Prayer for the repose of 40 days. Prayer for the rest of the soul. Yakimi mayut buti prayer words

Same report description: a prayer for the dead up to 40 days of kafizmi - for our readers and payers.

Meaning of the 17th kafizmi

For a stretch of forty days after the death of a person, yoga is near and may be able to read the Psalter. Skіlki kafіzm for a day - to lie down at the hour that the strength of the readers, but the obov'yazkovo reading can be good. If the entire Psalter has been read, it is read back to back. Just don't forget that after the skin "Glory." you need to read a prayer about the remembrance of the deceased (from "Following the legacy of the soul from the body"). A lot of relatives and relatives of the deceased, relying on those who have no time, or do not make the Psalter, or do not dare to read Church Slavonic, trust the reading of others (readers) for a fee, or else the wine city. Ale, the prayer will be strong, wide, pure, as if close to death, the person herself asks God for mercy on the deceased.

At the third, ninth, fortieth days, we read after the death of 17 kathisma.

In this kafizma, the bliss is quiet, who walked by the law of the Lord, to that. the bliss of righteous people, who tried to live according to God's commandments.

The sense and meaning of the 118th psalm are revealed in the 19th verse: "I am on the ground (mandriving) on ​​the earth: do not take your commandments for me." Tlumachna Bible, ed. A.P. Lopukhina Dajomu Virshu explains: "Life land є mandrіvka, rise, healthy for the people of the people who were reached the horseman, vita mszetsetavannya. Obviously, the remaining is not land, but to Trunoy. You can bring only a few prayers without mercy on the earth to her. How can I know the rest? Here - to give a clear message about the metaphor of the earthly reason, the immortality of the human soul and sweaty slander."

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Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

King of Heaven. Trisvyate. Holy Trinity. Our Father.

Troparion: Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us; For every kind of prayer, it’s a prayer, for we bring a prayer to the Lady of sin: have mercy on us.

Glory to the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit. Honor your prophet, Lord, triumph, the sky of the Church will be shown, angels will gladden the people: with prayers, Christ God, correct our life in the world, let us sing to you: Aliluya.

I now and forever and for ever and ever, amen. My richness, Mother of God, sin, I have come to You, Pure, salvation, vimaguchi: see my weak soul, and pray to Your Sin and our God to give me more, lower sodiya lyutih, One Blessed.

Lord have mercy. (forty times)

I bow for strength.

Come, let's get down. (Trichi)

Psalm 118

Kafism of splits on 3 "Glory", on the skin "Glory" read:

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, glory to You, God (Trich).

Lord have mercy ( Trichy).

Prayer for the deceased ( Div. For example, kafizmi).

Glory to the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, and forever and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Make Your Hands for me, and make for me, make me, and I will learn Your commandments. Tі, scho to be afraid of You to cheer me, and to have fun, more on Your words hopes. Rozumієsh, Lord, for the truth is Thy share, and truly conquered me. Be Thy mercy, let me comfort me with the word of Thy servant. Let Your bounty come to me, and I will be alive, for Your law is My command. Do not let yourself be ashamed of pride, for you are unjustly lawless on me, but I will scoff at your commandments.

Let me wrap you up, to be afraid of You, and Your guide. Be my heart lawless in Your righteousness, for I will not be dismayed. My soul knows Your salvation, I hope for Your words. My eyes have known your word, verbally: when will you help me? Zane beat yak smartly on an elephant, I didn’t beat your truth. What day is your servant? If you do me in court, what do you do to me? Having seen me zlochintsiv znuschannya, but not like your law, Lord. All commandments are Your truth; having unjustly persecuted me, help me. Little did not leave me on earth, I did not leave Thy commandments. Live for me for Thy mercy, and I will keep the knowledge of Thy lips. Forever, O Lord, Your word is transubstantiated in Heaven. Have read and read your truth. Having fallen asleep on the earth, and perebovaє. The day is spent in Thy deeds, for the mighty work is on Thee. For the yakbi is not the law of yours, my povchannya buv, even if I perished in my humility. For ever I will not forget Your truthfulness, for in them I have revived me.

I am yours, save me: as the truth of your constrictions. I’m checking for a sin to destroy me, Your rozumekh is born. All demise bachish kіnets, your commandment is wide. If you love your law, Lord, all day long I will keep you. Greater than my enemies, having wised me up, I will command Yours, for in my eyelids. More than all learners understand me, more than your knowledge is mine. More old man rozumekh, more commandments of Your banner. See every crafty path brought to my feet, for let me save your words. I didn’t swindle through Your valleys, for You legislated me. If the licorice of my throat is your words: more for honey in my mouth. In view of the commandments of Your minds: for whom I hated every way of unrighteousness. The lamp of my feet is Your law, I light my footsteps. I swear, and set to save the share of Thy truth. Reproach yourself to the ground, Lord, live for me by Your word. Favor the will of my mouth, Lord, and teach me your share. My soul is in Your hand guilt, and I have not forgotten Your law. Having slain the sinners to me, and in the light of Your commandments I have not strayed. The fall of your memory is for ever, for the joy of my heart is the essence. Healed my heart, create Thy truth for ever for a fee. I hate the law of evil, but I love your law. My helper and intercessor my Ty, I hope for Your words. Heal me, who is disingenuous, and try the commandments of God. Intercede for me by Your word, and I will live, and do not disgrace me in the sight of my spodіvan. Help me, and I will be saved, and I will confess in the truth of Your guilt. You lower your mustache, that they step into your truthfulness, for your thought is unrighteous. Tі, scho to cross the non-preachers, the mustache of the earth, for the sake of loving your wedding. Blossom my body in fear of Yours, for in the sight of Your valleys I am wicked. Do judgment and truth, do not harm me to those who represent me. Take Thy servant for the good, so that they do not wash my pride. My eyes look to Thy salvation and to the word of Thy truth: do with Thy servant for Thy mercy, and in Thy truth teach me. I am Thy servant: wise to me, and I will see Thy witness. An hour to create the Lord: to defile Your law. Whose task for the beloved commandments of Yours is more than gold and topaz. For whom, to all Your commandments, straight, I hate the skin path of iniquity. Wonderful is Your memory: for whom I tasted my soul. The appearance of your words enlightens and induces dismay. My mouth is opened and my spirit is turned back, for command Your prayers.

Glory to the Fathers and Sin and the Holy Spirit, and ninth and forever and ever and ever. Amen.

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, glory to Thee God. (Trichi)

Lord have mercy ( Trichy).

Prayer for the deceased

Guess, Lord, our God, at the top of the eternal belly Thy servant, our brother (im'yarok) passed away, and as Good and people-loving, admit sins and forgive iniquity, weakened, redundant and forgive all free yoga sins and mimovilna, willfulness the fire of the Genie and grant him communion and the blessings of Your eternal good, prepared for them who love You: as if I sinned, but did not step in You, and undoubtedly in the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, Your God in the Trinity of the glorious faith, and Unity in Trinity Trinity in Unity, Orthodoxy navit until the rest of your soul of support. Tim, be merciful to that, and I believe, that in You the place of deeds of wisdom, and with Your saints, like Generous, calm: for there are no people who live and do not sin. Ale Ti, the One we will encircle every sin, and Your truth, the truth for ever, and Ti is the only God of mercies and generosity, and love of people, and we give glory to You, Fathers and Sin and the Holy Spirit, and forever and ever. Amen.

Trisvyato, for our Father.

I troparia, voice 2

They sinned before You, Savior, like a prodigal son: accept me, Father, what do you repent of, and have mercy on me, God.

Glory: I cry to You, Christ the Savior, with the voice of a mitar: cleanse me like a stranger, and have mercy on me, God.

І now: Mother of God, do not know me for the power of Your intercession, for my soul has hoped for You, and have mercy on me.

Lord have mercy ( 40 times).

Vladiko the Lord Almighty and the Creator for all, the generous Father, and the mercy of God, having created people on the earth, and showing them after Your image and after their likeness, then and there the miracle of Your name will be glorified on earth, better to do yoga in Your Christ and call to Heaven: for you, having multiplied Your greatness on me, and not having seen me as my guardian at the end, throw me away, who are whispering at the break of hell, lowering me from You perish from iniquity mogo. Ninі bo, Many-merciful and Loving Lord, do not let the death of a sinner, but watch and accept the beast. My kindness and my worldlessness, forget the lawlessness, what by deed, in a word, and thought: let my heart be blinded, and give me tears for the purification of the filth of my thoughts. Get up, Lord, beware, Cholovіkolyubche, cleanse, Merciful, and from the torment in me of the reigning addictions, my cursed soul of freedom. I don’t want to take revenge on me sin: lower down, let the demon fight on me, lower down to your bazhann, let me know, but with your sovereign hand, yogo panuvannya steal me, You reign with me, Good and Human-loving Lord, and all of Your life, and live less for Thy good will. Grant me with the invisible kindness of the heart cleansed, saved, righteousness of mind, wisdom humbly, light of thought, peace of my soul strength, spiritual joy, true love, long-suffering, kindness, lagidnist, faith is not hypocritical, strimania the Holy Spirit Spirit. And do not call me in the half-time of my days, lower the uncorrected and unprepared soul of my cry; with the mustache of your saints, in which you will be sanctified and glorified all-chest and beautiful of your name, the Father and the Sin and the Holy Spirit, and forever and ever. Amen.

Helping a Christian before death and prayers for the dead:

  • The death of a person that prepares the deceased to be buried
  • Prayer for the dying
  • Prayer after the soul from the body
  • Canon of Prayer for a person with a soul who is separated and cannot speak
  • Canon of Prayers to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Most Pure Theotokos Mother of the Lord with a separated soul in the body of any Orthodox
  • 17th Kathisma (commemorative), which is read on the days of special remembrance of the dead. Meaning of the 17th kafizmi
  • Inheritance panahidi
  • The rite of litії (remembrance for the dead), which is zdіysnyuєtsya by a layman at home and on the zvintarі
  • Akathist for the dead
  • Prayer for the skin dead
  • Prayers for all the dead Orthodox Christians
  • Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for the dead
  • Prayer to the Angel of the Saver of the deceased
  • Prayer of fathers for dead children
  • Children's prayer for dead fathers
  • Prayer of a widow for a person
  • Prayer for the squad
  • Prayer for the benefactors, who especially honored goodness
  • Prayer for mentors and mentors
  • Prayer for the deceased pastors Orthodox Church
  • Prayer for the repose of the Orthodox warriors, for the faith and the Batkivshchyna on the battlefield
  • Blessings about those that God gave us diligence before praying for the dead and accepting bi її
  • Prayer for peace of mind, who died after a heavy and thorny illness
  • Prayer for those who died at the camp of spiritual illness
  • Prayer for the dead rapt (Shvidka) death
  • Prayer for the quiet, who died after his Vitchiznoy, for the abyssal and wretched
  • Prayer for the dead, who formed and hated us
  • Canon to the Monk Paisios the Great about the death of the torment of those who died without repentance
Read more prayers in the "Orthodox prayer book"

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How to read prayers about new awakenings of houses and in the temple

“They did not come to the heart of the people that God had prepared for them, who would love Yogo” - write the Apostle Paul to the Christians of the city of Corinth. Tse means that people do not hang out, show them, as if looking at the other light, de vin stand before God forever and ever. But if a relative friend is dying, you want to know what is going with him beyond the boundary of the butt. If and how to pray to God, to ease your grief about the past, that way for the yoga of the soul of eternity? Church and home prayers for the newly appointed, with respectful reading, give a Christian a quiet prayer.

Newly reposed (who stood up before God) call deceased from the moment of death to rock. For a rich centenary, the Orthodox Church has established a flock of names to commemorate the newly appointed:

  • good reading of the Psalter with a special prayer;
  • forty-mouthed, which are victorious at the temple;
  • panahidi on the 3rd, 9th and 40th day;
  • litiї on the grave at the day of the sleeping remembrance of the dead;
  • donation, memorial meals.

Pious Christians are trying to work through the river. In such a rite, the share of the dead is relieved and the commandment of the Lord about love for one's neighbor is repented.

Reading of the Psalms according to the new

If the body of the dead is still going to the booth and waking up, the priest arrives for resurrection, relatives by heart, including the hour of the night, read over the dead Psalter. For the presence of proper workmanship, ask for a church reader, or a pious layman, who can in this respect.

For reading, install a lectern (a stand for a book), or a small stele, rotting yoga in the heads of the deceased, light a candle. It was not fenced in the order of the candle to win the floor lamp. With a trivial reading and an extreme second, the reader can continue the prayer while sitting, standing up only for bowing on the words “Glory: and Nin: Alleluia” and prayers that follow the skin kafizmi.

Friends and relatives can quietly come in and go out at the hour of the Psalter chanting, praying for the deceased relative for strength. Requests read, if possible, you can read the whole nothing swear by reading the Book of Psalms once. For the praccia you have suffered, to offer a penny sacrifice, a part of the memorial meal and ask for prayers for the deceased.

The sound of psalms sounded at the coffin of the newly-born, calming the sorrow of loved ones and instilling hope in the mercy of God, with which the soul of the dead will soon chirp.

On the day of the funeral, the living relatives and friends of the deceased dwell among themselves to continue reading the Psalter until the fortieth day. Kozhen take the goiter of the yazannya to read one kafism today.

Prayer for the new

The psalter is composed of 20 kathism, the skin of them is divided into three parts. After the skin part fights three bows and a short prayer is read:

"God rest, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant (im'ya), forgive him the sins of his free will, and grant him the Kingdom of Heaven".

After the end of the kafizmi, read a prayer for the deceased up to 40 days, I will restash the Psalter for example, at the distribution “About reading the Psalter about the deceased”. There is no way for such a division in the book;

For informed reading follow understanding the meaning of words and viraziv warehouse text.

  • "in the supremacy of the eternal belly"- Spodіvayuchis on eternal life;
  • "let go of sins and live falsehoods"- these words sing for the Lord, Who admits sins and knows wrongs, made by people;
  • "Vіlna ta mimovіlna sins"- sins, crushed navmisno and navmisno;
  • "communion of eternal blessings"- Take away a part of eternal blessings;
  • "Amin"- everything said is true.

Prayer forty at the temple

Prayer on the 3rd, 9th and 40th day

Remembrance at the day after death was based on paganism. In order to sanctify the people's voices, the Church has praised the established old term to make prayers for the soul of the deceased. It is impossible for the human mind to recognize what is seen in the world, for lack of time. To make it easier to reveal the afterlife path of the deceased, Church to share yoga for a period:

3rd day, funeral

On the third day after death, a funeral (resurrection)- an Orthodox rite for the fate of a priest and obligatory prayer of loved ones. Pohovannya vіdbuvaetsya over the string of the deceased. At the time of a tragic death, if the body does not come to light, it is necessary to attend in absentia at the temple.

The rite of consecration is already trivaly and in ancient times trivav is close to two years. Today's wines are short, up to 20 minutes. It’s not worth it to the share of the deceased, as if the relatives prayed passionately for his soul.

After the rite, a memorial meal is held, for old times they asked for zhebrakiv and the poor, asking for their prayers for the deceased.

9th day

On this important day, loved ones gather at the temple, to serve panahida. The soul of the deceased, having enjoyed the glimpses of the heavenly cloisters, is ready to confess for all the falsehoods. Before it, the bіsi proceed, guessing the worst faults that lie up to twenty kinds of sins. We are told by the Angels, showing good deeds to the deceased, or bringing him church repentance. It is hard to bring the soul, like the Angels, it is impossible to give a confession. Then the prayers of loved ones are placed on the chalice, which are answered on the 9th day and the whole coming hour, until the 40th day.

40th day

At the 40th day, a memorial meal is being taken again, Panahida is being made at the temple. You can continue the magpie, which is over, or remember to read the “Unstoppable Psalter” in the monastery. Those close to the deceased pray that God, having mercy on the soul and naming the checks of the Last Judgment in heavenly bliss.

Before prayer, it is better to call more people, doing mercy in the name of the deceased. Call out to give out the chastovannya, pennies on clothes are impossible, seeming: "Guess about the rest of the servant of God (im'ya)." Whoever takes mercy, is christened and reproached with a prayer: "Remember, Lord, Thy servant in Thy Kingdom."

After 40 days, the reading of the Psalter is recited at the end, ale yogo im'ya will be gradually guessed at home reading the kafism or hearing in the temple. Enough on the "Glory" thoughts to remember "Guess, Lord, Thy servant."

In the okremi vipadki, for housekeeping with a priest, at the temple, you can have a funeral liturgy.

Batkiv Saturdays

Before that, from the day of death, the river rises, the deceased is called a new appointee. Іsnuє also sound more robust until the 40th day. Offenses to tradition are acceptable.

Saturdays in the church are celebrated for the dead, on the next place a note and a candle. At the day of the sacral church commemoration - Batkiv Saturdays - to bring food for the servants of the temple, so that they came before prayer. At the package of offerings, it is good to put a note in the name of the deceased, obov'yazkovo commemorating for the dead.

After the victorious fate of the day of death, a capital monument (cross) is erected over the grave and serve as a memorial service. The following of the deceased is called "eternally memorable" (about which one is remembered forever).

Home prayer for the newly appointed

May all the texts, as they sounded in the church at the remembrance and requiems, can be sung in the home prayer for the deceased. You can find them in the prayer book of Trebnik. Sound the commemoration of the newly appointed one according to the rank rule, to which the most important text is assigned.

Prayer for the newly born will calm the bitterness of separation, allow you to spiritually unite with him, help your camp. For more trival prayer, use the "Canon for the One Dead", de for the sake of clarity, commemoration is carried out in alone. Before the canon, you can add an akathist with your own name. These texts are found in liturgical books, so for reading at home, it is better to buy in the temple, except for reading or rozdrukuvati from the Internet. It is a tradition to read the canon and akathist itself on the fortieth day.

Looking at the grave, the layman himself can sing the troparia “For the spirits of the righteous dead”, “For the saints of the dead”, “Eternal memory”.

With a stretch of forty days after the death of a person, it is near that one can read. Skilki kafizm for a day - lie down in the hour and strength of readers, but reading can always be good. After reading the whole Psalter, it is read backwards. Do not forget more than the following of the skin "Glory ..." reading a prayerful prohannya about the remembrance of the deceased (from "Following the legacy of the soul in the body").

Many relatives and friends of the deceased, relying on different furnishings, trust the reading of others (readers) for a fee, or pray for yoga in monasteries (the so-called "non-silent Psalter"). Surely, God senses such a prayer. Ale, she will be strong, broad, pure, as if close to the dead person, she herself asks God for mercy on the deceased. I do not varto shkoduvati no strength, no hour.

At the third, ninth and fortieth days, read according to the late special kathisma (before it, enter the 118th psalm). They call it a memorial, and in the liturgical books - "Immaculate" (behind the words that are found in the first verse: "Blessed are the blameless on the road, who walk by the law of the Lord").

After the kafizmi, the troparion orders are read (they are written in the wake of the verse of the 118th psalm in the prayer book), and after them - the 50th psalm and the troparia are immaculate, or the troparia for the dead (number 8) with the addition to the skin verse of the 118th psalm: " Blessed be Thee, O Lord, teach me Thy righteousness.”
Following these troparions, the canon "Following the Soul and the Body" is read.

Commemoration of the deceased in the Church

It is necessary to commemorate the deceased in the Church more often, not only on special days of remembrance, but on another day. Great blessing for the repose of the dead Orthodox Christians, the Church slaughters at the Divine Liturgy, bringing a bloodless sacrifice to God for them. For whom, before the cob of the liturgy (or the evening before the evening), submit to the church notes with their names (you can write in less than Orthodox christenings).
In the mountains of the note, ring out the eight-pointed Orthodox cross. Then we show the kind of commemoration - “About the repose”, after which the names of those who generic advice(reply to the inquiry of “who?”), moreover, the clergy of those blacks from the appointed rank of that stage of clergy are the first to think (for example, Metropolitan John, skhіїgumen Savi, archpriest Oleksandr, chernits Rahіlі, Andriy, Nіni).
Usіny names can be given to the church writing (for example, Tatіani, Alexіya) and more (Mikhailo, Lyubovі, and not Mishі, Love).
The number of names in the record does not matter. At the hour of the funeral litany, you can take your monument and pray for your loved ones. Prayer will be a devotion, like the one who remembers that day to partake of the Body and the Blood of Christ.
After Liturgy, you can serve panakhida. Panahida to serve before the day ahead - a special table with images of roses and rows of candles. You can immediately withdraw the offering to the temple for a riddle about the deceased relatives.
It’s even more important after the end of the death at the temple forty-mouthed - the remembrance for the liturgy for forty days. After the end of magpie, you can repeat it again. Іsnuyut and trivalі terms of commemoration - pіvroku, rіk. The active monasteries accept notes in the evening (while the monastery is standing) commemoration of the commemoration of the hour of reading the Psalter (such an ancient Orthodox sound). The more prayer will be offered at the greater number of churches, it is more beautiful for our neighbor!

Remembrance of the dead house

The prayerful memory of the dead is not guilty of chilling at home. І home prayer є ryatіvnym zabob for our deceased relatives.
Prayers, as we do at home, are called the “cell rule”. Tim himself hiba sho vkazuetsya, those home prayers do not blame anything, but be lazy, vipadkovym, and the mother looked at the rules herself, tobto. owe buti folded according to the rule, mother pevny order and possible steel.
The Church calls upon its children to prayerfully remember the living and the dead today. The main home prayer for the dead is a monument, wine is for the skin prayer book. Prayers for the dead - in the ranking, and in the evening rule.
If you want to add special prayers for the dead to the evening rules, about the need to be blessed by the priest, and for this blessing, create a home prayer rule for the dead.
Prayer for the dead is our main and invaluable help to those who are living in the other world.
The Church commands us to pray today for the dead fathers, relatives, knowledgeable and beneficent ones. For some of the poorest ranked molits, the foot is included short prayer about the dead:
"God rest, O Lord, the souls of Thy servants have died: my fathers, relatives, benefactors (names of їх), and all Orthodox Christians, and vibach їm sins are free and mimovilna, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven."


Prayer for the dead

God of spirits and every body, death corrects and the devil of stings, and gives life to the world of Your gifts; Himself, Lord, rest the soul of Your dead servant (Thy servants are dead, or Your servants are dead), [im'ya rok], in the world of light, in the place of the green, in the place of the calm, already no ailment, troubles and zethannya. Be it a sin committed by him (by her or by them), in a word, by deed, by mercy, God is good and loves people. For the people are mute, who will be alive and not sin. You are the only one without sin, Your truth, truth for ever, and Your word is truth.

Prayer for the deceased Christian

Guess, Lord, our God, at the belly of that hopeless belly of Thy eternally changed servant, our brother (im'ya), and I am Good and a philanthropist, admit sins, and forgive iniquity, weaken, forgive and forgive all your sins and mimicry, save the torments of the fire of the genie, and grant to you the communion of that eternal goodness of yours, prepared by those who love you: as if it were a sin, but not stepping in front of you, and undoubtedly in the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, Your God in the Trinity glorious, faith, at the Trinity that Trinity in the Unity, Orthodoxy navitt until the rest of your soul spovidi. Tim, be merciful to that, and I believe, that in You there is a substitute for the work of the mind, and with Your saints, like a Generous calm: for there are no people who live and do not sin. Ale Ti, the One we will encircle every sin, and Your truth, the truth is for ever, and Ti is the only God of mercies and generosity, and philanthropy, and to You we give glory to the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever, and for ever and ever.

Prayer of the Monk Lev of Optina to the Lord for the father, who died without repentance

Know, Lord, I will perish the soul of my father (im'ya), and as much as possible, have mercy! Thy ways are invisible. Do not take me into sin in my prayers. Ale let Thy will be holy.

Prayer for the deceased

Remember, Lord our God, in the life of that hopeful life of the eternal rest of Your (Your) servant (im'ya), and like a Good and Lover of people, who forgives sins and lawlessness, let me and forgive all willful yoga (її ) sins and mimovilnі, vizvol yogo in eternal torment and the fire of hell, and grant to you communion and nasolod with Thy eternal blessings, prepared for them, who love you: even if you want and shrіv vіn, but not having entered into Sin to you, and without a doubt in the Father And the Holy Spirit, God in the glorious Trinity, believed, and the one and only Trinity Orthodoxy inspired to the rest of his soul followed.
To this, be merciful to the new (her), and faith in You will replace the work of the mind, and with Your saints, like Generous, restful: for there are no people, as if you live and do not sin. Ale Thy the only sinless one, and Thy truth is eternal, and Thy One God mercies and generosity and philanthropy, and glory to you, Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the deceased after a tribal ailment

God, having admitted that Your servant (Your servant) served (a) Thee in the midst of suffering and sickness, taking the fate of such a rank from the Passion of Christ; we ask you to honor yoga (її) participation in the glory of the Savior through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for peace of mind, who died after a heavy and thorny illness

God! Righteous Ty, and Your righteous judgment: Ty, at the tranquility of Your Wisdom, laying between our lives, which no one passes. Thy laws are wise, Thy inconsequential ways! You punish the angels of death for the sake of seeing the body of the soul of that old man, that young man, that healthy young man, for those who are invisible and unknown to us, Your shares; but we believe that Thy holy will is on the spot, so, after the judgment of Thy truth, Thy, Most Blessed Lord, as a wise and omnipotent and omniscient Doctor of souls and bodies of ours - ailments, those ailments, bіdi that favor, you help people, like spiritual faces.
You oppose yoga and zcilyuesh, kill in a new world and revive immortal, and, like a child-loving Batko, karaesh: we pray to Thee, O people-loving Lord, accept the dead servant of Thy (Thy servant) (im'ya), who Your people have punished with a heavy sickness to vryatuvat soul in the face of spiritual death; And so, having accepted everything as Your servant (Your) with humility, patience and love for You, as to the unceasing Doctor of souls and bodies of ours, now show Your mercy to the wealthy, as if he had endured. (s) all for their sins.
Take yoma (yy) Lord, tsiu timchasova heavy ailment as a punishment for sins, skoєnі on this earth, and ztіli the soul of yoga (її) against the ailment of sinners.
Have mercy, Lord, have mercy on the one who has been tightened by You, and the slave (slave) punished by Timchas, I pray to You, do not punish the blessings of Your eternal heavenly blessings, but let Yogo enjoy them in Your Kingdom. .
How is the deceased (a) slave (a) of Yours (I), not having mired (a) for the sake of which I was awarded (-as) the transfer of such an ailment, that I became a dotik of a healthy and promiscuous right hand of Yours, cunningly thoughtful (a) or because of my unreasonableness having spoken (a) at his heart, to the fact that he showed such a burden (la) unhandled, but through the impermanence of his nature, weakened by a long-standing ailment, being embarrassed by such misfortune, we pray to Thee, Long-suffering and richly merciful Lord, probach yoma (ї) of sin for Thy unfailing mercy and Thy inexcusable mercy before us sinful and unworthy servants of Thy, for the sake of Thy love to the human race; even if the lawlessness of yoga (її) was greater for all between, and ailments and ailments did not prompt її to full and broad repentance, thank you, the Head of our life, thank you for your redemptive merits, have mercy and save, Savior, slave (-y) Your (y) (im'ya) in the form of eternal death. Lord God, our Savior!
Ty, for faith in You, granting us forgiveness for that forgiveness of sins, granting pardon to that healing of the 38-fold paralyzed, if he said to Ty: "Let your sins be forgiven"; with such faith and hope in Your goodness, I come to Yours, about Jesus the Most Generous, unbelievable mercy and in the separation of our hearts we pray to You, Lord: now and today, say the word of mercy, give the word of forgiveness to the grave (ї), rightly so oh) us to your servant (slave) to Your (Your) (im'ya), let it be spiritually, and let it not settle in the world of light, in the place of peace, deem no sickness, no embarrassment, no stogin, and let the sickness and ailments heal there yogo (її), tears of suffering and sorrows have dzherelo joy about the Spirit. Amen.

Prayer of God

Christ Jesus, Lord Almighty! In sorrow, I pray to You: O Lord, rest the soul of Your servant (Im'ya), in Your Heavenly Kingdom. Vladiko the Almighty! You blessed the friendly union of a person and a squad, if you say: it’s not good to be a single person, we create a helper for him in a new way. You have sanctified this union into the image of the spiritual union of Christ with the Church. I believe, Lord, and I confess, for having blessed Thee, come and meet me with a holy union with the unity of Thy servants. By your good and wise will, they chose to choose in me Thy servant, who gave you to me, as a helpmate and companion of my life. I bow before Thy will, and I pray to You in the sight of my wide heart, accept my prayer about Thy servant (im'ya), and vibach їy, as if you win with a word, deed, a promise, a commandment and ignorance; if you love the earth more than the heavenly; more about the clothes that embellish the body of one's body, one should care more, less about the enlightenment of the clothes of one's soul; otherwise it didn’t matter about his children; if you bitter someone with a word or a deed; And if you hurry in your heart to your neighbor, why judge someone else, who are such evil men.
Forgive me all, for you are kind and loving people: there is no other person who will live and not sin. Do not come to judgment with Your work, like Your creations, I will not condemn you with sin to eternal torment, but have mercy and have mercy on Your great mercy. I pray and ask You, Lord, grant me the strength for all the days of my life, without ceasing to pray for the repose of Your servant, and to inspire my belly to death, ask You from You, Judgment of the whole world, forgiveness of sins. The same as Ty, God, having put Ty on the head of її vinets vіd kam'yanі chesna, dominating here on earth; so crown me with Thy eternal glory in Thy Heavenly Kingdom, with the holy ones, triumphant, and at the same time with them I eternally sleep on Thy all-holy name with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Widow's Prayer

Christ Jesus, Lord Almighty! You cry in silence, Sir and the widow's spade. You say: call to Me on the day of your sorrow, and I will torment you. In the day of my sorrow, I come to You and pray to You: Do not turn Your face in my sight, and feel my prayer, which I bring to You with tears. You, Lord Vladiko of all, deigned to join me with one of Your servants, so that we may be one body and one spirit; You gave me a slave, like a spіvmeshkantsya and a defender. By your good and wise will, they chose to choose your servant and deprive me of one. I bow down before Thy will and before Thee I come running for the days of my sorrow: there my sorrow about separation from Thy servant, my friend. If you see Thy yogo in me, do not see me in Your mercy. As soon as you have accepted two pleats, so accept my whole prayer. Guess, Lord, the soul of your deceased servant (im'ya), forgive him all the sins of yoga, free and fleeting, as in a word, as in deed, as in knowledge and innocence, do not ruin yoga with the lawlessness of yoga and not for the sake of eternal torment, ale z great your mercy. and according to the impersonality of Thy bounty, weaken and forgive all the sins of yogo and slay yogo with Your saints, no sickness, no turmoil, no sithanna, but life is unskinned. I pray and ask You, Lord, grant me in the days of my life not to stop praying for Your departed servant, and to make me ask You, the Judge of the whole world, for the sake of all the sins of yoga and the universe of yoga in the heavenly abode, what you have prepared for us who love you. For God's sake, if I didn't step in front of You, and unfailingly the Father and the Sin and the Holy Spirit, inspire Orthodoxy to the rest of my soul; the same faith in Yogo, scho in You, zamіst dіl yoma vmeni: for there is no man who will be alive and not sin, This is the only crime of sin, and Your truth is the truth for ever. I believe, Lord, and I confess, for You will hear my prayer and will not turn Your face into me. Bachachi widow, weeping zealously, having mercy, son of її, carrying on the grave, having resurrected you: so having mercy, silence and my sorrow. Just as having made Your servant Theophilus, who has come to You, the door of Your mercy, and probing to Yomu Yomu the sins of Yogo for the prayers of Your Holy Church, hear the prayers and merciful retinue of Yogo: I pray to You, accept my life forever. Bo Ti is our hope. Thou art God, who has mercy and save, and we give glory to Thee with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Prayer of the fathers for the dead children

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Lord of life and death, Comforter of the sorrowful! With a mournful and troubled heart, I come to You and pray Tі: Guess. Lord, in the Kingdom of Your dead servant of Yours (your servant), my child (im'ya), and create an eternal memory for you. Ty, Vladiko of the belly and death, having given you a small child. Well, by your good and wise will, they were allowed to choose and choose in me. Blessed be Thy name, Lord. I pray to You, Judge of heaven and earth, with Your inexhaustible love for us sinners, forgive my dead child all sins of yoga, free and fleeting, in word, deed, knowledge and ignorance. Forgive me, Merciful, and our father’s sin, don’t let the stench go over our children: we know, more than a lot, that we sin before You, without having done a lot, I didn’t do it, as if punishing us. And if our dead child, ours for your sake, forgive, beshe in life, practicing the world and your flesh, and no more than You, the Lord and God to your own: if you love the world, and not more than Your Word and Your commandments, if it was given merciful to life, and not more than sorrow for one’s sins, and in the incompetence of chuvanna, pist and prayer forgotten - I pray to you diligently, probatch, reverend Father, my child all the same sins, forgive and weaken, and do more evil. Christ Jesus! You resurrected the daughter of Yaїra for faith and the prayer of the father її. Having healed the daughter of a Canaanite squad for faith and prohannyam mother її: feel my prayer, do not disdain my prayer for my child. Probatch, Lord, probach all the sins of yoga, vibachivs and cleansing the soul of yoga, winter torments of eternity and strength with the mustache of Your saints, which seemed to be pleasing to You, there is no ailment, no troubles, no stance, but life is unstoppable: so that the living one will not sin, ale Thee alone we will cover all sin: if you do not hesitate to judge the light, your child will hear your voice: come, blessed of My Father, and fall down, the Kingdom is prepared for you in the creation of the world. Bo Ti is the Father of mercies and generosity. You live and our resurrection, and we send glory to you with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever and forever. Amen

Prayer of fathers for dead children

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Lord of life and death, Comforter of the sorrowful! With evil and broken hearts, I come to You and pray to You: guess, Lord, in the Kingdom of Your dead servant of Yours, my child (im'ya) and create an eternal memory for him. You, Vladiko of life and death, having given me a child, and for your good and wise will, take yoga in me. Blessed be Thy name, Lord.
I pray to Thee, Judge of heaven and earth: for thy inexhaustible love before us, sinners, forgive my dead child all the sins of yoga, free and fleeting, in word and deed, thoroughly swidomo and through ignorance. Forgive me, Merciful One, and our father’s sins, don’t let the stink on our children, for I know that they sinned before You, didn’t bother and didn’t rob the one who punished You for us.
Well, our children, for their own fault, for their own life, they practiced the light more and their flesh, lower You, the Lord and God to their own; even more loving the blessings of the world, lower the word of Thy and Thy commandments; as if going into the troubles of life, and not lamenting about your sins and forgetting the unsleepingness in unstrikingness, praying and praying - I pray to you diligently, forgive me, most gracious Father, my child all the sins of yoga, vibach and let go, as if you have done evil in your life his.
Oh Jesus Christ! You resurrected the daughter of Yaїra for faith with that prayer of the father її, You healed the daughter of a Canaanite woman for the faith of that prohanny mother її, feel my prayer, do not reject my prayers for my child.
Probatch, Lord, probach our sins of yogo, and, having cleansed the soul of yogo, succumbing to eternal torment, and sent us with Your saints, which seemed to please Thee, there is no sickness, no embarrassment, no stogoniv, no hardship of life! For there are no people, I would not have died for life, and only You are the only sinless one! Let me feel my child at the Last Judgment, your voice of remorse: “Come, blessed be My Father, and fall down, the Kingdom is prepared for you on the cob of the world.” Bo Ti is the Father of mercy and generosity, Ty is our life and resurrection, and we give glory to you with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer of the mother (home) for the children of the dead and the unbaptized of the Monk Arseniy of Athos

Lord, have mercy on my children who died in my womb! For faith and my tears for Thy mercies, Lord, do not forsake Your divine light!

Children's prayer for the deceased fathers

Lord Jesus Christ our God! You are the Syrian guardian, who scold the porch and cry the comforter. I come to you, Syria, I cry and pray to You: feel my prayer, and do not open your face in the sight of my heart and in the tears of my eyes. I pray to You, merciful Lord, take away my grief about separation from them, who gave birth and woke (narodzhena and whacked) my father (my mother), (im'ya) (otherwise: with those who gave birth and who woke my fathers, names їх) - yogo’s soul (abo: її, аbo: їх), kak vіdіyshla (аbo: sho vіdіyshli) before You with true faith in You and with firm hope for Your love of people and mercy, accept into Your Kingdom of Heaven. I bow down before Your holy will, it was chosen (or: it was seen, or it was seen) be in me, and I ask You, do not see the point in the new (or: in it, or: in them) mercy is your mercy. We, Lord, for Thy Judge of the world, the sins and wickedness of the fathers are caring for the children, on their grandchildren and great-grandchildren to the third and fourth kind: ale and dear father for the prayers of that honesty of the children of їhnіh, onukіv and great-grandchildren. With pity and heartbreak, I pray to You, merciful Judgment, do not punish the eternal punishment of the late unforgotten (I died unforgettable) for me Your servant (Your servant), my father (mother of mine) (im'ya), but let yoma (їy) all sin she) is free and mimovilna, in a word and deed, in ignorance and ignorance created by him (her) in life yoga (їya) here on earth, and from mercy and loving-kindness of Yours, prayers for the sake of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all saints, have mercy on yoga (u) and eternity spared the pain. Ty, merciful Father of fathers, that child! Grant me, all the days of my life, until the last of my death, do not stop remembering my late father (my mother died) in my prayers, and blessings to You, the righteous Judge, mіstsі it's cold and in the mіstsі of the deceased, with us the saints, even nіyak vіdbіgu all sorts of sickness, turmoil and zіtkhannya. Gracious Lord! Accept this year about your servant (Your) (im'ya) my warm prayer and give yoma (їy) as payment to you for your labors and pikluvannya about my vihovanni in the faith of that Christian piety, as it taught (taught) me first for all the news to You, to your Lord, in reverence, pray to You, on You alone, put your hopes on bidah, sorrows and ailments, and take care of Your commandments; for the blessing of yoga (sya) about my spiritual prosperity, for the warmth brought to him (her) about me, a prayer before you and for all gifts, he (her) drink me in the sight of you, give to you (yoma) your mercy. With your heavenly blessings and joys in your eternal Kingdom. You are the God of mercies and generosity and philanthropy, You are calm and joyful of Your servants, and we give glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and forever and ever and ever. Amen

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for the dead

Holy Mother of God! Up to you, our intercessor, for you, our guardian's wife, that trouble before God is impeccable! We especially pray to you in the year of qiu: help the deceased servant of God (the deceased servant of God) (im'ya), the martyr (th) in hell; we pray to Thee, Lady of the Light, by the power of Thy vіdzheni in the roaring fear of the soul of yogo (її) terrible dark spirits, let it be winter and disgrace before You; zvіlni yogo (її) vіd katuvannya in hell.
We pray to You, Blessed Mother of God, with Your garment of honesty yogo (її), pray for the sinful servant of God (the sinful servant of God) (im'ya), so that God will ease yoga (її) of flour and draw from the abyss of hell, ) s baked into heaven - stock image we pray to you, our Helper, help him to be true before God, the Creator of heaven and earth, and bless Thy Only-begotten Son, the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, let him rest Abraham who died in the grave with the righteous and all the saints. Amen.

Prayer for the Raptovo dead

Lord Jesus Christ, Vladiko of life and death, having said to Your holy Gospel: “Sip, to those who do not know about which year your Lord will come, for you do not think about this year, the Son of Man will come.” Alemy, earthly sins, which cherish sorrows and worldly satisfactions, forget about the year of your death, and to that we called out to You, Judging heaven and earth, raptov, at the hour, if they did not clear up and did not allow.
So raptov's calls to you, your dead servant, our brother (im'ya).
Invisible and unfailing paths of Your wondrous providence for us, Lord Savior! I humbly bow my head in front of Thy paths, Lord Vladiko, and bless Thee diligently in faith: take a look from the heights of the holy donkey of Thy and autumn for me Thy grace, let my prayer go before Thee, like incense of arable land.
Most merciful Lord, feel my prayer for Thy servant (im'ya), for Thy inconsequential shares, stolen from us by death; have mercy and have mercy on my trembling soul, I’ll call on Your judgment at the hour, if I didn’t check it.
High is not Vikriy of your lutea, I do not punish yours, Ale have mercy on your infection of the frenzies of Thy wavers for the prayers of your Mother of Thy saints, the priest is the same mile the unknown. And if you want and bury your servant (im'ya), but in your life, having lived with You and supporting You, God and Savior, the light of Christ, and on You, I hope maw: awake my faith and hope for yoga!
Merciful Lord! You don’t expect the death of a sinner, but mercifully accept the new and for the new everything that is done until that salvation is certain, and You yourself arrange the path of yoga for the salvation of yoga.
So I pray to You, kindly guess all the deeds of mercy and all the prayers that are being done here on earth for Your dead servant, allowed me to accept my prayer for the new one at once with the prayers of the clergy of Your Holy Church rest in the light of the world.
For You are merciful and reverent to us, Christ our Savior, and to the only one to distinguish the invisible kindness and eternal glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for those who died without repentance of St. Paisia ​​the Great

Oh, holy head, reverend father, blessed Paisii! Do not forget your unfortunate ones until the end, and remember us forever with your saints and friendly prayers to God!
Guess your flock, what you saved and do not forget to take care of your children. Pray for us, holy father, for your spiritual children, like the one who can have courage before the Heavenly King; pray for us without ceasing before the Lord, and do not see us, with faith and love, shake you.
Remember us the dead at the throne of the Almighty and do not hesitate to pray for us until Christ God, for grace was given to you to pray for us.
For we don’t think about you, as if about the dead: if you have ceased to see us with the body, then after death we live and change you. Do not step on us in spirit, taking care of us from the arrows of the fortune-teller and all sorts of demonic calms and devilish approaches, our good pastor.
For you can see the cancer with your relics before our eyes, but your soul is holy with the hosts of Angels, with Incorporeal faces, with Heavenly powers, chekayuschi on the throne of the Almighty, gidno radii.
Knowing truly that after death you are alive, we fall down and pray to you: pray for us to the Almighty God, about reproach to our souls, and ask us for an hour for repentance, let’s go without a break from the earth to heaven, and let’s wake up for the harsh disobedience, bisiv. and povitryanykh princes and vіd eternal torment. And let us be the decline of the Kingdom of Heaven with the righteous, who for ever have lived up to our God Jesus Christ, Who deserves all glory, honor and worship, with the Unearned Yogo Batko and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Yogo Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for self-destructive

The venerable elders of Optina sometimes allowed at home prayers to make and self-destructive, for which, according to the 14th canon of Timothy of Oleksandriysky, one cannot be offered to the Church. So, Reverend Leonid, at Schema Leo, one of his students (Pavel Tambovtsev), having ended his life with self-destruction, say this about prayer: “Give it to yourself, so the share of the father of the will of the Lord, wise, omnipotent. Chi do not see Cherry Dol. Pragnuvay humble wisdom to yourself in the midst of peaceful sorrow. Praying to the all-good Creator, vykonuyuchi them obov'yazyok lyubovі and obov'yazyki blue. - for the spirit of the good and wise like this: “Know, Lord, I will perish the soul of my father: if it is possible to eat, have mercy. Unexplored shares of Yours. Do not put me in the sin of my prayers, but let Thy will be holy. Pray simply, without probing, rousing your heart to the rule of Cherry. Obviously, it was not the will of God for such a sumptuous death of your father: Ale Ninі vіn zovsіm at the will of the Mighty and soul and body to throw into the fire of the fire, Which I will subdue and hang, deaden and live, lead to hell and lead. With whom Vin is merciful, omnipotent and magnanimous, what kindness of all earthly people before Yogi's greatest kindness is nothing. For whom you are not guilty of embarrassing embarrassment. You will say: "I love my dad, why I can't help it." Fair. Ale God without equal greater, lower. loving ta love yoga. Otzhe, you are deprived of giving an eternal share of your father's kindness, that merciful God, Yakiy, if you allow me to have mercy, then who can repair the opir Yoma?

Prayer for the unbaptized deceased martyr Uar

Oh, holy martyr Uar, a special martyr, inherited by the Vladyka Christ of rectification, the Heavenly King before the tormentor, speaking to you and suffering voluntarily for the New One.
And the Church will show you, as glorified in the sight of the Lord Christ with the glory of Heaven, Who bestowed on you great grace to the New mercifulness.
And now, standing in front of Him with the Angels, triumphing at the greater world, gazing at the Holy Trinity and enjoying the Light of the Grainless Syayvo, foretell the suffering of our relatives, who died in godlessness, accept our prohannya, and like an unbelievable honor of Cleopatra in your two prayers. and godless consecrations, who died unbaptized, hasten to ask for relief from eternal torment, with one mouth and one heart of the glorious Most Merciful Creator for ever and ever. Amen.


Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Glory to You, our God, glory to You.
The King of Heaven, the Comforter, the Soul of Truth, Who crosses this and beats all. Treasures of good and life to the Giver, come and be strong with us, and cleanse from all defilement, and save, Good, our souls.
Holy God, Holy Mitzny, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Read three, with a cross and explain with a bow.)

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Vladiko, our lawless probach; Holy One, see our weaknesses, for the sake of Your name.
Lord have mercy. (Trich.)
Glory to the Fathers and Sin and the Holy Spirit, and ninth and forever and ever and ever. Amen.
Our Father, who are you in heaven! Let Thy name be holy, let Thy Kingdom come, let Thy will be done, for it is in heaven on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and give us our borg, as if we were deprived of our borg; and do not bring us in at peace, but let us see the evil one.
Lord have mercy. (12 times)
Come, bow down to our King of God. (Uklin.)
Come, let us bow and fall down to Christ, our King of God. (Uklin.)
Come, let us bow down and bow down to Christ Himself, the King of our God. (Uklin.)

Psalm 90

Alive at the support of Cherry, stand at the dahu of the God of Heaven. Speak to the Lord: My intercessor is my and my apron. My God, I hope for New. Bo Toy to deign to you in the form of a net of tricks, and in the form of a rebellious word, pleshma of His osyaє to you, and under the wings of Yogo I hoped: I will bring you the truth of Yogo. Do not be afraid of the fear of the night, of the arrows that fly by the day, of the speech in the darkness of the past, of the screeching, and of the midday. Falling into your countryside, you are thousands, and you are right-handed, you can’t get close to you, by the side of your eyes you marvel, and you pay the sinners. Bo Ti, Lord, my hope, Cherry poklov your back. Do not come to you evil, and the wound does not get close to your body, for by His Angel I will command about you, save you on all your paths. On your hands to overwhelm you, if you don’t hit your foot on a stone, you will step on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the left of that snake. How I hope on Me, and will I will: I will cover it, for I know My name. Call to Me, and I will pray for Yogo: with him in mourning, I will pray for Yogo, and I will glorify Yogo, for the rest of the day I will succumb to Yogo, and I will show My salvation to Yogo.
Glory to the Fathers and Sin and the Holy Spirit, and ninth and forever and ever and ever. Amen.
Aliluya, Aliluya, Aliluya, glory to You, God (trichi).
From the spirits of the righteous dead, the soul of Thy servant, Savior, repose, saving me in a blessed life, which is in You, Cholovikolubche.
At Thy rest, O Lord, in Thy saints they rest, calm and soul of Thy servant, for the only Cholovіkolyubets.
Glory to the Fathers and Sin and the Holy Spirit: Thou art God, who allowed the zіyshov in hell and the chains of the fettered. Himself and the soul of Thy servant rest.
І ninі i povyakchas і on vіki vіkіv. Amen: One Pure and Immaculate Lady, God without a nation, pray that the soul of yoga be saved.

Kontakion, tone 8: With the saints I will rest, O Christ, the soul of Thy servant, no sickness, no turmoil, no suspense, but life is unseen.

Іkos: The One Immortal Himself, having created and created a people: for the earth, in the earth, we are created, and into the earth there we go, as if punishing Thee, Create me, and saying to me: for the earth, and into the earth, go, and maybe in the earth, we will go, the tomb of Aliluy, Aliluy , Hallelujah.
I will honor the Cherubim and the most famous Seraphim, without the blame of God the Word, who people, the Mother of God, You are majestic.
Glory to the Fathers and Sin and the Holy Spirit, and ninth and forever and ever and ever. Amen.
Lord, have mercy (trichi), bless.
Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, Sin of God, have mercy on us. Amen.
At the blessed sleep, eternal peace. Lord, to your late servant (im'ya) and create an eternal memory for him.
Eternal memory (trichi).
Yogo's soul settles in good, and Yogo's memory in rіd і ріd.

Reading the Psalter for the dead

Reading the Psalter to the riddle about the dead to bring them more rest, because This reading is accepted by the Lord himself, as a propitiatory sacrifice is accepted for the cleansing of sins. "The Psalter... pray to God for the whole world," writes St. Basil the Great.
Іsnuє practice of reading one 17th kafizmi, tsyu practice vikoristovuyut for marriage hour.
Reading the Psalter is a prayer to the Lord. The ascetics of the Church recommend that the believer read the Psalter according to one kafizma every day, with bestial respect for those who have a non-dominant mental reading and piety and purity of heart.

The newly appointed person died, since the moment of death, no more than forty days have passed. Zgіdno z Orthodox vіruvannyam, after death stretching the first two days, the soul is on the earth and sees those months, where the earthly life of people passed. On the third day, the soul is transferred to the spiritual world. Orthodox prayers Relatives about the new people help the souls to go through the pipeline. The Lord of the building, according to the fervent and wide prayers of those close to him, probate the sins of the dead. Resurrection in the face of sins empowers resurrection souls for an eternal blissful life.

Day of death. What is Robity

It is necessary to fuss over the case before the court, and not after it. After death, if the soul goes through miscarriage, there will be a court, you need to fuss for it: pray and do mercy.

Is the death of the body needed now?

For wealthy people, death is a relative order of spiritual death.

Death speeds up the sum of the earth's blatant evil. What would be a life, as if they always founded the vbivtsі-Kaini, who would please the Lord Judi and others like them?

The Holy Fathers of the Church teach that the strongest and most successful will die to the mercy of God – the commemoration of them at the Liturgy.

What products can be put in front of the day?

The Lord only then accepts the life of a person, if he is ready to go before the transition to eternity, or if he does not work on his hopes for її rectification.

The one who lives piously, having done good deeds, wearing a cross, repenting, confessing and taking communion - that with God's mercy can be vouchsafed to a blissful life in eternity and independently at the hour of death.

It’s not a sin to break the will of the dying man like a dead commandment.

Now to hold a commemoration for 40 days

And even after one folk belief, on the 40th day of the commemoration on the whole, the soul turns to the nearest house, and only after that, how to spend it.

Sometimes, before such an arrival, the souls were resolutely prepared, they laid a lightly white stretch in the evenings and covered it with a carpet.

Prayers for the newly appointed servant of God up to 40 days

The people of the people bring great joy to them. Unfortunately, the book of life already has a date of death. Only a few people lie to lie, for which reason they will come until the next day. Yak vin lived vіdvedeniya period.

The prayers were written mainly in Old Slavonic. Їх faceless. It is important to look at the one whose cause of death is the one who died. It is a prayer for those who have died and have not been able to receive baptism. Among them is the prayer of the Theotokos for the newly appointed. She is the mother of the Lord, and prayer before her can help help the Heavenly King. You can know її practically in any prayer book. The meta of the funeral offense - tell the dead people, pray for the repose of their souls, give psychological encouragement to the needy, cheer for the fate of people and help them. It is not possible to rule over insults with the method of defeating those requested by those expensive ones, boasting of a great number of fears, or infuriating to the vіdval. Golovnya is not a hedgehog, but the community near the mountain is quiet, who cares.

Do not varto take a commemoration like a party.

Seeing the grave of a dead person - obov'yazkova part of the funeral rite. It is necessary to take the candle with you. It is customary to carry a couple of flowers on the zvintar, and the number of guys is a symbol of life and death. Pokladannya kvіtіv - himself shortest way hang your head up to the dead.

Come, light a candle and pray for peace of mind, then you can just stand, pray, foretelling good moments from the life of the deceased person.

On the tsvintary, there is no such talk of loud roses, everything can be in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

Prayer for the deceased up to 40 days

Remember, Lord our God, at the vіrі that nadії of the belly of the eternal newly appointed servant of Thy (for Thy servants), іmerok, and like a good and philanthropist, admit sins and forgive falsehoods, weaken, forgive and forgive all your sins and mimovilna, delivering Your holy friend has come in the communion of Your eternal blessings, for the sake of those that You have the only faith, the true God and love of people. For you are resurrection and live, and rest in peace to your servant, imerok, Christ our God. We give glory to You, with Your unearthed Father and with the Most Holy Spirit, forever and ever and ever, amen.

Help yourself and your loved one

Prayers for the newly appointed one with the best kind of asceticism. The fruits of which are known less at the terrible judgment. If people can ask the Lord, then they will win the Bajans. For tse stink yakouyut to the Lord. As if to move them with a pure heart and good intentions, then a lot of people’s sins have already died to say goodbye. The wrath of the Heavenly King will change to mercy.

Prayer for the new є vikonannyam head double commandment. Vaughn to talk about love to God and neighbor. Loving your neighbor does not simply mean helping you in worldly life. Tse means to help him, if there is nothing left to do. Vіn come to the Lord, and the soul is swamped with sins.

Such a parafia meant having shown courage until the end of that yoga of the same. The clergy formally asked for the commemoration, actually asking them to take their fate.

Arriving to the booth from the zvintar, they bound their hands around miles, rubbing with a towel. They were also cleaned with a dot of hands to the oven, bread, earlier they specially heated the lagoon and walked into it, dressed the robes. Tsey sound in the words of the obvious indications of statements about clearing the power of fire and directing them to those who protect themselves from the sight of the deceased.

During that hour, while the deceased was delivered to the tsvintar and was taken to the booth, the preparations for the meal were completed. They set up furniture, miles of log, all the dirt that had accumulated in three days, swept it straight from the great kut to the threshold, took it and spat it. Pіdlogi nіbіbno miti retelno, especially kut, pens, porіg. After tidying up the room they smoked incense with dimum or yalіvtsyu.

Funeral feasts were also held in recent hours, when the pagans were on the graves of their relatives who died. This tradition has gone down to Christian rites, and old Christian memorial meals have been transformed for more late hours at today's commemoration.

Іsnuyu and so called calendar commemoration, povyazanі z singing saints, scho escort lordly-pobutovy villagers, and advanced to church rituals. Pragnuchi pohovat the deceased for folk rites and apparently to the church rules, those close to the deceased often formally complete the rites of the ritual, without going into their meaning.

The whole expanse (behind the Christian mythology) is a sprat of courts, de soul come win with encores in sins. The skin court (poneviryannya) forfeiting a sinful sin, evil spirits are called mitars.

The number forty is more famous, often chanted by the Holy Letter.

At the funeral repast, we were chosen for our relatives, closest friends, and earlier also for the poor and zhebrakiv. They especially asked for silence, who washed and picked up the deceased. It was necessary for all the relatives of the deceased after the meal to go to the lazna to pray.

For vіdspіvuvannya until the fortieth day they paid pennies.

Dotrimannya norms at the Orthodox funeral meal vimagaє, schob before the cob її htos from relatives reading the kathisma from the Psalter in front of a lighted lamp with a candle.

At this hour, the menu of the memorial table is also composed of a songful set of stravas, in addition, on some days there are commemorations (songs or short ones).

They tried, so that there was a couple of scares on the table, the change of them was not practiced, but they finished the singing sequence of the reception.

In real life, it is rare for a commemoration to do without alcoholic drinks.

Licorice and sparkling spirits are turned off. The presence of alcoholic drinks on the memorial table is often explained by the fact that the stench will relieve the emotional stress, stress caused by the second relative and loved ones. Zastіlna Rozmova is mainly dedicated to the commemoration of the deceased, let's say a kind word about yoga on earth, straightened and on the breeze.

If you sing with table or dessert spoons, you tried not to flicker with knives and forks. In some cases, for the presence in the sim of a table slab, the relatives of the deceased were koristuvalis with silver spoons, which also slapped the sreblu of the magical clearing of power.

For the skin change, Orthodox Christians tried to read a prayer. The commemorative stele was often embellished with yelina, lingonberry, myrtle, and a black mournful line. The tablecloth was laid one-ton, not obov'yazkovo white color, often for muted tones, yak could be decorated with a black line along the edges.

Folk tradition regulated the order of placing people at the funeral table. Sound on the table, sitting at the Lord's booth, the head of this family, from both sides of which the relatives were raised in the order of closeness of zeal for seniority.

The crumbs of bread of the next day were carried to the grave, by the same token, they did not reach the deceased to the information about those who were commemorated.

The Orthodox ended the meal with a sub-prayer “For you, our Christ our God…” and “It is good for you…”, as well as blessings to the well-being of those who are close to the dead. After eating, they put the spoon on the table, and not on the plate. Before the speech, after guessing, what after the sound, as if at an hour the spoon fell under the steel, it was not recommended to pick it up.

Having done this, sound out for up to forty days an accessory from a cup of burner, covered with bread. They believed that if the homeland changes, it means that the soul is gone. So, on the grave, they left the burner and the snack, although they could not bring themselves to the Orthodox rites.

When the guests came in, at home, they would wake up, ringing out until the sun went down.

At nothing, they repaired all the doors of that window. At days, they were already trying not to cry, so that “do not call the deceased zvintar” for popular beliefs.

Obviously, in the eyes of the obscenely obscene, they entered into thoughts about the repetition of the school until the end of the term of the complaint.

A young man wearing a mourning for a large number of young people.

Mostly not new. At the given hour, for the presence in the cloakroom of a robe, a headdress, buy a black cloth (suit), a head hustka.

Earlier, before the hour of complaint, they did not bother to follow the clothes, more, for popular beliefs, a close watch after her, showing disdain to the memory of the deceased. Having made wide extensions, do not cut your hair during this period, do not rob shaky hair combs, but in a row of vipadkivs - make braids for girls.

In the case of believers, the complaint was signified by stronger prayers, reading of religious books, peace in the morning, spending an hour.

Pretty quick complaints in the singsong way of life, dotrimannyam folk traditions vіdrazu sharply falls into vіchі i may viklikati condemnation. In today's minds, as a rule, such a trivial hour of complaint, as before, is not finished, especially in the city.

Everything is individual and in a specific skin type lie down in low furnishing. Carrying a complaint, there is no trace of unbelievable grief, demonstrating yoga to the soothing.

Guess, O Lord our God, at the belly of that belly of the eternal newly appointed servant of Yours, our brother ( im'ya), and like Good and Humanity, let sins and spare falsehood, weaken, forgive and forgive all the freedom of your sins and mimovilna, succumb to your eternal torment and the fire of hell, and give communion to him and to the success of your good and bad luck, To you, and without a doubt in the Father and the Sin and the Holy Spirit, Thy God in the Trinity glorious, faith, and the Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in the Unity, Orthodoxy to inspire to the rest of your soul of speech. Be merciful to that, and I believe, that in You, zamіst dіl uminnya, and zі Thy saints, like Generous, calm: for there is no man who lives and does not sin, but Thy only one will encircle all sin and truth Your truth on the vіki, And you are the only God of mercy and generosity, and love of people, and we give glory to you, Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever and for ever and ever. Amen.

The death of loved ones is a great waste of that sorrow. And at one hour, not until the end, fall at the vіdchai, looking forward to staring at them. Are the sounds so evocative? Why should the church pray not only for the living, but also for the dead? Golovna - what can a man grow for a kohan relative? Aja the most terrible has already become, you will not turn the rest. Chi so tse?

Important: The Orthodox Church pray for baptism (notes, requests, services, sacraments). Like the deceased is not baptized (noslavets, self-destructive) - close to pray for the new one, de їm handily, independently (at home, at the temple, to yourself). It’s unbelievable - they’ll discuss it with the priest in the office.

Worst - in front

So, death is a stingy podia, but it’s not even more terrible, more than a time camp, like a perebuvannya on earth. The eternal share of a person is the most important factor for all people. The rest of the fate is to be guilty at the Last Judgment after the Other Coming of Christ to earth. There is not enough time for the correction of that which has not been shattered for life.

Now the church is praying for the dead

Yakby died, they could have been battling about themselves, they would not have demanded our prayers. While you are alive, change your buildings, change your mind, accumulate the Holy Spirit, which sanctifies, heals the addictions. Having buried the body, having healed his ashes, in the form of a person, an immortal warehouse is left:

  • the soul is powerful to all living beings, including creatures;
  • spirit (specialty, self-sovereignty, "I") - it is no longer possible for people.

There is no full-fledged people after death, the shards of the body lie on the ground. Without a new soul (at once with one's "I") there is no will. They її reminded, then get out of it, having passed ahead of the day of eternal life. As if the deceased had power addictions, all the stench was lost at the new one. Zhakh pogaє in the fact that I shove up to the starry growth of 1000 times in the por_vnyannі іz zemlynye bazhannyami.

The soul does not sleep, does not exist, does not wake up, the whole world of the day longs for the satisfaction of addictions, so that it can be satiated with too many “goods”. Just like a drug addict suffers without doping, so does the soul, like it loved to eat deliciously, sing, smoke, drink in wealth, glory, then you can’t calm down, because you can’t take “doses” anywhere.

Zavdyaki prayers of the church died, gain relief, I’ll help you and help - Light, as if igniting the unfortunate passions of the soul. Even relatives can help a lot. It is necessary not only to pray for services, but to pray yourself. Who zrobit tse more beautifully? Tі, hto mає sporіdneniya zv'yazyok, one Spirit іz we'll die. For example, children, if you love your fathers, be ready to do everything possible for them.

One Spirit

It is said: Lie to yourself - and for a long time thousands will lie. Mayuchi one Spirit among relatives, let us die the most help, volodar of the soul sanctified by God. Prayer of a loving heart to work miracles. She is quiet, who cannot kill it himself. By what power? The grace of the Holy Spirit (from the mercy of the Lord) lifts the soul from hell. For which requirement:

  • Pray for the dead at the Liturgy.
  • Prayer Panakhida for significant dates.
  • Read the psalm.
  • Save the magpie.
  • Remember the day at the ranking prayers.
  • Read the canon for one dead person
  • Lithium for the laity.

Zavdyaki prayers of the church, those souls of the soul do not take relief, but step by step loosen the earthly likeness. Zvilnyaєtsya in the way of addictions. Hanging with prayers loving people. I take away my hope for the order of eternal life.

Note: Panahida can be remembered for any weekday. At the period of Great Lent, there is a short litia for the dead. Three services (3; 9 and 40) need to be called obov'yazkovo.

How important is the prayer of children (relatives) for the dead?

God created humans immortal. Yakby is not the fall of the first people, the stale old woman with a scythe would be left without a job. Those who were christened, took away the Spirit of Christ (eternal) as a gift, but did not get involved in holiness, fell, not grasping to be cleansed before death. That is why sinful souls suffer, looking for the Last Judgment. You can help alive, visviting yourself, and praying for your fathers.

If we are resurrected, the body, put into the ground, we will rise with an eternal soul, be renewed. What a new people will lie down in the link with God. It is necessary to imitate the Lord, so that Yogo Force resurrected, so it itself transformed our bodies. Having piled up Grace on their own, relatives hang dead. Today's prayer is to bring peace of mind and the joy of bliss to the Kohanim.

Note: Pravoslavs read the canon "For the One Who Died". Akathist - domestic creativity of unknown people. There is no blessing on yoga reading.

How can the church help

First three days. The most important moments for the deceased are 40 days after death. The first three - the soul is separated from earthly joys: from beloved places, near and dear to them. On her check trivala separation. Sob sum is not even strong and mournful, at the church today they commemorate yoga for proskomide, pray at the Liturgy. That requires:

  • Zamovit magpie at the temple, de Liturgy to serve every day. Find out at a glance, the shards do not break such a practice. You can remember the commemoration at a number of churches.
  • Bazhano be present at the services, and pray for the deceased, if there are particles.
  • On the litanies at the Batkiv Saturday, they are guessing like the living and the dead. To voice the names of less dead people.
  • So that your prayers are powerful, have little great power: Confess and Communion. The call from the deceased mother is less perishkod.
  • At home, read the Psalter for 40 days, as much as possible. The number of kafizmivs on the extraction is not divided. Finished kolo, start again.
  • On a significant day (3; 9; 40) pray for Panakhida (to serve after the Liturgy), on vіvtar submit a Zamovnu note.
  • Give charity to the needy. For the sake of the relatives, do good work. You can take on yourself a housekeeper (if you want it for the first 40 days). Yogo treba vikonati obov'yazkovo.

Children, if you pray, it is possible, at that moment, the soul of your relatives will be assigned. Zavdyaki of the Blood of Christ, in which it is often washed for the dead, the grace is weaker, preparing the soul for the mountain cloisters. Zreshtoy, she’s breaking at the “priority”.

  • Six days check "excursion" by the Heavenly places. At this hour, the church is strong enough to pray, so that the helpless soul has healed to the point of babbling. Shrugged to a close ta rіdnogo їy. Prihilnіst to be honest at the moment vpline on the future share. Happy are you who are close to your soul for the spirit of the world.
  • From 9 days to 40 check the baked look. May the Lord have mercy on the soul at this moment. So that she vtrimalasya, having shown the place, de for human addictions, to pull herself up to a sin that was disputed with herself. For example, a chicken cannot stand in front of cigarette smoke, an alcoholic in front of rivers of wine, a fornicator, etc. It is now necessary to pray. So that the helpless Spirit “I” did not forget the good abode of Paradise on its addictions.

Note: Do not take this description as 100% true. An angel, who speaks to the holy Macarius, explaining the girsky world, ahead: look at everything, like a fortune teller through the darkness. It is impossible to give more precise clarification - there is nothing to compare on earth.

Where do souls change after death?

From the 9th to the 40th day, the soul will pass through the pipeline. It is impossible to say exactly how it seems to be. Behind the manifested vіdomosti that omissions of the saints, as if they spied on that world, the stink is not in the roses of the roses to explain the knowledge, because not everything is accessible to the understanding accessible to all. Є two versions:

  • The soul is seen by the moods of passions, as described above. She throws herself at those who are close to her spirit (for the admission of St. Theophan the Recluse)
  • To pass poneviryannya, like 20 (for the descriptions of Blessed Theodori). On the skin of them, bіsi are piercing, that charters can be drawn from the records of people's unrepentant sins. Behind them the stinks hang their rights to a poor soul.

Such a bi option is not true (maybe, what an insult), there is nothing calm for a sinner. All the flour, which we cannot see, is so stingy. Before the Last Judgment, private praise is to be blamed. Souls know ahead of day Paradise chi baked.

On Sunday, which can lighten the body (like in Christ), you will know Paradise monasteries. If you break the eternal torment to hell, decrim your addictions, you will be swayed by the lords of the bis. The axis of why is still an hour, ryat your kohanih and relatives, consecrate, pray for them. Then you will be saved and you, and your relatives.

Visnovok: Prayers for the deceased fathers (be it relatives) are brought by the church - renewing the day of Christ, given at baptism. Sprout Yoma to help the prayers of the children - tse fertile soil. She is drowning out the weeds, passions, roaring, sown by the Lord.

Prayer for the rest of the soul of the deceased for 9 days

God of spirits and every body, correct death and the devil of stings, and give life to the world of Your gifts! Himself, Lord, peace of mind, Thy servant died: the holy patriarchs, His Grace Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops, served the priestly, church and black ranks of You; the creators of the holy temple, the Orthodox forefathers, father, brothers and sisters, who lie there and everywhere; the leaders and warriors for the faith and the country of origin, they laid down their lives, the lords, those who were killed and their inter-human huskies, drowned, burnt, froze on the scum, torn apart by animals, without repentance rapt died and did not catch reconciliation with the Church and their enemies; in non-selfishness, quiet, they commanded and asked us to pray, for whom there is no one to pray and faithfully, the blessing of Christian forgiveness ( im'ya) at the mist of light, at the mist of cereals, at the mist of peace, in the sight of sickness, turmoil and zithannya. Be it a sin, committed by them with a word, a deed, a thought, more a kind God who loves people vibach, more a man is dumb, who will be alive and not sin. For you alone, let us embrace sin, Your truth is the truth for all eternity, and Your word is the truth.

Prayer to the Lord for the newly appointed deceased

Guess, Lord our God, in the faith of that suppleness of the belly of the eternal newly appointed servant of Thy (for Thy servants), (im'ya), and like a good and lover of people,

admit sins and spare falsehoods, weaken, forgive and forgive all your sins and fleetingly, delivering yoga in the holy friend of your coming in the communion of your eternal blessings,

For the sake of Thee, for the sake of Thee, the only faith, the true God and the love of people.

For you are resurrection and live, and rest in peace to your servant (im'ya), Christ our God.

We give glory to You, with Your unearthed Father and with the Most Holy Spirit, forever and ever and ever, amen.

Prayer for the deceased until burial

Remember, Lord our God, at the belly of Thy eternal servant, who, having ceased, our brother (im'ya), and as Good and a philanthropist, admit sins,

and forgive unrighteousness, weaken, forgive and forgive all the freedom of your sins and fleeting, succumb to your eternal torment and the fire of hell, and grant him communion and the harvest of your eternal good, prepared for them who love you:

For God's sake, but I didn’t step into You, and without a doubt in the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, Your God in the Trinity glorious, virov, and the Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in the Unity, Orthodoxy to the rest of your soul of the spirit.

Be merciful to him, and I believe, that in You I have done a good job, and with Your saints, like a Generous calm one:

for there are no people who live and do not sin.

Ale Ti, the One we will encircle every sin, and Your truth, the truth is for ever, and Ti is the only God of mercies and generosity, and philanthropy, and to You we give glory to the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever, and for ever and ever.

Prayer for the repose of the soul of the dead - calming the soul of the deceased, memorial words, spoken in riddle about the people. Pray for the repose of your loved ones, gazing at churches and temples, people do not only invisibly help us die, but they themselves inspire themselves at the union with God. Everything is laid down in the Christian canons, where death endows with a different, not tragic zmist.

Prayer for the skin dead

Guess, Lord our God, at the belly of your eternal servant, our brother (im'ya), that you have ceased, more Good and love of man, admit sins and forgive lies, weaken, forgive and forgive all your sins and mimovilna, vizvol yoga. the fire of the Genie, and grant to him communion and the blessings of Your eternal blessings, prepared for them who love You: for God's sin, but not stepping in front of Thee, and without a trace in the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, God, Thee in the Trinity glorious, faith, and Unity and Trinity in Unity Orthodoxy to inspire until the rest of your soul spovidi. But be merciful to that, and I believe even in You, I will replace the work of the mind, and with Your saints, like a Generous calm: there are no people who live and do not sin. Ale Ti, the only one around every sin, and the truth is Your truth for ever, and Ti is the only God of mercies and generosity, and love of people, and we give glory to You, Fathers and Sin and the Holy Spirit, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer of the Holy Mother of God

Holy Mother of God! We come to you, our Intercessor: You are a guardian, our helper, our troubles with God are unstoppable! And most of all we pray to You in the year of Qiu: help the newly appointed servant of Yours (Your servant) (im'ya) to cross the terrible and unknown way; we pray to Thee, Lady of the Light, by the power of Thy vidzheni in the roaring soul with the fear of the soul, the strength of the dark spirits is terrible, let it be winter and disgrace before Thee; freedom from the rolling of the broken mitars, the roses for the sake of them and throw them off, like evil enemies. Be thou, O All-Merciful Pan the Mother of God, intercessor and defender of the shattered prince of darkness, tormentors of that terrible paths standing; we pray to Thee, Most Holy Theotokos, with Thy robe of honorable Zahista, she so fearlessly and without restraint passed from the earth to heaven. We pray to You, our Intercessor, intercede for Your servant (Your servant) by Your Mother with the Lord; we pray to you, Help us, help him (їй), who may (-) judge the first for her of the Terrible Judgment, help me to be true before God, as the Creator of heaven and earth, and pray to Your only begotten Son, the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, let us repose Abraham, who died in the grave, with the righteous and all saints. Amen.

Prayer to the Lord God for the repose of the dead

God of spirits, and every body, trample death and the devil of slanders, and live in the world of Your gifts, Himself, Lord, rest the soul of Your dead servant (Im'ya) in the world of light, in the city of the green, in the world of peace, even in the sight of sickness, turmoil and zithannya. Be it a sin, forbid it, with a word or a thought, for the Good Human-loving God, forgive me: for there is no man, who will live, and not sin, You are the only crime of sin, your truth is on the vіki, and your word is the truth. You are the resurrection, and live, and the peace of your dead servant (im'ya), Christ our God, and we give glory to you, with Your unearthed Father, and the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Your Spirit, forever and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer after death farewell

The Lord Jesus Christ our God, what divine commandments we teach to our saints and the Apostle of Davy, in which we will bind and untie unburned sins, and in them for the time being we have accepted to do wrong to you: do not forgive you, spiritual child, as if you have committed you ninishny vіtsі, or mimovilne, ninі i povyakchas, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the dead raptovo (raptovo)

Lord, Jesus Christ, Master of life and death, You speak to Your holy Gospel: sip, because you don’t know if the Son of Man will come, don’t think at the same time, the Son of Man will come. Alemy of earthly influenza, that we were given away by the sum and the weasel of life, forgetting the year of our death, and so we call to You, Judgment of heaven and earth, rapt, at the time, in the vineyard, not in tea and not in my mind. So, with a raptom of invocations, your dead servant, our brother (im'ya), comes to you. Unexplored and unblighted paths of Your wondrous look at us, Lord Savior! I humbly bow my head in front of Thy paths, Lord Vladiko, and bless Thee with my diligent faith, look from the heights of the holy ass of Thy and autumn to me Thy Grace, let my prayer be corrected before Thee, for the censer is incense. Merciful Lord, feel my prayer for Thy servant, for Thy inconsequential shares of Thy rapt worthy of us death; have mercy and have mercy on the trembling yoga soul, I will call out to your unfailing judgment in the year, do not succumb to the vіzhe, Hai do not vikrivi your lyutyu, I will punish you with your anger below; but have mercy and have mercy on me, for the sake of the hellish merits of Your own and prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints, vibach їy usі sins, free and mimovilna, in a word, in deed, vedinnyam and ignorance. If your slave (im'ya) is buried, but then in life, I believe in You and help Thee, God and the Savior of the world of Christ, and I hope on You: for faith and for hope, I will take care of my mind. Merciful Lord! You do not want the death of a sinner, but graciously accept a new one and for it all, until death and salvation, to fight, and You yourself regulate the path of yoga, that I live buti Yoma. I pray to Thee, kindly also guess all the deeds of mercy and all prayers, on earth to be created for Your dead servant, kindly accept my prayer for the new one with the prayers of the clergy of Your Holy Church, and let the souls of Yogo all sin, spare Yogo in the torment of eternity and rest in the world of light. Yak Thy, scho have mercy and save us, Christ, our Savior, and to the only one to distinguish unimaginable kindness and eternal glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Memorial prayers: what and why do you need the stench?

Prayer for the repose - these are the words that will calm the soul of the dead, as well as the continuation of the life of the dead, the stink shards can no longer turn to God. And їhnі relatives, vymovlyayuchi prayerful words, help them with whom, save light of memory and do good in them. Prayer for the dead is important not only for the soul of the deceased, but for the one who prays. Scripture says - pray for others, you yourself will be forgiven. Through it, a person who remembers the dead, cleanses herself, freeing her sins.

After the death of a person, the soul of a yogi is more often resting on the earth. For forty days before the late May, a prayer for the repose of the newly appointed may be raised. Well, the stench is far away in the view of the faith and does not know the words, then the memorial prayer is prayed in the church. Candles for the dead are placed right there, ritual notes are written about the remembrance of the soul of the deceased. You can ask the priest to go home, where a prayer is read to him for the rest of the soul.

Prayer for the repose of the dead carry in your own song sent to the Lord God. The one who prays, ask for help and protect the soul of the dead, protect him from ailments, ward off all sins to him, show him a new path in the other world. Naygolovnіshe, that the text of the memorial prayer was wide, in the form of a wide heart, without any evil thoughts. Shards, reading a prayer for the repose of the soul of a dead person, or be it another way, a person on a spiritual level sticks with the soul of the All-Vishishny. For her help, there is a dialogue with the Lord and who will be blessed with self-forgetfulness, the greater will be the greater the stench of what the stench will be.

A prayer for the repose of the soul is a kind of bondage to him, who has ceased, which is the guilt of the yogo relatives, who have been lost in this world. Having talked with God, a person knows peace of mind, feels better and feels relieved. To the one who will often be bestowed with blessings, he will be healed more often from heart wounds and all-mighty grief. It will be easier for you to survive the experience of testing, picking up with the forces of that again and enjoying the gusto of life.

When such prayers are read?

Prayers after the soul from the body begin to be read from that moment, if the person is resting at death. The stench cry out to the Lord about the relief of the death torments of the dying, if the soul has left the body. Request a priest who reads a prayer.

Prayer in the soul in the body

God of Spirits and every body! You create Your angels spirits, and Your half-mind's servants are on fire. Before You, three Cherubim and Seraphim and the Dark Ones and thousands of thousands with fear and trembling check the fault on Your throne. For the quiet, whoever wants to salvage, send to the service of Your holy Angels; You give us a sinner that you give your holy angel, like a nurse, that they did not save any kind of evil in our paths and secretly instruct and instruct us to the rest of our soul. God! You commanded You to exalt the soul of the ever-remembered by us Thy servant (Thy servant) (im'ya), Thy will is holy will; we pray to You, Zhittєdavche Lord, do not take the point of ninі in the soul of yogo (її) tsgogo keeper and guardian її, do not fill up my unity, more to go on the road; ordered youma, like a guardian, not to go away to help those terrible people who passed by the invisible heavenly world; we pray to you, let me be your intercessor and defender against the evil adversary in the walkable paths, I will transfer the docks to you, like to the Judgment of heaven and earth. Oh, the passage is terrible for the soul, when you come to Your judgment without any side, and in the passage you may be rolled by the spirits of malice in heaven! Tim, we pray to You, Reverend Lord, kindly and sent Your holy Angels of souls, who have moved to You, Your servant (Your servant) (im'ya), do not hist, hist and save her from the attack and katuvannya of the terrible and evil of them spirits, like katuvalniks and mitniks, who were turned, servants of the prince temryavi; we pray to you, by the will of this evil camp, don’t bring down the evil demons in the horde; vouchsafe me fearlessly, benevolently and without restraint to take over from the earth this terrible path with Your Angels, let me bow down to Your Throne and let me bring me to the light of Your mercy.

As if there is no priest, the relatives themselves read the canons, moreover, it is neobov'yazkovo to tremble over the dying. As soon as the hour of reading these canons of a person resurrects the spirit, then the end of the skin prayer is read with a rose.

A canon for a person who lives in a hospital or at home

“Quiet, Lord, the soul of your dead servant (thy servants died) (im'yarek) (bow), and as if life is like a person, you have sinned, You, like the God of God, forgive yogo (yu) and have mercy (bow), make eternal torment (poklin), to the Heavenly Kingdom of the partaker (participant) (poklin), and to our souls make a korisna (poklin).

The canon for the people, yak vmiraє in long agony and suffering

“The rank, what happens to the separation of the soul from the body, the people are suffering for a long time.” Obidva tsі canons є in povnih Orthodox prayer books. Prayer can be done, to make death easier. You can sprinkle the dying person with holy water with the words: “Grace of the Holy Spirit, having sanctified this water, and free your soul from all evil.”

After death, until the time of the funeral, day and night, the psalter is read to ease the mental anguish of the relatives of the deceased. At the church, forty-mouths are prayed - special prayers, like reading for forty days on the day of death and until the soul of the deceased enters the next world. So before the vіddannyam the body of the earth yogo vіdspіvuyut at the temple. It is allowed to perform this rite and into the house of the deceased.

Under the hour of the ceremony, read the Apostle and the Gospel and complete with a prayer for the forgiveness of the deceased and the rewarding of the Kingdom of Heaven. On the church, at the moment of burial, Trisvyat is read - the song of angels, which means the transition of the deceased to the angelic light. After that, as the body was given to the earth, it is right for those close to the deceased to go to commemorate yoga. At the commemoration, a prayer is read for the repose of the soul of the newly appointed.

Prayer for the repose of the soul of the newly appointed

Remembrance, Lord, in the life of whom the rightful tsars and queens, blessed princes and princesses, holy patriarchs, His Grace metropolitans, archbishops and bishops of the Orthodox, in the priesthood and in the parables of the church, and your black writings. rest. (Uklin)Guess, Lord, the souls of your dead servants, my fathers (their names), and all relatives behind the body; and forgive my mustache sins are free and fleeting, granting them the Kingdom and the communion of your good things forever and your endless and blissful life of salt. (Uklin).

Guess, Lord, and all in the heavens Sunday and the life of the eternal rest, fathers and our brothers, and sisters, and there, where to lie and everywhere, Orthodox Christians, and with Your saints, de light of Your disguise, have mercy on us, more Good and people-loving. Amen. (Uklin).

Repent, O Lord, for the abundance of our sins, who, earlier than the rest of us, have faith in Sunday, father, brothers and sisters of ours, and create an eternal memory for them. (Trichi)

Nadali prayer for the repose of the dead soul is read on the third, ninth, fortieth day, through the river after the funeral. And so at all the days of commemoration of those who have died, to which the Universal, Batkivsk and Dmitrіvsk Saturdays and other days of commemoration are remembered. If you pray at home, then before this ceremony it is necessary to see the temple, so that you can buy candles and write a note about the dead soul of the deceased. At home, in front of the ear of prayer, light candles in front of the icons and place a cup with holy water. Then, having thought through all the sums and sums, proceed to the reading of prayers.

Chin litії, scho zdіysnyuєtsya a layman at home and on the zvintarі

Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen. Glory to You, our God, glory to You. The King of Heaven, the Comforter, the Soul of Truth, Who crosses this and beats all. Treasures of good and life to the Giver, come and be strong with us, and cleanse from all defilement, and save, Good, our souls. Holy God, Holy Mitzny, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Three times are read, with hellish banners we will explain with a bow.).

Glory to the Fathers and Sin and the Holy Spirit, and ninth and forever and ever and ever. Amen. Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Vladiko, our lawless probach; Holy One, see our weaknesses, for the sake of Your name. Lord have mercy. (Trich.) Glory to the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, and ninth and all the time and forever and ever. Amen. Our Father, who are you in heaven! Let Thy name be holy, let Thy Kingdom come, let Thy will be done, for it is in heaven on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and give us our borg, as if we were deprived of our borg; and do not bring us in at peace, but let us see the evil one. Lord have mercy. (12 times). Come, bow down to our King of God. (Uklin.). Come, let us bow and fall down to Christ, our King of God. (Uklin.). Come, let us bow down and bow down to Christ Himself, the King of our God. (Uklin.)

Psalm 90

Alive at the support of Cherry, stand at the dahu of the God of Heaven. Speak to the Lord: My intercessor is my and my apron. My God, I hope for New. Bo Toy to deign to you in the form of a net of tricks, and in the form of a rebellious word, pleshma of His osyaє to you, and under the wings of Yogo I hoped: I will bring you the truth of Yogo. Do not be afraid of the fear of the night, of the arrows that fly by the day, of the speech in the darkness of the past, of the screeching, and of the midday. Falling into your countryside, you are thousands, and you are right-handed, you can’t get close to you, by the side of your eyes you marvel, and you pay the sinners. Bo Ti, Lord, my hope, Cherry poklov your back. Do not come to you evil, and the wound does not get close to your body, for by His Angel I will command about you, save you on all your paths. On your hands to overwhelm you, if you don’t hit your foot on a stone, you will step on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the left of that snake. How I hope on Me, and will I will: I will cover it, for I know My name. Call to Me, and I will pray for Yogo: with him in mourning, I will pray for Yogo, and I will glorify Yogo, for the rest of the day I will succumb to Yogo, and I will show My salvation to Yogo.

Aliluya, Aliluya, Aliluya, glory to You, God (trichi).

From the spirits of the righteous dead, the soul of Thy servant, Savior, repose, saving me in a blessed life, which is in You, Cholovikolubche.At Thy rest, O Lord, in Thy saints they rest, calm and soul of Thy servant, for the only Cholovіkolyubets.Glory to the Fathers and Sin and the Holy Spirit: Thou art God, who allowed the zіyshov in hell and the chains of the fettered. Himself and the soul of Thy servant rest.І ninі i povyakchas і on vіki vіkіv. Amen: One Pure and Immaculate Lady, God without a nation, pray that the soul of yoga be saved.

Kontakion, tone 8

With the saints I will rest, O Christ, the soul of Thy servant, no sickness, no turmoil, no suspense, but life is unseen.


The One Immortal Himself, having created and created a people: for the earth, in the earth, we are created, and into the earth there we go, as if punishing Thee, Create me, and saying to me: for the earth, and into the earth, go, and maybe in the earth, we will go, the tomb of Aliluy, Aliluy , Hallelujah.

I will honor the Cherubim and the most famous Seraphim, without the blame of God the Word, who people, the Mother of God, You are majestic.

Glory to the Fathers and Sin and the Holy Spirit, and ninth and forever and ever and ever. Amen.

Lord, have mercy (trichi), bless.

Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, Sin of God, have mercy on us. Amen.

At the blessed sleep, eternal peace. Lord, to your late servant (im'ya) and create an eternal memory for him.Eternal memory (trichi).Yogo's soul settles in good, and Yogo's memory in rіd і ріd.

It’s a great pity, people go early to the next world, depriving us forever. And we all know that the end is inevitable, it’s important and important to reconcile with the second good close people. So that the Lord, having relieved our heartfelt anguish and calmed the souls of the dead, it is necessary to read memorial prayers. The stench will not only help them, who are resting in the Kingdom of Heaven, but heal us in bitterness and pain, give us strength and believe in the future.

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