Shvidka likuvannya cold at home. How quickly do you exult a cold in the minds of your home? Please the doctor and folk recipes. Cold - complication

What robiti, like catching a cold? Everyone knows that you can catch a cold, whether it's time to rock. Not obov'yazkovo, sob the bula was cold winter and rainy autumn.

Podchepiti vіrusi can be-de and be-if. The great crowding of people, the overcooling of the body with a tan, stretching, frequent changes in temperature - all these officials can be the causes of illness.

It is impossible to transfer infected with viruses. The stench can chatuvati navit a wet booth behind the horn. How to treat a cold correctly?

Seeing the first symptoms of a cold, importantly at the hour rospochati likuvannya. How to increase the price early terms, then you can avoid serious complications. Aja is running a cold, it can overgrow in bronchitis and inflammation of the lungs.

And they gave it to the work of the heart (on the new one, they pile on some pressure) and in the whole of the whole organism. Repeatedly launched mild forms of colds, which then grow into serious forms, end in a lethal end.

In pharmacies, you can get a lot of anti-rus drugs. The stench of a different recognition is that of victoria. Deyakі need to take a cold from the first day, іnshі - nadali, as if it was not far off to cure the infection once.

For the nose, various drops are used, for a sore throat - syrups, ointments, to warm the chest cavity, antipyretic tablets and medicines.

Ale varto remember what it is impossible to drink liki in the temperature. Just like a thermometer crosses the whole cordon, then it’s necessary for children to be more actively happy.

Ale, we don’t have the opportunity to enjoy medication. Sometimes they just don't get pennies. Adzhe zakordonni, advertised cats cost chimalih cats.

Sometimes they are not so effective, sometimes they cannot be lived in (for example, vagіtnim). So come to the rescue people's well-being. However, it is important to remember that in a few days it doesn’t arrive halfway, so you turn to the doctor for help.

1) When it’s cold for an hour to torment the undead, it’s time to rush with pharmaceutical droplets. Ale zastosovuvati їх ponad five days sleep is not necessary. As if the improvement does not come, it’s negligent to pin it down. Purchase drops for the nose to drive in the scent and smack receptors.

2) It is possible to treat rhinitis without going to the aid of pharmacy remedies. Drops can be grown in household minds (recipes - at the article ""), it is also necessary to warm them up, steam inhalation performance(Sigh over boiled potatoes).

Good prophylaxis against the undead and dotrimannya deyaky features in obshtuvanni іnter'єru. Lay out the shmatochki cibuli chi chasnik according to the booth. The better for a rosy look, then the effect will be more noticeable.

Put a bouquet of lavender near the vase, you can also whack the dried ones. Drop on papiret ethereal olii(menthol, sea buckthorn, egg or others) and spread at the skin room.

3) Sore throat and cough - these are also signs of a cold. Cream of pharmaceutical syrups and medicines, and other ways of treating the throat. Drink more tea best of natural ingredients. Linden, raspberry, sea buckthorn, currants - not the same.

Robiti such tea can be like brewing tsikh yagіd (from linden brothers dried sucrose), so brewing spices in sprinkling (you can also leave, but the effect is weaker). Obov'yazkovo add honey to tea. Ale, do not overdo it, even if you have a dry cough, you can’t be evil. Honey and so dry dry paths.

Also, don't mess with a slice of lemon. If you have a presence creaking at the throat, then don’t overdo it, the lemon is even more irritating than yoga.

4) For sore throat miraculously help the recipe. It is necessary to boil fresh milk, cool the trochs, add one or two teaspoons of honey and trochs inches of butter. Such a drink is not suitable for everyone, but it does help out.

5) To warm up the chest different ways. You can buy ointments in the pharmacy, which are used for heating, and special infusions. And you can warm yourself in your home minds. Korisno dihati over the dihat, wrapping a towel around your head. Best of all, it will be a brew on herbs.

Kindly warm up the chest cavity with cabbage leaves. Dvarit їх і, wrapped in khustka, put on the chest. If you reach the leaves more often, then pick up the Khustka. After such procedures, it is necessary to take good care of the carpet and sweat. Cream of a cabbage leaf in the same way you can beat boiled potatoes.

7) For colds, it is recommended to take a bath. Before going to bed, drink some hot water. Now, once again, hove under the carpet. Likewise, soak your feet with sprinkles, work special baths for them. You can sip a little salt and hot water near the water.

Vzagali Rice is a good helper to fight against a cold. To indulge in inhalations with it, to warm the legs and chest, to put girchiniks. Vaughn may play vibrancy, what is good in case of an exuberant cold.

After taking a bath, varto lie down to sleep, having covered yourself with a warm carpet little over your head. For a greater effect, you can wrap warm scarves. Adzhe usamered need to trim in warm feet.

8) Everyone knows what with a cold it is necessary to drink more richly. Drink more hot tea, juice, fruit drink. At the same time, shkidliv microbes come out of the body from the motherland. Tea until then can sweat power. Therefore, if you can, having drunk yoga, lie down, if you want to, lie down in the warmth of the year.

So you support and vizhenete the virus from the body. Ale, it’s important to wrap yourself up again, from the bottom to the head. And then in childhood, we always hung an arm, then a leg. Tsgogo robiti not varto, the effect will change significantly. Worry more than forty hvilin, then you will wriggle.

9) Cream of a cassock drink, Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruit number one is citrus fruits. Eat sirimi, drink fresh juices, throw whole zest into tea or rub it. It’s also a coryne, it’s also a revenge on chimal for a small amount of vitamin C, apple, raspberry, kiwi.

Don't waste your time stocking up on honey, freezing fresh fruits, drying up flowers for tea, so that you have the necessary moment of the mother, who can fight the cold. Be healthy and don't get sick!

The fall of autumn, the windy winter, it was spring in the snow - the hour of seasonal colds. Often a cold is called non-recurrent. At the same time, feed yourself: how to quickly forge a cold and, well, without complicating?

Headache, calm down, and with the first symptoms, start getting used to it, so as not to let yourself get sick. As it seems, "crush the twig on the very cob." I am giving you a small reminder about those who have such a cold, the causes of those symptoms, and also the exhilaration of a cold without liki.

First, you need to understand what you yourself have: a cold or a flu. Like a flu, then one day you won’t get into it, it’s not safe - transferring the flu on your feet can always be more complicated.

So let's start from the very cob.

What is a cold

Colds - ce gostra respiratory viral infection chi infection of the upper dichal paths in viral etiology. Zvernіt respect - tse viral infection (e.g., adenovirus, rhinovirus). Viruses mean us without a face and sound a person who is not ill. And yet, as only a person’s immunity is weakening and hypothermia itself, which causes a cold.

Cause a cold

  • Contact with a sick person under the hour of weakened immunity
    • Povіtryano-kraplinnym way (at the hour of roaming, snoring the sick, what to charge, and perebuvannya in crowded places)
    • Non-intermediate contact
  • Weakened immunity
    • insufficiently balanced eating, especially lack of vitamins
    • disruption of the intestines
    • chronic illnesses
    • allergy
    • stressful situations
  • Overcooling
    • dovge perebuvannya in the cold a little dressed
    • broach
    • colder drink, especially milk, like cold, and smoky
    • wet and cold feet

cold symptoms

  • stuffy nose chi undead
  • channya
  • tearful eyes
  • pershinnya, and then bіl at the throat
  • dry cough
  • head bіl
  • іnоdіdі vіdvishchennya vіd vіd 37,1 to 38,5
  • weakness
  • suppression of moods

The appearance of these symptoms indicates that our body is fighting infection. And on the cob appear a cold, it is necessary for us to help you quickly get into the virus. The quicker we get used to it, the quicker we get through the cold. The first thing to say is that you yourself should work and how to rejoice in the presence of a cold, it is necessary to recognize:

Why can't you work for an hour of a cold

  1. Know the symptoms and immediately with the appearance of the first signs of illness. Why? That is why the body begins to fight itself and to develop immunity. It's similar to splitting, if we introduce a small dose of disease-causing bacteria and the body generates antibodies against this disease, tobto. vin ready to resist these microbes for an hour. We try to relieve symptoms quickly, zastosovuєmo potent medical preparations, and thereby lower immunity.
  2. Take antibiotics. Cold on a virus infection. Antibiotics are more likely to work on bacteria, but if they weaken the immune system, they will drive in not only sickness, but also brown bacteria.
  3. Lower the temperature, even lower than 38.1 degrees. Z tієї Well reasons. Medium high temperature (up to 38.1 degrees) is a natural reaction to the body. An indication of what the body has been able to develop.
  4. Under an hour of temperature, carry out thermal procedures (girchichniks, banks, hot baths) and drink hot water and hot water.
  5. Vykoristovuvaty in the undead ship-sounding drops. The droplets in the undead zavazhayut not only the mucus that accumulates, but also toxins along with it. If the toxins are overwhelmed in the body, then it is possible to tighten the disease for a longer term and even more severely, it can lead to a folding illness.

If it is necessary to turn to the doctor in terms

As a result, the following symptoms were blamed:

  1. body temperature is higher than 38.5 degrees, it can be lower in one day
  2. at high temperature, people are pale
  3. pain:
    • behind the sternum with inhalation
    • more severe headaches
    • in the eyes
    • in the sinuses
    • in the stomach
  4. asshole, important dihati
  5. more difficult forging
  6. mucus from the nose or throat when coughing green or rusty color
  7. cough with wheezing

Cold exhilaration

Having shown in yourself the first signs that you are ill, try to stay away from home and not go to work. So you can overcome the common cold and not infect your colleagues.

As it was said earlier, our meta to help the body to get in with viruses and introduce toxins. For whom it is necessary to create such a mind:

  • cold weather at the host
  • number of stretches
  • bed rest under a warm carpet
  • Ryasne pittya
  • easy hedgehog, you can do it without hedgehog (listen to your body)
  • loading dose of vitamin C
  • periodically washing the nose with saline and rinsing the throat
  • cut the watchmaker and the cibula in parts, put it on a saucer and put it in the room where you know each other
  • Vykorivayte v'etnamsky balm "Zolota Zirka" by smearing acupuncture points with it

And now the report:

Cold air at the host and day of stretching

Turn over, why are all the doors of that window tightly closed, how much are they stretched. As soon as you start sweating, the first thing you need to do is winknennya folded. Ale, when you are in the room, you know de vie, it’s guilty that it’s not hot, but it’s colder (here 18-20 degrees). Open the apartment and change the scorching (if you have an apartment, then throw a wet towel on the battery). Povіtrya can be buti vologim.

To the speech, for the support of a healthy mother, a hydrometer and a good-looking mother in the booth. Tsі attach the need to stitch behind the camp of moisture, repeat and trim її in the norm. Call the bribe in our apartments even as it is dry, and here it is still quiet to multiply bacteria and viruses. To that, in order to get healthy, to improve your immunity, it is necessary to start airing the host, to calm down the temperature and the moisture level again.

Bed rest under a warm carpet

You don't have to endure cold feet. In a better way, so you tighten your clothes, in a different way, you can make it easier.

  • To be clothed: especially in the warmth of the guilt are the feet (warm scarves) and the throat (scarf or light). At the scarlet, you can sip the mustard or stick the mustard plaster directly on the feet. Even though the temperature is not high, keep your legs in front of you.
  • Drink warm diaphoretic tea, or it will strengthen your immune system
  • Lie down in a soft and good wrap up, sob good to sweat. Try to sleep.

Ryasne pittya

Poruch іz lіzhkom maє buti warm drink. You need to drink a lot. Get on top of it. Drink not with flasks, so as not to overwhelm the nirks, but with forks, but even more often. You need to drink not less than two liters of water. Ide intoxication and clearer drink to speed up the removal of toxins through pet, cut.

Tse can be not only pure water, but th:

  • Mineral water without gas
  • Morsi. For example, cranes or currants
  • Herbal teas and teas. For example, tea with raspberry jams, or tea with ginger, or mixed with sumish: flowers of linden, currant leaves, chamomile and calendula.
  • Compote from dried fruits, preferably without zucru
  • Grape sik
  • Spicy syrup, diluted with water
  • Milk with honey

Easy hedgehog

It is possible to get along better without another day. Believe me, if you will have enough food, sleep arrangements, then you will not remember the daily life. Then, all the forces of the body were spent on the fight against microbes, and not over-etching the important zhzh.

If you really want to eat, then drink more chicken broth with a small piece of a boiled egg, greenery and a small part of the hour.

І tasty and brown to cook and offal їsti with honey. You can beat the black radish like a black radish, so the daikon radish. Wash the rooteplid, see the top and bury it at the bottom. Put honey there. Let the trocha brew with radish and honey - vіdmіnne anti-Russian zasib. I rejoice and ratuє in the sight of hunger. If you are allergic to honey, replace it with zucrum.

Loading dose of vitamin C

As you know, vitamin C - tse dzherelo energії і pіd hour zadі vіn more important to give strength to fight against viruses. Call to recommend on the cob of ailment to take a shock (large) dose of vitamin C. But first, guess what you know, what you don’t have a counter-indication. Call for a single shock dose - 1000 mg. Ale not obov'yazkovo drink synthesizing vitamin from a pharmacy. Vitamin C can be found in food products that are familiar to us.

  • Lemon with honey
  • Grapefruit

Weakness, phlegm, slight rise in temperature - all these are the first symptoms of illness, as you can blame it on fate - a cold. For the same reason, 90% of people are blamed for the misunderstanding of being recognized, as if they had a cold in home minds shvidko that without zayvih vіdvіduvan іkarya.

Lyudina fallow in case of ailments on the GRZ 1-8 times on the river. It’s possible to create a blissful cold for a cold, but only for those who need it, it’s necessary to rozpochati vykonannya singing diy. There are a few methods that allow you to change the disease for good. It is recommended to live in the morning, as if the first symptoms were noted, for those who did not know better before, there is more ease, if you get a cold, shvidko is no longer visible.

Return respect to those who are the cause filthy self-feeling with GRZ, there can be different viruses, so it’s important to take your activity into account. The first thing that needs to be done is to take complex vitamins, to that it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, so that it is more actively involved in the defense of the body. If so, it is recommended to pay attention to the present symptoms and pay attention to them:

  1. Cough will require warming up (inhalation, spreading the ointment with an effect that warms up).
  2. The deposit is absorbed by the infusion on the nasal sinuses (it is necessary to apply special deposits on them, which will reduce swelling, which will change the vision), vicarious drops (they need to be picked up for a century, vrakhovuchi, so that the vessel sounding effect does not change the root).
  3. Bil and sverbіzh at the throat - znіmaєtsya warming up, zastosuvannyam spetsialnyh zasobіv, including, menthol or eucalyptus.
  4. Weakness, which is to blame for m'yazah and all thіlі, usuvaє povnotsіnny vіdpochinok - it's necessary to relax again and sleep for 1-2 years. For a boost of strength, it is recommended to drink hot tea with raspberry jam.
  5. As there is a headache, it is necessary to take a pill - an analgesic.
  6. Usunuti channya to help vikoristanya krapel.

Specially lowering a slight increase in body temperature (no higher than 38 degrees) is not a sign, so that in this way the body, its immune system can independently cope with a lot of problems.

In 90% of cases, people ignore the first symptomatology, so they value clothes in a short term. It is important to remember that the exhilaration of a cold folk secrets in domestic minds it is not guilty to intermingle only vikoristannyam herbs and roslin - good practice complex pidkhid, modern folk methods and methods that propagate medicine. Zupinity development of viruses and ignition processes help brighten the drink - herbal teas, infusions of juicy roses, warm water with lemon and honey. As it is such a possibility, then in order to increase the effectiveness, one should turn to a therapist/pediatrist (for a century), shards of a cold can show up in the fallow in the region.

It is important to know that helping colds with colds, so that at the moment I show the first symptoms, I need colds. Medicamentous methods of treatment of GRZ transfer the use of drugs in household minds, as if daily suspected of GRVI and the flu - it’s easier for anyone to get sick, and it’s necessary to undergo a diagnostic examination. So, self-sufficient trials of likuvannya cannot be worked, as with a problem, a woman or a baby has been stricken, all are recognized to carry out a medical treatment.

Among the first recommendations, it will be recommended to introduce a warm spring, until this date, not only tea, but broth (meat, poultry), compote and morsi (room temperature) will be included. It is impossible to drink hot water, especially with a sore throat, because in this case, the inflamed mucous membranes break even more.

In the first dobu, after the symptoms appear, it is necessary to achieve total calmness (bed rest, if possible, reduced stress, both rosy and physical). In order to solve the problem quickly, it is necessary to increase the respect for the temperature in the room - ventilation is recommended, but it cannot be allowed that the room was cold. As in the process, I will show a sign of a person starting to sweat, it is necessary to change clothes into clean and dry clothes.

Medications that are recommended to be taken - complex tablets or powders that relieve symptoms. If you feel a headache in the mind, then a warm drink will help relieve your symptoms. It is also necessary to take medications to lower the temperature (as it rose above 38 degrees).

It is important to remember! Living in an exceptionally warm home does not come back to the main reason that caused the onset of a cold.

Luxurious teas and herbal teas should not be stopped in therapy until 5 days after the moment when the first symptoms appeared, and also the number of sachets should not exceed 4 pieces. An example of rejoicing in the first 24 years:

  1. Vikoristannya Fervexa from rosemary 1 sachet for 200 ml of hot water. Yogo once needs a vipiti. The maximum quantity is 3-4 sachets for harvesting after harvest or fallow. For babies, this drug can be included before the program of treatment, if they drink 6 years, it is allowed to take 1 sachet 2 times per doba as much as possible.
  2. Farmatitron - this drug should be taken in one sachet, dissolved in a glass of water. The maximum quantity of the drug is 3 sachets per doba, the maximum course of treatment is 5 days, the exchange rate is 14 years.

Additional components of the treatment program - inhalations, warming up.

If the symptoms appear from the first days clearly, but it is brought up that it is not GRVI chi flu, then special preparations - immunomodulators - will be included until the renewal program. The stench works effectively and allows you to change your mind. These medicines help to activate the natural capacity of the immune system without any supernatural influence on it. Obviously, victorious medicines show their ability more widely. It is also necessary to remember that fahivtsy recommend choosing immunomodulatory drugs for swedish renewal, as the results of studies have shown that a wide range of drugs can be used. Give a Swiss positive injection in the same preparation, like:

  1. Cycloferon. Vіn recommendations for vikoristannya, to the fact that it is effective, but also more safe for all systems and organs. It is allowed to win in therapy at the moment, if the child has to win 4 years. The regimen for taking the medication is advancing - from 4 to 6 years - 1 tablet per day, from 6 to 11 years - already 2 tablets each (in the evening). After reaching the age of 12 years, you can beat 3 tablets for renewal, as if you were a grown-up person. Course therapy with cym is usually three times a day for 10 to 20 days (maximum).
  2. Amiksin. This drug can be taken for the treatment of colds in children of 7 years of age. In 95% of patients, the course intake should be 6 tablets. In which case, the way to take it will come: 1-2 days - 1 tablet for doby, give 1 tablet for two doby. It is important to be sure that for children from 7 to 14 years of age, the course intake should be 3 tablets, the regimen for intake is 1 tablet once every two doses.

Do not allow pardons for an hour of likuvannya additional consultation with a fakhivtsy, shards of wine may indicate additional medicines, which guarantee shvidke revival strength and health.

In order to give additional help with the first manifestations of a cold, it is necessary to add vitamins to medicines and folk prescriptions (okremі elements or complexes, pіdіbrіnі for vіkom). Speed ​​up the process of dressing and add vitamins (storage facilities and ready-made complexes for grown-ups and children). It is important to remember that it is necessary to take them not more than the first day, and after the decrease in symptoms - 3-4 days.

It is also necessary to be safe, which is added to pharmaceutical preparations, and the number of fresh fruits and vegetables in the menu should be increased. The main symptoms in case of group B vitamin colds, stinks of stink to promote the development of brown and medicamentous speech processes, to speed up the synthesis of antibodies, which are necessary for the recovery of that immune system. Vitamin D is no less important for the most recent wear. Its presence in therapy is necessary for the activation of metabolic processes, the assimilation of such microelements as phosphorus and calcium. Vitamin C pours in directly on the virus, activating that additive immune system. Vitamin E works in cells, does not allow the development of viruses and processes that lead to flaming reactions. Also, important participants in the process of dressing up are mild and cold - the stench can be antimicrobial, anti-spasm dia, support the necessary biochemical reactions of sourness.

Shvidko and effectively lykuєmo undead and other symptoms

In the process of a complex approach to the cure of colds, it is necessary to take care of yourself, that there is not enough immunity, it is necessary to remove the main symptoms, such as a sore throat, a cough, or undead. The very qi manifest turbulent people from the first years of the cold.

Important! The skin from the present symptoms is followed by a sly okremo - drops / spray are used to relieve the undead, drops / spray are used to relieve the cough, tablets, syrups and ointments, sore throats are smelt with potions or special sprays.

It is also possible to comprehensively treat the symptoms of a cold, but the effectiveness of such cases will be lower. I especially respect the next cough, it is recommended to use special medicines, such as Dr. Mom (warming), Mukaltin or Sinekod. The skin from the zasobiv is taken according to the instructions or according to the scheme recognized by the doctor. help also special ice-boxes, to the warehouse of which to enter echinacea, menthol and eucalyptus. It is necessary to make respect for centuries on the skin to the skin - for example, Doctor Mom is sold in different forms, leather from newcomers can be vicorated from a different age. The blue code is suitable for the jubilation of small children from 3 rokiv. In this case, the scheme will be approachable - 1 teaspoon of trichi per day, for preschoolers and young schoolchildren, as well as children up to 12 years old, you can beat the dose of 2 teaspoon of trichi per day.

In the case of the undead, additional help will also be needed to overcome the mortgage that chhannya. For this purpose, droplets and sprays, such as Naftizin, Ksimelin, Galazolin, Nazol, can be handled. Peculiarities - dermal preparations are available in two forms, which are used for children and adults (variably, 0.05% and 0.1% of cases). Dosage (for adults) - 1, or rather 2 droplets 2-3 times a day. Children - 1-2 drops per doba at the skin nostril. Efficiently, that swollen, flaming process and congestion pass quickly, the vision of mucus and squalor changes. Strong inhalations, but any other way is recommended to discuss with the doctor.

Another symptom, which is to blame for 95% of depressions, is sore throat. For the relief of the new one, tablets for rozmoktuvannya (Strepsils) or ice packs are taken. Flooding - up to 8 pcs. for doba or for instructions to the preparation.

Good help in colds of folk recipes, which can be included in the main therapeutic course, as well as vikoristan as an additional preventive element. The main advantage of traditional medicine is the large number of vitamins, microelements, micronutrients, which make the body healthy and absorb the inclusion of natural healing processes.

Guaranteed to overcome all colds at home, helping to correct the recipe - warm milk, to which raspberry brew or natural honey is added. Such a drink should be taken for exhilaration and prevention, including before bedtime, 90% of the body has a reaction to relaxation, it starts actively warming up and sweating. Whose drink helps to take head bіl that negative perception of the forging process. You can drink milk with honey and raspberries with folding legs for a day.

Folk knowledge allows you to get lost, including the undead, the shards use such a procedure, like passing through. For cієї meti vikoristovuєtsya water іz razchinenoyu in nіy sіllu (it can be like a wonderful kitchen, so it's a sea). Proportions - 500 ml of water and 1 tablespoon of salt. Washing is carried out on average 4 days a day (skin nostril).

Inhalations, in some presence of ethereal oli and liquor, allow to loosen and show symptoms, turn people's strengths and virility. Folk medicine I encourage you to include in the procedure one or more herbs - mint, shawlia, lavender. It is good to cope with the exaltation of colds, pine, eucalyptus and linden. For 300 ml of water, you need to take 1 teaspoon of roslin (be it proponated). Homeland, which was viishla, will need to be boiled. After that, the process of inhalation takes place - breathing in a bet with elements of jubilant roses.

Thinking about it, how you can overcome a cold, do not forget about those that raspberries unique powers, which allow to effectively resist the present symptoms Vaughn takes the heat, changes the body. As soon as you rozpochat likuvannya vіrazu, then it will be possible to overcome the GRZ in less than 1 day. Tea with raspberry jam as a splendid zasib can be drunk up to 7 times per day, as a prophylaxis - 1-2 times.

Another way to fight against colds is to rub the litter and feet with cologne and alcohol. The procedure is recommended to be carried out at the evening hour (without the middle before it, like going to bed), additionally it is necessary to warm up the scarves. The course is one day before dressing for a wash, that the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees.

In this way, it is possible to check the appearance of the GRZ in 1-2 days. For whom it will be necessary to zastosuvat complex pіdhіd - poddnannya traditional and folk medical knowledge. Achieve a positive result to help preventive measures.

If you have a cold, you see that there is a lack of strength. Your throat pepper chi hurt, nіs blockages; sometimes you feel the heat and you can wind black; at this hour you may have a chill, an ache and a tremton in your body. Trying all the symptoms of a cold can be even unacceptable, shards of stink call out discomfort and respect your everyday life.

It’s not easy to get rid of a cold, too, most doctors prescribe only a little, which lowers the temperature of the body or, most, bed rest.

Otzhe, how to quickly forge a cold in the minds of the home during the day? In these articles, we can discuss 16 Natural Methods and Remedies to Help You Relieve a Cold. All the time, the cost is effective and efficient, so you can see yourself better than the coming day.

What is a cold like that, how it develops?

The skin of a person sometimes gets cold. Children, as a rule, are ill with colds up to 6-8 times per day due to weak immune systems. We are sick for a cold through microscopic microorganisms, which are called microbes, which are brought into the body from the zabrudnenih surfaces, such as door handles, or to wind the path of hand-waving with infected people.

coldce іnfektsіyne ill, yak can spread from person to person. Cough and cough, which are blamed for colds, are spread by bacteria and viruses, which called out to be ill, after which the infection is spreading further (especially in the autumn-spring period).

Viruses are also ingested into the body through sputum, sputum and nasal vision.. As if you are sticking with your disguise, the eyes of the company are infected with hands, the micro-organisms are consumed by your body through the open. The main type of pathogens, such as colds, rhinovirus.

Our organisms can fight against the greater number of disease-causing micro-organisms; however, in some cases, the stench cannot immediately turn into an infection, which is why cold symptoms, like this:

  • head bіl
  • chills (trimming with fever)
  • undead
  • nasal congestion
  • bіl in the throat
  • cough
  • increase in body temperature
  • ill health
  • m'azovy bіl
  • toma

Sometimes a cold can worsen and turn into a bacterial infection., such as ear infection, pneumonia or streptococcal throat infection. C_infections followed by antibiotics. The symptoms of a cold can appear in 12-72 years after infection.

Who can get a cold?

May the skin of a person suffer for an hour for a cold. However, people with a weak immune system become infected more often. Children school age so often sick with a cold, the one who stinks in close contact with other infected children of Summer, people with weak immunity can also get up to 3-4 times for a cold.

Standard cold treatment

Most of the representatives of health protection call to recommend drinking a lot of water and dotrimuvatisya bed rest, so that you can catch a cold. You or your child can also be prescribed antipyretic faces. If a cold called for a complication in the form of a bacterial infection in the ear, or sinusitis (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.), the drug may require antibiotics.

Like a quick cure for a cold with natural remedies in home minds

Now let's talk about how to excite the cold in the minds of the home quickly and effectively.

1. Increase the maintenance of vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant vitamin, which boosts immunity and fights damage caused by free radicals, toxic toxins, and dementia. Regular supplementation of vitamin C can help fight colds, flu and other chronic infections.

Studies have shown that high doses of up to 2000 mg of vitamin C can help fight bronchitis today. For the first sign of illness, take vitamin C and continue to take yoga for a few days regardless of those that feel better. If you develop diarrhea, reduce the dose and take up to 1000 mg per day, you will not feel better.

2. Drink lemon juice

Lemon juice is one of the best natural remedies for curing colds. Vzhivannya rich in vitamin C lemon chi lime juice will help you quickly overcome a cold.

  • At the first signs of a cold, take a lemon in a bottle of warm water and add some honey to it. Drink your drink 6 times a day, the docks do not feel better. Lemon juice reduces toxicity in the body and improves the immune system, as it starts to fight bacteria and viruses more effectively. It helps to change the coldness of the cold, and you start to feel much better.
  • You can also slather lemons to cure a cold in 1 day. Just smear 2-3 lemons in a hot oven, the skin will not crack. As soon as it began, to win the sik and to malt it with honey. Drink a teaspoon of this before bed and again before going to bed, so that you can quickly overcome a cold and a cough. If you have a severe cold, take lemon juice trichi for a day.
  • With chills and rising temperatures, the body will find five dozen lemons. Add skibochki to boiling water. Boil sumish for 30 chills. Proceed. Drink a teaspoon of lemon juice in your skin for two years until the chills are gone.

3. Live hot soups

If you don’t know how to overcome a cold for 1 day, you can beat the method over an hour. You can have some homemade hot soup, whichever you like, but private and chicken soup is the best.

Chasnikov's soup

The watchmaker has antimicrobial power, which helps you to stifle pathogens, which calls for a cold. Chasnik also has antiseptic and spasmolytic powers. Yogo vzhivannya zmenshu ache and pain, yakі blaming on the cob of a cold. Axis Chasnikov Soup Recipe:


  • 2 liters chicken or vegetable broth
  • 8-10 cleansing and trimming chastochok to the watchmaker
  • 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 3 medium cibulins (dribno narizani)
  • 2 heads of cloves (spicy)
  • ½ teaspoon ground smoked paprika
  • 5 spices of thyme
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 medium tomatoes (narrated)
  • sherry ocet

Cooking method:

  • Heat up the olive oil in a saucepan. Add a bowl, and smear yogo until the wine turns brown. Now you can see the chasnik z olії.
  • Now add a qibul to the qiєї olії. Spread yogo, wine docks won't turn brown. You can re-add the teaspoon at this point by mixing the yogo on mashed potatoes in front with the help of a spoon or a blender.
  • Add spices that are missing, and tomatoes, and brush.
  • Once the tomatoes have become soft, add the chicken/vegetable broth.
  • Boil for 30 chills.
  • Add some sherry otstu to the soup for a special flavor.
  • Drink this soup 3-4 times a day, so that you can quickly get cold.

Krim vzhivannya chasnikov soup, and you can also turn on the chasnik in all countries. As you can endure yoga relish, so you can live in Syrian watchmaker.

chicken soup

You can also drink chicken soup on the cob of a cold. Really: chicken soup - one of the best folk remedies for fighting colds and coughs. Tsey zasіb navit vikoristovuvsya Ancient Egypt, in order to save feverishness and colds. If you want to live in yoga, you can’t help succumbing to illness, you will definitely help you to feel better.

Right in that if you are sick, you do not want to eat anything. Drinking chicken soup, you can bring the rhubarb blood in the normal range. It will help you feel better, and also give your body energy to fight infection. You can rob chicken soup licks in the form of a cold, adding other ingredients, such as ginger, a teaspoon and baking pepper, as if to improve blood flow and stun your white blood cells.

4. Ginger

Yak and watchmaker, іmbir is another miraculous natural zasіb, which can change the coldness of the cold. Ginger will also help you if you have a sore throat or a cough. Use fresh ginger root and add yogo to a cup of hot water. Add a little maple syrup, honey or stevia, to add malt tea. Drink this miraculous tea in case of a cold 3-4 times with a long doby, the docks do not feel better for yourself. Ginger is not less likely to fight against the symptoms of a cold and die like an anti-inflammatory disease; vin also є Vіdmіnnym zabom against the disorder of the schluk.

5. Steam inhalation

How to win the undead that cold for one doba? Spilno with other listings in these statutes, steam inhalation will help you with whom. Tse fantastic zasib for relief from nasal congestion, Yake sound to accompany a cold. For this: boil water, drop 2-3 drops of eucalyptus olії into the okrip, heal the face over the pot with the okrip, cover your head with a towel and inhale the hot pari with a stretch of 10 khvilin. Breathing in a bet will help you get a sore throat, undead, as well as persistent nasal congestion.

6. Drink rich redini

Your body is a vicarious source for fighting infections. Therefore, drink 8-10 bottles of fresh, clean water every day and bring more in days, if you are sick. Tse help you to get rid of bacteria and viruses through pet and siege. Do not drink soft drinks and fruit juices. Zukor reduces immunity, which further weakens your body. You can also drink herbal tea, which is decaffeinated.

7. Take Echinacea

If you want to know, how to exult a cold with folk remedies, if, before that, you practice without help - try echinacea. Echinacea is one of the best growing remedies for fighting colds, coughs and influenza viruses. Today echinacea is available in several forms, such as tea, tincture and tablets. Do not accept exinacea over 12 tyzhniv.

Patients with autoimmune diseases, such as systemic dander or sclerosis, are guilty of unikati priyomu ekhіnatseї. Takozh unique in the living of cats, on the basis of the rose line, like you have allergy to chamomile or other similar homeland roslin.

8. Sleep with your head up

If your nose is stuffed up, you can disturb your sleep. A dream with a raised head can help you dihati richly easier. You can also beat the sputum in your bedroom, so that the nasal passages do not dry out, so that it is also acceptable to see sputum and speed up the clothes. Vykoristovyte two or three soft pillows, or lift your little one a couple of centimeters, to help the mucus effectively drain your nose.

9. Rinse your throat with saline

Tse the best zasib for relief from sore throat, which accompanies a cold. Boil some water and add a teaspoon of sea salt to it. Spread the frosting with cold water, so that we warm the saline roses for rinsing the viishov. To gargle with such a variety of trichi for a day - it will help to suck out sputum, change the whiteness of that sore throat. However, if the infection has penetrated deeply into the tissue of the tonsils, then the gargle will not be richly corrosive.

10. Victory no petit

For nasal congestion and congestion of mucus and pus in the sinuses, you can winnow out no pit, which winches for washing the nose. Fill it with warm water and add a teaspoon of salt to it. To heal the right-handed head, place the nose at the lion's nostril and start pouring water into it. Water may come out of the opposite nostril. Follow this procedure from the other side. Perhaps you need to practice the correct potion. After a few tries you will become an expert! Whisk regularly to keep your nasal passages and sinuses cleared of mucus.

11. Drink herbal tea

A lot of herbal teas can help alleviate the symptoms of a cold.

  • Licorice tea. Fantastic zasib, which helps to cure a cold quickly. Licorice has a licorice relish, but natural zuccor boosts energy, changes the pain in the throat, and also suppresses the cough reflex. To make licorice tea, boil water, pour into a cup and add a teaspoon of licorice root to it. Let the tea brew with a dekilkoh khvilin, after which you can drink it. Drink 2-3 cups of this tea a day.
  • Tea with thyme (thyme). Tse miracle roslinny zasib also help to fight cough. Thyme is rich in antimicrobial streaks, and also can be expelled, as you can see sputum and mucus. Vіn rozslablyuє dikhalnі slyakhi and m'yazi throat, simmenshuyuchi cough. To make tea with thyme, boil some water. Add ½ teaspoon of dried thyme leaves to the water. (Change that you are buying licorice thyme (thyme), and not spice, as you can get at the best food stores!). Cover the lid, let it brew for 10 strands and strain. Drink this tea three times a day for a stretch of three days, or doty, until your cold does not come.
  • mint tea. Vіdmіnno pіdhodit for likuvannya colds and flu.
  • Tea with Shavlіyu. This is an old German zasib for swedish clothes under the hour of a cold. Boil some water and pour it into a cup. Place a pinch of dry hair near the water, cover with a saucer and fill it with 5 strands. Salt with honey and drink this tea in front of a hot one before going to bed. Irrespective of the relief of symptoms of a cold on a swedish, work for 2-3 nights until the illness goes away.
  • tea with wood. One more marvelous zasib for shvidkogo rejoicing get a cold.
  • Tea with tansy. Tse duzhe garniy natural zasіb to fight with colds and coughs, especially at night time. Take a teaspoon of tansy, put it near the bottle and fill it with dill. Let the tea infuse for 10 strands. Drink hot.
  • Sunitsa leaf tea. Tsey tea also relieves cold symptoms of colds.
  • Tea from Monardoy. Tsej zasіb vykoristovuvalos richly stolіt іndiantsy іnіantsі pіvnіchnoї America to fight z colds and coughs. Pour 2-3 teaspoons of dried monardi leaves into a bottle of okrop and let it brew. Drink a cup of this tea 3 times a day.

12. Vickory the grub soda

To the best natural benefits, yakі can help you quickly get rid of a cold, kharcheva soda. You can vikoristovuvat grub soda to fight colds in different ways. For example:

  • You can add a little soda and salt to the warm water and vicoristate this variety as well for washing the nose. Just fill in a clean douche with the same name and flush your nostrils. Tse dopomozhe you pozbutisya allergeniv, such as plisnyava she drank, yakі can alleviate the symptoms of a cold.
  • You can also drink warm water with the addition of grub soda, so that the internal environment of the body is more lukewarm. If the pH of your body shifts to the puddle side, it will help your body to fight off inflammation and infections more effectively.
  • You can also gargle with water to take a teaspoon of vegetable soda and 2 aspirin tablets. Gargle with such a solution is used 3-4 times a day to help get rid of colds, cough and flu.

13. Earn zasib for rubbing breasts from vicarious essential oils

Buy high-yielding ethereal olis, just like that oliya camphor, eucalyptus and menthol. Tse natural protinabryakovi zasobi, yakі can help those suffering from chronic colds. Prepare independently zasib for rubbing the chest with the addition of these essential oils. As olії is highly concentrated, the stench can irritate the skin; so try first to splatter a small splatter on the wrist and bud with a stretch of 30 strands. If there is no sign of teasing on the shkir, then you can boldly victorious tsi olії. First, apply sumish on the forehead and chest, and you can also dilute the oils, vicarious trochs of base oils, such as coconut or corn oil. Apply the same way on the temples, under the nose, on the pulsing specks of the neck.

14. Vickory the cibula

Cybula and cibulny sіk є vіdmіnimi zasoba for the swedish exuberance of the cold in the home minds.

  • You can make a poultice of the cybuli by smearing it in a small amount of olive and hanging it in front. Apply a poultice to the chest. At the time of your choice, keep your body warm. Change your poultice often. You can also apply sik cibuli on the forehead and chest. Often, the introduction of cybulic juice is a natural way to prevent colds.
  • The best way to beat the cibula for swedish relief of a cold is to perform inhalations with the cibula chibula. Add the trimmed shmatochki to hot boiling water and boil the doti until the cibulous smell comes out of the water. Store water off the stove. Chill over a pot of water and cover your head with a towel. Inhale pari cibuli with a stretch of 10 whilin. Tsey zasіb help you sleep well at night and quickly get rid of the symptoms of a cold.

15. Vickory an ocet

Ocet - miraculous zasib for the usunennya congestion of the sinuses. Breathe in steam otstu while heating yoga in a saucepan. Tse negaino usune blocking of the nasal sinuses. You can also drink apple otset, mixing 1 teaspoon of this product with a bottle of warm water and honey, once a day, so that you can quickly get cold. Change your mind, you choose less organic, non-filtered and Syrian apple juice. Tse allow to balance the pH of the body and cause inflammation.

16. Whisk turmeric

Turmeric helps to fight against inflamed, prevent colds and coughs, and instill good crayfish. Іsnuє kіlka ways to use turmeric to fight a cold:

  • Take ¼ teaspoon of turmeric and mix it with a bottle of warm milk. You can add chiu sumish tsukr chi honey. Drink this drink before going to bed, so that you can catch a cold and cough for a night.
  • You can burn a small piece of turmeric root and inhale the smoke that looks like it. Tsey zasіb priyaє vykhodzhennya sputum and mucus, changing nasal congestion, caused by a cold.
  • Give me some honey, mixed with a teaspoon of turmeric and skin sprats, to relieve coughs, colds and flu. Tsey zasіb usuvaє skuchennya mucus in the bronchi.
  • To increase the profit for the expansion of the chest, which is made up of ground turmeric, melted olives and black pepper. Apply qiu sumish to the area of ​​the chest and throat. Tse allow to loosen the teasing in the bronchi and clear the congested mucus from the chest cavity.

Most important when the exhilaration of a cold in domestic minds- do not work, as they can potentially override the normal robots of the immune system, those other functions of the body, directing them to protect against infections. You don’t need to be a doctor, you need to know that the body’s temperature rises to fight bacteria and viruses. Henceforth, swaying from colds in domestic minds, it is necessary to come to terms with the discomfort that brings you fever. As soon as the temperature rose higher than 38 degrees, you can start to beat it, taking appropriate preparations. Too high a temperature can cause damage to the functional systems of the body, right up to the destruction of the brain.

Do not follow the same urge to get rid of the cough, it is one of the sickly reflexes laid down in the body by nature. Coughing, we clear the scrotal tract from sputum, and also let the microbes in, as if they were thrown away at once. Cough needs to be treated, just as long as three days a day.

It will be a pleasure, as it is realized in the simplest way, with the help of which it gives greater efficiency in the case of a splendid cold in the home minds, if the body is provided with a sufficient amount of home. Motherland, in a way, helps to get rid of sputum, in a different way, expands the judgment, improving blood flow. More shortly, as at the same time with the homeland, the body needs to take the medicinal products of natural walking, as sometimes they can help the healing of the cold in the home minds better than the pharmacy faces. For example, if you drink hot tea, add a couple of spoons of honey and a little lemon to it. Tea on its own can take away the color of speech - tannins, in their power to help sputum. And enzymes, like those of copper, drive in bad bacteria. Lemon, as it seems, has a great amount of vitamin C, which is a natural antiseptic. You are lucky, as you have raspberries in your house, no matter how you look. It has a lot of salicylic acid, but not so rich, like aspirin tablets. So you can eat a large amount of raspberries, not being afraid to harm the mucous membrane of the shell. Varennya, fresh berries, to bring leaves from raspberry bushes, brewed with tea, to help the cold in domestic minds.

Zagalom, wiggle in the cold at home, without going to the aid of doctors and likiv, it’s possible to inspire. Chantly, you yourself know a sprinkling of wild recipes.

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