How do you know you love the lad. Chi love you people chi ni: please. I remember the miracle

Zakokhalasya, but you don’t know, what do you feel for each other? Tse mozhna pereviriti easily, ale shvidko! Axis like it is necessary to carry out a re-verification.

  1. Play solitaire or tell fortunes on the cards. Cards are bound to be told from the first drive. But react to the "result" of the witch in the same way as to a horoscope: it is less likely to believe in those who want to believe.
  2. Tell me you love yoga. So you'll change it, I'm almost alive between you. And breshe vіn tobi chi is not breshe - you read it in yogo sorom's sour eyes. They have a lot of things written!
  3. Zrob everything in order to be jealous. Privnyuye - do not hesitate to live up to you a little. Believe in those who are "jealous - kohae." Inode tsia phrase spratsovuє.
  4. Tell me that you are seriously ill. Lyudina, like to love, obo'yazkovo pronounce her podtrimka, sleep and be embarrassed. And also, remember, bring oranges - tangerines ....
  5. The lad has a large sum of pennies. If you know your sum, if you say that you can not tell Borg - love you to the point of inexhaustibility!
  6. Change radically. If the lads don’t growl like that, change - in a new kohannya! Win can say the following phrase: "I love you love."
  7. Come up with some weird shit. To love is vikonaє, not to be afraid of nasledkіv. Vіn zrobit everything for you. Why go to crime? Come on, whatever you want!
  8. Put on a simple robe. If your lad is suffocating, then you whisper all the same, that you are the most beautiful. And don’t throw vulgar fire in your direction (“and without clothes, you still wear it”).
  9. Ask, how much you trust in you. You will bring it and show, in case of need, the “tightness” of your trust. І keys against the interference to deprive you without problems. As if you were missing from the apartment - you won’t think at all that you stole this loss.
  10. Encourage you to have sex with him. Ask schob vin pokavav trohi z cym. Yakshcho chekatime - there are no sumnіvіv in yogo bright feelings.
  11. Register with social networks in the name of someone else. Reach for something new in friends. Start talking, bring it to the edge. Wait without a call - do not love.
  12. Yakus gidotu zrobi lad. Blow, yakscho kohaє. Maybe forget your fault.
  13. A loving lad will be happy to go shopping with you at sunset and until the day! I won't be afraid to get tired of such more expensive ones.
  14. Call the lads of the deep night. Ask for the wine to come to you. Terminovo! Zvichayno, scho vin come, as if almost fell.
  15. You can splurge a little. Tell me, what kind of child do you check. Zradie - miraculous! Itself rozumієsh, kakoyu vydpovіd on hvilyuyuche zapitanya.
  16. Follow the boy. If you don’t care for anything suspicious, then wine, singsongly, you love.
  17. Stay in a new place for the night. Tell me that you have cooked a lot with your fathers, that you have nowhere to go. That lad, who can feel right to you, if you don’t get cheeky before you, or behave badly with you.

If a lad makes love to a maiden, then it’s wrong to behave like that:

  1. To marvel, littering at you, lowering your head. Vin doesn’t want you to read the secrets to a taemnichimu glance. Shvidshe for everything that yogo does the fear of "non-reciprocity" a little.
  2. Be afraid that you will look at your eyes. Vlasne, cheer up at the first point.
  3. Ask for zustrіch for any opportunity and drive. Until the speech, the drive may not be. You can come up with a roaring lad on the go. Fantasia zakokhanih especially rozzharyuєєtsya and zagostroyєtsya.
  4. Tearing at the hands of the ruts is constant. Either key rings, then keys, then a light. Have some time yogo calm down.
  5. Vgamovuє tremtinnya on the title and in the voice. Yogo's voice, and Yogo's whole body can't do without tremtinya.
  6. Forget the words and name them. Blame it on the fact that the lad got amnesia!
  7. Give gifts. The stench can be like that, but all the stench is sing-songly gifted to the soul.
  8. Thinking and thinking about you shokhviliny, not prihovayuchi tsgogo. You can calmly talk about you to your close friends.
  9. Leaves surprises. І on pores, і in postal screens, і on benches. There, de ti most buvaesh.
  10. Pragne get closer. Closer, lower best friend. Closer, lower relative. Closer, lower closest friend.
  11. Ask, how do you do it, how is your health. And do not ponder over it, which is the source of banality.
  12. Pragna find out all the details about you. Vіn shukaє Іnformatsiyu about you skrіz, if possible.
  13. You have a vinyatkovo positive side to you. It is good for you, that you are put up to ideal people.
  14. Vin does not allow you to carry torbies in the store. Either you wear them yourself at the door of the store, or you “check” the door to the door, so that you can help bring them to the apartment doors.
  15. Mustache obіtsyanki, yakі vіn giving you, vіn obov'yazkovo vikonaє. And if you apply for force - majors - I will ask you again and promise to correct it.
  16. The scum of the cotton should not be slandered for evil, but on purpose, as you know that you are unacceptable.
  17. A lad, who loves, make haste with acquaintance. You are the yoga father. Understanding, pulling on those who want to get to know yours.
  18. The lad is voting for your skin photo. Yogo does not call those who deacons need to mourn for such services.
  19. Write a lad to you and leaves, and reminders, and verses. Don't ask youma for confirmation, but simply write, for the one who loves you so much easier.

Did you read yoga?

And, vzagali, the right kohannya will not require rechecking. Vaughn is visible, chutna and vіdchutna already for thousands of kilometers!

If you are not impressed with your feelings to the lad, then it’s not varto to rule over you easily re-verb! Don’t play for a few quiet people, like you don’t have a sky.

If you want to be honored as a lad until the very end - don't run "reverse shows". Let the wines “split” themselves, as if they were falling with feelings. And vin obov'yazkovo "split" early chi pizno! Vmіy chekati, schob get rich in the city in the form of a share for your vmіnnya! And do not ponder over it, as long as you have been cleared up for a long time. Just check! All that seems to matter to you in this situation.

Let's continue. . .

Chi skin from us building to look at the kokhannya? Who cares in the eyes of his friend? How to read in the eyes of a streaked and strict person is stronger and more marvelous? Tse pitanya rozburhuy mind practically all women wanting once in life. The skin of us so wants to know, to love me a man, she is afraid to spend. To the very same, we whisper chamomile eyes on the field and shave її pelyusts with the words: “To love, not to love, press to the heart ...”. And if the woman has her heart, as if zakokhana, then she tries to demonstrate in such a way that only the blind and the deaf do not understand and are sensitive.

And from the human half, the troch is folded. Only at the child, school rocks you can figure out what youma befits. Vіn pochne to you without reason to smile for pussies, carry a briefcase, write for you homework. And yet, being mature, people try to grab their feelings. And learn how to read them appropriately on the skin, who once in a while to torment doubts.

Causes of women's sumniviv

Singingly, not a woman of a beautiful state, if only once in her life she didn’t harden herself, that all people are the same, they need only one woman, stink and break into a mustache, etc.

Nothing is more simple than that among the middle people, like the middle women, the types are chattering, for such nonsense - tse friend im'ya. I, to milk often, light-hearted people turn the heads of ladies with only one method - to lay down in a lizhko, to take away the satisfaction and wave your hand. Tobto the stench of vikoristovuyu weak to become for the satisfaction of their htivih bazhan. Naturally, we are afraid of this and that cause we want to be entrenched in the fact that a person, like watching us, or a kokhan in a right way, looks up to us wider and purer like.

Another situation - you have lived with your own man already a lot of years, and it seems that you are okholov. How to understand, how can I feel like I’m thinking about you, and maybe, at a new one, I’m constantly thinking about her? Even if you don’t call anyone, then after the long fate of a happy life, people don’t have anything to deprive them of and they will spread to another woman. With this cynical type, you don’t take your happiness, which comes with a kohanka, and easily excite you in silence, who gave rich fate to you, the joy of that crazy love.

It is not without reason that a woman tries to tell the truth, because she is planning her life and the life of her children on equal footing. Fallow in view of what kind of mіtsnoy and harmony will be with the family, the growth of a full-fledged individual with children. So it’s not pragmatic to guarantee for yourself a calm future, but be inspired by the one who in old age will be on someone and dility. Everything has been listed, as we have already given everyone an understanding, we can seriously suggest. I want to help women to be appointed to them, to love її chi nі її obranets, proponuєmo dotremuvatisya gratifications of enlightened psychologists.

The best ways to know - to love or not to love

Before that, as a tribute to the ways of recognizing the truth, think again - do you want to know the truth? Can it be a good idea to be surprised and stop deceiving yourself? It is possible, if you change your mind about what is in the result of the analysis, you will understand that the person has long been cold to you and is not choking, but rather, it is more like feeling or pity. Well, the advance is given, now it's better.

Chi love me my lad

Let's talk about a little bit of a person before you at the cob stage. The next points will help young girls to appoint themselves, so they ask themselves - “to love what you do”. Otrimani vіdpovіdі, zhіnocha іntuїtsіya аnd іnshі cunning to allow the growth of visnovoks - to continue with them a stosunka or not to cook for an hour. In the analysis, you should pay attention to the words, but to the words, and to the eyes.

Vin do not open your eyes. Virna is a sign that the person is lucky to be with you. Vіn favor us with rice, like nature gave. Zakohany cannot see his eyes in your lips, brows, eyes. Whether it’s a wave of a povіk, a chuckle, a dihannya - everything calls out to be choked and zbudzhuє bazhanny buti come closer. V for the new one is the best, what is in the world. First of all, Jennifer Lawrence, Svitlana Loboda, Ani Lorak, Angelina Jolie are not dear to you, you stink and are not good for you. The first axis, raising a glance, looks at him with glances. Skіlki in them nizhnostі that happiness! It’s all right to speak at least about the strong suffocation, but, as a rule, the situation is about the kohannya.

Vіn shukaє zustrіchі. Chi does not give you a marvelous fact that wherever you come, you will invariably appear in front of your gaze. We decided to take a walk in the park, and here we are, like here - a joyful, happy one. Friends were asked for the evening, but even less for the first year on the horizon, they show up and win - satisfaction, with a smile. They went to the store, you need to, once you have passed through your wake and get ready to put together a company without any problems, to help bring groceries to the door. Excuse me, what does the new, other people have no rights? Calling for everything, strong sympathy is already vinicla, but before that the strongest feeling on the right has not yet been reached. How to spend an hour with friends and more often to add an hour just for you - for love, do not hesitate.

Skin heat has a share of heat. Once in a while, the lad tries to make you cheer yourself, and it’s all the same for you, that there will be other participants in the evening laughing at yoga fires - in the obvious, a signal, a sign of respect. And now it’s clear, you already understand and you know that in yoga jokes, gostrot obov’yazkovo, the moments are passing by, that your mutual intercourse is happening. Well, well, it’s not a problem that all the fires will be observed in the future and will be known. If on the right is not in a kohanna, then I would like to have a strong sympathy. Aje same z ogo i pochinaetsya strongly pochuttya.

Vіdkritіst. People, as a rule, do not like to be diligently hidden by strangers. Navit your friends don’t forget to know what you see at your home, who’s brother, sister, father’s father, at separated stinks. And just like that, having begun to open up with you, without revealing your secrets to others, be prepared to serious withdrawals. Especially, as if I were happy to tell you that my sister and brother had amassed, my mother read like a vchennya before going out for a walk. This is given to the nobility only to those close to you, and you, calling on everything, are that person, with whom you want to get close. And how do you care - for the sake of friendship? Do not laugh - friendly friends You can’t be between a third-party person and a woman! You can read about the friendship between a man and a woman.

Vin remembers you all. You commemorated, like wine, I repeat your behavior, vchinki, like you fought. Navіt іntonatsіya vyslovlenіh phrases chi slіv - i vіn remember to Komi. What's more, the lad remembers all your teeth, starting from the first to the last. With this wine, it is easy to recognize your mood and to feel the light of the new. And just like that, the victors have pulled on something that you can’t believe, you’ll immediately rush to beat it. And yet, you didn’t break anything special, just today they messed more with curls. Vіn tse pomіtiv, as well as those who have three or more lipsticks. And how wonderful it is to sit on you with a new cloth, light sandals. Wait a minute, baiduzha people are unlikely to be so respectful. It's just that you're dying, maybe, seriously and for a long time!

Yomu tsikavo about you mustache. For an hour you are in the midst of yogo fast food, but if you have a “virus” of sympathy, then you won’t be irritated. Vіn tsіkavitsya your homeland, childishness, kind of fialnostі, navchannyam. Ask food about the plans for the future, let us know, to that which in the soul is inspired, that there will be space in them for the new. So, if you are guilty of cicavii, to bring your order of the day, otherwise, how can you “pidlashtuvat” the devil’s unstoppable zustrich. And yet in such a rank a person shows and your setting up to the new. Even if you will be at the door, it means that you will not be baited up to yoga respect. What is everyone talking about? Naturally about sympathy, like obov'yazkovo overgrowth in a kohanny!

Particularly animal. You couldn't help but pay respect to those who saw you guys savage number friends and make friends. If it’s more important, then it’s less likely to get lost in your bek. When you accept the zamovlen vіn, we will ask you in front of you, what would you like to ask, drink. Kudi virushaymo vіdpochivati ​​- and vіdrazu zustrich іz your eyes - "Tell me what you want, and I'll beat everything!". The very phrase reflects the respect of that fate. Trochy got colder on the underside - yogi next caught it, ran away from the houses and pulled a blanket and the first one, who leans in the arms of heat - tse wi. Decal you navit troch unhandily for those who talk about you more, less about others. You don’t see anything, only love, but it’s hisstical and doesn’t give respect to the thoughts of others.

Vin is generous. Your dying person is ready to give everything that is worth it, it is not easy to make it financially easy for a new one. Be-yak a trip, dear road, drink, koshtovnist toshcho. To your prohannya vin to rush at any time during the day, at night, at night, in return, in the wind. Lyudina, I’m ready to come to the rescue, whether it’s enough to love you generously and to destroy everything, so that you don’t have problems and turbot.

Prepare for everything for you. I will sign that a person loves you strongly and generously, є її vchinki. Many times the lads tried to bring their kohannya to them, that they were ready to shoot from the Dahu, from the Skele, to weave the lake thinly. Ale yak bi you didn’t feel good, don’t worry. Just take yoga a little and stop rizikuvati. Go, know what you want to skin.

Vіn asking you to come to visit and want to know your relatives. A true sign that a dead person has a far-reaching life plan for you. Believe me, yakbi vin bov baiduzhim, then I didn’t vaccinate at my houses and didn’t introduce my mother, that and other members of my family.

Frazy, like a dying man

As we all know, women love with wows. And for our satisfaction, not a blame, and people, the stinks are trying to bring their kohanny, forcing the songs of the word, like you are guilty of remembering:

  • I love you;
  • don't give you a side dish;
  • I want and friends;
  • ti skіlki wanted b mothers of children;
  • I don’t want a mother to see you taєmnitsі;
  • I am most afraid that I will disappoint you;
  • it's only been a couple of days, and I'm already bored;
  • I'm worried about you, I boast;
  • don’t look loose, look, so that you don’t go hungry;
  • I need to buy some pills, I'll go to the pharmacy and see you.

Recalculate those other phrases, through the way people try to reveal the turbota, worry about you and get close to talking only about one thing - about the strongest sense of you.

Also, the essence of the kohanny can be attributed to the moments, which in no way can be accompanied by a wider sense:

  • prihovuvaty its setting, pochuttya;
  • do not worry about the camp of your health;
  • yoga is not turbulent - why do you have bad moods;
  • not to know neither friends nor relatives;
  • if it’s important to you, you’ll be self-sufficient;
  • youmu baiduzhe, what do you think about the new one;
  • do not share your plans for the future;
  • come up with everything that is good, but don’t bother with you;
  • don't talk about your plans, your lives, your interests too much.

Signs that indicate a kokhannya

Pererakhuyemo briefly the main signs, zavdyaki yakim can be perekonatisya in the width of a person to you.

  1. Ready to share with you and the joy of that turmoil.
  2. It is greedy to marvel at you out of love, especially in those moments, if you don’t drink anything.
  3. It’s bad for you - you breathe in, for good - you are encouraged to keep up the positive mood.
  4. Written for your successes and victories.
  5. Have an important hvilini in order.
  6. During sexual contact, in the first place, I think about those who were pleased with you.
  7. Leather sex for new yak first.
  8. It’s great to know about your taste in all plans, sympathies and talk about products, if you have an allergy.
  9. Everything is good for you.
  10. If you are negative, don’t be negative, don’t waste your hands in any way.
  11. To grind everything to please your relatives and girlfriends.

How to understand - what is not to love wine

If you want to rebuke and respect that a person has cooled and fallen in love, then special proofs are not necessary. But not all women are able to signify the appointment of a person. What can you understand, if you can see the blues only start to repent. I maiden cannot be recognized, befits you chi. Chi є sense of being on a new plan, chi is required to reconcile with it, which happened to me. In a different way, іsnuyut moments, if a person is not particularly motivated to know and reveal through his own. The reason for this can be different factors, even to the point of nebazhannya change the situation, even if the mother is on the side. Otzhe, on what follow the respect:

  1. You don’t choose to change your negative signs, that is the most important way of life for you, in which you simply don’t have a place.
  2. Vіn not pragne pіdtremati rozmov by phone and rob everything to turn on the device.
  3. Chi is not joking with you zustrіchey, you are trying to speed up the hour of controversy.
  4. It's all the same to Yomu - the vi chi nі were formed on yogo vchinok, a phrase.
  5. I categorically do not discuss my prospects for the future.
  6. Don't come, fight with your food about yoga family, relatives and friends.
  7. Often wrong. Zvichayno, tse mozhe buti rice character, non-stop lies, but you absolutely baiduzhe, so you vikriete in deceit.
  8. It’s important for you - but you don’t show yourself guilty, don’t pragmatically lend your shoulder.
  9. Pointing out your shortfalls. If you love a person, then you can’t remember in any way that you have a bad hair style these days, otherwise their colors don’t match the fashion. But if you don’t like wine, or if it’s cold, then check back to the drive of soundness and sound. For example, no one can talk about those who are good chicken. ale darling people bude svoryuvaty um, schob woman shvidshe threw zgubnu zvichka, and not the one who loves, we call “drinker”, “non-sharp”, pokazuvatima for an unacceptable smell from the mouth thinly.

To clarify on a specific example, what is "Nelyubov" like, it is possible to learn from the situation, as my close friend said, what is the name of Svitlana.

Light that Dmitro got to know about two years ago, and it is impossible to say that all the listed moments about the scope of love were present in their young women. All the same, all the same, it was based on the imaginativeness of the one who, seemingly softly, was unimaginable before her. Buli and tickets, and turbota, and knowledge. Ale, about a second later, the fates began to winkkati moments, as if without a trace they indicated coldness to yoga.

For us, everything started in the evenings, where the lads broke together. There was a distant relative of the fallen friends there. Calling on everything, Dima was already repeatedly sticking with her, moreover, knowing by name and vіdrazu, he began to flirt with her, whisper, ask for a dance. In the presence, they showed dislike: Dima immediately forgot about the reason of the Light and did not think about what it would be necessary to look after her at the table. Pouring on the drink and sipping the salad at the plate only new knowledge.

Approximately a year later, the ear of the urochistes became sharply colder, but they were picked up at the dacha. Dmitro immediately rushed to the booth, brought warm blankets (fortunately, the owls managed to bring a sprat), but ran away to hide a new lady in the cold. Farther - even louder. Svіtlani telephoned from home - the vise of її mother was lifted. Dima called for a call to a taxi and, vibachayuchis, asking Svetlana for permission to continue the repairs with friends. Turning back home the next day, saying that he had spent the night with quiet friends themselves.

What was far away - it is unacceptable to inspire to tell. Svіtlana tried with all her might to get rid of the kokhan and until the end she did not believe that she could no longer love wine. Vіn pіshov approximately 2 months after the fluctuation described at the dacha, and earlier, having shown the signs of the presence of the kohanny, they indicated more. Svіtlana was tormented for a long time, we solemnly turned її to life. In the rest of the month, she saw a little, but all the same, the stress that she experienced for the sake of Dmitr still echoes.

It would have been used, the situation is banal, unfortunately. But the axis of what rich. Well, Dmitro cannot fall in love for one day. Greater for everything, vin richly earlier, revealing your order, and Svitlana is small to decipher them. Coming to you, she spilled her giblets on me and told me, back before the new maiden, it was already cold. Even then, it was too much for you, as if you had survived the flu and with a calm soul, having succumbed with friends to a ski resort. If it was necessary for Svitlana's mother to be transported from the clinic to her home in the summer, she was cleanly moved and did not hesitate at the hospitals. She had a chance to hire a loan, pay for gasoline, and what is remarkable, she took everything from her closest friends.

Like bachimo, vin navіt without breaking the brehat, vigadati. So, yakbi won said, scho pіde, then vіn bi indulging “Tablecloth road!”. Yomu bulo is absolutely baiduzhe, that yogo girl is easy to form. Whom did she fool? What about us? As a result, the i-axis took away the unacceptable ending in return, for those who have ceased to feel the smut - kohannya.

Trikutnik sumn_v_v

Another one, the situation is satisfied, which often chimes - a love tricutnik. Through his polygamy, a man can truly die not in one, but in a sprat of women. Well, it’s impossible to name it with a right sense. At to this particular type Required to put a nutritional rub. Believe me, as if you’re right, marveling at your wife, ask - “Do you love me?”, “What is in you?” As soon as it gets twisted, spinning - it’s not easy, blame the sumniv in yoga senses. Vimagayte, hi zrobit vibir, bo, bach, like a good vlashtuvavsya! If it is true that you are truly loved and afraid to spend - then the cost of money for others and is due only to you.

Otzhe, we went through a short course in learning to “explore” the mystery of a person, and ourselves - yoga wideness to you. Stop these methods and don't try. Obviously, Tim, who is afraid of almost nothing and reveals nonsense in the gentleman's voices, it is necessary to save your nerves and not follow our recommendations. Ale marvel at your life from the side, try to sneak a peek at the future. Well, what? You will be given the prospect of your foundation in the order of those who do not love you and do not value you in any way. So you can save an hour and spend a lot of money, so that you can change your life to a better one. Remember the phrase from the film “It's good that you left me. Then I would have missed life with a dear and kohanoy for me people. I’m the same one, why did you screw it up like that! ” Think for yourself...

Summing up the other half in a sense, you can blame it on some kind of person. Tse zumovlyuєtsya tim, scho skin in its own way shows its love and vіddanіst. People are cold for their nature. For them, absolutely unacceptable caresses, nizhnosti and funny prizviska, with which one calls one death. Such people hang their shutter garne noble deeds. But there is so little for women.

Ways to help you find out about the feel of a person

For girls, the lower order is more important. Why do women blame such people for food: how do you know, why do you love a person? To know the clue, there are a lot of ways.

1. Watch out for the situation. Start being astonished as a person. Concentrate your respect on any kind of rubbish: look, reactions, mimics. Golovne, don't say anything.

2. Objective evaluation. Try to put yourself up to everything that you show, I can be objective. Don't give in to negative feelings.

3. Investment. If a person is stressed out, then it’s not easy to fall into depression - it’s better to strengthen the situation in your family.

4. Happy friend. The situation is even more piquant, so it is necessary to choose a choice for your girlfriend (friend), so that you can save someone else's mystery. Deputy direct question: "How do you know who to love me man?" - next to go into the conversation from afar and as if problems will be bumped into.

5. Get a special student. Mark in the new, how a person behaves, what has changed in the new, what happened to the cikavi chi unreasonable. Leading a student, you can prostegize the dynamics of the vіdnosin.

6. Look at the reaction of a person. How to know, why do you love a person? Give respect to the following situations:

  • a person to put food on those but, but if he doesn’t listen to them, he’s not heard from them;
  • try to start a relationship with a person, but you can always know the ghost of a slug in the form of food and initiate a dialogue;
  • you work wrong, what you call out to a dissatisfied person, wanting to be richly tolerant;
  • if you get to the point of a person, you inadvertently start to drink yoga, you will be filled with bait and get angry;
  • having swayed you in a different image, do not rob you of compliments about old-fashioned, gusto, but only ask about the art and dissatisfaction with wines;
  • your prohannya provokes dissatisfaction;
  • your respect and recommendations are either ignored or criticized.

All the fluctuations irritate the woman and turn the person into a kohannya.

7. Romantic girls. Instruct the kokhan to pass the weekend at once, to spend a supper by candles. For this reaction, you can estimate a little, what you are seeing.

8. Behavior of a person. spit out characteristic rice at the behavior of a kokhan. In order to reconsider, to love a person and to react negatively, enough offensive:

  • a person is busy in the service, but he doesn’t get confused;
  • becoming a person rarely talk about the squad, stosunki that kokhannya in general;
  • win a long time to pay compliments;
  • for a long time there was no sleepy recovery;
  • a person can’t be fooled by the retinue in the cinema, drama theater, watch the TV to marvel at everything.

9. Be patient and respectful. Concentrate your respect not only on negative environments, but also on positive ones. It is possible to have a lot of situations, such as it seems, that a person does not love you. Buvay, scho people have different characters, and postyni razbrati for them is the norm. It is not uncommon for a person that team to give an assessment of singing situations in their own way.

Important details

In deyaky moods, bazhayuchi dіznatisya, chi to love a person, girls to put chains directly. Ale, do not forget about the low details. First, the correct form of nutrition.

In which way, go into that swing, so that you can change it so that you can put your food to milk correctly. It’s not up to him to be tight, ambiguous. Do not imitate your negative attitude in the mind. In another way, a positive formulation. Lay a positive mark at the nutrition formula. For example: “Dear, are we all right?” Thirdly, listening moment. Insanely, for such a change, it is necessary to pick up a good moment. If a person is in a commanding mood, if he doesn’t hurry anywhere, he’s ready to move, then you can put a question.


Pass a small easy test on the topic: How do you know, why do you love a person? It is necessary to have more than enough power for a sprat.

  1. How do you care, what are the pleasures of a person, why do you care for yourself better as a companion of life?
  2. I'm discussing the person with you to do your job? Rozpovidaє about the difficulties? What do you know about the life of a person standing by the walls of an apartment?
  3. Do you have any thoughts about separation?
  4. How often do families get along? Chi zastosovuєte you imaginative vyslovlyuvannya?
  5. Chi robit respect for the squad? How often?
  6. What did you do to change the behavior of a person for the rest of the hour? In what kind of b_k did the person change?

Interpreted test

Lighten up your opinions. If you admit that a person is dissatisfied with his choice of a companion, then, more likely, it is. If a person doesn’t discuss his case with you, doesn’t talk about difficulties, it’s a bad sign.

One of the signs of a real kokhannya is dovira that povaga. If you are not aware of the life of a person outside the boundaries of the apartment, it means that you want to not know you native people. In this opinion on nutrition about those who love me a person, it is necessary to respond negatively.

Rules of conduct for a loving person

How to distort, why do you love a person? Do not forget that the life of the situation in all different. Ale also establish the rules of conduct beloved person(Depending on the nature of that stage of earnings):

  1. Vіn vіdkuєtsya on prohannya about help mittevo. As if you are changing, you don’t joke around, but try to help.
  2. For the new one, your state of health is the most important. Vіn himself went to the pharmacy, to cook the evening, to give an injection, as if you were at home. Vіn postіyno tsіkavitimetsya your self-confidence. Yogo do not zbentezhit your sick look.
  3. Help at a twisted hour. Zavdyaki tsomu, singsongly, you can recognize, chi love a person. If this is so, then I will beat you up, be it a whimper. Navit as a waste of a dear person, difficult on a robot, a waste of pennies.
  4. Vin is generous, gentry. Having said that you have a difficult financial situation, a man will help. And if you are stubborn, then it is also hard. I never once tell you about the pennies, spent on you and your needs.
  5. Vіd svogo - to sleep. In other words, your comrades will be yours and now. Everything will become sleepy with you - friends, urochists, praise, help. Like a person to love, we spend a lot of time instructed.
  6. intimate. The person shows sexual attraction to his squad to follow after the old fates sleepy life. And such a manifestation is considered the main show-off for a person's kohannya.
  7. Vin praise you. A loving person writes with his retinue all the time. We praise її in front of comrades. A man who loves his squad regularly repeats the words about the kokhannya. I will speak to you with a wide heart, marveling at the vіchі. I tsіluvatime.

Why love more?

And how do you know why you love Shvidshe for everything, so, like this:

  • Vіn pragne vіdnoviti z you zv'yazok that splkuvannya;
  • out of the will of the will, they sound like a little bell, like you didn’t like;
  • wines are set before you richly lagniche and zvorushlivishe, lower earlier;
  • regularly nudguє for old hours;
  • you ask about changes in your life;
  • I will help you if you have problems;
  • I'm jealous of you, if you want to work with another person;
  • raptom becoming the soul of the company, even though earlier sitting postiyno at home;
  • vin regularly tells your sleeping friends about yourself that you have passed everything to you;
  • vіn pochav vipivati.

It is necessary to remember that the signs that have been pointed cannot accurately indicate the kohanny, maybe, try to analyze this factor and the report.

Chi love squad?

The people also blame the sumniv schodo squad. How to know, what is the man's squad? Firstly, as if she was ready to come out for you, it means, unequivocally, that the supply is positive.

You can watch for a kohana with a year. Zhіnoche kohannya manifests itself in turbot about your person. As soon as the squad tries to prepare the squad, creating a lull at the booth and attaching all their respect to you, then the kohanny, no doubt, is present. You can turn the squad into a kokhannya, saying that you were driven out of work. If you love a squad, then you will not turn up in the presence of your own person and you will entrust them with important days of your life. Listen to your heart, you won't be fooled.

The optimal situation would be to conduct a wide dialogue with a person in order to clear up all the misunderstandings. Aja woman spends her priceless hour, but she could spend yoga with another person, for which she would be a kohana that one.

That happy, happy woman is unlikely to care about those that a person has felt a little. You live in peace, in which you don’t waste your suspicions. And rіdkіsnі conflicts іnоdі korisnі.

Small visnovok

Now it’s understood, only a small part of the joys. Actually, they are much more. Ale and tsієї іnformatsії enough, schob to know the advice on the bad food.


A person can fool with words, but don’t fool him with his eyes. As if I love you, look at Yogo. You just marvel at you in your eyes and read kohanna in them. One "ale": it is necessary not to confuse the loving look with the look of a person, such a passionate passion. To that shoplennya (zakokhanist) and kohannya - not one and the same. glance beloved person warming you with its warmth, even as you look - scorch. Yogo eyes shine, nibi devour you. Kokhannya - tse warm, addiction - pozhezha. To that predilection (zakohanist) burns swiftly, without depriving anything, the cream has sung that receiving spogadіv. It’s even easier to name a person who looks cold to you. It is unique to marvel at you, and looking at you you will not know the warmth of that tenderness. Nothing, let's embrace the cold.

Behind the words, it is important to signify that a person truly loves you. The half-lunatic words of a dead man, who is addicted, can easily be mistaken for a kohannya. That is why women, as if they believe less than words, are often scorched. If a person sings at his cohanna and seems that he can’t live without you, then you can’t beat the bullshit. To that vine can be suffocated and he himself has a lot of faith. Abo just vmіє garno speak. Don Juans are especially valued, as it is miraculous to know that "a woman loves with wows." Ale, if so, you see the falsity. That is why it is necessary to trust your intellects more with words. If you talk about your kohannya, but you will speak, it’s a neobov’yazkovo sign that you don’t love you. Or maybe you just can’t put the kohanny into words. Then she expresses love in the veins and truly, she talks about you. Otherwise, you know that you are talking about a kohanna and showing weakness - weakness. Especially macho.

You should spend more time with you and you should spend an hour together. Wanting, obviously, does not mean that you will stop talking to your friends. But all the same, you know the guilt, go somewhere at once, but people are trying to keep order with you. You are worthy of your inquiry, and your thought is important for him. However, in the couples who love, there is a period, if the stench gets involved in one-on-one marriage. Especially if the stench closed in on the narrow light of their stosunkiv. That’s why it’s not good for people who add a lot of time to friends or hobbies, or just want to be alone for a little while. You both can have some special space, tse shortest way don't get carried away one by one.

You can’t help but love the people you love - fathers, friends, and you try to know them spilnu mova. We will know you from my friends. And yet there is more and more sign that I will love you - so you are separated from the woman or self-sufficient mother, and I will love yours. Because part of you. Just like a child, only two, take the child like a loader, in fact, you don’t know, because she’s cold before you, having learned about the child, it’s a true sign that you really shouldn’t love her.

I plan your future sleep. How do you behave like this, nibi vie skin on your own (just hustled and broke up), looking non-serious. Yakshcho, zvichayno, it looks like it’s going to finish a long time. Needless to say, sіm'ya is not a single form of stosunkiv. Buvay, scho vіn i won zustrіchayutsya, not living at the same time and tenacious skin to their lives. Nourishment is in the one that rules you and will rule you like this in ten years. Okremo can be said about the poshlyubnі stosunki, if the woman is a kohanka. As if we were going to separate and make friends with you, but not to break the yearly quarters, it’s not necessary to get married. You are comfortable in this situation, you spend an hour. And also the possibility of making a sound of a person, who loves you on the floor, so that you will be for the new one.

Win to love you the way you are. Do not instill complexes with the drive of small breasts or zavoi vaga, but to choke on your miniature figure or written forms. In addition, to love you not only for your zovnishness, but also to love your character. To love you naturally, without make-up, and also if you are thrown from rozpatlanim hair. (Only do not need to be evil.)

You just know that I will love you. As it is, you do not need any other words and any other confirmation. You just see yourself as a kohana and don’t hesitate with anyone. Ale, yakbi tse bulo so, you didn’t read this article, right?

For this, you can win in another way, which is based on intuition. Just put it straight to you, so that I can love you. Golovnya - not yoga, but those who behave like wines. You look at you, you get tense, you start laughing, you smile at you, you feel like you’re in good spirits, and so on. It's true, this way can only be short: people don't like food anymore. You are already straining, if the woman constantly asks "ti me?" It can be said that women have the most fighting self. If you want to ask for help, ask. But only once.

Recognize, chi win to love you, you can win. Kokhannya can be impersonal, even if a skin person loves in her own way. All the same, if a person loves, venerates, tenderness, support you and show respect for you. Tse greater virna sign, lower words. "If you want to find out about a person - marvel at її vchinki." One "ale": I don’t know what, don’t varto dorikati people, who won’t give you respect. Tim is no longer a varto vimagati like a person who seems to be working for you. Tse marno. If you don’t know something, then you don’t, a person doesn’t know how to love, throw that vimogi. Just make your own visnovki.

So just like "a friend is known at a bidi", a person is known in an extreme situation. Obviously, do not varto vlastovuvaty perevіrki and create such a situation. Ale, yakscho vie - God forbid, zvichayno - stumbled upon an important life situation, only you can help, chi is the right person to love. Chi shovaetsya until the singing hour, chi throw in a twisted quilt, or put your stronger and stronger shoulder.

The initiative of the vidnosinah was always a man's privilege. However, the hours are changing, and people in their nature are afraid to show their feelings. Tse to produce before the appearance of natural nutrition in the girl: how to understand, what is the lad to you? It’s rare for anyone to really take one’s position to the representative of a beautiful state. Knowing the basics of psychology and spirited frequent caution, you can bring to light the most streaked lad.

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Mova human body practice less on equal instincts. If one person sympathizes with other gestures and behavior, they change mindfully. In searches for food about those, how to understand that you love a lad, you can beat the “mirror effect”. Yogo show pov'yazanі z bazhannyam worthy of a woman. It has been scientifically proven that if a lad loves in a right way, he will not be able to copy the behavior. Sometimes a person "mirror" is less than a deaky manner, in other ways I repeat the ruhi more and more.

In order to understand that a lad needs to love you in a right way, you need to learn yoga in a company. A sympathetic person assumes a pose, raising his chinks up at his beating heart. In the distance, laughing at the heat of suffocation, marveling at the other object's feelings. Vіn is actively supporting Rozmov, swearing once again to opine the order and start to sway like a girl.

Zakohany lad swear to piss

Viyav turboti - one more rice of a dead man. As you need it, you need to bring your jacket on a cold evening, bring it or see you home, bring fruit to a sick person. Іnshі commemorative signs.

How to understand what the lad is to you:

  1. Vin is trying to spend a lot of time with you. A person is ready to do well, either go to the cinema with Kohana, or just take a walk in the park, to love in a right way and you need it.
  2. Vin often call. Dzvinki without the drive of power is not less for girls, but for lads.
  3. If you don’t call, then write. To the one, how to understand that the boy you love, help and social services. If your phone constantly signals about the notification that you have come, then it means that you need it.

If you want to get stuck, get it, or just tie it up with your sleeve. Vіn pragne be-any contact, yogo glance dosit easily spymati.

As if after the victory of all the joys about those, how to understand that you love the lad and you need it, the signs of the feelings did not appear, you can change the strategy. Skoristavshis zhіnochim cunning, zakohati tsіlkom real.

What is needed for whom:

  1. Be a girl. So, it seems that this is an absurd pleasure, but lads love in a right way “girls-girls”. The lower image, women's cloth, thin heels, that mystery in the eyes is the axis of the secret to success. Cigars, alcohol and mіtsnі words are taboo.
  2. Be a cicava. Zahoplennya robbing a person especially. "Drunken" reading of books without knowledge of the history of the ancient Maya can see you on others.
  3. Be yourself. It’s not enough to talk about behavior, but about callousness. Everyday pieces, plastic nails and cosmetics.

From a person it is important to children carefully. Let your skin thoughts go, you will not be remembered for the lad. The greatest pilotage is to work so that you will win the first steps, that the first rozpochav tsі stosunki and ti yomu is necessary.

The largest social barriers allow you to gain access to a special party. Often a casual look is enough to understand a lot about the peculiarities of the lad. Z'yasuvavshi yogo hobi, musical likening that round splintering can proceed to diї.

Іsnuyat deyakі at first glance primitive, ale diєvi options:

  1. We know the words, the boy is signed on the yak. Hvili pіdіyde musical themes of chi gurti about movies. We write to you from the category “how similar our tastes are” and zav'yazuemo rozmov. Beforehand, it’s better to get to know the topic better, otherwise it will be different.
  2. If you are regularly talking on forums or groups, you can enter into a dialogue there, and then go to the special information.
  3. Another option is the Scheherazade method. Reveal to you the story of history, and then take care of the unfinished rosemary, so that the cause will turn to the roses steadily. The lad calls before regular contact, but he’s already right.

The next thing is to say that a person’s death does not stop. Better psychologists, informed girlfriends and navіt for the sake of mothers can not become a storehouse for a universal love spell. If the zusillas are left unmarked, then it’s better not to waste time and admire other lads for a while.

Invigorate the death of the slaughter, sometimes not giving the strength to inspire the person himself. For the sake of it, they can be practically identical. Dodatkovo next, designate some moments on the topic about those, how to understand that the boy is destined to love you:

  1. You will know the girl with your friends. As if, without respect for your three hundred years, you didn’t dream of your childish friend in your eyes, then, perhaps, you don’t have a particularly sensitive lad.
  2. A lad presenting his homeland to the kohan. Tsey important and vidpovidalny krok to speak richly about what.
  3. Vіn zavzhdi ready to help. Did the trumpets break in the house and the right flood? Don't boast, you're already in a hurry to show off your cat and TV. Flat tire at night at the fierce? Youmu didn’t sleep so well, and the frost is a miraculous reason for picking up.

How to understand that a lad should love you in a right way?

Rich people are far from being bad. Stinks can also read women's forums and students self-readers from a pickup. How to understand that you should love a lad in a right way, and not fool around, marveling at a woman? Like vin showing off your feelings, defiantly kissing you in public, and once in a while barking a video and a photo - do the damn thing.

The twinkle is to serve as a nevikonan obіtsyanki and vіdmova vіd vіdpovіdalnostі. Vіn regularly wіddaє overwhelm the gatherings at the garages and sports bars and the comradeship of Kohanoi? The road, the time has come to take your feet in your hands and throw this nonsense.

Loving lad is respectful, tactful, dbaylivy. Prote invigorate the right kohannya like a schvidkoplen one like chi imitation sometimes it is possible only a year. Itself vono allows you to distort the breadth of the people of the person.

11 sign of what you need

Dosit simple methods of otrimanny vіdpovіdі. Assess your need to allow a checklist that adds up to 11 signs of a lad. How to understand what wine you love:

  1. Vin is jealous. On the best friend, classmate, colleague in work or navit metro machinist. Zvichayno, you can catch it, but sooner or later everything will become clear.
  2. Vіn the first initsiyuє zustrіch, like in a right way to love. Request without intermediary or veiled. For example, ask for help choosing a bowl for the cat as a gift to your mother.
  3. Order appears. For a miraculous zbіg obstavin vіn vіdvіduє the same perukarnya, go to the supermarket for milk before and їzdit by the same bus. Find out if a fox car driver is allergic to lactose.
  4. Worrying. Yogo praises, you are not hungry, you are not cold, you are not tired.
  5. Vin is respectful. One of the best ways to understand that your lad loves you is to marvel at the new hour. How to catch a skin word, quickly react and comment - it’s a sign of feelings.
  6. Win a glance. On zustrіchі z you vіn odagnі іz bare, pіdtyanutyі і savory smell.
  7. I want to know more, so I can love in a fair way. What kind of chocolate do you like, where did you go that year and how did you read the rest of the book. No, I don’t take the dossier, I just want to know more quickly.
  8. Pragnuti cognizance of otochennyam. Vіn do not fear girlfriends and do not be afraid of fathers.
  9. Chi don't want your phone and don't take your roses.
  10. Trying to please. Give love to daisies, bring burnt tsukerki, or cry to marvel at the sunset of the sun.
  11. Listen. Do you like red? It is not necessary to buy your own red shirt. Would you like to smell the jasmine? Vіn vrahuє tse when choosing perfumes from gifts.

Tell about those, how to understand, that a lad should love in a right way, it is not necessary to take it too literally. Navіt vіdsutnіst deyakіh omen maє sіyatі sumnіvіv vіdnosinah.

Can you bring your own wine?

For example, a person is afraid that yoga is almost not mutual, but for other reasons, the right state is right, the task is getting more complicated. Deyakі lads, however, give deyakі signs, іnshі zdatnі show aggression and uniqueness of the object of calcination.

This is a paradox, but a lot of people behave like this. Do you remember how children's lads smile for pussies? Tse pratsyuє i іz tsіlkom zіlіmi cholovіkami. As if you are constantly trying to get a man from your sharpness, be surprised. It is possible, to sleep, and to succumb to you at once.

To the one, as you understand, that you love the lad, but you will take your feelings, you will have to trust your intuition. Often the very inner voice will tell the truth about a person better than anyone else.

Possibly, just vikoristovuє

Zhіnocha naїvnіst hour gives people a chance to take zisk from stosunkіv. How to understand, why do you love wine or just vicorist? Easier to count the gigolo. Particularly cheeky specimens ask for pennies directly, those who are cunning, swear at financial difficulties. Zhalyugіdnі dіvchatа rasskayutsya zі і ї ї ї ї svoіdnymi, а lad successfully retkuєєєї ї to the offensive victim. Don't splurge on people's pennies, regularly pay for your purchases and rahunki in restaurants.

Another reason for the ugly staging to the girl is intimacy. Sob otrimati yogo lads, ready to sing a serenade and hang lokshina. As if after sex, a person has become interested, as if he were robbing about the devil's victory, we all know, then, unfortunately. Yogo feel, maybe, fiction. If the lad loves in a right way, keep your tongue behind your teeth.

The girls look at the smallest changes from the side of a person on an intuitive level. That’s why it’s a period, if a lad loves in a right way, if he has achieved wine, it’s rarely important. Regular zatrimki on the robot, stupid reasons for the transfer of the morning, constant gatherings with friends and the desire of a mobile phone are alarming signs. If there is a crisis in the Vidnosinakh, but if the situation drags on, then it is too much to reconcile.

Korisne video

Mustache signs need to be interpreted freely. Trust your heart - and you will be able to understand the language, that the lad who suffocated in you:


  1. If you are ready to put the whole world down to її nіg. The new one is changing like a behavior, and it’s taking action.
  2. Shiri almost look at the wind. That’s why it’s easy to ask for food about those, how to understand that you love a lad, for listing chi in real life, it’s easy to do. It is enough to listen to your inner thoughts, to watch out for your behavior and to judge the situation judiciously.

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