Rough speeches. Ogidni speeches, how to sweat the skin of a girl. Terrible istota on the way

The defeat near Stalingrad was the most important blow for Nimechchini in the entire war. Nayzhorstokishi tested checks on the Germans at the final stage of the battle: hungry and exhausted, constantly attacked by radyansk artillery and aviation, the stench jumped out of their nightmare.

Stalingrad hell

The attack on Stalingrad, which developed in the distance, until the autumn of 1942 turned into a fatal disaster for the German troops. “We attack every day. If we are given a chance to take 20 meters, the evening of the Russians will turn us back, ”guessing Corporal Walter Opperman. The third soldier, Heinrich Malhus, wrote that out of 140 soldiers, after two tyzhnsky battles, they could have taken more than 16 fires.
Even before the end of the day, at least a thousand wounded and killed were brought to the German army, and they stopped praising them. The rest of the Germans were told about the Guchnomovites. After 7 strikes of the metronome, the voice of the Radyansk announcer with a pure German recalled that the skin of 7 seconds near Stalingrad became less for one German soldier, after which the sounds of the funeral march lulled.
The right dramas were played for the evacuation points, the lucky ones among the wounded were appointed, as they could break home. Choked with creaturely passions, they fiercely beat and trampled on one another, aby to squeeze into the air. Navit automatic chars of the Polish gendarmerie were powerless to bring about this chaos.

Chotyrohmotornі giants Focke-Wulf could not fit in with the influx of vtіkaіv. One of the rearranged sides fell right in front of the NATO, which was stingy on the airfields. Tim is not smaller, it didn’t bother him, who checks the offensive flight, rule the devil’s beat for the ryativnі mіstsya.
It became especially important, if near the 6th army of Frederick Paulus the circle of sharpening was closed. In the presence of constant cold, hunger and shelling, the soldiers of the Wehrmacht, following the words of one of the soldiers, repaired blunts, exercising building adequately to take those that are coming. Today, naming their positions, the German officers knew dozens of dead corpses.
On the last day of the battle on February 1, 1943, the shelling of the positions of the Wehrmacht was greatly strengthened. For one square kilometer of the roztashuvannya of the German soldiers, the average fell about 370 radyansky znarads. For the witnesses of the Nazis, at this flurry of fire, the soldiers were simply torn to pieces.

Marni parcels

Regardless of Goering's self-proclaimed statement that the Luftwaffe could deliver less than 700 tons of cargo to Stalingrad today, real rozrahunka showed that it was possible to transport a weide in the shortest possible time half of the total amount of duty, and that is inclusive of favorable factors.
In fact, the army of Paulus today took from 40 to 200 tons of vantage out of 600 needed. The Crimea, the Germans, who are fighting under Stalingrad, have suffered for the wondrous policy of the post-Chiefs: most of them are the replacement for food, ammunition, medicines and warm clothes, they threw campaign leaflets, spices, ice packs and condoms.

General Kurt Zeitzler, who knew in Berlin, having shown solidarity with sharpened soldiers and reduced his daily diet to the norm of Paulus soldiers. For two tyzhnі wine lost 12 kg. However, Hitler, having punished negainoly pripinit aktsiyu, oskolki won celebrated gnіtyuchu deya on otochyuchih.
According to the estimates of Major General Hans Derr, the Luftwaffe spent 488 aircraft and close to 1,000 heavy stores in operations from the 6th Army, which was the largest catastrophe in the German air force during the Battle of Britain.

Hunger is not a titka

On the eve of the birthday of 1942, the pathologist of the 6th Army, Hans Girgenzon, was caught up in a mysterious epidemic of German soldiers, who mowed down the levoruch and right-hander. The stinks died like flies for no apparent reason. After the roztin kіlkoh tіl likar, he was charged with declaring that chronic malnutrition led to death.
From the other half of the chest, a dozen soldiers died of hunger that day. Quite often, death came upon me immediately after hedgehog, as if making an empty soup with a small amount of horse-flesh and a slab of stale bread. A wondrous bv the diagnosis of such a wondrous death is a life shock. The student of non-commissioned officer Josef Schaffstein reads: “Today I know a piece of old colored bread. Tse buli were good lasoshchi. We can only do it once, if we are given food, and then we go hungry for 24 years.”

Nimtsyam, sho drank in the cauldron, often spared, the shards of them in sharpened leaned the Romanian cavalry division. On the back of the head, the norm of horse meat was 200 grams per doba per person, the horse ran out of food without a hitch, and the hungry fighters switched to smaller creatures.
“Yesterday we took off the burner. At this hour they slaughtered the dog, and the throat appeared even before the speech. Chotirokh dogs were already killed with a zagal, but comrades could not get enough of it. As if I shot a magpie and called it її ”, - rows from a sheet of a soldier Otto Zechtig.
I have been given a helping hand radyansky viyska, with the method of propaganda, the guts with agitation leaflets reach them. Already before the speech, such a gift appeared on the Rіzdvo. On the 26th, the breasts at the Nimtsiv had a right benket - the stinks treated themselves to “boiled cat meat”.

"Lice" threat

German documents show that the number of people, like vibula out of harmony through ailments, greatly outweighed the number of injuries in the result of injury. Poor diet, hypothermia and unsanitary conditions - the axis of the main clerks of sickness near the lava of the Wehrmacht near Stalingrad. The most common ailments that were mowed down were hepatitis, dysentery and typhus.
The carrier of the most terrible of the listings of ailments - visceral typhus - were lice, as they literally hit the German soldiers. "Yours - they stink like Russians: you drive in one, and ten new ones appear in the next place," the German lieutenant wrote to his student.

I am dumb in full life

Out of 91 thousand German soldiers, who were consumed in the Radyansk full, only 5 thousand were lost alive. The most common death rate was 95% among privates, junior officers decreased by 55%, generals - less than 5%. The German side of the whole ringed the Russians, stverzhuyuchi, what is up to such great number vtrat was brought to unbearable minds in the Radyansk camps for military captives.
Historian Oleksiy Isaev designates that the months of rebuking the Nazis at Kazan became the virish official of the filthy survival of the captives, if through cold, cold and sickness the soldiers of the Wehrmacht ґruntovno pіdіrvali their health. The high concentration of dead people at the camps provoked a new round of epidemics, which finished off the greater part of the ill-tempered warriors.

Tim is no less; Officers of the NKVS, as they guarded high-ranking soldiers, marked out how often you “grizlis” one by one, in order to double your place under the stingy sun of the camp. Once the escorts had a chance to fight a non-Abian biyk between the German and Romanian generals, as if looking at their camp, it was unlikely that a victory could be shown.

Caught up at the mirror

I believe that mirrors can serve as a portal for the sweating forces, as if they could drink to our world. Itself to that vvazhetsya, scho break the mirror bring until failure, shards of evil spirits pass by our world. In addition, people often tell stories about those who saw someone else's twin at the mirror. So, in one Japanese sim, the podia became unimaginable. In the video, a little girl is playing a chest of drawers. The video was filmed by one of the members of the motherland. On the spot, the girl turns to her kinsman's faces, but the image at the mirror did not turn at once from the girl and continued to marvel at her.

Primara girl

On this video, a person with a camera walks around his house at the jokes of a marvelous cry. Vіn vіdchinyaє doors to kіmnati, but not to know anything. Dali vin chuє sound from behind other doors. A girl drank at the frame, as if standing by the darkness and marveling right into the lens. The operator lakaetsya and sharply closes the door, on which the video is interrupted.

Wonderful sounds throughout the Earth in 2012

2012 rock all over the planet was afraid of depressions, if people talked about wondrous sounds. Approximately at the same time, video clips began to appear at Merezhya, in which there were recorded sightings. The first of them was taken from Canada. A terrible sound, similar to a roar and a cry, recorded on video. Such videos themselves were later played by journalists from Finland, Ukraine, Russia and Central America. Dosі it is not clear what it was.

sinful angel

In the video, a group of tourists is walking in the night forest. Raptom stench smell wondrous sounds. On the way they come upon a great number of feasts, and then on a people. The cameras focus on the appearance of the unknown. Vin turns around and marvels right at the frame. Through yoga callousness and knowledge of the pir'ya, the unknown was called Let's burn with an angel. And more pragmatic koristuvachі vvazhayut that tse biv vychayny volotsyuga.

Demon hands

The video is based on an audio recording, which sounds like the voice of a sloppy person. Vіn magaєtsya vіmknuti lihtar. Through the sprat of quills, if you think about it, green hands appear at the frame - the stink of climbing around the walls of that stele. The stench is coming all over the room. Once a light is rotten, and if the vines are fired up again, a person will roll in front of him a wondrous figure, which is made up of hundreds of hands. The figure rushes sharply into the camera and sees a shrill roar. A person enters, and the video is interrupted. For a while it was known that the video was created with the help of a computer program. However, before that, like a video of fake confessions, I caught up with millions of koristuvachivs.

Great white shark

Not far from Sydney there is a place called Menli - a popular place for diving. On the 11th of March 2014, a group of friends swept through the earth from the urvish by the water. Terry Tufferson was watching everything on camera. Once, his friend shouted, what was the new shark. Terri poured water and pumped the hut. On the frame you can see how the shark came close to Terri. After the release of the video, there is a lot of doubt about the correctness of the recording. The young man himself did not give daily comments.

Zustrich on the road

This history has become in Australia. The car registrar, having taken a z_tknennya with a person, yak, imovirno, small namіr steal the car. The man went home with his retinue close to the first year of the night, if at one moment the man in capturia became on the road. Vin standing upright. A few hours later, the water broke about the people, and then the car began to collapse into a straight line and saw a cry that was not self-motivated. Vodіy that yogo squad snarled and gave gas. After turning home, my friends turned back to the police. Poshuk gave no results.

Terrible istota on the way

On this video, the water is on a dirt road. Vin directs the camera to the wondrous white figure, is approaching and is scary. Tsya istota is dressed in everything white, black long hair on the head. Nakulguyuchi, it begins to approach to the sloppy water. That one standing back and shouting with a flicker. Closer to the end of the video, the light turns to the opposite side of the headlights. Ale vodiy new direct light on the new one, and the sight of the wondrous zoyki. Cholovik buv zmusheny vіddati back. At what moment the video is shaved.

Kozhen, singsongly, come in handy for tim, that our way of life has cardinally changed for the night. Technologically break through and our knowledge about the human mind and body has been brought to the point that we have grown the crop far ahead in our development.

Our ancient ancestors could hardly have imagined that people could reach such unbelievable heights. We made the price more expensive for the month, launched satellites into space, corrected everything on a distant planet and created the International Space Station. Medical wellness has reached that which was previously considered unimaginable (for example, successful healing of ailments, complex operations from organ transplants, like living life, growing lives, like celebrating ailments), for which the quality of life has grown significantly.

However, the truth lies in the fact that today it is also important for us to believe in the reality of speeches, as if our ancestors respected them as normal. In these stats, we can look at those that in the past were broadened, but today they are new.

1. Legal drug use

How hard it was, pіd hour Hromadyan war in the United States, 400 thousand soldiers called for opiates. It didn’t work out like a wonderful price today, earlier it was important that you didn’t get drunk, that you inject drugs right by the vein, shards of stink in such a rank can’t be consumed by your sluts. From the early hours, more drugs for "changing the mood" were available without a doctor's prescription. The same women were respected by the “weak status”, that they were prescribed qi preparations for the majestic kіlkostakh for the exaltation of the most manic “ailments”. Chi varto marveled that the fallow varieties of these preparations were more common among women.

Narcotic speeches punished women for the enjoyment of such “damage” to a robotic organism, like sexual exuberance, fear of shreds, cracked nipples, nudga, tightness, hysteria and toxicosis during the hour of pregnancy. Moreover, the women were injected with cocaine through the vein, so that they would be more “alive and comradely”. So the stinks took their fate from the "sour evenings", at the hour of which they inhaled nitrous oxide.

2. Barber-surgeon

Need a shawl and a haircut? May be on the verge of amputation of that annoying finger on the nose, which deserves your life. There are no problems, the medical barber-surgeon tells me about it. You can be inspired by the fact that you know the right mist, so you can drink a cup of fresh blood on the podium, and on the bottom - a cape, splattered with red patches.

So, the first medical procedures were stingy. Bloodletting was the most popular service among the quiet that the barbers-surgeons proclaimed. The stinks opened the veins, to anger the filthy blood, or they vicorated for the purpose of marking leeches. Unfortunately, the "surgeons" did not know for sure, if it was necessary to swell up, that patient would sometimes inject a lot of blood. Trepanation is also not particularly popular. This procedure was supposed to open in the head with a method of relieving such ailments, like headaches, nariva, bewilderment, mental illness, and so on. Also, trepanation was called to relieve the body of evil spirits. Most of all, those who had spent the first hour of these procedures, the patients were rebuked at the doctor's office, the shards at that moment did not yet foresee anesthetic effects.

І st, but not less important: amputation, which is carried out at the barbers. What else can you say? At an early stage, the cause of the blaming that broad ailment was unknown, in which demons, stars were often called, seeing that they smelled bad smells.

3. Death penalty yak rozvaga

In the epoch of the Middle Ages, the strata of the people were held in front of a great number of people in order to demonstrate the severity of punishment for those who dare to break the law. There were a few, that the days of the strata were often deafened by official saints, in order to get more eyes, and the atmosphere was charged with praise.

Raising was the most popular way to stratify; near the center, there are more places and forces, the guards were ready to go. After that, like a mischief wasted, the body was immediately carried to the get, the prote in deyaky vipadki yogo was deprived of hanging in the loop of the dot, until it turned into a pill.

Beheading was another popular form of strategy, especially for representatives of the aristocracy. Yakscho everything was normal, kat having spared the victim the head from the first try. If Yogo Sokir chi’s sword was blunt, but he himself was not dead, then Yomu needed a sprat of blows to reach the Bazhan’s sword. If you believe it sensitively, then once the kat had a chance to hit ten hits, the first lower win could send the countess to that world. As you can see, the cut heads of some people were put on the tassels and put on a deep look, so that other people remembered those who had law and order - all over the mustache.

4. Grave digging in the name of science

The organization of a funeral ceremony with the method of caring for the lives of dead loved ones is a long tradition. We sumuёmo, we share our thoughts, if we allow our souls to rest in peace. It’s a pity that in the era of the Renaissance, the richly dead did not know peace after death.

With the development of science and medicine, it was established that knowledge of the anatomy of a person can appear even more crooked. Through help, understand how it functions human body, Nezabar began to guard a lack of corpses for dissection. On the back of the head, the main body of the dead bodies was strachenі zlochintsі. If he drinks after peresvishiv proposition, the corpses began to show up.

Under the cover of night, the stench dug up a great number of recently buried bodies. Year after year, the body was sold to anatomists, and they carried out their roses until the stench was perceptibly fresh. If the victims of corpses ceased to reach for a drink, medical students sometimes independently removed the dead bodies. Dehto buv navit spymany and litigation for the price. From the founding souls, the corpses were stolen just before the hour of the funeral processions. Until the speech, Leonardo da Vinci, in his hour, proving the roses of the majestic number of corpses, to the end of which, having made low important remarks and managed to file reports of the little ones, they signified the enlightenment of medical students.

5. Wiklik for a duel

Like a person, they threw a mitten into the yak with the words “I call you to a duel”, she lifted її, which means that she took the call. The next thing was left to no longer recognize the hour / time and choose it. The top priority was given to swords, and then to swords and revolvers.

The duel for a long time has been lost in a popular way for the accomplishment of gentlemen's honor and reputation. Images that were brought to duels were often banal and wondrous (for example, a person could be called to a duel only through those who did not fall to the taste of chia clothes). Diali suvori rules, pokkanі zabіgti zabіgti morії uchasnіvіv, but stench did not always practice.

6. More expensive and unsafe

In the epoch of the Serednyovіchchya, the distance from point A to point B was neimovirno foldable tasks. It is important to reveal those for whom our ancestors had a chance to stumble along the path for an hour. A lot of options are available to the contemporary community, but at that hour we will choose to live in the region. One of the ways to get far is more expensive pishki. In a day, a person could podolat on his feet a distance of 24-40 kilometers. The second option was to make the tops of the horses more expensive. At this time, it was possible to travel 32-48 kilometers in a day. If a person blew on a string or a ship, then they could make 120-200 kilometers in a day.

The length of the road was a single problem. As soon as there wasn’t a hotel of a careless mist nearby, to shovatsya on nothing, then the mandrivers had to sleep just the sky. In the midst of other problems, with which it was possible to stick together, who, having broken the old path, were unfortunate in the fall of ailment, the consumption of food, the consumption of food and drink, the robbers and other things. Sailing on the ship was also no less unsafe. A lot of wooden ships did not face strong storms.

7. Zhorstoke punishment for falling in love

"Chervona Lettera", a novel by the American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne, describes the history of a Puritan woman, a person who is a sign of obscurity. Zreshtoy, she won, and she was thrown to the pit, she gave birth to a child without a bar. After the call, she was embarrassed to wear the red letter “A” (English adulteress - a mistress) in her entire life. Їy so happened to unique people.

I would like to think that this really did not happen. However, unfortunately, the truth is nowhere to be found. One Puritan woman, who changed a person, was sentenced to a public beating. After the trivaly znuschan and the znuschan її were delivered to the place, where there was a love affair. There її once again beating NATO's resolutions. Moreover, she was embarrassed to wear the letter “AD” (English adulteress - a lover) in odya, so that everyone knew that she was hurting people. Just like at the "Chervoniy buchi". Also, it seems that the wrong women were taken as a mist at the cart and at the same time they poured a batog. There were vipadki, if the lovers were spent for their “malice”. Respect that all these punishments were recognized by the wives. If a person had fallen in love, they called you to a less serious mischief - pozalyubny zv'yazku. And all to the fact that zhіnok vvazhali sokushnitsy.

8. Make it beautiful

Those who care about being beautiful and fashionable are constantly changing. In the 1400s, women from the great supremacy came to be beautiful, even though they had a high forehead and a bleak coat. To show the fashion, the stench plucked the hair along the line of growth, so that their foreheads were bigger. Although the plucking did not give the necessary results, the stench went in for help of a rough stone, or the trimmings were hairy with chemical speeches. Thus, the tendency was to virivate and pluck the eyebrows more and more.

Zasmagla shkira was respected by the badge of bіdnyakіv, that riches robbed everything they could, so that they could reach the pale color of the guise. One of these products was cosmetics, made from mercury, pearl, sribla and egg shells. Deyak people vikoristovuvali more borosno, creed or lead powder, mixed with olive oil. So that such cosmetics were trimmed more on the face, a thin ball of egg white was applied on top of it.

9. Bathe chi ni - the axis of u chou nutrition

In the period of the Middle Ages, for some wonderful reason, the doctors began to believe that bathing by the water will make you more sympathetic to sickness. The deyakі also thought that if the hour of bathing was allowed to allow “life important forces» leave the body of a person. Obviously, people still wanted to be clean and presentable looking. Especially for the greater suspіlstvі. Some vikoristovuvali tazi, shchob miti hands that guise of a stretch of the day. Others generously watered themselves with perfumes, and still others rubbed their faces and bodies with aromatic towels, and they often changed their whiteness.

10. Death curtains

The most important language foreign women in the epoch of the Renaissance, there was a birth of a nation and a wilting of a child. Irrespective of those who had a lot of breeds dying in the canopies, and the rate of child mortality was also high, the women continued their lives anew and anew with the long stretch of their lives. Von narodzhuvali 8-12 children, and deyakі - і zagalom 20 і more.

The povіtuhi, like they helped the pіd pologіv pologіv, navchalis less in the wife of the previous generations. The stench could come up with whatever problems, beginning in the great curtains and ending with the tangles around the umbilical cord. So the stench could have called for an emergency christening, as if it was the basis of the imovirnist, that the child was not alive. In addition, the midwives saw the dead plaid and cesarean rosetin to vryatuvat the little one, like yoga mother died for a half hour.

Behind the words of the late Johnny Carson (Johnny Carson), light, in which we live, coincidences of marvelous, wild speeches. On the smoldering of our stressed graphs, that schoden routine, it is easy to forget about those that our All-World has more wondrous speeches. This list is a description of only a few critical parts of the mystical mysteries, about which we have become familiar with the path of the rise of our planet.

Below are ten wonderful scientific facts how to change your view of the world.

10. Mi їmo komakh skin day

In that hour, like in some cultures, people eat coma regularly, like a delicacy, or like an important meal protein, eating beetles is not the norm in Pivnichny America ... what is it? Sanitary Supervision Department for Yakistyu food products and medicines allow for a few parts of the coma, tamannyh myzhe skin grub group. For example, here 60 pieces of coma per 100 g of chocolate or up to 30 fly eggs per 100 g of pizza sauce. In principle, you are the coma of the day. In fact, the average statistical person makes up to 430 comaches per river, so you don’t suspect about it, so it’s close to 1.2 comaches per day! Bagato from cih coma can be consumed in food products through those who stink on the cob in syrovin, for example, in vegetable products. If you have ever caught a horse on the street, think about those, how many horses can be on the majestic field of wheat! Now think about all the other coma, which you did not remember! There is no effective way to see all the parts of the coma s їzhі, but they didn’t read the yakbi, they didn’t remember them.

9. Clitini our shkiri are found everywhere

The body of a person is namovirno cicava. You create, you regenerate, you grow old, and you die for a long day, every day. Navit your shkіra constantly vikonu your own function, if you walk on your right. The shkira is regenerated over the course of a month, which means that the inner ball of the shkir is shifting on the place of the outer ball, and then it falls like a leaf from an autumn tree. And what does it look like with the use of plastics of old clitin shkiri? Just run your finger along the surface of your booth, for you have not been afraid to drink for an hour and you know. Klitini shkiri fold close to half the saw at your booth. Approximately a billion tons of saw, which is made up of the plasticity of people's skins, hovering around the earth's atmosphere. If you speak literally, then the old vice versa is on your police, refrigerator and bed. Tse, at your side, add crying saw mites, like lingering at the gorges of your booth and eating all the plastics of your old shkir! Like domestic creatures, they simply didn’t call it like that! And they have more plastics of your shkir for chewing, so that a person in the middle throws off close to 680 grams of the old shkir on the river.

8. More life on Earth is still visible

The ocean is a veil of inexcusable mysteries and people have spent an inconspicuous year and dollars, trying to reveal and understand all the mysteries of the ocean. Vrahovyuchi, scho mi didsledzhuvali 99 vіdsotkіv given to the expanse of life on the planet, and yet did not dolіdzhuvali tsіlih 90 vіdsotkі in the ocean, chi varto marvel at what we know yogo flooring hoary? At the Challenger Deep, the largest point on the ocean, which is located approximately halfway between Japan and Papua New Guinea, one can lay one vertically more than 23 buds of the Empire State Building. Please let me know if you are more expensive at the elevator! Naytsіkavіshe those who in vchenі have shown, scho life prosvіtaє navіt on such a nemіvіrnіy depth! At this hour, the ocean swells 71 acres on the surface of the earth's kuli, and the alec acres grow steadily. It is important that you need over 50 vіdsotkіv, it's possible to wind as many as 80 vіdsotkіv, sacking earthly life in salty deeps and we know less about a part of that life. It is still impersonal new sights, as it is necessary to recognize and marvelous facts, which you will be opposed to!

7. The biggest penis on Earth lies...

One of the most important forms of life in the ocean is the blue whale, the great Leviathan of the abyss! Not only the greatest creature that exists in this hour, the blue whale is also the greatest creature, if ever they were born and tse with the improvement of dinosaurs. Blakitny whales wine the offspring for 10-12 months until they fall, like in savtsiv. Tse means that the newly born blue whales drink 400 liters of milk a day for the next seven months. Grown-ups can get about a couple of tons of krill a day. The heart of a blue whale can be compared with the Mini-Cooper for the size of the world, and his penis is larger and lower in any other place on the planet and his penis is 2.7 meters in average. When eating a male blue whale, the wyvern may be 20 liters of sperm at a time. If you want to touch this majestic organ in your eyes, then you should know that in Iceland there is a museum of the penis, which may have 280 exhibits. In this collection, there are no more hangings of the giant phalos of the black whale, the head of the 170 centimeter.

6. Tsya alive copalina ryatuє life

Another one of the most famous sights in the ocean is the humble horseshoe crab. Vin is respected by a “living copalin”, to that, practically without recognizing the human genetic change, horseshoe crabs present in the paleontological record, which is 450 million years old (that was about 200 million years old).

Actually, the stench is not crabs, the stench is more closely related to spiders and scorpions. People have shown that horseshoe crabs are more like an organism. From їhnіh tіl, rich in nitrogen, miraculously kind, and the selection of swordtails for tsієї meti once was a flourishing industry on the Skhidny uzberezhzhі. These shells are made up of speech, like chitin, which, when applied to wounds, heals wounds on the skin better and improves the wound. A lot of medical tools, such as needles and sewing threads, covered with chitin with a method. The blue color of the blood is in the aftermath of the victorious midi for the transfer of sour, on the vіdmіnu vіd zalіza, as if the red color of the blood in the body of the person is numbed.

However, the most common in horseshoe crabs is the presence of amoebocytes in their blood. Amebocytes function as our blood cells. Amebocytes react for the presence of gram-negative bacteria and form a viscous gel, which immediately deactivates the bacteria. Vcheni take the blood of swordtails in order to isolate the brown element. In addition, all internal and external signs, as well as prosthetic attachments, are tested by amoebocytes, which can be found in the blood of the horseshoe crab. The demand for amoebocytes has led to the overworld collection of horseshoe crabs on the Lost Coast of the USA.

5. Alcohol can be harmless for health

People love to have a drink or two. The world has no good place, where people would not blame any form of alcohol. In the United States alone, alcohol sales, according to estimates, bring close to 200 billion in cash. Correct this figure with approximately 14 billion dollars, which is more generously brought by the porn industry or 28 billion dollars to the river, which is the rich income of the McDonald's corporation. People already love their pіnistі napoї.

Why only a varta of metushni shchodo alcoholic drinks under the hour of Prohibition. Moonshine makers and bandits robbed their crazy sums of pennies on the production of alcohol drinks, making it illegal. It is simply impossible to succumb to alcohol, and, as it turned out, to succumb to no varto magatisya. The followers showed that in one dance of beer, with a volume of 350 milliliters, there is a lot of antioxidants, like a healthy heart (for additional blood circulation). Tim is no less, as you drink three or more 350-milliliter slabs of beer a day, you get right in the opposite direction. The rise of alcohol in the blood calls for the release of free radicals, as they oxidize cells and shrug off the old age.

Gorilka Korisna for curing Alzheimer's disease. Vaughn with an effective home remedy for fever and herpes of the lips. Moreover, it’s true that we’ll use an antiseptic. Sumish rum and wine, seasoned with lime juice, were given to British soldiers to ward off scurvy that hour, as the stench was at the open sea. A primitive brew, similar to beer, was given to slaves, like the Great Pyramids were. It functioned as a mild sedative, was a good source of carbohydrates for energy, and was pure, lower water from the Nile. Do you know that hops are brought to the hemp family and are closely related to marijuana? Do you think, zbig?

4. Marijuana Corinth, I think

Speaking of marijuana... let's talk about one of the world's favorite herbs! You win the victorious її chi nі, it is foldable to retell the korisnіst tsієї roslini. First, partly, like people smoke, є bud, like є fluffy part of a woman's growth. You can smoke and leave, but the stench is less strong, so that they have only a small part of the obsyagu tetrahydrocannabinol in the bud. Tetragidrocannabinol is a chemical speech, which may have an effect that changes the behavior of chickens.

In the plan of the world, marijuana is given less to alcohol. Scientific studies show again and again that the use of marijuana is less harmful for the body, less alcohol or tyutyun. Really, it’s true, she’s got a hold of marijuana, as she freezes the growth and pins the expansion of cancer cells. In addition, marijuana helps people who are ill with cancer, so take a course of chemotherapy, stimulating their appetite (in the plan of snacks). Hemp, yak otrimuyuyut from the type of marijuana sprouting with a lower concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol, volodymyrno neimovirno raznomanitnym zastosuvannyam, including textiles, papier, plastic, which are biologically laid out, biologically, as well as vikoristannya in everyday life. Proteo hemp hemp suvoro regulated. In addition, as the apocalypse will become, then the best thing that you can be with yourself is the swarm of marijuana: you can take revenge on all the essential amino acids and one of the same speeches, for the help of such a person you can live for a long time. .

3. A state of stagnation similar to an obsessive-compulsive disorder

Another one of the favorite speeches of the world is kohannya. Everything that bothers us feels "good", for example, alcohol, marijuana and love become one of the intrusive ideas of humanity. What else do you not know about kokhannya? Do you know what, in the neurological sense, it seems like stupor is even more similar to what you might try while cocaine is being injected? Do you know that people, like zakohani, know threefold periods of low levels of serotonin, which are similar to those of equals, that people with obsessive-compulsive disorder, which could explain those why people lie down awkwardly, if they stink at the blue. How did you know that people, how to start making new lines of blue, better for everything, joke about a person with a familiar disguise, and not a familiar body? People, yakі joking privablly tіlo, importantly joking about sexual poachennya, and not hogos trivial. Do you know that these people, who are approximately on the same “equal” privability, have more chances to create double lines, lower in a bet, in such one of the partners, we will superbly add chi in the region, we will not? Whatever you want serious vіdnosin, then you varto shukat people, scho to you for privacy.

Do you know what, when you see the drowsiness, you have those experiences, yakby you have gone to the swamp of the earthly rush? It's not true, but some kohannya seems to be so.

2. Separation can be insecure

Indeed, separation is one of the most important speeches that people can try psychosomatically. Studies have shown that the emotional experience of separation can manifest itself physically, including pain in the heart, known as “broken heart syndrome”. The investigations also showed that the physical and emotional pain when separated can be somehow help by looking at the photograph of a person, for which you are separated. From the other side, magnetic resonance imaging of people, with whom their partners parted, show activity in that part of the brain, as if it were angry, but not tight. In fact, for the tribute of one report, 40-70 thousand killed women were killed by their friends or partners, so that the loss of love to rob you is more divine, lower її perebuvannya.

1. The earth could be repopulated for additional beer bowls of sperm

Below is a sample of speeches, which, perhaps, you did not know about your “other” favorite occupation ... article act. Keep in mind that only one spermatozoon is needed to plant an egg, humans generate close to 300 million spermatozoa per teaspoon of our day, so in theory it is possible to repopulate the Earth to a stream level for additional sperm bottles (24 teaspoonfuls). Depending on which source of information you trust, sperm can have 5-20 calories per teaspoon and about the same amount of protein as egg white (at the peak, as if you were crying). Sperm can increase in price with a speed of about 18 centimeters per year and can last up to 9 days in the female reproductive system. Most women prepare more than one egg per month and, before the speech, the egg is truly a single human clitina, as it can be seen with an unbroken eye. In their own time, the British spies vikoristovuvali semen as if invisible invisible ink, but moved into the practice through the smell, as if coming from old documents ... and now you know, you didn’t miss it like that ...

1: My daughter mav imaginary friend Sally's intentions
My daughter has a clear friend in the name of Sally, once she told me about those, like Sally visited the vet for those who cut off their mother's head.

2: My daughter when we were home alone one night, “mommy, who's that man on the ceiling?”
My daughter, if we were alone at home at night: "Mom, who is this person on the wall?"

3: “The shadow man keeps talking to me at my window.”
"Cholovik-tin dosi speak with me through the window."

4: I'm reading a story to my daughter when she suddenly slammed it shut, point to the empty doorway, and screamed “you get out of here! You've killed enough people!"
Reading my daughter's fairy tale, when she raptly started the book, pointing at the empty door opener, I shouted: "Get in, you've got enough people!"

5: “Daddy, if you can get a kid, is there a kid in my closet?” I asked her what she was saying to herself i vіn mav bi all teenage boy I went to her closet there was nothing there, and she said he only is there when I'm not around.
"Daddy, if we can please those children, what to hang by my wardrobe?" I slept її, about what it seems, and it told me about a teenager who hung in his її wardrobe on his belt. I went to the shafi, but there was no one there, and she said that she would show up there if there was no order.

6: “There are three poor lads who were in our back yard. They told me where we can find them.”
Three children are buried in our backyard. The stinks told me de mi can know them.

7: “Mommy, there's a kid covered in blood in my bedroom and he won't go away.”
"Mommy, there's a child in my bedroom, and you can't get out."

10: My 3 year old daughter stood next to her new born brother and looked at him for awhile then turned and looked at me and said, "Daddy its a monster..we should bury it."
My 3-fold daughter stood in a row with her new born brother and wondered at the new one for an hour, then she turned to me and said: "Tatu, that's a monster ... we might like yogo."

11: I was tucking in my two year old. He said "Good bye dad." I said, "No, we say good night." He said "I know. But this time its good bye."
Had to check on him a few times to make sure he was still there.
I vkrivav my yard sin carpet. Vin said:

Goodbye tattoo.

Hi, you need to say, " Nadobranich", - I corrected yoga.

Vіn vіdpovіv:

I know. Alecia once - "Farewell."

I had a chance to reconsider a few times, what wine, like before, in the field.

12: "Go back to sleep, there isn't anything under your bed".

"He's behind you now".
Still haven't gotten over that one and shiver at the memory.
- Sleep, under the bed of no one

Dosi I will guess the price of three

13: My mother is in this place: Avzhezh, if I want to, if I want to, if the lads wanted to take a good sleep, and moved yoga with him, I can take a copy. Monday, I'm going to get back to my homeland.

Ale is not guilty of sumuvat, for it is good for a good son to live at our zoo.

14: "Daddy, remember that time we died?"
"Tatu, remember, how did we die?"

15: “People, as if you live by our mirror, always laugh at me. But if you come in, we become angry. Michael, 4 rocky.

16: My little sister, number 5, was lying on my bed next to me, and said raptly: "I can hurt you, and you know that I know how."

17: You're pretty good, Mom. I’m sorry, you don’t have anything today.

18: Before us, my lady friend came to the guest at the eighth month. We sit at the vital, drink tea. To enter my chotiririchny syn and begin to drink a girlfriend - the truth is in the belly of a child. Vaughn v_dpovidaє - so, really. Vin, having made a more serious disguise, gets up from the sofa and goes straight to the kitchen, saying: “You need to pull yoga. We need lower.” We blew.

19: - Mom, can you take your phone to take a picture of the birds near the yard?
- Well.
- Stink so garni! I want to kill them and hang them on the wall!
- WHAT??!!!
- Well, mom, everything is fine! Tse just to decorate our booth!

20: My chotiririchna donka once said to me: “Mom, if you die, I want to shove you in damn the jar so that you will always be with me and I could always bachit you! On scho my hexadecimal synth vіdpovіdaє їy: It's stupid. Do you know such a big jar?”

21: The team of vranci took our little yard baby out of his bed. Win marveling at її lives and it has powered yoga, which is not so. At the end of the day he said: "I'm just marveling at my little sister in your belly." Just a little laughed at the sight of the child, but later they recognized that the squad was pregnant, and that day it was just another day. And so, ultrasound showed that she was a girl.

22: The Trinity niece asked my team to stand in the middle of the room and dance. She began to dance, and the niece lied at the shafu and began to watch through a small hole.

23: I’m going to the minibus, on the contrary, the cute courtier girl with the majestic eyes of that її mother is sitting. Walking along the park named after Ivan Fomin. The girl raptom strongly cheers and shouts to the whole minibus: "Wow, marvel, mom!", pointing her finger at the window.
– What is there?
- Well, from the stink! Why don't you bachish? Oh, there's a lot!
- Shh, you can't scream like that, love. Who is there?
The girl picks up the word, when you see it - hyena!
- Guys?
- Damn those jackals!
- Scary, maybe?
- Ni. People are afraid of them, but darma. I'm not afraid of them. I tried them. They have such a low.
Showing him like an elephant in a murahoid.
It's radiant to sit. I'm sitting "by the nettle". Come to Enlightenment. First, get off the bus, marvel at the slope and say: "Oh, and there are dogs here. There are not enough of them here."

24: Remember how we died, tattoo? I guessed about the fall. Synovі was less than 3 years old, just started to grow up. I energized yoga: "Children, if you weren't born?" І at about the same hour: "Sinu, why are you so big?" “You know mom, I used to know everything, but now I don’t know anything”

25: If I sat with my cousins. I got rid of the night because their fathers left. One was 2 and 5 years old. In the evening, when I was putting to bed, they asked me to close the window and draw the curtains strongly, for their friend was afraid that they would take him away. On my law of nutrition, what a friend, they told me that I can’t do yoga. And more tsієї were discussed by those. Living on the 10th version of the stench, and in truth it was motoroshno.

26: Yakos walked near the park in order from the memorial tsvintar. it was winter, evening, dark, falling snow. for a long time no one was fired, only such heroes. And my child, who was quietly sitting in the carriage, began to regotati raptom, pointing her finger at the burial grounds. "a woman, there a woman" - saying wine to us and bursting into laughter. we put in a couple of tseglins and shvidenko demolished the house.
still the little one loves to stand on the pіdvіkonnya and spar with the kimos, whom bachiv for the vіknom. and we live on 9 versions.

27: And I rokiv 5 gave all the rhymes about the Yakut princess, they forcibly saw the zamіzh, she sumuval she became a river. I didn’t know who the stars were.

28: My son (nearly six years old), having asked the grandmother to lie down on her life, after which he is on her buttocks, and having planted the stribati on her uphill and down, shouting: "Now we are mating like a reptile!" To the Discovery Channel!

29: As if in the night, having pulled our noble daughter out of the baths, we and the retinue instructed her about how important it is to take care of the cleanliness of the genitals. Vona said: "Nothing is scratching me there. The stinks already tried it like a night. The stinks knocked down the doors and tried it, but I repaired the opir. I died and now I'm here." Vaughn was talking about tse yak about yakus drіbnitsa.

30: "Does that mean I can't throw yoga at the fire?" - Trinity daughter, trembling in the arms of her young brother in her arms.

31: I already fell asleep, and close to the morning, I was awakened by my chotiric daughter, whose disguise was for a sprat of centimeters in front of me. Vaughn just marveled at me in her eyes and whispered: "I want to take all your skin." The prehistory lies in the fact that last week I burned in the sun, and the skin began to fade. Tim is no less, at the nap_vsonny station I had a few slurs. I didn’t understand in a moment what is happening: what is a dream, what is reality?

32: - Why are you crying?

Bad uncle.

What a filthy uncle?

Pointing at the dark kut behind my back.

As soon as I turned around, the lamp on the book police near the dark hood fell.

That night, my daughter slept in our bed.

33: My trinity son sounds cheerful and unturbulent, then it’s marvelous.

Sometimes, if you hug your mother, you will complain seriously: "Mommy, I promise, I won't chew your brushes at all. I promise."

Totally without understanding, de vin thogo hoarded.

34: My friend's child said to you: "Daddy, I love you so much that I want to cut your head off and carry it with me so that I can marvel at you if I want to."

35: Not long ago, I was riding a bus, and I was ringing at a roadside clinic. The little girl, who was sitting in front of me, turned to her father and said: "Death is a cure for the poor." Like so.

Tato: "What are you talking about?"

Me: "Hiba mi not nailed to them cochineal?"

Dad: (following a small Movchanka) "We don't choose this job."

37: My niece was sitting on the sofa with a wondrous veil of disguise. My mother asked what she was thinking about, and she said: "I can see how crooked whistles are falling on me."

38: I was hotly asleep: "What shortest way know your own girl?

Vidpovіd september child: "Tell їy: be my maiden, or you won't care for your fathers anymore."

39. My best friend Olena died at the hour of my pregnancy. If there were 3 rocks on the bottom, she laughed out loud. I slept, what was so funny there, what did she say, what aunt Olena played with her and made ridiculous peaks.

40. If my child was 4 years old, we marveled at the documentary film about the Titanic. In one scene they showed a boiler room. And then he said: “Everything is wrong here - Kazan buli from the other side, and I was standing here. Axis why I do not like driving.

41. Like a blue in a friendly tone, saying to me: “Do not boast, mom, I will not beat you.”

42. If my brother was small, he went in all the time, angels spoke to him. As if my mother felt, as if vin saying: “I can’t beat it in, this is my only tato.”

43. As if our little son had fallen before us, it was soft and weeping. If we were fed, what happened, saying that a great tovsta man with a crooked head in his head is trying to get to the new window.

44. As if, if I helped my daughter to dress up, she began to laugh. To my comment about those, why the reason for її merry, the girl said that її having made a man laugh. I was asleep: “What kind of person?”. "Tsey, zі zmiєyu on shiї", - said won, pointing at the shafa. I looked around, but did not shake anyone. Now I’m scared to know the history of the house, because I suspect that in my closet there’s a moment to hang around.

45. I tore my skin off my shoulders, as if I climbed around, more than I got burned in the sun. My daughter asked for my shmatki shkiri, so that she could put them at the jar and save them. Malyatko said that after my death, mami's mask should be made, so that I would give the order.

46. In those nights, I let myself into a light trinity blue, the man was not at home. A silent string stood nearby, and then my son whispered: “You will be there, where I want, but now I’ll take you!”

47. My little brother had a friend named Roger, who is alive at the table at our vital with his retinue and 9 children. So three fates passed, until one time the brother did not tell us about those that Roger was no more with us - he shot himself and his family.

48. Like my trinity son, I didn’t have a chance to come to sleep. To my inquiries about those who slept well, vin vydpoviv: “It’s rotten, Bernd didn’t let me sleep all the time, plucking my fingers.” Didus Bernd, our tato, died before the birth of a child, and with such a rank of guilt earlier he woke us up as a brother of a lie.

49. As if I had put the sleep of the yard son, and vіn saying to me: "Farewell, tattoo." I said that it’s correct to say “goodbye”, and not “goodbye”, to which you will say: “Ni, once again, goodbye.”

50. I was my sister, my man and my 2-fold daughter. We guessed quietly, whom we don’t have with us (our dad recently died from life). The sister's man brought a photograph of his mother, who died when she was six. If the nephew sang the photograph, she tweeted: "Oh, why are you singing me!" I'm shaking my head if I guess about it.

51. We pass through the tsvintar, and my 3-row synth on the right, it seems: "My brother lies there." I guessed to youma that there was no brother in the new one. And vіn vіdpovіv: "Hi, mum, oh that one. If your mum was my mum."

52. If my son was small, I told you about those how to grow potatoes. She explained to you how to plant in the ground, and how to grow from it. And syn vidpoviv: "Mom, I know everything, I'm timid, if I'm old."

53. Demo dark track. Їdemo long ago, years 10. My son 4 rokіv then fall into a dream, then roll over. Raptom vin trembles, curls up and shouts: "MOM, I DON'T WANT TO BE DISAPPOINTED!". After a few seconds, a truck whirls around the stars, I can hardly catch my breath, and I don’t stick with a miracle.

54. We stand from blue to black. Raptom vin embrace me by the waist and begin to speak with my stomach. I feed:

- What are you?

- I'm talking to a child.

- Z yakim? There is no one there.

- Yes, I'm schoyno bachiv, like a wine propovz on pіdlozі і vlіz you.

What's in the bіsa?!

55. My sister with two children had a serious accident. The car is not cool; If the grandmother came to the clinic to pick them up, she fed them, what happened. The stench sang that if it became scary and loud, great people, like they were with them in the car, hugged them and trimmed mitzno.

56. My friend has a friend named John. Vіn have a new one for a long time, but the axis of the child's school of thought went down and said: "Great John, it seems that you should love" ... and pishov. Vin didn’t know for a moment that I could imagine, who in this world was called Great John, and Vin died a long time ago before the birth of my son.

57. My son is 5 years old. Vіn like a pіdіyshov to me, having asked if you'll be 23. I vіdpovіla that in 18 years. To which he said: "I am sure, this time, if I am 23, I will not die.

58. Mom told me that in my childhood I often visited my grandmother. I shorazu, walking, said: "God take care of you" (we have a religious family). So the axis of one time I said zamіst zvichaynogo "God save you" - "Go with God." They corrected me, but I spilled my own words on them. Tієї nochі granny is gone ...

59. My best friend died. I was nervous... I came home from the funeral and burst into tears in the kitchen. My 8-year-old daughter sang and seemed: "Don't get embarrassed, mom, he's standing right there, right next to you." I have goosebumps, as if I guessed it ...

60. If my nephew was five years old, I would like to stretch out my liver, nibi to invite me, but if I tried to take it, I said that it is often not less, but a person's order. There was no one to entrust.

61. My 8-year-old daughter seemed to say to me: "Mom, I love you, but I'm not in awe of you." I slept: "Tse yak? Who am I?" And there you go: "Well, sometimes I look to you like a mother, and sometimes I think that I just want to wear your coat." Axis so.

62. Let's take a bath. Tririchnaya donka squishy, ​​have fun, like a fiend. Raptom growling, seriously marveling at me and seeming: "Mom, how do you taste my fingers and s'zh їx, I don't love you anymore!"

63. I threw myself in the sight that my child climbed on me and marveled right in the guise. Asked what to rob. Vaughn said that she came to protect me from the sight of "great eyes that shine," as if they marveled at me while I was sleeping.

64. I sat here from my childish friends, watched while the fathers went by the cinema. Here she wondered at me and in a whisper seemed to say: "We are not alone here."

65. In the middle of the night, a young sister woke up at least once and said: “Do you feel it? Bula truna silence.

66. I had a lot of wikidniv before the people of Donka. Obviously, I did not advertise. As if my daughter came before me and said: "I dreamed of your other children and said that you were a mother."

67. Before my mother gave birth to my sister, there was a small weekend. If the sister was 3 years old, she asked to celebrate the National Day not at the faith, but in the Sich. M s mum was cheered, tse yakraz buv bi term vagity. The sisters didn't tell us about it.

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