Life dots on the body of a person. Anatomy of life and death. Zhittєvo important dots on the body of a person

The book by V. Momot is unique, there are no analogues in the world of martial arts, reports atlas-finder of sore points on the body of a person. They have material from the history of the development of kyusejutsu. Lessons from unique ancient treatises, tables of points of different systems of China and Japan.

Theoretical insights into the anatomy and physiology of people, methods of injury and resuscitation. A report on the anatomical expansion of 64 main points, directly related to the optimal inflow, is shown, based on the strength and intensity of the methods of impact or onslaught.

Through dozens of rokiv vines, you have found the minds of master Oyatu. We are pleased with you! One having weaved yoga body for thousands of years, and continued to greet the unfortunates, as if it seems: "We are all different." My beds are different, but why bother us often to unite with our statement about a beautiful body? Ideas, in order to take the maximum amount of food, it’s necessary to have a lot, but nutrition, as we most often set, - why do we really want it? Okrim bazhannya be healthy, we have ideas about those who are beautiful.

At the antenature, a table of the Polar of Problekko was introduced by 30 old -skinned shkils of the Japanese Boyfish of the Misterstvi Books “Ostannii Ninja” Fuji Seiko Sakopatsuho Makei ”, Yaki Vypoles of his own knowledge of another, and in that number I was in the USA. rehabilitation. katsu for the assistant of Yamadi Ko, the founding specialist in judo and jujutsu, who conducted experiments on volunteers in the 60s of the 20th century.

Bo body, like everything in this world, the object needs not only physics, but also the spirit. Healthy = beauty? An analysis of the fates of the study, having shown that the assessment of a beautiful body is closely connected with the development of our mind. On a purely biological mechanism for estimating proportions in individuals and bodies, people add, for example, the spivvіdnoshennia of these proportions to reproductive abilities. An indicator of sexual health of a person, irrespective of his social status and way of life, is to know the same proportions for a woman as a matter of fact.

MOMOT Valeriy Valeriyovych

Peredmova author

Book-atlas "Anatomy of life and death. Life important points on the body of a person" - the first part of the dilogy, dedicated to the topics of vital points of life, which is a method for blows and finger strikes in a real duel with a enemy. He reports on the so-called medical aspects of the impact of blows, strength and direct attack the most possible effect of them, and later, may be practically identical to the legacy of their strikes), the author was able to achieve, at a glance, a distant balance in the spivvіdnoshnі "comprehensibility-efficiency-accessibility" when publishing the material in the book.

The human brain of calls heals the signs of birthright proportions, and is the main visual criterion of the yogo sexual impulse. Not so richly written on the theme of the female figure of the "dog year" as ideal for the beauty of the female body, as it practically did not change with the passage of the current history of mankind and can be found in the mystical memoirs of the world. The key to the dilemma of the form without intermediary interference with the hormonal balance of a woman, like a volodiya.

In a healthy woman of state maturity, hormones program the accumulation of fat in the head rank in the bust and buckles, but not in the waist. Breasts, quilts and quilts are well secured with food supplies, as they are necessary for the anniversary of newborns, and they may not be of great importance for development. At that hour, as a tendency for the body to save fat on the waist and empty stomach, a nuance of the human hormonal background, which is a contraindication for a healthy woman.

The need to write a similar book of vinyl has been around for a long time. Those, the yak of our Kraokani (not that is not tilki), I can do it in the liters of the Lithearsis of the topic of the Vivchenna of the real єdinobravity, the yak reached the one of the naratymniy galluses of the knowledge, in the yaki lichen thalika, viclica. According to the majority of these "primary assistance" not those who strike, know that chi and other point on real people most of the time it’s just impossible (krim hіba scho of such zones, like eyes, adam’s apple, groin, knіno chi elbow), but still learn.

Women also respond to the same proportionate visual stimuli, as they can develop different basic equals for the hour of choosing a partner. The body of a woman, yak to bring a new life, the trochs adapted to the people. A woman appreciates the privatility of a person, depending on the phase of her cycle, calling on the privatility of rice, which contrasts at a different hour. All these special skills are related to our long-standing foundations on the planet.

The natural vibrator of the state, as if it was twisted by the protracted century, played a role in the aesthetic sprynyatt of the human body, but for the time being it is not possible to explain the deuce of the appearance, so dazzlingly extreme, to the point of being a strong human intellect. The butts of which are the ideals of the Renaissance flesh, and the body of mannequins of fashion and rich actresses, though they are beautiful, are rarely approached today to the biologically effective proportion of the “dog year”. The image-creating art also tends to develop in proportions, in proportions, as quiet as in nature, as it can also be aesthetically foldable.

For the sake of filling this, even more difficult I tried, and a book-atlas was created. I’m guessing it’s not necessary to repeat banally to readers about those that, in order to make a skin blow, it’s effective in a right way, you can have direct directives in real, clearly known, and not as a bottling, on a kshtalt “head”, “stomach”, "shiya", dot-meta. Navit with a weak, but accurate blow, the greater part of the indications at the book point should be 100% correct, and even about the straining, good practice of technical reception, and say no more. If you want to increase the effectiveness of your strikes and bury it less than two times in the form of a cob row, turn the skin of your hand into a really deadly armor, report and remember those things about what is written and what is shown in this book.

Body like a cult. From the glance of the human soul, the body is present, as if showing the spirit in different worlds at different historical stages. The ancient peoples hoarded their physics as a subject of science and art, and of their spiritual nature. The ancient Egyptians, one of the original civilizations, did not fight the difference between material and spiritual world. The stench navit tornulsya objektіv vіroy їhnіy spiritual virіr. Cosmetics and rituals, which we call today procedures, originate from the very beginning of our cultural development, not only for physical, but also spiritually sensible drink.

And more ... Perhaps, the author releases the dragon from the world, above the floor, relatively looking at the point of death on the body of a person. Ale, calling all the "for" and "against" and vydkinuvshi, nareshti, sumniv, vin all the same, calling on the whole risk-taking rich in why krok. It’s too much to rely on those who don’t waste their knowledge in the hands of the filth, and they will be victorious only for confessions - for the sake of your life, the life of your loved ones, that life of people, they will demand your help. Alas, the moral, lower technical side of nutrition is faster, and the author believes in those who have reason and purity, having thought to take the mountain from you over the stupid strength and aggressiveness of the creature.

Speaking about the look of the mind on the body, we cannot fail to guess the familiar face of Leonardo da Vinci. harmony human body, Leonardo, written a century before, as science demonstrated the proportions of the proportions of that healthy body. The main conceptual idea of ​​this sketch, imaginatively, is to show the human body as a model that will be born, for forms with a wide range in architecture.

Tsіkavo, scho closer zastosuvannya zolotih vіzerunkіv to human form, tim more mi vyznaєmo yogo today. A lot of make-up effects can be worked on directly, as well as image processing programs. Golden feathering is a mathematically lucid harmony in aesthetic proportions, infusing what is almost brought to ours. Zavdyaks of universal zastosuvannya in the human style of wines are also zastosovuetsya in the design of clothing.


Maybe, it’s impossible to say exactly the hour, if the person remembered in the past, what to hit and stick with it in that other part of the enemy’s body more effectively, lower be like another. Tse knowledge is as old as the world, and yogo turns followed shukati in prehistoric hours - at the mystical world, like on animals, and on their own like. During the first confrontation - for the territory, woman, zhu - growing up and spitting that dosvid, which, through a thousand years, transforming into a vitonchen mysticism to drive in or to be merciful with one insignificant hand, or to wind a finger.

Here again, I should note that the exercise of beauty is trivae posture of zastosuvannya mathematical canons. For good or evil, mathematics still hoarded the formulas of the human soul. So far, it is not clear enough, but for those that the golden peretina is accepted optimally, lower brain, it was not long ago installed.

Tim is no less, in Japan, for example, the ideals of beauty are greatly perturbed in proportion to the golden feathering. In China and Japan, and other old civilizations, fashion began to change at a recent stage in history, and for a long time they are characterized by characteristic proportions. The tea ceremony of these lands is only one of the applications of their mutual understanding between body and spirit.

I think that I don’t think of anyone in particular because of those that all the peoples that inhabit our planet, that in the other world are small (and may) have this specific evidence from the blame of their own kind, otherwise how can you explain the fact that they still live and hello, at that hour, how many nationalities (and possibly, natsії) have sunk into oblivion? In order to survive, a person is small victorious, be it accessible to the knowledge of that newcomer, among those in the first place, it was always possible to survive and overcome the war.

Independently in the latitude, mental eating stimulates the activity of the brain with a path of “attacking” the centers of satisfaction and, therefore, fullness of the physical state of the whole body. Aesthetic surveillance of the body, it is easier to induce health care, increase the speed of mental processes, and aromas can inspire a jubilant infusion on the body. It is marvelous and indistinct that the development is similar to design, fashion and decorative cosmetics, promoting the development of the brain, and acquiring a different type of information.

Do you win emoticons? Singing, yes, but not vipadkovo. Regardless of the race, nationality and our position in the society, we all know how to communicate through the language of the body. See our original social communication tool as old as we know. For as long as you have been mischievous, if the cavernous people have laughed, then it will be so. The deyakі kraїni, so like the Indians, zastosovuyut supra-linguistically the language of the body in their own connection and rozpovidat long and rich history with nothing but ruin and legacy.

It’s a pity that through the uninterrupted wars, a lot of applied combat knowledge and skills were ruined, or they passed to the people-peremozhtsya, even as they were able to, they were either blamed, or turned to slaves. There is nothing marvelous in this fact;

Experts have reconsidered what nourishment, that expanding knowledge about the language of the body will improve us in various areas of our life. The stench is not too far away from the truth, but the residual destruction of this object can let us have such spontaneous spontaneity in pictures.

We hope to remind other people not only for the help of our gestures and mimic, but also for the choice of colors and forms of clothing, make-up and accessories. I love the technique of Hollywood make-up and crossover transformation, which has also become a TV show showing the effect of these elements.

Also, a cicada experiment with a laboratory apron, for which the participants were given food for a wild character, but when the cloth was completed, for the help of an apron, a hundred of correct answers were sharply observed. So the very proposition of a businesslike dress, but with a more specific subject of business, is far from sufficient for the correct statements, like a warm order.

The year was a daedal larger than an armor, smashing on a great vіdstanі (tsibuli, darts, balіsti and others.) chi independently from the exact hitting of this chi and other region (important swords, halberds and others.), and the art of hitting life became a share of important points , master-professionals, yak have changed all their lives without interruption to the full extent of their deadly knowledge.

Recently published reports have brought a fact that has been supported by hundreds of years - people from a strong specialty lure others. So I call the charismatic, it is important to explain in words, but after seeing what is being looked at, showing that the first enemy is enough, in order to turn respect to posterigach. The second part of the experiment shows a greater intensity of tension in the most charismatic group. Criteria for evaluating specialness include impersonal details, which make our bachelor as a messenger to the world.

There are too few experts who can sensibly explain the consequences of the Tian-Sui stagnation. Seemingly, Tian-Sue is directed to blocking the flow of energy, and the beats are often associated with impaired breathing and blood circulation. As we already know, the energy of that blood passes through 12 key parts of the body for one day. This flow is uneven - sometimes wines are similar to tidal wind, sometimes wines flow properly. The lowering of the singing life point at a given moment can lead to a galvanization, and sometimes to a reverse flow.

More pіznіshe tі danі were classified, becoming not only a cast (viysk), but often a family secret, which was passed from the father to the blue of the century. And in such a state of stink, it has gone on until our hour - hour, if more of the taemnyh knowledge no longer presents us with the same riddles, and about the technique of family schools, there are books in tens of thousands of copies.

Channels, in which energy flows in the air, can be connected with a hose, like water flowing; in their line, vitally important points play the role of control valves or valves of that hose. If a point is blocked by a blow, a squeeze, or a surge of energy, a point in the meridian swells and changes. It is pathologically associated with organs and organs, in some cases the channel. As a result, various injuries are blamed - death, paralysis, unrecognizable state, naming melancholy.

Dr. John Painter pronounces categories or degrees of disability as a result of Tian-Sui's selection. Light blow - death in 4 days to 2 days. Middle day - death before the age of 72. An important blow to die - death before the age of 48. Heavy punishment - death from 12 to 24 years old.

All the above words are worthy of the existence of all nations and peoples - regardless of their geographical location or cultural development. However, only at the Far Descent - in China, Japan, Korea (although the protelezhzhniki chanuvals of the slov'janskih chi zahіdnih martial arts stverdzhuvaly) the mystic art of striking life important points has reached its maximum development and refinement.

The fourth category also includes traces of rapt death. As it was guessing, some of the very life points of the vicorist are like healing, so driving. All deposited using different methods infusion and stasis dose strength. Behind the words of Banhegi, which is also a fahivtsy of acupuncture, it is also a cut, for which life is an important moment, the manager of one chi іnshoy impact.

Testing was carried out by volunteers at the Institute of Life Sciences, all stinks were buried and described by the best scientific methods. Experiment vikoristav pomіrnu diyu on a healthy volunteer in the point of wild with punch punch. After 10 minutes, there was discomfort in the abdominal cavity. After 15 whilins, the body temperature rose to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and the pulse of 62 rose to 90 beats per whilin. After 20 whilins, we were wary of thoracic ulcers all over the heart, the pulse became atypical - falling to 50, and then zbіlshuvsya to tsikh symptoms, which are accompanied by tremors in the chins and weakened body.

Under "vitonicity" in to this particular type I may, on the basis of the scrupulous accuracy of science, drive in, classify the points according to groups, fallowly, depending on the level of their insecurity, or the anatomical and physiological aspect of the aftermath of their shock, nareshti, obsyag of the knowledge transmitted by centuries, regardless of the daily bends at the sight of war.

It is possible that the people are able to explain with the individuals of the culture of the Azaitsky people, the yaki Zvyli, the ancestral entrepreneurship of the Blagogogogovim to the knowledge of the Settish Zokremi (Tibetai, to the other day, is to be drilled. i suvoro karanim). Possibly, tim, scho, for example, in Japan, the special mastery of the war was always important, less victorious for the great masses of singing soldiers.

The reasons for Bagato, the fact of the fact of flood the fact - the male of the traditions of the schemes of the Boys Mistetswikh Sogodni mi is able to systematically vivchaty live the point of the "people's people, the spijah at the dosvid of the bica in search of maximum efficiency and wildness of devices.

It is a thought that the magic of hitting the life of important points in the past has grown wide in China. Ignoring this fact and scorching the weather with it, we are more likely to look at the same Chinese knowledge, more so, to do the stink and systematize it the most "probing", it is equal to the other lands of the Far Gathering. Infinitely those who developed the art of striking life important dots on the body of a person in China went hand in hand with the art of jubilation, which victorious those dots and in principle poured on them. Especially in that part, if on the right there were so-called energy points (pinned on the energy channels of the human body) - jin lo.

The book by V. Momot is unique, there are no analogues in the world of martial arts, reports atlas-finder of sore points on the body of a person. They have material from the history of the development of kyusejutsu. Lessons from unique ancient treatises, tables of points of different systems of China and Japan.

Theoretical insights into the anatomy and physiology of people, methods of injury and resuscitation. A report on the anatomical expansion of 64 main points, directly related to the optimal inflow, is shown, based on the strength and intensity of the methods of impact or onslaught.
At the antenature, a table of the Polar of Problekko 30 old -skinned shkils of the Japanese Boy -Sobykhs of the Books of the Ostanniy Ninji Fuji Seiko Sakkatsuho Makei, which vague his own, in the Rocks of another, and in that number I in the American, and in the American. rehabilitation. katsu for the assistant of Yamadi Ko, the founding specialist in judo and jujutsu, who conducted experiments on volunteers in the 60s of the 20th century.

Book-atlas “Anatomy of life and death. Life important points on the body of a person ”is the first part of the dilogy, dedicated to the topics of vital life important points, like a method of blows and finger zahoplen in a real duel with a enemy. The new one has reportedly reviewed t. “Significant” aspects of the wounding of pain points: anatomical expansion, physiological and medical aspects of the impacts, the strength of that direct injection to reach the maximum possible effect. Do not worry about as many points as possible (there are more, because there are more points in different martial arts systems, or they duplicate the points shown in the book, or stashed in the direct proximity to them, and also, may be practically identical to the successions of them), the author was struck to achieve, on one thought, far from the balance of the spіvvіdnoshnі “obligation-efficiency-accessibility” pіd hіkladu material at the knіzі.
The need to write a similar book of vinyl has been around for a long time. Those, the yak of our Kraokani (not that is not tilki), I can do it in the liters of the Lithearsis of the topic of the Vivchenna of the real єdinobravity, the yak reached the one of the naratymniy galluses of the knowledge, in the yaki lichen thalika, viclica. For the greater number of "primary helpers" it is not the same to impress, to know that other point on a real person, it is most simply impossible (there are no such zones, like eyes, Adam's apple, groin, number of cheeks), but to learn ...
For the sake of filling this, even more difficult I tried, and a book-atlas was created. I’m guessing that it’s not necessary to repeat banally to readers about those who, in order to make a skin blow, choke in a right way, are effective, you can have direct directives from the real, clearly known, and not such a common splurge, on the kshtalt “head”, “stomach” , "shiya", dot-meta. Navit with a weak, but accurate blow, the greater part of the indications at the book point should be 100% correct, and even about the straining, good practice of technical reception, and say no more. If you want to increase the effectiveness of your strikes and bury it less than two times in the form of a cob row, turn the skin of your hand into a really deadly armor, report and remember those things about what is written and what is shown in this book.
And more ... Perhaps, the author releases the dragon from the world, above the floor, relatively looking at the point of death on the body of a person. Ale, having called all the “for” and “against” and voicing, nareshti, sumniv, vin, all the same, calling for all the rizikovaniya rich in why krok. It’s too much to rely on those who don’t waste their knowledge in the hands of the filth, and they will be victorious only for confessions - for the sake of your life, the life of your loved ones, that life of people, they will demand your help. Alas, the moral, lower technical side of nutrition is faster, and the author believes in those who have reason and purity, having thought to take the mountain from you over the stupid strength and aggressiveness of the creature.


Maybe, it’s impossible to say exactly the hour, if the person remembered in the past, what to hit and stick with it in that other part of the enemy’s body more effectively, lower be like another. Tse knowledge is as old as the world, and yogo turns followed shukati in prehistoric hours - at the mystical world, like on animals, and on their own like. During the first confrontation - for the territory, woman, zhu - growing up and spitting that dosvid, which, through a thousand years, transforming into a vitonchen mysticism to drive in or to be merciful with one insignificant hand, or to wind a finger.
I think that I don’t think of anyone in particular because of those that all the peoples that inhabit our planet, that in the other world are small (and may) have this specific evidence from the blame of their own kind, otherwise how can you explain the fact that they still live and hello, at that hour, how many nationalities (and possibly, natsії) have sunk into oblivion? In order to survive, a person is small victorious, be it accessible to the knowledge of that newcomer, among those in the first place, it was always possible to survive and overcome the war.
It’s a pity that through the uninterrupted wars, a lot of applied combat knowledge and skills were ruined, or they passed to the people-peremozhtsya, even as they were able to, they were either blamed, or turned to slaves. There is nothing marvelous in this fact;
The year was a daedal larger than an armor, smashing on a great vіdstanі (tsibuli, darts, balіsti and others.) chi independently from the exact hitting of this chi and other region (important swords, halberds and others.), and the art of hitting life became a share of important points , master-professionals, yak have changed all their lives without interruption to the full extent of their deadly knowledge.
More pіznіshe tі danі were classified, becoming not only a cast (viysk), but often a family secret, which was passed from the father to the blue of the century. And in such a state of stink, it has gone on until our hour - hour, if more of the taemnyh knowledge no longer presents us with the same riddles, and about the technique of family schools, there are books in tens of thousands of copies.
All the above words are worthy of the existence of all nations and peoples - regardless of their geographical location or cultural development. However, only at the Far Descent - in China, Japan, Korea (although the protelezhzhniki chanuvals of the slov'janskih chi zahіdnih martial arts stverdzhuvaly) the mystic art of striking life important points has reached its maximum development and refinement.
PID "Vitonchestya" in the duma vipad, I May on Svyaz's scrupuli in the accurate science of the science, classifice, the point of the load on the loads of the native of the anatomical and fiber aspect of the pitsu, the gear, the score, the cereal , chase the death of the masters.
It is possible that the people are able to explain with the individuals of the culture of the Azaitsky people, the yaki Zvyli, the ancestral entrepreneurship of the Blagogogogovim to the knowledge of the Settish Zokremi (Tibetai, to the other day, is to be drilled. i suvoro karanim). Possibly, tim, scho, for example, in Japan, the special mastery of the war was always important, less victorious for the great masses of singing soldiers.
The reasons for Bagato, the fact of the fact of floods the fact - the male of the traditions of the schemes of the Boys Mistetswikh Sogodni mi is able to systematically vivchaty live the point of the people, spijah, at the same time, the skeleton of the bica in search of maximum efficiency and wildness of devices.
It is a thought that the magic of hitting the life of important points in the past has grown wide in China. Ignoring this fact and having a hard time with it, we are more likely to look at the very Chinese knowledge, more so, to achieve the stench and the most systematized and “opratsovanimy” compared with the other lands of the Far Descent. Infinitely those who developed the art of striking life important dots on the body of a person in China went hand in hand with the art of jubilation, which victorious those dots and in principle poured on them. Especially in that part, if on the right there were so-called energy points (pinned on the energy channels of the human body) - jin lo.
Doctors to China with a way of samples and pardons from generation to generation passed on the accumulation of dosvid, multiplying and developing yoga. One of the first written documents dedicated to acupuncture and that came before us was the book “Huangdi nei-ching” (“Treatise on the internal, or on the nature of life”), written in China around 221 p. BC e. (її the authorship is attributed to the name of the legendary "zhovtogo" emperor, the great Shi Huang-di). Nіy vіdobrazhenі nіdobrazhenі nіy holkoterapії і prikannya, nine forms of metal holocars are described, topography 295 points (135 paired and 25 unpaired), the main indications and contraindications, as well as the rules for conducting holkotherapy, are based prikannya.
It should be noted that the development of zhen-jiu therapy was not isolated from the global development of Chinese medicine. A high development in this period was achieved by surgery for the prevention of painkillers (opium drugs, alcohol, aconite root). The Bian-Qiao pulse diagnostics (500 years BC) began to be developed, the first Chinese pharmacopoeia (I century BC) was compiled. With his development of Chinese goiter surgery, Hua Tuo (220–230 rr. AD), who gave respect not only to surgery, but also established a system of gymnastic rights based on natural ruins of five creatures (“gra five animals” ). Qi ruhi, as it is important, the order of tao “18 hands of archats”, which is attributed to Bodhidharma himself, formed the basis of Shaolin quanfa - the hand-to-hand combat system of Shaolin chants. He also described and gave specific practical recommendations for holcotherapy (for example, in order to eliminate the effect, it is necessary to inject into a small number of points (1-2), and to pull the head off as soon as it appears in an ill person).
Recently, Juan Fumi (215–282 pp. AD) wrote the book “Jia-i-Jing”, dedicated to zhen-jiu therapy, de describing 649 points (300 guys and 49 unpaired) on the human body and first zastosuvav termin "zhen-tszyu" (in Chinese zhen - acupuncture, literally a prick with a golden needle; tszyu - prikannya). During this period, acupuncture and medicine reach an unprecedented popularity among the population of China. To shy away first, try to schematically depict a spot for zhen-jiu therapy. At 265 r. the book "Jia-i-Tsin", and the trochs of the newest (562 r. n. e.) and the Chinese atlas of lines and dots were taken to Japan, de order with wide-width acupuncture, it was drunk (moxa grass).

From China and Japan, the method of acupuncture has expanded rapidly in other countries of the Skhod (Korea, Mongolia, India). Slid designate that in the VI Art. e. to China from India came the Way of Damo (Bodhіdharma), who became the preacher of Buddhism at the legendary Shaolin monastery. Bowing, puskhovite, razkhatkvitika Shaolizuan - a nyefective style of hand -to -hand combat zy Zbruu, without a zbro, for the null -wilted duma, was a turning point in the Istoriye Mistetvsky, I was tagged in a distant dent concepts, fundamental change in the course of development. До цього часу бойові мистецтва вважалися звичайним ремеслом, у Шаолінь ж сталося злиття техніки ведення поєдинку з філософією чань-буддизму, різними психофізичними вправами, медициною у всіх її аспектах, що зробило послідовників шаоліньцюань неперевершеними бійцями, а в китайській розмовній » - «Чернець-воїн ".
Significant Croc distant development acupuncture and medicine (and later, and the achievement of their knowledge in combat mysticism) became the creation in China of the first medical schools and the highest medical school (1076), as they prepared fahіvtsіv zhen-tszyu therapy (before the tsynogo training fіmіvtsіyu). The creation of scales became possible after the preparation of Van Weiy (1027) two bronze mannequins with openings for the insertion of heads. Vihodyachi z vchennya ancient about twelve "life ships", "channels", "lines", scho to connect the periphery of the body with the internal organs, roztashuvav vіdomі thodi 657 points (303 pairs and 51 unpaired) on these lines.
For the sake of clarity, the mannequin and the topography of the life lines and points of the clave atlas "Rules to the heads, moxa and points of the bronze man." At this hour, zhen-jiu therapy in China has become an independent medical specialty.
Through two hundred years, and on April 9, 1247, a podia came up, which celebrated a significant injection, like on the magic of life, important points, and on the magic of battle as a whole. On the first day the legendary founder of Taijiquan Zhang San-Feng was born. Why is this person so significant? Let's talk about it first, maybe a small entrance.
As you can see, today all Chinese martial arts (wushu) are divided into “outward” (waijia) and “internal” styles (neuja).
Such a feat was great and more mentally and more recently adopted, the shards of the "outward" and "zhorst" styles are always the elements of "internal" or "soft" styles and navpaki.
Similar intelligence has given us the opportunity to reveal important points in the systematization of life. Just as the first great group of them is directed at the direct attack of the physical body of a person according to the principle “here and at once” (that is, “hitting-killing” or “hitting-pokalichiv”), it is even more characteristic of the technical Shaolinquan, then another group may be hit or not I will describe the day for її astonishment (i.e., “hitting infecting tomorrow, day, month ...”).
Moreover, the localization of the points of the first and the other groups is more likely to be avoided, there are no more methods of their damage.
While in the case of the “outward” shock, it is important to just exactly spend the other time in that chi, then in the case of the “internal” strike, it’s already possible to be present not only the correct direct blow and the hour of the yogo inflicted, but yobium, t.z. "reminders" or "energetic" way of yogo vikonnannya (in other words, the blow does not get the kick, but the internal energy of qi that goes through the arm and leg).
Before Zhang San Feng, as it is customary to respect, such a thing has never happened before. Shaolin tradition for life dzherelam in that hour, there was, behind various historical and legendary dzherels, from 18 to 180 points of destruction (for the number of military equipment) that the effectiveness of their defeat lay only in the maisternost of the vikonavtsya itself (that is, having squandered much and exactly wine from that part of the enemy) ).
If the inner energy and victorious was beaten up under the hour of the reckoning, then there is still less of a greater increase and so deadly force of blows, kicks and slaughter.
Such a camp of speeches, perhaps, would be saved by donin, yakbi not Zhang San-Fen. It is to you, to you, perhaps, to the legendary maister, to attribute the development of a detailed applied system of winning the life of vital points of the human body, as we know today, taijiquan (“the fist of the great boundary”).
Being a person of non-abyaya zdіbnosti, Zhang San-Feng began to wove classical texts (as you can start from the coming podiums, “Huangdi nei-ching” and “Jia-i-Jing” among those), at 12 rokіv vіtsі, prote after pilgrimages to the mountain Gekhunshan looked like an official car and became a hermit, directing all his thoughts to the reach of immortality. During this period, according to the legend, Zhang San-feng smashed the Shaolinquan mysticism, as if he gained the right to manage internal energy (daoyin), taking advantage of the Taoist arsenal "Changshen busizhi fa" ("ways to continue life without life") and . This is the moment (because of the danim alone, it happened in 67 years, if Zhang San-fen learned the Taoist mentor Ho Lun, who taught him the “right” ways of gaining immortality) Zhang San-feng also showed his knowledge of acupuncture with martial arts, okrim Another rozroblyayuchi method is not only a blow (energetic strike), but the method of defending the sight (qigong “a good shirt”). In order to check the effectiveness of their combat methods, they spent 13 (!) years judging them to the stratum of evildoers, for which they determined the severity of that chimney method in battle.
It is possible, only a legend, but, as it seems, in the skin kazci there is a part of the truth, and today it is possible to strengthen it, that taijiquan was broken up as a system of energy damage to vital points, and not "important" health.
It is necessary to say that before the light of the fruits of the work of Master Zhang Sanf-en appeared in letters (recognize, acknowledge the author, what, prote, turn on the possibility of their foundation, knowing the strength of the Chinese literally systematize everything, canonize it just. a clear classification under the pain points for the traces in the form of their lesions. Wtіm, and podіlu ear to the "internal" and "external" styles also did not happen - it will become fateful here on a chotirist pіznіshe, already for the hours of the Qing dynasty (1644–1911 rr. pravlіnnya).
It wasn’t there, the fruits of Zhang San-Fen’s work didn’t come for nothing, and during the period of the winding ear for the hours of the Ming dynasty, they were detailed in detail to do the reading of the classification criteria, for which these pir (i dosi) it was accepted to separate the groups of point-tsilei carrying out receptions of a different type of ear (there are less than chotiri: hit with your hands, feet, throws and chopping). There are few such classifications. In order to give them a deake of the appearance of chitachev, here we will bring up only three of them, in order to clearly reflect the eminence of the outer and inner styles, as well as the styles of the qin for them to life important points, fallow in the methods in the vein, which is the most important:
1. Shaolinquan tian xiu - striking the flecks in the Shaolin tradition:
hou syu - dots that call bіl;
хіа сю - points that cry out to the nerve shocking one / or the other;
ma syu - dots that call out tediousness;
sіeu syu - dots that call paralysis of kintsivok;
show shu - deadly points.
2. Taijiquan tian xu - hitting points in the taiji tradition:
diyan syu - squeezing on a speck;
child grass - overlapping of the primary channels to the pressure on the point;
for grass (dim poppy) - pressure on veins and arteries;
lo syu (іn-yang-syu) - irritated points during the transition of energy from the meridian to the meridian.
3. Qingna tian xiu - hitting the point of mystical suffocation, power yak shaolinquan, i taijiquan:
feng tsin - opening of the m'yazіv and tendon;
xu gu - injury, displacement and fracture of the bones;
bі qi - suffocation that overlapping breath;
dya may / dіm mak - a vice on the vein and artery;
diyan syu - pressing on the flecks;
grass - blocking the channels of qi for additional pressure on the points.

As you can see from the representations of the classifications, setting up goals in different styles of wushu is even more striking - but it’s not surprising. It’s more surprising that, with all the different goals, with different methods of injection, the points themselves are overfilled in more fluctuations in one and the same in all three of the three class groups! Most of them are available in total 108, the most coexisting ones are 36 to 64, others are treated either as additives, or they are affected in a complex way, the shards of roses are close to each other. On the offensive side, we draw a table of Chinese points, indicating their name, topography and traces of the strike. In addition, jumping ahead, we also seem to be an energy channel and the hour of hitting those other points, vvazhayuchi given by an invisible part of the Chinese art of tianxu.

Chinese life important points (tian xu)

Name - Roztashuvannya - Meridian and hour max. activity - the result of the defeat
Bai hui - Top of the head - posterior middle - Nudota, vomit, death
Іntan (tintran, sinchin) - At the top of the line, the line of the brows - posterior middle - Death, plumpness
Bilyan (mesin) - On the line of the brows - posterior middle - Death, bleeding
Shoku - Transferred - posterior middle - Death, bleeding
Tien tin - Carotid artery - colostomy (5–7) - Death, restlessness
Liang quan - Basis of the throat - anterior middle - Death, restlessness
Tai yang, tai yin - Skronya zliva and on the right - shlunka (7–9) - Death, inconsistency
Er men (fon tang, kai quan) - The front side of the wuha - three rounds (21-23) - Death, unpretentiousness
Jia che (ya sha) - Side of the slit - shlunka (7–9) - Death, unruly
Tseyuy ry - Top of the shoulder in the center - thorax (5-7) - Name of the shoulder
Bі nao - From the outer side of the shoulder - the colon (5-7) - Name of the hand
Qu chi - Anterior part of the ulnar nodule - the intestines (5-7) - Paralysis of the hand
Show San - At the upper part of the anterior part - the colon (5-7) - Paralysis of the hand
He gu (fi kou) - Mіzh with a great and pointed finger - larynx (5-7) - Death (qi infection)
Ji quan - Middle pakhvi - heart (11-13) - Heart attack
Yin chuan (tian tai) - The upper part of the chest - the flap (7-9) - Death, restlessness, cough
Qiuo - the lower part of the chest - the anterior middle - nudity, vomiting, death
Tseyu koan (ju quye) - Under brunkoy - anterior middle - Nudota, vomit, death
Yu mei (sin kang, shan wan) - Sleepy gossip - anterior middle - Death, inconsistency
Qi men - The basis of the ribs - the liver (1–3) - Death, restlessness, cough
Zhang men - Point on the 11th rib - liver (5–7) - Death, restlessness, cough
Zhong wan - The upper part of the slack - anterior middle - Nudota, vomit, death
She is less - Pidcherev'ya - anterior middle - Nudota, vomiting, death
Jing men - The area of ​​the poyanitsі - the liver (5–7) - Death, restlessness, sudomi
Nei guan (van Mei) - Internal bik of the pericardium (19-21) - Death (qi infection), ailments (widstrocheno)
Qi hai (dan tian) - Trochi below the navel - anterior middle - Death (qi infection), bloody
Tsrichron - Folding the groin - liver (5–7) - Paralysis of the leg
Qi men (bai hai) - Inner surface of the quilt - spleen (9-11) - Paralysis of the leg
Tai zhong - Above the great toe - liver (5-7) - Name of the foot, shock
Kon sun (kun lun) - Inner part of the foot - sich mіkhur (15-17) - Name of the leg, shock
Yong quan - On the soles of the feet - nirok (17-19) - Death (qi wound), names of the legs
Shai in - Groin - anterior - Death
І fen (tian zhong) - Behind the earlobe of the ear - three rounds (21-23) - Death, indifference
Yu gene (nao hu) - The base of the skull is zzadu - anterior middle - Death, indifference
Feng fu - Trochs below the base of the skull - posterior middle - Death, innocence
I am less - The back surface of the shi - posterior middle - Vtrata voice, inconsistency
Tien zhu - The back surface of the shi - sich mіkhur (15–17) - Death, unpretentiousness
Yang yin - Burial of the shoulder - chewing mіkhur (23-1) - Unruly hands
Vadao - Mіzh 1 and 2 pectoral ridges - posterior middle - Death, incompetence
Shen zhu - Mіzh 3 and 4 thoracic ridges - posterior middle - Death, incompetence
Shen Dao - Mіzh 5 and 6 pectoral ridges - posterior middle - Death, crooked vomit
Zhe lan - Mizh 7 and 8 chest ridges - posterior middle - Death, crooked vomit
Fen men (fon їy) - Side view of the 2nd thoracic ridge - cut mіkhur (15-17) - Death, inconsistency
Dy shu (zhu dong) - Side view of the ridge stovp - sich mikhura (15-17) - Death, inconsistency
Lin tai (bay xsin) - 6th thoracic spine - posterior middle - Death, crooked vomit
Ge guan (fon wai) - Under the shovel - sich mikhura (15-17) - Uncomfortability, cough, crooked vomit
Syuyanchu - Mіzh 1 and 2 transverse ridges - posterior middle - Death, paralysis of none and organs of the small pelvis
Min less - Mіzh 2 and 3 transverse ridges - posterior middle - Death, paralysis of nіg and organs of the small pelvis
Lan koan - Mіzh 4 and 5 transverse ridges - posterior middle - Death, paralysis of none of the organs of the small pelvis
Gan shu - Sideways across - sich mіkhur (15–17) - Death, inconsistency
Hun men (xiao yao, shen liu) - Across - chewing mіkhur (23-1) - Death, strong bіl
Chang qiang (vii lu) - Khipchik - posterior middle - Death, paralysis of none of the organs of the small pelvis
Wei zhong - The middle of the knee swamp (zzadu) - sich mіkhur (15-17) - Paralysis of the leg
Note: the emergency point may start at the wrong time, if the meridian shows maximum activity; with concepts for energy (principles "did-onuk", "top-bottom" and others.), traditional for Chinese medicine.

In Japan, as well as in China, the magic of hitting vitally important points (kyuse) is inextricably linked with traditional medicine, zokrema - with point massage (kappo chi katsu) and pikannyam. For the same sound, the word “kyuse” can be translated as “nine dots” or “early dots”, and yak “points for piping”. In the rich martial arts of Japan, tsі two times were twisted in parallel (and twisted), and in parallel they were twisted (tobto. You can cup a point on a point, you can turn a point on another point).
According to historical data, the art of kyuse penetrated to Japan, for example, in the 9th century. n. e. The first Japanese school, in the yakіy main voice of cracking on dots, hit with your fingertips (“shito-jutsu” - “mystery of hitting with your fingers” or kosi-jutsu - “mystery of brush fingers”), became Gekko-ryu, “School of the Jasper Tiger ".
Tsya system bula rozvinano China during the Tang Dynasty. Є two versions її trip. The first of them stverzhuє, that the bula was blamed by the guardian of the palace, like a maw of a weak statute, or to inspire one of the princesses. This version is confirmed by the system of rukhiv, as if attached to itself for a person of small stature and vag.
Zgіdno with a different version, the musician is an authority in the history of music on behalf of the Khitan people in China, having created її for the court ladies of the Khitan (de on that hour the head residence of the Tang dynasty was roztashovana). Tsya people vydpovidala for their perfection in dances and combat arts. After the Fall of the Tang Dynasty 907 r. n. That is, a lot of people, yakі occupied the temple of the camp in the Suspіlstvі, ran from China to Japan. Among them appeared a man on the name of Zhao Gokai, yak became a member of Gekko-ryu in Japan. Japanese yogo im'ya sound yak Jo (abo Ti) Gekko.
Krapki, which are vicorated in Gekko-ryu, are purely physical, and so is the energy zmist. Zokrema, deyaki dots, which strike them at the singing hour (in Japanese - tosin), become “strings”, so that they do not die, but every other day, day, month, etc. Below is a list of deaky z tsikh points.
Regardless of, it would seem, the wide prospects for the development of that victoria, Gekko-ryu did not become popular in the samurai middle class, spending a long time being deprived of bathhouses, including the chents-warriors of the sohei and the girsk hermits - the yamabus. The price is not the same as the folding of the system itself, but rather the fact that it was more and more problematic for a warrior against an opponent in possession.

Krapki that are vicorated in Gekko-ryu
The name of the point - Roztashuvannya - The hour of defeat - The hour of remembrance
Kasumi - Skronya - pivnich - Death in a day
Murasame - Carotid artery (middle) - opivnochi. 2 years of the night - Death in a day. Death in 14 days
Kori - Pidyom stop - opivnochi. 2 years of the night - Death in a day. Death in 14 days
Tenta - Temya - 2 years of the night. 2 years of the day - Death in 14 days. Death for a river
Myoyo - Pidcherev'ya - 2 years of the night. 2 years of the day - Death in 14 days. Death for a river
Goya (gorin) - Five points on the center of the abdomen - 2 years of the night - Death in 14 days
Tsukikage - Bik tuluba - 4 years old wound - Death in 20 days
Toki noto - Vіrazu over the toes - 4 years old wound - Death after 20 days
Hijizume - Over the elbow from the side of the triceps - 2 years of the day - Death through the river

During the IX-XV centuries, the Japanese systems of hand-to-hand combat did not take away the great development and often changed the names, according to various historical memos and documents like yak yawara, wajutsu, taijutsu, torite, kosi-no mawari, hakuda, syubaku, kumiutі ta іn .
At the same hour (XI-XV centuries) there was a lot of great breadth in the wrestling in the hands - yoroi-kumіutі. Її creation is attributed to Sakaed Muramaro (VIII century). With the closest consideration of the complex of priyomіv yoróї-kumіutі and principle, at new mortgages, it is also easy to see the influx of mainland China. The system is a clumsy complex of kicks, kicks and other kicks, with simple blows in defense of the possession of a part of the body: neck, face, pakhvi, kolina. In addition, in the yoro-kumiut vikoristovavsya short stiletto dagger - yoro-dosi or kabutovari, appointments for breaking through the possession and finishing the fallen enemy. However, it is necessary to bulo the mother of the temple maisternist, so that the hour of mutual suffocation (yotsu-gumi abo kumі-yutі) with the left hand can reach the enemy and strike the opponent at the point under the correct cut of the crisis of the hands. Tsutsumi-Khozan-ryu (XV century) became the first school that canonized Yoroi-Kumiuti.
On aphids yoroi-kumіutі tsіkavі riddles at some dzherelah of the Sessio-ryu school. The specifics of the school meant for the development of vinyatkovoy strength and hardness of hands, able to break through the metal plates of the shell and smite the body of the enemy. The successor of Sese-ryu, by tradition, is the prominent commander and sovereign fiend of the 7th century Nakatomi Kamatari, but in reality, the system is not cold until the 12th century. Vіdomo, scho vіdvazhny samurai leader Minamoto Yosіtsune, having succumbed once to the robot of the master Sesyo-ryu, buv hostility to the depths of the soul. Success in a similar art, if needed in yorodom or kabutovary in the fall, could only be reached by a person, as he consecrated percussion on top of old rock.
The stepping stone for the development of the art of striking vital points in Japan was the activity of the historical founder of aiki-jutsu, Shinra Saburo Yosimitsu (XI century), the young brother of Minamoto Yosii.
For a legend, up to a new price, knowledge was transmitted in the same Minamoto from ancient times in the form of a weightless Buddhist tradition, Chinese or Japanese, which finished off the Volodya with combat tricks and in vivo
Sinra Saburo Yosimitsu was also illuminated for his hour by a human being, an experimenter after a date, who before that was rich in views of military mysteries. Adding to the richness of the hour that respect of the vins was the anatomy of the human body. Using Chinese treatises on medicine, which they drank to Japan as far back as III-VI Art. n. i.e., having dissected the corpses and vivchav roztashuvannya zhittєvo important points and zones. The entrustment from Yosimitsiu respectfully guarded the world of creatures and comakhs and took as a basis the ruhіv dії pavuk, which slyly oblutuє his victim with cobwebs. In this rank, Yoshimitsu significantly expanded and finished off the family incense, which went to the new one in the fall. ancient mysticism fight. In the years of recession, Yosimitsu, more known under the name of Takeda, even up to the 19th century saved the mysticism of aiki-jutsu in the taєmnitsa, and wanted for Takeda Kuniguge in 1570-1580. aizu-to dome (“mystery of the pinned attack”, otherwise called aiki-jutsu) took away the new post at the branch, access to the new one was only a little more than a narrow ridge, especially near the samurai.
Starting from the other half of the 16th century, from the establishment of the Tokugawa shogunate, single combat without a defense step by step, the Daedals are more respectful of the representatives of the samurai camp, like they have become stubborn in the minds of a new, equally peaceful life. With the power of the Japanese people, until the introduction of a single pershodzherel be-such a phenomenon, the survivors of the history of jujutsu call this one the founder of the sappo technique of the Chinese master Chen Yuanbina.
Chen Yuanbіn, ymovіrno, was born in 1587. in the province of Zhejiang, having good lighting and at the age of 27 years he entered the famous Shaolin monastery, spent 13 months (1615–1616), learning fist art. In 1621 p. I arrived to Japan as a translator at the Chinese embassy. Chen zustrіv is a warm welcome and virіshiv forever will be left in the Land of the Sun, what to go. In 1625 p. after settling in the Kokusedzi monastery in Edo, de zustrіv of the Japanese wrestling master Fukuno Sіtіroemon and two yoga teachers - Іsogai Dzirodzaemon and Miura Edziemon. Chen Yuanbіn learned his Shaolin wushu, including hitting different points with punches.
From that hour, it was no time to walk around the jujutsu schools of the art of sappo.
True, in the lower works of jujutsu of the XVII–XVIII centuries. one can directly talk about those who Chen Yuanbing herself passed on to the Japanese secret priyomi sappo. For example, the school of Kyusin іtі-ryu says: “It seems that the ceremony about shikatsu (“death and death”) in Japan is like Chen Yuanbіn from the great land of Ming, the ceremony is the secret of medicine and luxuriant massage.” However, other considerations allow us to state the absolute right of Chen Yuanbing to authorship of sappo. So, it’s absolutely independent from the same yoga school, which technique was developed in the Yoshin-ryu school, as if it were famous for its strikes at the slick point, and so it goes, like Gek-ko-ryu, to enter Bujinkan.
Perekaz is called the founder of Yosin-ryu, the doctor from Nagasaki Akiyam Sirobei. Behind the legend, here it is more than a decade of the XVII century. virushiv to China, schob destroy their knowledge in medicine. There, Akiyama, having tasted the spiel of rocks, stretching them out, for tribute, having won priyomi khakuda - “no-strike blows” - from the Chinese master on the name of Bo Zhuan, for others - started painful receptions and the methods of resuscitation in Yakogo Wu Guan. Turning to the fatherland, falling asleep in a private school combat art de pochav vikladati hakuda. However, the monotony of training, connected with an oversized arsenal of drugs, led to the fact that inexperienced students may have come back to look like a big doctor. Todі vіn closed її і pіshov at the famous Shinto shrine Dazaifu Temmangu for prayers. As the legend goes, one early frosty morning Akiyama viyshov will take a walk in the garden. Ahead of the day, in the clearing snow, and in the rich trees there were broken tree branches, only a willow (behind the other trees, cherry) stood, as if nothing happened - the big breasts from the snow simply zigzag from the її spring tree branches. I think that Akiyama, having swayed the unshakable willows, survived the fall. In one minute of guilt, scho to resist the forces of force is marvelously and destructively, it is necessary to wilt in the face of an attack, to redirect the strength of the opponent and vikoristati її to greed. This all-season principle of sublimation of the strength of softness and suppleness formed the basis of the master’s further achievements, which, without a hitch, enlarged the arsenal of his system to 303, having taken it to create a high school, and after his death she took the name “Esin-ryu”.
Acting historians, critically evaluating the retelling of Yosin-ryu, conjecture that in the period, if Akiyama didn’t go up in price to China, the sogun order would have already blocked the removal of the blue from the cordon. So, perhaps, this doctor really didn’t go anywhere, but having drawn his knowledge from the Chinese, who were known to Nagasaki.
Another patriarch of the school, Oe Sembei, played a great, and possibly, leading role in the formation of Yoshin-ryu and the development of the art of sappo.
The “Introduction” to the present “Methods of driving in and resuscitation of the Yosin-ryu school” says:
“While it is necessary to take advantage of the methods of driving in that resuscitation, it seems that the newest knowledge was taken away in the Zhou era by one more than Pian Qiao, and the exact method is less in the tradition of Pian Qiao. In the past, in the era of the Three Kingdoms, having abandoned this tradition, the vassal and military official of the ruler of Wei on behalf of Cao Cao and the stars of this great glory, this tradition and bula was passed on to all of our country. At that time, at the edge of Khі-no zen (province Khіdzen), near the small town of Isahaya, a person lived on the name of Yosin Sem-bey Yositokі. Vіn loved campo and the art of kidkіv and the reach of the purest victorious rightness ... Having taken the scroll of "Explanation [of life] of the body", the transmissions of the Veisk military official, as long as he is alive at Nagasaki, Vіn spіtka yogo is the thinnest zmіst, calling it eight "Snіt" school, yaku calling "Yosin-ryu".
At the “Explained [life] of the body” there were points of the human body in conflict. Oe that yogo scholars carried out deep investigations at their galleys, and they clearly leaned forward in equal measure with their great teachers. The stench resolutely vyvchili she described the localization of different points, classified them, gave them Japanese names and described the effect on them. All these views were zagalnenі ta fixed at “Set up the “Explanation [budіvlі] body””, which became the main secret of Yosin-ryu. Deyakі sledniks vvazhayut that the theory of "Povchannya" is the pinnacle of the Japanese art of sappo.
As a rule, in the first half of the 17th century, when in Japan they found themselves in a panuvav light, and the possessions were buried in special screens, jokes were activated all over the country. effective methods reckless combat. At once and independently in different princedoms in the nights of Honshu until the days of Kyushu, the masters struggled with throws, painfully and suffocatingly, take and strike. Some of them vyyavlya vozlivі point suto empiricny way, some otrimuvav podkazka in Japanese and Chinese doctors, some knowing the need for vіdomosti in books of medicine. This is how the art of sappo formed in its ambushes.

A great role is played by this process of importing books from medicine and medicine to China. Follow them in the vein of viyavlyayutsya in different schools of jujutsu. So, in one of the generations of Shinkyoku-ryu, which was popular in the Sendai princedom, it is directly indicated that the cob of the Qing era "Wan'bao quanshu" (" Another book about ten thousand treasures. From Shinkeku-ryu chi priyomi migrated to other schools of jujutsu of the Sendai princedom: Asayama achiden-ryu, Yagyu shingan-ryu ta in.
Another Chinese creation, which blew into the development of the sappo technique, was the book "Sancaitu-khuei" ("Choose illustrations of the three basics"). The won was brought to Japan on the cob of the Edo era and was seen under the name "Wakan sansai dzue" ("Japanese and Chinese collections of illustrations of three basics"). The eleventh division of the book is called “Canals and collaterals” (Chinese “Jing-lo”, Japanese “Kei-raku”). Won to revenge the theory about the system of canals and collaterals of the human body, which formed the basis of the theory of the school of jujutsu of the Yoshin-ryu line. The illustrations of "open" and "empty" internal organs from this division were transferred without changes to the bottom of the books of jujutsu.

Anatomy of the human body for "Sancai tu-hui"

The maistri jujutsu of the Yodo epoch drew from many other Chinese works of medicine and martial arts. Some of them have become good facsimiles in the methods of exaltation for help, acupuncture and damage to vital points of the human body. Nadali, the skin school of jujutsu claimed to have the most reliable and unique information in this gallery, as if the bula was available only to mentors, it was respected by the school's greatest secret. The visibility of which was created by specific, daily internal living, name the points of difference. However, looking at those theories of all schools, zreshtoy, spiraled on those same Chinese vchennya about the anatomy and physiology of the human body, under different names in these schools, there were one and the most important points and ways to infuse them. On the other hand, as a result of such an extreme regime of secrecy, the texts on jujutsu, created in peacetime, if it was not possible to try it in practice, cleared up with numerical pardons. It is supposed to be remembered that the deaky mentors deliberately deceived their inexperienced students, giving them false appearances. As a result of the development of various methods of defeating the enemy, with the theory and practical methods of far-reaching (mostly Chinese) medicine in the Edo era, the most sophisticated system of priyomov on the peninsular points of the human body was formed. Vaughn had not less than a trained blow and a great battle record, but also a thorough knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of a person. The text on the cob of the Edo epoch “A Scroll of Dreams about the Methods of Driving in and Resuscitation, Like a Slide to Save in the Heart” of the Takenooutiryu school says:
“Kulachnі priyomi - rіdkіsne divine mystekstvo. Not using exact knowledge of different points, it’s important to drive the enemy with one blow of the fist, or revive yoga (with the help of the knowledge of the point that they kill, it was like resuscitating the victim with a splash on those other points). Although they used to base books with schemes of different points, through those that stench clarified with pardons how the seasons and stars changed, they were of no use. That is why it is necessary to respectfully maintain the nutrition, read the ancient books and fill them in short supply, because, if you don’t know the expansion of the “open” and “empty” internal organs, then the effectiveness of the fist tricks will be small.”
The pointing quotation has a very short and clear formulation of the essence of the sappo technique: the blow of the master of straightening to a particular point, ruffled on the surface of the human body, tied to the singing internal organs, and, zreshtoy, giving a ruinous injection to the internal organs.
How did the Chinese and Japanese doctors show themselves, and then the maistri jujutsu of the power of the human body?
Ancient Chinese physicians used to draw the line, that people and all the world are fundamentally the same and spivvіdnosya one with one as a microcosm and macrocosm, and took away the possibility of victorism to explain the various processes that are in the body of a person, in order to prove the principle of everything. So Chinese medicine received such important light explanations as qi (jap. ki), yin-yang (jap. іn-e) and usin (jap. goge), which occupy an important place and in the theory of sappo.
As it was intended, the central place in the minds of Chinese cosmologists and physicians borrowed the concept of "qi" - a simple tribute, from which the ancient Chinese explained the phenomena of nature. Everything that is in the world, tse qi, krіm qi and yogo stands nothing. Vitonchena, rozridzhena tsi - spirit; thickening - speech. Qi in its pristine naythong nature, knowing the polarity of the negative (dark, feminine) - yin and positive (light, human) - yang, is called the Spine of Qi (yuan qi). Vaughn is absolutely simple, spared any “formality” (syn) and far away from any differentiation.
Due to some unavoidable reasons, Pochatkov Qi is polarized: one “part” is charged with a positive (yang), and the other part with a negative (in) charge. In this way, one qi becomes two, it becomes negative qi (in-qi) and positive qi (yang-qi).
Ale stinks are left at the static station, and begin to pass into each other, while exchanging charges. The negative is attached more positively, and the positive - more negatively. The power of yang to reach the middle of its maturity and transform into yin, yak, with its blackness, transform into yang. In this way, qi is borderline dynamic. Tse dim streams of life force, life energy that permeate the whole world and form yoga. Everything in the world is so dynamic. Leather rich - a process, the shards gradually know the changes. Zvіdsi law: the world panuyut "changes" (i).
The process of the transition of the negative into positive and negative steps and includes five phases, which, according to a long tradition, are called “five first elements” (wu syn): wood, fire, earth, metal and water. A tree is tse yang, which is born, fire is a mature yang, earth is equal to yang and yin, metal is yin, which is born, water is a mature yin. Skin from the five primary elements is a marker of a classificatory series. In other words, ascertain the identities between the first elements, like singing camps of qi and various manifestations, like nibi in your own qi camps. For example, in the “Settings on the Five First Elements of the Yagyu Shingan-Ryu Jujutsu School”, an offensive system of performances is presented.

Table of characteristics with P'yatma Pershoelementami (Goge)

Five pershoelementiv are found one by one in spivvіdshnіnі vzaєmoprodzhennya and vzaєmoznishchennya (mutually podolannya). The lance of mutually generated pershoelements looks like this: a tree gives rise to fire, fire - earth, earth - metal, metal - water, water - wood is thin.
Lance of mutual reciprocity: wood is made of metal, metal is fire, fire is water, water is earth, earth is wood.
For its essence, qi - tse life energy, life force that permeates the whole world, must be spoken and all things. Є won and in people.
Qi, which is changed into the title of a person, is denoted by different terms: zhen-qi, yuan-qi and ing. This kind of naitonsha and at the same time the most intense substance that circulates throughout the whole organism, reminiscent of the life of the skin tissue, skin organ, skin brush and m'yaz.
Можна сказати, що чжень-ци розтікається по всьому тілу, стимулює та збуджує ріст та розвиток людини, забезпечує фізіологічну діяльність внутрішніх органів, кровообіг, процеси транспортування та розподілу тілесних рідин, регулює та підтримує температуру тіла, захищає організм від впливу зовнішніх патогенних факторів тощо д .
Qi, present in internal organs, is called visceral qi in modern scientific literature. It includes heart, legend, spleen, shlunk, liver and nipple. Zhen-qi, which circulates through the channels and collaterals, is called the qi of the channels - jing-qi. Qi that circulates in the blood vessels is called in-qi. Zahisnu qi, which circulates the posture with vascular tissues of the body, is called wei qi. Nareshti, divide more zong-qi, as it is stored in the chest.
Life energy circulates through the body folding system channels and collaterals (jing-lo; jap. keiraku). The stinks bind together the internal organs, open the anatomy, cover the skin, hair, m'yazi and brushes.
The jing-lo system includes jing-traven (channels) and lo-traven (colaterals). Jing-grass is the main "way" to pass at the mud of the body, and lo-grass is their guide. Channels are subdivided on the basis of the main ones.
There are twelve main channels: the manual channel legen; manual canal of the intestine; foot channel of the shunt; foot canal of the spleen; manual heart channel; manual canal of the small intestine; foot channel of sich michur; foot canal of chewing michur; manual channel to the pericardium; manual channel of the loss heating; foot canal of chewing michur; foot canal of the liver.

Dodatkovyh - vіsіm.
As a result of far-reaching medicine, the internal organs of a person include five “open” and six “empty” organs. Up to five “shoulder” organs lie the liver, heart, legenia, spleen with a sub-skin fold and nirk. To the "empty" organs, Chinese doctors bring the stool, intestines, small intestine, chewing mikhur, sich mіkhur and potryny obіgrіvach. The function of the “open” organs is used to receive and accumulate the speeches necessary for the body, and the “empty” organs are responsible for the distribution of “lead” that “grain” and the transformation of the decay products.
The functions of the internal organs lie in the middle of the visceral qi, so that those parts of zhen-qi, yak, passing through the canals and collaterals, lie near the internal organs and pour into them. Nedolіk tі tyagne іїї її ruzhіynoї іt іїї ії її ruzhіynoї sily, poіlnennya rostannya rozvita organіzmu, i izhennja funktsionalї aktivnosti vnutrishnіkh organіv prokuratura i kanalіv. For example, as if in the body the marriage of the heart, the person is very restless, which is accompanied by a camp of anxiety, heartbeat, sleeplessness and obtrusive thoughts. Significant moods are blamed for the symptoms of lethargic sleep, coma, bewilderment, absurdity, agitated state, etc. Deficiency of heart qi leads to stagnation of blood, which is accompanied by fluttering of the skin, coldness of the eyes, confusion, stupefaction, shaking. Deficiency of lung qi results in impaired function of the remaining ones and negatively affects the growth of zhen-qi, which leads to a deficiency of the whole organism. To whom is accompanied by stupefaction, buttocks and clear sweating.
With the help of quiet chi other illnesses, far-reaching physicians should go ahead, first for everything, eliminate the deficiency of qi in the body, restore the normal balance of yin and yang and the proper circulation of qi in the channels and collaterals of the body with the path of purification. Prior to the most important methods of regulation of qi in organisms from ancient times, it can be seen to be injected on particular points of the body, de, for far-reaching medicine, channels and collaterals emerge on the surface. A way of acupuncture, massage and prikannya tsikh points, ie called "tsubo", fahivtsі restore the normal flow of qi channels and collaterals, stimulate the work of internal organs. And the protilezhny, in essence, ruinivny vpliv on those points, vicorist maistri sappo.
For the effective stosuvannya of the technique of sappo fight maw miraculously razbiratis in the description in the supra-simplistic looking anatomy and physiology, to know thoroughly the localization of the head points of the tsubo, their connections with the internal organs, the correct ways to infuse on them, mother “put on them. etc.
To this day, a few special atlases of the human body have been preserved, marked by such conflicting points - “kyuse” (literally, “not a safe point”, ind.), as they were stagnant in different schools of jujutsu.

Localization of different points (set up Seiyu-ryu schools)

Empirical path was used to reveal and then classify the most sensitive points, with blows or pressure on the yak, apparently to the manifestation of far-reaching medicine, it is possible to interrupt the strum in the singing channels or, on the other hand, superficially activate the first robot inside the body itself. So at the school of Shinto rokugo-ryu, founded on the basis of the Meiji era (1867–1912) by Maystr Noguchi Senryuken, the points of the kyuse are divided into 2 categories: the points of “sokush” - “mitteva voi death” and “sokuto” ​​- “mitteva vomit vydomosti”.
Before the first lie such a kyuse, like:
uto, ryomo, kasumi, jintyu, canon, matsukaze, shichu, murasame, suigetsu, getsuey, inazuma, mzysey, inno, tento, denko, bitey;
to others - kesen, mae shakutaku, senryu, yako, utі kurobusі, bark, dokko, hayautі, bandjun, usiro shakutaku, usiro inadzuma, sohi.
Here it is necessary to say that, speaking about the points of "mitt's death", maistri jujutsu may be on the verge of such points, hitting them causes an important shock and loss of knowledge, but I can't cope with death. Such a technique was developed in order to be able to resuscitate the opponent after the battle for the help of special “reasons” - kappo and take it with live bait. The Japanese authors especially gossip about how the humane spirit of Japanese jujutsu is manifested, which is based on the doctrine of Shimbu Fusatsu - "divine magic does not bring death." With this, the mentors are constantly reinforcing the superficial insecurity of taking sappo and stating that it is possible to stop them only in calm positions, if there is no possibility to turn in the flow, otherwise all else can be already exhausted.
For the skin point of the kyusse, the most effective way to inject on it is percussion, pressure, or rubbing-massing, splitting methods of її “opening” (for example, with a normal position of the hand, the point is covered with m'yazami, but yaksho її twist, then the ball is collapsing, and the point is “showing up”), the installation of the kut in the injection is strictly perpendicular, uphill from the bottom, down to the beast, etc.
Boulli razroblenі also and even more thinned by priyomi poslіdovnogo or one-hour on kіlka dot vіdpovіdno up to the order vzaєmoznischennya in the system of five pershoelementіv. Such methods were developed for relief of kidkivs, pain and suffocation, and for causing severe injuries to the internal organs of the opponent. This technique was practiced in such schools of jujutsu as Yagyu Shingan-ryu, Shinkeku-ryu, Takenou-ryu and in.
In order for the reader to immediately put together their statements about those who were the “handmaids” of sappo, I will bring a few fragments from the establishment of the Yosin ryu school “Illustration to “Explanation [life] body””.
Driving [with a blow] at the point of “matsukaze” - this is a blow at the distal throat, which is brought up to the level of Yang (E-no kurai). [To pass here] the canal is the whole path of the ruck, so that it goes uphill and goes down. The “upper ridge” is subdivided into two throat parts - right and left [At this galuzi] a person has two pipes. One is the path to the rush "to drive that grain" (for the main living substances).
The other is called the "dichal tube". It looks like the “empty organ” of the legend, which is 1 syaku 2 suns (36 cm) lower.
The blow at the kyuu point is brought to the methods of driving Yin. At the bottom of the veins, a slug is pierced, [through which one passes] a path to the rush "drive that grain." All hedgehogs and drinks are placed in a shell.
Driving [with a blow] at the point of the gank (“under the nipple”) is a penetrating blow at the “chotiri inner kuti” of the breasts. [Here] the channel passes through two organs - legends and heart. The next thing to know is that, in the first place, such a blow affects the “shoulder organ” of the heart. Reshta "shіlnі" and "empty" organs are connected with this "shіlnі" organ of the heart, and varto want to b a light blow [at the heart], as if it were negligently in the [shtі] organs. To that, it is necessary to know that [the method of hurting the heart] is the most effective way of killing.
Driving [with a blow] at the point of inadzumu - [tse hitting] an “empty organ” mіkhur mіkhur. Riven of the sun and that month (tobto Jan and Yin), zhovchny mіkhur is placed between “chotirma leaves” of the liver, but also okremі organs. “Water and grain” are placed at the hoses, as if they take “small intestine”. Sechovy mіkhur takes homeland.
"Tovsta gut" - take thick. So, among the five "spring" organs, there is not a single one, which I did not accept. Ale Zhovchny mikhur stand apart, do not accept calamute “water and grains” and, perebuvayut between the “leaves” of the liver, posit [naytonsha] “nasinneva qi”, the axis is such an organ. Fortress and the strength of the human body to lay down as a whole in the mіkhur mіkhur. [The effect of the zastosuvannya method] of driving in [by hitting the qiu point] manifests itself even more quickly, similarly to the mittva [enemy] strength, to that [qiu point] and call it “inadzuma” - “bliskavka” [the point of inadzuma is pierced] on the cob canal, so cherue by the strength of the people.
Particular respect was attached to the development of the technique of blows. Different positions of the arm, elbow, knee, and different parts of the foot were used for the attack. For the skin point, its own shock part was assigned.
In the arsenal of jujutsu, punches are more important, as there are two main types: tsuki and pitching. Tsuki - the same blow, which is delivered strictly in a straight line, with a new shock part of the nibi is built into the opponent's body. Kachini are applied with a swing to the side or diagonally. Hit the tsuki to be applied from the attachments of the wag to the blow, and hit the pitching to win with the power of one hand.
For setting strikes, various methods were used - і pіdprаtsyuvannya povіtrya, і signing vykonannі lad vprav, і specіlnі vprav z pіpkami, swords toshcho. bud. At some schools, they won and achieved exotic ways of training.
It is a retelling about those who at the Tenjin Shinyo-ryu school for the preparation of hands, the technique “embu-no ita” - “doshka zavtovshki 4 bu” (1 bu - 3.03 mm) was established. The essence of this technique was that the tablet of the zavtovshka 4 was placed on a pad and smashed with a blow of the fist. Shards under the plank of a bula pidloga, it was not so easy to build it. One force for which Bulo was diminished, it is necessary for a special blow technique.
The Zen monk and founder of the Fuseya-ryu school on the name of Takeda Motsugai (1794–1867) became famous for the unique maisternistyu atemі, because of which, okrіm іnshoy, the grills in the go and feet with deep dents in the form of blows with the fists were lost. The yogo was called Kenkotsu-ose: “Reverend Bone Fist.” Such a mastery of the wines of reach, moving the tatami vertically and hitting the new one with your hands and feet.

At the school of Yosin-ryu, strike with your hands and feet, they trained a coarse vipala on the great clay miner, which was wrapped in a thick carpet. As if, at the blow, the mountaineer did not throw himself over, but burst, he entered, that he had reached the level, that he allowed to drive in the opponent, having messed up from his internal organs. Theoretically, when such a blow is stuck on the surface of the body, it is not guilty to lose the right track.
Priyomi sappo in the greater scales of jujutsu is interpreted as an additional one, which is used to facilitate the kidkiv, the transition to painful and suffocating priyomi and morning. It is connected with this, that in real essence, you should hit exactly at a small point on the body of the opponent, which moves, superficially smoothly, and the fighter is to blame for this buti is ready to beat the other priyomi. In addition, through folding and testing the technique in training, it is important to be inspired by the one who needs to strike. To that maistri jujutsu and not to slacken the head stakes on strikes and to strike it is more important like a kariyat - “kicking blow”), which allows you to pin an opponent’s attack, return yoga respect and prepare another trick.
Ale, from the other side, the pinnacle of the mysticism of the fight mayzhe all schools recognize the ability to defeat the opponent with one “right blow” - hon-ate. It is important that the volodinnya sappo wins the whole process of training the wrestler, and that the master of yoga can only be more for the fahivtsiv of the highest class.
Even more respect was attached to the development of the technique of atemi in judo. Kano Jigoro himself laid the cob of this dosledzhennyam, which, in fact, had planted a right revolution at this gallery. On the right, in the fact that Kano zooms in to organize meetings of different points of his mentor in the school of jujutsu Tendzin shino-ryu Inoue Keitaro, a kind of practical knowledge of the technique of atem, and professor of Tokyo University Ozawa Kzndzin of medical science As a result of these investigations, the article “Jujutsu shikatsu no ben” (“Explanation of the methods of killing and resuscitation of jujutsu”) appeared in the world, published in 1884. in the journal of the University of Tokyo "Gakugei Sirin" ("Journal of Science and Mystery"), in the first place in the history of Japanese martial arts, an analysis was given of the localization of 20 points of difference, which are twisted in the tradition of Tenjin Shino-ryu, and the points of efficiency on them transient anatomy and physiology. Oskolki tsya article was published in a special journal, which, having already appeared in a small circulation, was practically unmarked for a wide public. And in the meantime, interest in the technique of atem, for example, in the 19th century. having become fast growing, the shards themselves at the same hour began to secrete the knowledge of the various points of the jujutsu scales. The first robots, rozrakhovanі for a wide audience, in which the veil of mystery over the methods of defeating different points, lay the master of the Tenjin Shinyo-Ryu Inokuti Matsunosuke school.
In 1887 p. Vіn publishing the book “Jujutsu ken bo zukai hіketsu” (“Illustration of roses and clarification of the secrets of jujutsu, fencing with a sword and a pimple”), in a navіv of little ones from designated clever points, ruffled on the front and back surfaces. Three years later, in 1890, Inokuti published the book “Budo zukai hiketsu” (“Illustration of the clarification of the secrets of combat mystics”), in which he gave a report localization of the 7 most important points of difference. In these books, the master added information about atemiwadza, based on the representations of traditional far-reaching medicine, and divided them practically without changes, rewriting the old text “Tendzin sinyo-ryu Xito-no maki”, which follows the old tradition of the school. The appearance of these books by Inokuti Matsunosuke stimulated the activity of other fahivtsiv. In the other half of the 80s - in the first half of the 90s. XX Art. XIX Art. books with atemi come out one by one: "Jujutsu shikatsu benran" (" Short helpз техніки умертвіння та реанімації дзюдзюцу») Міяуті Кісеї, «Дзюдзюцу хідеї каппо» («Секретні методи реанімації дзюдзюцу») Мацумото Міно, («Докладне роз'яснення методів реанімації в японському дзюдзюдзюцу («Методи атемі та реанімації дзюдзюцу»), Фудзимура Кіндзіро ta іn So, like in the first robots, their authors made traditional statements about conflict points.
The right break at the last meal was established in 1896, if Inokuti Matsunosuke saw his most famous work - the book “Sikatsu jizai sekkotsu reho. Jujutsu seirise zen” (“A New Course in the Physiology of Jujutsu Mystery: Methods of Driving, Resuscitation, Vivihiv and Fracture Investigation”), as a reminder of all the achievements of Japanese juveniles in that hour. У цій роботі Інокуті повністю відмовився від традиційних далекосхідних уявлень про фізіологію людини, які викладав у своїх попередніх книгах, і на основі досліджень професора Одзава Кендзі детально розглянув питання локалізації вразливих точок, можливого фізіологічного ефекту та ефективності впливу на них з позицій західної анатомії. In such a rank, innokuty publicly those materials, like 12 years before that, they took away judoisti from their order. Having continued that killing of Inokuti, the student Kano Jigoro, Volodar of the 7th dan judo, in the pre-war period, the director of the Kodokan center, professor of medicine Yamada Ko. In the pre-war editions of the Judo magazine, which was seen by the Kodokan, they published a number of articles about the technique of atemi: toate” (“Technique of hitting the opponent from the front”), “Satto kasumi” (“Deadly point of kasumi”), “Tentono satsu” (“Killing with a blow at the point of tentu”), “Hokkeku no satsu” (“Killing with a blow at the point hockey") and "Murasame Matsukaze-no satsu" ("Punching into the points of murasame and matsukaze"). In all of these articles, Sensei Yamada dawaw report description localization of points, their anatomy and physiology, explaining the nature of the flow on the given points and steps of yoga efficiency. Dosi tsі publications vvazhayutsya classic robots on the topic of atemi.
Having shown the physiological effect of hitting the points of the human body at different points of difference, Yamada Ko, having established that “as a result of injuries, as if dragging the death of the enemy behind you, so, for example, bleeding in the cranium or destroying the life of important internal organs, in the internal organs atemiwadza techniques:
- in 53% of cases, depression is caused by insomnia, loss of information or a shock state;
- in 25% of cases - injuries of the musculoskeletal apparatus: paralysis, stretching, dislocation, fracture of the wrist and in;
- in 20% - bleeding from the nose, lacerations and wounds;
- in 2% - damage to the mind, hearing too thinly "
In addition, having confirmed the basis of the technique of “stretched death”: “It is also necessary to take such an approach, about how to say: “A year of sleep - death in three days.” This is what they call priyomi, the effect of which can change from supra-lingual mild, short-hour insomnia to death, as a result of secondary shock, aneurysm, or destruction of the liver cells in three days, three months later, after the stoppage of the atemivadza technique.
Nareshti, near the other half of the 60s. XX century Volodar 5th dan in judo, specialist in science and research laboratory of sports at the Tokyo Pedagogical University, professor of medicine Asami Takaaki conducted a series of practical experiments on the tasks of real strikes at the points of the human body. PID Hour Tsih inducing judges, yaki was visible to the Yak "Piddoslidni rabbits", they were headed by the yield of an eye, and the punishment was shifted without the burning of the fraud at the rinzil, they focused on hvili. , and electrocardiograms. Strike with full force were given at 3 points of sokuto (a blow with them is more likely to waste information) and 7 points of sokushi (they are more likely to die). The results of these studies were published in the 4th issue of the Bulletin of the Scientific and Successful Association of Kodokan Judo (Kodokan Judo Kagaku Kenkyukai Kise).
At the Kodokan judo, they beat with their hands, with their feet and with their heads.
Mustaches are subdivided into 3 types:
1) tsuki - tichkov hit,
2) pitching - chop, whip, hit,
3) keri - kick with your feet.
The trajectories of strikes of great respect in judo, like in most of the old schools, jujutsu, on the basis of karate, are not attached, the shards of the brutes in the strike are taken into account the presence of singing qualities, and not the form (if you want to stay, obviously, it’s true).
The meaning of the essence is as follows:
1) the speed of the strike, as Yamada Ko says, “the effectiveness of the strike in the technique of atemiwadza is due to the following formula:

De M - masa, and V - swidkіst,
On the 10th, Volodar was given by the teacher Mifune Kyuzo, and it seems that “strength is the strength”, that the object is larger, that the wine is harder, that the greater the strike with this object, then the effective strike”;
2) the accuracy of the blow, the blow is guilty of attacking, in the first place, I’ll sing a point, and in another way, it’s brought suvoro under a straight cut to the surface of the target;
3) the correct shock shape of the arm, leg or head is to blame for the blow, which ensures the maximum hardness and point in the injection;
4) correctly investing in the blow of the whole vag and strength, which is more possible for the mind of the total narrowness of the hands, stegon and nіg that high speed, which, at one’s hand, is more possible for the mind of the saving of the jealousy;

5) the right moment to strike, the fighter is to understand the rhythm of the enemy’s breathing and to strike the blow at the moment of completion of yoga, on the breath;
6) inflicting a blow, after a blow, after a blow, the fighter is guilty of breaking a hand with a quick blow (or rather with an even greater speed), for striking a blow, to get ready for the upcoming action, then you’ll have to strike in pojdnanny vіdsmikuvannyam.
Efficiency of the blow to lie down is more than a number of factors:
1) steps of irritability are points of difference, some of them are more sensitive, others are less;
2) different blows can be blown in different directions on the opponent’s point;
3) the maximum destructive force is reached by a punching blow with a wraparound movement, like, for example, when hit by a strongly clenched fist with a twist;
4) the effectiveness of the blow moves, as if the meta of the flooring is hard, like, for example, the cranial box, otherwise the flooring is large, like a tulub.
As Yamada Ko says, “a blow is fired on the inside of the target, a punch and a side injection ... If there is a side injection, then parts of the body are hurt, to avenge the soft, rich on the homeland of the body, so, like a cranium, to avenge the head brain; long tubular parts of the brush, in which one is taken cystic brain, thoracic cell, which otochuє legenі, sich mіkhur, napovnenie sich, the last after їzhі slug, the heart is in the phase of relaxation, as well as so vulnerable organs like the liver, spleen, nirki, see a strong stria on the clitin rіvnі rіvnі іnіdіnіdі in them. In addition, blows can cause a tear, tearing up other injuries of internal organs, which cause vision of sputum, cutting that feces from the house of blood, streaking of the brain, bleeding at the cranium thinly. internal organs. In addition, an indirect rank of wine can cause injury to a leg.
For an effective stosuvannya tekhnіka atem_ need calm, cold-bloodedness and exact rozrahunok. “Usіomi atemіvadza is guilty of stagnation, fearlessly (mui), without hesitation (mugi), with total self-giving (muїti) and investing in the strength (mutai), then in the camp of “mu” - “of the presence of I”, based on the knowledge of the distance (maai), staging dikhannya (tesoku), coordination of movements (tesei), acquired from the process of non-pinning training in judo. However, one does not have to talk about those who are the real rosemary of shkodi, which can be given to the enemy for additional equipment atem, lie down in the rich factor in the courage of vikonavtsya, yoga training, maisternosti, spritnosti and so on. ”, - write Yamada sensei.
In this rank, mastering the technique of atem as a bi mastering the whole judo wrestling, and maisterne її zastosuvannya seem more likely for fahіvtsіv naive class.
The basic forms of strikes are practiced in the complex Seireku zenyo kokumin taiku-no kata - “Kata of national physical culture”, which is based on the principles of the correct selection of mental and physical forces, with which we plan to learn to read at the nearest election releases. Ale, in other judo katas and in the division of self-defense, victorious strikes and strikes, in the form of basic options. The rest of the name indicates its belonging to the points, on which it is used by the methods of acupuncture and application.
Vіdpovіdno up to the text “Іsіnpo” (“Methods of jubilation of witness”), written in 985 r. Tamba Yasueri, for the senior of Moksoy, the Akupunturi Vicoristuri is 660 pixeliv, and behind the tribute "sіnkyusuyu" ("nyvazhlivіshіdi omspuny okupunturi" that sulfur), the process of their own dosli -dimensional ends, vicious ends. on the middle line of the human body there are 36 tsubo points, on the sides of it there are 102 more tsubo points, and 1 point is in the area of ​​the cecum. Subsumovuvavshi digits, mi otrimuemo blatant number different points - 139, as may be more important with the number of the most important points that win in acupuncture and prikani. The name of the localization of all these points is given in the tables and on the little ones 1 and 2.

Table of localization of pain points in judo zgidno Yamada Ko
Point name - Point localization
Katikake - the middle of the western edge of the border
Kakon - at the center of the lower clear
Dzintyu - under the nose
Bisen - tip of the nose
Dzyuke - inner stovp of the eye
Sankon - nose wings
Mycenae - midbrow'ya
Hugo - very apple
Ganka - a sickly point below the golden kuta of the eye
Dentaku - a diseased point more than a sable kuta eye
Tendo - big tim'yachko
Tento - male Tim'yachko
Remo - on the cranium in front of the vein, where the hair grows on the surface of the cranial artery
Kasumi - hide
Rayka - Vushna shell
Dokko - a place for closing the lower fissure with the skull, a hole under the vukh
Hokkeku - potilichny hillock
Kotyu - potilichnaya depression
Dzetsukon - under the lower slit, the place is attached to the head
Sikon - symmetrical sore points, rotting in the pits from the sides in the upper part of the dichal throat.
Kekko - wild throat
Kotyu - jugular depression
Hityu - a hole in the hole above the thoracic cyst
Coca - symmetrical sore points, rotting on the fossae from the sides in the lower part of the dichal throat.
Matsukaze - carotid artery right-handed on shi
Myrasame - the carotid artery is angry at the shi
Kyuu - a sickly point in the area of ​​the sternum with the collarbone
Erisita - the middle of the key brush
Kensen - the place of the clavicle with the shoulder brush (the outer edge of the clavicle)
Keithu - lower than the tiling pit
Shikikotsu - handle of the sternum
Hakotsu - on the sternum between the dots of shikikotsu and danchu
Dantu - on the chest
Ke-sen - place of attachment of the sternum
Khatonoo - brisket growth
Ungetsu - a hole under the outer edge of the clavicle
Keka - in front of the pahva pit
Gantyu - nipple
Ganka - under the nipple
Inadzuma - right side, between ribs
Denko - livy bik, between ribs
Getsuei - floating rib
Mitsuatori - spines of the 3rd, 5th and 7th ridges of the thoracic spine
Khayautі - trochs lіvіshe behind the vertebral stovp on the river between spinous growths of the 3rd and 4th ridges of the thoracic vіddіl
Sakkatsu - between the spinous growths of the 5th and 6th ridges of the thoracic ridge
Khekіreki - spines of the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th ridges of the chest
Usiro-denko - in the area of ​​the lower ribs on the left side of the back
Ushiro-inadzuma - in the area of ​​the lower ribs on the right side of the back
Keyin - on the back, 11th and 12th (floating) ribs (nirok area)
Suigetsu - under the spoon (sleepy gossip)
Dyokan - 4 suns above the navel
Tukan - 3 suns above the navel
Gekan - 2 suns above the navel
Ranmon - 1 sun above the navel
Medo - navel
Tennan - 1 sun below the navel
Katya - 2 sunnies below the navel
Kangen - 3 sunnies below the navel
Tanden - 1.5 fists below the navel
Meken - region of the cecum
Yako - ovn_shnіy otvіr inguinal canal
Hokusin - the place of the right and left pubic cysts
Kіnse - testicle
Usiro-Getsuei - nirki
Kamenoo - kuprik
Towatori - anus
Denka - sidnic nerve
Vankun - a diseased fossa called the humeral cyst
Soto-khndzіdzume is a sickly fossa called in the ulnar cyst.
Uti-Hidzizume - a diseased fossa from the inner side of the ulnar cyst
Soto-shakutaku - big hole, ruffled on the side thumb on the border of the front line is that penzle
Hurray-shakutaku - a sickly point on the border between the front of the knee and the brush on the side of the valley between the promeneu and the elbow brushes
Omote-shakutaku - a sickly point on the border between the front of the knee and the brush on the left side of the valley between the promeneu and the ulnar brushes
Gokoku - a hole in the mystic of the great and impressive finger of the hand
Tyute - a hole in the area of ​​the middle and ring fingers
Kora ku - a hole in the area of ​​the ring finger and little finger
Fukuto - 6 suns more than a knee cup
Shita-yako (senryu) - 3 suni higher than the knee cup, in the middle between the knee cup and the point of fukuto
Kekkai - a sickly place on the inner side of the quilt 6 cm higher than the knee cup
Sarabone - a large cup
Kokey - in the middle of the anterior surface of the gomel
Soto-korobusі - zovnishnya tassel
Uti-korobusi - inner tassel
Rinkyu - a hole on the foot of the foot between the ring finger and the little finger
Hyakume-chi - in the middle of the foot
Kori - a hole in the foot of the foot on the bots of the thumb
Sіsen - the basis of nіgtіv fingers nig
Shitsukoku - a hole in the knee hole
Kusanagi - at the center of the back part of the gomelka

Different points of judo with Yamada Ko

On the basis of these data vin dіyshov vysnovka, scho “The head surface of the body of an average young tall man may be close to 1.6 sq. m. meters, and on such a small square there are 139 different points, especially richly roztashovuetsya on the head of that face. At the link with zim, I think that it will not be too much to say that the whole body can be seen as one point of contention.
Among the 139 points of difference can be seen points that seem to be fighting with blows, those points that seem to be unhanded to fight with blows. And so dots, strike in the most effective world, and dots, strike in yaks not to give such a great effect, wanting to be in a battle with a fahіvtsy of the highest class, be like a place, where you would not hit the blow, becoming a scatter point. About the most conflicting points of Yamada Ko write more on the offensive: “In principle, there are many points of superhuman conflict, but if you choose the most different from them, then you should name the points like that, like katikake, kasumi, matsukaze, murasame, kotyu suigetsu, kinse ta”.
Standing apart is the straight-forward combat of koppo-jutsu, or “the art of hitting the brushes,” which has grown wider in such styles as Koto-ryu, Gikan-ryu and other. As you can see from the name, the main goals in mysticism are koppo є brushes and mud of the human body, for the help of defeating them (breaks, fragmentation, vivihu) reach those chi іnshi cilі in a duel (for example, to break through a legen with a broken edge, by the very nature of an opponent against I hurt death from the poison, otherwise they pierce the skronev’s brush, driving in the mittevo’s gate).
Zgidno z kuden (usnoy tradition), coils of the art of koppo-jutsu next shukati in China. Before Japan, they were brought by the black man Chan Buse, who arrived on the islands from Korea.
The first lower technique, known today as Koto-ryu, was used from China to Japan; At that time, this technique (like today’s koppo-jutsu and kosi-jutsu) was not only miraculous, which allows self-control to be easily controlled, or to drive in an opponent without special zusil.
If this technique was used to China (it is important what happened to the ruling Han dynasty), it was respected by an invisible part of Buddhism, which was also brought to China from India. By the best method of transmission, it was important to learn only one lesson, which, in the first place, ensured secrecy, and in another way, it was like learning.
Similar methods of transmission are being developed in family schools in China. And wanting to learn it was done in such a “closed” way that, it would seem, it would not be enough to guarantee the transfer of knowledge without any changes, having spent on Chinese soil, the methods to do it have changed a lot and adapted in China, before going to Japan.
If you have spent your knowledge before Japan, the process of development of that change will be re-engineered by technology and principles. So, like in China, the training of kosi-jutsu and koppo-jutsu was conducted only for elite groups of students and, obviously, it was passed on to only one low-level student in the whole world. So it was from generation to generation.
Started with the book “Give Nippon Bugei Ryu Ha”, a copy of the linear history of Koto-ryu. There is also a list of the Great Masters of the school, which we will bring below. Obviously, a lot of samurai and ninja trained in the technique of Koto-ryu. For example, the ninja Іsіkava Goemon, who lived like a ninja with his master, Momoti Sandai. Goemon is most associated with the memory of the Japanese people with the image of the people's priest, such a Japanese Robin Hood.
Goemon is also like the one who, having beaten the leader Hideios in no way, has not yet been brought. According to a popular legend, the wine was born with live bait in boiling oil, but otherwise it seems that the wine has gone to the bottom of the earth.
The technique that eventually became the technique of Koto-ryu koppo-jutsu, having reorganized the Sakagami Taro Kunisige system in 1542. Lyudina, who became another Grand Master of the school, Bando Kotaro Minamoto Masashige, was beaten through the rock.
History To speak about those that the technique of the school was passed down to Buse by a few generations, the first one was squandered to the hands of Sakagami Taro Kunisige here in the middle of the 16th century. Vіn vvazhaєtsya official "father-founder" of the school (the school bula residually issued for Toda Sakіo Іsіnsay, the fourth juice of the school).
If the school drank to Sougekka Kan Risuji, її transmission began to be carried out in parallel with Gekko-ryu kosi-jutsu, soukilki Sougekko buv also soke Gekko-ryu.
In the first place, the system squandered to the leader of the ninja Momotі Sandai, which became the juice of Koto-ryu and Gekko-ryu. Ryu was left behind in the homeland of Momotі for a generation, after which she passed to the homeland of Tod. Toda Seir Nobutsuna was the first Grand Master of Koto-ryu from Toda's homeland.
Vin started school from 1624 to 1644.
Behind the wildly widened thought, the ninja victorious at their hand-to-hand combat a few dozen deadly points of the “evil character” (shiketsu chi sakkatsu), which allowed mittevo to drive in chi to turn on the enemy. The most popular boules of the month, having poured into the yak, did not call for visible ushkodzhen, but lethal. The axis is a short list of such points:

Name - Roztashuvannya - Heritage of shock
I am men - The back side of the shi - Fracture of the cervical ridges, spinal cord injury and vertebral artery - death
Vanku - Behind the vuhom - Bloody in the brain - death
Kasumі - Skronya - Opening of the middle cerebral artery - death
Ren sen - Larynx - Reflex serration of the heart, fracture of the thyroid cartilage, bleeding of the carotid artery with bleeding - death
Khityu - Interclavicular fossa - Injury of the dichal throat and trachea, loss of evidence and death in the vein
Xiang tyun - Epigastric fossa - Reflex tooth of the heart, earache of internal organs - death
Usiro denko - Livoruch and right hand across the 11th thoracic spine - Severe injury of the nerves, disruption of the nerves and vessels, disruption of the respiratory tract, malaise, loss of knowledge, death
Krim sakkatsu, ninja victorious also made the mysticism of death (sannen-gorosі or junen-gorosі), even close to the Chinese techniques diyan mai or lo syu. Tsya system is significantly considered in the form of a simple power struggle on points of difference, and about її singularities, we can continue to discuss it in another volume of our dilogy.

"Bubis". Article 8

Mirkuvannya about the defeat by suffocation and blows of blood-bearing vessels and the tendon for the help of the hard fist method

“While talking about the values ​​of the tradition of martial arts, one cannot help but take the importance of accepting the “hard fist” to respect. It seems that if you hit a vital point of a person with a secret trick, the result can be death. From the other side, an attack on the m'yazi, or with a snowy blow, can paralyze a person.
I feel that for the help of technology it is possible to blast through the middle of the people. If [this technique] is correctly wicked, cast [to strike] another row of points, the result can be death. The only difference is that in what hour death will come.
An hour, [through which] death comes, to lie down as a whole, as if it was hostile life-important point. For example, an important injury can drive a person mittevo, even if the attacks are less concentrated, as it seems, they scream bewilderment.
This marvelous method can turn out to be fantastic, but even if I don’t have some real suspense, I can’t list it. Truly, I have not, in any way, expressed my thoughts from that food.
In the same subject, in those books about blood-bearing judges, I revealed [different] theories [of life] of the human body and that, like Yang and Yin, pour it into the new one. Twelve organs, responsible for the functioning of our body, are running through the air channels, spread all over the body. They pass flows of qi, descending and descending. Describe them as "meridian". Uzdovzh dermal z tsikh kanal_v raztashovanі osoblіvі points, vіdіm yak odnochnі і vаnі. Skin from our internal organs regularly, fallow at the hour of harvest, may [period] of high and low [activity] qi. Mayzhe just the same, as the principle of acupuncture is established for the pleasure of patients, it is possible to change the entire process and disrupt the function of the organ of these and other points.
It is possible, to know about it at different schools, [here I add] it, as if I had taken it off myself. I’m sorry that I can’t propagate [from the first drive] more sloppy analysis.
To my knowledge, the most important life points of the human body are as follows:
- Eyes;
- sword-like windrow;
- Centers of hands;
- on the arteries on the pedestal of the groin;
- kuprik;
- tip of the eleventh rib from both sides;
- transverse wіddіl ta
- two sides of the eleventh transverse ridge.
Rozmirkovuchi about those who poured on our body to put natural phenomena, we will always be guilty of our way of life, sob the weather with the cold of winter and that spicy summer. Courage to others begins with cries to yourself. Be tactful, ale zavbachlivim.

So, just like in times of vicarious herbs for healing illnesses, which are blamed on damage to the work of internal organs, it is possible to ensure the greatest juicy effect, vicarious dispensation in the early period of activity. Vykoristovuyuchi themselves principles, you can zavdat shkodi to any internal organ, vplyvayuchi points on the songs of the period of activity.

36 life important points
(designated for the English system of meridians)
Mіstseznakhodzhennya - Appointment - Name
crown seam - GV22 - sin-hui
tim'yachko - GV24 - su-lyao
whiskey - "- "-
eyes - "- "-
wuha -"-"-
sokopodіbny v_drostok - ТН17 - i-hair dryer
filterum - GV26 - jen-zhong
pіdborіddya (fossa) - GV24 - chen-jiang
shiya (hurtful side) - SI16 - іn-chuan
throat (larynx) - ST9 - zhen-іn
suprasternal fossa (depression) - CV22 - tian-tu
supraclavicular fossa (depression) - ST12 - cue-stump
posterior midline - GV16 - feng-fu
somy shiny ridge - GV14 - so-zhui
breast cyst - CV18 - yu-tang
sword-like windrow - CV15 - chiu-wei
bakwa - HT1 - chi quan
quarter chest spine - BL43 - gao-huang
first transverse ridge - BL51 - huang-men
coccyx - GV1 - chan-qiang
under the navel - CV4 - guang yun
testicle (+ nerve of the anterior follicle) - CV1 - fuck-in
somy intercostal space - GB24 - zhi-yue
tip of the eleventh rib - LIV13 - zhang-men
inguinal region - LIV11 - yin-lian
biceps (side) - LU3 - tian-fu
beforehand - LI10 - show-san-li
zgin zap'yastya - NT5 - tun-li
zgin zap'yastya - LU8 - jin-qu
hand (between the great and the showy fingers) - LI4 - heh-gu
hand (between the little finger and the ring finger) - TH4 - e-men
the lower part of the quilt - GB31 - Feng Shi
back wheel knee - BL40 - wei-zhong
tassel (internal bik) - KD6 - so-chung
ankle (outer side) - BL62 - sheng-grass
foot (zgin between other and third metatarsophalangeal articulations) - LIV3 - tai chun

However, wanting to be the basis of karate, as it was already planned, the Chinese styles of combat, in practice, the current Okinawan version even looks like the original. And on the right, it’s not about the fact that the karate technique, having spent on Okinawa, changed a lot, and changed the way to the technique of striking points. Okіnavsk karate, on the basis of Chinese styles of combat - like ovnіshnіh, i vnutrіshnіh - step by step went zovsіm іnshоgo іdkhod іn thе opponent's defeat. The reasons here are the Boti Skilki to the head - vd secretly real knowledge to the elementary nonsense is glued to Vivchaty Pitann, yake to practice the Buvai ibmi, it is problematic (reference, not driving a partner of the trendy, a non -chief of the tech. in the control of accuracy and the force of the blow itself (the method of "tamesivary" - breaking and breaking solid objects). The biggest motto of karate is “Ikken-hissatsu!” - "One hit - kill!" It is based not on the exact knowledge of anatomy or, even more so, on the energy structure of the human body, but on the supranormal development of the strength and flexibility of a single blow with the singing technique of yoga vikonannya.
The main idea of ​​this field is not to achieve the accuracy of hitting those and other points, but to ensure that you hit the enemy’s vital points in battle for various reasons. zakhist, clothes of the enemy, stature is thin. bud.). In other words, karate is better to hit the area that judges the life of an important zone, but it’s harder to hit the hit point (from the point of the idea, to the point, by the year, the so-called “area of ​​non-contact hitting” on sportswear in karate: “head”, “chest”, “stomach” is thin, wait a minute, it’s already far away, the magic of hitting life important points).
Current teachers in Okinawi also do not teach their teachers to fight life important points, but for other reasons - they are afraid of reprisals from the side of the police - at every time, about the write about it, the author of the book "Okinavsk karate" Mark Breshop to Okinawan. About the level of "secret" knowledge about the points on the modern Okinawi can be judged from the description given in this book. Qi knowledge kindly pressed Bishop Kafu Kodze, the seer master of Kodze-ryu. sprat wild words about points.
“Life is important points,” Kodze said to me, “you can show with your fingertips. The numbers are thin, but still small and sore when pressed, the vast expanse is soft on the dot and slightly indentations.
And now the description of the points themselves:
1. To paralyze a leg, hit on an important point in life, which is known to be under the lithic muck.
2. Rest your hand for a second, hitting the opponent’s pahva with your thumb with your thumb, then strike between the ribs with your other hand.
3. Vdarte on the point, ripped at the upper part of the arm, beat the base of the shoulder, with a brush of the fist or the edge of the arm, to paralyze the opponent's arm. Priyom is called "dead hand".
4. How to apply enough bang along the dots on the lateral part of the chest along the line of the nipple, “wrap the victim three times with outstretched arms and in the fall with the kick of the company.” To strike a light blow at the tse mіstse viklkaє bіl at the proliferative boci of the thorax of the coming day; be extra careful to that.
5. One more supernaturally unsafe point is located in the soft space just under the ledge of the lower slit. You can strike with the tips of your fingers and with the tip of your great toe. Kafu Kodzio was a testament to the fact that a person didn’t die a little from such a blow during an hour of rough welding between brothers.
6. When the head is bent forward, the top of the head is superimposed on a vitally important point, which is located on the flank part of the head, which shows one of the spots of the skull bones (in Kodzeru, the skull is divided into 8 parts). On which place you can hit the edge of the valley.
7. If you want to draw a line through the shoulder blades, it will run out of life with an important point on the ridge, and, if you hit it hard, you can cause apathy, baiting to sharpening, and, deadly, death in two or three fates. The greatest effect is achieved with a kick with the fifth, as the victim appears, which is hardly lying on the chest, with arms extended above the head.
8. Not all vitally important biologically active points are so unsafe, as if they were overhauled; Practically easy massage for greater health. For example, when rubbing the points, which are found in the base of the thumb of the hand and the thumb, you can ease the teeth and head pain.

On the offensive side, subtracting a short history of the development of that development of life important points in various systems of Japanese martial arts, we induce a resemblance of Japanese points of kyuse - like quiet, which is included before the book’s chapter, so quiet, like we didn’t turn it on. At the heart of the tables are spots from various jujutsu systems, as well as koshi-jutsu and karate. Chitachev, perhaps, it will be equal to them with a similar table of Chinese dots, presented by us earlier.

Japanese life important points (kyuse)
Name - Roztashuvannya
Tendo - Crown, rear tim'yachko
Tento - Anterior tim'yachko (frontal-tim'yany seam)
Tito (uto, miken, yamane) - Fronto-nasal point (pyramidal link)
Menbu - Transferred
Gansei (Hiryuran) - Ochne apple
Seidon (tenmon) - Skula
Jinchu (keigo, kodo, gekusen) - Base of the nose
Ін (нін) - Kut mizh upper and lower slits
Tsuyugasumi (hedome) - Slits of slits
Gekon (asagіrі) - Pidboriddya
San-min (asagіrі, asagasumі) - The Land of the Pidboriddya
Hityu (tokotsu, dokotsu, ryufu) - Adam's apple (trachea, throat)
Uko - Bichna part of the shi
Kotyu (I Meng) - Base of the skull (1st ridge)
Keithyu - Potilitsa (3rd and 4th ridge)
Kasumі (komekami) - Skronya, speckles on the skronevіy kisttsі in front of the vukh and behind the vukh
Mimi (happa) - Wuho
Dokko (yugasumі, kirigasumi, garden somi) - Hollow behind the lobe of the ear
Mikatsuki - Kut cracks
Murasame (matsu ake, matsukaze, shofu) - Carotid artery (sprat sprat)
Sonu - The basis of shi (interclavicular fossa)
Sakkotsu (santo) - Clavicle
Rumont - Above the clavicle of the shoulder
Jujiro - Right on the shoulders
Daimon - The middle of the shoulder at the mist of the day
Butsumetsu (omotekimon) - Ribs under the chest meats in front and behind
Dantu (tudan) - The upper part of the chest
Kinketsu - Sternum
Kototsu (chudan) - The lower part of the chest
Kesen (Suigetsu) - Sonyachne gossip
Ganka - Nipple
Kei (sei / wakіtsubo) - Pakhvova hollow (mizh 5 and 6 ribs)
Gantyu (shinchu) - Cardiac nerve vuzol
Denko (іnadzuma, tyuїyn, wakіtsubo) - Boka (liver, heart, ribs)
Suigetsu (sisiran / tsukikage) - Shlunkova depression
Gorin - Five points on the center of the abdomen
Miodzio - Pidcherev'ya
Kosіtsubo (something) - Internal ridge of the pelvic bones, groin fold
Kіntekі (kosey, suzu) - Groin and state organ
Hitibatsu (sitibatsu) - Sideways stegon
Sai (nasai / tani) - In the middle of that ring of stegna over the knee
Hidza kansetsu (kaku) - Number of cups
Kokotsu (munosune) - The inner surface of the gom_ka
Ryuge (holster/yaku)
Corey (strumi) - Pidyom stopi
Uti-korobusi - Inner part of the tassel
Soin (kiokey) - Fundamentals of fingers
Katsusatsu (katsusatsu) - Fifth spine
Tche lan (katsusatsu) - Syomi backbone
Hidzo (Dzindzo, kanzo) - Nirkov's depressions
Tse ji - Twelve back ridge
Kodenko - First and fourth across the ridge
Bitey - Khipchik and the white sides of the krish tassel
Koinadzuma (usiroinadzuma) - Stegna zzadu (great sidal nerve)
Sіtsu kansetsu (usіro hіdza kansetsu)
Sobі (tso pin) - Zasnuvannya face nig
Akіresuken - Achilles tendon
Dzyakkin (yaku kіn) - At the upper part of the hand between the brush and the m'yaz
Vansyun (vakibosi) - The middle of the three-headed m'yaz of the shoulder
Hoshizawa (hoshisoto / kachenya) - Trochs are more of a liquor loam
Udekantsetsu - Pіd lіktem area
Kotetsubo (nagare) - Promenevium (radial) nerve
Uchiakuzawa (miyakudokoro) - At the back of the wrist in the middle
Sotoyakuzawa - I have a ringing wrist
Kote (nagare) - Peredplichcha
Yubitsubo - Base of the thumb
Yubikantsetsu - Drift of fingers
Gokoku - Krapka in the yamtsі between the great and the eye-catching finger
Haishu - Zovnishnya (p'yastkova) side of the hand

Short introductions to the anatomy and physiology of the human body

For a brief understanding of the material cited below, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the elementary foundations of the anatomy and physiology of a person.
The human body is made up of an indistinguishable number of clitins, who have those other life processes. Clitini at the same time with interstitial speech make different kinds of fabrics:
- curvature (shkіra, mucus membranes);
- happy (cartilage, brushes, ligaments);
- m'yazova;
- nerves (head and spinal cord, nerves, which connect the center with the organs);
- Blood.
Various fabrics, coexisting with each other, establish organs, like, with their own heart, united by a single function and tied to the development, establish the system of organs.
All systems of organs are mutually connected and united in a single whole - an organism.
In the body, people see the following organ systems:
1) ruch system;
2) grass system;
3) dichal system;
4) visual system;
5) state system;
6) circulatory system;
7) lymphatic system;
8) the system of organs is sensitive;
9) system of organs of internal secretion;
10) nervous system.
The most important points of interest from the point of view of the damage to life are important points to represent the rukhova of the nervous system.


The human engine system consists of two parts:
- passive chi reference;
- active chi hand apparatus.
The supporting part is called so to the fact that it by itself cannot change the camp of the parts of that whole body in space. It is folded in a whole row of brushes, mutually tied with a sound apparatus and m'yazami. Tsya system is the support of the body.
The bones of the skeleton were formed from the mycocyst tissue, which is composed of organic speeches and salts, the head rank of the vapna; bells are covered with okistam, blood-bearing judges pass through the yak to revive the brush.
Behind the shape of the brush there are: long, short, flat and zmishani. Let's look at the report on the supporting part of the rukhovo apparatus. The skeleton of the tubule is formed from the ridge, the chest, the bones of the shoulder girdle and the bones of the pelvic girdle.
The basis of the skeleton of the tuba is the ridge. The shinny one is made up of 7 ridges, the chest one - of 12 ridges, the cross section - of 5 ridges, the kuprik - of 4-5 ridges. Open what is in the ridges, establish a channel at the ridge. The new one has a dorsal brain, which is the continuation of the brain.
The rotten part of the ridge is yogo shiny and crosswise vіddіl. At the ridge there are 4 wigini: forward - at the chin and transverse parts and back - at the thoracic and crotch parts. Cі vigini together with cartilaginous discs, which lie between the ridges, serve as a shock-absorbing support for posting, running, haircuts, etc.
In the chest cavity there are lungs, dyhal channels, heart, blood-bearing vessels and stravochid.
The thorax is covered with thoracic ridges, twelve pairs of ribs and thoracic bone. The remaining two rows of ribs may have more than one attached, and their front ends are free.
Zavdyaks of a special form of loam between the ribs and ridges, the thorax can change its volume when breathing: it expands when the ribs rise, burn out and sound when lowered to the bottom. The expansion of that change in the obsyagu of the thoracic cell appears to be zavdyaks of the so-called inhalal m'yazyv, attached to the ribs.
The fragility of the thoracic cell is a significant world signifying the practicality of the organs of the respiratory system and is especially important in the case of a stronger m'azovіy work, if it is necessary to breathe deeply.
The skeleton of the shoulder girdle is formed by the clavicle and the shoulder blades. The clavicle with one of its ends is covered with a small-eared loam from the chest bone, and with the others it is attached to the shoulder blade. The scapula is a flat brush - it is free to lie on the back of the ribs, more precisely on the m'yazah, and, at its edge, is also covered with m'yazah.
A number of great m'yaziv backs are attached to the scapula, like a scapula for its shortness, creating at the same time unruliness when supported. The blade of the scapula fills with the kulata head of the humeral brushes of the humeral loin.
Zavdyaki to the rickety clavicle with the thoracic bone, the flaccidity of the scapula and the bulge of the shoulder globule, the hand can be able to work the most versatile hand.
A basin of comforts with a cry and two bezimenny brushes. The bones of the pelvis are tightly built between themselves and the spine, so that the pelvis serves as a support for all parts of the body, which lie higher. For the heads of quilted tufts of the lower kinks on the flank surfaces of the quiltless tufts and suglobov pits.
The skin brush is borrowed in the name of a person in the same place and always knows at an uninterrupted connection with other brushes, closely adhering to one number of brushes. There are two main types of brushes:
- uninterrupted joint (synerthrosis) - if the brushes are tied between themselves for additional padding between them from a happy (cartilaginous, in.) tissue;
- perervni spoluki (arthrosis) chi globi.


Main brushes of the body

Torso brushes: 80 brushes.
Skull: 29 brushes.
Tulub tassels: 51 tassels.
Sternum: 1 brush.
1. Shiyny viddil - 7 tassels.
2. Breast widdle - 12 tassels.
3. Cross-cut wіddіl - 5 tassels.
4. Krizh - 1 brush.
5. Kipchik - 4-5 brushes.
Upper brushes (64 pieces in total):
1. Clavicle - 1 pair.
2. Shoulder blade - 1 pair.
3. Shoulder brush - 1 pair.
4. Promeneva brush - 1 pair.
5. Liktova brush - 1 pair.
6. Wrist brushes - 2 groups of 6 pcs.
7. Pencil brushes - 2 groups of 5 pcs.
8. Finger brushes - 2 groups of 14 pcs.
Brushes of the lower ends (total 62 pcs.):
1. Zduhvinna brush - 1 pair.
2. Bucket brush - 1 pair.
3. Over the knees - 1 pair.
4. Small homil's brush - 1 pair.
5. Brushes in front - 2 groups of 7 pcs.
6. Metatarsal brushes - 2 groups of 5 pcs.
7. Finger brushes - 2 groups of 14 pcs.
Snowdrifts should be made crumbly and that they are given special respect at the battlefields.
The stars stabilize the drifts and surround them. Zastosovuyuchi that chi іnsha tekhnіku bolovogo character, wrap loam against їhngo natural ruhu; at tsomu, nasampered, zvyazki suffer.
Like a swirl of swirls to the edge and on the new, they continue to pour in, the whole swarm suffers. The loamy surface of the brushes can be matched by shape with the cracks of various geometric bodies. Vіdpovіdno up to tsego loamy podіlyayut on kulyastі, ellipsoid, cylindrical, block-like, sіlopodіbnі and flat. The shape of the snowy surfaces becomes obsyag and straight ruhіv, yakі vіdbuvayutsya around three axes. Along the frontal axis, cutting and cutting is carried out. Along the sagittal axis, there are introductions and adductions. Wrapping is carried out along the vertical axis. In this case, the wrapping in the middle is called pronation, and the wrapping is called supinatation. In the stubby ellipsoidal swamps of kіntsіvok, it is also possible to have a peripheral wrapping - ruh, with some kіntsіvka either a part of the cone is described. Fallow, depending on the number of axes, as far as possible, the drifts are subdivided into single, double and triple (rich).
Cylindrical and block-like can be seen up to single loamy loams.
To double - ellipsoid and saddle-like.
Up to trivіsnyh (rich) one can see bushes and flat loam.
The skeleton of the hand is divided into three parts: the shoulder, the front shoulder, the two brushes - the elbow and the promenevium, the penzel, the fingers with 8 wrist brushes, 5 wrist brushes and 14 fingers (phalanges).
The back of the shoulder with the brush of the scapula and the clavicle is called the humeral loin. A new one can move forward, backward, down and uphill. Z'ednannya shoulder in front of the shoulders make up the lektovy suglob. At liquor loam, Basically, there are two movements: the opening and the bending of the hand. Zavdyaky to the special fluffing of the leech loam, you can turn the promeneu brush, and at the same time call the brush in the middle. Z'ednannya kistok mizh before plіchchiam i penzlem is called promenevo-zastkovy loam.
The bones of the skeleton of the lower limbs are made up of three parts: stegna, homilki and feet.
The joint of the stipe cyst with the pelvis is called the pelvic lobe. Vіn fortifications with mіtsnimi zv'yazkami, yakі zamezhuyut ruh legs back. Homilka is made with two tassels: large milky and small milky. Sticking with its upper end to the lower end of the steg tuft, the great milky tuft makes a thick loam. In front of the kolіnnogo suglob there is an okrema kіstka - kolіnna cup, as it is strengthened by the tendons of the chotirigolous meat of the stegna. At the knee suglobi, the shaping of the legs can be carried out. Therefore, with a sharp hold on the legs (especially in the knee-bog): blows, a beating chi, an overt rush, or a supra-mundane rupture / recoil (squeeze) can be seriously hurt. The foot is made up of three parts:
- plus, what is added up from 7 brushes,
- metatarsus - from 5 brushes that
- 14 finger brushes (phalanges).

The brushes of the feet are tied with ties and seal the feet, as if playing the role of a shock absorber when sending or streaks. Z'ednannya homilka with a foot is called a homilk-foot loam. The main move in this swamp is the shattering and shaping of the feet. In homilkostopny suglobі with rіzko held priyoma often buvayut injury (stretching, tearing the ligament then).


1. Bunches of the upper and lower fissures.
2. Shoulder loam.
3. Elbow drift.
4. Mіzhkhrebtsevі z'єdnannya.
5. Tazostegnovy suglob.
6. Pubic articulation.
7. Promenevo-zastkovy swag.
8. Drift of fingers.
9. Kolinny suglob.
10. Homilkovostopny suglob.
11. Drift of fingers.
12. Anterior metatarsal articulation.

Lіktovy suglob (close)

Tazostegnovium slough (zoomed)

M'yazi - an active part of the human hand apparatus. The musculature of the skeleton is composed of great number okremikh m'yaziv. The m'yazova tissue, which is made up of m'yazovyh fibers, can power quickly (shorten down the length) under the infusion of teasing, which is brought to the m'yaziv in the brain along the nerves. M'yazi, attaching with its kints to the brushes, often for the help of good strands - a tendon, with its shortness, bend, unfold and wrap around the brushes.
In such a rank, the shortness of m'yaziv and m'yazova craving, which is satisfied with it, is by force, to bring parts of our body into ruin.
The chest part is large breast m'yaz starts at the sternum and clavicle with a wide base and fastens with a narrower tip to the shoulder brush of the upper tip. Small breast meat is attached to the shoulder blade in the mountains and to the upper ribs at the bottom. Mіzhrebernі m'yazi - zvnіshnі and vnutrіshnі, scho znahodyatsya between the ribs and in the intercostal expanses.
The m'yazi of the abdomen is folded into a number of balls. The outer ball should be made straight on the stomach, with a wide line to lie in front and attached to the beast to the ribs, and from below - to the pubic pelvis.
Step two balls are tucked in by the slanting m'yazami of the stomach - ovnіshnіmi and vnutrіshnіmi. Mustaches are right, tied with a fringed coat forward, killed and with yoga wraps, lead to the neck of the press.
M'yazi back roztashovanі kіlka sharіv. Trapezium-like and wide backs can be seen up to the ball of the first ball. Strong trapezium-like m'yaz razrashovaniya at the upper part of the back and on the neck. Attached to the politic bone of the skull, straight out to the scapula and clavicle, where to know your friend is attached.
Trapezium-like m'yaz, with its short head, pull back the shoulder blades, pulling up the outer edge of the clavicle and the shoulder blade, lifting the arm higher by the shoulder rib.
A wide m'yaz occupies a significant part of the entire back. Pokryvayuchi її, it begins in the form of krizhіv, transverse to that half of the chest ridges, attaches to the shoulder brush. The wide m'yaz of the back pull the hand back and, at the same time with the great chest m'yaz, bring її to the tulub.
For example, if you zahopili the enemy’s hand, then sing the vin її smeared with a virvati path of a sharp bend of the arm in the elbows and brought the shoulder brush to the coat. When the shoulder brush is brought to the toe, the wide m'yaz of the back and the great chest m'yaz play a great role.
M'yazi, who carry the robot's rozginachіv tuluba, is found on the deep ball of m'yaziv's back. This deep ball starts from the creeks and attaches itself to all ridges and ribs. Qi m'yazi with robots may have great strength. In them, to lay down the corrected people, equal body, light weights, and in the meantime, take yoga in the proper position.
The musculature of the upper kіntsіvka pogogaє in the greater part of its s dougie m'yazіv, thrown over the shoulder, lіktovy and promenevo-zap'yastkovі sglobi.
The shoulder loam covers the delta-like m'yaz. It is attached, from one side, to the clavicle and shoulder blades, from the other side - to the shoulder brush. The deltoid mouth extends the arm through the tunic to the level of the shoulder and often takes part in the forward one and the arm in the back.

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