Ginepristone for vaping. The preparation for the reversal of vaginess "Ginepriston": notes, features of congestion and storage

Ginepristone is a synthetic, steroidal drug that can be included in the group of progestogens and vikoristovuєtsya as an emergency, dієviy zasіb svidkoї contraceptives. The main active drug is mifepristone.

What is the rank of vikoristovuvat tsey drug? Who should take ginepristone on a dosing basis? You can easily find the mustache for power supply in the factory instructions. As if it were not at hand, you should know the description of the preparation, as we put it on the basis.

The description was filed with the method of knowledge of the preparation, and, obviously, not in a literal way. To that before him, as a victorist, zasib, respectfully read the instructions independently.

Yake at Gіnepristone diyu?

As we have already said, Ginepristone is prescribed for an emergency admission after the fact that, as if eating a non-abuse act, shards in this way are great the momentum of the current negligible vacancy.

The effect of the drug is aimed at improving the rapidity of myometrium, increasing sensitivity to prostaglandins. Independently in the phase of the menstrual cycle, a tablet of Ginepristone was taken, the drug causing ovulation galvanization, an active change in the endometrium was observed. All the same pereskodzhaє іmplantatsії, priplennyu zaplodneї ovum.

Vzagali, tsey zasіb vvazhaetsya at doctors and patients one of the most important for zabіgannya vagіtnostі.

What are Ginepristone analogues?

Ginepristone has a few structural analogues that make one fluffy speech. Therefore, if necessary, yoga can be replaced by such methods as: Ginestril, Agesta, Genale. Effective also: Miropristone, Mifegin and Mifeprex. You can beat Mifepristone and Pencrofton.

Yakі Gіnepriston pokazyvannya to zastosuvannya? What is the instruction?

Gіnepristone appointments for the protection of women in the event of unplanned pregnancy, if there are no violations or insufficient violations of the articles of contact.

Yake at Gіnepristone zastosuvannya?

The pill is taken no later than three dobi (72 years) after an uninterrupted statutory act. In order to achieve the greatest effect, before that, like taking a pill, you should try to stop drinking for 2 years. Take care that it is also not recommended to eat and drink for 2 years and after taking the pills.

The drug does not interfere with the menstrual cycle. That yoga can be accepted if it is necessary, if it is necessary.

What are the side effects of Ginepristone?

After the drug has been ingested, a negative reaction to the body may be observed. For example, women often complain about head bіl, Zapamorochennya, for boredom and vomiting, or pain in the lower abdomen. Some people are afraid bloody vision hanging on the skies. The temperature may rise. Women suffer from severe weakness, they can blame the disruption of the cycle.

But let me tell you, side effects in the face of the person who takes care are not often observed. Sound the drug to be tolerated well. Tim is not less, first of all, victorious, talk about his life with a gynecologist. It is also important that Ginepristone can be counter-indicated, yak, madly, may be safe before taking pills.

Yaki Ginepriston is a contraindication?

Sered protipozan Gіnepriston іnstruktsіya іz zastosuvannya rerakhovuє a number of stanovіv, yakі nіbіbno obov'yazkovo vyvchiti:

It is not possible to accept the zasib for women due to the lack of supra-natal ridges, nirok or liver.

The drug is not prescribed to women, as they may have chronic illness, in connection with such stinks, they regularly take such drugs as prednisolone, hydrocortisone, dexamethosone. Also, there are contraindications for patients, for example, they should take drugs that are injected into the blood pharynx.

Do not take Ginepristone with one-hour treatment with non-steroidal drugs (indomethacin, analgin, paracetamol, aspirin, etc.), as it is indicated for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

It is contraindicated to win to Ginepristone for the presence of important hostile illnesses, or chronic ones that have become hostile.

What's in the period breastfeeding you took a pill to Ginepristone, you can celebrate the birth of a baby with your milk only two days after taking the pill.

It is safe to take care of the faces, as the patient suffers from a disruption in the rhythm of the heart, as a result of insufficiency, or the pharynx is broken.

Keep in mind that Ginepristone can never be used as a drug for regular contraception. Yoga is less likely to be taken in emergency situations and vinnyatkovy outbursts. It is also necessary to know that the drug cannot be used to protect a woman from illnesses that are transmitted by the statute. So be careful, take care of yourself and your health.

0.01 g of active speech is included before the skin tablet storage. mifepristone . Also add additional speech: 0.0746 g microcellulose 0.0045 g sodium carboxymethyl starch and 0.0009 g calcium stearate .

Release form

It is dispensed with flat-cylindrical tablets of a light-yellow color, which means 0.01 g. A skin tablet of okremo or two tablets at a time is placed in a commercial contour package or a polymer jar. Skin-contour core packaging or a polymer can is in packs of cardboard.

Pharmacological activity

May antigestagenic diet .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Ginepristone is a synthetic steroidal antiprogestogen drug - it may have the power to block at the receptor level.

Yogo diya stimulates the promotion of short-lived habitation myometry , spriyaє vyvіlnennyu rechovin, scho podvishyut sensibility myometrium to nіnny types of hormones ovulation , take the change, and also reshuffle implantation already filled eggs.


Maximum concentration in the blood after taking a dose of 600 mg of the drug once a day is available after 1-1.5 years.

Absolute bioavailability Ginepristone is more expensive 69%.

98% of the drugs that entered the bloodstream bind with plasma proteins, zocrema.

Vision from the body is uneven. At the same time, the concentration changes twice as much (up to the age of 72), then it becomes richer. The period of navіvrozpadu at tsmu dorivnyuє 18 years.

Indication before zastosuvannya

Gіnepristone for pererivannya zastosovuєtsya yak, then in depressions, if the act of the act is unprotected, or as a victorious act with a new method of contraception, it turns out to be undesirable.


Before contra-indication:

  • presence in the anamnesis of statements about increased sensitivity to mifepristone ;
  • Nadirnikov's deficiency and triple therapy glucocorticosteroids ;
  • severe and chronic nirk and/or liver failure;
  • cuff uniform extragenital pathology .

It is necessary to take care of the Ginepristone slіd in case of:

  • small damage hemostasis (including the damage caused by the previous exaltations anticoagulants );
  • chronic obstruction ivnih zahvoryuvannyah legen (for example, );
  • important arterial hypertension ;
  • disruption of the heart rhythm;
  • heart failure .

Side effects

The side effect of Ginepristone can be blamed for a little discomfort in the lower abdomen, weakness, headache, nudoti, vomiting , hyperthermia , Bloody visions from stateways, may appear.

Instructions from zastosuvannya (Method of dosing)

Take 1 tablet internally at the age of 72 after an unprotected statute. I cannot take it for 2 years before taking the drug.

Ginepristone zastosovuyut in any phase of the menstrual cycle.


In case of taking Ginepristone at doses that do not exceed 2 g, there is little to no adverse reaction. When taking a larger dose of the drug, the work of supra-nural folds can be damaged, insufficiency .


Contraindicated for one-hour implantation nonsteroidal antiseptic drugs .

Wash away the sale

Sold by prescription.

Wash away the savings

Take care of the protected from the light of the dry place. Temperature dovkilla not guilty of exceeding 30 °C. Place, where pills are taken, may be inaccessible to children.

The term of appurtenance

especially vkazіvki

It is not necessary to live regularly as a zasіb postіynoї, planned contraception.

Ginepristone is available in the form of tablets of 10 mg, in cardboard packages, one or two tablets.

Before the warehouse, the drug includes one intoxicating agent - mifepristone. Additional speeches є:

  • sodium carboxymethyl starch;
  • calcium stearate.

Mifepreston is a synthetic antagonist to the hormone progesterone, among which there is a common cause for vaping. Ginepristone blocks the synthesis of this hormone. Also blockade of glucocorticoids.

Greater short-term activity of the uterus, adhering to the fertilization of the fruiting egg.

Sometimes the drug is administered simultaneously with prostaglandin, which mutually enhances its effectiveness.

In addition, the preparation of the building galmuvate is the development of uterine plumes, myomnial nodes.

Indication for zastosuvannya.

In the instructions to Gіnepristone, it is said that the indications before this stoppage are:

  • medical treatment of vaginess early terms(Until the 42nd day of the ride);
  • emergency contraception after an unprotected statutory act (up to 72 years after the new one);
  • therapy of uterine myoma with a rosemary of up to 12 days of pregnancy;
  • preparation for full-term pregnancy.


Contraindications before zastosuvanya Gіnepristone є:

  • disruption of hemostasis;
  • anemia;
  • treatment with anticoagulants;
  • severe disease of genital pathology;
  • igniter of ailment of state organs;
  • presence of a scar on the mat;
  • porphyria;
  • gostra and chronic nirkova or liver failure;
  • Trivale treatment with glucocorticoids;
  • disruption of the function of the supraspinal folds;
  • Increased sensitivity to drug components.

Vіdnosnym contraindications to zastosuvannya Gіnepristone є kurinny vіd vіd 35 roіv without prior consultation with the doctor.

In addition, there are low specific counter-indications, which are less likely to be insured in case of exaltation of singing states of chi ill.

When treating uterine myomas, contraindications before taking it:

  • vaginess;
  • lactation;
  • submucosal rotting of myomnial nodes;
  • swelling of the ovaries;
  • hyperplasia of the endometrium;
  • the size of myomi, which exceeds 12 tyzhnіv vagіtnostі.

When preparing and inducing mildly contraindicated before the drug is ingested:

  • uterine myoma;
  • premature or delayed pregnancy;
  • eclampsia and preeclampsia;
  • gestosis of an important stage.

When transvagination of vagity, contraindications to Ginepristone's congestion are:

  • uterine myoma;
  • vagity, scho Vinyl on the background of the reception or after the recent application of oral and intrauterine hormonal contraceptives;
  • vaginess, which is not confirmed by previous reports, but is moving the term 42 tyzhnі;
  • Pozamatkova vagіtnіst chi pіdozra on her.

Accepted with care and under the supervision of a doctor:

  • with heart-sudine ailments and sickness before them;
  • with bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive diseases of the leg;

Method of stosing and dosing to Ginepristone

The instructions to Ginepristone say that wine is taken internally, for such schemes:

For the treatment of uterine myoma, 50 mg is taken once, in a course of 3 months.

For emergency postcoital contraception, it is taken in the first 72 years after an unprotected statute of 10 mg of the drug (one tablet) independently in the phase of the menstrual cycle two years before the implantation. For a stretch of two years after the reception of Gіnepristone, the next thing is also to be humbled in the air.

For preparation to gradual and induction, take 200 mg of the drug at a time, in the presence of a doctor. Through doba, take the same dose again.

For transfusion of vaginess, 600 mg of the drug is taken at once, in the presence of a doctor. Take misoprostol at once. For a stretch of two years, after receiving the next, I will be left under the medical eye. After two dobi, ultrasound control is established. In case of incomplete abortion or vagity, which is trivae, the vacuum aspiration method is used.

In case of overdosing, the development of acute insufficiency of supramental ulcers is suspected.

Side effects of Ginepristone

Among non-specific side effects of Ginepristone can be seen as follows:

  • hanging on the shkіrі;
  • temperature rise;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit that boredom;
  • zamorochennya;
  • head bіl;
  • weakness;
  • feeling discomfort in the lower abdomen.

On top of that, when treated with Ginepristone concomitantly with misoprostol, the side effects:

  • bіli;
  • become restless;
  • decrease in hemoglobin;
  • anemia;
  • restless;
  • bіl in the nose;
  • asthenia;
  • sleeplessness;
  • discord etching;
  • vaginitis.

In case of re-treatment of the procedure, vagity for the help of Ginepristone can additionally be blamed for:

  • infection of the uterus and sieve paths;
  • inflammation of the uterus and appendages;
  • bіl in the lower abdomen;
  • bleeding.

Among other specific side effects for Ginepristone:

  • disruption of the cycle, amenorrhea (with lіkuvannі myomi);
  • disruption of the cycle and bloody vision of the state ways (with emergency contraception).

especially vkazіvki

Required for a prescription.

An one-hour intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from Ginepristone resulted in a reduction in its effect.

Taking the drug for the transfusion of vaginess or the induction of a mild possibility only in hospitals, scallops of the temple and the possibility of flushed bleeding, which leads to a negligible surgical intervention.

In case of saving the excess of vaccinity after taking Ginepristone, it is necessary to interrupt it surgically, oscillating the drug in order to prevent the development of the fetus.

It does not protect from illnesses that are transmitted by the path.

Analogues to Ginepristone

Among the exact analogues of the drug: Agesta, Pencrofton, Ginesteril, Genale, Mifegin and other drugs.

Terms and mind saving

Ginepristone is taken at a temperature no higher than 30 degrees Celsius, in a place inaccessible to children.

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Ginepristone, the instruction until which will be reportedly described in the article, is an emergency contraceptive, recognized for the reversal of an unsatisfactory pregnancy in the contraceptive, as an article act is not theft, but theft by the wrong methods of contraception. Zasib to enter the group of progestogens. First of all, vikoristovuvat the drug, it is important to read the instructions, instead of tablets, possibly side effects that women, yak, tried the drug on themselves.

Form of release and storage of the drug

Ginepristone is sold in pharmacies as tablets of a flat-cylindrical form, prepared in a light yellow color from a greenish color. There are three types of packaging in which the drug can be used: commercial contour packaging, polymer can or cardboard box. In any case, from the proponated packages, you can have up to two tablets in advance.

active speech, what to avenge in one tablet allows you to interrupt the vaginess on the cob pores. As an additional component in the instructions for indicating the onset of speech:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • sodium carboxymethyl starch;
  • calcium stearate.

Pharmacological activity

The preparation of appointments for depression, if it is necessary to term it to save the vaginess. The chemical nature of the molecules of mifepristone allows one to speak of Ginepristone as a synthetic steroid drug. In the human body natural path steroid hormones are viroblyayutsya nipple.

Mifepristone, penetrating into the body of a woman, mitteva blocking progesterone receptors, a hormone that helps to the female organism create all minds for successful molding and overshooting of vaginess. Having ingested progesterone, the uterus is not able to provide a friendly middle, the eggs are needed for occlusion, the mucus thickens on the cervix of the uterus, changes are felt, it is connected with the functional ball. As a result of the processes that occur, the ovum appears to be attached unannounced to the walls of the uterus.

In addition, the instruction from the test should confirm that the drug improves ovulation. Ovulation is a process, if an ovum is released from a mature ovarian follicle, it will suffocate at the fallopian tube, and it will start to swell. With normal work reproductive system ovulation occurs regularly on the skin for 19-45 days, depending on the menstrual cycle and the characteristics of the woman's body.

Indication before zastosuvannya

Acceptance of the drug indications in case of risk of non-negligible vaginess after an unprotected statutory act or inappropriate contraceptive benefits. Zavdyaks to their pharmacological authorities medicine enable the process oocyte filling. Suggestions to strongly recommend to take zasib protyag three days after the introduction of a state act, as long as it is possible to save eggs. The most pleasant hour for taking a pill is two years before the next, or two years after that.

Ginepristone: contraindications

The drug may have a long list of contraindications, so you should familiarize yourself with the instructions and tips, first start medication. In perelіk contraindications, such factors are included, like:

When the drug is taken by a woman for a lactation hour, breast milk children can be given only in two days after taking a contraceptive. It has been harrowed to cure the medication in the process of vaginess.

Ginepristone: side effects

Ginepriston, the side effects of which are infrequently manifested, pour into the body, which can sometimes be produced before the next unfavorable factors:

However, often taking the drug is painless and does not give the woman any discomfort, which confirms the numerical findings about the drug. Before zastosuvannyam contraceptives, scho interrupting pregnancy, varto turn for advice to a qualified gynecologist and find out about the possible risks of showing side effects.

Way to stop and overdose

Taking the drug is guilty of zdiyasnyuvatisya no later than three dobi after the statutory act. Bazhano take a pill two years before the ear, or two years after the next. The drug does not add to the minimum impact on the process of menstruation, so you can take pills at any hour, regardless of the cycle. It is not possible to zastosovuvaty zasіb as the main contraceptive for a permanent defense of the state act.

The dose of the drug in general up to two grams is safe for the human body. In the event of an overdose, there is a risk of the appearance of supra-nirkovo insufficiency. In such a time, it is necessary to rozpochati vіdpovіdne likuvannya.

Ginepristone: analogues

The drug may have a large number of analogues, which should be avenged active speech, some of them are also directly directed to the emergency of infection due to non-negligible vaginess.

  • mifepristone;
  • mifolian;
  • mifeprex;
  • agesta;
  • and others.

Suggestions about the drug

Ginepristone, reviews about the positive attitudes that most people have, tried on their own thousands of women and recommend them to their friends as an effective emergency contraceptive.

Under the hour of the statutory act, the partner’s condom broke, and the oskіlki vagіtnіst for me was not safe at the same time, I had a chance to bathe a contraceptive, which allows you to quickly relieve all risks. In the pharmacy, they were pleased with the drug. In the instructions, it is ordered to praise for three days after the statute act. I was afraid of unfriendly splashes on the body, but it happened. Zasіb podіyalo, negative naslіdkіv not overwhelmed.

Loves zasіb vіd nebazhanої vagіtnostі, if the statutory act is taken without contraceptives, or it seems to be undesirable. Die softly, without breaking the cycle, monthly insist on the term, with no inability to see pain in the lower abdomen or a headache.

I took the drug, if I missed the condom for a short time before the article with a partner, before reading the comments about faces. Most of the comments about the negative effect on the body were lamented, but the shards of a day of positive thoughts were more than half, I tried to try. She boasted that the camp had fallen after the walk, but nothing happened, everything was gone. Before the speech, I took the zasіb at the first day of menstruation, as I saw it, I didn’t get into it.

Ginepristone is an effective contraceptive that helps women in emergency jumps if the statutory act is not supposed to steal, or not to steal zovsіm. The drug causes reversal of vaginess in the early stages. The instruction reports all the aspects to the patient, and the recommendations confirm the effectiveness of the medication.

Emergency contraception is a good outcome, as it turned out to be “incompetence”, and there were no plans for pregnancy. In such a situation, you can speed up with Ginepristone's walks.

How safe is it? How is it a medicinal preparation? How to wash yoga zastosuvannya? - Knowing today, how and richly different.

Pharmacological activity

Ginepristone tablets on a synthetic steroid base may have an antigestagenic infusion.

The essence of yoga practice is to block the injection of the hormone progesterone on equal receptors.

The uterus begins to actively squirm, fluttering in the form of speeches. The effect of tablets Gіnepristone lie in the phase of the menstruation cycle.

In different periods, the infusion can vary, which is characterized by:

  1. Galmuvannyam ovulation;
  2. Changes in the endometrium;
  3. Implantation of the ovum is already occluded for transplantation.

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The maximum accumulation of the active component in the blood can be observed after 60 minutes - the second year.

first 3 dobi The introduction of Ginepristone tablets will be more appropriate, but then the process will be significantly accelerated.

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Warehouse and release form

The drug preparation Ginepristone is produced in the form of tablets.

In skin tablets, the concentration of mifepristone is 0.01 g.

At the sight of additional speeches zastosovuyutsya:

  1. Microcellulose;
  2. Sodium carboxymethyl starch;
  3. Calcium stearate.

Indication before zastosuvannya

The medicinal drug Ginepristone is recommended for emergency contraception for the purpose of contraception in case of unprotected sexual proximity.

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Before taking the cob tablets Gіnepristone slid respectfully include the presence of contraindications.

No. p / pAbsolute contraindicationVіdnosnі contraindications
1 Intolerance to mifepristoneHemostasis damage
2 Insufficiency of nadirkovyh ridgesLegenev's disease of obstructive or chronic type
3 Trivaliy taking glucocorticosteroidsArterial hypertension of severe form
4 Nirkov's insufficiency, acute/chronic formArrhythmia
5 Extragenital pathologies in severe formsHeart failure

Side effects

Sometimes the use of such a medicinal preparation as Ginepristone can lead to an unfortunate conclusion.

No. p / pOrgan systemSide reactions
1 Sechostate systemPіhvovі vіdіlennya bloody character
Violent menstrual cycle
2 Nervous systemZamorochennya
3 Shkіrny pokriv that pіdshkіrnі ballHanging on the shkіrі raznogo character
4 Organs of the herbal systemNudota puke
Spastic pain in the abdomen
5 Immune systemAllergic reactions
6 ZahalneDiscomfort in the lower part of the abdomen
A little weak
Zagalne ill health
Increase in body temperature
toxic shock syndrome
Pain in the eyes of the milk vaults

Medical interaction

Ginepristone tablets cannot be mixed with non-steroidal antiseptic drugs, but the drops may reduce their effectiveness.

Mindfulness from alcohol

Take the drug Ginepristone with alcohol infusions, it is warded off, as if it were being used 2 years.

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Dosing and overdoing

Until I start overdosing, it’s time to give me a little more than a dose. more than 2 p., suffer from different supra-nirkovial ridges.

Instruction from zastosuvannya

How to take Ginepristone tablets?

The medicinal preparation is administered orally in the amount of 1 tablet.

Zrobiti tse need pіznіshe 72 years with the intimacy of the unprotected character.

In case of interruption of vagity, such a method of stretching two years before taking the pills, that post cannot be eaten food products. Also, the phase of the menstrual cycle does not matter.

The term of applicability and safety of the drug

The medicinal preparation is guilty of overbuying 3-fold term in case of application with temperature up to + 30 C.

especially vkazіvki

Ginepristone tablets cannot be taken often 2 times per river. Such a scheme is richly safe, the lower parts are accepted, and even the consequences can be different.

The medicinal preparation cannot be protected from disease, which is transmitted by the statute.

The woman can understand that for obviousness, if there are any damages on the side of the state system, it is necessary to turn off the vacancy of the message to Ginepristone.

Breastfeeding and breastfeeding are contraindicated before the injection of Ginepristone tablets.

Do not inject Ginepristone tablets into account that quick reaction.


What is the cost of the drug Ginepristone? Pіgulki mayut varіst vіd 160 rubles per 1 piece.

Wash your permits from pharmacies

The pharmaceutical drug Ginepristone is sold with a prescription, but in other pharmacies you can get it without a prescription.

Replacement analogs

There are too many analogous preparations. Some of them are more expensive, and others are cheaper.

Up to them:

  • are prepared in the form of tablets with a single active ingredient. Virobnik: Xianju Green Leaf Pharmaceutical Factory Hubei Gedian Humanwell Pharmaceutical Co. (China), "Obninsk chemical-pharmaceutical company", "Izvarino Pharma", "Pharmsintez" (Russia).
  • Mifeprex released in tablet form based on mifepristone. Virobnik: Biochemist (Russia).
  • work with mifepristone. Virobnik: "Svit-Pharma" (Russia).
  • prepared in tablets based on mifepristone. Virobnik: "Obninsko chemical-pharmaceutical company" (Russia).
  • Postinor dispensed on the basis of levonorgestrel in tablets. Virobnik: "Gedeon Richter" (Ugorshchina).
  • Pharmatex create benzalkonium chloride in tablets. Virobnik: Innothera Chouzy (France).
  • Escapelle carried out in tablets based on levonorgestrel. Virobnik: "Gedeon Richter" (Ugorshchina).

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