Yakі bugatorіchnі kvіti treba ukrivat for the winter. Ukrittya roslin for the winter: Chim and yak vkrivat fruits and decorative crops. Check out the pieces of clothing

In pre-winter robots near the garden, one of the most important points is ukrittya and zahist roslin. Preparations before winter will require a mustache without a vine. But the need to hide is only to be quiet, as if there is a lack of frost-resistance and to exude a special zakhist through its species characteristics. It is important not to overdo it with nutritional ukrittya: give an additional zahist to less of these crops, like vines are necessary, and even more, if the garden is more likely to shackle the right winter. The choice of an appropriate hour for a Ukrainian roslyn is so self-important, as a way to defend.


Go to the food

Vkrivatit for the winter the growth of the varto is only then, if it is necessary in the future, it is necessary with the peculiarities of the mind and the degree of frost resistance, stamina, measles, vіku, the peculiarities of the leaves of chi needles. The importance of cultivating the features and the strength of the growths that hang out in the garden, that clarification of the recommended parameters in winter is a guarantee of success.

It’s better to keep lists, indicating the growth of that new garden collection, which you need to hide. All the growths, as it is necessary to twist, rather subdivide into three groups:

  • hibernating tilki z povtryano-dry ukrittyam;
  • they are satisfied with the new ukritty with spruce branches, or with an alternative to them - the throats;
  • you see, how to make a tall ball of mulch from peat and leaves.

Stock up on materials for covering the growing, including for mulching that under the throat, varto stock up far away - the stink is to be blamed under the arm, if necessary. Lapnik, dry leaves of healthy growths, thyrsus, peat, compost, humus, non-woven materials, mesh, reed mats, wooden boxes and kovpak, staples for fixing growths, arcs and frames are ready until mid-autumn.

After the completion of the main varto, remove some of the materials for additional entries at the winter hour, especially the stock of spruce branches, which will help to improve, repair, or help to defend.


As in the decorated garden, the rule has been added to the selection of vidpovidno to climatic minds, the greater number of roslins have to be planted in winter, in order to endure unstable winters. Sprouted with mystic roses, adapted to the peculiarities of the climate, thoughtfully selected, the plants grow in the form of "foreigners" by their very adaptability to the misty winters. Ale navіt yakscho so roslin dominuyut, be it a garden to find something to open.

For us, the Zahistu will require exoticism, flowers on top pagons of chagar-growing and pristine splint-accents - the pride of the collections and the head embellishment of the kvitniks. Ale obov'yazkovo vkrivati ​​happen not only trojandus, clematis, lilies, rhododendrons, phlox, chrysanthemums, lavender, wisteria, hibiscus and hydrangeas.

Krіm cultures, yakim ukrittya nebhіdne vіd morozіv (like for root, so for pagonіv), there are three more categories of roslin, like varto protect for the winter:

  • roslini, skhilnі to frost cracks, poshkodzhen stovburіv and skeletal pagonіv;
  • weeds, which lure hares and rodents or infect them through the unformation of measles;
  • cultures, skhilnі to dormouse opіkіv - conifers and evergreens, you can see the leaves of which can help direct the sun and especially the hanging ones (forward, string varieties, yalin and tuї).

Before the number of roslins, if you require a winter coat of bindings, enter:

  • all young saplings and unsightly growths, especially growing chagars and trees in autumn (both decorative and fruitful),
  • bagatorіchniki and decorative chagarniki, winter hardiness of some of them is not at home, it is not indicated that it is sumnіvna.

Young conifers are more likely to open in the sun earlier, in leaf fall, or if they want to be in infants. © Space Design Agency

Strings of ukrittya roslin for the winter

With the arrival of autumn, that cob of pre-winter picking starts and the most complicated period of sumnivivs - even if the exact recipe is “indicated” for the cob of guttural roslin for the winter simply does not happen. Shhoroku, skin autumn - especially. Orientation should be brought as to the station of Roslin and yogo, the current temperature will be repeated, and the forecasts of the weather, as if more precisely, the hour does not melt.

Early ukrittya is more unsafe, the lower day is zahistu zovsіm. Tse firmness, like a head-scratcher, is heard in whether there are any instructions and helpers for gardening. I mayzhe so very often ignored. Aje in simple rules- hold out every day, if the weather gets better, in the face of the growth and protect - the main secret of the successful designation of terms for the throating of garden chagarniks, trees and bagatorichniks is to be cleared up.

The cob of the season ukrittya garden roslins always fall in mid-autumn, but if you want to know more about the beginning stages of preparation: mulch and the throat, ringing the crowns for all the roslins, so that you can wind up for the winter more relatively.

A typical butt is trojans, which are often used for a month. The front stages of the zakhista are stretched out in this way, up to an hour, if it is necessary to sporadzhuvat the rest of the rest, the growths were turned up, cleaned, tied, bent and fastened, on top of them, a frame for wrapping and preparing materials for wrapping.

To cover the growth, as if you need a new frost for the winter, you need it, if for 2-3 days the temperature does not rise higher than -5 degrees, then in the current fair winter and an ear of light freezing of the soil.

The first few days after the beginning of the full frosty period, saturate the frosting of the roslin and allow the creation of an optimal wash for the cold weather, without the risk of recovery with the need for early thermal insulation.

Even if the weather is not abnormal, then the traditional hour of the final season of young and primroses is the middle of the leaf fall. The extreme terms for ukritt are frosts down to -15 degrees. As soon as the weather is warmer, it is necessary to ensure airing and airing access again, adding to the outer wrapping until the negative temperatures stabilize.

View sleepy opikiv the growth can be stopped later - until the middle of winter, if the bright day is growing again, and the activity of the sun is increasing. Ale, young conifers are also better to open in the sun earlier, at the fall of the leaves, or if you want to be in the chest.

Ukrittya does not replace preparation before winter

Preparing various types of garden growths to dry season and more quickly for all unstable winters is a systemic process, which includes no less than impromptu zahisne ukrittya. Even the wrong sight and the broken schedule of the autumn procedures can cause growth under the correct, dry-dry hair.

Before entering, which plays a critical role in the effectiveness of the cultivation of horticultural crops, includes:

  • pripinennya pіdgodіvlі until the end of sickle and dotrimannya termіnіv osіnnіh podzhivlen for lawn and roslin, yakim stench is necessary;
  • self-conducted water-charging irrigation for chagars and trees;
  • dotrimannya terms;
  • more sanitary cleaning of roslin, including the removal of dry leaves, roslin smіtta from the ground and cleaning of curtains;
  • svoєchasne pіdgortannya and mulchuvannya, especially for bagatorіchnіv, skhilnyh to bare roots;
  • pіdtrimka vodo-povіtroproniknostі ґruntu;
  • zv'yazuvannya krone and curtain for zahistu v_d breaking off the tree in the snow;
  • taking the lian from the supports;
  • preventively come in and fight against illnesses and children.

From the ear of snowfall to the vzhe vzhitih zahodіv zahistu roslin varto obov'yazkovo rozpodіl, pіdsipannya and trampling down the snow. І prodovzhuvatime zahist vіd grizunіv, yakikh lure warmly pіd ukrittam for roslin.

Winter, as a rule, come raptovo. Axis and that fate of frost came earlier, lowered the snow. And if the weather will be stretched out for the next three months, it will be more smoothly. Possibly, winter will appear with little snow, or start without snow. And at the same time, it’s not safe for us that the soil can freeze on the arc of a great clay, destroying them a greater part or to build the entire root system of the greater cultures. Frosts (short-hour decrease in temperature) are safe on their own, even though they haven’t seen it yet: the earth doesn’t freeze. Terrible frosts at minus 13 - 15 degrees, as if without snow there are a few days of sleep. If the above-ground part was attached to a strong cold, then the root (to instill in winter-hardy cultures) for such minds is a guinea. And even though the roots are frozen, the roslin can no longer be recognized, for the rahunok of the root shoots in that number.

It is necessary to proceed to the ground, if the soil is frozen to a depth of 3 - 5 cm. If you hurry, then the growths can be attacked by a fungal infection. So that the winter was successful, be it a bagatoric growth, it can survive the frost minus 4 - 7 degrees without shelter. Aje the entire upper, above-ground part works as an indicator, a kind of “revealing” of the root system, what is up there in the mountains and what is needed to be prepared.

Even more often, it’s not the days of strong frosts, the skies of the temperature year-rounds at the hour of the day. The most unsteady weather with sharp drops provokes freezing above the world and re-arrangement of the soil.

You can bend and vkrit roslin. Aje ukrittya is not a panacea, but only one of the methods that help to increase the winter hardiness of roslin. It is necessary to protect the planting in severe frosts, sharp temperature drops, sleepy opiums, broken crowns in the snow, which are stuck, icy and hanging winds.

Food, how and how to twist the growth for the winter, staunchly post before the skin gardener. There were few special covering materials for roslin, but it doesn’t mean that if you wrap bushes, trees or a similar ball of thin fabric, you can not boast. Roslins at our sight are not warm-blooded creatures. And if we can warm up, dressing ourselves in a fur coat, then wrap them up in a marno. It is warm to get warm from the ground, and in order for Ukraine to have a comfortable temperature, it is necessary to change the heat consumption for the roof of heat-insulating materials. The lower it is, the lower it is, the warmer it is.

Nasampered need to insulate the landing of flow rock. The stench is the most irritating, the shards might not have caught up as a trace of rooting. The bushes and near-trunks of the smuga of fruit trees and yagidny chagarniks are covered with a ball of humus (15 - 20 cm). Warming the garden, do not forget about the midnight plantation. Deyaki simply pour water on them, literally freezing the garden sunnitsa in krieg. The solution is clumsy, ale not nadiyne: the first thing was to turn everything into water. It is possible to throw more yalin paws on the bed, or khmizu for the shortest trimming of the snow, or lay out non-woven fabrics. Such a zahist spratsyuє, and the sun will be nadіyno protected by a snowless winter. Raspberries need to be tied in bunches, then bend down to the ground, so that the bushes do not straighten up.

Materials, yakі can become winter shelters for roslin, chimalo. I have skin z them - their pluses and minuses. Incorrectly shaping the zahisny "cocoon" brought the root system to freezing, the death of plantings and I give birth.

YALINAі SOSNOVY LAPNIK deservedly respected by one of the best tricky materials. Vіn not only miraculously hinders the snow, but also protects from severe frosts, cold winds, wet snow and krizhannyh boards, as well as the ubiquitous rodents. In addition, the spruce branches do not accumulate, like leafing, the water and kindly skip the wind. Vіn not podvischuє moroznostіykіst, but yogo yogo nadіynym zahisty create ideal for winter roslin mind. So not only are the temperature drops miraculously smoothed out, but they use their ruinous strength to change, to scorch the winter sun. The same temperature under it does not drop below minus 5 degrees below freezing at thirty degrees below zero.

But if there is no forest in the vicinity, then take a spruce branch? And more: harvesting yalino and pine paws is allowed only from already cut trees, which are located at the sites of planned cutting and sanitary cleaning. Nareshti, at once we bring it from the forest with spruce branches, it is easy to bring various shkіdniks to your lot and infect an infection. To that in front of him, how to stock up on him, to be surprised to the pine tree that yalin: why are the stinks healthy? As the head is rusty and shivered, and the bark with small black growths and bare woods, then you can’t take such paws - stink of illness. The minus of spruce branches is that the wine is disposable. That one will pick up the needles in the spring, which was shriveled up from the yalina twigs, it’s unlikely to see. Tim an hour out more acidity of the soil. So, in small doses it is not critical. Ale roslins-calcephiles (which give priority to puddle soils) and such a minimum to harm.

HVOROBA it doesn’t take heat so much, as it helps to trim the snow, which is warm, and serve as a defense in the frost. Vin does not care about the return of the wind and does not rot in the weather. The sickness is hand-witched in the regions with snowy winters. Shchіlno stowage vyazka can vikoristovuvat і like a vіtrozakhisne fencing, і for sіgozatrimannya. But even if the frost came without snow, it would not be rich in such shelter.

Incorrectly curved material FALLEN LEAVES. Vaughn nadiyano protects the soil from the cold and serve as a miraculous even woodworm, yak, at his side, promote її kinship. But at the leaf itself, love to rule over your nests of mice. Moreover, it is necessary to properly prepare the leaves. Wet leaves at the same time cannot be planted. Sire leafing, what was lying, do not miss the wind and dampen the water - as a result, the growth under her guinea. In the cold, she transforms into a krizhan kіrka, and when the hour comes, she comes. For hobbies, such a way of growing up is a death wreck. Blossom, rot, shriveled bacteria, shrimp larvae - this is not the only resemblance of what can give the sprouts from the leaves.

For this reason, the most dry leaves of vicory are not perfect for zahistu roslin, but like a part of a folding structure, which is insulated. For example, sporadzhuyut over the growing base-chicken with stakes or boards, reminiscent of the leaves and cover everything with some sort of waterproof material, not forgetting to think about ventilation.

There is one more minus of the listing like a distorted material - this spring tidying up: a lot of work, which takes a lot of strength and hour. In order to get away, pick up the dry leaves in a row, put the bears with other middles in the same part (they sell carrots, cibula and other vegetables) and twist the shoots straight with the bears. Hang everything for a sprat of khvilin and you will sort out improvised ukrittya.

Good curly material - STRAW. She kindly protects in the cold and zatrimuє snow. Ale, as if leafing, accumulating water and getting wet. Straw needs to be beaten dry and obov'yazkovo protected from vіd vologi. As winter looms warm and gray, under the influx of fluff, the straw can be strengthened, stalked, flattering. At times, the stench shelters, rots, rages with a splash. Obviously, for the Roslins, who are covered with such material, they threaten them with great problems. In the straw, mice and other wild grizzlies love to nest, and small bugs and growing pathogens (fungi, microbes, viruses) overwinter.

If straw is above the world, and there is no other material that can be twisted, then it is better to prepare mother straw from it, or sheaves. The stench of the lungs is not embossed on the growing line. Under them, cultures become dry. That heat during frosts is kindly trimmed. Well, water on the surface (following the principle of the straw dahu) rushes along, without dragging in the middle. Ale, the hanging earth under the straw does not see for a long time. The crystal ball of straw carpets of sleepy change cannot reach the soil and warm it up by melting the ice. That's why tidying up Solom'yane ukrittya required a yakomog earlier.

Vicorist for winter shelter is also DRY STEMS ROSLIN. In fact, this is the straw itself with the mustache and the shortfalls. It’s only important to lie: not every stalk can be beaten to win. Vіn is guilty of being dry, healthy (rotten, flooded, it is impossible to attack with ailments) and without sin.

Requested as a curved material MISHKOVINA. She is bound with stovbures of young trees, shading conifers, protecting from dormouse opіkіv, vkryvayut trojand and other heat-loving growths. Previously, teddy bears were sewn from natural fabrics - at the same time, more and more synthetic ones are used, and also from a polyethylene “lining”. In the presence of the stench, they zvichayut, but the growth under them allowed the normal circulation, and tse threaten the destruction. Vtіm, traditional sackcloth is also not without flaws. Vaughn not only skips the Vologda, but removes it. In weather, the fabric is dry and filthy, and in the cold it transforms into a screaming shell, which is not good for grafting roslin. Under the gray fabric, a friendly medium is created for the development of rot and flowers, and the winding is broken. Everything can lead to the death of roslyn.

Most often, old bears are used for harvesting, and vegetables were taken from them earlier. Even though the stench was a proper rank, they could save the workers of various infections. І navit when collecting clean bears from applications due to increased moisture on the fabric, sometimes pathogenic microflora begins to develop.

Vіdminniy material for thermal insulation. VPILKI. Well, it’s true, it’s not varto to sipat them down with them: to stitch and mulch the soil. Ale vologa thirsus is found and prіє. Tom needs to put them in such a way that the stench does not stick around the pagons of the roslin. Chim drіbnіsha tirsa, tim better than she chooses vologda. In the middle of the hour, the sira thirsus is strengthened, and in the cold, the pick is set up, which does not let the weather pass. Like and needles, the stinks of the building pour on the acidity of the soil. For certain cultures, this may be critical. Like straw, the stench is overheating the soil, and, if your plans are not to interfere with the growth of the roses, so take the yakomog earlier.

PEAT- Garniy teplouvach with singing guards. In a first way, we don’t call “handy material” - just like you only have a spare arrears. In a different way, it’s possible, all the same, it’s not visible, but the axis for the larynx, or mulching, is clearly visible. Ale peat pours into the acidity of the soil, so, like needles and thyrsus, it is not suitable for all growths. And also peat is good for choosing the water, if it gets stronger, expending part of its heat-insulating powers. And although when the beds are covered with peat with sub-winter crops and plantings, it is not critical, then when the guttate of the bugs can appear unbearable.

Appearance NON-WOVEN MATERIALS suttevo made our life easier. Agrofibre mentally protects the growth in cold weather. Then it miraculously insures the wind, the wind of that winter sun, creating a microclimate. It is more necessary to choose a larger material - from 80 g per 1 sq. m. In our suvori winters, if the weather is hardened by severe frosts, it is necessary to take care of the vicarious twigs like this. You can stay in such a way that all winter the roslin will stand by the wet and cold odors. And strong cold winds and frosts can easily be transformed into screaming shells. In order to eliminate all of these negative experiences, build a frame, stretch agrofibre on top of it.

Cutting boards, shmatki slate, roofing material, wooden boxes - everything can be vikoristovuvaty for sporudzhennya winter ukrittiv. That stink in the other world can trim snow, but still its main function is to serve as a frame. In the event of a spore, it is necessary to take care of the streaks, which protect the growth from direct contact with the insulating material (which can get wet or covered with ice), and this is a plus. Ale, rich budmaterial_v_st_shk_dl_v_ chemistries. І tse already suttєviy minus. Let's say, do not varto vikoristovuvat for ukrittya TsSP (cement-bonded chipboard), scraps of drywall, fiberboard. Through a great amount of resins for nourishment and roofing material. Deyakі z tsikh materials do not miss not only the vologist, but again. And even shkodi in such a way can be bigger, lower crusty. As and when the hour of the polythene slicking, the water content is greatly increased.

Irrespective of all the advantages of covering materials, the best insulator, obviously, CIS. You can get away, there is no charge for the roslyn. The wine is cold, so you need to plant it cold. Ale, it’s not surprising, the snow grows even better. Not by himself, obviously. Ale, the winds of their structure do not let the cold streams through to the ground. Tobto, curling up the growth, the snow is chilling, aleratuє in the presence of a suvorish cold. Under the snowy cover of the roslin, endure the most severe frosts without loss. One case: the material of this material is even more undesirable - sometimes it falls out, sometimes it breaks out in the middle of winter ... Yakby a ball of fluffy snow lying on the ground all winter, you could not be turbulent about ukrittya.

In order to increase the effectiveness of the zakhist, it is better to throw snow on the growth, yakі already on the leaves, spruce branches or hmiz. The heat is saved more quickly, as if to beat down the fluffy materials, and in the most ukritty, you can wash the prosciuttos. Sporudzhuyuchi skeleton, to make it low, so that you can snig it as much as possible. The lower the roztashovane ukrittya, the warmer, the shards of the collection of the growth of the earth, only the earth. And if the wind is not wearing snow on the whole lot, think about taking snow. In order to increase the height of the snowy slope on the road, place small apple trees and beds (especially sunflower beds) near the apple tree, plywood boards, or polyethylene slabs.

As a bi-ideal insulator in the winter garden, there is no snow, and wine may have its own minuses. Wet snow - Nenadiya ukrittya. Vins are covered with a pick, under some kind of growth, without access, they again suffocate, shelter and perish. To solve this problem, you just need to blast the crust at once.

Like Bachimo, there is no ideal covering material, maybe. Ale protect the growths from the winter cold, the sleepy opіkіv and grizunіv us as a whole gave strength.


Late autumn, in front of winter and in the snowless frost it’s not safe:

Water the roslini with warm water;

Smoke bagatti;

Lay non-overlapping rot, which raises the temperature of the soil;

Brizati "Epinom" or "Zircon".

All tsі come in, you can wake up the roslin, to enter until I become winter calm. I also part of the pagonіv and nirok viide zі splyachki. And having drunk the frost, I'll die.


In the bezsnіzhnі frost it's once more to overturn and zmіtsnit everything without a vinnyatka ukrittya. Dry frosty weather sounds accompanied by a strong wind, which can instill a navyo installation of a frame or inflate a cover. I need to conquer all the possibilities for the defense of the village in the wind that is hanging.


At a height of 1 m and more, the temperature on the surface of the ground rarely drops below minus 5 - 7 degrees. It is even more important for him that the snow cover does not break and the cold weather does not penetrate to the ground.

For the winter, a lot of roslin must be twisted. But most of all, summer residents are trying to help their food, they only care for themselves. Vіdpovimo on the widest food.


  • Rhododendrons (azalea)
  • Hydrangeas (tree-like crimson)
  • laurel cherry
  • Zvirobij bagatolisty
  • Clematisi
  • Pivony hybrids and wood-like
  • Tui up to 5 years

1. Is it necessary to hide all the growths?

Regionalized growths are attached to the climatic minds of the region. And it’s not about the exotic heat-loving “pivdenci”, then in the most vipadkiv bagatorichniks to survive the winter frosts.

2. Will the roslin definitely survive the winter?

The summer residents are amazed: in the fall, however, the flowers died away.

And the reason is the sharp change of frosts on the vіdlizі and navpaki.

І such climatic "goydalki" in Rest of the Rocks rare for our winters.

As a result, the roots vibrate, rot, freeze. What work? Do not spodіvatisya only for ukrittya, but start preparing the roslin until winter and ... spring. Correctly choose the place of planting, vrakhovuuchi rіven ґgruntovyh waters, protection from stretching. I, zrozumilo, the whole season to trim agricultural technology. At this moment you can be sure that your greenery will be prepared in the winter.

FACT: THE BEST AND NATURAL NATURAL INSULATOR FOR ROSLIN-SNIG. Chim comrade and fluffy snow carpet, tim more comfortable under him colors. 10-CENTIMETER ZMIST - TSE PRACTICALLY ADDITIONAL 5 DEGREES. At KORNIV.

per monthly calendar pleasant days for wintering decorative roslins - 26-27 days, 13-15 leaf fall

Short-grown dosit pіdsapuvati?

To fold a thermal cushion, it is better to use peat or mix peat with leaves with a ball of 15-20 cm (however, in such a calm warm place, mice can start, so put more bait).

However, in regions with severe winters, the foothills will be insufficient - on top of the bushes of the quiet trojans themselves, it is more likely to install other structures.

The disgrace of the leaves and the spruce branches of the spruce branches - ce nadiyni ukrittya?

Leaves spread out quickly. In this plan, the oak leaves are unique: they have tannins of the speech, like a pereskodzhayut development of rotten microorganisms. Until then, the stench does not rot so quickly and rot, like the leaves of other trees. Classical insulator - needles of coniferous trees. However, it is not so easy to grow up with this material. Vrahuyte, that at once you can bring shkіdniki and ailments to the lot with spruce branches.

As an option, the soil under the bushes of roslin can be insulated with a ball of expanded clay, which, before that, is garnoy mulch, which is insulated with drainage.

Trojandy, covered with lutrasil over the frame

Is spunbond suitable for everyone?

Among summer residents today, a popular synthetic covering material (lutrasil, spunbond). But with all the power that they insulate, there is a significant minus: in the period of the season, through the filthy ventilation, the growths overheat and vibrate under the material. Therefore, for the positive temperature of the charge in such a place, it is necessary to “work a window” for airing.


Trojans vkryvayut, if stable frosts are restored, less on the level of -5 ... -7 degrees. With their own unique ways of warming the rose garden, kvіtkari are distributed.

Whip at the kilts

At the climbing trojans, I lift the poles from the supports, pinching the tops (10-15 cm). I see leafing that petioles, sipping wounds to the villages of the vugills. Having sifted the base of the bush with earth, I sip a ball of yalin needles, then - sand (approximately 3 cm each) and I twist everything with yalin spruce branches. I twist the whip in the ring and lay it on the spruce branches. I put a couple of heads on top and cover everything with a spit. I’m throwing more snow into the bribe. Hanging ukrittya I take step by step.


Budinochok for trojans for the winter

Having reached the first frosts, I cut bushes of trojandi at a height of about 30-40 cm from the ground and obprise with a variety of free vitriol (500 g per 10 l of water). Let's sweat from two wide beaten boards like a kuren, having twisted the construction with a spit. In such a house, the trojans are not afraid of the wind, nor the fall. For the consumption of the ends, you can open it for airing.

Vira LIPAY, m. Uzda

Base - wooden frame

I lay the stalks of trojans on the ground, fastening them with metal staples. From above I sip dry leafing (needles can be). Along the perimeter of the rose garden there is a man sporing a wooden frame, on a treasure trove of boards, and on top of them a spunbond is laid (the width is not less than 60 g / m2 and the obov'yazkovo waxed side burns out). I press the edges of the material with stones to the ground, but I fill one butt with water to air out the cover.

Olena FEDOTOV, Samara region

Trojandy at the "cocoon"

Grown up Trojans do not die, so as not to break. I wrap the bush with roofing felt, I dry the middle of the “cocoon” by leafing out the thyrsus, and I put on the animal a polyethylene bag, tying up its edges.

Vira PAVLOVA, m. Perm

Carpet with geotextile for trojans

Troyandy I cover with geotextiles thickness not less than 200 g/sq.m. I put metal arcs over the bush, I twist it with geotextiles, and fold them together. I press the edges with long boards, so that the cold wind does not penetrate through the opening.

Anastasia VOROB'EVA, m. Novosibirsk


Bagatori and janitors are only crooked during significant frosts, if the soil is frozen to a depth of 3-5 cm.

Hyacinths, tubular daffodils, irises, royal lilies and LA hybrids I throw dry thyrsus with a ball of 15-20 cm.

Primrose (in the first black - well planted) I cover the back of the head with thin villages of needles, and then dry singed leaves by 5 cm.

Daisies and brothers hibernate from green leaves. So that they don’t stink, I stick it with a 2 cm ball of litter.

I see a sprat of great green leaves at the lower part of the rosette of the forest, and only a little bit later I cover the spruce with spruce branches and a thin ball of straw.

Dina CHERNENKO, m. Chelyabinsk

Chickens don't have a terrible frost

Bushes of young weigels and forsythia for the winter I sprout up to a height of 20-30 cm, we will overflow with coniferous litter - a miraculous warming and warming bears. And if I didn’t break the neck, I’ll make a smoke from sackcloth. Sometimes I work like this: I bend the high pagons of the troch to the ground for additional staples, I put metal arcs on the beast, I throw lutrasil to the ground on yak.

Hanna ZOTKINA, Podmoskov'ya

Yakі kvіti pіyati pіd winter

If the minus temperature sets in and the earth is a little bit frozen, you can proceed to the pre-winter sowing of flowers. What is it?

Now sow in the furrows the troch is thicker and thicker, lower during spring sowing, priming them with dry peat or compost. Let's cover it with yalin spruce branches, which will help to trim the snow.

Oleg BUYNIVSKY, agronomist

The lawn is not for winter walks

Try not to walk on the frozen lawn. The grass has been trampled down in the fold, after which the black foxes are overgrown on the lawn. Do not blunt on the lawn and the weather is near the vologist - the soil is getting thicker and the grass is growing faster.

Oleg BUYNIVSKY, agronomist

Ways to hide chrysanthemums

Podkazhіt, how better to twist hybrid forms of chrysanthemums for the winter, so that the stench does not disappear?

Maria Skripnik

After the first frosts in bushes of chrysanthemums, grow up to 10-15 cm above the ground and with the method of prevention against rot and fungal diseases, use it as a drug to avenge the mid (Ordan, Polyhom) for instructions.


Viriyte a groove (with a clay and a width of not less than 50 cm), the bottom of which should be laid with a ball of yalin paws. Chrysanthemums dig up and put (do not put!) In wide rows. Root dry with a ball of up to 50 cm. From above, close the trench with planks, and on them is a tight ball of tirsi. For protection from water, lay a polyethylene blanket on top of the cover.

Povitryano-dry tunnel.

This method is pidide, as if bushes are growing in one row. On plastic or metal arcs, throw a covering material (you can use a spunbond) around two balls. And if the wine didn’t get wet in the rainy autumn woods, or it was the hour of the wind, to pull the polyethylene plivka on the beast. Ale, in this weather, it is important to open the sides of the warmer hour (if you change the persistent frost, close the sides again). In the rest of the hour, a lot of kvіtnikarіv transplant bushes of chrysanthemums for the winter in greenhouses with polycarbonate (after the flowers are cut and vkryvayut with a tirsi ball). One of the minds of a successful winter in this weather - a hinged greenhouse is not guilty of flooding the soil water.

Olga SURINOVICH, agronomist


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The nutrition of the roslin during the winter period is even more important. Most of the falls in the їхної death occur on their own or on the wing. In the rest of the hour, a lot of new species and varieties of roslins appeared on the market, sounding of growing and growing in a warm climate, and it’s impossible for us to live without shelter for the winter, even if we want to plant them in the first years.

Bagato grew up during the winter period to demand a defense

To assess the cold resistance of roslin, a lot of firms indicate USDA zones. For the purpose of classification in the middle region of Russia, at Pivnichny Zakhod, without shelter, it is possible to grow the growths, which lie up to 3-4 zones, the growths of the 5th zone need to be twisted for the winter, and the 6th zone does not need to be hibernated for the winter.

Assessing the feasibility of growing roslin in a singing climate, it’s more correct to speak not only about cold hardiness, but about winter hardiness in general, shards of death can be caused not only by low temperatures, but also by broader illnesses often through the weather, mean in one word "frost". Even more important is the building of Roslyn until the anniversary of freezing.

On the building of roslyn, a fee is taken, the crime of biological features of specific species and varieties, adding a lot of factors:

peculiarities of the weather minds of which fate; climatic peculiarities of the area and navіt a specific village; vіk roslyn; їх stan.

After evaluating everything, it is necessary for the skin vibrated type to take care of the nutrition about winter protection individually.

The most important facts about the winter of ukrittya roslyn different types Ukrittіv and create your own system of preparation of roslins before the winter and їх ukrittya z urakhuvannyam mіstsevih features and their abilities.

In case of virishenni nutrition about those that you like to take, follow the memory like this:

1. Roslins are not warm-blooded, and “clothes” their marno.

It is necessary to collect heat only from the ground, and in order to increase the temperature in the room, it is necessary to reduce the waste of heat for additional heat-insulating materials. The lower it is, the lower it is warmer. Zastosuvannya of various chokhlivs, winding of roslins directly on a support (for example, weaving trojans) can be protected from opik, wind, but not from the cold.

Yakby grew all winter long in a fluffy ball of snow, they didn’t demand stench in other shelters

2. The main heat-insulating material in our minds is snow.

Yakby lay all winter in a fluffy ball in the snow, more of the growths that grow with us could hibernate without shelter. All ukrittya need to work so that the stench evenly curled up with snow, and also, if they weren’t too high, they didn’t have small capes, so that they would cross the earth with snow.

3. Better save the heat of materials, which will take revenge again.

To this, it is the fault of the vengeance to cover the prosharki, and the materials that insulate are guilty of being fluffy.

4. The main reason for the death of roslin in Ukrainians is the development of ailments in the minds of increased moisture.

That is why it is necessary to fight the infection on the roslins, which are covered, to work more dry, to keep them aired in spring and spring, not to allow the water to get stuck in them.

You can find everything you need to cover the roslin for the winter in our catalog, what will be the propositions of the great gardening online stores. Choose materials for ukrittya.


Now let's look at the differences and see the specifics of their zastosuvannya.

Mulching - covering the surface of the earth with fluffy material to change the heat supply and save the root system. Yogo zastosovuyut practically on all roslins, but it is especially important for roslins with a superficial or insufficiently cold-resistant root system and for cibulins. For mulching, you can vicorate humus, peat, thyrsus, fallen leaves and other materials.

Rhododendron, mulched with peat, from the throaty neck with a great squeak. Author's photo

It is especially necessary to give respect to chagar growers with a neck, slender to the point of suspicion. Start to please not mulch the area, lie down without a hitch to the stovburivs, but it’s practical to work it even more importantly, with planks and snow, like a tan, mulch all the same moves to the stovburivs. In this case, the sip of the neck area helps with a great squeak with a small heat of the stovbur. The sand kindly guards the neck and bark in the lower part of the stovburiv in the form of a drench and rot with a stretch of mustache rock.

Ukrittya roslin singed leaves - even wider recommendation. Ale needs a mother on the ground, like a ball of dried leaves, sizzling on dry land, good heat-insulating power, and wet leaves, which lay down, only sprout rot. This is especially unsafe for roses with rosettes, which winter, for example, Korean chrysanthemums, so for them such a method of hiding is not suitable, especially in a orphan climate.

Under the throat Under the throat grew with the method of warming - ce under the ground or other downy material: peat, thirsi, etc. to the base of the bush. A ball of material with a height of 10-40 cm raises the temperature in the region of the root collar and allows you to save nirki, which is here. Zastosovuetsya on different types of roslin, zokrema, hydrangeas, clematis, trojands, aloe for rich roslin is unsafe, it is not safe to produce shards to cure measles in the neck area.

In areas with a greater continental climate, where there is a sharp inter-cold period, it is recommended to have more roslin under the throat after the installation of frost and freezing on the surface of the soil. In an inhospitable climate (zokrema, on Pivnichny entry), the installation of winter is unacceptable; For example, decorative and fruit cherries and spices are valued. It is not possible to plant trojans after frost cracks have been established on them, shards can be made until the infection penetrates through the cracks that have been established.

Pіdgortannya priginanny pilchastoj hydrangeas, photo of the author

Even more often we feel the chagars, the above-ground parts of some lack of cold resistance - for example, the chagars, who squat on the pagons of the past fate and lay flowers in autumn. Effektivny and even simpler method of saving such growths - їх priginannya with coming snowfalls. It is possible to plant the growths in a horizontal position by tying them up to the tufts driven into the ground, or by fixing them with a dart shackle (hand-tighten the drothy stands with kiltsami for planting bushes).

It is better for the roslins to lie down not to the earth itself, but to lay down under them, rats, doska, so that the chicks do not rot when they come into contact with the orphan earth. It is necessary to priginat until frost, until the tree becomes too crying. Often, the healed growths are additionally covered with non-woven material. Climbing and chagarnikov troyandi, large-leaved hydrangeas, weigels and other. Hanging bushes are necessary to raise new pagons to the cob, otherwise the stench will grimace.

Povitryano-dry ukrittya The most nadіyne ukrittya for heat-loving roslin, and the most laborious - poitryano-dry ukrittya. It is folded from a metal frame, which shows the heaviness of the snow (sound no more than 60 cm), a ball that is insulating, and a water-insulating ball.

The frame can be built from a thick dart, a wooden box, a shield placed on a support, at the simplest point you can put a board on two tsurbachs. Lutrasil (spunbond) or cloths sewn from old fabrics can be used as a heat-insulating and simultaneously shading material, moreover, be it: synthetic, vovnyanoy, bavovnyanoy. A water-insulating ball - a gap or a black polyethylene liner, roofing material. Even better is the silvery spit, which is sold like mulch: it’s opaque, but it doesn’t heat up like black. When vikoristannye prozora plіvki without shading awnings, shelters transform into a greenhouse, and the growths overheat.

The main problem of hiding behind additional swimming is water. It is possible to ensure dryness in Ukrainians in this way. Clean up the weeds, fallen leaves, and so on; tear off all the leaves from the roslin; dry the kvіtnik in front, having smelted a plovkovy over it, or cover the entire surface with dry earth (for example, from a dried greenhouse); wink over dry materials.

Troyandy, covered with a polyethylene dah for drying. End of spring - an ear of zhovtnya, photo by the author

Obov'yazkovo needs to wind up air for ventilation, you can close it with a vent in cold weather, and for the whole winter you can cover it with lutrasil with closed kіlkom balls, so that you can provide a little airing during the day and night.

The terms of the ukrittya lie in the features of the roslins. So, heat-loving hydrangeas can be crooked from the cob of an ear, after an ear of systematic frosts, and trojands - only from the end of a zhovtnya, shards of a greater early ukrittya vimaga, so that the stench will be earlier cut, and it may cause further death. Ale check on the installation of frost for the cob ukrittya, how to recommend a lot of helpers, I respect even shkidlivim. Sound the cold weather accompanied by snow, which makes the trojans lie, and with the right cover, that visibility of the trojans will not be in any way misplaced. I vkryvayut this method of trojand and hydrangeas more than 25 years, and for any weather minds, the stench was saved even better, and for the nights, the temperature of the water dropped below -40 degrees.

Povitryano-dry ukrittya hydrangeas. The lower ball is the tovst lutrasil, the upper one is a silver slab. Ventilate the air for ventilation. Author's photo

Povіtryano-dry ukrittya vimagaє svoєchasnogo that stepwise selection of the hinged. If skhovanki zіyde snіg, you need to get air, then we will take smelting, and the rest will take all the ukrittya only after the full recovery of the earth. In detail, trojand and hydrangeas for the help of the dry-dry method, as well as other options for ukrittya, are looked at in my book "Trojands and hydrangeas at the Pivnichny entry of Russia."

Exposed-wet ukrittyaFolding of poitryano-dry ukrittya zmushuyut shukati yoma alternative. Call out to pronounce vicorist smerekovy or pine spruce branches or yogo with non-woven material. Ale schobiti garne ukrittya, spruce branches are richly needed. It is practically impossible to buy yoga, and an independent species of spruce branches in the forests of the head of the great shkodi and forests has not been left behind in many of our gardens.

Povidryano-wet cover for additional plastic boxes and lutrasil, photo of the author

The sense of such a trick is in the fact that for a long time the growth of the soil is taken care of, but the growth of the soil is not isolated from the water, and it can get wet and dry, constantly airing out. It is important that the roslin did not press too close to the ground. It’s best to go out like this, as if on a low support (it might not be as smart as in the front way) to put a thick non-woven material on 1-2 balls.

The support is simply reinforced by putting the slats on the tseglu or the deck. It is possible to vikoristovuvat parts of plastic boxes for vegetables. Even a good effect gives such a treat for cherries. Living creatures do not cling to the ground, do not rot and winter well.

Povitryano-wet ukrittya zhivtsiv, little ones of the author

Curling in this way chrysanthemums abo floxi (in a frosty snowless autumn), I vicorate as a support for the excess of their stems, to wash after cuttings, and I cover them with cloth or with lutrasil. The terms of ukrittya and spring rozkrittya with this method are not critical, the growth can be changed under such ukrittya, no matter the weather.

Protection of rhododendrons and conifers in the winter-spring period In our gardens, we see mainly cold-resistant rhododendrons and coniferous growths, but often the stench winters badly. This is not due to frostbite, but to the “opik”, the warming of the weather.

Ukrittya of such roslins breeze in the sight of a glimpse of the bush, it is important to shade them, protect them from the wind, break off the trees with snow. When ukritti evergreen growths flared up, it’s even more unsafe to vikoristovuvat plіvku, and navіt shіlny lutrasil іnоdіlі viklіkaє pіdozryuvannya needles. I am mostly vicarious, specially sewn chokhli with light fabrics (for example, from old stretches).

Cypress, covered with a fabric cover, photo by the author

I pick up the chokhli for the growth of the roslin, which will serve as a binding for them at once. I put a club for a new or a kuren from three clubs (on bushy trees) and I put on a choker on them, I fasten it behind an additional shank. The clubs shatter the cone-shaped stumps, sprinkle the equal stumps with snow, do not let the snow press the top of the growth.

You can cover the evergreens with boxes, but in them you can wash butt holes, and you need to cover with polyethylene only. Under the coniferous trees, what to spread, kindly lay the trees or partly plastic screens, so that the snow does not press them to the ground. Sound the growths are scorched by the hanging, but it’s important to take them in the fall, so as to grow it neatly and in time to hang it important. Significance of shade is necessary only after the total defrost of the earth, in gloomy weather.

Pіdіb'єmo pіdbags Ringing vkryvayut growlings not one way, but every dekіlkoh. For example, the weaving trojandi snarl, heal, and then steal.

Roslini die from the wrong, and not from the good, warm ukritt. Once again I want to encourage you to come out of the warmest place with victorious swimming, don’t let the shards out of the warm air that rises from the earth, come out of the UKritte. Ale, in case of any other, it is important to respect the following rules:

lay the slab on the support, rather on lutrasil; unique to the contact of the smelter from the roslins; do not twist the growth of the leaves, across the Syrian land; hourly to ventilate and tidy up the room.

Dry the kvіtnik obov'yazkovo, which one is chosen to be twisted with a bath. Author's photo

It’s impossible to follow all the rules, it’s better to be guided by swimming. Effektivnіst ukrittya lie down not only in the peculiarities of the climate of a particular place, but in the weather of the coming winter, but it is impossible to overdo it. It is necessary for him to lie in such a way as to improve the minds of winter for whatever the weather may be. I always ask my own food: “How will I behave when I have conceived it for this weather?”

The main principle: "Do not be naughty!"

A wide range of roslins, especially in pub areas, is impossible to get by without a cover. It is important to choose more varieties, see the varieties, improve the optimal agricultural technology and, first of all, do not overdo the growth with nitrogen fertilizers (return nitrogen from the yearly from the sickle!), fight against ailments and shkіdniki, dotrimu, terminіvіv All the same, allow the robot to work with ukrittya to the minimum.

You can also have the following publications:

5 broader myths about the winter of sheltered growers What do you need? .. 10 handy materials for winter shelter roslin How to prepare a garden before winter: traditions and pardons Ready for the cold? Choosing materials for winter shelter Roslin Pomilki when preparing the garden before winter. Ukrittya roslyn What time is it to lie? Roslini, yakі vіdmovlyayutsya hibernate without shelter

At this article, we can see how to steal tickets for the winter at the dacha. Let's take a look at the methods of ukrittya. We know, if you tell the truth. Let's talk, it's not necessary to hide yakі kіti for the winter.

In order for bagatoria to be able to survive the winter period, even in autumn it is necessary for them to create special shelters. A lot of roslin do not see low temperatures and that will require the help of gardeners-gorodniks. In order to properly protect your loved ones in the cold, you need to know the peculiarities of cold weather and what the stench is. As a rule, ukrittya buvayut:

  • wet;
  • dry;
  • repeat;
  • dry.
Most of the roslin, especially decorative ones, will require shelter in the winter season, how to get a ticket for the winter, and for such tickets it is necessary to cover it?

Wet cover

This way is the best, as if there are a lot of flowers in the garden. The bushes are covered with soil for 30-40 cm, in order to protect its center. If you want to rest in safety and security, then hang your tickets to be renewed. Before the winter, near the spring-zhovtnі, the growths are formed - this is how winter hardiness moves. It is not possible to replace the soil vikoristovuvaty tirsu or peat, which takes a great amount of water and ice. This is how clematis, trojandi, grapes are covered - those varieties, like stalk until frost.

Check out the ukrittya

Sharp temperature drops can also be bad for colors. In the face of such misfortune and ryatyut povitryany ukrittya. To create them, vikoristovuyutsya lutrasil or plіvka. A rake tripod is installed near the growing line, and a hood is put on the beast from one of these materials. Such Ukrainians have wadis. In sleepy weather, the weather can be compared or overheated. Such a problem can occur in a bezsnіzhnu winter or spring. Even earlier, the beds “slip” and perish at low temperatures without a hitch. In order not to trapilos, for them to sporudzhuyut ukrittya - "stool" with transparent walls, through which it is penetrated by light and dark breath, which protects them from overheating. A similar option is suitable for conifers, rhododendrons. For this creation, tufts are built into the ground near the bush, and a plywood shield is placed for the beast. The whole spore is covered with spitting, and the edges are buried near the ground. Roslini is not guilty of sticking with the Ukrainians.

Іsnuє kіlka vidіv ukrittya for the winter

Povitryano-dry ukrittya

As a heat insulator in my fall, krіm again, serve as a layer of tirsi, dry leaves, sina. Nasampered, near the capitals they install supports at the looking logs. From above, a plank flooring is rushing, as if it is sifting with earth mixed with dry material, and on top of it - polyethylene slick. In this case, sleepy light does not penetrate, but the temperature in the middle is cool and on frosty days, and every hour of the day - 0-3 degrees below zero. This is the most warm place, and the stench of these roslins is suitable, as it is important to endure frost - trojans, deciduous rhododendrons, yucca, gingo. For small ukrittiv from spitting, you can fill the bottom of the breath, so that they need more. For this reason, a thin pipe is laid with one end, which should be called. If the curved layer will be too old, then, better for everything, grow up. Vin is guilty of motherhood 10-15 cm from the gap for showing.

How else can you get bagatoric tickets for the winter

In depressions, if the above-ground parts of the bagatoric flowers do not die, otherwise you are not impressed in their frost resistance, they are more likely to be broken. From the mind of the mind, that rosemary for the zakhist vikoristovuyut:

  • pine or yalinovy ​​spruce branches;
  • layer of mulch and soil;
  • non-woven material;
  • boxes, filled with fluffy mulch material, which does not leak water;
  • other auxiliary materials, like buildings, provide planting in the cold.

On top of these structures, they are covered with non-wetting material so that when they appear, the growth does not rot. This rank is covered with chrysanthemums, not winter-hardy trojans, curly flowers, taken in front of the trellis and attached to the ground, covered with mulch.

Bagatorichnі roslini on alpіyskikh gіrka nakryvayut groups, bagan non-woven material. So that the wines are not removed, it is necessary to bury the edges of the earth. For mulching, it’s better not to beat the straw, fall into disgrace, like when it comes, before that, catch rodents in clumps of shkidnikov, spread the fungus and bacterial ailments. For mulch, needles, thyrsus, soil, mixtures with humus, dry shavings are used. Pershotsvіti zalishayutsya in the ground, scarlet mulch and pripayutsya with snow, the community is guilty of becoming 50-80 cm.

How to prepare bugatory tickets before winter

They call their name bagatorichny kvity to the fact that the root system (and sometimes the above-ground parts), having completed the growing season, does not die. Process the development for the winter hour less zavmirayut. Hanging quarters are thrown over and quickly begin to grow. Decorative bagatorichni roslini, while it is warm, it will require a minimum watch, but in autumn it will need protection from the cold. Type of Ukrainian fallow in the climate of this region, in the region, in the degree of winter hardiness of the roslin.

Troyandi - these are decorative roslins, like clothes, they will require winter shelter, otherwise roslin can simply sprout, having frozen in the cold.

Security tickets will be at the security, for example:

  • to carry out circumcision of the crown at once;
  • mulch soil under roslins;
  • insulate the above-ground parts of the tickets that are left out.

These operations are carried out near the complex, and if you see the flowers, they don’t stay until frost and more cibulinous, the crimson is quiet, which blooms on the ear of spring, and you save it from a warm, cold, dry place until the end of the winter period.

It is possible to settle down only for cultivating and mulching on the flowerbed of the soil for quiet roslin, yakі є frost-resistant. The points of growth and life of their speech are rotting under the ground, so if the snow falls, the stench will not disappear.

How to conduct education of bagatorists before winter

The above-ground parts of the flowers, while it is warm, accumulate a life of speech in the future, so they spend the autumn, with the first frosts.

Why is trimming of the dead parts of the roslin needed:

  • in order to prevent the larvae of komakh-shkidnikiv from being saved from dry stems;
  • to reduce the risk of spreading fungal and other ailments;
  • for ease of covering, that mulch is planted for the winter period.

Invisible flowers are cut on the level of the ground, and in high and hard growths, the lower part of the stem is overgrown. The winter of the stench is trimmed by the snow, playing the role of natural zahistu, and the curtains behind them easily mark the place of roztashuvannya kvіtіv.

The most cold-resistant climates are astilbe, aquilegia, niv'yanik, rudbeckia and in. it is necessary to cut it, over the earth's cover of a total of 5 cm, in view of the height of the stems.

Delphiniums and other high flowers, which are empty, taut stems, are formed from the redundant 25 cm, so that they lead, as if we could eat them in the stem, did not call out the rot of the upper part of the roots of that death. In irises, two days before frost, it is necessary to dry the leaves up to a height of 10 cm.

A close-up shows a dry-dry cover near a kuren, which is miraculously suitable for large decorative roslins, especially for trojans

Ukrittya rich colors

Bagatori - daisies, daisies, arabic, alpine aistry, brothers, carnations and others opine in the snow at once with their juicy green stems and leaves. Great moisture and temperature drops call out under the snow to the fence of greenery and the death of flowers. To get away from him, they need to be twisted for the winter. Yak ukrittya take a thin ball (5-7 cm) of fallen leaves. Until then, it’s best to cover the cloaks with leaves of leafy pores or with spruce fir branches, as they will help harness and secure ventilation.

How to steal cibulin tickets

How to make a decorative roslin under the name Clematis, a close-up, similar to the kind

In the tables of painting, name the colors from the type of writing:

The name of the tickets See ukrittya
Daffodils, tulips, floks, hyacinths A ball of leaves (thickness 2-3 cm) is placed on the frozen ground on a depth of 3-4 cm.
Lily with white tickets Vkryvayut layer 10-15 cm scorched leaves - so deeply that cibulinia tsikh kvіtіv znahodjatsya even close to the ground and risk freezing.
Delphinium, rudbeckia, clematis pekuchy After that, as the stench blooms, on the cob of the zhovtnya to scatter a piece of leaves and a stalk. Height 10-15 cm from the surface of the soil. In front of frosts, the flowers are mulched with a ball of 3-5 cm soil and peat. From above, a mozhlivy ball leafing through chi spruce branches.
Trojandi With a stable freezing of the upper ball, the soil is repaired in crooked quarters. Uphill the ground, like a stench stings at the spring, or on the cob of zhovtnya at a height of 15-20 cm, put spruce branches for ventilation, then the thyrsus, or dry leaves (layer 15 cm). And on top - I renew the spruce branches chi hmiz. To put up boxes or as a support (to lie in the heights of the trojans), cover with paper sheets and plіvkoy. The edges need to be squeezed by the stones. Close the gaps for winding, the docks will not get very cold (up to -10 degrees).
Herbal pivony They planted them correctly, they didn’t need to hide them. Ale, the old bushes of autumn sizzle with soil, we mush with humus. In the coming spring, the pivons are bursting, not poshkozhuyuchi growth brunok.
primuli In the autumn, cover the bears with spruce branches. To the center of the bush there is a trail of fresh soil.
daylilies They can hibernate without shelter. For valuable varieties - "Cherry Valentina", "Close in Glory", "Storm of Center" - then you need to check them with the method of prevention.
Irisi If you have Siberian irises, then the stench will not require shelter for the winter, for the review of varietal bearded irises, as it is necessary to open.

A close-up shows the way to turn up the cover for the winter, as a miraculous fit for cold and cold climates near the winter season.

How to steal tickets for the winter at the dacha: food and drink

Nutrition number 1. How to hide the end and pyramidal forms of columnar thujas and yalivtsiv?

Vidpovid: Vzimku often in the snow, which sticks, the stench bends, their shape disappears, the needles break. That requires, from the bottom, not tightly tighten the crown with twine. In the valleys, if the tree is taller than 1.5-2 meters, tie them up to some kind of support, so fix it so that the stench does not choke under the kuchugurs. However, try to shake the crowns of snow every hour.

Nutrition number 2. When is the hour for winter shelter?

Note: Let me tell you about the weather in the area where you live. For example, at Zhovtnі tserobiti not varto, to that after the first strong cold snaps can come even warmer, clearer days. Through those who at this hour you have already opened your tickets, the stench of obov'yazkovo vypryut.

Kvіti vkrivayut for temperature again no more than -5 degrees - about the middle of leaf fall. Before it’s not varto, the growth will require a small pickling, ringing until frost. The stench is not afraid of night frosts and small (up to -5 degrees) frosts. Spruce branches (pine or yalinovy) serve as the main cover material, which spryaє accumulated snow, which protects lives from severe frosts.

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