Snacks in the lips are a delight. Come in the cloaks of the company, cause that shvidka to exult and crack those cracks. What do you see at the corners of your lips

Zaїdi on the lips (angulit) - cracks in the folds of the lips, which are accompanied by symptoms in the appearance of teasing, pustules in the folds of the mouth, discomfort. On the back at the folds of the company, there is a reddening, then there are small cracks, which are sometimes eroded. Tse - come in. It becomes more painful to speak, it’s impossible to make a mouthful, in the cloaks the company is constantly present, sverbіzh and liver, and the reception of the host, salty and sour їzhі is even more powerful in sickness. In important cases, ailments are felt in the eyes, the shards are even more painful for them to open the mouth. If you don’t conduct a jubilation at the same time, you can make your picks and wind up your mites so that you bleed.

Reasons for the appearance of zaїdіv

For goodness sake, don't let the disease develop on such a foldable aphid. The one is naked by the law of the same: the zesznnya of izhmunitet is active in the throatous spaces (mouth - Zubi, Yasna, Migdaliki; dadatkovi sinuses, Upper Dikhalni Shutini) + di -seniye reic) + Defixes of the Guberi Tu.

I understood why the angulitis is activated in the mid-season, mostly in the spring. The very same zbіlshuєtsya navantazhennya adaptatіynі system of the organism, zokrema on the immune system; decrease in the number of biologically active speeches, and the need for such growths. After winter, we try to be evil more than sleepy shifts, and I realized it. But it’s important not to overdo it here, even in our days there are too many children who can increase their photo-sensitivity. Allergic reaction to cosmetics with other unfavorable factors, it stimulates the development of zaїdu, as well as the supernatural dryness of the lips, the cause of which can be licking the lips.

Even though the body's vitality is frozen before adaptation, the weaknesses of our health are under attack. That's when hospitals develop and become chronically ill. Zvichayno, raptovyvshy 'appearing, come in can quickly call in, without any special glee. Prote zavjaty angulit - led to carry out a detailed obstezhennya.

Come in in the cloaks, the company can appear at any other person, like with grown-ups, and with children. Also, such an illness, as if you could blame it, be it fate, and especially often, the activity of the sore is elevated.

The reasons for the appearance may be but a sprat, and one of the most serious ones is the damage to the life of the organism, the wickedness of the filthy practice of the intestinal tract, or another internal organ. To that, just one day, you showed a child on the lips, think about it, why don’t you turbulently do it now? Tobto in tsmu vpadku come in can be blamed as a symptom of another serious illness.

Zaїdi - ce bacterial infection, in other words, sickness, as it can be transmitted through the cells, dishes and other speeches of the wild corystuvannya, vibrating with a fungus like staphylococcus aureus, like other viruses.

Most of the time, when you go in the cloaks, the company appears at the link with weakened immunity through a shortage of vitamins, which is how it was written more, it seems to be importantly hanging. And it is not uncommon for people who are turbulent to come in, there is a deficiency in the body of vitamin B.

There are still many other reasons, which can be caused by the appearance of zaїdіv in the mouth, repairing from allergies to toothpaste and eating foods, and ending with an abnormal bite.

The reason for the appearance of zaїd is also the deaky toothpaste, for example, to avenge fluorine. In children before the development of the zaїda, you can call the sound of licking lips and trimming in the mouth of third-party objects.

Avitaminosis and Zaidi

The most common reason for the appearance of zaїd buvaє nestacha in the body is vitamin B2 (riboflavin). In such situations, illness is often accompanied by peeling skins and turning on the appearance of picks on the wings of the nose and on the wings of the nose, and on the livers and blackened tongues. Sickness sting for weakness, loss of appetite, shvidka stubbornness.

Well, you can see it in the fact that everything is healthy for everyone, but you continue to periodically turbuvati on your lips, to show respect for food, which you eat.

So, for example, such products like cheese, milk, cheese, eggs, yalovichina and that liver can take a large amount of vitamin B2, that part of their life can be saved by the appearance of diseases.

Another key role in the appearance of zaїdіv on the lips is the deficiency of zinc in the body. Naybagatshі for instead of zaliza products, mushrooms and peas, peaches and grenades, potatoes, parsley, asparagus, rye, buckwheat and chickweed. And also red meat (yalovichina, lamb and pork), and such products as heart, liver and nirki.
And seafood, eggs, greens, meat, nirki and liver serve well as food jerseys for zinc, garbuzov today, sprouts of wheat grain and pivnі drіzhdzhі.

Well, it’s better to drink a complex of pharmaceutical vitamins, which in case of emergency, it’s better not to get ahead of yourself and get in the mouths of the company, and then go to hell with the whole organism.

It has been proven that the key role here is played by vitamins and B2 and B6, rich in zinc. When it comes to vitamins A and E, then the stench is rich for a healthy stagnation, and it looks like a vicarious stench for an accelerated epitalization of tissues.

Additional needs for mature people for vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 1.5-1.8 mg, B6 - 1.8-2 mg, for aloe - 10-20 mg, for zinc - 13-14 mg. Otzhe, first of all, it is necessary to give respect to your diet and replenish it with products rich in speech.

Most vitamin B2 is found in natural products: milk, cheese, cheese; meat (yalovichina), liver of creatures; eggs. Vegetarians are guilty of remembering those who are rich in vitamin B2, and should include in the menu visivki, whole grains - wheat, rye, oats; vegetables - broccoli cabbage, spinach, green squash, fresh peas. Bagato B2 in beer drizzes.

Keep in mind that vitamin B2 is water-soluble and is easily consumed in case of trivial contact of products with water - trivial soaking and improper defrosting. Also, B2 is more sensitive to light and sour again, so I cook better in closed dishes, and save in opaque containers. For example, the milk in the glassy pans is usually B2 in the same way as the milk packed in the light impenetrable bags. With an increase in heat consumption, the consumption of B2 should be from 5 to 40% (deposit in case of overexposure to overflows).

In case of low chronic illnesses, it is necessary to increase the additional dose of vitamin B2g, if possible, under the supervision of a doctor, which recommends multivitamin complexes or other drugs.

Another vitamin, the marriage of which is often manifested by angulitis, is B6 (pyridoxine). As a rule, we need a sufficient amount of vitamin C, but it is important to save it. Help come in, point me to the link with vitamin B2. Spend vitamin B6 for normal heat treatment to become 20-35%, when frozen, the stench is negligible.

Often a deficiency of vitamin B6 is accompanied by a lack of magnesium in the body, then the complex B6 + magnesium is prescribed.

A number of patients have a deficiency of vitamin B6 due to lack of saliva. The biggest bagats on the market are mushrooms, red meat (yalovichina, pork, lamb), offal (liver, nirki, heart), eggs, rye, wheat oatmeal, buckwheat, asparagus, parsley, potatoes, peaches, apricots, peas, pomegranates skinny. bud. It is best to conquer the red meat, like a bagan, eat with food, to take away vitamins C (fresh vegetables and fruits) and E (for example, rosemary olis).

Zinc deficiency also results in extensions. The main reason for this is the damage to the absorption of zinc in the mucosal-intestinal tract after the ignition processes in the mucosa. Do not varto nekhtuvat zinc with grubs.

Meat, liver, nirki, seafood (especially oysters), sprouted wheat grains (in sprouting - a form of zinc, which is easy to get), beer drіzhdzhi, harbuzov nasіnnya, eggs, greens of mustard. For a better assimilation of zinc, it is recommended to consume foods rich in vitamin A.

If you regularly take medicinal preparations, find out from the doctor, so that the stench does not poison your body with vitamins. As such an effect, multivitamin complexes are especially necessary.

For the mass celebration of zaid riches, typing koshtiv proponu Folk medicine. Good results are given by smearing the lips and mouth with erysipelas and creams based on erysipelas oil, as well as with wax and fats: olive, flaxseed, sea buckthorn oil, goose fat, avocado oil, sumish honey and inches of butter.

Angulit, or come in, - it’s a sign of trouble in the body, cause some kind of need to be immediately revealed.

How to glee come in

    In case of an inveterate illness, it is necessary to carry out a laboratory test for the detection of a bug (there can be streptococci, staphylococci, or yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida), a blood test for vitamin B2.

    Slid gleeful carioznі teeth, put drіvlіvі chinniki (tartar, neakіsnі crowns and prostheses). Tim, whoever fires, should throw it, or else I would like to encircle the hen.

    It is necessary to enrich your meal with various vitamins, and in Persh Cherga with vitamin B2, which is found in large quantities in unselected grains (unrefined rice, visivki), legumes, peas, green leafy vegetables, cabbage, avocado. Among the products of the most common products are riboflavin - egg yolk, poultry meat, riba, sir.

    Necessary and vitamin E, which is rich in growing olive, otrimanomu cold pressing, cabbage, legumes, peas, wives and corn.

    Try to eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products; turn off hot, sour, salty. M'yaso is better than boiled. In case of fungal infections, surround the malt.

    It is easier to apply on the folds of the lips with an infusion of oak measles or wilkhovi cones, which can be disinfected and aggravated by power.

    The following recipe helps: moisten a cotton swab with tea tree oil and apply it to the mouth for a few seconds. Repeat the promises in the evening, the docks do not call in. Tea tree oliya can bactericidal and early campaign power.

    You can also vicorate a warm brewed bag of green tea.

    If you don’t show up again, look after the hygienic vimog while looking after the empty mouth and dentures, stitch, we’ll clean the towel for the denunciation.

Likuvannya zaїdіv folk zasoba

    When likuvanni zaїdіv, like in likuvanni herpes, it’s not bad to help such a national zasіb like a sirka z vuh. You can get far enough for additional cotton sticks, and at the same time, you can brush up on this month, de є come in.

    You can try it on your lips for additional thermal water, or hygienic lipstick, crushed on a її basis. Just finish with a spray of thermal water or smear lipstick on the lips of a sprat once a day.

    What else can help in likuvannі zaїdіv, tse smearing with their olive rose of vitamins A and E, petroleum jelly, melting bjoline wax, goose fat, sea buckthorn, llyan and olive ole, olієyu thorn and avocado, so. chamomile herbs, celandine, string, marigold and calendula.

    Offensive folk zasіb against zaїdіv, rubbing them with juice, vydzhaty from leaves room growth kalanchoe, juice from fresh stems and leaves of celandine, plantain and zhovtsya, and a cut chasny chasnika.

    Another chimerical folk way for usunennya zaїdіv zaїdіv zaїdіv v kutochki rota, tse own hair, as if allowing dozhina, regularly wipe the wounded mіstsya. Deyakі people so stverdzhuyut, so that in order to pozbutisya zaїdіv, it is necessary to run a knife over them, with a naturally blunt side of it. It’s important to say, you can do it in some way, but in any case you can try it.

Traditional celebration of zaїdіv

Well, if pharmaceutical drugs are recommended for curing lips, then Teymurov's paste, such ointment as Levomekol and Iruksol, Tetracycline ointment and D-Panthenol. І obov'yazkovo reveal the reason for zaїdіv and usunut її.

Zaїdi - tse sickly eyes at the folds of the lips, as if they respect the full reception of їzhi and intercourse with otochyuchimi. Likuvannya can start, until the cracks have changed into deep infection wounds. Ointment in the folds of the mouth to help get sick, as a result of physical pain and pain old look.

Medicine has an official name - angular stomatitis chi angulit. Visually, it is possible to diagnose by the red, scorched skins with cracks, which are localized in the folds of the company, and give a lot of imperfections. Find out the reason for the appearance of angulita. At the viniknennya I’ll drop in the alarm clocks:

  1. Streptococcus. Illness is manifested as a chin-like impetigo, most often it is seen in a child's head. It looks like a deep crack, which is periodically covered with a yellow, rotten pick.
  2. Fungus Candida. Candidiasis zaїdi zadznyayutsya tim, scho scorched dilyanka shkіri not pokrivaєtsya squinting, looking like an open wound.
  3. Zmishany type. Virazki utvoryuyuyutsya through vpriv vіdrazu dvh zbudnіv - bacterium streptococcus and fungus. This suggests a chronic form of illness (with subsequent relapses).

Angulitis can be a symptom of such illnesses:

  • salose deficiency anemia;
  • herpes on the lips;
  • circulatory diabetes;
  • ailment of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract;
  • protracted orvi and orz;
  • ailments of ENT organs;
  • blood pathology;
  • oncology;
  • HIV infection.

Before such reasons, enlighten:

  • reduced immunity;
  • missing vitamin PP and riboflavin;
  • hypothermia;
  • caries;
  • allergic dermatitis on face;
  • mechanically poshkodzhennya with a path of constant biting and licking lips;
  • wearing dental prostheses and braces, fitting not outside the scope;
  • teasing the lower shkiri bіla company gostroy, salty and hot hedgehog;
  • taking antibiotics.

For the diagnosis of illness, we should go outside the hospital for the minds of the hospital in order to reveal the type of the alarm clock. Then the doctor prescribes drug therapy, supplemented by taking vitamins, to relieve the main illness.

Review of effective ointments

The patches on the lips are affected, they rejoice for the help of special preparations, which are produced in the form of ointments, creams and ointments.


Modern pharmaceutics promotes a wide list of medicinal remedies, which can prevent and prevent wound healing:

  1. For usunennya zaїd, vyklikanih streptococcus, tetracycline ointment, levomekol, streptocide (with a clearly pronounced antibacterial effect) are used.
  2. Clotrimazole, nystatin and levorin ointment are prescribed for the presence of Candida fungus.
  3. Vishnevsky ointment for non-infectious inflammation.
  4. Hyoxysone, Methyluracil and Trimistine - combination drugs and antibacterial, antibacterial drugs.
  5. Aciclovir is effective in cases of seizures caused by herpes.
  6. Bepanthen, Panthenol have a creamy form, help with mechanical shrinkage of the mucous membrane.
  7. Solcoseryl in a thick mouth looked like an exaggeration of angular stomatitis.
  8. Metrogyl Denta is produced in the form of a gel, it can be antiseptic and antiseptic.
  9. Balm Karavaeva spray regeneration of tissue damage.
  10. Ichthyol ointment and zinc paste remove dryness and burn.
  11. In the season of colds, a problematic child should be covered with Oxolin ointment, which may be antiviral.

In advanced cases, indications are to take antibiotics (Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Amoxiclav), in order to prevent a further spread of infection, to get rid of the look of cheilitis, which can damage the lips more. The ointment is to be bathed exclusively in the chemist's, in order to get rid of the drops.

Home cooking

With the first signs, angulita can be beaten people's well-being. At home minds, take out the liver, sverbіzh will help with herbs and different oils.

  1. In a water bath, prepare infusions from chamomile, string, oak bark. Dekіlka razіv for a day zmaschuvati, robiti compresses. Herbs can be antiseptic, relieve pain, dry the weeping veils.
  2. Tea tree oleum vikoristovuyut as an early zasib, it is necessary to reduce the concentration of active speech, diluting it with warm water, smear trichi for a day until it disappears.
  3. The juice of aloe leaves can be anointed in the cloves of the mouth sprat once a day.
  4. You can independently prepare lip ointment from honey, milk, hairy peas. All components are detailed, mixed to a homogeneous consistency. Smear the problematic area, close the sterile servets and plaster for help for help.
  5. Anoint the lips with sea buckthorn, lyan or olive oil. It will help you to help, help the shkir, if it starts to crackle.

For dotrimannya zakhodіv prof_laktiy it is possible to vanquish problems. Next, take care of your lips in the event of blistering, before leaving, smear them with a healthy hygienic lipstick. Vіdmova vіd shkіdlivih zvichok, povnotsіnne eating, physically right to take advantage of immunity, which is good for health, self-confidence.

Indications and contraindications to the use of ointments

all medical care may be a low contraindication, before stopping it is necessary to consult a physician. The suitability of the inflamed wound without making a diagnosis was fenced at the vaccinity for the healing of the child. Deyaki preparations are hormonal, they can lead to serious health problems. Under the hour of treatment, cosmetic apparatus procedures are contraindicated, permanent makeup.

In order to be vilіkuvati zaїdi, sіd suvoro dotrimuvatisih recog- nition by the doctor of recommendations:

  • total hygiene of an individual, hands. You can’t touch the wounds with your hands, otherwise you can bring in an additional infection, more aggravated;
  • go through dental obstezhennya, glee teeth;
  • dorimuvatsya complex diet, unikati gostroy, salty hedgehog;
  • take polyvitamins, how to reduce the burning camp of the body;
  • look after the lips for additional special lipsticks and masks.

Come to respect the full life, shouting bіl. Sverblyachka, the liver of that complex, with the drive of the ovnіshny look, zmushuyut yaknaishvidshe zvrnutisa for medical help. Ointments are available and effective for treating inflammation, cracks on the surface of the lips. In due time, come in to help quickly get rid of problems, until the illness has passed into a chronic form.

Come into the cloaks of the company of the building, and there were few unacceptable remarks. In addition, the stench of the psyut zvnіshnіy looking. Forget about lipstick, get sour, gostroy and salty, become more painful.

In medicine, ailments are called angulit, and if you don’t begin to heal these ailments, then wounds, picks and virazks can appear, to bleed. Most of the time, in the cloaks, the company pays for the hangings. Most often, the vindication of the visit signals about the lack of vitamins in the U group by the body.

Like a quick vilіkuvati come in the cloaks of the company in domestic minds, like reasons to provokuyut viniknennya zaїd among grown-ups, peacefully in this article.

Cause to appear come in at the cloaks of the company

In mature adults, the primary factor of inflammation with the formation of cracks in the veins of the mouth is microbes: streptococci are produced before the appearance of streptococcal infection, fungi from the genus Candida - candidamicotic, or dry yeast infection. Healthy people are mentally pathogenic, enter the warehouse of the normal microflora of the human body, but with a decrease in the protective functions of the immune system, they call out the surroundings of the inflamed upper sphere of the skin and the mucous epithelium.

Zaida yak showing sickness:

  • zalіzodefіtsitna and іnshі vidi;
  • liver disease;
  • lack of vitamins A, B, B2, C, E.;
  • Immunodeficiency states (lowered immunity);
  • trivale temperature increase;
  • courses of hormone therapy with glucocorticoids, immunosuppressants, cytostatics.

Come on as an independent symptom may appear as a result:

  • koristuvannya unmitigated dishes;
  • vzhivannya nemitih ovochіv and fruktіv;
  • postiyne licking of lips, kutochkіv company and stagnant line;
  • destruction of the rules of hygienic surveillance of the empty mouth;
  • vydavlyuvannya prischіv and rozchіsuvannya shkiri in the zone of the folds of the mouth;
  • hypothermia.

Factors, yakі can provoke the appearance of zaїdіv zaїdіv kutochkah rota in grown-ups, іsnuіє impersonal. It is also important to recognize in your own time which of them may fit your fancy. For whom it is necessary to try to analyze independently your own way of life, guess what you have been ill with for the rest of the 2-3 years, so that you do not worry about the symptoms.

So you can’t sing a note about those that could cause cracks to appear in the corners of your company, rather, turn to the therapist for help.


Appearing zaїd pochinaєtsya z chervoninnya in the cloaks of the company. Dali blame the bulbs, filled with pus. Navmisne roztin or vipadkove pokodzhennya bulbashki produce until small cracks appear, rotten motherland from bulbbash covers cracks and fixes the crack.

Often, when the bulbs are soft, they appear not only rotten, but bloody - in this case, the heartbeat becomes brown and even more painful: the liver is seen, the pain is with dotik, take it, let the mouth, the women are important to ruin with lipstick.

Come in at the corners of the company: photo

As if looking at an illness, it is proponable to review the report photo.

Rіkuvannya come in the cloaks of the company

In grown-up shvidkos, it is possible to enter the company in the folds, as the reason for their appearance has been precisely established. In case of infection, fungi, and reactions to faces, it may be less fahivets. As angulitis is the last symptom of ailment, this healing can also be controlled by a doctor.

Pіd hour of therapy follow up on top recommendations:

  1. Stop licking your lips;
  2. Vidality from the diet of eating everything is hotter, sour, salty;
  3. Live in the vitamin complex;
  4. V_dmovitysya vіd kurinnya that alcohol;
  5. Koristuvatisya with the simplest hygienic lipstick (to fight against dry skin around the mouth);
  6. The menu has wine and buti products, rich in vitamin B2 and saliva. Before them lie down: cabbage, liver, meat, dairy products, potatoes, peas.

Get rid of strep throat you can only apply ointments to the warehouse of which antibacterial preparations are included:

  1. Tetracycline - smear the folds of the lips 2-3 times on the doba with a stretch;
  2. Livomekol - apply to the affected area 2 times for extraction, the course of treatment is 7-10 days.
  3. D-panthenol - vicorist similarly to the front.
  4. Teimurov's paste - apply 1 time on the doba for 3-4 days.
  5. Іruksolom - smear 2 times on the doba, having previously treated the wound with sodium chloride solution, the course of treatment - until dressing.

Fungal infections come and rejoice with prothymic ointments and creams

  1. Sirchano-salicylovium - applied 2 times on the doba before dressing;
  2. Nіstatinovoї - apply 2 times on the doba, trivality of lubrication - every 10 to 14 days;
  3. Levorinova - applied 2 times on the doba, lasting lusciousness in 7 to 10 days.

For the jubilation of the zaїd yakі z'appeared as a result of licking the lips (often in children) dostosuvannya ointments on a paraffin basis, for example vaseline.

How to likuvat go to the people

If you look like a winickly as an independent symptom, you can try the deacies of the people for the sake of exaltation in the minds of the home.

  1. Cracks it is recommended to cover with offensive olives: oblіpihovim, olive, lyanim, as well as oliy native vitamin E.
  2. You can add a healing ointment: add half a teaspoon of honey, a couple of drops of vitamin A and vitamin E, add 5 drops fish fat.
  3. You can also try sirku z vlasnoy vuha. Gently wring it out with an additional cotton swab and apply it on the wounds.
  4. Propolis is a universal bactericidal and antiseptic zasib. You can enjoy propolis in the following way: mix 100 g of vershok oil | oil | and 10 g of propolis, pour the sum in a water bath and make a lotion once a day.
  5. Bactericidal, conspiratorial power in Volodya and tea tree oliya. Soak with a cotton swab, cover the cracks more often, the stench will not drag on.
  6. Having brewed mitzny tea you can work with a new lotion.

In order to nadali you were not turbulent in the cloaks of the company, it is necessary to periodically supplement your diet with sour-milk products and vegetables. And in the form of salty, spicy and sour їzhi vzagali, it is more likely to be warmed up. If the fungus was the cause of the ailments, then it would be possible to get rid of licorice. In windy weather that cold weather, it is necessary to smear lips with hygienic lipstick.

When a company of sickly cracks appears in the cloaks, it is due to various reasons, but always be aware of the decrease in the body’s stamina, the lack of vitamins. Viniknennya zaїd on the lips (angulitu) can be a sign of illness, connected with the broken speech exchange, robotic endocrine system. The reason for the adoption of the zaїdu can serve as an infectious and fuse of the diseased organs. Poshkodzhennya shkiri in the folds of the lips gives a lot of inaccuracies: make you know, laugh, psuє zovnіshnіst. It is important not only to change the virazki, but to stick out the reason for your blame.


Causes and signs of angulita

Ill to go through a dekilka stages. It is possible to recognize yoga cob for the adoption of crackling scaly bulbs in the folds of the company. Under the hour of rozchіsuvannya the stench is bursting, for the rahunka of which there is rozdratuvannya on the shkіrі. The cracks are deepening, they are festering. Shkіra zaplyuєєtsya, utvoryutsya creaks, yakі burst when the company is opened. Tse manager bіl.

Іsnuє kіlka of the main reasons, through yakі can appear on the lips:

  • avitaminosis;
  • anemia;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • wrong look behind the curtain, breaking the rules of hygiene;
  • licking the lips through the sound with a sliver, slinotechі;
  • fungal and streptococcal infection;
  • bloody diabetes, chronic liver disease, organ poisoning;
  • colds ill;
  • implantation of certain medical drugs (antibiotics, hormonal drugs);
  • chicken.

Video: Reasons to appear Zaїdu

Effects of missing vitamins and microelements in the body

The most important role in the prevention of scouring of the skin in the penetration of infection and appearing in the form of vitamins of the B group, especially B2 (riboflavin, a kind of spryaє poglanannya shkiroy acid) and B6 (pyridoxine, which takes part in the synthesis of proteins, including tissues ). Їх nedolіk can be remembered, living such products, like sir, sir, meat, chicken eggs. There is also a stench in grain crops, so it is necessary to eat bread from a coarse pomelo, buckwheat and porridge.

To support immunity, to ensure the normal state of all fabrics great value may be in the blood of such microelements, as it is necessary to enter the warehouse of hemoglobin, as well as zinc and others.

Anemia (decreased hemoglobin level in the blood) is directly related to the lack of saliva. The dryness of the skins, the brittleness of the nails and the hair melt with manifestations. Rich zalіza is found in peas, pomegranates, other fresh fruits and vegetables.

The reasons for the presence of zinc in the body are due to tissue regeneration, which heals wounds. Lack of zinc posterizes with such ailments, like diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver. For this reason, I am ill, one of the reasons for the resolution is on my lips. Rich in zinc in rabbit and chicken meat, bean roslins.

See the health of the infection and their role in the approved angulita

Wintering and the immune system is weaker due to frequent colds, illnesses, lack of vitamins, hypothermia, acute chronic ailments. That's why it's most often blamed on the lips for the whole period. The human body is aggravated by disease-causing micro-organisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi.

Most often, they appear on the lips as a result of infection with streptococci, bacteria that linger in the mouth and in the nose.

Microorganisms that most often attack the lips, the surface of the nose, are herpes viruses. Often the signs of herpes and angulitis are similar, but they are similar to the disease. The stinks rejoice differently.

Infection can be transmitted through direct contact with people who are ill, as well as through contact with other people's objects in hygienic sight, laser equipment.

Fungal attacks on the lips (candidiasis) are caused by mentally pathogenic microorganisms Candida. Candidiasis often affects the tongue, mouth area. May be blamed for inflamed mucous membranes, skins, red lips (cheilitis). All these pathologies, as a rule, are accompanied by an appearance in the folds of the company. Microorganisms are always present in the intestines, on the skin of a healthy person. In case of impaired metabolic processes, physical and nervous dysfunction, hormonal imbalance, severe damage to the liver and other internal organs, venereal disease, drug-injected fungus, the fungus is activated, pathological growth of the fungal colon, candida begins.

To provoke the reproduction of the fungus and appearing on the lips can deyakі faces. For example, fungal infections are often blamed after the trial of antibiotics, the use of hormonal drugs, drug use of narcotic drugs.

Diagnosis of angulitis

The reason for the adoption is to be restored for the help of laboratory analyses.

The nature of the damage to the lip shkiri can be determined with the help of laboratory investigation of the sample of the shkiri, taken from a poshkodzhennoy village with a zillion track. If the presence of fungi is not visible under a microscope, then hot analysis blood. A low level of hemoglobin indicates the presence of anemia.

The concentration of leukocytes and the value of SHOE (sweetness of erythrocyte sedimentation) show the presence or duration of the ignition process in the body.

Try to analyze the vitamins of group B.

Based on the concentration of blood sugar, it is possible to determine the presence of blood diabetes.

Come on the lips can show up in VIL-infected people, as well as being ill with syphilis. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, one should try to test for such an illness.

Celebration of Angulita

Treatment of cracks and cracks is carried out for additional ointments and disinfectants. Vykoristovuyutsya preparations for offensive disease:

  1. Antiseptics. It is recommended to rinse the mouth with these preparations, you can use lotions on the folds of the lips.
  2. Antibacterial protection. The stench is driven in by pathogenic microorganisms in the mouth and in the affected area (Metronidazole).
  3. Antimicrobial ointments, including antibiotics (Bepanten, Tetracycline).
  4. Ointments with a small amount of hormonal speeches (Gioksizon, Triderm).
  5. Prykayut rozchini (Iodine, Zelenka). After treatment with such preparations, it is necessary to cover the wound with a fat or healing cream.
  6. Antifungal ointments and creams (Clotrimazole).

Preparations should be stagnant in the presence of the diagnosis made. In addition, vikoristovuyutsya zasobi for zmіtsnennya іmunіtetu. These include immunomodulators and complex preparations that protect vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamin E (which helps regenerate tissue cells), zinc, and other microelements.

In order to avoid the reappearance of a visit, it is necessary to treat the main illness. Based on the symptoms and evaluating the results of blood tests, the doctor prescribes treatment. In order for the recovery to be successful, the course needs to be carried out again, taking medications strictly as prescribed by the doctor (especially antibiotics and hormonal control).

Video: Celebration of Angulita

Treatment of angulitis in children

In children, as a rule, they are blamed for infection with a fungus or streptococcal bacteria. The reason for the appearance of the disease may be a grub or drug allergy, infectious and other illnesses.

If angulitis does not have symptoms characteristic of specific ailments, then choose a complex ointment that can have an antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti-fungal effect. At the same time it is recommended to give vitamins to children, urine intake, include up to more fruits and vegetables.

Prevention of angulita

In order to get away from an illness caused by a microbial infection, it is necessary to follow the basic hygienic rules: curry only with wet toilet accessories, a towel, lipstick. It is necessary to disinfect the utensils of a person who has found some marks on her lips.

An important approach to prevention svoєchasne rejoicing teeth, retelny watch over the empty mouth.

Prevention appeared zaїd on the lips of the liquor and ill, which may be the cause of their adoption.

In medicine, come in cloaks, the company is called angular stomatitis(Angulit). You look ill in a bad way: destroy red, inflamed, swollen trochs in these places.

Also, call for discomfort when you open the mouth, take it and take it. Yakshcho on the wound to eat sour, salty, then vikliche liver that bіl.

Angular stomatitis can be blamed on any person, it’s worth knowing about the cause of that method of curing that illness.

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Reasons for appearing

Angulit can appear through mechanically loosening of the lips, and also be the cause serious illness organism.

For the first one, come to heal quickly, and the axis for the other will be needed reveal the reason viniknennya and pass the first course of likuvannya.

The smut rule when fighting against ailments is not to start її. Can't allow appear on the mist cracks of bleeding and stinging hairs.

If you don’t dare to get rid of angulitis on your own, you need to seek medical help.

Often the reason arrival:

  • vikoristannya brudnogo chi someone else's dishes;
  • inaccurate processing of vegetables, fruits;
  • lip licking;
  • ruined hygiene for an hour to watch over an empty company;
  • parts of the torsion, ripping of the lips;
  • supercooling or overheating of the body;
  • wrong bite;
  • mechanical ushkodzhennya, rubbing the lips.

Quite often cracks appear as a result of illness to the body. Such yaks:

The reasons for the appearance of angulita are many. In order to recognize, through which wine you yourself have, it is necessary to analyze your way of life in the rest of the hour.

Possibly, boolo colds ill in the remaining two - three days, there were still suspected symptoms.

You can’t explain when you come in - varto turn around for joy to fakhivtsya. Vіn direct to scalding. Possibly, the likarevs need the zіskrіbok of an empty company. Vіn is assigned to the detection of viruses - candidiasis, streptococci, herpes.

As soon as the appearance of a visit is associated with contagious diseases of the body, it will be necessary to take a blood test, as well as to carry out an external obstezhennia at the doctors, for example, at the therapist, dentist, hematologist or endocrinologist.

How to get lost, come in the company's little cloaks?

Ways of likuvannya

How to vilіkuvati go in the cloaks of the company quickly and effectively? It is necessary to fight against the zaidami Start by reviewing your way of life. In the fight against angulitis, the following recommendations can help:

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Ointments and creams

Chi є ointment vіd zaїdіv u kutochkah rota? In case of miscarriage of angulatory stomatitis, ointments and creams should be used. Call, to finish the sprat of days and not get sick, go through obscurity. Zastosuvannya deyakyh zabіv can only be after consultation with the doctor:

Faces and pills

When the form of illness is started, the doctor may indicate signs for internal reception:

  1. Vitamins. Start prescribing B2 (riboflavin) and PP (niacin).
  2. Immunomodulators. On the advancement of the dying functions of the body.
  3. Nistatin, fluconazole, levorin, nizoral- for the treatment of mucosal lesions caused by Candida fungus.
  4. Amoxil, ketoconazole- For the fight against streptococcal angulitis.
  5. Lamisil- Effective antifungal zasib.

People's interests

Chim smear come in at the corners of the company?

Folk diseases of vicarious as an addition to the symptoms of acute angulation stomatitis.

Ale, intermingle likuvannya, less sim not varto. It is necessary to reveal the reason for coming, otherwise the stench will appear again:

  1. . Effective antiseptic and zagoyuchy zasib. Apply two for a day, diluted with water.
  2. Honey from fish fat. You need to change 20ml. rare warm honey from 20 drops of rib'yach fat. For the help of a cotton pad, apply 20 hairs per day to the wounds.
  3. In case of liver, as well as even if the folds of the mouth can be cut thermal water.
  4. Roslinnі Olії ( llane, olive) mayut zagoyuvalnі vlastivostі. Apply as needed in a warm looking glass for a day.
  5. Effective two varieties of herbs. Mayut protizapalnі, zagovalnі vlastivostі.
  6. Applications with infusion of chamomile, a string of oak measles can be done once a day.

  7. Drinking juice kalanchoe, celandine, chasnik. It is necessary to carefully wipe the cracks one - two on the extraction.
  8. At the stage of conquest sea ​​buckthorn oil or vitamins A, E in a rare form.

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