Melisa zapashna vyroshchuvannya z nasinnya. Viroshchuvannya melіsi at the dacha dilyantsі: landing rules, dbaylivy sight. Steps to the process of rozpodіlu in a bushy way

Often in the garden you can commemorate the modest roslin - lemon mint, the sight and viroshchuvannya, which is not more convenient to instill in the city dwellers-pochatkivtsiv. The scientific name of the inconspicuous bush is melissa. Grass may be rich, vicarious and fragrant leaves and stems are recommended in cooking, folk medicine, home cosmetology. Before that, to proceed before planting and to look after the melissa near the wet soil, it is recommended to become familiar with the peculiarities of agricultural technology.

Pokhodzhennya that description of culture

For one of the legends, I will call my own medicinal, or lemon, melisa goiter is associated with a honey aroma, which is felt - “honey” and “leaves”. The Greeks interpret it differently, in their mind, culture took the name in honor of the girl, as it was unobtrusively placed before the Olympian deities. For innocence and pride, they turned it into bjola, as if giving credit to the lemon mint to other roses.

Another version of the similar name is Ancient Greece the nymph Melissa lived, and she treated Zeus to a special drink of milk and honey. In honor of її і Bula, an inconspicuous odorous culture was named.

Lemon mint - bagatorichnik. The height of the bush reaches two meters. The basis is a hard rhizome, which reaches the head of a few meters. Leafing guessing hearts, maє teeth.

In lime and sickle melissa, it is covered with white white (one and the same erysipelas) flowers, which show a delicate aroma. Zapashnaya mint is shaking with bjols - at the time of the flowers, the unsettled laborers are circling over it, picking up nectar. The relish, the smell, the sweetness of the honey have not been left unmarked - a bjoline product, the choice of melissa, is important for the most important. The peculiarity of the bagatorichnik is the smell of smell after the flower. Leaves viprominyuє dosit unacceptable smell.

Varietal diversity

As if on the beds the rulers are planning to grow melissa, її varieties are more beautifully grown in the back, to help you be appointed to the selection. Seeing the lemon mint chimalo, the stench is awakened by the height of the bush, the flowers, the intensity of the aroma:

  • May of bright green leaves persistent aroma. The height of a mature bush is climbed at a meter. Flowering begins at the heart, continues until the middle of the sickle. Vykoristovuєtsya at kulinarії.
  • Unprecedented bushes that reach a height of 55-60 cm. The leaves are ovoid, with a subtle aroma. The tickets begin to be rozpuskatisya on the cob of litas.
  • The peculiarity of the bush is its height, which reaches 130 cm. Flowering begins in the middle of summer and lasts until autumn. Vіdrіznyaєtsya with persistent arable leaves.
  • Especially popular among gardeners is the melissa variety Lemon aroma, the smell of which does not smell like citrus arable. Sound victorious in conservation, for the preparation of perfumery and sobiv for watching over the faces and bodies.
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Agrotechnical vimogi

It is not so easy to grow melіsu, as it is to be rich with gardeners-pochatkіvtsy. It is enough to take care of simple agrotechnical vimog, which include:

  • soil preparation;
  • choose a month;
  • correct assignment;
  • self-improvement.

Soil for growing in a wet soil needs a light, lively one. Melisa loves the garne of lighting, but without stretching, it’s better to pick up a quiet little place by the garden. The earth is clearly not guilty of healing, it is not uncommon for bushes to do without watering - the building's brood to stock lemon mint, calling out rotting roots.

Growth in one place up to 10 years, it is necessary to protect the hour of planting planning. Moved grown bushes endure painfully, take root for a long time and can die.

How to plant melissa

The cultivation of lemon balm is a simple process, but remember that all the best of agricultural technology can do it. Landing is carried out dekilkom in the following ways:

The most convenient and laborious way of reproduction is through a rose garden. Folding faults when the planting material is put into the ground - more dry and evenly spreading them on the surface of the substrate does not come out of the skin. One more feature of the settlement is the need for stratification. For soaking, erysipelas of potassium permanganate are most commonly used.

For breeding, you can vicorate and mature bushes - the vineyards take root badly. Even though everything came and grew, the melissa will please you with a good harvest already at the first fate after planting. Bushes are kindly greeted, the easiest way to do this is to carry out breeding with live bait or live bait.

For now

Take away the melіsu z nasіnnya klopіtno, ale cіkavo. Before sowing the clothes, soak the soiled material with potassium permanganate, after which dry it on the server. Vykoristovuvaty for growing roses is recommended soil for tomatoes and peppers - wine is light, kindly passes the water and wind, necessary for the growth of roslin.

Obov'yazkova umova - good drainage. At the bottom of the container, put a ball of expanded clay, shards of clay, pieces of polystyrene. The material used is applied to a depth of about 1 cm. Go and show up for 4 days. Through pіvmіsyatsya to carry out pіkіruvannya. On the beds, plant roses at the vіtsі 6 leaves.

Podіl bush

If you want to take care of growing small things from the garden, you can’t work, you can make it easier - take full copies of the peasants. Take care of the process as quickly as possible, before the leaves appear. A mature bush of vikopati, divided into sprats of parts, obov'yazkovo on the skin of them can buti nirka. Dіlyanki hang out at the back of the preparations for the soil. Add ash to the soil, a small amount of sand, compost.

After transplanting, it is necessary to lightly loosen the soil, especially since spring does not indulge in timber.

Reproduction of introductions

A quick and simple way to take away all the bushes - to wink for reproduction. The simple process:

  1. From a mature bush, dig a sprat of deep furrows.
  2. At the skin furrow, put in the flow of melіsi.
  3. Squeeze the pagons to the ground with steel clamps.
  4. Seal the area of ​​the growth of growth with the surface soil with the soil.

The earth should be lightly watered with a stretch of the autumn season. Ring until the ear of autumn grows mіtsne korіnnya. Otrimani kushchiki melisi not rozsajuvati, deprive until spring. After the descent of the snow into the bushes, the vykopati grew from the great heap of earth and transplanted to the rear of the chosen place.


For fermentation of finesse, you can vicorate livestock. It is recommended to grow them from mature growth, but if there is no possibility, then bring a bunch of lemon mint to the store and vicorist for sprouting. Dovzhina live is not guilty of revisiting 15 cm.

At home, put the living creatures of lemon mint near the water on the sleepy bed. Through the second day, the roots will appear, it is necessary to allow them to grow and plant a life-giving substrate. If the weather is so sunny and warm, it is recommended to visit the garden or the beds.

Viroshchuvannya z nasinnya

Irrespective of those who sprout the melis of the present day, the most troublesome, plant lemon mint in a rich gardener's mind in the same way. Krim nedolіkіv here є th perevaga:

  • you can plant a sprat of varieties and independently review their viability and perevaga;
  • new growths, which virojyuyutsya for an hour, which are signified on the aroma and brown yakos.

As for planting vicorous garden soil, it is necessary to carry out її zanezazhennya for planting - put it on the pіvgodini until the oven is baked. Okrip is better not vicoristovuvati - a hot native land cannot be run down and see bacteria. On the beds near the soil, planting material is planted near the flower-grass, the soil is fertilized in front and digged.

Rose gardening method

After that, it’s like a little sprout of seedlings, keep an eye on the rose garden, like for the room roslins. Spend parts, but sparingly water, fluff up the surface of the soil with a gostroy stick, trying not to harm the root, as if it were found in the upper balls of the substrate.

Conducting a pikіruvannya at the vіtsі 4 leaflets, obov'yazkovo lishy to the soil on the roots. Visajuvati grow more beautifully in small cups, filled with drainage and a light substrate. After the transplant, put the containers in the light of the day, stezhach after it, so that they don’t spend the direct sleepy change on the melissa.

Posіv u vіdkritiy ґrunt

It is possible to carry out viroshchuvannya not through the garden method, but once in the open ground at the dacha. Nebezpeka of such growths among the weeds - the stench of the building drown out the lower parosts of melisi, not allowing growth and development. It’s easy to grow up with herbs - it’s not easy to recognize, de Buryan, and de spicy culture for an uneducated gardener.

Weed the weeds with great care, folded at the growing of melіsi not vinikne. A month later, after the descending of the bushes, overflowing with the strongest ones. Growing from the native bushes of the melis, they are resilient to the sickness of the climatic minds, it is easy to endure frost.

Golovne - stezhiti, shob ґrunt buv volomy, but not brudnim.

Features of sight

It’s easy to look at the mint, the main processes, which are necessary to keep the season going:

  1. Polivy. It is rare to spend an extra day - too much water calls for the rotting of the roots and the death of the bushes of melisia.
  2. Razpushuvannya ґruntu. Carry it out carefully, not burying at the bottom balls, for which the rhizome of melisi was rotting - yogo can be messed up.
  3. Mulching. The mulch (pine bark, trimmed straw, thyrsus) is laid out with a thick ball.
  4. Life. It is recommended to make a living speech only if there is an increase in growth. Naychastіshe zastosovuyt nitrogen warehouses. Before picking, leafing dobriva do not vikoristovuvati.
  5. Sheltered for the winter. Deyakі varieties of melіsi badly endure frost, in autumn it is recommended to zrіzati the above-ground part of the growth and cover the soil with agrofiber, thyrso, spruce branches, dry grass.

The cultivation of lemon pulp needs to be remembered about one particularity of the growth - regardless of those that in one place of the bush the building growth is up to 10 rocks, but on the fifth rotation the coldness sharply decreases. The melisa has grown up to wind up for the winter, obov'yazkovo, and in the first frosts it will die.

Viroshchuvannya booth on pіdvіkonnі

You can grow small compact bushes at home, vicarious sleepy bedding.

Viroschuvannya that sight of lemon mint at the pіdvіkonnі starts from the garden. It is a little irritated in the preparation of young roslins for hanging out on the beds - to put them in a living light substrate, to get rid of the mountaineers. After that, as bushes grow a sprig of new leaves and begin to grow, replant in larger spaces. Transplantation is carried out randomly.

You need to watch the melisa, like behind the unsightly room growths:

  • do not allow the soil to be re-arranged;
  • protect from sleepy direct exchanges;
  • periodically fluff the top ball to the substrate;

Lemon mint, which grows on pіdvіkonnі, needs to be trimmed - it's not allowed to take a compact beautiful bush. For the winter, it’s better to see the above-ground part more often - hanging from the root to begin the growth of young pagon.

Melisa is one of the poorest cultures, which is reminiscent of the simplicity of the growing mind. Golovnya - you can pick spices 2-4 times a season, work on harvesting and bring dryness, so that you can enjoy the aroma and relish of lemon mint from your favorite herbs with a long wind.

Melisa necessary:

  • germinating soil;
  • richly light;
  • to finish the bright watering that obraskuvannya;
  • systematic education;
  • dotrimannya temperature regime (18-20 degrees);
  • regular refreshment.

You can grow at one place of roslin three - chotiri roki. After all, it is important to update that transplant. In order for the bush to be healthy and with a strong stretch for a few years, it is recommended to hang out yoga hanging.

Viroschuvannya melisi on pіdvіkonnі - on the right is not klopіtna. It feels miraculous in a mountain worker, like be-like room roslina. It’s true, a bunch of melіsya will be low, scarlet and dense, as if there is enough light for you, the voices of those living speeches, so that a competent watcher for melіsoy will be safe.

Melisa on the subway. A photo

At the time of winter, the rise of melіsya on the pіdvіkonnі little chim vіznyаєєєєєєє vіd zvichaynogo. A lack of sony light to change the amount of greenery, change its color, but not in the line to the brightness.

We breed new bushes of melissa

Let's take a look, how to grow the melisa from the earth and how to increase the number of roses that you fell in love with in other ways. You can do it in different ways:

  • uprooted the bush;
  • introduction;
  • stalk life;
  • melissa from nasinnya.

Podil a mature bush is shaken by a curtain. For whom the root system is sprung from the ground, cut into sprats of parts from nirkami and hung on a bed.

For help implementation to breed roselin on the cob of flowers. Mitsni young pagons are healed to the ground with a staple, attached with soil and checked to the root. After two days, they plant a new bush for an additional pruner and transplant it with a mountain worker, or at the top of the soil in a new place.

Zhivtsyuvannya vicorist at the first stage of the cultivation of melissa, for the presence of a mature bush on the garden plot. At otrimanih roslins, the tops are erected and they are placed near the reservoir with water. If the roots are established on the needles, they hang on the ground and put them in the dark place. After the appearance of green pagons, the growth of wine will bring light.

Viroshchuvannya melіsi on pіdvіkonnі. A photo

How to grow melissa from now on? This process takes time and patience. Then the yak_st of the green mass of melisi will be miraculous.

In order to grow a mature bush, enriched with potassium permanganate, fine mellows hang from the ground to a depth of 1-2 centimeters, bend and set in a warm place.

How to grow melissa. A photo

Go, as soon as you show up, transplant the soil at the well-appointed drainages.

With the help of the victorious method, there is a great capacity for fasting life, or small cups.

Pikiruvati pagony melisi z nasіnnya slid after molding two - chotyroh leaflets. Approximately in a second - two months of melissa z we will gladden you with succulent fragrant greenery.

Melisi's twins. Why can you go astray

Melisa often stray with other roslins. To such twins lie:

  • cat's cat
  • Moldavian snakehead.

Let's try to expand in their jurisdictions.

Melisa bagato is called "lemon mint". Really, the flowers of the roslin do not think of anything sleepy, the cream of the sameness m'yati that medicinal bagatoric melisi.

I'll call the grass " cat's cat it can also be taken for melissa. Oman to introduce a similar smell of tsich roslin. Sob not to confuse the melisa with the "cat's mint", then get to know the principle powers between them.

  • The smell of melіsa is lower, which guesses the aroma of lemon. The catnip smells sharply.
  • White flowers of melissa grow in the axils of the roslin, and the black blossoms of the catnip - at the upper part of the pagon.
  • Rounded leaves of melisi are even along the edges, and long leaves of catnip are serrated.
  • The last melisi may have a twisted shape, and the last catnip - rounded.

The kitten's mint grows with a creak. Tsya grass vikoristovuєtsya for the preparation of herbs and cosmetic products. Won maє jubilant authorities: improves appetite, exultant cough, relieves worms.

Moldavian snakehead abo "turkish melissa" - one-way roslina, which is grown in Western Siberia and in the pivdennih regions of Russia. Efirnі olії, scho to be near the green serpentine head, guess the aroma of melis. But the smell of yoga is strong and sharp. Turkish Melisa is a favorite of Bjil and a beautiful calm zasib.

If you don’t mind, put on your own station those that are necessary, when buying, respectfully write on the packaging with letters. For example, melissa likarska in the translation of the Latin my name is Melissa officinalis, cat kotivnik - Npeta catria, Moldavian serpent head - Dracocphalum moldavica.

We choose the required grade of melissa

Vіdomo kіlka raznоvidіv сієї neizchaynoї spicy herbs. The leather variety of melisi may have its own individual characteristics, it is distinguished by smell, leaf shape, bush size, flowering period. To the most favorite varieties, you can add a sprig of different varieties:

  • upright;
  • queen;
  • perlinna;
  • lime;
  • lemon;
  • freshness.

Melisa z I'll call it a garna"Pure gold" is more pronounced. This variety may be unusually light-yellow with leaves covered with thin villi, which shimmer at the bright sleepy areas.

Ryabolista melisa took away its name for the dark color of the leaves with golden veins. Grass of this variety may have a strong smell and nonviolent character. Її it is possible to viroshchuvate like in a hardened soil, so in home minds.

How to win melisa

The range of vikoristannya lemon grass and melіsi is wide. Price її warehouse. Leaves melisi to avenge the efirnі olії, organic acids. The stench is rich in vitamin "C", various microelements: zinc, copper, potassium, manganese, molybdenum, selenium.

Widely zastosuvannya tsya nevibagly grass was known in medicine. Won to bring relief at low serious illnesses:

  • Ryatuє in the form of dramatization and nervousness, reawakening sleep.
  • It is recommended for diseases of the heart and spasms of the vessels.
  • Exciting oncological ailments.
  • Know head bіl improving blood flow to the brain.
  • Spray normalization of arterial pressure.
  • It helps to get out of a cold: it changes the pain in the throat, relieves coughing.
  • It is prescribed for polypshennia etching to people who suffer from gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis.
  • It helps to promote gas formation, constipation, and malfunctions in the robotic subduct.
  • To remove slags from the body, which may have a sechoginal and diaphoretic effect.
  • Changes the tooth white, disinfects the empty mouth, changes the ignition process.
  • To enter the warehouse of a dietary meal, which helps to lose weight.

Melisa Nezamіnniy zasіb for the promotion of health female organism. It relieves pain at the hour of menstruation, helps to get rid of toxicosis during pregnancy, stimulates the production of milk during breastfeeding.

Gotuvati health care s melisi is just as easy.

Can you rob nastiy from the green pagons of the roslin. For which it is necessary to trim the leaves of melіsya (20 grams) fill with dip (1 liter), tightly cork and stretch twenty quills.

Chob cook vіdvar boil two tablespoons of herbs in one liter of water with a stretch of 15-20 strands. Then we know the fire and let it brew with a stretch of the year. Such a vіdvar to please drink chotiri once a day, we are especially ill for asthma and necrosis.

The deyakі add leaves of melisi to wonderful tea, zmіshuyuchi drink with a small amount of honey. Come out miraculous prophylactic zasib against viruses and colds.

As if under your hands, there is no leafing of melisi, we can cook with success ethereal olive roslini. A dekilka of drops by the bath or aromatic lamp will help you calm down and fall asleep.

Growing melissa at the dacha dealer or at your own pickup, busy with the preparation of the dried product, you will provide yourself with brown water, which you can live in tsiliy rik, zmіtsnyuyuchi zdorov'ya, prodovzhuyuchi youth that zberіgayuchi beauty.

Melisa knew her place and in culinary.Її add salad at the drink. Like seasoning vicorist when preparing first herbs, stewing ribs, meat, mushrooms. With it, sour cabbage and ogirki, make different sauces and marinade. Zavdyaki with its lower aroma and spicy taste of melissa serve as an analogue of black or zapashny pepper.

Efirna oliya melisi is widely used by cosmetologists. Vono allows you to solve the problem of oily hair, using a magnifying glass. Sufficiently, with a mitt of the head, shampoo with dekilcoma drops of olії, and your hair will look wonderful again. With its disinfectant and antibacterial powers, melissa oil cleanses the skin of the skin from the pimples and the bumps.

Melisya contraindication

Melisa - roslina is corysna and may not be contraindicated. And all the same, on deyakі moments, pov'yazanі z її vzhivannyam, varto zvernuti respect:

  • I don’t want to slander the infusion, vіdvara, tea with melisi for people. It can lead to an unimportant change in state activity.
  • It is not recommended to drink drunk, to avenge this grass before the last entry, to the crowd, to sleep. Be calm and that lack of reaction can be detrimental to the result of the call.
  • It should be observed in the case of mild melissa in cases of individual intolerance to persistent hypotension.

In all other ways, melissa will bring mischief to your body, continuing to improve the quality of life.

Melisa on the subway. Video

Dobriden usim! How are you doing? Chi do not require you to calm down? And in this case, the good old tea from melissa will help you.

Among the people, they call roselin lemon mint. Zavdyaki її refreshing that ugly authorities melissa zastosovuyut in medicine and culinary.

I’m more like a roslin, and I planted it in my city. And yet it seems that you can grow yoga in yourself at home on the subway, so I also want to try it in the winter.
Therefore, today I will tell you how to grow melissa in the minds of your home.

Melisa is not only able to receive the aroma, but it does help with various health problems. Won zdatna vporatis z nerve disorders znimaє negative emotions, and also normalize the work of the heart.

Navit at an old age tsyu grass was planted as an antibacterial zasib.
Efirnі olії tsієї roslini vіdomі phytontsidnymi dominion. Krіm moreover, in the new vengeance brown acid, tannin speech and navit carotene.

In phytotherapy, this herb is prescribed for:

  1. The sleeplessness.
  2. Rheumatism.
  3. Shkirnі hanging.
  4. Nervous wives.
  5. Ignition processes of mucous membranes.

Before the speech, with melon, the garni is no less than tea. She miraculously adds, garnishes and salads. In addition, such a spice with success stagnates with fish herbs, with mushrooms, eggplants and cucumbers.


To grow melіsa on pіdvіkonnі or balkonі need not a lot of minds:

  • sleepy place;
  • good for now;
  • watering;
  • parent substrate.

Roslin is more likely to hang out with the mountaineers in the spring period. At this hour, the most visible growth is safe, and the watchful eye is the least necessary. At the same time, melissa brings joy to its beautiful leaves by stretching out decals.

Tsey bagatorіchnik can grow without transplants three-chotiri roki.

There were few gardeners to chirp, how can you grow melissa in the cold season of rock?

So, the stubble will grow and collect, but only your food will be smaller, lower and hanging.

In cold periods, the leaves become bright.
Place the mountaineer from the dewy side of the sleepy side, but remember that the melis does not fit the direct consumption of the sleepy changes and stretches.


Now let's figure out how to properly grow the rose from the earth. Better protect the germinating substrate from neutral acidity, as well as from good penetration.

The soil is to be blamed for being light, to ensure a good similarity of soil. To fluff up the soil, varto scurry with vermiculite or perlite.

Build a warehouse from garden land, as well as equal chasms of sand and humus. If you don’t want to fool around, then bring a substrate for room growths to the store.
Planting on a rose garden is victorious as follows:

  1. Prepare capacities for visageing ahead of time. Tse can be containers, miners or boxes. Їх varto abrade with manganese.
  2. Lay a drainage ball at the bottom, and then a soil ball.
  3. Dribne nasіnnya hang warm ground near the layings, 5 cm deep and 6 cm deep.
  4. After planting, it is necessary to water them with water.

First, go and show up less for a kіlka tizhnіv. At any time of planting, it is necessary to fertilize every other day. Stash the city in a warm and sleepy place.

With the appearance of descents, the boxes can be roztashuvati in dosit to the clarified area. Ale with whom it is important, so that they do not waste the sun on them. You can not robit the dive, but if the growths will come down more densely, then you can sip the weakest of them.
After a few months, the bushes will grow, and you will be able to plant them on a standing place of growth.
You can plant a rose garden in the garden or in your dacha. But the work is better in the other half of the herb. And if you plan to plant the parosts on the balcony, choose a long container or a large miner.

Rose garden followed by visajuvati in one row. When you come out between the gardeners, you can’t but less than 15 cm.
Krіm nasіnnya, you can grow melіsa for additional livelihood, and also root the rhizomes of that bush.
To the bottom of the bush, you can start on the grass, or on the sickle. The sapling of the sprout grows, and then it grows on the same parts.

With this, on the skin of them, there may be less than five pagons. Qi parts take root well.
And when propagated by the method of livestock, it is necessary to view the livestock from the upper part of the young pagons. They place them near the water, and when the roots appear, they should be transferred to a fluffy soil.

How to keep an eye on the growth?

It is important for the roslini to be safe and have a good look. Watering can be regular. When watering, it is necessary not only the soil, but also the leaves.

For them, the best spray gun. The bushes that have grown, should be watered three times a day.
From early morning until the first autumn frosts, containers with roslins can be on the balcony or on the loggia. Ale, in this time of year, wart about the defense of culture in strong winds and woods.

Do not forget about yakіsnі podzhivlennya. For whom you can take organic goodness: tea leaves and egg shells.

Abo mineral goodness of a rare type. In my opinion, I have potassium strength, ammonium sulfate or superphosphate. Rejuvenation of the next step after skin trimming of the leaf.

Remember that the first fate of prosperity and food greenery will not appear. With this, the melissa does not grow more than 50 cm.

How to win melisa?

Melisa often zastosovat, so the very same as m'yatu. And with the preparation of deaky infusions, shavliya will miraculously come together with it.
Choose to give birth more quickly to another river, after that, like melissa will give the first buds.

It is important that at the same time the growth accumulates a significant amount of brown components. Choose to grow varto from bushes, which are fully formed.

Tse can be robiti chotiri razi for the season. Zrіz wink at a height of 10 cm and navіt higher. Dry the syrovina in small bunches. You can roztashuvati in a dry place, which is good to blow.

If such a method is not suitable, you can lay out the leaves in one ball on the grid, linen or parchment. Kindly dry on the loggia.

Only work better in dry weather and in a small shade.
After drying the dry syrovina, it is necessary to place it in jars and cover it tightly with a lid. With such a look, you can save a supply by stretching rock. There is no more varto, for that melissa will spend more of its aroma in an hour.

When saving, do not varto zmishuvati tsyu roslina with other herbs.

With the right approach to vision, you will see a beautiful town and on your own, which will make you happy at any time of the year.
Whisk more natural products and be healthy. If you were honored with information, then share it with your friends.

See you soon, friends!

Roslin is modest, which favors the reception of the lemon aroma, has long attached respect to the right shanuvalniks in greenery. Therefore, the cultivation of melissa in the garden area is find jobs for gardeners. Aje tsya roslina is not only famous for its drunken smell. It miraculously embellishes the backyard territory at the dacha, vikoristovuetsya like a juicy zasib that seasoning to deaky stravas.
Melisa is added at a cold drink, tea and navit when canning vegetables. It is not surprising that someone should chirp, how to plant melissa in the dachas, to appreciate all the troubles. Ale, on the back of the head, get to know better with the cute green beauty.

Tea and vodvari z melisi beneficially pour into the grass system; help to cope with migraine and sleeplessness; reduce arterial vice; calm the nerves.

Know - the green queen of the front garden

Melisa is a herbal bagatorichnik, which can be attributed to the Yasnotkov family. In the natural environment, it practically grows on the entire territory of Eurasia, as well as in the peninsular part of the American continent. Won growth:

  • middle chagarniks;
  • bіlya beregіv rіk;
  • on fox knots;
  • on stony slopes;
  • by the steppe roads.

Її Batkivshchyna - the Mediterranean, devono is respected by the unacceptable bourgeoisie. Irrespective of the location near Ancient Rome, well-known gardeners everywhere were busy growing melissa on their backyard plots. The very same took її wide on the whole territory of the continent. The name of the bagatorist is connected with the meaninglessness of legends. Apparently up to the most popular version, melissa is the name of a girl, like an evil Greek gods turned into a coma. And in the translation of the Russian my name means "honey-bearing bjola." If the version weren’t correct, if you didn’t give green planters a chance to grow melissa on their summer cottages.

Looking at the growth from the side, you can see the miraculous features:

  • the root system is galvanized;
  • bezlіch pishnіh pagonіv іz straight-cut peretina, straightened at the different sides;
  • the height of the rosline reaches over 1 meter;
  • a pungent citrus scent.

As respectfully as if looking up at the leaf plates, one glance reveals unimaginable fleshy specimens. The stinks of pissing off the faceless thin veins, rotting on aphids on a relief surface. The edges of the ovoid opposite leaflets are decorated with notches. Kіnchiki trohi vityagnі, scho nadaє їm nebuvalu beauty. All the stench is spiced in bright green colors and covered in ice with rumpled villi.

On the other river after planting, in the middle of summer, on the tips of the stringy stems, buds of a parasol character appear. Perebuvayuchi in the leaf axils, bіlі or bіlі or bіl_ sucvіtya originally look and the anatomy of the bush. The zavdyaks under the lower pellusts of the buds form an asymmetric shape, in the center of which there is a queen in 4 ovaries.
Approximately 30 days after sawing, the fruits appear in what looks like peas in an egg-like shape. The stench of a bright sparkling pick of a black color. There are 4 births in the middle of fruits, which preserve the similarity of close to 3 births.

When buying seed material, the following fact should be insured - 60 g should be paid over 1500 nasin.

Viroschuvannya melіsya at the dacha dilyantsі: the main points of planting

In order to achieve success with your right, it is important to emphasize respect for such moments:

  • vіdnoshennya roslini to osvіtlennya;
  • view of the soil;
  • the technology of planting a bagatorichnik on a plot

Let’s go out of this cob, plant melissa on the garden plot, so that it will take root successfully. It was pointed out that the rose grew to love the open air, de rich of the sony light. Yogo viroshchayut at the front gardens, on the outskirts of the cities, gardens that middle low.
If you want melisa not to be afraid of the cold, it’s still better to plant it on the pivdenniy side of the territory.

Roslin is comfortable to feel in the mountains, de є zahisna sporuda in the cold windy winds. Tse mozhe buti budіvlya, parkan chi іnshі roslini.

Bagatorichnik proving the victory of kindred earth with presence. The best option is to plant melіsu in loamy soil. Vaughn miraculously passes water that poіtrya, scho life is important for her development. As if on the dacha territory you transport an important soil, it is diluted with river sand and fertilized with humus or mineral additives. The best time of autumn, for the upcoming season, fragrant grass appeared at the yard.

Shards of roslin are considered universal, while sowing lemon melis to fall in the climatic minds of the territory, de vain growth. To this, the gardeners pronounce such a period:

  • from the cob birch to grass;
  • worm - the middle of the sickle;
  • the end of the Zhovtnya (before the freezing weather, so you don’t come down).

As you can see, today we can grow even little ones. Tse imperceptibly vplyvaє on those, like planting melіsa, sob to get the best result. Іsnuє kіlka basic rules:

  • planting is carried out at the warm soil;
  • the depth of the holes is selected at 1.5 div;
  • a sparse landing.

On the preparation of the plant, scatter the furrows, fertilize the trochs, lay the planting material and sip the earth. Such a simple technology allows the growth of fragrant bugs in the country house. The shards of the parostka will appear less than in a month, the gardeners-early buds can become conceited: why the melissa does not go so long. Really, it takes only a little bit of patience to reach the first meetings.

So that the bagatorist has taken root well on the dilyantsi, the parosts should be born. Between them can be about 40 cm.

Some people think: as a bagatorist is not viable, it means that he will not require special respect. However, it’s less than stosuvannya glad that, like watching the melissa, you open the way to the miraculous landscaping of the lot.

Retelne weeding the ground

So that the young gardeners quickly developed, the gardeners resolutely chase after the emergence of the weeds. Call them to vibrate with your hands. After that, carefully weed the soil, protecting the root system of growth, a fresh portion of sour. If it changes, the procedure should be done once a season.

Basic principles of watering

The rules for planting melisi and sightseeing in the open ground cannot do without a competent planting. At the cob stage, saplings should be watered in small portions, so that the stench gained strength and took root. The melissa has grown and will require more water in the period of summer sintering. The skin procedure is accompanied by weeding the upper ball of the soil. Deyakі gardeners to gladden the growth of the spreading. As a result, the vologer will be saved and there will be no storms. For which vicory, compost is either humus, which fertilizes the soil at the same time.

Competent cut

Oskilki melissa є gіllyastim booth, won't be afraid of the planned removal of trees. Navpak after such a procedure, the impersonal young pagonists appear, as if turning the rose into a green pie.

Pochatkіvtsy gardeners should be willing to zastosovuvat for the sake of fahivtsіv z viroshchuvannya that watch over the melіsoyu. As a result, you will be able to please your rulers for about 10 years. Її fragrant leaves to serve as an excellent tool for the exaltation of ailments and signs of health.

Peculiarities of Melisa Growing - video

In the garden space, you want to grow non-viable, richly functional growths. Planting lemon balm (among the people - lemon mint) will not only allow you to appreciate its harm to the body, but also to take a decorative element for a flower bed and for a booth.

Technologiya soivu

The first task before sowing is the preparation of the soil. It is necessary to take 1 bottle of biohumus and 2 bottles of coconut fiber. Ingredients are thoroughly mixed and added to the recommended dose of the mineral complex of the additive.

Sowing at the container and boxes is carried out at the other half of the birch.

  • In the soil, it is necessary to grow a sprat of a furrow, between 4 - 6 cm.
  • Nasіnnya drіbne, yogo slud zmіshati with a small kіlkіstyu pіsku, to facilitate the process of sivbi.
  • Root the masa along the furrows to a depth of 05-07 cm.
  • Let the surface of the soil.
  • Crack the sack with a splinter.
  • Put in a sleepy, warm place.

When the box appears, it is necessary to put it in such a way that the stench would take off a sufficient amount of light, but they would not scatter under the pale change. Watering is necessary to grow the soil in the world.

Descend zayavlyayutsya in 2-25 days after landing. When a lot of leaves appear, it is necessary to carry out a pikruvannya. Tse to fight so that the sіyantsі do not drown out the growth and development of one of one. Vіdstan mіzh stalks can be not less than 5 cm.

Transplantation at the top soil is carried out at the other half of the grass. For whom it is necessary to prepare a landing site.

Melisa can grow like a bed, which is well illuminated, so in pivtin. Otrimuyuchi enough amount of light, bushes intensively see the aroma.

Follow the fact that this culture is rich and grows from 4 to 9 years.

The soil is guilty of being fluffy, light and alive. Mellis does not like sour and watery soil. Zayva water spryaє rotting roots, to that place for the bush it is necessary to choose dry, when the hour of falling does not accumulate water. As if the earth is important in the chosen place, it is necessary to bring in a sprat of a bucket of dry piska.

After choosing a place, the soil needs to be fertilized. For which per 1 sq. m.

  1. 200 g of wood ash (1 bottle);
  2. 10-liter bucket of humus;
  3. The complex is mineral-friendly, on the packaging of which the dosage is indicated.

Plant next to a small trench, planted on the pivmeter stand one per one. Skin roslin should be planted in a hole with an interval of 30-35 cm.

If you didn’t want to take care of the growing of the plant, but plant it in the garden next to the soil, then we’ll need to prepare it to a filthy similarity, you can’t help to get a real look. At the same time, a few factors can be added:

  1. low density of planting material;
  2. fall down;
  3. "zabivannya" parostkiv bur'yanami.

We are landing on the 3rd day of May after the upcoming algorithm.

  1. Drill holes with wind 50 - 60 div each other.
  2. Zmіshati grain with a squeak.
  3. Kill your sum by piv centimeter.
  4. Posipati with peat and humus.
  5. Let the surface of the soil.
  6. Ukrit with a splash.

To get dressed, go and work them up, you need to clean up your swimwear. We’ll do it for a little while, then for a whole bright day, and after picking up the curvature of the material, the rest is taken.

The melissa is multiplied like in the past, and so with the introduction of the live bait. If you have a mature bush of lemon trees, then it will be easier to plant them: to bend a sprat of pagons to the ground, to fix them and prisypte with earth. For sprats of tizhniv gerbils, they can take root and they can be transplanted to a new place.

And in order to multiply with live bait, it’s enough to see in the city with friends, or buy a bunch of fresh greens in the store, shorten the stems by 2-3 cm and put them near the water. Dodatkovogo sight of the stench does not seem, yet in a day the root system appears - and the living creatures are ready to hang on the flower bed.

Viroshchuvannya in domestic minds

Melisa can be cultivated like a room grower. Through a small contract kvіtkovy miner you won’t grow much, but the trimming of that constant sight will allow you to create a green bush of food.

Hanging a rose in a mountain-house is carried out on a spring, but it is possible and in the cold season to plant a rose garden and hanging a garden, but the growth will be uplifted, and the leaves will be bright. During the spring-summer period, the bush is gaining strength and sticking to the best minds.

Today, for the growing of growing in domestic minds, it is so self-sufficient, like for a flower bed. Planting of sadzhantsiv at the mountaineers zdіysnyuєtsya after the appearance of 3 leaves. Children are needed for such an algorithm.

  1. Choose a mountaineer with a volume of 1.5 - 2 liters, so that the walls of the boules are not lower than 15 cm.
  2. Provide good drainage. For whom you can take pebbles or expanded clay.
  3. Collect soil preparations and plant 2 or 3 parosts in one container.
  4. Soil the soil with a spray gun.
  5. Put on pіdvikonnya.

I especially look after the tall booth near the watering. Scorched and dry again in the host negatively poured into old look Melisi that її smell, it is necessary to dodatkovo її to please:

  • water in the world visihannya ґrunta;
  • poke around.

Features of sight

If you correctly look at the bush in the first river of planting, then there will be less trouble for you to grow.

Oversight is based on 4 main directives:

  1. watering;
  2. fluffing;
  3. weeping;
  4. pіzhivlennya.

If the weather is squalid, it is necessary to provide meticulous watering. Watering is carried out 4 times per day, and on cloudy days, even if it falls during the day, watering is required 2 times per 7 days.

Flushing is carried out after skin watering and after watering, in order to ensure good penetration of the soil and ahead of root decay through the watering.

It is necessary to weed a flower bed or a garden bed with garden plants if necessary: ​​the plantation of a garden is not enough mіtsna, and the grass can drown out its growth. At the 2nd approaching fate of the life of culture in your city, it is allowed to have a small overgrowth of well-grown bushes from a meticulous root system.

The respawning starts on the cob of the season, if the rose garden moves to a permanent place, or the parosts that have grown on the street have reached 5-6 cm of the frill. Nitrogen should be applied to increase the growth and stagnation of the stem.

If you store the leaves in reserve and see them in the world of vibration, then after skin circumcision it is necessary to add a mineral complex, the dosage of which is indicated on the package with a picker. Dekilka times for the season can be added to the flower bed with a dewy mulch or humus.

Melisa is a thermophilic culture. If you want to see negative temperatures, it is also recommended to wind up for the winter:

  • trim the upper part, leaving 1-2 cm above the ground;
  • spread the earth and save the troch;
  • sip the leaves to the beast.

So that the leaves were not pruned, but the mint continued the silence with the fresh aroma of lemon, it was necessary for the skin to spread the roslin into sprat bushes and grow them.

Irrespective of all the shortness of the melissa, the yak nabula has a wide width in folk recipes When you grow up, you don’t need a special look, you can grow up like in the country, so at home on the pіdvіkonnі.

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