Bible stories - read innocent Smoktunivsky. Bible stories - read Innocent Smoktunivsky


Bible stories (Holy writings)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 320kbps
Holy Letter
Rick of death: 2012
Vidavnitstvo: Melodiya
Vikonavets: Inokentij Smoktunovsky
Trivality: 08:49:40

Description: The recording of "Biblical stories" was broken at the studio of the firm "Melodiya", for example, in the 1980s and over 15 years, the slab was lying on the police. In 1991, a large circulation of vinyl handkerchiefs was issued, which, unfortunately, was practically spent. The uniqueness of this record and in її vikonavtsі is the brilliant actor Inokentії Smoktunovsky, whose talent and dosi never ceases to hoard millions of people. Musical design to the level of robots and organ polyphony I.S. Bach. At the beginning of 2006, the date of re-watching this recording was praised by the Russian Orthodox Church.

01. Creation of the world
02. Adam and Eve
03. Noah and the Great Flood
04. Abraham is a friend of God
05. Isaac and Rebekah
06. Yakiv and Esau
07. Dreamer Josip
08. Josip at Egypt
09. Princess and Child
10. Let My people go!
11. On the way to the land inhabited
12. Battle for Jerichon
13. Gideon
14. Samson
15. Sim'ya Ruth
16. Samuel
17. King of Israel
18. David and Goliath
19. King David
20. Temple of Solomon
21. Illa ask for bread
22. Hail those prophets of Baal
23. Terrible power to Niman
24. In sharpened gates
25. Jeremiah and great famously
26. Golden bow of King Nebuchadnezzar
27. Daniel at the Levin's rov
28. Queen Esther
29. Great day of Nehemiah
30. Iona
31. The boy's name was Ivan
32. First Rizdvo
33. Childhood of Jesus
34. Friends of Jesus
35. Jesus - Teacher
36. Yak Jesus pissed off the people
37. Jesus in the shadows
38. The Parable of the Good Samaritan
39. Parable about the Siyacha
40. Story about two brothers
41. Parable about the names on the banquet
42. Story about spent life
43. Come down, Zacchaeus
44. Mary, Martha and Lazar
45. Zustrichi with Jesus
46. ​​Jesus - king of Israel
47. Judgment of Jesus
48. First Great Day
49. Good zvіstka for all
50. Saval at Damascus
51. Pavlo ta yoga friends
52. Pavlo's affections

Dod. info: Similar distribution -

Rip Lossless


Bible stories (8-CD)

Type: audiobook
Genre: Povistі
Author: Pisannya
Vikonavets: Inokentij Smoktunovsky
Vidavnitstvo: "Firma Melodiya"
Rіk vikonannya: 1988 The last hour of sounding: 9 years 20 hvilin
Audio: MP3 audio_bitrate: 128
Description: Seen in original design with gold embossing on the box. The recording of "Bible stories" was broken at the studio "Firmi Melodiya", for example, in the 1980s and over 15 years, the slab was lying on the police. In 1991, a large circulation of vinyl handkerchiefs was issued, which, unfortunately, was practically spent. The uniqueness of this record in yoga vikonavtsi - ...

hello i

Biblical principles of healthy eating (Don Colbert)

ISBN: 5-86181-354-X
Format: FB2, eBook
Author: Don Colbert
Rik vikonannya: 2006
Genre: Health
Vidavnitstvo: Triada
Mova Russian
Number of sides: 240
Description: “If you seriously think about those who are, then you are stuck with two unacceptable facts: fact No. 1: we choose a greater part of what we can, from the unreasonable, unprimed and unacknowledged spontaneously; Fact #2: Yakby Jesus Bov is in our area. Vіn vіdmovivsya bіd vіd bolshoї part of our їzhі». The book of rozpov_st, scho to lie in the basis of grub norms Old Testament, as the living system is the most healthy.


Audio library for the journal Knowledge-power. Women of history in history

Rik vikonannya: 2008
Genre: Popular science literature
Vidavnitstvo: Borey
Vikonavets: Sergiy Ganin
Trivality: 04:43:40
Description: Is it possible to reveal the history of whether the power of chi suspіlstva without women? Yaskrav, creative specialties, yak vplinuli on the share, mind and hearts of people. The rulers, having established dominion, by one stroke of the pen of some of them, the shares of whole peoples were hanging. Use them so differently, but they are united by one - the skin of them has little history in history.
1. A. Golyadin - There was a beard...


Audio library "Knowledge-power" - Women of history in history (Riznі)

Format: audiobook, m4b, 105kbps
Author: Riznі
Rik vikonannya: 2008
Genre: Popular Literature
Vydavnitstvo: Audio library for the journal Znannya-Sila
Vikonavets: Sergiy Ganin
Trivality: 04:44:06
Description: Is it possible to reveal the history of whether the power of chi suspіlstva without women? Yaskrav, creative specialties, yak vplinuli on the share, mind and hearts of people. The rulers, having established dominion, by one stroke of the pen of some of them, the shares of whole peoples were hanging. Use them so differently, but they are united by one - the skin of them has little history in history. - Vaughn was bearded.


What stories. History 1-2 (Roldugina Sofia)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Roldugina Sofia
Rick of death: 2015
Genre: Detective, Fit, Mystery
Vidavnitstvo: Creative group Samvidav
Vikonavets: Vіdma
Trivality: 09:06:17
Description: We kindly ask you to the Great Axonian Empire! Here, cabs and omnibuses are still roaring along the streets, and under the glorious Bromley town, the subway is already making noise. Here, at the provulk, you can strike a mandriving fortune teller or a countess, but if you don’t have mercy, take it off the bik with a knife. Here to pass the turn of the century - and after the era of horses, the era of steam locomotives is coming, and then we will hurry up, making progress with impatient horns ...


Philosophy of History (Fabre d'Olive)

Format: DjVu, Scanned sides + ball of recognized text
Author: Fabre d'Olivet
Rik vikonannya: 1910
Genre: Philosophy
Vidavnitstvo: Type. T-va "Ekateringofskaya Drukovana on the right"
Translator: Tucholka C.
Language: Russian (pre-reform)
Number of sides: 98
Description: In the right brochure, I want to know the Russian public with one of the best practices of the famous French occultist on the cob XIX century Fabre d'Olivet, and to his own creation: "Pétat social de l'homme ou vues philosophiques sur l'histoire du genre humain"*. Tvіr tse was seen in Paris in 1822 roci...


Sea histories (Water, Vesely merchant, History of the ship, Kangaroo) (Boris Zhitkov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128-160kbps
Author: Boris Zhitkov
Rick of death: 2011
Genre: fit
Recording: Recording the broadcast of the Child's Radio Recording the recording of the broadcast: Koss
Vikonavets: Vadim Maksimov and Actor of the Children's Radio
Trivality: 01:26:14
Distributor: "Vata" (XV. 16) "Merry Merchant" (XV. 30, Vadim Maksimov) Sailor Antony is alive and well. Vіn mav your vlasny two-headed ship. Anthony Bov Italian, and the ship sailed on all seas. Ships in other rulers were named honorably. Either "Saint Nicholas", then "Misto Genoa" or "King Philip", and Anthony calling his ship "Don't Cry". "I...


Long-range stories (Nadiya Kamzulina)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Nadia Kamzulina
Rick of death: 2013
Genre: mystic
Vision: Unofficial Vision of a Professional Vision
Vikonavets: Maxim Doronin
Trivality: 07:34:48
Description: Vitaliy, a simple far-reacher, who can dream of dreaming, live the most wonderful life: a house, a family, a robot. But once with him, an unsettled story is trapped. On one of the roads near Moscow, he is trapped by unacceptability, it’s bad for him to fight with his heart. However, it was not a problem to enter another plane, shards to yourself at the same time in your mind, which seems to be a mysterious image ...


All-world history (Mamlєєv Yury)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 kbps
Author: Mamlєєv Yuriy
Rick of death: 2015
Genre: Daily prose
Vydavnitstvo: You can't buy anywhere
Vikonavets: Roslyakov Mikhailo Anatoliyovich
Trivality: 06:40:00
Description: Where did you bring civilization, the main principle is: “whether there is a crop for your life, it’s bigger, an important crop, it’s guilty to bring pennies”? Spiritually, metaphysically, absolutely stupid light, where everything is under control - from God-Ville to immortality. And be it objects, that manifestation can be transformed into sexual objects, to inspire the whole earthly shackle with places and gloomy ones. The agony of humanity, which is three thousand...


Tsvintarni istorii (Akunin Boris)

Author: Akunin Boris
Rick of death: 2015
Genre: Detective
Vydavnitstvo: You can't buy anywhere
Vikonavets: Krupina Elizaveta
Trivality: 05:48:35
Description: At the same time, the Saltychikha is knitted with his own crooked crooks, the founder of Marxism, with the writer O. Wilde, who did not pretend his own traditional Kohanny, who knew the lines of the bosses. which, according to Boris Akunin’s assertions, “we can’t be happy” - by detective Erast Fandorin ... Akunin, having released the book in ...


Women of history (Maria Metlitska)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Maria Metlitska
Rick of death: 2012
Genre: Prose
Vidavnitstvo: Do-it-yourself audiobook
Vikonavets: Mila Kun
Trivality: 04:58:13
Description: Youth knows that life is a simple and simple thing. It's so easy to sort everything out on the floor, to share in black and white, in filth and garne. With the fates of a person of understanding, that among the blacks we used to know that there is no good without the bad and bad. To the heroes of Metlitsky z come and іnshe vіdkrittya - life is stronger and wiser for the people. Try to change it piece by piece, turn to...


Dog Stories (James Herriot)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 Kbps
Author: Gerriot James
Rick of death: 2015
Genre: Pets
Vydavnitstvo: You can't buy anywhere
Vikonavets: Gerasimov V'yacheslav
Trivality: 18:18:17
Description: A collection of reviews of an English writer and a veterinary doctor, who has long won the recognition of Russian readers. In the view of earlier published books, the main characters here are dogs. Written with great love to the creatures and purely English humor, the book is about kindness. For lovers of literature about creatures. Okremі novels tsієї sbіrki first swayed the light of the books "About all creation ...


Backwater of History (Mikhailo Stroganov)

Format: PDF, eBook (on the computer)
Author: Mikhailo Stroganov
Rick of death: 2018
Genre: History
Vidavnitstvo: Samvidav
Mova Russian
Number of sides: 57
Description: Tell me about Hromadyansky war- the ability to reach the words and feel ordinary people, whose life the road ran between Radami and Kolchak. Let's try to read more than what is written down, look at the farther than what they have slurred: from the heights of our time, one hour has passed, looking at things differently, otherwise ... Let it go, but live in rows, as if miraculously saved in the backwater of history - the bottom of the hour, be worthy of ours.


Wonderful stories (Olesya Nikolaeva)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Olesya Nikolaeva
Rick of death: 2011
Genre: Daily prose
Vidavnitstvo: Patriarch under the Budinkovo ​​temple of mts. Tatiani at MDU of Moscow
Vikonavets: Olesya Nikolaeva
Trivality: 06:45:57
Description: In the basis of the stories told by the book, lie on the right foot. Seeing the supremacy, “wonderfulness” of life is blamed for the sake of it, if you see the sensation of what you see. Zmist1. King's board - 5.28 2. New Nikodim - 7.26 3. Embarrassment - 5.00 4. Days two - three - 4.24 5. Books for the Shroud - 5.02 6. Monk Leonid - 16.08 7. Other dzherela - 2 ...


Rіzdvyanі istorії (Anton Chekhov)

Format: audio performance, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Anton Chekhov
Rik vikonannya: 2005
Genre: Radio play
Vidavnitstvo: Radio Culture
Vikonavets: Oleksandr Lenkov, Vasil Bochkarov, Evgen Kindinov, Oleksandr Bikov, Boris Shuvalov, Dar'ya Yurska, Olena Millioti, Gennady Frolov, Mikhailo Yanushkevich, Mark Geykhman, Oleksandr Litovkin, Prokhor Chekhovsky, Tetyana Aksyuta
Trivality: 01:58:18
Description: New radio show from Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's winter reports.
Edit: 01. Liberal 02. Survive 03. Proposition 04. New roll 05. Zabuv!! 06. Shevets ta evil spirit 07. Shahrai...


Bible stories - read by Inokentij Smoktunovsky
part 1 is1988bi.rar
part 2- Size: 96MB; Download Link: is1988bi.r00
part 3- Size: 96MB; Download Link: is1988bi.r01
part 4- Size: 96MB; Download Link: is1988bi.r02
part 5- Size: 96MB; Download Link: is1988bi.r03
part 6- Size: 96MB; Download Link: is1988bi.r04
part 7- Size: 96MB; Download Link: is1988bi.r05
part 8- Size: 96MB; Download Link: is1988bi.r06
part 9- Size: 96MB; Download Link: is1988bi.r07
part 10- Size: 6MB; Download Link: is1988bi.r08

password: zobero

Vidavnitstvo: FSUE "Firma Melodiya", 2006
Original carry: 8 audio CDs
Total sound trivality: CD1 68:22, CD2 60:09, CD3 70:44, CD4 55:10, CD5 73:20, CD6 65:59, CD7 70:06, CD8 65:48
Recording parameters: MP3 VBR 128-320 kbps 44.1 kHz
Reader: Inokentii Mikhailovich Smoktunovsky

Viewer type:
Recording of "Bible Stories" by the studio "Firmi Melodiya" for example of the 1980s
and more than 15 years the spit lay on the police. In 1991, a circulation was released
vinyl handkerchiefs, which, unfortunately, are practical insertions. The uniqueness of this
records in її vykonavtsі - brilliant actor Inokentії Smoktunovsky, whose talent is
every day you don't stop crying millions of people. Musical decorations to tsієї roboti
serve the organ polyphony of J.S. Bach.

"My tato vіriv with God. The Bible was yogo a bed book.
before the preparation of this record. І at once, if we hear "Biblical histories" from the Vikonan
Inokentii Mikhailovich Smoktunovsky, we consider it a marvel of art, if everything goes
souls, deeply adopted by the spiritual camp. We have pictures
creation of the world, images of the great Biblical kings, prophets, wise men, the history of earthly life
Jesus Christ that Yogo Resurrection.
We have a happy opportunity to hear Scripture in an accessible and clear way
that doluchatsya to the Bible, like a stretch of the century for the people
wisdom and faith, the moral basis of life ... "
Maria Inokentivna Smoktunivska

In September 2006, the fate of the re-watching of this recording was praised by the Russian Orthodox Church

Copyright: 1988
Phoned: Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Firma Melodiya"
Sound engineer: L.Dovzhnikov
Remastering: V. Glazkov
Design: I.Kryukov, O.Svistun
Project coordinators: K. Abrahamyan, N. Pshenichna
Disc catalog number: MEL CD 50 00843

Disc 1
1. Creation of the world 8:12
2. Adam and Eva 7:48
3. Noah and the Great Flood 9:42
4. Abraham is a friend of God 8:22
5. Isaac and Rebekah 7:12
6. Yakiv and Esau 10:43
7. Dreamer Josip 7:36
8. Josip in Egypt 8:42
Sound hour: 68:22

Disc 2
1. Princess and Child 7:12
2. "Let My people in!" 9:48
3. On the road to the inhabited land 10:47
4. Battle of Jericho 8:54
5. Gideon 10:17
6. Samson 13:08
Sound hour: 60:09

Disc 3
1. Sim'ya Ruth 11:16
2. Samuel 9:05
3. King Israel 10:40
4. David and Goliath 10:46
5. King David 9:22
6. Temple of Solomon 10:50
7. Illa ask for bread 9:12
Sound hour: 70:44

Disc 4
1. Illya and the prophets of Baal 10:39
2. Terrible mystery Neumann 10:34
3. In sharpened gates 11:41
4. Jeremiah is great famously 11:04
5. The Golden Bow of King Nebuchadnezzar 11:10
Sound hour: 55:10

Disc 5
1. Daniel by Levin 12:32
2. Queen Esther 14:19
3. Great day of Nehemiah 12:05
4. Yona 12:06
5. The boy's name was Ivan 8:29
6. First Rіdvo 13:46
Sound hour: 73:20

Disc 6
1. Childhood of Jesus 11:09
2. Friends of Jesus 13:41
3. Jesus - Reader 12:24
4. Like Jesus chiding the people 8:50
5. Jesus reveals secrets 11:24
6. Parable of the Good Samaritan 8:28
Sound hour: 65:59

Disc 7
1. Parable about the Siyacha 6:56
2. A story about two brothers 8:28
3. Parable about the names of the banquet 6:48
4. The story about the spent time 8:01
5. Come down, Zacchaeus 8:16
6. Mary, Martha and Lazarus 8:51
7. Zustrichi with Jesus 13:07
8. Jesus - King of Israel 9:36
Sound hour: 70:06

Disc 8
1. Judgment of Jesus 12:07
2. First Great Day 12:39
3. Good zvіstka for all 12:21
4. Saval at Damascus 9:43
5. Pavlo ta yoga friends 8:43
6. Pavlo 10:14
Sound hour: 65:48


Bible stories (Holy writings)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 320kbps
Holy Letter
Rick of death: 2012
Vidavnitstvo: Melodiya
Vikonavets: Inokentij Smoktunovsky
Trivality: 08:49:40

Description: The recording of "Biblical stories" was broken at the studio of the firm "Melodiya", for example, in the 1980s and over 15 years, the slab was lying on the police. In 1991, a large circulation of vinyl handkerchiefs was issued, which, unfortunately, was practically spent. The uniqueness of this record and in її vikonavtsі is the brilliant actor Inokentії Smoktunovsky, whose talent and dosi never ceases to hoard millions of people. Musical design to the level of robots and organ polyphony I.S. Bach. At the beginning of 2006, the date of re-watching this recording was praised by the Russian Orthodox Church.

01. Creation of the world
02. Adam and Eve
03. Noah and the Great Flood
04. Abraham is a friend of God
05. Isaac and Rebekah
06. Yakiv and Esau
07. Dreamer Josip
08. Josip at Egypt
09. Princess and Child
10. Let My people go!
11. On the way to the land inhabited
12. Battle for Jerichon
13. Gideon
14. Samson
15. Sim'ya Ruth
16. Samuel
17. King of Israel
18. David and Goliath
19. King David
20. Temple of Solomon
21. Illa ask for bread
22. Hail those prophets of Baal
23. Terrible power to Niman
24. In sharpened gates
25. Jeremiah and great famously
26. Golden bow of King Nebuchadnezzar
27. Daniel at the Levin's rov
28. Queen Esther
29. Great day of Nehemiah
30. Iona
31. The boy's name was Ivan
32. First Rizdvo
33. Childhood of Jesus
34. Friends of Jesus
35. Jesus - Teacher
36. Yak Jesus pissed off the people
37. Jesus in the shadows
38. The Parable of the Good Samaritan
39. Parable about the Siyacha
40. Story about two brothers
41. Parable about the names on the banquet
42. Story about spent life
43. Come down, Zacchaeus
44. Mary, Martha and Lazar
45. Zustrichi with Jesus
46. ​​Jesus - king of Israel
47. Judgment of Jesus
48. First Great Day
49. Good zvіstka for all
50. Saval at Damascus
51. Pavlo ta yoga friends
52. Pavlo's affections

Dod. info: Similar distribution -

Rip Lossless


Bible stories (8-CD)

Type: audiobook
Genre: Povistі
Author: Pisannya
Vikonavets: Inokentij Smoktunovsky
Vidavnitstvo: "Firma Melodiya"
Rіk vikonannya: 1988 The last hour of sounding: 9 years 20 hvilin
Audio: MP3 audio_bitrate: 128
Description: Seen in original design with gold embossing on the box. The recording of "Bible stories" was broken at the studio "Firmi Melodiya", for example, in the 1980s and over 15 years, the slab was lying on the police. In 1991, a large circulation of vinyl handkerchiefs was issued, which, unfortunately, was practically spent. The uniqueness of this record in yoga vikonavtsi - ...

hello i

Biblical principles of healthy eating (Don Colbert)

ISBN: 5-86181-354-X
Format: FB2, eBook
Author: Don Colbert
Rik vikonannya: 2006
Genre: Health
Vidavnitstvo: Triada
Mova Russian
Number of sides: 240
Description: “If you seriously think about those who are, then you are stuck with two unacceptable facts: fact No. 1: we choose a greater part of what we can, from the unreasonable, unprimed and unacknowledged spontaneously; Fact #2: Yakby Jesus Bov is in our area. Vіn vіdmovivsya bіd vіd bolshoї part of our їzhі». The book is known to lie at the basis of the food norms of the Old Testament, as the system of living is the most healthy.


Audio library for the journal Knowledge-power. Women of history in history

Rik vikonannya: 2008
Genre: Popular science literature
Vidavnitstvo: Borey
Vikonavets: Sergiy Ganin
Trivality: 04:43:40
Description: Is it possible to reveal the history of whether the power of chi suspіlstva without women? Yaskrav, creative specialties, yak vplinuli on the share, mind and hearts of people. The rulers, having established dominion, by one stroke of the pen of some of them, the shares of whole peoples were hanging. Use them so differently, but they are united by one - the skin of them has little history in history.
1. A. Golyadin - There was a beard...


Audio library "Knowledge-power" - Women of history in history (Riznі)

Format: audiobook, m4b, 105kbps
Author: Riznі
Rik vikonannya: 2008
Genre: Popular Literature
Vydavnitstvo: Audio library for the journal Znannya-Sila
Vikonavets: Sergiy Ganin
Trivality: 04:44:06
Description: Is it possible to reveal the history of whether the power of chi suspіlstva without women? Yaskrav, creative specialties, yak vplinuli on the share, mind and hearts of people. The rulers, having established dominion, by one stroke of the pen of some of them, the shares of whole peoples were hanging. Use them so differently, but they are united by one - the skin of them has little history in history. - Vaughn was bearded.


What stories. History 1-2 (Roldugina Sofia)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Roldugina Sofia
Rick of death: 2015
Genre: Detective, Fit, Mystery
Vidavnitstvo: Creative group Samvidav
Vikonavets: Vіdma
Trivality: 09:06:17
Description: We kindly ask you to the Great Axonian Empire! Here, cabs and omnibuses are still roaring along the streets, and under the glorious Bromley town, the subway is already making noise. Here, at the provulk, you can strike a mandriving fortune teller or a countess, but if you don’t have mercy, take it off the bik with a knife. Here to pass the turn of the century - and after the era of horses, the era of steam locomotives is coming, and then we will hurry up, making progress with impatient horns ...


Philosophy of History (Fabre d'Olive)

Format: DjVu, Scanned sides + ball of recognized text
Author: Fabre d'Olivet
Rik vikonannya: 1910
Genre: Philosophy
Vidavnitstvo: Type. T-va "Ekateringofskaya Drukovana on the right"
Translator: Tucholka C.
Language: Russian (pre-reform)
Number of sides: 98
Description: In the right brochure, I want to know the Russian public with one of the best known French occultist Fabre d'Olivet, and with his own creation: humain»*. Tvіr tse was seen in Paris in 1822 roci...


Sea histories (Water, Vesely merchant, History of the ship, Kangaroo) (Boris Zhitkov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128-160kbps
Author: Boris Zhitkov
Rick of death: 2011
Genre: fit
Recording: Recording the broadcast of the Child's Radio Recording the recording of the broadcast: Koss
Vikonavets: Vadim Maksimov and Actor of the Children's Radio
Trivality: 01:26:14
Distributor: "Vata" (XV. 16) "Merry Merchant" (XV. 30, Vadim Maksimov) Sailor Antony is alive and well. Vіn mav your vlasny two-headed ship. Anthony Bov Italian, and the ship sailed on all seas. Ships in other rulers were named honorably. Either "Saint Nicholas", then "Misto Genoa" or "King Philip", and Anthony calling his ship "Don't Cry". "I...


Long-range stories (Nadiya Kamzulina)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Nadia Kamzulina
Rick of death: 2013
Genre: mystic
Vision: Unofficial Vision of a Professional Vision
Vikonavets: Maxim Doronin
Trivality: 07:34:48
Description: Vitaliy, a simple far-reacher, who can dream of dreaming, live the most wonderful life: a house, a family, a robot. But once with him, an unsettled story is trapped. On one of the roads near Moscow, he is trapped by unacceptability, it’s bad for him to fight with his heart. However, it was not a problem to enter another plane, shards to yourself at the same time in your mind, which seems to be a mysterious image ...


All-world history (Mamlєєv Yury)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 kbps
Author: Mamlєєv Yuriy
Rick of death: 2015
Genre: Daily prose
Vydavnitstvo: You can't buy anywhere
Vikonavets: Roslyakov Mikhailo Anatoliyovich
Trivality: 06:40:00
Description: Where did you bring civilization, the main principle is: “whether there is a crop for your life, it’s bigger, an important crop, it’s guilty to bring pennies”? Spiritually, metaphysically, absolutely stupid light, where everything is under control - from God-Ville to immortality. And be it objects, that manifestation can be transformed into sexual objects, to inspire the whole earthly shackle with places and gloomy ones. The agony of humanity, which is three thousand...


Tsvintarni istorii (Akunin Boris)

Author: Akunin Boris
Rick of death: 2015
Genre: Detective
Vydavnitstvo: You can't buy anywhere
Vikonavets: Krupina Elizaveta
Trivality: 05:48:35
Description: At the same time, the Saltychikha is knitted with his own crooked crooks, the founder of Marxism, with the writer O. Wilde, who did not pretend his own traditional Kohanny, who knew the lines of the bosses. which, according to Boris Akunin’s assertions, “we can’t be happy” - by detective Erast Fandorin ... Akunin, having released the book in ...


Women of history (Maria Metlitska)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Maria Metlitska
Rick of death: 2012
Genre: Prose
Vidavnitstvo: Do-it-yourself audiobook
Vikonavets: Mila Kun
Trivality: 04:58:13
Description: Youth knows that life is a simple and simple thing. It's so easy to sort everything out on the floor, to share in black and white, in filth and garne. With the fates of a person of understanding, that among the blacks we used to know that there is no good without the bad and bad. To the heroes of Metlitsky z come and іnshe vіdkrittya - life is stronger and wiser for the people. Try to change it piece by piece, turn to...


Dog Stories (James Herriot)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 Kbps
Author: Gerriot James
Rick of death: 2015
Genre: Pets
Vydavnitstvo: You can't buy anywhere
Vikonavets: Gerasimov V'yacheslav
Trivality: 18:18:17
Description: A collection of reviews of an English writer and a veterinary doctor, who has long won the recognition of Russian readers. In the view of earlier published books, the main characters here are dogs. Written with great love to the creatures and purely English humor, the book is about kindness. For lovers of literature about creatures. Okremі novels tsієї sbіrki first swayed the light of the books "About all creation ...


Backwater of History (Mikhailo Stroganov)

Format: PDF, eBook (on the computer)
Author: Mikhailo Stroganov
Rick of death: 2018
Genre: History
Vidavnitstvo: Samvidav
Mova Russian
Number of sides: 57
Description: Tell me about the Gromadyan war - it’s possible to get stuck with the words and feel of ordinary people, whose life path lay between Radami and Kolchak. Let's try to read more than what is written down, look at the farther than what they have slurred: from the heights of our time, one hour has passed, looking at things differently, otherwise ... Let it go, but live in rows, as if miraculously saved in the backwater of history - the bottom of the hour, be worthy of ours.


Wonderful stories (Olesya Nikolaeva)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Olesya Nikolaeva
Rick of death: 2011
Genre: Daily prose
Vidavnitstvo: Patriarch under the Budinkovo ​​temple of mts. Tatiani at MDU of Moscow
Vikonavets: Olesya Nikolaeva
Trivality: 06:45:57
Description: In the basis of the stories told by the book, lie on the right foot. Seeing the supremacy, “wonderfulness” of life is blamed for the sake of it, if you see the sensation of what you see. Zmist1. King's board - 5.28 2. New Nikodim - 7.26 3. Embarrassment - 5.00 4. Days two - three - 4.24 5. Books for the Shroud - 5.02 6. Monk Leonid - 16.08 7. Other dzherela - 2 ...


Rіzdvyanі istorії (Anton Chekhov)

Format: audio performance, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Anton Chekhov
Rik vikonannya: 2005
Genre: Radio play
Vidavnitstvo: Radio Culture
Vikonavets: Oleksandr Lenkov, Vasil Bochkarov, Evgen Kindinov, Oleksandr Bikov, Boris Shuvalov, Dar'ya Yurska, Olena Millioti, Gennady Frolov, Mikhailo Yanushkevich, Mark Geykhman, Oleksandr Litovkin, Prokhor Chekhovsky, Tetyana Aksyuta
Trivality: 01:58:18
Description: New radio show from Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's winter reports.
Edit: 01. Liberal 02. Survive 03. Proposition 04. New roll 05. Zabuv!! 06. Shevets and evil spirits 07. Shahrai Monday.

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