Judo rose. The history of the history of judo development. Chi is important strength and vaga in judo

The history of judo fighting begins with the fierce fate of 1882, if Jigoro Kano, one of the most famous at that time Japanese masters of combat mysticism, at the temple of Eishedzі, at once from a large group of students, with their teachings, they won the Vlasnu school. qia school bula named "Kodokan", and її the name is translated as “Institute for the Vyvchennya Shlyakh”, and it occupied a small area of ​​the whole chotir of different uses. The largest of the three kimnats with a size of 4x6 meters was built under the dojo.

This change is small for the heads of the Londoner people Peter McKee. Let's step on Herman Harpour's head, and then Richard Briggs, who has embraced the whole settlement of rich rocks. As an addendum to coaches and the Gravity of Pivnichnoi Ireland, Judo is rich in what goiter and yazaniya tim, who for a long period of time put on administrative reserves, and including such people, like Dr. Karol Castles 1st Dan, Mary Murphy, Alan Chouni, 1st Dan, Anne Long and, more headily, Robin Newett, who, regardless of those who are not robbed of judo in any way, are even more effective.

During the middle years of judo in Northern Ireland, a lot of technical materials came from the old Bushmills sports academy, which was a rich-spoke summer school, in which court coaches could take courses and coaching. The requested coaches included Colin McVer, Roy Inman, Neil Adams, Steve Gauthorp, Mick Lee, Peter Bent, Graham Turner and many others.

Since the start of the Kodokan school in the first river, there have been nine students in total, and the first-time clerk Jigoro Kano could not in his disposition of the koshtiv navit those who, as a consequence, have small places to occupy. As a result, Kano managed to take a small sum of pennies for the translation of the work "Treatise on Zetics" english movie, for which wine I took up the protection of the Ministry of Education

At Rest of the Rocks Graves represented Pivnіchnu Іrlandіyu on іrlandskih, british and svіtovy podium, including Єvrobachennya, Svіvdruzhnіst, Svіt and Olympiyskiy championships. The Federation has held a number of prestigious international entries, including two championships of the Union of Friendship.

This will become another problem for our gallant team of volunteers, whose lively enthusiasm and joint work can secure the light of tomorrow for Pivnichnaya Ireland. Let's move the zavdyaki lower for the already entered extras. The history of Brazilian jiu-jitsu is similar to that of Gracie to her cob teacher, Mitsuyo Maede and yoga teacher in the Kodokan, a judo booth. First, short story the creation of that evolution of judo.

Today, the date of the opening of the Kodokan school is associated with the day of the birth of judo wrestling, as it looks like it was created by Master Jigoro Kano on the basis of the ancient technique of jujutsu, the system of training young people in Japan. A prominent teacher of youth believed in advancement and the power of jujutsu and saved the methods of this training as a kind of koshtoness in Japanese culture, a protein of reconciliation in the need to attach the old technique to new minds of modernity.

Jigoro Kano was a highly illumined person, as if she tried to unite and preserve the old military traditions of Japan. Most of the ancient styles of jiu-jitsu have founded their origin on the far-reaching organization of attack sequences and strikes, like “kata”. Having recognized the value of kata practice, Hocha Kano also realized the absolute need to learn how to zastosovuvat method and realistic rank.

Rendor allows the practitioner to develop the idea of ​​that technical skill, which is necessary for establishing methods of opposite support to opponents as a realistic place, as it allows safety. The gigantic fighting art of Kano and the revolutionary methods of training turned out to be the most effective. Mustaches of advancing contenders, like traditional styles, were overcome, and the victory of Kodokan judo turned out to be impregnable. Then, beating the turn of the 19th century, the podia became monumental, if the Kodokan was thrown by a human being on the name of Mataemon Tanabe.

Kano was aware that the basic principles of wrestling jujutsu should be systematized at a glance Judo at the walls of the "Kodokan" school, young people were given the discipline of the body and mind, as well as training to a good life and knowledge of wisdom. Meister saying to the teachings that the life of a human being is marne, as if yoga practice is not directed towards a greater good. And the development of a new type of wrestling wines was developed from the systematization of the best techniques of martial arts jiu-jitsu, adding to them new techniques and adding to the old methods, we need more money.

Tanabe was the director of the obscure system of classical jiu-jitsu Fuzen Ryu. At the upcoming matches of all representatives of Kodokan judo, the boulo was taken on the field and served by Fuzen Ryu fighters. The results of the Kodokan-Fuzen-Ryu matches demonstrated the significance and importance of the methods of ground combat in a dramatic manner, and Kano urged Tanabe to teach the ground battle at the Kodokan. On the Kodokan, ground battles are already popular, and all scientists began to practice both metal and ground methods.

On the back, Maeda practiced classical styles of jiu-jitsu, and went up to the Kodokan to learn judo. By stretching his kar'єri, Maeda fought in literally hundreds of matches, fought with bats and without them, she fought in "smishanih" matches. Under the hour of her dearest Maeda fought in the Happy States, Great Britain, continental Europe, Cuba, Mexico, Nareshti, Brazil. The culmination of Ma'di's training in classical jiu-jitsu and especially judo, streaming yoga with a great combat score against all types of applicants, becoming a realistic street effective method fight.

And as a result, an absolutely new system appeared, in which the physical and spiritual cobwebs will be combined, and at the Kodokan school, different kinds of wrestling Jigoro Kano called "judo". Word "ju" is translated as "modest" chi "m'yaki", and the word "before" signifies the human manner that vminnya trimatisya, life way that warehouse to mind and point to dawn. To that "judo" - tse modest and soft manner of trimming, as if it were the setting of a judoist athlete to the life of his opponents.

One of the yoga teachers was a young man named after Carlos Gracie. Mustaches of super players were glad to come and fight with Grace in inconclusive matches. Gracie's fighters overcame the fight against the guilty of various campaigns. Gracie continued to develop strategies and methods that they recognized in Maedi, sensing their newcomers to the realities of real combat operations. On the back of judo, it’s like a strained system of self-defense, like it also included a sports warehouse, the idea of ​​self-fulfillment and mutual benefit of members of the union.

In this hour, if you want judo methods, crazy, you can be stuck in real combat situations, the emphasis of the greater schools on sports competition. For the past century, the rules of judo have become blatant on the methods of achieving victory in competitions, which do not obov'yazkovo obrazhayut the minds of everyone in the fight. For example, a match from judo can be played with a throw or with a pin without serving. These rules are bounded by the basis, as they fence off a lot of the first manifestations, known in early judo, to demarcate the direct stagnation to street fights.

The location of the dojo at the Kodokan school was right up close to the main hall of the great temple, on the walls of which hung wooden plaques dedicated to the memory of the dead. Most of the time, after the intensive struggle of schoolchildren, the apology shook in the room, and the signs that hung on the walls tapped. If the fights were held at the evening hour, similarly tapping in the distance predicted its own dance of mysterious perfumes.

Other styles of classical jiu-jitsu, like before, suffer from the primary problem, for which Kano has turned with an emphasis on randora, and, in itself, technical training is intermingled with the practice of kata. Kodokan, which was familiar to Suїdobashi. Kano has adopted the styles of Tenjin Shinyo-ryu and Kito-ryu of classical jujutsu, with deep learning, and adding active interest to other martial forms. Integrate those who, having taken advantage of the positive moments of their powerful ideas and inspiration, having created a physical method, as well as having transformed the traditional principle of jujutsu “overcome strength through gnatness” into the new principle of “maximally effective victories of physical and romatic energy”.

In such an unpredictable situation, the sounds of wooden planks lulled, that they fell, cracked the learners, that they did not resist the onslaught of falling bodies, cracked floorboards, and the paraffians of the temple of Eisedzi came to the fire. When the training was over, Master Jigoro Kano wrapped his head with a towel, abi hoch as if to protect himself from the cobwebs, independently liz pіd podlogu and repaired the broken plank bridges with his own hands, and then the story was repeated on the coming day.

The result was a new theoretical and technical system, which, like Kano, felt better for itself, meeting the needs of modern people. Kodokan, which was familiar to Fujimi-cho. The essence of this wine system is based on the axiom “the most efficient use of energy”, a concept that is considered as an outer stone of combat mysticism, as well as a principle that is brown in rich aspects of life. On the other hand, the practical application of this principle could lead to a significant contribution to the development of people of that society, including “mutually prospering for oneself and others”, as a fault, denoting as a proper method of education.

After the founding of the Kodokan school, the mentor Jigoro Kano, for the help of judo, began to create a new system of training young people, so the martial arts techniques were seen by him not as a way to spend an hour, but as a reward for training a person. An hour later, the reader wrote that judo wrestling can become a way of effectively defeating the body and the spirit, and the essence of single combat is in the knowledge of the mysticism to defend and attack. Being the most important directly at the new system of training young people in Japan, Kano is rooted in hard training, which allows them to play the will of their students and effectively work out their bodies.

Those that Kano, having created, have overthrown the technique, in order to adopt low principles for perfection for themselves. Sob imagining, replacing jutsu with the word "ju-jutsu" from the suffix, to create a new name for your art: judo. Olympic Games near Stockholm, the first Olympic Games, from which Japan took the lot.

Kano was also praised as "the father of the Japanese physical education." As the director of the Tokyo Normal School of Wines, he fell asleep at the main faculty of physical education, directing for the training of teachers, building security for the physical education of young people in Japan. Kano having risen in price for the cordon thirteen times, reading lectures and demonstrating judo, so that he could reveal his art to the people of the world.

The main principles of judo wrestling Jigoro Kano Zumiv have become more significant, and all the stinks have been laid down in the instructions for the students of the Kodokan school. Vchitel having defeated the strength of a person with eyepieces in singles, and having said the famous formula, for the help of a judoist, whose strength can be estimated at 7 points, you can overcome an opponent with a force of 10 points, for example, you can suddenly beat the rest of the z rivnovagi and suddenly speed up. If the supernik is indulging in zeal, the judoist begins to overturn yoga for strength and that he can overcome it without squeezing his own zusil.

Today, before the International Judo Federation, representatives from about 200 countries and regions enter, practicing from all over the world the practice of putting on a judo uniform and stepping on a kilimok to raise their minds, body and perfume. Below is a part of the preamble of the statutes of the International Judo Federation. Judo is a kind of codification of a sport, in a way that controls viraz body and is a sport that brings people together. Krim zmagan and fights, judo includes technical achievements, practice of catarrhs, self-defense work, physical training and sharpening of the spirit.

Having reached the maximum result, the mentor of the first in the history of judoists, having looked at the main method of wrestling, with a lot more vartuє win in a duel, de the athlete had a chance to report a minimum of power zusil. Having looked at the most effective result as the basic basis of judo, the very principle of wine has played a significant role in the system of physical training of people. One and the same principle of winning as a master in all spheres of life, including learning to take into account the peculiarities of one's behavior, the stages of shaping the character and development of intellectual strengths.

Like a discipline that exudes from the traditions of ancestors, judo was broken up by the founder of the Foundation, that progressive action is superbly modern. The word "judo" is similar to Japanese language, meaning "lower way". Judo is a lot of speeches for different people. For those who are interested in sports, art, craft, discipline, recreational and social activities, a fitness program, self-defense struggle, and also a way of life.

Judo is a unique team, that people of different age, articles and conditions can take the fate of the learned sportsmen at once. Judo is inexpensive, colorful activity, as it attracts people from the current ages of the sport. A lot of people for sixty years can enjoy sports, as well as little children.

Two years later, after the opening of the Kodosan school, in 1884, the fate of the mentor Jigoro Kano had more space for the dojo, although only twelve mats - tatami could fit in the middle. Till what hour, regular days were set for the holding of the open fires, and a classification system was also formed. At this stage, in this system, there were a total of three corn rows, which took away the name “kyu”, as well as three different rows of mastrіv, which were called “dan” at once. For example, the XIX - the beginning of the XX century at school there were only two coaches who were awarded the master level "sedan", and Jojiro Tomit and Shiro Saigo were in the same number.

The establishment of seriousness and importance is necessary to achieve the understanding of “the most efficient energy recovery” and “mutual goodness and hearty practitioners” - two basic principles of judo. Vin also gave judo an emphasis of physical training and a strong moral orientation.

Olympic Games and Olympic Games in Alberta

Judo is one of the first Olympic podia, to sell tickets, and more countries to take part in judo, lower all other Olympic sports, around track and field athletics. The International Olympic Committee has 197 member states, of which 182 are members of the International Judo Federation.

In this hour, the pardon is widely expanded, for the most prestigious among judo athletes is the "black" belt. Ale zgіdno with the principles of judo, the real majsternіst is marked with a belt not of black, but of a red color, although the mentor Jigoro Kano himself put on a belt at the end of his days white color, podkreslyuyuchi before the teachings of the serenity and depth of the secrets of the new created by him combat art.

Tsіkavі facts and statistics of judo

For the tribute to the American College of Sports Medicine, judo is the safest sport for young children. Judo is the most widely practiced martial art in the world, and judo is another popular sport in the whole world. "Judo" is a Japanese word that means "softness" or "gift". Judo is like the ancient martial art of jiu-jitsu, which is not safe hold and hit karate and sumo were turned off. Japan has close to 6 million people practicing judo. At the same time, the Japanese valued that technique as the main aspects of success in judo.

At the same time, for the purpose of delineating the level of mastery of athletes-judoists in the European countries, a system of belts is victorious, the gradation of which is established in a fallow way in their colors. The order of rіven maisternosti is awarded sequentially according to six academic slabs, which are assigned white, yellow, orange, green, blue brown belt. And the “black belts” are already worn by the masters of the first five dans, moreover, the ribbing of their maisternost is due to the additional special stripes on the belt itself. The maestri of the advancing three are given to wear red-white belts, and the remaining two are given bright red-red belts.

For this reason, the early competitors were not few in any of the categories. The first world championships were held in Tokyo, Japan and were won by the Japanese. At this hour at the Olympiad, an athlete cannot bring up magic; Prote at world championships is allowed under the influence.

Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo Kodakan, was born at the seaside Mіkazi. Not being a great and physically capable young person, having longed for physical training and training, as if they would allow you to feel inspired by your body, as if in your mind, that soul. At the age of 18 years of wines, having started the mysticism of jiu-jitsu with a large number of teachers, in order to improve your body and gain the knowledge of the mystics, such a dosi buv nevidomiya. Kano having shown that the skin of the different schools of jiu-jitsu is small in terms of merit, but the same school did not allow you to improve.

Following the systematization of the level of mastery in judo Jigoro Kano to introduce a new system of "kan-geiko", which consists of training for cold weather. Won polagaє in the thirty-day period of winter training, yaki were carried out early in the morning, from 4:00 to 7:00 a.m. Even before 1885, the number of those willing to learn judo at the Kodosan school grew to 54 students, and foreigners began to train for a mentor. The first foreigners at the school were the Eastlake brothers from the USA, but they didn’t get a good stink for a long time, and then Professor Ledd, who had previously lectured at Princeton University, showed up at Kodosani, and he was zealously training under the supervision of a mentor for a ninety-month period.

In 1886, the Kano school was founded and the school moved to Fujimі-te, when the school was founded, the building could accommodate forty matіv, and the start of a new spacious mortgage before the judo school could enroll in 99 schools. Here, the students themselves, with the master’s equal, could put on a black belt yak native rice his status. The masters of the “Kodosan” school, as if they had reached the level of a black belt, goiter were well aware of the principles of the first medical aid, which one hopes for in times of injury. However, such methods of help do not predict modern European medicine and are based on the theory of acupuncture and acupressure, which were similar to the Chinese even for hours of the oldest schools of jujutsu.

On the territory of Japan, the methods of resuscitation of people, as if they were in shoc, are called "kappo" in the form of the words "katsu" and "ho", as in the aggregate they are transferred as "a way to revive". With that, in the old days, the “cappo” technique was the greatest mystery, the shards of the data of the method, the foundations for pouring into the largest active points, you can win not only for the exaltation of the people. Under the hour of learning the aggressive system "sappo", the essence of which was believed by the strikingly most important life point The students of the martial arts school have developed methods of resuscitation of “cappo” Prote Kano, the mentor of Kano, has trained only athletes of high level of skill, as they have reached the singing successes of spiritual well-being.

In the afternoon, the students of the Kodokan school began to be seen at all the educational events, and they organized National agency the police, and the great defeats of the nevdovz became one of the warehouse mythologies of judo. At the result of the school on the Shindo Rokugo Kai kshtalt, the oldest varieties of martial arts were formed, began to unite among themselves, to resist new struggle judo, protests significantly compromised the well-planned and well-thought-out systems of Master Kano.

Already at the end of 1888, Kano's mentor at once with the Reverend T. Lindsey presented the article "Ju-Jutsu" to the Asian Association of Japan, members of some businessmen, English professors and diplomats. It has been brought to this robot that only jujutsu wrestling is inspired by pure Japanese roots, and the techniques of all other martial arts have been blamed for the uninterrupted influx of ancient principles of Chinese boxing.

The principle of judo in the article is illustrated on the basis of the legend about the old teacher, who guarded the willows behind the bushes, who bend under the snow, and didn’t slam when they did. The robot told about master Dzyusin Sekiguti, who was alive in 1597-1670, as well as about other famous masters of ju-jutsu. Of particular interest are the contributions of the articles from the life of Sekіguti, which pan virіshiv zіshtovkhnuti from the Vuzky bridge like a re-verification of the maister's art. Sekіguti himself started to fall on the back, leaning to the edge of the bridge, and then successfully dodged, but pan, leaning forward with inertia, the ice did not call from the bridge near the water.

In 1889, Jigoro Kano settled in the area of ​​Kami-Niban-te, and at that time he had already reached the opening of a small number of branches of the Kodokan school, circulated in different areas of Tokyo, in which the judo science began over thousands of students. Bagatyokh uchnіv mentor utrimuvav wet kosht, prote regime of the day of sportsmen-judoists but not less suvorim, lower life way of chentsiv. The pupils began to wake up about 4:45 am, and then the judoists, as if they lived at the Kodokan school, were embarrassed to clean up their rooms, and also the school’s service premises, and lay down to it the territory.

The afternoon was divided into different aspects of learning, including reading books, studying political sciences and philosophy, psychology and economics, and the practice of judo occupied the space at the school's desk. If the students read books, they were guilty of being dressed in a kimono with a hakama - even with wide trousers, and like the Kodokan, which is taught at school, without training and not reading, it was busy cleaning up, preparing baths, or zhі, or serving guests. The day at the Kodokan ended no more than 9:30, after which the judo athletes were already allowed to go to bed.
Once a week, Jigoro Kano spent time with his students at tea time, and in a week, after school students, they let him go for a walk. The motto of the school of Jigoro Kano sounded: “Zrobi yourself”, and the same leather from the school gave for the darning of a wet robe that yoga practice. The mentor himself is alive under such a regime, like a yogi, but he often happened to be busy with translations at night, as the Ministry of Education would say.

For additional money, otrimanih for the translation, the master went far away to one more place in the dojo in Sima To-mizaka-te, in which there were already a hundred matіvs, but from that moment the learners could pay for their education, although the payment was not large. In 1895, five groups of “goke-no-waza” instructions were carried out in “Kodosan”, which included the main techniques - falling, kicks and leg swings, and the “setyu-geiko” system, which transmits summer training, appeared already through river.


JUDO unchangeable; since. Wrestling in a free style, based on wrestling and modernization of jiu-jitsu techniques, has become a special kind of sports wrestling. Accept bud.


(Japanese: ju - softness, do - way), a type of sports wrestling, vinik in Japan of the XIX century, modernized jiu-jitsu, converted to sports. A number of methods of fighting are allowed and іnshі, for example, pain. The International Federation (IJF; founded 1956) has close to 160 countries (1997). World Championships in 1956, Europe in 1951, in the program of the Olympic Games in 1964.


JUDO (jap. judo. vіd ju - gentry, lower i do - way), a kind of sports wrestling, based on jiu-jitsu techniques. (div. JIU-JITSU (jiu-jitsu)) Vinik at Japan, for example, 19th century. In a row with methods of fighting, pain is allowed (on the hands) and suffocating. Athletes at the kimono (div. KIMONO)(Dovga jacket with a belt and white pants) fight on special mats - tatami (div. TATAMI). In order to achieve victory at the stand, the attacking wrestler is guilty of vikonati throwing a superman on the tatami on his back (bolovy or strangling hold or stretching for 30 seconds). The technical skills of wrestlers are assessed by the following rank: pure victory - “ipon” (10:0), “vasari” (7:0), “yuko” (5:0), “coca” (3:0).
In 1956 the International Federation (IJF) was founded; up to 187 countries (2002). World championships have been held since 1956, Europe - since 1951, in the program of the Olympic Games since 1964 (Crimea 1968). on the Olympic Games in Barcelona (1992) judo competitions were held in the middle among women.
History of the winery
Judo viniklo based on jiu-jitsu, priyomi yakoї migrated to Japan from China. The founder of judo was a prominent Japanese teacher, educator and coach D. Kano (1860-1938). In 1882, having fallen asleep its own judo school "Kodokan", which soon became the world's largest center for training fahivtsiv judo wrestlers. Recognized by the leaders of modern judo is Japanese judoisti. The Olympic debut of judo brought him three gold medals, and A. Gesink (Netherlands) won in absolute first place. Yogo win became the biggest sensation. Such countries as the Soviet Socialist Republic, Korea, Canada, Great Britain became a year of competition for Japan.
The development of judo in Russia
A development of Russian judo named after U. Z. Oshchepkov (1892-1937), a former student at the Japanese Kodokan Judo Institute. Turning back to Russia in 1914, opened his own school. Ale, in a right way, judo began to develop less in wartime fates.
In 1962, the SRSR became a member of the European Judo Union and the International Federation. In 1964, at the Olympics in Tokyo, the judoists of Radyansk successfully made their debut, as if they won bronze medals. In 1972 the All-Union Judo Federation was founded. Tsey sport became quickly gain popularity. The first gold medal was given to the judoist viborov by the Radyansk athlete Sh. Chochishvili at the Games of the XX Olympiad in Munich (1972). Olympic gold medals were also won by S. Novikov, V. Nevzorov, N. Solodukhin, Sh. Khabareli, D. Khakhaleshvili. At the Olympic Games near Sydney (2000), the Russian team also performed successfully: one silver medal (L. Bruletova) and two bronze medals (Yu. Stepkin and T. Tmenov). At the Olympiad in Athens (2004), Russian judoists won two silver medals (V. Makarov and T. Tmenov) and three bronze medals (D. Nosov, Kh. Taov and T. Donguzashvili).

Encyclopedic dictionary. 2009 .


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