How is a person called, how to love a robiti hurt more. What is the richness of ailments? Lyudina, how to love zavdavat bіl іnhim

Dances and zv'yazuvannya pіd hour sex already little kim priymayutsya like schos twisted. The maiden of the shkiryanіy bіliznі with the belt of the rutsi - extensions of the mass culture's sexual image. However, for those who are far from BDSM practitioners, it’s still easy to understand how you can understand. Let's figure out why the unacceptable seem to be between satisfaction.

Be strong

One of the reasons why people get sick of blunders or other types of physical infusion is that they are not satisfied with the sight of weasels. He himself could be sick, but before the month of the blow a rush of blood, in view of which the region becomes sensitive.

Approximately so pratsyuє spankіng - lyapantsі on the seats stimulate krovoobіg near the genitals. Fakhіvtsі z yakіsnoї spanking recommend starting with light blows, rіgіvayuchi fabrics and step by step pіdsilyuyuchi slippers.

People are zbudzhuє everything is fenced

For some people, BDSM is a way to get out of the way. Їx privabluє vіvchennya vydchuttіv ta prakіtіv, yaki do not fit into the norm. Sexualizations can be not sex itself, but a taboo, what can it be. It is almost ashamed for such people, it is closely related to satisfaction. It is not safe to destroy the fences of the splendid life, so the stench realizes the security of the sex.

Sex can be a form of flow in reality, and it is part of yoga privablivost, - rozpovidaє likar and host of the SexWithDrJess podcast Jess O'Reilly. - Even though your way of life is stable and translucent, you can escape reality by including more ruinous elements in your sexual life.

Right in the chemistry of the brain

One more explanation why people love sex for about an hour, get into the chemistry of the brain. In the event of a blow, the body is thrown into the blood hormones, including endorphins, yak, yak apparently, closely related to the satisfaction and closeness between partners. Behind the words of an expert from sex and professional dominion Loli Jean, the neurological relationship between satisfaction is more difficult to endure. Pain receptors and satisfaction can react in a similar manner, vilifying melatonin and serotonin. Prote expert designates that not everyone will have the same reaction to the bill. Jean is aware that women are more responsive to the physical infusion, and men to the verbal one. It made sense, it’s less of a caution, and it doesn’t mean that no one has any blame.

Physical bіl can be a way to heal psychologically

Craving for BDSM is not limited only by physical reasons, it is more often in psychology. How do you respect O'Reilly, the choice of physical activity for the sake of satisfaction, you can change the setting to the point of pain in principle. As if in the past, a person lived in fear and constant attempts to escape unacceptable observations (not important, physical or moral), making a connection between the malt and more help to get in with their anxiety.

Accept bіl, sing, as your body can yogo vitrimati, understand, what do you know, what a mav buti is filthy, deliver to the malt - practice, what zlіlyuє. Experts mean that people can take away their satisfaction if they hurt less in that moment, if they don’t threaten their lives. Approximately z tsієї w cause me pragnemoly іnshih unacceptable, but safer experiences: revisiting trillers, riding on American weights. Itself on the theory of "light masochism" and the foundations of BDSM, and even obov'yazkovy umova tsієї practices - good fortune of all participants that the ability to pin those who scho vіdbuvaєtsya, be-yakої mitі.

How do you know, how can you be satisfied?

Physical and mental pain bring people suffering.

however people are happy with the pain, it is fitting for you, without suffering wine you cannot take satisfaction.

For such people, there are individuals who love to indulge in suffering. Offensive pathology will require correction.

What are these people called?

In the psychiatry of people masochists.

In medicine, to masochism, not only the state of health is brought, but the discord of specialness, which manifests itself in a negative attitude towards oneself, in the form of help, bazhanni to sacrifice themselves, a list of people who can be seen to be good people.

Spread of masochists sadist. These are individuals who feel satisfied with the pain of suffering that suffering to other people.

Active psychiatrists look at sadism and masochism as pathologies that go together ( sadomasochism). However, not all vcheni are so capable of vvazhat and proponuyut to distinguish between two understandings.

Sadism is not included to the ICD as an okremy diagnosis and lie down to mental disorders.

What is masochism?

For the first time, about masochism, the robots of the psychiatrist Kraft-Ebing, like the 19th century, think about it. Dane Vidhilennya is named like this in the name of the writer L. Sacher-Masoch, Yakiy describing similar problems in his novels.

Masochism, as a disorder of specialness, manifests itself in the impossibility of acquiring sexual satisfaction without pain, that humiliation.

Having done great research, psychiatrists have established that physical pain has ceased to be the main element of satisfaction; one of the elements of the order.

Danish discord (algomania, algophilia) occurs in 2.5% of people and 4% of women.

Masochism always manifests itself in real deeds. Other wines be fantasy, then the person shows himself the role of the underdog and the downtrodden.

Real masochism - tse satisfaction with contact with a real person who dominates.

Vin appears in the following forms:

  1. Rough shutter. The partner belittles and shows rudeness at the stage of forward caresses.
  2. verbal humiliation(Rude words, image) without physical violence.
  3. Seeing innocence. A person is respected for the best of being tied up, tucked up, taking away satisfaction in the light of the power of impudence.
  4. Physical bill. The individual takes away the satisfaction only after seeing the physical pain.


Masochism as a discord of special features develops from various reasons.

Psychoanalysis describes this factor rozvitku zhіnochoї algomanії:

  1. A child is born through bіl, after that woman is happy with motherhood, then in her brain there is a clear causal link: bіl \u003d happiness.
  2. The first sexual contact is also accompanied by pain sensations, which in turn lead to malice.

Psychiatrists vvazhayut that the root of the problem sygaє deeply into the childishness. The child is experiencing mental suffering, humiliation;

provoking factors development of inspiration є:

  1. Vtrata emotional connection with mother. As if the child felt sorry for her, trying to earn love, then her grace to the order will be deprived of her by stretching her mustache life.
  2. Complex of incompetence. Pathological dissatisfaction with one's own calling, the birth of the orders of loved ones, seeing one's inadequacy lead to the pragnennya buti will be punished.
  3. Postiyni physical punishment, despotic vihovannia. If the fathers constantly act like a child under order, b'yut її, curl up at the room, allow malting and walks, then the child calls the role of a light one. To form a clear relationship between the sufferers and the love of the fathers.


Actual signs of masochism present with wealthy people.

For example, one should love a little rude words at the moment sexual arousal.

Tse vvazhaetsya norm, as if not developing a steady progressing character.

First show inspiration Blame it on a childish and a childish spirit. A child can take care of his own other injuries, take care of himself, pragmatically deal with those who lower it.

Podlitki marvel at films with scenes of violence, joke with their company, de stinks will be in the role of podleglih. A mature person has a partner who is able to realize his masochistic dream and fantasies.

The stench cannot take away satisfaction without pain, that suffering, so include whipping, linking, beating, suffocating meagerly.

Let's let them form pathological staleness as a partner, a masochist is ready to endure be-like humiliation in order to take away satisfaction. Vin is no longer a specialty, he can’t have his own bazhan and pragnen. Sexual masochism begins to grow angry with moral masochism.

Typical symptoms masochism є:

  1. Consistent service of patience, the presence of a good thought.
  2. Raptov spalahi aggression. The anger that has accumulated veers towards a weaker person, so that a masochist cannot give a hint to a strong one. Therefore, psychiatrists look at masochism and sadism within the framework of one disease - sadomasochism.


The diagnosis is made by a psychiatrist looking after the patient.

The main diagnostic criteriaє:

  1. Regularity. Masochistic schilnosti and bazhannya are seen as a stretch of the wind with constant periodicity.
  2. Strong stress through vіdmova. The masochist can't keep streaming his bajan for a long time, he falls into depression.
  3. Obov'yazkov warehouse of sexual life. Mustache sexual bajannya zvoditsya to pain, suffering, ordering. Without this particularity, one cannot take satisfaction from the sight of stosunkiv.

Understand sadism

Sadism is the protege of masochism.

In the literal meaning of the term, it is translated as a crime of violence, otrimannya satisfaction in the suffering of another person.

Vidhilennya named in the name of the writer Marquis de Sade, which first described the damage.

Sadism boo sexual and moral. At first glance, the patient does not experience sexual arousal without humiliation of the partner. In another way, they overestimate pragnennya morally belittle, educate, order one's own people.

Why blame?

The basis of the mechanism for the development of sadism is zhorstokіst, yak podkrіplena with praise that otrimannya rewarded.

In the course of time, special people form a clue that violence is an essential element in achieving goals.

The main cause of pathology is experienced a traumatic situation, pov'yazana іz violence, humiliation. Lyudina, having experienced violence, is afraid to try yoga again, to the first one she shows aggression to others, but rather than repeating the summation.

It has also been brought that half of the sadists may be organic lesions brain, suffer from epilepsy, psychopathy,.

Provoking factors for development sadistic naughty children:

  1. Zhorstock. Physical, humiliation, images are accepted by children as the norm, this is given a model of behavior to be fixed in the light and be transferred to other people, call out the weak.
  2. Unrealized bazhanya. Through the war, unrealized bazhan, life of failures, the abundance of successes accumulates among the learned, which wiggles among the pragni to reduce other people.

How does it appear?

First symptoms of sadism come to children.

Small children are weak, choose a toy.

The stench is demonstrating a filthy behavior in front of them, who can not resist them: wigglers, grandmothers, fathers.

So zhorstok_st can be shown at vіdnoshenі to creatures, Shards of stench are a priori weaker. At school age such children are said to belittle that other children, because you are weaker. With this stink, you should not enter into conflict with a strong superman.

At sexual vіdnosinakh stench joke weak partner, ready to endure humiliationїm to bring satisfaction to guard for the suffering of others. With this stench, you can feel an orgasm just a sign, to instill without a state contact.

More important forms are manifested by such symptoms as pedophilia, bestiality. Sadists become sexual maniacs, serial hacks.

However, often sadistic reach great success in business, business. They become great commanders, sports champions, heroes. If such a person stumbled, then її stun with divine chi malice.

As a suspіlstvі, de wraps a person, negatively placed before manifesting sadism, you can stifle your own strength until the singing hour.

Ale, having reached such heights, otrimavshi permissiveness, a sadist realize your mission with the military force. Sadism manifests itself in the exercise of absolute power, creating a sense of omnipotence. If you don’t take away anyone, then you can become self-taught or god-willed.

Main psychological manifestations sadism:

  1. Such people are needed, they don’t need it, but keep it with them.
  2. You should never fight a strong opponent, the shards can try a little more prevail in front of a weak one.
  3. Sadists cannot love, but be afraid to take away the mother. Tse even lakaє yogo.
  4. Truly, in the soul a sadist is powerless and fearful. Vіn pragne domіnuvannya, schob people did not commemorate yoga fears and complexes. As if to you, a strong specialty is sounded, vin is easily broken and can turn into a false one. Tsya thought prinіchuє sadist, leading up to.

    For some reason, psychologists insist that sadism and masochism are always going to be crying.

Why is it necessary to exult?

Sadism and masochism may have different stages of manifestation. The need for jubilation is marked by a stage of discord. Correction of pathology is necessary in such cases:

  • symptoms may have a regular and trival character;
  • manifest rozvinulis and anatomy of other mental illnesses;
  • the patient becomes a threat to the hospital;
  • a person starts depression, blames suicidal thoughts;
  • An individual cannot take away sexual satisfaction in a normal way, only through white or hotness.

For jubilation, different methods are used: medical therapy, psychotherapy(Individual and group).

In case of a patient's suicidal ailment, the treatment is carried out on a primus basis at the hospital.

The psychiatrist is trying to restore Pershogerelo problems, z'yasuvati, at some point, the ailing man formed strong bonds between more and more sexual awakenings.

Under the hour of psychotherapeutic sessions, you should try out techniques aimed at relieving anxiety, aggression, and the complex of innocence. Such a rank settings are given on the development of an adequate form of sexual life.

With masochism victorious training, which allow you to move establish a normal relationship with otochyuchimi.

Three medications are used to prescribe psychotropic drugs that affect sexual tension, anxiety. For sadistic-cholovikіv peredbachenі faces, yakі nizhuyut rіven testosterone.

Sadism and masochism in that pathological manifestation are not as safe as the patient himself, so agonizing. If there is a correction at an early stage, then the prognosis is favorable.

Prevention of damage starts from early childhood. It is necessary to vihovuvat the child without aggression, violence. For a splash of negative emotions, a child can go in for sports, physical practice.

Likewise, the child should be molded with a sense of wetness, reconsidered in the fact that there is no love, that shanoble setting up to itself.

It is necessary for you to feel the pressure and power, the stench of lovers to give in to someone else's pressure and will, as if they deliver psychologically to them.

Such a person should be belittled, depicted. Masochism is not normal exhilaration, as if it means psychological exuberance. You are alive and enjoy less sickly experiences.

Lyudina, who loves to love the suffering, is called a masochist. The word masochism became familiar to the Austrian writer Sacher-Masoch. Suffering for a masochist is necessary in order to get satisfaction.


How are people called, how do they take satisfaction from depression, pain, that which others consider vile and motor-like? Lyudina, as if visibly satisfied, visibly beaten, is called a masochist. Crime of phantom pain, registration of phantoms - not related to the pain of a person's spent tincture. Even a sadist is the one who loves more than others. The word Masochist vikoristovuyut then, if you want to name a person, as if in pain I take satisfaction.

It is important to believe that the physical world can be accepted, although from the point of view of physiology there is nothing marvelous in it. These hormones and satisfaction are natural analgesics, which seem to relieve a little pain and help the body get accustomed to anxiety. For me, the experience of pain appeared as a kind of initiation, - said 42-year-old Eduard.

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For me, I’ve been better for meditation, - Yana knows, - I’m working in it without too much, at this hour it’s just impossible to think about anything else. It is also necessary to experience a moral bill as a rich man, otrimuyuchi in the face of the litter, humiliation, orderliness, in the face of powerless lack of defense and strife. But in the mentality of the deaky people, the figure is stronger.”

This is how you name your practices, which include more and more sub-orders, your participants. Bіl and humiliation, like wines taken away in masochistic waters, become such viperedzhalnym punishments, a kind of indulgence, otrimavshi like a masochist allow yourself to know nasolodi. Masochistic practices allow you to see some parts of the specialness rise from the whole, and the person feels strongly relieved, as if it is possible to equalize the suffocation.

The freedom of the “lower” right is surrounded, the wines are experiencing more and more that humiliation - but in quiet boundaries, having waited for itself. Also, the contract allows you to fight against the drive of shkodi, as you can but zapodіyana our body. Aje sang to serve as a signal of insecurity, a sign of trouble, which you could see or be able to.

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Prote schilnіst nasolodzhuvatisya pain, so clearly pronounced in masochists, not є їх vinyatkovym privileges. The book “50 views of pain. The nature of women's obedience".

Bіl - physical chi emotional suffering, bolіsne chi unacceptable sight, flour. There are two main types of pain: nociceptive and neuropathic. Trivalium was accompanied by changes in physiological parameters (blood pressure, pulse, widening of the jaw, changes in the concentration of hormones).

Tobto bіl, sing, schos more, nizh purer, sho with the clearest possible organic ushkodzhennyam, oskolki sing along with emotional experiences.

Їm befitting to be sensible

Under the nociceptive mind, it includes the physiological warehouse pain, which does not include the subjective-emotional warehouse. Conduction of pain signals in the nociceptive system is not equivalent to pain, which is felt. At that very hour, the subjective experience of pain can be without external stimuli and, obviously, nociception. Gostriy bіl vynachaetsya like a short one in an hour I will show bіl s reason, which is easy to identify.

Often there is a folding place for likuvannya, lower hospitality. Particular respect is needed in case of animal pain until it becomes a chronic pain. In vinyatkovyh depressions, neurosurgeons can perform a complex operation to remove a few parts of the patient's brain, in order to deal with chronic pain.

Why should such people be beaten?

Shkirnі nociceptors end troch lower than the shkіri and veins of high concentration of nerve endings give high current, localized in pain of little trivality.

Internal bіl vikaє vіd vіd vіdnіshіkh organіv. Internal nociceptors are spread in organs and in internal empties. The information that is attributed can be explained by evidence that pain receptors in the internal organs also excite spinal neurons, which are excitable in case of spinal disorders.

Insights related to TMPRSS2 may lead to the development of new approaches to combat pain in cancer patients. Psychogenic pain is diagnosed in the presence of organic disease, or in that case, if it remains impossible to explain the nature and severity of the pain syndrome.

Pathological pain - change in the response of pain impulses after damage in the Kirk and sub-Kirk branches of the central nervous system. Emotional pain is a specific mental experience, not related to organic or functional disorders. Most often trivala and tied with the second close people. Mental health is manifested by the activation of the limbic system - neurons in the anterior part of the cingulum (pars anterior Gyrus cinguli).

What is the name of a person, who should be beaten by others and made a boss?

For singing minds, having played its informational role, I myself became a part of the pathological process, often more unsafe, less poignant. According to one hypothesis, there are no specific physical sensations, and no special receptors, so they take only pain teasing.

As long as the person is still alive

Really, people with a different threshold of pain sensitivity are talking. I may lie in the form of emotional and subjective features of the human psyche. Vyvchennya pain in Rest of the Rocks expanded in various fields from pharmacology to psychology and neuropsychiatry.

In the rest of the decade, there is a tendency to keep ahead of those who are elated, and those who are sick, as if they are doing sickness, for help proper eating. The results of the new investigation confirm that, most importantly, it is true, especially for quiet people, who suffer on the borders of special discord. It’s important to believe it, but it’s so. Sam bіl їх so self zbudzhuє yak great people just caresses and lower dots.

A masochist can be a lover of mental anguish, or a lover of physical pain (otherwise, they are often afraid of sexual deviance). In most cases, in one person, insults become similar, and one (pregnancy to physical pain) is the last (addiction to mental anguish).

But the experiences of the masochist are not separated by physical pain. The sadist hurts the sadomasochist and is offended by satisfaction. Lyudina, as if she were aware, there is a large number of endorphins at the blood, - sexologist Irina Panyukova reveals.

What is the name of that person, how to love sensible emotional pain?

What is the name of that person, how to love sensible emotional pain? Naviti think yourself for whom you can work specially. Ale not only to be wise, but to the other people (sooner close ones, those who will really be sicker), then we will hurt you, take it in, ask for forgiveness, make everything better and so on the stake. I another option should be more. Through the day without such a thing, it becomes rather tedious and brought up again.

How to name it?

Lyudina, yaka love vodchuvati emotsiyny bіl, is called briefly and clearly - a masochist. However, as a rule, masochism can be found in the structure of special features as well as a sadistic character. The camp can change and such a person can easily transform into a kata after a sacrifice. The type of vidnosin, descriptions on your sheet, suggestive of emotional abuse (violence). Nine bezlich books and articles have been written about this problem.

If you need food for your loved one, then the only thing you can do is to encourage you to see a psychotherapist. Such a behavior is not subject to correction in the minds of “butovic kitchen psychotherapy”, it is necessary to work deeply with the fahivtsy. Emotionally included in the problems of another person with such behavior, I threaten emotional stagnation and a “complex of a stalker” (if you want to solve the problem for a close person). I’ll appoint, as a person, as if I’m staying with loved ones with an emotional abuser, I’ll also need the help of a psychotherapist.

Another option: You feed yourself. And here the recommendation will be similar - long work with a psychotherapist. This is the behavior of the Americans: the increase in tension (the trailer to rush uphill), the adrenaline rush (maximum height, peak), kayattya, sting (the trailer to rush down). Let's repeat everything. Tse nagaduє staleness in the form of strong ones and yaskravih emotsіy, yakі give conflict. On the abyss of these emotions, a strong closeness is created over something fresh and calm. Having sung the script, the pattern of behavior, which is easy to change. Now, if you know “how you are called”, you (one as a specialist) can think about how you got into this situation and what you need to work, to change it.

How do you dare to take care of your own physical pain?

Good day! My name is Julia, I am 19 years old. I have a wonderful ability to deal with my own physical pain, I love to squeeze, stomp, sag and other times, sometimes it’s just to reach the point of absurdity! For an hour to “occupy” I don’t smell anything, to instill in myself - it seems that I need to pin it, open my hands to continue. Often it is connected with experiences. Calm preparations and do not give the desired effect - I become calm, but I do not stop being timid! Shkira does not get ready, even if summer is coming soon. Can you help me with my antidepressant problem? If not, then what should I do? How can I ask who?

Hello Julia. You, perhaps, will be happy, but the problem is similar to dosit expanded among the representatives of a weak state. I want to reassure you once that the problem has been solved. Most of all, it has a psychogenic character. Most vipadkivs have a sign of anxiety. Deyakі people grizut nіgti, htos curling hair around the finger, htos tisne prischі.

Your mood is confirmed by your words that the pain is at the moment of nerve tension. In psychiatry, the behavior is similar to pathological primary diseases (PPD). The stench is seen to manifest neurosis intrusive processes. Can blow a strong nervous vision. In your mind, a masochistic character comes to the fore, so that you feel the need to take care of your own physical pain.

You can explain it with a high level of autoaggression. Possibly, You will not try to hurt yourself, You would like to inadvertently raise someone else. In this case, it seems like a destruction of the aggression (anger) on autoaggression (turn on yourself all the negativity, which is really attributed to someone from the otochyuchih). Lyudina, as if she didn’t express her anger, she wriggles on herself.

In such a time, Julia, you need to analyze who the aggression is directed at, and why it was ignored. Anger (in psychology) - the image is attached. Think about who you are scriving for? Vibachili Vi qiu people? І chi vie blew yourself? For what do you punish yourself (for what do you try to hurt yourself)?

Julia, you will have to listen and listen to your negative thoughts, bazhan, sensible. Remember, nobody is perfect. Accept them and try to learn for the help of the help available to you (little ones, music, verses, dances). Let them in, don't take them away from you.

The investigations in the hall of psychiatry brought a link between the psychic camp and the shkir. It is important that the difference between fears, suppressed aggression (they said more) and sexual aspirations. Vidavlyuvannya prischіv to serve as an unseen exercise from satisfaction inaccessible to life (the existence of sexual life).

Often such children are afraid of the girls in the pre-period, as they cannot find a good candidate.

Psychoanalysts vvazhayut, scho dії svіdchat pro bazhannya vyslovit its zhіnoche beginning. In some cases, similar manipulations can be provoked by child injuries or by images of a dominant mother, by day-to-day bodily contact with a mother, by short-lived intercourse with a father or mother. .

Similar manipulations can be caused by the problems of intercourse. Possibly, you want to squabble, but through the fear of slander, the fear of being caught, you “embellish” your appearance, so that you can immediately see the pragnennya and the trade.

In people with shkiri problems, respect is attached to arrogance and not only like hygiene, but also like honesty. Remain to be brought to the fact that in the middle of this there are facts, building a way of life. Demonstrated supportive intelligence, hospitality, mutual understanding in the middle of the world, really everything else. Of particular importance is the installation, what people think.

Іsnuє sche one variant of viniknennya tsієї problems. Vіn pov'yazaniy z tim, scho problems іz zvnіshnіshnіm vyglyadі vlіchchya vіznіzanіy іz zayvoyu rubbish'yazlivіstyu pochuttyam blame for all and everything. In such moods, people call themselves for everything that comes up, and try to behave in such a way as to make a furnishing, stink or nibly use disguise.

It is practically impossible to determine the reason in absentia. You can find out the confirmation of the presence of autoaggression with the help of the Bass-Darky test. Vіn clumsy at zastosuvanni that maє report instruction from the obrokki otrimanih danikh.

If there are antidepressants, then hurry up and not varto. The root of evil is to sit in the middle of you and you need to get to the bottom of it. Dopomozhe you ochna konsultatsiya psychologist chi psychotherapist. It is practically impossible to tackle such a problem on your own. At the same time, I went to the beautician for help.

Try not to think about ghosts. It’s less to marvel at the mirror, just to wear a light make-up and laugh at yourself!

At that moment, if you have a problem, you can see it, try to get busy with it, not less accepting (watch a movie, read a book, call your friends ...) or see toothpaste from a tube))

Having spared too much free time, take your hands, be on the right.

Yuliya, there are a lot of different occasions and recommendations, you can get in touch with this problem (I repeat) You still need more help from a full-time consultation of a psychologist.

doctor. Copying of materials is allowed only if you have been assigned an active message on the first page.

How to name a person, how to love a bіl

"Medical myth".

One of the remaining posts of Pavel Yakovich Brand, a Neurologist-Doctor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Medical Director and Chief Physician of the Merzhy Medical Centers of the "Clinic of Simeyna", as such a format of cicavia and actual, has appeared in the world.

Saturn (Shani) to Jyotish

Decomposition of the pain body

With more vipadkіv suffering, that pain can be overcome. The reason for the pain is our own, even though our lives are cherished by the mind - the mind, for which we are not guarded. .

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At all times, people tried to find out about nutrition about sensory pain, suffering, ailments. I said: forgiven, infected, weak immunity, karma, punishment for sins, and so on. As if the ailment looked like evil, they set it up as a mark to fight with it. .

I'm healthy and

Be-yak ailment - tse present is that ability to inspire a jealous soul. Causes of ailment to shukati over the physical body, shards by themselves mean little. Life, as if in a new place, to come in the soul, in the spirit. Physically, the body is less likely to reflect, etc.

Guardian angels: what do we know about them?

How many people have style and ideas. Whom to believe with God, who can not, but practical skin to believe in the foundation of the Guardian Angels that I will help us by prolonging life. Навіть атеїсти і скептики, неминуче зіштовхуючись у своєму житті з випадками несподіваної допомоги у вигляді наполегливого нагадування, що не піддається ніякому логічному поясненню, фактично визнають існування Ангелів-охоронців, називаючи їх по-іншому: хтось називає Ангелів-охоронців інтуїцією якось - внутрішнім голосом.

Data 1. People often love to give, to help, to give, to give, to give. There are such people who have a big heart, a garne, a chuyne, a sensitive, sensitive. From the very heart, I want to ease the suffering of the entire world, or, accept, all people, as if they are striving for their own way. So weird people if it’s for the people to give what they need to ask for, then the woman (the person) will become three times happy.

7 types of pain, the cause of which is stress

Chronic stress is the worst enemy of a person: reach down, close, steal after your victim, so that once you strike a miserable blow at the weakest path.

Projection of psychosomatic problems on the human body

Pass through the crisis

We'll talk about those, how to transform bіl on the road. In the tradition of Tibet - in Dzogchen, as well as in Tantra and Sutra - there is a fundamental belief in those that are possible. The awakening of the Buddha began from the fact that you remembered the pain, the suffering from the samsaric origins. After some wine, having entered the path and access to the Exemption. So vin reworking bіl that suffering. I think it's worth all of us, as we know, as we know.

How to learn to prioritize

Everything starts from the WHY we consecrate our HOUR. For an effective time span, it is important for us to learn how to revise the first row from the other row. The Eisenhower Matrix is ​​a tool that helps to quickly orientate in the field of information and to identify important tasks and to influence terminology. Important can be called those right, in the form of which to lay down a successful, healthy, emotionally rich life. You can call it terms by terms, you can’t say it.

Alcohol is the reason for the bagatioh bіd!

1. Alcohol is the cause of rich ailments, meanness, indiscipline, stocks of talents, stupid conflicts and vigilance. 2. It is important to know more evil, lower alcohol, as if the health of millions of people would be so arrogantly and mercilessly embarrassed, all the tissues of the human body (especially the cerebral cortex), the mind and specialty of the human being, suggesting yoga vreshti-resht to early death. Podstupnіst tsієї turn away poligaє in the fact that important notes in spite of alcohol, they insist not immediately, step by step, unremarkably. 3. About drinking alcohol on.

SEE THE HEAVY - karmic and sacred

“Above us, various ailments, which are described by modern medicine, you can model a metaphysical pyramid. Tse give the opportunity to understand the reason for being ill. Mustaches can be divided into two great groups: karmic and sacred. The skin of them has a sprat of rivniv.

12 reasons to get sick

The presence of one factor leads to illness all the same. Tse is already unacceptable, but so.


The All-World has a rich variety of civilizations and forms of life. And yet all the stinks are smart, programmed, then, otherwise seeming, their life is painted according to police and dribnitsy. From one side, everything is right and right, there are no transcendentities, malices, but on the other side, they have no freedom of choice, no spiritual throws, no creativity. The stench lives like a machine, beyond the given template programs and there is no spiritual growth, development. What is so necessary for the All-World for yoga development!

Mustache in the head

The stars are taken by ailments. Tips from psychosomatics. Those who are rich about us and do not get involved. Unfortunate vipadki - viraz teasing that image In a person with summaries, thoughts are clearly unhappy. Whose plans have old individuals. The stench is a direct reflection of their way of thinking by stretching their mustache life. And how do you look when you get old?

Ailments look like unforgiveness

Like only a person with ailments, he should ask his heart for whom you need to beat. If you know a person, if it’s even more important to vibachiti, then you yourself need vibachiti.

About highly sensitive children and sensory integration

Your child is overly sensitive, impulsive, dull, stale, playful, can’t stand the consistency, smells, doesn’t like dot, can you have problems eating, be afraid of everything new? Іdemo pіd kat i vіdpovіdaєmo for power supply. Yakshcho vy povіli "vіrno" for 15 and more meals, your child, ymovіrno, highly sensitive. As if it were a sign of the vіrnі according to the age to your child, but they appear in the high world, you can also call your child high-minded (HF). It is fashionable to call HF children children with damaged sensory integration. Ale v.

BM seems to be not loving

Z BM foldable v_dnosiny. Neither wine, nor I ruled over the special life after separation. Meni daetsya, nudguemo іnodi one by one. It's been 4 years already. Vіn periods, then zovsіm usuvaєtsya vіd vyhovannya chіtini, then take away її tizhnya. I have an undercurrent of yoga. Sometimes I give up, but I can’t reconcile myself to roses: I succumbed to a new god, but I appeared as a whole strong, to inspire a weak man. We avenge, bezvidpovidalnym. However, sometimes I directly realize that I will require yoga. Point your head.

I hear silence

Constant noise is one of the strongest stresses of a modern person: in our skin we regularly experience sensory overwhelm - too much sound and auditory information. Tim an hour, all the loud sounds of me are unfamiliarly perceived as menacing. It seems to me that for a thousand years our ancestors lived in a quiet world. Whether it’s a deep or sharp sound (vischedecibel) meaning a storm: a thunderstorm, a hurricane, a roar of a stormy sea, a hut’s buzzing, what’s ahead of an attack, a cry of pain ... Taking this signal, the body mittevo vykidaє blood adrenalin, moving.

Tale about the Image.

The image is so small and even more cute than the animal. At a glance, the wine is not shkidlivy. If you behave properly with him, then you will not be fooled. The image, which does not seem to be magicized, is to settle with your donkey, miraculously live in the wild and don’t bite anyone. Ale, try all the charms of the image, build your own, they will end badly.

About the causes of blame for negative feelings

Let's talk about unacceptable emotions - anger, anger, aggression. Qi can almost be called ruinous, shards of stink ruin the very person (yogo psyche, health), and they are intertwined with other people. The stinks are the constant causes of conflicts, the hour of material ruins, and bring on the war. Imagine the "vessel" of our emotions in the form of a glitch. Let's forgive anger, anger and aggression in the upper part of the yoga. It is immediately shown how many emotions show up in the outward behavior of a person. Tse so, unfortunately, know the richness of the image, welding, punishment, dії.


The cream of intuitive exuberance Reiki (Reiki) wins and sings the sequence of hand positions. It’s handy for students of the first degree of Reiki (Reiki), as long as they don’t feel good, where to put your hands and skilki trim or at the top, if you need to conduct a hearty healing session and remind all the body of the energy of Reiki (Reiki).

About punishment. Beat chi don't beat?

Dear readers, today I want to talk to you about those who varto punish their children physically. I want to talk about that uneasy tale of childishness, where you might have been beaten by the fathers, and about those who were called on you. I want to sleep you. How did you endure the criticism of the fathers among the children? Do you want to experience such experiences for your children? I have a strong record of childhood. I remember how my father was physically, and for whom there were no serious leads. Vin.

Igri, degraving the internal conflict.

Tsіkava drank the painting-mirkuvannya on the theme "Igor". This is the book “Playing like people play” and there he distributed “Friendship games”. I’m getting ready to replace such a marvelous subject at school, better to learn qiu and similar theories, so then we’ll become a good luck to someone who takes a hat! I don’t have more than a shlyub, but be like a stosunki.

People chi skupchennya kіtin?

MDU PROFESSOR V. GOLICHENKOV ABOUT THE EMBRIO: LYUDINA ABO COLLECTION OF KLITIN? Clarifying the thought of science to the experts, the minorities took away the clear and unambiguous opinions. Head of the Department of Embryology MDU Professor Volodimir Golichenkov - Tell me, do science have the exact designation of the embryo? Tse still not a man? While not a human being?

How do we pull on other people's problems

Data 1. People often love to give, to help, to give, to give, to give. There are such people who have a big heart, a garne, a chuyne, a sensitive, sensitive. From the very heart, I want to ease the suffering of the entire world, or, accept, all people, as if they are striving for their own way. It’s possible for such weird people that if people give what they want to ask for, then they (the person) will become three times happy. And so people, not sleeping well at night, not adding time to their special needs, work hard to work for others.

Interests and newcomers Miroslava

Miroslava loves to stick stickers, it’s small for everyone, but even more to love farby and at the same time get smeared with my liners and paint brushes) for a kiss!) there were 5 apples, 4 of them with one leaf, and one with two, Miroslava pointed at the apple, debulo 2 leaves and then she said, shove that there is a leaf there) zdivuvala us) my intelligence) You can use it practically like with a mature person, a full dialogue. How many shkidli words of us.

Homeopathy and osteopathy

Two pseudo-sciences, which have greatly improved my life. I should if everything is simple, easy, accessible and understandable. If the doctor seems like "oh, there are a lot of problems here, and everything is so coherent," I even hesitate in yoga words. Because, really, everything is simple. Meals only - but chi є hour. Axis yakscho hour є - then osteopathic correction will give the result of correlation, trivality and stability. Homeopathic correction is just the same. Ale tse are not charіvnі pіgulki, yakі through 10 quills znіmut more of that symptom.

Famously rich, what stinks are not loved ....

Gippenreiter Yu.B. About the causes of emotions. "Glechik" of emotions

Unacceptable emotions - anger, anger, aggression. Qi can almost be called ruinous, shards of stink ruin the very person (yogo psyche, health), and they are intertwined with other people. The stinks are the constant causes of conflicts, the hour of material ruins, and bring on the war. Imagine the "vessel" of our emotions in the form of a glitch. Let's forgive anger, anger and aggression in the upper part of the yoga. It is immediately shown how many emotions show up in the outward behavior of a person. Tse so, unfortunately, know the richness of the image, welding, punishment, do "evil" too thinly.


Why is it so easy to save your money today? Why are we so often separated, wanting to be urged to love? Why raptom people have become not zdatnymi to trivalih stosunkіv? Haven't we forgotten how to love? Chi, what else is hotter, startled, what is such a mess?

Chekhov quotes

On the right, not in pessimism and not in optimism, but in the fact that ninety-nine hundred and ninety have no reason. How can a person not smoke and not p'є, involuntarily conceived, why not a bastard out?

35 brilliant and short quotes from Chekhov

Batkiv violence

HOW CAN YOU TALK ABOUT YOUR DAD IN THIS SPEECH? If you don’t know what it means to be afraid to go home on Thursday, if you weren’t beaten and humiliated in front of your classmates, if you had a family in you, what to love, and right childishness - like God and go ahead. The city of the hungry is not wise. WHY DO THE BATKI NOT REMEMBER ANYTHING? The stinks remember everything. Ale їm not ashamed. The stench does not want to talk about it, to those who, as before, respect that the one whom the stench gave birth to is not.

from The Collector by John Fowles

1. Razgoloshuvat about those who are going to rob, - all the same, they boast of pictures, which they have not yet written. Tse is not just a filthy tone, it is an absolute waste of reproach. 2. Usogo three words. I love you. The stench lulled so hopelessly. Started by saying: "I'm ill with cancer." 3. Live seriously. Do not go to stupid films, you want to see what you really want; don't read cheap stuff in newspapers and magazines; don't listen to the nіsenіtnitsі, scho to sound on the radio or on TV, don't spend your life on rozmovi nі.


Moscow. 14 sickles. Sliders of the TFR for the establishment of circumstances of non-obvious evils widely promote the psychological technique of “turning on the super-memory” of a person, which allows you to remember the details in yoga for a long time, having called the official representative of the TFR Volodymyr Markin. “Svіdomostі be-yakoy people є so ranks mode“ super-memory ”. We have fakhіvtsі z aktivії mem'yati, yakі if you try to work with people - give the opportunity to guess such words, such speeches, about yakі won't know that they won't remember, "Markin said on Friday on the air of the TV channel .

Myth about pain during massage

Bіl - tse necessary mechanism for adapting people to too much middle ground. Yakby mi did not know bіl, it is unlikely that doctors would lie to us for an hour if we were attacked by appendicitis or myocardial infarction. Bіl - tse signal to dії, tse warning about malfunctions in the body and about nebezpeku. M'yazi react to sharp rushes, get ready for the attack, and you take away the massage, where to go and now? M'yazi is our main blood depot. Under the influx of pain impulses, the m'yaz rushes that.

So how did they get stuck with a painful topic about colic, having studied the Internet, the axis knew what. The newly born child did not shy away from the doctor: “Doctor, my life hurts!”. Therefore, the diagnosis of "colic" does not mean pain in the abdomen, but the characteristic behavior of the child - trivaly uninterrupted crying at the singing hour of the day, most often in the evening. Malya is almost impossible to calm down. With this child, you can pull your legs up to your stomach and swipe them, you won’t hurt alive. You can get away, what the child wants to smoktati. However, wines are observed in the form of breasts, having grown.

Kokhannya in the Age of Aquarius

Kokhannya - tse energy, kohannya - tse force, tse joy, inspiration, watering. Tse zherelo life. So, as soon as the polarity is established, two poles - the spirit and matter, the man and the woman - are blamed for the mutual energy between them. This energy can be directed to the plus and the same energy of life. Ale can be straightened at the minus. I also call it hate. And in that, and in another turn, there will be just energy, directness is set.

About Bill (rss)

Kohanny index: 1.25 (76/61)

Vaughn is scary, guarding us and attaching the instincts of self-preservation. There was no yakby, we would calmly sit by the burning booth and marvel at the fire, which we danced, or we would calmly walk barefoot on the broken church. Moral is more important, without it a person would not be a person, if you know your conscience, you can bring it to pain, like roses, tightness, turmoil, thinly. Been with the singing sensi є as a guide for this world, surround us and put at the singing between. Tobto. having seen the light, having seen it on ourselves, we try to save in it all the restful ones, then, at the last stop, our loved ones. In case of serious injuries, the bіl can appear ryativnim, causing the loss of evidence. To lay everything in the form of an organism, that same bіl, you can beat one person, and vryatuvate another. Tse already okremі vpadki.

like only people stop being sensitive BIL (like moral, so physical) stench stupid. Without Pain, our life is not enough b sensu

Hello and respect to us masochists! I am happy with you and have been worthy of your admonition. Ale vie forgot one more pontoon kind of pain - if it was physical rights abo important robots are so cool to niyut m'yazi. Tse me prikolyuє!

I can’t call myself a masochist, but I still love it for an hour, if I see a light stagnant pain in my mouth, for example, if I’m sitting in the lotus position, my feet don’t hurt amazingly, then the holy white and me should be sensitive. But if you feel hunger and cold - you know, even in your own family - bіl, and it’s not surprising, it’s appropriate for me sometimes, if there are stacks of slacks, but the body is covered with a goose skin in the cold. And I also adore the bіl u m'yazakh. Mlynets, singly, I'm still a masochist.

I used to rob a person with a strong, zhorstkishoy. Only having known the white, you can see the malt.

Yakby didn't hurt, would it hurt? People would be weak, they could not do anything. Helping people to become grown up and strong, no matter how, mentally and physically. She lifts the man to his feet. Vzagali life - and є he was bіl, the strongest bіl. Ale, I її endure.

Mustaches of masochism! And bіl "tim i korisny, scho zmushuє collapse far away" (c). Save the good and wise pain for those who want to live!))

Sometimes it’s necessary to bring it up to you, even like this: “Pinch me, pinch!”, In a shock state, people need to simply vrіzati z usієї forces in disguise, help, and with a protrusion of the heart - a defibrillator. Only healthy people, none of the descriptions of "pain" are acceptable.

Prolong life, which is stronger than mi vіdchuvaє physical bіl, then forget it more folded. Sometimes, in such a low-reception moment, it is possible to prepare everything, abi neutralize it (mostly protracted dental pain). Ring out if I feel physical torment, then I try to think about something else, but it’s more like that, like it’s important to overcome it; with low opirnosti the body suffers from tediousness, confusion, zreshtoy, untiringness. If, when you come to you, you will think, like a terrible dream, and in me I often rush to such "terrible dreams." I've read here that the maximum pain threshold is trapped under the hour of a nirk stone removal without anesthesia - cicavo, obviously, try it a little, but my fear is greater for such a specific calmness.

There are many who write about loving the physical life, and not the spiritual one. Until the singing moment of mine

I also loved the physical pain of my life, but before my spiritual life I was put on fights. I was worried for a long time through the kohannya (for example) and more headily, I didn’t know what it was to work. And now the soulful bіl bring me satisfaction and it’s scary in a right way. Come out, I no longer suffer like all other people suffer. it’s just that if my heart is rotten in my soul, or I start thinking about one person, how I love you, and it’s permissible not to love me, then the heart calls out to the heart. I don’t know how to explain it, but now I feel better going through it, to the one I feel relieved, it’s just like physical pain. tse yak veselka p_slya doschu. Whoever loves bіl, that zrozumіє me. It hurts a little, then we'll do better)

I don't like it, don't think :)

There is such a symptom of "auto-aggression", tobto. іnоdі physical bіl podobаєsya, treba just for the sake of being in a good mood)) something like this.

Ni. I can’t say that “I love white”, just like “I hate white”, because I love and hate at the same time. At the attack of the most severe pain, I curse you and ask you not to be cruel. Ale... to be vigilant means to live, and to live means to be vigilant. Don't live life without pain. If it’s good for you, start early, you will become nasty, to turn you from heaven to native land.. -__- Wait a minute, tse law.

"Bil tim and korisna, scho zmushu ruhatis far away." , turn from heaven to earth and rob a man with strength.

I need a physical bill. I cut my hands, I put out cigarettes on the body, sometimes I splash myself with wires. Feel free to calm down, then we will change for a long time at my trance, peace. I'm doing two rocky sims. For this hour, zovsіm ceased to be afraid of pain in the eyes of anyone who looked. People only react marvelously when they follow the sounds.) And they sang, singsongly, more than anything I can’t take away such satisfaction.

I love blood, I love the sight of blood. If I'm hurting my own physical pain: 1. If I want to get emotionally excited. 2. If it is necessary to score spiritual pain. 3. Another lesser way to stifle anger. People with fights are put up to people, as if they themselves are in pain. Tse is not correct. Such people are most emotionally skuti, they cannot trust anyone with their experience. It’s better for me to take care of myself better, to walk around the streets and joke to someone to fill a peak. We do not know anyone shkodi, our expression of spiritual experiences, volitional manifestations, as if not fenced by law. We don't need to be fooled and we don't need to be treated like lepers. We are like that and everything else, we just don’t go to a girlfriend, or to a friend wriggle our souls, we don’t try to fill someone’s face with grief and don’t get drunk - it’s easier for us to slash ourselves with a forest, having washed yoga in front.

I love white, but only that one, which I myself manage, and which is controlled by me alone. If you feel sorry for yourself, you have lost your life in you, wanting to talk about everything else. If you spend farby in your life, let your own blood, take on a red color for sure to sew too much!

Chim mіtsnіshiy bіl - tіm harder pіdvali (с) Ні, I'm not a masochist, I won't beat-rіzati-smack myself, but wait for it, be it bіl, something physical or moral, rob people with strength and vitrivalіshoyu. I її do not like, but I respect quiet people who її are not afraid of.

Bіl - tse signal, scho in our body is not in order. The price for a kshtalt signalization on a car. Yakby її didn’t bulo - they stole the car, analogy - the yakby didn’t hurt the man, he wouldn’t turn to the doctor and possibly die

I hate bіl over such її manifestations over mental over physical ones! I have the same thing, how can I start to get interested in the latest programs, or it’s a bit of paranoia! I just can't bear it! So, maybe I'm boyaguz, but what about robiti!

I hate bіl in my soul, my own, someone else's - it's all the same. Vaughn poglinaє everything is fine, misbehaving, driving in the right way. New? But don't go anywhere. Need to survive. Become strong. So - it’s necessary, to become strong, or to fall so that you can’t get up.

I do not navidzhu bіl for appointments. I especially hate dental whitening. I also head. I don’t know how to be a masochist in order to love, let’s say, toothy.

Axis has recently pinched his fingers, contrived between the doors and the jamb. So I skip quietly, so as not to wake up the household. Vtіm, all is well, what is good is done - the tree of mіtsnistyu was not counted: the wind of synths was not lost. For everyone can be, you know. I so. Tobto so the axis: nasty cya on the right. There you knock on the kut, here it hurts for a month - everything is unacceptable. Dratuє. And we’re being drastically bad. true so. Korisno be foolish, healthy that radio. Alemeni for the remaining two points is still far away. Implant in the head b important - shob usu qiu fold the system turn on that calmly guard for the poshkodzhennymi be-yakah memorable parts of your body. And also buvaє tn bіl sincere. Ale, I won’t go into the price, because all the profanation is the same zbudovane.

The evening with the curly-shouldered monster was building at the vіknі. She trembled and gasped. Yours looks like a moon, like an ugly blіda girl! Even worse is that pain. Mittevo was sweating. In the evening breath. Bill. Sharply and penetratingly, but not out of step. Nemov to the end, then with a syringe, it hurts more. Injection! At the soul, at the very middle. Zoyknula, zignulas navpіl. And there and then the wind, blows, nibi divine prednіchny laughter. Bump up, get up, look in the guise of this moon - so bleak and invisible on my aphids. Who is out? Who are you? I as the right you can hurt me, even if you - nothing is wrong with me! I got up and ruined at the pіdvіkonnya. I pulled out my hair, I want to make a smile. Lyusterko! Perelyakane, ale royal garne of disguise. I'm kicking! And you? Razchinyayuchis mіzh gloomy month. Dump! That's what you need! She turned on її song, like water flowing through the veins, to the heart. Bil vіdstupaє.

I called to the head office for a long time. Until the soul hours. I’ll repent of the pain of the vtrata, don’t turn the one who went. I see it painfully, because life on the border is better. bіl urazhen vіdvіduє less seldom. Ale today - marvelous, nezvichna, sticky, intrusive - irritated me indifference, turned me into a little girl again, gave me a light ... And again I want to beat the wall - just to get out. Intoma everyday life, unfarmed squares of the heart .. distant overseas soulmate .. breath-seeing. Encouragement. Heartbeat. And in a second I am alive again.

I can wait, that the suffering is ennobled, and bіl, like physical, so sincere, just necessary. But at the same time, you just want to see it all right now, it’s just that it’s become such a thing. That's why I write in the column "I hate", wanting to understand that I was korisny. Hocha. everything can be your own.

Bіl buvaє gostroy if Tochish finger with a knife blade Bіl buvaє quiet if- Knock on the krishtsi of the hammer hammer Bіl buvaє biased if Bite lips pofarbuvav in blue tone Bil buvaє affectionate І I-in the arms of yours-like and earlier illness I pray - lie to me. Faces of mental pain - is it physical? There is no one to lie to us. Hey, who else hurts more there? You think we can't help anyone. call mother. I think so. My mom definitely doesn't lie to me.

Tі, hto kazhat, scho love bіl-аbo masochіsty abo nі kronu do not know what it is. according to the right. not if you prick your finger.

I hate pain, I'm afraid of pain, I don't want yoga! I am talking about the physical. Oh, call me weak, shy, whatever you want! But I'm afraid of pain! I think that if it’s possible for someone to fall into a thought, sway me with a method to see the sovereign mystery (not well, rapt?!), I’ll definitely tell you everything I know! More beautiful than death, lower trivaly unbearable bіl ((

Won you zavazhaє, vіdvolіkaє, do not give peace! What can be better? Wow! Especially the pain in the stomach at the hour of the month and the toothache at the hour of the braces.

yesterday I made the greatest pardon in my life. I thought of the one whom I love more than the sight of that sky, more than the sea, that sun, more than myself that life. With one neat blow, I drove myself into that yoga. it’s okay to change. rose "forever" .. all night and all day I cried, and, I'm giving up, my tears never dry up .. I will repeat "vibach" constantly. I hate bіl, to that which I have, to that I do yoga to everyone who is less like me, including myself. ale nayzhahlivishe - I gave it to the one for whose sake I marveled at a new day, for whose sake I believed and for whom I sighed. I’m getting better, the soulfulness of the floor is strong, which I won’t see soon. want to roar now. I am guilty

I hate the bіl that tse brydko. Twisting. To that tsey was early chi pizno vb'є me. The one who is not "cool", but does not allow to go wild, collapse, go and lie down. If you don’t help to save faces, self-control, willpower, bring to the kshtalt “required trimming”. Such a bіl, which is impossible to love. Mіy bіl іz such. Vaughn gave me a lot, but she gave me the excess of health, and it’s not difficult to help the death of the liver. I hate.

Cover and hot. You vіrish kohanіy lyudinі, and vіn - suєt you lower at the back. If in me it’s filthy to trapleyaetsya in the plan of mental pain, then in the breasts there are trochic ailments, it’s squeezing. Yes, the spiritual pain is observed in the heart plan, and in the physical one.

її you can hate, but not be afraid її - it's honorable

Beat me, hurting my soul. Today, I patted a lad, who is like me 2 rocks, as a girl. The stinks went by the handle. When I got back, everything hurt in the middle of me. "Win't talking? You can't buti! But what about me?" - I was tormented by thoughts.

On the 6th of the worm, at the evil week, my beloved intestine Musya perished. The dogs tore. The fathers said about me. I experienced the death of the only love for all my life and I boast painfully: I suffer constant depression, I often cry, I guess, as it was once a good time, I can’t work my lessons for the third day. We buried the intestines, like our dilyanka, on the day of our death.

so, you want to breathe in physical pain. Ale, it’s too early to fight or cause to death, and the spiritual pain comes calling, and you are guilty of її to survive, as if to cut your own leg, act as if you were trying to take care of yourself. it is called "become stronger". so I was already tired of becoming strong. sincere bіl - like bіl vіd nevilykuvannogo tooth. get drunk, fill yourself with alcohol, dry the music, or sleep well, go to the club, start a vihovantsa, or clapping, etc., but you will come. and you know - you will come again

Spiritual bіl ruynuє, zmushuє blunt in the mist. You nibi stand on break the edge, i stribati is scary, and don’t go any more. I know when you get through. Only when.

I don’t want to say that there are only masochists in the left column, but how can you love yourself? You can be vdyachnym for those who smash their eyes on our pardons, give proof that building to put yourself in someone else's place. We can be glad to see that B. will help catharsis in the form of reconciliation, or even more relief from B. Ale. kohati?

Masochist. Masochism (in the name of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch) - in a broad sense - schilnist to violence, otrimannya nasolodi in the humiliation of that torment from the side of other people. The term was used by psychiatrist and neurologist Richard von Kraft-Ebing in 1886 monographs "Psychopathia sexualis" and in connection with nature and creativity of the writer Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, who had a deviance in absentia, . Sexual masochism is a form of sexual behavior, in case of a special arousal and anxiety and suffering, like a partner. Psychological masochism (moral masochism, psi-masochism) is a common form of masochism, in which case the victim knows not physical, but psychological, moral suffering (for looking at humiliation, image, threats, thinly).

What is the name of that person, how to love sensible emotional pain?

What is the name of that person, how to love sensible emotional pain? Naviti think yourself for whom you can work specially. Ale not only to be wise, but to the other people (sooner close ones, those who will really be sicker), then we will hurt you, take it in, ask for forgiveness, make everything better and so on the stake. I another option should be more. Through the day without such a thing, it becomes rather tedious and brought up again.

How to name it?

Lyudina, yaka love vodchuvati emotsiyny bіl, is called briefly and clearly - a masochist. However, as a rule, masochism can be found in the structure of special features as well as a sadistic character. The camp can change and such a person can easily transform into a kata after a sacrifice. The type of vidnosin, descriptions on your sheet, suggestive of emotional abuse (violence). Nine bezlich books and articles have been written about this problem.

If you need food for your loved one, then the only thing you can do is to encourage you to see a psychotherapist. Such a behavior is not subject to correction in the minds of “butovic kitchen psychotherapy”, it is necessary to work deeply with the fahivtsy. Emotionally included in the problems of another person with such behavior, I threaten emotional stagnation and a “complex of a stalker” (if you want to solve the problem for a close person). I’ll appoint, as a person, as if I’m staying with loved ones with an emotional abuser, I’ll also need the help of a psychotherapist.

Another option: You feed yourself. And here the recommendation will be similar - long work with a psychotherapist. This is the behavior of the Americans: the increase in tension (the trailer to rush uphill), the adrenaline rush (maximum height, peak), kayattya, sting (the trailer to rush down). Let's repeat everything. Tse nagaduє staleness in the form of strong ones and yaskravih emotsіy, yakі give conflict. On the abyss of these emotions, a strong closeness is created over something fresh and calm. Having sung the script, the pattern of behavior, which is easy to change. Now, if you know “how you are called”, you (one as a specialist) can think about how you got into this situation and what you need to work, to change it.

Lyudina, how to love zavdavat bіl іnhim

The little boy pidishov to mami and asked: - Why are you crying? Mom hugged Yogo and said: - You don’t understand why. Then the boy slept with the father: - Why does mom cry for no reason? - Mustache women sometimes cry for no reason, - everything that the father could remember. We sweat the lad viris, becoming a man, but never ceasing to marvel: - Why are the women crying? Nareshti vin asking God. I God of Vidpoviv: Having thought of a woman, I wanted to get out of it thoroughly. I gave his shoulders.

Only the one to whom they turned voluntarily for symbol, for example, a doctor, could be the only one to take care of. And if they didn’t specially fight for the pain, then whether it’s like a pain, it’s violence, it’s not images, it’s sin. The skin ailment has words. And if you know that your #words are figurative and zastosovuєte their other people, if they didn’t ask you about it, then the cruelty of the mind is real, move that body, and there will be problems for the price of the cruelty. As it seems - “schob.

Olga Valyaeva wrote about this film: No words, it’s not acceptable to think about it. I is unacceptable. Yaki nemovby under the fence. Sob did not disturb the mind and did not give pain. Ale, nothing changes. And nowhere do problems arise from such a lockdown. This film is more painful. More than documentary. More wine about children. About the real life of children orphans in Russia. I Tim, whose heart is still alive, does not give a majestic pain. Ale yogo varto marvel. To see yourself alive, spying. I.

I’m hurting someone and I’m hurting you, and at the same time I’m happy with others, I can’t understand that I can’t live with a person, or rather I don’t want to live. I’m better than others, I love him more. before me, no one is put like this, I bathe in the tenderness of tenderness and love. We have not cooked everything well with us for this river. I can't see anything.

Meditation for the relief of anger - tse help for nourishment, to work with anger: try in yourself or splash on others. Anger needs to be exasperated, spat. Tse enemy, who is killing us.

Bil is the necessary mechanism for the adaptation of a person to a necessary medium. Yakby mi did not know bіl, it is unlikely that doctors would lie to us for an hour if we were attacked by appendicitis or myocardial infarction. Bіl - tse signal to dії, tse warning about malfunctions in the body and about nebezpeku. M'yazi react to sharp rushes, get ready for the attack, and you take away the massage, where to go and now? M'yazi is our main blood depot. Under the influx of pain impulses, the m'yaz rushes that.

good morning! I spend so much time on the seat in social circles, especially on the side of the bm, and tієї, for some reason, I am grateful for that. I cause myself. Today's lie, I threw myself and blew it. go! need to live far. there is no way to return, for the sake of it I won’t work (I want to write a lesson that I should love us son) and I won’t forget. that and krіm tsgogo nalamav vіn rich firewood. She closed her sides and turned away for a month without going on the Internet. I want to forget about everything. me at qiy.

For the cob, getting angry is okay. And for children, who have not yet learned how to handle their emotions, to control them and recognize them, this is completely the norm. The only problem for the fathers is to show your children the butt yourself, as it is necessary for others to signify their aggression in an environmentally friendly way and ask for an hour in order to “see”. Please, like I want to give, fit and for grown-ups, like remembering their sleeps without controlled aggression. Take yoga from a child, be it like a little and learn yoga to take it.

With more vipadkіv suffering, that pain can be overcome. The reason for the pain is our own, even though our lives are cherished by the mind - the mind, for which we are not guarded. .

If you virish to go, then go to the end of speeches, about yakі varto remembrance, if everything goes wrong. Bіl є part of the growth. Sometimes life closes the door, for an hour it collapses. It’s good, because we often don’t fix things, so make sure not to piss us off. If to advance heavy hours, guess yourself, scho bіl does not arrive without meti. Collapse in front of the one that hurts you, but by no means forget the lesson, what kind of guilt is given to you. Those who are.

8 speeches, about yaki varto memory, if everything goes wrong 1. Bil є part of the growth. Sometimes life closes the door, for an hour it collapses. It’s good, because we often don’t fix things, so make sure not to piss us off. If the hardship comes, tell yourself that no one will come without a mark. Collapse in front of the one that hurts you, but by no means forget the lesson, what kind of guilt is given to you. Those that you are struggling do not mean that you know failure. Leather.

Previously, I thought that a person could be like that: even a villain, even a boor, even an Oshukan. Since then, this is how life developed in Sim'ї, so the fathers swayed the spirits of the need to go through such lessons themselves. I’m going to certify right away, but I want to make myself a mother of people of a different order, of a different order. Tse people, kotrim honor, word, goodness, conscience may be significant. Without a doubt, through the same busyness, women rarely ponder over these categories. More precisely, it is customary to respect that, to the point of femininity, the stink cannot be considered.

1. Bіl є part of the growth. Sometimes life closes the door, for an hour it collapses. It’s good, because we often don’t fix things, so make sure not to piss us off. If the hardship comes, tell yourself that no one will come without a mark. Collapse in the face of what is given to you, but by no means forget the lesson, which is taught to you. Those that you are struggling do not mean that you know failure. Kozhen was a great success, so that there was a good fight. Garnet takes an hour. Stay patient.

And people, like everything is nothing - a stranger's bіda їх anіtrohi not chіpaє, the stench literally go "over their heads", reaching their goals. And so, you know, that they took a shkir from them - whether it be a dotik, to instill kindness - to hurt them and cause them pain. The stench hovayutsya in the sight of people, in truth, their flow is callous and dull. And more often lead to the situation - if it's fun - they will laugh, if it didn't work out - they will start to get embarrassed. And the smut - we trust one to one that.

Little lad having fed his mother: Why are you crying? - "Because I'm a woman." - "I will not understand!" Mom hugged Yogo and said: “What you don’t understand in any way.” Then the boy slept with his father: “Why does mom cry for no reason?” "All women sometimes cry for no reason," all that the father could remember. Let's sweat the lad viris, becoming a man, but never ceasing to marvel: Why are the women crying? Nareshti vin asking God. І God vіdpovіv: “Thinking about a woman, I wanted to get out of it thoroughly. I.

A little lad having fed his mother: - Why are you crying? - Because I'm a woman. - I don't understand! Mom hugged Yogo and said: - Why don't you understand in any way. Mustache women sometimes cry for no reason, - mustache, scho zmіg vіdpovіsti dad. Let's sweat the lad viris, becoming a man, but never ceasing to marvel: why are the women crying? Nareshti, having quenched God. І God vіdpovіv: - Thinking about the woman, I wanted to get out of it thoroughly. I gave my shoulders so strong.

People are best recognized in three situations: on their own - the shards here know everything for themselves; in the case of partiality - more than once you forget all your rules; at new furnishing - to the fact that here the wines fill their zvichki. Francis Bacon

A couple of words about my cloudless life ❤ I respect and feel like a happy person. I have a family, wanting all the stoks in the middle of it - it’s even a foldable process, for which everything grows, barks, hurts one more sore, and then forgive again and go to new rіven accept and trust 🙂 Just like everyone else, only I learned how to put myself up to that philosophical. I make pardons, sometimes even rude and serious strong bill that leather.

The task seemed not easy. Without a doubt, I am so infatuatedly “playing football” in my mind the image of an ideal mother, so I need to make it important for me to make it look good :)) I’m so perfectly combed, furbished and dressed without a dog, that I should always be in an equal and good-natured mood, in the knowledge of the what can you do to calm the child down, whether it be some hour of the day or night, that will take away more satisfaction in the face of 24 years of work with her. This woman can’t wait for a hundred years, and I can’t say “before.

8 speeches, about yaki varto memory, if everything goes wrong

A little lad having drunk his mother: - Why are you crying? - Because I'm a woman. - I don't understand! Mom hugged Yogo and said: - You don’t understand why. Then the boy slept with the father: - Why does mom cry for no reason? - Mustache women sometimes cry for no reason, - everything that the father could remember. We sweat the lad viris, becoming a man, but never ceasing to marvel: - Why are the women crying? Nareshti vin asking God. I God of Vidpov: Having thought of a woman, I want.

1. Bіl є part of the growth. Sometimes life closes the door, for an hour it collapses. It’s good, because we often don’t fix things, so make sure not to piss us off. If the hardship comes, tell yourself that no one will come without a mark. Collapse in front of the one that hurts you, but by no means forget the lesson, what kind of guilt is given to you. Those that you are struggling do not mean that you know failure. Kozhen was a great success, so that there was a good struggle. Garnet takes an hour. Stay away.

If it’s time to “end the world”, it’s important to know the strength of will, faith and hope. I know there are so many of us! I read the whole "curiousness" and calmed down a little. I really want to calm down and go to the appointed destination. I am sure you will become a rich man in good fortune and you will know those words that will give you a chance to calm down! I "saw" the truth for myself! 1. Bіl є part of the growth. Sometimes life closes the door, for an hour it collapses. It’s good, to that which we often don’t fix ruh, so don’t bother us.

23rd day of pregnancy - flooring miraculous other trimester continues. Rich mothers say: never before has my hair been so thick, and my skin has never shone like that. And here the hormones need to speak "like" here, like, like bachite, not only in toxicosis. Respectfully put yourself before what you are. Zha, what are you provoking, shut up that stove, for you at once under the fence. It is possible and new to see the heaviness at the feet. Don't overdo it and wear it handy. Your little one for the roses of Nemov EGGPLANT 20 cm.size 450 g.weight

BABY, WHAT IS THE OCEAN FLOWING AT THE CHRISTIAN. Lara Williamson Ripol-Klasik, 2016. 320 pages, Offset.

O Creator of the All-Sveta, today we pray to You to help us accept ourselves as we are, without judgement. Help us to accept our mind, which is wine, with our feelings, hopes and dreams, with our character and in a unique way. Help us to accept our own body, even if it was like it was bulo, everything has beauty and perfection. Let our love to ourselves be so strong that we can’t see ourselves any more, we can’t afford to be happy, free that love.

"Zupinis mit, you are miraculous!" Photographer? Who is the photographer? One will say, the photographer is a human being, as I create photographs for the help of a camera, and the other, what a charmer, what a new hour, what can save a toothless smile of a child for a long time, a shadow of selfishness on the guise of a summer pan, a check on a bus, self-suffocating tears, which quickly rushed along the cheek of a man, who first took his daughter in his arms. Enchanter, which is the sound of HOUR. Skin can buy a camera, skin can learn how to click the shutter and master graphic editors. Prote. Chi leather.

Our thoughts: Thoughts signify health Our body is internally tied to our mind, or rather the body is to the fermentation of our mind; tse rough form is visible to the light invisible to the mind. If your teeth hurt, wow, otherwise he lives, your mind will immediately look up to the whole world. Vin ceases to think correctly, vin hvilyuetsya, wrecks and becomes overwhelmed. Even though your mind is in depression, the body also cannot be treated with proper rank. Ailments, yakі zavadut shkodi our body, are called secondary; Todi yak bajannya, yakі zavadat shkodi our rozum, they are called.

The scribe Nadira Anzhel posted a post to her blog, under the skin word of which one can pay in advance. Dumka, for the sake of yak, I want to mіtsno and broadly embrace the author. Bil, known to thousands and millions of women. This is the most non-tactful and the most powerful food, as it is so often to put it out of the way. Possibly, your friend, sister, sister. Until 30 years old, she still has no children. Navkolishni pіd'jujuyut, doshkulyayut with obtrusive teasing: "Wow, you'll be pizno!", "Watch something clatter?" Vaughn laughs indifferently. Possibly, unrepentantly digs into the valleys with nails.

Previously, I thought that a person could be like that: even a villain, even a boor, even an Oshukan. Since then, this is how life has evolved in this world, how the fathers wobbled, so that the spirit needed to go through such lessons itself. I’m going to certify right away, but I want to make myself a mother of people of a different order, of a different order. Tse people, kotrim honor, word, goodness, conscience may be significant. Without a doubt, through the same busyness, women rarely ponder over these categories. More precisely, it is customary to respect that, to the point of femininity, the stink cannot be considered.


How are people called, how do they take satisfaction from depression, pain, that which others consider vile and motor-like? Lyudina, as if visibly satisfied, visibly beaten, is called a masochist. Crime of phantom pain, registration of phantoms - not related to the pain of a person's spent tincture. Even a sadist is the one who loves more than others. The word Masochist vikoristovuyut then, if you want to name a person, as if in pain I take satisfaction.

It is important to believe that the physical world can be accepted, although from the point of view of physiology there is nothing marvelous in it. These hormones and satisfaction are natural analgesics, which seem to relieve a little pain and help the body get accustomed to anxiety. For me, the experience of pain appeared as a kind of initiation, - said 42-year-old Eduard.

how to call people how to love white

For me, I’ve been better for meditation, - Yana knows, - I’m working in it without too much, at this hour it’s just impossible to think about anything else. It is also necessary to experience a moral bill as a rich man, otrimuyuchi in the face of the litter, humiliation, orderliness, in the face of powerless lack of defense and strife. But in the mentality of the deaky people, the figure is stronger.”

This is how you name your practices, which include more and more sub-orders, your participants. Bіl and humiliation, like wines taken away in masochistic waters, become such viperedzhalnym punishments, a kind of indulgence, otrimavshi like a masochist allow yourself to know nasolodi. Masochistic practices allow you to see some parts of the specialness rise from the whole, and the person feels strongly relieved, as if it is possible to equalize the suffocation.

The freedom of the “lower” right is surrounded, the wines are experiencing more and more that humiliation - but in quiet boundaries, having waited for itself. Also, the contract allows you to fight against the drive of shkodi, as you can but zapodіyana our body. Aje sang to serve as a signal of insecurity, a sign of trouble, which you could see or be able to.

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Prote schilnіst nasolodzhuvatisya pain, so clearly pronounced in masochists, not є їх vinyatkovym privileges. The book “50 views of pain. The nature of women's obedience".

Bіl - physical chi emotional suffering, bolіsne chi unacceptable sight, flour. There are two main types of pain: nociceptive and neuropathic. Trivalium was accompanied by changes in physiological parameters (blood pressure, pulse, widening of the jaw, changes in the concentration of hormones).

Tobto bіl, sing, schos more, nizh purer, sho with the clearest possible organic ushkodzhennyam, oskolki sing along with emotional experiences.

Їm befitting to be sensible

Under the nociceptive mind, it includes the physiological warehouse pain, which does not include the subjective-emotional warehouse. Conduction of pain signals in the nociceptive system is not equivalent to pain, which is felt. At that very hour, the subjective experience of pain can be without external stimuli and, obviously, nociception. Gostriy bіl vynachaetsya like a short one in an hour I will show bіl s reason, which is easy to identify.

Often there is a folding place for likuvannya, lower hospitality. Particular respect is needed in case of animal pain until it becomes a chronic pain. In vinyatkovyh depressions, neurosurgeons can perform a complex operation to remove a few parts of the patient's brain, in order to deal with chronic pain.

Why should such people be beaten?

Shkirnі nociceptors end troch lower than the shkіri and veins of high concentration of nerve endings give high current, localized in pain of little trivality.

Internal bіl vikaє vіd vіd vіdnіshіkh organіv. Internal nociceptors are spread in organs and in internal empties. The information that is attributed can be explained by evidence that pain receptors in the internal organs also excite spinal neurons, which are excitable in case of spinal disorders.

Insights related to TMPRSS2 may lead to the development of new approaches to combat pain in cancer patients. Psychogenic pain is diagnosed in the presence of organic disease, or in that case, if it remains impossible to explain the nature and severity of the pain syndrome.

Pathological pain - change in the response of pain impulses in the aftermath of damage in Kirk's and sub-Kirk's nerves of the central nervous system. Emotional pain is a specific mental experience, not related to organic or functional disorders. Most often trivala was tied from another close person. Mental health is manifested by the activation of the limbic system - neurons in the anterior part of the cingulum (pars anterior Gyrus cinguli).

What is the name of a person, who should be beaten by others and made a boss?

For singing minds, having played its informational role, I myself became a part of the pathological process, often more unsafe, less poignant. According to one hypothesis, there are no specific physical sensations, and no special receptors, so they take only pain teasing.

As long as the person is still alive

Really, people with a different threshold of pain sensitivity are talking. I may lie in the form of emotional and subjective features of the human psyche. The prevalence of pain in the rest of the years has expanded in various fields from pharmacology to psychology and neuropsychiatry.

In the rest of the decade, there is a tendency to keep ahead of those who are elated and those who are ill, as if they are doing ill-healthy, for the help of proper eating. The results of the new investigation confirm that, most importantly, it is true, especially for quiet people, who suffer on the borders of special discord. It’s important to believe it, but it’s so. Itself bіlїх so itself zbudzhuє like a great person, just caresses and lower dots.

A masochist can be a lover of mental anguish, or a lover of physical pain (otherwise, they are often afraid of sexual deviance). In most cases, in one person, insults become similar, and one (pregnancy to physical pain) is the last (addiction to mental anguish).

But the experiences of the masochist are not separated by physical pain. The sadist hurts the sadomasochist and is offended by satisfaction. Lyudina, as if she were aware, there is a large number of endorphins at the blood, - sexologist Irina Panyukova reveals.

Bizhannya zapodіyati bіl, bazhannya beat anyone, are produced by people with a singing type of speciality

The most frequent scars in the manifestation of impulses zavdavati corporal ushkodzhen abo bil.

Phone We may be able to call you correctly and help you!

As a rule, the impulses of zavdavat bodily ears or shkodi komus are produced in people with a singing type of specialness, singing rice of character, the so-called emotionally-awakening specialness, and there may be individuals with sadistic tendencies.

So, dosit often, people, like cognize impulses, zavdavat bodily ears, or shkodi, be it for anyone, go to the gloomy camp of witnesses (alcohol or drug addiction). Tobto pіd ієyu whether there are any psychoactive speeches, such as alcohol or drugs. When spitting on the witness when taking psychoactive speeches, situational control is exercised, the person becomes aggressive and can get sick of the body or hurt someone or be a right-handed person.

Apply the scarg on the pulse of the head of the head of the coma of the fleshly ears.

On the right, in the fact that I am tormented by intrusive thoughts, unreasonable ochіkuvannya nasty bastard. Raptom to come like an impulse and I’m less stunned by the ignorant bazhannya, the head of the shkodi, the head of the bodily ears. Tse more important to live and do not give anything to be angry about. I don't know what to do. I am not in any way upset by those that I am a woman and against statutory discrimination. If I'm in a different country, I can just beat my man. I can't concentrate on myself!

How to name a person, how to love wisely?

How to name a person, how to love wisely?

People, how to love is a masochist. The word was written in the name of the writer Sacher-Masoch, who was the first to describe the Danish type of person and likeness. In fact, physical pain is not a self-kill of a masochist person.

It is necessary for you to feel the pressure and power, the stench of lovers to give in to someone else's pressure and will, as if they deliver psychologically to them.

Such a person should be belittled, depicted. Masochism is not normal exhilaration, as if it means psychological exuberance. You are alive and enjoy less sickly experiences.

Lyudina, who loves to love the suffering, is called a masochist. The word masochism became familiar to the Austrian writer Sacher-Masoch. Suffering for a masochist is necessary in order to get satisfaction.

Why do we care about whom we love?

The language in this article is about the soul of the soul, not the physical.

Why, for example, a man who loves his squad, and is satisfied with sexual stosunki with her, like a reshtoy, continuing to change?

Why am I an important bastard, who knows that he loves his mother and worries about him, continue to confuse you with his windings?

I dwell on the 5 most wide-ranging motives of these people's vchinkiv:

As he said to F. Perls, "Ideal is a club, as it gives us the opportunity to beat ourselves and take care of ourselves and despair."

A child who marvels at his father as if at an ideal, or as a person, who marvels at his squad, will always be tormented by a complex of incompetence and pragnennia to the humiliation of an idealized object.

Lyudina, as a pragmatic show to yourself, thoroughly instill in others a complex of innocence, and for that you will be calm, provocative. Forgive Christ, appeased by the devil. The devil appeases Christ, so that he may take dominion over him and become closer to the new one, reach out to the sun, so that he may become a part of yoga.

The devil took Yogo anew on the arch of a high mountain and showed Yom all the kingdoms of light and glory, and it seems to Yomu: I will give You all, if you fall, bow down to me. Todі Іsus it seems to you: See me, satan, for it is written: worship the Lord your God, and serve Yom alone.

While Christ and Satan are antagonists, the conflict between them is different. I'm going to conflict, if the stinks are reconciled between themselves.

It is clear that an ideal person cannot help another to become better, until she is called ideal. You can only call for confidence in something else by arguing with him. Like a parable.

The scribes and the Pharisees brought to Christ a woman taken in love, I, having put її in the middle, said to Yomu: Teacher! this woman was taken in love; and Moses the law ordered us to beat such stones: What do you say? Jesus, evading, saying to them: Who is without sin among you, throw the first stone at her. Jesus, evading and not bachachi anyone, we will surround the woman, saying to her: woman! where are your accusers? no one sued you? Vona answered: Nobody, Lord. Jesus said to him: I do not sue you; go and do not sin.

Why do people pretend to be alone?

This article is recognized by the one who will reconsider himself, that it is reasonable to prove the logic, hearts, songs of the cause, like the truth of the vchinka, that the image of other people should be created. Why do people impersonate one another: their colleagues, friends, friends? What are the reasons for such behavior?

Causes of vchinkiv, what to cause bіl

Razmirkovuyuchy over the bottoms of the lives of different people, five reasons were formed: why do people hurt more than one alone?

1. One person to work through the platform

Bagato who maliciously administers more, like an act of vengeance. This is one of the most logical reasons that spurs the suffering of others. It is not a fact that the problem can be a real foundation, it can be seen, it is obvious. Prote people, in their mindless anger, forget that “an eye for an eye” is only blind to the whole world.

2. In others, the reason is ambition - the ability to manipulate

It is a category of people who try to manipulate and can be seen to belittle a person, putting more behind themselves, having given that pain. Tse dictators, if you think that you can command them with your puppets. The stinks do not allow themselves to be corrupted by their own mind and do not accept other decisions. Vikonavets can not put under the sumnіv suzhennі kerіvnika i vykonuє be-yak_ vouchennya.

3. In some behaviors, the reason is the weakness of the opponent, which allows you to belittle yourself

Wanting to know it is important, but other than that, they themselves are the most important for the shutters before us. In order to avoid weldings and conflicts, we are willingly allowed to slander, to give outdated recommendations and inappropriate recommendations, without expressing our thoughts. However, sooner or later, patience ends, and an avalanche of angry words vivaetsya names, for the sake of burning bridges if there are good stosunkiv.

4. The category of people who deserve pain

True, this category of people, like they feel a little euphoria, are the bosses of others: they gain satisfaction in the face of suffering and humiliation of people. Tse - "energy vampires", as a special provoking conflict. We can bring satisfaction to the process of scandal itself.

5. Stop - those who don’t know what they are depicting a person who is suffering from that bіl

And people who, out of disrespect, impersonate others. You can call it daily sensitivity, tactlessness and familiarity. The image could be a viklican, it would be given b, through trivial speech:

  • Nevikonano obіtsyanki,
  • Missed girlfriend,
  • Vіdsutnіstyu vіchlivostі,
  • For the most significant reasons.

Enemies can hurt us badly and hurt, but sometimes close ones can hurt us more richly and more painfully. Why? The one that we love and appreciate more of them.

What can we say to them, who do not remember, as if they are depicting loved ones, and then we will wonder, the stars form that sort of brother? Try to show yourself in the place of other people and do not think that it is your fault to make you understand. It is necessary to learn to accept someone else's thought, not only listening, but feeling it yourself, and stop "sleeping hurt my silly", guessing about those moments, like varto forget. Learn to secure your own versatility, do not forget to say: “Vibach”.

It was brought scientifically: kind people are easier to manage more than others

Polite, dear people, it is more desirable to make a choice from the most ruinous traces, as if they would be inspired by the fact that such a choice will help them to show social improvement. Tse - vodkrittya psikhologists, yak allowed, that people who are not accepted in splintering and evil can appear richly kind and accommodating, I think.

Recently, the researchers conducted one of the versions of Stanley Milgram's famous "experiment to subdue". In the course of the experiment, the doctors asked the last few people to be beaten with a strum until they feast, until you die. Less than half a century later, it was recognized that the people who were “driven in” by the stench were simply actors. The vchenih was struck by the number of good-natured people, who calmly “beat” others simply to the one they were given such orders.

At rerun The successors have shown evidence that accommodating people often find themselves in the habit of robiting ruinous speeches, simply to those who do not want to embarrass the restless, not pogozhuyuchisya and їx direct orders.

Write to Kenneth Worths, journal "Psychology of Today":

High is the ability of the fact that accommodating, good-natured people with virtuous persons cultivate a destructive vibe. In these new "experiments, conquer" people with a great number of social problems were timid, who, after violating the order of the experimenters, and having struck with an electric jet, miraculously know that they can harm an innocent person. In front of them, intransigent people with lesser persons, nayimovіrnіshe, are encouraged to take charge of others, if they tell them to.

Imovirno, I explain why the Hulk zavzhd ryatuє svіt.

We often slander people, as if to complain about our important life, but not to shy away anything, to change it. Stinks love to cry, vikoristovuyuuchi otochyuchih like a vest. Such people have constant problems, the stench of unfortunate times. You can learn how to bring them satisfaction with permanent inacceptability, even if for the sake of listening to the hardships of the stench, you will always know the witches. And є tі, to whom, zdaєtsya, fit not only moral suffering, but also physical. Sometimes the stench injures themselves, provokes other people, or invites them to ask without intermediary support for them. How to name people, how to love white? Are the stars taken so sickly?

How to name a person, how to love a bіl?

Lyudina, who takes satisfaction from pain (physical and moral), is a masochist. Masochism can be seen from two sides:

  • Yak sposіb otrimati sexual satisfaction through bіl or humiliation.
  • Like drawing character.

Most masochists are satisfied to bring not the pain itself, but those who stand behind it. Moral masochism can be unfamiliar: a person can provoke herself if she doesn’t find herself, not seeing him.

Turns of masochism

Masochistic nahali are still being formed in childhood. For one of the reasons, it is possible for the bajan to turn the respect of the fathers. If everything is good with the child, she won’t take away proper respect, and the axis of the father’s sickness will help the child to feel the turbo and love. In this rank, the child begins to understand that she is loved, only if everything is bad in her.

Buvay, scho child, yak is often punished harshly, starts to behave provocatively, gets stuck in various unacceptable situations. So I will take control of the situation: I will blame myself, if there are punishments.

Sometimes masochistic people blame the adopted children. The child feels filthy, because her mother and mother left her. Vіn provokuє priyomnyh batkіv for early warning, to bring, scho stench even filthy, and in such a rite to boost my self-esteem.

Children become masochists; The majority of the young women have a girl, the lads often show sadistic insolence.

How to deal with a masochist

A masochist in otochuyuchih mozhe vyklikat pity chi aggression. Vin often swear, hurt himself, but do not rob anything, to correct the situation. It is important for you to take care of that respect.

A negative reaction to a masochist is not terrible, even if it is so, you can even more imbibe the injustice of the world and the power of suffering.

It is better for a masochist to be neutral or kind. Be it a clear reaction - positive or negative - however, it is visible to the masochist. Vіn abo and gave vikoristovuvatim you like a waistcoat, or swear at you by others.

Father, man, how to love bіl, call a masochist. Such people often provoke those who are irritated by aggression and pity. Do not take away the satisfaction in the face of self-pain, but victoriously support the vlasnoy self-esteem and change the guilt. As soon as a person begins to lead his own physical disorder, you can talk about mental pathology. Such a person will need help fahivtsya.

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