the waters of Jordan, if he took the rite from the hands of John the Baptist. It's true, more precisely, the roztashuvannya of this month is unknown. From this drive, find out the differences. So, there are a lot of Greek manuscripts to solve riddles about those who can be such a place in Befavar on the River Jordan. Іsnuyut y іnshі name of the settlement. Yogo is also called Bethany of Zayordan. Rіznі dzherela i in that de sama knew the place. For example, Origen affirms that the western bank of the river Jordan is the source of this growth. In other translations of the Bible, it is confirmed that the same place was changing after the stream.

Other versions

It is based on an old map of the sixth century, as it is called Madabskaya, where the place of Christ's Baptism is indicated. On the other side, the place of Yerichon is marked opposite. That is, in fact, the western bank of the river Jordan. Dehto seems to be that the author of the picture simply confused the sides of the world. Adzhe dosit dovgo traditional meal The Baptism of Christ entered by the same shore. Before the conquest by the Arabs, the rivers flocked to the town of Yerikhon on the river Jordan, de, like the old mandrivings, there was a Marmur column with a cold cross. After that, like Palestine and the lost shore became importantly accessible, becoming the place of christening, the entrance of the river became important. Numerous temples were built there. And even after the advancing wars, the church was destroyed and, more precisely, the place of baptism was spent. Іsnuyut pripuschennya, scho rіchka bugatorazovo changed its course. Therefore, the historical place of christening can be sushi.

Today's pilgrimage

From the epoch of the Renaissance, it is taken into account that Christ, entering the water ten kilometers away from the place of Erichon on the river Jordan. Ale did not understand, from the same shore. That offended the land - and Israel, that Jordan - vvazhayut that the most important in the religious history of the podia was itself on their territory. On the western birch of the river, Kasr al-Yakhud is ringing. It's more orderly, there are more NATO people, and there are more trades and commerce there. The Jordanian side is written as a mist, as it is called Wadi al-Harar. It is wilder, primordial, but not much more touristy and no less comfortable for watching. Then, perhaps, it is more authentic. At the same time, archeological excavations were carried out there and the foundation of the Marmur colony was found, about which it was guessed in ancient dzherels.


This is the most popular and the most homely place, for which the current river Jordan is famous. Israel has created a new tourist complex here. Wines are located near Lake Kineter, the city of Tver. Yogo roztashuvannya does not inspire that hell, as a tradition of placing the bill of Qasr al-Yahud. However, the rulers of Israel took yoga as a kind of symbolic reminder. Here is the ordering of the pool, where the servants are sent to Jordan three times by the water. Koshtuє such a symbolic baptism of ten to twenty-five dollars. The order is to find a shop, where you can bring various objects consecrated at the Orthodox church. Up to 100,000 pilgrims come here on the river itself in order to receive such a baptism. The most popular date is considered the nineteenth of today, if the rite of consecration is led by the patriarch of Jerusalem.

Wadi al-Harar

This place is opposite Qasr al-Yahud. There, on the territory of Jordan, the Orthodox Church of John the Baptist was built. Here you can see the small water of Al-Mahtas, as it has already lost a link with its channel, and now the river Jordan is not. The place of the Baptism of Jesus Christ was honed with the relics of Byzantine spores, which encroach on the sixth century, as well as the impersonal foundations of ancient churches. On the 2000 and 1550s of Al-Makhtas, inclusions to the UNESCO list of the Holy Congregation, and pilgrims also direct here. It’s true, everything is simpler on each side, there are no tricky pools, but just a wooden pomist from gatherings. Then zanurennya at the water without a koshtovne.


Tse cіkave place on the river Yordan varto see tim, hto virushaє to the pilgrimage of the holy masses. Aje tse is the oldest settlement of people, known to historians. Youmu already needs ten thousand years. It is located on the territory, de di the Palestinian administration, for fifty kilometers from Jerusalem. Truth be told, in connection with the Arab-Israeli conflict, organized groups are no longer allowed here, and individual tourists as a whole can get their own minibuses, and then taxis. Here, on the Tells-es-Sultan hillock, you can see the ruins of the place, which are no less than seven thousand rocks. Old Jerikhon has a mosaic underlay of one of the most ancient synagogues in Israel, and three kilometers away is the palace of one of the first Arab caliphs of the seventh century. Not far from the place, the famous mountain was roztashovana, where, behind the orders, the devil lifted Jesus Christ and calmed him down, and on the її peaks - the Greek Orthodox human monastery.

Tour of Jordan

In the rest of the hour, such trips became even more popular, and a lot of companies rule. The Adzhe itself is the Jordanian valley, which is narrower than the garn. Independently in the face of the political conflict on the Near Skhodі, that super-cat on the topic of that, in the same country, lies the place of the Lord's Baptism, excursions along the river to preach to families with children, especially in summer and autumn time of rock. Walks in kayaks or go rafting down the stream on inflatable rafts through picnic spots, in the middle of waterfalls, grottoes and quiet swimming, where you can swim and swim, - not everything that can be taught to mandrivers by the tourist clubs. You can ride the rivers with bicycles or jeeps, walk around the rivers. Skrіz rich ordering space for vodpochinku and pіknіkіv.

The role of leaders in different religions.

The religious plan is truly purified by water in the cultures of wealthy peoples. For example, long before the advent of Christianity, purification by water was practiced until ancient India, where a person could take purification from sin at the sacred waters of the Ganges River, moving from Cosmos. However, the Indian wise men respected that after leaving the river, the waters of the river are drunk, sins can turn around, that a person can clear his mind from sinful thoughts through the training of a holy person. And before him, how to learn how to drink, I am guilty of washing myself. The Romans did not wash themselves on the 9th day after the people called yoga in the name, as I wear wine.

Baptism was held at the Church of the Smolensk Icon Mother of God m. Ivantivka.

Islam is also rich in rituals tied with water. The Prophet Muhammad commanded his followers to pray before the skin prayer (prayer) of the “high school” - washing, which includes washing, rinsing the mouth and nose, washing hands, nig, rubbing the ears, running hair with wet hands. Washing that washing of hands before prayer was also practiced by ancient Jews, as they took water from the woods for them, or they washed their hands at running water, as if they were taken alive. The same ritual is recommended by the modern Orthodox Church - it is necessary to stand up for prayer with clean hands in a clean, clean dress.

Vodohrescha. It seemed like it was out of the blue.

The River Jordan is located on the Near Skhodі. Її dovzhina (252 km) and rich in fresh water minerals bring life to many regions. Zokrema from the Kineret reservoir, the water is located near the central part of Israel, water resources. Jordan flows into the Dead Sea, at the place of which, as if it were a beautiful oasis, the Lord did not blame the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah. Vіdoma river and tim, її vody parted at the hour of exit, and also if її the prophets of Illya and Elisha crossed. The new man took healing from the leprosy of the governor from Syria Neaman. Ale to the whole world already two thousand years old river we know that Jesus Christ has accepted in it. This miraculous podia attracts the impersonal pilgrims, as if they were bathing in Jordan (sound near the Yardenita region).

Who is the baptizer of Jesus.

St. John the Baptist, who was the cross of Jesus Christ, on the river Jordan was his maternal relative. Yogo's appearance was a great joy for Zakaria, who was a priest and Elizabeth (who resembled the royal family of David). Adje, the joy of being fathers of the stink was taken away even by a frail age, after the bastard prayers. A call about those who will have sons, the stench took away the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel, who appeared in the temple. Ivan was born six months earlier, lower Christ.

Ioann bu v pozvavleniya smertі pіd hour pobytya nevlyat tsar Іrodі and provіv rich roki v pustelі. Having chosen such a way of life for yourself, if in your youth you live among people, having settled in the oven and eating wild honey and barn. At the thirty fates of the wines, according to the sign about those that the Messiah will come, turning to the people and becoming preaching. Yogo wash were the beds strong, that the impersonal people came to the new one, she repented and accepted the baptism of water at the waters of Jordan. Ivan preached for a long time, moreover, he spoke about those who christened with water, and then come to the one who was baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire. And this hour has come - at the thirty rokiv on Jordan came Jesus Christ and longing for a baptism.

Ioan back to back without praying to the cross of Jesus, to that, respecting himself as worthless, carry out the action for someone who is absolutely pure in the eyes of our sins. Ale Christ, having longed for christening, so that he would become a row of sinners and go through the paths of them at once until they were cleansed. Well, obviously, without requiring baptism, but baptism itself required strength, like Maw Christ. Above all, the power of today's water, which appears after a three-time dim cross at the water on the water, as well as the change in the electromagnetic field of the Earth in the period of 18-19 September, is just a sign of the transmission of divine power.

John, having allowed Jesus to the rite and zanuriv yoga at the lead with his hand, pray. After the christening at the exit from the water, the heavens opened up, the Holy Spirit descended from them, looking blue and piercing his voice: “Here is my son, to whom My favor is.” John the Forerunner had an earlier confession, on whom to pour the Spirit, who was rebuked for a new hour of baptism, That and є baptism of the Holy Spirit. To that sin of the present people, the manifestation of the Sin of God is celebrated.

Baptism at the life of a modern person.

Today’s interpretation of the christening is passed on, that after accepting the path of three times zanurennya near the water at the accompanying prayers, people come to the members of the Church. І tse є necessary minds to gain access to other rites of the Church and to revive for spiritual life, as if leading to the Kingdom of God.

For the birth of children up to 7 years old, the year of the christened is not needed, because. the fathers bear all the responsibility for the new one, up to 14 years of life the father and father will need that child, and after 14 years he himself will design it - to be baptized їй chi ні. They do not, as a rule, baptize on the eighth day and later.

In the case of the Orthodox Christians, the little one at the presence of the baptismal fathers is turned into a dream as a symbol of darkness, anointed with olive oil for help in the fight against Satan. When the child is washed down by the water, the Holy Spirit descends on it and the cleansing of the sins is achieved. Because a cross is placed on the youmu's chest, and the child is dressed in a white robe as a symbol of purity. The father let him walk around the font, which symbolizes eternity, and then he cut his hair as a sign that the share of indecision is now in the hands of God. The sacrament of christening, as a rule, is performed by the priest or by the bishops, but, in an extreme state, a layman can baptize, as if he were going to baptize at death.

After baptism, the rites of chrismation are consecrated, that communion is churched. They gave the little ones under the ceremonies of the lords and baptismal fathers to follow the Christian honesty, among them they are so miraculously understood as love, mercy, breadth, grace, modesty, which are complemented by prayers.



Description: Baptism of Jesus: it is the fault of the nobility of the baptismal fathers!

River Jordan changed its course a long time ago

During the last hours, it would be possible to say that Vodohreshcha, which is celebrated on September 19, will be included in the "top 5" of the most important and most popular Orthodox saints, which are marked by Russians. Ale de sama was wondering what became of May 2000 years ago and is described in the Gospel? - It appears that it was far away for sure, it was just installed more recently. About such a geographic opinion of "MK" fakhіvtsі rose.

“... In those days, Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized from Ivan in Jordan. And if you went out of the water, you shook John, that the heavens opened and the Spirit, like a blue one, descended on New. І voice buv _ from heaven: "Ti Sin Miy kohany, for whom My mercy." This is how Evangelist Mark describes my approach.

The most important geographic link, known to all - Jordan, like a Christian to the whole world, like to the sacred river. Ale, the Jordanian shores stretched out for a rich, rich kilometer. Why did the Lord himself enter into river water?

The axis of this information was given to us by the representatives of the press center of the Spaso-Bogoroditsky Odigitrievsky women's monastery, which is located on the territory of the Smolensk region

“In the Gospel in the name of Ivan, the place is called, de preaching and christiv Ivan the Baptist. Behind the words of the evangelist, it was not far from the village of Befabar beyond the Jordan. Proteus orientation is ambiguous. Aje in Palestine that hour was a small settlement with such a name.

For a long time it was important that the "Christian" Befavar was roztashovuvaetsya on the territory of the lower Israel, not far from the town of Kasr-El-Yakhud, which is 4 kilometers from that town, the river Yordan flows into the Dead Sea. Ale, less than a hint of the past century, the survivors became residually aware of the spread of the month, when the Savior was christened, and the miracle of the Epiphany became.

The mosaic at the foot of the temple of St. George, near the Jordanian city of Madaba, helped to signify this. This mosaic image is 15x6 meters in size, which is dated to the VI century. our eri and є well saved and dosit with an accurate map of the Holy Land, from the designated Christian Holy Shrines on it. Judging from the map, the place of the baptism of Jesus Christ near the river Jordan is not located on the territory of Israel, but on the opposite birch near the river, on the territory of modern Jordan near the town of Vadi el-Harar.

It is noteworthy that there, de 2 thousand years ago, the rite of Baptism took place, for a long time it has been silent. For such a majestic interval of time, the river changed its course at its inlet into the Dead Sea and now flows a few dozen meters closer to Israel.

In order to confirm or say "tip", as if giving a mosaic map of the St. George's Church, in 1996, archaeologists conducted excavations at Wadi el-Harar. At the result, the ruins of three Byzantine churches were revealed there, and the firebrand - a Marmur slab-base, on which, as if allowed, there was a column with a cross, erected for the hour of early Christianity on the site of the Baptism of Jesus Christ. The column itself is often seen in letters from the letters of the Byzantine era, as if they saw the Holy Mist.

After the stormy debates, the leaders of the leading Christian denominations venerated visnovka to the whole world, that the same Wadi el-Harar was the christening of Jesus Christ by the waters of the river Jordan.

Spring 2000 Pope Ivan Pavlo II saw the turn of the month. The visit of the pontiff ended with the official recognition by the Vatican of the fact that Wadi el-Harar is one of the largest Christian shrines - the Holy Place of Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ. This fact has been recognized by the Russian Orthodox Church. On the sign of which the ROC took the fate of everyday life on the territory of Wadi el-Harar Orthodox church in honor of John the Baptist. The temple of foundations on the very same place, where, after the order of Jesus Christ, having stripped off his clothes, first lay down by the water of the biblical river.

An international group of scholars, as if they were digging in the Holy Land, voiced that they had decided to unravel one of the riddles connected with the New Testament - to establish exactly the place of the christening of Jesus Christ.

Dosi was worried about the thought that the place of the cross was roztashovane on the outskirts of the village of Kasr-el-Yakhud on the western birch of the river Jordan, reminding itar tass.

However, new archeological knowledge has shown that the rite of christening was carried out at another point - on a similar birch river, where the Jordanian village of Wadi-el-Harar is located.

Description of that mіstsya, de buv baptism Christ, vengeance less in the gospel in the form of Ivan. Some say that Ivan the Baptist preached and christened near the village of Bethany on the Upper Jordan. However, it was incomprehensible, where there was a place, that in Palestine there were a few villages with such a name.

There was no new conviction in the fact that Christ was baptized until the last hour, until the foundation of the walnut colony was revealed, which represents a Marmur slab in the shape of a square with a side of two meters. During the hours of early Christianity, a bula was installed there, rivers, de John the Forerunner, having baptized Jesus Christ at the waters of Jordan.

The sort of PIDARDARID was correctly allowed about those, VADI-HARARA є Knojnim Msets, Khreshchens, Issus Christ, Okilka in the Pilpers, written by pilgrims on the saints of an hour, Rozkvita vizantiyskoi, often a marked colon to the sorcerer at the skeleton.

A slab was revealed under the hour of excavations, as if to respect the sciences, it is the basis of the very same colony. Vaughn was shown for forty meters on the slopes of the current coast of the Jordan, which gave a lot of evidence to the visnovkas about those who in the 5th century Jordan somehow changed their channel when they fell into the Dead Sea. The Marmur slab was unearthed at the hour when the ruins of the Byzantine church were reached; Not far from the remaining step, the foundation of the famous colony was revealed.

Further investigations showed that three churches were built in which city. The first of them hung six meters above the ground on special arches in order to hide the ruins of the pouring hour of Jordan. However, in an hour the churches fell asleep and the place of the baptism was gradually forgotten.

Cicavia fact

There is one more old proof, which shows at the place of Christ's Baptism - the mosaic map of old Palestine, VI Art. found in the temple - in the church of St. George, in Madaba.

For help itself, the cards of the church showed an uncrossed place of christening - a square Marmur base of a Greek colony, on top of which if there was a cross - it itself was guessed as the place of Christ's christening at the records of pilgrims in the hours of the Byzantine Empire. Also, the vcheniy bulli showed signs that lead to the water.

Baptism of Jesus Christ

At that hour, when John the Baptist preached on the banks of the Jordan and christened people, Jesus Christ was blessed with thirty rokіv. Vin also came from Nazareth to the river Jordan to Ivan, to take a look at the new baptism.

Richka Jordan

Ivan, having respected for himself the godless to baptize Jesus Christ, and having become the Triumph of Yogo, seeming: "I need to be baptized in the presence of You, and why do You come before me?"

Ale Jesus, saying to you at the confession: "Now it's gone," so don't embarrass me now, "because it's so necessary for us to vikonat all truth" - to vikonat everything in the Law of God and show the butt to people.

Todi John grimaced and christened Jesus Christ.

Baptism of the Lord

After Christ, if Jesus Christ came out of the water, the heavens cracked (roared) over Him with a rap; I Ivan, having pumped the Spirit of God, descending on Jesus, looking like a dove, and from the sky, the voice of God the Father sounded a little: Tse Sin Miy of Love, in Yakom My mercy".

Then Ivan rested enough, that Jesus is the resurrection of the Messiah, the Son of God, the Savior of the world.

NOTE: Div. Gospel for Matvey, goal. 3, 13-17; від Mark, goal. 1, 9-11; in Luka, goal. 3, 21-22; from John, goal. 1, 32-34.

The Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ is sanctified by the Holy Orthodox Church, as one of the great saints, 6th September(September 19, New Style). Holy Baptism of the Lord is also called holy Epiphany, to that the hour of the baptism was revealed by God (showing) Himself to people that Vin is the Most Holy Trinity, itself: God Batko speaking from the sky Sin of God baptized, and Holy Spirit zіyshov look blue. And also, at the time of baptism, people could bachiti, that in the person of Jesus Christ s'appearing not a human only, but all at once God.

Before the holy day, fasting has been established. What day is called Svyatvechir. To a riddle about those that the Savior sanctified the water to His baptism, they have a holy consecration of the water. Water in the temple is sanctified on holy evening, but holy in rivers, otherwise in another place, where to take water. The passage for the consecration of the drive is called the Horseradish passage to Jordan.

Troparion is holy

I baptize Tobi at Jordan's. Lord, worship the Trinity. But the fathers' voice was heard by Toby, naming the kohan Tya Sin, and the Spirit, looking at the pigeons, following the words of firmness. Appear Christ God, and light of enlightenment, glory to Thee.

(If You, Lord, having been christened in Jordan, then the appearance of the Holy Trinity appeared (on earth with special clarity): for the voice of the Father is aware of You, calling You beloved by Sin, and the Spirit, like a blue, confirming the truth of that word (i.e., .. confirming the witness of God the Father).

Vіdome wordsi firmness- Confirmation of the truth of the word; come- scho z'yavivsya; world of enlightenment- light of enlightenment.

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III. John the Baptist. Baptism of Jesus Christ. Peace of Jesus Christ with an angry spirit. At the early puppy, Ivan pishov at the chastity and - yogo wiggled at the chapel. Nothing of life, worldly things has come to a new yak bi ... Like growing up in front of the only God,

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