Wild natural growths. Їstіvnі lisovі roslini. Rules for the selection of natural plants and fruits

A rich meal of various leafy vegetables was a hearty item on the menu of a person - like a peasant, and like a city dweller. The range of buv duzhe vrahayuchim. In the past, with the cob of industrialization, in view of the large rose, only a sprat of species was lost, which were subdued by the mechanization of the harvesting and vitriumuyut trivale of saving. Until recently, they were left behind on Uzbek progress. Today's dietology gave leafy vegetables a friend of life. Now we are enjoying the culinary delights of the past eras - "green" sauces, salads, soups - and we are enriching our body with vitamins.

Leaf cultures do not show any special features of the day. Moreover, the deacons of them do not give up to the Bur'yans for vitriol. Such arugula, sorrel, loboda. However, the loboda should be born with a lower and juicy only on a fluffy, kindred and well-laid soil. On important, uncultivated soils, whether any vegetable will be rough and unsavory. Before that, with the rare and irregular watering, the growth will especially accelerate the flowering, which further reduces the yield of the crop.

Ogіrkova grass, borage

Leave the young with salads, soups, vicorist like seasoning. Behind the smell of the stink, they guess the ogirok. To love a kindred, richly humused soil. Before the spring sowing, the day is soaked in the harvest, the sprat is changing the water. Leaves are picked before the flowers appear.

Salad chicory (vіtluf)

Vitluf at the crossroads means "white leaf": yell at the new darkness, otherwise the leaves are green and become hot. Chicory is a janitor, but for їzhі to grow yoga for one season, and to pay off the vigonka. Vіn vologolyubny, vіddaє perevag native soil. Hang salad chicory in the last decade of grass. If you plant it earlier, then until autumn you can drink roses at the shooter. Root crops should be cleaned up to the present frost. Badilla grow at a height of 2-3 cm, so as not to damage the growth point. The vigonka can be repaired for a month. Until then, root crops are harvested from the basement at a normal temperature of 1-2°C. In domestic minds, near deep boxes or windrows, they pile up a few centimeters of peat and plant root crops one to one. On top of them, they attach the earth and water it at 2-3 priyomi. Place the boxes in a dark place with a temperature of 10-12°C. Through tyzhden її you can move, no more lower to 15-18 ° C, otherwise the leaves will become hot. The kachanchiki are ready to be implanted in a month after the cob of distillation. Zrіzayut їх іz part of the root crop. At the refrigerator, stinks are saved up to three days.


Even more popular leafy vegetable. Eat yoga and fresh, but most of all, cooked food: appetizers, soups, pies. This is one of the most beautiful vegetables, although the thought that for a long time had been talking about those that spinach was especially rich in the cold, seemed like a myth. Roslin is cold-resistant, it can withstand frosts down to -5°C. Vivedeni like early, and new varieties. Spinach is the growth of a long time ago, to that in the middle of summer it will bloom, through which the harvest will grow. To escape the stalking, to plant a variety of spinach in the air.

Rucola, indau

A close relative of the leaf gyrchitsa. Roslin is not viable. Young people leafing through the reception, gostruvate for gusto. You will have fresh greenery all summer, so that you can work on your skin for two days. Rucola is one of the fastest growing vegetables. It’s cold and it’s bad to endure shading, but on a long day it’s easy to shoot. Until then, in warm weather, it is attacked by a cross-flower of a plaque. To that in the middle of the summer, planting can be pinned to a sickle. Even though you still set it as a goal to take the birth of the whole season, then from the grass to the lime planting, the planting is darkened in the evenings, so that the bright day does not exceed 12 years.

Cress salad

The coldness of the speed of the roslin. The relish of the leaf is nagaduє gorchichny (the stench can be seen up to one family - the cross-flowers), ale richly lower. Qiu nevibagly to heat, the growth can be hung in the winter, and early in the spring, at the door. Pos_vi repeat the skin two types. So you can know the birth until autumn. And if you put a salad near the box on the pіdvіkonnі, then fresh greens will be tsiliy rik. Viroshchuchii watercress at home, navit neobov'yazkovo checks on the leafy leaves. Juvenile seedlings are close in age, especially brown. Obsessed by placing a cloth on the Vologda cotton wool. Today you will need more richly, lower when growing salad in the best way.


Bagatorichna roslina, for the selection of a great leaf, it can be cut like a single one. You can vicorate for vigonka leaves in your home minds. I swear to cook soups and greens, to add salads and fillings for pies. Tse vkrai nevibagliva roslina. For a long time, the sorrel, which appeared in the city, was vilified, vvahayuchi weedy, and at the same time they took wild sorrel for its leaves. Roslina wins over weakly acidic, frost-resistant soils. For the whole season to take fresh young leaves, sorrel hangs at 2-3 terms.

Swan sadova, ovocheva

Їstіvne young leaves that pagony growth. The stench is rich in protein, vitamin C, mineral salts. The swan is unbearable to the bitterness of the ground, the stamina to the cold is dry. Vaughn is everywhere chirping at the wild look. Often, for loboda, it is similar to Bur'yan - bullshit. At the hungry rocky, the Loboda repeatedly rebuked our ancestors, what is good, what is bad, but instead of bread. Truthfully, through the tsewona, the reputation of the grower has gained, їsti yaku can only die of hunger. Adzhe loboda is good both fresh and boiled - in soups, borschts. From now on, you can cook porridge, as if hardening, that the trochs are treated with buckwheat. Є і decorative varieties of lobodi with leaves of burgundy, beet or cream zabarvlennya.

Chard (leaf beetroot)

Relative of Lobodia and Buryakiv. Vіdom_ two forms of chard: leaf and petiole. Leaves are fresh - in salads, as a side dish or added to omelets, soups. Before sowing, soak the day in the harvest. Young plants can easily tolerate light frosts. In order to take away the greenery of the yakomog earlier, for example, the birch trees of the day hang on the rose garden, and after a month they hang at the soil, with a spit on the back. Chard to love the kindred soil is bright and bright. Before the leaves can be seen already in a month after sowing, but the mass plant will be less in a month.

!”, will be dedicated to wild roslins. I'm not trying to catch up with the middle smuga of Russia, but describe what you see, how you can get a good look and become you in good luck in all regions of the Russian Federation. In the fox, the tundra, in the wilderness one can know the faceless wild-growing natural roslin.

Deyakі їх expanded everywhere, іnshі may be exact geographic address. Different parts of the roslins are going around: fruits, roots, cibulini, young pagons, stems, leaves, brunki, flowers. Sound you can safely vikoristovuvat tі roslini, like birds and creatures. However, such growths seldom grow, all parts of some kind of natural. Most of them have less than one or a piece of accessories for hedgehogs, or in the case of spragi.

And so, the axis is a list of real, wild growths:


Young pagons get used to green borscht, mashed potatoes, salads. Virostaє, mainly, in the zone of peaceful climate in Pivnichniy and (next to) Pivdenniy pivkul. The largest breadth in Russia is Kropiva dvodomna and Kropiva pekucha.

In Russia and in other lands, they sewed the most common windshields, and also the most common bears, felt and kulі from rough scribbled fabrics, "wrens".

In Japan, the sprinkling jug was made with a seam as the head material for the preparation of expensive samurai wielders, shields were made from wooden stems, and from the mitznogo sprinkling fiber, twisted and rubbed with wax, - pulls for bows.

Before the speech, you can transfer the fish to the fish with the drop, it’s better to get rid of the fresh one.

Sorrel (singular and kinsky)

Before the warehouse, I add vitamins C, B1, K, carotene, ethereal olis; in a great number of places there are organic acids (tannin, oxalic acid, pyrogalova and others), as well as mineral speech (calcium, magnesium, salt, phosphorus).

For the exaltation of chi prevention of quiet chi іnshih ailments, vicorist must be part of the growth.

Sorrel zastosovuyut also in case of treatment of avitaminosis, scurvy, anemia.

Leafing and fruiting, I swear, I can tell you that pain-killing deed, early healing, anti-spasm.

In Russia, it is more important than in the European part (about 70 species).

Go to the sour-licorice jelly and varennya, bring it to the family of Greeks.

Growth along the skeletons and stony slopes near the lower parts of the mountain ranges, also go near the lower parts of the Alpine belt.

Zustrichaetsya with prosperity in the Altai Territory and Skhidno-Kazakhstan region, near Pivnichno-Zakhidniy Mongolia, Sayanakh. Rhubarb is widely spread in Asia and Siberia to the Himalayan mountains and Palestine, and also grows in Europe.

In medicine, the rhubarb roots and rhubarb rhizomes, which avenge glucosides, yak signify the carrying power of rhubarb, and the tannins of speech, which give a tart effect and improve the etching.

Only a stalk of rhubarb leaves, leaves and roots of rhubarb are treated with bruises.

Grows widely in the rich regions of the European part of the country, in the Urals, in Western and Northern Siberia, in the Far Skhod, near Crimea in the Caucasus. Growth by the water, shores of rivers, stakes and lakes, in swampy areas.

In natural underwater bulbs, the growth rate is up to 35/o starch, 10.5/o protein, 0.5/o fat, more than 3/o cucurbits, tanning speech. In dry species in bulbs up to 55/o starch and close to 9/o succulent speeches.

Bulb-like dentures live in the zhu, which develop in the autumn on the ends of the pagons. rarely - rhizomes. Zvareni or boiled bulbs to the gusto make chestnuts, siri - peas, liver - potatoes.

For a thriving harvest, the bulbs are cut with circles and dried on the floor, and for the broomstick, dry on the stove.

Grows along the banks of water bodies, often at a significant depth - up to two meters, grows in swamps and flood bows, near groundwater in forests and on salt marshes.

The best value for food stosuvannya is a meaty rhizome of an outline that avenges starch (over 50%), carbohydrates (up to 15%) and cellular tissue (up to 32%). The greatest number of these speeches is the rhizome to avenge late autumn and early spring.

Rootstocks eat sirimi, bake, lubricate; for the taste of the stench of the lower and licorice.

In the hungry rocks and periods of neurotic rhizomes, the roots were dug up, dried, ground on a boar, like in a large quantity they were added to wheat and wheat (up to 90% of the mass). However, the survival of such bread (perhaps, in the wake of the high cellular tissue in the ordinary boroshni) called out the unfortunate traces: the belly was swollen, it felt heavy. The method for crushing starch into coarse cellular tissue is not yet fragmented.

Vicorist rhizomes are treated like surrogate kawi.

Everywhere zustrіchaєtsya on the banks of the water and flood bows. Rich in knowledge of its own black-stormy velvety blossoms on a long (up to 2 m) straight stem. Bagatto who, for the sake of peace, calls him an outline, but stinks to bring more than one family. Expansion rіg widely, throughout the European part of the country, in the Urals. Caucasus. Ukraine, Siberia and Central Asia.

In rhizomes, up to 46/o starch, up to 24/o protein, 11% zukrіv, tannins of speech, in leaves - ascorbic acid, in nasinnі - fatty oliya. At folk medicine rhizomes zastosovuyt with dysentery, leaves - like a wound-warming and blood-spinning zasib.

The hungry rocks are one of the most important jerels of eating. The rhizomes of that young stalk were vicorated at the hedgehog and vicoristed until that day. Pick up young pagons that have not yet come out of the earth. Before the vzhivannyam їх vіdvaryuyut near salty water. Pickle for the winter. From the rhizomes and young stalks, prepare soup, mashed potatoes, quench them with potatoes, vicorate like a seasoning for meat, fish, mushrooms and sheep herbs.

Most often, at the same time, vicorist rhizomes in the liver. From them you can cook borosno, bread, pancakes, biscuits, biscuits, sour and other varieties. To prepare the boroshna, the root is broken in front into pieces of zavtovshka up to 0.5 cm, hang and trim.

Substances of rhizomes can replace natural kava. Seedlings of cattail, which cibulini tell, are savory in orphan-looking. The rhizomes are picked in autumn and spring, if there is a lot of starch in them. Hanging stench can be saved for a long time.

In Russia, there are about 20 species. Apparently, the yogo stem and rhizome contain up to 48% sugars, up to 6% protein, 3% fat.

I will outline the roots. If the rhizomes are trimmed and cooked 40-50 min, then weed licorice brew. Boiling it on a weak fire, you can cook a thick and still malty syrup.

Prikorenev was a part of the young in turn to see the orphan looking. The stench is an accessory for eating, like a substitute for bread. From the dried rhizome, they are taken borosno, as if they were added to grain for brewing bread.

In poor minds, the rhizome can be seen on the vugill or in the ashes. For people who have stooped in extreme minds, they do not threaten hunger, as if it were close by.

Among the people, the line is called “cutting”. Cleaned from the skin, the rhizome is applied to a fresh wound, and the blood is thickened.

Often they are used for preparing salads and borschts. The root can serve as a surrogate for kawi. For tourists, the kulbaba is undoubtedly a healthy eating place. Having tasted yoga for a taste, you know what wine to drink hot. To tidy up this hot water, finish it off and scald it with sprinkles and watch the sprats of the year by the cold salty water.

It is even easier to prepare a salad from kulbabi, fight wine like this: scald the leaves in front, add finely chopped leaves to Ivan-tea, sprinkles. Everything is changed.

From the root to sing "cavovy" drink for the upcoming recipe: digging the root, relatively washing, dribly narizaemo, smearing to a dark brown color. Then let's elaborate on the kavomoltsі and prepare it just like kava. Such a drink is already brown.

Zustrichaetsya everywhere near the peaceful climate Pivnichnoy pivkul. Growth on cuttings, knots, middle chagars.

Ivan tea is widely used as a strong antioxidant and vicarious for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins. With a jubilant method, zastosovuyut like leafing Ivan tea, so it’s good.

Residents of the Faraway Skhod zastosovuyut Ivan-tea for sore throats, bleeding, constipation, and also as an anti-spasm and astringent zasib. In Tibetan medicine, grass, root and vicarious flowers were used as an anti-spasm remedy for diseases of skin and mucous membranes.

From young pagonіv that leaves of Ivan-tea prepare salads, soups, and fresh root can be planted in orphan chi boiled looking like a substitute for asparagus and cabbage.

From the dried root, they cook boroughly, boil the bread, pancakes and shortbreads, and use the root for the preparation of “kawi”.

Vysushene leaves brew and win mіtsniy i savory tea.

There are wide extensions near Siberia, in the Urals, the Far Descent, near Central Asia, in the Caucasus, and near the rich regions of the European part of the country. Growth near stagnant waterways and streaming rivers.

The rhizomes are rich in starch - up to 60% and protein - 13.4%, they contain zucru, fat, and the leaves have ascorbic acid. Dried rhizomes contain 4% fat, 13.5% protein and 60% carbohydrates. In addition, in roslin, cellular tissue is revealed - 7.1% and ash - 6.7%. In folk medicine, the rhizomes of vicor were used as a pro-carrying, sechoginny, vodharkuvalny, anti-sapling zasib.

From long ago, the susak came out like a duzhe tsіnna kharcheva dew, yogo was called Yakut bread. People went to milk-water plants, lakes, creeks, ditches, brewed susak root, watered the starch-bearing rhizome, washed yogo by the water, and dried the head in the wind.

At home, the rhizome was dried in ovens, towed, ground, robbed cereals and boar, from which they baked bread, cooked porridge, prepared kava and kavovy for drinking. For 1 kg of dry rhizomes, 250 g of a borough of yellowish-white color and a pleasant licorice relish, which is richly reminiscent of raw wheat. At tse boroshchichay add 30% of life or wheat. At the hungry rocks, bread was baked from parasol susak.

Harvest rhizomes of susak better than autumn and spring to bloom, if the stench avenges the great amount of starch. Savory that rich root bake on bagatti.

Mayzhe extensions on the entire territory of Russia. Growth in wastelands, in places for death, for life, in cities and gardens.

Zavdyaki nayavnostі іnulіnu that squirrel of burdock root vykoristuєtsya in їzhu. Grinded into flour, the stench can be added to the dough when the bread is boiled. You can get used to zhu with jam, biscuits, lubrication, fresh; you can replace potatoes in soups, robiti cutlets, shortbreads.

Root boil s sour milk, ottom, sorrel, moreover, іnulіn pіddaєtsya hydrolysis z Utvorennyam tsukru - fructose. When tsiom come out sour-licorice jam. Root can be used as a surrogate for kawi or as a substitute for chicory.

In Japan, burdock grows like a city culture under the name "gobo".

blockade delicacy. This is a simple recipe for taking from a unique book, seen in besieged Leningrad in 1942, for those who are not rich, who are still alive. The recipe nevipadkovo omitted neomіnna umova - the root of the front vimiti. The water did not come up for a drink. Refueling was not indicated - її simply did not bulo. Without a doubt, this year’s recipe you won’t be victorious with your primordial look, but let’s not forget to tell us about quiet green friends, who helped the people in their deadly minds to stand and live. Axis of the recipe: “Break burdock root, cut into small pieces. Serve with sauce."

In the wild, it can grow right up to the tundra zone. Grows in the grassy forests in the valleys near the rivers. Wild garlic has 89% water. 1.4% sols, 2.4% protein, 6.5% carbohydrates, 1% fiber, 0.1% organic acids, 4 mg% carotene and vitamins of group B.

Cheremsh has the glory of a great healer from ancient times. Roslin may be strong phytoncidal, antibiotic, tonic, anti-atherosclerotic. early campaigning authorities. Tse is beautiful antiscorbutic early spring roslin.

It is best to eat fresh wild garlic in salads and vinaigrettes. Appetizing wild garlic with black bread that silly. From it, cook more delicious early spring borscht and soup, prepare minced meat. Vykoristovuyut її і like seasoning to meaty and ribnyh herbs, like stuffing for pies.

At rich places wild garlic is harvested in reserve: fermented, salted and marinated, and chopped dry in the sun. Vikoristovuyut at kharchuvanni and tsibulini tsikh roslin. The leaves of the wild garlic are similar to the leaves of the convalia bristle-growth, which requires carefulness when picking.

“I’ll add it to myself. I live in Kamchatka, so from, near the forests there, wild garlic, maybe invisibly, already similar to convalia and growth, just like vins - small, albeit part of the village.

Kislitsya ("hare cabbage", "zozulya horse")

Qiu small grass with a height of up to 10 cm can be planted in Siberian coniferous and deciduous forests in the European part and in Siberia.

She knows a lot about the children according to the thinned contour of the leaves, which are formed from three light green hearts. In 100 g of syromas of sour leaf, there is up to 100 mg of vitamin C, rich in potassium oxalate, malic and folic acid. The stench has a sharp, sour-astringent relish and can be vicorated in salads, vinaigrettes and savory sorrel.

With sour, prepare sour cold drinks. You can know sourness and narrowness under snow. Vaughn is so green and tasty.

Well, it's far from complete list wild growths, yakі can be vikoristanі in їzhu. Our country has over 1000 types of natural growth, so it’s problematic for me to squeeze such a robot. Respect was given to the widest species.

The word “bur'yan” sounds like a virok, but it’s true that at times they call the growths like that, as if they didn’t deserve it. Few people know that in the yard, garden, city, fox it is easy to know grassy growths, which can be eaten, eliminating the melancholy for the body. Let's find out why, for a bazhannya, you can grow a tasty weed.

1. Watercress

Bur'yan, which is sold at stores, but really, you can use it absolutely free of charge if you use the nearest water. Cres to add at different salads to the orphan, looking at the piquancy of the country. Yogo has a warehouse of vitamins, brown olives, minerals and alkaloids.

2. Kropiva

Another one is a Buryan, who is rich in victories with culinary methods. At the butt, you can bring green borscht, in the yakі zamіst I sorrel put sprinkling leaves. The stench is guilty of being young and scalded with okrop, to incapacitate the scorching effect. Cream of tsyogo, kropiv leaves included in salads and sauces. It is impossible not to guess that from the old hours the bloody vicorist is being used in folk medicine, the shards out there may be a wide resemblance of brown authorities.

3. Swan

Few people know that vikoristovuetsya loboda for the preparation of various medicinal preparations and the preparation of dietary supplements. It is possible to take away the rustiness of the weeds, by grafting it into the hedgehog, to take oxalic acid, which is not safe for the body, from the beginning. Zim zavdannya good fit with lemon and thermal processing. Vecheni have appointed that the Buryan should be born for the sorrel, which is familiar to us, the recipe of which can be victorious and for preparing lobodi.

4. Thistle

Among the people, they call roslina rep'yakh, and they know richness with their hospitable thorns. Really buddyaka їstіvny and savory, and in different wines it will help you to go hungry and take a charge of vitamins. Leaves need to be cut and cleaned from the thorns, and then cut into small pieces and boiled in salted water, having washed the natural soup.

5. Kulbaba

From the garnoy of that fragrant flower, you can not only weave wreaths, but also vikoristovuvat її in їzhu. One of the most popular lassochi from kulbab is varennya. Leaves of tsієї roslini can vikoristovuvatisya in salad recipes. It is important to vrakhovuvaty that if the roslin is ripe, then it will fill with a bitter relish, it is necessary to take it on the cob of spring, if the leaves are young and lower. If there is a lot of crust, then in the kulbaba there is a lot of beta-carotene, moreover, more, lower in carrots.

6. Piriy

Buryan, who is hated by the city dwellers and the Polish practitioners, the shards of wine are negatively signified on the growth cultural roslins for example, wheat. When it is rich, no one suspects that the Buryan is more corny for the human body. For living in zhu, young growths are suitable, in which the present has not yet been formed. The leaves are suitable for salads, soups, sauces, and from the roots you can work more brown.

7. Sitnik

Roslin, yak vikoristovuyut for landscaping rates, and many people call it just an outline. Whom all weeds have natural stems, roots and roots. You can look at the orphan and the boiled one. Sitnik is alive, shards have a lot of carbohydrates. Boroshno, otrimane from dry root, be licorice, and in the new it will not be necessary to add sour sand.

8. Shepherd's bag

Children of the 90s know that the Buryans, like nothing, shards of stink without fear or yogo, destined to drink the relish, some kind of greenery similar to the gorodnya. The shepherd's bag is zdatna urіznomanіtnіtі relish be-yakої stravi, adding piquancy to it. Vrahuyte, scho young roslini pritamanny gostry relish from sourness. You can beat the bur'yaniv at the hedgehog, add them to the sauce, replace the mustard. You can't help but notice crooks of authority gritsikiv, yakі vikoristovuyutsya in medicine.

9. Purslane

It is possible to resurrect tsyu roslin on a thick red stem and succulent leaves of a rounded shape. On the dilyantsi tsgogo bor'yanu will be more graceful, but in different ways you can take rich natural greenery. The stems of that leaf can be eaten with a fresh look, adding to salads or other herbs. Purslane can be a wonderful substitute for spinach. What is worth cory, then in this plant there are antioxidants and omega-3.

10. Sakhalin mountaineer

Bur'yan, what a call you can match with bamboo, through the high stems. Vіn wide expansions on the pivnіchno-shіdnіy part of Europe on the Middle Sunset. Vykoristovuvaty recommended pagony green and red color, up to 8 cm long.

11. Konyushina

It is awkward to recognize the rose, the shards are out of the leaves with trioma, more often with pelyusts, like a symbol of happiness, that original erysipelas. With this, few people know about the livelihood and brown stables, so that up to 25% protein and 12% brown fat can be saved. You can take it, so that you can quickly overcome hunger. You can beat and dry flowers for brewing savory ta brown tea. In hedgehog, you can sow and sire the leaves, like a trace of memory and salt, and the axis of young buds is suitable for sourdough like cabbage.

12. Kudzu

Roslin, as you can insinuate the majestic number of people, out of growth on rich territories. Even more popular kudzu on pіvdnі, de z ny prepare a great number of herbs, moreover, licorice jam is the same jelly. One of the cooking options is to boil the root, mix it with soy sauce and add it to the salad. Kudzu is a miraculous helper for problems with the hose.

13. Cattail

One of the options for priming in nature is decorative marsh roslin, like a lot of people who stray from the outline. Rootstocks are vicarious, they dry and trim, sob viyshov powder, from which bread can be baked. You can eat and swing young, like asparagus for relish.

14. Bamboo

Many people don’t know that in reality bamboo is not a tree, but a variety of grass, which expands quickly, like a weed. The relish of the stem is already similar to corn, and also in a new richness of cellular tissue, which is important for the body. The simplest way of cooking bamboo looks like this: you can see the leaves and the thin surface, and then the pagons are cut into pieces and boiled for 20 min., to clean up the hot water. For example, bamboo is seasoned with soy sauce and added, for example, salad.

Back in the 18th century, there were about 700 leafy vegetables, read - natural herbs and flowers. Today's people are turbulent, to know and zastosuvat as stіvnennya wild grasses and squirrels through their unparalleled brilliance. Let's get to know more closely with the "daily food", which will give us vitamins, colorful speech and minerals.


Kulbaba is mainly seen in Western Europe and especially in France, de yogo can be grown in greenhouses like lettuce. In Russian cuisine, salads with fresh greens were used approximately until the era of Katerina, and then they were served only at the houses of the nobility. In the girkot leaves, the head value of the culbabi, like the medicinal plant, is growing. The strength of the bitterness increases the activity of the liver, improves the etching and exchange of speech. In order to make a kulbaba it is possible to be calmly z'isti, there are some ways. The simplest - fill the leaves with dill, but if we take it lightly, the leaves are soft, not particularly accepting consistency. Another way: fill the sliced ​​leaves with salt water (1 tbsp. per liter) and drain the water for 10-15 quilins, with which best hour try every hour, so as not to spend all the hot water. The light hotness of the kulbab gives the salad a special piquancy. І third, the most labor-intensive way - vіdbіlyuvannya. For this kulbaba, for a few days, light is allowed - to cover it with black plіvkoy, a cardboard box, or even a branded jar. Arriving at the dacha in a week, you take away the white, crunchy leaves, which is ideal for salad.


Leaves of all kinds of primroses vicorist in Western Europe like lettuce plants. They have a pleasant relish that is already high in place of ascorbic acid.

The leaves of the wild primrose of our forests, which are called rams, are officially vicorous in medicine, like vitamin trees. The stench is good to eat from the green cibula and ogirki. Zvichayno, with cibula and ogirkiv, and so you can grow a salad, and just primula with cibula - deliciously and cory. You can put that leaf of daisies in the salad, and then let's put some quotations, that's English classics, there daisy flakes decorate salads and sandwiches.


It is even better in lettuce leaves of evening - bagatoric levka, which is in color with erysipelas-purple flowers in chervni-linden. Gostri stench, savor the taste of mustard and miraculously eat some other greenery. Tsya roslin already often streaks on our flower beds, but no one thinks that it’s true. And in the middle of the night, the bushes of the evening come out of the green leaves from the snow.

Ringers Їstіvne leaves more zvіnochkіv, їх not only you can їsti sirimi, but also cook from them savory salad. It is especially suitable for this little rapuncele-like little twink - a pretty bagatorichnik, which easily transforms on the windy weeds. This kind of twinklings may sound like underground pagons and the root is large, similar in shape to a carrot. This root is also true and tastes more delicious, so, fighting with the twins, do not throw them out of the compost, but rather save them. The greenery of the springs will avenge the great amount of vitamin E, the vitamin of eternal youth, which is responsible for the reproductive function of that camp.


The most delicious spring lettuce comes from the usual daylily, especially the one that blooms in autumn. This kind of daylily - the yellow-stormy daylily - is not respected by a ticket in China, having drunk the stars of wine to our gardens. You can buy pickled flowers of a lilinik in Chinese shops. Ale at the day lily їstіvne i lea, vodaduє tsibule for relish, but only zovsіm not gostra.

The young leaves vicorist as independently, so in selected salads. Vletka, if leafing becomes thick, you can put in a salad their young part, which is at the very bottom. Day lily flowers are the main ones, which are in the new day, but near the day lilies, which should be closed, the stench may have a strong smell and vicorist only like seasoning. The autumn lilies do not smell familiar, so you can have their flowers in the uncircumcised number of sirim and recycled.


To give respect to the broadest bourgeois of our cities, with which more than one generation of summer residents have already fought, - to dream, one of the folk names is “snow-grass”. Tsya old kharchova roslina of our ancestors is still guessing in Dahl's vocabulary: "If the hogweed would dream of it, we would live." Sniti is already savory roslina, which has really young leaves. In order for the stench not to cause gas formation in the intestines, it is necessary to scald them, or give them some kind of heat treatment.

Shchi zі sniti richly savory for kropiv'yanі. For gusto, remove carrots and parsley at once. Older leaves can be put into the broth as a spice and removed after the end of the cooking, and from the young ones you can cook different herbs: egg, stew, fillings for pirіzhkіv, salads. If you dream of beginning intensively, the growths are weak and weak, and through the river - two more are known.


I, I realized, how can young spring sprinklings be lost? From here they prepare borscht, add to salads and prepare stuffing for pies. However, be careful: the sprinkling is found on the thawed patches, especially the "sleeping ones", long before the end of the snowfall. The growth of shvidko and already after 10 - 12 days becomes "old" and little accessory for eating.

Dika cibulya

The wild cibula appears about a day later for sprinkling and growth on the slopes of the humpbacks, along the banks of the rivers, on the stony grounds on the grass. Its leaves are similar to the leaves of an outstanding cultural cibulus, ale thinner, thicker, and less saplings. Wild cibula is used for preparing salads, yak and wild garlic. In addition, it can serve as a seasoning for soups, borscht, yushka, and a great cibula. It is not prepared in reserve - you know, zirvav a bunch for a salad.

Cheremsha - a wild watchmaker

It already appears on the thawed patches and the perch of wild garlic, it is necessary to shuffle on pivdennyh schilah near the thinned aspen forests, which grow on the field of dark coniferous plantations, with fox galyavins. Earlier they appear at the exit of warm ground waters. At the sale, most often, bundles are zirvanim leaves and virvanim kvіtami.

Kislichka Ts nizhna drіbna roslina, the leaves of which are similar to the leaves of a stable, you can vicorist like sorrel. Growth is under the canopy of dark coniferous plantations and it is clear. However, through drіbnі rozіri zbіr sour trudomіstky. Vaughn is not as sour as sorrel, and is added to salads. Before such salads, as an additive, you can vicorate the zirok-louse - wider than the Buryan, which grows on the good growth of the good-growing natives.


Get used to the house see different sorrel (singular, pyramidal, curly-haired, humpbacked). Leaves of that young pagony vikoristovuyutsya mainly when cooking green cabbage, as if preparing for the same recipe, which is fresh cabbage. After that, boil one time, like a cut leaf, cabbage soup is ready. Serve them with a boiled egg, fresh sour cream. Vykoristovuyut sorrel and as a filling for pies, especially in the first half of the year, if the berries have not appeared yet. Leaves are steamed, cut and mixed from zukr. You can add up to 50% of purified hogweed stalks (bundles). Sorrel can be conserved with hot cuts and salt. There are no signs of acidity and unsafe anaerobic fermentation in different cases.

fern bracken

At the fern, young frogs go into the hedgehog. Two or three dozen more years ago, in Russia, they didn’t pick a fern, because they didn’t respect the natural growth. Ale with the development of the breeze from Japan, China and Pivdennoy Korea, de parrots of ferns live in zhu from old-long ago, bracken fern has become harvested with us, for export, and then for dampness. Step by step, the Russians, we are in front of the inhabitants of Siberia and the Faraway One, they immediately rewarded this gift to the fox, and now the fern is respected as a delicacy product, like ovens, olives and asparagus. The fern picking season is short - about 2-3 days. It starts, fallow in the area, for example, the first or other decade of May, and approximately zbіgaєtsya with the collection of wild garlic.

Asparagus (Asparagus) On dormouse forest cuttings, on dry manes and ridges, springs appear at the time of flowering wild cherry white-green and juicy great asparagus descend - rich in vitamins and other colors of spring speech. Tsya roslina was introduced into the culture by the ancient Romans, which was highly valued for its quality. In our country, in a wild look, asparagus grows in the European part, in the Caucasus and in Western Siberia, de growth on bows, among chagarniks. Without a doubt, everyone sipped the asparagus asparagus had grown - white-broomed yalinka with red berries, which are often added to flower bouquets. Young asparagus stalks are so very important to confuse - these parosts with tricot stripes, a bunch of white, then darken and turn brown-green, sometimes with a purple tint. Їdat young asparagus pagons, boiled, vicorist either as the main herb, or as a side dish.


You can know Yarutka without any special efforts at the nearest digging site, leave the rilli or the field road, and the soil is not covered with succulent turf. Cereals of the cabbage family, otherwise, as they used to be called crossflowers. Young pagons are wreaking havoc to the salad.


Shepherd's bag, yak and colza, go early in the morning, literally from the snow. Leaves gritsikiv їdyat sirimi in salads, jams in soups and borscht, navit salted. Cіkavo, like a shepherd's sheep's bag, is widely used in Chinese cuisine, moreover, it was brought by the Chinese to Taiwan, de and roam like "wonderful spinach roslin" (quote from the book "St.


One of the first ones is thrown at the vines in the fields, in the city beds, and the others are dug up in sickle-veresn trees of bright green, gleaming rosettes of colza leaves. The relish of їх guessing mustard, baking troch, so it’s better to mix in salads with other early roslins. Tsya hot water is known when cooking, then the soursop of vicorist is replaced by cabbage in the soup or a garnish to meat, but in this way it’s not long to cook, otherwise the sourdough tastes delicious.


Zagalnovіdoma roslina with characteristic umbellate blossoms (to lie down to the primordial homeland of umbellifera). Widely vikoristovuєtsya in the sun, vipіkannі bread thinly.

A lot of wild roslins can get used to the hedgehog. Not only that, but they also carry a burden for health. What are the widest wild growths?


Green flowers have richly brown rhechovins: vitamins A and C, proteins, glucose and fructose, cells, ethereal olii, malic and citric organic acids. Snuth has micro and macro elements: magnesium, potassium, copper, titanium, manganese, salt, bir.

In hedgehogs, young pagons live with light green leaves. Put the greens on the side of the cabbage, cook the next troch - even lower.

You can cook okroshka: kvass (curdled milk), snit, green cibula, krip, ogirok, trochs of mustard. Vysushene leaves vicorist like a dry seasoning to the first and meaty herbs.


Like roslin, which gets used to the hedgehog, burdock has long been home to Japan, Siberia in the Caucasus. Vykoristovuyut the root of that leaf. Burdock root is a delicacy in China and Japan.

Behind its savory qualities, the burdock root guesses the potatoes, replacing it in the first grasses. Їx їdyat and in the orphan look - stench dosit juice, malut licorice relish. Use the flour of burdock root to bake shortcakes, grease cutlets. Vysushene that pіdsmagene root є zaminnik kavi. From them to cook jam that jam.

Young leaves are added to the salad and supi.


From now on, I cook porridge, for relish I go to Greek, bake pancakes, shortbreads, casseroles, cook egg and mashed potatoes. Young leaves are added to salads, dressings, shchi. Marinate lebida, kvass, dry, add to soup.

Roslin cleans the body from toxins, soaks toxins from the intestines. Rejoice constipation.


Kropiva is the most popular representative of natural wild plants. Navit far away from the rural and dacha life people know that spring grasses with a drop are not only savory, but also brown.

From young kropiv porch prepare borscht, salads.

Cyprus chi Ivan-tea

I'm going to leave and root growth. From the roots, it's borosno for the korzhikiv. Leafing vicory at salads, cabbage soup, tea.


Їstіvna all above-ground part of the growth.

The greens of wood lice are added to salads, borscht, soups, mashed potatoes, vicorist as a filling for pies and dumplings.

The boiled one looks її їdyat іz topsoil.


I've got all the roslina. From the root, work hard, brew "cavo" drink.

Add leaves to salads and dressings.

From flowers to cook varennya.


Arkush plantain go in salads, tea, drink, soup and spices. From the young leaf, from the additions I swear, savory soup comes out.

Dry dressing for soup: leafing out, hanging by the oven, priming, sifting. Take away from the glass container. You can vicorate for seasoning the first herbs.


Two types of ferns live in the hedgehog: the bracken and the ostrich. Young pagons are picked on the cob, brewed with a stretch of 10 strands, poured water and beaten for recognition.

To make salads from preparations, to lubricate them, marinate them.

The taste of pagoni is similar to mushrooms.


Nadіyshov usim bur'yan pirіy can be successfully planted with wild natural roslins. From piriya to grind that cereal, from which we then cook porridge and bake bread.

Hanging vykopyut white rhizomes of piriya, washed with water, dried, grinded with flour.

Fox mountain (lіshchina)

Let's go around the traditional forest peas, you can still leave the vicorist for the preparation of cabbage rolls, which you can add to the salad.

From the mountains prepare vegan gorіkhov "milk".

Obviously, a copy of the real wild roslins can be continued - for a respectful attitude to nature, that singing equal, the knowledge of a person will not be left hungry!

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