So, the cervix of the uterus has cracked open more. How to speed up the opening of the cervix before the canopies of the opening of the cervix without pain and the essence

Before the canopies, the cervix changes dramatically. The woman’s life does not change, and the axis of the child’s future will take away the chance of appearing in the world by a natural path. So, how does this reproductive organ itself change, if medical help is needed for the expansion of the uterus? Shukaєmo vіdpovіdі on tsі and іnshі podіbnі nutrition.

Ideal cervix in front of the curtains

The parameters that characterize the camp of the uterus in front of the curtains, є її roztashuvannya in the small pelvis, rozm'akshenosti and dozhina. Razm'yakshena the cervix to the camp, if you can skip the middle of 1-2 fingers of the doctor, talk about the readiness of the birth paths before the process of birth. Such changes are accompanied by the removal of the mucus plug. So the earlier the neck began to curl, the earlier the birth marks the sign of the ear of the essence.

In front of the curtains, the cervix is ​​short. For medical statistics її dozhina become close to one centimeter. If you talk about rotting, then it becomes the center of the small pelvis, just like when the cervix is ​​vaccinated, the cervix is ​​pushed back.

All the most important parameters are evaluated by physicians on a five-point scale. 5 points scored to talk about the ideal readiness of the uterus to the floor. Tsei camp is called a mature uterus.

Ways to stimulate the opening of the cervix

The higher listing is to be considered up to the top parameters in the predeployment activity. But in practice, don’t start it like that, and doctors go into stimulating the process of opening the cervix.

As a medical glance, showing that the cervix has not matured, and the people will be guilty soon, it is entirely possible to complete this process and stimulate stimulation. Do not zastosovuvat її іnоdі means prirekti dіtin z urakhuvannymi scho in front of the canopies of the placenta "old" and can not cope with their functions, as before.

Really stimulate chotirma in ways, in addition to their own combination:

  1. Іnєktsiї Sinestrolu vnutrishnyom'yazovo. The drug is to rob the neck of a mature one, but do not pour into the essence.
  2. Insertion of laminaria sticks into the cervix. Such sticks, with a length of 5 cm, are placed at. After a sprat of years, the stench swells under the spirit of the vologists, and in this way they open the cervical canal.
  3. Introduction of a gel with prostaglandins into the cervical canal. Such a gel spratsovuє shvidko - and shiya razkrivaєtsya for 2-3 years.
  4. Introduction to Enzaprost internally. This drug is also avenged by prostaglandins. In this way, the period of essence changes by the hour.

Some women win the independent stimulation of the slopes.

Among them:

  1. Enema. As soon as the mucus plug comes out, the cervix becomes mature. The procedure can be done only for those women who have already reached the date of the fall, so that the child is full-term.
  2. A warm bath is not recommended for trials, as it turned out, and waters. It is not a safe procedure for women under the pressure.
  3. Sex dіє yak medical stimulants, even sperm to avenge prostaglandins. Tobto won't spriyaє maturation of the uterus. Ale can’t have vaginal sex, they already had a cork. Adzhe vinikaє the possibility of "pidhopiti" infection in the uterus.
  4. Physical activity. Tse mozhe buti walk at the Swedish pace, mittya pіdlogi, tidying up. With these methods, it is not necessary for women to overdo it because of hypertension.

But such methods can be threatened with unsafe traces.

Stages of cervical opening

The neck of the uterus in front of the curtains to go through the stages of opening. The first is called the latent chi povilnoy. It takes 4-6 years from opening up to 4 cm.

The other stage is called the active stage. The neck of the neck opens up to 1 cm.

The third stage is outside the opening. Vaughn characterizes the process on the cob. Sometimes the opening of the cervix will be before the hour. Tse to speak about pathologies and without jubilation can become the cause of the front canopies or the weekend.

The woman is guilty of remembrance, that in the period before the canopies it is necessary to be ready before the canopies start up earlier. If you have worsened self-perceived other symptoms, you should go to the doctor.

I will calm you and I'm healthy!

Especially for Olena TOLOCHIK

On the cob, the appearance of regular essences is important, under the influx of which the opening of the cervix begins. In the same way, the process is sprayed with a vice and a bag of fruit michur. Incremental expansion will take 8-14 years and will end with flood waters and new openings. Then we see the fruit without interruption.

How to open the cervix

The woman's uterus is an empty organ that is made up of m'yazovoi tissue. Navkolo ziva roztashovuєtsya kіltse z m'yazіv - the cervix. By stretching the strength of the vagity of the won is closed. Entry to her hijackings with a mucus plug, as a barrier for the penetration of infections. The cervix of the uterus is shriveled, it may look like a cylinder of the crown 3 cm and approximately the same length. At the center pass the cervical canal. After 32-34 tyzhnіv vagіtnostі step by step, opening of the cervix, її pom'akshennya.

With internal obstezhenni uterine ziv passes the tip of the finger. Plіd begin to sink into the small pelvis, by the same time creating a singing vice on the neck, which will spry the distant її rozkritt. Up to 36-38 years, the cervix will smooth out again. It begins to expand from the internal yawn, which in primiparas has the form of a virvi with a base, a beastly burn. Progressively pushing forward, stretching out the sound of the ziv. In multiparous women, the opening of the cervix of the uterus expands more easily, and the internal and external cervix expand almost at the same time.

In case of skin essence under the influence of hormones on the back, the cervix is ​​opened on a finger, then on two. At the moment of the flat expansion, it should be 10 centimeters at the diameter. In such a world, the head and the baby's coat can go through the ancestral paths.

Three phases are seen in the beginning of the first period:

  • The latent phase begins with regular transitions with a frequency of one or two per ten minutes. At this hour, that smoothing of the cervix is ​​shortened. The trivality of the cycle of the phase becomes an average of 4-6 years. Days in this period, as a rule, are slightly ill;
  • The active phase is characterized by increased patrimonial activity. The intensity of the essence grows, as it becomes more parts, stronger and more painful. The opening of the cervix from two fingers expands to approximately 8 centimeters. Trivality of this period - from 4 to 6 years;
  • The transitional phase begins if the cervix is ​​already open again, and the intensity of the essence becomes more often lower once in a while. After that, there is a song of weakening of tribal activity. The trivality of the phase becomes from 20 whilins up to 1-2 years, in heterogeneous ones it can be every day.

Also, under the hour of the active phase, you will hear the sound of navkoloplіdnyh waters behind the chest of the movement of the intrauterine vice. The volume of water should be approximately 150-200 ml. At the norm_ navkoloplіdnі vody may be lucid and bright. If, when the cervix was 6-8 cm wide, the water was not seen spontaneously, then call the obstetrician to perform an amniotomy - a rosette of the fruit michur.

How the cervix does not open

During the longest first birth period, there is a constant control over the camp of the parent and fetus. To chase after the excess of the generic dyalnosti, the daytime complication, the self-perception of the vaginal (pulse rate, arterial vice, seeing the paths, temperature), opening the cervix

For proper diagnosis of intrauterine hypoxia during the first hour of the day and the possibility of fetal death, post-cardiomonitoring is carried out. Indirect cardiotography is most often victorious, where the frequency of the heart rhythm is controlled by additional ultrasound.

About those that the birth paths of the woman are prepared, witness the opening of the cervix for a finger and more. It is determined by the manual method, which is called internal lining. Yoga is carried out with sterile mittens, and the entrance to the pixu is treated with a disinfectant. The midwife can use this rank to designate the stage of readiness of the neck, the height of the waters, the position of the child and the height of the standing head.

If the cervix of the uterus does not open, and in the woman the term is sloping, then in this way to slacken stimulation. Also, it will be carried out after 40 years of pregnancy, old placenta shards and cannot completely overcome their functions. Piecemeal preparation of ziva is carried out in two ways: medication and non-drug.

The first method is victorious only in the minds of a hospital, with which opening of the cervix, it is necessary for the help of medical benefits:

  • The introduction of laminaria sticks into the cervical canal for the entire dozhina. Under the influence of the vologists, after about 4-5 years, the sticks begin to swell, thereby expanding the opening. In addition, laminaria see endogenous prostaglandins, which speed up the maturation of the cervix, thereby preparing them to flatten;
  • Zastosuvannya piece prostaglandin like a candle chi gel. Tse allows you to reach a good result for a few years;
  • Also, the opening of the cervix is ​​soon after the piercing of the fruit michur. As a result, the fetal head descends, thereby putting pressure on the canal.

The non-drug method can be done independently, but be marginally careful:

A number of patients need an early hospitalization of the woman to the hospital for preparation for the future slopes. Doctors will spend there a laboratory death, clinical and instrumental training for the choice of terms and methods of birth.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Likar Kramer - likar global practices at the University of Colorado, which specializes in the control of diabetes, diabetes and therapy. Graduated from the College of Osteopathic Medicine at the University of Touro y Nevada in 2012.

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The world is close to you, imovirno, more and more impatient to care for your little one, and you, singly, are already tired of vaginess. A wealthy woman wants to go through the canopies of the yaknaishvidshe, and for whom it is necessary that the cervix of the uterus should open up more. The cervix of the uterus begins to grow up to the beginning of the cob and begins to grow, and the essences help to grow even more, if the child is already ready to appear in the world. Although there are no guarantees that natural methods of opening the cervix of the uterus are to be worked out, їх varto try to help the cervix of the uterus to open more. If these methods do not help, then the doctor can help you with medication methods.


Natural simulation of opening

    Walk around, schob viklikati viroblennya oxytocin and stimulyuvati canopies. Activity stimulates the release of oxytocin - a hormone that helps open the cervix and vibrate the womb. Take a walk in the uncooked croc and walk home. Ask someone to make you a company, so that you don’t run out of one, as you need additional help.

    • How do you see the water, call negaina I'll help the shvidka by phone 103 (from a mobile phone) or 03 (from a landline phone).
  1. Have sex to stimulate the uterus and viklikati canopy. Orgasm and prostaglandins, which are found in sperm, stimulate the uterus and soften the cervix, helping to open it. Krim tsgogo, zavdyaki sex in the brain, the hormone oxytocin is seen, which is the essence of the cob. Try to have sex to get rid of the cervix, which, obviously, should bring you satisfaction.

    • Do not have sex, as you have seen water, the shards in which way the child is no longer protected by the amniotic motherland.
  2. Try stimulating the nipples to stimulate oxytocin. Gently massage your nipples with the pads of your fingers and roll between your fingers. When stimulating the nipples, the brain vibrates oxytocin, which sprays the essence of the cob.

    • When stimulated, the nipples vibrate a small amount of oxytocin, which is absolutely safe for a child.
    • This method is not for everyone, just try it out.
  3. Advance: do not eat pineapple, if you have an allergy to a new one, or if you have a fault, you have a disorder of poisoning.

    Ask the doctor about the victoria of the evening primrose. Find out from an obstetrician-gynecologist, chi will be safe for you to greet with evening primrose oil. Take 500 mg of food supplement orally or vaginally 3 times a day for 4 days of pregnancy. Tse oil can soften the cervix and thicken it with a thin layer, which is acceptable to a swedish rosette.

    • You can take up to 3 tablets at a time. Check with the doctor, how do you get the dose.

Doctor's look

  1. Find out from your doctor if you can beat prostaglandins for a better ripening of the cervix. The drug can inject you with a special drug made of prostaglandins (misoprostol or dinoprostone) so that it is closer to the cervix. This drug will soften the cervix, the veins of why won't be more pronounced. Qi prepare and repair children for 4-12 years and call out the transition, why the cervix becomes thicker and rozm'akshuєtsya. For the cob of childbirth, you may need a sprat of doses of the drug. Talk to your doctor about whether this option will be effective for your taste.

    Advance: obov'yazkovo see a doctor, as you were robbed earlier cesarean rosetin or be-like operations on the mother. In such cases, it is not recommended to use misoprostol, as the drug increases the risk of uterine rupture.

  2. Look at the possibility of intravenous administration of oxytocin for the cob and the large opening of the cervix. The drug can introduce oxytocin intravenously, in order to strengthen the essence and start the labor activity. Sutichki zmushuyut the cervix rozkrivatisya. Discuss this option with your doctor, to understand what will be right for your mind.

    • Oxytocin vikoristovuєtsya for the launch of a low activity, if you already know the terms low and lіkar you best option for a woman, that її baby.
    • Lіkar, better for everything, doesn’t beat oxytocin, because the term is not yet fluent, because you didn’t have water, or you have an increase in pressure or diabetes.
  3. Discuss the possibility of winning a balloon from salt water. The doctor can insert a catheter into the pouch to inflate the balloon with salt water. Balon to create a vice on the bottom of the uterus, which will help open the cervix. Trimati such a balloon at pіhvu can be up to 12 years old or doti, the docks do not wake up canopies. However, this method may not work for everyone.

    • The advantage of such cervical baloons is those that stink as a medicinal product.
    • If you have an earlier caesarean rose, then this option can be the best.

In order for the baby to come into the world, the woman’s body will prepare for this process for many months. Woman on in other terms begin to be more respectful of the dilyance of the stegon and pelvis - it is not necessary to tell about the rozbіzhnіst of the bones of the pelvis, the sight becomes generous - it is not necessary to speak about the smoothing of the cervical canal, the wine becomes short.

About shvidke podlozhennya pologіv may be evidence of the appearance of the mucus plug. Vaughn may be browner infested with blood houses. Whatever happensopening of the cervix. Ale, don’t wait for a woman, you can see it the way it was intended by nature.1. Signs of the cob of generic activity

1.1. What is the cervix?
1.2. Dozrіvannya that rozkrittya
1.3. Stages of opening the cervix
1.4. Symptoms and symptoms
1.5 If you needstimulation of the opening of the cervix?

2. How to speed up the opening of the cervix

2.1. Non-drug methods
2.2. Medical therapy
2.3. Yak help yourself in home minds

3. Indications and contraindications

Signs of the cob of generic activity

The correct and proper canopies may come from the 38th of Monday. As a matter of fact, in the body of a woman, all the factors were used for the cob of the correct canopies:
  • Nal azhen hormonal background. changeto the hormone, which saves vaginess - progesterone increases complex estrogen - female hormones that stimulate labor activity.
  • The uterus begins to shrink. Viroblyaetsya hormone - oxytocin, cephalic hormone, whichcontraction of the uterusthat launches tribal activity. The head of the fetus that descendsfix a vice on the cervical canal, andthe production of hormones in the blood increases the tone of the myalgia, and the uterus begins to contract.
  • Maturation of the placenta. The placenta is among the people, “the child’s place” among the mother. Vaughn vіdpovіdaє for eating a baby, zv'yazok mother and child, taking carelessly the middle for the development of the fetus. If the placenta has lost its function, the process of old age, degeneration in the mature placenta is started.
  • Maturity of the fetus. In the organism of a baby, a large number of products are accumulated in the exchange of speeches and the speed of adoption and support of the amniotic fluid on the very same level is increased. Malyuk feels discomfort.
Zavdyaki to the most significant factors and the process of polog_v is started.

Іsnuyut. What is it? A woman can feel more like essences, dictatorial peculiarity and those that bіl start and end in a chaotic order. Tse pardon the essence. Period essence And wait for the same time after an hour, the closer the moment of igniting the fetus, the essences melt intensively and the hour between them is shortened. Hibni essences cook for meshki to intensive speed in about the hour of the fall. roaring uterine viscera. Another provistnik is the moment of “calm”. Children are less and less room for ruhiv.

If the uterus opens, the mucus plug comes out. The entire vagina was protected by the baby due to the penetration of infections in the empty uterus. Korok is a thick stream of mucus, light color with streaks of blood, sometimes it can be a light brown color. The output of the cork is 2 tyzhniv per year per cob.

Spravzhnіmi signs on the cob of swedish curtains and essences. Sutichki - tse 1 period of sloping. Under the hour, the essence of the matteropening of the cervix. The womb and the uterus become the only thing for the child to pass through the birth paths. At the first signs of the cob, the essence isaching pain in the lower abdomenthat across. The intensity and trivality of their growths. The period between the essences of however. In first-borns, the first period gently sloping tighten up to 12 years.

Let's sweat the rainy waters. Tse mozhe statisya vіrazu chi step by step. In any kind of mood, the parent may soon enter to the canopy booth under the sight of the doctors. For the presence of pathology and the hour of vaginess, the water of the light, the mother of the house, the mother of the fetus can be mammothed. How can I have a place rescheduling , trivaly canopies and other factors lead to a green color, may smell unpleasant, revenge particles meconium (primary feces).

However, as it is described more, it does not appear to be in the given sequence. Skin canopies are adjusted differently, skin women are all individual. At deyih Vipads will need the help of a midwife and a doctor.The widest problem of the hour is low and the trashopening of the cervix. These are the problems of women's health, hormonal imbalance and other reasons.

What is the cervix?

cervix - the part of the woman is even more importantproductive state system E those herself the lower part of the uterus, which is between fir. Shiyka extend on two zones - vaginal and over vaginal . At the center of the neck of the lacerations is the cervical canal.Vіn mає zovnіshnіy i vnutrіshnіy zіv. At a gynecological glance, one can see a clear throat.

Under the hour of vagity, the cervix of the uterus vikonuє important functions, a mucus plug is formed in it, as it protects the uterus from penetration of infections, and also eliminates the middle of the uterus from the heart of its own dozhina, the crime of that wonmay be enough mіtsnoy, so that the whole term of vagity is to blame for the little one.

Dozrіvannya that rozkrittya

With a normal excess of vaginess, the cervix is ​​thin, the veins are 3 to 5 centimeters wide. Її the channel is closed and filled with a mucus plug.

In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, from 34-36 years, the ripening of the cervix begins. It includes a sprat of processes:

  • shortening
  • Rosemation
  • Centering the cervix along the axisbirth canal
  • Rozkrittya of the internal and external ziv
If the cervix is ​​ripe, the fetal head descends into the small pelvis and creates a pressure on the cervix and opens up. It starts from the vіdkrittya vіdkrіshny zіva. In multiparous women, it is possible to have an internal and external pharynx at the same time.

Then the head of the fetus protrudes and opens the mouth. The neck is shortened, smoothed and the channel passes two and more fingers. For birth the cervix can open up to 10-12 cm.

Stages of opening the cervix

First stage: Povіlny (latent period) At this stage, the essences take on a regular character. The uterus droops from an interval of 7-10 minutes. One essence lasts 30-50 seconds. During the first hour of the period, the women do not feel the pain, only the singing discomfort. Shia protrudes approximately one finger. In primiparas, an internal ovary is observed; Trivality of the first stage is approximately 4-12 years. Under the kіnets pochinaєtsya bіl across, scho pull. Vaughn is similar to menstrual bill.

Other stage: Shvidky (Active phase) . At during the whole period it is necessary to be at the canopy booth, under the supervision of doctors. Days are already hurting, there is only one gap between them, two whilins. Trivality of the uterine contraction 3-5 whilins. At this moment, it’s easier to change in Russia, it’s easier to transfer the bіl and not complicate the process of opening. Sit and lie are contraindicated. The cervical canal expands by about 1 cm per year.

Third stage : Outside the opening . If the cervical canal is open and ready to slope,the child has already sank into maly pelvis and ready to be born. Parents are laid on a special couch, an armchair and ask to push more, at the same time it is important not to lose self-control and listen to the doctor respectfully.

Fourth stage: Cervical ringing. After that, like a baby, come into the world, the uterus will open 1 cm more for about a month. Cervical canal is subdivided by 5 cm, and the uterus is dilated and step by step to many roses.Until the end of the fourth day, the uterus shrinks to normal, and the cervical canal sounds. The women, who have become popular, the wines are of a dovgastoy, ornate form, the quiet, who are not people, the wines are round.

Symptoms and symptoms

The ripening process may not h don't tell you, woman aware of discomfort . Ale pіd hour of the opening of the cervix, the woman may have the following symptoms:
  • lingering pains like during menstruation in the lower abdomen, across, cringes
  • transient pain with irregular periodicity
  • mucus vision without smell and color, sometimes with streaks of blood
The intensity and regularity with the screed increases, the gaps between the transitions become the same, they grow stronger.

How does it feel like opening the cervix? What is the process? What additional help is needed for cervical cancer?
Everything is more individual. The average rise is 1 centimeter in 1 year. Skin 2-3 years old, the doctor is obliged to look around the woman, as if she feels good and everything follows the “plan”.
However, there are moments if the parent is in need of help.

Vіd independent nі z yakoyu sides of the reasons for revealing can be discussed it's right to chirp, or zovsіm do not start, n marvel at the intense essence.You can drag out the birth process and start a shkodi child and mother, who has not yet been born..

When is cervical stimulation required?

In order to cross over at the correct break, it is necessary to carry out obstetric obstezhennia. A glance is carried out on the gynecological cristal, the drug is injected into the eye and the middle finger at the woman’s womb and assesses the cervix. Naskіlki vom'yakshilas, chi became skorochennya, chi tsiliy fruit mіkhur. Assess the color and consistency of the vision. Viznayeshche fruit.

After looking around, the doctor will make a decision about the need for stimulation. The reasons could be:

  • Transition of the day (over 41 days)
  • Vіdsutnіst chi weakness polovoї dіyalnostі
  • Threat to the health of a baby or mother
  • Removal of the placenta
  • Chronic illness of a woman
  • Bagatoplіdna vagіtnіst

How to speed up the opening of the cervix?

As the date of the transfer of the canopies has already arrived, a few days have passed, or tyzhniv , but the woman does not see any signs of gentleness that are approaching,when looking at the doctor, make such a verdict that “the cervix has not yet seen” so be it change at the mother is not afraid, її dovzhina and schіlnіst did not change, zіv on - like and earlier closing or skipping only a fingertip. In such cases, there are impersonal methods of drug and non-drug, modern and no more. What method is necessary to stagnate the drug virishus itself in a fallow way in the future of the woman and the fetus, the term vagity and the impersonality of other factors.

Non-drug methods

As a parent, they are deprived at the hospital under the supervision of doctors, you can win for recognition of the following procedures:

P kelp trees

Whole dried sea algae, pressed into sticks.(Bourgeois) Їx to introduce u shiuuterus doty, docks won't get stuckAnd under the influx of the watery middle, the stench swells.Tse lead to mechanical opening of the cervix.Warehouse laminaria arachidonic acid. Vaughn sprays vibrations in the body of a womanprostaglandins.

B dilatation of the cervix

(Foley catheter) If you introduce a special balloon at the cervical canal, and if you inject it again, it will swell.This method is more painful and victorious in extreme situations. Іsnuє risik іnfikuvannya uterus.

Cleansing enema

This is a more efficient method. Yogo has been victorious for a long time. Cleansing the intestines and yogo peristalsis for an hour increases the tone of the uterus and stimulates the rapidity, starting the process of opening the cervix.

Puncture of fruit michur

Plidna bulbashka - the whole organ is otochuє i zashchiє plіd, scho develops, stretching all vієї vagіtnostі. Vin similar to a thin bear and filled with navcolous waters - amniotic homeland. my medical puncture fruitmihura is called amniotomy . Vaughn is necessary in vipadkas, if birth may be in the term order, as a threat to the health of the child and the parent, with the weakness of the generic activity. The procedure is carried out doctor obstetrician-gynecologist at the gynecological chair for the minds of the hospital.

Opening the cervix manually

Outside the opening of the cervix - 10 cmabout 5 fingers. Until the manual opening, they go into the canopies, which are dragged on.For an hour I look around to introduce two fingers at the cervix. Feel calmyour extensions.This is a painful method, not all obstetricians and gynecologists practice yoga.Most of the sloping buds were used according to the method, with the use of modern medicines for the development of stimulation and the sloping method in the past.

Medical therapy

For stimulation of the opening of the cervix, more humane methods are used for additional medical treatment. Modern medicine has reached a high level in the selection of medical benefits preparations for the entire procedure.


Miropriston. Antigestagennelikarsky zasib.Stimulates the contraction of uterine ulcers. Take 1 tablet for doba under suvorim control doctor.

No-shpa. Weaken the m'yazi, rob them with elastic apparently . Assigned as in tablets per sprat of days to the cob sloping, so i pіd pologіv pologі v vglyadі injection.

Papaverine. Stop after a gynecological examinationpalpation, fallow, in the form of swidkost rozkrittya and become a parent. Razm'yakshuє smooth muscles and nizhuє vice.

Caullophilum 30. To lie down to homeopathic preparations. Indian drug is popular in Indian medicine. Lowering the pain threshold. Give strength, tidy up the tremtinya, calm down and eat the right. Through yoga, a rather big variance, unfortunately, the possibility of congestion is sharply reduced.

Castor oil. Spriyaє shvidkomu rozkrittyu cervix. In early terms, congestion can lead to abortion.


The stench is founded on plains. Widely vikoristovuyutsya pіd polog_v.Їx to enter at the cervical canal. You can zastosovuvatsya kіlka razіv. If the transfer did not start for 24 years after the introduction, the procedure is repeated, but not more than 3 times. Gels may not cause side effects. After the introduction of the canopies, they flow in a great order.


The stench is also revenge prostaglandini. be introduced intravaginallylike and gel. Vikonuyut its function independently of the position of the parent. Їхній minus polagaє at vartosti.


Hormone of generic activity - oxytocin is administeredfor additional injection drip or for additional catheter. Even though this method is not vaccinated before the results are assessed, the hormone is administered after an additional injection of oxytocin through the empty stomach.

The minus of this procedure is that the breed cannot change hands and can be changed into a tripod bed, through which faces are fed.

There are a number of contraindications for the introduction of oxytocin. Do not stop Yogo, like a child borrowing the wrong place at the mother, destroyed overdue placenta, scars on the mother, or the breed has a thin pelvis. An overdose of oxytocin can lead to fetal hypoxia.
Usy preparations vikoristovuyutsya less stationary under the sight of doctors!

How can you help yourself in your home minds?

Even though you have successfully passed a glance at the doctor and there is no indication for hospitalization, you have enough time to clear up. For the joy of the gynecologist, you break home, check for natural essences. At home minds, there are impersonal ways to speed up the opening of the cervix and bring the date of the fall. Most of them may be rather vague in nature, but they do not waste their popularity among the crowd.

The simplest way and the best way are walks.
Before yakomoga walk more! Walking without a crying crock helps the head of the fetus to go down, by the same token, fix a vice on the cervix and bring it to the її opening.Walking gatheringsmiracle option.Tse is good for physical stimulation, but it gives an improvement in blood flow. At walk my feet the pelvis opens, and the rhythmic come and go downhill lower the fetal head of the pelvis and under the pressure, open the cervix.Under the hour of a long walk, there may be an entry of the rainy waters. Give a shvidka to each one of you.

More often unleash the sich mikhur
e how do you want to go to the toilet in a small way, do not tolerate tse zmenshuє skorochuvalnu zdatnіst of the uterus.

Mite a pidlog without a mop .
The old way . It doesn't sound right. But such an adventitiousness can be provoked by a contraction of the uterus, as well as the last of її rozkrittya. Tilki yakshcho In health and there is no contraindication to physical navantazhen.

Contrast shower and nipple stimulation .
Sprinkle the release of oxytocin in the body and speed up the process of opening the cervix.You can do nipple massage yourself or ask a person can also take a contrast shower for the breasts.

"Men's therapy", sex.
Vіd lіkarіv can often be felt the same way. Yakscho Vi came to the canopy booth from the lodgewith them essences the doctor will correct youI'll get to the man. Sex spirs up the vibrationsthe hormone oxytocin. Wperma revenge chemical speeches prostaglandini , stinks help with dilated cervixNon-protection of the state of the act under the hour of vagity of contraindications, as if the partner has a state of infection.

Review of the diet
You can help with rupture of the cervix. Plant more fatty ribey varieties. Drink compote from dried fruits and prunes. A good stimulant e c chili. Olive Oliya.Brew tea from raspberry leaves. Vіn priyaє vroblennu estrogenіv.

Massage of biologically active points
Stimulation of the cervix with the fingers through the sings of the pelvis. Zokrema, massage of the palm and little finger efficient method for opening the cervix, for the mind, how to know, how to work correctly and de onslaught.

Physical right
also one effective waysopening of the cervixFor mind, there is no counter-indication to physical vanity and for good self-feeling. Special postures that will help speed up the process of opening the cervix - the position of the crustaceans, the lotus position, accepting these postures and respectfully relaxing.

On the Internet you will know chimalo video lessons for women. Golovne vykonovyte everything is right for the good roztashuvannya spirit, be relaxed and breathe properly.

Another more popular to the right , sob viklikati canopies є prisidannya. Principle the same one, like in other rights. Gently lower the child into the pelvis, vibrating the oxytocin and provoking the essence. It is important to understand your body and do not overdo it, work everything smoothly stems for your soul.

How to sit down correctly, to call out the essence?

  1. H put your feet on equal shoulders
  2. M sprobіt gliboke sіdannya
  3. H Hurry up, kolіna spread the killer yakomog wider
  4. W kick straight ahead
  5. P drawing yakomoga low, smoothly turn back
Sydney squatting
It is also an effective way to help the head of the baby go down to the neck and repair it on the vice. Needed smoothly get down on your hips and sit for 10-15 seconds. Let's also rise smoothly. Hour perebuvannya navpochіpki can step by step zbіshuvati to hvilini.

right on fitball
Fitball is a great gum gymnastic ball. Yogo often zastosovuyut pіd pologіv hour right at the sloping booth. Vin stimulates labor activity in the first periods , nagodzhuє correctly breathe, massage and relax the inner year stegon. Vikonuyuchi kidnappingon the balls, vibrations are created, as if helping the child to stick closer to the birth paths.

Porodillya calm down when you are right, wake up in pain when things happen. Fitball is also improving and vibrating the breath. It’s even more important when the hour is low, with the right breath, before the child, you need a lot of acid. As a partner's canopy, in case of kidnapping on a ball, it is easier for a partner to massage the krizh.


  • sit on the ball. Rest your hands on the new one, primuyuchi jealousy, start wrapping your pelvis, cheat. at different sides.
  • Sivshi on the pіdlogu, kick around the ball with your feet, squeeze it harder and try it. Wick to the right until you see it.
  • Sitting on the fitball , make the yakomog’s collar wider and in terms of cheeks, reach out with your hands to the opposite feet.
  • Let's turn the case left-handed and right-handed.
  • Lying on the fitball roll the ball across.
The skin is straightened on the right side of the body. That alone cannot be done with the right, a necessary complex.

Іsnuє and low contraindication for taking on the fitball:

  • pathology of state organs (uterine contraction)
  • incorrect position of the fetus in the mother
  • low placenta previa
  • In the anamnesis, the woman has chronic diseases of the internal organs.
Set the Kegel

I'll help you rightt lead to tone m'yazi pelvic floor. At the moment of winemaking children, they are going to be seriously addicted.

  • Relax and strain the m'yazi between the stretch for 10 seconds. Take a break for 15-20 seconds, then repeat 3 more times. Usy needs to be done 4 times.
  • Squeeze and relax for 5 seconds, and then break for 5 seconds. It is necessary to work 8-10 approaches.
  • Squeeze the mud for 10 seconds, then relax, repeat after 30 seconds.
In order to achieve a good result, it is necessary to win the right regularly, back to the bottom.

Already more popularyoga and meditation courses. It’s better to start busy before pregnancy, or in early terms, sob the body will prepare to given vanity. Yoga exercise method to open the cervix. It's important to turn right in a relaxed state, to speak out in the face of urgent matters, to lift your head in the face of indecent thoughts

To help yourself relax quiet calm music, you can speed up aroma with lamps and aroma with chopsticks with additional aromatic oliy. For the right viscount asanas need respectfully video lessons or hire an instructor, cotriy show you everything. Most effective pose for stimulation of the slopes - shavasana . So that the cervix of the uterus was ready to go down, the child sank into the small pelvis, and the cervix began to open, it was necessary to relax as much as possible, to help with meditation, and it was necessary to carry out at least 30 quills. Spiritual and health practices will help as much as possible relax and relax head like thoughts. After carrying out, take a drink of tea, herbal tea or raspberry leaves.

hot bath, spa .Not finishing method
Yakscho є problems z zdorov'yam, hronіchnі zahvoryuvannya sertsya, sudin vіn zovsіm contraindications.Do not see the lazna alone, take a bath as soon as you are at home, follow your arterial vice. By the bath, you can add aromatic oils, for example, jasmine oil. It stimulates the opening of the cervix.

Indications and contraindications

All of the above can be counted, as you already know silty halls, and necessary speed up trivalih processgently sloping Not alone vipadki, if the essences go, but there is no opening. Doctors go to medical methods- Show to the right, help to improve, start correctly dihati. In all practical flat boudinkas there are special attachments for raising the right - Fitball for example.

If you are still at home, please consult with your doctor before wiping out the rights and other home methods caused by the law. independently make a decision you can bring to nebazhanih naslіdkіv.

Often a woman, when the hour of approaching the term, begins to wag, panic. Nervous camp can improve the proximity of the slopes, the tension does not allow the mother to prepare to the slopes.

Main reasonsfull disclosure, otherwise Yoga Visibility є:

  • vіk ponad 35
  • bagatovodya
  • low water
  • infection of the thyroid gland in a woman
Overworld stimulation can also cause mischief and lead to sharp slopes in Shvidka rozkrittya - launching a process on which it is already impossible to get stuck. The body is not prepared before birth and there are risks of cracks and cracks. The child cannot adapt to a new medium.

Understand hard neck - the cost of conserving vaginess, often zastosuvannya preparativ, scho save and tighten the cervix. Single vacation h given situations - cesarean roztin.
Important! As if after the winding of the rainy waters, mimicry or mechanical, the essences do not recover more than 30-40 quills, it is necessary to work cesarean roses.
If you want to try the sprat of a year, but there is no opening, it is also necessary to carry out caesarean roses.

Irrespective of rozvinene medicine, nameless preparations and ways to help women for a long time are a risk for a healthy child and future mother. To that it is possible to get acquainted with the doctor, who will accept your little one and we will discuss everything possible traces that diya pіd hour of overarching situations.

The doctor, who takes the curtains, is guilty of knowing about the problems of the health of the woman. We prepare professionally. Canopies - tse vzhdhi rizik. Be healthy and easy for you!

Natural tribal activity begins approximately after reaching, and ends with the appearance of a cry of light. In some cases, physicians are brought to stimulate generic activity. There can be medical indications, which were called before the date of the transition, or after the transfer of more than 42 days. Sometimes the canopies begin spontaneously and run not too well, or they sag. As if transitions are pinned, or it’s simply not enough for a normal opening of the cervix, doctors talk about weak birth activity and go into її stimulation.

So the medicines beat up at that moment, as if in the twelve years after that, as the waters appeared, the canopies did not start. Obviously, stimulation works less under the supervision of a qualified doctor and border guard. When it comes to obov'yazkovo z'yasovoyut, chi is not possible in a woman of allergic reactions to some kind of medication.

In order to infuse on the cervix, they can vicorate like a medicinal one, and a non-medical one.

Signs that the opening of the cervix of the uterus at the hour of vagity needs to be stimulated:

Presence in breeds of cerebrodiabetes, preeclampsia and advanced arterial pressure;

Too early the emergence of rainy waters in case of risk of infection;

The uterus is strongly stretched, which is called out to rich breeders, too large sizes of the fetus or twins;

The uterus does not open;

Weak or short, or zovsim daily;

Problems with the heart, manifestation of Rhesus conflict;

Anterior removal of the placenta (like a threat to the life of a child);

In some cases, toxicosis has been observed;

I will become like mothers, so I will become a child.

The decision about stimulation is taken by the skin doctor independently, focusing on the mother’s status and the data on the follow-up (ultrasound, blood tests and blood tests). The term ochіkuvannya pologіv mozhe prodovzhuvatische for one and navit for two tizhnі, at the same time it is recommended to lie down in a sloping booth, so that I can increase control and at times need to go to the operational virіshennya pologіv.

Before medical methods of stimulation, an amniotomy is used, this is the name of the piercing of the fruit michur. The main indication before the end of the procedure is a gap of 2 cm, and then it bulged. As a result of the puncture, there is a strengthening of tribal activity. So navkoloplіdnі vody wiggle, scho to bring down the vice.

The head of the child begins to put pressure on the pelvic bones, and tse adhering to the necessary cervix. Such a method can be painless and safe, it is not the building of the child's rash, and there are no daily nerve endings in the fruit mischief.

In that case, since the amniotomy did not lead to a sufficient release, the doctors would administer medicines to speed up the process.

* Up to one of the medicinal methods of stimulation can be used to stop prostaglandins. These elements effectively prepare the cervix to a distant opening. Such a method is kinder, since it has practically no side effects.

Fahivets to introduce deeply into the candle, and it starts to grow sharper. Tse i є cob of generic activity. The drug is applied only to the mother's organism and not the building manager of a child. Vіn start dіyati in pіvgodini, and until 11:00 p.m., it is allowed to transfer the parents around the room.

* Stimulation with oxytocin - another type of medicinal injection to open the cervix. This drug can be introduced into the body for additional tablets or for internal and external injections, as well as for internal congestion.

Until new to the side of the day intensify ailing symptoms in the early afternoon, which is most often caused in parallel with spasmolytics, as well as a prematurely active uterine activity, which leads to a blood circulation disorder and can cause a child’s birth.

With an intravenous insertion, the woman is irritated to rest in the supine position, and it also negatively affects the opening of the neck.

* For rich future mothers, it is possible to speed up the ancestral activity with a path of walking around the room. Ale varto remember that the skin of a person is absolutely individual.

* Use a sprat of ways, so that you can win the woman herself to prepare the cervix for childbirth. For someone starting from 37 days of pregnancy, it is recommended to include more salads in dressings before your diet Oliya.

* The final result is given by swimming and swimming, as well as three-time sailing.

* You can drink from raspberry leaves, massage your ear and little finger.

Future mom next respectfully familiarize yourself with the literature about the canopies and recognize how it is necessary to behave for an hour of essence. In addition, it is recommended to win deeds physically right. Tse allow to change fear and learn to control your body. Vminnya "hearing" your body is the best stimulation of generic activity. It is important to remember that there was an invisible part of the slope and trim in your hands, thinking about the child.

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