Honeysuckle is decorative curly: see, describe that sight. Description and characteristics of ornamental honeysuckle Kucheryava Designated characteristic of ornamental honeysuckle

Bringing curly-haired honeysuckle to itself with its plasticity. Viroblyayuschie svoєchasnі obrіzki і pіdv'yazki bushes, you can embellish with tsim liana parkan, gazebo, pergola chi other garden design.

Honeysuckle is decorative, which allows you to disguise the unfavorable wall of the sporud: a barn, a lazne, or hide a country toilet under liano-like bushes. Zagalom, the stagnation of tsikh lianas near the garden is less than the fantasy of the master.

I don’t understand at once, from which side the liana is rooted, but de upper. Such power of these roslins is widely favored by landscape design.

Species diversity

At present, there are more than two hundred and fifty varieties and forms of honeysuckle. In order to understand the difference, you need a good illustrative guide. We will try to spread the word about the most popular representatives of the Great Line of Russia.


Zapashna honeysuckle, or honeysuckle, lat. Lonicera caprifolium, a deciduous deciduous liana, yak, with diligent observation, is up to six meters tall. This type of growth is the most popular in our gardens, and the honeysuckle of ornamental varieties began to be buried among rich gardeners.

During the season, this liana is built to give a two-meter increase and calmly entwine the pergola, or rise high along the wall of the altanka of the dacha cottage. Honeysuckle is frost-resistant, freezing colder only to the tips of the pagons.

It’s not surprising, the winter is warm, and the honeysuckle is cold. Parts of the league call for swelling of the nirok, like after frost they can die. But in such minds, honeysuckle zdatna is born to be born from root brunnok, which gives blue.

Flower honeysuckle on the cob of lettuce with bright flowers for 15-20 days. The outer part of the buds is covered with orange-red tones and white-yellow in the middle.

Ale and after the flower of curly honeysuckle, the sight of honeysuckle continues to delight its decorativeness. Green berries are progressively reddened, and in our opinion it is necessary to finish the painting.

Caprіfol nіmetska

Caprіfol nemetska, lat. Lonicera periclymenum, similar to the front look, but it looks like the color roses of the buds: from white to purple. The flower of the second kind is more trivaly and sometimes trivaє until spring. The fruit of the German honeysuckle is a dark-red vіdtinku.

Respect! Berries of decorative curly honeysuckle are unsustainable!

Quotes of German Caprifoli


Honeysuckle Brown, lat. Lonicera brownie, resplendent with a carroty color of their buds, as if they are two for the season: on the cob at the red-linden, suddenly - at the sickle. In order to better sleepy houses without stretching out, it’s not bad to endure winters, and even if it freezes a little, then it’s cool.


Tsya honeysuckle, lat. Lonicera henryi, grow up to the richly green species, so they don’t throw away their leaves for the winter, and part of them are left on the bushes. The growth will not be significantly compromised by other forms, at least reaching two and a half meters. It has brown-red tubular buds, which you can see a marvelous aroma in the middle of the lime tree. Decorative black berries that ripen until spring.

Honeysuckle Curly Henri


Tsey hybrid of American and evergreen honeysuckle, lat. Lonicera heckrottii, may not bear fruit. Natomist Hekrott may bloom for many months - from the middle of the wormwood to the yellow. Colors of buds: yellow, creamy, orange-rozhevy. Dovzhinu liana grows up to a few meters.


Honeysuckle of the seashore or serotina, lat. Lonicera serotina practically repeats the popular honeysuckle among everyone, but the flowers are more bright, and the liana itself looks more compact, wanting to hang out for five meters near the dove.

Primorska honeysuckle - Serotina


Honeysuckle Gerald, lat. Lonicera giraldii, according to other species - evergreen. The leaves are overgrown on the liana all winter. In the most severe frost, the stench twists into a tube, and continues to hang on the needles, embellishing the greenery of the garden.

Hanging old leaves sag under the pressure of fresh nirs that are opening up. Blossoming aroma is spiced with the smell of jasmine-mock orange, and the infestation of buds changes from white to lemon-yellow.

Belgica select

Honeysuckle curly Belgian select color dvorazovo protyazh season. The first black buds begin to bloom in the grass on the top pagons, the other - from the cob of lime on the growth of this rock. The liana reaches a length of three meters with a river meter growth. Flowers make violet colors.

Honeysuckle variety Belgica Select



Reproduction of decorative curly honeysuckle is carried out mainly in two vegetative ways:



In order to take away the sadzhanets in the first way, in the early spring, immediately after the snow is set in the ground, they choose a well-placed tree at the bottom of the growth and bend it down to the ground, after which they pin it with a dart bracket or simply press it with a piece of wood or a stone. During the protracted season in the city of zіtknennya, the bushes with soil are established roots, after which in the autumn or spring of the advancing rock, the sadzhanets can be replanted and transplanted to the postyne mіsce.

Living honeysuckle is carried out in the middle of the lime tree. At the same time, live bait from two-triomas is sown with inter-nodes, pouring only a couple of upper leaves on them. Prepared in such a rite, chibouks hang around a greenhouse or a cherry tree.

Please! The simplest sweet cherry is easy to grow with usma kokhanoy plastic bowl, vіdrіzavshi her bottom. Curving the second half without a bottom of live bait, do not forget to twist the cork to skip the middle of the wind.


Planting curly honeysuckle and keeping an eye on it begins with the preparation of pits near the singing plan of the city. Fallow in the sight of the growth, it is necessary to choose the sleepy one or the darkened place. Krіm tsgogo, it is necessary to be appointed, for which the liana will spire for its vegetation.

Vіdstan mіzh rosliny fall in the form of varietal characteristics and rotting in the garden: for a succulent fence, vysadzhuvannya is carried out strictly, for okremih constructions - more.

Viroschuvannya honeysuckle curly-haired sruchnishe conduct a vіdraz with be-like a support, tse feel better and look after her that circumcision. Yami robylyatsya with a size of 50 by 50 centimeters for the plan and with the same size for the depth. The stench is filled with drainage and a half-life summish, after which they lower saplings into them and drain the life-giving soil, which is overgrown, to the edge of the pits and watering is swirling.

Please! After planting, mulch the roots of the stalk and push the young liana to the support!


Keep an eye on curly honeysuckle to a few agrotechnical entries:

  • life;


Curly honeysuckle should be trimmed regularly. At the beginning of the spring, a sanitary inspection of lianas is carried out from the distances of frozen and broken trees. During the long summer season, for the help of pruning shears and garden knives, the molding of growth is carried out according to the plan of garden design. Spilno z raznannyam carried out pіdv'yazka curly honeysuckle to supports.

In dry periods, honeysuckle is rarely, scarletly watered from obov'yazykovy mulch. A ball of lively mulch with pus, humus or compost should also be provided with growths and all the necessary livestock and avoid the development of weeds.

For short inspiration roslin after the experienced winters spend spring charging up with herbal tea in the sumishi with chicken last and ash.

And the axis of the video about the flowers of decorative honeysuckle, which is hovering, Serotini:


Sound the curly honeysuckle we call honeysuckle and marvel for an hour, why in the field one honeysuckle rages with flowers, and another axis already represents a stingy sight. And on the right, in what can be either a hybrid of caprifol, or a different kind of honeysuckle, to curl - all stench with pagons, flowers, fruits and leaves similar to honeysuckle, or they can be more thermophilic and suffering in Russian winters. The qi of the liani grow like honeysuckle honeysuckle.

Mustache curly honeysuckle came to us from a warm climate. Zavdyaks to their authorities, as one of them, we grow without problems, following the slight frostbite of the tops of the pagons. We need a special eye for the growth of that color - lower it for the winter with a support for dry leaves, spunbonded in a different way. Ale navіt at tsimu vpadku evropejskim krasunami stench not to become.

Feel good all the curly honeysuckle in zones 6 to 9 at a temperature not lower than -15 degrees in winter - the central regions of Russia. In zone 5 (Moscow, St. Petersburg) and for temperatures lower than -20 degrees, single-horse fringes can freeze, but the curtains with a new strength of stench are resurrected. In zone 4 (Pidmoskov'ya, Central Russia), the growth of the most common variety is seen, or it is thermophilic with good harvest, as we work with chi clematis trojans.


The most decorative and demanding for vertical gardening, cream honeysuckle honeysuckle, can be seen like this, hybrids and varieties of honeysuckle, to curl.

Evergreen honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) - a frost-resistant look, which gave life to rich hybrids of curly honeysuckle, which often turns them over for frost resistance. Recommended for zones 4 to 9. Best to frost grade "Blanche Sandman" . Qiu curly growth is covered with tubular-shaped flowers of raspberry-colored zhovt from the inner side.

Look like evergreen and short honeysuckle Brown's honeysuckle (Lonicera x brownii) . Її grades can be repeated and three-meter stems. The original tubular parts of the ticket can be of any color, white and beige to red and orange, do not smell. The flowers bloomed until autumn the whole season, near Pdmoskov'ї - inflow that again in autumn. The orange-red fruits ripen in the middle of summer and stay until winter. Near Moscow, Brown's honeysuckle does not bear fruit; Comfortable winter temperature without frost, including snow, not lower - 15 degrees. May sprat of miracle varieties:
three-meter liana with red-orange flowers "Dropmore Scarlet" ;
covered with yellow-brown quilts Golden Trumpet curly bush grows up to 3 m;
at "Fuchsioides » Quite fuchsia and orange, the pagon is not more than a second meter.

As a result of hybridization of caprefollous and evergreen honeysuckle appeared Telman's honeysuckle (Lonicera × tellmanniana) . The high liana grows up to 6 meters, it is covered with eight-centimeter yellow flowers, it does not leave leaves for the winter. Near Moscow, the tops of single-stem stems suffer in frost, and red berries do not thrive; Winters without ears down to -15 degrees.

Another popular variety of curly honeysuckle - "Serotina" (Serotina) - Flowers better riches. Qu honeysuckle is called curly not only through the power of її pagonіv. Curly honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum) її botanical name. You can look at the zabarvlennyam young pagonіv, stench red chi zhovtі. Roslina maє zapashnі vouchers, from the inner side of the white, burgundy-red from the outside. Although single-stem stems can freeze at temperatures below -20 degrees, we have flowers and fruit, even if they grow on leaks that grow up on the vines. Liana can reach the height of two and a half meters, and її tsvetinnya trivaє may be all summer. Honeysuckle vines of the Serotina cultivar were harvested from purple-red flowers, middle beige.

Varieties of curly honeysuckle "Serotina" and Graham Thomas were awarded the honor of the Royal Garden Association. The variety Graham Thomas has creamy pellets. In another variety of curly honeysuckle Belgica Select on the vines of burgundy-carmine smuga.

Not long ago, nerds zarahuvali Honeysuckle Henry (Lonicera henryi) at first sight honeysuckle (Lonicera acuminata) . Now there is a growth of one type of curly honeysuckle. Honeysuckle zagostrena - its scientific name, honeysuckle Henri - a synonym, or a form of zagostrena honeysuckle. For sale, you can use the sadzhantsi and tієї and other names. In liani, flowers can be zabarvlenі in yellow to orange and red color, and the berries are obov'yazkovo dark blue. homemade riceє dovgaste leafing out of a sharpened kіnchik. Seeing without cover is visible up to -15 degrees. In the midst of Europe, the honeysuckle of Henry is embellished by the walls of high buds.

Honeysuckle is cultivated as a decorative chagar and liana, її stems up to 2.5 m. In pіvdennih areas її green leaves embellish vzimku sporozhnіlі gardens. At low temperatures, the evergreen leaves of the honeysuckle become frosty. Recommended for zones 6-9. For the winter in the middle smoothie, you will need shoes with a leather coat.

Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera ligustrina) more lower roslin. Won for zones 7-9. We grow in the Caucasus, Crimea and winter gardens. She has stocks, flowers: white and red, and blue berries with black. Dovgokvitucha curly roslin, which often acts like a gruntopokrivna. In a popular variety Halliana zavdovka chase up to 5 meters. U variety "Aureoreticulata" leaves with light yellow veins. U variety Purpurea leafing through the collection of purple color.

Krіm vysokodekorativnyh cultivars to fill the vertical space or object and decorate our garden can deyakі іnshі see honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle (Lonicera prolifera) - with pale yellow cards and red berries. A variety that grows at a height of up to 3-4 m. Vіdbuvsya from Pivnіchnoї America, stable throughout the territory of Russia. Rosemary vinochkiv hoch and a little bit of caprifoli, then in the autumn the liana looks simply gaudy, if the red berries scatter on aphids leaves, which turned into a golden color.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle (Lonicera glaucescens) , there blue honeysuckle (Lonicera dioica) - Pivnіchnoamericansky view, brought before us in the 19th century. Pagons are not so strong, like caprifoli. Shvydko growth, zustrichaetsya at the rich tufts of Russia. Navіt near St. Petersburg (Pivnіchno-Zahіdniy region) freezes less than the tips of a single growth.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle (Lonicera hirsuta) the frost-proof liana of the Canadian trip is covered with a bagatma with yellow flowers, but it doesn’t smell. Fruit. Even that stiyka is decorative. Leaves of pubescence - hairs from both sides and from the reverse side.

Honeysuckle (Lonicera ciliosa) , different type of zahidna - garna nadiyna liana. Vіnochki yellow and red color, great. Odnorichny pagons of honeysuckle (Lonicera flava) freeze near Moscow region. Won for zone 5 and pivdennishe.

Honeysuckle is a beautiful rose for beautifying the garden, plots, vikoristovuetsya like livestock (vertical gardening).

Honeysuckle is a decorative curly hair that is not too powerful for a watchful eye, and with the pretrial rules of planting, that multiplication of virosity is possible for a leather gardener. This view is more popular with garden design.

Cultivated varieties of honeysuckle grow in the Central and Pivdenny regions of Russia. Roslin can have a large number of leaves on the stems and even a bunch of flowers with a pleasant aroma.

In pairs with other decorative roslins, curly honeysuckle may come on:

  1. Dryness (wet up to 6 days without watering).
  2. Vitrivality.
  3. Invisibility of sight.
  4. Shvidki tempi growth.
  5. High vegetative potential.
  6. Trival period of flowering.
  7. The high trivality of life.
  8. Stіykіst to shkіdnikіv that ailment.
  9. Ease of reproduction.

From a short period of time, it means a low frostiness, which pulls the need for sheltered growth for the winter, the need for trimming, pіdv'yazki, the filth growing on the muddy plots, or the sun.

See decorative honeysuckle

Liana, or curly honeysuckle, is, as a rule, a vigorous bush, which can have beautiful flowers of an unusual shape with a pleasant aroma. Hanging flowers with bright succulents, which are made up of tubular flowers. The cards are monotonous and two-coloured. For horticulture, vicorist is used vertically and undergrowth, see honeysuckle.

In Russian forests, the honeysuckle is spravzhnya, or the sheep's berry. Roslin with bright berries is already blighted, and it is impossible to pick fruits.

To the popular vertical types of honeysuckle, you can see:

  1. Dropmore Scarlett - curly pagons with gray-brown or orange blouses.
  2. Gold Flame is a slightly intense fragrance. Flower: worm-spring. Yellow-raspberry congestion of buds.
  3. Hungry Trumpet is a trivalent period of bloom, bloom without smell.
  4. Belgium Select - frost-resistant, fragrant, with violet notes.

Also, use low-growing varieties of honeysuckle:

  1. Serotina is a yellow-and-horny blossom of flowers, which means an extra glance at the sight of the distant buds.
  2. American Beauty - no fragrance, orange flowers, hard stems.
  3. Brown's honeysuckle - chagarnik, which grows, decorative crown, terry flowers.
  4. Blanche Sandman is a rich honeysuckle with great blossoms, unvibrant to the ground.

Krіm vsіh vyshchevkazanih, іsnuyut also such varieties:

  • Brown;
  • Alpiyska;
  • Korolkova;
  • Telman;
  • Japanese variety;
  • Primorsk Kaprilia;
  • Maaku;
  • Caprіfol and deyakі іnshі varieties.

Planting decorative curly honeysuckle

Honeysuckle has a rhizome system of strizhnev. It would be better not to allow landing in the places of direct inflow of pivnіchnyh vіtrіv, oskolki їh porivi ushkodzhuyut pagony that kvіti.

When hanging decorative honeysuckle, which hovering, it is necessary to catch up with advancing minds:

  • bagan from the pivden side, on the sony area, allowed at the pivtin;
  • in summer, grass in early autumn;
  • The soil is fertilized with organic, mineral fertilizers;
  • the soil has neutral acidity;
  • for the need to provide drainage;
  • before planting, the roots are lifted;
  • water the place clearly;
  • sadzhantsi roztashovuyut z vіdrivom shnoymenshe 2 meters each other.

Honeysuckle grows fast - їy need a mіtsna support.

Various supports for honeysuckle

The liani is supported on additional supports, so that the stench does not waste decorative power. For the base, you can vicorate summer gazebos, fences.

See the following types of supports:

  • for vertical surfaces - strips, nets, straight cords, grati;
  • pergolas, arches, hangings;
  • for single bushes - lattices, frames, mini-wallpaper.

Also, the supporting structures can be arranged in the form of hanging garlands, old arches, vezhs, tunnels.

Looking after decorative curly honeysuckle

A closer look behind the decorative curly honeysuckle is not difficult to find for a gardener-pochatkivtsya.

Vіn includes carrying out offensive manipulations:

  1. Timely watering, not overly clear (do not allow stagnation of the native land in the roots).
  2. Glibok razpushuvannya zemli navko korіnya (up to 20 cm).
  3. Mulchuvannya ґruntu is like a root.
  4. The introduction of mineral fertilizers (sound the curtains and after the flowers), but with this growth, do not wait for 2 years after the hanging.
  5. The sight of autumn and the hangings of old and frozen pagons.
  6. Carried out weeding, shards of honeysuckle do not like the lands of the bourgeoisie.


It is not possible to trim young growths after planting;

It should also be noted that the growth of the collection must be twisted with spruce branches or other curved material. Liani in front of you know from the support.

Possibly ailments of decorative honeysuckle.

At good minds the growth of tsia roslin is not often given to ailments. But at the time of a protracted wooden period, honeysuckle is decorative, which can get sick.

As a rule, їй load:

  • powdery mildew;
  • cerposcoriasis;
  • tubercularis;
  • mottled leaves;
  • blackening of the heels;
  • mosaic virus;
  • red-olive pluminess.

Fungicides and antifungal preparations are used to fight against diseases. The lesions of the stem and leaves are burned, the soil is disinfected.

Lonicera periclymenum L.

In nature, it is widened in Central and Pivdenniy Europe, Pivnichniy Africa and Asia Minor. At culture vіdoma vіd St. Petersburg to the Caucasus.

Tall bush, up to 5 m, with curls, with great low leaves, a beast of dark green and bluish below. Flowers in thick head-shaped flowers, yellowish-white in the middle, ringing with a carmine vinochka, deep fallow. Flowering begins at the lime tree and sometimes continues until spring. Dark-red fruits ripen from sickle. Flowers and bear fruit on the third or fourth river. In culture since 1814. Roslin’s already very tall, that, unimpressed on the deak, freezing in the winter hour of one-line pagons, the shape is good, and the shards of color are seen on the pagons of stream rock, and this decorativeness is saved.

Lonicera periclymenum "Serotina"
Photograph by Dmitrieva Nadiya

GBS from 1967 p. 3 samples (10 approx.) grown from native, taken from culture. At 4 rocks, the length of the batogіv reaches 1.5 m. Shvydko growth, wide growth to become 120-170 cm. Fruiting in 4-5 years, indistinctly, fruits ripen in sickle. Winter hardiness is below the middle. Shvidko is inspired by frost. Living life is 100%. 100% of summer livestock is rooted. Purification of the soil from the m'yakoti, wash the savings, preparation to the sivby that deep throat with. in the soil the same as in L. caprifolium.

May low decorative forms: golden(f. aurea) - from golden leaves on the ear of the rose; Belgian(f belgica) - with larger leaves, lower in the type form, matte purple flowers.

Ale for special respect meritorious honeysuckle curly piznya(f. serotina) - div. photo-liana up to 3 m zavdovka. Odnorichny pagons are bare or slightly pubescent, on the tops are red or yellow. Leafing to the beast is dark green, below - gray, egg-like. The flowers are double-lipped, the call is dark-chervony on the cob, paler in the middle, yellow in the middle. Blossom for a long time and brightly, from the tip of the worm to the cob of sickle. Red berries. Much loved by gardeners. In the middle smoothies of Russia, it is recommended in the autumn to lift the frogs from the supports (yak and clematis) and to twist the beast with a dry leaf and spruce branches. In GBS since 1948, 1 episode (10 approx.) of vegetative reproduction of GBS, withholding of 3 episodes of homeless travel. Buli grew up on the reproduction of GBS. The length of pagons in young roslins is 0.7 to 1.1 m. The maximum length of pagons in mature roslins is up to 2.4 m. Winters with green leaves under snow. Shvidko growth. Blossom a short, clear, from a tip of a worm-mid-linden to an ear of a sickle-middle of a yellow. To bear fruit broadly, fruits ripen singly in the spring-first half of the harvest. Winter hardiness is below the middle. The similarity is up to 26%. 100% of summer livestock is rooted.

Іsnuyut varieties of curly honeysuckle:

"Belgica(Belgica) - bіlі vouchers with red husbands, like step by step Zhovtіyut.
"Graham Thomas(Graham Thomas) - bіlі vouchers, yakі when they turn yellow.
"Serotina("Serotina") - flowers in the middle are creamy white, purple in color.
"Munster("Minister") - dark rosy flowers in buds;
"Harlegin("Harleguin") - bright-cream ink.

The widest varieties - Belgica"("Belgica") that " Serotina"("Serotina").

Photo from the book by R.Phillips, M.Riks "Decorative plants near your garden"

Among the ornamental chagars, I pay special attention to the honeysuckle honeysuckle honeysuckle fragrant liana. Liana, which is fast growing, can be embellished, which makes the house look like a road. With the help of direct supports, the roslin can straighten uphill by 4-5 meters. When tsimu batig with great and fragrant succulents stretching out for a month.

Basic information about roslin

The honeysuckle is a decorative curly vine that climbs on a support, following the designer's idea. In nature, roslin grows in the middle and middle parts of Europe in the Caucasus. The name of the species "honeycomb" is translated as "goat's leaf".

Signify that honeysuckle honeysuckle is possible for such signs:

  • pagons are light green, erysipelas-red in the sun;
  • leaves z_brane at the platyvka at the form of elіps;
  • vouchers on long tubes are taken from the bouquet;
  • aroma of flowers of spices;
  • orange berries are not natural.

Gola young vtecha in whispers can support the skeletal bush of chagar, and at the same time the neohain green breast is established. It is so important for him to shape the growth from the first days into a development. Even more leaves may have an ellipso-like shape. The bets grow into a disk, and in the middle of it, a flower blizzard develops.

High above the ellipse on high tubules, flowers with protruding wombs and queens produce a strong receiving aroma. The suites themselves are unimaginative and decorative. In the period of rich flowering, honeysuckle is decorative honeysuckle - a beautiful honey plant. Flowering occurs close to the month, as a result, unnatural berries of orange color are set.

Nine species of lianas are not cultivated only in pine forest areas with a sharply continental climate. The reason is those that pivdenna roslina wilts over the winter.

Agrotechnics of decorative honeysuckle.

In order to take care of the rapid growth in the flow of bright flowers, it is necessary to create bushes that are optimal for growth. For this liana, it can be visadzhen on a sony area, with low stands of ground water. The soil is due to being light on the basis of humus, urban soddy land and sand. The reaction may be neutral or slightly lukewarm.

Honeysuckle to love the dead, good to look at in the spring, nourished by humus. With a stretch of summer, I’ll take a good watering on the green after an hour of dryness and 2-3 refreshments with a fresh mineral good, or we’ll infuse cows to the middle of the linden, don’t wake up later, so as not to destroy the winter hardiness. The soil under the bush should be loosened and mulched.

Decorative honeysuckle honeysuckle is good for shaping the crown trim, as it is hung up to the first living brunok. Dry twigs are also virizati. And the bark, which trochs are seen, is a generic sign on the old liana.

Ailments and ailments of decorative honeysuckle honeysuckle ruin the beauty of a green fence, so that you do not allow ailments and ailments on your parkan greenery, it is necessary to follow the current rules, as to zastosovuyutsya and for other trees:

  1. The overdose of phosphorus and potassium in the diet is unacceptable for popelits and other leafy coma and larvae. For whom, in the near-trunk kolі, the ashes are vaped.
  2. Wintering shkіdniki can be reduced, so that before the fall of the leaves, it is necessary to carry out the squashing of the bushes with 5% of the seedlings.
  3. Vykoristovuvaty for application of biopreparations Bitoksibacilin, Lepocid and similar, bacteria from which they settle in clods and decrease in the middle.

Prevention is always better, lower the fight against clods, which have bred, shkіdniki.

Ornamental growths are more suitable only if the crown is well formed and the leaves are not damaged by ailments and thorns.

Breeding of honeysuckle honeysuckle

The one who is bachiv, like the growth of honeysuckle, will inevitably want to start a qiu liana from his volodin. Reproduction of honeysuckle honeysuckle can be dekilkom in the following ways:

  • now;
  • introductions;
  • live bait.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle can be propagated only on fresh days of another fate. Choose the fruits of the next lightness in the pulp, wash it and dry it. Before the spring sowing, it is now possible to pass the stratification. Now the rose garden is hung on the hinges, and the rose garden, which has grown up, is placed on the bed.

On live bait, planting material is harvested from sickle. Zhivtsі z troma mіzhvuzlyami vrіnyuyut z autumn in a special nursery z pishchano-peat sumіshshu. Hanging the rooted roslin hang on the post-yne mist.

The simplest thing is to multiply honeysuckle honeysuckle for additional rooting, which is rooted and dug into the ground on the liana, which continues to grow. Roots are established at the mіstsі nadrіzu;

Honeysuckle honeysuckle does not tolerate many transplants. With the appearance of the first roots, it is necessary to provide the growth with a permanent place of residence.

Landing that watcher for curly honeysuckle

Behind the appointed composition, the mіstsі vykopyutsya with single clay 60 cm or a trench, as if refueled with native soil with a large amount of compost or torіshny pus. Obov'yazkove introduction of mineral additives. Do not forget about the gold, so that the mineral fertilizer does not deoxidize the soil.

The best hour for planting is to look after the curly-haired tree - grass. For river roslin rise by 2 meters. Ale, in the first two rocks, the liani needs to be taken from the supports for the winter and vkrivat їх vіd vіmerzannya. For the duration of the entire period, the growth of the line is necessary to keep an eye on that molding of the crown.

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