The patience of the people is not unbearable. V.I. Kashin: Russia is on the edge of peace, and patience to the people on the border Patience to the people

Academician Igor SHAFAREVICH: "Why should Russians endure?"

This manifestation - the patience of the Russians - in our hour, maybe, manifests itself hostilely, if only. "Russian patience" does not just lead to passivity; Not long ago, a report appeared, in which one sees the whole thing - Russian patience: the book by K. Kasyanova "About the Russian National Character". For the help of tests, learning literature and folklore, the author did not see the main national images of the Russians. Vaughn diyshov vysnovka: "Tolerance - tse, insanely, our ethnic rice and sensi is the basis of our character." About 30 thousand senders, which are included before the collection of Dahl "Send to the Russian people", the most positive quality evaluate the "poryatunok" (often nіd tsim rozumіyut blacker than life). And yet, in another place, you need to be patient, and the stench will sometimes come together: "Without patience, there is no order." But patience is supported by divine authority: "God is patient and commands us." The author's tolerance is like a fundamental life installation, if the interplay of people with the necessary middle ground - sustainability and nature - the center of gravity is transferred not so to the transformation of the middle ground, but rather to the spirit of it.

From the point of view of patience - the whole strategy of non-aggressive interaction with the world, the resolution of life's problems not for the sake of violence against the world and the improvement of yogo resources, but mainly for the sake of inner, spiritual strength. And it is especially important at the same time, if it is so clear that the resources of nature, like a person can be exploited, surrounded, then we don’t see anything about the spiritual forces of a person. Ideology itself, which is opposite to "tolerance" - "Faustian spirit", or more precisely - a look at the world as a soulless material for the activity of a person, formulating at a call to the "root of nature", - created that ecological crisis, as I immediately threaten the foundation of humanity and everything living earth.

And more dzherelo "Russian patience". The entire history of the Russian people is intertwined with the creations of a great, rich-national state. The character of the Russian people, having adopted this process, was formed under the influx. As a result, the Russians are the sovereign people. It's important to go into conflict, which can shake the state. The best example of history, perhaps, is our hour.

The English dockers or the girniks will rob the hour, if the reserves are the least, and then they will stun the strike, if they hit the edge the most, and the chances of winning would be greater. And a new form of social protest appeared in us: the miners are starving. Starving and readers, and doctors. One academician was on hunger strike, the other one shot himself. All stinks are similar to the quiet boyars of the Grozny era, as they willed the death of unrest. That country at the same time and only for the benefit of the fact that the greater part of its population is practically cost-free: for a fee, for no stink, they can’t afford anything.

And if the Russians blame the sums for the fact that the state is violating its protective and creaking role, if it turns out that there is “hibne”, then the protest is raised not against private forms of exploitation, not against other institutions, but against the state itself in principle. Vono is recognized as a worthless reason, sued to the point of humiliation. Todі i vinikaє "rebellion - stupidity and merciless". So, a number of historians (zokrema, Klyuchevsky) are aware that the main reason for the rebellion of Pugachov was not important to the life of the current population of the Volga region. The golovny post office was voicing the "liberties of the nobility". After that, as the nobles were fired in the face of their obov'yazkiv in front of the state, the villagers became the chekats of the strong law, if they didn’t get out, the misery flared up in the rebellion. From the side of the Russian character, they showed and voted for Pugachov himself Peter III, That and vzagali often the appearance of impostors in Russia is a sign that the protest was not directed against the foundations of the state.

Patience in Russian psychology is closely related to sacrifice - to endure, sacrificing, and it is often important to distinguish that sacrifice is a necessary sign of patience and self-kill. The sacrifice itself is holy. Beloved by the Russian saints (the first canonizations), Boris and Glib, having killed the whole feat of those who sacrificed themselves, accepted death "inheriting the sacrifice of Christ." The sacrifice itself is valued more for the victory. One of my well-known Germans, who is alive for a long time in Russia, would have known better, її razumiv, with a laugh, having told me that bachiv a monument to two battles near Sevastopol, let's run through the Russian ones! Timing for the Russian witness is entirely natural: the monument is not worth the battle, but the sacrifice, as it was brought for the sake of Russia. Like patience, the victim is not passive under the order of fatal circumstances. Vaughn gave strength to the people in a frenzy. And if Oleksandr Nevsky was getting ready for the battle on the Neva, one of the warriors spent the night, like on the chute they poured holy Boris and Glib, and like Boris saying: "Brother Glib, they led to row, we will help our relatives Oleksandr."

In important situations, the Russians react with a sound, accumulating ringing teasing, that buffalo vibrates with energy. Vibuh can be straightened out like a zahist power, so it’s like a ruin. The reaction of the first type is small in Veliko Vitchiznyanu war or in the last hour of the Time of Troubles, the other - on the cob of confusion in 1917. At the same time, the people are accumulating strong impulses and to endure - for the time being.

Russian patience has one more aspect, to match the peculiarities of our hour. I can send here to my enemy. Sprat of fate to that I was near Yakutia. I immediately hit upon a new word for me - "yakutization". This is the name of the process of step-by-step vindication of Russians from the core posts. Russian language is increasingly being replaced by Yakut language. Vidpovidalnі narada, important reports from radio and TV broadcasting are conducted in Yakut. Districts were renamed to ulus, villages were renamed to naslgi. Even though Russians make up 2/3 of the population of Yakutia. What is the reaction of the Russians? I feel only about one thing: the Russians are going. For one river, 10% of the Meshkants went from that area, where I was.

For rіk i bov near Chechnya. There, for me, as a dazzling novelty, roses appeared about those who survived the Russian population under the rule of Dudaev. Masovi vbivstviya, stolen with the method of taking off the ransom, plundering, salvaging, Russian slaves from possible Chechen families. I'm not saying that in Moscow everything was completely sealed up. But in Chechnya, I didn’t get far enough to find out about my life, I wanted to try the self-defense of the Russians. The only reaction is inflow. There were hundreds of thousands of people, most of the Russian population of Chechnya.

More for r_k I bov at Riz_. The position of the Russians there can be equalized if they become blacks in Pivdenny Africa, that is not the current one, but it was ten years ago that. І ні about yaki serious try to fight, I'm not a chuv. Even the Russians will form 40% of the population and the most important part of the industrial enterprises, which will lay the life of the state: power plants, ports. More than that, the motherfuckers show that if "having passed the referendum on the independence of Latvia", the majority of Russians voted for independence.

The enemies are those, like a weak interest in Russia, the share of Russians, like they stumbled after her. Solzhenitsyn writes: "I've already spoken on this topic for a while on TV. In all areas, I'm talking about it, maybe talking about it, it hurts my heart. have spent the honor of our spivtchizniks, we don’t care.”

It’s not the same springy patience, which only gains strength. Here weakness is seen, a waste of will to self-defense. Like Solzhenitsyn, it's like a waste of the nation. Such a weakening of national self-confidence is entirely natural, although it is no less unsafe. For many decades, the main forces that form the Russian nation are ignored: the Orthodox faith, traditional culture, the peasant way of life, and the importance of national history. And in the last ten years, a stream of mockery fell upon Russian history and the very spiritual type of the Russian people. And in yourself Rest of the Rocks the transformation, perhaps, the most successful for the national self-confidence of the Russians: the greater press and practically all politicians, from the top servants of the International Monetary Fund to the Marxist-Leninists, voted themselves Russian patriots. Wanting to have specific interests (Chechnya, Sevastopol ...) these positions can converge, even more so on decisions that are contrary to the interests of the Russian people and sovereignty.

In such a period of weakening of national awareness, the process of accumulated teasing, which is ahead of the vibe, is growing. Ale, you can hardly doubt what the vibes will become. It is important to state that yoga can be saved. And in our zusils, only those can lie, as if there will be directings: on the ruin of the state, as it was residually adopted by the people as a "hibne", which changed its meta, or - on її vodvorennya that zmіtsnennya.

Igor Shafarevich

Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevich (born on the 3rd of Chernivtsi, 1923) - mathematician of honor, laureate of the Lenin Prize, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honorary member of the number of foreign academies of sciences and scientific associations. He is the author of widely published books "Russophobia", "Russians in the era of communism", "Russian people on the evil of thousands".

Be patient to come end.

Watch out for the fierce tolerant people.
John Dryden

The patience of the Russian people is boundless, and the conformity of yoga is bottomless. And if you don’t make any absolutely impossible speeches, then you can drag on for an infinitely long time.
L. Radzikhovsky

In our days, the main threat is whether the country is not beyond the borders, but in the middle. The policy is in order, the economy is economical, the low cost of living, the testing of the people's long-term tolerance, the crisis, the economic recession, the work of the institutions of development is inefficient, the inadequacy of the government and the in.

To learn from dosit dovgotrivalіy chi totalitarian country patience to the people is not unbearable. The People's Republic of China needs Den Xiaoping and the Chinese NEP, so that the socialism of the Chinese language does not fall. The flow of refugees from the brewery of Korea is not exhausted, but from the lower Venezuela, there are already mass flights, hundreds of thousands. Navit in the socialist Rumunian chi capitalistic Libya 99% support of Ceausescu chi Gaddafi died in sacks and live bait. Early on, people begin to understand, that they can endure humiliation indefinitely, help you. “Be patient with grief, as if from one side you call out a wild feat and simply schilyannya, from the other side, sometimes you are given to cattle patience. Already baiduzhistyu to the share of their children and onukiv ”(V. Shenderovich).

"Unity and inviolability", "greatness", "new people's sleepiness", "powerful pride", other bluffs that nurture our ears have ended. Соціальні авантюри, тотальна корупція, пиха, відчуженість, клановість, кругова порука і безконтрольність бюрократії, економічний спад, консервація та зростання злиднів, поступове збіднення споживчого кошика, висока смертність, витік мозку, інформаційне зомбування, відірваність або відчуження влади перебування в інших реальностях, чванство , lack of control and lack of bureaucracy, robbing, called out by the oligarchs, - all the drops are like a guest stone. Enough to see the nine pearls of Runet resources, to understand the boil of national passions.

The great Russian historian Vasil Klyuchevskiy ostensibly mentioned: “Whether suspіlstvo may have the right to rule over power: “True us so that we live happily.” But the bureaucracy thinks otherwise: "Hey, you live in such a way that we would be fooled by you."

Unfortunately, this old thought of Klyuchevsky is not old: the bureaucracy may not change with the hour and if you want to live and practice, it’s easy to see. At all hours, including those of the Radians, she showed herself a "white brush" and did not become "servants of the people", but the people are guilty of serving her and being a dzherelom of prosperity.

Vice-President of the Dendi Concern, Ukrainian diplomat and showman Dmytro Chekalkin ironically:

“We care that living a good life is a shame.
We can live badly, for the sake of our children's happiness, so that the children live well.
Our diy, that right-great-great-great-great-great-great, infected the mercy of their own ditsa.
And our children live badly, for the happiness of their children ... "

The policy of unpopular, and, to be more precise, seemingly anti-popular legislative initiatives and fences becomes the trend of a suspenseful life for the rest of the hour. ship system already navіt not to bent, but to quote from the tale. Utilities, tariffs, population borg go wild. You pay for yourself - you pay for that lad. Gasoline prices gush like giant geysers. Medicine in the West, pharmaceutics stereo. A draft law has already been submitted for consideration, which transfers the type of preparations of foreign medicines to the brand. Before the black list, they drank preparations for the treatment of important and rare pathologies, life necessities, for example, insulin, and also medical possession. The lists of potential victims of the law have illnesses with oncological and hematological diagnoses, insulin deficiency, resuscitation patients and those who require constant high-tech medical care. At some point, it’s important that a person’s illness can spend their faces, or an inaccessible medical device, otrimavshi natomistna directed to that world. Anger and aggression are growing like a snow sack or an avalanche.

Leonid Gozman asked Noviya Gazeta, why is anyone ready to seize power these days? I reply: Nothing!

“The myth about the endless patience of the people, no matter how marvelous, alive and warming the soul of the authorities - they take it like a mandate to be-yak_ diї, - write wine, - faith in bezkarnіst іnоdі navit strong for the instinct of self-preservation.” I don’t know how to be patient, but I’m afraid of everything ... Try to know the people, how to believe that the authorities think about their well-being, - it’s like Gozman, - there are no such people. There will be no popular rebellion, the opposition is like a bull, so it will be deprived of fragmented and weak, but the government itself has changed the number of quiet people to zero, who are ready to curl up with their bodies. Accept such a certificate of 1991 rock ...

What can a long-suffering people oppose the sovereignty of sovereignty? - one of the main food, which is praised by readers from the hours of Pushkin's "Boris Godunov". Mikhailo Yevgrafovich Saltikov-Shchedrin at the "Hungry City" painted an alternative to optimism - foreign tolerance and a hunger riot. Like other Russian writers, like Mikola Nekrasov, the satirist Shchedrin, merciless to the conciliatory sides of the psychology of the people, succumbing to yoga's obedience and long-tolerant slander and the nation's life.

But the tolerance of some inevitably leads to the permissiveness of others. Abo, speaking Russian, to the point of becoming clouded: even if often and especially for a long time, the people are patient, then, it’s safe, the people’s tale will come out. You are saving up patience, but aggression is accumulating. Historical note that the long-term patience as a result calls for ruin… “If the cup of patience is changed among the people, it will be poured at the dance from the fuse bag,” Ashot Nadanyan robs the biscuits.

Let me tell you, I took the information from the official website of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Tsіkavo revered navit tim, hto komunіstіv not love.

In a few days, we will mark the 105th anniversary of parliamentarism in Russia with you. Parliamentarianism will always be tied to democracy, that is the rule of the people. The Constitution of the Russian Federation says that the people, as the only one in power, can govern the right of the power in the form of a wild vote, either through referendums, or through their representatives, as they go to parliament.

Ale tse in the Constitution, on paper and in words. In real life, everything is different. In our country, the thought of the people, that very same dzherel of power, is constantly rudely ignored, but they don’t want to. Today, such laws have been adopted, which make it practically impossible to carry out, for example, a referendum from the most important for the life of the country. Well, and how our parliament is being formed - the Derzhavna Duma - the skin of the quiet, who is sitting by this hall, miraculously knows. Pidtasovannya, Vkidannya Bulletenyv, SPECISIVANNE OF THE PROCOLIV, ZALSANNA KOMERIV, PIDEKU TO ZALYAKANYNY VIBORTSIV, sewn -up of the INFORMALICAIS, ONE OF NAMISE OF NAMISE OF THE CONDARY ARSENALS, YAILY WITHOULL. , with a single method, in order to subdue the power, yak, I’m still against the will of the people, the bula was illegally buried near Zhovtni 1993 with a path to the front of the parliament of the country - the Verkhovna Radi of the Ukrainian SSR.

And at the cost of dissimilarity three already 20 years - tse 4 radianska p'yatirichki, stretching out like a country passed a path from bast shoes to space, from sucrose illiteracy to a highly illumined suspіlstva with advanced science, highly vindicated craftsmanship and the strong forces of the state.

What can we do today? Half of the industrial potential has been reduced, including the warehousing of science and technology, including aviation, equipment, workbench, machine production, and radio-electronic industry. personnel, the society is affected by corruption, drug addiction, alcoholism and other diseases. Nearly 100,000 people, more importantly young, close to 40,000 burnt and alcoholism are dying, over 30,000 are dying of self-destruction… Terrorist acts and inter-ethnic conflicts and strife have become the star of the right. At the hour of peace, the country has spent, according to various estimates, from 3 to 9 million of its citizens, close to two million children do not see school, they swear, the place of the people’s life is polluted, nature is miserable, and so on.

Heba htos after educating the people about the Chubaisiv privatization? In the aftermath of the implementation of the global power of the people, it opinated in the hands of the purchase of oligarchs, including natural wealth. Today the stench is mercilessly exploited. Nearly 92% of the non-state sector of the economy lie below 1% of the population Russian Federation. The nouveau riches bathe in luxury, stingy indestructibility behind the cordon, even as 80% of the citizens of Russia are led to create kintsy z kintsy. Last year, over 500 million tons of oil were produced. Half sold for a cordon for prices, which rose again. That is, approximately 3 tons of oil were sold per skin inhabitant of Russia. But more important is the greater amount of money (maybe 20 trillion rubles) settled in the guts of oil magnates. Tse mayzhe 2 times more for the entire vidatkovu part of the federal budget. Іout of 12 trillion. karbovantsіv sovereign vitrates 1.2 trillion. go to the army, see the militia for a trillion, Shoigu and the imperial power vitrati, to embezzle the authorities, the order, the president, the prosecutor's office, etc. Maizhe 2 trillion. rubles are stolen. I zhalyugidnі surplus budget zalishayutsya for everything else - industry, the state government, enlightenment, science, health care, salaries, pensions, social payments, scholarships and іn. At the same time, at a crazy pace, they are continuing to increase tariffs and prices. Only for the rest of the month of 2011, prices for poultry meat grew by 4.4%, pork - by 3.7%, yalovichi - by 14.4%, for eggs - by 4.1%, milk - by 14%, bread - by 4.9%, zukor - by 19%, oliya sonyashnikova - by 35.6%, etc.

Hiba were happy with the people, if they praised the new Land Code and let the land go on sale? As a result, raider hoarding of the land from the heritage of Kushchivka is going on. Close to 40 million hectares of land in the sun turned out to be zanedbanimi. The land without close inspection is degrading, zokrema and Russian black earth. From the past fields, scientific and past research institutes and past stations are running, and the pilgrims still can’t take away their allotted land, often being fooled by a different kind of passers-by.

The same can be said about the adoption of the Water Code and the Forest Code, as from one side they converted water and forest wealth for the object of purchase and sale, and from the other side they put a webbing in front of the hulks, which encircle their right to uninterrupted access to lakes and rivers. Today, a fisherman from the woods of embarrassment pays my uncles for the opportunity to sit on the birch with water.

Did the people wait a while after the collapse of the Unified Energy System of the country? This ruinous work is similar to the sabotage of the new vikonan by Chubais. Where are the investments to be made, the introduction of new pressures and the reduction of tariffs? Nope. Natomist one of the largest HPPs - Sayano-Shushenskaya was brought to an accident with human casualties. I didn’t get any punishment!

Hiba the people giving the go-ahead to those reforms of the ZhKG, after which life becomes inaccessible to the greater population of Russia. At the place of the improvement of lifely minds for the night, the galuzia was practically brought to a collapse, for which the president will be happy. The engineering state of the gallery is not repaired from the radian hours. The average share of possession has reached 60%. The old and emergency living fund to become mayzhe 100 million square meters. m. Since 1990, the old fund has increased 3 times, the emergency fund - 6 times. Over 300 million sq. m of living space required overhaul. 4.5 million families are being transferred to the owner of an apartment. But they are talking about chergoviks there, if after 66 years from the Day of Remembrance, not all veterans of the war are provided with a living.

Hiba energized the people about pension reform, for what kind of power a pension of 5,000 rubles is worthy of your conquest, oskolki won, moving, looked out of the subsistence minimum? What is not cynicism? Abo the reformation of the protection of health, the transfer of yoga to insurance rails, or rather, to a paid basis. What about taking away the people's legacy of such a reform? Only those who had medical services for the great greatness of the people became either inaccessible or paid, and medical practitioners were transferred to the category of zhebrakiv.

No one gave permission to the people to reform the system of education - the provision of EDI, the so-called lighting standards, per capita financing of schoolchildren, the provision of the noble higher enlightenment and etc. "innovation".

Without reason, they talked to the people, if they praised the law on the autonomy of budgetary regulations, then about transferring them to a commercial basis. These people consume schools, and mortgages, and a lot of other institutions, which are financed from the federal and regional budgets every year.

Without care for the people, the axis is already being reformed, and even worse, our if the “legendary and unstoppable” Army is undermined.

For no reason, they changed the name of the police to the police, although they miraculously knew the negative attitude of the greatness of our people to the word “police”, and with such podias we are associated with it.

And who cares about the people, if part of the Russian lands and the sea shelf were transferred to foreign powers? Inspire the villain from the film “Ivan Vasilyovich Changes the Profession” Miloslavsky Rozumiv, who cannot spread his lands.

And what is the benefit for the people of that our country, because they allowed the NATO warriors to move through our territory and into our well-worn space, without drinking, to transport military equipment to Afghanistan? Hey, those who praised such a decision did not know that the natives on the territory of Afghanistan would defend their military bases?

And who, being proud of the people, if the decision was made, about the so-called “electronic unit” and the “chipization” of the population, how to drive our people into the electronic GULAG? Navit to the thought of the Russian Orthodox Church did not listen.

Today, they have already swung at the basis of our susprestvo - sіm'yu. For the sake of the people, shy away from trying to promote someone else's culture for our culture and the way of life of the so-called juvenile justice. The implementation of this idea is significant, that under the rule of power it will be possible to get in touch with the help of sim'ї and navіluchati for far-fetched drives of children from sim'ї to their distant placements at different opika installations. Away, the share of such children becomes unenviable. Most of the time, the stench is consumed in foreign sims, they know about them, and the deacons die. Є vipadki, if the vicarious children are victorious for the improvement of organs ...

Similar meals can be put even more long ago. After what has been induced, it is possible to confirm that in Russia there is parliamentarism, democracy and power to the people? Obviously no! Natomist mi may usurpation of power, illegally appropriated by buying people from their interests. Can the Derzhavna Duma of the Russian Federation in the smallest warehouse be called a full-fledged parliament? Obviously no! The only thing left is the office of stamping laws for the purpose of all those purchases of grabbing.

The image of the image in the suspension of the Pubblekatsi in the serpent, the yaki zvinuvachyut the bagatonal people of the Russian, in that number I Rosiyki, in Linoschi, sip to Piyatswyv, without the pashyarnosti, and it is nonsense of the same. majestic achievements in industrialization, with the victory of the people of Radyansk over fascism, the development of atomic energy and space, the victory of the communist Yu. Constantly update I. V. Stalin, under the curiosity of such a country, reached significant results. Ale all these foolish attempts are doomed to failure. Their authors, as and so called "de-Stalinizers", will inevitably lean on the names of history. The daily slander and innuendo do not obscure the historical victories of the radian people, as an example for all the peoples of the world.

Suspіlstvі vizrіvaє protest against chinenih inconsistencies. People go out into the streets. Youth protest. At the end of the weekend there were rallies to protest against the social economic policy swept through the whole country. On April 16, 2011, a grandiose rally was celebrated, for which there were over 10 thousand people, and in Moscow on Pushkin Square. У мітингу брали участь Координаційний комітет проти впровадження УЕК, Спільнота багатодітних та прийомних сімей «Багато діток – добре», Московський міський батьківський комітет, Асоціація батьківських комітетів та спільнот Росії, Союз Православних Хоругвеносців, Ветеранський громадський рух «Зруб», Союз «Християнське Відродження газета "Tomorrow". The rallies are not for those who so want the communism and the patriotic masses, but for those who are already tired of the life ruled by them by the lower government. The patience of the people is not unbearable. Vono can lusnut be-like a mit. It is richly stale, in addition, in such an atmosphere, the future elections to the Sovereign Duma and the President will take place.

We call on the government to change their minds and to think, where the country is going. Russia is a land of failure, patience for the people between.

At the resolutions of the rallies, the whole spectrum of dissatisfaction with the people was brought to light, and even the legislator, the law, the social and the economic savilla.

The people wanted to direct the vector of economic policy towards the development of industrial and agricultural production and other industries in the country in parallel with the advancement of the population's life.

Zupiniti robbery increase in prices and tariffs for the services of housing and communal services;

Take pіd zhorstky sovereign control of prices for food, drinks, goods for the first time.

Workers, villagers, intellectuals should be guaranteed a daily payment for labor only in the equal parts of different lands;

Veterans - one year pension;

Nationalize nadra, natural resources, key galleys of the economy, airlocks;

Take the Communist Party of the Russian Federation anti-crisis program as the basis of the policy;

Zupiniti shalenu reform osvіti "behind Fursenkom".

Respect the rights of the people to freedom of conscience and to lack of speech private life in case of vibration, acceptance and implementation of decisions in the sphere of state administration;

Say the law: "On personal data", "On the organization of state and municipal services," "On obligatory medical insurance in the Russian Federation", law of Moscow No. 8 dated 9 February 2011. “About the universal electronic card” as a super text of the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Denonsuvati (rozіrvati) all international treaties that turn Russia and її hulks into calling, concessions to sovereignty, the object of the all-world electronic system: Declaration of Principles “On Budov’s Information Society – a Global Challenge for the New Thousand”, “October Charter of the Global Information Society”, Radi Europe Convention “On Defense physical features during automated processing of personal data”.

Mi declare - there is a resolution - about those at the Maybutniyk vibrations of the President of the Parliament of the Krainina, the VIDBUSTENT in 2012 Rotsi, VID PIDRIMMAKI PARTII, yaki to eat an alphabet of the URITITICS. (including those of juvenile justice).

Nasamkinets want to convey the head of the Sovereign Duma of the Russian Federation to the resolution of the protest rally, which took place on April 16, 2011 in Moscow, to bring to the attention of the Kerivniki in the country and the parliament of Russia, in addition to protesters, in addition to our electors.


The opposition calls for a boycott of the deputies of the People's Assembly of the KChR, scheduled for 14 December


Karachayevo-Cherkess Republican Committee Political parties"Russian Union of Labor Front" - ROT FRONT

In the case of bourgeois elections, they can check the honesty of the action of the will of the people, according to the words of V.I. Lenina, people are less likely to be naivnі chi, navpaki, infidels.

Even in the Manifesto of the Communist Party, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels stated that in such elections people come to vote every five years and choose quietly, who they can manage and respect in the coming fates. Tim is no less, as long as he wants to be a little, high and a little, to believe in the choice, the communist may їх vikoristati to explain their programs. The communes of the ROT FRONT are engaged in such work and this is the position of our party.

The arrival of a new kerіvnitstva zavzhd po'yazaniya іz nadіyami on change on the better. So the people are already vlashtovana. The appointment of Rashid Temrezov as the Head of the KChR was very suspenseful.

Moreover, people did not check the mittees of miracles in the economy of the republic, rozumіyuchi, what is the required hour and chimali koshti. Suspіlnі ochіkuvannya buli pov'yazanі zі zmіnami v personnel policy and we are forwarded from the possible elections of deputies of the National Assembly (Parliament) of the KChR of the fifth call. Adje for whom you don’t need money, you need political will.

“Already, in principle, the formation of a list of contenders for deputy mandates, so as not to create problems for the government, the warehouse of the Parliament of the Republic is practically a promise in advance”

Today, one thing is already clear to all of us - that the will of the bula was directed solely to the detriment of any changes in the political layout of the legislator of the government of the republic. Already, in principle, the formation of a list of contenders for deputy mandates, so as not to become insecure for the government, the warehouse of the Parliament of the Republic is practically a verdict in advance - "United Russia" and on the basis of "Fair Russia", "Patriots of Russia", the Liberal Democratic Party, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

The “Live” opposition field was diligently cleared for the benefit of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, as if it had not seen the honest and fierce competition from the ROT FRONT and from the “Communists of Russia” themselves. "Russian Union of Labor Front" - ROT FRONT was not allowed to vote for the help of the same woeful "electoral filter", and "Communists of Russia" - at the result of a decision of a rich one-year meeting of the Supreme Court of the KChR, as it was announced about the first night (!).

Prior to that, the ceremonial officer of the regional department of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Ismel Bidzhev, spoke out in front of these court views. Komunist(?) vs. Komunistov Rosіy. And about what our electors should ask for, as if they are voting for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, for the party of rebirths, the authority of which has long been ruined by international communist Russia.

“The public mood for a few days before the vote can be briefly characterized: deep apathy”

The public mood for a few days before the vote can be briefly characterized: deep apathy. I, it seems, the tsey camp became the power of the government. Tsyu piece lethargy these days try not to disrupt the campaign campaign. Come out, less people come to your choice of delnits, it’s better for the government?

This visnovok confirms the results of the sociological survey of the population of the republic, published recently on the site "Politics 09". Only 30% know about the future elections, 43% know that the results of the elections will be falsified and nothing can be left behind from their votes. To go out in such a way that there will be no real choice for more honest people?

“The norms of the Constitution are not respected, it seems to be true that the only power in the Russian Federation is the wealthy national people”

Even if for the help of the mechanisms of "election filtering" you can freely ignore the willfulness of the republic's election fighters. Tobto essentially znevazhayutsya norms dignified Constitution, vіdpovіdno to єkoї single dzherel power in the Russian Federation є її rich-tonal people.

The Karachay-Cherkess Republican Committee of the ROT FRONT tells the voters that the legislating power of the republic, to the reproach of the vikonavchy, did not squirm with its right and did not turn the “against all” column to the ballot for voting, allowing them themselves to elect instruct against all candidates for deputies, as long ago they have spent a living link with the common people.

Allowing the electors of the republic the right to vote against all, the authorities with obvious evidence showed all the hypocrisy of their assertions about the possibility of honest elections. V.I. Lenin, talking in a convoluted way about those who shove out of the water, if it is simply necessary to boycott the election. The Karachay-Cherkess Republican Committee of the “Russian United Labor Front” calls on the elections not to take part in the elections, to speed up the Leninist method of struggle - to boycott the future elections, which would be the right choice for all the elections for the real republican economy

The only way to declare your hromadian position and show that I am not a slave, not a beadle. My people, the patience of which is great, but not without borders.

Kerіvnik of the Karachay-Cherkess Republican Committee of the Political Party "Russian Union of Labor Front" - ROT FRONT Khasan Karabugaev

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