What a deposit of gold is visible. Gold has a contribution: how to do everything right and do not have mercy. How to choose a bank and open a bank account

For a long time, gold has been considered the most important asset in the banking sector. In the rest of the hour, the expensive metal order with deposits and bonds becomes the most important instrument for investment. Let's look at how Oschadbank can invest pennies in gold, and how the profits and risks will score investors-early investors.

Gold is one of the most important objects for investing your own protection

You can get a gold deposit at Oschadbank in two ways - buy gold zlivka, or you can get a deposit of metal rahunok.

The first way is considered in another time, that the purchase of expensive metal is accompanied by a paid examination procedure for further savings. Upon completion of the contract, the gravy is seen in the hands of the vlasnik from the payment of a tribute. Vіdkrittya ZMS vіdbuvaєєtsya without seeing real gold, and shomіsyachny income razrakhovuєtsya for retail quotation on expensive metal with a further conversion in pennies. As for the largest contribution, the profits are deducted from the additional accumulation of capital, then from the compulsory medical insurance, the capital does not get enough, and the profit from the deposit is to be deposited in the form of growth in the price of metal on the international market. Such a contribution is suitable for these clients, as they called their mothers on the right with real coins and take the profit from the original “paper” equivalent. Another advantage of a non-isolated metal rahunka is the need to pay the MPE and the cost of saving.

Before that, how to invest pennies in gold to Oschadbank for hundreds of dollars, buying real metal, and not virtual, next to think over the options for saving. The best thing to do is to work in one setting: tributes and losses will be smaller. Information for investors to make cups of zlivka in 50 g and 100 g: stench vigіdnіshі, nizh instances of less obsyagu. Chim more weight cupovanogo zlivka, tim less price for metal for 1 m.

Golden zlivki not only help to save and multiply pennies, but also a wonderful gift.

Profits of the gold contribution

Varto robiti contributed gold to Oschadbank, what can you see? Let's take a look at the advantages of such an investment:

  • on vіdmіnu vіd ruble i currency rakhunkіv gold deposit safe - the stench is less shillnі to іnflyatsiї;
  • with a trivial term, it is possible to bridle the money in the face of inflation, and to get a good surplus;
  • unsatisfactory increase in prices on the light market guarantees a small, but stable and predictable income;
  • the product has a high lіkvіdnіst;
  • a miracle tool for diversifying an investment portfolio;
  • high-yield golden zlivka can be victorious with any method;
  • the registration procedure takes at least an hour, vodkrittya and zmist rahunka without cost;
  • metal rahunok can be used for children.

Rizikiv such deposits - the least, the most significant risk - choose the bank and that is its arrogance: gold deposits do not insure insurance at the time of bankruptcy, and the client does not dare to turn his koshti.

Wash away the gold contribution

Approval procedure the gold deposit was reduced to a minimum. The depositor needs to submit the following documents:

  • the passport,
  • IPN,
  • Application,
  • signing an agreement, de designating all the savings on the deposit, the procedure for accepting that type of expensive metal;
  • an order for the transfer of money to the bank's bank meeting.

If a physical person doesn’t pay for the ZMS, but builds a real expensive metal, then in advance you have to make a payment for the acceptance of the goods in the collection and pay for the expertise, so that you can assign a pіdsumkovu cіnu metal.

Features of the procedure:

  • expensive metal can be supplied in the range from 1 g to 1000 g;
  • there is no need for a bank account;
  • it is allowed to withdraw from a bank account.

After the completion of the contract, the contributor can withdraw his milk, having paid the VAT in advance.

How is the price for zlivka 999 assay determined

In order to pay for the real price of gold 999 samples per 1 gram on a specific date, it is necessary to know that the exchange rate for expensive metals will be set by the Oschadbank today and deposited at the world market for expensive metals. Among the officials, how to pour in the variety of zlitkiv, you can call it like this:

  • drink investors;
  • high rіven as a cost of zlitkіv, oskіlki Oschadbank pracyuє only with nadіynymi virobniks;
  • change in sales volume on the international market;
  • presence of the gold and foreign exchange reserve at Oschadbank.

The very same factor of the insurance bank pіd hour rozrahunku vartosti zlitkіv gold. You can independently change the price for 1 gram of gold. For tskogo spіvvіdnest vartіst 1 troy ounce of expensive metal to the rate of the dollar on a particular day. To add to the MPE (13-16%).

How to save pennies in gold at Oschadbank

Cupuyuchi gravy, it is necessary to think about the correct way to save. There are a few arguments against saving their booth. It’s not safe, but before that, the client is unlikely to be building wash your mind for the preservation of the marketable viglyadu zlivka. The hired handyman automatically lowers the risk, serious shortcomings can become the reason for the bank to be bought. Different packaging costs can significantly add to the price, and if you install it, you can only accept brands from branded packaging. That is why most banks are reluctant to go abroad when buying gold, as they did not deprive them of their savings. So banks pragnut ubezpechiti itself vіd problems realіzacії goods. For this reason, gold at home can run out of money, so for the money you can sell it at the bank for the price of the topping, the cost of the price is higher.

What is the right way to save pennies from gold in Oschadbank? If the client wants to win not virtual gold like ZMS, but real, it’s better to arrange a metal account of a viable savings. Yogo can be used less at quiet vіddіlennyah, de є special possession for evaluating that vimiryuvannya metal. When deposited on the bank, all the curds lose their power: sample, vaga, serial number, brand, release date. This information is fixed by a special document and the date of transfer of the zlitkі in the warehouse is an act. There is no right to win the distribution on the basis of the savings of zlivka as a credit card, and I can see the client's power for the first time. For similar services, a commission is taken - for arranging for a warehouse, for making a deposit, for seeing that you are transferred to another financial organization.

Today, the crime of gold, more and more popularity is gaining this type of investment in gold as a special metal shell.


Before that, how to invest pennies in gold in Oschadbank, you should pay a little nuances and appreciate all the possible pluses and risks of investing.

It is necessary to know that the price of gold does not grow forever and can be a period, if it decreases. Therefore, the most important option is to invest in a three-year period. This is the main race for newcomers-investors. One more important moment is worth saving: at home, gold is not visible.

Failure to comply with the rules of saving can lead to the waste of the physical standard of the metal of the packaging, which is significant to signify on the price and make the sale of expensive metal farther away. The golden zlivki podatkovuyutsya. There is an alternative way to do this - vouching for a virtual metal rahunka, otrimuyuchi surplus from a penny equivalent in the price of expensive metal.

Options for investing in large sums of money. A number of risky funds, currency markets, PIFs also require risk-free banking certificates. Set up credit to encourage your clients to invest in gold.


Metal rahunki are divided into two types: rahunka of the second type of savings and in the first stage of the physical person buy gold gold and transfer it to the bank for saving. For another type of investment, the coins are simply tied to virtual metal. The rate of the deposit changes the same way as the rate of gold.

Purchase of zlivka

This type of investment is accompanied by the execution of a package of documents. Zokrema, the client sees a final note (f. 377-k), which gives all the information about investments: the amount of gold, its weight, sample, series, price per ounce. In the future, it will be possible to sell more zlivka for the sake of knowing the price of receipts. Well, not all banks on the Russian market are engaged in the sale of gold, buying metal from customers. Moreover, the sale of “foreign” metal to the bank requires confirmation of the rights of authority (the same receipt 377-K). Although the situation is not yet so critical. In Ukraine, for example, banks buy "foreign" creams at 20-30% discounts. Up to the tієї categorії lay metal, as if you could write the name of the bank.


Zlivki should be taken correctly and safely saved. It’s not safe for someone who doesn’t have a leather bank ready to pick up a “foreign” gold coin. For the service of saving, the bank will collect additional payment. Vіdbitki, bullying, podryapini vіdrazu varіst vіrobu pіd hour sale. The presence of serious defects may cause a second purchase.

Take care of the gravy in plastic or polyethylene transparent packaging. It is also necessary to recognize the fact that the packaging looks like it is pouring into the purchase / sale of metal. Deyakі jars buy zlivki less from firm packaging. Ushkodzhennya tari also carry a reduced vartostі zlivka. In the opinion of bankers, in such a time, metal wastes its privability. The bank can accept such bribes, shards of food for further implementation will cause a lot of problems. If you want to deceive, install gold in such a situation for the price of bruhta.

Invest in gold is not insured. At the time of bankruptcy of the financial organization, the client can turn his money.

When buying and selling the zlivka, you will have to pay the VAT. If the price of the sale increases at a steady pace, then after a few years the profits from the sale of the surplus from the unreturned tax. You can save for a tribute by buying metal coins. Їhnya tsіna deposit not only in terms of metal varities, but also in terms of international quotations and exchange rates. Investments in coins vygіdnіshі, nizh in metal.


I realized that the price for the purchase and sale of the metal is worth considering. The real spread over the market can be as high as 13%. Ale, the banking sector is highly competitive. Therefore, the price difference can reach 30%. Purchasing price, in spite of the widened myth, in the Russian Federation is not much blown out of the world. Retail warehouse 2-3%.

The quality of the gravy is also influenced by the presence of the quality brand: Argor, Degussa, Umicore. This stamp marks the metal sample and identifies the picker. For the rest, refining companies, recognized by the post-workers of the London market of high-priced metals, are reconciled. Such a reputation can be 25 out of 60 companies in the world. The status of the highest class is given by the London Association of Market Participants (LBMA).


ZMS is an alternative to the stock market. The client buys virtual expensive metal. All information about investments is displayed on a separate account. Vlasnik can take profits from the resale of “zlitkiv” or look at the money for a deposit. The bank transfers to the client not metal, but documents, as if they would confirm the right of the citizen. The contribution is made out over pennies, but grams. With the right approach to gold for rivers, you can bring up to 50% surplus. But for whom it is necessary to focus not only on bank accounts, but also independently analyze the market.

Nuances of investment

We need to choose the type of rahunka. More often than not, it is better to add terms to gold with an increase in vіdsotkіv, nizh zvichaynі. To find out for the period of the contract the price for metal growth, you can always increase the contract before the end of the contract, having spent part of the money.

Vіdsotki podatkovuyutsya PDFO (13%). If the client takes the deposit from the sight of the money, then the functions of the tax agent for the repayment of the sum and the repayment of the money to the budget are taken over by the bank itself. If the client takes away the cream to the metal, you will have to serve it on your own tax return and pay the sum of the collection.

Invest in gold Oschadbank

The first investment in the Russian market for compulsory medical insurance was to promote Oschadbank. At that time, there were gold, silver and platinum creams for sale of different vaga (from 1 g to 1 kg). He will drink on the metal of a fractional denomination, the flooring is high, but the gold simply did not stick out.

Today, the largest financial institution of the country is also giving services for the maintenance of metal rachunkivs. Invest in gold Oschadbank is far from being in all regions and branches. Therefore, it is necessary for us to know on the website of the bank the authority, as it works from ZMS. To fit the contract, the client can submit his passport.

Oschadbank also sells gold (metal deposits) upon withdrawal of an electronic application from the Internet banking system. For її registration, you need to log in to special office, go to the "Deposit" section, select the item "Enter account", specifying the type of "Deposits". At the next stage, it is necessary to choose the type of metal, indicate the number of the account for writing off the coins. So through the Internet, Oschadbank deposited gold. The course is set automatically with uranium quotation. To confirm the application, it is necessary to press the button "Confirm", check the correctness of the data entered and "Confirm" the questionnaire. Keruvati rachunkom can also be done through a special office.

Price for metal deposits

The course of gold today, for whatever period of the past, you can also look at the website of the bank. For this, on the main page, it is necessary to select the item “Quotation”, the value “Metali” and indicate the hour to quote. You can also look through the archives of prices for the bazhanya. The bank does not get paid for ZMS. The surplus is molded with an additional increase in the price of metal.


  • Maizhe is not cheap metal deposits. Gold in the long-term perspective grows in price. Drink on tsyu іnvestitsіyu greatly zbіlshuєtsya during the hours of crisis. People try to save their accumulated money by investing it in the best financial instruments.
  • When the account is closed, the client can take away gold or make a contribution in pennies. Ale, in any case, will have to pay the MPE for a total of 18% on the amount of the deposit.
  • On sizable rahunka, the surplus is formed at different prices.
  • Purchasing and sale is made out mittevo, without additional operations. There is no fee for seeing that vedennya rahunka.
  • An unskilled hulk can call a rahunok (up to 14 years - with the permission of the father of the guardian).

Banks, yakі proponuyut deposits in gold, can suffer only one type of risks - physical deterioration of metal. Gold, as if it were any other metal, is more subtle to the point of physical wear and tear. In view of which it is impossible to navitt vikonannya of all, it was possible to save the metal. In the long-term prospects, the price of gold is steadily rising. Depreciation of the dollar, the main light currency, stimulates central banks to increase


Trading on the market is not an occupation for people with weak nerves. Dovgostrokovіy prospects can bring real income contribution from gold. Chi vigіdno іnvіstuvаti koshti v zlivki ZMS, kozhen іvіshuє vіrіshuє himself. For other equal minds, the contribution from the ZMS brought more income to the investor, lower purchase of the zlivka.

Gold from old, long ago made people addicted to its splendid sleepy spell, and other people created their own capital for the money of accumulated precious metal.

Today, nothing has changed either - gold has saved its liquidity, and far-seeing giants vicorist tse for the accumulation of koshtіv, more so that the metal practically grows at a price, and the shards of the light stock become 32,000 tons. The course of this vagomy economic indicator is set by the Central Bank.

Krіm zvichayny penny deposits, you can make deposits in gold, like you can see to metal rachunkіv. These rahunka are of two types:

  • Vidpovіdalnogo zberіgannya - if the depositor earns real money for pennies, and the bank takes it from himself. Such a variant of bandaging with folds for wonderful people, shards of wine are accompanied by a folding procedure for buying gold and paying for the savings of gold;

Important: depositing a deposit of a deposit in Oschadbank - tse deposit of a client in expensive metal, transfers from a bank, in which case individual signs are taken from a deposit to Oschadbank by looking at the samples, serial number, type of metal, picker, etc.

  • Zneobleni - tse if the client has made a cost, they are tied to metal, and the increase in the rate of gold increases capital.

It is important: invest in gold forever to bring the maximum profit, and in the period of inflation, the stench is simply not replaced, in such periods it is especially good to return.

Plus such a contribution

Tsey contributed a lot of positive sides:

  • At the expense of the deposit, the amount of the deposit is increased at once from the increase in the price of gold;
  • The gold contribution is reckoned on whether it is a sum without obmezhen, as a minimum, so as a maximum;
  • Zlivok can be taken from the bank, after paying VAT. Important: the contribution is not transferring gold to the replacement of pennies.
  • At the discretion of the investor, it is possible to carry out speculative transactions anyhow.

What is ZMS?


  • No interest accrual for income;
  • For winning gold by the establishment, commissions of money are not enough;
  • Investments in gold are not insured and you can spend everything for bankruptcies.

Making a deposit in gold with Oschadbank

There are two options for depositing gold with Oschadbank:

  • Pridbannya bankіvskogo gold pіd hіdkrittya deposit;
  • Saving gold coins, yakі lie to the client. For whom it is necessary to submit documents for expensive metal.

It's important: for whatever kind of contribution, don't forget about the good fortune - pay respect for the liquidity of the metal, exchange rate, hundreds of dollars, so as not to fall into minus.

If Oschadbank lays gold, then short version with the method of taking away the surplus of non-separations. After the end of the year, you won’t be able to pay 18% of the state for seeing money into the hands.

It is not appropriate to invest in gold, then you can find out all the details about it by pressing on the power.

With this, pratsyyuchi zі Sberbank client:

  • You can submit a deposit at home through the online service to Oschadbank;
  • Sales of metal with a separate rahunka viskonati less in rubles;
  • At the time of the replenishment of the rahunka with gold, a commission is charged;
  • Tsey deposit at the bank is shown “before being supplied”;
  • There is no restriction on the number of cats that are spread out.

It is important: if the metal stays in the air for less than 36 months, then sales are accompanied by the payment of a tax of 13%, with which it is possible to receive a refund of 250,000 rubles. After 3 years the tribute is not withdrawn.

It is also necessary for mothers in the field, so as not to win for the online service, then before going to the office, you should clarify, in which case the gold is invested, shards not in the skin operation can be done.

A reminder that the presence of gold on the bank's counterfeit bank is accompanied by additional vitrates like commissions:

  • For saving;
  • For withdrawal / closing of the deposit;
  • For the introduction / withdrawal of gold;
  • For the appearance of the contribution;
  • For ordering to other banks and others.

Wash your mind for the contribution

Invest in gold deshcho vіdznyayutsya vіd zvichaynyh vіdіvі – tse іnvestіtsіynі іnі і, є є vіdobrazhennyam vіdobjagu zologa, є є і vіslnostі depositor.

Would you like to take a loan from Oschadbank to develop your business, but don't know how? You know

Thus, the deposit with the method of taking the largest profit is more likely to be drawn up with long-term contracts, and at the same time, at the highest rate, you should not be afraid to take it away - wines cover all vitrates, pov'yazanі іz rozіrvannyam contract.

If you put it better, choose it, you can find it in someone else's video:

Skills are visible

Deposits of gold can guarantee the safety of the money, obviously, the exchange rate can fluctuate, protect the savings, and secure the growth, which is a great plus.

Fahіvtsі gladly carry out diversification for the free movement of gold, so that you can save part of the protection at home, part of the bank and for the need to sell and buy metal.

It is important: the stones of the course, placed on the market, do not know exactly what the distribution, fakhivtsi recommend buying natural gold, and not rahunki.

Vіdsotki and pributkovіst

The banks of Russia do not get enough money for deposits with gold, all the profits of such deposits can be deposited due to the increase in prices for gold.

Before the speech, the variability of expensive metal with leather rock is moving up, for example, in 2000, 31.1 grams cost 280 dollars, then today the price of gold increased by 600% and reached 1667 dollars.

Wimogi to contributors

When you open a gold deposit, you need to pay the following fees to the bank:

  • The investor can be full-time;
  • Vіn may secure the bank with all the necessary documentation;
  • Give all necessary information;
  • buti officially pracevlashtovanim;
  • It is necessary to sign an agreement with the bank, which is a fact with hanging minds.

Don't know what is sens yoga? All information can be sent.

Basic documents

To show the contribution of the funded savings to Oschadbank, it is necessary for the mother:

  • Passport chi be-yaké іnshe dv_dchennya individual;
  • Identification number;
  • An application for a given form about a gold deposit, can download
  • For other powers - allowed to stay on official residence in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • I need a sum for giving metal;
  • If the paperwork is on hand, it can only be agreed upon with nuances;
  • Letters of instructions about zarahuvannya to the bank of expensive metal.

Scheme for the deposit of gold in Oschadbank.

For individual entrepreneurs:

  • Document about the registration of IP, certification by a notary;
  • The passport;
  • IPN - a copy, certified by a notary;
  • Yakshcho metal vykoristovuvatimetsya - a card about setting up on the face of DIPN;
  • Bank card with a clear signature.

Yak Oschadbank tries to protect the cards of its clients - see the article for details.

Contribution closed

At Oschadbank, you can close the deposit after the completion of the term only at the discretion, while it is important for the mother with all the necessary documents to deposit.

Write an application for closing, after which the operator can revise the papers and you can pick up pennies and coins. If the deposit closes before the deadline, it is necessary to write an application for the opening of the contract, and get the decision to the bank for this request.

Important: if you need a penny, you can not make a deposit, but simply enter the amount you need right up to zero, even if there is a margin for the operation and a minimum of koshtiv.

Propositions about gold deposits in banks of the Russian Federation

Zovsіm recently vіdkriti deposits in gold can be only at the great banks, such as Oschadbank or VTB 24, for the most part of the growth of gold, to make deposits in the new wealthy pributkovіshim for zvichaynі investments.

Zavdyaki such a development of gold deposits began to propagate rich financial regulations.

Banks coins Zlivki Rakhunki
Avangard batterySo
JSCB Absolut BankSo
Bank of MoscowSoSoSo
Alfa BankSoSoSo

The bank deposit is the most important, and the most intelligent way for the largest population to save their wealth and to multiply it. Grass on various exchanges, operations with unruliness, valuable papers - the share of professionals, is tied up, before that, from dosit with significant risks.

Until the speech, garne and not understandable, the word "deposit" means really a bank deposit, pennies, like the bank takes from the client to the borg, goiters turn with hundreds of dollars. Today's deposits in the banks of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other places of Russia are different, which can become steep for an unprepared depositor, and at the same time, knowledge, dollars, euros, or virtual grams of expensive metals, can be more expensive.

See bank deposits

Deposits in banks can be divided into two main types:

  1. Line input. Pennies are deposited to the bank on the sing term (for a month to a few years). As a matter of fact, the bank paid back a penny and earlier for the establishment of the term by the Agreement, the axis only of the payment of the client's bill is not taken away;
  2. Rakhunki to the request. This type of deposit gives the client maximum freedom of action: pennies can be borrowed from an hour. However, the number of such deposits in Moscow banks is minimal.

Deposits can be both carbovantsev and currency (US dollars or Euro). A wide range of multi-currency deposits have been made in Moscow banks.

If possible, replenish / withdraw money from the rahunka, deposits in Moscow banks are:

  • Without the possibility of making a deposit, I will stretch out a line to the deposit - rahunki, so that they do not popovnuyutsya;
  • With the possibility of making koshtіv on the rahunok - rahunki, which popovnyayutsya;
  • With the possibility of a private rent of koshtiv, with an unreduced excess.

The most relevant for the skin depositor of nutrition, which is most often the choice of the bank and the type of deposit - bank deposits.

And here everything is not so simple, vіdsotki for deposits in banks of St. Petersburg and Moscow can get better in such ways:

  • Shhomіsyachne zbіlshennya vіdsotkіv up to the main contribution;
  • Widths are added to the main sum of the string;
  • Schokvartalne that pivrichne narahuvannya vіdsotkіv.

Different banks promote the most innovative ways to raise money, you can have money. Credit cards can be transferred to a special account or a bank card.

Another important moment for the largest contributors: the minimum amount of the deposit. Popular banks in Moscow proponuyut deposits pіd good vіdsotki, however, the minimum amount for these deposits can be more than 1,000,000.

Deposit gold - an alternative?

As a matter of fact, these are bank deposits themselves, only the depositor buys from the bank, or they give high-priced money. Metal, as a rule, gold, is stored in a jar in an undifferentiated appearance, without being tied to physical metal. On the rahunka, a quantity of expensive metal is shown in grams. The depositor will take the profit for the account of the increase in the amount of gold on the light market.

Zneosobleniye metallevy rahunok (OMS) may be low without any perevag in front of huge, penny deposits. "Metal" deposits in the banks of St. Petersburg and Moscow are one of the best ways to protect money from inflation.

Like it or not, but the gold has become and is overrun by a high-ranking rozrahunka. Particularly relevant is the contribution to expensive metals in times of economic instability.

For vіdkrittya ZMS it is necessary zovsіm small amount: more banks in zdіysnyuє operations with expensive metals with an accuracy of up to 0.1 grams (gold, platinum and palladium). The maximum quantity is not limited.

The client can be, as it were, mitigated from his rahunka zaschadzhennya: either at a penny equivalent, or at a physical sight (peaceful zlivki).

However, with the removal of metal, the physical person will have to pay the MPE - 18%.

Є y іnshі obezhennya: ZMS is not subject to the system of deposit insurance. It seems simpler: if the Bank is immediately bankrupted, no one will turn a penny to the depositor.

In this way, depending on the type of deposit, the minimum sum and interest rate for the deposit for the depositor is the priority of the bank. So, deposits in banks in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other places and villages of the Russian Federation are insured by the state.

If the deposit does not exceed 700 thousand rubles, then the pennies will be returned to the depositor in full obligation. However, instructed by the strong evidence of the 1990s, the Russian contributor did not sound to trust the powers, and in doing so, to win over the superiority of the most important young people.

Best Wisdoms and Witnesses

If you want TOP-lists, given by different resources, they can be cheap, stink at first sight, like banks may have the largest population, as well as their objective financial indicators and credit rating.

The most important deposits with the banks of St. Petersburg are deposits with the banks Oschadbank of Russia, VTB 24, Raiffeisenbank and others.

In fact, in Moscow, and in St. Petersburg, the top ten includes (some in different positions), some banks themselves, and most notably the list of Oschadbank.

As for the existence of special metal rachunkivs, the possibility of their appearance is given not by all banks, but the terms of gold contribute to proponuyut zovsim loneliness.

Vibir Bank - the basis of the foundations


According to statistics, 50% of all depositors save themselves from the SB. Tse zumovleno, zvіsno, yogo nadіinіstyu. The very name "Sberbank" is loud and evocative, especially among the older generation, trust me. You can find out about the report about the mind and contribution, you can at the article "".

Deposits in the Security Council - the best deposits in the banks of Moscow, as it turns out from the reliability of the bank, prote vіdsotki Oschadbank proponuє far from being the best. So, for example, the maximum vіdsotkovі rates set for the deposits "On the verge" and "Maximum" - 8.7%.

However, in order to take such a view, the term contribution "On the heights" can be divided into two parts. At the time of the pre-term loan, the money is paid for from the rent for the deposit "before the supply" - 1.5% of the pay.

If the "Maximum" contribution is made, then the sum of the cob will be paid in such a way that it can be far from leather. If you want to work yourself such a deposit, for example, when selling non-violent, if a penny is needed for that hour, "take care of it."

Also, the Republic of Belarus of Russia proponuє vіdsotki for deposits from 1.5% to 8.7% of the regular. On certain accounts, hundreds of dollars are capitalized, so that they reach the main sum of the contribution and on them, in their own hands, hundreds of dollars are built up.

Gold (OMS) deposits of the Republic of Belarus of St. Petersburg and Moscow, as those other deposits to Oschadbank, do not transfer the accrual of funds. No term deposits for special metal accounts were transferred to Oschadbank. Znyattya koshtіv іz ZMS can be like a penny, and physical metal.

Oschadbank, like other banks in Moscow, are promoting deposits in foreign currency. So, for example, a multi-currency deposit does not only propagate bad money on deposits, but also the possibility of converting currency into rubles or another currency with a larger foreign exchange rate.

The possibility of making deposits on exchange rates can give the depositor additional income. SB proponuє so vіdsotki for the contribution of multicurrency:

  • Rubles - up to 6% of regular,
  • US dollar - up to 3.44%
  • Euro - up to 3.8%.

VTB 24

What to do with rіznomanіtnі - let the stench lead to terminovikh contributions and contributions to power. You can open accounts at the bank’s branch or remotely.

Vіdsotki for VTB 24 deposits is not bad, but before that, the bank gives different tools for additional income on the deposit.

  • "Freedom to Choose" deposit - 8.8%
  • Deposit "Index" - 6.55%
  • Contribution "Increased Income" - 7.5%
  • Deposit "Comfortable" - 6.8% of the total.

VTB 24's special metal cabinets can be practically discovered on the quiet minds themselves, as in Oschadbank. However, VTB does not work with physical metal: it is impossible to put gold on the rahunok physically, or it is impossible to take coins from the rahunka from looking for golden gold.

Alfa Bank

Vіdsotki for deposits to Alfa-Bank to become vіd 4.8 to 12% rіchnyh. Wash on deposits - nayrіznomanіtnіshі. Є th multicurrency account and ZMS. Wash your mind - yourself, what Oschadbank of Russia has.
Bank of Moscow.

This bank offers depositors the maximum annual rate for deposits at the rate of 8.2% of the regular ones.

However, such amounts can be taken away only for the mind, that the minimum amount of the contribution is not less than 10,000,000 rubles in terms of 3 years. On available deposits, a maximum of 7.6% is gained.

Wash the deposits, like in the front banks, even if it’s different and pay the bills, you can choose the best type of deposit.

Home Credit Bank

Think about how you can make deposits in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other places, which bank is even more democratic: the amount of a cob deposit of 1000 rubles in terms of minimum per bank allow 10% of the deposit, 10,000 rubles for one bank - 11% of the bank rubles for two years - 12% of the regular.

Wash various deposits, remembering them both in the way of growing wealth, and in the possibility of replenishing a rahunka or a pre-stroke money.


Maximum vіdsotki for deposits, like a proponuє tsey bank, to become 11% of the river, it's true, only for "SmartVklad" account.

Vigіdnі deposits give the banks of St. Petersburg, such as "Raiffeisenbank". For example, the deposit "Insurance premium" transfers the maximum amount for the deposit at a rate of 9.5% of the regular. However, it is necessary to arrange an insurance contract with a bank for a term of 6 years, for which, as you understand, you have to pay.


Also, the most important deposits in foreign currency and rubles in banks of Moscow and St. Petersburg can be deposited in rich banks.

ale, Persian, it is simply impossible to override all banks within the framework of one article. They have their own stakes for the skin, their own minds and their own "water stones".

In a different way, Choose the required deposit, not according to the deposits with the largest credits, but based on the deposits set by the depositor himself.

If a person brings pennies to the bank just to those who don’t want to save pennies at home, but if they want to be able to speed up with them, be it as they are, the best option for her is to deposit before feeding.

As a client, it’s important to save the same amount of money for inflation for a song term (for example, weight), for you to have a good term deposit with good credits.

third, analysts and just "advance comrades" to please "do not save all the eggs in one cat". For obviousness, it is reasonable to place them on different windows at different banks.

Quarterly As we already know there is no interest in the stability of the world and the country's economy, it is reasonable to invest a part of the pennies in gold, in the other variant (CHI, purchase of gold or coins). The gold of the whole century was full of sensible and real value, for whatever it is, to make the biggest "layout", the gold contribution will help you not to multiply the reward, then save it - for sure.

For a long time, gold has been associated with such understandings, like that kind of commitment to tomorrow. At a time, people can get close to reaching their goal and secure themselves safely in the future by depositing gold in the Oschadbank.

Such an investment of money can guarantee, accept, completely secure, protect the memory of those who can take a course like fury, so you can fall a little. However, if dovgostrokov viroblyayutsya, then at some point in the future, the dynamics of the growth rate will be positive.

How to please the fahіvtsі, for the protection of one's own, it is necessary to distribute and save like a bank, so in oneself, so the investment of gold will help diversify. Such a simple system allows you to instantly sell or buy gold.

Shards of the course, for which they buy or sell gold, often do not show the right situation on the market and may be even wider, they encourage you to invest your money directly in gold, as you can rub your hands.

Invest in expensive metal

Such a contribution is pіdіyde tim, who lives not only in the mittevim moment, but dbaє about his own future. In this rank, you can save and increase your savings. In a be-like mood? Before such a serious decision is made, one should also become familiar with other banking products, analyze their cash flow and examine all risks.

For the quiet, who sees that the schemes are overturned, the bank will propagate a deposit in rubles or in foreign currency. If, after all, if a gold deposit is made, then on the depositor's rahunka lie the gravy from expensive metals, and not penny marks.

What should a depositor know, which one should invest his/her investment in gold in the Oschadbank of Russia, how is the procedure for applying for a deposit, which documents will be required for which and how will the bank be served?

The Oschadbank grants the possibility of depositing savings, from which the bank transfers the depositor's expensive metals, signs of such, such as naming the metal, yoga vaga, are saved. Such a contribution can be made, as the depositor can be in the distribution of metal, as it acts as a currency, as gold, silver, palladium or platinum.

What is required to submit such an entry for issuing:

  1. The passport;
  2. Identification tax number;
  3. The application of the client about the withdrawal of the savings deposit, completed duly to the standard form;
  4. Agreement, to whom all the duties of the bank’s services are registered, and to the depositor
  5. The trustee's acceptance of the depositor's expensive metals by the bank.

With this, you can put on a gold deposit like zlivka, delivered to Oschadbank, and also special zlivka, like it was bought in another bank, or it was taken from the depositor.

With the introduction of a gold deposit, one should trust only banks, if they use their own ordering tools for accurate control of the money and tools, so that the building does not damage the rightfulness of expensive gold during control. After this varto rahuvat, it will be wise to avenge the deposit in that very bank, even if you come up with such an argument, like changing the cost of saving expensive metals.

Varto also signify that banks take on a gold deposit less zlivka, as they may have the necessary documents, for example, passports of factories-vintners and quality certificates. Leather cream, which bank I take on a deposit, go through a visual procedure to look around, and special technical zasobi are made.

It is also necessary for the depositor to know that when taking a skin cream, that he has his own unknown characteristics, such as a test, for a gold deposit, the bank takes all data. And when transferring expensive metals by a depositor, an act of acceptance and transfer is made at the bank, with which one copy is withdrawn from the bank, the other depositor is taken.

The client, who has made such a deposit, may at any time request the return of his coins, that the bank can't help you in your family. The depositor of the varto also remembers that the bank will charge a different amount of money for servicing the gold deposit.

How can you win by depositing gold in Oschadbank of Russia?

In the first place, having put money into the gold deposit, you can multiply them, you can pay for the price of the rahunok of the total increase in the price of gold. However, it is not possible to transfer money, but you can win money with a loan, there are no coins like a fixed one hundredth rate, like in ruble and foreign currency deposits. It should be noted that there is no obmezhenie and for the least amount of money that should be brought in, and the maximum amount to mow the temple.

The depositor can take his money from the seer of the gold, having paid with it a tribute for the additional deposit.

In this manner, it was understood that it is possible to invest pennies in gold in Oschadbank in the ways that are considered the most relevant:

  1. It is possible to bring gravy from expensive metals;
  2. Open the rahunok at the jar and bring it to the new coin.

Tobto the contributor vyrishit pridbati zlivki, vin will be guilty to pay for yoga expertise and savings. After the completion of the term, the client’s deposit is taken from the bank-lissnik gold from expensive metal, with which the power of the state grants additional wages, which is 18% more expensive. In that case, as the client is speeding up with a metal rahunka, that he can throw it at the jar, in such a way, that the coins were refurbished to a gram of expensive metal.

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